*r 7?L * * * t ? ^' 1 It ia also aftUl that Sco*tor Douglass haa tad intor views with the mum irtgh pcraonagc, and without coueurroacu of view*. Dough* ia ecpcatcd to introduce i t>|tiON STONE, of QoRe County." Alabama, to Mm . JANE EVBUN If WALD1HP, of Spartuuburg District. . * OBITtJAR.Y, Died, ou tlw 2lJ h November, ill the 4.)lh year of hor age, MRS. ELIZABETH LANDKUM. wife of Rrt. John G. Laaditi/m, and daughter of Jomn and Mamaeict MonxoouitRr. The imnvodLtto family 0."the deceased, bereaved by her loea to them, ia lu? iiaband nod six ohildrun, besides u large circle of Relative* and frieinU. ]u ohreoichng the departed worth of Mrs. Lan* drum, wo icet 11 iu in) irar uovy iu my, sue w.vi coniiddI in that wbiclt constitutes the Christian, the wife, the mother ami friend. She not only devoted heraelf to the common religious and domestic duties of wile and mother, but singularly hh a rniuitter'i wife: mfcUiotug with grcut fortiloilo nnd perseverance the care* devolving upon her iu cotiscqncnce of tlie frequent and necessary absence of her bus baud from home; nnd iu tin* way became a eolaborer with him in the great work of preaching the Gospel. Situ lived in the full fellhip ol the Raptilt church, of which she was a member for eighteen or twenty yuan, always appreciating the privileges of her church relationship, and enjoying much of Its blessings. The shock which the whole community felt at the announcement of Iter demise, is the best evidence of the value they set upon her religious nnd social character. Rut, notwithstanding site has been v out oil* in the prime of a useful lile, she is now dedicated to services and employ ments which aru inoro holy, elevated, and sublime. She bore her last illness, which continued eight days, with great composure uud resignation. 1 Icing conscious of the near approach of her dis-olu ion, he mingled, as much s* she could, comfort, with instruction to her family, iu thu last words of her expiring breath. We w ill not sorrow as those who have no hope: and altliongh in litis dispensation of Xiiviu6 Piovidcuce "'clouds and darkness areVuinid about liim, righteousness an J judgment arc the habitation y ricming j>rot. ot t uiMiurgn. All who have used it have been equally mttmished nnd delighted ut its wonderful energy stwl cflicmoy. To pohMt nil the testimonials in its favor wmilil till volumes5 we must therefore content Ourselves with a brief abstract of n few of them. Japhul C. Allen, of Arnboy, gave u dote to a child 6 years old, and it brought away 811 Worms, lie soon after gave another dose to (he same child, which brought away 50 more, making 133 worms in about 12 hours. Jonathiin I lough man, of West Union, Park County, la., writes that he is tumble to supply the demand, us tint people in his neighborhood say, niter r. trial of the others, that none is equal to J)r. M'Lane's Vermifuge. IShnsrs. 1). it J. IV. Collon, of Winchester, Jnd., happened last spring to get sotui of tills Vermifuge. Mrr selling a lew bottles, the dcutaud became so gh-nt for it that their stock was soon exhausted. They slate that it has |>ruduccd the best effect wherever used, and is very popular among the people. rar Purchasers will be careful to a*k for DR. JM'LANE'S OELKHRATKD VERMIFUGE, tnanulncturcd by FLEMING 1IRUS., of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges ia eompat '.son nrc worthless. Dr. M'U.m's genuine Vermifuge, also Ins celebrated Liver Pills, can now tie had at all respectable drug stores. None genuine iritUout the signature oj FLEMING liROS. /till 1 ?.". ? to JO 1? BXHIBI TION WOFFORDJOLLEGE. T1IE Senior Exhibition of WOPFORD COLLEGE will take place iu (lie (DDIL.LIB13F J3 4MIAIF-glL* On Wednesday, lite liilli, at 10 o'clock, \. 1H., which the Public .am respeetfully invited to attcud. The order of exercises will be as follow*: Nihil M sine Inhere?TIlKOPIliLlTS F. J5AKION, Ornngelturg, S. C. Fall of Poland?W. Al. CUM MINGS, Colleton, 8. C. Woman'* Influence on the World?W. W.DUNOAN, Virginia. Refinement of Society not an Unmixed Good?J. 0. HARDIN, Chester, S C. General 1).fluxion of Knowledge?J. O. 1IAR DIN, Cheetei, S. C. Some of the E?ils of College Life?T. ALONZO 11A UlUS, Abbeville, S. C. Francis lla'.-uu?E. 11. UOKMAN, Orangeburg, S. O. "Know then this truth, enough for man to know, Virtue alone is li.i|i|iioe*s below."?J. JJ. JUllDAN, Abbeville, S. C. Future Destiny of the Union?J. A. MOORE, Spartanburg, S. C. Duelling?A. \V. MOORE, Georgia. Th > Reformation?J. II. SANDERS, Colleton, S. O. Literary and Scientific Geniu- of America?J. F SHACK El,FOKI?, Georgia, Vanity of Human Wishes?11. 11. TARRANT, Abbeville, S. C. Deo 10 42 It dehjtistSY! DR. GEO. W. MONROE, WISHES to inform the Ladies .and Gentlemen of Spartanburg and vicinity, that he has located permanently at litis place, where lie oilers his professional services to all who need aid from the Dental art. Dr. Monroe is fully pasted in all the late im |fruTcuiciii9 mi in? jMUifrwHMi, aim m uc rjjht\?? in stay iu Hpiirtiiuburg, ami dipcnil u|>on his merits fur hia success, lie will make it In* aim to perform all liia operations honestly ami faithfully, and by tliia menus to obtain a liberal patronage. ChnrgeH moderate ami all operations warranted. ?40" Oilieeiu New I'.riek fl inge, Churoh Street, formerly occupied by Dr. W . C. Henuett. Deo 10 4 2 tf "kotrk. ALTi persons indebted to the estate of tin? late .1. K {Sl'Ut'l'S arc riipirfcted to niako iniinediate payment. And :il' jKTsona having do strands against the estate are reqmsled to present (liein immediately, duly nitrated. ? A. J. WAllLKN, Adm'r. li tAKE NOTICE. "V/\/ 11KRKA.S my wife Nancy Allen has quit T my bed and board, without any just-cause, this i* to notify all persons that I will pay no debts contracted by her. JOHN ALLEN. Dee 10 42 3t NOTICE. fPIIK ACCOlT NTS and NOTES of the firm of A (JOLDINO A CAMPBELL have been placed in iny hands for collection. All persona indebted to said firm will do well to call and settle the * lino early, and thereby save costs, for the business mnrt be eluaed up. ,J, AI. KLKOLi). Dec 10 42 3t AUCTION AND Commission Business. ^ % MIE snbscribur takes this method of iinforming I the Mi reliant* of Cltdrleaton and (Joluinb a, and country Merchants generally, that lie will re- ! ceivc nil kinds of goods on Consignment, either to ' bo sold at Private or Auction Salo. Also, will sell all kinds ft! furniture, Ac.,and wil' aril Property in Town and in the Coon try oil application. defers titliu Merchants generally of tip irlanburg Village. | Commission* reasonable. I>oo. 10 42 If J. 11UFU3 TOOLE. m i ' iin i .* M. MliPoriD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. Will practice in the Courts of Lit* Western Circuit of the fcState. OF KICK AT SPJUiTAXBCUU COtTHT IIOUSK, B. C. Any bu>iucs* intruded to his car# will meet with pi otupt attention. Dm 10 40 r' 6m STATE OF SOUTH CAKOLINA/^ SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. IX TI1K COURT OF ORDINARY". Citation for Letters of A?1 mluisiration. W II HUE ASJ>AVID DREW'TOX and JONAS BRKYVTON, 4*., have petitioned this Court for Letters of Adniiiii.-trxlion, with the will annexed, on all and singular the goods and .chattels, rightsuu?l cred.ls, of Jonns Brew toil, belt., deceased: Thww arc therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditor, iff the sold as Krcwton, sr.. to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary, for stud District, to be held ut Spartanburg Court House, on the ?'Jd December im?t., to show cause, if utiy cxisi, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and real ofoilicc, this the 8th day of ]>ecetnbcr, 1S57. J NO. KlRLK BOM Alt, o. s. o. Detj 10 4'J -w. I'.UILLIANT PROSPECTUS! FOURTH YKAH OK THE Cosmopolitan ART Association! TIIE FAMOUS JDussoidorf Gallory of Paintingsl PLJIICIJASEO AT A cOs r OK $lisO,OtK'! AND PO**(u' HullLU lUINoWNKO M VTIIK OK TIIK GUlESEIi SLAVE, ru purchased for mx thousand dollars, vtilli several huudrc I oilier wttrks of Art,-in Painting*, Sculpture mid llronr.es, comprise the premiums to be awarded to llie subscribers of tlie COSMOPOLITAN* AUT ASSOCIATION, who subscribe before the 2S||, <>| January, lS.'S, at which time the award* will take place. TlittMS OK Sl>nSCttlPTION: Ercry subscriber of thrrr dollar* is entitled to A copy of the large and splendid Steel Ivngraving, entitled "Mahuskst Destihy,'? ulso to A copy of the Cosmopolitan Art Journal one year, uleo to A Certificate in the Award of Premium*. nUo A Free Admission to the Dnsscldorf aud Cos m<>|>olitan Galleries. Thus it is (ct4i that for e*cry three dollars paid, the subscriber not uuly receives a SPLENDID TIIKEB DOLLAR JIKCUAVINU J but also the beautifully illustrated TWO DOLLAR ART JOURNAL ONE YEAR. Each subscriber is also presented with a Cerli. ilcatc in the awards ol premiums, by which a valuable work of Ait. in Painting or Sculpture, limy be received in addition, thus giving toevcry subscriber an equivalent to ihu value ol live dollars, and a Certificate gratia. Any one of the leading ?3 Magazines is furnished, instcuJ of Engraving uuJ Art Journal, it desired. No person is restricted to a single shore. Those . C. I I.:.--- -s r. -i l i i ?\ i n IMC I?iciiiurn?ni|?>, renin i 111 IT I'll. UVU to nu extra Engraving, tln.l six ticket*. Full particular* of tlie Association lire given in the Art dourun!, which con tains over sixty splendid Engravings, price fifty cents |ht iiuiiiIkt. Specimen c<>|iic? will be sent to all |>ersons who desire t<> subscribe, on receipt of rive pustdge stamps, (lo cents.) O. L. I?KKIIV, Actuary C. A. A , fits lir.uJ.vay, New York. A. T. CAVIS, Honorary Sec , Dec 10 40 tf Sji.utunburg, S. O. PHOTOGRAPHS. ANY ONE HAVING AN Anibrofypc or Daguerreotype OK A D12CKASED FUIK.NI> can have it cnliircM to my siio desired, uj> to lifesite. Painted iji O.Mike Portraits. OiSt-XjIa SOOKT, AND GIVE US A T 11 I A L. GUEKN A: 111X. Dec. 1, 41 tf NOTI CE7 rl^lllS is in forewarn nil person* against trailing JL lor a \i)TR giv.-n to .1 AM ICS GIIANT,??f G?., fiir TWO HUNDKKD DOLLARS, an.l dated Feb. 1 At li or 21 at, ItsSl or 1 t>.V?. S.ii.l note whs given fin- a tract of land, which title is not goid, anil 1 will not pay the u?t? unless compelled by law. It. A. CATKS. Glenn Springs, Dec. 1, 1S."?7. 41 (It "state"of south cakoli.na. " M'ARTANIIL'KO T)ISTRICT. ix tin; court of ordinary. Oitiitioil for Letters of Administration. A17"HKUi:AS MM ROD A L N >1.1) hnthpetiv v tinned tbia Court for Li'ttir* of A,tin:ui?tratiuu on hII and singular the goods anil chattels, rights and credits, o( Aaron Arnold,deceased: These arc therefore to cifo and admonish all and singular the k mired and creditors of the*.id Anion , Arnold, to to* and npp-ar at the Court of < >r- ! iliiuiry, for said District, to be held at Sparlanburg Court House, nu the 14th December next, to show ciuse, if any exist, why said letters should li t be granted. t riven under my hand and Heal of oftieo, (his the | 2Sth day of November, l>.r?7. J NO. KAKI.K liO.MAll, o. s. n. IX _ o J'CC *J II !J\V I : JOY TO TlllTAFFLICTED, j ''Him: nosamauitaws i.mmi: j J. 1 >1ATI2 11BLIEK. This is the article w hich | created such a ?? ????.?ti<>n nm me our people several months lion. As it proved itself a good uiedieine, j and tio many are now in waul of it, we take this opportunity to inform all concerned that they can | procure it at 1'I.SIIKIL A, II BIX ITS 11'S. j Nov 5. 37 tf ! THE PANIC AND HARD TIMES. l.^CONi lMlSU?live within your means. Buy . 1 J cheap, wave your fat and make Jour own s .ip. | Liuv a lew pounds o! that coml Soap l'outsh to he j hud at i lsl I |-:il iV 11 I.I .N ITSI l'S cheap I'nui.y ' .Medicine Store?with it you will have a cheap lot ol Snap. Nov 5 87 if Dnuas, cbc. "?X7"J:hej? leave to state that wc are daily rcceiv-' v v ine accessions to our stock of STAI'I.K and KANCV (iUt )1>S, n up, as wo expect t<> Ivavo Spartanburg t?y thufiral of .laiiu iry next, and mu?t make > ttVni.nt? before leaving. J.. BLOOMliUUG ?V BUG. Wot 86 40 tf SHOES! SHOES!! VGOOl) LOT .11TST ItlCCKIVKI) at MORGAN A MOOllK'S. NV" I % \ L do earnestly request all persona that are in | ? f nrre.m with us m CALL IN AND SKI'- j I ILL LMMKDIATKLY, n? We are done, mi 31 at i I October, witli keeping books nay longer. T Oct. *1# SO tf LKJi A- 11RIGGS. 1 % ?.; * . . ; VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. WILL b? oft-red far Mir, 00 tht iMmriNt, to I the birlinl biddtr, 011 WKDN'KSDAY, 234 DIvOKMKKK, nil (Amu portion ol the plania- T lion nixi honifkii'Mii, luloiioiii^ to lite iftuli1 of tliu * Into John iK'iiO, K?ik. which was purchnw-d at K*-- Q tvutora* SkiIu by I". Jdilca Lruwloii and Frederick II11 try: G>Mi?i?tiort of ? acre*, lying on Urn Liorcua Oi road, 4 tciics bvloiv WooiirulP*. c>' Sold nt the ri?k of the former pnrelin*or?, who have tailed to euin|>ly with tlio term* of Kile* - . Sold on a credit of twolve mviitln, with intercut J froui dull', ou note* with two approved wcaritivo. M MA11Y ONVKX liKAN, Executrix of Muj. II. J. IKmii, Executor of J no- I)?*!iu, Ivmj-, decerned. Doc 3 41 8t , Hi 1 OUR AGENT th all IN CHARLESTON J HAS PURCHASED. At Half their Value WILL SKLL (> no GOOD PRINTS AT fi 14 TO 10- Shirtings G 1-4 to 8 cts. KERSEYS, FLANNELS, ? ill ^ "Jt 1 IT <0 3 * ?* <0 *, 2 At Unheard-of Prices, t Call Soon, It >011 Wish CHEAP GOODS. . Tolle^ou & TViiigo. p?c 1 11 8t . H. Ij. UOWJD33NT ' Willi ,v MARTIN & JAMES, " fur A nrprwd Tvnr?Am n ' '?-? IUAA1X11 O XJJCjSTKJ jl , o. t. 11 K MI-IP constantly on band n iai^o nuj hand- l'* Millie block of DRY dOODS AND GROCERIES, together with a gvucral Ktock of Mcrchuudiae, at 1/ Charleston |ir!c*f, .1 The inuftt liberal price* pnij for M COTTON, ? and as there are uevcrnl buyers nl lbiw place, plan- Vi tern will tin J u ? belter market in ilie up-country. Nov. 26 -10 tt SWA N7fe~C(>\S LOTTERIES. b" Now and Brilliant Schomo CAPITAL I'RIXK as $OC, O O O ! Jif Tlic following ^ellcine will be draw n by S. Swan .V: Co., .Manager* of the !' ?rt Gancs Academy ^ Lottery, ill each of their Latteries lor December, I l?o7, at AugUbt i, Georgia, to winch oily they have re removed their Principal ollice. CLASS 05, I To bo drawn in the City of Auguvla, Georgia, in 1 public, ou Saturday, December Dtli, 18o7. CLASS 00, To be drawn in tli? City of Augusta, Gcoigia, iu ju public, ou Saturday, December Itflh, U>37. CLASS 07, To be drawn in tin* City of A uaititn. Georgia, iu public, on Saturday, December ltf.li, lS>a7. l|, CLASS 08, T-? bo drawn in the City of Auirusta, Georgia, in tkllKIl.V ?? ? .< iflll-.l l?* I l.bii.llllu.l' !<*.? ' " ' ,w-' aON TJ1BPLAN UJf'S|N(S|.K NLWJHKUS. Fin HIVUUM) l?U IIU.XOKCIi J'KU.:>! Nearly oue I'rizc lo every .Nine Tickets. i IHutfiiificcnt Kelirmc ! TO UK imAW V ICAC'll SATURDAY IN DECEMllKU: 1 I'ri/.c of $60,000 | ] Prise of $2,000 I 44 " 30,1100 | 1 ' " 1,5UU 1 44 " 10.0'0 j 60 Prise* " 1,000 i 44 44 o.ood | ioo " " i:,o r| l 44 44 6.000 j ioo 44 44 125 J l 44 44 3,ooo | ioo 44 44 ioo l'i AVntOAIM A nos PUI2K3. 4 P. of $1100 App'g InijOO.UUl) $1,200 , 1) 4 1>. 44 250 44 44 30,000 1,000 4 p. 44 200 44 44 10,000 800 " 4 p. 44 130 44 44 6,000 600 4 p. 44 125 44 44 5,000 500 p 4 p. 44 1 00 4 4 41 3,ooo 400 4 p. 44 75 44 44 11,000 300 ?. 1 p. 44 50 44 44 1 ,500 1100 ' 5,000 p. 44 20 arc 100,600 5,400 Prises amounting to $52o,.?; Quarter* j.'J. Si ?>i mi l.uiTt'.iiV.- -The numbers fritiu I i" to 50,000, eurrespoiidi ijj w.tli IIiikv Number* mi (In- l ieki Is, piiliU'il oil si par..!o slips ?>l p iper, an ! A3 fill iioli'.l uiili snail l.ii tuais ami pi.iced ill one || Wheel. S, Tin- first 3CS Prises, sini.i.irly printed mid ctieir- N, clod, ate pi i sat in another wheel. Htu wiicel* ai } tlifii 11 vol veil, and a number is dr twit li mii tile wheel < : .\ umber*, and at the same time a I'ii/.- nil raw n from tlio oilier w lie. I. The Number and IV./e drawn out are opened and x hibited to the nii'li' iiei , and 11 _ siei'i d liy the Com- < inissioners; the I'n/.e belli.; piacesl ai;aiiisl the Nuoili< r drawn. I in* operation i* repealed nut I ,dt the i Prises are drawn out. L iXrhtoiniAriuN Pr.i/r.*.-?Tlio two prooedin; and file two aucoeedili; NUlllhen? t.? llutsi dilwili.' 1 ''4 the lirsl S Pi./, s will be enlilled to the 52 Appr ''' in.itimi Pi / *. l"'or example: if liekct N?>. II J . ' ' draws lh" >110,000 Prise, those Ticket* number, 1 I 124 S. 11210, I 1251, I 1252. will each be entitle-.1 t-i $300. Ii Ticket No 5.?o Dtiiwi tlio > Id,00 > ' Pi tlios I'm k.'ts num Mwed 5 1S, 540, 5.>l. 552, wall each lie entitled to ^250, uud so oil according '* to the n'.Mtee selieme. The 5,000 l'ri*. s $2'1 will In; determined bilbo last figure ?t ilio Number tint draws the $00.000 Pii/.e. Kor example, il the Number drawing i 44 the $60,000 Pr /. ends with No. |t then all ilie ' ' 'Pickets w here tlio iitimlter end* iii I will be mil.- | tltvl to $20. It the Numb- r end* with No. 2, then ' ail the Ticket* where the number cud* in 2 will be i *-; entitled to and so on to 0. * Curuflciili s of l'.i'-k.|Mis w li bo bald at the following rates, w h eli i- I lie lisk: Celt.filiate o. I'a 'ka^es i I |0 W liolo Picket*, $"5* in Half 4? 40 44 44 In Quarter 44 SlO 44 44 1 0 Ivgluli 44 10 in or. merino ticket* or exit riricirfi*, Kiiclunc flit money t?> our ii i.lress lor tlio Tickets ordered, oil receipt of wliieli lliey w ill be for warded tjy in mill. I hi cli.ixio.i 11 have tickets ending hi fiiy figure liny in ay des.gnate. The l.ni ?f l)Kiwn Numbers n the wheel. With the amount ol th<' prise that each hi oiio is entitle.) I i, vmII he piibliahed after every h drawing, in the following paoers: Auginl MAOIM'K ULS * R)K SALE AT THIS OFFICE. I * ?t - * ? ?C- *'Ai '"LJU ' i'foster?'&'judd" I I TAVK rfitriveJ Yroin New York a large uod \ -Jl A beautiful u?*ortnru*ut of ? FALL_AND WINTER among which nrc J ' FASHIONABLE I>RBS-S GOODS of Silk, ' Merino, Cashmere, Moh.hr, A lpaw*u, &?., iVf. , Bonnet* ??f SII.K mill STUAVV. Uk'li liONNUT KIBBONS. (Chilli Chinks, 'ISIniiiM, S!i:i*l?, KtannrV, Km* broiih red Collars, Ifudowli-rris and I luudkcrclh?k?_ ' l)re%? and Cloak Trimming*, I it Head l>rc??o*, Gloves, Hosiery, 11 ?p Kkilt*, A. Swan's Down, Kiue and Common Blankets, Mar* on avilles Ouilts, x*. Holies', Children's, GeutWmeii's, and Negro o!: SL.uc, f CiHiU' V ne CALF HOOTS, Travelling; ULAN KKTS, Kmc Krurk and Ovvrcoutn, Gent*' Talmas, Ungluiis, Vests, a great variety; Pants, Shii ts, Are. II A K D WAKE. cn House Carpenters' Materials, Carpenters' Tools, Sausage Cutti r? and Killers, Paints and Oil, Window Class Putty, & the Ladies, Gentlemen, , Children, Farmer, Mechanic and lliiusvkvepa'r. ? 'f' lying exjiericncts enables tliein to selevt mid hoy ,s," goods which are tn??*t desirable and economical lor ,a) the consumer. No oue buys goo Is lower, and they lu" do Hot iiltetid to be undersold. ' ( let 1 AJ din i TM TTkTTTTV Cnnvt??Voi?/. 5WBWSW-??-BmS9 XXofts! Hogs 11 WILL SELL, *t my miilciHH>, ou DECK . HKlt the I'ith, tliw following property: WENTY KILLING HOGS NK LOT I1KKK CATTLE, ONK YOVrji HORSE, AND FIFTY BUSHELS OF WHEAT. ii twelve months' credit, with interest and nppn sureties. J. S TIN CM Dev. 3 41 l?| [n Equity?SPARTANBUR G art ha J. L'pMJomb v?. William Lipscomb u oilw-rs. Dill hr PttrUiou. Executor's Sale of Real and 'EUSONAL PROPERTY "N pursuance of authority Vested in me, by ort . of the Court of Cliaucery, nt June Term, 1857, I will cxpAee t ..! HEAL KSTATK \ M KS \V. LII'SCOMU, dee'd., consisting v! 23 Likely Negroes, AND TWO VALUABLE TRACTS OF LAND ne containing i.boUt two hundred fuel tliirle res, more or l gang arc likely girls and buys, and a gu n-ksmhh. Terms of S.tle?The above propei ty will bo si i a credit ol one and two years, with interval fn iV of sale, which must be |Ki:d iiiiiinully. I'i niseis will be required to mvuic the pureln utiey bv bond with approved sureties, and | i ir proportion of tbe co-i* incurred !?y the p eduigs in the eourt of Equity pro rata. WILLIAM LITSCuMB, Jr., KCor, Nov. lit 3'J 7t NOTICE. J |IIAM MITCHELL, litviug iiMnciuivJ 111 L sell with II. II. Ml T? IIKI.L, Will now e on the Mercantile Business nt Spartanburg Co uuae, under Itio tirm of II. A II. ir. MITCHELL, toy have just returned from New York, win ey purchased a large sloek of DRY CiOODS, Hot'Kit I lis, IIMtl)\VMtB, DHI'tiS a mm' ia ns, Horn's wo siions. // .YO f'.l/'N, IH)\Xli'J'S, Carriage Till ISO'S, C.iSDlliS, ,jo. Cold and Silver WATCMHS,JEWELRY^ bracing cveiy silicic usually Lund iu a Coun llagc Store. Our Stock i* i:. vtjk a: t, i * .it ii % J bought nt the LOWEST l'RICES, und v sold at tlio Xiowost Pricoa, we do not intend to bo undersold hy any uuu tlive us a call, and judge l- r Yourselves. u!l CIIEAl'Ki: than the CIIKAI'U Tlioy invite the attention ol the Ladies cupctiii lllCir UnhlitiHll lit < ) 1 1end 1tresSCS, HellUi'tV, l The KetiliciiluU will tbcl'tf liud a lull an 1 la vortmenl of >- I V, '? / 7 V * -t", -?-t *> " r-'T r * iiuVJX Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoos, &< Call early, uud Secuie <: J und cheap onod.* < m 99 :iti t Hunk Suspensions! MONEY 3R-A.KTIC |"Mll? Bank* in New Yuik have all su*puiit] L Ul) I the Bank* III this Slate Lite lolloiVed some extent. But don't lie alarmed, Lad.es i eiiileini ii, ne continue to issue tv Goods, Groceries, Hardware, & ureat abundance, to prompt p.iyiuz cu?l<>iin id will 11 ?l refuse to take in exchange for m?I> the N ti. of any Bank iu this State, SI i: N i > i: i > < Mi \ < n ! And il our cuhtoiiiem should wish to slop a orth Carolina or (ieorgia hill* on tin, we n II s le eye and open both h inds to teeeive tliein, i ve tliein lirst-r.ite bargains lor their nmney. WhaW vet the Banks in iv do, Wi will he on It ady to dial out pn nls and ? rvo mir custom i don't be alulae 1 at the small !j-? umuiit; ouey ilwnrs, Thcrt is better litnudlmJ! ling Cotton Rulos tlio "Worl .r.l t n.e* are i rusl i^ out nbuliti.ind >m, an.I titli hum. . to iise. So c >1110011, mid buy vv 111 lleeil. \\ lie U ufiuidf 1> I . I 36 l( B IAN KIT & GOSS NEW HOTEL IN 3 p n r t a 111z> 11 3.* 3 I' ~ " A, r |MI L Subscriber h .? ham I TlfiiR, *4 " mansion llorsi;, o - A-1 'J . >p irtsinburz,f"i'iicrly kipt liv tin r, 1 ..I. U. C. 1'ooLK , ? lo re bo will he o|., ! tiiiii? to *ee and accunimodatu h>? tiieinis , ?*n. Tli i I -iisn .spnt in a 'lnlc of ri p i l bujipl. 1 with ucui nu4 cwiif .'UM? l-'ut;. :< I'tlilui.', ,Vo. Tli.- tjihli- w I l>e sti|>;?Ucil with the h.-st tin1 n t :itV<'|ils. .i.il 1-ft IV n:! i-lit i III w i!i III b< slow 1.1 I lll< V whit III.IV |i.ltr. IlizclllU ln'UMV I Ills I I < it I CMIIIIII'll'ls I'- !l l'l st'icl* 'II' Vl'l's yr"Uiii|s nil' nmpV, an.! siippli .l with luiiii . l' r I ; tli*.* . ' "inruii 1 a.en r?H 'opulnr and Family Modicin M >1.1? in l^islicr it llcinitsli A *1 KITS < 'li rrv l'< < a ah w ii .t(., |'n lit I .,ii ('hul.i^f'^Uf. I'lity I' iv ' i'.i ii Kilier. M I. iln-'s I .v i I'tiis. iii m li ill's r.Iis. - iIKI .11 > Tai > i iiia. M - ' Curl .il. II i'iiji'oii's Vegetable Tiiicture. McAli ' rV A IIimIiii^ O.iiliiicnt, I> i ly'a I' i it 1 l\ti; ? ! >r. V\ i?- ii '.4 lluk.un Will 1"!?? rry. J lit '.4 i .1111 ly M<'i1i<'I"i'4. I! L.tl.n.r# UiTiu.in lliitrni, Ni>v "7 l ILoroscno OI13. 1 N I.H |>:.. Iti t 11 (tin t \m!, ii" ? \:i \ J'lus i< i vit y *a i >?f iil'i'iiiiri' ii ' ' 1 in 114 ill A l 4 ill I 1'iuHnn l"|> I.i?'iip4, iiA'l 'til', miv l.mijn 'III - liijlit ubl.i iiiil ?'\ot'ci|4 ii I iii> \ ili.it "I him "tli r oil nr flu "I I. r< to1 .i vi-r. 1 ?|||,. vrrv gtvnt iilv.nit.iiji i:? iii'\|i|'?ibic, ail I r> in ii?4 I.mj?:?1 ill llm * 'l.irsl M'l'.ttlirr. It i4 al*" the !? >t lul>ric;iliti^ T ii-. i, \v II 4ii i the thi 1 in icliiiii-ry, I'll il'i iiitlv in Ixi'iiiii'ilivo Ii. i I I jilt*, ear Inn lllll I Illljl4. I'll 14 I III 44 ,l| lint JIUtll, lltll mil Ivc tin1 gain ih'cie.oiii'il hv tIi > urn uf impure i Hi- a'l km I4 11I ni.ii'liiii, ry thi* < > I 14 highly r 11 I I, i'. ttie lie -1 llllil .itur i-ver il mMV. 1 lie < M may In* Ihii iihi/ at the A^ciu'? ?li liukniili'aiiil K 1.1I Agent*. I ISIIKll A IIMIN! rsll, ]?ru jgii.ii Not 5 ::: i I5r:?tly lit lit r.u ft f v t. g. vii #, e. vg. tg vj VI. \Klil: -took i'i?t t'? I1.1111I ! ?r - ile In . No* a 37 If 11. IlttK 4V IIEIMiSfl xii xiquxx x u|>ai banuuigM.iry .1. Tajrlur, Win.Taylor,nndothers, minors, l?y llielr in-xt friend. NViu. A. Young, vs. Jiio (|I_ Jlavis, Administrator. ir_ Rill f.ir Partition. uri fy V value of a decretal order, made in this cnsc | I J at Chambers, I will cxpesc tovalf.nl public , outcry,on the premises, on tlie 5tlI I1 |)A Y OF Nh\ i;\ii;t:i: NKXT.the LANDSdescribedia L.ru ii ? bill, fiii-ivtina of TWO TRACTS, represent- ( ? <1 by plats Non. I atnl li, executed by John Kpl<>n, vurveyor, 15lli Sept., 1857, on a credit of one Imlf for two,and the oilier lor four years, with intercut from tlie dav of side, to be* |?aid annually. The lauds bvlun^vil to Sit'pluu Tayltir, deceased, an I lie on Tyger river. Cost* to be paid down Purchasers will bo re<|uired to s.eurc tlie purch.isc money by baud, witli two or moresiirefiea, und pay lor papeia. :o? TliO. O. I'. VKKNON.c. e. a. u. "J1 CottttVi OMve, Oct. I'd, 1857. !l'i 15 if I I.N EQUITY?Sparlauburg. rju 15. Price, et al. vs. Frederick Price, cl al. J5.ll lor Partition of Ileal Lvlnto. IT appearing fioin proof tb.it tlie Defendants, . J esse Price, .Joint Price, Fioderick I'rioe, Til is Turner nnJ w.lo Sillv, .Mailiius Turner, ( and wile Talilhy, Joseph GrilKu, Rachael fJritfin. . 5_ ? Parker Mil l wife Palsy, Rice Richards and wife Nlcey, Wiley .NJcAboo and w.fu LfrucilU, Malivsa \J Fowler, und tlie heirs at-law ol Russell Price, dell censed, (names uuknowu,) and heirs-At-lnw of Anna Alien, deceased, (Dailies unknown,) reside from , , and beyond tlio linutx of this State: It is, oa uioliou . of liowdan, c en. sol. Ordered, That tlicy appear ^ and plead, answer or demur, to complainants' bill, within three mouths Irom the J ite of this rule, or thu saino w .11 be tiit.cn /no ronfrn*u a^aiust them. , TllO. t). P. VratNu.N, c. k. a. u. Conir's. Oilice, Scjt. I I, 1857. jrk Sept "4 ill Sin IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. ? Abncr 15. Smith and others, v?. Wiu. Smith and others. | Rill for Partition of Real Kstate. ive I '' aPP,'-lr'"^ to the satisfaction of I ho Court, that k A Cliarlca Smith, Il.lParJ Smith, Garland Smith, Miiry A. Smith, K zahclh Smith, Ihuily Smith, , Sally Smith, heirs al-L? of Nancy Cat ry, deceased, t oltildicu of Collin* Smith, d and without the limits of tliia State: It i* therefore. on ni.ii uiiol liotio, Llward* ?V Carlisle, Solicitor* ' for complainant*, Ordered, That they apptnr and I,.,I pUad. answer or demur, to the complainants' hill, suit " liiu three ui'llhs loom the publication oi tin* Hid rule, or the s.miu a.II be taken pro conjetao ugaiust them. TII09. O. P. VKKXuX, c. a*, d. Coin's. O.liec, Sept. 2D, lbo7. frii Oct. 1 '32 3iu '%[ I.N EQHTY?Spartanburg. llemy Ho ld, Adm'r , ??. I.uey Chapman, wifo of h w J no. Chapman, aud other*. Petition for IIIlief, Ac. IT appoai in ^ to the i-.it >t,tot.mi of this Court. | tint Lemuel llu'.liu^ton aud Jesse liullineton, ' two of the I fofeti.lmii* hi tins cnae, reside from I . and without the limit* of tin* State: it is, on mo | I ;i- ii ol Sin:, v.ni, .-ml. |>i o I'l l OrJercd, that thuy upi pear an.t pica I, answer or Ji-mur, to this IVtititin, (J J , w I. 11 thiec in >nt!.s trout tti date Iu'IimI, or I he i .aiiic Will ho takcll /';? coltfei*>> agadikt tilt-Ill. 'I'lltH. O. 1'. v I'.HNUN, c k. h. n. ' it Com':i (iilin', Sc|>t. 'J, ls.'?7 Sept. 17 II(a 3iii. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Si* a in vsnruo Uisikict. IN Tin: eol'UT oK ORDINARY. M ill . a 1 o?li r, Applicant, vs. James hua.tr and r others, Defendants. ' " \ ^ lllClti: \S there has been deposited ill tin ill-I \t Or.| nary's Office of said District, a paper i in . pmp'tin^ to In' tin' l..'l Will and lYslniilviil of In.! AN I'lli i\ Y f< ?STi:il, di-c'd., and whereas Ma I at j h .! i I iter, widow, liatli tiled Iter petition in said ill j Oiiice, icijuii iui; the name proved iu due Inn ol j I i and it liaviiia been shown to my Mutifcfitvtinti ' i'. i thai t ie.ihi U.oks ay, a ltd S irah Ins w il'e, the heirs :ie, I of John I?. \klnchU mid Ml zubelli Ins wife, and | M ii ti.t'iihi.,1 and lit.>el In* wile, heirs at law .11- ( the si'il deck! , reside w'lhout the limits of this up- Suie: It therefore ordered, that they be and appear in the Court of Ordinary, lor said 1 district, , Its toll' III id at Spirt.Illbur^ Court House, oil thc'd'-M ilio ' d.iv o! .I.iniiai \ ii M, to show cause, if any liny can, : Ull- why till -id W :il should llol he provell ill dilafoi'lli | il law, ol then' coliseut to the same will bo entered ,.ii record. t iveil under my hand and seal, this l'Jth day ol ! " Oulubcr, 1857. 1 OS : ,1 N 11. K \KI.K lluMAU, o. ?. n. I Oct S3 35 3m . I SPARTANBURG -CANDY MANUFACTORY. | ' |\IL 111 i-l I _;ii -i a II! I I'espi etfully inform till ' 1 1... lie- and C. iilieineii ofSpartaiitiui ' a >J vi ' f 'I'v. 'I It h- ? II ...V pi .-pared to MANUFAC; 1UREFRENCH and AMERICAN CANI DIES "I ah ifcsi i I' ons, wInch ho will ihspi sc ol, j whoi -- de or retail, eln-api r than the chenpest, I Hi- ii -a keeps r i iistiind, on h viiil it line .- ssart I Mhi.i.it ll.u.... i t... uun i nu . . ? ?? i ru i*, N mN, S.it liin", S i n) >11, Oysters, IxbsWrs, ?Vo., iV o. N. 1" ?!'uh nii tiiii m (.'oii'Wtioiie - ry i >it cm li?' IimiiiJ hi (lie Siintlmru .Stales, at -.i..ill llt>!.< .'ill 1 r. - -It.ibU- ti rill*. I. M11.1,1.11, i'"iifootinnor niirii. *, M'-'l in i, IVrfiiinorica, Paints, Oila, ) .rushes, aiiil l'niicy articles, i|ii, ON TIIK Mm . IIKAMINASI K TF.IM1. NO. 277 KING STREET, ',,1 (Opposite Society Mreel ami Me-rclinnu' Hotel,) L',v ( II t It I. I S TO V, S. C. JOIIN KTNtriCK, W. A. .KitINK, M P- ' 1 Feb. 50 Iv l ul IM.l E STONE! BLUE STONE! _ , I \\ \ \ A. I . I 11 l . I' I S I,a V , 11 -1 re < '* ?> I n ' i 1 " i iv .11,., 'v ..I r.i.r I:ston K- iowi??rtM?ii. I \I.?| I biuro.s, MBDK'IMS, T<>11 AOL ' T.'O AK9, i>cc , ?Ve. Oct. tlu 3'J tf U ' 1 1 1 WATCH AND JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. rpiltt SUBSCRlliKRS (Uteof l'.uili.if.H.lioii N. C.) w?mM | la' respectfully inlerin the Crixcim jTIaiiufnclurc Fine Jowolry, ' ?f every doacription, out ol the very beet rniileiinl. | jiilil unit Silver fever, Anchor, Ix-piue WATCHliS AND JKWKLKY formic. Walelie* repaired .m l void warranted. Price* rewritable ? Ilot CASH. I Our Store it> in new I'.rick K.in^e, on Church i Street, opposite 1'alnieMo limine. , .lune 25 18 it C. IIliCIITI.KU St SDN. NEW DRUG STORK DEAN & G00DGI0N, Corner Main and Church Streets. DKALKKS IN n tt va *, . in; n tt i. vi? s, O II 3DMIO ALS, Varnishos, Oils, Dyo Stuff's, PERFUM S: It V; ISU'b'Jij'-IiU' SUdWu Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instrument 12*A21 J J 'Tim il . >, . r. .art; S2# Puro Winos and Liquors, l oll MKDICINAI. IT 111 03KS; IL'DUASBD, ?j?jAlS3? 'A 3 ALSO BURNING FLUID. l?l,y sVl;iii?' Prescription* uud Pntiily Medicine* 1 >ut up t all hours of tliu day uud iliglil, with ncutiik5 and despatch. DU. W. H. I>K.\N", being a regular I*liy??ician, will practicv hif> Profession, and nitvlid o all calls. April V 7 if A . S. I> O U (r L ASS, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, ttpartmiliiirK V. II., S. U. Will hereafter be found in the KXPULSS ( KK1CK, and w il attend promptly to all businc-** iu- , rusted to Ins care. March o '2 1 y . "WRIGHT & ORR," ATTORNEYS A'l LAW, SPARTANlU'KC, C. II. )t?ricit in Mnj. D-zu's Prick 1$nil.linlT, next lour to llubu j; Kdwards law oflicc, up stairs. .1. I). Wriuiit Spartanburg C. II. J ah. L. Okr \udcr*on C. 11. Jan 3 1850 45 tf ]RTB. ?WISH, TAILOlt, I TAS RE.MOVKD to his new rooms over II Messrs. 1>. I. & L. TWIITV S store, sliere lie will be very happy to see his old friends, ind ready TO SERVE TUEit CHEAP Full CASH . Nov 1 37 tf JAMES T. FLEMING, with SIMONS BROTHERS, Wholesale liroccrs, NO. 1GJ EAST DAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. Feb. 5 50 1y -J* So BE 551?33!S, SL'CCKfceOKS or Ltt J. MolSK, WITH LIQUOKS, no 7 IUTKC STRUCT, CHARLESTON, S. C. TMOM.VS. J. ilolSK. CHAULCS II. MOISK April 16 8 _ ly* Moro Goods for the Pooplo. M'MAKIN &, SMITH are carrying; vu thu MERCANTILE BUSINESS in the town of COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C., In it* various branches. One of the firm?A. U SMI I'll?being pcrmnuvuily located in the place, will at all time* be fuuini ready to wait on customer*. We are nour receiving n varied an J Well selected stock ot SPUING GuQDS, which we will sell low for CASH. CO I' N Til V PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. M'MAKIN' Ac 8M1T1I. CoLi Hiri, X. C.,2Uth March, Ib57. March -i"> 5 tf DISSOLUTION. rpilK firm of .TAS. A. FOWI.KU A CO. has 1 been this d*iy >),n?lvrJ by mutual consent. A!) person* luJebled to usurc earnestly requested to malic iiiimejinte pnyrneut, n? our bu?iin?? must j bo settled forthwith. J AS. A Ku\N I.hill, i lau. 1 45 tf J. W. KKKll COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF | Sarsaparilla, Queen's Deii^ht, &c. | For purifying the blood, and removing; alldi*- , en- s arising Iroin the impurity oi the satur, nlld is especially rccoinniondcd for the cure of lllii'timalibin. Scrofula, Frynipelaii, Ulceration of llie Throat and I.nans, Pains and Swelings of the l'oiio*, Tetter, Pimpht in the face, < >ld Sores, and all Cutaneous hbuptiotis, Neitialgio AiVt-elions, Mtcurial 1 bsensos, And tor nssistiug the uperat on and preventing fat tl eoiwijueuces ol Mercurials in Syphilis. Fur ti c Composition of thin Preparation, uiol the Merluinal Properties of'he t^ueen's 1 >* liulit. l'hy vomits arc relet red to ihe.ith ai.d nth Nis. \ ol. I, i < 1 the "Southeru Journal ol Medicine and i'har- ( inaey." Hie Slillin.'ia Sylvalica, (Queen's Delight,) ib serves lunch more notice than has l?e? n bestowed ; up-iii it. 1: ha- bevii u?ed for the last teu or fitleen \ ear - by several of our must distinguished Physi- | ei.iu-, and 1 believe they* have uever had cuii-e to deny to it a h gh rank among our indigenous modi* . c.ii plants.-?j toi. t^o. .lent. Mnl. ninl I'linr J'reI'.irid i.y licnifick & Skriii^ Chemists and Lfrujj gists, N". ?77 King >iml, < hurleslon, S. C , Sole IV( pill-tors <>l lllP Celebrated M'almrito Wast t*otrtlrr, l'"ur making lickwheat nod .ill kinds of Cukes | IJiscUila aud 1 .tight Ulead. Feb 5 .SO 1 y DK. ( Lorroys IM liOlAHV. nil. .1 AM KS ('IX)PT()N, ? Ih> ban visiled | 8 utli Carolna (or several years, pntelicing Ins li i-? now |>< i mniii ntlv i stabliniicil hiinsvll n III'\ |S\ It.l.i;. AI.AUA.MA. wbcro h* is prepared to treat suoceiofutiy the following dweitse*: A*i'im , li.n AK k id the Throat, lntl.iinin; tion and Knlurgcment ol the Ton* I?, (Jhiudtilar Swelling* about the Nick mid Throat, Scrofula, Scald -1 It-ad, Tumors tliat lr?Kj'uei?lly cunts on the eyel.iU?and .ill other dini-iMos of the Skin. Testimonials ot the highest character ft-'in your Slate w ill be forwarded to any that may wish them. I IVrsoit* writing will ?nclose a 3 cent slnptp to pay I postage on return letter Modieino* forwarded by inicil. in Mich case* as can be treated at home. l>.-e. 33, lSart ly ' <11. tits! (It.tits!! I \ tin a t .1 ) 1' of (It )t>l > ('If t A lis just received j - at MOUt'.AX & MOOUK'H. ! U?jt. b 33 if I * T DAVID w; MOORE MANUFACTURES A#D DEALS IN LEATHER, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COACII. BUGGY, AND WAGON 11A UN KfiS, AC. IIE HAS ALHO RECENTLYOTENLP A CARRIAGE AND BUGGY TOGETHER WITH A BLACKSMITH SHOP. nil Imvinir itccurcJ GOOD AND FAITHFUL \\ ORKMEN. In jii to tlu any wuik in in? line, ill tlie tit *1 * STYLE, AND WITH DISPATCH, < lie t!.it urn liim-clf tlwt In* will Ik- able in cent* [k-tt- willi any iimlnr Itatnbl >lim*>ut in (li?- ?p-f??ii* iry, in any bimicli ul Inn bur.iu?K, ami I e?p?etfaWjr ntieit* tli.- piirmini/e ul ilie public. ? ? i*8|i:irirt|?buri? it M,. f CKS.lt IT Mi I JVC. r|"MlE undersigned lune this ! iy formed a eoX partnership, tor the pur|iuae of c.n tying on tin* BLACKSMITH AND WHEEL-WEIGHT BUSIiHE^, i >11 Enurcns Street, Sooth of I'ahuelto lIoOM. We are ready to inanulacturc Iron Railing, BalLightning Rods, Iron RcJtn-ads, Irou Lampl? st nud A wning Frames, &c. dec. We nrc ulso prepared toaiuiid to Horse Shoeing, I'laiitatiuu liluckunithing, mid general repairing. In short, we arw ready to execute all work intrusted to us w ith dvapatch, and on resonab.c terms. II. II. Dl'RANT, Feb 19 J,2_tf (>. HAMLIN. LARGEST SOUTHERN viativ GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANO FOKTKt ! \\,r.M. KN'AUK CONTINUES the ManufoaH lure mid Silo of GRANI> and SQUARE 1'IANO FoKTliS, under the nsine of WM- KNABES6 CO., At the old stand, Nus. 1,3, 5, nud 7 NORTH EL'TAW street, opposite the Kutnw House, and at the on* Sales Kooin, No. 2l>? Market street, Baltimore, M l. The Subscriber in *t respectfully begs leave to present to the Indies and Gcuilrniru ol the SoutU Ins sincere acknowledgments lor the very liberal patronage they have ao uniformly eaten Jed to bin establishment, and Jcsin s ut the same time to assure them that, stimulated by tbeir constantly increasing patronage during past years, he has spared neither trouble nor expeu?c to perfect, as far as it was possible, the "1'uiuo Forte," so as to iusura % continuance of the custom ol peisons of cultivation ,i#t ,ainM,.nl ? iii addition to tlio commendation of the moot eminent pianists of the country, ho would add,that at every "KairM at which his instruments were on exhibition, they hove uniformly bceti awarded tho highest honors of the oevernl Institutes. living extensively engaged in the Manufacture >f Piano*, mid eiii|>loy itig over ouc hundred of tho most competent juuroi-ynieu, I am prepared to soil, either Wholesale or Retail, on the most accommodating term*. WlioLLSAl.lv HEALERS will therefore find it to their advantage to give mo a call before buy jug elsewhere. All l'ianow built at my factory have full Iron Frames, being no constructed as tosecuregreat additional strength, without affecting die tone, and will therefore stand in any climate. liveiy instrument of my manufacture la guarantee! lor five years, and u hen intruded to fill distant orders, the greatest possible rare is taken to insur* the selection <>f n 1'iano calculated in lone, touch, power nud mechanical tiliadi, to please tho most insi dious. In addition to which, a privilege of exchange is granted nt ruiv time walon six month# I loin the day of sale, sliolild the instrument Uot givw entire sa'isfdetion. June 115 18 6m accommodation stables. _jr #N|?arlaiil)iirs Court House. Pf^A ' I N? A ceo mini.data liis friends und tl?? publtu 1 the under* giiod has supplied himnell with Carriages. Ilich?, lluggics, (s.ith and without, Top*.) and Horses, which lie u ready to let out by the day. or tor looser lime. He has also a Two-1 lorn* Wngou to hire, and ?id make engagements for hauling wood il huge <>r small quantities. Apply at the C'aniatr* Manufacture to Aug i . ly JAM lis A. FoWI.KR. j. milks lee I) KSPKi'TKI- LLY inform* his frirn'* #? rh? 1 public, that he ui pn paled Intake contract* in lIUI'Mi Illll.HINCi uud LARPKXTKRINO n all its branch, a. He hopes by clove attention tw biisiiu *. in inei-'t confident's and patronage. Has n si leliee s oil College llitl, Spartanburg S. C. lib 10 52 ly \y>i. t. hussel7m7dt Ir A \ l\?; resumed the general practice si 1 M liOICIX K. in connection with 1 h-ntistrr respeettudy olVera his services to the eiti ens %A Spartanburg and its vicaity. iMliee iii New Liriek U.-inge, No 2. fsccsnd *4? f\.? V nilivii 1 UiSIIi'UO IK'UM. March St ;? if (O-IMRTXERSIIIP. ' IMIK tiiiilrmsrnod hitrc I hi* Joy formed n CO1 l'ARTNlvl Willi', for the tmrpooo of cow ductiutf lliebwhiwrM IIOUSF. MOVINO, * .. . it I v> i|l connect in .MO I'/-,' ALL KINDS OF Itl ILDINOS AND CHIMNEYS, RAISE ROOFS, iVc ,in tin* niori scuutilic maimer, without injury to the boild'or*. Application can Ik- mnrict? either of the ?iib*?ribcrt hi perron, ??r through Williare CJ. Knj. II C. UllOOKS, Ktb-W 1 tf J. L. FftKXCH CVInmbi.1, S. C.. Feb. ?3. 1857. s -7 t\\ ki:! A< ; i: ^eft| Manufactory, ggSS (1ASVN' RI.Ii HOfi A N bega Imtrr to inform th? J eitiaene of Spiu titnhurj;, and the public generally. tli it lie Mill emit much the Carriage Manufacturing BtulncM, at hi. fcliopr, on Rutherford, near C? liege atreot, w in re he i. |irc|vart-d to execute pro pily, eery cheaply, And tit workmanlike manner, ?n work thai may brinuwilnl to liitw. Strict nuentnm prwd to the manufacture of new ! a ink, and cure ukeu in repairing old. I A tit 0 24 jy CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. TUlt Siib*ciil>er has rMabi'klw-d a net* CAR- J UlAiiK M\N! FA< IX)RT in Sparma- M ??ii cr, South a'Je of Main atrcet, bch?\v the Court ll?ii*, dt?e h* in prepared M e?