The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, December 10, 1857, Image 4

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* *mtn _ Sl)c Sparta it. sf, "\J THURSDAY, IIECEWBKR 10,1857. J The Legislature. V A ((rent many bills have been passed in tin- ^ House or Senate, but at they tcquiro the concurrent notion of both Houses before they can become laws, we do not deem it necessary to notice litem until ^ tbey roach a further stage in legislation. * CALHOUN l;thr,\ky society. Wo lenrn that the nbovc society has invited Iter. Jaa. A. Duncan, of Virginia, to del *cr an address before them, at the College Chapel, oil the evening of the loth instant,at half p int seven o'clock, which the public are respectfully invited to attend. sins. int. ntoss. ' . , This giltcd lady, whose lett. rs from Kurnpo at- 1 tree ted such attention from the readng ^ |)Oblie during the past year, is, wo learn, about to p assume a position in the Spatiutiburg Female Col- j l> lege. If the real character approximates the ideal, I 11 Intellectual and social, developed by her writid^m. j j, the Institution will he lortunate?and si 11 nore the I young liiJica submitted to licr training. ? RUSSELL'S MAGAZINE. c Tbit pleasant inoiillily li:ia been laid on our table by Mr. Archer, ol whom copies can be obtained. *' It maintain* the samo liuislied nppearaueu wliicli ! tnurked ila tir*t issues, and lias been steadily ill- " creasing in the excellence of its articles. 'I lie editors aroin to Iwvo iiilnplcl "/i/rr/Aiw'' as their w motto, nn<l nrc following it in practice. They hare ei low n fair field for attracting it valuable corps ot writers, owing to the unfortunate suspension of the ! . I Ci ^Bouthcin Quarterly. They have another ndvnti lage in the times. Tlie relluxof political seiitimenl n is in cur favor?and Northern doctrines and c'vili nation are in odious contrast w ith our own. This t| opcn? up n fnld f?r the temperate use ?.f Southern , \* pen*, and a propitious epoch for founding a pure n literature. Ilchittg upon the aptness ol the ed- u ilora to seize every eoignc of vantage, we coin J n mend Uusscll to a lil>? ral patronage by our people, 1 ei as both wise and patriotic. tl MISS I'll ERE PAINE. Wr learn with sincere rcgri t that, important hu- j p, a'ness req iiing tho attention of Miss Paine, she i 01 will lay aside the dutkn of her profession in the j9 Spartanburg Female College for the ensuing year, n The past year has been one of deep nfllictiou and | bereavement to Mis* 1 aim-, and ilns community ni Idle deeply aympnthiaed with lur; but she has gone . '' .... , ' nl t>n to (he close<>r the year witli lite* duties of her pro* j ^ torsional chair, without asking u day's rest for tbc 0| indulgence ol her grief, llcr ent ity nud enthusiastic drvot'oii to the interests of educati?-.n liave p] been felt mill appreciated in every part of our ai Union. Her power of ((wakening and developing r, mind, directing its moral |?ower, tunning habits of y, thought and action, are unrivalled. Her pupils, t, tilling high |tosi(iona in social life,as wives, mothers tl and lenchcts, are scattered from Maine to (.'alitor, in ttia, and in heart and vnico "rise up and call her n Uesfcd." Years ago Miss l'aine established and built up the "Spartanburg Ki male Seminary," and there is scarce u family in this community but feels jv she has brought a blessing to it, in the person of an nl educated wife, daughter or mother. May the good CI she has dune, and is continually doing in the cause (| of education and religion, be returned to her a thou- ni and fold. tl We trust that neither private business, nor her j? recent afllelion, will long detain her (tom the du- u. ties of her mission. The children of her intelleelu- jtl nl daughters arc yet to be educated, and require (| . ' the teachings of her vigorous mind and heart en- ? richcd by Constant study and long experience. |i; THE FAHMEK*A.\U PLANTER. We have the December number of the Farmer |. and n.inter?being tha close of the 8ih' volume. " . Ol Mr. Seaborn, in this issue, nnnouneis his readiness to sell the establishment, chietly in eonsi-quence of j _ the death of his publisher; but the work is not to be j abandoned if not sold. The Farmer and I'lanter is 1 ^ lh? organ of the State Agricultural Society,and the j only ngricuhural paper in the State. We think the w sale improbable, because few men will give to such ^ publication the patient attention bestowed by the n present proprietor,'and no man call conduct it more < economically or practically?and it is by no menus I j n inon'ey*making enterprise. We cordially second the appeal in the fi Mowing paragraph: j "III conclusion, wr rigat/i n/'/ieul to the friends find ivItl'ailiK iif ttw* KiiiliSiP in..! I'li.iilor I., kiivf'iin ^ their paper, by not only eniiiinuiiig their Mib-erip- ; tiotrf, hut by Mending up nt least eve in w *uh?eriber, I :'1 which would not only tit ally encourage us to hold M' on, hut other* to take bold." Pendleton, S. G.,Geo. Seaborn: Terms?$ I, in j advance. j vv Tii* Wrath** ami IIooh.?Oi. Monday the j j' thermometer marked 91 degree* in the t-un. Since w then we have had di'oxly ard *<>fi weather up to ft tl o'clock, p. in., on Tuesday, w hen lightning and '' thunder and rain enme with summer m verity?the . j thermometer out ol door* Maiding at in Sueli weather operate* adveisn H upon hog*, any m <amk> ..f ulu.l. ..... .....I i .... i ....... w 1 layer* cannot Will, and therefore I <>li| < !l', hoping | for belter rub*. As Ilia miukets IhIihv arc pretty , '' * well stocked Irum tli'm and tlie Augusta rout< s, and plenty mora drove# :uo on tlic way, drovt is mils' ' (all below 7 i Cents. FltinTuTsAS. h A meeting vu lie! J at lyiw r? nee on the 111 b nil || opposed to tlie late coli*t'rtut iuii il c*o|iv? nlion, at . which resolutions were adopted dcclarug the l'.hi Mitn'ioii a fraud, and pledging ricstnin e by tin- lice Stale (i:nty to it and tlie i flirrin In la- elected under cl it. They oW demand that tlie (Jnvet nor .-ball eon- H veitc. tt s|?eviHl session u( I lie Legislature, or llngu* j flov. ll'ili.iuMi will do no Walker is in Washington. Perhaps Stanton is acting in his a'senco, J'' though lie had resigned Ins oilier of ScCI'cnry o| : t' tlie Territory to take tin' place of Indian ( onuiiis- ' aioiter. It is said lie lias sent on to withdraw his jevaluation, and liscly for the purpose or Complying Willi these demands. -#.? > of From \Vnxhin?loii. ,lt The I temocralio tnomlx rs in Washington on the j. ifd were to liavo an informal meeting, and Kansas was among the subjects on winch opinions were to he licivil^id, Put l/Mta douhl remains now but that the neiien of tlie Kansas Convention w ill he accepted Ivy Con crew, in view of the laets that it ivill be sustained bv all tliii force of tim Administration, that ' the Democratic pusses of tin- North arc eliunging ' front and Coming to the support of the President, !*" inn] that nearly nil the I h-rms r itic members of the " Itew G ingress already arrivt d hero arc ascertained to hate no sympathy in Mr. Wuiker's view na to "j the policy lie is industriously recommending to he ' piir-m d on the matter of tin-Slate Cons itut'.on of C<J Kansas, 'jlie indications arc decidedly favorable lor a tr'.umi b of the Administration and ol the 1 Jell He r.H*y of the country. *' Dl^cnttiu Nomination*.?'W'asiiixotov, Do- I" ecintser i.?'l'hv 1 Kan^.iatie (J'inena liavo uomiiia- w ted: For .Speaker?Hon. >1. L. Orr, of .South CuroVna. For Clerk?Mr. Alien, ol Illinois. Fur Ser T peatit-:?i-Arms?Mr. (Jl.wbetiner, of I'ennsi Iratiia. 'j< i Doorkeeper?Mr. I luekney,of Virghti.i. Ft wt s The .niuual eatnloo Ur of ^ ale Collage fur 1S.17-8 to allows a list of 12.1 Freshmen. 117 Hophomorva, J il b? I, an I 10? fctcniur* total 417 students, is ill ill* Theologies I rtepmrtirr-nt there nru 2?; Ill (lit) j el lav department 31 j Medical '-'J, Ails Z0\ grand I hi teUri iho. ' in - - .* * ' * * . * c THE NEW SENATU&. It is known to many of our r?hdort that thcLrg? stature, on the third ballot, made choice of Ex Qov. fa lames II. I Innimoiid to succeed Judge ItwlU-r in tci he I'nitcd .Stales Senate. Our noiieo of the tit it bh lot) second tstliiitlings, in the Spartan of lust week, tif vaa written in experlatioii of this result; therefore pr ve nre not taken liy surprise. During the first an lays of the session the frieiitla of Col. Chvsnut were wi on I'm lent of his strength, ami looked forward with cei crtainty to hiseleotion; but at that time it' was not rei mown that (lor. I lamiiioml wouh! accept, even if Sli leeled. Iinpiry let! to nssuranees that he would, su; iu) this tact stripped Col. Chesuut?the favorite of hit lie State Kightn party?of much of his strength, in nil finally let) to his withilrnwnl. inj The Charleston Mercury, in a moment ofeuihu- to iasin, hailed his election as a ti iuinph to its side in prt oliiies, mid the result of caucus nomination, follow- hit 1 by correction of the latter shortly after?(per- tin aps remembering too la to its opposition to such N" orrtipt tipplianees of party.) It said: let! "lie*. Hammond w:,s selected in a caueusof the to date High!* pai I v as their candidate. He wiut sup- |(n orletl as such, electeil as such, and we have the rmest ft,th that lie will maintain the old-time doc- m' l im s of the Slate K gills school. lie ? ed, as one 'nv I lie- voting leatlels ill the contest ol )Sil'2,it w-Oilld for e haitl, wnh his clear mind nml strong convictions, r him lo he oilier ih ill a champion ol the rights 1 lie- States, and the strict construction ol the CoU- tMI lilutinii t?l the I 'ailed Slates." ox The Colunihia em respondent of the Charhstuli '"s Join ier, of the tiTili nil., present on the ground, din lid we think a member ol the House, seems to benr II' nt the Mercury's tirst idea that detpixrd caucn* laehit'cry was useil. lie says: sin "The seeolid hallot einili * oil' to dav. and from en u I.nil 11 t:i IK I- II v I inn", I Hill 1111*1 licit t" 11IIIIK 11 lilt ho ill In* I'lirli il, Vim can fiiriu in> idea ol tin* ex* tf mint In ri* ll|Mitl til h ?|in>tnili. Tin* lrn ii'1." ul ' ii*li candidate lire bringing nil the iiutii<lc |in tiiirr !1" iihniIili* t i bear ii|mhi tin* election. Caucus a'ter ?ni itic*lis has In i'ii In Ill, nnd wtiili- I w rite a caucus in nn I inir <*:illt il, Ini the purpose ul circling Mr. Hum* lOllii." We tliinU IImt settle* tho question tlmt il was I y ii' i iiIitvi nti'ill n( :i caucus that tJ.iv. I lainiiioiul V'1 as elected. Hut there must liuvc li**en something lore. There seems to hare boeii nrraiigemcut or ndcrstnnling, by wlii. Ii tho friend* of (Jid. Chen- W4 tit wire appeased and induced In waive his almost U" i'l.'iiii election. \\ hilt was that understanding? Is C< ' ic in ,\t (iiibcrnntoriul term tho bonus? or w;ui it ic success >n?liip to .ludge limns, who, it is said, ill not hea candidate for rc-eleclion. Theoofrci- "U undent of the Charleston A'etrs throws some light ' ''' II the subject to those who do not helicvo tlia Leg- ' future too moral to control elections in this manAt er: ''Cliesnut would have been elected, hot for the |rn ringing out ol I laminond; nnd his withdrawal on ''si 10 third ballot will give him inucli strength here- nei ft. r. It conciliated llammona's It-tends, nnd as n!i| is side ol the Slate has the ciaim for the iivil or liter Senator, he irill he very prominent." >. 'J he nhove (acta demonstrate that caucuti np- ,m liances were used in the late Senatorial election, 0>< u l tlmt th" mnst arniltihlc man was chosen?thus (iff atizng the ilillt-rence bit ween "rnv bull goring our i?x, and your bull goring my ox"'?and pmbuly it was in view of the moral then in involved thai j. ic Mercury showed such precipitancy in correct- |(lr ig its dictum that tho new Senator was .lie caucus < h. umincc of its party. lo Hut what are his political sentiments? becomes ii iiii|H>rtnni inquiry. In lie State* flight*?or on a moderate conventionistf We know that lie was j|( ii Anti-Hank man ? ami r.a mioIi opposed to the (|)< ihal which controlled that institution. We know nil he went to '! ? first Nashville Convention? cj( nd refu?e<l to trade furtii. * in socli n mart. Who- on icr this resulted Irom n conviction that nothing radical could result from it (as nothing ever did) c can only conjecture} for ho has vouchsafed no 1|S| idex to his views on that point. In the midst of ic wide field of speculation nfTordcd hv his sih nee tfn| e think this very probable?for (lov. Hammond is never shown much respect for ntoru paper re- j,,j, lives and empty volubility. in (lie uncertainty as to his sentiments, the State if*hts parly (so-called) are making warm ndvnn- jy s to draw him to their side on tlio score of grati- p,r ide. Ho was supported on faith?his election C;,| as duo to Itii* giant intellect, which they npprccinal?he was one of the uullificrs of 183., and there- j.*., re must l?o a (ire-eater in 1857?in short, from |,;s ore gratitude for dragging him into a position for wii liieh he admits himself unqualified and avows revision, Iim is importuned to identify himself with MU. party with which lie has not acted for twenty vv.| L-ars. Perhaps they may be successful?and per- n(y ips niit. Utrad the following frorn Columbia corispondcut of the Unionville dournnl, (a member ot ic House of Ueprcseutatives,) and calculate the >ursc of our new Senator: "(iov. Hammond declared Mime two mouths ago tl, tat lie did not want the post?that be was not lalilicd t<> liil it, and declined the honor, bee.u-c would have to commence his political life anew 3d -a task too arduous ninl perilous to undertake at | C.V is time of life, lie had a reputation to, l-.ieh unit more easy than losn-liiiii himself undei ie cireuiiMtiuiee*. He wns opposed by both the ' *'* iends and enemies of Col, Pickens. SSece-siuliiM* | cd 110 WillllM ni'l Villi' Ml I IChl'IIS nil U"?t >11111 Hi Willi! ley ii-riii tiin nationalism, wm- nbu as lio?tile to i (jn, v. I liiiinnotid on account of his courts in tin IV* nl IHVIHkioll TllfJ' |||'||| Hill lufJJIllll'n Ills ' ' liinilontnvnt of the party, with killer un-i profane in npri v.'iiiniiK, ninl throats that if I lit- Stnte vvnulil j,,,, code, Ac won|i| remove In (ieoigm, a State that t mild remain in the I'liioli." If wo have animadverted u|n>ii the incidents of j! 111 election with freedom, it is not because of ch;.ri 11 lit the result. Wo have never avowed a pinri-iiee lor iiny man for Si natnr, although our perms! feeling* inclined lis warmly to ex-line. duns. \\ are willing In trust the right* and j imr of the Sla'otoany Carolinian?conic lie from ) ie rank* of either of the p irii>'H into which it is in ' ^ led the State is divided. No man who lias i.-iili d onr atmosphere can go to Waalcnglcit, I nl in repreia illative trust-,ninl listen to the uspi r- ' ' ' i.n? efii.1 in. .o llio Kiuilli ii-illi.oit 1. ..l.i. . i*l,..*. ? lolt-r'" ill llie denials of i ighi* and taunts and nc< ers of l.Iack Krptiblicaiiism. We are coiili 11', icrcfurc. vviili llit- now Sen.Hoc, and only In a>. ... ? , 1,11 ml his Infill rofiulMlinii in iy expand into < tic of cater brilliancy and of national renown. Jit i in I or Hammond lias indicated lux acceptance .... i , cai the position, but cannot arrange Ins private at rs so as to take Ins scat i1 ior to the middle ol 1 CXI inuary. | ^ Wbstkrn TIoO Tkahk.? At l>>ni*ville, l\y.. | I ? to Sainrday evening, about lll,OIH? bogs ell slanglil< red tins season. I'rivc;? were tioini- I il at $'? jM-rewt. net. At ('titciiiuati on Saturday ' *" e inni ki t was dull at a decline, and closed nor? i j illy at $3. At Ru*>i IIvilli-. Ivy., 1. ?t \vc? k. small } t \ les were made at !>l, but generally In Id higher c ,t r farmers. Ai New Albany, lnd.. .j*? net on time, an ottered, ami at Chicago sales weie made at & I J I 15 gloss. Wo I earn from the ' alley Times r'" at the log cholera is spnading rapidly in the ' tunics ol i/<gaii, CJreen ami Owen, I ml. ,|0I r.MTFO BtATF.S TrKASWHV KkTIXI STK*.? It is bill ated thai the treasury estimates ot impropriation " r the te xt t'ls 'al year have been made up, and di Ha to every effort to reduce ll.eni, the total amount j wo timnlcd is about seventy millions. The estimate di i r I lie War Depailment alone is twenty and a by mrter millions ? - in j, largely increased by the nil* the . iprition of the Mormon war. The total nival en- the nates, including the special service arid the eon- ' ruction of ilio new .itcaiii sb-opn of si", amounts <>l I fourteen millions. Th The surplus in the Ticitvury of the 1'idled Rlalenow only a (taction over seven million*, and the irri til rale of reduction will exhaust the surplus ,,n t ttie l?i ol Kebrnsry. A lo.ui will piobably be ,ac adc by ColigrcM. < * -i 4> ' * ' " v . vm w TUB BAKES?USURY LAWS. p Theee twp subject* occupy much attcution in the U giatatorc. As to the first, we hope that body will th rmioatu all bank ch.irtcrs as speedily na possi- ui , except the Hank of the State, or extend the d? jht of isstiv exclusively to the latter, limiting the cr Ivilcg< a of tire private batiks to dlscouut, exchange, co d deposit. We question whvtlier the Legislature tli It do more at this session than remit the five per ah nt. forfeiture for suspension and lix a period for ec luinptioii? in other words, legalise suspension. ba iould the latter be done, we reiterate our former sh Ingestion, that tin injunction issue from the Lcgis- is Uf<, rcstruliiitig sheriff* front levy nud sale with, th the same period. There ia no justice in allowt the banka to take advantage ol their own wrong, fatten their already bloated carcases upon the dei-eiutcd pTop rly of unfortunate debton. Thia ,n ter class, however, have few friends to plead for m, and no motion for their relief has been made. l" t so the bunks While their misdeed# lmve ineri- ' In forfeiture of charter, it is not only pioposcd relievj thvm front the penalty of the act of 1640 d extend the period of suspension six to twelve nths, bal n? further relief, to repeal the usury rs, to give them r?i fe blunrhe in their struggle "" profits. Under their present privileges?or their use, without lestru nt by thu Legislature?they a not only issue bills as 7 to 1 ol specie, but they "j ? the bulk of their capital out of the Slate, in buy- ^ ' r up the immature note* ol nicrchauls at large count, and press homo creditors for collection. ' lis is called domestic exchange! dudge O'Nciill is not a whit too severe in calling the b.-nks ivins *Imi|?. They merit the term, and the exc- ** illitn due to low mid mean money-getting. We have scanned the argtinn nts in furor of a real of the laws against usarv, and most coufos to unsatisfied judgment as to "their cogency. It i? "J1 d that the moral question is explode!?that ' ' incy is merchandise?and that a relaxation olthc trninU against u?ury would withdraw invest- " ruts from stocks, and bo used by ownois in pri- w to loans. To the first we answer, that the law Moses?which was the law of God?interdicted j 2 exaction of interest, and the pain* of ?. Utility , re denounced rgaiuat the usurer. That law is repeoled?nnd the cxccutiou of the sentence is as 111 i tain now us five thousand years ago. The morals financici ing are exemplified in ii hardy braving * this iwnalty. The present financial condition of . ' r land is aluioet f-irctold by Isaiah: "as with the 1 ter of usury, so with the giver of usury to him? j io mm fkiiaii i>c uucny rrnjn i-.i ami uueriy ?iled: (>>r the Lord liuth spoken the word." I '' id notwithstanding a falsemorality may deny tliat iding in money is usury, ami attempt to purge j '* vlf of the charge, and say apologetically ,ll liflvo ' illier lent on u?urv, nor men linve lent to me on . . IS ury," yet in bitterness ?.>f spirit tnoy will yet con*, "every one of them doth curtc mo." Men , ^ n>t ignore the moral qutstiou ere they tike usury, : n when legalred by human enactments. Is money merchandise? Hbekstone, whose pro- j nlity stands unrivalled, if not uunpproitcltcd, ns an inentary law writer, says: "Commutation of goods is cxehnnue. Transring goods for money is a ale. Money is there's n medium of fixed value, which ?n;iy be ex- p? inged for nil sort* of nrticb s. If g<?*l? were only ye bo exchanged for i?"<?l*, by way of barter, it | iuld be difficult to adjust values, nud transports- i 'K n would l?o cumbersome." Money, therefore, in legal definition, i? not hitondise, nor can the calling it so make it so, any ir< than calling a sheep's tail a leg can make it nt:c. ^ jney ha* a fixed value, to which all things mtr- w autablemust conform. It m*y he more useful at ^ c time than at other*, but this docs not nfUct its ',k siiive value ?it only shows the necessities of men. Hut the third argument: That a relaxation of the ' jry laws will withdraw investments from banks, 'J d leave money in the humls of capitalists for prl- c< te loans. The Comptroller General has shew n ' it thy Hank of Hamburg, for the s?x monthsend- ? t 30th September, could have declared a diri- f': nd at tbo rate of GIJ per cent, per annum! ?f rhaps tio other batik in the State has been equal- I" fortunate in making so large profits, llut sup- of ing Hint end) made half Hint, would any | t >itali?t, seeking profitable investment, withdraw j ly funds from such valuable stock? Wo think not. | bt r no private* capitalist eould possibly so manage ( c' money as to roaliteovcr 30 per cent, per annum 1 '1' ih Certainty, year after year. And this, at least to | r, dispose* ?,f the argument founded upon this "> >|HM.'.tioii. We tru*t, therclotc, that the State- j ,v> II not yield to the importunity of captal to throw- 1' the* restraints upon it. Til^ IIA.AK OF Till; STATU. In the report of the-President ol tin- Hank of the ' itc to the Legislature we- find a number of ill ' *( esting facb*: 1'lie profits of the fi?e-nl year ending Sept-inher . I8.'?7, were ^VTli.T'J l .'y, out of W li ,-h f IS,. ' 30 were applied to paying interest to the- I. I'll bond-holders; 10,331 .'.IU to holders of donu m c I' per cent, fire loan bonds; and j-181 pn.>to the credit of the sinking fund, jM.GOGUG 1I|J the- plliilic debt has been redeemed in the- same ic. In addition to the above charg.s on the nk, she advanced at d (T rent times .v_,Si'>,.VJn s'.i iik* vjii11*11iit'l iiiv iir?v ouiic v tji r?i - IXiinilUl s I ' ln-ii<-i( front the sales of State bonds t) the ex ' , . . j tli Hot $217,37U.f?7. (waving the 'i.iiik in advance ( tlie work, on the l.'itli Xovembi r, 3.193,7ti'J 37. j (( iilt'l' tlie net ol 18.70 tin re lemain |n lie issln d nli tn tlie amount o| $GI,735.tiO. 1 tulor tlie! j. of 1$:>$ there remain to be issued bond* ngere ling $1111,00(1, winch the President recommends ill lie converted into Moek.u* more available f t i ol {<.notion. No provision having bc< u made by Slate to |iay tlie interest oil I lie Slate lint).Is ol ^ li lie ItiiL'i' I'a.lioa I, tlie ilalik made Advances , 1 i. III. I tlial demand, winch, added to the Mini re an rted Inst year, reaches .4 |."?,slit, Tlie If ink asks >1 smite provision tie made to reiinliui'u ^ . Allocs, as lite Slate is now indebted to it, on all : -omits, iii tlie sum of $h>7,000. Attention i* also i ^ led to tlie fact tliat an instalment ol' SdtlO.OOK on , In lire loan bonds iii I .ui one \v i.l be dueoti tlie l?t ee ly m xt, for which provision sliould be made. 1 roill t! K'se disblll M-ments ol tlie Haul, tile people i easily sec tlie advantage* of tin- inatiiiition, ninl iv largely flit ir taxis would be increased were its bv si. nee letmintited. Il is emphatically their bank. : lot 1 sliould be sustain, d. d. In tli" rubra .jiient p.ii lion of tbe report tlie Pre cut enter* iijmi i an explanation ol tlie e.nises ol \ pension ol specie pay iii. ins by tlie Itaiik, nti.l y justifies the wisdom of tbo nu asure both from "" sting circumstances and resultant effects. We inol better express comniendatioii of tins movent than by using the following language ol a c?rpondeiit of the Clint lesion News: 'The panic which existed for a few days, and the ; ' utiiiil made upon tlie to redeem her bills ' min. Was uncalled for. I la I tlie holders of tin tm a r? fleeted lor it the State hel'sell .,|, v responsible and ? ou'.l ri deem the bills of lb. ^ j iik, even in case ol lailnre, all apprehension old linve been immediately allayed, and coidi j ice at once restored, t 'oiilidi-nce, il is thought j op "sharp sighted" folks, is t! coin upon which ' m, lion ?M?|iOlided lllliks aro permitted to redeem |( ir hills in speeie al llieir counters. 'It was a foilunate event f.>r tlie.rn that tlie 11 ink c" Ilit-State mid four others in the city suspended. '1 cy hive sustained their credit upon "rurrrnl nits'' of the suspended I l ink*. ''I los was an admirable financial s< heme, and hi ry tlie In a I that oiiguiMlcd it, l"i lis slirv vdiic**, j?. t and financialstraiujcni." ( .m )ii a suivey of llio operations ol the Il.iuk tor lliu 1 Mi * * * ' -A. j? ?? ytwr A favorable judgment must be pronounced, baa kept down the taxes, advanced large loan* to o State ju the absence of appropriation*, boeu luent with its planter and other crcJitors to ilauwn rtrinient, mutinied the foreign debt, and though impelled to suspend tho payment of sj?vt:ic ut Its uuU-rs, claims to have sustained to sonic extent e price of our great stuplca. Of this institution one can it be antd, that it honestly and faithfully ideavoreti to aid the people in their financial ?inirrnssments, nnd therefore the public approbation lould tnko it out of the general execration which so righteously prouounoed against other bauki in o State. - SYSTEM OF "REGISTRATION, The Registrar of Hirthv, Deaths, and Marriages South Carolina?R. \V. (Jibbcs, jr., M. 1).? is sent ns a copy of his report to tho Legislature id .T tho amended net of I83fi. The returns are no means exact, though to some extent satinliery, ns showing their iin|K?rtance, and In-raking >\vn the prejudice of tax-payers to answering the rjuirirs made, aud overcoming the inattention <>f e'Tax Collectors in their prosecution. Further iiendment is tneessary to the pel lection of tho stent, and the subject in commended to the Legal uro. It is only by perseverance that measures th s character can he succonfully established, lie advantages are not apparent to the public hid. Many pel sunn?indeed the vast majority? nnot see what good can result troin the culler ii <>l sueli a tn.dy of dry statistics. '1 hey me not, rliaps, of e<jual ndvanlngc to nil men. l?ut to ienco they have a peeulinr value. !n l'nglaud id many the Stales of our L'nion vital statistics e collected ? ill ismsiderubic care and diligence, cause oil bucIi daia are bnvd the rat'-n of tile asranee-?and llie more nceurste llio knowledge, e more |>oifcet Iweotnc the calculations of preiuina. It in highly satisfactory to know the ra> of billis to deaths?both in the negro and bite race; also, what diseases are incident to par ulnr localities?at what periods ol life deaths arc ont frnpn nt? and tho mouth* of the vonr most , tal to Idi?all such fact* nre evolved by this ry? j m, and we hope the Legislature will jn-rssvero i itil perfection is attained in the ii turns. The report of thp Registrar has been prepared th considerable labor, uud forms a pamphlet of jhty-five pages. According to tho returns to the Registrar, the itnltvr uf births of whites and free negroes is I,II; of slaves 1 d,41111?-In ng, for ti e former, 1 in 01; in tho kilter 1 in -C.f>3. It is not a I tile singular at tlio great of I number of births occurred in .Sepmbcr and 1 )rccmb< r, and llic fewest in January id Septonilwr. 1 tenths?wlrtcsnnd free negroes I S3; slaves 7fG"-7?pmpprt'nn of the former 1 in 19.32; in the latter 1 in 5i.7f>?in both 1 in G^.10* lie white marriages returned are only 1,013?or in 171 17, which i? far below the actual number, any marriages in this State arc solemn :scd by agist rates, oud the legislature should m ike it ligntorjr upon these ciflicers to keep n record of cm. This is now done hut rarely, and therefore e moral aspect of our society in misrepresented. Of the tlralh* at known ager, there were ?.M Vh r cent, under 1 year, and 23.02 from I to .rt are; making the enormous |?ri)porlion i f -17 1 r cent., or nearly half the mortnhiy under 3 years. Tlie order of mortality, beginnin* with tho ni -t lal mouth.m as follows; August,Seplemln r, July, etobe^. June, December, Novcpibcr, March, May, pril, February and January. This coire::|x> ith the result of the Kentucky returns, embracing j 1,H31 th-nlbs, which occurred in four years. In re ] tire morality, pnurutonia i? highest on the list id 1 sense*. giving 11.13 per cent, of the deaths from ] nown cnnsi*; then conic dropsy, 0.28 per cent ; ] phoid fever, 5 j p< r cent.; old age, 4 71 per j lit.; whooping cough, 4.-14 per cent.;eonsumptieti, ] 83 per cent.; worms, 3.47 per cent., etc., etc. I: ' regretted that greater care was not observed in ? returns oi 1 ,?> p--r cent. nnJcr the v.i^ue turn "bowel diseases,'' which no <loul>t ncurly a)! bongo! to <'yscnfcry ami diarrho-n. In.h p< ml. n'ly that number, the two hut mentioned >1 - i-> wo 4.00 j>< r cent., anil it 47 |W c ut., respectveII.sJ the Titx Collector*"and individual citi/en* en more particular in tpi c.i\ ng the c um i f .1 < i?e, dysentery woulJ probably have stood ?h u: irJ in fatal ty. The all-tract of the TT-gistrar shows the fol! mg curious tacts as to the a/ < <>l mnrimge in the 0 bcXOs. 1 tiller HO? mill--s 91; females 00.*!. mm 20 to -i ? male* 7 10; fem . . ? .ajil. From i lu TiO?males 3*9; femai - I." '.. 1 rum !>< to I ' III lie- 22.",. fem .'.e- 91. I-'lolll l.r to f?"> -111..I' ; females 57. 1*feW oO to G'l ? in ie > lit; fenial s From 00 to 70?males 10, f.-male- ii< n . I -tii I nti.l over-- mnh* I; (cin i -1. Fnhii...en a/. mules SI; fi-iiial.s 101. Total h-ithh The uni 1 llgctl cf the II ak'b i- Veai??( .lla'.. ,r?os i t i n 1. W e have devoted 90 much nttcntion ! ti:i- rea t mainly to iitlmct the attent n of our people to i importance, itinl ta t'lilisl li.o warm interest.: ir c.. / lis in furnishing the facts to our Tax C !. tor another y? ir. 1U.TIII.I, \lililLI I.iTk\L MK'ICTY. A tin i l.ii_e held, liy the ej. n llbolth. ln i iliootl,iiii the t>Nh il.iv o( November, l"v~iT,l"r e put pise of oi nan.Ail/an Ajricn'.uial et\, liol.l iU meetings at W'oo.lruir?, in Tj- i t n bai .strict. I 111 III '"tloll of I /'. il. .1 . W . ( V'' e? . .1. >11 e I' . I tl ?j., \ calteii to the chair, ami <?en. .N. Nisb.t i| ties let) to net as Secretary. < hi motion of <?eii. Jam - inun ;i . seven Welti ll|ip lintel by ill eliairui III, el men, 11? mi table person- foi the o '.o< - of l'ia - dent, ice 1'resident, y ami i n ..-ui- i-. ami mi xtcutin Contmjtt*^. The committee, uh rret i ... .-..i.,? .. . .... i .i . . i II. eilOXUIIlo;; .o_ct... ,,.. V..,, . C'tcolt lor I'l iM K li:; li:?~ i .ivivtmi, \ i<m |'r lit; J >r. I). I-. K.l-torc, I .r S- ei 1 uy and 1 ; r; iiinJ 1 li?l. .1 til.ii M. Cro>>'.. .1, u i- I iri w i . i. I. r. I?. 1 . J\ ij". i', Cii|it I. S. A iii ii, I <i si ilmry , <; ii. \. >b ! Illni A. it. \\ .hxi111 -V. i\ uti v?.- colli in; tec, which ttt re nil duly contain <1 ...s lie. I .i of the S cioij". I Ml motion, il una l!r !rcil, l n C.mill ll. C of s X I. |r,.i!- .] llic cli.iimiao, to ilr.ifl ;i coii-tiluiion and Vr.\> r lllo jjovi-rniil. ill I" I lie .Sncnly, to bo si'iiint't-l II Mll.Mljll. lll IllCCling, lU bo colic.1 by till* I'll! hi. ii wtin ''I--. llr.<nlrt I, init tbc Society be culled liic llcth oni-illllll .il Society , h'.^'ilrid I hi Iher, That tin- pre. .1 > . , f tl feting Iiv Jiuhlmfic I in ' ? S; ilnitinl l.\pi.- .. JONAS liUI.W ION, I Ii.* I II) ill. Nit t ? N i.mii i r, SJeoi t n >. 1 or tlic Carolina Spa: tan. The Trunices ol the , 11.11 S.-i n their tininks to I)r. li ansoy, o( List 'Linns f, (or ii copy ol !i > valiiaiilo ami intc resting ll.s y of that State, presented to their Library, . tnl 0 to the I*i. -by ti i tail iioai I of l'ubl cati ni, ! i .* Wot ill (il llle.r publication- , to Ik m . |. .| flolll . 11 catalogue; mill wollhl tl\ III till niseiVes ( I t!. | .ol tu ii ay to ?.iy to tli" 11 11. is ol tl. -e h - s, .1 to the cause <?f g? tll'lal education, 11. .1 tl. \ a ,II tinink ill to receive contribute>ii- l<>r lb - ol . Iter in the way of books or m cash to be c.\p. ndiii tlieir put chase. U II. Ll-iJIi, I'l eselellt ol 11 I, ? 1 In- n Ini. 1.1 it ai on n< oi e iiii/a:'n ni btait e\ illtloli If..111 lie- I'aelli. , '..lllp .st.I o| tl.e I * -11 . i | Illy, I.I CO Opel ate V> all < ell. 11 tl n< y i the ' i>i limns. 1 | STATE AID TO Til IS RAILROAD. In oar lust wo Mated that bills for tiding 01 railroad bud been Introduced into tlie House m Senate. Since then lI?*.'?o"?T?iU hare doubtless been reported ou in bi>th brandies, but wo on Intro inhumation regnrding the House. The co respondent of tlio Unio.ivillo Journal, (a member in a letter to that paper of l'Vi-Iuy kst, gives tl following cheering information: "The bill introduced by Mr. O ad berry, to nlloi niJ in tho OompletOti of the Spartanburg nud I'uk It iilroad, has bi n acted on by tlie committee, in they have recommended its passage, with sligl amendments. Tim bill provides that wheiievi fuihU.UOO of stoek hy individuals shall have bet paid in mid expended by the Company, nud th. twenty miles of tho road lire finished and in un (Ih>iIi of which conditions have already been con plied with,) tlio .Stale witl endorse the Company bonds ai the rule of $o,0t>0 per mile for the tweu miles so finished; and when twenty mil. * nioi (to Union Court 1 lousei is graded ami ready receive the ilea lads, the like stun of per mile is to be endorsed?this to be laid out f? iron, ehrtirs. spikes, dee. Ami in like manner tl bonis nio to he endorsed to tlie end of the ma This bill w ill doublcfsly pass the House, and I b lieve ijuite as certainly the Sen ite, and will secui our road beyond a contingency." The Senate Committee uti l-'inance and ltnnk to whom was referred .Mr. Camion's hill in theSci ate-. re|K?rted a substitute. Th a hill prop's, s that the bonds of theSpnttni burg and I' ui?>n Uaihoad Company be divided in three classes, with conditions annexed to each clat The first class bonds are not to Im* sold under pa nor brought inh> market bclore Ibbt). Afier debate, in which the hill was opposed I Mr. Dudley and llarton. nnd defended bv Mcssi (Janiioii, Mn/.\ck, and I'iilnnr, the bill was orJcit to the House by a vote nf 26 to 7. The bill was read a first time in the lions'? t Saturday, and referred to thu Committee of \Va; and Means. Report of the Spartanhnrs L Union R. 1 Ornci: s. & i'. uam.road, Union, Nov. SI, ltv>7. To lUr IfonnrnUe 1\c Srtmle tinil llon*c vf f!rl re*rr.(iitirr$ nf the SiutruJ South ('uruiiuu. In conformity with nn Act parsed hy your hoi or.ahh' bodv, oil tho 10th day of Dcecmhi r, 1\'? "Autliorming aid t the Spartanburg A- laioil K.i road," 1 herewith snbmit the following report, c hibitiiig its "condition ami prospects:" The grading, eub tri irxsoniy, b'idgc masonr bridging and depots, m e completed over tin wl line, W illi tlie excopt ori of three unfin !icd gradii cum raft-., costing t > finish them about live thou and dollars. The iron rn'H are laid t> the Spirtniihurg Union Uidgc, a distance of mile* from AUto ov< r which our art i uniting daily, ($undn CXCeptlsl.) < >ur out lit eotivivts of: Two first locomotives. OticMiidl locomotive, (<li?nb1o?l.) One *ecetid class insM'iigvr car. Seven In freight car?. 'foil platform cars. Wt Irivr on our road, and on th" fl recti fill'' .11 Columbia K nit 0.1I, a 1-utile cut number of oru ti? * ! > 1 sitfaA our tmek twdrs or fifteen zn it* 1 the ridge towards I'liion ('. II. lu constquMiic ol our present embarrassed Co dition, wo have been unable to proctue irou to I dtnvu beyond our present tiTinuius, Our company has expended in labor nml m it-i ill'*, $894,044 I Toward* which am.unit there line kitn |> 1 <1 in cash, 7^8,71-( Isaviiit; a debt 011 Construction nccsiutil of ?lt.",3j'd Agiiust whicli we have an uncollected fubscrp' iti of fil.dOPf Ix>a*iri(? s'dl due . In const quenee of the subscription not heit available, and the ptoh.ilde low of twenty live thirty tb tii nid dollars in the collection, we toui out*<l*e? mi crcntly eiiibarranstd in 1-Ybruiry la: h> sill's |<tceiot'ftly brought njra iist u? lor mar f? iv thousand dollar*, we were loiced li iiinke confiMiion of ju Ijouait t'i lb (!oU'ltUt.ek, 1.(TiuMcs,) in order to place our ctcduors all on , equally w .;li '.In ' 1 i?u nj tlir coii .'.iiiy, in r s< 1 fore I Mile ttf the property w is ordered to be m.1 lo .1' y tin j'l.l.Mii nt.s \v|i "b wire about to be o t.i in ! .ipa iist 11. m IhrSpiiiig " unit*. The cun't -s tiii w a* made lor an immunt nut cicut lucuur all tin debts duchy the Company. 111 lias a s ;.v of b vy Ulit I the 1st of I ebruary, l> j 1 I'liis s: iv of levy was granted the company to riffo t rue to make a fui lher efljil lor tbo ledellipttun our prop< 11 v. \N e 1 iv. uttemp'eil in vain t i isvue otir hum Although it was known that the amount to be t [ I: tin their stile was t > be expend >1 on 1 roul, mill the property mortgaged lor their scon 1 v an ! 1 edt-iiiplieti, we b.ivt heeti till ible to t them at 1 glity oeuts mi the dollar A fur 1 lie ino-t .iu*.?uh ili libi rntious on the \ i ].>U" ' uis - .ur^? Mv 1 lor nr :i , we boiie in < ur i'm - m: erisi* an I'liilorifineiit of our ben In ili< I .South Cat ul na present* our on |>(< > i t i ' i I. '1 Ii< . a ! . - til ?,! our li ?iul? to the t stent - i,1 v itiabb' tin ? i:u;>any to bu Id l i?> I, |miI on I .hi iiiiiiii(Ml outfit and ihn|#, a ooTinm iiee b'l-iiu-m wiilioiit alb. m; ib-lit. 'I'!- - in of tin; iiin. i-t importance, i nee '* < !l'i.t'.iii? debs* ?li v!i fno*t unban.-vs i 11 iai!i. IV.II. - ill'.-. T. i . u In n ? . 'et? I. vv . I i ?t >!,'.* 0,ill t' ! i'j il l.', all i >' p-.a 1 I'M lit tli >lat< c.i!i .l. ial I. I ill. y I r In r i ll b i -i-lll lit j.">illi,0 of our boiKis. II -j? ' i v 'ubniiMi if, J? ?!l.\ I.. V' 'I'M!, 1 nt'dnit. i;i:ai rn ii. t::. 'lb. ,i_' i. autilul inn! ftpjm j riato tribi t tit il ' >11- 1 w.u ill'. I'd iliCi-.l iuto ill.' 1 lou oi K'-|'i < s. iita;iv. >, r*i>ulh C aro! ua Leijisbi: ui ? , a < .iiiiii ti v, .J wii.eM .) .s. 1) .a . I'op , of ilia it. w i I'iii iii. J' \ iv. r iiu.aiiiii'jijv!)' ;; ! j e.l by If-ill I i ai .lino iluiiu^ the past year the people s .'.illi fai .ain.i )i..V' bum ealli .1 u|hiii to lilnui ii t t llii.. <1 tlio iii..?i iiniuClit ot tin.r pub in i, it i? Ian li' i tli .1 ill's l.-ip.'. .lure slioi ?\; >- - own I I'bntfu.mid the m-iii* of tin-peo| ;!.< u vii n the piibl.c loliaY. iin iit \\ > win.- . ; I,. pU i ib?I in lis iiiioiiiitoli iv >1. to v -.1 uk. i'. ill' li. .til, i'll? <1 l/lll-li lin.i till I I till . i , 111. 1 in \ of I lam 'l 'tt,|Ik- Commonuft,I li nil,- i'iii'i'.i a i o much of m i i ee worth. They m re nil ..i odrunccd age. Fof a lot t in ' pi v i to ! i .! .tli, I.a. !-ti L'i. i.i I ll'-l . i "III l'b , .iii I I'. i ... illl '.i - l.f ii I iii', \ . is,, ntii i'y i .in i .1 f t! e .-pl.t i ot in i. p..i ? p I'o.itt ill p :a. iifi . i>, i lit i vi li li li v i a. li ! li li - i ri i i lit, tlie ii.;. a: iv o! li ? i 1. ti: .no] ti :-i ui piipai i oils of In* iiiiiKiivi- i let .( ri'. nr 1 tl.< . en,Inl nintiiftry; ami no in iv i ' 'i 11 v i \ 11. t. ill..] ill.*, . ( is ? tlie u U to if i' 11 iiiiii - in what b^I.t the pture is pUMiiti.1 in 111 .-i ainui-iivi i. . in w iifmi l a- the auk'a lt r.r> iiinl tin- iia-. 11 jii !.'-, u an llu* Mali hi in nl rii' ji'?l ami i in i a! van*, ii lui in Ink e: i j? mI . a i"|> umiI t'.io iMu-i' ol tlie KiiRri it 1 ;i - hi mill; in tin' |a 11 a* of 1. ? maul.! i - in i i'- I'uiiii*. i v Iruin ^ tin.-itici .l ilikiivm in ,i!i'. .. tiii ii i..: i i i tin- ail . i< nl tin* Hank ti.i- lii ill r. -; :. i in It - i .lil a :? pi ml iiiiu ii miiji. i i. ii. m 11, tin- v. iuii^h n| ilit* injurt'ii Sml Ml A ii.ilell I cl.i i. < I ur lii it . u ni'i'i -ai y 1.. In.'-, nk. II I'.'" ! ' ill lii> I'li'i tllly 'llMnU4*t I ai|i| u.i.i t. i lam :uy i. nvu to 11 in.-, ivlio luiinr lii ii wlli tin.- I. _ i? -t 1 . - in tin it i? i 11, tu 11'ijiii al l' tin: 'li li nl I. < v itiKi aiwl lit wu.t II ,i in'-mi i ili . ( lu .; c..lill t'U mi tin* ll".il'of I - ii He nl tin I n il i S'.ili all 1 flit- at i lit ili i t on 11 tin iif, in tin- S.iutli, mi l i i t.'icir :n*ui t w I i n-.:..ili' lu- : illitntu'e In iltily an.I I I i llibtl ] 11 a IliaoCe ol lus public tl II.-*.-;* I pi'ii'iil M'.irin ti i I li - In n. vuli nt ii.utiia w.ii kill. r ' '! ''n* all ct.'ill nl tlin- .' w lio I'tijn i il I ( lt -I- ait.I i -to ii in pi ii ate |:ft*. 1 > it w it w i- 111iii ih'ii tllO 1*is? (if ill. hi.' !.-Miam-lll il romp ii , ami iv> ii |in-|i a aa to wreathe a ('Implct 1 I'll I ; I li-, lioiv ll|'|l.lll|a is llio Illicit ^I'lll'li, til .1 mi - 11 ..hi Itiii?tin* li-mli r 11 Miiiicr ilnjn?t ailviiiiiiioiH tiiai ya 'aut kjiiiil?tlio nvaoeiat* (Jalliouii, hii-I MoDuMii', mi.I 1 lay in*, ami Tioinlu ii tin- i lioiv ineiil of lu-nltli aula yet vignro i o,i i a' in ila "lit -by a Ci 'Hi?it ill ell t witim of the Utilf ol Mexico - low |Ane dvWn l I'.alhil-W I. I - to I i-c II.I In 11 c. I a t a curtail) drawn over tlu* iMtrfuwing-ncenc. And Incpnaid r i ii I r ' ..It'Ctlni; d -(?< ii- iti-ii* ??f I'roruli m lh il > i V./ 1 I hat i a tlir- if at li < ) I ,'iilKil * 11 11 >, A i. . i* I'. I.. ii I oil II. ami >l .ili|. - I I n i Hi i ol .--mill i anil hi |iA- been i all' 111 .a to iii uii o tlui u ol lo r in,.nl ilu-i ii','itik|i i-'im, c.iili o! wlioiu, in li i. il.iy uinl ^clltialliMl, Iii a thvSci Iicra Mi tlcxliati are true phihit thropi*is. uo'.tt!tliM:nii1 in * the Nwilicin l.'hurt'hI an contrary. Til" M'11 r) .1 i!rr->s ww tk-lii r?- I by ll.r Hun. Mr. Tunica i ll, of Columbia, in i( oh-ar nu.l h irih'e manner. Durin_? the mceiint I ?r Cross \* ilk< <1 lulu the rmjin,limine jtut rcluri cl %. th )i < lady from h * European tour y,. Tlif l'r? ?by tiriani nti'l Kuptints very kindly an |ti| o-'iif trou?!y ?a*e op ilwir churches t<? be used L the < uirii'iiiv. Wo think that the nltriri >ii :!< rtj i n to the preacher* by the po<>| to of Charlotte wi ,,( I" irj bo r?inr ? hen. d. We regret that ?? iiare I h-.iv. this morning, cocfecajucutly wo sliali make i j,.j further reports. Z. e- _ I,. Wo are in iobt J to our C? 'utnb a et.l.irges ft "i "w Arr?iM)iE\TS. ClMRI.KfeTON DISTRICT XV. P. Mot'ZOX, P. I Charleston?("niiiberlaiid?Jnrn<* Stacy. *1' " TriU'ty ?.1 T Wiglitniun. " llethol ? W II Miming. " St.Jatnr*?\V A ilctitminpwajr. Cooper r ver circuit?W YV June*, W J "f ; I l'f>Co??p?r river mission?Ci W M(?ore, ?no to I | supplied. Cypii ss circuit? Daniel May. !St. A liduav's nnsr-in?To tic suppled. St. (i oi l t V ail I St. Paul's iniiMuii?A Nettle St '?e -ice's i T Kilsjo. li iuIk I.' circuit?II A I' Walker. W ciboio circuit?D \V fcjcalv, cuo to be >U| 'JO j pi o.i. 1' n Poit mission?W A Clarke. Asia ]? > 111 ssiolt?1" Itu-li. (' inti Jo< in -- on*?M I. Hunks, li (J Gn^e. A Mciiili'!? i .rcuit?W l inn Crook. I'.l li-. Sw imp? "ieui<?I. M 11 aintr, W CPovre 1 I huh it i;i -.-nn?S IjCnrJ. *" Siv iiiiiJi nvcr ins-ioiii?J D W Ciook, Hit I by ar.l I fcigiial], I'i ilice S\ ill arn'i mission ? W' llutto. i lb.iiifoit mission?>1 It Coburn. II iisio ;.n 1 .leliovsr e ni ssinn?C W ilson. ( r i'i;ia;rovvx Dim- ?A M CiUiKnsKRU, 1'. I i.!' it " a . low li fetation?L> J Sililllloln. he | >1111,11 m is on?T MitHiHI. . c rtiss.iiti?A II Harmon, C li M itrpin: I i I- k II or and Pee Dee in.sen n?J \V Mdle ,!e ! A .1 ICvaiis. ah ; C i a ay b ro circuit?O A Chrict/berg, \V . m , v hi l it1. , u \\ mission?J A Minn'ck. tl. ' W .ui'.iiuuvv iui*?on?( K AiiJnws. el | .M a i .i Miil.ou?A (.} Stscv. 11/ a111 .1 i-ifi u i?S ,Jiiii? *, K M Morgan, ii II ' i Kivu uwrMi u?-! ? 1'rguin, olio to I llif Mipjil.cil. vi I n !< Min^n mission?William Carson. I I )i.cliburjr circuit? ' 11 K >1>himiii. ir- 1 A "it< it?r l.i circuit?1' l- K'SlK-r, .1 M Cline. n- | "? f > ty 1 I'll hi.Ksinn ? A MvCurijuailalr. w. 1 '.ir in^toii viivuit?( W MuCro ghton, J V r- Munity. lis l. i ity <'lripc! ui'?>ion? ? i t in H)?m?CT?W. A O amsu-rll, P. 1 i n ml - .i - \\'..-liin/t'iii Sini I? C 11 IVi cliuri r- " C"i)g;iice iii ? inii?Nivlu'liw Tjllcy. I'.l " M.ii ion Street? A 11.Lt?lcr. ill, ' u lii.i c reuit?II 1> 1$\ninli) ltirlilmiil 1'nik iiiissi.iu ? A I. Smith, ol ' I mi in hi in-nit ?.) M 1 Ir a.Hev. I, | lutisliiint circuit?M ai iin^ Brown. t 'lie; ti tficlil circuit?A11 Us I'uckcU. i, Siimti r Hint ion?I A Purler, is, Kunikr circuit ? Boml Btiglish. nl ' S.ii,tee i'ircu t?.1 T l>ubi?>c. re ! I i' i S.imee iiiivM ii? A I' Avrnt. Ii Orungcburg circuit?1* A M WiUianw, I) he <VI?uui. ,i- 111 ii'kTiU'j circuit?A I*. Steven*. n- P iriiwell r i ouil?K A Price. fio Aitun?W J-l limine. In- CI lainicvillc ini?*ion? \\ MmiJ, ji 1 1 . x:ugtoit c icult? Martin kiuldy, one to t nr> Ul|'|il,t <1 le Win Martin, Agent/Tor Columbia Fentulo Co 11. I lege. hi S. Townscii'l. \gent for the Tract S.icietv. lat <ih?Miiuv I ti*rKU'T?It. .1. l?ori>, P. K. lie C okobory circuit?.] \V North. < ( Ali'u-rillo oircii t?Colin Murcbison, A N Wtl'.i ii'.I A'liliis- n crctiit? It P Frank*, W S lillck. us \itiety.* r circuit ? \\ II l/iwtoii. In- I lullcr c rcuil?Tlioiiia* S Daniel. H-- i K igcli -lil circuit?.I R Pickett. Ii.- N<-\?berry circuit?T Uaycor, W W Graham. Ncwlnrty rtmicn?C Mcleod. i I ntnn circuit?W A McS\??in, II 1) Mooio. .hi Tiger ami I uorcc .1 Finger, it 1 l.rturrn-i circuit?tl A Mood, \ A bl.arjH , , I J P Martni, ?ujir. -.I (irvonritlc atiitiiiii?F A Mood, ml Grextrill? circuit? ?T t> Conner V "* I mmsmmmm .u _jjji?i-jaeaoim I performed Rc*?l sti vloe mat only to ths Hut* ii whicli he lived, bat to the whoW Mptry. < ' 2. T!i?t while we express oar sorrow mi this pab 1,1 lio l<< , end record ?x>r high nppreeUiioti of tbei ly private worth, wo can Dot but sympathise with end ly ot their afflicted tamilim iu liivtr melancholy be rvimmoiit. r" 3. That the Clerk of the Senate and of thi '?) ll'iUir of K' preventatives he charged with the dot; ic of transmitting to the rapfftire families of ths u? ceased statesmen a copy of this preamble and thee j resolution*. ;;; COBRESPOXDKME (|7 (JIK0L1X4 SPA ITU. i(l Charlotte, North Carom**, L.r Monday, December 3, 1657. ' ? Mlhsrh 1'niToas: h might not prove uniuter ;,t outing t? aoinc of your reader*, if wo were to give; fow Btuteinents iu regard to thie place. '* Charlotte has about 3,500 inhabitants. The lo '.v catiou is bcuuiilul and healthy. The iudustiy an< ^ enterpriMiig spirit of the citizens are pluiuljr appa a, rent from the number of busiiusM houses, the irowd r ed store rooms, and the Kite and handsome icm 1,1 doners, that are truly au oi an men I to the place. Ii the vicinity of the town are several gold miuei rt. some of w l.iuh ore now worked. There is no doub but thefe is a large amount of geld in comity " and iiotiiing is required but scientific ininiug to do J v? lop the riches of the mine*. Theio are livt f,. churches lure, all of which ure inferior buildings to v are? ly "Fit haunt of God*,'' except tho l'resby '* tetiun, w hich is u handsome.coiniimdious structure r' afl< r the Gothic style of architecture. it is tin ,y fiii' st church that I have seen iu any of our count; ? towns. Tho Episcopal church, now being erected will rival the Presbyterian iu beauty of architect ure nud tho handsome manner in which tlieii p ehurehes are usually finished. Wo hope that ul denominations of Christians will soon abandon tin , unsightly, sin-inviting, burn-shaped buildings whicl they usually build, and erect temples turorc worth; the God before whom thcv bow. This county is noted for the patriotism of it '' people, during the "times that tried men's souls.* The lirtt Declaration of liidvpcmh nco was madi " i ami "i here, mid will to (Jongrcw to reccivi -> | then tolK'UHWi ; but that body thought this nroVi u I tt'v picinattire. Krtr tntlts montbi had rolhs *" | around iht hjiarli of freedom, that blazed out In ol? Mecklenburg, kindled into a brilliant flame, thu >'? spread tluouuhoul the thirteen colonies. These uo ''e bio s|i it* of Mecklenburg were bom>n forgotten, nn< 'rJ even the honor of their declaration wu? denied then '? hv the ettviows and ignorant, until it was reeenth i-''11 led t>y ''proof strong is holy vviif," from docu intii's foiin 1 in South Carehna. The young lu "? i! es of this place were not behind their fathers ii >* the' spirit of liberty. Tliey passed a resolution thti they vv.i.iM rot receive tho attention of young men wlio wouldn't volunteer to fight for thrm, thei country, and freedom. Noble ladies were those In this phieu lyird Corn walks had his hcadijnartor for Miine time. It was hero that the command c tin Southern army was taken from General Gate and civeii to Greene. This event transpired jus d s. verrv-s veu years njjo nc*t Thursday, i)eeenibc *' | 31 A few* ruiles from this place Piimdvul I'oll "I* | w i? born. Girl now to the business of the Conference, Thorti n* day, I i d.iv and Saturday, wor<- taken up with re '}' porta, examination of dawee, ?&c. Ten delegate were elected t" the General C'uHfvmier, viz: \V M. W ..'litrnnn, J>. I Pi of A. M. Shipp, II A !?0 f'. Wn'ker, W. A. Gamewfll, R J. .Boyd, N. Tal k v. W A. MeSoain, Jao \\ . Kelly, Jatm* Sta (7 cv, and Charles lietts. It< sei v<-<! l.-gnUe, II. (_ ? Parsons and \V. P. Mouzon. llr. Wig hi man ws ie.picsii'<l by tho Conference to prepare a life c 13 P.ishop C ii 'is. wli'ch will be highly appreciated h tli South' rn Methodrs'.K. Da Saturday n jlit was the nrmiverwiry <?f ths Mt? ? sionai y Society. Tie- eollwiion amounted to in-.r id than >l,3'i(i. The tni-s .iury rollecluvti forlhe yen ivassomcih ug over S-'3,OOn?a falling buck of neat lv A 1,1)00 ti"m last year. This i* owing to the pies |(l| uie in tho money market. *i hi- greater portion of ;h ,, mane y i* used in sending preach- r? to the kiroo plan la'.one 'a tli" 'oAer firl of South Cuiolni. wliic ... ' . ? MtaNtealMMMiB V : S9SSF 1 r WathsU* .nimioo-J A Ziiumermn. \ 1 ' CokiA.rrKW^BJ.rtK., j W VMMM. V I. CHARUJvt* D#|'vt^8. h: H*ovx,r.hL, I Clui.Ute UM<?-K J I4?)-Mrd?. ' Charlotte circuft-vL' M UUh, J L McGmnt. Y Concord crcuit?Juha Watts. A llx-ruiarle circuit?J W puelt.' M'?ilwlioro station?V M Wadfieboto circuit?M A McRibbea. R It Pe? gtK*. Cheraw atut'on?L A Jobaeett. j?l ? ? .j Chesterfield circuit?K.I PmomgtM, Camden station?U C I'iirn. ? ^ Mnictwe niixMun?J I. Bhufurd, S A LufDoud. Lnucaster circuit?J W Cridw. . t a Cutaw ba ruiasiuu?A J Cautlica.' Monroe circuit?I. Soorbrmjch, J W Abt-ronihjr. 1 I TR Will-li, Preside^ Carolina Female College. I " Snensr I>wt?ict?J w Kkllt. PB. 1 Spartanburg statiou?W C Kirk land. Spartanburg e?rcuH?R G Jones, A W Walker, Supermini# rary.. ? j J," j Pacolet circuit?8 J YI .12 liroud Kin r mission?T? be cupplicd. 1 Yorkviile stut'wn?O A Difbj. . Yorkville circuit?L Wood. t Shelby circuit? E W Thompson. L< nco'lntou circuit?J S Err in, one to be supplied. , ' . Catawba circuit?J l'arker. - "j South Mountain mission?To be supplied, i' I.' iioir circuit?F Smith Morgautnn circuit?G W Ircjr. * John's llirer mission?To he suooliod. McDowell circuil?J 8 Nelson. . , t ' Rutherford circuit?A Erwiu. A R Bcnnick. - Columbus circuil?M A Count lly. . V M Winlitintn, President Woiffdrd College. AVhitefbord Smith, l*iolesaor AVoSlbrd College. ' Charles Taylor, President tSpartnuburg Female College. J/ * r .I mcjk Crow, Professor Spoitanborg Female J College. B 11 M Mood, President Daren port Female College. Jp 11 11 Duraut, Agent Spuruubutg Female Col1 leg'f Albert M Sh'pp, Professor ITnivers'ty of N. C. Next Conference to bo held in Ciiarlerton, 8. C. Two new dslrieis have been formed for Presid, ing Elders: they :?ru Camden and Orangeburg. 1 From Mexico.?The Northern Eight brings t> some additional details of Mexican news. IntelliI gence is received that Atvaiet has been utterly j routed by Vicario and Antonio at CbHappfl, wheta t the city had been sacked and frightful excesses committed by the troops el Alvarez, and neither ago j Uor ta*x spared. , Mexico is in that slate of disorganization tvhieli r threatens the dismemberment o? that country. IF she hud been surrounded by mub.iious in iff!il"?re, as Poland was in a nearly similar condition, such a would b:nre been her lute hclore tins, That she t i will yet fall within the iullueiice of tliat pi inc.pie of | "manifest destiny" which i? cx|>e-'tcJ to extend over ^ this heinikpltere is Hie constant prediction of Kuro,i J pcun politicians. This, however, is not so certain h , while the Uniou contiuuee, for there are anti-gonistio influences at work to prevent Southern^ j lions to the American Confederacy, in the pro"v ' slavery and anti-slavery struggle to acquire and (ire! vent an increase of power. The greater ^ |>rol>ability m that Mexico will undergo dismcuibcri im nt trom internal distentions rather than troinex1 ".crnai interference, except by separate bonds- of lilhj busters. A number of distinct States warring pcr, pctuaPy against eaclt other is likely lo be 'he rifolt of the present distracted condition of Mexico. [Errwing JVrie*. . '* raotrrtctivv. Amxkxation or Tripoli to A t'* orria.?'1 he Paris letter of the Comrier dr* F.lntm under date of November 9, nyi: "A grand * dinner wm given at ConstuntinopW. October 31, by '' llcschid Paclia, lu which all the r<preventatives <4 y tlic dilVervut foreign powera were invited except M. Thonvcml, who hail already declined .ill cotnmuni- ' jjt; r iliou or intercourse with the tiew (stand Vixier. *' ft ?ci tn? that a hew ene-ie of difficulty is likely to ,r spring up bolwieti the two power*, if u?>t sr.tmfuctorily arranged, which it is b??|?ed tn-iy be the case. It :* known that the Porte enjoy* the right of pot.- ^ '* ?rcignty over the regency o! Ttipoli, bnt, that to the present lime this right has be?n merely norai*' nal. To-day it is iwuoinici d that the Ottoman sotcrnniciil h..a issued ua order directing the Tripufi" ; tun troops to march against an Arab chiel, and, m r* j iho regency <>f Tripoli borde-ia on our African popa i Missions, it i? feared that a new source of difficulty Ufa. r' j will arise, uuleaa the greatest prudence be exercised j in avcidiug it." | * m ? 4 Tux President or Mexico?The extrno dina'J ' rr (towers granted to the President of Mexico, hy r" | the Congress, were officially published on the ftth j ult. They do not dillcr nsseultally from thoee nl' ready before our readers, They give hint the right "I 1 to negotiate a loan of $'i,0<X),060; to dspose of tb? national nuhliii to the number of SO,000 men; and jr to excrci t- podi other dictatorial powers ne the peace >r of the country may require. The dictatorship is to he continued from the 3d ult., date of the extraordinary lowers, to the Uuthuf April next. [ < 'arolina ,Si French Fro.vh Uailroad.?We learn that the corps of engineers, who lately passed through this ^ place down the French llroad, have surveyed and 'ocaled ten mihn of lite road, beginning at the Paint Uock. This look* nwnexvl-flt like there was a |iroa- ^ ,c pis-! of a ra lr ad. It is expected that they wilt be within ten miles of this place by Christmas. Bach rapid progress shows an energy upon the part of all concerned w I ich is highly commendable.? Aihe s rille (A. C.) Xetti. At tlio late Agricultural Fair at Peoria, tlm ). IIuii. Ftephci, A. lHi'Jflai heard his name loudly and vocih.roudy cullc-J fioni the judge's Hand. 'V Suppadng jHobahly that he was called upon lor a javt h. In* iiiunril ,.t?lv climbed op <>n the platform, \\ i vit I j-.-i r l.muil lliat lliv cull wan ujnn one of hm ii i ix - ikm. to whom the committee* had awarded a r premium ot a silver if*hlvi for being the mjcund b -t thru year old Hurham hull call on the ground, i ?Alton Courier. NEWS SCRAPS. I The AsJteville (N. C.i Now* aayx that Ehbwy .l?,bneon. e< nticu-d ol rape, and John Hooper, * * j fori,milled on charge of murder, cucaj?cd from the : jail in that place, on the night of the SOth ult. The ; sheriff cffit* iflOll reward for both?or $at) lor * either. r' j Woody T. Carter, condemned at Chester for ^ the murder of Jan. Cil?-in, was executed at Chester, on Fiiday, tie 3J instant. '1 he New York Hay ltook announces the death of its editor, N. U. Slimson. Got. K J. Walker is now in "Washington, and the paper* say that thr 1'resiJcnl nud he are at isic kite about tlx* suhiniso oh ol only the slaeery article of the Kansas constitution to u Tote of the people. A niewi-j the CaJrt appointments to iho Arsenal \i* li'inv nl Colunih a We find the names of R I I Poole ami Andrew Howie, of Spartanburg District. (irorpell Gluldeo, the well known Hgyptinn a.elui logist, died at Panama, on the IClli of Novi-mlx r. v. j Date* from T/'inh?n to the Diet nny there wiw a 1. du'idvil inipmvt iii- ot in mcnttnry n?*tter* Government oecuritK* were in ilnmnil at 1t> |h*t c??f? W feeling cxlcud* to the continent of Kurope. Immrtm drove* of hogs have r-'OCBlly |><wol tlirouuh CliiU.ii4.yjjn, en route to the ni.rWeU iu Georgia and South CnroK no, A n solution i? before the TcDim ?ce i>y klnturc, pledging thi ?' <-< |hration of tlie with the Kx' cinivv ?.f the I'itiw.1 Stn*e?, in supprcw>ing the civil war e\ ?ting in the Territory of I tab. Ticoian, a candidate tor mayor ot Now York.op^ j. >?e?l to Mayor Wood, wiu elected. The Black Uepubiictin* rejoice over the resolt. The* Austrian t faxette *ty? it in a fact that money [ i* t*henp?r and tn.?re? plentiful in Vieim* ihan in : I<otidon, Pari*, Aiiwtrrdani, Berlin, <>' t ruukiort. i flic printing of Conrrts* i< a fat ^ob, nnJ uo * winter that rivalry exiate for it aio ug p>4?tioft?n?. i The following nnn*. were t?aid by the last (Viigron: I* | for printing. tor h.Ktng extra doruI mtiiiv, t-ir p ip< i, $316j8116l; u>4 (or engraving { .'tia.dd'J.'dO. 9 Hon. .1. Glancy donee, of Pennsylvania,'? rocnt.n.-.l at the* probable successor of Mr. Balla*, m Minister to Kngtand. A writer in the Ctr.dinn Tiinoe bring* fniWard tin name of Col. ifilut Cunningham of o<? K*? ?itrcr New* a* a candidate tm Governor ?f thi*State j at the next eholioil. Among the ndrn s*ion* to F/jiily ptmiee bv the CI j* vr<* till I the name* ot .1. M. lil'ord, ? I .-j . and A. 11. Ivlwat'd*, of thi* lhvtriet ^ J T)i** 'Petersburg (V?.) l>.'tTHX*r?t up lint A* i statue e?l Washington, Jqim4o* for Sooth (hwiO*| i ?a* successfully eait at the Ibaotk-y of Mr, W.J, ilulMld.