The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, November 22, 1860, Image 1

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sctsM v ? >Mfl i . i ' i __UL m iugg Till WM. II. TIIIMIV YOL. XYII. . ? ! 1 ll?iu'li HI \\tW*\t *PZteW ?Hf (Carolina Spartan. I'rioo, Two Dollars per annum, in advance, cr $2.5l>at the end of the y var. 11 not paid until after the year expire# ->d.Oa. a.ikdrtKintiaii tnl-.m I'ar Inah than uiv iikhiIIim Money may be remitted iltruugh postmasters at our risk. Advertisements inserted nt tlic usual rates, and contracts made on reasonable terms. Tub S i'art as circulates lavgely ovor tliin and adjoining districts, and oilers an admirable lueHiuoi to our friends to reach customers. Job work of all kinds promptly executed. Blanks, Law and Kipiity, continually on hand, V?r printed to order. t 1 . -1. speech of (lie Ellon. IE. II. IlSictt. After the unanimous pn.trn/e <?/" the Hill call in / n (Tbnveit'lO'i of South Ottralinn, to .trreUr from the Virion. Delivered in Columbia, \itveinber 10th, lbti'J. Mr Illicit, alder lcpeated calls, arosC anilht tremendous applause, atul said : It late, but 1 will answer to your | call, :i!y rviends. [The audience here intorrupted witli three cheers for lllictL After t|uint was restored, Mr. Illicit resumed :J There exists a grout mistake, fellow-c tizens, in supposing that the people ol the United States are, or ever have been, one people. Oil the contrary, never did the sun sun shine on two people so thoroug ly disliuct as the people of the North and of the South. They differ not o.ilv in their institutions ami social organisation, but their characteristics are uitogc.h ;r p culurutiJ distinct. To il.u-trate tins fact, now that the Union is diss.iiv 1; i lor tiia Union is dissolved [Applui oil we uuv put that down as certain?:!ie U .ion is certainly dissolved jl [^ app'.au-o.J To , iilust ale this tact, i repeat, now that the Uuiot^is dissolved, let u> recur to the past , his.ory of the .- cetioiis. fiie lirat great .is sue up hi which t:io diffe cue.- oi*t 1?*j North and South was apparent, was upon the . question ot the alien and sedition laws. John Adams was thou I'vs;, and the North passed ala-v, th it.uiv one wh i should speak an 1 write disr speet.'ully ol the Dies-1 ident of the L*iiited States should be punished, and pay the penalty ol'co.M for hi-> offence. This law the South re.-d-ted. Southern men said tliat it was an invasion i ol t ic rights of freemen an I of the consti- ; tution. which guarantee I. as one of our 1 berties, the preservation of a tree press.? ! They said that free institutions eon! I not J live, except where there was a free press. This was the tirst great difference h :\\v n : the Northern and Southern sections of the ! Union. Then came the war of 1S12?a war for Northern interests and Northern shipping ?a war for the honor of the North?a war springing up oat of the belligerent statu of Kurope. You all know that it was ealied the Second War of Ludopeiideitce, an 1 that | . it was led ou by your great Uulbouu and , Uuary (May?both Southern men. Y.'liat i was the conduct of the North Why, he- < caused it stopped their making money lor a Tittle while, they denounced the liovernlnent, and had the war eontintied six months longer, they would have dissolve I the Union. Here, then, was a war for Northern interests und Northern honor, i and yet, because they didn't make as much money as before, they denounce 1 it an I would have destroyed the Union. They are a people, fellow-citizens, wholly devoted to self-interest and the pursuit of gain. I trust I am not tiring you. [Uric- ol ''g> on ! go on !"] Well, then, what next The war of 1312 passed off; an 1 then came the tariif ipicstion. During the b- 1ligereut state of Kurope, the hi) s of the North did much ol the carrying trade *>! Europe; hut, after the peace, they Were thrown out of employment. \V h .t w... to be done? They solved the ij nation by deteriuiuiug to live on us?1?? . v eouie the carriers fur the South. So they pushed laws that none of the carrying trade of tiiicunntry should be done by foreign ship-, and passed the turiil of J Mb. Now, my friends, though Mi. Calhoun has been much blamed lor supporting the tariff of 18lb, (for he voted for it,) he lias been blamed unjustly. The tariff of 1Mb was not a protective tariff; it was a tariff to, pay the expenses of the war. It never was designed as a protective tariff l>esidos, it was a progressively decreasing tariff, to bj lessened in IMS, and ago n in 18J0, and so on. l>ut, when 1M8 came, what did the North do ? They refused to lessen the tariff. In 1S20, what di 1 th-y do? They again refused to lessen it. They did more?they increased it. They increased it in 1821, and again in 1S2S ; until little South Carolina, groan'ug under the intolerable weight of oppression, nullified the law of Congress. You all know tho history of those times, and I: w the partff difficulty was settle I in 1MT What next? 'Titer arose in the North the id.-a ,ol sectional domination. To accompli-It tthis, two things were noce.-s ry: To in gjrense the number f free Stat s, to get the .majority in both branches of Congress, and then to unite the> ?i... wt v.. HIV H/Ul K . 'They hud tried to unite, the free Stat .against the slave States upon lit taritl But the j;reat Northwest, heiuj: an a^ricul iturul people like ourselves, had interest* ideutjcul with our owu, and they failed. ( t Failing, then, to accomplish their tyrannical purpose through unjust tar ill's, what were they to do ? They deeided to estate , I the slavory question. John tjuincy Adaitts i commenced it. They lirst approache 1 the * question through the insidious pretext of i the ri^Ut of petition. They commence 1 to pour iholit.ou petitions into Congress, i Some of the Southern men saw their de- t sii/n. I tlniii ? !?? I u >"? ^ p<i n l(i| illlU il t V 1 Sl'? I It'- 1 instance. I'ut oilier Southern IUI'II did not ' sec it, and thought that it was a mere t question of the ri^ht of petition, and so i lUey succeeded. Then caine the Mexican > war And so settled was their purpose to v increase the number of linn-slaveholdino * States, and Anally subjugate the South, I t that they annexed to the very liist war j ; appropriation the condition that all terrl-. > tory acquired hy t'.ie common blood and i treasure should be noo-sl?v?bolding tcrri-1 ? i i?Q I - ?" .1 jL , S -' VJi, a V t < . ni.' * ? . -* - > * ? %i : ' ? II ?U gggBH-gi I CA IIIS XX. SP ' tory. 'l'lic Mexican war passed by : ami i then cmue the j;re it contest about California. The cry ot no more slave States was raised, anil California, with a constitution I iviu^ C..IH.IJ, n.ia IIIIIH UIIJHMiy 3 1' tuittcd into the Union. I then advised resistance. The Senate th mi stood til;ccn from th? South and lift ecu from the North. I It was the turning po:i|t of your destinies in the I tiion, fellow-citizens; and I counselled resistance at every hazard and to I the lust extremity. Since then other free States have been a ided, and the power of j the South in the Union is paralysed. You were tluu kicked out, and b d out, and shot out, ol Kansas. They have thus, fellow-citizens, succeeded in i? h parts of their policy. They have got the lnijority in both branches of C'ongre - 'i he South I is in a hopeless and pow< rless minority. They have united the Notth again t the S,:oth, and inteiitl to rule you through the l'cdcral (Joveriitnert*. l'uring the whole of this time, the South has remonstrate.! ? she lias argued, she lias appealed to the constitution in vain. She Ins submitted, with the most astonishing patience, to wrong upon wrong, an I insult upon insult. And now they ! avo consummated their scheme of tyranny, by electing a l>laek lb-publican 1'resident to rule you. ."'hi 1 um have you submitted, that they have lost all respect for you. Tin y dc>p; . .ml Coiitcum you. 'I hey think you a low, degraded, moan spirited m t of semi barbarians, with very litll lieu e .ur.ue tli .n your own near- es ; and they have had the audacity, the in.-o'enev. ti e uupirallclv I, tlie u laeioiis insolenee. to mi-, <ue t!; .t we of the S iitth?we South <'..toiiuians? Would submit to a !<lu.-k ;il. n in -- idcut ainl a mulatto! I (':: > of "Never! never!'] Weil, my ti lends. what ale we t.i do ? Or. ritlier. whit lia\ v. c tone.' \? li v. we Iiave ?I: - - ?\ 1 this I 11ioii wall our npprt -ors. |?1 .r .t a; ; ! .a-, j < We have .-ai l to tlie* North. we are dot.c with you. [''untitnieil a;?; !ai:.-e. j I read soiiiea h>re, tile* oilier day, t-'on'h (\i**ulina was like a spoilt an 1 i ivlfnl eliild. and needed a spunking. [" Laughter.] 1 >o _\ at hear that, fellow eiti ' -lis some VanLee .-a s Smith Carolina Heeds a spunLinat. I is a spoilt child ! i-'eiiww-eiti/.ens, I cm t li them that w are the S .IIimiii, that will take hold of the pilkirs of tlte temple of th ir i lohitry. and <ai.l it down upon thetu, and eru.-h th uu beneath its fragments. [A phiu: .] ('nul l | 1 I raise my voice, until its touts tea h 1 majesty nt thunder, I would cry in ti >t 1 ot thunder, until it lulled o?ero\ ry vi!l.i_e 1 and city and hamlet of the North: this j 1 t ui i> u..-salved! ' 1 tiie j ower, 1 Woul i ;^o and write up ill tin* w I'.s of t!. 11" ' liaiii|Uetling halls?"this I ..ion is 1 solved 1 would o,( to the fanatic, the 1 ' manufacturer, to the plunderer wh > h.. f.ttoiicd upon US like the vulture upon ^ar- ' ha;.'e, an 1 t wotlld tell linn in trump. I t >iu ' ? this Utii ?n is dissolved!'' 1 w tuld :;o ' to the po!itiei>u. the cunning trie!..-'.- r wlr> ' has deceived thi in, and not in tin tones >. ' th under, hut would wills eriu his ear in the still small voice of <-on--ieiiee ? "this 1 I uiou is dissolved 1 j i hi? j. i>- . t im- j ' pa-sinned elo.|tietice was reeeived with -i j lent and solemn admiration l?y the an li. enee. Mr. llhett presented tin-appearance , of a tribune of the people vln lieatiut; their liberties, uud picdietinthe ruin of their foes. I J . i < And now, fellow-citizens, let me tell you , what will to!!aw the wi?oluiion <d't!:e t n- ( i >ii, and mark my word*: Whe: th (' tt u States ;a'o out ol this I uiou, as they uh tin- j ally Will, two cms. i|iieuc< s will at the North: i ii>t. the pe> pie of the North, , liutlin^ the' pr t e'.iou of their man , tiirers which the turilV .il.'m .l tl.eui voiu ? tiudiu^ that lis end ot .Noithi 'ill si.ippin-' loiti^ all of the eurryin.: of tlie ?Soiitli, ila shippin r w i 1 underbid it. an 1 tr >w , it out ol employment?will turn upon th t abolition politicians, and demand Liv id. \? hy, what <1 > these -1 aeli them .. u >w.' Is it not that the < oiintvy o\\ - to ^ ..a-,.re- V-...I .... lot. .. I- I " Is it ii<tL that they have a lixht tu i a j ? t , , from t lio govern incut a lar.u in l; e \\ ?, Ami when they bejrin to starve, will toy not cry aloii I lor hrea I ^ es, t'e'.Iow-eltizens, ami tin* first of a ( dissolution of the I'ii on will he, they will rise upon who have ileeeiveil 111 1.1, ami crush the aholiliou party to tli du t! ( And then, mark you, will spring up a , I uion party at the North. [ I.alight r j They will make a treinen Ions ellorl to reeoiistruet this ('o'Tedeiacy. Tin y will .-ay to the South: \\ hy, look here, ymi men of the .South, t'uero leu h? i n a mistake. ^ [Laughter.] We didn't ilit.-i, I tohuit ( you, except a little hit. To I lire, we have been l:\in_r on you lor fo ty ye irs. t , Hut we ?ii lu t think you mind I it mil. h. [Laughter.J We have called you, to ?, all ' s sorts ot had n inns. 11 ?t cuaie, no*..', we'll , take all that back. ? I .su_Ju el. ] Let n make Iriend.s. Conic, return to our fraternal embrace. \\ bat do volt want 1 h re, " now, stick it in the Coiistitiitinu. | I'm- u longed 1 aiinhtcr ] ; n .My friends, why tlioy care no more n 1 xtut the Constitution lli in they do ah nil the dry leaves oj the 1'orest. \Vun !ci st.ilel the eon 'itUtlon. We Ull.h' -lol l tree government Like .ill tie* .'. at nations of aiiti'juity, we are s!av dioldis. and Uilderstaiid l'ree xovernim nt. 'I li North ( havs not. They are a p ?p! I up in selfishness. thy lias, no i lea "I Ire.1 j oiverniijeiit. Their i'lea of f,o joivi rnueiit is this, that wlieu th. men .. < ! t>> ?etlier, the two are to mi. th <ni ; w !i i ' fit* ntnn ...A t... . .1 il... .1 - i ? ' In*, other two ; ? hen s?ovou men come to- 'j it-111 r, the lour are In nih the other t h: e, '' mil make slave-; of th ill. ihit oi a Con titutioii el checks an 1 balances, n del* I vhich all ar to be free, they 1: jve no u m -option; ami they have, then-lure, flnni^ n he t'oiistltuiioii, by which mir rijt!> ami ' >ru|?erty wore guarantied tuu-.toth winds. ai mil intern! to rule you by in ans of a \ ul r. ;sr Yankee luajurity. >ly friend*, I um w rlad I am rid of them. Wo have dissolv- f/' -?? -J? Iff % ' i ^ Itrrotcd to ?outh< ARTANBURG, S. r*v s\.--v~ * .*rm." < jwmatr.?: ctl this I'nion?tor \vc mi;,lit as well sav j it's done! [Applause.] And never with j my consent will we ^o-baelv. int > the hands of our oppressors a^.iiu. [< Ireat aj plau *c. J 'l'hoy will heseeeh u?, by what tliey will call the ties ot fraternal blood.?l?v the L.ood ol our ancestors, shed for a common country ?in a common cause. Tliey will welcome us Injck to What they w 11 call their fratcrnal ciubiaccs. Hut never, so loii;? as 1 am a citi eu of.South Carolina, will 1 consent tl. it any other 11.i;^ tllan the l'aliiielto ban- ' nor, with the lone star upon it, shall wave from the top of fort .Mou trie. Never will 1 eoiis nt that the l'oitiiie .tioiis bui-l lor oar d 1" nee shall i>e in t be hand - of any o..vcrnincnt to be used for the pnrjo.-e of ui< uaein,r a people who dare to eb'u.i our rights. \lit 1, when the coitmi have firmed a S mln'iii Confederacy, never, Willi luy consent, shall any Yankee l< admitted into i*. it shall be a confederacy 4 i I slaveliol lin^ States?none but.-lavtdi"ldin^ .St ites shall come into it. [_(ireal apl.luuo] Auoihci tliintr, too. my fiieiids, anu I am done. At the coining S. sWn. v' t'oiigross, it a Southern I'oti!"d. racy b forme<l, or u Vnuli t aroliua seeedes alone, she will, a i roc 1 .11 will be move I by the Noiili; alid i would not be at all Mirp; im ?1, sboul ! a force b il be attenipte I, t.iit b lore tli ne .t spring 11 #.vor-, you will s e tb who!" South out . t ss, ja. t a tliey ?. i:ie out ..i the * ha ! -to . ( . .. nti .n. j \pplati -e.j Ah" a !y ?. n we the si ^ns < : fear creeping over the North. Tluoe who have read the | :?j e: know v. h t 1 - .y. l?i s.i.iner or 1 .t ., t! dor slavt ho! .in- States inu t ciiiiio to us. !f tile." do II L i" line lv, it is Well, 'ld.ey will aet as the i. . ii tiois i:i tliis great i .'i ". They will -ay to tin ir brethren oi tli S null com. , l?e ij'.io t ; and t.i y wili tui.i to the North and say. r niv. I t tii re l? p< ace. And w ol tie" S lUihern ('oil!', deiai y will deal with tli- North as any otli r foreign power. \\ e shall h 1 them as ein aii? in war ; in |m . I."ien ls. Ati i th ' h:-t.>i. i ii ol ih 11in siii.l re >u it with wliat ] ili. aee a lr. e poo le ciuiig to the Const;tillion of their lath is. wit it what oarne-tm -th y plead. 1 lor the Constitution?how ag :.n aa i a ..siu, tliey n in >n 1, i were answered ly in-tilt and renew i eoiiteuipt ; unf.l, We.irie l out by i n upon concussion, they at last were driven t-? re a .C '. an 1 r: :iiyr in th ir in :i . nation, their ni.ij .ty ami their i..i_ht. tin . put at dcliane tl.e \ aiikcc pretension ol J'l iiiun. I ..ey (Iirow Oil lllr C it.I III.- oi lit .r oj.proanrs, mul cstahh.-heil 1 >r theiii elvcs a _n\>rntii lit tii y emi! 1 t ill their ivvii. Ami e .ti iaiiiiy tin ir ctnpiie aero Ii.s c nt,in nt to tin- Pacific, utiil itov.n tiiriiii^li Mexico to tin- other siil-: of tin 4ivat Lrult', aiul over the isles of th - a. si ihii-Iii' l at: empire ami wrought <>nt a sivilutittion which has never been cnuulled .ir.-m, . -ml?a <i\ :!iz.tii a ti .-miu^ \vi: h iratui-. poo's, jiltilu "pliers, stati -anti ami liistariaiis. to those <1 (Iivce.* anil il nae, an I | iv-vnt. 1 to the woill tile _! -ious spectacle oi a 1:oo, pro pcruu. illustrious j. uj le. - . ??? 1 MI OltTA NT l'ltOM <1 ? Itl'tl A.? Mil. r.E?aKV!LLKtXoYcinher l.'l.?The Legislature, to lav, hy a unanimous \otc, j a>si i i hill appropriating one million oi' iloll.iis ai arm aid r juip she J*'tat for any sirs . ;1 that may occur. 1 he amio tuc< n. n? if the |>: ? : o| the I>.11 \va- ivoe!vo l \\ 1;ii If _ eat t -nt!111 i.i-m hy the ; c<>p!r. Hait i la i" Million h i - I. a i - : rre 1 > the I >Miim.i I o i 1 c 1 lal 11 l it lolls. 'I he i' c'.ina !i re n iw i- eal.n, an 1 a!! inn 1- arc M-'th 1 in the ileti riiiiii.i'ioti to v-ist. \'m are to have a 1 ast ol | it vi! ! i i '"i - , hi . thi- \v. i k. Sciiat . ! > poke last ii lit. Hon. A. il. S: ; !, >i ak - to ui Jit. Iferschcl V. .1. to ii >. <w a; ;hi. ami iln'i. !i. 11 J..i ksoti i. .p! >1 to to! o.v^oil I hut la V 111 .lit. 'i hc iloii. i hoiua- 11. it. ( ' ih i mail a trou.; -ci i>. i sjjeceli i\ oi..j. V.iii ll W a WI'.l . Ve !. 'i lie lion. Aiuxuml i II. i-tephem- 1: iin ! r-too.l, is opjujs 1 to -. >: it let on. ., 11 1.1 ill'. I A M M.liAl! V (oNV.Mlu.V i lie t'i.ite Military ' onvi iiticii met. Inn >- lay, ami tlie atteinlauoe oi ilclep it - i.i r^e. \ re^o'iitton i iVi'tati r the -ecc- mii oi lenrgia iioni the I'nioii was pus.-i 1 ly a ar_ majority. t nV. HroWn was call. 1 out unJ lie male i strong aud decided resistance speeeli?d luring ill emphatic tonus the riant "!' State ' . . .. .. .?* ?... . i .ii -i , ,> I UK <4 Ul y <>1 .11 till' ."'.lit lU irt.iin tin' riuiit. II" s*:i i< 1 In* \> .ill ?? '? i*, it i l.'i .! tin i;in < u i iv??r? 1 : i < i . u. -!* i r S. it.-. tint ior?\<iv i < !' ;i i u w I. .. .,i tIt . . . !, till- it ?! lit' : V. .1 ! . . ? .:. i! !.i ! :;! I atom* till" the I ill . il ;:.i:? i*.. i,-Ti t- I I. el. i- v.'.n . !. .u U'?l. Wit -,;- Suai.i. 1'i.nstiUA T?<?'/?>Yi- ,ln !' c ?iir.- . Yl hat cmi sin* tl<>, in tin* i mil f Lincoln's elect ion, Intt a-- it In i.- It s a lVii'. ivoiv gii, in I. Jiol: lent Suilt'nrn \'? .11 .-In1, rati >!ii* asiciiiicc In i i ;lit>, Ii r h ni .r, licr -ai'< i\ ? voting a'.! t tli.' led ul (Slack ii uMic.a | %? i .' V: ?!i tin: thought! Shame I ii: mi a I , Ii f Ii it1, ii/ .'mi, ;it-\ r >:? .fTt. i. i !.;?a us S ! t'.v mi ! iiv Her I r.v cit:/. ire lint '. km . -r mi* Ii <1 h.imtjii :.f no run 1 i ni !' n uili think of it u inoiiit-iit i !i utii I. . . - ot t !i.i>p of Ii'irrn:' .mil ?!* -t.r.ioti S/. .11' /ii ' i> /'i, xt? i <<st . 11: .S: \- i :t.. 1! . - \ i tint tli II,:. 1 ... .. >i> oi tin' ) !. I., ' , ti 1 i h i ii.ii i i - | ; ] .? fl a i W.utUHl, i.i 1 i y. ? .: i..., i.t i!. i' oil hi i.i ! i 1 11. on- nit! . i . . ! t It.: i . .. !' ... ! .11 I ' ...i iiiii.i, Hi in1 i -'u w i>?r ;n...i iijiiir> .il |>ar '< "?t! / ?< M /> > ] i. 1 >: Wiiii viu; I'ui'inN. -Wo Invir i early 0,1^'U.U "> !>.!> s i.l cu l?n in tin- . mill. Lot iin Mioi'Jc \\ lute wo li.ive tliriii 1 ml m*o tin* liouirh, wli > drive 111 to ?i >i I iliuii, grovel in tin nu>t tor the siaplo I?y I liiohtlny make tlieir aubaintcuce.? M>>nt- i ?,trry V<iif ~ T ~KT A -J 1 .IN JZ. ii i vv" >i? \?mi I j>i . : . i \ r .1 , 11.:? i . a i uMry ?.| n.j i A: i 1 ' . i . < I n_ . Ill ..J rs .1 , i t !i..t v. i.l ..' .' . !i .ill i \ i : t, \\ 1 t!: . ,t .!. . r I . :! 1 i. :v tin* li.i:. h n.v ci untryuieri?t!.>- j i . vm 1 . :? ;, I ? ! 11 v hi! !: ... I ;:..I l. it ii .in !. 11. . i til '1 ! ! .mi a r ill 1. ' it ' i.ii" - I'll "ii !i hi : t a I, nl iii\ !?<ilo !.;? 11 - 11"fii t i iii i'. iii\m il v. '!i v ni it nr.-1 i." mv L .! : . - i" in Hi. i .. -t 1 vi. - i ii It i. . . (In ir -U] ;-ul, 1 .in not u.iuiii : to i \ (L it it i* i - rvi.v I urn tniNi' i; to in I and in wlr.i li I -li -illi Lc \\il!:n_, t <..v. ?i::i r I >i Mi i\ if \Tt t\ i|,t- of t!. III -t 1 li. t I li .11 . " |. ;.| - t.O.I- o| j.lllllic tli '.ill ,(.'... .1 I .1 Liu last \v. . k, t li it Las 0\ ill:. il j Lie.- I**i . . i \ tin" ivi" t tain i.l : . .o . i . ion to in.*' i ii t >.. . i" . i ... ...... . ot iion. \. t; .\. ...... . ... v.. . i l . all . .1 ..i.l V i . [ I n l . i l.l ] ..ii . V. ; . I:J? . .' t a . . a i .. i. > /I I I . I. I I . . .<1 1>1 ' I i li.irli : n <i ! -u, i 1. ,. i , [1: hi \vit'i - iuc ?! i! r .- i. 'i!. , n ? t\? ! i ?'.>iil 1 , i 1 'ii :ii? >! ?v??r mill \.<!i'riii< u i ? , -.vl. , x i. i. i i tli in li> : t!. i it.. In tin . ..! >;i: ., : . ^' i. . i * 1 > ii I.I i .i . i .. " ! : , i\ i 111 i: O-ic' mi 1 Wln-u t ri'm-'Iii 1 t in*, nv< . i .v.i i j : li.i i.. I,;.!, i. <: , v: . i I: . : . ; ill < ' . . . . iv .. v.. i.v ; t! ii in i -. i \it r .v I* i .-It. i' .i > !' < .... ( 1 i?tit, mi 1 .vl lii ! i. 1 in;.. . ti. ! -. iii iiu; r. .k . i \ i' ,i.!i iit'i i ,i ni .1. ' is ,*? ,.i .il, n|. I .in:i: it !. tin. ' . ; t ' 1 i, t [lit. t, ('ol , '! U ? I .1;.. V. Wli i i v. Itvn. Martin, ami thut vctoMii Hiutcimn, II. II. 11Ii -it. Sen., u l\lt? I tlio i-- :ir 1 ' ' ' ' v 1. ! , iy < i . in ii.- li - t ot' <i. 1-. I i i< Ii \k lii> i i in u ith a iln-i-r. .il li- nit li i^n. i luju * of mlirivii . I i r tii ir !. in - - :i n? I -. unity tlui bl?-s.?iii^s ut :in 1 Siviuity ? f'inonrilt. Timet rro Rights, Solitif.o, SgrifttU . THURSDAY * MMP. . * ?<? .. V ?- . W . -.1*1 SI^ssm ol* tlje Times. A UoNVKNTION i ?ffevcr I dull! in the history f South t.uoiina. yr any other State, h in smell an instance ut' tin niniity been exhihitc I, at ih action u! the (iv iieral Assembly of 11;i * S'ale, in e.i'iiu r a convt-utlun to .secede Irotn tin: 1 iiion. N'yt ;i dis-cutin^ voice u is in . House, when the solemn an i ipti-lion was |-ut. The convent! ii is I'T^tnect on the !7ih 1h-oi ini.'-r, the lection |i>r deleyat?s is to l>e In ! o:i tie- '"to ol' ItcceinSi r, eleven il .vs before the meeting, 'i In re his iie\. J . v n wit in -< in our i tine u warmer an 1 tu ;? t.vciy mlh.j-iaani th.i ii on this o; . i.ii. . > ! .a i - ifu this convent on \v?ll jjil t ir ! < Iuve?l Statu safely ami triumph nth . r all < ! s and ojij.o-ttiocs, out of t t em- i T.n-,. i he luoruin . star. 1 South. ! u i tide, i i. u i e is now ahoVv the let., .. . ! he:.*! is tin: lluwilitie of t!i..t ejoriolln | 1 to hersons altd daughters, I Joli V era lice, I'reedym siml I'rosj enty. I'oll oti, \ei../y hours! quicken thy *te| >, old inn*?and hasten to declare tin: i!e| u: lie yf South (Virolill.l ui.:..'!-5"i' '-led at. .' : healed ln ui the atrociott- ! j.oti*.:;. t.n;, tr.u V"u..:t. and ttiii'i i Ir id..ti <u oi oth.-.ti liei.i.t?r?i :tti > an 1 pio tttutn j <<llt: ! ins. -y mi which tIn' tiet <>t tie ( >'llitSi II pin" S nth Carolina nut of ?! i -.i ^ I u; <u should lie held ill evorlasliuo ; lueuihratiee ? .1. 'n d !i\ 1. v > iy u iii'-i.-tr.i:. a-.'! joy and it lues.--?a It.- ;-it. lor Iter } ? .e ? hi ! n. it kod ;u her _ o , .-is >1- . Sa. as t! e birth ' -y of I ;i . e?, a j -\fi! ji ;ici! ami pi i. ? * i'-.j ... How t.? 11 vtct: tiih Moxkit;?Thorc is no i!. il.t that S..u n t'ar.-ii; i w .1 IVi hi the Union. Alth ' i.h v. - 11. k t prohahilitii s moth it n at .. pt wiM he made to e i her, ?: i. . ; . in nttr ini -u, nt It. lit It: t ii.. . a he should pre; are to re-d-t any otter ol violence. 1 . ! sf w.:y to t: j . ? i- to l.e ready lor w ir. In old / t ? arm li.e State it i- i e -ary to 5 .. a ? ..1 i.h i..h!e . lain'Mlt :i! iho >lt i 11? l.i iliav. Shall tli' - i.i.ii.nt I e la. .J 1 *, : .; it ! a, or shall i' be the i'roc, Vo u..t .. . ulleriii * <>i t!s ' We tI.I*. . y < <??>I h*:athill is in laVur ul'ill iul'.i : .it i !. i'rajtosuls for a loan t?!ii a i > . ' by tliif State t-i li . . . . . : > i. - 1 . ii. ... viduaU sub jritiliou. 'i i. e ^ ..*' ?i should bos ?regulated t' t whilothcy^h 1 aiin'.v r.cii it.xM tocea'. i ; x..'*' ti.itiiiin* i... according ' tutir lueau.s, they bin ... ! Hi i et-elude J" r I., a .."-..I .i .1 4 lit tl. lu.t in a . ?il the ci...., a c .a . \\ c h . a- ik<> i. t i1 ia i I. . ..I el i ul ;;c lv.x .it,.: ;? ! i . .I'.i* 11.ail tli tiee? .-i*y amu m * i . 1 u :!i ult \. i ia* .r . :*? ' : i i - n ; I It iv in i i* r.. 1. ia !. i'ni ill J..I ; 1 ia11; . . vi v a . o' tit:ii vi '. i .5 11y i... .'1 t- - t. :? la Uiit.ila t ' a:. : > .1.. . ? . .if : la Suite nl ." .'.11I1 Cat 1 a 1 i". atiian . In r cltS2-.*ilH i I *'- . !i . . 1 I. . 1 1 all I i!.*i. ..1 t 1 iv . a 1 1 i h'.j ; ! .a !... - ;..r> . .* !..* 1 ia .. xl .-11, : ! in flu* I. r !.' .t *. :.a i \v * i. ll. if 1I1 < iiiiiiiit 1 . V. a\ - u . 1 ' . who have 1 11 iustruoh . to sit durin, tin* r r .-. \v. 1 ^ivi* i. :i ir l.t\ : .'. i v a-nh,l..lioiI. ? ' i li. il. Cm:.' : I. t riAlt 1.1 . U i. 'J . !. i a i .. '.I 1 no:..mat. it l' t! **ift i a iv : i. n, \v? /a* il j>. l..t a:r V> r.i ;.i an iii car 1, J uhii>!n i iiitlict'h r! t ft .\e.v.ii. a i\ i a.her 1 1 *.h, . - I . - : 'i i.o act a of t?. ? *..t t' t:\. it* m, ii it r -ait .a,'/ >j > ' ' I. ... will ! e one > ?' .He tii< t a t .' us a i*i ihe ptijitis oi i !. * history i South t at- ii:..i. I . r u h a c . ... .1 I J) I cTiS L k "51 uvc, and iHiscdlunj}. , NOVEMBER 22, raw*. kTV?r j Whatnii: b'oi ni Must Kxri.t r fumm ; L: NC< '1 ||?: NcW Y<u\v YuiuiS I. U? ! l.iill- ; iy tens tlie .^uulli v,'hut t.? to Lc Mr. Lincoln ; it .should certainly utiMy every Sou.lKiti luaii what n biin.-.-luii ' wi.i biin- : 'J'hcie can l?i no il-m'it whatever in the' lui ld o. any inaii that Mr. Lincoln regards biaVery a a mural, Social an 1 political evil, . an 1 ( it Miotic! hit dealt with us sueli by tin l'< Icral (iovei nnicnt, in every in- I btaii win re it is c.:i!? i! ujiou to deal Willi j it at ail. ' t.i lo.s j.ouit tliere is no in in tor ijll .-..oil?eI: t . 01. ic li ed UO l?o liils_iVu.n-, | ;ii in li. ollicial a:'imi. i iio v. lioh mil lien eo i I the i-.vei ii'.ive !tep..i tinciit ol ihe ti Yvriiiuent, v ale in his i. ou-1, Will be ' thio.-.n . .. ... : i.. i .it. n- . ?.i o. .aVery [ in: t..<? .i .>' it i'. - ol iho I ninii, aim it; teoj ol tlie At; .em a. iVc trade. On tin . c ! he will in..he no cuiiiploliiirC li'-i" *. !'[ i.i; s adl it to cma'ci? i lioui any unatler or in air, Miape. , lie o Vs not aeei <ir to the ullt'avd dec muti , oj the Supreme t ourt that the t oiisiit it.oii |.!ac( * >lav. s ti|> n the looting it oth T pi . ty, an i |-to?i thcni ua >a- ii where ci.l' it.- i- ,i , jii e.vli'li is ; he be, in the h a t '!? .:.?< , governed or eonlit I ! v it iii his v ?t';ve action, lie , wi.i .o ...i in '.. ; v.\ r. pe. son.i i ' v nu i lii- j e . . . t! oil . ' e\f.? ,-i ol toe j ovel > o. ..1 ..n i the ; i i.ivct ill '.U.-life ill- : w ( ?. i Mi tO Ui'ii l t???. t* '*1 It." Jit* ,* t'). n. . -'.avery ii ... 1 an I j i ipetu.l, an 1 i t i it in jnr i j lhe .inn pe.-ition wi.i !i it ! ! 1 in th- e..:!y a ol tea iiemi ' . ...1 ,n tho viuwi oi' tho full hue rs ol .V ..unfit Oil tills j 1.1 |V we la'.e .' r . nt 1, he w ii !) lit in an l iiiniioV- , r.i i. - i is to | .t beyond the hope ei an. e ; or iii.v - tioti to e..uiijic his i '* r Mi.Nitv I'inu' in I Mi: i..'. n t.i'iii \ ? I v. N v. 11 ?d'he in vv> j ohl:!11 i in tii" ; i; ' . 1. re thin linenaij. in r?, -j; o to tin' 1. -i..t n: ..I' .-.iiith i'.n l;:;a hjvin.r . - 1 a nev . ./our h-i mi i:t ;il.? y u?t> ; :iak-? : ? i .* .t , ? : .: . .1-. i tiiic h? re . ' >>i :!.< 1?! . < , - !' .ir.l t!i lit . All (ii ! . . -k> \v. liowi; ?i:h * :\:r. ?:'? !?.. ? . the ! c.-t Mvuriiie.) A t. ivy unit of -. ' !..? will l}0 fore 1 III : ;!.> t.i.u' U lllllllh. r of Ml..til i.i .. : ?...i i.H >. .. i Ly the 1 t'j-1 1l Ia in 1 ill t a 6iuiticinl erutu will! >\ .? ??. !. ? ' -n ihe 'i*t of .January. . . ' ..< la'iv are j i.'l t -i. iui.illj: t?> l ... !..." ll. ,t "olilil t'.i j i.-> in 1 .ill. i .1 \. N .V. 1I\ M ? .! >. ! . .Vf'il llMUl'li * loll I: ?i ' 1 a hi i. !. I M'li-.iti hi iu till' 1 < v.- - * Mir h ii*-' vi ry .sliiiiij;, : i; : -i. '! . .. !- > i Hi.- admit of the i 1 ...1 1: i" , v. iii 1; .1 a Hi- ? t ij.?.i?li i. iia i :l, ^" <.ii i ii-.u 111 -p. cts?. i la' ] o. ' ! t.' ui . a: *;ilv ? !. 4: v. .1 Ii:/ t!..;l rclati - t.i the in-.v. lluiiti uf iili * .1 ! it 1. ! 1-. ui..111 auJ s-.i.ji ii i : 1 ! , . 11 i ilth 1111.1 ui c.iiVii-i.; .1 I - . y .... ii^ .il. c?>1 A X UN.J. ! ii\Ai. 1M> 1 ri 1 ? Wo r;.: I!. . 11 uIU lh . v? \ lk ; V* !. 111 \\ r kii'UMi th n > ;!' nf mi . :i l . .. t.1 in.-it a- t In- ri ill ... 1. .. I .- i.. : v I 1 : 1 ,t r i W:i 11.. a v\? iiii?t fi <. '.s ... rv an.l -tir.>??.ul. 1 1 . 1- i H u- iit.a ., W i? \ 1 . a 1 !i . . 11 1 !i 11 _ nl r. i A . ... .. .: : .;u. . 1. ii i 1. : 1!. ?ri ..i .4 1.111; i. . : it .?i '.. ! 1: i. ! n.? a'ii . a 1 < | 1.11 at , but li ' .. ..I : I. 1 1 > . . i. ii 1 ; . . i. * :i..l .4.. -1. :. 1 have ' .11 . i, ; 1! '. . .1. Ii. . 1isi I " 'I . . ..? ! .1 K -iv' i .1:. ..-I.i.i . . 1 i .1 .1* . I . 1 - ! : II 1' i li . - . I . ' > >. IV 1 'i . \ tn j'i , . .. V 1 . i ,;I lit ' I. l'l. 1 . . . . '..I ^5 ; 11 4 1 . ,:l I 1 . t 1 \v I. 11 :: . ' l!i nl Ji'_r..u 1 1 .11, 4 la!, : i. ?\ ! 1 r. o 1. ; A::, vi?.? An > f. r ?...?:n N w \ I It i A ' \ I'll \ u . Ml I. : l > 1 v il. if tin .r .- . \i.. ; v?< i '.! i \\ i. < 1 ti i.i 'mil.? r.- li l.'V >; " . 'i Jv j' .:' '.-hi ii.u f !i l.iV.4. !. .1: Mi:.; ! - ! \\ it'll il- * v. n i .t' > 1 ut. -ir. i t - i v ll. .1 -! !. : t*i o wfyi.h I in . 1 i i *:. :'if I- . i - |.si. I i.i i.r.!.-. > 1 i. i, I ? 11.v . . . iliii nit I . , i i .r t . -i I :i- t !i : >;i.t il i'i i. : il. 1. 1 . < i .?N . <; 1 (, Il I nil I \v .k . !! .4 I'm i;. .1. \i i! Ii.iVi- Hi i! ; I t lien. . . i . i:. iv i.i. .v .-urli. , . ,i ( US. (' -Tito 1 iiinville 1 /'. -mi' I.-, ill .i >| Hi etui:; .it i in hi ihi.- ?!i :i;ct. It >.i\-- u .hiil i utlm-: uric hi t!ii4 u i. h.-l I at (Vo.-i u* v > on tlu I 'i!i il . !iifi?tn.t \\ ic I ..j ill- -j -. !. . ' mi ul" the 1 I. i' i. . .i- t- > i.t i.i' ut hot* . ;'ii i.i-. i i.i - -. C i niiui.a. . .. .. i .... ;i.... - i i il . :*n, an i n i !\ to1. t ,i. in :.nv . v;.'t-i.?-v. i .: 1 lll.ll I-; \ .1 i' r . .. 1. i; -the 1 i.11 .. I ul 'i.'i.. . . ... .- . IH'O. I ; i i ! " \ -: -. s r T r\ t'. 1'r I v. 1! |, I S. A>.-i?t.ii.r I . u- lit-.-, \vh > li.ii 1 ii :. in ul iiui.i tlio rit\, r.i itiii-.I y f -ni ;\ a tlio ?\.V.niiinli w i.ii v> :ivi? i ll . y uii .rni '.1 that ho ii '.v r. . '? li s jtj. > i i!t cl.iiat inii, in t to li '.I ui.Uv niuhr I <i lie*'In uiiihr .m> oiii ijiii'i nu > - wlnUvor. Hi.-* ? :ii.-i il tru t Will ! ?' Il _ 11 * I M Mill IIS t I If ^ t till* i'lll I lu> ?Willi ilii'* r'-| l i t ;iinl regard 1 ?r il. jusiait i'Xi-i 11 .it 1'hii t Mr.ilr ! > wlin.-o Tl^iiointnioiit lie holds nfTK-o.?V'/cur'/. i *" *' v >;T-.. / , * . \> ffer ~ ?. TM tst* *ir * I860. ?out!i (CavoUna Slcflistotuw. TV;?.OUAY, Noykmi:KII 13, 1HSO. Sii.NATi:.?Senate in t at the Luur to '.vh.ell II ii.t-l adjourned ; X.'lieti lie: le imitation of Senator i I aUllllOtld \\ i '> coiiit.nuiic it tl l?> tL.tlovcrnor, in Mes?t_e No. 0, at> reported in the House proccediug?' 'i ho ".cnuto ordered a incbHairc to the House, rcjur.stiu^ tliat body to attend in the Solute Chamber, to ratify the aet* passed at ihi.s -is-'ion. In..' o luiioe with the resolution, the ^ j .1 J ivt I' Uit J the C. !.?, attended by tlie in uibci.s oi the Ho .be, uppc.ircd in the I liatuh. r, wlioii the .els were ratified. i iiv I la.uini .11 . .e in Lciu^ _;c J, .mi were interchanged between the Uu ii.lUies' ami at 11 o'clock, oil ini.t.on, . ate adjourned to meet on the lourth .don ...j ol Iiilb iiibtaut. Hot sj; or 11 tl'ItKSJATATIV1".K.? At the hour to whioli the ll-nmc adjourned the Clerk eaiiod the roll, and a ijiioruiu being |'ii "t at, the Sj'U.ik' r took I tie ch.wr. i he |.tooei'U;u0s ol jcsleiii-y wciu read a ml approved. Mr. Wi ton presented llie petition of sundry cititoiib oi ilaiiiMt'il, praying lor farther k-.biutiuu eonec. o.ti0 the colored o'-'t hit toil. 1? . n'ed to the Commute oil Colored : .late return 1 to the l!oU?e with their Coiiein''fence toe deport oi the eouiiiiittec en th. -iudictur\ on re-o.atn.n.s ol iuijU.ry - *.i tiiO ] i.v r oi tl.e !. _.^i luio t.i e in tti.uo ! i . uu-.s lioni one o->-ioa to uootlii r. Ai-?. i. -..lotion- .ii rcutiun to uniting l..e : .... on i tool. iiiiziiig the militia sy.-t mi. lesoiui :on? lor the l>uyuici*t u! t!;c ( Icl'ks .1*1.1 Utlli .rs of cut 11 House, 1 the us l.ibnuiuii, and cit ri?.- ol the '""niu .1 h U til ' i'tifii . tl^O. I C on.lion- li.r tin uaj >u?uiuont oi tho Jltci' ul inuly. t ir. <1 recti ufr'cro 1 the fallowing rcaolutl ait: iV- ?/, Tlut the ilii lilua l delegation it: in i.ctier.?l i.ililj' no uti.iuic h re by _ .lite 1 a comm.: ice to mane the hcCcsa.iry nr. ;Il;;ciiiCtl ta lot' tin' assembling ui the .' tute Convention, to l.o hcnl in tlio 1 * it v ... luiubu on the 1 Tib December jno^tli.J. llcaolutioli U,Lf Oil to. i In (Jovornor > nt message No. > to tho 1.' , concerning Senator Hammond's r. - glut.on. '1 ho letter lrom Senator 1 lu..i.noi:<i was as billows: J . J..til lit my ' ?oi' f.i.or (list: ! In r. w.tli transmit to you, uini through }"U to the t iciieiw.; A seiiioly, my resignation ol tho appointment ol I nito 1 States .^oitutor tioui tho State ol South ( uroliua. .?lr. iluiat the f..l owing rcaolutioii, which \v.?s unanimously U i'ij tod : j ivbola ') 'iiut the restitution of the llotl. at. ii. LaUlUiOUd Us L nit. 1 States > 11 at or li'oiu ii..- State of South Carolina 1 o a 'Ceple.i. ail i that the prompt severance ol connection Willi a I lOYcriniiciit about to into tin' li oi < ft he 111 ick licpubiic..ii j a-:v, tin: eiieuiy oi the cuii.-titut.oii .... i tii .ih. is at once Worthy ol his hi . h ehar.e' r.iti.l pr>. >1 oi his ! devotion to h;> native State. >1;. iicau the lollowing rcsoh> ti.'.i : >' ' it he r ierre 1 to the Coinia '< on toe >iiiit..ry to in iti.o the io .: i t ihe i:ja_.;7.;ttes at Hcaufort. i harlcst :i and (Jeorgetovrn, trithaviowol r rung \?.. .: work may he necessary lor .1 i ', air, ami w hut laid" |>iov iiietl 1 r t! . tie- :: .ii ,.'i 1 to. .r. .^lUi'ii.t m ol.cii . the lii.iwWiig re? *, i '! ! I.iw ..v .'1. i: . .-i i. . 1 am li t.,t<! (.> 2 nr. .-!i ui u>? to Mich i: 'A \ i.iiiit r i- a- -It.ill 'a1 liil 1 a. .1 . .! . ..1, nil i _riw- frati-tao: . . .> i.l ilicir till oi'_aiiu..lioo with Ii . ' - In.''J jl.i.ll !?, Will) U iUil Mall i i i i ai. , tin,, . tinui. .-ioncd ... . , .ii. 1 '....I tin l li.,\e l'i ii Ii. j-l'l't. -1 i A u.itl linal. ,'i^r i 1 I >, an J . ? .-j l...' tv'Jli lo l.iO . .1.1.0 loli* CvlllOut n ..CO. > I r M'lil !l 1110-- i'V l<> the i 1 utl-O, {irn) na to ii- llo'.i-' - t i r M-iinl tlio r?>?>lui ->i i i' i. 'iii .iiu 1.1 at i i! i. < '. >i k I. t . i V. all ! ] n.'j.,. iiIn aiij iUi n ..i 1 i A. M. i Mi in.iii- ii ..I '. r. l>i>i.?iuit, I*.lui - ".i till - nCiti rt-iifi- w>v.i nr.ii riM tn I a* -out. \ uiiwas rv-i-i iVi-vl ti ui tlio Sen ll* _ r.-tl: i ti _r ] l.lli--."li to tin: i i uU>e tu U. l. l C' . (..Ill . -1 i?i!|.i|ii l alii-oruili^ ||| lilt i t.ii ji.tic- cu.i._- v.; lotuit r i.'luto t uii1. volition. a- an. n ! v. .<t airtvt-il tu, : :i . i'. . i il : i Lo n : iiiii i tu llio Senate, .a. 1 Iruiu tiio ( i iiiiniitoo iiu t W . |*i Jol'tid tlio iuiluWill^ . u.i- rt*i'l\' t?u : A i : l tu || ? ' J| lli:' il?0 nJ'Ol . tilill of ccrt .. i . .u;.n i.f ooi t.i.n a- 'and lor oilier j iii i.ii .i. 1 uii tiiu _ iM ilav i<1 IK ot uii-i , in too \cir of our lifid i ^ ?T. uinl lur >:*.< .- I'Ut'iuM d- .i, ,-i ivt-il fi iiu iho Senate, prcrpi in tin- IIuUm- tu uttciiil in tlio Sonate t li.iinLi-r for the ratification of act* pa i il ;.t tl.i-c^tri -i-.-niuii ul tho (ioncral \ ..My. (to ii.otitni t?f Mr. I'M War Js, a of i-i>iiciiri oiice v?a->itit. V ! 1 uiiiiuten beiore il cicIook A. M , ilit: (. i?er and ( It-rL, ntti-ndi-l I v the 11 t .Civdod tu tlio Scnato lur tlio purt n tIn- rat i lira!! >ii id' ncta A: II o'ohtok A. M , 'in ?day, Norem* ' i " ] ; i. ;lo- I. .s,i in i nth 111 u?e? Loinj; ...-In 1, tli:-extra ii-non of ilie laonoral A.-M'il|i..l\ WJs adjoiiitnil Si'nei/',. IIi r.\i i.a. A!.i., Notiml-cr ? An on t'm-i .stir ?m?< t ing of all parties is being li !.l li>10 tliiu cu n n.,?.1 unit for accession. 'l'liis Congressional district will probal?ly .'>,.? ?() majority for Una k im i<lgo in or lo>tli |>oUglu.s ami 1MI Fifty gun# are now firing for 5" out li Carolina. r" ^ "*1 \ > *, *'.?*1 " " "* . J^Nr ,?*| * ' -? v V ? ' * ^m. 4 **.? ' J A " I . ^ _ i 4* ' " % at? ! _ Hf? 1A X. i PER AWNUM. > JNO. 38. An Act To Provide for tl?e calling of u convention of the People litis Hiate. , 1. tlr ,t en.nt d by the Senate and Jlouea of U'/>rt t n.'oii^ie, now nut and sitting in (Smrral I An- mbltf, and Ly the authority of the tame. That n convention of the peopW of the State of South Carolina is hereby ordained to be a*scuiblcd in the City of Columbia, on ihu : 17th day of December, in the your of our i Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, lor the purpose ot taking into consideration the dangers incident to the po| sition of the State in the Federal Union, established 1}* t lie t 'onstilutiort of the United tates, proper lbr providing against tho same, ut.d thereup< n to takceare that tbo Couiuionw '.ltii ol outh Carolina shall suflcr no detriment. Skc. &?'i hat on the Oth day of December. in the year of our Lord one thousand ei lit hundred and sixty, the Managers of elections lbr the sevi rai Districts in tho i State shall, after giving puhlie notice as iu cases of elections fur members of the Legislature, open tho Polls and hold clectious in their respective Districts lbr Delegates to the s iid convention, in all respects iu tho same manner and lorui, and at the sanio places, as elections are now conducted for > Mcinders ol tho LegislutUie. And all persons who are qualified and entitled, by tho Constitution and laws of this State, to vote i for members of the Legislature, shall bo ! ijuaiificd and entitled to vote lor said Delegates to said Convention ; and iu case of any vacancy occurring, by death, resignation or removal liom the State, or refusal to servo of any person elected a Delegate to the said Convention, tho Presid; ing Officer of the said Convention shall i-.-ue his writ authorizing and requiring tho managers of Elections in the Election Districts in which such vacancy may have occurred, after giving due notice thereof, to open a poll and hold an election to fill such vacancy, as in cases for the election of j Members of the Legislatuie. Meet on the tub and declare the election. Sr.C. 3. 'I hat each Election Distria throughout the State shall be entitled t | elect and send to the said Convention to number of delegates equal to the wli n number <4 Senators and Representatives w hich such Districtis now entitled to send to the I.e.:'.future; and the delegates to the said Convention shall he entitled to the sauio j freedom of arrest in going to, returning ; lr<>!U, and whilst in attendance, on.saiil CouTcntion, as is extended to the members of | the Legislature. Sr.c. 4. That all free white male citizaus of this State, ol the age of twenty-one years and upwards, and who are entitled to vote lor members of the State Legislature, shall he eligible to a seat iy the uaid Convention. In the Senate House, the thirteenth day of November, in the year of our I*ord one thousand eight hundred and idxty, and in the eighty-fifth year of the sovereignty and independence of the Culled Suites of America. WILLIAM D. PORTER, President of the Senate. JAMES SIMONS, Speaker House Representatives. /iVWrn/, That the t erks of the Senate and House of Representatives he, and aro hereby, instruct*.d to pulish the 4,Act to provide for the calling of a Convention of the poo; h o. this State,"iu one newspaper in each Election District in the State, once a w* ? k, until the day of election of the Delegates to said Convention; and that it is 1 tin* sense ol thN (iiner.d Assembly that the .'lauugura of Elections are bound to proceed to give the u-ual notice *>f election, and t*? hold the same, as directed by said Act, without awaiting further instruction. WM. E. MARTIN, C. S. JOHN T. SLOAN, C. II. K. A Dim. with Lock Pistols. ?Hie New Orleans 1' gives the ; .lowing particulars of au unusual "Jfaira if /rim iir in that eitv. "\\ c under-gaii i that a duel was fought on \\ . Inesday afternoon, near the Hopkins plantation, ! < tweu Mr. Olivier Carricro an 1 i ?r. De St. U un. s; the same w ho had u ii.UK ulty ami shooting affair at a school ? xniuiiiatiuii on Ilutupurt street some time ago. The dud {ultimately was harmless, though its peculiar features have heeu much di-cm-ed down town. The challenged p.-.rty, lT I'e St. Koines, ! ad chosen 11.ut l-.ik. pi-tuN. On the tic Id, at the fir t .ire. 1 otli |i-toi.-. snapped. At tl?u secojiT lire. t'.irricrc's pistol snapped again, hut his adversary's went off without hitting hiiu. t'.irrii r - *, c< r. d- now declared themselves >.iti -1" i, particularly as they believed it uso1 -- for tin ir principal to stand there snap< ping u [i.-tol which 11ht snap all day, whilst e>:pi?ing liiin U? the u-equal chance oi i ring shut by his antagonist ; and much against his will, sir. Cnrriore had to leave the -round without Laving had a-hot. it is stated i\ some that l>cSt. Koines owes i his tile ii> the humanity of his seconds in choosing tlint lock pistols, as Carrietv w^.-i reputed to I u a dia l shot aud cool as a i cucutnL r. ? ?- ? A M.i.n.-tku l'linss.?Tho Scientific American thus describes a monster steam press upon which Mr. MosesS. Keach, who has just retired frutu the New York Sun, is ' at work : ' lie is nowr just completing the construction of a monster steam printing press by w inch the sheets are cut trom rolls dampened printed up. ii both sides at tho rate of forty thousand impressions and hour, tuldod up, .,1 ill \ - - i ..iiiiuu, iimi ?s? iivi<ren imm the machine, r? ady for the carrier and the n.ail. Thi* machine is as high as a common two-story country dwelling-house, and it will, when I finished, if (he expectations of the inventor are rcali^a], constitutes most extraordinary speeimen of mechanical skill and ingonmI" Ah, me !" said a pious lady," our minister was a very powerful preacher; for tho I short time he administered the word ofGfod among us, ho Licked three pulpits to pieces, and hanged the in'arda out of flvo BiI lies."