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DR. J. P. HILLHOUSE, wholesale and retail DRUGGIST, Ifcxt Door to the Post Office^ gkefinvlll e\ s, cm ha!ving purchased the entire jbbb^iock of dkuqs and medl-i ^txcines of m a. hunts* a co., i b4 and having made recent urge ad dtiiona to the tame, vlll b? able to lumiali bis friends and the publio geuers ally with DB.TTOS -and? MEDICINES op superior.qjp^lity, at the Lowest Market Rates.* n t%r physicians and merchants are ss>. jfl \jft pecially invite i to eiam JP j3f~ine my wholesale flel typrices._^a <w an n" " ? ?l I OPENING OF MILLINERYGOODS. Mrs. t? T. Jennings Respectfully i nfotms the Ladies thai ahe will open, on Friday pat, Kortlnber 1st. a fine selection of FALL and WINTER GOODt}, consisting ol MHUKERTp Ft RE HAIR GOODS ARP JEWELRY*, She cordially invites the Ladies to call an I examine. L T. JENNINGS. Oct 80 26 ; tf ' $ adj. J / " C'. i} A ?WR GMkMM eimcstrgi 28 COMUJST&, ' AS I have on hand the largest Stork of Hood4, which has been purchased principally for Cash, Jin I want <o a?*lt them for th? same, at low priees. I would advise my friends and the p iblie generally, to rail and examine mv Stock; and will be glad to show my Goods <*?<!? Ad&WD of charge. And as my gtffiypfg have been marked down, I am sure to give satisfaction to all tlint will favor me with a call. Any one wanting cheap Goods 4 >3 Oil find them at the well known store, where Goo la are to BB. got at the lowest tnarkest prices, MX Wholesale and Retail, at mjoucs. fW The heat Calieo Print*, at _,ffl tar 12ft centa per yard. -flEB Oct. 80 26 If Prof. H. G. DeCamps. DEALER In all kinds r.f MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. On hand? PIC anna, M-lndeona, Ac. Sheet Muaie and Muaie Book*. Call and eeo him. at hla Rooina in tka ACADEMY OF MUSIO. Near the Frmnle Colby*, Greenville, S.' C. May 82 8 tf NOTICE. t ALL Parties indebted to the nndertlgne l are respectfully requested lo call and BUTTLE their ACCOUNTS on or before th* 15/A day of Nmttnher next T. W. DAVIS. October 80th. 187*2. 26-8 Notice. Till F. undersigned having been enmmis. sioned COMMISSIONER ol DEE08 for Oeorj?ia. p?rii?i deeiring to traneact bntiuers in lhatfl'.ate can do ?o hv culling oa JOHN H. SCIIOP1ELD. Oct 30 26 8 Strayed or Stolen, PROM the undersigned, on Monday. 141R instant, near BrewJy^mVrrton Post Office, Lauren* County, a BAY IIORSK MULE Said Mule t. I,? tween fourteen and fifteen hands high, and ati five year* old last *i>ring. lie was purchased from a drove, and if sirayed, may endeavot to return lo Tennecee, whither he came. A lihcai reward will be paid (or delivery of the Mule, or for any information that w II lead lo hit recovery. OEORO K MROLOCK, Brea erton Pott Office. Lauren* Co , rt 0. Oct 23 It 2s MAKE YOITR CfWlT W?NE. * jtoti I HATB?bfliil T##ty (l? I ~SKMBfc.?weH rooted 8CUPPBRN0NQ 4UMK VIJfES for ??le. Tbtee ore i nPV^L?}?n fmm prolific vinra, Ai?o 4 few CLINTON and DBVKREUX VINES, F . R. MARTIN 0T Now la the time to plaot. tC-2 Executor's Sale. BY virtue of the latt Will and Teatament of ALEXANDER ViCKEKS. deoeaa. ed, I will aell before the Court Honae door, at publie oetery, ot? the 18th day of N6? vemher next, the following property, vis: Ail that Lot or part ol a Lot of Land alio uate, lying and bring in the City of drrenville, on Main-Blreat, adjoining Lota of Henry A. Caudle and otbera, and con* talning Thirty feet ftonl and One Hundred end Bevehly feet deep, be the aeme more or le??j boing the Lot on which Mrs. Burn* ham now roaides. Building, excepted. Tkrms?CASH. PETER CAIIBI.E I Oot. 24, 18*72?26-8 Gxeoulor. j DiMolution.,, TIIG copartnership hsretofors isting under the firm, name nod style of wm. Bates a co., has been dissolved by the deaih of Mr WM. BATES. Mr. H. P. HAMMETT having purchased the entire interest, owned snd represented by both the late Win Bates, deceased, and Mr Thomas M Cox, in the said Firm, will acttie Its affairs. THOMAS M. COX, U. P 1IAMMBTT, , Surviving Partners. Oct 30 26 2 COTTON NOTICE! PARTIES planting WATERS' White Bloom Cotton on shares will deliver the rent at the store of Wni F. TtlAXTON, on Pendleton street Mr, THAXTON will deliver the obligations on reeeipt of tha cotton. C. F. WATERS. Oct. 80 26 8 Change of Business. T DESIRE to giro notice that I have this JL day sohf my enlercst in ' the stock or DRY GOODS and GHOCJ4RIB8 in the firm of FOWLER A VAUGHN, with my good will, to Messrs. AUSTIN A SHOCK LEY, who will in future conduct the tame, -and in retiring from the business, would oommend thctn to our old friends and customers as worthy their highest esteem sod confidence. W. P. VAUGHN. September 18, 1872. Take Notice* \\J E havo bought out all of tbo stock of If the firm of FOWLER A VAUGHN, continuing business at tbo old stand. Wc | huruby assume all of tbo liabilities of tbo old concern, and all perrons owing debts to tbem, will make paymotit to us. The old friends of | tbo establishment will receive a warm roception, and no trouble will be spared to glvo | general satisfaction. FOWLER, AUSTIN A Co. Oct. 22, 1872 Money. ALL persons indebted to the Firm of FOWLER A VAUGHN arc notified mui hii account* duo tbcui are very much needed, therefore an oarly settlcmout is desired. FOWLER, AUSTIN A CO. 22, 1872. 25-tf ~mf AND GROCERIES. THE undersigned have now on hand and will continue to keep, full Supplies of Dry Goods. Cloths, Cassimeret, Shirtings, Sheetings, Yams, Bagging, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc., Also Groceries, Sugar. Coffee. Flour, Bacon, Lard, Mackerel, Teas Besiuex Hardware. Cutlery, Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Chains, And everything needed about the Farm or Home. X4TAII we want is atrial, and satisfaction will l,e guaranteed. j?-<rTlie highest price will l>e paid for Country Pioduce. FOWLEK. AUSTIN & CO Oct 23 25 tf imago Afotice. r|SUE eont rart for the removal of EASs JL LEY'S BRIDGE oyer Saluda River back to the old plaoe, will be lei lo the lowaM bidder, on Saturday, the 10th No veinber, at the Bridtre JOHN T. GOSSETT. Chm'n B'd Co. Com'ra, Pickana Co. W. A. HUDSON, Chm'o B'd Co. Com'ra, Greenville Co. Oct 28 26 4. GEORGE KALI)WAY, COLUMBIA, S. C. TNVITES all bla frlanda in the up country, when they pome down, not to para by him without flopping in and trying hia choice WINES, LIQU0R8 and LAGER Oct 28 25 3m E E JACKSON, Drugggist and Apothecary. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oot. 23 25 3m NICKERSON HOUSE, PLAIN STREET, MltS. W. A WRIGHT & SON, *j 1 ICOPKIKTOKS. $Y$HIS first cla?H HOTEL is Jg> conveniently located to tho several Railroad Depots and the business portion of the city. Oct 28 26 8m J.McKENZIE, DAILY CANDY, CAKES. & CONFECTIONS Of J'ur Atjwr, /"tAKhS Teed and Orntm?l?l to order. V>/ Tot. Frail*, Nut*. Je|li?a, Ac, K?Ire.hmeni at Vrhnleeale and Ketnil, nerved on in* Fair W^k. MAIN ST, COLUMI BIA, S, c, ? Sm. I L-l1.1 lllil! ?1L . Wpf Marshal! ?,. ,v. & MauldiN HAVB ja?t r???l**d Froth Lot of BUodord Ph armaceutical jrreparations, Consisting of Elixir of Beef, Wine, Iron and Oincliona. Elixir .of Iron, Quinine and Arsenic. Elixir of Bitter Wine of Iron. Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron. Elixir of Iron, Qninine and; Strychnine. Elixir of Ferrated Cinchona. t Sugar-Coated Pills, (Bullock & Crenshaw.) Lozenges, and various othor articles. A Large and Fresh Assortment ot Fine Perfnmeries and Soaps. t3T Agent# for SIMMONS* HEPATIC COMPOUND, one of the bent Patent Medloine# in use. Stock of Drugs complete. I ... Light! Light! Light! LUMPS! LUMPS! LAMPS!! XO BARRELS Kerosene Oil. Hand Lamps, Stand Lamps. Bracket Lamp9, Swinging Lamps, Lanterns* and Lamp Goods of every description and Price. Call and examine. tr The Government require# th*t all] Kerosene Oil "hall stand a fire heat of 110? Oui Oil is guaranteed to stand 120? aud will be sold at tbe same price aalhe cheaper Oil. A LARGE LOT OF CIGARS just opened low. Try our Cigars at i (or 5c. NEW BOOK'S Just Received: Christian Harmony. The Hymnal, NEW BAPTIST HYMN BOOK. Oot 2.1 25 tt 1 imai i?" BEATTII OUR BUYER has receptly returned Iron Elegant Slock of ever offered in thia market We have a ver and Colored Drcn tioodn. A cr hlluwU. A very Supeiior Slock of 4 llenvers, dee., for M^nV wear. The lai Hoiierf, CiSloves, White Good* of veiling the b?-at brand* of Ladfea', Uenia' Cr Ii will afford ua great pleaaura to ha ried STOCK before you purchase. Oct 28 25 Look Out How You Prcsi WM)11E undersigned lias just ret with the best assorted Sto place, containing everything necesi Offers them at the very lowest pri and yon will find everything yon or Hoys1 wear, in Dress Goods, Shawls Hats, Boots an Pistols an? of the be A full line of Hosiery cy Goods, t^r Call before yon buy els< yon will bo convinced that it wi forget. At Carr's Old S uei 26 ROSE'S (FORH F.RLY II * ill OQLMM? This HOUSE is in the Center Public Offices and Business House* of the State House Square; lias 1 vated, and will now compare favot The spacious Billiard Room if lenders best Tables. Kore'a Omnlboa will convey PeMengera to Aleo, tiiel-elaae Carriage (or the accomn per day, (lei 28 26 The Grand Central %vt utit ESTABLISHMENT \ J i I I Is How Receiving ' ti >r trash* TstaiGiaixib ' f rr r TCT -f r<r - r*r fr TOUCHESt , w * . fi..iii I WE are now nettled in oar Urge end elegant etore, where onetomera will f fi?d ererf convenience end com fort, with JAni. l!.L> e 1__ 4l ? . ' piruwy vi ii^ui iv mii? uieir selection*. The Various departments are thoroughly j rrfurnwhed end amply supplied with all the new wad d?-rlrab!e good* found either In Dotnestie or'Pnrelgn market* We cordially invite all to examine our j large aod attractive stock, where' will be h found, at all times, the latest novelties, as well as a full line of D01IE9TIC9 and HOMESPUNS. Our CARPETS are exceedingly beautitu in patterns and very low in prices. J RUGS in endless variety. 9 Our $1.00 and 1 50 KID OLOVE8, in one and two Buttons, are the best ever soli in Columbia for the money. All fit well, and 1 keep the ladies in good humor. We have adopted a n*w rule at the E GRAND -'CENTRAL?we give customers " their exaet change. WM D.LtlVlACO.. Grand Central Dry GooJa Establishment, Uunder the Wheeler House, Corner Main A Plain street*. ' l5-3rt>. ^ COLUMBIA HOm, ^ COLUMBIANS. O. J THIS first-<oUss and entirely new establish- f nicut. Ideated in the ousinesif midst of f South Carolina's Capital, affords the very bast accommodations to the ; TRAVELING PDBLIC AND PERMANENT GUEST8. Largo airy rooms olsgantly furnished, GAS, BELLS, and WATER throughout. / Ladies' and Gentlemen's ' BATHS?HOT AND COLD. J TELEGRAPH OKnCE ' In iK> I? A ~ ' ? - *jr*rr??.?x %mw . uixuun , rpnviuup UliJiil AI\L/ g ROOM, furnished with l'holau A Cullender's ( heat TABLES, tod with all . tha modern . improvements oi a FIRST-CLASS HOTELL. TH3 "COLUMBIA" > la, in all respects, one of the first houses South. The Proprietor having had an experience of I nearly a quarter of a century in the manage* mcnt of the Charleston Hotel, is sufficient guarantoo that the "COLUMBIA" will be found as represented. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. Jas. F. Qadsdbv, J. O. Dour.htt, Ass'te. Oct 23 J5 4 3ns ) WSMSSHa1 : & co.j i the North with the most Complete And iOODS j y large StocV of the moat popular IIluck .triplet* an elegant Assortment of La4ICt' ' Dlotli*, Ctiulmercs, Diagonals, rgeSt Stock of N olio IIS in the Ul>.?nnnlr<r * in grvat variety We have th? imputation and Childrnk'a Boola HUd SkACt. va you cell and examine our 1 -yge and va? BBATTIE & CO. ? tf c Cast Your Vote for dent! urnod from the Northern Markets ck oi Goods be ever kept in this * jary to make a family comfortable, ces. Call and seo for yourselves, i want for Ladies', Misses', Gents' s, Cloaks, Domestics, ] d Shoes, Guns, d Cutlery, 8t makes. C f, Worsted and Fan <fcc., <fcc. 1 d 'where, at the undersigned's, and ill be to your advantage. Don't 13. M. WINSTOOK, n land, Main St., Greenville, S. 0. ^ tf I HOTEL, i UNT'S HOTEL.) a SyHg^Lr V - t wmhrai||1 t OA, O. ? f of the City, convenient to all the ^ >, located on the Southwest corner b< been recently reopened and reno-ably with any Hotel at the South. ^ j furnished with Phelan & Col c. at and from evarj train, fr?? of tharga. ^ no?)ati< n of Ladlra. Transient Bonrd $'2.SO W. R. R08K, Proprlrtnr, 3m % mi opening ' MISS M'KAY, 5iil Open, oa THURSDAY, nth iaata&t, , ~ A LARGE AWD VA\KWrv rled Assortment of BBHHSftt PATTBRN BONNETS ^mUU^ HATS, FKATHBR8, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, !IB8, FURS, JET and Hair Q00D8, CORIBT8, it. 8he would alio inform (kt Lad tot bat abe baa taken tba Agency of BUTTERICK'A PATTERNS, Lnd will hereafter be able to furnish them at NEW YORK PRICES. Oot 19. 24 if iwmeom rHE PUBLIC ar? invited to call al the Old Biand of FOSTER A HUNTER, nd examine the new and complete Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, OROCE RIES & CROCKER Y Tow being opened end presented for sale A. A. FOSTER. VTEW DRESS GOODS. eoo.i.tiog ol D<f LA Lsines, Merinoes, Caaaiuierea, Saline, ilk Poplins, Ac., Ac., at A. A. FOSTER'S. WOOLENS. Flannels, Under Shirts, Over Shirt*. Linen Fronts, Linen* ioeom Shirts, Drawers and Canton Flan* iels, at A. A. FOSTER'S. LADIES' 8lriped Shawls, Netted Shawls, Scarfs and Sack Flannel*. Ae , Ac., at A. A. FOSTER'S. Z*HOKS and BOOTO in great variety and 3 styles at . A.A.FOSTER'S. HATS, Furs and Shawls, for dents, at A.- A. FOSTER'S. ^UGARS, CofTree, Cheese and Crackers, J Ginger Preserves and Pickles at A. A. FOSTER'S. [HAVE added Crockery to the other Lines of Goods, end customer! may now ind a good stock of Plates, C?fTees, Teas, wishes, Ac., at ; A .A. FOSTER'S. [EXPECT, by fair dealing and LOW PRICES, to merit the patronage of the mblie, and shall feel very grateful for all avors A. A. FOSTER. Ool lft 24 . tf Positive Sale. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. ON SALESDAY In November, Will he sold, to the highest bidder,'for divlion amongst beira of Estate Mrs. M. A. /ARSON, and payment of debts, the pro>erly known as the Southern Hotel Lot, knd LOTS adjoining, on Main and Washington Streets. The property will be sold in LOTS, as >et PLAT, to be a?en at my Office. For Terms, apply to JULIUS C. SMITH. Oct 16 24 i.t MURPHY'S MARBLE YARD, (B&Jaa8MW2&,LGi?89 S? Present Ideation on Fall Street, one Block from front of Gower, Cox ft Markley. WILL MANUFACTURE MONUMENTS, TOMBS, MONUMENTAL IIEAD STONES, c&c, tCv. 81 HAVE RETAINED IVlr. Tl?o?. Wildman as on Assistant. As I am the proprietor of the Establishment, all payments for work or materi1 must be made to myself or order, and all ontracta must be ratified by me before bey are valid. tr Call and examine our Designs and 'rices before purchasing elsewhere. 8AMUBL MURPHY, JR. Oct 93 25 . ly KINAUD & WILEY, DEALERS IN IIOTHINC, HATS, UM8RELLA8 CANES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, ourrnniwnn VUUOUiVJI X bi/ BTAR SHI&TS. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 28 26 8m. lYEWGOODS, AT THE LADIES' STORE, I0VEY & TOWNES a AVE just received a splendid Stock in their line? Staple Goods ? Bleached and Irown Sheetings and Shirtings, )rills, Pillow Casing, Ticking, Janton Flannel and Prints. Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Alpac as, Poplins, Merinos, Orettonnes, amiee Cloth, Baden Suit Cloth, sc., &c. 1 ALSO, , A Largo Stock Cl<?tli8, Ca68i leres, Chinchilla Cloth, Jeans, i iersey, Flannels, Blankets and )rugget. ALSO, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, 1 tibhons and Trimmings. Ladies' and Children's Shoes nd Gaiters of all styles. Shawls froin 60 cts. to $20. cr CALL AID E1AM1IE. he/ charge Nothing for Showing their Oooda. HOVEY & TOWNES. 1 Oct > 28 tt_ 'he State of South Carolina, ORKKNV1LLK COUNTY. I y 8. J. Douthit, f?fnvi,,J*dg* of Probate of laid County : lTT 1IKHKAS, Mary Ellison has filed a Pe. ff titlon In my OHee, praying that Let., ra of Administration on all and lingular tho mxU and cbattlos, rights and credits of AITRKNCK T. ELLISON, late of the Conn' aforesaid, de -oased, should be granted to nr. Tbff an, tbareforr, lo cite and admonish I and lingular the kindred and creditors of ie said dreeaaed, to he and appear in the >iirt of Probate for said County, to he holden . Greenville Court House, on Ms 4tA day of oaombir nrjrt, to show eause, if any, why the ' id Administration should not ho granted. S. J. DOUTHIT, J. P., G. C. 1 Ofllee of Judge of Probate, Oct. 21, IS72. Oct 23 2-S 2 FINE STOCKS . ?AND? PULL TARIBTT. p DAVIS & MORGAN, \ Buncombe Street, * HAVE received from New York end 5 other marketa uunuillr Urge ^ .lock, of C Fell and Winter Ooodn, \ To wbieh they e.k the attention of the pqh ? lie. The different linea here been filled r with oere, end they feel a*tirfi?d that their cuetomere will find on their ebelree more ? exteoeire varietlca then heretofore, from , which to a^lrot They here 8heeling*, Shining*, ( Long Ololha, common Delaine* end ( Alpeeea, Ceaeliqerea end Jeena, , Velreta, Trlmtninua, ^ Dreea Tilmtnlng*. Lecea, * Dresaa Good* in variety, Genu' end Ladiea' Site win, Rohee, ate. ? Alao, Bool., Shoe*, Heta end Umbrella*. They el*o keep e large anpply of Leather. ( /iriA/trmtwri i uj&uujciaifio. c Their lines of Groceries? r FLOUR. < BACON, ' A SUGAR, ( COFFBE. 5 TEAR &?., i 1* large, and is k?pt up with the want* of | the pubiie. HARDWARE. ] Their Stock of READY HADE CLOTHIIB J Is of superior quality. v A general variety of li NOTIONS AND VARIETIES. n Call and glee their Goods an exam> } inntion. t< Stand on Buooombe Street, near Cauble's * Blacksmith Shop. g Oct 16 24 4 t JAMES T. ERWIN, J Fruit and Country' PRODUOEI, Commission Merchant 1 ?AND? < WHOLESALE DEALER r IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUIT, NUTS, &C. 66 MARKET STREET Charleston, 8. Oct 16 24 12 n n lir fl mirannintn K.&W.U. SWAffllKLD. 1^11^ ; CLOTHING 1 AND , HAT HOUSE. r t HAVE recently refitted our Store, and arc now occupying the entire build* ^ ing with the Largest Retail Stock in the State. 1 OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Is in the Room formerly occupied by 1IEARX Ac MX, And is filled with the CHOICEST GOODS In our Line. CALL AND SEE US. ^Oct ? *8 ftm 1 Isaac Sulzbacher, WATCIlttS, Jewelry and Silrer Ware, Cutlery and Fancy Article*. Un? ler Columbia Hotel, Cob mbia, 8. C. f Oct 9 23 8m ESTABLISHED 1835. GRSaXTVXLLZ COACII FACTORY. 1"MIK Stock for Fall and Winter trade la ? rapidly filling up. 05 dot. Door. Pad and other Locks ' 40 kegs Cut Nails and Brads GO pairs Trace and Breast Chains n Log Chains and Continued Chain ( 3 tons Kire and Hod Iron ?< Band Iron and Sheet Iron Oast Steel, square and octagon 1,000 feet best safety Blastinc Fu*a ? p - ?" Dozens Long Handled Shovels Spades. Forks and Hoes 160 gallons Varnishes, assorted 3 casks Linseed Oil 3 casks Tanner's Oils Large stock Machinery Oils Oils for Wool Carders Large assortment of Paints, ground in Oil and dry { Brushes, Window OUrs, Putty Carriage Materials, Leather, Bent Kims. Morticed Iluta, Castings, Leather and India Rubber Belting, from two to eight inches wide 1 Files, Tools, Lock*. Hinges, d?c.. dee. \ GOWER, COX de MARK LEY. J Sept 25 21 if L ' i A Notice t? IB hereby given to alt whom it rosy con* cern, that 1 wilt apply to 8. J. Do j?hU, Probate .fn<)tr? ol Oieenvill<* County, on si 'Ut dny of ntxt, tor a Final h Discharge as Esrentor ot the Estate of ELIJAH IMKE, Mr .deceased, f, KIJJAI1 PIKR, JCtscitnr. October 18'h, 13*1'J. V5 4 M I * D ! ^ Sf 1 i II ? ? ' 7 F s i |? e ? So 1 1 r & 5 :. M ? Lj ? o? 8 SL fe? i f; I * * \ * 4 * 2 * i5 ! ^ if 4 o *1 The State of South Carolina, GIIEKNVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S BALES. BY virtue of sundry Wrils of Fieri Fada* to mo directed, I will sell before he Court House door, on Saletday in Fotmber next, betWeen the hours of 10 o'clock n the forenoon end 8 o'clock in the after* oon. One Trsot of Lend, containing One luedred Acres, more or lees, lying on wears ot Saluda river, near Wilson's Bridge, djoinin^ lends of Elijah Eskew, John Tols prsun end others. Levied on as the proprty of Catherine Wilson. Executrix, et the oil of Jasper Wilson, Executor. Home* lead to be set off to defendant before dej f sale. Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay for lamps and papers. J. L SOUTHERN, S. O. C. Sheriff's Office, Greenville, tJ. O., Oct?* er 8, 1871. 18-4 .1 Cho State of South Carolina GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtuo of an order from S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge, I will sell, on Salcsday n November next, at public outcry, before the ?ourt House door, the following Tracts of iand, vis ; Tract No. 1. All that tract of land aituatod n Greenville County, on waters of Rocky 'reek, bounded by lands of Riley Smith, Pol* y Hudson, Win. A. Hudson and others, and lontaiuing One Hundred and Three acres, noro or less. Traot No. 2. Also all that tract of land ciliated in said county, on waters of said Creek, lounded by lands of Riley Smith, Wm. H. Watson, and others, and containing Thirty Acres, more or less. Bold as the property of John Watson, Jr., leceased. TERMS?A credit of twelve months, with nterest from date for all except so inuob as will pay ths costs, whioh will bo required in issh, on the day of Bale. Purchasers to give Jond with approved security and Mortgago if the DrumiiipB tn t..j ? r .M? * tfUUgQ IV Kiuro the payment of the purchase money.? 'urchaneri to pay for Titles and Stamps. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. rf. C. Oct. 1st, 1872. 22-5 lmetfor sale. I'VWO TRACTS of LAND, on South Salu. da River, containing 780 acres, part teat River and Creek BOTTOM, with new improvements Alao Urge lot tf vnluable HORSES, CATTLE and HOGS. Apply to JULIUS C. SMITH, or J. M. McCLANAIIAN, May 29 4 td Notice. 4 LL parties indebted to the Estate of ?\ WILLIAM K. HIG11TOWKR, desensed, are requested to come forward and icttU ; and those having claima will present lioiu on or before the 6ih day of Novetns L>er next, or be debarred. T. W. UIGI1TOWER, Aug7-14-14* Executrix. Boot and Shoe Making. rilllE UNDERSIGNED is prepared with JL competent Workmen to fill all ordera ror BOOTS and SHOES, of l?oi h fioe and leavy qualities, on ahort notice. He guartnteea aatlslaction. REPAIRING prompty attended to. tr Shop nearly opposite Messrs. Gow* tr, Cox ?k Maiklev s. BUTLER DYER. April 10 49 ly Wanted, 0 sf 1.1) M A N , At Murphy's Marble Yard. Oct 2 22 tf TAILORING. g. b. poore & go. A RE well prepared at pretentto execute ljL all kinds td TAILORING, having in heir employ a number of competent and ffioient Workmen, and foel that they can neet tha wants of the Greenville trade.? huting done in the latest style and fashon, and on short not-ioe. All work |waranted by them. They ask a continuance f patronage. O. B. rOORE A CO, l^'Stand, near the Post Often. Oct 4 2*4 tf C. F. JACJC80N. COLUMBIA, S. C.. KEEPS A LARUE STOCK OF STAPLE and Kanej DRV GiOODK, U1 of which will b? (old Cheap for CASH. Oet 10 14 1 EX ECUTOR'S S A L ET [WILL sell to the hiylieat Kidder, at the i aidenee of Mra. HAH All DENNKT. eroa?ed, near Jaekann Grove, on THaraday, he 0th day of November next, a Tract of And, containing One Hundred and Thirty >oree. Thir Land lie* well, haa a comforable Dwelling Houae, Ac. Al.SO, The peraonal property, belonging to kid decoaaad, el*: lieda. Heddin-;, Houae? old aad Kltehen furolture. Cattle, Ac.. Ac, Term# ol Hale, a eiedit of twelve montha or the Land Per onel pro petty, caah. W H. OOODI.KTT. Fxeentor. Oct. 1, 1872. 28-4