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HUMOROUS. Why Boa t Ton Betpondt Old Judge W?-?, of??, in the Old Dominion, is a character. Ho was frequently lawyer, legislator, judge and leadiog pel itician among the old time Whigs, of blessed memory ; but, alas, like many others ot his confrere*, has gone 44 where the woodbino twineth." Notwithstanding the loss of property, and the foo free nsc of u apple jack," he maintained the dignity of ex-jndge, dressed ncntlj, carried n gold headed cane, and when ho had taken more than his usual allowances of the favorite beverage, be was very ?( .. -t I. 4! -I j j-MVIIO, ill nuvu IIIUUS HI Will's aucnuing church, and sitting near the s'tand as erectly as circumstances would admit, and responding fervently. On ono occasion a Baptist brother was holding forth, with energy and unction, on tho evils of the times, ami in one. of his flights exclaimed, "show mo a m drunkard." * Tho Judge rising to his feet, and unsteadily balancing himself on his cane, said solemnly :? " Here I am, sir, here I am I" The Elder, though a good deal nonplused by the unexpected response, managed to go on with his discourse, and soon warming to his work again called out?"show me a hypocrite I" Judge W again arose, and reaching forward across a seat which intervened, he touched Deacon D ou his shoulder with his cane and said : " Deacon D , why don't you respond ? I did when they called me 1" ? -4 ?- ? ? Uncle Zeke'i Praotical Joke. Some years ago, there lived in one of our large cities an excentric character known as Uncle Zeke, who never lost a chance of perpetrating a practical joke. Any place or occasion 6uitcd him, provided ho could make his point. One fine Sunday he repaired to a fash lonablc chuicb some time after the services had commenced, and aq there was not a seat vacant, he took a prominent position in the centre aisle, whero he stood bolt upright, with his stove-pipe hat clapped tightly on his head. Of course he attracted much attention, and very soon the sexton, a man tor whom Uncle Zuke had an especial dislike, camo creeping up to him and whispered that he must take off his hat. "That's agin my principles," said Uncle Zekc. 441 can't help that," said the sexton impatiently, 44 you must take it oft*." u But I won't," roplied Uncle Zekc. 44 Then I shall tako it off for you," said the sexton, who was becoming very nervous on account of the attention this whispered coloquy had occasioned. 44 All right," 6aid Uncle Zeke ; u you kin take it off. That ain't against tfty principles." The sexton thereupon took hold of the rim of Undo Zeke's hat and dextrously lifted it off his head.? 13ut what was the respectable sexton's horror when about two quarts of hicory nuts rolled out of his hat and went chattering and banging over the church floor. And that was Uncle Zeke's joke on the sexton. A 6HARr yankee went into a country store Down East, and thus accosted the proprietor : 44 Squire do you trade ?" 44 Considerable," was the re p!y441 mean, do you dicker ?" 44 Some; what yer got to dicker?" 44 An egg." 44 What yer want for an egg?" 41 Guni I'd like a darning needle." The required ncedlo was dickered for the egg, and tho yankee was going away, when he turned and said : 44 Squire do you treat ?" Well, I don't mind if I do," replied tho store keeper. They repaired to an adjacent tavern, at)d the usual bourbon was produced. | 44 Hold on," said tho yankee, j 44 my chest h weak, and I never , ( take whisky without an egg in it." Tho genorons shop keeper hand- , i oil llilll t ll A llmL.AHA/J a/... I-...* ' VJ unit I I ID UlbltCltiU Ulll I ( without asking hiin for lii.s needle : < again. The yankee broke the ? shell on the edge of the ghtss, I when he exclaimed ; ( " Gcewilikins ! this egg's got j ( two yolks ! Guess you ortor give < me another darning needle, j c Squire!" 1 The official vote i.i Abbeville County, for 1 Solicitor of the Kiglith Judicial Circuit, i* as ? follows: lily the, 34#7 ; Perry, 1705. ! Gen. W. A. Walker, a prominent citizen of Cheater county, lias been nominated by the Cunaervntivea of that County for State 8enator. There ia a widow in England twentyfour yeara of age, who enjoya an Income of 1250,000 a year. She haa no other incumbrance. At a recerll funeral in Georgetown, Cal , a man fainted and tumbled headlong into the open grave, dying in a few rainuteo after getting out. i Gen. Walker, superintendent, of the cen- I eut, recommende, tn hie report to Congrea*, that onumeratiooa ba made every five, in\ ?te#d of ?en yaira. - " 1 111 *" M Three Keerd Monkey.*' Canada Bill has had another c.t j| plolt. Tlie Omaha Dispatch eajs: A few months ago, as is Well known by enteral gentlemen, Bill offered a certain ^ railroad one thousand dollars a month for the privilege of "working trains'* in the three card monte business. He offered to give bonds to a large amount that he wouldn't take a dollar from anvbody but preachers. Of course, thii was charged to nui s prejudice against the clergy, but that he meant what he said, was evidenced by his pulling out a thousand dollars in greenbacks, aud insisting upou placing it in tie hands of any one tho road might name. It is useless to say he was refused. It was not bolieved that ho ever won a dollar of a preacher, but Bill has recently demonstrated his success in that line. A day or two since he boarded a Union Pacific train in Omaha. In a .few minutes he started through tho train to sec what he might find, aud, at last, sat down along side a minister bound for California on a pleasure excursion. Bill had a farm near Pappillion, so he said, and had just been to Chicago and sold thirty seven hundred dollar's worth of cattle. After gettiiigon good terms, tho minister and Bill were interrupted by a stranger passing through the car and dropping several playing cards on the floor just in front of them. Bill picked them up and commenced toying with them. The| minister deprecated their introduction into the world. Bid then went on telling him how some fellows had "took him in on tho keers *' several days before en a game they called "three keerd inondey," and gavo a halfway explanation of tho "how of it." Just then a beardless boy came in, arid after listening some time to Bill's storj, said: "Now, look nhcre old man ; I can guess them cards." Bill let hitu try several times, and sure enough, the boy never missed once, and lost no opportunity to intimate against Bill's brains. Tlie latter at hist got mad, and oifcred to bet his watch against the boy's. The boy jumped at the chanco, and lost his watch.? Bill thcu went to another car to get rid of the boy, who was boo hooing at a terrible ra'e about that watch being given to him by his dying father, and he must have it back again, or he could never face his dear old mother again.? The minister pacified him, and so far gained his confidence that he explained how ho had made a mistake, and if he just had come more money, he would win the watch back. lie explained so perfectly to the minister, that the latter told him ho had some gold, and would risk it if the boy would do the betting. The young innocent agreed, and went into another car after Canada Bill, who catno in, but didn't want to bet* lie was a plain, honest farmer, and not a gambler. But the preacher showed him how unjust it was not to give the boy a chance for his watch, and Bill consented. Soon two hundred and fifty dollars of the minister's gold was gone. Papio, shouted the braketnan, and Bill threw down the 4i keerd " and fold his antagonists that he lived there, and must orp.t. nft' miH ,l (Tii limtt " 'Pl.?* n 6" uwj became so desperate at this that ho was determined to get oft' there too and follow the old farmer home and get that watch back. It is needless to say that the " kid " was in the game. Such is tho world. Day after day this three card monte game is talked about in the newspapers, but all to no purpose. One tool falls; and his place is immediately filled by another. The Girl Wno Wins The time has passed away when women must be pale and delicate to bo call interesting?when she must be totally ignorant of all practical knowledge to be called refined and high bred?when she must known nothing of the current political news of the day, or be called masculine and strong minded. It is not a sign of high birth or refinement to bo 6ickly and ignorant. Those who afteet anything ??( the kind, are behind the times, and must shake up and air them- | ielres mentally and physically, or Jrop under the firm strides of i common-sense ideas, and be crush- 1 cd into utter insignificance. In these days an act ire, rosyaced girl, with brain quick and ' dear, warm, light heart, a temper piickly heated at intended insult >r injury, and just as quick to 'iirrvivn HTIIAOA I VI J^I IV) " IIUK IVUt klUI 1 UK HllllUttl L8 fast as her tongue, and not put ler out of breath; who is not ifraid of freckles, or to brcAtho lie pm c air ot Heaven unrestrain* id by the drawn curtains of a close sarringe; and, above all, who can ipeak her mind and give an opin on on important topics which inerest intelligent people, is the rue gii'l who will make a good votnan. This is the girl who wins in these lays. Even fops and dandies who , itrongly oppose women's rights, , ike a woman who can talk well, 1 sven if she bo not handsome.-' They weary of tbo most beautiful creature if she is not smart. They my, 11 Aw yeas, she is a beauty,' iirid no mistake, but she wont do me? lacks brains." Of which commodity it Wonld seem sbe could bate little tse iu her association with him } however, to please even an empty-headed fop, A Ionian mast know something. I ? Oar Want!. Onr people grieve too much j 1 1 _ lf-.f i over meir uoHnemi una pouncai misfortunes to have any true idea of the real causes which lead to their poverty or lack of thrift.? The passive policy has partly been adopted with regard to the political affairs of the 8tate and it seems the samo kind of policy has been adopted with regard to everything else?inaction i s the watchword of the day. Immigration is spoken of by all as the one thing needful to the ex* pauBion and development ot our vast natural resources, j*et not one movement to secure the blessings of a good, honest, industrious popj illation is made. The people a:e too 6elfish and, instead of dividing out their lands, cling to their ancestial possessions with tenacity. They are short sighted and will ' not look into the future to see the ; good which would result from a ; division of their lauds, if our ; people would think less about pol1 itics and more of something which might bo a source of good to them they would not be under the necessity of bo wailing their sad and poverty-stricken condition. The needs of tbo South are not few in number and the changed condition 01 things brought about by the war make it necessary that these wants should be filled. Wo need a diversity of labor.? The production of corn and cotton now occupies almost the entire en ergy ot our people. The establishment of mannfac lories would do much to increase the wealth and prosperity of our people. As things now exist we are completely at the mercy of speculators who buy our cotton and send it to Northern inanufac turors who exercise a monopoly destructive to our interests. It is generally admitted that we have every facility that is needed to make us a successful manufacturing people and wo need the population which manufacturing would bring to us and the business stitnu ' lus which would follow such enterprise. 4 If wo would secure immigration to our land we must offer better < inducements than we have heretofore done. 41 Better inducements will produce better laborers; and it we encourage an immigration that will make houses, raise children, build school houses, cultivate farms, make roads and become a part and parcel of the country all will be benefitted." To secure this influx of population let our land-holders divide their lands and give of their sub- stance to the help of so noble a cause. Let us divide and rule. [Abbeville Medium. V wedding is to couio i>(T in Philadelphia in December with twelve bridesmaid*, all attired by Worth, of Pari*. The bride'* dre** wilt lie of Belgian luce, and cost $9,000 in geld. The gin house of Mr. W. H. Kennedy, of Kin!?8trec, was burned on the 22d ult. Lo*?. $1,000. W. J. Leak, A. B. Byrd, A M. Oopeland, ' Jmn-s M. Clark, C. C. Ferguson, C. J. Workman, Elihu Cunningham, M C Cutis ningliam, Robeit A Cunningham, W F Gunninglmni, Augustus Wallace, W L Fowler, Drayton Barksdsle. Richard C Watls, C M Miller, J F Ramage, and S F Teague. of Laureno county, have been each hailed in $5,000 for appearance at the next term of the U S Court to answer to charges of vio- ( luting the enforcement act. LAND FOR SALE. rpWO TRACTS of LAND, on South Sain. } A. da River, containing 780 acrea, part brst River and Creek BOTTOM, with now ^ improvements Aiso large lot tf valuable IIORSES, CAT- C. TLE and HOGS. Apply to JULIUS C. SMITH, or F J. M. McCLAN All AN, 1 May 29 4 td " Notice. ALL parties indebted to tha Estate of WILLIAM K. HIGIITOWER. decensed, are requested to come forward and settle ; and those having claims will present ? them on or before the 6th day of Novem*> i ber next, or be debarred. T. W. HIGIITOWER, Ang 7-14-14* Executrix. Boot and Shoe Making. rjlllE UNDERSIGNED is prepared with JL competent Workmen to fill all orders for BOOTS and SIIOES, of both fine and heavy qualities, on abort notice. He guar* antees satisfaction. REPAIRING promptly ati ended to. Shop nearly opposite Mossre. Gowsr, Cox A Markley'e. BUTLER DYER. April 10 4t> ly Wanted, TR0?RW ILDM*AN, At Murphy's Marble Yard. Oct 2 22 tf 1 TAILORING. j G. B. POORE & CO. A RE well prepared at prerentto execnte cV all kinds ot TAILORING, having in I their employ a number of competent and efficient Workmen, and feel that thay can meet the wants of tho Oreonvilla trade.? Cutting dona in the latest style and fashion, and on short notice. All work warranted by them. They ask a oonlinuancc of patronage. O. B. POORE A CO. I er Stand, near the Post Office, j v Oct 2 22 tf. A Great ImproVetnent SITIAlOftS' BCPAtIC COIfl , PARENT f?^Hl8 U an Improvement upon tho origlna JL op In Liquid form, ready for use* Thli pdpsiit, of. lay SttekneeS arUiag Oom I'cffptd rettote* tM bMe< and enotcS the pit Ian I to eritlfeiy Vegetable, and guarantee* atlsfoction cine. Sold by ill drtigflsts and dealer* ever1 ftfnu * ROSBOHOt/GU' DOWIB, MOISB A t>AVlS, Wi MARSHALL A MAtJLDl Sep It ^HN H. 9 LIFE AND FIRE ] AND NOTA] Home Of N. Y. C Assets, July, 18 North British and M and Edinburg, $l0,0( Georgia Hoi Carolina Life, of B $,100 OFFICE-WITH MESSf Excelsior ftlattrc r?^HE public is informed that there is sue JL the Wonderful ExccMor Sound and refreshing sleep is secured th Mattresses. Persona need not have their p Bugs, for they will not infest this Mutt rest These Mattresses uro gotten up in varioui and $10. A good assortment always on Its carriage makers, thai this Patent Excelsior : it is very hglit and durable, aud 1 would re any quantity, as I buy direct frim the Bot aud 1 can sell it very cheap. Manufacturer of the " Wonderful Patenl Coqrt House 13th August, 1872. o?! WE hereby notify the pnhlic that the United States Patent Office has ^IXXN SXyX.'V SSSSTKn A PATENT FOR "WEST'S EMI BISTillBITOS." which fully covers all Us parts. They will bo manufactured, aud far sals, >v us. Jt-f?' State and County Rights for tale. JCW All infringements prosecuted 'o the full extent of the law. W. J. WEST. GOWEK, COX A MARKLEY, Owucrs of tbo l'atcut. Aug 21 lf> tf T. W. DAVIS WATCH MAKER Hi EIGHAVEH. CORN ER OF Washington Streets next Door to National Bank, GREENVILLE, S- C. May 8 1 tf J. r;, RLACK Ac CO., DEALERS in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Fancy Good* and Gr-ce riea, Confection-ries. Notions, Lamps ninJ Fixtures, Noil*cxpl-sive Attachments, Glass ware, Segais, SnufT, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Dry Goo-Is, llats. Shoes, and a great variety of other nr'ieles/ All arc invited (anil might do well) to call on llieiii before purchasing tSF" Special attention given to Repairing Timepieces. Ac. Mar 13 4*? tf OTTKTSL SINGLE GUNS, At *2 50. (3 00, $1 50, $5 00, $f. 00. $3 00, $10 00, *12 00, to $20 00. D O U B L. E GUNS, \? $0 00. $7 50. $10 00. $12 00. $15 00. $20 )0, $25 00. $30 00. $40 00. $50 00 In $75 00 Breach Loading Double Guns, \i $40 00. $45 00. |M 00. $?0 00 $75 00, $'20 CO, $110 on. $4 20 00 to $400 00. PISTOLS, Smith A \? c-tson, Coll'*, Allen'*, Sharp'*, A'hitney and other kinds, at mnntifitcltp rs' price*. Ammumll'in and Implements or Breach-loading Grins, at. n small advance >n Coat of import at io?. M-lalic Amnion), inn for Itifl-s and Pistols, at lowest rnaiket rrioes. A complete assortment of all Sportng Goods; prices and description s?nt on ipplication. Goods shipped by Express, C. 0. D. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., IMPORTERS, No. 200 W. Baltimore Si., Baltimore |39"Richard'?, Do*gal's, Orsener's.Sen't's iint olhor celebrated make uf guns on hand ind imported to order. Sept 25 21 ly >r. GOTTLIEB FISCH'S BITTEBS. Thla preparation of the groat Scientist, Dr. GottJhJPV lleb Plsch, of Germany, la JHi <V baaed on the fact that, aa MXh...3k all materials of the body muR &talk are derived from Food, so AMttJwfVm n11 Vital Force, or Health, la derived rrom the Force Im stored up In Food. Dr. w*' pKr]y?/R Finch's J!Uter* enables the L " g!pQ*Vy| Hvstem to liberate and raa*BBrelL3C!^ll appropriate these Foross, C'r^BHHnCT5lB cp-nii-a Appetite, euros cflKfSKI Itysp' p^la. with Its result* SliigT>obl)(ty and Jack of Nervons Energy: ao tones the Btornaeh and LWer an to make Constipation and lilllousnesslmposslble; reinforces the Byatem ao It ean tide over had results of changing climate, water, Ac., and better endure th?, Ocmanda often unexpectedly made on tta Force and Energy. Ladles In dell cate h ealth, aged person a. and all emaolated and weak after alckneas, will (Sk>?*>rik?a*tu.j rapidly strengthen by salng this great preparation. IHACKELFORD & KELLY, FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants. NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. C. tr Agents for Mor<? Phi!lips' Ammoniaed Carribbsan Ssa Guano, r. w. nunc m>. wm. aikix 8ept S7, 21 3m - SJ ggii - I Oflitie Comptroller Gdfilral, CoLtkBtA, S. C., Bebrttafy 1, 1871. THIS la to certify that the QRBENVILLB ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published in the town of Greenville, S. C., is hereby designated by this Hoard as the paper in whieh legal and pubtio notlees shall be published, for the County of Greenville, in aooordance with the ' Aet to regnlate the publication of all legal and public notions," which became a law>,? 99.1 lftTA T T. VVinTn in the Med eel Science. POUM* dB LltfiB cUltE. ed ian, I Receipt of A. Q. BlMMONS, of Georgia, pat i medicine defies a rival for Coostipattotf, Dysor Dieeaaed Lifer. It is tttild as a Cathartic, soon foot like a tie# person. Thil Medicine it "those suffering #lil do #ell to try this Medir#bere. i Proprietor*, Waldo, Fln< bolesslo Ageatr, Charleston, 8 C. N. Agents for Greenville* 19 Am CHOFIELD, INSURANCE AGENT, EtY PUBLIC. ssKJMnrai apital, $2,500,000. 72, $4,393,564. Mercantile, of London Capital (Gold) 10,000. ne, $350,000. lemphis, Tennessee, 0,000, is. earle & blythe, iss Manufactory. h a place in Greenville, where they can get in itttreaties and Pillows. eae hot. ?nd sultry nights !>y lying on these lensant. dreiros disturbed by tbat. ncsr, Bed ?. They are a great comfort to the weary i styles, sizes and prices, from #6, $>I, $8, $9 nd. Would also sny, for the information of is a good thing lor stuffing cushions, Ac., as commend it. I can furnish the Excelsior in ton Excelsior Company in large quantities, J. C. C. TURNER. t Excelsior Mattress," two door. S<>u>h of 11-tf. AGENTS WANTED FOR T11E SF.SAT INDUSTRIES OF TIIE UNITED STATES. IOHA Pages and 500 Engravings, OVJvJ printed in English mid German, written by 20 eminent authors, including John 13. (lough, lion. Leon Case, Edward Ilowland, Itcv. E. Edwin llali, Philip Ripley, Albert Brisbane, Horace Greeley, F. 13. Perkins, etc., etc. This work Is a complete history of all brunches of industry, processes of manufacture, etc., in all ages. It-is a complote encyclopedia of arts and manufaetuies, and is the most entertaining and valuable work of information on subjects of general interest ever affcrcd to the public. It is adapted to the wants of tho Merchant, Manufacturer, Mechanic, Farmer, Student and Inventor, and sells to both old and young of all classes. Tho book is sold by agents, who aro making large sales in all parts of tho country. It is offered nt tho low prico of $3.50, and is tho cheapest book ever sold by subscription. No family should be without u copy. We want Agents in every town in the United States, and no Agent can fail to do well with this book. Our terms are liberal. We give our Agents the exclusive right of territory. One of our Agents sold 138 copies in eight days, and another 373 in two weeks. Our Agent iu Hartford sold 397 in one week. Specimens of the work sent to Agents on receipt of stamp. For circulars and terras to agents address tho publishers. TTK ri'HUSII TIIK BEST DICTIONARY OK THE BIBLE IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, HT ? M. SMITH, LI. D. It is written by 70 of the most distinguished divines in Europe and America, and is the only edition published in this country condensed by Dr. Fmilli's own hand. It is illus tratcd with over 125 steel and wood engrav 11 cunuiuia ercrjr iiunio in mo iiinio 01 importance, ami is a book needed by every Christian ininily. It ia printed in double column, in one largo octavo volume. Price, $3.50. We want Agents for these works in all cities and towns in the country. We pay large commissions, ami give exclusive territory. For circulars and tetms address the pub lishera. Bamplo copies of any of onr books sent to any nddrcss on receipt of price. J. R. RUItK A HYD4, Publishers, Hartford, Conn.; Chicago, III.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept 25-ly mum 8AM BAWK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ? :o: Compound Interest Allowed on Deposits* WM. MARTIN, President. JOHN B. PALMER, Vice-President. A. 0. BRENIZEll, Cashier. J. C. B. SMITH, Local Assistant Cashier. J. II. SAWYER, Assistant Cashier, in doners! Charge. i DIRECTORS. Wade Hampton, ller. William Martin, A. C. llHskcl), F. W. McMaster, K. II. Ileinitsh, John 11. Palmar, Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia; J. Eli Gregg, Marion; G. T. Bcott, W. G. Mayor, Newberry; B. II. Kutledgc, Daniel Itavenel, Jr., Charleston. :o; Greenville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Assistant Cashier. ;o: Planters, Moohanics, and Professional Men, Widows, Orphans, Trustees and County Officers, having money for whioh they have no present use, can hero deposit it, thus avoiding all risks of thefts and destruction by Are, and at the same time draw interest theroon till needed. Citixens of Greenville can save thousands of dollars by patronising their Bank. Deposits solicited, no matter how small, or bow large. fM- Gold and Silver received on deposit, at interert, and repaid in kind, or in currency, as agreed upon. May 22 3 Bin ". ?. v aj? iloaulioy Comptroller General. D. II. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. THE above Is a true copy of the original on file in the otfioe of Secretary of State. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. Feb 14 41 tf - i Change of Schedule. SOUTH CAROLINA R. R. COMPANY, ) Columbia,8. C., September 26, 1872. ) CHANQE of eehedule to go into efTeot on and after Sunday, the 89th lost: MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Columbia at. 9am Arrive at Charleston at 4 AO p m Leave Charleston at 9 SO p m Arrive at Columbia at ft 20 p m NIGHT EXPRESS?FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. tSondaye Excepted.) Leave Columbia at 7 50 p m Arrive at Charleston as 8 4ft a m l eave Charleston at 7 10 pm Arrive at Columbia at 8 SO a m CAMDEN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Will continue to run on Mondays, Weds nasdays and Saturdays. Leave Camden at 7 20 a in Arrive at Columbia at 4 65 p m Leave Columbia at ? 1ft n m Arrive at C*indon at i 65 p m A L TYLF4I, Vices President. 8 B Pickens, OTA. Oot 0 23 If Greenville & Columbia lailroad? Change, of Schedule. ON and after Thursday, September 5th,. 1872, the PASSENGER TRAINS om this Road will be ran as follows, daily, Swo~ days ex?cy<e<l: frontf/ Wc?tr or Vjb Lea to Columbia at..? t T5 a ro " Alston ?- ' 05 a in " Newberry .... to 40 a u> " Cokesbury 2 00 p m u Bel too? 3 60 p in Arrrro at Orecnvillo 5 30 p in Going E<ft, *r Down. Lenre Grecnrille at..?7 30 a m " Bolton .- , , 9 30 n in " Cokesbury . ?..1 1 15 a m " Newberry 2 .10 p m " Alston 4 20 p in Arrive at Columbia b 00 p in Connect at Alston with Trains on the Spartanburg and Union Railroad ; connect at Columbia with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad up and down; also with Trains going North and South on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augasta and the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroads. ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Train leaves Abbevillo nt 9 15 a ir., eon* necting wifh bourn Train from Greenville.? Leaves Cokosbury at 2 16 p m., connecting with Up Train from Columbia. Accommodation Train, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri? days. Leave Cokesbury at 11 15 a in, or on the arrivnl of the Down Train from Greenville. , Leaves Abbeville at 1 o'clock p m, connecting with Up Train from Columbia. ANDERSON BRANCH ANI) BLUE RIDGE DIVISION. Down. Leave WalbolLi at 5 45 a m ?? n.......:n~ - -- . o 23 a ni " Pendleton 7 10 a in "" Anderson 8 10 a in Arriro at Bolton at 900 a ui . ' Up' m Leave Bolton at. 8 Sir p in " Andctson 4 50 p in " Pendleton 5 50 p in " Perryvillo ft .15 p m Arrive at Wnthnlta at 7 15 p in Accommodation Trains between Belton and Anderson on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat. urdays. Leave Belton at 9 50 a in., or on arrival of Down Train from Greenville. Leave Anderson it 2 00 p m, connecting with Up Train from Columbia. THOMAS DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. JABF.Z NORTON, General Ticket Agent. Sep II 19 tf WHITNER S1MMKS, Attorney and Counsellor at Lair, GREENVILLE, 5. C. OFFICE.?New Court Hons* Room used by County Commissioner. April 10 49 6m BIJKT & GRAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ?AIM)? SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, S. C? WHl Prnetie* in fits Courtt of th it Stair and Ik* United Stale*. OFFICK?Uenr room of New Court llonee Mar 20, 1872. 4ft tf I? V) Hi* A AW JfnAW? AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. VHII-L PBACTICH IX ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE A LAO, IN TFIE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office at Greenville 0. H., 8. C. July 1,1869. 7 ly* M, O. BUTLBR.' T. B. McBKK. BUTLER &, McBEE. Attorney! and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GREENVILLE, S. C., Will Praotiea in the Courts of the State and of the United States. May 81 4 tf J B. HENRY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER* MAIN STREET, Greenville, S. country PRODUOS E0T7OHT AND GOLD. ORDERS FOR CORN SOLICITED 1 April 17 40 ly ' OX.OOBUB, ' GOLD AND SILVER B beit grades of SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE. TABLE CUTLERY? AND FANCY GOODS. a Large assortment of Gold, film. Steel ft Plated Framed 8PEOTAOLES, also gf.nuink 7BBBIUE SFiESITASlUfiS. B. Wchrle. Oct it is tr PAUL B. LALAXE. I B. p. LAXOUSSELIEXB. I A. A. ATKILHB. PAUL ftLAIANB & CO,, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commission Mere hauls, AT NO. 175 EAST BAY, Charleston, S. C. July 24 lg If FALL J87& FALL OUR STOCK or FALL AND WINTEB DM GOODS & 1I0TI01 WILL DK COMPLETE DY THE 1st September. With * reaident buyer in the Northern mar* kets, we are prepared, at all tiaaea, t? execute your orderr, upon .the aaort favorable to raw. r to rervo you in per.wa. JBt"Wc respectfully invite yow to nb. E. W. MARSHALL Ac CO., 112 MEETING STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C. B O. MAVLDLN in with Uf, and will few glad to acrve all friends. Aug (4 16 Sin' mo. w. wirlpawo. | j'AMF.a aninoR, jr. WILLIAM MH.ttR. ' FRANK K. TATLOR. JAR. R. ROBKRTFON. | ROOT. S. CATHCART. Geo. W. Williams & Co., Factor* antJ Comiuinion Merchants,. CDAKLiLbTON, B. C... aa, Williams, Birnie & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 65 Dearer Sthkct and 20 Exchange Place, NEW YORK. JfcST- Mcsarn. Foster 4 IIi-ntkr aro prepared to luako liberal advance* on Cotton anil i..-- .ks..?.i ? -! ? ?- '<l - s . owwww VUI|>|XIU IV IIO CHUCf 111 1/Dliri88l0n UD New York. 12-4m I. B. MULLIGAN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT ACCOMMODATION WHARF} CHARLESTON, S. C. I will also, when place I in fund#, purchase and foi*ward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Fertilizers, <Ji'O. Oct 25 25 Ij Johnston, Crews & Co*, IM rOKT'EMS And Wholesale Dealers in 8fAPLB AND F A. ONTOY DRY GOODS, N0T101T0 AM? SMALL WAK(?S. 41 1IAYNE STRrevr ?MA-JilLffiEir?!?, g. '?. T)eo IX 32 ]y Edmonds T. Brown, IN 1IAYWE NTRRRT. OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. O. Dec 9 *1 1j JOHN C, SEEGERS MANUFACTURE, WHOLESALE and RETAIL liiquor Dealer, USER BEER BBSW1B. H.. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 '24 ly