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Wf ? . I.I POETRY, Vobody Knows. ttow the world wag*, few the daws to til thwi 1 Who it* oar Woo do, and who in oor fooo, No hod j kaows. How maay woko and bow maay aloop *. How mbjt laagh, and bow au; woop ; How aaay tow and bow May roap; Vobody know*. How May pray aad bow aaay rta ; How May looo, aad bow Many win, Vobody kaowo. How aaay watoh, aad bow aaay wait; How aaay tarry, aad bow aaay aato: How aaay oarly, aad bow aaay late, Vobody kaowo. How aaay giro aad bow aaay tako ; How many brow, aad bow aaay bake, Vobody kaowo. How aaay oallo, oad how aaay aigb; How auay olag, aad how many cry ; How many or* low aad how maay are high, Vobody kaowo. How maay bleoa, aad bow aiaay cam; How maay bettor, aad how maay woroe, Vobody kaowo. How the world wag*, from the ore to the dawa; now m any icrre, ana now many scorn ; Haw many dta, and how any are bora, Nobody know*. HUMOROUS Som ladies Hi Texas were desirous of doing honor to the editor of a local journal. So they presented their hero with an embroidered shirt, which con* tained a splendid history of Texas, and also pictures of the fruits and cereals of the State, all worked in red worsted.? Now, this particular editor had never worn a shirt, and supposed the brilliant specimen before him to be a banner for an approaching temperance procession. In his speech of thanks he puzzled his lady donors by declaring that he would " fling it out forever to the breezes of heaven, that they might kiss its folds, and till his hand palsied it should never trail in the dust." The ladies blushed, and regretted having made it too long. Being informed of the purpose of the gift, the editor wore it over his coat, to the great edification of the boys of the town, who followed him in regiments, studying the history of the fine arts and of Texas, " behind his back." A f_ J.* - J!? I 1 t an Indiana eunor lavs aown nia shears for a few minutes to write a double leaded editorial, in which he plaintively remarks : " We are the recipient of half a peck of nice onions, two watermelons and a bottle of ginger beer from one of our subscribers. The gifts were like the shadow of a rock in a weary iland. We are glad some one remembered us in the midst of our labors and cares, and evinced that remembrance an so delicate a manner. We dote on onions and love melons dearly ; and so long as the fragrance of the former and the gripes of the latter linger about us, we shall hold the kind donor in affec- ' tionate remembrance. These little acts inspire us to renewed exertions, but our subscription price will remain the same." I Trouble With Wm. Go at.? The Savannah News is authority for the following : I A Wilkinson connty man was very much troubled the other ! night by a troop of goats in the 1 piazza, and went out in his night ' gown to drive them off. This was fun for the William of the gang. 1 He just erected himself on his i hind legs and slapped the farmer A .4. J 1 iL - J out idtu tuo yuru, wuoi u tuo uogt), ( cot understanding his sudden ap- , pcarance, went to work and dis- ( robed him in a few moments. It is understood among his neighbors that as soon as he sheds his pres- < ent crop of plasters he will go 1 gunning for the William goat. At a " guessing party," some- i time ago, Dr. H , propounded I the following : 44 A boy went fish- j ing. He caught five, and on his return was asked what he had ( done with them. He replied that , he had given three to his father r and four to his uncle. How did he do it?" For some moments the company revolved the matter, and gave it np. 44 Why," the ' doctor said, 44 the boy lied, of ^ course." | Onr of the saddest sights in f tlii8 season ot the year is a young man who has waited outside the t church of an evening until he is chilled through, only to see his gal ? walk off with some rascal who has j # been inside all the time toasting f this sinful shins at the stove. ( Waltkb, a five year old, was r ^nrrivionrl -a f K?>ao l/font kit 11> n rvfAa ou > pi iocu ot i/i ouni?ow J iUU pi W ence of a diminutive egg, served for his special delectation.? < 44 Mamma," said he,441 think the 4 chicken was learning to lay." 44 Wife," said a man, looking for I bis bootjack, 411 have places -where I keep my things, and yon j ought to know it." 44 Yes, I onght c to know where you keep your late t tiours, but I don't." i ?? .... + ^ ? ? ? A noted wag, in a Western v College one morning, read a f theme of unusual merit. The a President being suspicious, aske^ ti pointedly if it was original.? ({ 44 Why, yes sir, was the reply, 44 it had original it in the paper I ? took it from." r NEW AND OLD. The Almanac makers say there willbe no eclipses, visible io this section for the year 1873. The Debating Olnb in Abbeville will give a public debate on the first Monday in January next.? Subject: 44 Are the United States indebted more to her Statesmen than her Warriors A notv T/\mn TTaII Iiaa tnai kaan U. "WTT AVVTU lAOll uao JUOI uwu finished at Sumter, S. 0., and a Guard House is nearly completed. Abont tbe 10th instant a new paper is to be published by Messrs. W. S. Brown and Win, H. Haynie in Anderson county. Mr. Brown will be tbe editor of tbe same. Tbe paper is to be known as "The Anderson Conservator." During a fight between two ot the classes of Columbia College, New York, a tew days since, a student named White was fatally injured by being thrown over the third story banisters. Governor Scott lias annulled his proclamation prohibiting the importation of horses into this State, as no further danger is apprehended. A law of Pennyslvania makes the taking of money at the door of a theatre on Sunday illegal, whereof it is invariably taken at the window. Mrs. O'Leary wonders, " If thim Boston spalpeens will be after swearing that, it was her poor benste of a cow that burned their city." A dog was recently taken to a Kansas town from a place 700 miles away, but not liking it made the return trip on foot. There are fifty thousand commercial travelers in the United States. The new Croton reservoir in New York holds $4,000,000,000 gallons. Captain Tucker, son ot Mr. Geo. B. Tucker, of Newberry County, while recently on a visit to a relative at Santuc, in Union, and while laboring under some liberation of mind, committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol. An orator, getting warmed with his subject, exclaimed : " There is not a man, woman or child in the house, who has arrived at the age of fifty years, but what has felt this truth thundering through their minds for centuries." " What is the best butter ?" exclaimed an orator at a meeting of dairymen. " An old ram 1" responded a sheep-raising interloper. Sunday is the strongest day, because all the rest are week days : yet, if it is the strongest, why is it so often broken ? A gentleman who was buying a watch to replace one that had been stolen from him, remarked that ho was 44 making up for lost time." An Irish advertisement: 44 If the gentleman who keeps a shoe store with a red head, wiil return the umbrella of a young lady with the ivory handle, he will hear some thing to her advantage." Daniel Boone's sister llannah is living in Caldwell County, N. C. She is eighty-five years oJd. A Chicago paper is talking xbout u the next world's fair," is if we didn't have trouble enough with this world's " tair." Good temper is like a sunny iay shedding brightness on every thing. A schoolmaster in Marietta, Ohio, gets twelve dollars a month ind finds himself. He is afraid tie won't find himself much longer. French champagne isn't a third if a crop, but the champagne which has an ancestry in the sour ipple tree will be more abundant .ban usual. Governor Throckmorton, of [exas, who accompanied Colonel rom. Scott in his recent trip to California, declares that he saw in California no country equal to Tex is. A miser is far more for getting ban for giving. The cultivation of such manners is shall express all the best feelngs, the noblest thoughts, the reihAmpnt onrt flm I.fonn nt mln/4 Mil va VMV ?VU VI 1IIIIIU md the heart, ia a thing which cannot be too highly thought of, tor set about too soon. A Jewish templo that has coat &60,000 ia nearly comploted in Vlilwaukeo. An eloping conple in Kentucky ode ninety miles on horseback >efore they could get rost. The time to possess your soul in >atience is when your hat blows >ff in the street and your eyes are oo full of dirt to see which way t goes. In the case of Dr. T. S. Powell '8. W. F. Westmoreland, in Atlan* a, Ga., in a suit for damages for ssault and battery, the jury reurned a verdict tor the plaintiff w $4,447.18. It is reported that Mr. II. II. )eIiryoa is to be the Private Sacetary of Gov. Moses. I Qivi Orders hot to oo.?u I bare orders, positive orders not to go there?orders that I dare not disobey," said a youth who was being tempted to a smoking and gambling saloon. 44 Come, don't be so womanish. Come along like a man," shouted the youths. 44 No; I can't break orders," said John. 44 What special orders have you Sat? Come show*us, if you can. bow us your orders." John took a neat little book from his pocket, and read alond : 44 Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not near it. Tnrn from it and pass away." 44 Now," said John, 44 you see my orders forbid my going with jvu. luoj- nro VJUU o uruvra, HIIU by His help I mean to keep them." MRS O'CONNOR WOULD respectfully in. form the Ladles of OresoTille -wSrW *n<^ vicini,y- *'lat 'l10 has just Wy flgftaa? received sod opened a handsome and complete assortFA LL GOODS, Consisting of Millinery, Laee Goods, Zephyr Worsteds, Worsted Goods, Fancy Jewelry, And many other articles Appertaining to this line, whiuh will be sold at reasonable prices. An examination ol the Stock is so. licked. 26-tf ?tTF.E LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, ??0 ? Buy the Best?It is the Cheapest To Consumers of White Lead Everywhere. UNE(iilALED. 1st. For Wearing and Covering Propel ties. 2d. For Whiteness and Beauty of Finish. 3d For Uniform Fineness of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and bs'.ter work, at a given coat, than any oilier. 5th. Most Gconomical White Lead ever introduced. 8th. If you wish to procure as much valus as possible for your money end secure handsome aud durable work, use Pure Liberty White Lead. Try it and bo convinced. Satisfaction guar, an teed. WHOLESALE AO SETS. GOWER, COX & MARK LCiX, DEALERS IN Coach ITIatcriulfi, Paint*, Oil*, Glaso, Putty, dec., GREENVILLE, S. C. Oot9 28 20 A NEW ENTERPRISE! THE PALMETTO SHOE FACTORY! O GOWER, MILLS 8c CO. plied themselves f^/ with the best and Nff JvPpkKV' \r\ lno8t skillful inanity Wf yOk ufacturers, togethKM -% E* |p] 'T with a full sup? Ml J* v IrJ p|y of the most ^ W* Jju approved tnaehin* jfctZ&PxiS accumulated a large stock of sufflYl U>' pcrior leather from their " Buck horn Tannery," a*0 piepnrcd to aupply the trade with various styles of Men's, Women's and Boys' SHOES. . Thoir First-Class Work will be stamped with the name of the Firm, and warranted. T. C. QOWEIi, I I II. I. McBRAYER, 0. P. MILLS, | GEO. HELDMAN. Sept 25 21 6m DditlKS, SASH AHD BLINDS, MOULDINOS. BRACKETS, STAIR FIXTURES, Builders' Furnishing Hardware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieoes. Window Qlats a Specialty. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on application, bj P. P. TOAIsE, 20 Hayae and 33 rinokney Sts., Charleston, 8. C. Oct 2 22 1y ESTABLISHED IS. GREENVILLE COACH FACTOR!, FALL AND WINTER TRADE, !872-'3 TUB public are notified that besides our usual supply of g?E? VEHICLES, . ^ ' W wo make several new and handsome styles of HflCKAWAYS AND New and elegant styles SPRING-WAGON BUGGIE8, for one and two horses. First-Glass A, No. 1, Iron-Axle 1, 2, 3, 4 and fi-horse FARM WAGONS aept regularly in stock. 37 Years practical experience ! OOWER, COX A MARKLRY. Oct 2 22 4 ! A Gfdat Improvement i: snnons' hepatic com PATENT] TI1IS U an improvement apod the original ! up in Liquid form, ready for uae. This 1 pepaia, or any Sickneaa arising from Torpid 01 renovoa the bile, and eauaea the patient to s< entirely vegetable, and guaranteee satisfaction, cine. Sold by all drnggiata and dealera ereryv kino & rosborough, DOWIB, MOISB * DAVIS, Whe MARSHALL & MATTLDIJ Sep 11 JOHN H. S( LIFE AND FIRE I AND NOTAI Home Of N. Y. C Assets, July, 181 North British and M and Edinburg, $10,00 Georgia Hon Carolina Life, of IX $,100< OFFICE OVER DR. HIL.1 Excelsior Ulattrc THE public is informed that there is sue! the Wonderful Excelsior Sound and refreshing sl.ep is secured th? Msttresses. Persons need not have their pi Bugs, for they will not infest this Mattress These Mattresses are gotten up in various and $10. A good assortment always on hat carriage makers, that this Patent Excelsior i it is very light and durable, and I would re< any quantity, as I buy direct from the Bos aud 1 can sell it very cheap. Manufacturer of the " Wonderful Patent Court House 13th August, 1872. WE hereby notify the public that the United States Patent Office has GRANTKD A PATENT ron "WEST'S GRAND DISTRIBUTOR." which fully covers all its parts. They will l>e manufactured, and for sale, by us. &3T State and County Rights for sale. JC3T All infringements prosecuted to the full extent of the law. W. J. WKST. GOWElt, COX A MARKLEY, Owners of the Patent. Aug 21 16 tf T. W. DAVIS WATCH MAKER AND ENGRAVES. C0RNER Washington Streets next Door to National Bank, GREENVILLE, S- C. May 8 1 tf SHACKELFORD 8c KELLY, FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants. NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. Or Age nis for Moro Phillips' Ammonialed Carribbean Sea Guano. W. W. SIIACKKLfOtlO. WM. A1KKN KKI.l.Y. CJ ? .. ni ? Orpfc CI Olll Boot and Shoo Making. fglHE UNDERSIGNED is prepared with JL competent Workmen to fill all ordets for BOOTS and SHOES, of both fine and heavy qualities, on abort notice. He guar* an tees satisfaction. REPAIRING prompt* ly attended to. fff Shop nearly opposite Messrs. Gower, Cox dt Mat kley's BUTLER DYER. April 10 49 ly GO H & m gf O 3 " bd O c. B 5s s <g ; I ^ ? -a ? g oo p D ^ o ^ i? L off ~ 5 5o O ^ 3 5 * - *1 X ^ 1^ O i?i B ' ^ c W < H 30 ? a <t> Ki H Y*> w ? *+ ? T*) x P rm ** ? ? $ o S p J . * co " . o E ^ 30 m Prof. M. O. DeCamps? DEALER in all kind* of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. On Land?pis anoa, M*lodeona. <te. Sheet Muaie and Mnaio Book*. Call and **o him, at hi* Room* in the ACADEMY OF MfTSIO. Near the Female College, Greenville, 8. O, May 22 R tf a the Med oal Science. OR LlfER CIlREi ED 1B11. Receipt of A. Q. SlMM0tf8, of deofgit, pat medicine defies a rival for Constipation, Dysr bl*e?*ed Liver. It io mild u a cathartic, ton feel like a new person. This Medicine is Those suffering will do well to try this Midi rhere. Proprietor*, Waldo, Fla. ilessle Agents, Charleston, 8 C. T, Agents for Greenyille. 10 Am DHOFIELD, NSURANCE AGENT, IT PUBLIC. ifliKJMnrs apital, $2,500,000. !2, $4,393,564. ercantile, of London i i ."iv capital 0,000. 16, $350,000, I emphis, Tennessee, 0,000. ^HOUSE'S DRUG STORE. ss Manufactory. i a place in Greenville. where they c?n get lilnttremcs and Pillow*. sit hot and ruitry nights by lying on these easnnt dreams disturbed by that pw?t, Bed They are a great e.omfort to the weary lyles, sizes and prices, from $6, $7, $8, $9 id. Would also say, for the information of s a good thing lor stuffing cushions, Ac., as sommend it. * I can furnish the Excelsior in ton Excelsior Company in large quantities, J. C. G. TURNER, Excelsior Mattress," two doors 8<>u<h of 11-tf. ca-xjisrs. SINGLE GUNS, At |2 50. 113 00, $4 60, 15 00. 16 00. 18 00, 110 00, 112 00, to 120 00. DOUBLE GUNS, At 16 00, 17 50. 110 00.112 00,115 00.120 00, t'26 00, $30 00, $40 00.160 00 to $76 00 Breach-Loading Double Guns, A i $40 00. $45 00. $50 00, $60 00 $75 00, $90 00, $110 00. $120 00 to $300 00. PISTOLS, Smith A esson, Colt's, Allen's, Sharp's, Whitney and other kinds, at manufacturers' prices. Ammunition and Implements for Breach-loading Gun#, at a small advance on Cost of importation. Metalic Ammunition for Rifles and Pistols, st lowest, market prices. A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods; prices and description s?ut on application. Goods shipped by Express, C. O. D. POULTNEV, 1AIMBLE & CO., IMPORTERS. No. 200 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore. ?3f~Richard'B, DoHgel'e, Greener'*,8eott'8 a mi other celebrated make of guns on hand ai.d imported to order. Sept 25 21 ly paul b. lalank. i k. y. i.arou88ki.ikrk. i a. a. atkiliie. paulbXalanb&co, WHOLESALE GROCERS and Coiiuaiisftioii Merchants, AT NO. 175 EAST BAY, C II ARLESTON, S. C. July 24 12 ly GOLD SILVER w moss 8 BRST GRADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TAMESimmfp AND FANCY G(K)DS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Gold, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed SPECTACLES. ALSO GENUINE 038J805 SIP'ilCTA(SILI?S. B. Wehrle. Oct 11 23 tf Dr. GOTTLIEB FISCH'S BITTERS. This preparation of the Tgjy great Scientist, Dr. GottJfK lleb Plsch, of Germany, Is MMjX\1^. based on ihe fact that, as JVf Jk all materials of the body WMKiwtSm. are derived from Pood, so AWEJtPtA all Vital Force, or Health, ?9WT ? Is derived from the Poroe stored up In Pood. Dr. Kr FUeh't Bitter* enables the IT" JmALJyfjl System to liberate and appropriate these Poroes, creates Appetite, cares Dyspepsls, with Its reeult)oblllty and look of Nervous Energy: so tones F^n?i ? SrB the Stomach and Liver as to make Constipation and ^ jam Biliousness Impossible; re Inforces the 8ystem so It H^KKaASjjV can tide over bad rranlts of ?WaWaB changing ell mate, water, Sbp*C" an<l "et,or on,'Ure the fl&i&SIH todly made on 1U Force hUmI and Kncrgr. Ladles In de^ flnnH lleate health, aged porsona. A^nlWW^A And all emaciated and weak after aloknesa, will (Sk*?? ** * ! .) rapidly strengthen by using this great preparation. TAILORI\?. G. B. POORE & CO. A RE well prepared at present to eceente /V. all kinds of TAILORING, having in their employ a number of competent and efficient Workmen, and feel that they can meet the want* of the Oreoeville trade.? Cmting done in the latest style end fash, ion, end on sh?rt notice. All work war ranted by tbem, They aek a continuance of patronage. G. n POORE A CO. 0T Stand, near ths Post Office. Oct 2 12 tfc LAND FOR SALE. rpWO TRACTS of LAND, on South Salu. 1 da River, containing 780 acre*, part best River and Creek BOTTOM, with nop improvements Also Isrge lot tf veloable HORSES, CATTLE and IIOGS. Af plv to JULIUS C. 8MITH, or J. M. McCLANAHAN, May 29 4 td OffiOe Comptroller General, Colombia, 8. C., February 1, 1872. THIS is to oerUfy that the GREBNVILLB ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published in the town of Greenrlile, 8. C., is hereby des ignited by tbia Board u the paper in wbleb | legal and publio notice* shall be published, for the County of Greenville, in accordance with the ' Aot to regulate the publication of all legal and puhlio notices," which became a law February 2td, 1870. J. L. NEAGLE, Comptroller General. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. THE above is a true copy of the original on file in the offioe of Secretary of Stato. F. L. CARDOZA, 1 Secretary of State. ! Feb U 41 if Change of Schedule. SOUTH CAROLINA R. R. COMPANY, 1 Columbia, S. C., September 2ft, 1872. ) CHANGE of schedule to go into efTeot on and after Sunday, the 29lh Inst: MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN. , Leave Columbia at 9am Arrive at Charleston at 4 510 p m Leave Chnrleston at., 9 80 p m Arrive nt Columbia at 6 20 p m NIGHT EXPRESS?FREIGHT AND AC- | COMMODATtON TRAIN. ^Sundays Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7 60 p m Arrive at Charleston as 8 46 a m leave Charleston at 7 10 p m Arrive at Columbia at 6 80 a m CAMDEN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Will continue to run on Mondays, Weds netdsys and Saturdays. Leave Camdeo at 7 20 a m Arrive at Columbia at 4 65 p m Leave Columbia at 2 10 p m Arrive at Camden at 8 66 p m A L TYLER, Vice-President. S B Pickens, G T A. Oct 9 28 tf Greenville & Columbia lailroad? Change of Schedule. ON and after Thursday, September 6th, 1872, the PASSENGER TRAINS on Ibis Road will be run as follows, daily, Sundays excepted : VMiw ? uiovuriiio V* xx*f Oi Ut July 1,1869. 1 ly* M. 0. BUTLBR. V. B. IfCBBK. BUTLER St McBEE. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GREENVILLE, S. C., Will FraeUoe la the Courts of tho Stat# and of tho Unitod States. Mey 31 4 U J. B. HENRY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER? MAIN STREET, Greenville, : OOT7NTXV7 PRODUaa EOUOHT AND SOLD. ORDERS FOR CORN SOLICITED April If 40 if Going Wet(, or Up. Leave Columbia at 7 15 a m " Alston 9 05 a m " Newberry..... 10 40 a in " Cokesbury 2 00 p m " Belton 3 50 p in Arrive at Greenville 5 30 p m Going Ea?t, or Eoirn. Leave Greenville at 7 30 a m " Belton 9 30 ? ra " Cokesbury 11 15 a m " Newberry 2 30 p in " Alston 4 20 p in Arrive at Columbia..... 6 00 p m Connect at Alston with Trains on the Spartanburg and Union Railroad ; connect at Columbia with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad up and down ; also with Trains going North and South on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta and the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroads. ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Train leaves Abbeville at 0 !5 a ut., eon* necting with Down Train from Greenville.? Leaves Cokesbury at 2 15 p in., connecting with Up Trnin from Columbia. Accommodation Train, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri* days. Leave Cokesbury nt 11 15 a in, or on the arrival of tho Down Truin from Greenville. Leaves Abbeville at 1 o'clock p in, connecting with Up Train from Columbia. ANDERSON BRANCH AND BLUE RIDGE DIVISION. Doicn. Leave Walballa at 5 45 a m " Perryville fi 25 a m " Pendleton 7 10 a m "2 Anderson 8 10am Arrive at Belton at 0 00 a m Up. Leave Belton at. 3 50 p m " Andeison 4 50 p m " Pendleton 5 50pm " Perryville 6 35 p m Arrive at Walhalla at 7 15pm Accommodation Trains between Belton and Anderson on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat. urdays. Leave Belton at 9 50 a m? or on arrival of Down Train from Greenville. Leave Anderson at 2 00 p ni, connecting with Up Train from Columbia. THOMAS DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. JABEZ NORTON, General Ticket Agent. Sep II 19 tf WHITNER SYMMCS, Attorney and Counsellor at Laxr, GREENVILLE\ S. C. OFFICE.?New Court House Room used by County Commissioners. April 10 49 0m BURT i&GRAyT ATTORNEYS AT LAW ?AMD? SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE. S. C? Will Practice in th? Courl? of thie Slat* end the United Stolen. OFFICE?Rear room of New Court House Mar 20, 1872. 46 tf E. P. JONES, AWWClDlltftfflST? AW aw, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WII.L PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. (MS.. ?* (I......11. n *r ? ? J OrtBAT INDUQTniEO Or Till UNITED 8TATE8. 1 QOrk rages and* 500 Engravings, B JL OUv printed in ? English and Qer man, written t>j 20 eminent author*, including H John B. Gongh, Hon. [Leon Case, Edward ilowland, Rer. E. Kdwin IIall,"Pbilip Ripley, Albert Brisbane, Horaoe Greeley, F. B. Per? kins, etc., eto. This work is a complete history of all mi 1? * ? ? * nMOAHRAi ?if mantifan. fiS umuuuco Wl iuuusm/f tore, etc., In all agaa. It> a completa ency. W olopedia of arts and manufactures, and is th? A most entertaining and valuable work of infor- 2 million on subjects of general Intorest ever offered to the public. It is adapted to the wants of the 'Merchant, Manufacturer, Yeobanic, Farmer, Student Jand Inventor, and sells to both old and young of all classes. The book Is sold by agents, who aro making large sales in all [parts of the 4country.?. It la offered at th9 low price of $3.50, and is tho cheapest book ever sold by subscription. No family should be without a copy. We want Agents in every town in the United States, and no Agent can fail *to (do well with this hook. Our terms nrc liberal. We give our Agents tho exclusive right of territory. One of our Agents sold 133 copies in eight days, and another 373 in two weoks. Our Agent in Hartford sold 397 in one week. Specimens of the work sent to Agents on receipt of stamp. For circulars and terms to agents address the publishers. wr runt.isii tub bkst DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, BY WM. SMITH, LL D. It is written by 70 of the most distinguished divines in Europe und America, and is tbo only edition published in this country condensed by Dr. Smith's own hand. It is illustrated with over 125 steel and wood engravings. It contains every name in tho Bible of n importance, and is a book needed by every * Christian family. It is printed in double column, in one large octavo volume. Price, $3.50. '&H- We want Agents for these works in all cities and towns in tho country. We pay largo commissions, and give exclusive teyritory. For circulars and terns address the pub lishcrs. Sample copies of any of otnr books sent to any nddrcss on receipt of pr'.oe J. B. BURR A HYDE, Ablishcrs, Ilnrtford, Conn.; Chicago, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bcpt 25-1 y O ~L B. MULLIGAN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. " I wdl also, when place-1 in funds, purchase and forward all kii'ds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural \ Implements, Fertilizers\ dec. Oct 25 26 ly Johnston, Crews & Co., IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers in j STAPLE AND F AKTCY <4 DRY GOODS, J HOTIONO AN? SMALL WAIVES. 41 HA YNE STREET, (TCHEASOSWDN, ? ?. Dec IS 82 Ij Edmonds T. Brown, 21 Iro^FAKi^^caK" S J - ? ? f*?.<ag ? IA % ? 1>|'V9 "IJ I o ^ XM 7% r3B "* 0S0 9 48 HAYNE STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HQTfcL, \ CHARLESTON, S. O. D?e 9 81 ly JOHN C. SEEGERS MANUFACTURER, W liULEoALE AND RETAIL liiquor Dealer, LABEB BEER 8SEVER. U.. ; COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 If J. ff, niilCK A CO., DEALER* in Watch**, Clock*. Jewelry, Speolnolea. Paney Good* And Oroceriea, Confectioner!**, Noliona, I^impn and Picture*, Non nplotiTi Attachment*, Gla*a ware, Kegnra, SnufT, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Dry Good*, H?ll, Bho??, and a great variety of oilier article*. All are in* filed (and iniglit do w?dl) lo oall on Ihem before pnrclmaing MT" 8peclal attentioq given to Repairing Timepiece*. Ac. Mar 13 4A tf