(Tl)c Spartan. | BPAMF^JfraiiTm. " ! T!IDRS1?.IV, DlxniltlCIt 10,1857. ; T!ic Ltgiklature. A great uimty bills have Um pas*e<1 in the . , II nunc or Senate, but a* tlicy te.juire the coneurreiit ' action of both Houses before they can become laws, , we ilo not tlecin it necessary to notice thein until ; , they reach a further stage in legislation. CALHOUN MTKKARV SOCIKTY. "NYc learn that the above society lias invite. 1 Rev. Jas. A. Duncan, of Virginia, to del v. r an address before them, at the College Chapel, oil the evening ! of the loth instant, at half |. ist seven oVIoek. wlueli ! the publ'e are respectfully invit.-.l to atten I. SIRS. 1IR. CROSS. | 11 , This gilte.l la.ly, whose lelt. is liotn Kurnpe at- j ' trailed mioli geiie.nl nitration Ii. iii tlit* readme 's public tlurillir tbo past year, is, wo Irani, about t<> | ftaspnta a position in tbe Spartanburg IViiiile t 'ul- li Irge. If the real character approximates tin-ideal, 1 intellectual and soei.it, developed by In r wiiiiu^H, j, the institution will Ik> ImtiKiati?an.I M II nu.io tin* I young ladies submitted to lu-r training. <> russell's magazine. Tbis pleasant imi. tlily lias bnii 1.1; | i.n our table ' by Mr. Arclier, ul wluun ropes can In- obtained It maintains tin- kiiiiu finished iipjit-urnm-e \\ It eh " marked its first issues, aiul lias b i n Mm.My increasing in tbo cxcclicnee of its aitirl.-s. lio editors seem tn liavo adopted " as their moito, anil nre following it in pracliee. Tlicv have low n IVtir field for attract n ? a valuable corps of writer*, owing to tin- iiiifoi tiniato su-pension of the Southern Quarterly. Tlicv l ava another a lv..n tage in tin- tinios. Tin- n tltix ul political sentiment is in cur favor?and Nortlu-rn doctrines ami on i- ' ration arc in odious contiast \?itli otir nn n. 'l b s i opens up a liol.l for tl.e temperate toe of South. n ( jo its, ami a propitious epoch for founding a pure literature. Iflying npott the aptness of tbc <><1 itora to seize en ry eoignc of vantage, we com mend Kusscll to a libiral patronage by our people, ! as both wise aiul juiliiotic. I miss rni:in; imixb. M o learn with s-'iiccro rogrt t that, important I n n'ncss roq iiing tho attention i f .Miss IVm.-, sin- ,, will lay aside I In* dulas of Iht prof. ss . u in the ,,, SpnrtniihurFemale 1.If. gc for the en-u ng year ? The jsist year lias been one of d.. p afll ci'mii am! IxttiiTi'tiieiil to Miss Paine, and this community j I' (ins deeply sympathized with her; but she lias gone '' till to thuclwuof tile year with the duties ot lier pro- | ^ fe*siotiai cliair, without Asking ? day's lest for the i 0 indulgence ol her grief. ller cinrgv and elilhusi- j as tic dcvot'oii to the interests of education have j |, been left and appreciated in every part of | ., Union, ller power of awakening and developing ; Iililid, directing its moral powt r. foi liling hah Is of I v thought and action, are unrivalvd. Iter pupils, 1 tilling high positions ill social lite,as wivcr. inolii. is j| and wacheis, arc scattered from Maine to C'alil'or, j( lis, and in heart and voieo "rise up and ea I her |, blessed." Years ago .Miss l'aine established and : built up the ''Spartanburg Female Seminary," and i a there is scarce a family in tins couuuuiiiiy hut feels | |. she has brought a blessing to it.m the person of an ' ,, educated wife, daughter or mother. May the good ' , she has done, nn.1 is continually doing in tlx- cause ' || of cdueatiou and nl gion, be returned to her a llou- I n sand fold. ' t| We trust that ?. i;!u r private business, nor h r ! j, recent ufllclioii, will long detain In r from the du- ' w ties of her mission. The children of her intellect u- ! j, nl daughters are yet to he .iuv.;:.-1, ami r.quii. the teachings of her vigorous mind and lo arl en- ? richvd by Constant study and long experience. j |, T11K IMIOIUAM. PLANTER. We have the December number of the l-'ai nu i | Olid Planter?being tlu close ol the Sill volume. | Mr. Seaborn, in this issue, announe. s his readiness ! to sell the establishment, chiefly in eonsequetiee of , ^ the deatli of his nuhl slier: hut (lie W ork is not to he 1 ; t< abandoned if not void. The larnnr and Planter i> , ( the tT(?:nj of the Stale AgiiculUnal S>ei ty,and the only agricultural paper in the State. \\ < think the | ^ ale improbable, because lew men will give to Mich ^ publication tho patient attention I?>t..wrd by the j present proprietor, and no man can eoii.iiiet it more economically or practically?and it is by im menus j( n money-making enterprise. W e cordially second ( the appeal in the f< Mowing |mta-iap!i: 1 ^ '"In conclusion, ti r again appeal to the friend-. ' Olid patron* of the l'?iti iner and Planter to sustain c' their paper, by not only emit titling tl" :r subscnp- j lions*. l?Ut hv " tiding up ill least r nr t,. w Mihscl her, tvhieh would not only itreatly encourage n- to hoi.I 'I oily but others to take hold." Pendleton, S. C.,(iio. S?ab in: 'J\rtns? $-1,in | advance. ? Tiik Wkatiikii ami lloos.?(Ill Volld >V the 1 ll thermometer marked 11 1 depins in 11.< sun. nee ? then we have had di rr.'y a: d s It wi atln r up to j ll u'clot'k, p. ni , on Tuesday, when lightning and 1 ' fliiil.il. * fin.t r'.i.l /vifn*. .. Ii w 11 f. i . . t w. . Iv . ft.. thermometer out of doors standing at t"> I. ! j, Such weather operate* advii-cly up >u I. v*^, any siiunihor of which are iuh! ha\c I u loan. | " lluyem cunnot kill, and then lure I M < :I. I, pin-; f for better rat-a. As the tniiikct* h. 'mv aie p: cry '' well clocked Iroin thi* and the Augusta u n' ?, ami ff plenty inoro < .1 1110 011 the w .y, diov.i.- mn>! ' fall below 7 i e< nis. MOM hVNSAS. A meetiu-j was held at ktwr. nc on the l'.i l> nil t] iippixjiil to the kite cnu?litut on ' *i 1? n' 11. al which rtiMilmionn were adopted dolirim t'n ? on Mitufloit a fraud, and pl> dgin r? - m > In t!>< In-,- ' Siaii- |?:n ly I" it and the ofliei m t<> l? am!. 1 c it. 'i'ln-y also demand that tin-< kvei nm -ha!. cm - ? vene a special ft.ssimi of the I.. . -hilar. , ..( I'.o^ufiov. I.'ohinsoti w.ll do so \\ nlker i- a N\ a-liine ton. Perhaps Htaatoii is acting in I - a1 ?m c, .1 though lie had resigned I111 elliec of Secie 11 ot t' the Terntoiy to take the place ol Indian ( oinni.s- p ciolier. |< is said he has sent 011 to withdraw li.s I esignati.in, and lively for tin. purpose or complying h With these d? ill.illd.-. "*' " ? ol lrom \Vnsliin?loii. u The Democratic twntln rs in Washington on the j i'd wne to have an minimal iiic t ug. and Kan*:)* was among trie subject* 011 wh.cli opinion# were to he exchanged, I hit Irttfo doufit remains now hut that the ne ion ( of tin* Kansas Cofivi ntieii will be accepted by ('mi glass. in view ot the tact* that it will he sustained ' by all the moral force of tin. Administration, that the I b nmcratic pusses ol tin- North lire eluinuing froiit find cmning to the support of the President, | | all.I thllt nearly (ill the I tellioer it'll- Ificiidiel K ot the , ' lli-W Congress air. aily miiv.d here are asci-rinincd to have 110 sympathy in Mr. \\ uikc-i'a view tut to tho |-obey lie is industriously recommending to be pursued on the mutter o| the State Cons inn.on ol c< Kansas. 'Hie indication* are decidedly favorable torn lr:unt| h of the Adm nistiatioii and ol the con ftldution.il Deiito racy of tio- country. 1 >kmoc:ix rm Nomination*.? Wasiiinotov, De- |> comber I'lie Democratic Omens have tiominuI' d: I'or t-peaki-r- II..11. .1. K. Orr,uf.Soiitli Caro- ' ktt.t. For Clerk?Mr. Allen, of Illinois. Former 'I ee.?nt-:?t-Arms ? Mr. 1 hwbtiiiit-r, r-f |Vnn*\Ivatua. ' i ?>r Doorkeeper?M-. I laoktn-y, 01' Virginia. t' ?% >r< ? s? Tin aiiiitid eninlopue of \ nlc College for lk,'?7-S t< fh< -s n ha i f I'.'.t I rishri.eii, 117 Kophonu>ici?, |(>7 luniofn, and 100 sn-i total 4-17 students jM Jn the Tiiis.hu;iesI departiri -ilt there are Q'J, in the . I si w Hepnrtittcnl 31, .Medical k'J, Aits 30; grand h t&Utf JO j. 11 El I / * ; C >v v - - THE NEW SENATOR. It is known to many of our reader* that tlio !* >?slilure, on the third ballot, made choice of K* Uii<1 woubl accept, even if Iceted. Iiupiiiy K-.l to assurances that lie wouM, nd this lact stripped Col. Chcsiiut? the favorite of lie Slate K'glits party ?of nuieh of his strength, ml tiually led to his withdrawal. The Charleston Mercury, in a moment ofentliuia?m, hailed his election a* a triumph to its side in loli'ics, and the result of caucus nomination, follow1 by correction of the latter slioilly after?>(p*riaps reiin oibei iig loo late its op|>oKilioil to such on lift appliances ot party.) It said: "(i. v I lamiooiid w s s. h eted in n rniicnsof the j ililte U'nlits p nt\ a* their candidate. llrwnssup- | lorl' il as such, i lifted as such, and we have the I irmcst ft.lh that lo- ni l maintain tlie okl-time doc- | i lies of tlie State Kohls se||i*d. Illocd, us one I I lie l "11110 leaiii I s III the Ootlti st ol I S I'J, it wonl.l ie liaiil, w ili his eleiii mind ami-troili* inneielioiis, j r him o> lie other '11 ill a champion ol the right* : .1 tin- States, and the s'i i t coiisj uction ot the (Jou- i tililtmll ol the I llile.l Slates." The Columbia col respondent of the Chlirhstuli ' Totnier, of the "dTlh nil, present on the ground,! lul we think a llirmhci ol the 1 louse,seems lo bear | lit the Mercury's first idea that iIrxpitcil caucus I lachii cry was us. d. lie says: "The sccoii I ballot coin.? otl" to day, and from i i lam inaiiu'iivi inos, | ,imi iiii-l ned t<> I In it k I li.it lie J . dl lie eh ft. d. Volieall foilll IIO idol ol llie IX iteniellt I" I'e upon ill s tpiestloll. Tlie Irii llits o! i aeli ca.nl, late are bunging nil tlie outside pressure | oss b'c to heai upon tlie i-lection, ('.mens a'ter | , ii. in I s been I., d. and wl.iti I utile a eaueiis is , . a.o eall.d, lot tlie purpose ot circling Mr. llaill- j aitid." \V e think that s. tiles the ipifstion that it was I j ^ lie intervi ntion ol :i c.uiMis that th.v. Hammond i as elected. Kill there must have loi n something | lore. There seems to have Ik.mi arrangement or j mlcrstnii ling, hv wlii.li the friends of C..1, Ches I lit were appeased an I induced to waive l> s almost | el laili election. \\ hat was that uu lerstanding? Is lie next < tiihernntoiial term the b.llte? of w:us it i lie success ?r>lii|? to !Kvans, who, it is said, ill not In- :i candidate for re-election. Thecomaondoiil of tlie t 'liarl'--loii A'rirs throw* home light i |lit* ?u!ij'-ct to lln?u who tin not believe the I.cgI'alurc too moral to control elections in this t.tuner: ' Clicsnut w on 1.1 have h-m elected, but for the ringing out ot I laimnond; mul his withd'awul oil 10 tli i.1 ballot will give him much strength hervf; r. It roncil atcii ll.imiuon V Im-nds, and as is side ol the Slate Iris the claim for the next or ther Senator, Ar trill Ac very /mo/u iraf." 'J lie above lacs demonstrate th it caucus npliances were used in the late Senatorial election, n I that the tiin.il artiihiltle man was chosen?thus eal'z'ng tho difference between '"my hull goring our i a, t.tt-l your bu'i goring my ox"'?and probaly it was ill view of the moral tl? u in involved that lie Mercury showed such precipitancy in correctig its tlirlum that the new Senator was the caucus oniinee of its party. I'ul what are liis political sentiments? become* 11 iiii|sirtant inquiry. Is he States Uights?or on , a moderate conventionistf We know that he was n Anti-Hank man ? and as such opposed to the aliul which controlled that institution. \\ c know liat lie went to the first Nashville Convention? lid refused to trade further in such a mart. Whefier this resulted from a conviction that nothing tactical could result from it (as nothing ever did) e can only conjecture; for ho has vouchsafed no idex to he, views on that point. In the midst of I i> wide field of speculation aflbrded l?v Ids silence j e tli iik tliis very probable?for (Juv. Hammond as never showu much rw|>ecl for inure paper relives and empty volubility. In ilit* uncertainty as to his sentiments, the State lights patty (so-called) arc making tvann ndvnnes to draw him to their side on the score of grat:ide. Ho was supported oil faith?his election as due to bis giant intellect, which they nppicoia. d?lie was one of tile niillificrs of 1S3"J, and there : re must bo a lire-eater in 18a7?in sin it, In tin j ure gratitude tor dragging him into a position for | liieli be admits himself unqualified and avowr 1 version, Iim i? importuned to identify liiim-elf with party with which lie has not ncted lor twenty ears. IVrhaps they may be successful?atid peraps not, Ui-id the following from Columbia cori-pon?h nt of the I nionvillc Journal, (a mendu r ol in.- J louse of Uepreseulalivi-s,) and caleulato the I in I'm' of our neiv Senator: "tJov. Hammond declared some two months ago at be did not want the put?that lie was 11->t II ilili- I to till it, mid declined the honor, lite u>c 0 would have to continence bis pol ocid 1 if< nnew -a task too arduous and |i?-iil .u> to undert.iki at is time of lite, lie bad a ivpiilittioii to lose. .I'.ieli was mi ls easy than to sustain liitnsi If uudu ie eirt'imislaliiTs. lie ww? op|H*.,d b\ both tin icli.ls and enemies of Col, Pickt Us Secessionists I10 would nol vote for Pickens 101 a-couiil o| what 11 y 1 t hi bis ntilioiialiftn, weic also .as hostile tn 1 v. I laiiimond on iici'oiint of Ins course in the ays ol sicess'oii Tlo-y bad Hot lorgottcn Ins liaiiiloiitneiit of the party, with tiilicr mnl piolinr npr< cations, mid threats that :t the State would trolr. hr would remove to titOlgia, it State that 1 ill.I remain m the ("inoti." If we have atiiiiiailvciti il ii|Hili the incidents i f lis election W illi freedom, it is Hot because o( I'll : II i.l the I Osllll Wo Ii.iVi never II VoWcd a pre r< iim' lor :n>y mm for S< nator,although our per n*l feeling* inehiicd ii* warmly to ex (Jov. id ants Wo in o willing lo tru^l the *i?rlit:ui?l , .inn of the Slav to any Carolinian?com lo- from n i auk* of cither of the p irii 'n into which I i-> 111 -liil tlio State i< divided. No man who Imft ri .1 li il our hi tin sphere e.m go to Wardnnoti-n, '.nl ill I- pre*' illative ti?i-t-.riinS i.>|i n to the its pi r on* east ii|ion the South, without lulu,' "lion -t holer'" at the denial* of i .i?liti* ami taunt* ami a rn of ll'aek Iicpublnaimni. We me conl* tr, krefute, with the new Senator, ami only h< tal hi.* local reputation in iy expand into ? tie of ienter brilliancy ami ol ual.oiiul iciiomii. Senator Jlaiiiinoinl ha* iinil<-. tin to take hitf8C.it prior to the middle ol anuaiy. Wk*t?iin lion Tmiir \t I ou'*vitle, Ky., p to Saturday evcuitij, about In,(inn hogs li.lil ifii *lauj?htcrcd Ihi8 seil*oii. J'ri" i * were lnoniul at if a per cwt lift. At (' iiciniiuli on Saturday ie tunl kt t was null iit a decline, ami cIum iI mm i ally at At Ilu-*< llvilh , Ky., I *t witk, small tics ?i ie made at $1, hut generally lo Id high< i v fin iii) rs. Ai New Albany, iml.n?'t "it time, im nti'vi< il, and lit < 'iiionaw full" wi'i. in el. hi ? l ? I l.'i Wo learn friiiii iii..- \ ;ill,y 'I himmt tin- leg cholera i.i sj>i < :nl ny? rapidly hi tin mill.i h ol I/ gnu, t?rc< n mill Owen, Iii?I. ? ?? ?>- ? I'xrrrn 8tati* Trkasuht Kstimi tks.?Ii i- , alcil dial the ticasiir y Militates o1 !*p|>i<.|>riation >r ill" H' Xt fit??nl year liave been inaih up, mill r ilie War Depnilmcnt alone in lm my and a uartcr tnil'ions?bciit ,? largely incit.iscd In die.-hi- j cipntion of llic Mormon war. The total n-.viil *? mutes, including die special service and (lie eoni net inn of ilio new attain sloop* of war, amounts * fourteen millions. 'J'ln* surplus m tin Tii <>ury of llie I nilr.1 Aiales now onl> a liartioii over seven inll.-iis, ami do* I urr? nl r.ite of i ..loci.mi will exit msl lln* *uiplit* I v dm l?' ol February. A loan will piobuldy be J adc by (.'oligrttt, ' v JL < m TUB BANES?USURY LAWS. I r Theso two subjects occupy much attention in tho I 1' Legislature. As to the first, we hope tlirtt body will tl terminate nil bank charters a* *|H-rilily ns pomi- j ti bio, except the Bank ??f the State, or extend tlio , d light of i*site exclusively to the latter, limiting the j c privileges of the private bank* to discount, exchange, c iiinl deposit. We question whether the Legislature ll will do more at this session than remit the five per u cent, forfeiture for su?|>eii?iou and lix a period for e resumption?in other word*, tcgulixo suspension. b Should the latter be done, we reiterate our former ? suggestion, that nn injunction issue from tho Lcgis- u lot urr, restraining slivriHw front levy and sale with- ll in the same period. There is uo justice in allowing the banks to take advantage ol their own wrong, to faiteii their already bloated carcases upon the depreciated prop tljf of unfortunate debtors. This " latter class, however, have f? w friends to plead for them, and no motion for their relief tins been made. | 11 Not in the hanks While their misdeed* have inert- ' ted a forfeiture of charter, it is not only pmpoecd j *' to relievatheni from tho i>cnaliy of the act of 1SJ0 and extend the period of suspension six to twelve , " months, but as further relief, to repeal the usury j laws, to give them rat le blanche in their struggle ; " let-profits. Under their present privileges?ortlnsr / abuse, without I esti a lit by the Legislature?they j ** can not only issue bills as 7 to 1 ol specie, hut they ( '* use tho hulk ol their capital out of the Slate, in buy- j ' iug up the iiiininture notes of merchants at large ! " discount, and press homo creditor* (or collection, j ' This is railed domestic exchange! .fudge O'Neall j 11 was not a whit too severe in calling the bank* i ' shaving shops. Tlo-y merit the term, and the exc- I * eriit'on due to low ami mean money-getting. We have scatined the urtrtwii) nts in favor of a re- 1 |Ki;l of the laws against usury, ami inust confess to . an unsatisfied judgment as to their cogency. It i? said that the moral question is explode 1?that money is meiohandise?and that a relaxation of the n ristraints against usury would withdraw invest- j " mints from sti-cks, and be used l?v owneis in pri- ! V * t vato loans. To the first we answer, that tile law of Mows?which was tin.' l:iw of God? interdicted " the eviction of inferos!, and the pains of citt niiv were denounced rguiust the usurer. That law is ' unrepealed?and the cxccutiou of the sentence is as " err tain now as five tliousainl years ago. 'Jin nu r;il> of financiering nrc exemplified in a hardy braving v of this penalty. Tito present financial condition of t 1 our land is almost foretold by Isaiah: "as with the taker of usury, f" with the giver of usury to him ? The land shall be utterly empl'cd and utterly j spoiled: lor the Lord hath spoken tiro word." j ' And nolwlthatandiu? a false mora! ty may deny that trading in money is usury, ami attempt to purge ( itself of the charge, and say apologetically *'1 have neither lent on usury, nor men have lent to me on ) nsury," yet in hit tern? s? of spirit they will yet con- i fess, "every one of them doth curse me." Men . must ignore the moral quotum ere they lake usury, , even when legalized by human enactments. Is money merchandise? Hhckntone, whose pro- i (ttndity stands unrivalled, if not uunpprouched, aa nn , ' elementary law writer, says: "Commutation of goods is rxehnni/r. Trans- I ferring goods for money is a talc. Money is tl.erelore a medium ul fixed value, whieh may be x- | changed for nil sorts of nrtiebs. If goods were onlv ' v to be exchanged for goods, by wa\ of bartr r, it | would b?- ditlieult to adjust values, ami irunsporta- < ' lion would be cumbersome." Money, therefore, in legal dcfuiitii n, is not timr- ^ chundise, nor enn the falling it s > mak? it so, . n\ 1 niorO than calling a sheep's tail a leg can make it one. i Money has a fixed value, to which all things liar- 1 ' cbnntnhle must conform. It nr-y be more useful at j ^ or.o time than ni others, lint this do|hMillion. We trust. llicrtluii', lli.it the Stale ; ' \\ .11 not yichl to the iiiiportuuity of capiat to throw ' off the restraints upon it. ? - ?? ? ? mi: bank in- tiii: statu. Ill the report of tin- I'll snlellt o! the IhiliK ? ' tlic ' State to the 1 .cg'sluturc we Itioi a number of in ' ' l> testing fact*: The prnfit.4 of the fiscal Veal' elulillg Se( lelnhei 3". IS were I Otil i f \\ h eh > I'. G.YI.30 were appl.eil to paying ur.eiist to the ! i -i? n boiiil-hoMei*; j. In,II.II .'.1 e ' nix per cent l.io ln.ii. l v.i;i pu ' 1 el to the creiht o( the smh ng lull-l. ,ii i ?'i ' ot the publ.e l>! has L? n reilt'iinol in the sum time. In ii hhtioii to the above chargih on tin , l'? oik,she nilv.mceil at ! :V rent times 5>*Jvi(?..,t"Js s'.' to the huihling nfihc new State t 'ap to! renntitii- j itlt* Ill-melt front tile- sales ot State boii.ls t t ttie i \ ti lit ol > J 1 T.lti'.' ."'7. I a aving the lialih iii ailvaiiei to the tvnrh, on the l.'illi Novelnbi r. jiI'.to ,7'tJ 37 , I Intel' the ..ot ol 1830 there It til II t lit oMIill Itolel- t # tin aillolllit ol i'i I." i!a I "I. I loh r tin net ol 1 >aa there Ionian, to be issu- I hoii K : it gating SJi; | ,11(10, which tin? ]'resilient l eronmn n 1 ahu I lie i*oii\el toil into utoek . lis riion ai i'... i t i in o, t.litioii. ,\ti provision having I e. n innlo by t ic Stall1 to pay the interest on the Stale hmnls ' ^ t o lille Itnl.o I'a.lilt I i, the lhinhlii t.lt mlvnlie i t i no 11 that 11 III lll.lti' to It .. I ill III - it it ji.1v.iih .->, i,> die Si ili- > in w indebted In ii, on ( ut-euunii, in tin- sum ol jf l.l7Alli iili.'h ia jiliK) | rjilli .I In til. I id ill >l jiii iliM'il'iii Hi : I" ' I'll t llit- firi- lo.ui btunli iii l.urnpe hi.I bo rlui'Oii il l-; .Inly in at, l.ir wliioli prnviMiii slmui.l it- nr..!.l'loiil |Ik-m' ilutlilll m IIICIi.i ill llit' I l.liiIt i in- |.1. r.'ili i-n-.ly no? llio !?! villi I o ?. a ?il llio iliHl llit .>'1, . n.l limv largely tin ir lnxt> unuM b.- iiirii jit .1 ?rr. .i> | i xial. iirr trimimiit't). Il ir t in).In.t.rally llit ii I..nil,. I .iii-! about.! In Mr-tain <1. Iii llio aiibvcpicnt pnilioii of tin report lis.- I'n anionI onltrs iijm? i nil t-\|>1 ;ii>;itioli < ! tin onusf* ! ' Misprision ot H|.< cm payiin iiih l>\ llit- l'.ank, nii.l lu.ly jiiillli. s die w.tt l-.in of lb.-mi ihiii . In.lli li..in txmlliiC oiloumainiivth an.I militant til' els. \\ . o:inin>l Ill-lit i ex prenn coiiinii-ii.l.iiiuti <>l dm itn ve , iii. lit lli.ill by llaiug llio IoII.ih iiio Ijiiioujixto t>( n c. irv|i<.n<]t'iit of llie CliSH'lintoii ICvrii'ii ; Xt'w>: "'l lit' panic wliioli rx sli .1 ( .f a ft iv day*, ami llic deniuiiil ininlo ii|i..ii llic It.iiik to redeem li.-r bib. s 111 colli. wan IIIX';ill. .1 for. 11/1 I llir liul.lt I s of ill. t b.lls rt llcrled lot a III..III. Ill ill il llit* St ito lo i -.1 Was responsible Jill I Wnu'd rcdi'dtl ihr li'll* o| llio ISiiiilt, . i. ii in ca*.t* ol I.., nro, all uppre licn-mii H.ni!.I iii.vt lii.il niinif.li.il. !y allayed, ami toi.li ' It n.'f at oiivc i i>l .ri t1. i '. i l< nro, il i> ili..iia|n n by "all.lip null!. ?1" I. !!>>, is llit) cnill up- li w irt'li ' iln-non ?ii>|if int.'I 11 inks :ii u |i. riinti< >1 in rt tlii iii j lli.'ir bills in specie ai llie.r Couutin. "It was a l.iitiii.ii .' rvi'i.t I r il.t in dial llio I'. nik 1 ol tl.r Stale mi.I four other* in III. oily au-pfinloil. > I In \ li ivo sustained llit-ir or..lit upon "curt tut fundi" of 11n* iiHpt-ii.li il I', inks " I I. ? hjo i*i mlimi .'.I- I. in- .1 )i iii. , ami \vi CUV)' llio In .1*1 ill.I ol i|( lull .III, I'M Hi* alii > .v tint-i . tact ami liiiaiicnii ali.ilu^cin." ( , (>u a mii v. y ol llio opt i.illuiis ,| llit 1 >.m!\ lor ibu ' ^ ost yw n favorablo judgment inu t be pruDuanecd. t bus k< |?t down the tnx! though onipellcd to suspend the payment of specie at its ouulvrs, claims to have sustained to some extent lie price of our great staploa. Uf this institution lone ran it lie said, that it honestly and faithfully 0 dense red to n'ol the people in their financial (lliarraunients, and therefore the public approbation hould tuko it out of the general execration which 1 so righteously pronounced against other hnuLs in Ito State. SYSTEM (IF REGISTRATION. The Tlvgistrnr of 1 firth*, Deaths, and Marriages i) South Carolina?It. W. Cibhcs, jr., M. D.? as sent ns a copy of Ida report to tho Legislature mder the amended ai t of ISofi. The returns are v no means exact, though to soinu extent sat^f,ienry, as showing their iui|>ortanco, ami breaking own the prejuiiicc of tax payers t ? answering the ujuirics made, and overcoming the inattention of lie Tax Collectors in their prosecution. Further inelldmeilt iB in eessary to the pelf ction of the yslem, and the subject is com mi u led to the Legilature. It in only by pel m veralieo that mcasuta.f th's eharaeli i can lie successfully ?*tali!'?hcd. lie advantages are not apparent to the public hid. Many poisons?indeed the vast majority? an not seo what good can result Iroin the codecoil ol sin li a body of dry statistics. I hey ate not, crimps, of equal advantage to nil men. Hut to ciciicc they have a peculiar value. In 1'iigland ml many ol the Slates of our I'nion vital statistics re collected ? tli consideriib'e can? anil diligence, ceiiiisc on such data arc l.as'd the vat * of 1 le asiinuice?oi l the more necurxle tl c knot*Iidge. lie more perfect become the calculat' us of preliums. li is hightv satisfactory to know the rati of b I ilis to di: litis?both ill the llegro and i-liiie race; also, whnt d'acuses are in :d< nt to par iru'nr lo<*u!it i.f?at what |?cr;u S <>l lilc ?k a"i?H ar?* nost fr'?pn nt-?and the months of the year mo*t ltd to Iili' ? :i!l Mich facts me cv.ilved hy this sy s i hi, mill we hop. the l.cg stature will persevere .titi! perfection is attained in tin- itiurim. The report of the lc jjislur lias been j :?jirti-< <1 >itli coil* de ruble labor, uud fi.nna a pamphlet of iglity-firo pages. According to the returns to the Itegi?tiarl the umber of lihtliJ. of whins and free negroes is I, SI; of shires 1 1,1 .'- In nj;, I >r tl i former, 1 in f, ( I; in the latter 1 tit 'JG.f?."i. 1'. is not a little sincul.ir lint the greatest nmnher of Itirtha occurred in S. pi tuber and 1 tecoiabt r, an 1 tl e fevvt ?t m .) Miliary lid September. loaths ? wh'tc?ntid free ticgi n.'.1 So; nVives 7,C-7?ptoport'on of the former I in J'.h.VJ; in the 1.it'< r 1 ia f>l.7i"? in Uith 1 iiiiis.j.i"lie white marr'ages returned .ate only 1,6I."??! hem. This is now dene lint rarely, and therefore he moral ns|x et of our s< eiety is iii^n presented. (>f the deaths at known ;i_r? e, there were '.VI " r cent, under 1 yotr, aid 'Jd f.J ft m I to enrr; making the cnorin ni? propm' in < f 17 I . kt cent , ?>r nearly half tin m -t t 1 y under y< at-. The older of inert ility, beg lining with the to utal month, is as follows: Angu?:. Septenile r.duly, tctober, June, December, N relabel, March, May, \pril, February and January. Tliis eotr'-sponds villi the result of the Kentucky returns, em!;.- a j 15,3:1' ih allis, which occurred in I air years. In r. atire morality, pnucni'in:a !i glust oil the lis*. <.1 1st;.sis. giving 11. la percent, of the deaths from known cau-.-s ih.ai come dropsy, C.2R p< r vent ; Vplicid fevi-r, a 3 p r cent ; olj age, -I 7 t per lent.; whooping < aigh, I I1 per cent; eonsumpt n I S3 p* r cent.; worms, 3 17 per cent , etc., ?:o. I s regretted that gri ate'r care was not observed t he i turns of 1 7'i p--r e? nt. nnder tin ragu : : i if "b' Uil ihscas, s,'" which no doubt nearly nl! h ciijjiil to dysentery and diarrt.i. i. In l< p-n.l i '( >f flat number, the two l.i.t mcni oitd ?1 s? as >avo ...00 p I; feiu.ihs < " . "10111 ilO to *J.i ? tii.ili* 71fi in ? ? ! 1 tii ! > ti> . 1 ? III.lit '? "> fell... "I. . i l . Ill 7,0 ! ? Iliih- - J.' ; f. Ill .!i t 01. I'" I II) I'll .V) |;..|I >!; ti in.i'i- "J7. i 1 "ii "lit imi < I- n. . From Oil ti 7> -ma' ? J "?, > r. i' ? 1. 1 | . m II :>11.1 nV.'r -- 111,1! s I; ' II. I t i . I 1,. ?uiali * * I. fiinul.? 101. I nt..: .. ,:M. T1 11: i in > IIII|H*I t:iiK-i'. iiii<< 1.1 ii.' I I ho W.IIII inii:.-' ur c . 1 nt in tin I11I14 ilii '... t t.ii .r lii.\ 1 i t"r ..i.'iiln r v 1 ir. hktiiu. \IiKii7uTkil Midi rv. A nwriiuit wh |i?M,hy theoit c.msof th. :? . !. 1 I l|i?. I !, nil the '1 il.iV N 'II I lief, I " i, !..| Ii. fin ) .it.* 0' 1.14.iti/. 1/ .1 A41 iM' u. .1! S. : v. hold it* nioet 1.4- -it Woodruff1#, iu JSjiart ti b.. 1 .-u.. 1. I *11 III >\."ll i.! 1 .1. M . t .' '? . Jutlfti II.. .-Ij , ?.,? I'.I, I In ill* ea.Ill, 111 'nil. N. Ni ' .'I II flctl I I nil -I i'I .in . < it lllu'i .>11 nt n il -I 11 1 - < 1 ,'i n.. it t1V.11 Willi :i|>)> :.ti 1 in I!. . .11 ! , h iti' mi ; .'il?? p i - nit l a 1 In .1 1 '1 ! 1 life Pre*idem, vi.:. ond 1. win r, and ... . v ur \. 1 .111111 it' i' 1 1 . . imi. 1 lit ii I 1... l> i_? . r, l | .1 ... 11.in.1 . tj . C'li o!? I.'l- I'l .1 . ' i 1 . V n |'| h lit, I >r. 1 I . 1\ n . >r 1 ..11 . t . r; .11.; * >1 .1 i >1 < 1 I '.i, ..i, I ?r. K. I . 1\ . < i, Ii S A ii, ( i lolllllv, t .'II. .N -it illll A II. \\ 'mil , V Cllt.vc <>1 tin- S -iety. c ?n in iti.m, .1 a ? /.' j nl, lii.it a ftimin'tt'c < \ I.i\ tin- cli.iiriti.ui, to ill .ii .< ai titui n .nil i.v !. III ill A.,VI II, III ,|I ! ill. |1.I.-.| tv, l I Ii , | .1 ;i i?i .j !. nl III vvliil- .In lie i .ill I I , .in- I i, 1. 111. il . > /.' . !,/, I ,i il t a. S hi I) In < Ivii I u' I. \_*i ' tllliii.il iSnfii'lj. /?< ..i.\ , t I... i ,, hi. N i us N is hi i r, :N ?'i 11 ii 1 nr tin- iinliiiii S|i.i; t ,i Tin- Trui-' i-i,l t .< It I * .i I i ' s ' !n\ n?"-s i!,i r tliaiiKi. In 1 >r. li .in-< y, < ( I. i-t '!' i i v, 1 M :i copy nl li - viilii ililu itti'l iii'i i IIiii-)' iii' lli.it s; |?: r-enfi I t" tin i t -i*ii .iv, -i<] un to the }'i >liyt?imi ''in ir I of I'uli in. n, i i 1M nl ill ?il tin I |'till' 01'"ii , t'? Ik m I II ii n i i: i . .. u< ; aliil I'liiil ii\ In in-. \ . - ', |I|HIHIII||1) III ? l) til till' lull lit il l inl I i i Ik f iii-v of n' lit nil nln. i ili, t ).. l!,, \ \\ k- tli.ink nl to receive mlitl ilni; n- l..r tli > 'III I III tlio W .11 of li.i ||?8 or III v.l-li In lie l \ ( |,. 1 i in tin.r |iuiv!ian'. li II lil III, li . - li. lit 11* li ,. I. *+ lli i I ii i h. 11. ' >n ii . . ii / ii n tut n? i\ II-ill I ..III I |i III! 11.. | *.| 11.' . , Mil J till , ! . , ,j inn, lo co opcrot* with (fen. llnncy U4iui| (Itt iiiii 11111.-. STATE All) TO THE RAILROAD. In oar last wo stated that bills for aiding our 1 railroad had been Introduced Into the House nnr iron, chairs, spikes, Ac. And in like manner the tiotl Is are to tio endorsed to the- end of the roaJ. Ties bill will dnubleysly pa?s the House, ami I Inlieve quite as certainly the Sen ate, and will secure our ro.ul beyond a contingency." The S.nute Committee on Finance and Hanks, to whom was referred Mr. Cannon's bill in tl.chkunto. re|Hirtex| II substitute. 'i'his bill pn.|N.s. s I'oit the bonds of the Spartanburg and Fiiiou Knilload Coinpnuy lie divided into three clas-cs, w ith conditions annexed lo ea. h class. Tile first class b-itlds are not ! le s. 11 under par, nia nihi r, 1 *.VJ, j | "Authorizing aid 'a the Spartanburg A I nion Uail road," I le-rvw lli submit lhe following rcjmrt, ex- ' h.b.l ug its "cond iion mid prosp* ct-:" The grail iig, eti'verl n .v- iny, b i lge masonry, ' In idg.ng and d> pi->. at r c*unph t- d ov< r tin w I ole lilie, wath the riei p'ain of l!.r unfin !.rd grad .g 1 contracts, costing t i fm.-h tlicrn about live lliuua- an I dollars. The iron n'!< are l.i'.l t . tf..- Snan iiilm- ' A Union Ridge, a ! *t uic( of -0J tm ' - f;?>;11 A hi n. mi r winch ?.ur Wains ;.r? lunti a?j '>, Sundays < Xcepted ; ? >or , lit lit ennrivts of: '1 \\ o lir?t class I icotiiotivfs. Onominll locomot tre, (disabled.) I >ne ? < ii I ol.i-n (i is^i tiger car. Si-vi ii I o\ ii i ?lii cars. 'J'eii |?'t?If- i hi earn. Hi l.ivr on ?.ur road, end on tie fJr<--.n*lUe mol 1 Ci'Iiliiri- i I, . a a I. .1 rutin vlit liumln r of crisis| t: ? lo i ii I .nil" tiacU livt lvir in litucn III,Us up J tlio i 'L"* townriK 1 iiimi I' ll I it con-' 'jiiMi -e , I i ?r pi < m lit i inbar i nsscd cun lilion. we have I < ' ii tumble ? > procuto iroU to 11y j ilo-.vn In yoiitl our prtsent t>ruutiiis. ; < Jur company ha* \pin ie 1 in lalior ! niul iiuitei in'- $S'J 1,041 fi."? i Towunli \v|i !i inn unit tin re lias ; been [' 1 in cash f?7 i """"?? , I ie.'.VIIIL' a debt oil Cnn*tt?U-' "II PCI count oi |I85,332 53 I A ? i n -t wlia-'i we li.nve nil unc ! lilted t U -CI oi of C> 1. 1 0 ' _ ... I/oavinjr r' !| >1 ii i I Jt'.O.i'J a i i i In cmi*' "! nee of too Milwoiipti'in n >1 In ii^ available, in,.{ if, |iiti1>il/> loss of twvii y live or i | thirty lb ii- hi 1 dollars ti tin- eol etioii. w loun 1 ! | i ursclvca no greatly I'mbartiuntil in February lot. ^ . in mi"'? | t i oi>!v In ii.'Iit ,.o ii~: u- l"r n< ir 1 rIiv I Imu inf*. 1 d'llais. in were loteed ti mnVe a e..life.-, oil it il L'luel:'. to It. I oulebiA, !".- ( , I ( I i ! .? . . i oi i i !. i :.> (ilacc nor < I I -,'l I II nil , |Ul IV u .1 UlCMC sU ,1J tin Celli,,.11 > , II < so a | for. 1 s.i'i f tbe |'!i>|? 11. a is ol den ! to la Ilia Ie, 1 1 ! > i' ie-ills ivh b \v. re about to be ob? tali ! apo i:-l u- in the Spi o o < '?,iu t> i 'i be i oi . ii was to ..ie tor an amount nuflfl! ! cicnt to cover all tin lebt* iluoby the Conip irty, and j !. i> i s nv ?.f 1 i, uut I ll i 1 - 1 ebru ay, I * *? i Id; s star of levy was _ r a, >i the c imp my t .- *i rd i : rue i a fuitber ill .t t r the li Jcllipta.n of i ! i pr >|i, i ty. i We' iv. hi tapti d iii v i i t i i>viie our tn? is! ' A' l.o : i it was l?ii.i if. 11..it tin atnuiiiit be le1 I 1 horn their snlo was to be expend don the 1 i .i.I,.ni,l pi piitv iii,.i:.*aoid lor the r eenrit? :i11 flel- i ij.' i. We baV' been (111 iMe to ?ili ; tiii'ln ll J: l e. a tb .! ,r I A' in . t , \ is di !., i.e o'tv . a (be vail in -o t tor r .. ?.-taii , we b ieve in i. j?. ei l- - ,n ii.!' s. in, ni ,,f our I -i" ?s t.i i ,i;b C'.o s?l ti.i ptiseiils our oT.ly , ' I "> i '11 -i l o-. .e lit i 1 < I 1 |, to the i .i'eiit id 1 l . . a .!. t" e !,; .1 l-t bu 1 i ilo IO ,1. |. >|| : III oil' all I ll , and ' OI. 1.1 1, I '. ,.s it a t? ll lit. . : . lib a II -I til ,. 1 I S . .. |? ll | ! . I . ". 'v . II '.i 1. \\ . . -I - 1 , I'." I i ii i. HI ' | ! w .! >' j r " -cm i 1 r In i i till-ill < f j- 'U,<1 if it U .i-i li- *; i v ? ?? .! MINI- ^ 'I Nil, I'm !< lit. *ru i i. i linn n:. I III I- . ' .hi lilt in. i it; ] ; I i.110 11.' ii!> j i - ill II . ! ltt.l- li ' I.I'.'I -i illlil li. ' HuUSl t . I; , : 1 III 1 . U . I II.i I .1 . .. < , ll\ II < III U . I A I I- I ' '.ill ' I ' 'I . I-I I >t .III ? i c-ii;i ; in. 1 y v. i it:i..11i111 .; ! jit -.! l.y Ii- ill il W I., .lu u.\. ir the j--.| V i I . I I . . ' I. .'II I . . . II jl Ml 1 I III. >111 II ! Ill' - . ! tin?.- .1 . iii it hi . : I *.. i r Jul. i* i . ' i I .. ' ill .t i!,i, I. . - lire 1 .11 I . \ .. - mi ii I i -in i the - i. - ill tin- j" 'jiY 1 { i. ii \ . A ii tin ji.i'.'.rliiiv.iTiiiii iii Willi I tti t I.. i.l..Ml ' \ u- In . .' i, : i I < In.? .m l i ii . | ! I i , :iti I i t hi 11 iiit : ii, t!: t-i iiiiiini.u t-.ilili hi ? v, in . : .i i : i urn -li i'f m 11 it :i- el | worth. Tlirj w roitllol mhitiiteil Rijtt. F?>rnk?nji i I in t ! !-.., I ii i. 11 ! \ii 1 1 i i . in i i ' n ? >. , i ntir? > i .hi : t' . : 11 . i . v '. i ii i ' 1 iii ii v; iiii-l n >\v, ii ii. it) I . I. . t iiillii-u.l In J. lerin in v\ It it II.- j tin o > |ii <--i it l i li t.. .-t . -.it ?: tt i ji> i!i.- . . ivi. e.i ntoi til- ii. ii ' il l. i :i? tin- i .i* iin . . . j- .1 .. -I . in i. %;? , v in' ill 11 i. i r; .ii j 1! ?-j un.il t'.iw c.iu-e of l!u Itijili mil . i . . . ,i.. ,i i ui- I <"fi. : \ (r.>:n _n.it imam . ?-i - lv .111 uV, Ini ti i:>t ! ? ! iIh* art . 1? , 1 tin- Hank ?>f 1 t: . 1 II ?,!>.. .. I ill li - 1 !.i ;i :< |>ltui lillK'il, I 11 :1;. 1; 1 ;.nl, 1111 v. 11 I >1 < ( 11 it; 11. j .111 11 I"* .111 ii. < )l \ 1. rt-iv I' > '.11 v 1 ' 11 . iiii*< .1I.1, i,, . II I - , 11 t. ? 11 lit v Mil., . : I ii-, .il|l| V. ,. ? tin I I , II.U , .VII \,l llll If, V\ 111! 11 .. ! Ill 'I 1 v. I . tl. |... 1 I'.'. , llit :l Sjfl, to lop r lit : 1 I. ? v 1 ti* a ml l, t \v< ! ill . 11 - 1, . 1. .. ? tl ? ; mi llit* ll ii! il .1 . i 11 i ' , ..11 1 hit lit .ii vt?1 11 ; 1 t<> ii'1 , ,.;i 1 i llit 1: 11 itu . w , - .ii, l,.< M.i. tiff t>? ilmy tin.I iho Ii'.i ? ii ill,.', iv i-i Ii s |'ii . 0 ti u.-i>; wliJ- tin.' i' .1 v, 1 n'1? ! Ii ? I., ii. \o ii; li , in.* \\. : ko-p . \ 1 ii ' - it* : :l .-ti .,: 11, .?. who ? , -I I. ,1 t a a 1 t ' 1 .11 |>| it i'i* | I,-. I', t \v Ii lo vv 1 ir iii'.l tl, ! >- . nt li? ii_'i?Ii I ?-. ! 11> 1'1 , iiml Wen |.| I'.i ,:io to v. i. itlie n cIlHpl. t for , i . I... a ii|i|>. 11.: i> 1I1 init ll tf.'iiei*, that Ml. t J I .III It..II -till li il.li |. . I l lmcl till) tl.i: ., . , :i oii< iii .1 ^ , 1 ilit r.t?tliu a> o.'iat? of < < 1.In.-,11. I tie Until .mil I l..\ lit*, .ml Trumbull 1 tl.- in-lit i t lo 1 i!i an I a \.*t \ o.-ioii^ lit it'll ..i frii tin glit l.y a collusion Oil IllO VV ,. . . ll t i IIIf o M'A .1 -!.,?> |?o|le lloVVII bl* 1 atll 1 s M I. I ? to I ihi lii 'lo. I ,et a curtail l> |/ii >v? 1,111..-.\ ii_' -.. to.. And in(pmliie I' 1 1 I' lit', tl | > ) ?. 11 II ti' I'i .? 1 1. I ! > /.'.'I. 1 I "i lli. <|. .'li . I .alio III 1 1. v. , A1. .\ I a- I 01.1- 1. I .lain 1 11 .mi >.1111. ? in.; I., lia Ii. . 11 1 ..It I I 1.| .1 1. in n 11 r.itt* ot In r iiiori iIim ii-.'in-lit-I iii, 1.1 Ii u! vi I.mil 111 It. j tl ty UliJ yt-ln. lillgll, Into *0 % Me-Mama-MgoM performed good servioe not ouly to the 8lal? in which he lived, bat to tba wholo eoautrjr. 12. That wrhilo wo < xpros our sorrow at tliia publ!i) lo ! atutistiiK-it a copy of tins piciimble and tbese r .solutions. lOKKKSrO\Di:\l K OF I'lKOLIXl SPARTil. 1 ClUKLOTT^i NoHTll CaKOMSA, Monday, December If, J 657. Messrs liuiTuaa; it might not prove uninteresting to noinc of your render*, if we were to give a few atuteiuciits in regard to this place. Charlotte Itati about 3,51)0 inhabitants. The h>* catiou is beautiful and healthy. The industry and enterprising spirit of the citizens are plainly apparent liointlio number ol'btivinssliou cs, the crowd- ! ed store rooms, and the tine and hnndsomu resid< nccs, that are truly an ot lunnetit to the place. In the vicinity of the town ate several gold mines, j -onto ot whioh are now worked. Tin-re is no doubt but there is a large amount of ge ld in this comity, 1 and nothing is required but scientific mining to de- | v-lop the riclu-s of the mines. Tlieio are five | el.urches here, all of which nro inferior buildiugs, scare* ly "Kit haunt of Gods," except the I'resbytetiuti, winch is u handsome.commodious structure, aflir the Gothio sivle of architect lire. It is the fui st church that 1 have seen itt any of our county towns. The Kpiscnpul chitreh, now being erected, will iivat the I'ttub}ter m in beauty of architect- | tire and the handsome manner in which their ehui - are usually I'm >1u d. Wo Iiojkj that all I ' dcti' Mitli ili 'its of Christians will sooli abaud?>u the unsightly, *>itt-inviting, Umishaped buildings which ] they usually tuil'l. and erect temples more worthy the God before whom they bow. Til's cent y in noted for the patriotism of it* p. .ph , dtir.ng the "time* that tried men's iXHik1' 1 I'lir hrvt I ? duration of Independence was made ami :-n?d lo re, and sent to Congress to receive ti e- net.i n itei , but that body thought this move ' a 1 :il<. picui.iture. Kre twelve months had roiled 1 nr tntd lltt Spark of freedom, thai blazed out in old I 1 M .ckb iibui g, kindled into a br hunt tl.nne, that : 1 i. 1 tluougle iit the t! item colonics. These no- i 1 1,1- p *< ' M vk'enburg W'.io aqon forgotten. and 1 t volunteer to fight for them, their e. i "iv. uid Ircelotn. Noblu ladies Were these! i ' In ;!. * jd.ico I.-id Cornwall.* had hi* headquarter* fo / no t iii'. It was hero that the command of j 1 th > ntlo rn army was taken from General Gates i ll'ld , VI II t'l 'ill ne Thl* ev lit trails piled jtl*l , ' vtii'v veu years ago mxt Tliursday, December i I I. A few tides irwai this place l'limdiut I'olk W I* b' it II. lint now !" the l".i?itK*s of the Conference. Thnrsday, I i .Jay and Saturday, were tnki it u;? with re|?irt*, examination of classes, ,S:c. Ten delegates wel I e' t| to the Gelterrll Conference, v :z; \V . M. W _lr.rnan, J . I)., 1'iof A. M. Shipp, II A. C. Wn Iter, W. A.Qamewell,R d. Bovd, N.Tal! v, W . A. Me-S <:i'D, Jim . Kei'y, Jatne* Siacy. and Char'** lletts. K< sei v.- *! |. guVrs, II. C. ? .u - ??*? ?? . i . .m'mi/mii. it. %% wa? , jiii li\ !?. <'l ; I' -.! <"?: ? ii. wlrch will be highly appreciated by Hi Soti!b< rn Method'*:*. S.itur I.iv ii jlit l,,! '(i. The ttib>* cury uWection f?Hfie yenr w.n wirm-it. u j <>v? r -.1 fnllirii; back of nearly ?l,OlKlli in l.ist year. Tliii wuwin!; in ihf pn*ihi r in tho money market. I lie arntcr |en i:on of this in >lii v n-i d 'n sen biiii pr?-och- r* t u le-rii M*tli r. i i. ? v? il 1 luto tie in, lutciui; jiiii ictui ii- ' . 1 ?" A. I - I ,"l\ from Ii - . iiirojHiin /,> <* I lie I'rc-bvti i.an* miii i'upiints very kimlty ami . e III'. . U?'v "'.1*1. WJ" llieir (lllia-lii'l l"? be Used it) , t'l ('-.iiieti iii , W think ihut the attention givI ti t : In* |.i .. i ro b\ t' i' |le o! Charlotte wi'l i ; n in ' beta !. We r* nr.-' tint we liute t | ' ' iv tli ? in rn tig, coibiijuciitly wo ahull ui .k n J Anther report*. Z. ^Vo are .ii lebtc.l to our Columb'a exchange* fur ArrillMflENTS. Cit*ttt !'r "N IliMBtcr?W. P. Mnrzox, I'. E. Cltarlcal ii Cumberland?Jo trace Stacy. " 'I riti 11 ?.1 T Wijjhtniuti. " He:! . ?AA II ! I< initio, " St. J ante*?W A Hcinm ngw.iy. (' per r tir tircu l?\V \\ June*, VA J L I i pp. ' f r i ver rill- inn?It \V MoOrc, ?lie to le ( Hlpple.J. C m c'.ten t? I '..ui. 1 M.ir. S Atoll" ll"'* llli" II- To tie >Upp" e 1. , * :.?< ,-i 1 S i' i it .-n.oii?a Xcttlca. ! > ?; io. 's . ret i:? i t k lg?>. 1; lulu i t reuit?II A (' W ulUr. V" i i" e rout?1 > \\ Scale, cue to be sup!' n I'on in -i on?W A CUihe. A*l |MKI iiiM".i ? r Ku-li. < -.i ilin ii is ? M I. r.n:h?, II G Gage. i : i . i !. t A A Mill t I i mk. I ck St. .. ti ?1, M 11 inter, W C Power, j I n't n i ii ? S le .11 J. St\ . i.tii i. -iotta?J 1) AA" Crook, Uith- 1 ir.l I? ]'. ii. W i! ini"* tniiS "tt ? AA 11 it: to. 111> ..111.>i t in I-..ii?.1 U l.'obniii. I.. Pi) 'hi III -I nil?C AA'iboll. it 'i ttv I'i-i - A. M. CttitiitrzaitKii, 1'. E. i> > I in i it.nil ? If .1 S:inilie.in. Sum," t ml an oil? T M tploll. > i . rnni.u ? A II Harmon, C K A\'itjjjins. i " II i.i an?l l'ei 1Ku Ill.Min ll?J \A Miller, A .1 I .i.,i. < i1. circuit?(J A CluicUbcrji, W lJ j Cm i ii". AA ..ev.iinn.e ini-si, n ! A M ni> ok. I .. r AA'nccnntaw mkpw?G K Au.liews, i t..i.oji?A G Stacy, i e 11 n ;- .i .lone-, l A1 Morgan. ii . ll tit iiiire.. ? ?AA 1, I'eguts, olio to be ilippl.nl. I .. M i . . h :i?AA ' ini Canon. I . burji ... .11111 -ii.tinei. Jk Mi,;i-* 1 circuit?1* P' Kiatlcr, J M Cline. S |i m-- n ?A MeCorijUiitliile. I'll :;it .1 e.liU.l ? (i \A McCri jrhtoll, J AA' M unity. I. ' rty < ". i . m i-ion? t t.i : :\ hiMiuc'T?AA". A. (i.i?tr.tvn.i., I'. 11. | t. .mi . . -AA uliingtnii Stiei t?ll II I'll chard. i in > i u?JSnM.i liis ljucy. " M il on Street?A 11 Lister. I 11 I III.I ? 'YU I- 1 > 1> l'.X.Uf li Itliiiid l'l ik iii tkioii?A I. Sniitli. I ;!>> it 10.?it? .1 M HiiiHey. W .in,- i iin circuit?M n l*r<>wii. t . i lu'lil ciri'ii t- MiUn 1 'uckotl. Sumta i oiiit ii?I A J'- iter. Sum i . u>u,i ? I'i.ii. l linifliah. S i iii'i , i on t?ub?mc. I |' s .ntct in.->i n? A 1' \ v- nt. <'niii^iliiu j ciicii'i?1' A M NVilliuiHH, I' A O-lnirn. I' . ki circuit ? A II Nil vciis. j ii hw i ll i ii'ii t?K A l'rlci!. \ kifl ? \\ I. I ' i ill i*. 111(ijt.tfvilli' in - nil- \\ \\ I. v ii^'.iii c louit? M.utiu Ladily, otic tii be Ml,'(>! l -I , NVtn M:i:liu, Aqcnbfur Columbia l-'?nialo Colli ije. S. Tmvnseii.l, \ijciit for the Tract Society, f' iKimit .\ 1>i.?II.HT?K. .1. Ion i', 1*. JK. < \ii.'.->blll V li'llit- 1 \N A ivtll. Ab uv.:.?' ciri'ii t ?'Ccl'H Mil roll mm, A N NX lis.. Au.init!. II. itfi ticl I circuit?.1 II l'ickctt N. \\ ln'iry circuit?-T It iyn>r, W \\ (iritlinm. Newberry station?C Mcleod. 1 > nil-it ?ircuil-?\V ,\ McSwu'.ii, II 1* Monte. I f?r nii'l I i. in' iii r-Hiii?.1 Hin*;i i'. 1 HiMa ' in ii.i?.I A Moudf \ A ijliMjpc A I I' M iitiii. Miur. lirt-env ,ii? Kiiaioii A 1 lir?.v*uic circuit- J !> Cunucr r i. .-< m? ill.Ik .1 mw oigic ui ijmn-uiiy u imPIT to ?j?riny; up bvlwn u tt>? two powers, if tint satisfactorily arranged, which it is Imped tn-iy be the esse, h is known that the I'orte enjoys tbe right of pot.inign'.y over the regency ol Tripoli, bat, that to ^ the prrm.nl lime thi? right has been merely nominal. To-dny it i? ammMMi'd thnt the (.Mi.insii c<'?crum. til luts iwan) un order directing the Tripolit.iii Ui |.? to maii li against nil Arab chief, and, an iho regency o( Tripoli borders on our African posssioiim, it is (eared that a new source ot difficulty jhr v? ill niii' , ui.ii ?? the greatest pru.li ticc be exercised in avoiding it." Tnc rnrsmt nt or Mtxrco.?The extrno dinnrv |Niwers grunted to the ]'resident of Mexico, by the Congress, wer? officially published on the bib ult. They do not differ i?Mi)li?tly from those alres lr before oar readers. They give him the* right to negotiate a loon $5,000,000; to il spos# of tho national mihtia to the number of 2t),000 men; and to < *t rci e such other dictatorial powers as the peace ol the country may require. The dictatorship is to tic c in:miued front the .id ult-. date of the extraordinary jij.vvrs, to the oOlhof April next. [Carolina Ti'.iet. ]'r.i:\cii l'xo.vn Utiuutn.?Wc learn that the e rpi of engineers, who lately passed through this p. i?e i<* ks ?"tncw hat like tliere was a pruspeet of a la tr ad. It is expected that they will be w . hin u-n miles of ties place by Cbr'stmns Such i ..p .l pi gi < s- s!,ii.i? on energy ti|>oci the part of all e concerned which is h gldy euuimecdnbh:.?AsAe?.lie (A (\)AVir-. At the late Agricultural Fair at Peoria, the I lull. Sti-pl .1. A. I ?o.it .is heard his name loudly ..lit voc 1. roil*'v e.i' ? 1 Ik.ai the judge's stand. Sll|!|)' I ng ptobuhlk t.,- W .? called upon tor u spiil.. l.e nine. ' % climbed up on the platform, w . .it I .!>.-< 11.. iu <: that '.In call wu> upon one of his in in-ant >, to -ah. in the committee had awarded a p: m um of as.'ri-r gob'el for being the second b .-t tl.ti e v-i- t old i kurhatii bull call uu the ground. ' ? -l.'/on ('ourier. NEWS SCRAPS. The A.sln \ lie ( N C. i News *a? that Kllsbnry Johnson, oeinicii-d nt t:i|ie, and John llooper, Committed on cb.uge of murder, ewaprd from tbo II in that place, i ti the u glit of the ilDih ult. Tho s n i rl" i ffets ?100 reward for both?or $ot) lor either. Woody T. Carter, condemned at Chester for the mu'ijer of ?J.is. tiilivin, was executed at Chester, on Fiiday, tiiu iij instant. The New \..?y lhsik announces the death of i's iditor, N. li. Sltmson. i. .1. I! .1 n nit... ....... u w-. -i.-.?.? ?j - .. .. ... .H#? fl UVIIIUtJiirll, nu?i I! ?- |m[>< many tli.it tlie l'resi.ii-lit nu.l lie nra at ts> u all ni: tin- auliinno -ii ol only the nlH*vrjr article of the Kansas constitution to a Vote of tht jn-oolo. A mono the CaJ?t appointments to the Ata<-it*l Ac. I.tnv at Columbia ?ve tin.] tlie name* of R. I*. 1'iM.le nod Andre* Hnvie, ?f Spartanburg I'iotrict. ti.-nreeli til Irton, the well known Kj>v|>tian aicl a "iog.?i,died at I'uuauta, on the lCtli of Noveniber. I'.(? from T,m 1 >n to tlx Hi at any tone wan A ?1?. '!.ing tlie civil xx.ir < \ ?tiii.' in the Teiritory of I uh. I man. a cund; !.it?- lor mayor ot Now York, op I to .Mayor NViHid, xvaa iha'tfil. '1 lie Cluck Ui-fmliiitfiius r?'j clivnpvr nnJ tnire |?'? iit ??' Va-nm tUn in i/>;it)on, Aiu>,oit lVnuny 'v;toi?, * nil nli'ini'il as the priibnblc ?ucccibsi'r of Mr. ifali.m, a? M n iter in KtiffbtnJ. A writit n ilin Otr.ilinn Timoa brio,?* fot*.ir4 tin 1 lino nl'Col. .I'lhn Cntiii'iightim of >..? Kvm* mj Ni a? ;ik .1 o.'iiiiij.au 1 "i t*vlM"C by tbo CI -a.--, it, nam * 1 1 .1 M li ' 3, I. j, niiil A. 11 Ivlnnrds,ft ? I'Viirtrict. ^ T?. IVtvi Imiii (Vi?) 1) -mm-nit My* th*t tbo W . 'i,i>jtii.ii, I'lU'ii'lvJ fiwSmilh Oar-Jmo, 1 kka> huccckotuily vast .it the toaodrjr of Nr. W. J, I luUti J. i 1'ickMMTilW circuit?A W Walker. Jocaatr rnWtM'o t* surged. ^ ptekcno eiimtfrJ If UkMur, V I Wuttiaite luiCMon?J A Zimmerman. I Cok?abury < Uocl^? ? J(JUrat J W WiulitHwa. Cma?(UITT? 1 >UTa>CT?S. If JUow.r, p. hi, Chut lotto station?KJ Mvyuardie. Charlotte circuit?f M LiuJo, J L MeC rco,*. Concord crcuit?John Watts. AIUrn>nrle circuit?J W J'uett. ' Wadcsboro station?V M Rronrdy. Wndcaboro circuit?M A McKibbra, H 1C To ;tK?. < Chcr.iw stat on?L A JuUaaon. Cheviot tie-id circuit?K?J IVuningtOn. C'uindcn station?11 C J'uinm. W ntctue mission?J I, Bbuford, ? A I>cmouJ. -k Lancantrrcircuit?J W Crider. ('Mtaubt micvMjn?A J Cauthcn. Monroe circuit?K Seur brooch, J VF Aln-romliy. T It \\'ul?h, l'rcuidtul CuroBnu Female College. < sukl.br I)iktbict?J W Kict.Lr, I' K. Spartanburg nation?\V C hukland. i Spartanburg circuit? ? Ci Jvoca, A W Walker, Supernumerary. ? Piicuii-t circuit?8 J XI 111 1'ioud Itin-r mission?To be applied. YorkVille Btatioii?O A J)nrby. | Yorkvillc circuit?L Wood. " Shelby circuit?K W Thomson. Enieolntoii circuit?J 8 Kevin, one to bo supplied. Catawba circuit?J Parker. South Muvtmia Pilaahm?To be supplied. L' tioir circuit?F Sinitii Morgautwi circuit?G W Ircy. I John's lliver mission?To be supplied. 1 Mel>ow? l! oireait?-I S Nelson. Rutherford circuit?A Era in, A R Ttcunick. 1 Columbus circuit?M A Connelly. 1 W M Winhtinan, Prrsidetit W.ifforil College. I Wlnlef.Aird Smith, 1'iolcssor \\ edlbrd College. J Charles Taylor, President Spurianeurg Female 1 College. ^ 1 Joseph Cross, Profe-ssor Spaitnnbtirg Kcmalo College. ": 1 1! M Mood, President I tavenport Female CoiVga. r 11 11 Duraut, Agent Spartanburg Female College. Albert M Sii'pp, lVufnat Unirera ty of N. C. Next Cottlcrciioo t? li iviuiM btnrc been her late bcloic liar. That she will yet fall within (he ililludicc of that plilic pit- of 'manifest distitiy" which i? exjie-*t<.d to extend onr this hemisphere is the constant prediction of Kuropean politician*. Tliit, howevir, is not so certain w hile the L oioU Contiuuts, /or there arc ant gonititio influences at work to prevent Southern a- qu.alliens to the American Confederacy, in the proilavi ty and anti-slavery struggle to acquire and pre- jv sent an increase ?T territorial power. The gretiUr probability w that Mexico will undergo dismemberiii.-lit from internal distentions rather than from external interference, except hy separate b inds of lilhbuMcrs. A nuiiiber of distinct States w..rrioj< perpetually against each other is likely to he the recoil of the present da-tracted condition of Mexico, J Kxttung Koms. PitotrrcTivit Anxkxatios op Tkipoii to A lgpria.?'I lie l'aris letter of the Courier des Hints ( '/lis, under date of November 'J. say*: "A grand dinner wn g-vcii at C?>n? t.intinopU-, October 31, by lo-scliid 1'iiciia, to which all the representatives ?4 the different foreign p.wtrs were invited except M. Tlioiivem-1, who had already declined all minniuniciti.ai or inteteoursc with the to w (stand \ ixrr.