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MMOBaMBSnMBBMHHM . The State of South Caroling. OREKNVILLE COUNTY;. I | In Court of JPrvbote: \\ Simeon E Burgers vs. Sesan BwUi vaa, at al. ?Petition (ojr Sale of T[ IT appearing to my e?tief*cti.?n that" John, Burgese, Mary Lynch. Margaret Mnll (ha heira of Witliaai Burg???, d-cOd'-d. whcwe namea are wnknuwn ; ihe heira ef Benjamin But gee*. deceased, whoee nameare unknown, and tba haira of W?ft, dacetird, vial Sojt.mon Weak, hdr huaband, and "ha* ahlldran. whoe* namu ara unknown, defetdantaia tbiedaae, reside out of the Stale: ' * ? It it h*rrty ordrrmf, that thay appear |h perron, or by n't"may, at a Court of Pro bate, to be holdew at Greenville C.?H., on the *2d day ol January ne*r, to show can*-, if any lhav can. why the Real Ketate of NAKGAKIlT BURGESS, d?coeatd, should not be aoM, fer-dtelaion among the hehre and for tha payment of debte of *aid de-> ceaaed.' On failing to attend, their conaenta to the same will he entered nf record. S. J. DOUTHIT, P. J O. C.? Deccmhir 61 h. left. 82?id An Ordinance to Raise Supplies Tor the Year of" 1873. BE it enacted by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Cjly of Greenville, in Council assembled, and by the authority of the raino: Thnt a Tax to eovor the period from January let, 1873, to January 1st, 1874, for the same and ia the manner hereinafter mentioned, shall be rained and paid into the publie Trouaury of the City of Graenvillo, by the drat day of March next, for the use and service thereof. SxcTtoa I. On each One Hundred Dollars of assessed value of Keal Estatoand Personal Property, the sum of Kilty rents. Boal Estate Stocks, Goods and Chattels 8old at Auction. Bee. 2. There shall W paid quarterly, Two nnd n halt per rent, upon all shU-m at Auction, on all floods, and One per ient. on all Chattels and Real Estnlo and Slocks of every description, except on sales mndu hy order of Court or process of law, or hy Executors and Administrators. m Goods, Wares and MerohandUa Sold sn Consignment. 1 Pee. 3. There shall he paid hy all merchants ' or others, One Half of ono percent, upon sales of nil Goods, Wares and Murehundisc sold on Con<ignment, male from the 1st day of Jannary, 1873. to the 1st day of January, 1874, the above Tax to bo paid quarterly. Road and Street Tax. Pec. 4. That each and every male person of Twenty-one jears of age and upwards, other tliau members of tho Firo Department, Ordained Ministers, nnd Students, shall pay on or before tho 1st day of March next. Two Dollars for Road and Street Exemption; and V ' any person liable to this Tax shall fail to V make payment at the lime specified, be abull v he held liable to work on the streets of the City fornix days, under the direction of tho acting ovciseer of the streets ; any person refusing or neglecting to obey tho summon, shall he fined at (lie discretion of the Council, said fine to ha collected by Execution ; and. it shall, be the duty of tho City Oinrk nnd City Police to report to the Council, all defaulters under hither of the clauses of tlie syction. I Lawyers, Physician*, Dentists, Photo- ( gr&phictv. Ac. - I c.. i vlx. k,. . .is ?ri. :.i.. ... the llundrcd -Debars ot gross hicoiao of B?t. i kern and bankers, and till income derived j tmin the C4Mmotf business,or the pfhctlce of! the profession* Law, Mcdwin* and Dentistry, j and from oT Ptitrdelrflo'iypini', j Amhrntyping and Hlwto^mpMfiK, within the i limits ot the City, the amount of income, to he estimated from the 1st day of January, lS7ii, j to the 1st day ol January, 187-t, the Tax upon the same to he paid quarterly. CA11111A GES, OMXIR I'SSEX, WAOOXS, <t-C. See. 6. There slinl) he paid Ten Dollars on ! each four-horse OtnrtM u* or llnck; Six Dollars on each Carriage drawn hy two or mofe horses, run for conveyance of passengers or hire; Threa Dollars on each one horse buggy, dig or Sulky, kept for hire; Twenty Dollars on each four-horse Wagon; Ten D pilars on each two-horse Wxjjinr, Drtiv or Cart, and Seven Dollars on each one-hope Wagon, Dray or Cart, run for hire. The Taxes on Omnibuses, Carriages, Hack.-, buggies, Wagons, Drays, Carts, Ac., kept lor hire, slia'l he paid before they are allowed to run : Provided, That j nothing herein contained shall he construed so j as to extend to Wagons, Carts or other Vehicles going to or from tunrk<at. and owned, run and used hy non-residents of the city. ITINERA NT Tit A DKftS AND A i'vllOXmInk. Sec. 7. Five Dollars per day shall ho paid l?y every Itinerant Trader of Auctioneer, offering fur sale within the corporate limits of the city at auction or otherwise, any floods, Wares or Merchandise, to he paid each day in advance, and every Itinerant Ti juhr or Auction err liable to the tax uforcsaid. nnrl nln> xliuli fail to tnako payment, shall i-u linal Tan I>ol lurs for each day lie inay so offend : Provided, The provisions of (hi* section shall not to oonsirued us to apply tt*iho ordinary duitVvx in icntin, fruit, potptys.rtobacco, poultry., iron-ware, earthen ware, or other produce or liinoillucturus of iiko charueter. JUL LI A lib TA BLES A XD TEX J'/X A LLEYS. 8ce. 8. That an annual, tux of Twenty-five Dollars shall be paid on each' and every^Hilliard Table, and Twenty fivo Dollars on'each and every Nine or Ten Pin Allay, kept Within the limits of the eity o( Orecnvtllc tor i.rofit; said tax to ho oahi before license to use the sutno shall be granted ; any person or persons using the articles or opening the Sstablish incuts mentioned r.hove in this scolinii without first having obtained a license from the City Council, mid giving a bond to the.shine in the stun of Two Hundred Hollar*, otVndlth'liod to observe tlio laws of the Stntonoti tjity. Shall! be subject to a fine not exceeding Top I)idlurs*i for eavh day such establishment shall b*t kept* open or use<|, i EQlEST/iA /X AND Til EAT MEAL I'E R FORMA SCES. ij " , Sec. 0. That no K<)Otstrsiit or Theatrical performance or performances, or other exhibition for gain, shall be bad in the city of (Irectivilhv Without a license ihcrol'or being first obtained rom the Mayor, and payment for siid license ma le to the City Clerk as aforesaid, as follows i For each and ?vcry Kquc strain Exhibition, Fifty Dollars: for, each and every Bide *Ik>W| a Mum net less than Five Dollar* nor ex fee ding Twenty-five Dollars, as the Mayor shall determine; for Thcntricnl and other Kxhildion* lor rain, surh sum as the .Mayor shall determine; and each amis-vary person exhibiting for gain, without first having ottained a liconso, and tlio payment of I.* ,.tl ) - 1? sac, - - 111 i?iiT?iit'v, snail tic a in a mir not lor* tbnn douMo t jie tin<ainij <y the ' raid fat, fn maflnef nercwaffer provided fur tlie imposition i>l fius* ni;t^ lorieiiiucs. S/'XCIM TAX. Rec. 10. Thui no Person, "Firm, Company or Corporation shall bu engaged ihj pfnAn-titfe or carry on any Trmh', ltdsinsee #r. Pfnlbsjion until h% sbw (it lin y limit have paid A Special License therefor, in the manner hereinafter provided, to irif: Kach aad' Avory husinesg, either Mercantile, Mechanical or Manufacturing, the gross sales nr receipts ol which shall not exceed Fire jrwlrvd TMIaH prf annum, shall pay a Llcenso of Two Dollar# and Fifty cents i and ip ?*?'** of-Fi.a UuaiWcdDolUre and ndt exceeding Ten TI)ous>in.i, Hi* D.d* lars ; and in as>fasr?| thro Tlioiiann.t Dollars, and not excecdirg Fivo Thousand Dollars. Ten Dollar* ; and in excel* e( Five Thousand Dollars, and not exceeding Ten Thousand Dollars, Twelve Dollars and a Half; And In excess of Ten Thousand Dollars, and not ex* recdmg^.TwentJ Thoiisaitil DMhirs, '4'ifrlavn Dollars; and in excess of Twenty Thousand Dollurs, Kighleen Dollars; caeh first-ela|s llctel, Thirty Dollars ; each second-class IIV tel. Fifteen Dollars; each How Mill, Ten Dollars } each Corn Mill grinding order Three Thouiuiid Ilushcls per aannni, -Hi* Dollars ; and each grinding over Throo Thousand Hushels per snnuin, Filtceu Dollars ; e.ieh Flouring Mill grir.ding under ^ wanly* Are Hundred Hushcl; wheat per ani.uui Ten Dollars iiii;1 o.?ch grinding ov/r Twoniy?(lve niidred Iiusheti per annum, Fifteen Dollxri; e tch Cotton din, 0 Ton Dollar*; each Cotion 1'reas, Five Dollar*; each Livery Stable, Fifteen Dollars; each (las Manufactory or Works, Tan Dollar* ; each Printing Establishment, Tan Dollars ; each liarher Shop, Five Dollar* ; aaeh Auctioneer, Twelve Dollar*. The license issncd l>y virtue of tbi* saetion shall be collected on or b/ the 1st day of March nest, and shall cover the year of luT3, and all business licenses Issued on and after the 1st day of March next, shall be issued en a ratable proportion of the year dating from the lat day of the month in whioh it may ^e taaoed. . PII YSICTXNS, LA TP VERB., DENTISTS, PHO TOUR A MISTS, ARTISTS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, SO. Sec. 11. Each physician, Lawyer, Dentist, Photographist and Artist, snd each Insurance Company, and Speculator In Grain, Flour or Country Produce, not otherwise licensed under this Ordinance, shall pay a License of Ten Dollars ; and each Express Company, and each Telegraph Company baring an office In, and doing ousines* within (be corporate limits oftbeeity, Twenty-Are Dollars, for conducting such business or occupation, said sum or sums to be paid on or heforo the 1st day of March next, or on any subsequent day before commencing such business or occupation, and a penalty of Five Pbtlars per day shall be levied against any person prosecuting such business or oeeupstlon, or any business named in this section, without first having taken out a lioeuse therefor. LIQUOR LICENSE. ;0 Sen.' 12. Flrt-olass Liquor Dealers Retailing, shall pay n? annual Tax of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars; Second-class Liquor Deal ers, snail pay tn mutual Tax 01 i wo uunaree Dollars, paynhlc qunrtsrly In advance ; each dealer who sell* hy the quart or larger quantity, One Hundred Dollars) eaeh Grocer or Druggist shall he granted a lioeose to sell Liquors by the bottle,. not leu than Three-half l>ints, upon the payment of an annual Tax of Fifty Dollars, payable quarterly in advance: Provided, the Liquor so sold shall not he drank on the premises whers told, by any other than n Retail Dealer. All applications lor Retell or Huttlc License, must first be made to the Clerk ol Council. Dond required Ln the peun) sum of One Thousand Dollars, to bo approved by Committee on Securities, and classed by tlio Committee on Classification,[and the lievneo 'or till dealers In liquor ahull eorer the year expiring on'the 1st day of Octebcr, 187?. Eacli day Har Room* are closed by order of Council, they shall bu credited on their license, Firat-cluse Dealer, Ten Dollars; for Seoondclass Dealers, Six Dollars. PENALTIES. Bee. 13. And be it further orxf?ine<f,"Tbat any person or persons who shall fail, neglect or infuse to make a return to the City Clerk on oath of nil his, her or their Taxable Property, Income. Sales, Rretipts or any or all other things taxed by this Ordinance, and pay tl e Tnx thereon Imposed, within the time specified by this Ordinance, the Clerk of the Council, assisted by the Assessors of thejCity, are hereby authorised and requested to as see such person or persons for his, her Or their property or other things taxed by this Ordinance, according to the best information which be add the assessors can obtain of the value of sntih taxable property, anil add One Hundred per cent, to the ntuount of the tnx of the person or persons thus neglecting or refusing to make a return us aforesaid, or pay the tax thereon ; and if the Donbh; Tax thus imposed is not poiri within Thirty Days thereafter, tho said Clerk is hereby nutborised end requested to issue mi Execution therefor immediately, whioh said Execution shall by lodged with the Sheriff of the County of Urecnville, to bo collected according to the provisions of tho Act of the General Assembly In sueb cases made and provided. Dono and ratified nmter the corporate seal pf the sold City of Greenville. on the [L. S ] third day of December, in the year of oiir Lord, one thousand eight hun " H. P.'uAMMETT, Major. J. B. IIicNar, City Clerk. Dec II 32 tf dissolution! rpili: COPARTNER?IIIP heretofore cxistmg Iwtween CLINE A GIBBS, ia tbi* day niSROLtlll) "y mutual consent. Those having Claims will present them, and thn?e Indo-ted will please couio forward and innke payment. L. B. CT.TNE, 6. 8. GIBBS. November 30, 1572. 31?If Stolen, IIUOM tbo subscriber, on the 24th day of . May last, near Augusta road bridge, 4 utiles from'Greenville, the following article* ; vis : Tw pair* ol' l'nat*. three pairs of Drawers, lour Counterpane*, four extra line Quilts, and between six and seven dollars in Money, a'so some Provisions, one Booking Glass, one llaxor, a Wrench, an Axe, Knives and Forks, etc., etc, A reward of fifty dollars will bo paid lor information that will lead to their recovery. L1CM U EL JACOBS.. Dec ^ 31 2 Ifiousc Wanted. A HOUSE with from four to six Rooms is wanted, for ?E**A*A*tj2t> 'k? JC*r 1873, if conveniently 15'r -GtSKrOl located near tho business por lum ut tiiu City. Apply lo M. K. ROBERTSON, At the Pout Offioc, Dee 4 1 SI 2 ' NOTICE. ALL pet?t>n? who nrs indebted to the?Ea? tiite of Mr*. JA>'K WOODSIDK. .loceu/cd, nre notified to cell upon the under.signed mid pay the fame; and those having claims will present them, proporly attested, I of the p:iid Estate will to cloeod up on the first of Jununry next. J. L. WOODSIDK, Agent. Deo 4 Sll 4 : * Nolico kTS hereby given to all whom it may concern, . I that I will apply to S. J. Dou'hit, I'm\ Late Judge of Greenville County, on the | flth day of January next, for r? Pinal DDMiortfe as" Administrator of the Kd*i* of WILLIAM PAYNE, deceased. All parties j having claim* will present them on or before | foul day. JAMES II. I'AYNK, Administrator. December 2. 1872. SI-5 yr-B 7-r* r ' Not ee IS herohy given to all whom It may concern, that we will apply to 8. J Donthit. Pro| tnto Judge of (Irccnville County, on theTth ' day of January next, for a Final Discharge aa Adtn iniM rat or* with thy Will annexed of the | Estate of WILEY W. ROSS, deeeased. ELM IN A ROSS. W. W. K0B8, Administrator! with Will annexed. DeeeroW 2, 1872. 3I-i , j CAROLINA I idi? f^QiiR Awri? MJJ X AJ lllUUlliUl Vli COMFAISTY, ' or : f: '* ' J\' : . Memphis, Tenn., t ' * > ASJ> I .1 J .fit rlv m <? *? IJAI.TI.MOHK, MARYLAND v ^ V " * } * 4 " Assets,, $1,100,000. f/oy. JhtTKHSO/t J)A VIH. f>rt?hl*ut. Ob.)'. If.I DM //.\M/'TOX, Vice rrei.Ct. GEN, JOHN D. KENNEDY, Utntfnl Afl**it for South Cafff'ina, COLUMBIA, S. C. yf" JOHN II. SCJJOFJbLO, Aarut, | Qrctntifle, n, C. 31 ly % m CHRISTMAS mi LATEST ARRIVAL! ASD r * 3 ?i i l; ' . *? CT?IIE Largest, Cheapest and MS) most complete Hosortrrient of GOODS in the DKUO, BOOK AND | G O OD S Department, now being ,,, RECEIVED AND - - I . WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES. THEY MM 4 % s ' " ) The People aVe INVITED TO EXAMINE nnnnc *\rn oninpo \J\J\JU>J jkliMJ I I\ll C/Oi MAI) SHALL ft & MAULDTN. Dec 4 y.l ' If CAROLINA NATIONAL BSi?LWML OP t'. . i ! f , J COLUMBIA, S. C. Capital Stock Paid in 8)00,000. J iff Tlmird of Directort. L. D., Prea., /.to. T. Darby, J. W. I'aiikkr, Vice Pres., H. M. Wallacb, C. D. Mat. tun, Solicitor, J >hn. S. Wilkt, H. O'Nkalk, Jr., K. Hopk. W. B. OuilCK, Caehier. C. J. Irkdei.l, Att'i CmMirr. IN addition tp 11?? ordinary nnd uimal hualof Banking, the Carolina Notional Bank ol Columbia, IS. C., is*uea lntereat bearing Certificates for any amount, payable on demand, and bearing seven ftcr <*? (. Interest from date, interest Collectable every lix months, if the Certificate has nut been previously prcscntod. Deposit* in gold received en same terras, and interest paid in kind. Depositors have all the edvuntage of A SAVINGS BANK, and the safety of tbr ir deposits is guSraoteed hy a paid-up capital of Th"-tt Hundred Th'<H<aud D'dlars. Persons having funds which they wish to invest temporarily, will And this asal'o means of investment, returnable upon demand, and always ready for use should n more profitable investment offer. Remittance* may be made by Express, and Srtiflcatc* will be returned by mail without lay. Columbia, 8. C., Nov. 14, 1S72. Nov 27 ' 30 3m "pacificGUANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL $1,000 000) Soluble Pacific Guano. Til 18 GUANO is now so well known in all the Southern States for its remarkable effects es an ageney for increasing the pro., ducts of labor, as not to require special recommendation from ue. Its use for seven year* past has established its character for reliable excellence. The Urge fixed capital Invested hy tko Company in this trade affords the surest i giiaruiieo 01 me continued excellence of tbU Onano. The supplies put into market thin much re, as heretofore, prepared under the person* I superintendence of Dr. St. Julian Revonel, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston, S. C., hence planers may rest assured that it* qnal* ity and composition is precisely the same a? that heretofore sold. J. N. R0B30N, Moiling Agent. Charleston. 8. C. J NO. P. HKBHK A CO., General Agents, Baltimore. Trust?$48 cash ; $53 time, without Interest. To peeotnm'Mlate planters they can order now nnd hare antil the 1st ef April to decide as to whether they will take at time or oaah price. When dellrert.d front the Factory by tb? car load no drayage will he eharged. Nor 27 30 3m Notice IS hereby givrti to all whom It may concern, that wa will apply to B. J. Douthit, I'mi t*ate Judge of Gruenville County, on the 8th day o< January neat, for a Final Discharge as Kxecutors of the Katate of 4NKHICA FOWI.UK, deceased; all parties having Claims will preaent tbem on or before said day. * j ! k. Deeombef 2,1872. 31-5 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to S. J. Douthit, Pro. t.ate Judge of Urceuville Couuty, on the 1 Oth day of January next, for a Final Disoharg* as 1 (luardiau of J DUN I,. HAWKINS. IIKNRY P. 1IAMMETT, Uunrdian. December 3, 1872. 31-3 ??i .11 * I established, the beet orrmeo64n3(2d^by*^^e 'P i,>* 8ooth EXPERIENCED MERCHANT * AMD I 1'RACTJCAL ACCOUNTA NT. Tli* eonrsa of study Include* Book-Reaping is all I'.* branch?*, Penmanship. Mathematics, Commercial Law, Buslneaa Cvrre-pondcnee, Bueinea* Forma, Partnership, Settlement, Banking. Telegi Aptly, PhoBpgraphy, St*., TIIB TRANSACTIONS AND OPERATIONS IS TBI Actual BusineM Department, or* |b matl complete mmd practical / lb age. Student* instructed separately and received at any time. Business AdToeata mailed fret on appiiealion. Addreaa B.. F.MOORE, President. No* 27 ?0 ly Change of Business. I DESIRE to giro notice that I bare this day sold my enterest in the stock of DRY 000D8 and GROCERIES in tbo flrta of FOWLER A VAUUllS, With my good will, to Messrs. "L. I}. AUSTIN A B. F. S1I0CKLEY, who will in future be associated with Mr. L. L. FOWLER, and conduct the same, under the Firm name of FOWLER, AUSTIN 4 CO., and in retiring from tbo business, would commend them to ettr old friends and customers as worthy thsir highest esteem aod confidence. W. P. VATJQErr. September IS, 187S. ' Take Notice* WB have hoagbt out all of the stock of the firm of FOWLER A VAUGHN, continuing business at the old stand. Wo hereby assume all of tbo liabilities of the old concern, and all persons owing debts to them, will make payment to us. The old friends of the establishment will receive a warm reception, and no trouble will bo spared to giro general satisfaction. FOWLER, AUSTIN A Co. Oct. 22, 1672 Money. ALL persons indebted to tbs Firm of FOWLER A VAUGHN are notifiod that all accounts due them are very much needed, therefore an early settlement is dosired. FOWLER, AUSTIN 4 CO. October 22, 1372. 25-tf (IMP ex&oirs m OOMXS.a, - X * v AS I hava on hand the largest Stork of Good', which has been purchased principally for Cash, I? I * I want to a 11 them for the asms, at low prieea. I would advier my frirnde and the public gcncra'lv, to call and examine my Stock; and will be glad to show my Goods ' of charg*. And at my hftve l?e?n marked flown, T am sure to (jive Mti^ieiion t? ?M thai will favor me wiili a call. Any one wanting cheap Good* X r**? find them at the well known atora, where Goo la are to ?B aox at the lowest tnarkesi prices, ' * 1 ? MX v? ii?>ic-?i? mv1 Retail. *t M1M;S \ \-0 * C v wr Tlie *??-?? Calieo PiiiVn, at I ty 12J centa p?r yard. j?3 nmmm. Ocl. 80 26 If ' MONEY WANTED. FROM $3,000 TO $5,000. ANY penon having (hut tmnnnt to LOAN on TIMK, tun urt n (tond per cnotngo ] nnil gn.til onllp'.-ral, >'V applying to SKIBLliS A EZtCLIi. Columbia, S. C. I | Not 27 30 4 ' ????? Columbia A d vcrti semen ts. ?lCKliRSON HOUSE," PLAIN STREET^ V MMIMIa $? MRS. W. A WRIGHT & SON, Proprietors. Willis firstclass ITOTEL is conveniently located to the several Railroad Depots and the business portion of the city. 0?t 23 95 8m E. EJA(iKS()N,~ J ?.? * *MUBSKiak nuu apuiawury. WMA' COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct. 33 " * 3ft 3m CmUMHIA HOTBl, COLUMBIA, 8. a THIS first-class and entirely new establishmcnt, located in the business midst of South Caroline's Capital, affusds the eery beet accommodations to. (lie TRAVELING PtJBtIC AND PERMANENT GUESTS. Large airy room* elegantly furnished, GAS, BELLS, and WATER throughout. Lad toe' and Gentlemen's BATES?HOT AND COLD. TELEGRAPH OFFICE In the P.otunda; iptior.s BILLIARD ROOM, furnished with Phelan A Cullender's best TABLES, and with all ths moiern improvements of a FIRST-CLASS ROl'ELL. THE " COLTTLIBIA " ; Is, in all respects, aae ef the .first houses South. '3 va/ ! The Proprietor having bed an experience of nearly a quarter of a century in the management of the Charleston .Hotel, la sufficient guarantee that tha "COLUMBIA" will be found as representee./ -/ " WM. GORMAN, ProprietoK Jar. F. Gadrdzh. / J. O. Dou*?t* Oct 23 |5( ifr ' ~T 3m liSiliri * y*'* CLOTHING AND II AT HOUSE. * ? nAVE roomily refitted owr Store. And ore now occupying the eoiire building with iho Largest Retail Stock in tho State. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT I* ia (he Room formerly occupied by 1IEAUT Sc HIX, And ir filled with ihe ll03ti:?iT fiCODS In our Line. CALL AND SEN US. Oct 9 2M 2m Isaac Sulzbacher, \\7 ATCHK8, Jewelry and Silver Ware, ? ? Cu?lery and Fancy Article*. Un* der C< fumbin Motel. C?>li mM?, 8. C. Oct 9 S3 ' 8m J. McKENZIE, MANUF ACTtlltt DAILY CANDY, CAKES, & CONFECTIONS Of t'ur? Svgnr. CATCFS Toed and Ornamented to order. To\a, Fniiir, Nu'a, J-dliee, Ac, at liolcrale and Retail. MAIN ST. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 28 '25 8*tf KINARD & WILEY, DEALERS IN CLOTHING, HATS, UMBP.LLIAS CANES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, CELEBRATED GTAH 'BSIRTG. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 28 25 3m, GEORGE KALDWAY, COLUM131 A, S. C. 1NVITKS tlftirflltMli in the up country, when Hhey cotno down, not to pas* him Vith?mt stopping In nnd trying his choice WINES, LIQUORS and LAGER Oef 2* 25 3m TalTopeninI' miss m'kay. Mill Open, on THURSDAY, 17th instant. a larok and vapattern donnkt8 flowers! kumions, TIKS, furs, .TKT end llair goods, cor. SET8, Ac. She would also inform the I.udiea that she haa taken the Agency of nrTTKRldPS PATTERNS, And will heroaftcr he aMo to furnish them at SE IK YORK' PRICKS. A large afl*o>lin*nt ? ( Velvet,, Velveteen and Sa'in cf all coins, for Drcs making, Oct 1? 24 ' tf fc NORTH BRITISH INSURANCE OF LONDON AH OFFICE, SO WILLIAM : vapimi, Fire Reserve, Boston Life Assets, . . i|m < ? I .* '* V) J*vuki Fire Assets in Unite * ?t We are instructed bj the Boor sight or loog drafts, as most Advar WM. ( CUA8. SAM. 1 Jolm H. Schofield, Agi Pep 4 ROSE'S (FOItniERLT n 9 Jl 35 ?OLUiMIS This IIOUSE is in the Center Public Offices and Business House of the State House Square; has rated, and will no\r compare faro The spacious Billiard Room r lender's best Tables. Rote's mnihus will convey Passengers tc Also, et class Carriage for th? oooom par day. Ooi as r 'i?'i . - : H Phhslotln /V r*\ V^uui ivitc ^XTJ. J Advertisements. W. K. W1LBAK." *W. J. BLACK. WILSON & BLACK; WHOLESALE <> T DRUGGISTS, AND DKAI.KR* IN Oil* Paint*, Yarniiihw^ Window OIbm, Putty, Dye Stuff*, Uiuthea, TJbtnpt., and e**rylhing ,Lttu pertaining to lit* Drug PneineM. Oil* A APE CIA L T T. CHARLOTTE, N". C. itr' Prompt tinLp?f?opi?l (llieniW tloo glvrn all order*. /II Not ft 27 *n If ' ? L. A. It. SI'BRT. W. B. NI.?BKT. W. I. FBIPAT A. R. NISBET & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Confectioneries, Cigars, Pipes, Tot)acco% Musical Instruments, Strings, &c. AL?0, AG ANT* foR riUZK CANDY. CHAKLOITE, N. C. N..t ft ?i7 8m JOHN T. BtTtBK, DEALER IN Tin? Watches, Jowclry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. SPECTACLES. AC. TRYON STREET. CHARLOTTE. ?. C. Not 6 27 8m CHAHLOTTE w **%%%* THE undcrtiitneil dea!res to call the attention ot 1 public to liis MA U nIAZ WORKS now came l on nt CHAUIX)TTK, N 0. fit which place he keep* lit |n<geel and b?at selected stork of Mnrltle, and a number ol the finest Cu'tera in the Southern State*. TOMS?, MONUMENTS, GRAVESTONES of every description Mnnnfactuied ; Safe delivery fJuaranteed. Freight prepaid ltlfl miles. 25 per cent lew than can he purchased elsewhere in the Southern States. 1 will duplicate Northern order*, saving purchaser* expense of freight, dravaira, expense of putting ?p costly MONUMENTS, and danger of hreakat/e. Sitieinciinn guaranteed, or no p?\ re q ir?d S?n.l fo< price lists and dra*itijr?, and sn?e money ifeinember (lie d'-nd. F. A. iVcMFC/I, cn aeloite. n. c. Not 8 27 im WALTER BR EM. A NO DEALER IN H A H I> W A H E , CUTLERY AND GUNS. Corner Trade t-nd Tryon St'eets MANSION HOUSE BUILDING. CKIARI.OTTK3, If. C. / *?* A 27 . 1 in A i I' mmm??I????? >f? Notice IS hereby glren tit nil whom it may anncer ( thnt I will Apply to S. J. Ltouthit, Pr?.? lotte Judge of (irovuviUe Count v. on the 8Mtb day of Tlooernher next, for a Final Diwhurftc ?* Administrator of the Rotato of Jolt IiAN nlCKS, llttMMll. .. / RANSOM IIICKS, Adniniitrnlnr. KovtmWr 28, 1872. ? Sft?5 Notice I S I e<*?-1iy fpvan to all ?*liqn>.it may eoto I earn, that I Will Apply to N, 1 hi', I'n li'dn Juilj" of (Jieanxtle Cnmit? on the A'h <i"t/ of January next ? >r a Kmol l>i-i h %i tro a* A'mioi?ti atrir, with the Rill Htt'iKad ; o< the Karate of 0. M. UICKKK. d??B*it, IhereAw. all pirtii-e h iving C.nim* Agamai *aiH K?t st* w||i-p a??nt them on oi t>?f?r? e?i I <Iav to nto, rtt- the l*ri?he1> Jndg',"T l?? ii l>nrte<i. Lt'ClMlA 0. Mn^RFAltV. A ? :i? la? re' i i*. Willi ilio Will A)iit* xot Not. uibrr CUtli,'1 a72. el-6 AND MERCANTILE I COMPANY, [D EDINBURGH, STREET. HEW YORK. o a 10.000,000 i deducted,' 2,500,000 N f AAA AAA . XI ,VW,W\I $23,500,000 d States, 1,500,000 u it' .i i ?*? .:? * #*?ht -*?> ie Office, M Pay promptly ; drwr it aprons, for Boeton losses." JONNER. 1 E. WHITE. V Associate Manager* P, HLAODEff. J rat for Greenville, 8. C. 81 , > ??i M , v?..l ..</,?! 1-1 . *? HOTEL, rtJirr** HOTEL.) MrrWI MA.S.O. -of the City, conrerilent to all tha s, located on the South west corner been recently i-o-openod and renorahly with any Elotel at the South, s furnished with Pholan & Col?. I !; * * ? anil tmm evrrv train, fraa of eharjs. modatlun of Lartto*.' Trsn#^?itt Rftsrd flS.SO " . ? l WE. KU8B, ProffriMof.' $, ;. . ., ' ' (* *1 1'I ass tm JAMES T. ERWIN, Fruit and Countrv FRODTTOU, 'Commission Merchant -armWBOLESALS DEALER in Foreign and domestic FRUIT, NUTS, &C, <*? MARKET 8TREET Charleston, S. C. ! 6ctl? 24 It ESTABUSH ED? OP3EXTVILLS COACH FACTORY. r ' M I'M IE Stock for Full sod Winter trade to rapidly filling up. Co do*. Door. Tad and oilier Lock* 40 kegs Cut Nails and Brads 00 pairs Trace and Breast Chains Log Chains and Continued Chain 3 tons Fire and Rod Iron Band Iron and Sheet Iron Cast Steel, square and octagon 1.000 feet best safety Blasting Fese 1 11 T ? ?? i^uznns ijo n g Handled ?>bovels Spado*. Fork* and Hoes 100 gallons Varnishes, assorted 3 cask* Lin*eed Oil 3 cark* Tanner'* Oils 1 Largo stock Machinery Oils Oils for Wool'Carder* Large assortment of Paints, ground Ift Oil and dry llnuhea, Window Cilns*. PcittT Carriage Materi-Is, Leather. Heat Kims, Morticed Holes. Castings, Lea.her and India Rubber Helling, frojn two to eight inches wide File*. Tool*. Lock*. Hinges. Ac? <ke. GO W Eft, COX A M A UK LEY. ' Sept 25 21 . ?f MUKPiirs MARBLE YARD, s. ?. Present Location on Tall Street, one Block from froAt of (lower, Cex ft t Usrkley. WII.L MlMir ACTUS* 1 MOM TIMES 7\ TOMBS, MONUMENTAL 1IEAD STONES, dco, dec. tAe I am the proprietor of I he Earsbl shit en?, ALL PAYMENTS FUR WORK OR MATERIAL must he ins'te to tnys'lf t*T order, and all contrast* noisr l?e r*ltfl*d by m? before mey vmia. %w ( all h< J examine otir Dxei^aa and IVlni't before |>iiiclia?tn4 ela-aitioiv. SAMUEL MURPliY, J?. On! 93 25 ly f jyoHHTQiiAjmrnHB^H i Of CUrmitti <>r Aou'e It h.timai inn. U??h>, Sciatica. Ilva<l?ch. I.miliar", Ajra? Ht-m M? I n?M or Ki'hiey Affection* accented tgr trial* in out that T oaanot cure'. P, A. WALIKK, Apirt, Orrenrllle, 8. C. lie 4 >1 Jjr Town Lot for Sale. THE L?iT IN THK l'opK OfflUE U K. I ? iiilte and R itiieifatd liii?ii>. n. iff a I mil (lilt In I A or? T # ? >? ? | |,rrili Api 'vo VA' ft I TJLTTIIF. I?? <i .0 ^