%.~i ' *"*v T '?i*> (Continued front tho 1st page.) and Armor became my conviction that i waa to, and whan my mind wn? at lengtl mada up, a feeling came over m? that n?i titer ray own strength nor my own spiri was urging me to this. There was no time to let this grass grot under my feet, and the next afternoon fount me at Sir Thomas Elliot's. Lady Ellio was pitifully subdued by sorrow, and wouh have given Iter own life to keep her son it England? I entered upon the niatior, giv ing my opinion unshrinkiugly; but she \*a blind to all aider, of the case, save her owt and spoke up, passionately complaining. "No joy have I hud in my life; no peace nothing but despair: before one atHiclior yielded to liine, another arose. 1 hud no thing left but hint; nothing else to coin for sue on lite wide earth, and now he is goinr away fororer, for he is resolved not to re turd to England.. To morrow ho comes t< take his leave, and I shall see him for tin lust time." "And thankful I nm, ma'am," I said "that I am- not in your shoes. If tlia young man decamps into unknown regions among infidels and Hottentots, and iu-?ho into sin, and every thing that's bad, t? drown his tmhnppiness, you and his fallie must answer tor it to his Maker, for yoi alone have driven him to it." "Ob, of course, of course," she answered in a tone of the bittorcst sarcasm; "It ha been my fault through life?everything? nobody's but mine. I wish it was ended!' **I lltink a great deal has been j-our fault Lady Elliot," I replied. "Various nfflic tions have cotne on you, as they come to oil and yours liavo not been worso than main others nro. But have you striven to aver litem, to turn litem away! Have you beer patiently submissive under llietn, and, ac cepting tliem as chastisements sent by God resigned yourself fully to Ilis good will Have you endeavored to mako suushim out of the blessings they havo been mixer with!" "What blessings!" rejoined Lady Elliot "I know of none," I stared ftt her in surprise. The fac w.v, she had so accustomed herself to I:v< a life of repining, that her mind was per verted, and she could see no good in any thing. "Docs your ease count for nothing, youi ^ freedom from the cares of the world, yuui luxurious hoiuel" And I dirooted her eyes round the room. "Do you forget the nin I ... ;plo means you possess ot gratifying every imaginary wish, and the golden opportunity offered you of bestowing a titho of you superfluous wealth upon those steeped in pov orty? Above all, ma'am, do you never ro fleet how rich you are iu your son? What gifts aro there, whether of person or ul mind, that have not becu dealt out to him with an unsparing hand? No blossinga Lady Elliot!*' "I teas blest in him, she answered; "I was, I was. And I shall be so no more." '"Oil, Lady Elliot." I uttered, "how blest you might still be! Believe me, God's mercies are given to you abundantly. Il you could see them! If you would but tear the scales from your mind, and con srert its gloom into sunshine! Did it evei occur to you to ask what children are be snowed upon us for!" "I do not know what to say, sobbed La uy Elliot. If I could think " "Think that you are going to be hnppiei than you have been for many years," I in teriupted. "Think that your dear son whom you grieve as lost to you, will ro main to comfoit you with his love; think Lady Edict of the merry romps you wil have with his children; and, when the tiin? arrives that you are laid on your dying bed, think that ho will ho there to Lie*: you, instead of beyond your reach, huu dreds of miles, oyer the salt sen." Sho rose froin ibe sofa, nml the (ear were streaming down her cheeks, and ah< held out her hand to roe. "Miss Ilalliwell you have conquered. Thomas,'' she added turning to her husband, "wo may hnv< dotve wrong to William. Let us repair it.' "With all my heart," ho icplied. "Any thing is pieferable to the gloom which hai lately overhung tho house. Miss Haiti well, we hare to thank you for this, liu if wo are really to turn over a new loaf, am look out for?what was it??sunbeams, yoi must como often, and repeat your lessons otherwise, we may forget the way, and laps< back again." "Oh yes, I will be sure to como. And 1 assure yon, Sir Thom;is Elliot, I never fell so proud in my life. To think that 1113 poor, homely pleading has effected this groat purpose! But it was not mine. Then was One?greator than wo are?who put it .iu iuv hentl to come, and has helped iu< tl.rn,.?i. ?:.u ; > * """"ft" " They picssed mo to stay to?I (Wgei whether it was tea or dinner. The latter 1 think, l?ut, if so, it must have been kepi wailing a considerable time, for it was pasi seven o'clock. Not f. I was too nnxious to get home, and impart tho joyful tiding; to Mary Coring. Sir Thomas rat down by his wife as 1 left the room. "I will do my part towards it all, Loo," ho whispered?"on the faith o Tom Elliot. Here's iny hand upon it." Shu smiled pleasantly as she put hei hand in his, and ho leaned forward ami kissed her. Tho first happy smile, tho firsl voluntary kiss they bad exchanged foi yenis. As I was passing by tho dining rooir door, Clara Elliot saw me, and with s scream of delight came jumping round mo like a little dog. Poor child! her mind wai no stronger. But of that thero was nc hppo. Miss (5rave9 looked out also, very much astonished to see me. "Why do I never goto your Louse)' Clara exclaimed. "It is such a long while Why don't you send Mary to soo niel" "Mary has been ill, my dear," I said "She cannot go out now." "Mary ill! Let mo eotne and soo her to morrow." "Yes, dear child, you hall," interrupted Lady Elliot, advancing. "And I will gc with you. Oh, Miss Halliwell!" she wins pered, shaking hands with mo once more, "I think you are right. You don't know what a load is taken off my heart." As I left tho street door, who should be stopping out of a cab but William Elliot. I waited while he paid tho cabman, and look him by surprise. "I bavo just left your father and mother,'1 I said to hi in. "Indeed!" looking almost incredulous, "This is my farewell evening with them, Miss Ilalliwell. I go down by the night traiu." "So you persist in having England)" "I sail to-morrow." "Which would you rather do, Mr. William, go abroad in thathurrid steamer ?no disparagement to it iu particular, but all t steamers are horrid?from which you will it wish yourself out agaiu before you have - been a couple of hours at sen, or slop at t home and marry Mary Goring." "Oh," he evasively answered, while the r red color flushed in his face, "1 am so overI whelmed with preparations for tho start, t that I can think of nothing else just now." | "Hut just ask yourself the question: and i answer it as you will" Perhaps my tone struck upon him, even % more forcibly than the words, lie grasped i mo by the shoulder?what did I mean? "Go in, dear Mr. William," I whispered. ; "I have paved the way for you with Sir i Thomas and Lady Elliot. I think if you do prefer Mary to tho steamer, you may t have her." r I don't know whether I got home on my . head or my heels. A dilatory omnibus, ) which was given to stopping, took mo, I b believe, but I am really not clear upon the point. Lucy exclaiuti d at my long abseuco, , and inquired if 1 hud taken ten. t "No. I should like a cup." , I wont up stairs to the best bedroom, which had been given up to Mary for her > illi ess. Site had fallen into a doxe, as she r lay on tho st.fu. Quietly taking off iny i cloak and bonnet, t sat down and iooked at her. Nothing of her could bo seen but her lace; for she had wrapped a shawl round ^ her, and Lucy, or somebody else, had thrown a covering over her feet, llor brow was contracted, as with pain, and her mouth stood slightly open??oflen the enso it\ illness?but tho young f*oe, iu ?piio of its whiteness, was lovely still, "We will soon . have that fair brow smooth again, my , child." , Prosently I thought I heard a noise, as of talking, down stairs. It mounted to tho drawing-room, which adjoined thechpuiber j which I was in, and then Lucy appeared , carrying try cup of ten. I started from my j seat in amazement, for, stealing in after her, was Mr. William Elliot. Tho idea of his coming down that night! And how quick i_ i.. . ? - 1 | }- no must uavo iviiowed upon me! t ''I couM not help it," Lucy whispoied, in j a tone of apology. "Ho would seo Mary. :.ml when I urged that olio was in her bedroom, he said what did that matter? Oh, Ilcster! he says she is to be his wife after r nl> !" r The bustle woke her, and tho hectic . crimson rushed into her pale cheek when consciousness fully catno to her. She would have risen up, but Mr. William prevented r it. He was shocked to terror at the change ho saw in her, and hat sineo said that he believed her to ho dying, lie leaned over her with gentle tenderness, and his hot tears , fell upon her face. f "Oh Mary," he whispered, as ho laid his i cheek to hers, "I seo how ill you bavo been, but you mtist bear up for my sako. Our ' separation is over, my darling; my mother will be hero to-morrow to loll you so. Very soon, very soon, you will bo all mine." "And what about the steamer, Mr. William?" T askoi, making behove to bo very 1 serious. "The steamer must go without me." "Hut your preparations, your oultit, and your great strong boxes! Aro llioy to be r wasted?" "I will give them to you if you like, Aunt Hester. 1 am in a generous mood." "And go back to tho law again?" "Of course. Hoping in time to lord it r over you all on tho woolsack. Who knows but dro may? I snatched a minute to drink my teaMary, always thirsty, now glanced at it with eager eyes. Then Mr. Wiliam plead' cd for some: to put him in miud of old 5 j times, ho said, and convinco him ho was not dreaming. Lucy alio thoughlsheshould I liko a cup instead of supper. So we actu- j Ally had the round tablo drawn before Ma- \ ry's sofa, and held a lea party in the bed- f room! I hope nobody will reproach mo < with its being improper. When Frances < Goring came in to say good-night, there wo were seated at it, with a great plate of but- | *] lered toast, and Frances looked us if she ! f never meant to recover hei astonishment. ] She stood just inside the room staring at i Mr. William. I "Ah Frances! how do you do!" ho said, t holding out his hand. c But Miss Frances, liko a school girl as r 6he was, stood immovable. 44 Whatever t have you come again for Mr. Elliot!" she brought out. t "I? To have another of your aunt's f I housekeeping lessons," ho merrily answer t od. "Touching thy npple tarts and logs of s r mutton, you know. Sho must give it to c ? me especially to-night. Mary is so ill." t > "Oh!" cried Frances, clapping her hands, r I ! "I am so glad ! It seems liko those famous < t ; evenings hack again. If you could but j j make Mary as well as sho was then?" < I j "I'll try it," said William. t I 1 "You seo bow ill slio looks," I whisper- ( t ' ed, as I went down stairs with him when he < t was leaving. "I)u not set your mind too < t | steadfastly upon her." j i , "Change of prospocU may do much for t her," was his reply, "and change of air may | I ; do the rest. She shall have that with me." ; ? I "Willi YOU. Mr. William!" ^ "Ye*. Aim! you know what that must r imply," ho returned, wills a smile of very t decided meaning. "So if the former prepa- > rations are dona away with, you had best > set about soiiio more. Wo have guttered too much to risk another separation; and I r promise you that, i!! cr we!!, Mary Coring t j shall bo Mary Elliot." 1 ! ? i i VIII. ? ' We had a jolly wedding?which word, I f : beg to intimate, is not mine, but Mary's t j brother's, Master Alfred Goring, who was i invited to it. And my brother Alfred took a journey all across the country, and came to marry them, as be bad taken a similar f journey, once before, to marry her unfor u- f * nato mother. It look place the last w?ck i in April. I was for deferring it to tho mid- ' summer holidays, when our house would bo t free, and Mary stronger; but Mr. William C ' Elliot asked me, banteringly, if I would not > ' j defer it till midsummer two years. So it h ' was of no use to hold out; they fixed it in ? i j April, and April it was. Frances Goring s was bridesmaid; the result of which is, that f { her vanity has been up, over since, like the s 1 mercury in a thermometer in the dog-days, li j and wo have been able to do nothing with o her. Mr. William proposed myself and Lu* ii cv?though I don't know whether in jest v or earnest; hut as we felt rather ancient for t the necessary dress, we resigned tho honor s to Frances. Talk about dress, anybody rhould have seen Lady Edict'..! It was a mass of satin ami gold, throwing Mary's <' plain white silk into the shade, and causing! 11 every eve in (he church to water. v I never could tell how I comported my* c self at tho breakfast, except that it was ? 1 very badly. I took the top of the tablo, " ind the Reverend Alfred Ualliwell the hot- U torn. Sir Thomas, who eat on my right Wu Imod, made merry over iny nervous mis- l?rn lakes, mid kept ovorybodv alivo with laugh- | *<> < er. I think lie was doing his part of tho the bargain as ho had promised Lady Elliot drus She looked li appy, too?really happy: I had rour never soon her look to beforo. Miss Graves feet was in high feather, nnd sat next to Master g'en \lfred, whom I begged her to keep in or- ?d t lor. She had not gono to church, having ?et I eiuained with Clara; for we did not ven- she :uro to take tho latter. Poor Clara, she ge?' was dre-wed out as splendidly as her mother, tho atiglied hy starts, all breakfast-lime, and "os - early had one of her eafing fits, bui Mr. and William liad her by his side, Mary being oxhi >11 itio other hand, and restrained her. As not ,o our pupils and teachers, we gavo them mnj mliday and a handsome dinner, so I trust nnd ivorybody was pleased, and tho day passed l?('y iff delightfully. sons Tliev loft early in the nflcrnoon, tho bride by tnd bride-groom, in ono of Sir Thomas El- kno iol's carriages, for tho London-bridge sta-. Rort ion, intending to tench Dover that even ng, and Franco tho following day?purpos- pern ng to remain on the continent all the tlioi! uinnier, ami pcihaps the autumn. ''It k?eI vill bo of benotU to Mary," Mr. William wo i iliiot had said, "and wo both deservo n *?y i i olid ay." I was the !?.*t to si, :lKo hands drar villi him in tho hall, whilst Sir Thomas upri vas nand'.ng M.r,,y lo tho carnage. Dcti on Vi|| taho care of her, Mr. Wiliiam!" L whispered, tho tears which I vainly en- . ^ loavored to pass off as nothing, falling from cr ny tiresome old eyoa. "She is not weli vory fet." 'I "You know tlioro is no need to give mo H lie injunction," ho answered, whilst llio in- "inCl ;enuous flush stolo into his face, and the . u iwect, earnest look to his truthful .oye. w 1 When I bring Mary home again, slio will *Pec >? so improved you will none of you recog wal' liso her." *> .41 And I think his words seem likely to bo laln e rifled. l'or in a letter I received from an 1 ifary this very morning, (five days it had T' leen coming from tho outlandish place they 'lul[ tro (topping in, the naino of which I ennioI givo here, being incompetent to spell folz< 1; and t-ixtccnpcneo postage to pay, Mary '"'lu wiving insufficiently stamped it,) slio said 10 ' ilio is quito well, and too happy, and that icr color has all coino back again. Willi J'-"*.1 i few merry words of postscript from Mr. William, himself, hoping wo (I and Lady sxv^' Slliol) aro getting on swimmingly with the iirnisning of tlieir new residence, and that 10 shall undertake the setting-up of the ;i"') lOttsekceping department. oua ' So tho bright days havo come upon us, 0 ' ind I feel that wo have much to l?o thank :i| ul for. As to Lady Klliot, slio docs not . 1 enow how to express her gratitudo to mo, lu'c or awakening her, as slio calls it, to what fts. ho never awoko to before. Hut let every {,ncl mo of God's creatures bo fully assured that hoy possess within themselves tho power ** o make or mar in a g?eat measure their con' >wn happiness; that upon the state of the al nind and heart depends life * sunshine. I, 1 n Hester Halliwell, tell it them. ^ * Tub Hoarding Sciiooi. Nuisance.? ^ IVhilo our sanitary police is engaged in in- all40^ peeling emigrant boarding bouses, tho totant houses of the poor, s.tid in funding >ut tho causes of diseasos in alleys and un- " rentilntcd courts of cities, equally fruitful purees of ill-health exist among our higher a )1' tlasses, producing evils as serious and as ' listing. ! ; ;.r"A few weeks ago wo wero called in to | ' ;eo a young girl suffering from general de- a,,x. >ility, neuralgic pains, vertigo and head ich. She had just returned from a board- j V1** ng-school in a neighboring city, where she t lt' ind spent only a month before her health, j ' previously good, lind failed. On inquiry, tor'' vo found the routine of tho school to li.. re'ri 'ollows, and to bo certain of the correctness ! e. '* >f her account, wo havo made inquiries of l W1 1 )lliers familiar with its management: "The pupils rise nt five in tho morning. '!'a* Ihoy study from fivo to seven o'clock. From oven to eight o'clock thoy have bieakfast. | ,, ?rom eight in the morning to two, 1'. M., | j.-?* s spent in the school room, a period of six ; jjj lours. At two they havo dinner: and from lon hreo to fivo are allowed to walk or lake t j >lher oxercise. From five to six they study; j ^ it six have tea, and then study from seven ' ,i ii lsons o nine, when tlioy aro sent to bed. I ja| "Their diet is light and unsubstantial,and I ? heir appetites under such a regimen are as CJU|^ eeble as the diet. "Now, hero the day of a young, growing, pirited school girl is divided into periods ' ^regJ >f eight hours for sleep, threo for meals, r(J wo for exercise, and eleven for study. Kvc- jjjjj y peison nculcr full adult ngo needs eight >r nine hour's sleep, and, in order that sleep |1er day is at least fivo hours too much for A iny young person. run "A child in full, vigorous health will ac- I era* iuire more knowledge in six hours daily Ho han in twelve, for full health and mental ho s rigor are incompatible with tho discipline has vo havo described. ainu "This system of education takes young, obusf, romping girls, and transforms thorn t * 0 stow, languid, pale, worthies* women. ; l,,ir' I'o acqtliro skill ou tho piano, n litllo bad 'rencli, nnd a namby-pamby knowledge of P 1 few of the English branches, they sacri- \ ice health, energy, all capacity for the du- iiun ics of womanhood, and not unfrequently havr lealth itself."?Buffalo Medical Journal. < ' #'? > robl The subjoined conies to us all the way rom Brownsville, Nebraska Territory. It 4,1 >urports, and we have no doubt truly, to tho t ecord an authentic anecdote oi Colonel prai: , of , who came to Kansas for ln*a> hu purpose of becoming a candidate for skip Congress, baring the consequent excite fer t nent after his arrival, ho managed to 'keep "I lis spirits up by pouring spirits down;' and will ;nlhcring a crowd around him, he mado a wus< poech as follows: 'Gentlemen, it's boauti- prot ul to talk about our 'wild, picturesque mad cenery;" it forms tho subject of many do- i iglilful encomiums. There is a great deal V f poetry, too, in tho Indian maidens sport- fronl 11 g with tho spotted fawns among tho wig rear rains of their tribe; but, gentlemen, this is cent lie best place for mean whi$key that / over who aw!'?Knickerbocker. ! ono In a recent sketch of an old pensioner's ealh nnd career it is said that ho was the nan (a Highlander in l'icton's brigade) wiy* rho, when a little Frenchman at Waterloo C''H" ried "Quartro, quartre," answcroil "Quartre Co"" o! Sho has no time to do that, sno yo co':|1 aanm e'en bo contented to be culled in twa.' 00,1,1 >AN?Euor Wkakinu Iloors is A lilOII ?d.?During the wind on Saturday afoon, and white tlio dust was circulating .hick that no 0110 could see more than j( length of an eyelash in front, a lady, sod in the most elegant style, in coming id one of tho corner!*, was lilted oft' her 1 by the force of the wind acting on the * it oxpnnse of surface which she present ( 0 it, Tlio wind unfortunately did not ^ ler down in the tamo position in which & was before taken up, but turned her li> ;ly on one side, it laid her endwiso on a! side-walk, when she commenced a se- 'J of astonishing gyrations, rolling over 8| over, on tho hoo|? of the skirts, and S; biting a species of locomotion which is nt yot generally appreciated, and which ' come into fashion, with high winds p( largo circlets of light material. As the ct thus rolled over nud over, several per- t?i wcro knocked down and passed over V1 tho lady and Iho hoops, without ever ^ wing that any thing had bent them, unately for tho lady, tho dust and tho niidiment of the pooplo out of doors, nitted but few lo witness this new me1 of getting along in a still' breeze, and | r\ ring up full sail at the samo As came r*v^;,q ^ corner, wc found tlio la- n< vedgod between a laiup po.?t and a hy- 'jj it, and immediately assisted her to an w ght instead of a recumbent position.? cr roit Advertiser. )* lie following records an actual fact; for ?mes to us, at second band, from tlio ^ lips of counsel for respondent: u u 0110 of tlie cities of tho 'Old Hay Stnto,' C ong attempt was made, a few years a, to enforce tho so styled'Maine Li*pi or If a straggler was caught out o' nights i an infirmity of gait, or hesitancy of eh, ho was forthwith marched to tho :h house by tlio vigilant police, and du tiestioned as to the place wlioro ho ob- p", ed his potations, and with the hnpo of r,, asicr passage through the meshosof the tlio victim would usually give tlio roed information. An old and hardened offender was id one night about ton o'clock, und upon liry, stated that ho bought tho 'fluid' at Hotel. Accordingly at nine o'clock | next morning tho gentlemanly proprio- -,t, if said hotel appeared with his attorney e? re tho Judge of the Police Court, to an- 11 to a complaint for selling spirituous intoxicating liquor, contrary to law, etc. witness was placed upon the stand, still ting under the excitement of the previevening; and in reply to questions l?y Judge, slated that he bought, paid for, j, drank, two glasses of gin, at the el, and that ho bought them of the prolor. Tho respondent's attorney then | J him if he know Mr. It , the pro J lor of tho hotel, lie replied, rubbing '? yes and staring at the attorney, 'Yes, I ( rt 'o'know him.' liut the proprietor was Ident ho never saw tho witness before i,. morning. The following examination <1. i took place: w trronxKv: 'Are vou sure you know Mr. ?r ' ? ? mtness: (With eyes still fixed on tho rnev,) 'Wall, purly sure.' ! ?1; Ittohxry: 'Well, Mr. Witness, if you are ' t;/ suro you know Mr. I) , am J ^ or not?' Vitnkss: (Willi eyes still lixetl and with ' ccup.) 'Wall, you look like him!' I y Lttoiixev: I)o you not know that I am D , the propiietor of tho Ho- It and the person who sold you the gin. ^ wiil you not swear to it?' v itnks.s: (Stretching himself up.) 'Yes, ' ??you aru the man: I will swear to j ,.| j A 'ho court room was in a roar of laugh- j l' in which the digniliod'Bench'could not ; ll tin from joining; and lie acquitted the , |l'i udaiit, tor the reason which ho stated m i as much gravity as lie could com- i v* id, that the complaint was erroneous, 1 'll much as it charged //<< wrong member "* ie liar*?Knickerbocker. | 11 t few days since,' wiiles welcome 'J. D. i .1 >f Saint Louis, 'in company with ono of <1 Ikj.-I of his race, and a resident ?f Chan- *' county, of this State, ho told tho follow- ^ anecdote concerning a local preacher ,, is section, who, being a veritable per- j ?>l ge, I will suppress bis name. At a so- ' 1,1 meeting of his fellow church members, i og other things each was relating his es for joy and sorrow, when Lev. Mr.1 - said: 'In my family ofchildieu I have h cause for joy, and also much to disi inc. There's my son , a good, rent, dutiful boy: but there's my son ^ he's an audacious scamp. lie left his i old gray headed father many a day ( and it's been a long time sinco I've "\ d on him; anil when I last heard on , ho was 'way up the (laleneis, a-raflin' logs, playing 'seven up,' and lioss ra- i ^ ; but, thank the 1. >rd, lie's makin' tnon- ta y tlio trip! Ain't lie, sister} 'Yes, bro I vv , lio is, and no mistake!'?Knickcrbock- j 'j' Western editor says that a child was j'| over bv a wncon ihrc.- vp.im ol>l m??l -i ? eyed ami wliioli never spoke after wards. <* also gives ins renders some lines which Ct ays were written by a young man who long since lain in the grave for his own sement. ? ?? ^ 3am, is my cotfee hot I" cried an old lolor to his servant "I guess not ve?( sa?I spit on him and ho no sizzle," re1 Sam. coxcomb, talking of the traiumigra S of souls, said?'"In the timo of Moses I ^ > no doubt I was the golden calf." ^ cry likely," replied a ladv, "timo has >cd you of nothing but the gilding." ?. i'ou flatter me," said a thin exquisite, li other day, to a young lady who was sing the beauty of his mustache. "For ren's sake, ma'am," interposed nil old per, "don't make that monkey any thil- [ Iran he is now!" j w Dr. Kalorum, do you tliiuk my darter get well?" "Well, if she don't get no ; n t, and does get some hotter, sire may bi ably git over it. That is my opinion, am, and I think as I ort to know!" f lien horses march in company those in t direct their ears forward, those in the | 1 direct thorn backward, and those in the i " re turn them laterally or across, the le troop seeming thus to bo actuated by M feeling, which watches the general safe Ji.kar as Mud."?An oxclinngo paper that "transcendentalism is the spiritual . loscenoe of psychological irrcfragability, lected with concuitant ademption of on- it iiinient spirituality and etherealir.ed | ?' ontion of subsultory concretion." STATU OF SOUTH CAHOLINA. Sl'AKTANBUKO DISTRICT. IN THK COURT OF ORDINARY, line* Mcllugh, Appt. ra. Charles Mcllugh et. al. defendants. Summons in partition. rT iiitr to n.y satisfaction thnt Charles Mo- ! L Hugh, Thomas McIIugli, Wilson Mel f ugh, Icx.-.nder McCarter, and HebMra liis wife, Bterm Biiemore, nu<) Susan his wile, nnd John S. ? rowu, heirs nnd distributees lit law of tho Estate ot ' ^ irah Mcllugh, dicM, reside from nnd without the JU nils of this State; It is therefore ordered, that they J id each of thein be and appear nt the Court ol Or- ? nary for said District, to be held nt Spartaiihuig h*i ourt I louse, on thu 24th dny of January next, to " * low cause, if any exist, why tho teal Kdilr of JJ,1" Lirah Mcllugh, dee'd., consisting of one huudred vie id twenty acres of I-niJ, more or lew, lying on ib waters of South Tyger River, in said District. ^,"5 >undcd by lmiiIs of Dr. Win. C. Kilgoro, William T)l rnrsou nnd others,should not bcsold, nud thepto- t ?ds of the santo ordered to be paid out according " > law, or their consent to the same will be taken J 'o eonfesto. me (riven under tny liand and sen! of oflicc, 31st {? ' oveniber, 1806. II. HOWDKS, o. s. u. ^'e Oct. C 37 3m you Real Estate for SflJ?. ,0# liAII 15 QPrORTUNITY. ' .met of LAND and PLANTATION of b?. I. Kdwaul Doll ar, dee'd, containing about 750 ires, more or less. One ol the moat beautiful and .,.h t-uiiiiy ioentioiiM ill Spartanburg district. 1 lie " , noo is substantially and conveniently improved. * ith nil n cessary building. It is well watered,and invenient out lots (or stuck. The land lies on an >lh sides of Tyger River, about one mile below ot minions' Old Field. 1 >. , II. 15. Cleveland, of Spartanburg, will give formation as regards the place. If not previously in dd, it will be ollercd on Monday, the 1st day of kecinbcr next, at public out-cry, nt Spartanburg Co our. Hou-e. JOHN DOM AII, lix'or. wii July 10 20 Sit n" IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. ^ Green It. Mitchell vs. Hirdsong Sparks. b?i Petition for Funds, Ac. **! ["MlE Creditors of tho defendent, IIIRDSONG SPARKS, are hereby not tied to conic in, resent, ami vciify their demands against li'm, be- mi no me, within three months from the date hereof. TIIOS. O. P. VERNON, c. x s. u. Corn's. Office, August 13, 18*>6. 25-131 " ? i ths AT i?/\irimar - ? in iaiiiiy?Spartanburg. ^ Tims. 1). Wullbrd vs. J. K. Woflvril, tl nl. Petition for Account and Relief. ?'? ["N pnrsuarco of an order of tlic Court of Ef|nity L in tliis mm, notice is hereby given to tho crcd- " nts of tho absent debtor, J. i?. WOFFURD, to mo in, present nn-l verify their demands, within ireo months from thednteof tliis rule. C*i THUS. O. P. VKRNON, c. r.. ?. i?. ? Corn's. Office, August lit, ISoti. ili 13t ^ Tho Stato of South Carolina. yrm Sr AltTASBlltG PlSTIUCT. IN TIIK COURT OF ORDINARY. (IT' . S. Woodruff, Ivt'or, App't. vs. Rev. Gideon y? Woodruff, ct al., dcl'ts. j to i Citation to Settlement. I R*1 i c ' T having been shown to my satisfaction that Oid- k L eon Woodruff, Amos Wuodruff, Nancy Trcnsr, and Ascvnath Winn, defendants in this case. " side from and without the limits of this State: It 1 therefore ordeied and decreed, that they be ami vei |K*ar at the Court of Ordinary for said 1) strict, to . held at Sp.irt nburg Court House, on the 29di j ty of Dceeusber n?-xt, to show cause, if any exist, . His hy the estate of Samuel Woodruff, deo'd , should eul i>( he linully settled, and the nssHs of tin- wine or1 red to Is- disposed of according to law, or their , r?i ?n*? nt to the ? une will be taken pro roofrtao. J** Given under my hand and seal of office, the Gtli j * iv ol October, A. L). 18.">G. It. JtOWDKN. j 101 Oct 9 33*131 o s. i>. . ?" 'TATE OF SOtfTJT CAROLINA. 1 Sl'ARTANDL'RO DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. | ?n. y'illiam lluise, Adin'r, Appt. \i>. .lames lluW, et i al. dt lendunts. ule to ap|Mar,iiulentily kindled, show cause, Sic ot\ I % J11 KKR.VS Win. Itni--. the Administrator t t of Rnocli Ruisc, dc?M., h is duly accounted wfl fore this Court ujs.n a final settlement of the Ks- ui? ito of his intestate, and obtained a decree in la*, r the pnsutnpfieo lie r? :t btMi hniil of for nn>r- than mien years pnst, j ? nl praying that tluir distributive portion* of the state of s.ud dee'd. may he ordt rni into Ion hand* i i their n< xt of kindred ami ouly surviving heir nt j w of the said deu'd.: And on motion of ltob?, Kl- j nrd?, iV ('ai lisle, pro pel., it is ordered that .lames ; ui*e, air) Polly llu se, .lonalhati llu-se, John ; , uise, Nancy Unite, Nathaniel lluiie, Kluabtth aeks.r lett ppcar bclorc this Court, identify their i ndred, and show cause why the prayer of the pcHolier, as set foi :1t in hi* petition, shout J not be ianted, within three mouth* from tho publication r th.* rn'e, or tho decree of this Court vvdl be ma le iial and absolute against them. (riven under my hand and seal of the Court, the ; 2d day of Sept., ISoG. R. IIOWPEN, Oct. 2 J-2 12 o. o. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. \ St'AltTANIlCRC DlSTKlCT. IN TUB CO CUT OK ORDINARY. [olinati II. S' Will a Smith, Kxecutors, Appts. v?. Kb/abet ft Smith and other*, defendants. Citrtion to prove lloluinti Smith's estate settled. 1 the I irilhllhAS it has appeared in evidence to pat v iny satisfaction thnt Charles Smith, llice trmith, Kdward Smith,Charles Patterson,and Nan- the ,* his wife, Jacob A Pugh nnd l,uey hi* wife, IS| rirs at law and legatee* under the last will and tea- j Set iinent of llolman Smith, dco'd., reside from mid Ke itlmut the limits of this State: It is therefore or- tie; rrod, that tiiey be nnd appear at the Court of Or- Pui nary for said district, to be held nt Spar (ltiburc mh ourt House, on the 2d diiy .?! of office, Gth Oct., 1 S56. It BOW DSN, o. a. d. Oct 9 as rjt ; cc, ,075 At'RKS LAND FOR SALE, i' ApJL I offer for Sale the Tract. f I. A NI> I nr. ' i now live on, containing 1.075 acres, via Siiiwfe lying 10 'I'0 urPcr P?rl <- ' Union I) ? lea triet, three luihs above Grindell's of | boils, on lioth sides of the road leading from Sni partanhurg to Yorkvillo, and udjoining lands of j ' i'm. I.ittlejol.n, sr., Win. Norris, It. Mitchell, roc nd others. There are about 120 afire* of good Sir jttoin land, lying on l'acolet and Mill Creek; 500 atx >ru first rate woodland; 200 acres somewhat ph; urn; the balance fresh, and in u good state of cul- cot vation. (ul <>n the place arc a framed UWKLUNG, Ma- i line and other necessary buildings. the These lands arc well watered with good springs IT ml arc healthy. , wi Those wishing to purchrsc lands in this country ' Th oil Id do well to call and see,as ( with logo AY est, ful id will give a bargain. Also, my interest in 375 acres, known ns Ilux ird Roost?the location of n 1 >cpot of the Spartan- . jrg and Union Railroad being at that place. Aug 7 21 if AVM. UTTRKJOHN, j*. ' i in i NOTICE. Vl.l. persons indebted to tho Kslate of .1AMKS ' 1 . V'. TRIMM1KR, Ksq., Into of Spartanburg ~ istrict, deceased, ?ro hereby notified to make lynu nt to thu undersigned; and all persons havg claims against said deceased will present the me, properly authenticated. ' i W. II. TRIMM1KR, ) VI , J. M. KLKORD, ! AJmr" Z July 17 21 tf UApplication for Charter. Notice is hereby given that tho l'hlindelpbia 1. .tpiist Church, Spartanburg district, will apply si , e next session of tho legislature of South Car?- ^u. ia for an act of incorporation. ' Aug. 14 2.5 3m * AYER'S f I: li 11 i re caring the Sick to an extent never ?< before known of any Medicine. J VALID8, READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. ? l.ES HAI'EI., E?q.. the well known perfumer, of Tbe.tnul Street, Philadelphia, whose choice product. ** re found at almost every toiler, My. : or 'I am happy to my of your C*tm*stic Pill., that I re found tliem a better family medicine, for common ()l , than any other wi'bin my knowledge. Many of my >ud. have realized marked Irene fit. from them, and re- P ide with me In believing that they |??m? eitraordinary sa tue. for driving out diseases and curing the elck. They not only efTertual, but sate and plea.ant to be taken? , ilitie. which muet make them valued by the public, P' en they are known." til ? venerable Chancellor WARULAW write, from Dal- h( imore, 15th April, 1854 : r 'Da. J O. Aria ? Hir:I have taken your rille with at benefit, for the liatlessneee, languor, lose of appetite, v-' I llilH.i. headache, which lias of late year* overtaken ac In the upring. A few dnees of your Pill, cured me. I re u.ed your Cherry Pectoral many year, in my family ?* rough, and colda with unfailing aucreM. Yuti mike diclne. wliir b cmrt < and I feel it a plea.u re to commend at i for the good you have done and are doing." ^ HN P. BEATTY, Es^., Sec. ?f the Penn. Railroad Co., ayat " ?a. rc if. OjUt, HU/odWpAie, TUr. 13, 1K53. 'Sir: I take pleasure In adding niv t.alimony to the cacy of your medicine., liavlng derived very material leflt from the uae of both your Perioral and Cathartic I*. I am never witlmut tliem In my family, nor .hall I ir convent to be, wliila my mean, will procure tliem." e wldelv rsnntrred H. H. 8TEVEN8, M. D.. of Wcntvortli, N. H., writ..: J. ' Having tiled your Cathsbtic Pill, in my practic, 1 tify from sxperience that tliey are an invaiuable purga?. In cases of disordered functions of tlie liver, cau.ing idarhe, indigestion, co.tiven.se, and the great variety disease, that follow, they are a rarer remedy than any er. In all case, where a purgative remedy ie required, 1 -nnfidently recommend theM Pill, to the public, a. I isrtor to any other I have ever found. They are sure j their operation, and perfectly safe ? qualities which ! ke them an invaluable article for public lie. I have i many year, known your GAerry fret oral aa the beat DJ ugh medicine in the world ; and these Pills are in no I Si ?e inferior to tlutt admirable preparation fir the treat- . nt of distance." lo " A ctm, Mt., JWe. 35, 1853. Ill 1 Da. J. C. Alga ?Dear fir: I have been afflicted from tit birth with scrofula in iu worst form, and now, after inty year*' trial, and an untold of amount of aufTering, pt f been completely cured in a few week, by your Pills. D th what feelings of rejoicing I writ* can only be |y igined when you realize what I have suffered, and how (^ 1 Never until now haTe I been free from this loathsome raw in some At limes it attacked my eyes, and de me almost blind, besides the unendurable pain ; at era it Milled >n the aealp of my nead, and destroyed my r, and has kept inr partly hald all iny days; eometimea sins (sit in my fare, and kept It fur month, a raw cure About nine week, ago I commenced taking your Cattle I'tlla, and now am entirely free from the romnlaint. ivn are well, my akin i* fair, ami my hair ha* com- i need a healthy (rowth ; all of which makes me feel ndy a new person. 1 Hoping (hi* atatrnient may be the mean* of conveying A irmation thai shall do good In other*, I aw, with every tinient of gratitude, Your*, 4e., MARIA RICHER." j? 1 I have known the above named Maria Ricker ftom 1 childhood, and her *tatenirnt i* etrictly true. ANDREW J. MERERVK, Overveer of the Portsmouth Manafacturing Co." st. JOEL PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes fr rn them to my children for worms, with lbs beat efts. Thrv were promptly cured. I recommended them a friend fur coeliien-ea, which had troubled hiui for nth* ; he told me in a lew day* they had cured hint. ii uiake the beat medicine iu the world ; and I aiu (ree lay ao." id tin* from the distimruished Bolicitor of tne Supreme 'ourt, whose brilliant abilities have made him wall j y 1 now n, not only in this but the neiglibonug Stale*. I " AVr Orlfm*?, Uk Afrit, 1854. 1 Sir: I have great aatUfac'ion In assuring you that tr elf and family have been vety much hen. filed by your |J dicinr*. My wile was cured, two year* *ince, of a *ee and dangerous rough, by your Cuaaar ParroaaL, ' I since tbeu ha* enjoyed petted health. My cbildrrn U3 re several time* been cured from attack* of the Influ- ; ia and t'mup by ft. It i* an invaluable remedy for | ?e romplainte. Your CaTMsBTtc Pius have entirely ed me from a dyspepsia and rostivenea*, which lis* wn upon me for some years,? indeed, thh rnie it rh morn important, front llie net tliat I had failed b> j f"; relief from the beat I'hyairian* ttbxh (hie section of Ci country afford*, and Irom any of Die numerous reme- ;\J s I had taken. You seem to us. Doctor, like a providential blesalng Mir family, and you may well suppose we are not itn- R id(ul of it. Your* rrvpecifully, I li LEAVlTT TIIAXTF.R." " Sen alt fimicr, Okie, .1frtl ilk, I8M. i ?, 1 Da. J. Area? Honored fir: I have made a thor '* :h trial of the Cstnsbtic Pills, left me hy your agent, i C I have been cured hy them of tlie dreadful Rheumatism ler which he found me Buffering. The first d.we raped me, and a lew subsequent doses have entirely toted the disease. I feel in better health now than for i? years before, w hich I attribute entirely to tlie rffket* r ( four CiTHiitic Pills. Your* with great respect * LUCIUS It. M ETC A LP." >r Die shore are all from persons who are publicly knowa " re they result, and w ho would not make these state- ; nta without a thorough conviction that they were true Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., 1 actical and Analytical Chemiata, Lowell, Maa* > ISIIKIl A 11 KIN ITS 11. Sjm tinl/uro lOllN I*. YOU.N'd I, tiioiit ilto, an J by all ; reliant* viol Oru/jjist* everywhere. IA VI LA NT) A 11 All HA L, Ch.vrhi.loa, ! Wholesale Agents. \H|{ 21 2fi 4*u : ? Career's Spanish Mixture. 51 TIIR OHEAT rt'llIFIER OK THK liJ.OOD Tin* Hest Alterative Known ! ;'y NOT A P.VIM ICLK OK MKUCCRY IN IT ! infallible remedy for Scrofula, Km^'. Evil, ' ?>b?tiu3to Cutaneous ISruplinitt, j a( i'imples or I'ustules on the Face, lllotclic>. I toils, Agin* and Fever, Chronic Sore K)ut, l^ngvotm, or Totter, Scald-heat', Eulargeinoiit and -pain of the I tones aII.I Joints, ?, IS ill Rheum, ' Stubborn L'ltin, Sypltihtic DLordois, nnd all iliwaK* nrising from mi injudicious u>e of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of Itlond. 1 ['his great alterative Medicine ami Turilirr of " Wood is now used by thousands of grutehil ients Iroin all parts of the United State.*, who w lily daily to the remarkable cures pr-rformed l?y I greatest of all nkiiirinoi/'CAllTER'S Si'A N II MIX TURK." Necrulgbt, Rheumatism, "oful.1, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Disease, ters, Ulcers, Old Soros, A flection of tho Kul [ f *, Disc is.-s of the Throat, Female Complaints, ins and Aching of the Wines and Joiuu, arc tdily put to flight by usiug this ;iustnuable neJy. For all diseases of the Wood, nothing has ye J -u found to compare with it. It clettnacs ths h itcin of all imparities, acts gently and efficiently i |, the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens tho Digcs | d 1, gives tone to tho ftomnch, tnnkes tho Skin j h ar and healthy, and restotes tiio Constitution. C tabled hy disease or biukcn down hy the ex- a on of youtii, to i pristine vigor a no strength. ' For tho msrssr.s ok kkm\i.kh it is peculiarlyap h . able, and whenever it has become known is [ularly prescribed with the happiest effects. It :igoraie? the wmn ?<. i debmtafod, .?.! iitipiirlii Kticity to tlie worn out frame, clears the akin, and ves the potii'iil fuvli and hVallhy; it single bottle J this inestimable remedy is worth ail the so-called i-i.ipanll.is in cxititeuee. Dm largo number of eertiticat* *s which we liavi wived from persons from all parts of the United itrs is the best evidence that there is no hnmbng j j >ul it. The I'less, hotel keepers, magistrates, i j ysieians, and puhlio men, well known to the j nmuiuty, all add their testimony to the wonder- J \ effects of this GREAT liLOOl) PURIFIER. j d Call on thcngenland get nit Almanac, and r?ml i dt tail* o' astonishing cures performed by CAU'll'.S SPANISH MIXTURE, (IN most CASKS IKRK Kvr.nr TIIINU Rt.SK MAD ll(IXAl.l.r FAILED.) e limits of an advertisement will not admit their I insertion. Wl. S. 15EKKS k CO.. I'ronrifWri. -Yf>. 304, Itroailwrty, Sew York To whom nil orders muat lie addressed. Kor snlo by DrncKMti ami Country MrrcliMlt ill parts nf tho lTiiited Slate* and the Canada*, . 1 by K1SIIKR & II KIN ITS 11, Spartanburg. lOHN l?. YOUNG, Unionville. . May s 11 ly_ j BARBER AND 1IA1R DRESSER, ? Albert Henderson, Corner of Mam anil Chnrtk Slreett. b Regular customer* shared twice n week at ?o (1 its per month, throe times a week at $1 per t( nth, and every day nt per month. 0 Sept. 11 a? tf J Mexican Mustang Liniment. ; 'r r NOWN *11 over the World as one of the best o k l nnner.li in u?? foi lilieuinati-.nl, front. * ta, llru so*, Hums, I bslocahons, and for alt kinds njurics. For salo Wholesale and Retail, by ' topi. I 28 tf F1MIKU A I1K1NITOII. ' is i &&* * u c, i S" T< Aw iS>?#>* & <+fo. trv S. W. QLLILAND. GENERAL ( OMMINION AGENT. NKWRKRBY.B. C. r>KSPK(n'KIIM.Y hit *S~?^ l=sj! IV tluwe who traded Newberry, m their General ommissiun Agent, for the disposal o< llieirColtMi id other produce. Will give bin'personal aim. on to Receiving, Selling, 8toring or Skippteg ad 4ton and nil kinds ot' produce intrusted laaii ire. Having made arrangements with di Re rent Hon* ?, he ia now prepared to make liberal adnata* i Cotton shipped t<* Charleatwfl. Will nlso pay the highest market eooh prices ?a liv-ry fur ull the Wheat, Flour, Corn tad other oduco tl*at ran be brought to Una market for ilc. An experience of several yenra buaimasat this ace, in all iu various forma, induce, him to believe tat lie cnu promote the lou-reat of planters, and ipos by prompt attention to merit a liberal ahara patronage. Charges for selling or shippiag utton 2.*? cents per b?le, nil other transactions in cordnnce with custom. Tho beat of rofrrencoo ven. Until tho first of January neat he may be found out tho Store Room formerly accopii-dby Maaars. J. G. & J. F. Glen, Kot 15 39 tf Wm WmAGW1W, JYewberry Court Mouse* Importer and Dealer rV HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, rrJNl)OW GLASS, GROCERIES GENERM.LY, DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, AND CLOTHING, 4-C., *C., fC. AND R V YER OF CO TToN AND OTHER COUNTRY PRODUCE, is now in store one of the largest, and inost varied ;ock of Goods iu South Curt Jinn, and is preparedo(Trtcr of English Hardware. Oct. 18 35 tf MUSIC! 1 VERY large selection of the best ami latent improved PINUSof nil kinds can be had at ll II RAMSAY'S IANO FuUTE AND MUSIC STORE COLUMBIA, S C Ho invites a special examination of the late pa ntcd improvements in Ilnllct, Davis A Co's.eela ntcd Pianos. Kvcrv oianois guarantied. June 28 * 18 iio o ma s ! ms o oma .% :: HI IK subscriber taker tbia method to inform th? L citizen* of the Village and rurrrurxiing roup* y, that he is now receiving a ir?od stock ol NKW tiOKB, at his llook Store, No. 6, Mnin-slrre?. >p mrrcial and lote Paper. Knvelopes fmm nmni < i. to the finest ylea. Black, Blue and Rnl Ink. NEW MUSIC "FOE THE PIANO. Between 500 ami 1,000 new pieces for the Film, from the best composers, the greatest variety t'cr offered in the up-country, (IVc hope the laic will call and supply themselves.) I have made permanent arrangement* with see** -aI large Book Homes in Philadelphia and New r Charleston. jdrCALL A.VD SKK.jtJ WILLIAM WALKER, A. S. II. ?ySehool teachers supplied on liberal termsP. S. It any person -should mil for a Bcm k or lookM. that I have not got, I will immediately orer them if they desiro it. N. 15. The New Edition of the tJouTitrafi Tlaaor.r, kep' constantly on hnnd, wind, sale and rati), at the CASH ROOK STORE. May 17 12 If IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. >r. Benjamin Worthed and Kllen ilendrix.by her Guardian w. Comfnrt Woflbrd, Eleanor Wofford,Co tinrino Wofford, el. al. Bill for Partition. Ac. [T appearing to the satisfdetion of thia Conrt that Jat.S. Wofford. Jeremiah Wofford, the lieiraat tw of Nathaniel Woflbrd, dcc'd.,and the heirs at iw of John S. Wofford, dcc'd^Ittd J. J. Wofford,. ef?n. U ndunts. Summons in Partition. It appearing to my anlis'aetion that John W. Villiunm, Colcnvut \N ilhams, Harrison Knight, and rife Sally, M. C. Harry, ami the heira at law and gal representative* of Andrew Williams, deo'd.k efcndantsin the above case, reside from an J withut the limits ol this State: It is therefore ordered ml decreed, that they l>? and appear at-the Coart fOrdtnnry for said District, to be held atSportonurg Court House, on the 12th day of December cxl, to show cnoae, if any exist, why the real es?tc of Frederok Willinma, deceased, eoueiaMag o no tract of lat'd lying on the waters of Pocwfetf liver, bounded by lands of Mathew West and thers, containing one hundred and &?ty aerea, tore or less, should not ho sUd and th? proceeds f the anme paid out according to law, or their cement to the same will be taken pta raa/taaa. Given nndor my hand and teal of office, M Peprmber, 1866. R. lJOWPRN, o. ?. September 4 28 12t I