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* o daap krm ?jm," M>f go? faUhdfe, "PmpBnn ?y? raw tog ww ?M |)w | BtM*ywwif?l?bt?l gray ?yw w?wW{ Boaay kr*t? i]rM srw ikt t;w for m. Btuk ijm ablaa In tha glwwlng nmatr Wjih nd of cum m<1 fallow of ?ora | Bat raid thej cIom whoa tho at ill lata ?wwr, Silrarj Fral, CMpl Offer tha mora. eluv;:*'. o to! ^m|h .T5J Mm *7? ah imam with aagwl glaaaas, Liko apriag vfokta ow tbo la*? Bat ok, a?f Urapaa, ?y Winaa, and uj Daoo?*V 5 ? . ? What hawa aogala ia combos with at 1 r B > ?>, Gray Spiral What kaoar ?a of laagklag, Giddy with glea fhatbfe Mara aaoahlac 1 Oo to joar hooka*! What know ya of qnfeBng Luciooa juioa from tha riotous a law? All tha aarth la ?alt of frolicking; Growing ia owar; harvest ia dona; All tha traaa ara raadv for rn1ll?hln>. OlfrWtag scarlet with rustical fan. Stny, Brown Eyes, In tbe purple weather, A crown of oak leave* with raaplu bloat, 8k*| duck your brow, whllo gayly together Wo fcwo will wander to hoart'n contooL Thu* October'* wild vole* wa* singing. While on hi* pipe be ennningly played ; . 'J All the red woods with music were ringing. And Brown 3yc* ttstsppd, with footstep, stayed. Watfed to bear tbe ?ong beguiling, .Listened and UughcJ through the tnuny day ; And earth and sky fell to merry smiling, As ha^d' In bsftd they wandered away. [Harper t H ago tint for October. - HUMOROUS. Richness of tbe Soil in Michigan. A mnn in Detroit gave me some idea of the richness of the soil in that vicineiy. IJo said his wife never made hrend. "She always made little biscuit the size of an an^ 8'10 leave 'ein an hour to swell themselves, and they would grow into 12 pound loaves." lie continued his growing tale, and said: 4i Oneo there was a man. lie went into the woods and chopped down four trees.? lio used the four stumps for corner posts, and built liim a nice log house on those stumps. Then he and his family went to bed in the house. The next, morning he r. ,1 i.: w i 4V.?.:i KMinu 111 lllr?CI I UIIU II J ? bl A I > feet in the air, with a lot ?>f Indi ana down in the ccllai waiting to cut their heads off. and the Indi ans did scalp the whole of \*m.M " Stranger;" said I, a yon don't mean to tell me those trees grew sixty feet in one night." "Sir, I do," gays he, "and not only that, they hoisted the house up with 'em." " Are you sure it wasn't sixtyone feet ?" I asked meekly. "Sir," said he, "I never provaricH,e*<^?>oii\lly#on foot." , J* So t*10" Mwt-"5iidi ?&atped 'em > all; did tW$N'T~ " They did," said he. " How in the name of the orig inal Dolly Varden, did they get tip to 'cm ?*' I asked. Save he, " Respected sir, those Indiana each 0110 6iiwed off a tree ; then each Indian sat on a stump, and those stumps grew the Indians up to the house, and then they aculfed the family." " It certainly was the greatest case up a tree I ever heard of." " Stranger, that story is pretty fmwrli l\iit T liolnen it luionnco I know something about growing trees, and 1 know tliey grow darn ed fast sometimes. My father had some good soil on his place ; good soil for trees, lie couldn't afford to keep ft dog, because there was so many of us voug'iins. He had to boil what bonus was left to make soup tor us. lie bad some trees, and in place of a dog, he kept- 8omo ol the bark off those trees in the house to scare away Toblkcrs. lieeaiiKe that bark would last, all night One day, I used some of ilie bark tor toothpicks* and as sure as a sour all spice, stranger, those toothpicks grew -o that next day Isold 'em tor telegraph poles, and they had to he sawed in two before they could be used." The stranger got np. Suva he, 44 good day, air." Says I, "good day, sir." In a jolly emit piny each one was to Hck a question. If it waa i answered, he [aid a forfeit ; or if. he could not answer it l.iiuaclt, lie pair! a forfeit. Pat's question was: *4 Flow the little ground squirted digs his bole without showing any dirt at the entrance?" When they alii gave up, Pat said : 4* Sure, do you j ?ee. Ito begins at the other end of the hole." One of * ho rest ex claimed 44 hut how d??ee lie get there f' *4 Ah," said I'at, 44 that the question?can you answer it yourself ?" ? ? A B??T in school was reading a lesion troirf the Bible in that de liberie fashiiit* 60 usual with chaps of six, and when he came to the. passage "Keep thy tongue $Vom evil and thy lips from guile," draw led out1 and with a decided emphasis, V Keep?thy? tongue from evil and thy lips from?from ? girls." ' ? A gbavb oigger walking in the streets of Windsor, the other day, chanced to turu and noticed two doctors walking behind him. JJe stopped till tliey passed, and then followed on behind tl-em. 44 And w Im ?Wr;r 'Ir- I hi ll?V lyiwtc lli^t'lud ft I'WUIJ,!/.., Vo. 1 Boms atolan applet having been ftmnd in Me pocket, Jack was call ?4w> by ?he eefcoot taafti to ?e I coaat by kit po?f iop ui then. ? Hit debcaae showed. the future * great lawyer."" u Tka am?lo*,n be said, a were To;n's, and I don't know how lie vol tlieui; and they're mine, and he don't know liow I got theis." A party of raco animatedly engaged in discussing politics before an up town at ore, litis morning, attracted the attention of an aged agriculturist. "There's something the matter liere,n he olwerved to hia wife. And drawing up his teain. he lightly shout ed to a consumptive individual on the outskirts: kV What's atuot t'f u twelve inches,'* whs the sardonic reply. The aged agricultural swore some and drove on. How to Start a Pkatkr HIkvt iko.?Let the few hearts that feel the need of it gather together, having first each one. sought the Lord in private. If a regular service ca not bev maintained at [the church or vestrv, let neighbors meet in each o* Iter's houses. No matter how small the number, let the joint pleading Continue.? Seize and hold the promise ? Pi ay tor that which lies nearest to yon first. Let judgment Ivegiu at the house of Cod. Do not be so anxious to follow a parlicn- i lar bill of tare that von shall ignore your most c nscioiis needs.? Expect a blessing when von pray. Take it as it comes, and use it for. I Christ. ? I'resbyterian. 11 I, Importatjon of Blooded Stock. Among the large cargo of the steamship Charleston, which ar ; rived lice yesterday, was a lot of ] twenty-four horses, including sev- ( oral Hue blooded animals, imnort. . ed fr? m Canada by Col. D Wyatt , Aiken Secretary of the State Ag < ricultural . Society. The horses \ Imvo been purchased hy Col. ( Aiken, and Maj. J. K Vance, ??t t Ookesburv, during a trip to Cana 1 da made f-?r that purpose, and. in ' addition to netting a handsome 1 profit t?? tlie enterprising import ' era, it is believed tliftt Hie vs?t?re ' will resnlr in ttie material im- 1 proveinent of the stock of South ' Carolina loaves. ,1 Jiarlcston News. 2blfi. j' LATE (LIFTINGS. J Laura Fair has been acquitted, j The gallows has again been cheat ed. 1 TiiRoucn trains will now regu 1 larlv rim between Louisville, Kytf+! anil M?tntgoiii?rv| iYla.^ ' The Otiicago Times describes i the aurora borealis as tlie " angels t in the panorama business.' < A murderous attack was made 1 on Win. Ficken. watclnuan of tbe 1 Camden depot, a few evenings ' since. Resides being tearfully cut and bruised, one eve was nearly gouged out. His dog was killed.;' Dr. Francis Lieber, a German', and an eminent scholar, for rw?n tv yeftra a professor in tlie South , Carolina College, died in New | York, recently.- I The fourth Fair of the Agricultural and Mechanical Association . of Barnwell, will conuneuce 25th ( of November next, and continue until the 27th. |, The First Annual Fair of the 1 Tee Dr-e Agricultural and Me- ' chanical Association will he held 1 at Cheraw, on the 23d, 24th and J 25 h instants. | ( The editor of the ApIiovUIc (N. i' C.) News thus pathetically appeal* ' to his sul)i-ciil>ers ; * Those per-|' song who promised to pav their 1 sulrt-cripth'ti it. wood, are notified 1 bv this article and the fiost that fell the other night?that?that there are no groceries in town now {'* I ho chestnut crop is better this i year than ever known in this section. The limlrn of many trees | are breaking with their heavy burdens, says the Asneville (N. 1 0.) News. The same paper alno j says: " Tlio apple crop in this section, was never better, many trees will yield from thirty to fifThe Greenville and Columbia ' Railroad has not enough tranapor ,' tat ion to meet the demands of 1 freight. Recently, a run of thirtr-1 six cars went op, and a large qiantitv of freight from tho connecting roads is awaiting trans ' portal ion. So ea\? the Columbia I Union. I We were eorry to learn aeya the Camden Journal of the 3<1 inet., of the deituraolion by Are o| Mr. K. Q. Kllerbe'a gin koue on Mon? : day night, amounting, to we learn, to nearly | thirty balea of oolton. Mr. Oreeley hae expreited the opinion that the Dcmocre'.ie sad Liberal majority in New York will be st leaet one hundred tfaonesnd Ho eatioeatea tbst there are Afty thoaeand Liberal Republioaae in Near York. Oapt. George Topper, in aa interview with the Columbia eorreepondent of the Charleston Newe, allegro that he noted entirely in ?elf-deteoce in kHliof Copt. John D. Caldwell. Senator Sawyer proteile agalmt the withdrawal <-f t???pe f?otit Cheater and York 1 coontiee, until a'ter th- eleetioa. H- a?ya I t th ir |.r a-tirr i* t? flu- tier enough, I i.?. v iHtii ? w?.u<i vMi? hut tKie|irkaa I '? *r. ' TMOrtoleT Bectioi*. k Wa parish ^below from *? *dlltrtil fchkM ?> wa? of the leading j..urNkW iW Seeth* In, reference to Ike re* seat elect loae ia Ofcij>, Indiana ?nd f?no jIvwU: ^ We hoped for a jllrrrtt wnli, hat we moat eoufees that wa are not (rHtlj disappointed. In |||r WtaeivH. Utilnoft, of Pennsylvania, tke candidate of the Cameron-Grant ting of e?rrnpiionieia, are have the m>>ai mortiijing evidence of ?he nrier d-moralisa'ion of popalar sentiment in thai S*ete. while tke Radical triumph in Ohio and Indiana gives asmrsnreol one of two things?either that the people of those Stale# era eon lent to lira ander a central* iaed deepotiam, ar that the eorropthiir power of tke government in the , ontro) of eleettons is tnnlpOtant. ' We fenr that the latter is tha true explanation of tba Radical triumph yesterday. Hoping for the b?st, we her# one eanee of congratulation; Oeotgia atones crept, trae tn the prfnnlplee ot'eieil l|h?ri>? While a oeetig* of Con?irtational Osv-rn- I meat remains, Ihe o'd Commonwealth will maintain her proud pnei'ipn. [SnwniiaA Nam, Damocrmt Ful bovtvtr this may h^ "O m?n ran dfnr that *? h??# friend#at the No-th, es peeUMy H.?a*e Oreeley. an tl.e Ne^ f TiVbune. who Nave stood their ground n<>. bly. and (hat the S?Qth ote? to them a deep ?) bt of gratitude Nor eao w? deny that we have already reaped eub-tauiial benefits from tha Oreeley movement Hut f?r that movement President Grant would to day ha clothed with the power to cuepend the writ >| haheaa eorpua Let us, then, not be hnaty either in action or speech aa to the unfortunate po*i? tion in which we find ourselves placed. All i ia not loot. Southrons are not aocuetnmed ' to surrender at tha first teverae. nor ia it j their lialdt to deeetl their frl?nd*. We j have fought again?t g'eater odd* than now < confront us ? Wilmington (N. V.) Journal, J Democrat. I I We tegard the Presidential con'est. aa I practically act)led. The Oreeley Liberal [tepnt Hem National t'ommi'tec will eti*l keep open their rooms, hut the rallera will 'te few, and the di*hur'ements ?f money by 1" means generous. The nv-rnge Amentan citizen is not tunoli given lo making inreat mente io n loaing cause Kentucky and Jeoritia and Texas n d Tennessee wil> itieir electori?l votes lor Gieeley and drown, hut we Imve sertoti- doo' ta ns to whether Mart land and Virginia and Mia>onrt will do the same Me b-lteve* tli* we are indulging in no vain predialioi men we say mat trraiil ami W il-on w> . ??rry every State North ol Mm>?n ami I >ix > ** Line. The result of yesterday'* election* clearly demonstrate* thai Greeley ir i positive iucubii* to the Drmneraiic pi?rl> Mr. Buckalew was anximi* to avoid -om uitling liim?elf, and we a>e not aware ih* lie said a word du'ing the whole campaign in Greeley'* lavo', nevertheless the people edge I liim bv the company he kept, nod ruled jga'net him because MotMu'e and Forney were hi* friends. It wo* a hard leoesaiiy which drove the Pennsylvania IteinoeraoyiiMj^Liber^liim Thy\ kfe>c* fpfl Iwl^WR^^iance^-t wVft'Tiy fce-ping ,heir 01 gaiiiziMon intact, but when, ttm'er 1 he powerfiil presmre foim th- South. then j delegation succumbed in the National Con reotion, they saw that defeat was irevita- I lile. Mr. Buekalcw made a migliiy aaerfe See when he consented to al ow the Lther- i erals to manage hi* eanvns*. 1 Aa we have already eaid, the great politieal ennte't of 5?72 has been practically 1 decided. We shall abate no effort to keep up the interest in the campaign until the | day that Ulysses S. Grant i? re-elected 1 Pieaideiit by the vole of twenty five ol the | m"*t populous and | roeperoos Sia'c, and ? , popular majority of the n.nre '.ban a mil- ' lion, but we feel that the victory i* aleadv won.?Baltimore American, /{rpuh/tcau. 1 The moral of the Penn*yIvnnia eoction ' laadtoarvone It shows that any admin- i istiRtion, with the lesources of the Ti ea?n? ' ry at its command, a legion of office hold- ' era at its heck and call, the ncgroe* as a lUpplementary force, rough* and repealers ready to do it* Kidding, nod ihous ind a of ro-tn, at) ling I li'inci'lvct "ft ee A'ner- I ioan oil ireiif." standing in I lie politic it mar ket place r-ndy lo be bought, can carry ?ny Slate it plea?e*, elect an* man it p'eas- , ss, and that the faction in power, so long in its members act in unison and work vigorously together, can continue, in spite of ill the effort* ol the honest and true men of 1 the Republic, to hold and tnaiolain control ' of the G< vernment. We are now in lit*- i mid-t of an era of corruption, ami It seemn aa if wa ara destined to the down* ward path until all anlhoriiy become* con* cent rated in a few handa. and from an oli garchy we pan* by natural transition into imperialism.?Baltimor* Gazette. Democrat The indications are unmistakable that the ooantry is to be cur?ed with four m<ire years ot corrupt Radical rule. The else IIomb in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indi inn have gone for the Administration Cmdiita<w, which is ta< amount to a d-claratioo lhat those Stales desire the oontinuanee ol Orant [p office, with all the gross corruption*, fraud* and S'eaHt gl at the Noilh, and ail it* resentment*, hat"* and hiah handed oppression* at the "oath from the superfluous wealth of the prospeious North there will he unlimited plundering* From the broken down, impove* Isbed South there will be en/alt gleanings of money, tmt a saturnalia of vengeance on her po-?r and proud people, who acorn to bow the >nm i<> ru'iinry power nna Ml" ipirlt of imperialism. Thus we read the late election* The Northern people jnefer strife and hairal and fits rule of tlie bayonet for the Ho?th. To indulge t is prefereni-e, they are willing to continue a stupid, besotted and sordid man in the Presidency, and coniinne with him a corrupt set of officials and legislst >rs in control of the Government. ' Georgia, for one Btate, mast accept the issue and prepare for it. Hh? may have to undergo another prooeaa of reconstruction. We have no fears but that in the trying emergency alto will deport hcreelt as becomes her honorable record in the past, and he guided by prudeuoe as well as by courage, A breve poupl* can never be dishonored while they protest against wrong, end adopt every means of defense in her power.? Atiffutla (On i Oo??tt(u!h>nflmorritf. "TrawaafrMra* ~ PRXOEB CJJ KKMT. CgifMlti Vitklf, hj Moure Ferjvog 4 milir, Merchant*. ?R*JOIVILlN, 8. C.. <J*t. 14, 1ST J. BACON?C. ft. 8i4u, amokod fk lb 14(3? M " " * drjj-ll* tt.,-.lJH(-5)*?mr, nftr cored, |t , * country, " ? (3? I Bboaldcro. smoked, m fc^HKg) ? I dry ?*U ? " ,..10(a) 10J I BOTTWt. * lb..... ' BEESWAX, Wt lb IS (c? ? CHICKENS, head 20(3? I COFFKB, ?> Hio *?$*? > " lb. Jmv*. HOto ? " " " M<K!hn, 40 to? CORN, TP toabel, ywilow..... . 91 I6M? - - - while, I 1 .to ? SOS. TP doses 20 toFLOUR. TP barrel _..$9toll. GOLD...., $| 121 IN 1)1(10. ?pjnirh FI?m? $2 00 IRON. W lb. Amerieeu 7|o LBATIIKk, ^ lb. Sole, llentlock 30 to :t.1o " m .. .? CUIt... 4b to ; 0o , ? ? ? if^rTfc.Zw 2 tOo .* f I 44 .? ?.ftO ?6O MOLASSES, "p Ksllita. Mn?c.>Tad<>..._flOto? " ? New Orl. Sjriu|....9| 00 " Smgmr IIowm TP Rlil 35(?j? 1 " ** o?ii.M.,..ftnto? NAILS TP keg IS 00 to 8 60 KYB. f? o*h?).. Wto ? SALT, ^ Mel, Liverpool $2 76 8UQAK, TP lb. hrusn I2ltol4e " " "jiL-lnrified ? 14 to I Ac .. 44 ^cru?Ht.s?? rfyfeifle fcfll I HTIN'O Mves-eighta, ?!? 114 Q? " " retail,?...124to?-e ! T4LL0W, T? ft t.M IOtol2J \: WIIBAT, ^ Whel $1 60to .79 YAUN, Fwt?>rj, 1.7 bwte.I .91 66 " " u bsnch ^.9' M _ . f ?A ? Q ?^ s<: 111 e " ? ? 2 % ZZ ? ^ 3? . "" ea 3 ? ?<f 2-1 ^ ( U t*4 ? ? ^ D i * ? = c tj 1 ?> - i_ ? * 5?! ? ?? &?. * ; ca? 3" c=3 5 ? "? !?"?-= i~ 5 ^ h 5 2 - 00 a 3 ? J?y*.S&? ; pa s o , da^5s5 - gg H < Si-S-M BOOK iSS?.^? III' I I AijhiN W A.* i'uu i i?Ij OR BAT INDTJGTF.iaO OK THE ONITKO 8TATl-.H. 1 Pages aud 600 Kngr ivings, 1 OUU?pnaicdiii Kiufl isli ntid nAn, written by IdWemincnt nuthiirs. ifffnunofc* John B. Oough, lion. Loon Case, E Iwurd [lowland. ltov. 15. Edwin Hull, Philip lliploy, Albert Brisbane, !{ornoe Ureoloy, P. B. Perkins, etc., otc. This woak ia a complete history of nil ' ranches of industry, processes of manufacture, etc., in ail ages. It is a complete encyclopedia of arta and tnanufuetuios, and is the most entertaining and valuable work of information on subjects ol general interest ever offered to the public. It ia adapted to tho wants of the Merchant, Manufacturer, Mechanic, Farmer, Student and Inventor, and sella* to hoth old and young of all classes. The hook is sold by agents, who are making largo sales in all parts of the country. It is tiered at the low price of $3.50, und is the cheapest hook ever sold hy subscription. No family should ho without a copy. We want Agents in every town in the United States, ind no Agent esn fail to do welt with this bonk. Our terms are liberal. Wo give our Agents the exclusive right of territory. One >f our Agents sold 1.18 copies in eight days, ind another 873 in two weeks. Our Agent in Hartford sold 39" in one week. Specimens of ihe work sent to A-gents on receipt of stamp. Cor circulars und terms to agents address the publishers. VfK PL'nt.lSII THE flKST DICTIONAltv OF THE BIBLE IN 'I'll K ENGLISH LANGUAGE, BY WM. SMITH, I.I..O. It Is written hy 70 of the moat distinguished divines in Europe und America, and ia the inly edition published in this country condensed l?y I)r. Smith's own hand. It is illus Irsted with over 125 steel and wood engravings. It contains every name in the Bible of importance, and is a hook needed hy every Phristian family. It is printed in double rol< ainn. in one large octavo volume. Price. |:|.60. fct?e We wtiii AgenN for tlicsi; work* in hII eitn-s Mini (owna in Ilia country. We pay Urge commissions, *ni| giro exclusive tempo, ry. For circular* and term* address the inili lixbcr*. Sample copies of any of onr books tent to any address on receipt of price. J. B. It IJ it K A IIYDZ, Punlishara. Hartford, Conn.; Chicago, III.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Kept 24-ly &TJ3NTS. HtNGUU GUNS, At |2 60, *?3 On. $4 6f, $5 tHI. |n no. $3 00, $|n IK), $12 <K), to $20 Ott D (MI B L K GUNS, At $11 (M?. $7 6(t. flniMi $12 0*t. $16 (Ml $2(1 IMi, $ 6 (Ml. $JI? (Ml. $4ii i ll $611 On O $76 (<0. B each Loading Double Guna, A' |lti 00. $46 no. $6<i (N). $Htt (hi $*7ft 00, $?t> CO, $110 on $| 20 HO to $UM> 00. P1STOL.S, Month 4 ex?i'*^Cnli'*t Atlcn'a, Sharp's, Whitney and other kinds, at inioof.eiU'eia' prices. Amuntnillon and Implements (or II-each )o id>ng Ouas, at a aoiait advance on Cost of importation, M tal'c Anm'tnU ti?n fop Kid and Fistula, at lowest inaik"< prim*. A Complete assortment of all Sport ing Goods ; pi ices aod description out on application. Goods sliioped Isjy Kxpress, C. 0. D. POULTNEV, TRIMBLE & CO., IUPORTKHS. N??. 200 W. Bdiimore Mi., H ?I Richard's. Hong .IV, Oreeaer'a.Scotl'a nn<i inner ceieiiraieo mane oi gntis on t>hn I ni.d irr?| i led 10 wrdri s?p< M ? 21 ly The State of South Carolina, GREKNVlLLR COUNTY. Court of loos and Common Ploao. r WILLIAM A. MrOANIKI.. Clerk ..f ^ ?hM Court, in pu> an n?e of the directions of the Art of the Legislature in inch or mid# and prmtdnd. do gi?e notice tha' an RLBtTTON fnrOierk of Court. Sheriff and Ju i?e of Prohale. f?r Greenville Coontf. will he held in the verona T?wn? ships, at the usual place* of Rlectlon. on Wedn-vlay, the Itt-h da? of O-'oher next Witness mv hand. at Greenville. this the lOlh dav of 8-ptemher. A D 1872 W. A. McDANIKI* 0. C. P. AOS. Set* .11 1(t If ???mm?mm CDl?ITMBIA PHCEBTIX, vkiuiui liiiiMV TahntRiT; waaiasjt^ (B)fcxsASvam, KTBRT WI?IU?llt - By JULIAN A. 81LBT. Contains latest Telegraph lo Ni?f I r->111 Mil p?rf? ?f the V arid. hp?l><c* spicy Bf itori^ts, sharp Lorain. Interesting Mlseetlanaobs ItJkAi'?g M"'Jjfc.#,l<LTTena^ r?n ?Dnily Phoenix, $4 On ; Tri weekly Pboanix, $2.W? ; Weekly U leaner. $' .50. CTflZEW SAVINGS BANK or SOUTH CAROLINA. :o:. Compound Interest Allowed on Deposits* ??so: WM. MARTIN, President. JOIIN B. PALM BR, Vice-President. A. O. BREN'IZER. Cashier. J. C. B. 8M1T1I, Local Assistant Cashier. J. II. SAWYER, Assistant Cashier, Iu Ueoctul Charge. DIRECTORS. Wado Hampton, Rev. William Martin, A. C. Iluskoll. F. w. McMaster. K II. Ilcinitsh, John H. Palmer. Th??n* B. flregir. Colutn ia; J. Eli tlrcgg, Marion; O. T. Scott, W. O. Mayes. Newhcrry; B. II. Rotlcdge, Daniel Ituvencl, Jr., Charleston. ? so; Groenville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Assistant Cashier. ??? :o: Planters, Mechanics, and Professional Men, Widows, Orphans, Trustees and County Offirtrs, having money tor which they have no present ur-c, can here deposit it, thus avoiding II risks of thefts and destruction hy Are, and at the same tiuie draw interest thereon till needed. fltW Cili*cn? or Greenville can save thousands of dollar* by patronizing tbeir Hunk. Deposit* solicited, no uiattor bow suie'l. or bow Ixriro. SStr- Gahfnnd Silver received on d< ,.nslf, %JV"id in^ind, yr ju curcpncy? May 22 3 Out 13th August, 1872. WE hereby notify the public 'bat tbe United States Office bas OltANTKn A PATENT "WESTS GUANO DISTaiEUTJB." which fully covers all its parts. They will be manufactured, and Tor sale, f y aV jT-fT Stale and County liiyhts for sale, jtjr AII infringement* jr>sieuted to the full extent of the Una W. J. WEST. GO WE 11, COX A MARK LEY. Owners of tho Patent. An? 21 Iff tr Sr. GOTTLIEB FISOH'S BITTEE3. This preparation of the raw prcat Scientist, l>r. Gottjnw llob Fiscb, of Germany, is JKf \ based on the fact that, as MMl all materials of tbe body WmP. MA are derived from Food, so '111 all Vital Force, or Health, m Is derived from the Force re tBeTOILJhI Stored UD In Food. Dr. #? HnOlnS Jftech't Bitter* enables tho L?" BaKSJCM System to liberate and appropriate these Forces, creates Appetite, cures Dyapcpsta. with Its resultlug Debility and lack of Nervous Energy: so tones the Stomach ana Liver as E^KSNg9 to make Constipation and ItlllousnesaImpossible; re intorcm tne nysiem so it oan tide over bud results of Changing climate, water, Ac., and Letter endure tho demands often unexpectedly made on Ita Force and Kn orgy. Lad lea In delicti tehealth.agedperaona and all eniaolated and weak after sickness, will (Ska?.?r<**jH?w.) rapidly strengthen by using this great preparation. Ju*t Iteceived, ra^KAY'si, NEW SUPPLY leghorn and straw tar mat*, honnktik r'rbon-. jtx tarL.dies'TIB-I and HAIR QUOD3..10 1st hit ni>owif8 at fifty ckkih.^0 July ft ft tf T.W7llAVft WATCB MAKER /AID IKGBATER 09 COKNFR OK olw J0i MA,S Jpsi I I I jr AND fi r IJT Waahtngton 8tr*<t? naxt Door to Rational Bank, , GRKKNVlLLH, 8- C. Mar 8 1 tl J. ?, ISI.AtK Ac O., DRAM1.!!* In Watch-*. Cloak*. JeWlry MpiH'iHcli'i, Fancy Oi?'d? and (4?c? ri-a. Vv.i.fn-tion* rl-*. N<rii<?e. I .air. pa r.n< Flxmr-a, Non Mtpb-dva Attachment*. Qla*< war-, Fojara, ftnuff, Hmoblnt and Chewini T<-bac?o, I)iy Good*, Hala. Hhoe*. and i great ?ari?ty of other arlelea. AH arc In *n-d (a><d might do w-ll) to call on thor before ptirohaeing HT Hpaaial atteotioi giaoo to Repairing Timepiece*, A*. Mar 18 4* tf Offlee Comptroller Genera), Coliiiiia, 8. C., FtMrun I, UT1 THIS la to certify that the ukbbn villi KNTKKPHI8K. t newspaper pahlbdiet in the tmn ni Oreenville, 8. C., it hereby dee ignated ?y this Board as the paper in whiot legal end public notices shall he published, fo\ the Count; ??( Greenville, in aceordanoe wltl the ' Art to regulate the publication of ell le gal end pu*>lic notices," which became a lea February *2?l, I87?. J. l. If 1 AO lb, Comptroller Oeneral. D. H. CUAMBBRLAIN, Attorney Oeneral. THK shove i? a true ropy of the original 01 ftle in the uAvc of Secretary of State. F. L.CARD08A. Secretary of Bute. FVK N 41 If Charge of Schedal\ S'.uril CAROLINA R R COMPANY. ) O- Lr*eiA.S. 0., SH, 'tli ) CIlA.XGK of phe-lnlo to km into elf nt i? mid It'll Sond y. thr VFili i- n : MAIL ANO I'AssBNiiER TRAIN T,on v C nmllPtai Han Ativo .it t'hnr>?tnn 'to.. . ,t.4'Xlfp n L "v* Clmirl etn'i it t? xh p n Afrin ii Columbia a'...... ...6 p n NIUI1T KXl'RRd^?FUKKiltT AND AC COUVOIIAT I?N TRAIN. |>iiiiday? E?'t|)'"t.) | l,eiT' I'o iioilun at 7 00 p n Airive ?t I'll leal*>li a* H 40 a " I-?ve r|i'rl??iiHi a' 7 !< p ii An ive at Columbia at. . .. .... .6 Xlt a H 0>MI?KN A0<HIMMOIMTU>K TR\1N. Wilt eoi.tuiiie 'o ration Mondays, Wed iewliy* nod Sat art ays L?*n vr Cun-len ?t.. 7 20 a n Arrive it?' Ittro* ! at 4 50 p n L-aV? Co'i BI'oa nl t III p ti Arrive at C in-ieo at... 0 05 p 'n A L TYLRli. Vi??>Pr"id'Dt. S B Pickkns, OTA. tie 9 2* if Greenville & Columbia RailroadChange of Sebedole. ON and aftar Thursday. September Oth 1872. the PASSRNGKR TRAINS ot Iliia Road will l>o run as follows, daily, Sinn days excepted : Going TVr?l, or Up. Loire Columbia at 7 15 a n '* Alston U 05 a n " Now erry ......?...10 40 a u " Cokes >wry ........ 2 Otl p n " Bolton.? ? 3 50 p a Arrive at Ureencillo.... ?. 6 HI) p a Going or Doten. Leave (Ireonvillo at 7 30 a n Helton ? M a n " Cokosliury - II 15 a n " Nowlierry 2 30 p n " Alston 4 2# p n Arrive at Colwn><>ia ...... 0 40 p n ^4T" Connect nf Alston with Trains :>n thi Sportnnl.nrg and Union Kuilrosd; connect a Columbia wit Ii Night Trains on tha Sowtl Carolina Railroa^P up and down ; also will Trains going North and South on the Char lotte, Coluin'-ia and Augusta and the Wi) tningtuo, Colum'da and Augusta Railroads. ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Train lenvea Abbeville at 9 '& a nr., eon necting with l>i?n Tvnin trom Greenville.? . rc" coiuieetini with UpTVain fri'?o(J7iluo?' ia. Accnmnioda lion Train, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Leave Cokesbury at 11 15 ? in, or 01 the arrival of the Down Train train Greenville Leaver A'>hovillc at I o'clock p in, conneotiuj with Up Train from Columbia. ANDERSON BRANCH AND BLUE RIDOl DIVISION. l)o irn. Leave Wnlhall.i at 5 45 a i " Perrvvillc 6 25 a i " Pendleton 7 10 a i " Anderson 8 10 a i Arrivo at Bolton u' 9 00 a c Up. L?a*e Belton nt It 50 p t " Andeiron 4 50 p i " Pendleton 5 50 p i '* Perrvvillc G 155 p i Arrive at Walballa at 7 15 p i Accommodation Trains between Belton an Anderson on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Bat urdays. Leave Belton at 9 50 a in., or n arrival of Down Train from Greenville. Leav Anderson nt 2 00 p ni, connecting with U Traiu Iroui Columbia. TIIOMAS DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. JABKZ NORTON, General Ticket A pen Sep II 19 if WIlITiYER SY MINKS', Attorney and Counsellor at Ljiti Q It EES VILLh. S. C. OFF IC E-.?New Colli t II. Ill IL>ami ti>. d Ly Count> fVmii?lss|??i.??# A |?il 10 49 Sin ?_ wa ? a mr j 19 V.^ Ik D Ob In li/1 I , ATTORNEYS AT LAV SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Or U E K N V 1 1.1. i:. S. <T Will I'met ice in the Court, af tk it Slate ii? the United St a tee. OKPIt'1, ?It *?r room of No* Court lloui M?r 211,1872 46 If E. P. JONES ^PiPcoi&wraw ?AW jmvw, AND SOLICITOR IS EQUITY. WILL I'RACTICK IN ALL COURTS OF THIS STAH AIM, IN THE UNITED ST A TEA COURTS. Offloe ?t OrMBTiUt C. H., 8. C. Julj 1. I8#t. 1 ly* M. C BITI BR r McBKK. { BUTLER A McBEE. Attorneys and Counsellors at La< and in Eqnity, C2REEN VILLK, S. C., ' Will Freetuo in the Comta of the St* end of the United Btetee. I U? 9 1 a -A ~~J ? ? J B. HENRY, ' WHOLESALE AND KIT All GROCER, MAIN STREET. j Greenville, 8. C. 1 COUNTRY PRO DUO: BOUOHT AND BOLD. * 0EDEB8 FOR CORK SOLICITS April 17 40 ly POETRY. ' CLOCKS, GOLD AND SILVER VJttfOKS 8 BEST (J R A DBS OP SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WAREy TABLE CUT LERVy | >Nf> FANCY GO DS J, A LAUGH ASSORTMENT OP 1 Gold, 8ilver, 8te?*l ft Plated Framed J speotaclks. ALSO QKKUINK IPElBIBtt,? SffMITA'WLIIS. B. Wchrle. 1 Oei 11 88 If AH* tt 1 ? ? Iwmwm m. I T. I. A ROC8S *LI BB I A. A. ATB1LIB. PAI L B. LALA1 & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS y^y.knn , <<omini??ioM Mcrrhmal*, I AT NO. 175 EAST BAY, ' Charleston, S. C. I Jul* '24 \i ly FALL J87~a M ! OUR STOCK or -| FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS & NOTIONS i WILL BK COMPLETE BY TIIK 1st September. With a resident buyer in tho Northern inar, heta, we ?rt prepared, at .11 timet, to execute your ardors. upon the moat favoruhle terms, or to serve y?at in person. prr- We respcc fully invite you to call. E. W. MARSHALL & CO., ! 143 MEEMNO 8TRKKT. ; CHARLKSTON. S. C. B. 0. MAULDIN is aitb us, and will he flod to serve all friends. Aug 14 15 3 in a n OKI). W. WI I.I.I A MS. JAMS.. BIUHO*. JR. , WILLIAM BIHNIK. rilA<K K. TAYLOR. ? JOS. R. RI-BRRTSOA. HOBT. S. CATRCAHT. ? Gto W. Williams & Co., j F;iclo? and ('omminioii , Mirt'liaiilN, ) CHARLESTON, S. C.. ' A.V? > Williams, Birnie& o., COMMISSION MF.Ri.ll AN IS. i DO ukavek rvrnE?T and 20 i'ichanok Pxacv. ? NKW YOKK. ptr iVos.?rn. Vohtkh A IIi'ntbr arc prepared to luuku lil-era' advunee* on Cotton and Produce ahipped to ti* cither in Cbarleaton or . New York. 12 -to* I A. B. MCLLKJAN, cotton Factor j AND OKNKRAL - CDMKISS1DI MERCIAN T ACCOMMODATION WHARF, ? CHARLESTON, S. C. n ? I W'll also, when place in funds, n purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Ma? chinert/, Agricultural n Implements Fertil ? izors, dec Oct 25 25 ly U ___ - ? Johnston, Crews & Co., p IMI'Olt'l EKS And Wholesale Dealers in STAPLE ANI> FANCY DRY GOODS, IT 0 T I 0 IT D AND SIM ALL WARS*. 41 J/AYXE STREET. ?BAOilWCT?!!, S.. Ti. Dm i* It I? Edmonds T. Brown, 48 HATNE STREET, tt OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTtL CHARLESTON, H U. D-o 9 *1 1 ly ~ JOHN C, SEEGERS Vl\ MANLPACTURER, WIJOLE8ALE and RETAIL > a lAquor Dealer, LHIR SEER BR EVER. &C. Dl COLUMBIA, S. C. ' Oct te n