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ADMINISTRATOR'S SAL. IS. "QY virtue of an order from 8. J. Doutut, II Probata Judge of Greenville County, I will sell, on salesday to Dooember next, before the Court Hoaae door, at publto outcry, All the Doubtful and Worthless NOTES and JUDGMENTS belonging to the Estate of J. M. JACOBS, deceased. TERMS?CASH. R. H. JACOBS, Nor. 11th, 1872. Administrator. NOT 18 28 ?_ The State of South Carolina, GHEEXVILLE COVNT COURT OP COMMON PLEAS. The 8tato ex relatione the City Council of Greenville, Thamaa M. Cox aod Thomas Steen, Plain tiffs, against The OroenTille Gas Light Company and Robert Sweptson, Defendants ?Summon* for Relit/. To the Defendant Robert Swbpsok : YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, wnich is filed with the Clerk of tho Circuit Court, and to serTe a copy of your answer to the seid complaint on the subscriber at his office Court Square, Greenville, S. 0., within twenty days after tho service hereof, exclusire of the day of such service; and if you lau to answer ine complaint witbiiv tbo time aforesrid, tbe plaintiff in this action will appl to tbe Court for the relief demanded in tbo oomplaiat. t r Dated 8th Novembor, 1372. XvM. E. EARLE, City Attorney. TO ROBERT SWEPSON. TAKE NOTICE-tbat the Summons in this action, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the office of tbe Clerk of tbe Circuit Court for Greenville County, in tbo State of 8outh Carolina, on the 8th day of November, A. D. 1872. WM. E. EARLE, City Attorney. Nov 13 28 3 GROCERIES J. H. STENHOUSB ft CO., AT THB FAIRVIEW STORE, Are now receiving and opening their stocks <>l dry goods, and groceries, embracing the art'cles usually kept in a country si ore. such as sugar. coffee, molasses, flour, rice, salt, lard, etc., etc., besides. shirtings, sheetings, long clot11s, jeans home-sl'uns, YARNS. 4o. We will endeavor to please those who give us a call, and respectfully solicit s cutis linuance of patronage to the establishment I. IJ. STBS HOUSE A Co. Nov 6 27 8 Town Lot for Sale. rriif. lot in the fork of the bunJ. combe and Kutlierford Roads, coninin. iug about One-half Acre Terms Liberal. Apply to EARLE A BLYTI1E Nov fi 2(1 If Valuable Property for sale. TI1E undersigned offers for Mm*** rule his ltuiiuliful PLACE, on "Tr1 the Kutlierlord Road. within filteen minutes' walk of the Court House.? Large DWELLING HOUSE, containing six Rooms; nlso, Darn, Staldes and other outhouses. There tire Fifty Acres of good cultivated LAND in the Tract, nil under new ferce, end most of it now planted in wheat, oats and clover. Will sell very low. Apply to U. W. MARSHALL, (?recuville, S. C. NOT ? * 27 4* Charlotte (i\. C) Advertisements. W. M. WII.BON. W. i. BI.ACK. WILSON & BLACK, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND PEAI.ICR* IN Oils, Paint.*, Varnishes, Window-Glass, rutty, Dye Stuffs, Biuilios, Lamps, and everything pertaining to the Drug Business. OILS A SPECIALTY. CHAKLOTT^', N- C, tW P rompt and personal alien- J?3 1ST lion given all older*. Nov fi 27 ly A. n. N1HBKT. W. D. NlrBKT. W. I. Kltll'AY A. R. NISBET & BRO., W HOLES A I.K DEALERS IN Groceries, Confectioneries, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Musical Instruments, Strings, ike. AIAO, AOKXTS KoR PRIZE CANDY. CHaULOITK, N. C. Nov 6 27 8ni JOHN T. Bl'TLEK, DEALER IN Pine Watches, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WAUK, SPECTACLES, AC. TRYOF 8TREET, CHARLOTTE. N. C. Nov 6 27 8m OHAKLOTTE rriJK undersigned dea:re? to eall the ationX tion ol the public tohia MARBLE WORKS now carried on at GHAHLOTTK, N C.. at ivKUIt r>lu/ta Ka Waana iKa Ui-WAai L?.a? f?- r- -- - ?? selected stock of Mirbls, and * number of the finest Cutler? in I lie Soathern States. TOMB?, MONUMENTS, GRAVESTONES of every description Manufactured Safe delivery Guaranteed, Freight prepaid 100 ( mi Ire. 35 per cent leae than can be purchased elsewhere in the Southern States. I will duplioate Northern orders, saving purchasers expense of freight, dreysge. expense of potting i i> costly MONUMENTS, and danger of breakage, Satislactlon guaranteed, or no pay required. Send for prise lists aad drawings, and aavs money. Remember the dead. F. A. Me N INC IT, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. Nov 6 ' 27 8tn WALTER BREM. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN H A K J3 W A R E , CUTLERY AND GUNS. Corner Trade and Tryon 8treeta, MANSION HOUSE BUIUDINO. * CHARLOTTE, II, C. 1 Nov 6 27 1 to 1 Administrator's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an Oder from S. J Douthlr, .lodge ?f Probate, I will sell at the late residence < J. X- JEXXIH8, Deceased, On the Sd day of December next, the fol lowing property, vx s 2 Horses, 1 Mule, 8 Milch Cows, 1 Yok* of Steers, * head of Cattle, 12 head of Stock llogr, 1 Two Horpe Wsgon, 2 Buggies, 1 Tlirusher And Running Clear, Household and Kitchen Furniture, 1 set of good Blacksmith Toole, Farming Implements 40 Bushels of Wheat, 800 Bueh*la of Corn, Skunk* aad Fodder, and a great many other things too tedious to mention Terms?CASH. M. O. JENKINS, Adnt'tor. Nov 0 27 4 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may eon* oern, that 1 will apply to S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greeaville County, on the 6th day of December next, for a Final Discharge Ouerdinn of JANE WOOD and THOMAS WOOD, Minora. C. P. MAYFIELD, Guardian. November 4th, 1872. 27-4 The State of South Carolina QUEEN VILLE CO UNTY. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of an order from S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of OroenTille County, I will ecll, on Saleaday in December next, at publio outcry, before the Conrt House door, the following llouao and Lot, via.: Ail that House and Lot situate, l>lng and lining in the oily of Greenville. adjoining lota of Peter Cauble, William Anderson and others, and containing onesfoorlh of an aeie, more or less. Sold aa the properly or Thomas Wker*, (Lcrared, fur partition among the lieira. Purchasers to pay for To 1*8. Term*?Cash. J. L. SOUTHERN, S, G. C. Nov 6 27 td The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY viitue of sundry writ? of Fi Fa. to me directed, I will sell before the Court Ilouae door, on Safet-dui/ in December next, between the hour* of 10 o'clock in the foienoon, and 8 oVock in ihe afternoon. One tloure and Lot in t <e city of Greenville, on Bnncombn street. Lot contains one acre, mora or lers. bound'd by lota of Btirge**, Mrs. McBee and Mrs. Powell.? Levied on as the property of J. H. Carlisle, at the suit of M M. Miller. Also, one tract of Land, on the Buncombe I Road, 10 niilea from Greenville 0. 11.. con_ u?I?- ? v.. K v<? nuuureo ami roriy- i nrre acres, mo'C or adjoining lands of the Estate of Mrs. Henry Lynch nn-l others. Levied on as the property of E. N. Coleman, at ihe suit of Broker Bomnr. Also, One House and Lot in the city of Greenville, situated on the corner of Khett and Hiver streets, adjoining Iota 01 the Estate of V. MeBee, deceased, and of tlte Es'ate of W. K. Eaaley, drceaeed ; lot con* tains Two Acres, more or le?s. Levied on aa the property of Geo. F. Townee, at lite suit uf V, A McB- e and Alexader McB*-e, Executors of the Estate of V. McBee, deceased, and others. Also,One tract o' Land, containing Sixty Five ncree, mora or lese, adjoining lands of tlte Estate of John Stokes, deceased, D. Cobh, S'-ephan Gritiith and others. Levied on as the property of Wiley Smith, at the suit of Stephen Griffith. Also, all Defendant's right, title and in** terect in law ami equity in the Hardy J, Gilreath's Homestead Place; the said place contains Four Hundred Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Green Ingram, Mrs Barnett and others. Lvvied oa as the prop erty of E G Gllrcatli, at the suit of Jno. i H. Gilreath. Also, all Defendant's right, title and interest, in law and quity in tha Hardy J. Gilreath H'-me-tead Place; the said place contains Four Hundred Acres, more or less, adj.lining lands of Green igrnm. Mrs. Bar* nett and others. Levied on as the property nl W. H. Gilreath ?i 'I*** ? *! - '? " ?- ..... ul afllO. 11. I Gill.tiilh. Al?o, one tract of Land on b"th sides of the State Komi, a I tout 16 miles from Greenville, containing Light Hundred and Sixty Acres, more or les??Hie Homestead having tiecn ret off to the Defendant, adjoining lands ot Simeon Styles. S. H 'Pool, Cttrrv and ^thei?. Levied on as the properly of J. L. Westmoreland, at. the soil of M L. Merchant, (Jaines ?fc Bearden?Assignees? James Birnie?Assignee?William Harrison, Administrator, and others. Terms?Cash. Pnrchaseia to pay for I papera. J L. SOUTHERN, 8. O. C. | Sheriff's Odica. Nov, 4. 1872. 27-4 i.\ nAKKiiiJPTcr. In the Diftrict Court of the United State*? For the District of South Carolina. 1m Tits Matter or E. C. CUNNINGHAM. Bankrupt. , flllS is to give notice, that a petition has I licen filed in aaid Court, try E. C. CUN. NINGMAM, of Greenville County, in said District, duly d-cland a Bankmpt, under the Act of Congress, entitled "An Aot to e'tahltsh a uniform system of Bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved March 2d, I8R2. for a Discharge and Certificate thereof fr?m all of his I)-lit* aud other Claim*?provable under said Act ; and that, the '22d day of November, innfant, at 12 o'clock, M, is assigned for the hearing of the name, hnfors W. !. Clawson, Esq,. Reg. isrer in Bankruptcy, at his office, in Yorkville, in said District, when an,t ? creditor., or any other person intercity) may attend ana show enure, if any the/ have, why the pray?r of nai?l Petitioner may not he granted R. M WALLACE U. A Marehal ? Meaeenger. By T. W. CLaWSON, Deputy U. S. Marahal an Messenger. E P. JONES, Attorney for Bankrupt. Nov 6 27 8 OPENING OF MILLINERY GOODS. Mrs. .T, Jennings Respectfully inform, the Ladie. that .he will open, on Friday next, November l.l, a fine .election of FALL and WINTER GOODS, eonsi.ting of MILUKERY, FINE HA? GOODS AND JEWELRY. She cordially invite, the Ladie. to call ind examine. L T. JENNING8. Oet ?0 26 tf MRS O'CONNOR WOULD reapectfully in. jafvSiByL form the Ladiea of Greenville WspgjajS and vieinity, that .he ha. juat 4SjWTwflB receiv.-d and opened a hand' ^F/SjI eome and complete assort* FALL GOODS, Consisting of Millinery, Laoe Good*. Zephyr Wor.leda, Worsted Good., Fancy Jewelry, And in.Dy other articles appertaining to hi. line, which will b. .old at reasonable >r1?a. ?T An examination of the Stock ic ?< - | icltVd. 26-tf DR. J. P. HILLHOUSE, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Next Door to th< Dost Office, GR??NV1LLE, S. C., m H A VINO purchased the entire j ^ fetlock of DRUGS and hi EDI- 1 Tf- C1NES of M. A. Humtkr A Co., ffiv and having made recent large ad ^(3 ditiona to the ume, will be able to lumUh bla friends and the public generally with 33 HUGS ?AND? M P r> t n t ivt p ft A vy JL a i KJ OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, AT THE Lowest Market Rates. tJT Physician* and Merchants arc IJT pecially invita?> to exam jB pyine my whulemU tfl lW price*. -Ml ( Oot 30 26 If corroN notice, j PARTIES planting WATERS' Wi.ils I BluOin Cotton on iliarci will deliver ' the rent at the store of Win F. TH AXTON, on Pendleton street Mr. THAXTON will ' deliver the obligations on receipt of Ibe ' coitoo. c. F. WATERS. Oot. 80 26 8 1 NOTICE. ' I ALL Partiea indebted to the undersign- i ed are respeotluUv requested to call I and SET CLE their ACCOUNTS on or be- I foro the 15th (fay of Kwmber next , T. W. DAVIS. < October 30th, 1872, 26-8 1 xkx ! 6x10vs x8 OOMXff G,l; s A8 I have on hand the largeel Slock of Good*, which has been purchased 1 principally for Csah, ID i ? I want lo e-ll them for the asms, at V>w ' prices, I wou'd advise my friends and the public generally, lo rail and exnmine my Stock; and will be glad to ehow my Goods 1 UK 1 8 f of charge. And as my j WXQXMT& | have been mnrked down, I am sure lo give satisfaction to all that will favor me with a call. Any oae wanting cheap Goods g&m find them al. the well known store, where Goo ls are to MM SOT i t (he lowest murkest prices, I SLT i Wholesale and Retail, at &duyu&'$ |y The heat Culico Piinta, at ffl t1 cents per yard. BTQMM. Oct. 80 26 tf PALL OPENING. ;o; MISS M'KAY. 1 Will Open, on THURSDAY, 17th instant. (j, ^ A LARUE AND VArATTKRN BONNETS FLOWKRs! RIBBOlfs, TIES, FURS, JET and Hair GOODS, CORSETS, Ac. She would also inform the Ladies g that the has taken tho Agency of BUTTKRICK'8 PATTERNS, And will hereafter be able to fnrnlth them at 1 AS IP YORK PRICES. Ir A large aa-orlmenl of Velvet, Veluma, Vel- di vetron and Satin of all colors, Bl for Drew making. Oot 10 24 tf E. E. JACKS0N7 0 Drugggist and Apothecary. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct. 23 25 3m Notice ^ IS hereby given to all whom it may eon? cern, that 1 will apply to S. J. Do-jthil, Probate Judge ot Greenville County, on . the 'iHd day of November next, lor a Final J Discharge as Executor of the Estate of utl ELIJAH PIKE, Sr.. deceased. ELIJAH riKE, Executor. Vt October 18th, 187'J. 26 4 Columbia Advertisements. The Grand Central ESTABLISHMENT ' ' * .? - \ i Is Now Receiving TOUCHES! WE are now settled in our Urge and elegant store, where customers will Bad every convenience and comfort, with plenty of light lo make their eelectiona. The varioua department* are thoroughly refurnished and amply supplied with all Che new and durable gooda found either in Domestic or Foreign markets. We cordially invite all to examine our large and attractive stock, where will be round, at all time*, the latest novelties, aa well as a full line of DOMESTICS and HOMESPUNS. Our CAUPET9 are exceedingly beantilu In patterer and very low iu prices. IIUOS in endlea* variety. Our $1.00 and 1 60 KID OLOVR8, in ono ?nd two Buttons, are the beat ever eol i in Columbia for the n onay. All fit well, and keep the ladies in good humor. We hav? adopted a new rule at the CRANJ) CENTRAL?we give cuatoniera their exact ohange, WM D. LOVE A CO., Orand Central Dry Oooda Establishment, Bonder the Wheeler House, Corner Main A Plain streets. 26-3m. COLUMBIA HOTBL, COLUMBIA, 0. ? THIS first-class and entirely new establishment, located in the business midst of ioutb Carolina's Capital, affords the vary best iccommodations to the | TRAVELING PUBLIC AND PERMANENT GUESTS. Largo airy rooms elegantly famished, GAS, BELLS, and WATER throughout. Ladies' and Gentlemen's BATIIS?HOT AND COLD. TELEGRAPH OFFICE In the Rotunda; spacious BILLIARD 100M, furnished with Phelan A Collender's lest TABLES, and with all the modern uiproveincnta o? a FIRST-CLA88 HOT ELL. TH3 " COLUMBIA" is, in all respects, one of the first houses lonlh. The Proprietor having had an experience of icarly a quarter of a century in the managenent of the Charleston Hotel, is sufficient ;uaraotee that the "COLUMBIA" will be uutid us leproicntcd, WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. rAs. F. Oadsokx, J. O. DoHKRTr, Ass'ts. Oct 23 25 3m R A W f! SWAPRiain lit W lllUi Ul? illlllJIJlfl :o: CLOTHING AND HAT HOUSE. rjAVR recently refitted our Store. and I JL Are now occupying the enlire build, ng with the Largost Retail Stock in tho State. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT a in I he Room formerly occupied hy HFJltT A: MIX, ind ia filled with ihe CHOICEST (aOOUS n our Line. CALL AND SEE US. Oct 9 2* 2m Isaac Sulzbacher, L 3 ATCIIKS, Jewelry and Silver Ware, v Cutlery and Fancy Article*. Unsr Columbia Hole), Colt inbia, S. C. Oct 9 23 3m J. McKENZIE, maxUeactiires daily ANDY, CAKESi & CONFECTIONS ! Of J'ure Sugar. "^AKKS Iced and Ornametad U? ordar. ' J To>s. Fruits, Nuts, Jellies, Ac., Rec'hmeni at Wholesale and Retail, served ?'imt Fair Work. MAIN ST. COLUMIA, s. C. 25- 8m. KINARD & WILEV, DEALERS IN LOTHINC, HATS, UMBRELLAS CANES, I Gonts' Furnishing Goods, ! CELEBRATED CTair. OSX&TQ. COLUMBIA, 8. C. Oct 28 S3 3m. fliORGIi KALDWAY, ] COLUMBIA, S. C. NVITKS all his frisnds in tba up country, ^ when tlioy coma down, not to puns by j in without stopping in and trying his choice rINE8, LIQUORS and LAGER i Oct 23 25 3m 1 n MARSHAL! & M A TTT TYrW HAVE just reeelred ft Fresh Lot of Standard Pharmaceutical Preparations, Consisting of Elixir of Beef, Wine, Iron and Cinchona. i Elixir of Iron, Quinine and Arsenic. Elixir of Bitter Wine of Iron. Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron. Elixir of Iron, Quinine and Strychnine. Elixir of Ferrated Cinchona. Sugar-Coated Pills, (Bullock Crenshaw.) Lozenges, and various other articles. A Largo and Fresh Assortment ot Fine Perfumeries and Soaps. Agents for SIMM0N8* HEPATIC COMPOUND, one of the best Patent Medioines in use. |3gf~ Stock of Drugs complete. Light! Light! Light! IMS! LUMPS! LUMPS!! : lO BARRELS Kerosene Oil. Ilftnd Lamps, Stand Lamps. I Bracket Lamps. Swinging Lamps, LnnteriiB, and Lamp Goods of every description and Price. Call and examine. tw The Government requires thst nil Kerosene Oil slisll stand n fire heat, of 110? Out Oil is guaranteed to stand 120?. and will be sold at tho same price as the cheap, er Oil. A LARGE LOT OF CIGARS i just opened low. Try our Cigars at i lor 6c. 1 EE W BO OK S Jut l Received: , Christian Harmony, i The Hymnal, j NEW BAPTIST HYMN BOOK. Oct 23 25 tf \ Change of Business. | I DESIRE to give notice that I have this day sold iny cut crest in the stock of t DRY GOODS and GROCERIES in the firm of FOWLER A VAUGHN, with my good I will. t? Messrs. L. B. AUSTIN A B. F. , S110CKLEY, who will in future ho associated e with Mr. L. L. FOWLER, and conduct the t same, under tho Firm name of FOWLER, AUSTIN <1 CO., ar.d in retiring from the ( business, would eommend them to our old friends and customers as worthy their highest c esteem and confideuco. I W. P. VAUQIIN, , September 18, 1872. , 1 Take Notice* WE hnvo bought out all of tlio stool; of . the firm of FOWLBR A VAUGHN, continuing business at tho old stand. Wo ' hereby assume all of tho liabilities of tho old < concern, and all persons owing debts to them, will innke payment to us. The old friends of the establishment will receive a warm reception, a'd no troublo will bo spared to give general satisfaction. FOWLER, AU8TIN A Co. Oct. 22, 1872 Money. 1 ALL persons indebted to the Firm of FOWLER A VAUGHN aro notified that all accounts due them arc very much needed, therefore an early seltlemont is desired. FOWLER, AUSTIN A CO. October 22, 1872. 25-tf AND GROCERIES. 4 THE undersigned hav? now on hand 1 and will couioue to keep, full sup j plies of Dry Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Shirtings, Sheetings, Yarns, Bagging, J Tats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc^ ' Also Groceries, Sugar. Coffee, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Mackerel, Teas Besides Hardware, Cutlery, Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Chains, And everything needed about the Farm | or Home. &4Ti\\\ we want is a trial, and cat- . isfaciion will Le guaranteed. ?33rThe highest price will be paid ] for Country Produce. ] I OH I.IK, A( tTI\A ( 0 ( Oct 23 25 tf l_: c Bridgo Notice. ] ( rPHE contract for the removal of HAS* JL LEY'S BRIDGE over Suluda Uiv*r >?ok to the old place, will he let to the oweel bidder, on Saturday, the 16'h No- t ,-e.nber, at the Bridge JOHN T. GOSSETT. J Chm'n B'd Co. Com'rs, I'iekens Co. i W. A. HUDSON, Chm'n B'd Co. Com'ra, Greenville Co. Oet 28 25 4. j Prof. M. G. DeCamps. (i DEALER in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. On hand?IV noa, Mrlodeons, Ac. Sheet Mueio and lunie Book*. Call and see him, at his looms in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. jV'ear the Female College, T Greenville, N. 0. Maj 22 8 tf Look Out IIow You Presi CTWUE undersigned lias just ret with the best assorted Sto< place, containing everything necess Offers tlieni at the very lowest prii and yon will find everything you or Boys' wear, in Dress Goods, Shawls Hats, Boots an< Pistols an< of the bet a r ti i * w* a iuii line 01 Hosiery cy Goods, Call before yon buy else you will bo convinced that it wi forget. At Can's Old St Oct 23 25 ROSE'S ] (FORMERLY 111 (DOLQiJM This FIOUSE is in the Center Public Offices and Business Houses of the State House Square; bus I vuted, and will now compare favor The spacious Billiard Room is lender'8 best Tables. Rose's Omnibus will convey Passengers to Also, a first-class Carriage for the aceomn per day. Oet23' 25 Sheriff's Sale. :o: ? VALUABLE TRACTS OF to* LiVNID. jef I Probate for Greenville, 8. 1 will sell on Salee-day in December next, all of the Real Estate of the Into Col. E. 8. IRVINE, con* listing of the following Tracts: a\o. 1?Houso Tract of 1200 acres. This will be divided nod sold iu Eight Separate rmcts^-ail lying within 2 miles of tbo Citv? idaptcd to Cotton, Groin, Clover and Grasses. I splendid Fruit Orchards?specially adapted or Grating purposes. For Truck Farma, Ltacao lands aurpasa any land* offered in this market?the Air-Lino Richmond and Atlnnla Railroad Depot being within 1 inilo of the Dwelling. Ato. 2?The Wylkt Tract, of 150 acres, on ivatcrs of Reedy River, 7 miles below the 2ity. AV 5?Ono Tract of 645 acroa, iu upper >art of County. ' A'n. a- Ono Tract on Rutherford Road 1J nilea from City, containing 30 acre*. A'o. 5?House and Lot in the centre of City, lavir.g all neccaaary outbuildings, within Gve niuutes walk of Court llouae, situated at the iouth-wc*t corner of Avenuo and River streets, tontnining 4 acres. I'lats of the lnnd can bo eccn at the offico >f J. P. Moore, Esq. Terms.?One-third cash ; balance on a iredit of one and two years, with interest rom duto. Purchasers to exeeute bond with idequato security, and mortgagoa of the iretniaca respectively, to sccuro the purchase noney. Purchasers to pay for papers. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. G. C. Shoriff'a Office, Oct 30, 1S72. 20-6 Charleston A'eios, Columbia Curolinar? and Charlotte Oiierver publish twice a veek until day of sale, and send bill, with lopy of advertisement, to Probate Judge. MURPHY'S MARBLE YARD, ?ajaasMfwnnMMs,, ?. Present J.ooation on Fall Street, one Block from front of Oower, Cox & Markley. WII.L MANUKACTURK MONUMENTS, TOMBS, MONUMENTAL HEAD STONES, dkc, dkc. fSf&K I I1AVE RETAINED IVllr. Thos. Wildman feafilCHx as an Assistant. As I am the p'~% proprietor of the Establishment, ^ 1 ?M payments fur work or inateriit must be made to myself or order, an.l all Sontracte must he ratified by rne before hey are valid. Call and examine our Designs and Priees before purchasing elsewhere. SAMUEb MURPHY, J?. Oet 93 25 ly JYEW GOODS, AT THE LADIES' STORE. HOVEY & TOWNES HAVE juat received a splendid Stock in their line? Staple Goods ? Bleached and [Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, Orills, Pillow Casing, Ticking, Janton Flannel and Prints. Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Alpac :as, Poplins, Merinos, Crettonnes, , lainise Cloth, Baden Suit Cloth, fee., ?fcc. A LSO, A Largo Stock Clotlis, Cassi nercs, Chinchilla Cloth, Jeans, versey, Flannels, Blankets and drugget. ALSO, ? Notions, Hosiery,Gloves, Scarfs, iihhons and Tritnminge. Ladies' and Children's Shoes nd Gaders of all styles. Shawl9 from 60 cts. to $20. (a- CALL AID EXAMINE. ] hey chargo Nothing for Showing their Goods. llOVEY & TOWNE8. 1 Ort 9 2i? tt Cast Your Vote for dent! timed from the Northern Markets :k ot Goods he oyer kept in tary to tnakea family comfortable, ces. Call and see tor yourselves, want for Ladies', Misses', Gents' i, Cloaks, Domestics, d Shoes. Guns. - - , 7 i Cutlery, it makes. r, Worsted and Fan&c., &c. where, at the undersigned's, and 11 be to yonr advantage. Don't 13. M. VVINSTOCK, and, Main St., Greenville, S. C. tf HOTEL," UNT'S HOTEL.) OAp ?? of the City, convenient to all the i, located on the Southwest corner >ecn recently reopened and renoably with any Hotel at the South, furu.shcd with Phelau & Col* and fmm every train, free of charge, lodation of Ladles. Transient Board $2 50 W E. ROSE, Proprietor. 8m JAMfcS T. LKWIrt, Fruit and Country PHODUOE, Commission 1M erchant ?AND? WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUIT, NUTS, &C. 60 MARKET STREET Charleston, S. C. Oct 10 24 12 ESTABLISH ED 1835. GREENVILLB COACH FACTORY. THE Stock Tor Fall and Winter trade is rapidly filling up. 05 doz. Door. Pad and other Locks 40 keg* Cut Nails and Brads 60 pairs Trace and Breast Chains Log Chains aud Continued Chain 3 ions Fire and Rod Iron Band Iron and Sheet Iron Cast Steel, square and octagoa 1.000 feet best safety Blasting Fuse Dozens Long Handled Shovels Spades, Forks and Uoes 100 gallons Varnishes, assorted 3 casks Linseed Oil 3 casks Tanner's Oils Largo stock Machinery Oils Oils for Wool Carders t * ?> ' - uni^c m>n?rimeni ui i Minis, ground m Oil and dry Brushes. Windew Glass, Pulty Carriage Materi Is, Lea'her, Bent Rims, Morticed Iluhs, Castings, Leather and India Rubber Belting, from two to eight inches wide Files, Tools. Lock?, Hinges, <fcc., <kc. COWER, COX & MARK LEY. Sept 26 21 tf "hi > N-< 5H S % p ^ ? a. ^ 2- S Cfl ? - 3 o 33 3 P- 5 S. 09 -D ** 2 <" M <? J? 5 CD P jg O "O K, * "1 A v. cn o s 33 ^ o W H O M 3 2 c C3 -a H H fc?- 8 g- fel S 0 8P 1 c <? * ? w o & ^ m p z 75 S fr ' C ? > 33 m NICKERSON house, PLAIN STREET, MRS. W. A WRIGHT & SON, l'KOI'UIKTORS. On^IIIS first class HOTEL is Js> conveniently locAted to the >everal IvAilroad Depots and the business portion of the city. Oct 23 26 3an