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? v-.- <+% ? * *. if.j* j)?yw > '**<.annual report. OFFICE BOARD CO. COMMISSIONERS, 1 GRUirrtLL*, 8. C? 1178. J The following Statement will ibo? (M proeeedinga ot tbe Board ot County Comuiaaienera from the 6th day of September, I8TI, to the 15th day of Oetober, 1BT8; pod all* the claim* audited and approved i To Amounta rtttiwtd s Caah eu hand I eat Annual Report, S878 84 Caab of W W Robertaon, Co Treaa : Acoordiog f Balance for year 188% 88"22 to aettle- J Balance for year I860, 78 88 mont at 1 Balanee for year 1870, 104 42 Columbia Balaaoe for-year 1871, 428 II Caab of paid ordera of Treaaurer, 23386 08 Caab Rent from Court Houae, 303 64 Caab raeeipta Iron* Lieegeea to re* tail llquora a 218 26 Caab jreeoipte from fciceoeea to peddle gooda 90 00 n..k i~?- h.- aw? -? JulUM- III II ??>! 1 ,,t- mm 14 00 . Cad) receipts from Tntiunr 1071 1X07 00 $30413 60 By Amount* paid W W Robertson, CO Trtuarar, by settlement mad* at Colombia, 1808, baring overpaid Co Court.. ,...$ $83 05 W Hudson, bridga. ? ft 00 J Buckner, painting Treas' uAn 6 00 i 4 Aiken, whitewashing Jail 0 60 J I Ross, do do 0 60 J Brookebire, wood-for oourt kwM, 7 00 OarMina-Printing Co. tax book.. 29 00 Perry, Trial '-iT^tffi inj* consta bias' blanks $ 60 Sallhran A Son, curtain. ?or O H ' ** 85 do blankets, prisoners 3 00 SoOthera A Greer, ioe for >nrc '* *v 2 74 Basley and Barle. Attorneys for eld Board Co pontmlssivners 60 00 K K Stokes, books, 17 60 do stationery, 4 00 P Bab"oek, gas Ax tares C H, 36 00 W Rutlege, lightning rods C H, 40 00 D L Miller k Co, ecct, 8 00 T B Thurston, rontTJotfloe, 13 00 IV M Bramiett, constable, 6 On 8 Gilbert, work C H, 8 50 D B Dnggins, work Consnrs' offlce, 1 00 J L Southern, handcuffs, 17 7 6 J L Mix, bridge, 6 00 8 U League, X bridges, 60 00 C E Weliford, Interest on R R bonds, 1760 00 Qen W K Ksaley, do do do 3500 00 John Miller, bridge and gully, 32 00 John H Goodwin, gully, 60 00 Joel Farmer, constable, 7 90 frvino Davenport, bridge, II 00 v v emitd, bridge, 12 SO do removing obstructions " Dunklin'a bridge 10 00 Dr J P Latimer, medical account, 13 00 Henry Springfield, bridge. 10 00 Mra A 11 Sullivan, polca couaeway, 20 00 . 8 8 Williams, bridge, Cedar Falls, T4 7. 8 E Moore, bridge, Cooley's, 300 0% Wiley Ilitt, causeway, 19 00 D L Vangho, countable 3 5 0 C 8 Henntcg, constable, 2 50 J M Terry, cofflp, 4 00 J F Carpenter, centre# eourt House, 00 00 leaao Williams, bridge*- 0 00 Cline A Gibbs,courthouse roof, 1750 00 City Tax, 22 50 8tate Tax 3d 00 J M llunion, assessment, 600 00 Haydcn A liro, printing, 10 00 J W Hart, bridge, 7 00_ Walker, Evans A Cogswell, books sad paper ?... 112 00 Howell and Walker, bridge, 110 92 A Y Lee, court house, 20 00 W Speuoer, bridge, 3 00 J ff Denny, printing, 70 15 J Matt Fair, plank, - 6 10 , 8 C Clyde, chairs, 7 20 L Raines, do 7 50 J M MeCUnaban, bridge, 25 00 W H Gammer, leek, f 00 ' H M Smith, Leater bridge, 40 00 W Harrison, Axe, 75 8 Broaeale, Fair's bridge, 23 25 J Bannister, lime, 3 00 Walker, Evsuse A Cogswell, books, 06 50 J C Bailey, printing, 55 39 W T Bates, Mosteller's bridge, 125 00 Jno Westflald, plonk, 10 00 Marshall A Manila. atwManavy, .14 if J C Wilson, dealt far Treasurer, 24 00 J B Hawkics, causeway, 40 00 Joel Garrison, i-ridge McBee Factory, 112 30 G E Kifurd, printing, 40 75 T E Waddle, bridge Hudson's Mill, 45 flO H J 1 0 M Smith, pules, 40 00 J L Southern, work C H and Jail, 10 13 W A Hudson, 2 surveys aud papers, of roads 18 00 Bramlett and Hudson, chain-bearers, 2 00 J C Smith, chairs, 5 00 do lime, 1 50 P Adings, staae work, road, 7 00 W T Friday, acct, 3 00 U P Johnaon, work on C H, 2 50 B Dunaldaon, do do 1 15 Amount paid out on various old audi* ~ ted claims 5037 50 Repairs of Jail, 51 18 ?> L, ooucucn, Sheriff '? fees, 1004 30 do dieting prisoner*, 136S 60 W A McDaniol, Clerk's fees, 399 77 W H Ferry, Solicitor'* fees, 372 60 Wilson Cook, Jury Commissioner, 114 0o W W Robertson, County Treasurer, 1041 67 Court Constables, 99 00 Expenses Poor House, Steward's Salury, Repairs of Buildings, Transportation outside paupers, $2297.63 Jury tickets, 1786.90 Witness tickets, ' * 687.27 Trial Justice witness tickets, 39.40 Assessors old claims, 233.00 Constables old claims, 130.30 Expenses lunatics, ? 67.26 W A Hudson, Co. Commissioner, 93 ? days, at $3.00 per day, $279-00, 1249 miles, at 6c per mile, 62.46, 341.46 J D Sullivan, Co Commissioner, 63 duys, at $3.00 per day, $169.00, 688 miles, at 6o per mile, 3*.40, 193.40 I P A Mcl)*vid, Co Commissioner, 39 duys, at $3.00 per day, $117.00, 117.00 W A Hudson, Clerk, 60 days, in the year 1871, at $3 00, $160.00; 11 days in the year 1872, at $3.09, 183.00 P A MoDavid, Clerk, 73 days, at$3.00, 219.00 Total received, $26413.60 $6296.60 " paid out, 261U0.21 6063 40 3600.62 $ 313.29 669.27 9,481.42 Cash on band to balance, $26100.21 313.29 $26413,60 ? m Public Highways. Received from Road Defaulters, Floes $26.30 Paid to Overseers in charge of same, $26.30 Highway Tax. Amount collected by P D Oil reatb, H I, Greenville Township, $00.00 Expended, $31.75 Services, 35.00 Amount oolleeted by C J Hill, of Pari* Mountain, $45.05 Expended, advertising, 3.00 " pole#, 17.26 * Esr rices, 15.00 Amount collected by W C Goodwill, Salads, 72.02 Expended, 03.40 A nonet reoetred from Wm West, of Bales, 60.00 Refanded to various persons, ef different Townships, 110.80 Paid Highway Surveyor* s C D Smith, of Dunklin, 16.00 Israel Charles, Oak Lawn, 16 00 II T Stroud, of Butler, 6.00 W A Pepper, of A rove, ^ . 4-, 26.00 $235.63 $336.20 Due County Commissioners, 1 ? to balance, $09.73 $286.2C Total amount cash on band, $213.60 Tbere are other returns to bo made by Highway Surveyors. J ' I * ~ Lr wrw CLAIMS AUIMTI? AMD AfPIAfBD Asbrmore. Jas H B'Mge eeonunt .$ 00 00 Austin, John W Constable " 4 00 Arnold, Byrd ? " 14 60 JJailry, J C Printing ? 81 70 ?' " ' 13 00 w 49 H ? 3 W| Bayd?, Vn Constable " 8 00 BenncU A Brookm'n, Bridge " 60 00 Bremit It. W II Oonatablc " 6 76 0ol?mi?, K N 6 J H Poles "* 10 68 Chandler, AP*n Constable " 14 06 Ceuhl*, Peter Smith " 16 90 Oeoble. HA < 6 00 Countb OommUatoncre to A lleBae Mill account 24 00 Coleman, J W Blasters aaseuut 18 00 Coleman, J H Road >| 88 26 Cleveland, J F Right of Way " 60 00 CHae A Gibha Note, C H - 8,000 00 Carman J M Trial Justice " 79 00 Carman, J L Constable " 46 66 Cat man David Constable " 7 70 Da+ia T W Merohandl-e u 209 18 Donaldson, T Q cash Itorrowed 1,000 00 fin vie. Alfred, Constable " 2 90 Rl'ord, G E priming " 89 26 Few, Dr B F port mortem " 10 10 Fuller W A eomtable " 4 80 Parr. T J bridge 11 12 60 Foster* Hunter, nTrch'ndlse" 17 OC " 7 SO Farmer FM " M S 70 Goodwin A Fuller " " 7 60 OtrrlMu. Jn?l liridga " 7l 70 Goodwin, J H Meeting road " 26 (XI 0?Wfr, Cox ? Mark ley Md*e " 64 Id Goodwin <k Heme, medical '' 26 Of Harris, Dr A G " " 20 OC Goodwin, DrH P 26 OC Hodges it Goodwin, changing road iwjuiiI 660 Of Hightower, R bridge account.... 14 9(1 Hicks, J 0 woik on G U account SO Of Hawkma. J B road " 140 OC Bok*. Dr A D niedleaj /|/*. ' llaydan * B'o, priming S 00 H.xtgea. J F constable " 4 20 ? Hawkins J L smith % 2il Unod, J B eonaiable " 28 61 Hopkins C T Trial Jutiiaa " 167 CC Jirnea, Dr W K medical " 294 6C Johnson. E bridge " 6 I?C Johnson, Stephen constable " 85 2( Johnson, Slsplon eonaiable. " 66 4( Latimer, Dr J P effin, Ac " 7 oi Moure. J 1* Trial Justice " 230 6f Moore 8 E bridge 8oO OC MeClanalian, J M bridge " 40 OC M?) field. E D constable *' 15 80 Miller, Dr W 8 uirdical " 10 0C " ' " 6o OC Marshall Dr S "* " 86 OC Mcliukin, ahr'fTof Anderaoo " 14 J(] Marshall A Mauldio, mod " 88 15 Miller, D L A Bro " ' " 7 6C Moon. B F constable " 18 41 McDavid I' A County Com " 42 06 -Kevee, A A bndue " 8 u(J Olsou ib Burges, blasting " 9 oC Peigler, G W constable 21 4C Pruitt, Joshua ?' " 86 6(1 Pruitt Jacob constable " 4 26 Huuion, J M assessor " 800 00 Robertson, A C constable " 10 46 Kobeitaon, W D Trial Just " 122 6C Smith, II J d U M road " 2 60 Scuiggs, J P constable " 4 9C Smith, liJ AOM road poles" 187 64 fiowrll. M F i.ridoa a or - , - - Q - -w Sow?li, li F rond and diuh " 7 Ot Springfield, iiociry road 1ft OU >pi ingfield. Henry ConrULU " 1 04 Smith. K J <t O M hridg* " 6 OC Stewart, A A cooatabi* " SO 86 jSU'liVlll', J I) WltllMa M 2 90 Stone, Jenae K Trial Juaiiaa " 62 lift Sc?tt, Krwion Constable " ft 81 Smith, li M Ouionrr " 09 7ft Sullivan. ilawieti Trial Jua " 31 60 South. K J <k O M bri <g? " So Oft Sullivan, J I) Cvuniy Com " 61 80 South E M bt idge ami diieh " 12 00 Si.Mvan <fc Son. Mdea " 80 2ft Stiudley,Sbridge andculbart" 2ft O0 Smith. A O e?n viable " 30 10 Tanner, Carter road p?lK\ " lu 00 4. u .. t 4. ao eu Tboaaaaon, J 14 eonvtabl* " 18 70 lay!or, Allr?-d bridge " " 25 Oft Thorn paon, J A twuatabla " 4 90 Trammed C burning p?)ea " 14 oO Waddall, T l? bri lgv 44 00 Wi>tld?n, R F Highway 3ur " 4 60 William', Henry bridge " 83 00 Walter, UrF A tneli.iuea " 9 6u We-iniur?lnnd. l)r H V tiled " 10 00 Wlilinure, W J Mdte " S 26 Yauifho. ill W bridi/a " l?i *2?t 26 1,7'28 se '2.243 61 3,913 81 Toti?l f8,118 u8 Amount due on old Auditor "* CUmus 65*2 65 Indcliieduear $6,888 68 W. A. HUDSON, Chairtntn Board Co. Commissioners. P. A. M,-David, Clerk. Oct 24 1 cottonmm AT THE Coach Factory. PLENTY OF BALANCE*. STIL YARDS, GIN BELTING, THICK SHEET IRON, For Mil e, An., at GOT7ER, COX <fe MARKLEY'8. Oct 9 '23 tr FALL AND WINTER ?[L?TO:?3 AND " OE3MTS' FURNISHING GOODS. VLr E nr" now reccvii gn targe and euperinr II Sioek of CLOTHING, got up in the latest style* and l>es. worktnntiship. Also, a complete asenr'ment of liaat Siting Shirts | Lineif and Paper Collars of all size*. flue Merino Undershirts and Drawers Wool Ov?-rehlri?, Shawl* Silk and B-aver Hale, Nfi-k Ties, Shoulder Braces, Hosiery, Linen aod Silk Handkerchief*. &?., Ac. SWANDAl.E Sl ISAACS. Oct 9 28 8 jUW.C. SWAPPIBLD. tumu OLOTHI1VO AND HAT HOUSE. HAVE recently refined nor 8tore. and are now occupying the entire buildiog with (he Largest Be tail Stock in the State. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT f? |n the Room formerly ocoupitd by HEART * nil, And ie filled with iha CHOICEST (WOODS In our Lioo, CALL AND SEE US. Oct 9 28 -oi ; ' EXECUTOR'S SALE! WILL b? void, at the late r?#WUn?? of AMERICA POw LER, dae?aa?H, on Thun&ay. t4th October, th? following Prop* 1 ?rtjr, to Wit: Tract of Land, containing one i hundred and thirty acres, more or 1 leu. known as the Crotwell Place. | One Mule, Hogs. Cattle, Sheep, One Two-Horse Buggy, One Two Horsq Wagon, i One Cast Iron Sorghum Mill, Household and Kitchen Furr.i1 - tnre, besides many other articles. ! I TniMt iV.k (m .11 .? >-. r? * 1 whieh will bo "Id on twelve month*' cred- . It, mori|i|? md good wontT. M. HFOWLER, I - Mutor. T. N FOWLER. J ?**?ttlort- ' 0** U S_ J JYEW GOODS, AT THE lav store. HOVEY & TOWNES; HAVE ju?t roetivnd ? aplendid Steok in tboir line? ' Stdj^e and j B**own Sheermgs and Suhtinge, Drills, Pillow Casing, Ticking, . Canton Flannel and Prints. I Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Alpac ? cas, Poplins. Merinos, Crett??nnes, ; Tamise Cloth, Baden Suit Cloth, j &c, <fec. j ALSO, ] A Largo Stock Cloths, Casei ( meres, Chinchilla Cloth, Jeans, 1 neraey, Flannels, Blankets and Drugget. J also, ( Notions. Hosiery, Qlovtrs, Scarfs, Ribbons and Trimmings. Ladies* and Children's Shoes j and Ga ters of all styles, i Shawls from 60 cts. to $20. cr CALL AIB IIAH1IE. . They charge Nothing Tor Showing thoir looda. I IIOVEY & TOWNES. 1 UCl V 33 tf PURS LIBBF.TY WHITE LEAD, Buy the Beit?It it the Cheapest To Oonanxnars of Whlta Loot Everywhere. UNEdUALED. let. F..r Wearing and CnworJ (/> f*roperti?a. ( 8<. For W><i<on?M mid B-auiv of Finish. 8d For Uni<?'im Finenera ol Grinding. 4tli 8ame Weight will do more and t>e'ter work, *1 a giv?n mat, lhan any other. 6th. Hon Bconomioal WliiU Loed ever in> trod need. fith. K you with to proenra much value a* | ovinia for your money and secure j hmdsome aud durable work, um Pur? Liberty Whit? Lead. 6 Try K and bo convinced, Satisfaction guar* t nttrii WHOLES ALU AO> V75 ?OWER,r4ll JfiiABUDEALERS IN Coach Material*. I'aittla, Oils, UIiim, Piiiijr, GREENVILLE, 8. C. Oct 9 23 20 Notice. ALL persona ind-Med to I he Estate of AMERICA FOWLER, drceae-d. will plraac come forward and |>ay raid indentedneaa; and ihnee having elaima will present them proi rrly attested, to the under signed, at an early dnv. M H FOWLER, T. N. FOWLER. u? 9?23?3 Extent, ra. J NOTICE. . ] ALL peison* indebted to the E-tat-* of * W. H. HOVEY. deCeaeed. and thoa- ? in<>ft)ted to the la'e fi?m of W H. Hl?VEY a & CO.. are rxjnMieil to make pmm.iit between thia a?d ihe firat day of December n?xt It being abao'u'ely necaavry to p cl??ae the business ?>f the K^t?tc of i|). late W. H HOVEY. those peraona wtio neglect tlt'8 notice will have their nolea and accounts placed in the handa of an attorney 'or eoIleell D. 8. A. TOWNES. ' Oct 9 23 8 , Wanted, r ' u THOS.RWILDMAN, At Murpby's Marble Yard. Oet2 22 tf EST&BL1SHEDIB35. 1 GKEENVILLE ' COACH FACTORY, FALL ANO WINTER TRADE, I872-'3 THE public are notified that besidea our uaual supply of ej? VEHICLES, ,i w" we make several now and handsoote sidles of " EOCK&VAYS AND New and elegant style* 1 8PRING-WAGON BUGGIES, * for one and two horaea. WAQOW*? cl First-CUse A, No. 1, Iron Axle 1, 2, 8, 4 and 6-horse ' FARM WAGONS * kept regularly in stock. ?. 37 Years practical experience ! * GOWER, COX A MARK LEV. Oct 2 22 4 __ TAILORING. 6. B. POORE A CO. J A RE * " prepared at prerent to execute Cm. all kinda ?l TAILORING. having in ^ their employ s nsmber uf competent and l( efficient Workman, and fee I that they can meet the wants of the Oreonville trade.? Cm tin* dona ir the laiael atyla and fash ion. and on ah?rt nonce. All work 'war- as ranted hy thorn. They aak a continuance hi of patronage. 0. B. POOR K A CO. M 137*31 and, soar the Poet Oifice. Oct '4 U'i tf ?** - L ft -si - - r-4- ;r - - - ? I 1 ..I. .J ,1?.-.. . Isaac Bulzbaclier, WATCH KB, Jew-lry ?nd 8Us*r War*, Cutlerv and Yanej Article*. Ui?? ler Columbia Hotel, Oolrmbka, 8. C. Oet 9 t8 8m ESTABLISH ED 1885. OP.BENVXIL'HS COACH FACTORY.. THE Stock for Fall and Winter trade is rapidly tiling up. J 35 doz. Door. Pad and oihar Locks 10 kegs Cut Nails and Brads 30 puir* Trace and Breast Chains Log Chains and Continued Chain Dast Steel, Mptase and nfttagoo I 800 feet beat an fait Btaaling Fuss Dozens Long Bandied Shovels Spade*. Fork* and 11 oca 160 gallons Varniahes, Assorted 1 cask* Liiia*?ed Oil "* ) casks Tanner's Oils Largo stock Machinery Oils 3iU for Wool Carders Large assortment of Paints, ground in Oil and dry 3rn*hes, Windrw Glass, Pnttv Jarriage Materi la. Lea'her, Bent Rims. Morticed Hubs, Castings. Lea.her i and India Rubber Belling, from two to eight inches wide Mies, Tools, Locks, llinffe*. Ac.. Ac. GOWER.COX A MAKKLEY. Sept 26 21 tf 1 FRESH ARRIVAL T. OF % I OM EJ -%S7 GOODS ; CELY & KRO.'S, PENDLETON ST. We are prepared to make liberal advances on all Cotton hipped through us, to beet Douses n New York or Charleston. Oct 3 22 4 DOOKS, 5ASH AND BLINDS, A/TOULDINU8. BRACKETS. STAIR 1 lYI. FIXTURES, Builders' Furnishing I {Mrdwnre, Drain Pipe, Fluor Tiles, Wire < lunrda, Terra Cotta Ware. Marble and Slnto ' iantle Pieces. Window Glass a Specialty. ( Circulars and Price Lists sent free on ap- < lication, by P. P. TOALE, ] 20 IIayoeanU33 Hnckney 8U., _ Charleston, 8. C. Oct 2 22 ly | riiait^c in Business. 1X7 E desire to give notice, that we have * T this da\ sold our Stock ol DRY SOODS aid GROCERIES, with onr good rill. ? ? Mr. A. A. Ft tSTKR, who has con- . ict-d 'lie business eo successfully for the ' rat tour years, ami in retiring front the I u?in-*e, wcul * cm mend him to our old I i-'end end cti'tom-ia. as worthy their high I at esteem and con fid'-no- | FOSTER A HUNTER. September 20'h, 1872 I ii Take Nolicc. i r IIAVF. BOUGHT OUT all the STOCK ' I of the Firm ..f FOSTER A HUM EH. I i.d wil> c-.minoe at same old Stand. Our I rmer ft tend* and customer# will receive a ' in dial welcome, and no trouble will h# at rd to giv>" general satisfaction. Give ic a ca!|. A. A. POSTER. S- ptember 2<>th, 1872. Tioiicy, Money. J \LL PERSONS i ode I ted to the Firms of PO'TER A HUNTER and M. A. IUNTEU A CO.. arc notified that all Acsunt a due tlieni will he closed, and all who nv? claims against us will present them >r payment. FOSTER A HUNTER. ( M A. HUNTER A CO. September 20th, 1872. DR. J. P. IIILLHOlfAE having porches ed lr? nt 111 onr Stock ot DRUGS, IKDItiNES and GOOD WILL in the hostess ot M. A. HUNTER A CO.. wa cheerilly AAmniend him to our old friends and jstomeis M A. HUNTER A A Dr wTOr* 1 ?. a. rvoj nn. | 8?piemt?er 20th# 1872 , Notice* r HAVE pnrehKMil from M#*pn M A. I HUNTER dc C<? , iKht entire 8toek of Rl'O-* MEDICINES, end np^et lo { inMfMie bu?in>es at their old 8t*nd.? fonld c<>r tinlly tnvite "nr old friende and ^ iPtomeri to give me a eal'. J P. HILLHOUSE. September 20th. 1812 kXKCUfOR'S SALE. ; [ WILL evil to the hitfheet bidder, ?t the * L rr?idenee of Mre. SARAH RENNET, . ceeaeed. near Ja?ke<?n Grove, on Thureday, te flih day of November next, Tract of and, containing One Hundred and Thirl) ( erea. Thia Land |i*i well, haa a corofor- , ible Dwelling Houae. Ac. ALSO. The peraonal property, be'onglng to r ild deeeaeed, vis ; Red*. Redd in ;, Houae Id and Kitchen furniture, Cattle, Ac. A". Terma of sale. a credit of twelve montha c the Land. Per onal property, caah. W. IL COOPI.ETT, Executor. Oct. 7, Im72. 3 1 I -?-LI, ,? J?> 1- ? MARSHALL MAULDIN. NOW IS THE TIME TO SOW RED CLOVER; Ten Bushels 1 ? 4 . VOR SALS AT MARSHALL & MAULDIN'S. Wanted to Bay* FOR WHICH THB HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID IN CASH OR > BARTER, 1*000 lbs. Lobelia Seed, 1,000 lbs. Ginseng. JUST TO HAND, Fifty Boxes FRENCH GLASS, AT A LOW FIGURE. PAINTS & OILS, AT LOW PRICES. SCHOOL BOOKS, At Publishers' Prices. 72 Doz. VEBSTEB'S SPELIIL AT WIIOLE8ALK TRICES. Where did you get that COPYINO BOOK ? Prom Marshall ft Mauldiu'a. I preserve cop* ice of all my letters, without use of water or expense of prcsa. It ie the beat thing in uac. Bo suro to go and get cno. Go to Murahall & Muuldin's Drugstore and Ask (or the JAPANESE CLEANSING CREAM. It will remove grease, paint, pitch, ke., from clothing, without the alightcet inju? ry to tbc mott delicate fabrics. Will injure do material that cold wator does not fade.? Try it, and if it fails we will return your money. For sale only by Marshall k Mauldin. No more explosions! Try the Premium Safety OIL, at $1 a gallon. Double refined, and tests upwards of 150 degrees Fahrenheit; safest, purest and most economical Oil in the world; burns brilliautly; lasts longer thai other Oils ; no smoke, no charred wicks, no change of lamps ; contains no Naptba, no Gasoline, nor Bccxiou; is approved by the New Yojk Board of Fire Underwriters. In order to preparo for our Fall Stock, we are disposing of tho following goods at cost: Perfumeries, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Pipes and Fancy Goods generally. Bargains ean be bad. We will have a large and complete assortment of Goods in our lino for the Holidays, and will order articles desired. w > NH 3H ' B if p ^ ?r 2. 3 b: | ? * 3 a- ? Ks ? " S 5 .? E t*" o . n o ^2 S *0 n H ? w < ia 73 rw ^ ? N H 8* S ? ? r ? r#, "o ? 0 " Sr ^ 1 ? eg * ? ? ? ? ^ L " & to G* D 8* C O t> - , u Tf i NEW ITIRPRB!! ?O" 1 THE DAI UCTTO nkiviL I I U 3H0E FACTORY! GOWER, MILLS 4.CO. 1 with tkti h?ft and A/ moat skillful man- I in T I M 'PProrad machine \^!S|accumulated a perior leather from heir " Bui-kiiorn Tannery,"-r? P'opered to upply the trade with various styles of Men's, Voinen's and Boy*' SHOES. , Their First-Class Work will be stamped rith the name of the Firm, and warranted. r. C.'OOWKR, I | H. I. McBRAYKR, . ). P. MILLS, | | GKO. HKLDMAX. j Sept 26 21 ?m Wanltd, 3 AAA CHESTNUT of OAK HAILS, v for which the Cash will be paid For Sole, rwo First-rate Family HORSES, Pure ] Essex HOGS, Roar, Sow and Fonr Pigs, ' )ne See Mileh COW and CALF, Rnst-proof ' IATS, large lot o CEDAR for Tabs or Baekts, One-horse WAGON. Apply to C. W MARSHALL ifrCenviU^ a 1? Sept 21th, 1873 21 1 A Great Improremen iinnonr hepatic coi PAT EN' THIS U an Improvement ipw the origl up In Liquid form, reedp far Ma. T1 papal*, or tap SloknaM irliiof from Torpi ran ovea tka Mia, and causes tfad patient t otirelp refutable, and guarantees aatlafaotlc clna. Sold bp all druggists and daaiara ova kiivo a rosbobohjoi DOWfK. M0I8B A DAVIS, I MARSHALL A MATTLC Sap II JOHN H. g LIFE AND FIRE AND NOW Home Of N. Y. I Assets, July, 1 North British and J! and Edinburg $10,0 Georgia He Carolina Life, of $,10 OFFICE WITH MESS Excelsior Mnttr THE public it Informed that ihert li m the Wonderful Excelilc Sound ted refreshing sleep it secured M" It r esses. P.-renns need nut htv? their Bugs, lor they will not infeat this Maitr These Mattresses are ttolleo up in varic and $10. A good tseurtmeni always on I carriage makers, that Ihia Patent Excelsio it ia very l<ght and durable, and I would i any quantity, as I buy direct frttn the B and 1 can sell it very cheap. Manufacturer of the " Wonderful Pate Court lluueo ADMINISTRATOR'S 8AU. BY virtue uf an order from S. J. Douthit Judge of Probate. I will sell, at the ret idenco of Col. E. S. IRNINE, deceased. ? the 2hlh d"y of October next, all the PERSON AL PROPERTY belonging to the estate i said deceased, consisting of; One Fine BLACK OTALLXON. One Fine BB.OOD MAP.S. Two Fine-Blooded PXLLXES. Five or six head HOUSES AND MTTL.ES 1 JS1T2TY. ~ Two or three YOKES OXEN. One Fire DEVON BULL. Three Younjc a?V,OJf,BULLS. v Eight tfr in "bead Finn. ' * of DEVON MILCH COW'S Three or Four Fine DEVON HEIFERS. 30 or 40 head STOCK HOGS. One Fine Family CARRIAGE AND HARNESS. Several Second-Hand CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, WAGONS, and CARTS Lot PLOWS. Plow f.nd Wag.?n GEAR. One TIIKESHEK, and two or throe FAN MILLS. One Cast-iron SORGHUM MILL, and three or four LARGE IRON KETTLES. One Lot Iron and Wire FENCING. One Lot LUMBER. Lot Wheel, Barlev, Red Rust-Proo Oats, and Orchard Glass OBttUS. ALSO, Household and Eitch en Furniture. TERMS?CASH. ANN J. IRVINE, Administratrix, with the Will Annexed. Grconiille, S. C., Sept. 25, 1872. 21-4 A SINGING CLASS I7?OR YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLE MEN will commence on the First o October. continuing Six Months. PRICE PER SESS/OX- $5.00 First Leeson will be given on Wednesday 2d October, at the Academy of Music. No accession will be received after th< >pening of the exercise*. The Theory of Music and Harmony als< taught in the same Class. Tickets to be obtained at the Drugstores l'rof. M. G DaCAMPS. Sept 25 21 4 Boot and Shoe Making* fjpHE UNDERSIGNED is prepared will jm. c?>nipHi<*n< nnrimen to nn mii ord?*<i for BOOTS md SHOES, ??f both fine nc beavy qualities, nn noiic-. He guar tnt?e? satisfaction. REPAIRING piutnptly atien-tedf to. fW shop nearly opposite Messrs. Gow< ir, Cox A Mark ley's. BUTLER DYER April 10 ' ^ 4J ly PIP ABC AifK assortment o food CIGARS, at very reasonable prices. "OUR HOBBY." Another anpply of the above exoelkm Brand will bo motived in a few days. Oot2 22 S Sheriff's Costs. . Urbsnvillk, 8. C., Sept. 22, 1972. PARTIK8 owing COSTS in the Sheriff'i Office to me, on my own aooonnt. or a? Administrator of the Ketate of A. B. VICR KRS, deceased, are homby notiled that Wa K. Karle is antborisod to reooive and reoetpl ror the same. W. T. SHUMATE. PERSONS interested will please take nn< tree, and arrange to pev the above on.ts MM. E. KARLK. Sept 24 21 3 ?? ? -- -w,,m L i mfyi; mwtiikt >U f, k In the Medical Seienee. ror*D OK JL1TKK CUKE. TED 1871. Ml UMiht Of A. Q- SIMMONS, of Qoovgia. p?t 111* ?dldao Mm a rtrat for ConaUpatl?, Vjti or DUooaed Lirer. It M all! m a cathartic, ? won fool llko a now poraoa. TfcU Modioloo la ?. Tbooo aafarlag will da voll W try *bU Modiay Ota. I, Pr?prl?U?, WaMo, Fla. Fbolooalo A(?tUf Ckarloatoa, SC.. IN. Agents fpr Greenville. 4m iCHOFIELD, INSURANCE AGENT. IRY PUBLIC.. Capital, $2,500,000. 872. 84,808,084. lercantile, of London , Capital (Gold) 00,000. me, $860,000, Memphis, Tennessee, 00,000. IRS. EARLE Sl BLYTHE, ess Manufactory. uch a place in Green.ilia, where they can get ?r IQnUrcmc* and Pillow*. these hot rntd rultry night, by lying on thee* pleasant dreams" disturbed by that put, Bed eee. They are a great comfort to the weary >u. style., sizes and prieea, from $8, $7, $8, $9 tand. Would also say, for the informatiob of r is a good thing for atuffing cushions, Ac.. as recommend it. I can furnish the Excelsior in osIon Excelsior Company in large quantities, _ J. C. C. TURNER, nt Excelsior Mattress," two doors South of 11-tt The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Wrils of Fieri Facia* tw me directed, I will sell before the Court House door, on SalcmUijf in Aro. t, vrtnber next, between the hour* of 10 o'clock i in tlie for.noon aud 3 o'clock in the after. ? noon, (j- One Tree' of Land, containing One Hundred Acres, more or lea*, lying on waters of <aluda river, n?*ar Wilson's Bridge, adjoining land* of E'ijah K'kew, John ToU l.rson a>-d others. L vied on as the property of Osih.rin. W.U.... ?'v i stilt <>f Jui-p-r Wilson, Executor, llumc e'ead o be ret off to d> (cuduul before day of rale. 1 Trim* Ca?h. Put chasers to pay for stamp* and paper*. J. L SOUTHERN. 8. G. C. Sheriff"* OHioj, Greenville, S. U-, Octo* ber a. 1872. 18-4 The State of South Carolina QREENVILLE COUNTY. Sbei lU'a TfcY ^ and tbe p3If Pr3j>eu/atlg% r._.r fn Bsietdat j ? tn November oext, at y* /rrJSCeiy, beforb the Court llouso door, the TblTowing Tract* of Land, via : Tract No. 1. All tbat tract of land situated in Greenville County, on waters of Kocky Creek, bounded by lands of lliley Smith, Pol* ly Hudson, Wm. A. Hudson and others, and containing One Hundred and Three acre*, more or less. Traot No. 2. Also all that tract of land situated in said county, on waters of said Creek, bounded by lands of ltiley Smith, Wm. li. i. Watson, and others, and containing Thirty Acres, mora or less. Sold as tho property of John Watson, Jr., deceased. TKKMS?A credit of twelve month?, with I interest from date for all except so much as will pay the coats, wbieh will be required in cash, on the day of Sale. Purchasers to givo Bond with approved uecurity and Mortgage of the premises to the Probate Judge to secure the payment of the purchase money? Purchasers to pay for Titles and Stamps. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. Q. C. Oct. 1st, 1872. 22-J TAKE NOTICE. f ? LL PERSONS INDEBTED to the FIRMS of . M. A. HUNTER & CO., AND or FOSTER & HUNTER, Aro especially requested to pay up, as we are under the necessity of making this call in order to . effect , A CHANGE IN OCR BUSINESS. M. A HUNTER & CO, ; FOSTER ?& HUNTER. Sept 10th, 1872. 10-tf : LAND FOR SALE. 5 npWO TRACTS of LAND, on Soulli 3aluJL da River, containing 780 aorea, part ' best River and Creek BOTTOM, with new improvement* Al?o large, lot cf valuable HORSES, CATTLE and HOGS. Apply to JULIUS C 8MITH. or J. M. MrCLANAHAN. May 29 4 td Prof. M. G. DeCamps* Dealer ta ? kind*. m musical MERCHANDIZE. On band-Pis anoa. Mnlodeona, Flutes, Ao, Sheet Mueia and Mnale Hooka. Call and eee him, at hie Rooms la tl>o ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Near the Female Oollepe, Greenville, S. C. lfsjr 22 S If 1 SHACKELFORD A KELLY, FACTORS J Asr> ' General Commission Merchants. * NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. or Ag eats for lioro Phillips' Ammoniated Carribhean Sea Guano. W. W. SMACK BLKORI>. WM. AtKKN HUT. Sept 24 21 ora Notice. ALL parties indebted to tbs K>tats of WILLIAM K. HIOUTOWKit. deeaaaed, are requested ta same forward and sei tie ; and thoes having claim* will present them on or before the &'lt day of Novew. ber next, or he debarred. T. W. iiioiitowkh. Aug 7-II 11* Lx?uutMA'