The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, March 19, 1857, Image 4

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"A celebrated lady once said of a cotiso' rious neighbor, "His inoutb costs him no- ^ thing, for lie always opens it at the expense J?, of others. I wish some day that he would bite his tongue, for then he would poison himself." M7A TURJBP7 On the 44th o( September, 1850, by A. U. Smith, Ken., Mr. WADDY COLBERT to Miss c-\ LUCINDA CASn. A By the same, on the 2il of November. 1856, Mr. \ JETER DEWBERRY to Mine ELIZABETH ? CASH?all of Spartanburg, S. C. -A. By the same, on the 26th of February, 1857, Mr. ALFRED SPROUSE to Misa SARAH EASTLEB. Bv the same, on the 8th of March, 1357, Mr. ROBERT PRICE to Miss MARY LOVE, nil of ' Spartanburg, BC- I F1C CO MMER CI AL _ Charleston Market, March 12.?The saha of . cotton for the week were 8,900 bales. Prioes rule an hth lower?middling fuir uplands 13|. . Retail. traps.?Bacon?hams 11$ a 15; sides a.n I lja 12$; shoulders 9$ a 10. Rio Coffee 104 a 11$. U^', Flour 7| a 8?bags 3J a 3$. Corn in bulk 73 a 77 f ?bags 87$. Molasses, N. O., 74 a 75; Cuba 40 it ^ 42; Musoovudo 56. 10$ a 11$ v ?refined crushed 15 u 15$. | ^ Columbia Market, March 14.?Wo hare no change to note in cotton, and lit ere lore continue our quotations, 11 $ to 13$ ceitiB, extremes. 11 icon, old j(. shoulders 9$ n 10; clear sides II n 1 If; new hog I found 11 a 114. Corn 95a i.00. Flour $7 a 7i? extra family $8 a 8\. T ^ .JL ii dor, DR. M'LANK'S LIVER PILLS. 0fN IW When the proprietor*, Fleming Bros,, of I on t Piuburgh, Pa., of this invaluable remedy, purchased ^'ont it of the inventor, there was no medicine which yfri-|"| deserved tho name, for the euro of Liver and ])0t,t Bilious complaints, notwithstanding the great T prevalence of those diseases in tho United States. In tho South and West particularly, where the (o(. t patient is frequently unable to obtain the services of a regular physician, mmo remedy was required, at once safe and effectual, and the opera- ^ tion of which could in nowise prove prejudicial to ? .the constitution. This medicine is supplied by l)r. M'lvme's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros, of Pittsburgh, as has been proved in every instance iu which it has Itad a trial. Always beneficial, not r * a solitary instance has ever occurred in which its JL c .effects have been injurious. The invention of an BL .educated and distinguished physician, it has nothing in common with the quack nostrum* imposed t upon tho public by shallow pretenders in the mcdi- ' V cal art. Bxpericuce has now proved, bcyoud a L'0," doubt, that Doctor M'Lane's Pill is tho beet rented} '' ' J part ever proposed for the Liver Complaint. 8M,ji Z3T Purchaser* will be d ireful to ask for DR rem! M'LANE'8 CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, l,aU manufactured hy FLEMING BllOs. of Pitts j, buroii, Pa. There are other Pills purporting to be ? Liver Pdki now before the public. Dr. M'Ltm-'s ; genuine Liver Pills, also hi* celebrated Vermifuge, T| can now be b id at all respectable drag stores. None genteint icithout the signature of FLEMING BUGS. ??? March 19 1471 4 It '"? ? Rut NEURALGIA CURED?Read what Mr. RU Boydon says: uo medicine ever had certificates 8tli rom such respectable sources as C rtcr's Spanish '1 Mixture. Mr. F. Hoyden, one of the original pro- of tl prietors of the Astor House, New York, and lor a ty? number of years of the Exchange Hotel, Riohtnond, ex s Va., wns cured of a severe ntti k *?l Neuralgia bv |*oj Garter's Spanish Mixture. The rapid nad perfect ing cure effected in his case by valuable med cue i arrested his attention ami excited til* interest. I. f %recoinmonded it to others afflicted with a variety o! thel <dis aso?, and in wcry inntauoe :i euro was cflccted. ' tlie Ho has tpcn it euro Agile nud 1-Vvor, llheuina- | coir lism, Lirer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Fevor*, Violent ; the Coughs, an 1 cases whioli were ?-aid t?> be confirmed j tiim C msumpiimi, "ltd nearly every other <1 ?caxo tor : on which it is u*cd. lie remarks it is difficult to know , sioti what disease it will not relieve or euro, mid as a ' 'J Purifier, un?l Spring and Fall medicine, he has | Ion never seen it* equal. He uhccrfully recommend* I an 1 it on nil occasions, end believe* it to be the nvot '1 valuable remedy extant. March .r> -J lm I den NEW SPRING GOODS, D. I. & L. TWITTY % HAVE just received, direct from New York, n beautiful und select lot ot the newest and *vv handaomtst patterns of PRINTED FRENCH JACONETS, 1 PRINTED FRENCH HKILLI AN'IV, wii PRINTED CHINTZ URUAN DIES, On PRINTED LAWNS, Eu CRAPE DE PARIS?plain and satin plaid, I BLOTCH GINGHAM?Fancy and smnll plaid? t nil colors. ah ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS, at t Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac. ded ?ALSO ? ; It) BOXES CHEESE, nl 1 4 ROXKS FRESH PICKLES?Mixed and plain, ! ?"' PRESERVED SALMON, OYSTERS, BAR DINES. Ac. tot I One of th* firm in still in the Northern cities, and will continue forwarding, a* itipidly as purchased, Addition* to our stock of all that is new ami dcsirnlbe ' " in STYLE, FABRIC and QUALITY. March 10 4 tf T;1XES~ I expect to attend nt Hp lrtsnhurg C. II. on ' I EVERY MONDAY from tins time, to and i ,v including the FIRST MONDAY in MAY next; und all those who have not made llteir returns by tbat time will be liable to Double Taxes; and nil , who have made their returns, and fail to pay by the (,.|M saute time, will be liable on single Tax executions. (i' , I therefore hope thnt nil will be puiietuul, and 1 s()|1( save the necessity ef issuing cither doubic or sin- i glo tax executions. R. C. POOLE, T. c. j !*, March If., 1857. I J N. H. I am required l?v law to call on tl.? I ? n istratcs, Physicians, and Clergymen, throughout ( Spartanburg distiict, lop a return id" tbu Uirtiis, | Deal lis, and Marriage* daring the year 18.*)6. with- > in the Families of the non-tax payers, willim their \ precincts, congregations, &o. And"! do hereby 1 require said returns to be made to me, as Tax CVI- i lector, on or by the Jjlh day of .May next, una' shall expect said returns to be prompCy tnuJe by s.iid 15th day of May. } March 18 4 if R. C. PQOLB, *r. o. J : SHERIFF'S SALES; for I APRIL, 1857. , thr?BY Virtue of an order from the Court of Or.'i- , will nary, l will sell, before tho Couit House, in the tillage of Spartanburg, on Saleday in April next: ! C L Kighty-live acre: <>f land, more or h*s, bounded by ?? binds of A. Floyd, Stephen Taylor and otlicra. Hold on a credit ol 12 months, with interest from day of | r 1^ sale, except the cost of these proceedings, which must be paid in cash. Purchaser to give bond with mile two approved sureties, together with a mortgage ol > ',,ro tho promise*, to secure ilio purchase monay to th< i Ordinary. Sold as tho Real Kuala of Tny- : "I '! lor, deceased, for Partition and Division. t M < A WINGO, ?. *. i?. SherifTs Office, Mnrch 16, 1857. Mm March l'J 4 3t ?*?>', GARDEN SEEDS. rrMIE Sobacribor has ju?t received from IJ. LAN- r?^ I. DRBTII <fc SON' the following choice lot ol GARDEN SEEDS: , , Carolina BEANS. tluS' Early Si* Week* BE A N, Fled Speckled Valentine BEAN, . POTT A \V ATO M1E " Large Marrowfat PEAS, j ' EXTRA Early " * Early York CABBAGE b",B Large Drumhead " | p Early Sugar Loaf " Imnir fletrlrl RADISII, . Red Top TURNIP. Early Frame CUCUMBER, Long Blood BEET. T7< Olive Shaped M -* AH to be had at No. 2, Buck Range. ownc March 12 3 tf A II. KiRBT. for tf 5**- . . ^rn WANTED TO PURCHASE. nnn YARDS COPPERAS CLOTH. 1,000 vd?. STRIPED CLOTH. 1,000 lb?. BEES WAX. 1,000 lbs. TALLOW. 5,000 lb*. Clcuu Cotton or Linen Rng*?b] arch 19 3 ?f A_ U. KlftBY. NORTHERN NAILS. fYfWl LBS. NAILS. Ju?t received nm for Kale by A. 11. KIRBY. larch 12 3 tf .. 8. DbTTGHjA.?si ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, parlaiibiirg . II., S. C., If ill hereafter he (baud in tbo EXPRESS t 'F E, and will uttcnd promptly to nil business in lc*1 to liin Mtti March 5 2 ly NOTICE . LL Persons INDEBTED to MORGAN 6 . MOORE tire respectfully requested U> OA LI SETTLE, n.s tltry are in noed oi nil M< >N' E T them. MORGAN & MOORE, eb 20 1 tf_ ^rosli Arrivals. AIS1NS AND CANDY?just received u FWb. 86 I tt MORGAN ?& MOORE s. IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. parte, David II. Smith and Daniel II. Smith Committee of Noah II. Smith. ' pursuance of the order of the Court of Kquit; i the above ease, we will sell, to the highest bid oil the Tilt of April next, at the late reside lie ojli II. Smith, the TRACT OF LAN IT where he said N<>ah II. Smith's family now reside aining one hundred and uglily acres, more o Also, '.ho personal Estate of said Noah II th, cons at ng of Horses, Catile, Hog*, II, u-t and Kitchen Furniture, Farming Tools, Ac. 'ertnt. Six Hundred Dullarscash,ami the re ider on a credit of one and two years, with in t from date. Purchasers to give note and surct he purchase money. * DAVID II. RMITII, DANIEL II. SMITH, Committee of Noah II. Smith, larch 12 3 3t FANCY IRON WORK AND JL.f C U S .11 a T Mi /.VI?. IIE undersigned have this day formed a c<i partnership, lor the purpose of cat Tying on th ACKSMITH AND WHEEL-WRIGH: BUSINESS, Laurens Street, South of Palmetto House. Ve are ready to manufacture Iron llading, Bal os, Lightning Rods, Iron Bedsteads, Iron IjHirq: and Awning Frames, &o. d?e We are also pri d to attend to Horse Shoeing, Plantation Black ........... t I.. .1 tM .( ? .I I..? ill ly to exeeutu all work intrusted to us with il?f li, and uii tceouab c terms. ii. 11. mm ant, Vl> 19 Jt r, HAMLIN PROSPECTUS OF HE RUTHERFORD DEMOCRAT. III'. Subset ihi-i s. having purchased lie mater alsof the Rutherford Press, take pleasure i ouueiiii! to the people of North ami .South Can , thai they intend to publish, in the Town < lierford, N O ,a Weekly Paper, called "Till TUKUt'ORDTON DEMOCRAT," on th of April next. "he DEMOCRAT will advocate the principle ie great Democratic Party with it* utmost alnli -the only true and conservative party now i tence, ami the only party that the .South, as >!< , can I.Kik to for carrying out and iituitila'.ii the laws and Constitution of our government, 'he J minerals of North Carolina have lull litiacd to prc-s forward without fultrring i r exertions to extend and widen llu-ir rnuke i State; and, now thit tin y arc triumphant.let u nncnee u^nat to fort fy our poMs iu to! parts > Stale for the stin^cia in August next. "I a of p.'ac? let us prepare f *r war," hy bueklin >ur armor nga'.ij lor liu iinnronching Cungrci ail campaign. 'lie DEMOCRAT wHI ha devot d to P.dilic rtml IniprovtttK i:t*. Agricubutv, News, Sulci Original Realms Matter, 1\? try, A:o . iVe. 'hi- subscribers have secured sevi ral eorriwput: t? in the Southern Sun-*, us wo arc determine nako our paper n wileoine visitor to ever side. T1.1D1S: e Copy (invariably In advance) ? .' <1 Copies, II (1 celt Copies, t>7 ti ... .. f - VU J .'iJ (I TO Al>Vi:ElTI*EfttS. riie T? rm? t>l Advertising in tlu* PKMOCU.V I be as follows : i! Square 112 ! iu s or U-as) first inset tint), 1.0 :h subsequent insertion 2 songer advertisements in pmpurtMii. Ion tracts will be made with advertisers at th ve regular r ites for ? x or twelve month*, an .!??? olosu "I the contract 33$ per cent, will b tie ted from the gross amount, til Letter* "iust bo addressed to the subset.boi llullierlbrdtofl, N. C., and persons snbsenbin please write their names and Post t Mliee da tly, so an to prevent tho papers troin being sit ho wrong l'ost Ortice J. FOKHKST COWAN. ALK.VK. IPO. TUMISItO, luTiiEnroRDTON, N O.. MAKCII U, ISoT. I.N KQl ITV Sp;irlanburu. Ilosen \ i*e vs. A. Pettit and wile, el al. 1 iill lor discovery, account, and relit f. !* appearing to m\ satisfaction that obadia Vise, Nathan Vise, Nathaniel Vise, Anton Tin and Nancy h * wiTe, Cultou llnrraldson, jr tderson llarraldaon, Bt nj W. llai i . isoii, .1 I lurrrnldsoit, R.idclitV M. liar raids ?, K?chu ibmok, and liurcM his w ife, dcfei.iants in tli *, reside without the I.tints of this State: It ii motion of Wright and Bowden, complainant .'itors, Ordered That they appear and pleawer or demur, to complain nil's bill of complain tin three months lr< in the date of this rule. same will be ordered pro confetti nga n-t then T. < >. P. VKtlNON, c r. s. o. 'oni. (tiTiee, Maieh 3, lb">7. 2 3m In t:<|iiii} -8PABTANBUB6. W. Wyley Trustee, vs. Thus. O. P. Vet not (J' in'r. and others, r .. n i r i - ? ** i v tiiivii iur ivciici iinil in i *.ly .>ic?ncy . 'appearing from proof that 1Io?ca A. Woflur Ji jtio E. Wofl'urd, Elias .1. WOflurd, E'vir iglit. and Itnlph Wr glit, Eliza Tillotson mi n TiiluUon, defendants, are resilient* withoi State: It is. on motion of J. 1). Wright,Solicito 'cUliuurr, Ordered, 'i'lmt tiny appear *ud plea, ter or demur, to petitioners petition, withi e months from tliu date of thin rule, or the nam be InUen pro rovfesso against tbem. Til<>S. O. 1'. V ERAON, c. k. r. t>. ohi'm. Off"i*, M.i eli 3, I *.">7. 'J |f Lolislous N" otioo IIK Hoard of the River Aaaociatini will meet at PROVIllKNCK CH LJCI1, (litre s north of Limestone Springs,) oil Saturday be tin: Fifth Sub atli In March next. A ful of the Hoard i? reqaestid. Tito member Hoard consist of Rev. Tims. Curtis, l?.l> Harnett, 1>. Scruggs, dohn Hynrs, H. I! er, James Kzcll, Hugh Horlers, und Rev i. Curtis Corresponding Secretary, II. (.?, Gafl Rocc rding Secretary, C. I'. Petty, Treasurer cb. 12 61 it CO-PARTNERSHIP. IllC undersigned have this day formed a C< > PARTN ICItelllP, for tho purpose r?l con ing the business of 1IOUSI ' MOVING, Ac, w ill coutrnet to MOV I'. ALL K IN PS (>l ILDINGS AS I) CHIMNEYS, KMSI OFS, &u., in tho most scientific inanner, with tij uiy to the buildings. pplieation can be mado to either of the subset) in person, or through William Glaze, Esq. J{. C. BROOKS, ,b. 2? 1 tf J. L. FRENCH. Columbia, S. C., Feb. 13, 1857. BREASTPIN FOUND. JUNO III rxiaii ssion cf n nunn ? <! ? ago, a forgo Cameo Breastpin, which tin ir can have by proving property and payin lis advertisement. Jsn 1 45 tf ." ^ v > J" f % ' " ? v* k ' ' ** ? TmbTOTTPTT FOR 01.OO. J T.J, ELFORD, | f AMBROTYPE ARTIST, HAVING taken tlio rooms over Messrs. I). 1. ll' A L. Twitty's, formerly occupied by Mr. J. Forrest Oowun, und well known tw llie CAltOLl. N A STAR GALLERY, is ready to tske as Hne AMBROTYl'GH us any artivt in the South. llnv- J"1 ing u litis sky and siiie light, tind fresh chemicals, "* he will guarunty to his friends uud customers u (nl , true and lifelike picture. Ainbrotypcs taken In Frames,Cases, Pins, Kings, l" iiixl Medalions. March 12 3 U ^ "$80.00 REWARD. U RANAWaY Irom the subscriber, on the 7tli instant, nty negro boy .JfcRUY, about 21 , years old, datk copper color, 5 feet ntul 8 inches ^ high, lie formerly belonged to 1*. Q. Camp, and : was sold to Dr. Leo L. Hmith, and pure has, d by v 111c. 1 will give $20 for his safe delivery in Spark taubarg jail. I will give $10 lor pro.,I to convict r' any white person fur harboring JERKY, and $20 ^ to convict any negro for harboring. March 12 3 _2w_ WM. J AS. 8M1TH. ,,, KTOTIOR. 4 LI. persons holding BILLS against J. FOR- {M ' i. \_ REST GO WAN, ure hereby requested to present tliem 011 22d inst., at Room 23 Palmetto cr House. March 12 3 2t , " TOBACCO. 4 1'INK ARTICLE OF OLD VIRGINIA _ >' l\~ TOBACCO, lor ki1? by ! * Maroi. 12 3 tf A. H. K1BBY. Tho Illustrated Edition OF A r. I IRVING'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON. S t ("N 1'. PUTNAM it CO. will commence in j 3 a foiv days n new ed.tion of this great work ' ( - 111 Semi m nthly parts. Price 23 ecnts each. Knelt volume will consist of 14 parts, handsome- J v lv printed in imperial leluvo. Tin: whole work will bo illustrated by about 80 superior Engravings on steel, including Portraits ami Original ll stori- f eal Designs, by eminent Artists. With numerous Wood Cut< and Maps. Siicli part will contain at least 3 ' pages ami one etigrav- I ' nig on steel?every other pint will have two steel ( ) plates. TERMS OF PUBLICATION. 1. Kneh semi moiiilily part, containing as above ' j specified, 2 cents, payable on delivery. 2. All subscribers must engage to take the entiro work. J V ? \inong the Illustrations already engraved, or ? ' nearly completed, are the lullowiug Portraits, (011 stci I:) j Gen. Schuyler, Gen. Chart's Lee, I* ! Gen. Putnam, Gen. Henry Lee, > Gen. Atiiold, C?>l. Mrullrie, vicu. ivnyne, Gen. Ward, Uui. Clinton, Gen. Knox, Robert Morris, I, ' Goii. Montgomery, Gen. Stark, _ (jell. St. Ola r, Gen. Hamilton, I J G?n. lord Sterling, Gen. Ohm, / (Jen. Karon Stvubeii, Gen. Glover, SI i (till. I/i Fayette, Gen. N r IV. Ilcvc, :u I G ii. ( a?uiii Pulaski, S.r Henry C.inton, : u I (jeii. Lincoln, I <>r.l CornwuIlia, J ??iii. Mercer, Gen. liurgoync. i. | Washington, from the Picture hy Ponle. n j Washington, from the Picture by Tinmbull. , Wnsliinclon, from the Piclute from Wurlmuller. er ,( Washington, from the Picture hy Siunr'. is j<* Washington, Iroin the Picture ol Houiloti'a Ihist. :it c Washington, ftoni the Picture of lliiuiioti's Statue. Washington, from the Picture of Krowu's Statue. ~ % Washington, from the original Profile, j. Mis. Washington, (early Portrait.) r n Mrs. Washington, Ironi Stuart. t ;i M.hs Phillips, from original Picture. j ,h i- ILLUSTRATIONS ON STKP.L. ; V Historical Scenes, (chiefly frotn original designs.) ' * Sie of Washington's Kirth-plaee, | " Mount Vernon, (three views.) " Washington n? a Surveyor. s Washington nt Fort Nevt>?i:y. ' Washington surveying tiio Dismal Swamp. " Washington at Winclu ster. I ^ Wellington's f-'- Id Sports. ' Fortifiing RutikerV i? - | Fort T'oundir??prt- l?oke George. ' Foil.ligationsat Wnl Point, in ITS'). " Washington ijue'i.jig a RWt, [front a ^out^mporafy { II Drawing.) i in View of Nov York, 17TC. , hi Announcement of ludependenoc. j u .v K at I to of Tietltoti. I M.ittle of Gcrmiuitown. ) H.ilile ot Motunoutli. ^0 I'rad.l.'eh's'.ii' 1'ield. 0 Washington going to Congress, ito . Ate. ' "Must always remain, par eminence. The Ilia u lory of the Father of liis Ctmntry."?PhU. Bui, y X. It?It is inter.-led that the Illustrations in ! i j. | this ed.tiou shall he worthy of the subjrel and ol , (j we author. I lie la-st ni tism haw been engaged t?> *| () inako ?ik filial draw'tig", an 1 the most eminent en- pi i g'av? r? art* ecured. ?* 1 No expense will lt?- spared to make the tltgrnv- ?| | ilia's creditable to American art, ami luily saliafuu* tr I i torv to amateur* of ihstidious taste. 4 " I VST A-' iiits and i-.iiivavHi-s supplied on liberal ti run. Tlie edition is published cxclu* voly for subseriber*. j C??ui try papers inserting this advertisement L three times wdl rann a eiunpl ti of tlu- I a-. ' j ted Edition. Match 12 11 3t J MARYLAND LOXTIORIES FOR M A R CII, I ? 5 7 . * ! e - . I Pi - . Drawings conducted under the superintendence of j the State I?ttery Comtuis iotier. PRIZE* PAID AS SOON AS DRAWN. , ([ A (1 It AM) MAIiYI.AM) LOTTERY |1 II * 11 ON Til K HAVANA H,AM " CRAM) CONSOLIUATKU LOTTKRY OF Ml). l" EXTRA CLASS 3, ! I To be drawn in il.tliiniore, MurylanJ, Saturday, Mareh vS, 18,57. | !' 3'>000 N EMBERS 1,000 PRIZES: II 1 t j : lu these Lotteries every Piizo must be drawn by ? I j so i e one, as all the Prises arc drawn out of the wheel. , T. II. III URA RD & CO. are authorized by llto Manage: s to till all or del*. SPLENDID SCHEME. I I prize of $:l2,00u | ! priz?s of 1 ,.r?00 1 I>1 /a of J >,0" I I I |il xes of 1 ' | , 2 pr izes of 44)60 I 4 prism of 1,000 I 2 prizes of 3,tf00 | 10 prices of 70" A piizc* of 2,000 20 prizes of ;*i00 I | -1 prizes of 1,750 I 141 prizes of 300 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. ,1 , 4 of $400 Approximating to $32,000 lt | 4 of 300 " It),000 , 8 of 200 ' 4,960 I 8 of 150 " 3,o00 I 16 of 100 " 2,000 , e | 16 of 90 " 1,750 " | 16 of 80 " 1,500 16 of 70 " 1,250 ! 16 ?>f 60 " 1,000 40 of 55 ' 700 _ . 80 of 50 " 5oo it 576 of 30 " 3>)0 c ; 1,000 prizes amounting to $183,600 L | Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; (>u triers $2.50. , 11 BRILLIANT SCHEME. . Grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland. | CLASS 33, To be drawn in HALTIUORB, MP , ,, Mar el i -21, 1^57. J] SCIIIiMB. ,i, 1 Priso of S563.710 85 p.. 6>0 il, 2 " i2,r?no 13-2 p. :;> <) w 2 " 8,000 132 p. 200 10 " 5,(K>0 132 |?. 100 , 10 " 3,800 3,06(1 p. 40 10 " 2,000 25,740 j?. 20 ? 100 ' 1,250 30,316 |?r z< s amounting to $1,141,110 Wholes $20; llalv. * $10; Quar. $5; $24. i Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes, cost $316 00 I " " 26 Halves, 158 00 ' " " 26 Quarters, " 79 00 ' ? " " 25 It ?hth?, ' 39 50 ?' i-ir All orders for tickets or packages in nnv <>f eo the .vlnryland lotteries will receive prompt aliention, and the drawing nui led to nil purchasers iin- , w' > mediately after it is over. Addriss ? ' ? T. H IIUBBAU!) & CO , No 39 Fayette ??., or Jlo* No. 40, I March 12 3 2t Brtltimnc??,Md. v * ' TBE WALKER SOUSE. SPARTANBURG C. H. TUB friends of thia establishment, ! miBiJ l',e P?Wic At large, ore rw p<ytLfcjEHyJBr fully informed thnt lire ilOl'ET. II be continued nild kept open for tli? I sorption nil who may feel disposed to patronize It. The service*of MR. J. (Il.'ISN HARRIS, a nlli'in iti ol fine business capacity, accommodating njHootion, nnd tillable manners, nave been secured r its active management, owing to tho infirin alth of the proprietor, who will nevertheless rein n general wvcrs'glit of the House. Tho Oulinaiy dep. rtmcnt will be supplied with c selection of the market. Gentlemen with their families visiting or passing rough Spartanburg can be furnished with unsur seed accommodations; the location being central, tirrd and convenient During the pant year a large addition ha* beeu ade to the House, affording inn cased accommo itiona and insuring greater comfort to guests. Another want has been supplied In u large and iniiuiMlious 11A LIj, suitable lor Hulls, Parties, id Concerts Attached to the 1 louse arc ample yard a uiul lou r the reception of stock of all kinds, and ilioveri n thus tind comfort (or themselves ami provision r their enttlo of w hatever description. As the terms will be aceomniodnling, the pro'ietor respeetlully solicits a continuance of tin ternl patronage heretofore extended to the WalkHouse. \V. WALKER, F"-h 12 3in Proprietor. SELLINGOFF 5E L o'wC O S T J L. BLOOMBERG & BRO., RE DETERMINED To GET RII) OF HBIR present STOCK QF GOODS TO PREPARE FOR THE II MI, A SI) W ILL THEREFORE SELL IEEAT BARGAINS. THEIR STOCK COSSISTS OF CLOT II I NO , AND A GENERAL VARIETY OF FILL WD WINTER ROODS. Carefully selected in the Philadelphia ami New oik Market:, by one o! the tirin, nnd at such lit Ivanlage as t > enable them to sell very HUFAP FDD PAQUt I un vriun A!*.i, LiduV DRr.SS COO/)S, (Jingliim* alieoe*. a In ivv Stuck of DOM LS'l'H '.V, I.a c?' M.intlll u an I Cloak* ?l Silk and Velvet; S II I Silk \ i Ivi: lit tell BONNJSl'S, ilii- moi nhimialilc and beautiful ntylc*. E3 m broiclorios, A.\<\ WORh-llASKHTS, COLLARS ecve?, Handkerchief*, I'inune n^s an 1 a lariri til eli k'ant nut rtineiit of oilier CjixkI* which ar< lual'y kept in A DRY GOODS STORE. Wo are very thankful in nur frii-nil* fur llie jjcii uua custom already xiien un, and nil we itnw ask ?call on u? win n you are in town next week nl we will <li< yi?n tjonil in return. Fob 12 >i t1' I. Hl.oo.MllKltf; & I'.lio CEDAR SPHINX ACADEMY. II11 IS Selcml, fur male* nti'l female*, will rc . commence ?>n the 4th MONIJaY (the 'J6tl ly) <>l January inrt , under the care <>l O. 1 I ill l i; a.. I Mrs. K P. V. II WHITE, live of Toil n. per Icrm of 10 months,from $11 i Si.1 i, inc i nk' I -aiin. Mi; e m*oii Mil ?d'vni per scholar. Hoarding, Imm <7 in ?-Sp< ? month, l ot further mf rniat on addic * L II. WilliK. fan 1 45 uiii Ckhar Srring J. MILES LEE i ) 1-. il*lit TKIi.l.Y iiif'>rma liii iVirri s an'il th LV publ I: 1. - pari il tut \ ' r ntra ? I lkLILDINf; an J t Alll'l.M KI'.lNt , nit ?t* bratudnx. Ho hopes hy i. Si'*"M t kniiivii t in /1 < i.tuii i i'i* and patrmiitk'c. II Valence ia ou College Jli.l, }?]?ait.i||l>uru S 0. I'll. 1'J :,J ly VEN1! VIDI! VICI: "Tlirrr is no Two Ways about il," CHINESE SUGAR CANE. ' ()M 111 111 N < i imp' riant in < v. i \ l> >-1y i* t!i ^ I'liliiratinii "f I lie "ClII.NlIsil St't. \I A X IC." The li'kh price ul Mi^.ir nlid inula*-. intiM intlucc pla lei* in try the experiment n nulueiiik' Mitr >r u|?nii ordinary corn ymwinn |.n.| yrup nuido from lite i .lie may be examined at th i-re ?.r tlit- mil/-, i i\ her. :! m.ty !? Ii.i-i 1 Ii u<* genu lie SI* LI . 1'iice SI per package,o 1.30 when Kent I I- fil.til paid. I' IS 11 I K & IIKINTISII, Fell. 10 ."ij 11 Wholesale I >. u -Is. ANDUl: I II S W \li?IN! f:U 11 \KD1\ SKIDS GMSIILR & URIXrFBlI.Drararta an 1 Chein I hi if to infurm their trie nds and the publi cm-rally, that tin > have now oj.. a an.I ready lo !< , a large illld well elected ?ti . of L.inlretl l.irilen SSe. ?li?. < hi bracing every vari- tv ui>ua lailied in lie Carotin >s The i.|Ulalioii of M andri til is ? xt?-ii-1\? ly Uu tin, an I ?i Ml?ta in-< om year to year. \uioii/ the variet ? * may l? mini Liilv Ywk, 1 til l'ntili. Large Yoik am li iuuhe.i l Cabbage, Lv ri IC ki te May I'ea*. 1 ile by LISII Lit dc 11 LI N ITSII, Feb. 10 ti Uruffgif!*. J. E. STENHOUSE I V* AS opcm W \LN UT GROVK L A of NE\V i If II ; is, e n e nn . 1' lal Jnare, I 'ul i r\ i m i v, -, and (iioc-i < 0 . all 1 Hi I <11 ill .v I : to ojVe sal Sat Oil Walnut Clove-, Spurianburg D.i-Ucl, S C. TH 12 fill if l\ EQUITY Spartanburg. L 1*. Sm,ih \.i l'o'bt Cunningham, et al I*i 1 .on for Fun is. 1 1' appi at ug I" the mtWiii tinn ol th's * "oart thai *> Lmiso Cunningham, Robt. Cunningham, Joh aon nglinm, W .'.i nm i lunninghnm, Anlliony t on ,nnh i:.i, < 'alhuilue \\ Ii te, \? ..|<>w, M.n?>a S uoiii iJow, Jolin \VolT..i.l ami Mary his wife, ili ten lilts in this ease. IVm>'.> Ii.hii an i Without t e i in stif lluk Stall: It in, on ii o i n of I),nil, im t> hoi1-. . S I e i a ? ft r Petit oin r, Ih drrn!,Tllllt tliej ijieal' and |.|end, niMti r oi de . nr. to I'ctil oner' el'l: II, W 'lhili three m n hi Irnm the imb'i i'.: a ' th * rule, i r ill- haiin w..l hi taken y: o ruit'ris jain.t tin in. Tilt is ii. 1' \ LltNON, <: k s. i> Coinr's O.lie. , M e h 3, 1S,"i7. March 2 * 3m IN EQUITY Spartanburg. couai'd \\ . II . ;s vi Nam v Cclr, J \ Kow lor tinJ wtie, and others. IMI (.1 1 '.ula.<>ii d! Ileal Mutate. T |n i!. i' -jit tie I M? hd .nit < . .lol>n A l'.ialir ..a I Maty A l'.mler >?e Willi aid x\ V K i ill WadJol. is? li lliinit tin limits til tlii State: On inu'inn i'rijilit A Hon .? S. ton. tiir e -:n[>l?i ..illt, it i idered, l ,li \ npp a nud | lead, ausner o iniir, to coin pi. i.lilt's l>d id complaint, witlin t ee nioiltlm Irani tin* da'e nf ll.'m rule, o| tl.esaiin ill tie taken /a > tonfrnm ig ?ir.?t tie n. l "tii OlVn , M well ;t. Is;,7. TIKIS, o. 1'. \ J:!tN*oN, c K r>. Mareli 5 V dm IN EQl Irv spartanburg. Jniiatlian l/iw, v*. H K Seay, aaid clliem. 15II tut d aeovcry mil Uj**' T Appearing li iii testimony tl;jt ! 1 ..I 15 Si . JoIiii S. Seny, and SmsilwUa m etidnnt' ill s e.n , limn and witlntf** the ImiMi n ? State: It in, U til tn.11 el W Mill* 15.|'. l.-> mpl ntiailtV S lie,: ?, lln.'fr i,io..l tliey li i I plead ansae n denii r, tn e tiMif* .11 illiin three iiinntlm I'nir.i tlio d liBf te.' , is tin mo Will In- taken pro rnn/cuo theirt Or.til. Odiee, Mareli 3, 1 S.ri7. * THO 0 P c r.* i. Mfttvli S ? _ & ^rrt 4 Cuiuiiiissioiitr's Notice. ALL Guardians, Trustees, Receivers, nod other ' * persons, rciju red by law umke to annual re- yj , turns, are hereby not.lied to iimku up nod report j their accounts by the 15th day of March next. Kuch ? , item of cxpeiuo must be substantiated by proper i vouchers. Rules will he issued ngniust oil defaulters, i TIIO. O. 1*. VKRNON.c. it. s. n. |t Com. Office. Feb. U. 1857. Feb 12 52 tf i SWAN & cos. LOTTERIES. ~ CAPITA!. PK1/.K . 1 50,00 0!!! J}, Owing to the great tavor with which our Single j _? Number lotteries luivc been received by the pub- > lie, and the large demand for Tickets, lljo Muna, gers, H. SWAN & Co., will have a drnwii g each | Saturday throughout t' c year. The following 1 i Xoheirio will be drawn in each of their lotteries ! , for March, 1857. j ? ITJLA83 3 5, , To l?e drawn i ? the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in 1 | j public, oil 1 ' Saturday, March 21st, 1857. yiLAsa 35. . To bo drawn iu thu City of Atlanta, Gcorg'n, in public, on , ( SATURDAY, MARCH 23th, 1357, On the JPIau of Single Number*. : TIIRI'.B THOUSAND TWO lll'-NOHEO ANtHIXTT PltlZBs! j More than one Prize to every Ten 'I iek? is. . QO,OOoTICKETS. 0r MAGNIFICENT SCIIL.MK! , lilM , t Prize of ?5(1,(1(10 is $50,000 ' . I 20,000 is 20,000 1 ? .10,000 is. .. . 10.00(1 ! 1 ?' 9,ii00 in 9.000 1 " 8.000 is 8,000 I 1 7.000 is 7.000 I I ? A,00(1 i? r, H(io J 1 " 5,000 i? 5,0<K> ] " 4.000 > 4.000 1 44 3.000 ih 3.000 \ 1 44 2.000 is 2,000 I * 1 " 1.000 < 1,000 to 1 100 " 101) art* I t,000 i I I0O 44 50life 5,000 j Ai 1'ltOXlM ATION IMUZICS. 4 I'ri/es ?.r $250 A|>. t? $50,000 p. art' $1,000 4 " 200 up t<> 20.000 p. arc 80O I 4 44 100 up. to 10.000 p. " 400 : 1 4 44 80 np to 0,000 p. 44 320 j wli 4 " f>5 up, to 8,'Mnt p. " SCO inn 4 " Ct) up. to 7,000 p. 44 240 4 41 55 np. to 0,000 p. ? 220 1 4 " 50 ap. to 5,000 p. '* 200 4 '* 45 np. to 4.000 p. " 1WH 1 4 " 40 np. to 3.000 p. " 100 4 " 30 np. to 2.O00 p. 44 120 'I 4 44 25 np. to 1,000 p. 44 100 1 . 3.000 p. 20 aro 00.000 1,100 Prim amounting to siOi.UOO l Wlndo Tickets $10, Halves $5; tjuartcrs $2 50. PLAN ??K Tilli LoTTKIU ?Tin NumWi. j front 1 t" 80,000, corr?*piiiiiliuj{ with Xnm1 brri on tliv Tickets, priiitisl <ii tn'pnrati- s! ps <if pa ' 1 p r, are encircled v ith small irt tube* an4 placed : in tine NVIieel. /i The tirst 212 IVi* 'w, sini lurly pr ate.1 mill en| circled, are placid in :iI)?-t4 T win .1. ' 1'Tiie wheek are then levelled, nix! a numl r is '' drawn fn.iti the w heel of Nuinlx i s, and at the > anie time a Pr ze '? drawn (mm the --t?.. r wheel. The . , Number an 1 IVize drawn >.ut are "pi lie I and x i tiititled j.i tin" audience, airi registered b) Hio ' ! Ciiinni ssioiitt*, tlu- Prize being placed aguutl the , f, j I Number drawn. This operatinn - repealed until ^ all lite Prizes are drawn cut Approximation Pt izes.?The two preceding and j. . the two succeeding Xumbiis to those drawing the i first 12 Prize* w ;!| lie t milled to the 4"S Apptoxi- , , mat on Prizes, according to the scheme. | .. j The 3,00 t Prizes of $20 dollars will he deter- j ' I iitim-d hy th?- hi>t figure ol the Number that draw* | " ( , tin $30,000 Pi 7.Pur < xunple, it the Nninher I drawing the $."? .),II0(? Prize ends with No. 1, then I _ ' nil the Tickets where the number end* in I will j he < mill l to $20. It the Number ends with No. 1 2. then all the Ticket* wh> re the Number end* in I 2 will t>e i iititlcd to $20, and h i on to 0. Certificates of P.'lekagi s W iif be sold at the follow* 1 ing rates, which is the risk: T! Cert ficate of Puokag> of 10 Whole Ticket*, $S0 tl c " " 10 Halt " 40 i a < J 41 1" (Quarter *' 20 an IN Olllil KINu I'lCKLTs I.n CEhTirif.\TKS, O i , , * ^ Knvl 8c f*'c ???!?*> Ul vur nUroi for 'lick- ^ " eta ordered, ott receipt of which tiiey wiil be fur1 w arded by first mail, purchasers can have lickcts m) ' ending in any figure they m y d. s'gnate. The!;.to! I L awn N nmlsi s and Pi.z.s will be j. sent to purchase is immediately afn r the drawing.! Purchaser* will p!< n?e write tin .r signature plaiu, i . and give their Post OlHoc, < 'auuty ami State. Kemeiiibcr that every Prize :* druwu atlj p-ya. ! ble in lull without deduction. * I All Pi iz * of $1,000 and under paid immediately alter iho drawing?other pi / s at the usual 1 time of thiity days. All eoruaiuiiiMii n* sttictly confident! d. , Pi z Tickets c-shid or r. tie wed ill other Tiokr i i u ai either office. ~ Adiires* el.lets fill Ti.'k. s or Certificate* either | to s SWAN .v CO., Atlanta, Oa.t I or S. SWAN, Af mtgoinrry Ala. Feb. 86 I _ 41 A LEE tfc MOISE, * oa Wholesale Grocers, ^ WIT1I LIQUORS, 1 No 7 11AYNI-: STIlRjrr, h,? tin CHARLESTON, S. C. I- r. 14. UK, T. 1. UOIIK ' i vh so i >* [' Tin: ( ALDiiK norsi:, (Lite 1'la liter*' I (oil 1,1 i N' BY J. W. GAMBLE. ? > OtlNZR or Clll licit ami QUKEN srRKGT*, I. 4 Cisi rlcstoai, S. < ' i . s House - itiuroiig'iiy rebu.i', retin idol, I.. led iii tin oi litre : litis ii -s an | lie,it hi a .ti! \ 4- . lid to III. I I.e. I III I 'li lt '. St.>11. 1 I !l Tl Till 1 v ^y JAMES T. FLEMINQ, won . s i m o \ s is it o r ji i<: u s, - lioloulr (piroiM i's, yo. loo i: [sr if i r, (IIAKUMON, S. (. Feb. ft 50 . lv ? ; KENIFICK & SKRINE. ~ W tui.r. AMI RETAIL. PEAI.KRS l\ III 1 Dru^'*. M? .ln-iui-*, 1 YiTnmrrir*. I'..;ntr, Oi!>, 1 " lliusln ?, mi i 1 .nil ) m'iciw, ON TIIE *''Sr TKnM*. NO. KING STREET, (Oj?|K'< tf Soi-'l-Iv Miv. t nii'l Merfliaiit*' 1\ itit. CIIAKLESTOS, N C. ,, | JOHN KEMflCK, W. A KRINK, M l>. l'ob. 5 50 1 y IF YOU HAVE A COUGH, (R A 1.1. hi l ?lo i tfc 11? :11.t %11* ? F.ini'lv M' ilifim > . J Si.iiini'i |MiH'inr a tmti o! i*i< a ? net-Hont t "(Joliyti S)t H Will r.iii s >u ill a \, i t sli >i: I lull.*, lio ni.i'.lcT liotv b.i I or lio.v olirtiiiatv ll.v " ooujjh. 1'' r oiiiv |?y r KlSliHK.fc 1IEIXIT>II. 1 > | Feb. 10 52 ir PhiHimntiMi, . , ^ THE SUBSCRIBERS, H" A \'l N (i illk .lav as-. t. d with them, in the C? . \V l|oM> A l.'K DHV <;00|>S Bl'SI- ?[ N I >S, Mr .It >11 N I?KtJlU K, 111?- s Hiu- n III ci??- -in n't-1 Ik- .-nili.'.l <n under li e firm of N AVI,K!l. - ' smith, \ Co. wm naylki: ^ TIIO.S. I\ i MII'M. , Cinni I'fT.iN, .Ian 1, 1 >.V<. suPERioRmm 1 t lw I'ndi ia Miied, rio!i ?s. r Mu?ic, etc., .it A H tlie 8parunbWrB K. male Collt]^1, rnpcoifUW in. 1 ' n i'iv. a-. \11 it i.. . . nt 111,i< 11 i i r v < M:\viiin, A- UKAIHJURY'S PIANCS, i, .vli < li v.tnk now nmoii? llie very best. Wurinnl 1> '.d, ninl funiikbed at I ho (ielnry |?r.ce, I on Soiu" Spit lt? can b' k.- n at tin- Te mile CToi- j ? o I lege. ! !. M. FJ>WAKI>Y ( S.jrt 25 :'i A KRIA?E JTR1NM1NGS. XLKS, SPRINGS, and HUBS. I - r sale L by BENNETT A GOSS. jui 29 A'J lf_ 0. LANDRETH & CO. * 'KESII GARDEN SEEDS, all kmda. F"r I w?lc by BEN N ETT A i. OS*. Inn '.'9 4'J tf RE AI> V - .M ADE CLOTHING. G . ?d >upply on lutnd. CVI'.IICOA TS II aeHing Ibati 2-.' F . Cal n, il y<>u wiiiii a b.u <jsin. Iaa M 19 tf I > 1. N N k it i; < ?>s Saponaceous Compounds. Gin SS OLD WINDSOR SOAP, the beet in um', lor III rente ;i bur only. l , I! ToLLF.SON'm WINGO. WANTED r\l\ I'l.'SH LI.S DRIED PEACHES. j 1/1/ iOLLKSON A WINGO. fan i ir> r-?f Ladies' Collars. J"OW open-ii.'. 5o<> LADIES' COLLARS v Irom -jr. to l'relty steles. I-I :<II if TOLLKSON Ac WINGO WRIGHT & OKR, I 1 TTOJtXEYS A'J LAW, SPARTAN EURO, C. II. M ricu in T;?j. I."cb'h Brick Building, next >r to HiiIki Ac Edwards law otlice. up staire. I 1). Whiuiit Spartanburg C. 11. I as. L. < > it it Anderson C. II. I I An It 1 HAG 4.r> tf .1. II. ELVOftD, I VrORSEY AT LA W: j t >FFIC11 AT SPARTAXBURG, S. C , |; i I \ril.l. practice in tbe M'?crnl Courts of the ! i Western Circuit. Any business intrusted i i li: scare will meet wiili prompt attention. . Dec. 1 1 -t'J r. ir.o? ] p.. k>. 6 wis if," T A 1 L O It , IAS REMOVED l?i* new rooms over j i L Miasrt. D. I. Ac L. TWITTV 'S store, I 1 ere be will l>e very liappy to see Lis < >1.1 ftikIm. | 1 ready j i TO MK.IVE TfJKU CHEAP FOK CAbll. NovJ 37 if DISSOLUTION "MlK firm of .1 AS A. FOWLER & CO. Itns been tins div dissolved by mutual consent. ( All persons indebted to us are earnestly requested ill iK I'liiin;.! ate p.i\, ns our biin'miM must , settled tintli?uli. .IAS. A. FOWLER, ' Jan. 1 45 tl J. W. KERR Ltcvin tfo Kals.01% A I t '.TIf IV FPUs; ^ & V. ' A- A v / 1 J i J X \ AMI onoral Commission Merchants, KOK TIIK hALK OF nl Estate, S*o,'k*, H'>udk, Negroes, Cotton, | Kionr, and all kin Is of country prudi cc; also, attend strictly to receiving an I forwarding j nil kind* <>f Merchandise* KIKCHKM'tl, ./ .An Caldwell, ./ .1. Crawford, Col. /(.An- ' rson, ('ilumltia. S. C; J. II. Wiily ?j- Co, i irderai tf- Co., Charleston. S. C.; C. I'. Sulli- ' a, J. II. Irhy, S. Fleming, Laurens, S. C; ' / '. Realty, IIre nrille, S, IV". S. Gilmer Son, Rankin Mr Lean, Greenel/oro'. A". an ?V Rrothers, Charlotte, A. C ; Dr. Ildicaid 11, Salisbury, A C; I'. L Gaiding, German rn, A". C. i t.ti.-c 198 Exchange Row, Columbia, S C. 1- .b ,ri 50 fun CIVILIZATION A \ II r A ? III O \ ! 'I ;s conceded l>y nil writers, that as a people increase in u thoy advance in civilization. i?- B ivn.M- li.ih but lew wants to bo supplied, The *-l? tj( the ortinc lie kills for lood,an?I riio skins lot ov. i U.', lie N ts dovv n colileUti'd ? .111 his sipaaa I .jv"i?c t.> enjoy tln? ? tuple faro. The oppj a* extreme ore th '^l'arisians and Isondoiiers, | .<> e wan s tire as numerous as llieii minus to pply them are bountiful. I'.u is n considered tin* (jiiintn-rncf of rtfine tit, an 1 I*ondon plays " ( ..n l ti Idle, with nil the j of t'.e w ''.J 1? 'olio# after uud npo their As tlic wants of our District arc increftsTg, it ' an <-v di'tiec of iiicretntiiii; refinement and pros- i ritv; and if our Iriends will continue to pat maize 1 , vvc will supply tbe.r wanu to tin. best of our ilily. We would < ij to our cuktomeis iliat money is n j'.ivc power. We i'Xp<ct to pay for . 11 lliu goods ptircliMM' We would not wish to dun. Oh ! Wi im-ii-ty wisli it to be known that the j n of a I'. I!ar is not parlieiibnlv offensive about - tone of year. lili.N N KTT A" OOSS. Feb. .* 50 If sqo xiew a nx>. i I V NKGROUOT SQUARE, lelt home for 1 1 li wi e'.-. Iniu>e oil tlolin l'oolo's plantation, l>iler It vor 14 iii'li-s w>stof Spartanburg, on i* 'J't'i. I> eeiular last, nnT has ti''t returned. ' ,'l \ H K . a'.xiut 212 yours old, 5 feet ti er 10 ! lo-s li gli, w a I it nl) in: lof> lbs. lie hnJ on when i a black hut and n.xcd clothing. I villi pay ' i'above t?ward for bis di'ivery in Spartanburg 1 tbe ne.-.r j el be inny L>- caught. I w a - > piy - at, apou t ic c :iv..-ii' i of any j i . i |>-1 - a- t iiml yuiHy <?f harboring i.i.d \. 'n i. ? ii.iv. la upon T\ir? r. .'a 55 t> u llRNRY ROUJNft. TATE or SOUTH CAROtlNA S.VUl Will'KG DlSTUICT. r; mi: court ok ordinary. . el ' > ( ' i J >:" r . .Vl'in. App't. V?. \)T. 0 G. ' I .. ip', t'l III (It 1*1( ' t III t. to Sellieltll tit. \II \s . li.t* In en t-lio'.1 it to tlioi.iliifao- I t . |'t' - Court tluit I >.. O. G. Chapman, ' < ".> ; m. | tv'li ijitn ui, \\ i'.f. rd i . ipioalt, Wiley Chapman, M ul.ti.iii>, i in i'li jitr.un, John ('li;. jiii in, Nunoy Cltnpiit, the luira tit Invir uf Martha Tltotiixon. dec'd., ? 1 A mi hi.- wile, Maiden Chapman, nt' Cliapmn ., Win. I*. Clinpiaati, Memory i, \ irp I l '. i;ii i:lll. I MilViH M f'haplli ill, hit A Turner, Memory II Turntr, Qnii^faV, liner. A > i i II. toi in l. Jil . John A. Uv;ii> . W 1* Kv.iii . he r.-ami d.-iilbuti?sat law nti-i j a*i i , uiu'i i t'e vv 1 ol .! hti Chuptt.nn, cr ' i''il , 1 11 J? (ruin all I \? illiiai! the hr.els ol t n? j all: I ?therefore . i i I aii ; .li er?a il, that they ; I inch ol' them P. and appear .t the Court of ; d.iiaiy lor in 1 I > I .el, to lie lu l l at Sp,art?il- | p Court II. !? . , on to, 'JTih li.n 11 Much next, I >'i -a e uf", il in i i i, ? hv the eat ate of the | I .1 dill Chliplll iii. . , ill , ill alii '! he fjiu'ly , lied, a .1 the il-"!* i ! I ".mile orjercd to ho i out eeofil nj lo !a i, or their cnmeii! to thv to- will lii tah ,-ti fin cjiiJrAW. < . i u h i . .. ha . I - f Other. tintil 1 i. e., 1 i.'iG, i! lit >'A Dl-.N, o. a. P. i Dee i 48 'igt* I IN EQUITY- S|?;irl;inlnn. . Spa in.i Mir ?i. Di-nticr. rah t . i ii to, rt a!., r*. W m )J. CI n i i i % a i <?. Chapman, Mi-m-ry N. Cliaptii iti. .i \ i ?*i! 11 J. ( T.npuntn It II h.r r.trtlt. a. T n|?peiirii>^ to :! i- ?ati*f:icii<ni of thn <." i ti.n. Win I'. Chapi-atin,? (I CI npinan, M, ni-i N ' o.ipmiin i n-l \ auii II. .1. Ch i; mw.ii .< nn i n th i i-;ta<. ia> .le Ii in and u-illmitl the l.n?- 1 of ili - S in ; It i<, on nioi uti of KdwariU A' ' i ;,Ci>mpli.' . . Sol eiiori. ordered that ilu-y | mid plead, nu?i\i r or demur, to complain. !?' h i! with a three month* frrttn the puhliCati- ti i!- a t u'o, i r the same w ill b tatrcii pro anfitio nlnrt tin in. i 110. O. P. VEIINOX, o. r. o. d. Crttn'r* < F*b.SI, IK.'#. Feb. I Sm. THE KITCHEN GARDEN. II AT 1?> 1 ?0 f >w EARLY ITA*> im- j ' T i y I>1 Ii ! by '111 Hill ni'-ly t. but ' r v Kalr:i Rir'y IVim. t. <*r Early Y??ik, ' ir(?o Yirk, . iid Ox II.nt C*kb???^ * iv hIm> miiiIi. kI iiml Fl it cnl'iuifcjw tor Summer 1 fnl lliUS kl i', til' up ll. mi'llti ITIiplfel SHCOfSm. Ocnuiao SKF.!)? may bo li/i<i ?t HsllER As IIEINITSII'S, V*. J? ,V? ' Viia' ioo|.i;?tj .!? .? T>pi'2B",,,? | BARGAINS I BARGAINS! , Clearing out <mr De LAINES, JFROJtf 12 1-2 to 25 cts per yd ENGLISH MERINOS, lit 37 to 50 cents! 1 GOOD BLANKETS, >0 cents to 2.00 dollar*. LADIES' CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, A W t 0 g ? . ALSO MANY OTHER COOPS AT COST. CALL EARLY ANDljET BARGAINS FOR CASH ONLY. TOLLESON & WINGO. Jail 1 l.j tf . DR. C LOFTON'S INFIRMARY. I \It. JAMl^S CLOPTON, ** ho has visited 1 utli C.foTh.i lor neve nil yenrs. pnictieing his )iofi*T"- <>n. has now pi rmanciitly eslflttlishrd himself i? HUNTSY'ILLE, ALABAMA, where lie ia inquired t<> treat rucwiojutl)' the following dteeoses: Asthin i, ))!ua?iHi of the Throat, Inflammation slid ICiilargcjiiem o' the Tons U, GUhidalar BweM'ngt iboul tla.' Neck and 'Diruiit, ihttifub, Scold-1 lend, rumors that frequently ounie on the eyelids?and i! oilit r <>l the Skin. 'l ir.i moiii.iU of the highi.t character from your " * t.?' i1 v\ 1 he '. ?i ue :i i. 11 il i.. < >. ?:-L ' . j ? - - - f ??? ? mv imvivu w till u rvn. ly Oat?ill d f-r ;J?cm u'l ihnt medio no Call ?! >. i'i ep.irr-1 u.;d ? ld!>> .VVMt.SC. AYER.^ra*,i:e?l I A n.My tV.-d Clteniiot, Ia?w?11, Mm. HSilE'.l A' flWN(TSll,Sp?rt??nb?rj, JUlIN J.. YOUNG, rnMniville, and by ?U Merchant* Mi l I)ru?u>.*e evrrpwhero. IlAYlLAXD A IIAtlEAL. Ch.ulo.Mn, Wholesale Agents. Jr.n. if 4?i 4m % 01 (;iis."ioL1>S, CONSUMPTION, VKow Rottles of Dr. Curt.*' CHERRY ST11 UP. and INHALING VAPOUR. X?*tr known l? foil in ..flVcl.atr ft euro. The dt mind for it rapidly incn a-ing. Alio, Ayr-', t li.rry IVotqpal. and Roger*' Jilftnrurx nnd T.r. .Tan 00 DENNETT & GOSS .... ...... ^ hi i.iv imw?, una tor chit.'.rt n, : .s tcth-, pViaant and effectual In cure. Jo f.i t.?>:n the iii ?v. flittering tm'imoiiiaU.wc ruc. .i' haw been from pirenta who Jiavo found it cITi i* n twin psrt'oiil rly incidental to ohilJllOod, The C::2?=r JV-rroiut > m.imifaefnred hv a p- :i .1 Cl|. iii si, iii) I every ounce "f it under bia ?:i eyi , with inenihnhlc . vcu'aoy nu.l c.ire. It i? sei.i 1 an 1 pio'. i-ted Hy liw from counterfeit*, con. x' .u. n:!y e i. U rdicd on ,i* genu or iv.thuUt uJul* Icraimn, , . . ' \V( have . U... ,1 hi re U furiroh the eo?|? ' iii'jii ? \i . . iiu-.l < ?.f a.u!i iutritiric ?uj>erioritjr hi-l i i .M cniimv lid ii?clf to their coiifi nr.- .i : .Is <1 on e *afc, ajweJy and effectual, ? by repented and counilete triala I ;ovid .!? if m he. an-1 tru?t hy great care in pre: ;niii g it with eb-'mioil accuracy, of nniHnm. .? euglh, tonfibrd riiy.?ic nnaa :icw agent on which . v can rile fur 1 e b s! in.I it... "HI.-'-l - ? - ....j ..? iimj mini iijnn. 1'i rs iin wilting will < ncluse ? 3 cent ?tninp to |?ay on ri-ti'i ii letnr. Medicines forwarded by ina'l, in such .si.'s as cia be treated nt home. Dec. 2 t. ISAfl It ACCOMMODATION STABLEST ^ W2s S|iartanbar|f ConrI IIoii?e. rpu Ac> ommndate his frietda oud the public 1 the unders gued lia? ttipphed himself with Carriage*. Hacks,' nuggios, ('.ith and withont, fops.1 and Horse*, which he :o r*ndy to let out by the day, or for lunger time. , He has also a Two-llon?e Wagon to hire, nnd * ill make engagements for hauhng wood in lurgo :>r small qnantitu s. Apply at ili?- C'airii.gc Manufactory to JAMBS A. FPWLML "HAVE YOU A HORSE?" VTTl'-N I) to him. If lie has Ibstcmper, LV??W. kiiu-ss, ] lidc Round, Ia>s?i of Apjietite, Deili11, Wasting of Flesh, girt him Hcitntsh's 'German Horse Powder,'' the remarkable curo?e piu| erii?-? t?f which are stiestcd to bv hi. lily tspecuble citizens of Columbia. No powder haa ver received such high recommendations as the 'German Horse I'ow ier." For sale only by FISHER & llElNITSII, Feb 19 22 If Druggista. ? CHERRY PECTORAL^ For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROC P. ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. 4 y 4 .untiy years ol trail, instead of impairing th? public coal: It nco in this medicine, luu won for it an appreciation uul notoriety bv fur exceeding the ntoct sanguine expectations nf its Irienda. Nothing but its it; vinsic virtues aud the unmietakeahlebeneti; conferred < :: thousands of sufferers, could originate und m.iintaiu the rt-putaiion it enjoys. While r.i my infer or remedies.tin u?t upon the community, have tailed and been discarded, tins baa gained frauds by every trial, ccnfe.1 rd benefits on the affh. ted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous anJ too remarkable to be forgotten While it is fraud or the public to pretsnd that any en" me<! cine will infallibly cure?still there is a'und.nt | r ..if that the Cueuxv Pkctoxal does riot only, as n general thing, hut almost invariably curs the <s t*>r which it is employed. As time m.-tkes those facts wider and better known, medicine has gradually become the b. st reliance of tlx afflicted, from the log.cabin of toe American Peasant, to the palace of Kuropcsn Kino*, Tlir igliout this entire country, in every State, city, and in lccil almost every hamlet it con tains, Ciir.-.r.r I kctqrv, is known as the best r? utedy 1 \t.iut for diseases of the Throat and Lungs-, nlid in many foreign countries it is coming to fcs extensively used by their most intelligent Physt 1 ..-is, Li t.'i.--..I Britain, France, and Germany, where the in'.l.eul sciences have reached their highest p<-i i. etiot:, Cukkby Pectoral is introduced and i.i c uil mt use in the Armies, Hospitals, Alms Houses, Public lust'tal'oiis, .an.1 in domestic praotice, as tlx* curol remedy tlx r attending Physic ani can employ for the more dangerous affections .f it,,. ' C ' ?