University of South Carolina Libraries
I 1 NORTH BRITISH INSURANCE j OF LONDON A] OFFICE, 50 WILLIAM , Capital, ... Fire Reserve, Bostoi Life Assets, . Fire Assets in Unit I We fire inatruc'ed by the Hot sight or long drafts, as most ndva WM. CU AS SAM. John H. Schofleld, Ag Deo 4 CHRISTMAS! mmw T3Si TN view of th- approaching holidays, I X Serviceable Gondii, suitable for Prxwo Fine Toilet S-*tst Toilet Stan la. Jewel Ca? Ohr\ slal. Bohrmian Alabaster and Lava (ientl-mcn'e Smoke Sets and Segttf Cases Glass and Metal Boquet llnld-i*, in great Lidic*' mill Gentlemen's \VtLing Reeks, anv, Hoaewood and Papier Maohe. Watch S'and* and Holders, of Wood, Clii Odor Stands, C\i*e? and BottLs. Lnncli Basket*, Work Baskets, l'romona^ Wall Brneksts. Wall Pockets and Mail Bi MomohI Instfitments, Toys, FmnitUie an Children. Firecrackers. T?? perinea, Mask A large Stock of Candies, just received, willing to show G(>0 ll. Nov a??29-tf CI1R1STMAS (LATEST ARRIVAL! AND gY^llE Lmircst, Cheapest ami i/U) most complete assortment of CiO(>DS in the DRUG, BOOK AND 1 FANCY GOOD S I Department, NOW BIDING RECEIVED AND 1\V I Li", BE OFFERED FOB SALE AT LOW rillCIZS. THEY fiST BE SOLD. The People are INVITED TO rt E X A M I N E 7J0DS AND PRICES. 'vIAHSIIALL L MAULDTN. d<c 4 y.i a i Notice IS heroly given to all whom it may concern, thai I will apply to S. J. Dou'hit, Pro. bate Judge of Greenville County, on the 0th day of January next, for a Final Disoliarge a* Administrator of the ti<to.e of WILLIAM PAYNE* deceased. All parties having claims will proeent tbnm on or bofore said day. JAMES II. PAYNE, Administrator. December 2, 1872. 81-5 Notice T8 hereby given to all whom it may concern, X 1,11,1 i wil1 "PP'y fo s J- Douthit, ProHi hate Judge of Greenville County, on the IPth WL (U-v of Janunry next, for a Final Discharge as W> Guardian of JOHN L. HAWKINS. HENRY P. HAMMETT, Guardian. December 3, 1872. 81-5 Not'ce T S hereby given to all whom It may concern, I that wo will apply to 8. J Douthit, Pro. Vate Judge of Greenville County, on tbe7th day 'January next, for a Pinal Uncharge as Administrators with the Will annexed of lbs Estate of WILEY W. ROSS, deceased. . ELM IN A ROSS. W. W. ROSS, Administrators with Will annexed. December 2, 1872. 31-5 AND MERCANTILE ( COMPANY, JD EDINBURGH, STREET, NEW TORK. -o < . . . $10,000,000 ' i deducted, 2,500,000 . . . 11,000,000 1 euifi nnn ed States, 1,500,000 ne Office, " Pay promptly ; draw ntagoons, for Boston losses." t CONNER. 1 I. E. WHITE. > Associate Manager*. P. BLAG DEN, ) ent for Greenville, S. C. , si tf CHRISTMAS! \ im? nit liave brought on a large Stork of Fancy and t* nnd GRte, eoiiristli g in part of ike's anil Cnf*. Flower VaBcvI-ara Flower Stands, i variety, and Work Boxen, of Taper, Walnut, Mnhogna and Glass, ... le Baskets, die., r?xe?. .... ?. d innomeralile small articles, especially for ? ami 1 ).>m iiiocm Call and examine Slock. Always ready and F. A, WALTER. Notico IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that wo will apply to S. J. Doutbit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on tho 8th day ot January next, fur a Final Discharge as Executors of tho Estate of AMERICA FOWLER, deceased; all parties having Claims will present them on or before said day. W. 11. FOWLER, 1 p T. N. FOWLER;] *-?o?*ora. December 2, 1872. 81-5 UAKOLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF Memphis, Tenn., AND Baltimore, Maryland . 1 i Assets, $ J, 100,000. HON. JEFFERSON DA VIS. Prettidenl. (IEN. WADE HAMPTON, Vice Prent,11. GEN. JOHN d. KENNEDY, General Agent J?r Smith Carolina, VOLUME I A, S. C. C3T JOHN II. SCJIOFIELD, Agent, Ortenvil/e, S. (,. 81 ly IHBBH Of Cln one <>r Acme Kii.uiii.Mi.-ui t.i.ue, Sciatica. II ea<l a oh, Lutnhago, Ague Nervousness or Kidney Affections accepted for treatwent that 1 ennnot cure. F. A. WALTER, Agent, Greenville, S. C. Dee 4 HI ly MONEYW ANTED. FROM .# , S3,000 TO $5,000. A NY person having that amount to LOAN /\ on TIME, crd get a good per cen'.age and good collateral, hv applying to SF.IltLES A KZKLI., Columbia, S. C. Nov 27 30 4 JUST 11KCE[ V ED~ 5 13131 .S, PURE K i: it OS i. me oi Vs. This Oil has been thor oughly tested and is warranted pure and genuine. ALSO ONE BARREL OF LIGHT-HOUSE OIL. ^b Nov 27 80 If STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ORF.KNVILLR COUNTY Ii<j S. J. DOUTHIT, K?qn>r*, Judge of Prndate of ?aid Ctniulff. 1X7 I1KRK.V*. Simeon E Burgee* )>a? * T filed a iViition in my Office, preying i hit Lxtirri <>f Admitiirtral ton on all and eittgnlar the good* and chat!)**, right* and er/dueof MARGARET BUROERt^ lute of the County Hfornuld, deoeaaed, thould he grunted to him. Ih-ee are, therefore, to eite end admoni*h ell end lingular the kindred and creditor* of the raid deceaaed. In he end appear in the Oonrt of Prohate foi *aid County, to he holden at Oreenvillle Court Hon**, oa , the 5th dee of Deaember next, to iliow i eeuar, if any why the eaid Administration liouhl not he granted. H J DOUTHIT. J. P. O. 0. Office of Judge of Probate, Nov. 20th, 1872 30-2 j F. I. W DRUGGIST AMD (TA? Oldest Established CONSTANTLY on hand and daily reo?l MKLICINRS, CHEMICALS, and aver 5iat.'o buaineaa Pine Toilet Soapa and Toilet requtaitaa in g TruM>?a, Shoulder Braca and Surgical Ahp tnd White vnfh Brnahea. of the nn.liti.. Our KEROSENE OIL may always be relit ow ouo* to go out ol our House before pereo Lamps and Lamp goods of all styles and pri We invite inspection in every thing we offer CARC UNA NATCOKAl j OF SOLUM B I A , 8. C. Capital Stofek Paid in $300,000. < Board of Dirootoro. ( j j. D. Cmt.ns, Pres., Jno. T. Darbt, T. W. Paiikku, Vice-Pres., R. M. Wali.acr, 3. D. Melton, Solicitor, J->hn. S. Wilkt, I. O'Nbale, Jr., E. llorc. t RT. B. Gulick, Caehier. C. J., Aee't Cathier. IN addition to the ordinary and usual business of Banking, tbo Carolina National dank of Columbia, G. 0., issues Interest-hearng Certificates for any amount, payable on lainnud, aud bearing seven per cent, interest rom date, interest collectable every sis nnnths, if the Certificate has not been prcvU . >uely presented. Deposits in gold received on , latno terms, nnd interest paid in kind. Depositors have all the advantage of A SAVINGS BANK, tnd the safety of their deposits is guaranteed by t paid-up capital of Three Hundred Thousand Uullare. Persons having funds which they , Nish to invest temporarily, will find this a safe means of investment, returnable upon demand, md always ready for use should a more profitable investment offer. Remittances may bo mado by Express, and Certificates will be returned by mail without delay. Columbia, S. C., Nov. 14, 1872. Nov 27 30 3m PACIFIC PTT * VA UUiiaU (CAPITAL $1,000,000) Soluble Pacific Guano. TlIIS GUANO i* now to well known in all the Southern States for its remarkablo effects as no agency for increasing the products of l?bor, as not to ruquiro special recommendation from us. Its use for seven years past has established its character for reliable excellence. The large fixed capital invested by tlio Company in this trade affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of this ' Guano. The supplies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the personal superintendence ol Dr. St. Julinn Kurcnol, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston, S. C., hence planters may ret.1 assured that its quality and composition is precisely the same as that heretofore sold. J. N. KOBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JNO S. REESE A CO., General Agents, Baltimore. Terms?$18 cash; $53 time, without Interest. To accommodate planters they can order now and bare until the 1st of April to decide as to whether they will take at time or cash price. When delivered frotn the Faotory by the enr load no drayage will bo charged. Nov 27 30 3m r|",HE longest established, the best oiga ' 1 nix-d, and the only one in the South conducted by on EXPERIENCED MERCHANT AND 1'JiA C'UCA L ACCOUNTANT. \ The course of atudy includes Book-Keeping j in all Pa branch's, Penmanship. Mniii* ? emalira, Commercial Law, Business Correspondence, Business Forms, Partnership, Settlement, Bankin? Telegraphy, Phonography, Etc. thk tra8sa0t1oxs ani> opkrati08s 18 tub Aotual Business Department, ire the moil complete aud practical of the uge. ?r Students instructed separately and received at any lime. Business Advocate mailed free ?> application Address B. F. ifOORK, Prnident. Not 27 80 ly STATE OF 80UTH CAROLINA. . GREENVILLE COUNTY. By S. J. Itonthit, Etquire, Judyo of Probate of en id County WHEREAS, James W. Moon has filed a ' Potitiun in my Office, praying that Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of (iEOGKK W. ALKWINE, late of the County nforesaid, deceased, should l>e granted to him. These are thcreforo, to cite and admonish nil and singular tho kindred anil creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear in the Court of Prnliate for said County, to be boldon ' at Greenville Court House, on the &th day of 1 December next, to show cause, if any, why tho said Administration should not be grantod. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J. P. t?. C. Office of Probate Judge, No>. 21, 1972. Not 27 30 2 FLOUR! FLOUR ! FLOUR! Rack* Choice Country Flour, from AMJ CATIIKY'H, MORGAN A THOMPSON'S and other M ilia, for sale by OAVIS & MORGAN. Nor, 19, 1872 29 3 Town Lot for Sale. The lot in the fork of the bunand Rutherford Roads, containing about One-half Acre Terms Liberal. Apply to KARLE A BLYT11K. Not 6 2ft If Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will, apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Orcenvllle County, on the 30th day of December next, for a Final Discharge as Administrator of the Estate of JORDAN HICKS, deceased. i RANSOM HICKS, Administrator. November 23, 1872. 30?5 I i ALTER, APOTHECARY, Houte in Greenville.) ving treah end purr auppliea of DRUGS, ^ ythlng appertaining to a firat-olaie Dragrrat abundance. | llancea, Painta, Oila, Varnislica, Dye-Stuffa < ad lowest prices sd upon for ita purity and *af-ty, aa we al- K nnlly teating it. ^ cm to auit everybody. lor tale. Nov 20-23-tf DR. J. P. HILLHOUSE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ] DRUGGIST, JMext JJoor to the Post Office, { GREENVILLE, S. C., M H A VINO piirrhns-d the entire OBfc^ock of IlfcUGS and MEDl* . WT CINK3 of M A. Humtkr & Co., \ nnd having made recent large ad diiion* to the same, will be able .o luriiiah hia friends and the public geners illjr with 13 FLUOS ?AND? MEDICINES OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, AT THE Lowest Market Rates. ty Physician* And Merchant* are es> gl ' IIT p-O.ially in vile') to exam JJJ my who! era) <>_??) tW|>iices..Jg| \ Oct 80 26 tf Change of Business. I DESIRE to give notice that I have this day sold my enterost in the atock .of DRY GOODS nnd OROCERIES in the firm of POWLKIl & VAUGHN, with my good will, to Messrs. L. B. AUSTIN A B. F. SHOCK LEY, who will in future ho associated with Mr. L. L. FOWLER, and conduct the same, under the Finn nuuio of FOWLER, AUSTIN A CO., nnd in retiring from the business, would commend them to our o'.d friends ami customers as worthy their highest esteem nod confidence. W. P. VAUQIIN. September 18, 1872. Take NoticeJ E have bought out all of the stock of IT the firm of FOWLER A VAUGHN, continuing business at the old stand. Wo hereby assume all of the liabilities of the old concern, and all nersnn* imin? will make payment to us. Tlie old friends of tho establishment will receive a warm reception, and no trouhlo will be spared to give general satisfaction. FOWLER, AUSTIN A Co. . Oct. 22, 1872 Money. ALL persons indebted to tho Finn of FOWLER A VAUGHN are notified that all accounts due them are very much needed, therefuro an early settlement is dolircd. FOWLER, AUSTIN A CO. October 22, 1872. 25-tf WB e??.cxrs 60K1B&, AS 1 linvn on hand the largest Stock of Oi'oil', winch lias been purchased principal!}* for Cash, MB [ want to 8'II them for the same, at low prices. I w?uM advise my friends and the miblic generally, to call and examine my Ituck; and will be glad to show tny Goods < V$r?lW(X?} of charge. And as my I bave been marked down, I am sure to give satisfaction In all that will favor me with a call. Any one wanting cheap a?ods ' Oil find them at the well known store, where lioo is are to mm GtQT st tlie lowest tnaikesl prices, Wholesale and Retail, at W&MM'? ir The best Calieo Prints, at jm XT 1'2J cent* per yard. Jfc3 mil. O.-t. no 20 tf Ttie peatofllee at Shallow Ford, in Anderson county, has been reestablished, and Mr. Robert M. (Irthain ap|ointed post* m is'e-. Columbia Advertisements. ficmSONHOUSE, PJLAIN street, ? dRS. W. A WRIGHT & SON, TR0rBIET0R8. spills first class HOTEL ia Js) conveniently located to the cveral Railroad Dcpota and the >n8inese portion of the city. Oct 23 25 8 no tijactsont Drugggist and Apothecary. UOL.UMBIA, S. C. Oot 23 25 3m ? BOLMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. m I; ij! J THIS first-clsss and entirely new establishment, located in the husiness midst of South Carolina's Capital, affords the very best lecoinmmlatlons to tho * TRAVELING PUBLIC AND PERMANENT GUESTS. . Largo airy rooms elegantly furnished, GAS, BELLS, and WATER throughout. Ladies' and Gentlemen's BATHS?HOT AND COLD. ? TELEGRAPH OFFICE In the Rotunda; spacious BILLIARD ROOM, furnished with Phetnn St Collendcr's licst TABLES, and with all tho uiodsrn improvements of & FIRST-CLASS 1IOTF.LL. TK3 lhOOLTJ^3IA" Is, in all respects, one of the first houses South. Tho Proprietor having had nn experience of nearly a qunrter of n century in tho management of tho Charleston Hotel, is sufficient guarantee thnt tho "COLUMBIA" will be found as represented. WM, GORMAN, Proprietor. J as. F. OAnsnr.*, J. O. DoiiERTr, Ass'ts. Oct 23 25 3m R. & W; C, SWAPFIELD. :o: CLOTHING AND HAT HOUSE. HAVE recently refitted our Store, nnd nre now occupying tlie entire building with the Largost Retail Stock in tlio Stato. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT la in the Room formerly occupied by iii: \cm ?v nix, And ia filled with the CHOICEST GOODS Id our Line. CALL AND SEE US. Oct 9 23 | 2m Isaac Sulzbacher, * i ' M \ Y WATCHK8, Jewelry and Silver Ware, Cutlery ?od Fancy Article?. Under Columbia Hotel, Colnnlda, S. C. Oct 9 23 3m J.McKENZIE, MANUFACTfRKS DAILY CANDY, CAKES, & CONFECTIONS Of Pure Sugar, CAKES Iced and Ornamented to order. Toys, Fruits, Nuts, Jellies, <tc., at V* lioleenle and Retail. MAIN ST. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 23 25 3m KINAltl) & WILEY, DEALERS IN CLOTHINC, HATS, UMBRELLAS CANES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, CELERRATED STAR CHXF.T3. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 23 26 8m. brEUKliK KALDWAY, COLUMBIA. S- C. TNVITE8 all hia friends in the up country, when they come down, not to pass by him without stopping in and trying his choioc WINES, LIQUORS and LAGER Oet 33 2? 8m mZTopmEIT : o: MISS M?KAY, \t?ll Open, on THURSDAY, 17th instant. A LARGE AND VAPATTERN BONNETS ri.'?w i: u sk ul ihjon s , TIES, Ft' R8, JET and Hair GOODS, COR: SETS, Ac. She would also inform the Ladies that she hns taken the Agency of BUTTKRICK'S PATTERNS, And will horeafter be ablo to furnish them at NEW YORK PRICES. A large assortment of Velvet, Volume, Velveteen and Satin of all coloto, It r Dress making. Oct 1? 24 tf Look Out How JTou t Prcsidi MgLlE undersigned has just retnr Jh) with the beat assorted Stock place, containing everything Tiecessar Offers them at the very lowest price* and yon will find everything yon w or Boys' wear, iu Dress Goods, Shawls, Hats, Boots and Pistols and " ; i: of the best A full line of Hosiery, cy Goods, < Call before yon buy elsew you will be conviuced that it will forget. r A * DorpVAl/l v/w * a viu utai o?is? i ... J? ROSE'S I (FOBRIEIILY UV fll Khbsb ': OOLUStflRIL This HOUSE is in the Center ol Public Offices and Business Houses, of the Stato Llouso Square; has be vated, and will now compare favora The spacious Billiard Rpotn is lender's best Tables. Rome's Omnibus will convey Passengers to ai Also, a first class Carriage for the accontifto p?-r dny. Oel 28 25 -t , Jiw , , \ ,/t r f ' iniiKPHY^ MA11BLE YARD, i Present Location on Fall Street, one Block from front of Gower, Cox & 4 Markley. . . WILL MANUFACTURE MONUMENTS, TOMBS, MONUMENTAL MEAD STONES, &c, &o. tAe I am the proprietor of tlie J Es'abl shmcnt, ALL PAYMENTS i FOR WORK OR MATERIAL must l>e made to myself or order, and all 1 contracts inuat i?e ratified by me before they are valid. ?r Call and examine our Designs and i Prices before purchasing risewhere. * SAMUEL MURPHY, JR. Oct 93 25 ly f Charlotte (i\. C) \ Advertisements. \ I =3f J W. M. WILSOR. *W. J. BLACK. 1 WILSON & BLACK, 1 WHOLESALE J DRUGGISTS, j AND P8AL?RS IS 2 Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window-Glaus, ' Putty, Dye Stuffs, Uruthea, < Lamps, ] and everything pertaining to the Drug Business. . OILS A SI'S CI ALT Y. CHARLOTTE, N- C, VF P ronptaod personal nlicn- I ItSS" Linn iriwpn nil E> .??i Nov 6 27 Ij ) A. B. K1SBKT. W. B. NI9BKT. W. I. HIDAY A. R. KISBET & BRO., WHOLESALE dealers IN Groceries, Confectioneries, Cigar8, Pipes, Tobacco, J/usZcaZ /n,struilients, Strings, &c. ' A!>0, AORNTS K"H PRIZE CANDY. CIIARL01TI-; N. C. Nov 6 27 3m I JOHN T. HUTLER, dealer in Fine Watches. Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. SPECTACLES. AO. TRYON STREET. J CHARLOTTE. N. C. Nov 6 27 8m i CIIAHI.OTTE 1 MHSU . T*HK undersigned dea'r-s to cull the atten1 lion of ih? public to his j M A J113LK WOR KS now carried on at CHAULOPTK, N C., at which place he keep* i he largest and b.-st aeleeted atoek of Marble, and a numb -r of the finest Cutlers in Ihe Southern State*. TOMB?, MONUMENTS, OBAVJESTONES of every description Manufactuied Safe delivery Guaranteed, Freight prepaid 100 milee. 25 per cent lea* than can ba purchased elsewhere in the Southern States. I i will duplicate Northern orders, saving pur- * chasers expense of freight, drayage, expense of putting < p costly MONUMENTS, and danger of breakage. Satisfaction j guaranteed, or no pay required. Send for , price lists and drawings, and save money. Remember the dead, ; F.A. McNINCII; CHARLOTTE, N. C. Nov 6 27 8m WALTER B R E M, i IMPORTER AND DEALER IN HARDWARE, CUTLKRY AND GUNS. j Corner Trade and Tryon Streets. t MANSION HOUSE BUILDING. I CBABLOTVB, If, C. 1 8 27 1 in I last Your Vote for ent! ned from the Northern Markets ot Goods be ever kept in this y to make a family comfortable. ?. Call and see for yourselves,, ant tor Ladies*Mi***'* Gents* ; P.'? ? ? *> wot! ti? *'>U Cloaks, Domestics, Shoes, Guns, Cutlery, ? rn Rkes. Worsted and Fari&.c, ' ; *;.v tot t?i$ ,.>? ?>% hero, at the undersigned's, and-' be to your advantage. Dou't B. M. WINSTOCK, id, Main Stu Greenville, $. 0. i if : t? . m IOTEL, IfT'S HOTEL.) Bf ?T 171 I ? :? '? .1 !' 1 V [ t. * ' '' % $. o. , f the City, convenient to all the located on the Southwest corner en recently re opened and renobly with any Hotel at the South. furniBhed with Phelan & Colid from evrry trolo, fr?? of eharga. duliou of Ladies. Traimieut Board $2 50 W E. ROSE, Propriaior. 8m Tames t. erwin, ?ruit and Country 3PRODXICB, JOMMISSION HI ERCHANT ?AND? VBQLESALB DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC niurr, NUTS, &c. AA MA Dir CT o -T- r-> r- r- -T ? ? w?% i % i\ i? i *\j i r\ d tL | Charleston, C. Oct 16 24 12 SSTABLISH ED 1835. GF.ESIT7ILLE coach factory. 11I1E Stock for Fall and Winter trad* la rapidly filling up. 5 doz. Door. Pad and other Locks 10 kegs Cut Nails and Brads 10 pairs Trace and Breast Chains ..og Chains and Continued Chain i tons Fire and Bod Iron land Iron and Sheet Iron 2ast Steel, square and octagon 1,000 feet best safely Blasting Fuse Dozens Long Handled Shovels spades. Forks and Hoes 100 gallons Varnishes, assorted 1 casks Linseed OH J ca^ks Tanner's Oils Large stock Machinery Oils Dils for Wool Carders Large assortment of Paints, ground in Oil and dry Brushes, Wind* w Glass, Putty Barringe Materi .Is, Lea'her, Bent Rims, Morticed Ilubs, Castings, Leather and India Rubber Belling, fropi two to eight inches wide Files, Tools, Locks, Hinges, Ac., Ac. GOWER, COX A MAKKLEY. Sept 26 21 tf iiiii AND GROCERIES. rUE undersigned liavo now on hand and will continue lo keep, full sup? dies of Dry Goods, Cloths, Cuxtimeres, Shirtings, Sheetings, Yarns, Bagging, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc*, Also Groceries, Sugar. Coffee, flour, Bacon, Lard, Mackerel, Teas besides Hardware, Cutlery, Axes, JIocs, Shovels, Chains, \nd eveiything needed aboul the Farm >r Home. ?47*All we want is a trial, and ?at? sfaction will be guaranteed. ?3TThe highest price will be paid or Country Produce. FOWLER, AUSTIN & CO. Oct 23 25 ' tf .?? OPENING OF MILLINERY GOODS. irirs. ii.Jennings RESPECTFULLY informa the Ladies that she will open, on Friday next, November let. a 6oe selection of FALL ind WINTER GOODS, ?oi>^tlr>g of VlltLIWERY, Fflt HAIR GOODS AND) JEWELRY. She oordin>ly invites the Ladies to call md examine. I* T. JENNINGS Oet NO 28 tf Notice IS hereby giv?n to all whom it may enn> crn, that I will apply In S. J. Doulhit, Vobate Judira of Greeoville County, on he 8th day of I)eoeml>er nrxt, for a Final )recharge as Guardian of JAKE WOOD ind THOMAS WOOD. Miners. C. P. MAYFIP.LD, Guardian. November 4th, IR72. 27-4