University of South Carolina Libraries
Frop tht Qtraa* of H?ia*. VWi ikill 7*t UM tufcw Ii Um gnn 'tt UM roallao ? b (k? Uitt kj p*U mm tUM T vMt imm krum akin* r Stall t, la mm liwrt atarllo, Da wImUI by fovalga UM* f Shall I Um?, My?* Hfc** yorll, By mm mmimI U Um nadi f WMU 6*4*1 km- win iklM M W|Wj Tbora m h?r?, iroaM ajr b*4, AM Um a tan for 4Mlk>Uafi nightly, 8kall U knag or or mj bul Olrtullt CifiMjlMMH if tk* Xmtor|W> CanuMM, R. C., Not. 17, 1878. Thar* is a groat daal la (hia oar "City by I ho Son," that woold latWM aad afford aiaoh injoyatat to thoao of oar oyooaatry frianda who woold hooor ?u with a iait. It ia aa lalorootlag aight, ot?b U mo, to walk along oar urharrr*, that liao tho aaat* cn portion of oar city, nod watch the ?r. rinl and departure of lb? splendid veeaela, thoono filled with assorted merchandise, from all parts of the world, and the other with its valuable cargo of cotton; to <ee friends greeting friends, who have been absent from home, and the bidding farewell to those wboe^ business call them hence ; to see the "hsckmeo" how eager they arc to seenre passengers for the various hotels which they represent; to sac the "draymen," how eager they fly aronnd to obtain the freight for their employers, and to nee with what rapidity the vessels are discharged and reloaded. Leaving oar wharves, yea arrive at oar beautiful Battery, which every Ckarleetoaian need feel proud of.? The Eastern Promenade la too, It come mends a splendid view of car Harbor, which is considered oae of the finest la the United States. In the distance, yen sec the heroic old Port 3omter, which stood so well the fire of onr enamv ; to the right is Morris' Island, where Stevens' Iron Battery was built; and the left, Sullivan's Island, on which is built Fort Moultrie, of which nearly every South Carolinian is familiar.? On the wee'.ern side of the Battery is the abode of the fishermen. Here, of ec afternoon, yon see them eoming in, in their IK* tlf boats fillod with the ehoieeat o< fish, and in sash large quantities. The houeee around the Battery are some of the fineat in ouv etty. It is dolighftnl, of an afternoondo walk aronnd and wateh the little beats *s they denes around on the waves, filled >ilt lk* u?< In ... IW. lilil. -UII.l.? as |h< j ?kip around in the grass, to th? wtH inubio of tbo Poot Band, which favor us With Kb presence every Saturday afternoon. Then, again, there ia our Bathing House, where you can go and refreeh yourself with a glaaa of ice cream, or a cool drink of aoda-water, or, if you feel ao inclined, yon can indulge in a fine salt-water bath. But, in addition to our Battery, have another promenade which is becoming quite falhionable?Ruitedge Street Pond. Here you ~|S?ve a ui#e solid walk around the Eastern and Southern portion of the Pond, TIKs little pond ia filled with little boats af every deeciiption, where those who are afraid to venture ont on the ocean, can cnt joy a very pleaeant aail. K'Og Street ia ikt Street of the city?here are our principal and most handsome stores, ((retail prine pally,) and here is where yon have an opportunity of seeing our pretty ladies, and also the fashions. I am not familiar enough with the names of the different articles of dress to describe them. Our Museum is worthy of notice. It is in the Charleston College. It la indeed worthy of a visit here?you can aaa insects and animals of almost every description?birds, firhes, shells, and other things too numerous to mention. In fact, you can see from an aunt up to a whale, for we have there the backbone of an enormous whale, oaught off our coast. For this highly interesting Institution, we are indebted to Professor Holmes. A (, I could go on for some length of time naming vaiioos places of inteiest, bnt will not impose on the good nature of your read* ars. To-morrow ia the day set apart by fipgni m a nf Thantnia? kuft wskm. tbar it will be strictly observed, your correspondent can only answer for himself.? Everything is very quiet?no news of any loieieet. The eonrts have all a?ljou>ned. . PALMETTO. From the Slate Auditor's return for the year 1871, the faet is taken that there are taxed la this 8tate 660 miles of railroad, not including the Charleston and Savannah, and South Carolina roads. The Char lott?, Columbia and Augusta, the Cheraw and Darlington, and the Greenville and Columbia roads each are assessed at $10,? 000 por mile; the King's Mountain Road is assessed at $5,000 per mile, the Laurens Road at $2,250 pel mile, the Blue Uidge Road at $6,500 per mile, and the Spartanburg and Union at $6,000 per mile. The Chester Reporter states that Blaekstocks, situated on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, at the dividing line between Fairfield and Chester eonnties, Is developing rtpid y into the proportions of a town. New houses are going up, sad everything preaenta lbs appearsnee of b?a it... .<1. ..4 ull.ll. A movement U on foot to ao altar I he t fencing laws to have atook fanned into pasture, and allow poorer claaaea of favaaan proi antfcqn in thair ernpa wtihoot tha *t pan ? that many of tham ara entirely una. bla to boar, of fanning in tbair smalt fklantaliana or farms. tfoa day laat week, wbila Mr. Talbot repmaantatita to tha General Aasemolj from Abbeville, waa atteoding tha aad rito of tbn burial of bia wlfa, hia bouaa wa fi ed aad burned to tha ground, with all iti contents. It ia atatnd that about $2,000 i< id,may waa also burned. Tha aewepapera of the eountry ara urge< to Oara adveriiaara that poataaaatara ar forbidden by law to dalivar lottara addraaa ad t* loitiala or fiatltioos nanaa, nnlaaa aan to t$a ear# of aoma reaponaible person, " Father, what does the printer lire oof "Why, obi Id t" " Because yon mid yo hadn't paid blm for two year% sod yo still inks tha papar." " Wifa, put tha ablld to bed; ha's an erorlasting talker." The editor of the Aiken Tribune lost hi boots, at tho Colombia Hotel, Thursday 28th ult. Luckily, his aredit waa good, auc ha saeurad another pair. TATS AMD OTHBB ITEMS, At III* PraUtDtial eleetioe. 1811, Or??t , rtcdTtd 1X110; Greeley *1,708; O'Connor IK Granl'e Majority or or O rooky, 41,. 881 ; Ortni'i Majority ever oil, 41,888. Bid* for tho completion of the United Statoo Court Honae nod Pool Offloo wore opened In Colombia, on the Hth alt They range from $110,000 to $100,000, M we are informed. The matter hoe to be doeid* ed in Washington. The uumber of metnbere of the South Carolina General Arsembly ia 167, via: 83 Senate re and 114 Repreeentativen. 01 the Seoalore 8 ore Coneereatieee and 18 ore Republican*, and of the Repreaeotativea St ara CooitrTitifM tad 101 >r? Repobli???fc TIm Republican majority on joint ballot ia 95. Of lb? Senators 16 aro colorod, and of Urn Representatives 80 aro oolorod. A cabin on the promioaa of Mr. John T? Baakin, near Lowndae villa, Abbeville County, In w'tieh wae a colored child, woe dee troyed by Are on one day of the peat week ?the child bciog burnt up in the bouae.? The Are occurred during the day when no grown peraoo waa neat to reeeue the child. R?v. Whitcfoord Smith, D. IX, who baa for the peat year been located in Charleaton, will return to Spartanburg, and rename bin old profoeaorehip ia Wofford Co> luge. A petition will be acnt on to General Grant in a few daya by the leading republieana of the State rrqueating him to atop all further protect tiona of those indicted nader the Ku Klux act We are glad to bear it It ia lima that there were a wiping out of old aeorea all around. The Ooagrreaional return* indicate that the Forty-third Congreea will atand 189 Republicans and 96 Demoereta and Liberate, not Including the members from New Hampehire and Conoectient, who are jet to be elceted. The Coffee Set is the name of a late invention by Mr. E. Whitfield South, of Abbeville. It ia designed to save labor to our house wives in pouring ooffen, and ia, by the way, quite a sneoeaa. Everybody ought to have one. They are both useful and cheap. " Mother," said a lit'.le girl, who waa engaged in making her doll an apron, " I believa I will be a Dutchess when I grow I op." " How do yon aver expeet to be a , I>ut?hrat, my daughter I" her mother naked. 44 Why, by raarrylog a Dutohmao, to be t'tre," replied the girL The Threesand Twenty M'le Bridge, on the Blue Ridge Railroad, recently burned, | haa been rebuilt, and trains now run through to Wslhalla without transfer. In old militia time*, Goffstown, Hillsborough county, New Hampshire, wm the rendezvous where the military of the surrounding country assembled for drill. It was an occasion that drew together young and old for many miles around, and its parades, sham fights, personal encounters, gambling, drinking and general uproariousness mads * Goffstown Muster," a familiar name to who ever dwell in the central or southern portions of the State. Very early in the morning of one of those eventful days an aged couple, liw1 ing some miles away, started on foot for the parade ground. To shorten the distance they took a short cut through the old burial ground at Goftitown Centre, from which they emerged just as Sam W. was passing along the highway. Sara was bound for 44 mus ter," and had taken an early start, so as to lose none of the fun. Arriving at the graveyard, Sam looked toward it and saw the old man and wife coming over the stile. In the early dawn he could distinguish just enough to see that they were very old, and concluded at once that they were inhabitants of the silent tombs, awakened by the un usual stir. So, waving tbem from him with both hands, he shouted: "Go back, old man, go hack 1 This isn't the general resurrection; it's only Ooffstown muster /" There is great complaint in Orangeburg County on accont of the bad condition of the roads and bridges. The total vote of Alabama stands: For Govenor, Lewis, Republican, 87,837; for Ilerndon, Democrat, 84,236; Lewis' majority, 3,604. Grant's official majority in California, is thirteen thousand six hundred. There were abont fivo hundred hangers-oo around the Legislature, the day the session opened, waib ing to be attached. Mr. Albert Guerry has been engaged to paint a portrait of a Srotninent citizen of Camden, . C., and is at present in that > town. The stores in Columbia are pro' non need by travelers to be handsomer than those of any city South, except New Orleans. 'f The Debating Society at Abbe, vitlo decided lately, that Washinga ton was a better General than Naa poleon. OPENING OF I MILLINERY GOODS. 4 Mrs. L. T. Jennings Respectfully inform* the ladin that (he will open, on Friday next, u November 1st, a fine aeleetion of FALL u and WINTKB GOODS, eoosieting of MILLINERY? FINE MAIR , GGQiS AMI JEWELRY, She eordially invites the Ladies to eal ' and examiii*. 1 L T. JENNINGS 0-130 2< tf MBS- O'CONNOR WOULD reopectfnl\j in* form th? Ladle* of Groeneillo JjBSVand violnity, Uuft *h* ha* jo*t roceteod and opened a hand* WfA *om* and oomplete assort* i il mast of FALL GOODS, Consisting of Millinery, Lao* Goods, Zephyr Worsteds, Worsted Good*, Fancy Jewelry, And many other articles appertaining to this line, which will be sold at reasonable prieea. Hf Ao examination of the Stock is solicited. 26-tf PTTM LIBSE.*'? WHITER LEAD. Buy the Beat?It is the Cheapest ?O? To Ctuaatri of Whits Load Everywhere. UNEdUALED. lot. Por Wsaring and Covering Properties, id. For Whitsoeoa and Beauty of Finish. Sd For Uniform Fioonsos of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and be'ter work, at a given cost, than any other. 6th. Moet.Economical White Lead over introduced. 6th. If you wirb to p roe ore as much value aa poealble for your money and aeeure handsome aud durable work, use Pare Liberty White Lead. Try it and be convinced. Satisfaction guar*, an teed. WHOLESALE AO SETS. COWER, COX Sc IflARKLEY, DKVLERS IN Coach materials, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, GREENVILLE, S. C. Oct 9 26 20 a iwlTipSi ?0 THE PALMETTO SHOE FACTORY! GOWER, MILLS & CO. HAVING supplied themselves uith the best and Hf mMStt m.?*t 8ki,Uul mn.n i/i m miciurorr, logem LAI I Jgl -r with n full aupI I ^ jk I Jdj approred machin* accumulated a ^atock ol auftfYl^a"^ perior leather from their " Iluckhorn Tannery," r? prepared to aupply the trade with varioua atjlea of Men'a, Wotnen'a and Boya* SHOES. Their Firat-Claaa Work will be atampod with the name of the Firm, and warranted. T. C. GOWER, I | H. I. McBRAYER, 0. p. mills, i | geo. heldmam. Sept 2ft 21 6m DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, Mouldings, drackets. stair FIXTURES, Builders' Fumuliing Hardware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tilea, Wire Guarda, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieeea. Wimlou> Glass a Specially. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on application, by p. p. TOAIjE, 20 Ilnyne and 33 rinckney St*., Charleston, 8. C. Oct 2 22 ly ESTABLISHED 183S. GltEENVILLE COACH FACTORY, FALL AND W "ERTRAPE, 1872-'3 TI1E publio are notified that besides our usual supply of cjgtfc VEHICLES, ,W wa make several new and handsome styles of ROCIAVAYS AND New and elegant styles SPRING-WAGON BUGGIES, for one and two horses. First-Class A, No. 1, Iran-Axle 1, 2, 4 and A-horse FARM WAGONS xept regularly in stock. 37 Years practical experience J GOWER, COX A MARKLEY. Oct 2 22 4 AND GROCERIES. THE undersigned have now on hand and will continue to keep, full topplies of Dry Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Skirtings, Sheetings, Yarns, Bagging, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc., Also Groceries, Sugar. Coffee, Flour Bacon, Lard, Mackerel, Teas Besides Hardware, Cutlery, Axei , Hoes, Shovels, Chains, \ And everything needed about tbe Fan or ilome. ?9" All we want it a trial, and ta infection will Le guaranteed. jHTThe highest price will be pai 1 for Couolry Produce. JFOWLER, AUSTIN & CO. Oct 23 25 tf Look Out How You Pres\ -V ' i * & $W$QE undersigned ha* just re Jfe> with the beet assorted 8t< place, containing everything necet Offers them at uie very lowest pr and yon will find everything yo or Boys* wear, in Dress Goods, Shawl Hats, Boots ar Pistols an of the, b A full line of Hosier cy Goods * Call before you buy eU you will be couviuced that it v forget. At Garr's Old i Oct in 26 A Great Improvement gmnoiig' hepatic com PARENT THIS Is an Improrement upon the origin i p hi Liquid form, ready for use. Thi peps is, or any Sickness arinlng from Torpid renoroa the bile, and cauaes the patient to entirely rsgetable, and guarantees aatiafaetioi cine. 8old by all druggists and dealera erei kiiq * rogborough DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Vi MARSHALL & MAULD! Pep 11 Excelsior Mattr 'PHB public la Informed that there ie an 1 the Wonderful Exrehlo Sound and refrething aleep la secured t Mattresses. Pomona need not hare their lliige, lor they will not infest \hia Maltrc These Mattreeaee ere gotten op in rario and $10. A good assortment always on h carriage makers, thai tbia Patent Excelsioi it ia rery light and durable, and I would I any quantity, aa I buy direct fn m the U and 1 can aril U veiy cheap. Manufacturer of the " Wonderful Pate Court House 13th August, 1872. WE hereby notify the public ibat ths United Statea Patent Office has ORASTRO A PATENT roR ' ?CTvtdittivA ntiiiHffifffiinii w WESTS MIUU uimum which fully cover* all it* part*. They will be manufactured, and fer sale, by ua. State and County Riyhts for tale. J&gr All infringements prosecuted to tlic full extent of the law. W J WEST UOWEII, COX A MARKLKY, Owners of tbe PcXent. Aug 21 16 . tf T. W. DAVIS WATCH MAKER HID E5BRAVEH CORNER ?F Washington Streets next Door to Nationa Bank, GREENVILLE, S- C. May 8 1 tf SHACKELFORD 8c KELLY FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants. NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. lrtanla f..? I'killi.V A mmnnie |? ted I' Set* Guano, w. w. uackilvoKd. wm. aikkn S<*pt ig 21 8m Boot and Ghoe Making. fJYHE UNDERSIGNED D pr.-pa.ed will JL competent Workmen to fill all ord*> T?r BOOTS and SHOES, of both fine ant heavy qualities, on short. notic?. He guar enters aatiidaclion. REI'AlKING prompt ly attended to. ?r Shop nrarlv opposite Me*sr?. Qow er, Cox A MarklevY BUTLER DYER. April 10 4* y ly 5 ST I 5 3 ? i. n 3. P H ? --go P 3 Cu 5 h, <2 -n 3 co b-- a1 ^ ^3 2 "* ki p P 3 p O "O -5? K o 2 17 CO & H ? ? K 2 1 0 w h c W % j; 3 a* I ! | 1 ? m T= O CO ^ c g> crq 5 CO Q p h n * 3 ? ?> 1 c o '. i r~ ' > J 30 ?, m ? Prof. M. O. DeCamp t- T~VEALF.R is all kind* of MUSIC I f MERCHANDISE. On hnnd? J anoa, Mdndeona, Ac. Sheet Mualo a Moat* Book*. Cell and act him. at Rooroa in tha ACADEMY OP MUMO. Star the Ftmalt Coll rat, Oretnaille, a. (. Mae 22 I I - -r.. Cast Your Vote for [dent I tamed from the Northern Markets >ck ot Goods be ever kept in this ?ary to make a family comfortable, ices. Call and see for yourselves, n want lor Ladies', Misses', Gents' s, Cloaks, Domestics, ' id Shoes, Guns, id Cutlery, est makes. j y, Worsted and Fan, &/C., &LC. >ewbero, at tbe undersigned's, and ' rill be to yohf advantage. Don't B. M. WINSTOCK, Stand, Main St., Greenville, S. 0. . if in the Med cal Science. ll'Ot ND OH tlVl^K CURE. 'Eb 1871. >1 Receipt of A. Q. SIMMONS, of Georgia, put i medicine deles s rival for Constipation, Dysor Diseased Liver. It is mild as a cathartic, soon feel like a oew person. This Medicine is ?. Those anflhrtng will do well to try this Medi y where. I, Proprietors, Waldo, Fin. holeiale Agents, Charleston, S C. [N. Agents for Greenville. 10 6m ess manufactory. ch a place In Greenville, where they eao get r NlatlrcHttcs and Pillows. h.'Se hot and mllry nights l>y lying on these pleasant dre tins disturbed l>y that rssT, Bed tea. They ?re a great comfort to the weary us styles, sizes and prices, from $6, $7.18, $9 end. Would also say, for the information of r is a good thing tor stuffing cushions, Ac., as "ecommend it. I Oan furnish ths Excelsior in otton Excelsior Company in large quantities, J. C. O. TURNER, nt Excelsior Mattress," two doors 8<>uih of 11-tC C3-XT3xrs, SINGLE GUNS, At $2 60. 18 00, $4 60, $6 00. $6 00. |8 00, 810 00, 812 00, to $20 00. DOUBLE GUNS, At $6 00. 87 60, 810 00. $12 00,$16 00. $20 UU, f ib 00. $3U OO. $40 (10, f BO 00 to f 7n 00 Breach Loading Double Guns, A $*0 00. $45 00. $50 QO $60 00. $76 00, $V0 CO, $110 00. $120 00 to $300 00. 1 PISTOLS, Smith i, V* f?pon, Colt's, Allen's, Sharp's, , Whitney and other kind*, at Dinutifaolur. ers\. prices. Ammunition and Implements , for Breach-loading Gun*, at a email advance on Cost of imporialion. Metalic Ammunition (or Itifl-a and Pistols, at lowest market [ price*. A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods; pi ice* and description **nt on kpplication. Goods shipped hy Eapr***, C. 0. D. P0UL1NEY, TRIMBLE & CO., , t IMPORTERS, No. 200 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore. Richard's, Dongs!'*, Greener's,Seott'i and other celebrated make of gun* on hand and imported to order. Sepi 25 21 ly PAUL B. LALANB. I E. P. LAROUSSRLIERE. A. A. i paul b7lalane & co., WHOLESALE GROCERS Attn Commission Merchants, at no. 175 east bay, Charleston, S. C. ^ July 24 12 ly CLOCKS, GOLD AND SILVER I Tidot nn * rvixj ao ui'ali uaauiv^ kjv SILVER ANO SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERS i and ; FANCY GOODS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF * Gold, Silver, Steel A Plated Framed SPECTACLES. ALSO 0KKU1NB JP1BSBJLB SIPBffiVABILlS. B. Wchrle. Oct 11 28 tf Dr. GOTTUSB FISCH'S BITTEEa This preparation of the 'fjf Y great Scientist, Dr. Gottlteb Klach, of Germany, la 33 1 ? based on the feet that, aa all materlala of the body are derived from food, so all Vital Force, or Health, la derived from the Force stored np In Food. Dr. nteh't Jmttert enables the System to liberate and appropriate these Forces, creates Appetite, cares Dyspepsia, with Its recasting jDebillty and lack of Nervous Energy: so tones the Stomach and I-lver as to make Constipation ifhd DlllouxneftnImpossible; re Inforces the System so It ean tide over bed results of changing climate, water, Ac., and better endure tlie demands often unexpectedly made on Ito Force and Energy. ladles In delicate health,aged persons, and all eraaelated and weak after sickness, will iskftrfMMi.) rapidly strengthen by " using this great preparation. J TAILORING. * G. B. POORE & CO. ^ A RE well prepared at pre rent to execute r cV all klnde ol TAILORING, having if M their employ a number of competent and efficient Workmen, and feel that they eai meet the wante of the Greenville trade.? Uniting done in the la*eet etvle.and faeh ion. and on abort notice. All work war ranted by them. They aek a eontlnoane of patronage. G. B. POORE A OO. fW Stand, near tha Peat Office. Oct 2 22 tf. " LAND FOR SALE TWO TRACTS of LAND, on 8out!i Sain da River, containing 780 acre*, pat Pis beat River and Creek BOTTOM, with net ind improvementa hla Alan large lot cf valuable R0R8ES, CA1 TLE and BOGS. Apply to JULIUS 0 SMITH, or ). J. M McOLANAIIAN. f ' May 29 4 td ? i ? - m Office Comptroller Genera), Colombia, 8. 0., Ftbrun I, 1ST*. THIS Is to oertify that tbo GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published j n the town of Greenville, 8. C., la hereby des- I gnated by this Board as the paper In wbloh 1 egel and pnblie notloes shall be published, for K be County ?>f Greenville, in sooordanoa with I .he '* Aot to regulate the publication of all le? | rel and publio notloes," which became a law February 22d, 1870. J. L. NEAOLK, Comptroller General. D. B. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. THE abova is a true copy of the original on "I Bio in the offloe of Secretary of State. J F. L. CARDOZA, n Secretary of Bute. J Feb 14 41 if 1 I Change of Schedule. k SOUTH CAROLINA R R COMPANY, ) ? Colomma.S. 0., September 16, 1871. ) CHANGE of schedule to go into effect on and after Sunday, the 19th inet: MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaee Columbia at 9 a m Arrive at Charleston at 4 AO p m Leave Charleston at 9 SO p m Arrive at Columbia at ...6 80 pm NIGHT EXPRESS?FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. (8undaya Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7 60 p m Arrive at Charleston as 6 46 a m I-cave Charleston at 7 10 p m Arrive at Columbia at A 80 a ro CAMDEN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Will continue to run on Mondays, Weds j nssdays and Saturday* I Leave Camden at 7 80 am 1 Arrive at Columbia at 4 66 p in | Leave Columbia at 1 10 p m Arrive at Cemden at MS p m A L TYLER, Vice-President. S B Picexns, OTA. Oct 9 13 If Greenville ft Columbia Railroad? < Change of Schedule, i wan ON and after Thursday, September 5th, 1872, the PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road will be run as follows, daily, Bundays excepted : Going We?t, or Up. Leave Columbia at 7 15 a ns " Alston 9 P5 a m " Newherry .......... _.10 40 a m " CokH^vrj 2 00 p m " Belton.......... J 50 p b Arrive at Qreenville ._... 5 SO p b Going Eft, or Dote*. Leave Greenville at .... 7 30 a m " Belton .. ( SO a b " Cokesbury II 15 a in " Newberry 2 30 p b " Alston 4 20 p in Arrive at Columbia 0 00 p a jJBT- Connect at AUton with Traine on the Spartanburg and Union Railroad ; connect at Colombia with Night Train* on the South Carolina Railroad up and down ; al*o with Train* going North and South on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta and the Wilmington, Columbia and Augnsta Railroad*. ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Traio leave* Abbeville at 9 !5 a nr., con* necting with Down Train from Greenville.? Leave* Cokcabury at 2 15 p m., connecting with Up Train from Columbia. Accommodation Train, Monday*, Wednesday* and Fri* day*. Leave Cokeabnry at II 15 a m, or on the arrival of the Down Train from Greenville. Leave* Abbeville at 1 o'clock p m, connecting with Up Train from Colombia. ANDERSON BRANCH AND BLUE RIDGE DIVISION. Do (CM. Leave Walhalla at 5 45 a m " Perryville. 6 25 a ni " Pendleton 7 10 a m " Anderson 8 10 a m Arrive at Belton at 9 00 a m Up. Leave Belton at 8 50 p m | " Anderson 4 60 p m " Pendleton 5 50 p m ' Pcrryville A .15 p m Arrive at Walhalla at 7 15pm Accommodation Trains between Belton and Anderson on Tuesday*, Thursdays and Sat. urdays. Leave Belton at 9 50 a m., or on arrival of Down Train from Greenville. Leave Anderson at 2 00 p m, connecting with Up Train from Colombia. THOMAS DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. JABEZ NORTON, General Ticket Agent. Sep II 19 tr WIIITNER H1MMKK, Attorney and Counsellor at Lair, a TiV.RX vrrr r k e n OFFICE.?New Coort Hon*. Room used by County Commii?ioner?. April 10 49 6m BURT & GRAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ?ahi>? SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE. S. C.. Will Praetie? in tk* Court* of (hit Stat? and tk* United Stale*. OFFICE-Rear room of New Court House VUr 20,187*. 46 tf E. P.l[b?Es7 AWWdDHUWatt? /MS B.AW, AND 80IJC/TOR IN EQUITY. WILL rRAOTlCK IN ?U COURTS OF THIS STAT E ALSO, IN THR UNITED STATES COURTS. unite at uroonTiilo c. M., I. o. July 1, 1869. 7 ly* M, O BITTLit. 1. 1. MeBBB. BUTLER & McBEE. Attorney! and Counsellors at Lass and in Equity, GREENVILLE, 8. C., | Will Praotioo in tho Courts of tho SUU 1 and of tho United Itatoo. i May 81 4 tf : J. B. HENRY, ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, MAIN STREET, Greenville, 8. C. I OOUNTRY PRO DUOS B0T7OHT AND SOLD. ORDERS FOR CORK 80LICITEI April 17 SO ly dL AGENT8 WANTED FOR THB OB.SAT UTDTTeT&XBd or THB Uvitro states. I Qnn p*g*> and 600 Engraving*, L Ovv printed In English and Qik inn, written by 20 eminent nntbora, inclndinif ohn B. Gougb, Hon. Leon Caae, Edward1 lowland, Rev. E. Edwin Hall, Philip Ripie/< llbert Brisbane, llornee Greeley, F. B. Parins, etc., etc. This work I* n complete history of all' tranches of industry, processes of mennfaonre, etc., in all agea. It'ie a complete encyilopedla of arta nnd mannfaotnrea, and la the nost entertaining and valuable work of infornation on subjects ol general internet ever ofered to the 'public. It ia adapted to the wanta of the Morchant, Mannfaotnrer, Meshinie. Farmer, Student 'and Inventor, and tell* to both old and young of all classe*. The book is told by agents, who are making large aalee in all "parts of the country. It is offered at the low price of f.1.60, and is the cheapest book ever sold by subscription. No ramily should be witbont a ropy. We want Agents in every town in the United States, and no Agent ean fail |to |do well with this hook. Oor terms are liberal. Wo give our Agents the exclusive right of territory. One. ?f our Agents sold 138 copies in eight days,, and another 373 in two weeks. Our Agent in* Hartford sold 397 in one week. Specimens of the work sent to Agents on receipt of stamp. For circulars and terms to agents address the publishers. Vf K rvnt.lftH THE BKBT DICTIONARY of the bible IN TIIE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, BT WM. BMITM. Lb.D. It is written by 70 of the most distinguishsd divines in Europe and America, and is thu only edition published in this country condensed by Dr. Smith's own hand. It is illustrated with over 125 steel and wood engrsrings. It contains every name in tho Bible of importance, and is a book needed by every Christian family. It is printed in double column, in one large oetavo volume. Price, $3.50. We want Agents for these works in all cities and towns in the country. We pay large commissions, and give exclusive territory. For circulars and terms address the pub lishcrs. Sample copies of any of our books sent to any address on receipt of price. J. B. BURR A HYDA, Publishers, Hartford, Conn.; Chicago, III.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept 25-1 y L B. MULLIGAN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL 1 ft fl if inn mn> if ti n n it a it m IUMUMUII m tut a am ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CI \D'U also, when placed xn fundsr purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Fertilisers\ <jfcc. Oct 25 26 Ij Johnston, Crews & Co., IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers in STAPLE ANI> FANCY DRY GOODS, itoti ore AMD SMALL WARES. 41 JIAYNE STREET, (DIBAWlfflWDH, S. 0. I Pec IX 82 lj Edmonds T. Brown, 48 HAYNE STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. O. D*c 9 *1 if JOHN C. SEEGERS MANUFACTURER, , WIIOLE8ALE AND RETAIL Liquor Dealer, LAGER BE IB BB E WEB. it COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 If J. 3, BLACK Sl CO., DKALF.RS in W?i?h'i. Clock*. Jewelry, HpeolnoUa, Panev G??'d* end Ornee rie*. Connection'rie*. Notion*. Lamp* and Future*. Koo exploeive Attachment*, Ola** * ware, Hcgara, Snuff, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Dry Goo<l*, Hal a. Shoe*, and a great variety of other arMelra. All arc in* vtted (and might do well) to call on them before purchasing tf Special attcntioa ' given to Repairing Timepiece*. Ac. liar 18 i\ tf 4