wmmmmsmmmaaam TtMMo(hcr orGetd L?ck. 44 Js?kmV#afc^ ti> afay there. . I don't (In anything bttfc'g*. errand*, and bo ut ereryIwtdv'* beck uir!' call. 1 aui uut learning ? nyiWBg." . '] jdphtaitu, a fatherless boy, had gutte into b ahup, and alter being there a lew tuouth* ' tiii* waH the complaint he mud# nearly; 1 every day tub is mother. One day his uncle .< John beard hint, > . ... e.Viui ihu k Vtui uro Jit lowiuuii>A;:>ir! I [JiV*. 11. C. KnljlJ. j llow to Finish Rooms.?Bayard Tay- s lor'sopinion on this subject is thus expressed ? in the independent: i <4For the finishing of the moms there is | nothing e<|ual to the native wood, simply ; oiled to develop the Leauty of the grain, t Kvrn the coinniotiest pine, treated in this t way, has a warmth and lustre, beside which . the dreary white paint, so common even in the hist houses, looks dull and dead. | Nothing gives a house euuh a cold, ui.e in- , ibrtabieuir as white paint and white plaster. This color is lit only tor the tropics. Our , cheap, ootutnon woods?pine, ash, chesuut, < oak, maple beech, walnut, butternut?offer j us a variety of exquisite tints and fibrous j patterns, winch until recently, have beou i wlioHy disregarded in building. Kvci in ; furniture we are ju6t beginning to discover; , ho.v much more chaste and elegant are oak 1 t and walnut than mahogany. 'Aho beauty of a room is as dependent en the harmony >. of its coloring as that of a picture. Some u of the ugliest an l mast disagreeable apart- j morns i have ever seen were just those r which contained the most expensive fur | niture and decorations. s "My experience shows that a room fin- t ished with tire beat seasoned oak or walnut j cos-ts actually less thnu one finished with pine, painted and grained in imitation oi those woods Tau verandahs of yellow 1 pi lie, treated to two coats of boiled oil, have n h richness and beauty of color beyond the reach of pigments; and my only regret connected with the house is, that 1 was 1 perwtladed by representations of mechanics, to use any paint at all." ' if 'g a poor heart in which Hope cannot v find something to feed on. " What kind of a roosu r is that, Sambo?'' " 31 ass a say he cotch in China." t One hundred yards of silk-worm's thread " dues not weigh a grain. '' Fidelity, good humor and complacency of temper, outlive all the-charms of a line ^ J ace, and make its decay invisible. Men are often deserted in adversity. When the sun sets, our very shudows refuse to follow us. "What is whiskey bringing?" inqaircd a dealer. "Bringing won en and children to want," was the appropriate auswor. Woman's Mission.?'Jo keep the fire- wi side while man goes out ami collects mate- fu rials to make the pot boil. gc Homebody remarked, the othjtf day, that if u I'rinco of J'eacc, instead of nu; J'rince ki oi Wales, were visiting litis country, his sh reception would not be so enthusiastic. no -- - ^ ^ ? VJl % V higher thou '( ' liu kuii to the boy. * W ' 't yes, air," uuswored Kphraiiu. "J dou'.t 1 J want.to be doing errands all llio time." < K '? But doing errands well s tbo only real ' f step to promotion in Mr. Burrow'a ware- 1 I' house. When yon have mrneil promotion 1 I },v ? that branch of his business you ' [ there, and not tyi then.*' 1 V-M i'reuy small ousfvean,"' muttered^ the KF**"*vhv with a discontented fucker on his lore- 1 head. " I doti't care how 1 do it." 1 ?i X am sorfy to hear yon say so," said 1 . TJnoic uolin, tor he only that is faithful ' in littlo things" ertK he expected to bo faith- * t. * lul in greater things. If ypu do not your 1 present work well, Mr. Barrow will have ' k no* reason to suppose you' will do anything ' M-e .-tier. tS??ys must earn promotion lo have it 1 will toll you a story." .LpiJ'niui uked L nolo John's stories, ' f, though he sometimes wanted to quarrel with their moral. However, he looked up, as much as to ssv Pl^aso go on, sir;" and I'nolo John went on. .k young man once weut into business . with pretty fair'prospect. The tirui. however, did not go on well. It failed, I think. G. then returned home with bare pockets, *u uuect oY employment. lie met his old SaSbath-school teacher in the street, stated hisea.se, and asked if he knew ol'auy opening. ' Not just now,'answered the gcntlomaii; "but H you don t want to'be idle, aud * are willing to work, I should like your services in ou:* Huiij^houso ; the pay won't be milch, but Von can be very useful." "A soup-house," cried Epliraiin, "after : veins in a iarm i I nope he didn't stoop so." A sonp-housc, a? some of you know, is a 1 great kitchen where -oup is ma le #und . florvoJ out to the pooruuring winter, when 1 'food is dear and wo k is scarce. 0 "Let us see how (J. viewed the matter," ^ snid Uncle John. "'Yes, sir, I'll go,' was his answer, for 0. was a good young man. and thought no situation beneath hiui where he could minister to the omfort of others. Wtruetiun. For this reason, wo arc disposed to regard tlie passage of t o Fugitive slave i*w as a very fort una to occurrence. ft itil'a i ?. ?.! 1.1- ? '" 4 1 V?IV\IVJ illlll 1113 Jl.lliy IV H'llUl'IIU}' id the right direction, nud forced thcui. in their o^otfs to sustain themselves iji nullifying that Taw, *t*o assume the strongest State Rights attitude. To this do we attribute it tii it the Triftirnr. can write such a sensible article as the following, vtu Heating iho right of |>cuccah!e sccessiou. It is an xtract from i'.s editorial columns ol' the Jth iu tant:?L'lmliniun. The telcgruph iiiiorimus that most of the ootton States arc meditating a withdrawi fVoiu the Uitioii because of Liu coin's clectiou. Very well ; they have a right to tiiciiitate, slid meditation is a profitable employment of leisure. We have a chronic, iuvincible di.-b lief in disunion as a remedy tor either Northern oV S mthcrn grievances; wc e:niaot perceive any neessury relation between thu ullodged ?U*jaso and this ultra heroic remedy; still, we say, il anybody sees Lib to meditate disunion, let theiti do so itti molested. That was a base and hypoeritic row that the House once raised, >-t Southern dictation, about the ears of Jobu tduiuoy Adams, because he presented a petition lor the dissolution ul the Union. The petitioner had a light to make the re<|UCSt; it was the members duty to present it. And now. it the cotton States consider the Value of tli Union debatable, we maintain their jierthct right to discuss it. Nav, we hold, with Jottorsoti, to the alienable right of communities to to alter or abolish forms of tjoverniueut that have become oppressive nr injurious; nud it the cotton States shall become satislied that they can do better out of the Union than in it, we insist on lowing theui go i:i pcaeo. The right to scccde may be a revolutionary one, but it ex sis nevertheless; and we do not seo how one party eati have a right to do what another party has x right to prevent. We must ever resist the asserted right of any Sta e to remain in the Union, and nullify or doty the laws thereof; to withdraw lroiu the I uion is finite another matter. And whenever a considerable section of our Union shall deliberately resolve to go out, wo shall resist nil coercive measures designed to kei i> it in. We hope never to live in a republic whereat one section is pinued to the residue by bayonets. " But while we thus uphold the practical liberty, if not the Abstract right of set anion we must insist tli t the step he taken, it' aver it shall be, with the deliberation ana gravity befitting so mouieutous un issue. Lot ample time be {given for re'.leetion; let the subject be fully canvas e l before the people, mid let a popular vote bo taken in awry ease before secession is decreed. Let the people be told just why they are lilted to break up the confederation; let tlieui have both sides <>f the <|iicsiiwii fully presented; et tlieu: relleet, deliberate, then vote; and let the act oi secession he the Selioofau unmistakable popular fiat. A jugdiiieiit thus rendered, a demand for separation so backed, would either he aetjuiiseed in without the ellusion of blood, or hose who rush upon carnage to defy ami lelcat it ?ould place theniscives clearly in the wroug." A Centr.innauias's Testimony.?Ralph Fttriihiim, the Hunker llill veteran, in a cecut letter published in the Boston papers >aya: ' '1 hough T am in my 105lh year I am lot passed all usefulness; I .-pkit tny ow n iiudliiig wood and huild my t one up in the morning, and the irst one in bed at night. I never sleep in he day time, hut rise at 5 and retire at 7 ?and this I continue Summerand Winter. 1 have always been temperate, and lor over thirty vcais past L have not tasted u drup id spiiituous lit|Uoiv or evi ti color. 1 was never sick in uiy iil'e so as to re|iiire the uttendeiiccol a physician. About wenty live years ago I broke my thigh by al ngoti the ice, and had a surgeon to set t, but this is the only time a doctor ever it tended inc. I live on plain farmer's diet, drink tea md coilcc, a.id eat a very light supper, ic vor eating moat alter dinucr. 1 have no doubt it is owing to these ah- j teiniuUs and n n! .r li.-ibm *. ' ' ' 1 - ? , miiu kiic a>uiu* HICC of Uiediciue at all little ailuictlts, that ny life lias been prolonged. I \oti.il for jiciicrul Washington for President, uu4 i.ive voted at eveiy Presidential election ineo, and hope Ui vote at the next ? 1. eion. This is the duty of every Chriotiay M > rcetn a it. Naomi, the daughter of Mnoch, was f;\? mild red and sixty years old, when she was uarried. Courage, ladies! 1'UNf ll'H M KNTAL I'lill.osolMJV. ?What ^ s mind No matter. \\ li.it is mattery sever mind. What the nature of the soul!' t is immaterial. This life's contradiction.* nre many. ?:dt rater gives us tre>h fish, and hot words jreduce coolness. "I will touch you to play pitej^ and < us? ! I'll flog you for an hour, I will" l'uthcr," instantly replied the incorrigible, s he bulanecd a penny on his thumb and I nger, "1 11 toss you to tnako it two hours r nothing !'* Do not live in hopes with your ;um.s fbled ; fortune smile* on those who roll up loir sleeves and put their simulacra to ie wheel. t *The girl who mice e ls in winning the tic love of a true man mokes herself a , i... i . " icsy mi, aiui is nciseil a lucky mi??. A minister who had received a number 'calls, and could hardly decide whi^h is the best, asked the advice of bin faith- '* I AfKoiS servant, who replied, " MflC 1 where the most dibbil." * i ..... -Uj A lady expressed great alarm at bcuig T. seed 1>y her ltusbund, lest some one ( ould sen them and conclude tuey were 1 t married. % NEW 6R0CERY STORE!! LN ElUCK H.YNUE, ?I?!?onKp (he Court lloiisf. J. ?S. BOOT, "1_\ HSI'KCTFCt.LY informs his friends and it 'he that he hae opened A Kcw Grocery Store nf tYi*1 uhovc location, where he |Li' '"** 111 store uud is daily receivinjj a choice bio k of (jroccrice, ,^l3L 10 whh !i he invitee attention? i">n/biing of SCilAllS? !ti-ov>a:i, Clnrifh d and Vru.-lu d; t'OKl'tW ?Uio, i.ujruaynt. and Java; IJAOON?Hams, Hhlctr, and ShoiiTUcrs; MOLASSKS?New Orleans and Cuba; Tea.-; llioe; i'rticrvitl, l'rtcd, and |fr'Vi'tS E5ran?!le?l S'rcjJftt; 111 ^i' SI Pickles: Muilnril; Pepper: Spioo; Mackerel uud Sainton, ' liter, Meal, Com, Potatoes; Salt-?Liverpool Sucks ntul Fine Table! Cheese, IS tut or ami Fggs?in short, all the various articles usually found, iu a lirat-cluss Grocery. Intending to conduct a strictly CASK lit/SIX ESS, lie pledges himself to sail as low us any other house in Kjiuriuiibhrg. mid therefore asks a trial J. M. IS. will give tlie highest market juice of Flour and Corn, and barter for all $t>ris ot country produce. March lo 2 ly RICHARD HARE'S g * .11 .tin Street, Kpnrtantmrgr, S. . PALMER. Siifirririt*iii/i nt. Work delivered fVee on the is. & I'. Kail road, between this placo and L'uioft. Jan. 4, 1 So'.) 41 .ly t,'.CW TIM OufiQ I \'iLm f ? I I I \3 Gil Uf a ritilK U.>DEKSK1NKD has openr>l in Spur J| tan trg the above which he in u,nls c i: i icijj (iu in its various bruueliet, an.I he Ii"j ca 1 y Si rid attention to Business, b>'h in punctuality n:? 1 workmanship, to merit their patronage. dive him a call. HOOFING AND GUTTERIXG l'KO.MI'TLV ATTENDED TO. ri.. T. SLJaviitii, OPPOSITE Til Li PO.VT OFFICE, AND NEXT TO J1U. AltOllhit's bADDLl.UV bllOP. Oct. 18 88 tf 13i*. .1. 15ovoo D6ds' E1II>LKS IE, HIVE B I T T E 11S, 4 111! made from a pure uinl una iiillcr.it> <1 /-\ V. in;-, nliivli is about ?buble the usual u ugth of other Wines, itn>1 is itnporteil b\ only one hou.-e in the Cn pal States. Also, from the ioilowing valuable Hoots, Herbs, Ao., via.: Solomon's Seal. Spikcnar.l, <'oinfrcy. ? alurnilo Flower-. lioniiau, V.tlJ Chmry Tree ltark, and lluyheivy. \VH CHALLENGE T II 10 VV o H L I) TO* 1'Uo II ICE TIIEIll IXBTAL!! Wo tlo not profess to have ili..coverc?l Noutu roots "known only to ihe In 1 i um o? South Ante ric i." anil a cure for **a:l *11 -v.se whiclt ti.? tlcsli is heir to," bat we claim to prc.-niit to ihc public a truly valuable prep ration. \v . h every intelligent physician in iheOuoiitiy will approve ot au-1 recotaaieud. As a remedy f- akers?for UookKcepers. T , 1 ii".-, *?CtllosH s.,*. "iU'K'll!i, Ai : li"l.s. .ill i ill! person* leading a Scdv'Jit.iiy l.i'e, ilii-v will prove truly lnm ii iil. Asa lieverajr.', they are whole?" itne. inline nt. ami delicious '? toe ta-:o. They ] -r..duce aii ' llie exhiliral ing < 'cc:> of lltan ly or V. ine. I without iutoX'.Ci.tvv: "tid mv a viHtta .' r ...c I ily for | r -iii.s ndircl to oxer -ive i: c ol ' biroii i tit in*, ami i-.i to ref. ..in I. ot.i it. Yin . I aiv pure nttd entirely fn lViiai tin- ] >! n>? u mined in -the adultcratud Wioet and Liuui n I with wlii h the country i t! i- <1. 'I iie.ro liitlria not only ("I 111!, I * i: t VllliVliNT l>i>enso, ami huul 1 be t.srd by all w..o live i: n country wheie the water is Lad. or wlo re Chill* ttiul Fevers arc pre*ah lit. IJein r entirely inuoeent and harm. they may 'o t.v.n freely to child en ami i .! ml- with t.upnn.ty, 1'uy sieinns, Cle pytnen, ami temp, r u?-o a ! ' vooiUm, a - an act ol hutnnuii . should . -i in Bpl'CU^iOg Ili?-.-e truly valuable in i I fills over ti.e Ltinl. and luerch/ r -initially aid .u baui.-h iurHrttiiktiinev nu?l ili- F t: f T ? o / s: K w WHULiiuiii: Kcv.iti*, 1?>(? M>iIn Stmt, ('o'iiihL"!, .V. ( '. Confectioneries of nil kinds iiiaiiufi -lured daily. Citk'H, / > ? an t Or it i.io >i ''I/" en/rr, aiiifj> k'/ to earn/ any itishinee. A large varretv of T- y \ ami Fancy floods of all descriptions. 1'ec 1 . > 12 lv l'ilc.i, Fistula, Tumors, pcrwutorrliTa, Vvnvreal, &c. nil. .1. A. CT.OPTON respectfully infirm* the ptth'ie that lie has rciurued to his lioitie in IICNTS\ i I.I.II. A I.A., after an tibt enee of' NCVtO'ul IlliOll Iw 111 U.l.u- * 1 ' - mm M'lltll'I'S II i > professional services in the utllicted l?r. ('. refers to the hundreds of cures lie has cltrolcd within the lu-t few years a* proof of I.is skill in the irciitmeni of these diseases. Hunt.- ville, April 118, Ih'i >. June? II ly IVotiee. TH^PPLlfATION will l?c made to the nest flitting of ilie Legislature lor n new .11'-I HI IAL DISTRICT, to he taken oil" of the upper part of Spartanburg and (JrcenvilUe Ibstriets, with a t'fH'U'i' llOL'XK. to he located at | ?r near Oowunaville. MANV CITIZENS, j Aug. - U2 if_ No Excuse for Ifalrinox. IJkTO npolnd, and its merits me confirmed by geiitleiiieu if high character and rtnnding in Virginia. For sale by FlbUElt A HEiKITSII, Nov I 20?tf Pharmaceutist* % 6' TA TK OF HO V Til C'J 110L1NA \ lu tlie Court of Common l'icus. 1>. I. & L. TWITTY, . A?.ig.tc w. ! Auacbmct. vs. I II. F. KitXON. ' lfoho, Kdwurds & Carlisle, I'lff's. Att'y. \ \ r 11 lillLiAS 'the plaint iif did, on iliu 'Joth ? v da/ of October, tile his declaration against (ho dvftndnnt, woo (its it is -nid) isitbst'ut from and without the limits of this tji .te, undlias neither wife nor attorney kutiwu within the same upon whom a copy of the said Uocl tration might he served: lt-is thcioioic onlufuil, That flip .ixty-oue ; otherwise mini ami a!>-uluto n.'I-ui' 11'. will then be given I and awarded ngr.inst liiin. J. E. ToLLESON, C. C- 1*. Oct. 25 <11 4q The State of South Carolina. ] lu the Court of Common l'lcus. j (i. W. MOOIIB, | vs. > Attachment. ROUT. WYNNE. J lioho, Edwards & Carlisle, 1'lfTa. Ati'y. "ITTflKRKAS the i>l itntiiT ilid. on the 25th T V d iy of October, file his declaration against the defendant, who (as it is said) is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wile nor attorney known within the same upon whom a copy of the said declaration might he served: It is there.ore ordered, That the said defendant do appear and plead to the said declaim- 1 (ion, 011 or before the 2'.ili day of'Vtobcr next, which will he in the year ol' our l.ord one thousand right hundred ami sixty one: otherwise liitixl and absolute judgment will thcu be given and awarded against him. .1. U. TOl.l.ESON, C. 0. 1'. Oct. 25 111 4<| Solicitor's Iteport On District Ojfirers an I tij'ir la.'l T<.rm, 1850, The undersigned begs leave respectfully to Report as to liistiict Oih-r. an I tt.liccrs. That he has during th term ma ie such exami out ion of the sfViTil 1'i t net Others us his limited time and i(i?li.spo*ition would permit, and such as he ductus tu.l: -i 'lit. from his previous familiarity with ki.eir condition, respecti\c!y. It gives him pleasure to rsport tliat the - veml ttfiic. r- are prompt, faithful and nc. COIIIII.Mi lling in the discharge ot their ollicial duties, and their Ol'ices are in all impoi: .tit juiriiculars, organised, mil aduiiniaiei'od according to I.aw. All of wd.ich is respectful!v submitt I. .1. 1*. Ivliill), Solicitor. Mi.y 12th. l'ul 1 ("J?:? Moore, for work uii 11 ari 1 i -o V?in i.i.v.-, . . 1 June 2d. l'.ii i ckuniiig 'Veil on Jail ! .r, . . . .1 Su ; June li!i. I'.ii I Carolina S| irtuii, priulil.;- \iii.ui! !>rl of 1" .'.J. . S 7*? Juiu itii. J'.i. I J. T. llv.li, nii?i ili'e Fee. in ihe cast of the State v?. A Ilon J >l:iis.m, . 8 1H? ' July .'.ili. I'.ii.l J. W i ft/'. ' tor l.ook i !'( u I in _ - an 1.1 nil .ii. i. I. >? (. lerk 5*2) and 111^ t . . 20 .*>" i July full. IV.ill J. V. Carlisle, for Irei III oil li.? ik for i 'lei k, frotu Ai-ioii io S|i 4 i*i a ii I m i o. . o(J I July 'Ji*|ic<* en Jitil lot, ... 1 2f> Sept. i.tli. 1'ni'l J. I! Ii u. ir. repalril:_r I'll I' .: 11:Vf r oil Colli I llo.. e, 2o Sept. Mi I. 1*1.1 'i.l tor.v Hunt, f..r putt,iig isji 1. /I.i 11i:i ; !! d?, . . 50 7f? ! Oct. l'!iii. 1'iii.l 11. T. Smith, repairing 11 .of uii.l Spoilt.ug on i ourt House, . . . . 7 50 Oct. 2:ld- l'ii.I Win, Car*, r committing to Jui'f an 1 boarding Allen Johnson, . . . . . 7 70 ('..inini?i<>ii, 2 per colli., on $122, rcceiwd since lu-t r. port, . 8 II Commi- ion. J per cent., on $221 07, paid out, . . . . , 4 48 j ' Tot ill Amount paid out, (2d(S 0'J ' (to.lui t from Amount Received, 15 29 | Amount on limid, $278 .10 Tliey further report t' .it their ('lerk and Tt e iMiror jt'ivo lii.od in lli" p. 17. Ki'W \Hi?s, Clerk and Treasurer. ir.. i .- i. m .mil rnrilllllV ? XII III 1 III- 1 I !|0 Will.Ill TOCfti|)ln iii'i I:||l(:npi> oT Public Knlldlni'it) Pall Tcs ui, I1U?. The C 'iniu!--iotiers of Pn'Iic HuiHings for Spurtaiilotrg Dsiiict I. g le-.ve to suhaii' tic following report of their tic.lugs un-1 >ingn since tii. ir hist annn U r? ji i to ,t.n> i oiirt. The Coi:iini-*;onct - li lie :i fu in I it neco tsary lo make many iv|i;i.r-? 11, >.i the Public lluil I ing-ot the lusti id, 'luring the present year; ooit-enuenily have lui I n<> .i-so----ni_iU upon the general Tax of the L?l?tri-.t. AMOUNT UilCl'.I VKD. I They report a balance of fumls on h ili'l u:ievpcn>ie.l, at th. last uni.uul accounting of .... ^'.'0 _j ; Ilec i\cil for the State \s. Allen Joiinhoti itine;, ..... i- '.o U > IleC'-.tetl lor the State vs. Jar. 1.11 .a i.tnl oi hern ..... o0 U'? Ilejcivo't .or two Circii-ei t.t Cm s Anchor, . . . . . IN in> ll' oe.vel for oii?' Circus "it 1.. uco 11 t. 1 lleeeiVi.il !ui* the Sta.e, n. l.li*!ia Turner < ), . . . . o OH 1 iic'-eivvii f-ir Hie Slutj vs. !'.. \V. P. Cosset o 0 ? lleeeiii'l fur the Sta'eva. John Mint, iHj tr, Ueeeiv. 1 lor exhibition in * *??...t llou.-e, . . . . . u fib Total Amount receive I, Solo A MO! NT PAID OCT. 18i!t. N 'V. -iin. l'a 'I i?. A. ?\nl leu tor hi uiie.' fjlla 1 an 1 i. 'fit oil Ja.l lot, ...... I*ii.i i' lht, i. Jan. 1 Th. P.iil \. \\ i.:go, freight wit Si.er-lTs L5 . .';o.n Alston, ...... O'J Jan. Nth. Paul llar ly x Co , for n. t -i - ...ii ~ .-iiwvi in n ii mr .i.iji, . Hu (\l>. i'.ii i 1*. i>. ?I..i.-s, . jr Writ, an i l. '.c.iU.ua Cook-, an 1 i. wight mi - iiio, . . . . . SI 0< Felt. I'l.h. Paid Kislmp ? . Co., for (Jla-* ami Puny fur .1 ill, 1 96 r.i? ii Paid ( * 15. i'lfur 1" i . !? . lit i i i' >ui: II i~ . . 1 T .Ma.' !i - I. i'a it J. >i. ! i, (i.p iwit ltiMii*> HI.J Outlet ill Po ul I -jili t II..--, . . . . 1 > GO Miii tli - Id. Pail I'i-'iit x Co., i r It1.1-1 iii.il Wuitiug i.ii- C-i..i t i! .in', G Gu j M or : -i;J 1. P.: I < io\ ii, I or, t-1. Ii: . *. l'utty a:.J N...I- 16 r < ouil I lull Si}, , . 11M u Jj J WIi. P il : la nes I. w. 1 .p m iI u-t l.i' n.ilj>.:uig l.i^ljts in win- i I tl - in .1 11, . . . . G C'? | j Marcfi j,.Ii. Paid W. Ctnor, ft?p | li i.ill 'i^ Foif* tut .1 ill Kit, an.I Vt i.i.Ol. tidli;.g Jilt; ltiOluA, . . G'l UK ' MnVvU .Ii. Paid A. IV ffnlkw, fur t\\ t lu lo-os a.ill llouii 16 r l'i -r'.. - i > tier, . . . . A j i J wi.i l'a. 1 11. T. S't?.:!i tor Sultioritij; It mFof Court llm-i", . . 00 i ' 1 t; Kir Paid W. P. ,lai. fur rc( i.r.u-r throe Choir* tor Court It a. .... To ; Ma\ t!i. Piti.l t'lia- M r roll . . on .1 ii!, . . r. . o * > * . . * GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! NO HLANKS!!! UK AND AI.L-1'KIZK HJllI.MK Foil OCTOBER, t*w. GEORGIA 8TATE LOTTERY, McKINNEY & CO., MANAGEBS. AuthuritrJ Ity */>ccial Art of t'>* hr^Ulature. i: ver v ticket a i'kizj:. CAPITAL l'UIZK SCU.OUU! Tioliota Only o. Ifalvcs, Quartcr-s and Li^btlrs in I'l-opgrtiou. To La drawn oiioli Snturday in IhCO, in the liijr ot Jetavauuuli, uvurgin. ('las# (fj, to bo ilritMrn October 0, 1HM). Class 9#, Jo be drawn Ouiuii r ! '!, 1HG0. Cl iss '.J I, to bo drawn (Ji'tubor llO, IhdO. Class ??."(, to bo drawn October 117, Ic bU. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 1 Prize of $150,000 is $00.00(; 1 ' lO.OOO is 10.000 1 ? 9,000 in 9,000 1 ? ,"?,??M> is 5,0),^ 1 " 4,OiiO is 4.OU0 1 3,0"l) is 3,000 1 3,000 is 2.01 ;u 1 l,5o0is 1.500 jr.,(MM) Prizes of $300,(500 35,000 Prizes of $3 5,000 50,305 Prize* amounting to . . . ?375,OOU WILL Jib' T1//S MUX Til. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates, which is (he r'sk: t'ertilieatc of Packages 10 Whole Ticket* '? 10 Half ? 4 " " 10 (Quarter " 3" ' " 10 Kighth " l?i TMll MINK!! ALL PItlZI.S AND NO PLANKS ON The ihne Number Flan! Which takes place cv. ry Wednesday anil Saturday in 1^00. 73 NUMBERS?13 DRAWN 11ALLOfS! 1 prize of : : : : ?35.000 1 Prize of : : : : 0,0(50 1 Prize of : : : : 4.000 1 l'ri/.e of : : : : 3.370 10 Prizes of 175 are : : 7,"00 4" Prize of lift are : : 5.""0 4" Prize? of 113.50 are : : 4.500 103 PiizrSof 1 (K? arc : : 1G,3"0 05 Prizes of 35 uro : : 1,035 05 Prize.-; of 3" are : : fc3O0 05 Prizes of 15 are : : * 975 05 Prizes of 10 are : : 050 1,810 Prizes of 'J are : : 13,3.)0 37,"I" Prizes of 6 are : lG"-,3il'5 13,080 Prizes of 1 4.I.C& ) 70,070 Prizes amounting to ?3'. 0.090.Ot WHOLE TICKETS ?5. SHAUL'S IX I'liOl'O/iTIUX. I IN OlU)KRIN(> TICKI.TS OR CKIITI l'lfATHS Enclose the money to our ay tir-t mail. Purehnsers o r ' I have tickets ending in any tir-nrc they ui iy d, signate. I The list of drawn numbers nnd prizes will !.e i sent to purchaser- in.un. di.iuly ular the drawing. [I W mill, 1.41< I \ , \ I'o.'n n ulitrs < <>nfniuin?. Srlii iu,>-? tor (lie ^ in<>i*tli will i?o sent, free of ex|>tfDsv, by Ailre?* *nU Nm fork News. 1 Not. 1 if j jjjp Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of tho blood, by which thin fluid become* vitiated, weak, and poor, lb-ina ia the circulation, it pervade* the whole boor, and may burst out in dbewv uu any part of it^' No organ is fice from it* otturks nor is tber* ono which it may nut destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by lucrcurial disease, low Bring, disordered or unliculthy food, impair* air, .filth utid filthy liubils, the dt'iirewiug Vices, and, 1 >ore all, by tlie venereal infection. What- I evi r ho its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, dcsccndiug " from parents to children unto the third any this lurking inf etion, and their la-alth is undermined by it. To clctm.se it from the system we must rcnomto the blood hy an alt nitivc medicine, nuil invi? ?rate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a ih.dic.nc we supply in ay r.irs Ccmpnuud Extract of Sarsaparillas the most elf. i tuul remedy which the medical skill of our times eon d visc for this everywhere prevailing utid fatal malady. It is combined frutn the most active remedial* that have b' en discovered for the expurgation of this foul disord.r from the blood, and the rescue of the system f:on? its destructive consequence*. 1.1 on re it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, hut also those other nflections which arise from it, such as Kbittive ?nd Skin Dtsr.vsr.s, Sr. Antiioky'* Fiuk, ltosH, or KitvsiiT.Lvs, PiMei.r.s, Pustules, Hi ot hi.*. lli.xtNs and Pot ns. Tumors, Tetter and Sai.t Hiieum, ScAi.n Hi.au, Kinowokm, Hiiecmai i-n, Syphilitic uiul Mercurial Lfisi.asi Duol'sv, ItYHI'M'sia, Deiiilitv, uyd, Uilh "d, all (.'uMPl.AlNI.S AHIKINO t'ltOM VlltAti n on Impure IIlooo. The popular belief in impurity of toe bi'ood" i.s founded in truth, I lbr scie.'ula is ad generation of the blood. The ' pat tieulur purpose and viitue of this Sarsajia- | riila is to nitrify and regenerate this vital fluid, t without which sound health is impossible in I contaminated constitutions. /? C. 11 A - TS t S [ \!I rnnituunirnf inns ?tric:lv r inl*i McKlNNMV A Co., Savannah, (5a. Oct. 11 82 tf. ! WOO 1), K I) !) V A: COWS dllwvi!::: ;.\:i rsnt i:'sr.in:L?TTLEit> CAPITAL I'UIZE 8 70,000! "\7ocd.nddy & Co., Llanagcrs. I The M inn;:i'n' Oflico ".re locate.1 nt W ilmington, itctawnro, aii'l Si. Louts, Mis-ouri. The following iii.iL'iiifi etit m?'1h mrs will be Ir ii.ii in public, miter tho Superintendence of Sworn Commissioners, appointed by the fiuvvruor. "Vootl. SI0 I.IMI'I ; i:7.t< 1(J ; 1 ij(< ?? tioo j I..', . ?' Prizes amounting to fl.17I.VoO N11AXI1.V 1 l'Jll/.i: Tv) i:\ MHV -2 TlClvLTS. | V> h ?! - T.elects Halve* ^l'l; Quarters $5 , * cl'llll ;i'f? nt ]... ...i. es* ill I.if ubuVc Mehcu.e Will lii . i.J i.t the : llowiiig ia;i'.4, which is il.c ri.-h : whole j tickets W S'J'JO Ot) 2 7 haU' 14".) 50 quarter 74 7ft t 37 ! SI?L1^!)II) SC11KML:! i Tt? r.i: us: awn i:.\< ii v, j:j>sj:sj>a j jx x>> vi:mli:h C'n '2 11 draws November, 11, 1NW. ?'i draws .Novi-iuher 21, 18iA. i - il:.iw- Nuvcn.hcr 28, Ihtit). xi.Aiti. v oxi: ri:izi: r<> i: u:i:r t\y<> t i c k i: t s: 78 11 bit AWN i;\LLl>TS. 1 I*rl/e of S33,000. 1 ti.O'Kl I hi 75 1 4,077 j til " On 1 l'ruo of ^lft.it'Hi j 0 1 SlOo 10 " l,5lM | til " 60 in ? 1..-I | 04 an :;<> I,nun 6,604 M an .1 2j?I | 2W,221 10 .' ill 150 | "1,112 Amounting to S-.STA.odJ V? h ! tr-kots "r 1'??U^lviM Jo?Quarters >2. *?<>. < ei .icsot package* in the ubovc Scheme, I., la* drawn each 1Vou widi it invested, ami wlothcr you wi-h Halves, Wholes or Quarters, on rei i|?i ot whi !i we -("i.l what is ordered, by first mail, t igellier with the -(.heme. Immediately alter the drawing, a printed | littwing ceitiiii I to l1,1)1111 mid under paid' ' iiniiiedi ii lv alter (lie drawing?other prizes at ' the u-iutl time of I" days. ( ur Mingle Milliliter Lotteries, t'apikil l'rize f -*>0t()t it I, draw ever} Saturday W hole tirkels S !< Halves > "??Quarters ?2i. Orders for Tickets or t'ertificaics to be addressed to V.tnili, IMA ('(>. Wilmington, Iu-1. j or. Wttitji. i:i?l?V \ t.'th. St Louis, Missouri ' ^ i mi" cumi'.'IHi sn;.| 11.1(0 wax a nc?i o man i .mc l (SKolttil), ahum til'ty-seren yearn ?>l?t. xai.l hoy jirovnl Jo hp iinxoiin'1, and 1ms conitiuod xin A PAGODA. VMI\ I XT'T.K W() ?!>KS PAOODA, which ] w 19 tout from llurioah, having hoon bro- J | n while on ship boir.l, the owner was very , n\ions lo have it mended, *n.*i11 or physical di ilitv is astonished to iind hi* health or entry \ restored by a rotnedy at once so simple and inv iting. Not otily do t!.- v euro the every-dajr complaints of every body, but uho itiany formidable and dangerous diseases. '1 he agent below named is picas, d to furnish gratis my American Almanac, eonI.tilling rorlitirvti mm" tlictr cures and directions fin their n-c in the foi. .wing complaints: f'ojh'trtins. Iti' ft' in ii. Ih iiin l,e tiriti wj fi ?w ditorilered Xoin- rh. a i/mvi, l.iiti i tion. I'tun iuand Xlorbid I .rti. i i f U,e BowtL, I Iflidtury, Loss of Aftj*lit>. Juutuiiix, and other kindred complaints, a i up from a low stale of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roit Tin: bAt'tu ctitE ov Cotish?, Cold**, It: flue unit, Ilonrsenctm, ( totip. Urouehilis, Incipient Consumption, nr.it lor lite relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the * disease. So wide i? tl e field of its usefulness and so nuli:er> t:, are ti e cue.* of its cures, that almost thcry m it.-m of country ahounds in person* pubInlv k-tivvr. who have been restored from alarming ui'1 even iie-.per.ite diseasev of the lungs hy its .;ie. When oitic trh d, it* superiority over every other medicine of it - kind is too apparent to escape I .? n .Mini, urn . r. u- miimi arc Known, me l>m> tin Inn: i . In itate what antidote to employ ".i I i>:11 ? n.ami danporous nllcrlioua of tl.o . a' .otiary organ- that an inrident to our climate. While loaiiv in'iti ir rriiiniiei thrust upon the (- immunity have f.hd and heen ilis.arciefT. this .s earned fri? i. .< hy every trial, conferred l thcretofe ordered. That the said defendant-do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or b lore the 2&1 day of Novetn'a-r to-vt. which will he in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty; otherwise litrd and absolute .judgment w ill then he given and a winded against him. 11. ToLLLhSOS, Clerk. S'J 4.| i?:>zi > i Nnv 'ifclifit'daud Perfumed BenZOLE: is pleasantcr in its use. evaporates uore fr?vlv. and will he found to buvoftUDivltlOU Cl.F.ANSlNfl l'lt?iore the public. It ividily totnov greasy resinous suhstan.-, as Oil. Ditch. Hotter, I'n.ut, \c., from Silk, Sot n. IVoolen or Cot ton F.thi ics, (ilovint, 1'apcr, \c., without the slightest injury to either. Dot a!e by ' FL-lliill .v HKLNTIMI. July I'd lit if \ <> T I CJ E. I II Ell ELY give notice to all persons eon-j rented that 1 will not pay a certain NOTE, j jiveu hy subscriber, in t lie year 18.VY, to one j loll \ II. LlDSCOMll. of Spartanburg Dis- ] rid, S. C.. tor niUEL III NDKliD IH)LL\1LS. j % ' tf ? % / ; * % T. Q. P. VJSKtfON, ATTOENtY AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE in the Wottri Clean* . Or, h*?Wmc corner of Lot IT* VU HARRIS' HrieL. hutlJing. orer the aUtra ef Camp & ouiuiou, and opposite the Pl)?tU|' ilouae- April 12 ? ljf ' ~ - r~JN M. WIar^ "* *** MAGISTRATE. ATTORKET AT LA If, "* axd coliuitub i> K nL " 1 _ _ m i,uiu i v? u?? VIMVV irw cminn oir^fi |*j[ to (Ue office adjolmiif the Spartan OfSot, uu the l'ublie Square. >~r All busiMii intrusted t* hi* ear* will meet M witli prompt altcuiiou. Feb 3 49 Jjr SULLIVAN, ELFORD & WINSMITH,, HAVE associated themselves for lb* pttr- * poeo of practising Law in the biytrMl of Spartanburg. An/ business intrusted to Uttif . care will receive prompt attention. Office on tbg Public Square, adjoining th# 81'ART AN OFFICE. jC. P. SULLIVAN. Laurens. J. \1. EL FORD, Spatlauburg. J. C. WINSMITH, Spartanburg. ? Oct. 27 36 %m REED & EtJNCAK, ATTOUSEVS AT i. A W A K It SOLICITORS IN tqi'lTT, AT SPARTANBURG C. U All businef intruded to them in Law and Equity or. be prom} tljr attended to. Office next doer Hardy. Aguuw & Co. J. I'. IIKH>, V. X. LIl'XCA April 12 C \y' Wright A Orr, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office in Maj. Legg's Ilrick Building, next door to Bobo A Edwards' law office, up stairs, Spartanburg, C. 11. J. 1>. Whiuiit, Spartanburg C. H J as. L. OR a, Anderson C. 11. Jan 3 46 Farrow A Wtailuer, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILL practice in tho Courts of Spartanburg and udjoiuing Districts. ... .. IU1I.111BUIIU V. H. Oct 21 4.j ~~ tf A. *iv. t'avis ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE in the Law Courts of the Western Circuit. Mr. C. nuiy always be found at the office of the Caroliuu Spartan, Spartanburg C. 11. Dec 2 4?J tf WlTLlAill F. JOKES, Attorney at Law. LENOIR, CALDWELL, CO. N. C. WILL be in attendance at nil of t lie Court a, both County ut.d Superior, held at Col liuutuis, l'olk county, and ut lleudereonviUe. I Henderson county, N. C., and will attend promptly to all business intrusted to his care . in V> estcrn N. 0. RrrCKR.Mba.?Jan. Farrow, esq., Simpson Bobo, cm J , Johu Bunrvr, esq., Spartanburg C II., S. C. March 1 52 ly William Lorkwood, TAILOR, HAS removed to Rooms OTer Foster & Judd's, opposite the Court House. Thankful lor past favors, ho asks a liberal patronage for the future. July 7 18 tf 1>. 1L Hudson* ; FASHIONABLE TAILOR. \\J OUI.D respectfully inform the citizens of I i T Spartanburg mat he has opened a SUOl' in Brick Range, on Church Street, where he will be pleased to see all who may favor him with their patrunago. Jan 2?i 47 ly . ... ..ZmU J It. D. Owen, . FASHIONABLE TAILOR, AT7 0ULD return his thanks for post favors V V and ask a continuance of the same. He may be found over Hardy A Aguew's Hurdware Store. Jan U r. \V. C. Ueimcll, DENTIST, OFFICE with Dr. J. J. VERNON, over t Ulice of Daw wins, Choice & Evins, Church Street, Brick Range, Spartanburg 0. II.. S. C. Jau 19 40 ly Oil. 1.. t. KL.\.\EDY HAS RETURN ED. and has returned the duties of his profession. Jau 1- .45 tf C\ Uot'ltllt'r A. Sou, WATCH MAKERS, AND Manufacturers of Jewelry, Repairers of Clocks, Watches, &c. All work intrusted to ihctn will meet with promptness and despatch. March iH 4 tf mattuessesT 4 T JOE'S BARBER SHOP, over Hardy's Y_ Hardware Store, can always he found a hiige lot of superior MATTRESSES, of all bites, made of excellent materials, and at moderate prices. Feb 10 50 If STATE OF SOUTH CAROLl.fi, In the Court of Common Tlcas. D. I. & L. TWITTY, "I vs. V Attachment. E. M. LANE. j Reed, Vernon A Dunoan, JM'fTs Au'ry, HT llHRfta .L. " * _ _ iiic jmhiuuuh aid, on the 16th y y day or April, file their declaration against the defendant, who (as it is sniff) is nhscnt trom. ntnl without lite limits of this State, and has neither wife ii?r attorney known within the same upon whom a copy of the saiddccluraiion might be served: it is therefore ordered, That the said defond.iat do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the 17th day of April next,, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ?ixty-uue ; otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be givvt* and awarded against him. J. It. TOLLESON, C. C. P. April 10 7 4q The World Outdone} rptlE MEDICINE called " Inflttnima* tory i:\lirpalor.which has ?f. fee tod so many cures, ami about which there ia so iiii?*lt exeitement, is now on sale by JOMiS? K. (i<><>IhJIO.X, in ihia place. For Kidney and Lung Diseases, Piles, Neuralgia. Dyspepsia, mid Kheumatlsm, it has already effect <1 some most astonishing cures here. For Cable, Coughs, all atleetions of the bo wels. Headache. Tooihache, Earache, Sprains, I'ttts, Praises, Sc., it nets as if by the touch at magic. I have I ravelled, more or loss, for the pa I si \en veat-wiih tin- remedy, and nowhare Have 1 found anything like its equal. It is e regetalilo preparation, wholly of tny own Jis. ovfry. and perfectly safe to use according to he directions which accompany each bottle. For sale by JtlfcL R (KM)P(lION fl. W. DAVIS, Proprietor Pox 4o20, New York Tost t?fhce. March -"J 4 it Blanks 1 Blanks!! FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.