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<T!)C (?ntfvyvisc. Q RmN^lLp 8. p. vniupii snknift u iitl <>B. "A a , t . ^. M*- W.eieln bo v ijr responsible for the I opinions Of oar contributors. ? Wg regret that We bote not published more L*|iiltlirs news, end will in future furnish lh? leading transacting* there. i ( . r f"*-**" -* AgH?Uturtl Mitt Mechanical Fair 80Oar oitiieae have recently undertaken Ibe establishment of a measure la Oreenr vllle County, deterring their meet earnest ?nd sincere interest, and which will redonnd more'to the prosperity of the City and County (bin thy enterprise of like ex* tent. Mid which la So completely within Cbdtr own grtip, than of any one project we how can name. Wo allude to the Agricultural and Me* ehanieal Fair Seolety, a Hat of the subeoib* era ( the stock of which we published in a former Isaac of oor paper. As far as the stock la aonoarood, a very large part of the work Is already done, aa we beliere neer fire thousand dollars kad boon subscribe !. Thia society, organised upon a proper baeie, and conducted by offloere of good oapaclty, ad of proper energy, will eff?ot much god to every ieterest in wbieh oor |peop1o are engaged ; and as all interests are depend* ent upon agrlcullare, the etimalue given to that will result in general benefit. With substantial and practical) gentlemen'st its bead, it will be iavaloable in the develop* roent of the County. A Fair next fall ean be made a grand enoease, and the lists of I * - * '** * * noma productions exhibited at It will wau our peopla to be proud. Greenville can produce as Urge crops of eoro, oottoo. wheat, oaU, ale.?aa fine freita?aa splendl'i animals; and our housewives oan make M good butler, preaerraa, pieklea, jama, eto* ?and why ahoald oot the oouutry koow it ? But give our people a ohanoe to exhibit the reeulta of their handiwork, and the City will have eanee to be proud of the country, and the cooetry of the City. Oa Saturday, 14th inat., the Society will meet in the Coort Houat for the purpose of organiaing and electing oHears, at whioh there should be a large and full attendant, In order that the organization may be made I aa perfect aa possible. This (is a praiseworthy movement, and the business men of the town should attend in full fores and ovinca the iptereet in it tbet it demands. Remember the day, and attend. I ~t ?-? ? Greenville aa a Cotton Market. Tba weekly reports of our public weighers of eotton, is the beat indication that we can gira of the fact that Greenville ha? assumed the proportions of ? very respectable cotton market. We believe that, since the opening of the season, the sales here will average as large, if not larger, than auy other place above Columbia, exaepting one. For many miles around, especially in the direction of Laurens, Andereou and Pickens, the cotton producers seek Greenville as the place for a market, and thie is growing larger and more ironortant everv vo?r Tl.? result is, in the language of a citizen who formerly hauled his cotton below, ''Green 111* begina to look like Augusta." At timet Main Street, for a considerable distance la almost blockaded with the fleecy staple. This condition of things extends in a measure also to Pendleton and Buncombe Streets. It will thus be seen that ours is no mean city. The merchants <4 Greenville are known for their liberality in the price they pay for cotton. Their rates are nearly always within one cant of thoae quoted in Charleston, and sometimes even lest. At the present time, the ruling figures here are 17} cents and it will be seen by referring to the Charleston quotations, that it is bringing bat 18| cents there. We would encenrage the bringing of eotton here, because we know our farmers will not % be able to do better any where else ; besides, as our merchants keep very full stocks of goods, they can purchase their supplies of dry goods and groceries more satisfactorily to themaelvea and at lower rates than can be done at smaller places where indifferent stocks are offered. Taxation A reporter of the Charleston Courier recently had a converaatioo with Gov. Mosx*, and the following facts connected with the subject of taxation elicited : The Governor is reported as saying that the tax this year will not be less than fourteen or fifteen mille on the dollar; five mills for deficiencies, five mills for current expenses, two mills for schools, and three mills for county purposes. * Minister to Russia. President Grant has nominated Hon. Jambs L Obr, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, to 8t. Petersburg, and will no doubt be confirmed by the Sen ate. This ia a first class mission, with salary of five or six thousand dollars, and large outfit. Judge Obr would no doubt discharge the duties of this high position with credit to himself, and reflect honor upon the Government he represents. - <y?? ? ? Election of United States Senator. A private telegram received yesterday even ing from Columbia, by a gentleman in Green.. ville, states tbat the Legislature elected, on the first ballot* J. J. Patterson, to sueeecd Hob. F. A. Sawyer in tbeUnsted States Senate, darylng six years. UasratJCTTov or Cotton, Cotton Gin and Macuinbrv.?About four o'clock, P. M., on Friday last, Ath, inst., a flro broke out in tbe lint room sf Mr. L, II. Qkbin's building, situated about six miles from Greenville Court House, near Mountain Creek Chucb, which contained seven bales of oof ton, two hundred bushels of seed, snd glnnfrg, threshing and aaw mill machinery. All of these were ontirely oonsuased* little or nothlag being saved.? Mr. Grbbn's lose eaunot be less than fifteen hundred dollars. It Is not known how tba fire originated. This "is a severe loss upon tbo loser, a most ensrgetle man. Cocn Wbather.?Ice and eold, sharp winds bar* prevailed in Ibis latitude for the past vreef, indeed we have bed reverely cold weath* av, reminding us that genuine winter ia upon us. Mo?dajr evening and night ware particularly cuMlagrand Tuesday was but littla better. It snowed a IRde on Tuesday night and on Wednesday. LOCAL MATTERS. Bctmn None*#.? Wt will intert fa on imml colnmn, hnointoa notfeoo of not tree lAo /We linoo taek% for fifteen cento pet lino tverj ?r?*erf ion. ' " W J Omen PUBLIC VTKIOBBR. 1 QRKB.IV ILL* Depot, DM. 1,1872.*} No. BBIM Cotton waighad and tfiarkad fb tha put Week, two handled and Aft; (J50.) ^.M. 8. scRitaas. OtrltB t*bBLic WBIOHBB, ) QRRKKVILLK. Deo. 0. 1872. I No. Of Bales of Cotton Weighed aud market the past week, two hundred (200.) A. W. McDAVID. CotoNth Mar Killed.?On Sunday even htg teat, Mr. Lvcibn Butler, who reside; With hia sister, Mrs. Harriet B. McBse, ol thia City, shot and killed a young colored mat named Butler Fair, Inflicting a wound ii the right aide, from the effkots of whieh hi died in r few houre. Mr. Botler aurrender ed himself to the oflloera of the law, and it now in Jail. For Gentlemen ?Beat-tie A Co., will rer eeive this weak gente' fashionable Hats, Shaw la, Caaaimerea, Jeaoa, Ao., do. Arrest or Accomplice or Incendiaries.? John Smith, a young man, aged about eeeeoteen years, was arrested on Monday last, and eomasUted te the County jalL It the early part of the year, upon the arrest lng of Frederic* Moseb, for ineendieriatn this psrsoo was with him, and escaped and, until this, kept bsyond Lha vigilance of tbs officer* He is not arrssted on soy nsw act. New Classical Sceool.?Mr. W. L. Wait, e young gentlemen, gradual# of Wofford Collage, Spartanburg, has come to Greenville, and will aarly in January, open an English and Classical School, occupying the aid Methodist Church, whioh will soon bs vacated as tbs nsw on# oa Buncombe Stroet will at an early date be dedicated. Mr. Wait comes to onr City bearing high testimonials from Dr. A. M. SHirp, President Wofford College, end also or the Board Of Trustees. Beside*, he has had lone experience as a teacher. We Cum me rid him to orfr eitiiens, end refer to hi* notice in our advertising columns. Falsi Alain.?About sundown Monday evening, an alarm of fire was raised, which produced somo little commotion on Main Street, but it soon diod away, a* the stir was caused from a foul chimnoy In the Seminary building, whioh soon burnt out. Auction Sale or Furniture Postponed.? The auction advertised in handbills by Mr. J. C. Smith, to bars taken place this day, (Wednesday,) has been postponed to Moo* day, 18th inst. See advertisement. New Paper in Greenville.?A new paCer is to be established io Greenville, the eginning number '.o be ieeued about the first week in Januery. It is controlled by e joint stock company, composed of peraona connected with the Kepublioun party. Its political course, we arc ioformed, is expected to be moderate. Sick.?-Capt. J. S SoirrnxaN, our Sheriff, is slightly indisposed. Foh Ladies.?Beattik & Co., will receive this week low priced Dress Goods, Cali* cues, Shawls aid Balmorals, also, a new assortment of Blankets and Notions. Saddles, Saddles ! Harness, Harness! At Cukatau a Hkfphon's, Charleston, S. 0., you can buy % set of home-made Buggy Harness at $15 per set; Double Harness at $45 and $50 ; new McClellan Saddles at $5 each. Always on had, a full line of Saddlery, Cart Harness, &o. Remember! If you want a good and cheap article, call at Chateau A Hepfiion's. 81-12 CuRISTMAS A mono the CHILDREN.?The Presbyterian Sunday School has determine ed to have a Christinas Tree, on the 25th inst., and arrangements for it ate already be;ng made. A grand affair and much entertainment will no doubt be the reault. We learn that the Baptist Sunday-School Is now considering whether to hare a Trc? or Festival on the same occasion. As thej did not have either last year, and th< School being a large one, we hope th< children will be giatified by an affirmative decision for one or the other. What the other schools will do, we hav< not been Informed. Eastman Business College.?This Iostitu tion, which was opened one year ago it Atlanta, Ga., to educate Young Men for th< practical duties of life, is wielding an influence greater than any other inslitutior of the kind in the South. There has ah ready been more than one hundred of Hi graduates eent out who are to day occupy ing responsible and lucrative notitions.? The teacher* are welt known to the peopti for their energy, activity, and usefulness and it i* the only College in the South tha is conducted by practical men on the Ac tcal Business Plan. In a short eourae o from twelve to fourteen weeks, young mei are enabled to atep into the counting house and earn three times the amount expended for board, tuition, etc., in the same lengtl of time it requires to graduate. For terms College Journal, specimens of Penmanship etc., address?inclosing two three cen lamps, O. E Detwilcr, Sec., Box 636, At laota, Oa. 82-11 Litbbaby Club.?It is hoped that non will be absent from the next meeting, 01 Tuesday, December 11th, at 7 J P. M. Th meeting will be held at the residence e Wis. E Eari.e, E?q , and Mr. A. Bi.rtn will read an Essay on "The North Pol an J Polar Expedition." Grand Lodoe.?James Birnie, E?q Worshipful Master of Recovery Lodge, i now in attendance upon the Grand Lodg of South Carolina, representing the organ iaalion over which he presides, now in eei aion in Charleston. lie will return th latter part of this week. Arrivals and Departures of Mails. Columbia, arrives dally, at 6 P. M : De parts daily, at 7 A. M. Pickens and Keowee, tri-weekly, arrive Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at A} f M : Departs Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satui days, at 7 A. M. Asbeville via Lima, tri-weekly, arrive Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satnrdays, at 7 I M : Departs Mondays, Wednesdays and Pr! days, at 8 A. M. Spartanburg, tri-weekiy, arrive* Tuesdsyi Thursdays and Saturdays, at 4 P. M ; Depart Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at A. M. Laurens via Plain, weekly, arrive* ever Wednesday, at 4 P. M ; Departs every Thuri day, it A A. Ai. Woodruff's, weekly, departs every Fridaj at 7 A. M : Arrives every Saturday, at6 P. A Brevard, weekly, arrives every Tuesday, a 7 P. M : Departs evary Wednesday, at A A. ft Jligh'and tlrove, weekly, arrives every 8al urday, at f > A. M : Departs every Saturday, k P. M. Pickensville via 18 Mile, weekly, arrive every Saturday, at 12 Af ; Departs eiery Sal urday, at 2 P. Af. By Post Office regulations, all persons ar prohibited from coming behind the boxes, ex eept persons in the employ of the post offici M. K. ROBERTSON, P. M. Call and Pat Ur ? All persons indebted r lo 4b la office lor eeberripttoo, Job work or ? adrertlalng, are earnestly urged to Qnll and y aetllo their indebtedness at otaee. lfoat of the ettroe due ere atrial), therefore should Hot be pertnltted to stand unpaid. , IT)it it Me tim* to poy ofd Ihit it tJko tin|g it teat r promised. r TKb Horsp DiasAaa.?The Epizootic has prevailed In Greenville, and la alii) hare, but knowing that it was an endemic and not an epldemio, wa refrained from saying 1 too much about it, feeling that among those not iaformed aa to the nature of the dieeaae, it might eeuae unnaeaaaary exeite*mast. While nearly every horae has it, we i have heard of few, if any, fatal oaaaea. | Da. Boivr having rataroad in time, oeen. j pled his pulpit last Sabbath morning. ' Rev. Edwin 0. Riox filled the pulpit of the Baptist Churoh oo Sunday, in the fore1 noon, Dr. Fuxman being absent, aad Mr Jobdar at night. | Col. S. S. Crittenden and T. Q Donaldson, E*q , members to the legislature, were op at home on Saturday last, on a flying visit te their families. Thay returned to Columbia on Monday follow iug. ? Tusa?t*.?Two large droves of Turkeys ha*?e passed through Greenville during the past week. They earns from western , North Carolina, and took tha oara hero for i below, CoL R. P. Good Lett, formerly of this County, but who removed West soon after the war, has returned to thia Slate, and will probably make Greeovilla hie permanent home. JaLum.?The beet thing with which to make Jollies, is Cox's Patent Refined Sp-irk ling Gelatine. It ia kept at the store of our frlende, PRANK HAMMOND A CO. Cmxr or Pouot.?Mr. Joun P. Scacoee has been elected Chief of Polioe of the City of Greenville. Have You Tbikd It??Enoch Morgan's Sons' Sapollo, for clasning'glaaa, brass and tinwara, kept constantly on hand, by PRANK HAMMOND A CO. Tea articles of " Sample " and M Charity Dantslor," on dancing, havs been crowded out* Council Pro.eedings. COUNCIL ClIAMtlKR, 1 UitERNViLLe, 3. C., Dec. 3, 187?. J Council met ut half-past seven o'clock. P. MPresent: His Honor the Msyor, and Aldermen Sullivan, Beutlie, Davis, Gossett, Alexander and Hawkins. The Minutes of the Inst regular and one extra mooting were read. And on motion of Alderman Dcuttie, the minutes'were so amonded as to read, that the Clerk and Treasurer of | Council be ordered to retain three dollars per I month, for five months, from the no* ??r ?.-v. Policeman, from the present time, or, after the election of euch one hereafter elected, as security to Council for monoy Advanced in aid of their uniforms. F. Hahn appeared before Conncil, upon -a charge preferred against hint, hy Chief ol Police, for rotailing spirits on Sunday. Thoro being no proof to sustain the charge, he was acquitted. The same charge was also preferred against C. C. Montgomery, who also appeared before Council, and thero being no proof to sustain the charge, he was also acquitted. On motion of Alderman Beattie, it was Jlaohed, That the Clerk of Conncil be or. dercd to call tbo attontion of rotail liquor dealers to the conditions in their bond, in regard to retailing liquor on Sunday, and if they violate the same, on proof being inado before Council, their bonds be declared forteitod and ^ their licenses cancelled. llciolvtd, That no liconsoil retail liquor deal' er be allowed to either sell or give awjy liquor on Sunday. A petition from James II. Jonnings, for per5 mission to erect a business house and construct * a fence on Buncoinbo Street, was read. And on motion of Alderman Sullivan, the petition - was granted. And the matter referred to the Committee on Streets end Bridges to define line of Street in front of his lot. A communication from J. W. Brunson nnd 1 others, asking Council whether certain repairs ' (tad improvements, contemplated on the " Southern Hotel " building, on Main Street, 1 would be regarded by Council as in violation ? of the ordinance of the City, in reference to R the construction o? buildings on Main Strcat, ? on motion of Alderman Sullivan, it was Rfolved, That tho repairs aud improvet montg contemplated, as desired in the eommu, mention, would not be regarded by Council as t in violation of said ordinance. A communication was read from O. G. j. Wells, Esq., informing Council, that a portion ot the land on the street lino, on Buncombe ' 1 Streot, at tho point where the said street has : | recently been widened, belonged to the estate < li of his mother, and that they wero not notified, j i, or made a party to tho assesment of damages i, to the owers of tho real estate recently made, I t when the street was widened. On motion of . Alderman Bcattie, it was j Rei?leed, That as it was not known to Council that a portion of the said land belonged to the above paties, that the matter bo referred back to the apprnises heretofore appointed, n and that tbo Wells family be requested to cof opeiate with tbem. f A petition of sundry citizen* and tax pays ers, praying Council to discontinue the blast * >ng of rook and excavating the dirt on e Washington .Street, between Main and Rich ardson Streets, was received and read. 'On motion of Alderman Beattio, it was Ittnolved, Tbat the blasting on Washington Street bo discontinued forthwith, and that s not more than ono foot of dirt he {taken from 0 the crown of the bill, and thut to ho used to fill the irregularities in tbo street, below the s Engine House, and that the committee on 1 gtPAllta anil ha ir.?l ..'-I.* ? ?? the provisions of tbie resolution. Alderman Sullivan, from the committee on Streets end Bridges, reported that the lence in front of the house of Mr Poinsett Wells, i- has been set back and the strcot widened, as they were instructed to do. s Alderman Oosaett, from the committee on Police and Police Regulations, reported that a '* comfortable roosn has been fitted up in the market house, for the accommodation of the is Police. '. The committee appointed at the last regu* I" lar meeting to report an ordinance to raise supplies tor the year eommencing January ?, 1st, 1873, reported an ordinance which was !e adopted. See ordinance. 8 i On motion of Alderman Rest tie, It was llrtolttd. That the fllerk be directed to proy euro the names of all male citizens, living i- within the corporate limits of the City, whose names do not appesr upon the assessment book, r, or who own no taxable properly, so that the I. street exemption tax mny bo collected from t them, or they be required to work upon the I. streets as provided by ordinance. U | jThe cominitte appointed at the last regular it meeting, to assess all the property within the City for taxation, mado their report, which S report was adopted. I- ; On motion of Alderman Hawkins, It was ' Hetotrrd, That as the Hose, which camoout e I with the new Fire Bngine. to be tested, has I proved unavailable, that it bo returned to the I. parties who sent it out, as per agreement with them, and that the committee on Pire Engines and Fire-Wells, bo instructed to procure a sufficient quantity of uaw bete for tb? now Engine, n* soon st praclieghlcIn tb? matter of a Hose Reel for the nfiw Etighio,'the committee ask further tbne. On motion of Aidermau Boat tie, It was K'ttolved, That Cofiaoil contribute onq third the obtt of building Jkisteraa or fir** well? In any strdat where LM^eUnens will contribute the other two-thirds, and that the location, capaoity, Ac., be referred to the Committee en Streets and Bridges to determine. J , . The Mayor reported toCouqcfl that he had information that tha gate or eteps crossing the fence into the cemetery grounds, was not sufficient to present stock running at large from go ng into the I grounds, and suggested a plan to remsdy | It. On motion, It was I littolvfd. That the matter be referred to | the Committee on Cemetery and Cemetery j Orounds. with power to act. On motion of Alderman Hull Wan, It wa? Rttolwtd, That in future the vagrant laws of the State be rigidly and vigorously en forced wlthio the limits of the city of Oreenyiile. The Chief of Police and others reported, that certain houses within the corporate limits of the city, which had been hereto- I l?? 1....1 l. n??:i ?- L. J - ; iui r viuviou ujr w?nou W Of f ICBIIO9 were | Iill occupied by the objectionable parties; sed <>n motion, it *m Rtnolvtd. Thai a Committee of Thr*e be appointed ty the Mayor, who shall report to Couooil whether the hoover are etill oe i eupied by the object ion able parties; tho : object of said in vesication and report t.eing to enable Council to proceed nzafnst the owners of the property in accordance with the Ordinance o( the City in eucb eaee made and provided. The Mayor appointed on an id Committee, Alderman Sullivan, Iieat.tie nnd Davie. The ohiaf of Police tnado his report for tha month, \-hioh wm received as inluraaation. On mntion of AUlermnu Sullivan, it was RttolMd, That two additional Policeman ha elected, opa of whom shall be Chief, end who shall receive Sfty dollars par month aa bia pay nnd who shall furnish a horse at bia expense, and ha reaposibla fur the good order of the cilv ; nnd R**olvtd further, Thnt the first dieobedienee ot a I'olicemao, result lo bia pr mpt and immediate removal John Scruggs was unanimously aleoted Chief of Police, on the Brat ballot, J. M Qrrgrwas unanimously elected a poliermen on tha fitat ballet. . On motion of Aldarman Snllivna, it was Reuolval, Tnat harvnfter when'* party is noimmttn-1 to the Guard Hou*e, that they rerun-n confined therein until 9 o'clock thnext morning, when they aball be tried by a Court of the Council ; and thfct previous to thetr trial, thoy shall n?>t ba released by nny order from an Alderman, The following accounts were ordered pai?i: J. C Alexander. $30 75 ; John Wertfiehi, $*28 70; J C. Bailev. $34 50; J. C. ('arpvnter, $3 00; G A.'Shields, $6 00. The Clei k and Treasurer made hia.monthly report, which was approved, as follows; Amount on hand at laat report... .$269 85 " Ree'd during lb* month.. 419 00 $678 85 Amount paid during the month... 513 90 Bslnnee on hand Dee 3d, 1872....$164 45 There being no further bueinerr, on motion, Council adjourned, J. 1). IIENIlY, City Clerk It RKKSVILLE, GeO. 11. CuttoD is selling to day At 17i cents. Cha?l**ton, Dec. 9. Cotton quiet And dull?middling K) ; low mi.idling 18|; receipts 4,292 balm; esles 500 ; stock 84,572. Married, on the 8Hi inst.. al Fo.fe shoal* Church, hy Dr. J. C, Funnsn, Mr.SAMUEL MAL'LDLN sud Mi** IDA L. UARKLSgN, daughter of the Die Dr. Junius Ll*inaoii ; all of Greenville County. Married, at Greenville, S. C., on December 4th, by Rov. J. C. Furinun, D. D., Dr. P. E. GRIFFIN, ot Society Hill, S. C., to Miss EMMA MA CI.DIN, of Greenville, S. C. OBITUARY. " Asleep in Jesus." Departed this life, on the 28th November la?t, at G<e.*iiville, S. C? Mrs ELIZABETH SLOAN GOWF.R, wife of T. C. Qnwer, E-q , and daughter of lb. 1st. Capt. J. W. brook*-. Slie wa* n woman of mark, no! only An excellent and accomplished w. nian, but one very extranrmoniy in her activity, energy, eoterpiiso, benevolence and noble-hearted nras. Her eon I wm all alive with affection and love. and site '.rnely lived for others. *?he w ill he greatly missed in her family, in society and in th* Church; and it will he long before her place can be adequately filled in either. But we weep her lo?a as they who have hope, "tor if we believe that Jesus -lied and roue again, even bo iheru alro, which sleep in Jesus, will God bring wiih Him." .She was a devote ! wife, fond mother and i?ce?e Chrialain "In Heaven we will bless God for all; hut mostly the uvrre. K T. B. Bottlra Pull cf Beauty Ladies, if you would have beauty by the bottle-full, all you have to do is to purchase {lagan's M.ignolia Malm. That peerless beautiller of the complexion not only heightens natural charms, hut renders even the plainest countenance exceedingly attractive. It recalls to the pallid check tho rosy tinge of health, removes pimples, blotches, roughness, snllowncs* and other blemishes, snd imparts ' to the skio a most delicate fairness ami s>dt- j ness. It smooths tho furrows caused by time I or care, ami gives face, neck and arms tho i plump and engaging appearance of youthful beauty. All this is accomplished by tho uioat natural means, viz : by gently and naturally stimulating the circulation in the capillary blood vessels. Beside* being the most .effectual aid to beauty known to modern science. Dr. Tutt'a Expectorant. Tho properties of this cxcellant preparation are demulcent, nutritive, balsamic, healing and eootbing. It brsecs the nervous system | and produces pleasant nnd refreshing sleep. I It exhilarates and relieves gloominess and | depression. It is the most valuable Lung | Balssm ever offered to sufferers frotn Pulnup" nary disoases, r 1 *w<, Ai.a., Maroh 9, 18119,/r" i I)r. Wiu. II. Tdtt : I?ear Sir?For fift#*1. 'J ] years I have been afflicted with Asthma. J'tul i suffering ha* been intense. I have been iar | ble to lay down for a week at a time, "> ># | seemed as if I would choke. I coughed ip"*ni santly; and my wheezing could be hear/'"B < ' over tho house. I had dcapaired of eveT'l to I ting well but thanks to vour in valuables l<n r pec tomtit, tny attack* are soldom. I cMltiing ' re?t well at nigbt. I believe it will atjoining ! permanent cure. Truly your*. tale/'* ARTHUR F. Mcfhem, e< ?? iore or h Dr. Tutt'e JIair Dye contain* no Town* /ww Aw^Aleiande1 Pimple*, Eruptions, BouglP'v- Tom The eyetcm being put under tb# Alao, of Dr. Pierce'* Golden .Medical Dige I ho wat a few week*, the akin become* *m<X lainjnir ' *oft and velvety, ami being illuu^r J* the glow o( perfect health from Iff beauty itand* forth In all it* gloijf | Wood, J ever prciented in the public a* a ' ! other*, k the complexion ever gave *ueh sfttf q ' thi* purpoao a* thi* Discovery. ? ! ,, all medicine* which operate upo^. ; through the medium of the bloot,? ; of le?#, m rily .onmwh.; flow, no matter',, ( |[ ? 8(< remedy employed. M bile ono f,* ' , , clear the akin of pimple*, blotttgn , an<' ? ">* yellow rpote, cowedonea or "f?e* i on A* th* may po??ibly be required to ?g or i t|,c B1J| where the ?y*tcin le rotten wif,eJI0 ' ,v i virulent blood poisons. Thff p, | l'iT>Hn , { diteute*, however, from the # ^li ia Term*? I the worst scrofula, I* with Sold ' per*. | mo*t potent agent, only mil j Sheriff*# by all druggists. ' BuildiNo Matkmal*.?In another colon 1 wttrt>* found the adT^rt'eement of on* the most extensive manufactories of Dqoi Saallee a$d Blind*, la the Southern 9Ul< | A* tV*a artielm are in daily demand I our beat citizen* We 'reco*tm{btid all wl contemplate Improving tieif HWnes Li p)aeesvi?f bnsinef*. Vo *end fcr cirvhlar* At price lisle of th?*e article*, together wl prices of builder*' hardware, moral) mantle piece*. French and Americi window gla?*. Ac., Ac., to P. P. To a La, ! H*yne du. Charleston, tj C, SfO?tf ? i The Great Piotorial Annual. Hestetter's United 8tate? Almanac for 18? fbrdistrlbution, gratis thronghoat the Unit States, and alt civdiaad oountries of the We* em Hemisphere, is now published and reai tor delivery, in the Kngliab, Herman, Prenc Norweg an, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, Boh mlan aqd Spanish languages, and all who wi to underatand the true |3>itu*<>phy of heal noma read and ponder the valuable eugga tiona it oontaina. In addition to an admTr bla medical treatlae on tbe eanaea, prevents and cure of a great variety of dlaeaaoa, It et bracer a largo amount of information iaterpi ing to the merchant, the mechanic, tbe mine tbe iarmer, the planter, and professional mat and the calculations bate been made for sa< meridians and latUudea aa are moat snitafa for a correct and oomprebenaire National Ct endar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitar effects of Hostettei's Stomach Bitters, the at pie tonic and alterative of more thaa half tl Ckriatain world, are fully aet forth in i pages, whieh art also Interspaced with plot rial illuatratlona, valuable recipes for hous hold and farm, humorous aneedotea, ai Other instruction and amusing reading matt original and selected. Among tbe Annuals appear with the opening of tbe year, this W be one of the moat useful, aud may be had tht a?king. The proprietors, Messrs. Hoar ter A Smith, Pittsburg, Pa., on receipt f* two cent stamp, will forward a copy by.*" to any person who cannot procure oneP'# neighborhood. The Bitters ere sold In "7 city, town and villnge, and are extensivel4*^ throughout the entire civilized word. Deo 4 31 * CLASSICAL AND ENG-SH SCHOOL jm*. MR. W L. WAIT, ???duat? jT4rV of Wofford C-llege. af has experience in tea0*! w'" i a CLASSICAL' ?v0 dBvr L1SH SCH(X)L in ' ^ ?' Qrceu villa. early in January.n* 8**hool will be o| one.1 in the Methg Church, wlwe he hopes to raceive a ?' Publi# patronage. Rates per session of five db* as fob lows: Claatica, Algebra and htgherff-* Itsh *20 00 Elementary Braachea 15 00 Tuition to be paid in adi*- Pupils ^ will be charged from time.'ntrance lo end of session, except in caseprotracted fc sickneae. By permission, ha refers t* following gentlemen: Kev Dr. K. Jynardie, J. Walter fliaj, Erq, and Mr.'? Bailey. Dec 11 32 If ^ Superior Lot oFurniture at Anion. ON MONDAY. IVceml6?h. 1872, I _ will 6?-ll hi ami in fro my officii, a 1 * lot of well FUltNlf. cuosiating k io part of Marble -Top Bureau, wie>e, Mahoifuny Hair .Seated a, Centre and Ktcutision T. Wardrobe, rfT WaahMand, 8"l??, |)iviMh?, S Bookcna# and Secretary "ne I, * Hal Rack. Bedstead*, 1 I oil t Seta, Parlor nnd Cooking Std^ire Doga, Fenders nod Crockery} Set of Four Pii?i ad IlielnT* and Dud>?? JEU.vlS?CASH. .ILTIp SMITH. _ Friday AlTpoott, * DECEMBER IStb.ntP**' 3 oVlork, at my nffioe, a loO' >KS?TlieoIOi;icSchool and Mia*""*- CI Dee 11-32-1 jr*C. SMITH. STATE OF SOXTCAa?I'IirA grkexvjlj,i;ntySHKRIFI^al-E?. BY VI. tile Of ?U<7"\?f Fi F?. to me directed, t'*f"re the 0?nrt Hull** door., ,'r8^ pert. liHiwcen the ' ? c'ock in the / f.oenoon, nod a o"' ,h" "'lfrnn"n. \J Ono tract of on,,th" Buncombe Road. 10 in ilea fr-l?T'Il? C* J'., containing One Hundred V ??*""". "?"re or less, ndjoininj ' ?Jpe Latale of Mra. Henry Lynch J"' Bevicd on na the property of E, looian? ' the auit of Booker Rotnar. Go Alao, One tnnBd\ *onU,,,infr Sixty. Five .icrcif, tmj1' Innda of the r K-tato ol Jo'?"' dece?*ed. D. Cohb, I Levied on na thn i II ""i""" "'"Inithi nt the ?uit of Stepropcrty of Jcsteed to he set off to De- 1. ph?;n Orimt^f Bn\0i fen (in nt befy j nnd on bo(h |M|| ftf ,ho Also, On<|5 fennj Greenville, State Roarjfnn,jrc(j Bmj Sixty acres, enntniningom,,?having teen net off tnoro ?r ! *_?, I joining land* of Simeon to the D# Curry nml others. Levied Styles. Sy gf J, Westmoreland, at ir on im thl4> Merchant, Gaines A Betrthe suit?James Birnic?Assignee? den?Am, Administrator, ond others. '1' ^ ,,!lufundred nnd Twenty Two and ~" Al*Are* 0( I,and, more or less, situ- ' Thre?fr,,in .the Court Ilonsc, und wost ated J Horse Rood, adjoining lands edaji of <tnrs. John Southern nnd G. F. ?f* ? of Wj part of the tract known as the Dt Totf, and including a small portion O Coity Creek tract. Levied on as the Al of I (j. F. Townes, and all the in- will Pi and equity of W. A. Townes in Cups to^it the suit of W. Choice, for A. I others vs. G. V. Townos and W. 'vcnty-Six acres, more or less, near- guari woodland, lying east of the Whito tad, part of the Brushy Creek tracts |ye [ the lands of John Southern, Win., loige Wright and other lands of G. F. ~~~_ Twenty-Two and a Half acres of loro or less, adjoining the foregoing A past of the same ; two-thirds of which Xm i lodland, and all of good quality, three dsik m tlio Court House. hetwi Two Hendred acres of land, more or Mule ?ted 2] miles from the Court House, Hund ids known ae the Brushy Creok tract, beret. ; the Inst mentioned, and lands of W. |lla p, is, A. Williman and others, the larger whiet >f which is fine woodland. Homo- ft p, i.i.l ..rr w-1 ?-- * v? wivro vii? (l ay t?f aale. I fle. <_ )n? vacant J.of, a desirable and good situation, aituatod on Rh?tt street, lot lately belonging to flen. W. K. ? * Estate, Mrs. Hcrndon, Molloo and interning Ninetcntha of an acre, Bit. Levied on aa the property of 0. m, at the enit of Vardry Me Bee and r Mr Bee, K see* tor* and othera va. T9 h nes. M. eei One tract of Land, lying on era of Durham's Creek, con* DHCI Two Hundred and Fifty acres, tata ol less, adjoining land* of John no. Jones, Anthony Jonea, and nown aa the Mill Plaee. ANo, ec' ct of Land containing Five "" and Reyentv Two acre*, more BjTO djoining ianda of M M. Jonea, mihk t??r|, it H. Hunter and other*. 1 lil rn at the Homo I'lace. Levied l property of Wm McNeelv, w"{' ' 1*1. i r. > .? i out bull It of IlewUi Su'ltvan, Unrnl por , John L>. Williams and others. Cash, Purchasers to pay for pa* J. L. K0UT1IKRN, B. 0. C. Office, Deocmber 10, 1872. 32 4 | Dee 1 % in TERMS C : ft. K. : S fl I> 3jS B*>OK? AN J COURT HOUSE i in K 20 TmupwdU, Prayer b? JL>' Sonday, School Book Eer nd Envelope* of sariou* letnorandnro and Blank Book*, li . Board* and Clip*, Mathematical In*i J '"8 P*,P*r? Ti**u* Paper, BrUlol and ? Founiaio Bolder*. Pen aud Paneil C j_ Writing Drake, Portfolio*, Alhom*. k, Reference Ptlea, Wrapping Twine, *. Crayofi Water Goloia P*p-r Polders h T<wa F'larlal Seal*, Sealing Wax, Ju ,k ~ ? - vr ito, Mortgages, ?> various prioN and approve* a* %? Ordora from a dialsc**, aeoo ?n I CHRISTMAS GOODS its oV t ? e? '.'/VANDIES, %Jy ,, Nutsaud Raisins, at FRANK HAMMOND & O SMOKING and Chewing Tobacct Segars, Pipes, etc., etc. FRANK HAMMOND A CO I CHILDREN'S Tots, in large varu Dolls, Horses, Dogs, Balls, Jumping Jacks, at FRANK HAMMOND A GO'S tIRE CRACKERS, Torpedoes and Pull Crackers, FRANK HAMMOND A COS, PTCKLES, |fi> Ovsters and Sardines, at frank hammond a co*s. |?OMATOES, JU In cans, at frank hammond a cos. JUGAR and J Coffee, Blacking and Mustard, at frank Hammond a cos. W PICES, g) Nntmegfl. Maee, Gingei uvea and Popper, at frank hammond a co's. Before Buying your DRISTMAS TOYS and good rnixiis ncralW, call at f. HAMMOND & CO'S. )ec 11 32 .if V; IF STORE ? AT? Hopewell Church, ^.>1^ / tutu {.rreenviUc (J. 11. ?0:0-? IHE subS'-riber having removed ftom Greenville. wiil open a new Store ?t shove nam?-d place, nhoni the 2<>'h ol mhrr, nnd will " pen a 8 oelc of Goods ite<l lo tiie want* of the farmer*, pUnl>nd of 'itin111ew. e'-nss'irig of y flood*. Groceries, Hoots, Shoe*, llal*, dlery. Hardware, Kerosene Oil, ele.,efc. fo, * tine lot of Christmas Goods, which embrace Children's Toj8, Dolle, Feney and Saucers, and Candies oi a)) dalion*. lull lot of Powder and 8hot. rill he thankful for a trial, and will vntee satisfaction. Give me a call. W A. JENNING8 ell 82 2 Holier. ' RT>ENWINOTON tells he a J fore me an ertiay hay Mara MULK, thirteen hands high, ten ten and fifteen year* of age. Said is supposed to tie worth about One red Dollars ((1)00.) The owner is y notified to oome forward, prove operlr, pay eharges aud take it away, i can he lound at the residence of A. nnington, near Whtldcn Hall Post 0f? reruville County, 8 C. J. M. CARMAN Trial J italic* Orseuvill'' Co. ymber 4ih. 187*. *2-4 Notice i?rehj glvn to all whom It may con-n, that I will tpplf to S J. Dnothlt, of Probata for Grrenville Count?. on th day of January nrtl, for a FINAL I A HUE n? Administrator of the Ks- i O. AT. GARRISON. deeeaeed. , BAKKHDALK CHARLES. I Administrator. ?mher 0ib, 1872 82?5 I oks Place to Rent. reeidene# of the lata Captain J W ROOKH to Rent. 0"ntaina Two 2<lx*2, and Seven Room* additional, 1 ir? ptaeee, and Two without. Good J Mings and Garden plat. | terms, apply ' O ? T. C. OOWF.R, W. E. ROWLAND, or j, MILLS A M. BRAVER, Mb, 1872 82-8 ASH?PRICES LOW. EiilOXt, E4LBH IN D STATIONARY, SQUARE, GREENVILLE, S. C. EEP6 IN 8TOCK. ok*. Hymn Book*, Question Books, Tickets, <fco., f< , Slates, Copy sad Composition Book*, Writing Pa ra, Ink, Iukstends, Pens, Pencils, P?nhold?rs, Ruler, irge end smell, Invoice Books, letter Boars, Lette ruesents, Chrsemea. Dominoes, Vsiting Otrdif Drew Bonnet Board, Gilt Paper, Copper Foil, ?old i'sns lease, Posits* Knives. Thermometers, Tap# Measure*. Pocket Books, tritleel* Memorandum Books, Ready Elastie Bands, Psn?r Weights, Chalk and Fanoy and Tearers, Paper Fasteners, Muctla e, Gum labels, i., together with Law and Trial Justisv's Blanks, by Masouic Demits, Draft*, At, and a good slock ot i breeds mpsnied with the Cash, will meet with prompt it* Deo 11 83 tf Christmas ? CHRISTMAS ( Go to PRE3ENTS.< ?"d \ Walter's k ; holiday J _ k > PRESENTS. ^ l(B Nrw > ( Store. Present** \ 11 U - S PRESENT L > for a fa? Holiday S ( to Piwdi* walter's. , ? S Walter a O'S. S I>? y??u \ $ want a rich ( drug Bridal s toilet bet, < Pre??ola. ) go to ) Store. 1 w a lt er's. j 5 5 For ?n ) 1 Birthday \ elegant pair of ? "? PreaauU. ) VASKS. ( S go I.. ( ^ . at 0v altek'8 , , t ) < Waller a J. For a (Fine $ cl'eajt Writing > r>rug Preseul, c Deska ( go to< and (Store. tV 5 Writing < ' 7' ) MftU-rial, at S ? ( walter's.) > jGo For a CFor ft ) ?ltr( genuine ( lo preterit. ( Meerschaum ( go t?.s Pipe and < walter*# Wallet a. S Segur ) > Holder) Hrng S *" lo( Por ? WALTER'S < Store. Novell ica, c / go to(p0r the ( ? at Walter'#. ( finest \ ) lot of ) g o ' ) Confectionery) ) and ) to f?r ? confection ? readyr Boxes, ( Walter'a *ud ( g? to I willioK< walter's. s i>rug Clerks s ___ ( toM>? ) s t o r e. show ) you ) Good*,) want ( ? g? (ft tine ( to s Bottle of s oo to Walter'* \ Cologne) ? ) and ) Waltar'a S . r All*# , For <wet of )Drug Slor#. Wall t.oxes ) Perfumery f ( Bracket#, ) oo to ( ? l To well ( waiter's) and ( - ( Hat Itack*,) For a ) co to k? ) nice ) Waller's ) p a 1 r ) Waller's For ? l a rn p a, |l>r?g Store, fine ? k? lo ( Toilets WALT Kit's* ) ? Soaps < S ? and Sfo,. m Qo Toilet) Dice c Article*, ) Promenade, < to go to ) Lunch, ) W altn'i i Traveling, a Walter'* ( or Work > If < Basket,) T>rug you \ i?f> t?i) waotaS WALTER'S ( Store, present, ) .. c and ) For ( ~" I a"? anything S . undecided t rich, )Do t? ' in ( f ? r e and) your \ racy, ) ^ alter'a telrciiim, ) go to ( call )W A LTER'8 Drug an) ) ? \ look nf yon S Store, ever < want > ? I ho \ to buy ) Stock S cheap, ) Go to a'/ go io t Walt-r'n Walt-rY ) WALTER'S. S'^ug Store. Deo 11 St t? Clly Ordinance. THE following Ordinance ia published for information. Ita pioviaions will h? rigidly enforce I, and the Police ate hcr-by inatrueted to arrest and bring to trial all peraona who may rio'ati It. H. P. MAMMKTT, Mayor. Deo-m' er ?th, 1812. _ ORDINANCE BE it ordained by :he Mayor and l'ders men of the City of (Jrevnvllle, in Council if*enit?led. and by the authority of 4 the Mine, That it ^a'l not be lawful for j any person to fire any Fire-crack-ra Rock- { ete, or fireworks of any kind, on Main Street, between the River and N?rih Street, or within flpy yards ?f Main Street, between the above limits, or on Buncombe Street, between Mam and RicliarJson Street*, or nn Pendleton Street, between the River and the warehouse of Divid & S'rad'ey, or on Anguata Street, b-tween i? ? -- I ? rnuifinii mrrel and th? Pna^entfor Depot, or within the vieinty ol the F. eight Depot. I Sacm* 2. Beit furl her ordained. Thai all violation of the ah?ve Ordinance ?he!l he punUhed hp fine or imp' iaonment, at the discretion of (.he C'ounnal, Done and ratified under the Corpnrata Heal of the City of Greenville, thiv twenty-firel day ?f December, in the year of onr Loid one thonrand eight hundred and aeventy. T. 0. flOWER, Mayor. A. It. McDWID, Cilv Clerk. Deo II >1 tf The State of South Carolina. QRKKN VILLS COUNTY. Sheriff* Sale, BY virtue of an ordar f-om the Conrt of Probate, 1 will eell on the let Wn^> In January next, at pnl lia ouiery, l>?fi>re lh? Court Hour* door, lha following Traet of Land, vis: All thalTraet of Land. aituat* in Greenville County, adjoining laud* of Waahing, t?n Toylor, Joseph il< liar and others, and containing Sixty-idoe Acre*, m< re or Iree.? told aa tho property of George W Alewlna, d?reae?d, for partition among tho ttaira. INiruhaae r to pay for Titian. Tarnia?Ca?h J. L. SOlTTflBRN, 8. G. C. Do# II 82 4 Notice [8 herehv given to all whom in may eontorn, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthlt, -obnte Judtfe of Orernaille 0<>nnty, on the ISlh day of January nest, for a PI IT Ale lUCHAHOK aa Administrator of the 1ft?t, of ELIJAH ESKKW. d-oeaaed. WM. K. K8KKW. AJminietrator. Deoemhrr 5th, 1871. 82?6