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. POETRY 1. Virginia to KamohuutjU. ?T COU 0. ?. liTUR, If the MUM spirit that Inspired thsse lines should uIdliU the MMiu of the pooplo of this country, U would not bo long before tbo bloMod loftuoaooo of poooo and rooonclliotlou would work their legitimate (Volte, and bring about that harmonlooi relation between the two soetkras, which la the earneet deeire of ao S many patriotic hearts. We know Col. Baylor well, and hia name is not up fa nail liar to .thou sends of our beet people North aad South.? May ha lira to eoe hie fbndoat hopes realleed. {TK* South, N. Y. Aeroee the " ohastn," Jerk and bloody, J Whore cruel Hate relent lest wte#; etjH Let us meet again as brothers, * And clasp anew fraternal hands. Unfurl (or us the Nat ion's banner, Flag of land forerer free; Wa too would olaiut and aba re its glorft As it waves from sea to as. Iu tbo days long past, our (kthers Stood with yours beneath its fold: In tbo days to oome, oar children Will with yours its fame uphold. Gather up its stars and bind them, In the image of the cross; And let the spirit of this emblem Sanotify our common loss. '.."V $ di T-J? ? al?a a ? e ? ? tfuugv uui lUBt J ft B* HOC jna|?(l," Come* the warning from above: " Forgive as thoa wouldtt be forgiven," Plead the heavenly word* of love. The Raven'* cry of war is ended j * 1 The land redeemed ha* oeaaed to mourn ; Then let our hymn* in praiae he blended. 01 let the Dove of Peace return. Christian Reconciliation, On the altar of Ood'* will! What shall stay its consummation ? Who shall seek to part u* still ? V Across the chasm, dark and bloody, Where cruel Ilatc relentless stands; Let us meet again as brothers, And clasp anew fraternal hand*. HUMOROUS. A Grim Joka. The late Isaac. O. Barnes has been the subject of many good stories, one of which has not yet found its way into print. He had been invited to attend the funeral of a particular friend and crony, and as the deceased had, at their last interview, specially urged his being present, ho felt in duty bound to respond. Arrived at the house of mourning, he found the family assembled tn a very small and uncomfortable room, in the middle of which stood the coffin that all might take a last look at the face of the departed.? The service was conducted by two clergymen, friends of the family, who with their long prayers, and extended " remarks," consumod fully two hours, during which Mr. Barnes suffered untold agony of suspenso and impatience. Hardly had the eccoud minister pronouncod his " amen " when Barnes, in his well-known squeaky voice, turning to the person sitting nearest to him, said : " Did you kriow Kid V9 " Yes, sir." said the man addressed, in a low voico. " Good fellow, wasn't he ?" continued Barnes. "Yes, sir," still in a supprosed tone. " And he was a mighty smart one, too," squeaked Barnes. " Very smart," almost whisper ed the other, as tho company pres cnt begau to look in that direction. 44 Yes, he was,*' replied Barnes, still louder with one of his expressive expletives, 44 and if he had the running of this funeral, he'd ' have been under the grouud an ,-honr and a half ago." A. 6TALWAET Down Easter went into a printing office in Bangor a few days ago, and asked the pro prietor, 44 Are yon the man who stamps names on keerds?" 44 I am, sir," 1 44 Do you keep the keerds, too ?" 41 Yes, sir." 441 want some." 44 What name shall I write?" Here the tall individual came to n posture where his eyes were on a level with the paper, aud he added in subdued tones. 441 want marriage keerds 1" 44 After taking the names, the proprietor asked, 44 IIow many cards do yon want ?" 44 8ix." 44 But, sir, I never strike off less than fifty." 441 don't know what in the thunder I should do with so 1 minj" ftlllH (hn Irmfr man onS I after some further remarks he retired, leaving an order for " six keords." ? ? Tkachkr, (in lond tones: uWbat ts your name ?" J3oy, (in a weak voice :) "Johnny Wells, sir." " How old are you, John weiis?" " Twelve years old, sir." " Now, John, tell me who made this grand and glorious universe?" " Don't know, sir." " What, twelve years old and don't know who made this neblo sphere f James Smith, go and cut me a whip." The birch is bronght and held over the trembling boy. In thundering tones the ri^id disci p* iinttrmii uciunuus; "J^OW,.reil * mo who made thie great worlj wo live in 1* in a tearful voice, Johnny an- 1 s?or?: I did, air, bat I srouU do i , again !M |{ w Horacb Qrkelsy ow nit Mtm oipt-WMii Alfiwd Livingston* ?n ioNawoof <tb? Tribune oum posing room, they took dowutb* stove in j?r Greeley's aJ?fa*hion ed, dirty sanctum, where he wai went to sitetiTtrjr high desk the stove-pipe bad gone straight through t the ofciling, and after iu removal, no provision bed beer made fbr closing -the hole.? Above, in the composition room [ were three printers1 stands? equidfotanV from the - open hole.? Printers are proverbially tobacco cl?ewere. These three were to baccochawers extraordinary.? Having oovdred the floor will their tobacco juice, they altogeth er endeavored to spit through tb< stoVc^pibo hole, using it as a tar get. U was. aL war in May- day Mr. Greelejr eat underneath,-and worn out with jritolabors, bad fal len into a gentle and innocen slomber. He bad on a whiti waistcoat and a clean Hbtrt. Hu uituuio ware suaafoij pisturbec by a petering on his bald-head.? He awoke, half-blinded with th< nicotine visitation, and seeing hit waistcoat and shirt spoiled there with, and suspecting. the . source from which it catne, ne stalked uj the stairs at a gait that wonk startle Startle. The printers hearing him approaching, anc fearing trouble, scampered U other parts of the composing room. Mr. Qreeley, appearing on the scene in the character ol the M Gladiator." shouted with an out burst of profanity thai gave a sulphurous odor to the apartment, " By??, where it the man that spit down that hole! I can lick the man that did it! Whero is he ?" a ** ?* ? ' * r ool, fob LiUCK.?John, the fool ot tbo New Yew Sun, wae made rich in spile of himself al Long Branch, and this was the way it was done: Just as I was the hangriest, Longfellow and Harry lfassett were brought out, and they went ronnd the corner like two Colt's revolvers. All the nice young men around me stood np ana bowed and scraped and held up one finger, as if they were stopping an omnibus. They all yell ed :?" A hundred to eighty on Harry Bassetf* They all ap peared to be so very polite that I held np ray finger too, and I nod ded and bowed back to all oi tlieo. I never saw such a polite lot of young men before. You would have thought I was the Grand Duke Alexis. I kept up the bowing just as long as they did, anu pretty soon the race was over, ana I confess I was agrees bly surprised to seo about four hundred young men file up and each chuck a $100 bill into my lap. Then I thought that lot of young men just the nisest lot of youn^ men 1 ever met. There I sat with $40,000 in my lap, and. much to my astonishment, I found out that all the time I was pointing my finger and bowing back to 'em, darned il I wasn't taking '..a j wcij uAiueu uui mat was made, and darned if 1 knew it. I only had eight dollars in my pocket, and if I had lost, I'd slept in an oyster bed that night, snre. ? ? Covering ManureIt it remarkable that more attention it not given to the subject of covering manure from the weather, and especially from too much rain. Those who have given the matter particular attention have fonnd that manure 30 pro** tected is worth doubla that which is left cut in the open air. Two loads for one is a profit few farmers can afford to lose. There is no question which so vitally concerns the farmer as this one ma nnre. Much that he doos has reference to it. Straw is not to be aold, because it makes raanuro.? Stock is fed through the winter for the express purpose of manure making. Articles yrhich scarcely pay to send to market, are nevertheless taken to the city in order that manure may be brought back m a retnrn load; and yet the whole of the manure made remains all the season exposed to the sun, wind and rain, until it is diminished in value to so great an extent as it is. The trouble is, probably, that Few really believe that exposed manure undergoes this loss. But the matter has been too thoroughly tested to admit of a doubt.? we know first class farmers who lid not themselves believe it, nn il by actual experiment they 'onnd out its truth. In arranging farm buildings it will pay well to look as mush to ce preservation of tbe manure as he hay or grain ; and those who tave their baildings already fin* shed without these munnrial ar-angements will find that twentyivo or fifty dollars spent in boards cr a covered shed will rank itnong tbe best investments ever nade. v. i* t :?? . <~p< Jir***, .-' The most sensible premium wa ve have beard of ia offered at a California fair to tbe young wonan who shall prepare the best iinner at tbe smallest eoat. U r Mrs. 8. H. MeCants, of Winnsx>ro, killed a chicken a few days tgo and found a needle run through is gizzard, both ends pretmdtag. Pro?dinf! of PuiUd BUUa Court ' WMHimT) fiopi. 41,-1 Ifrl*1 referred to W. I. CUvcob, K*q., RofiiWrfor ; adjudication. I I pro'.pot. Roport of W. I. OIbvm, . fiftir, in favor of diMhargo waa road and oodfiratod, aad m tljwtloa appoatfag, tko | Judgo a odor ml ii|M4|^itok and ordor f final dlaohargo. Tha United StetM ea. Maliaaa Flowerf? Violation of Internal Revenue lav*. Arthur " A Arthur for Defend ant. On tevia(f*ttUw) - In thia em, on nrtloa of T. 8. Arthur, order* I od, That thu Marehal bo required to teii( Into . Court, on Saturday, tin 14th laatant, the fol} fowing nainod witooaaoa: Wo. Broker, F. . Broker, Alas. Bryoe and L. Mngu. Court then adjourned till to-morrow 11 * o'olook A. Mv a. Tnonanar,, 187S. t Is potto Gahriol Cannon at ?1, In ro D. W. I Moore, Bankrupt?Petition tor tale. J. J. j Brani pro pot. Report of W. I. Clawron, | Eeq., Register, war road and eon Armed, and on notion of Beano, Attorney, It waa ordered. That the Aaatgnea aoll outato of bankrupt, 5 free from lnenaabranee; that the tale be for 1 oath. Ae.j and that Assigns* apply prooeoda of tale of Tan Yard Lot.sad tha Store Honae J te the payaaent of reepeotleb aoortgage j and > that tha balanoo of aald aale he dlatributed to | eroditore who bare proved debts. Court than adjourned till to-narrow at 11 | o'olook A.M. > Montr, Sept. 14,1871. t IK KQOITY. r JT. A T. Green, of Mlaalaaippi, ea. Cyrua H. f Baldwin, Reeeirer of Bxohanga Bank of Co ( lumbia, J. P. Carroll, L. D. Child* et oL? BUI of Complaint; Corbin A Stone, Complalnanta' Solicitor. On motion of Rion, Solicitor for ' defence, ordered, That Complainant give se1 eurity for toili before the first day of NoVemJ her, 1872, or the Bill be dismissed in defanlt t of so doing. in EAMKBorrcr. , Ex parte Hodolpbua Long?Petition of vol( notary bankruptcy; Wm. B. Rarle pro pet. Petition read and refbrred to W. I. Clawaon, Kaq., Reglater in Bankrnptoy, for adjndica* f tion. . T . . 1 Ex parte Jno. J. Houseal, Creditor, in re. Motte A Tarrant, Debtors--Petition of iavol, notary bankruptcy; Baxter A Johnston pro ; pet. The Jury having found for petitioner, debtora were adjudged bankrnpta, and oaae re, (erred to C. 0. Jaeger. The Judge alao sign, ed usual warrant. Conrt then adjonrned till to>tnorrow at 10:30 A. M. i _____ Tobsdat, Sept. 17, 1872. The United States vs. T. J. Davis, Principal, $1,000; J. H. Esell, Bail, $1,000; Roas Ray, Bail. $1,000 ; Othello Martin, Bail, $1,? 000; Judge Edwards, Bail, $1,000?Sol. Fa. tor default ot T, J. Davis to answer at August Term, 1872, and to receive sentence for viola* tion of Aot of Congress?(Enforcement Act;) 1 D. T. Corbin, District Attorney. Judgment confirmed as to J. 11. Esell and Ross Ray, i and Alias Sol. Fa. ordered against T. J. Davis, OMMAo Martin and Judge Edwards, agaiast whom there was a return of Nihil. CIVIL DOCKET. Spencer Oibbes vs. Thomas J. Duohelt, Executor?Debt; Simpson A Simpson for Plaintiff, Todd A Todd for Defendant. Tbe plea to the jurisdiction being overruled, and there being no plea to , ordered, that jndg* moot he taken by default against Defendant, and damages be assessed at $2,123.17, and that Judgment and Fi. Fa. be entered for the same. 189 OX POCKET. Jno. Buriey ra. Robt. M. Wallace?Com* plaint for moneja; Jamea Birnle for Plaintiff, ffn. E. Karl* for Defendant. Tho Jury charged with tbia caae returned the following .erdiot t We find for the Plaintiff M4.7 S. Court then adjourned till to-morrow at IB o'clock A. M. Proceedings of City Council. Col>KCIL Ci{AMBF.a, 1 OiSKHTILLB, S. C , Sept. 11, 1872. j Connnil met at lOo'eloek A M. Preaent, hie Honor J P. Moore, Mayor ; Aldermen Walter, Yenrgin, Wood, Clinc and 11ammatt. Abaent, Alderman Oreer. Minntea of the laat meeting were read and approved. The following waa offered by Aldermen Yeargfn i WPKKKAt, Jitmel P. Moore, Etq.. haa daring the past year acted sa a legal adriaer (or tho City Cotineil. thereby obviating the neeeaeity of employing coonael in aandry eaaee. and that he Ineurrcd aundry expert-* tea in viaiting Cberleaton. Spartanburg and other placet on buaineaa for the Intereet of the eity, end eleo ftirniahed office eonveuleneee (or council free of eharge? Reeoleed, That the earn of two hundred .end aevcoty^flve dollara he paid to hint by ibid Council In ooneidcration of the above aer ricca end expenaea. Carried unanimooely. The committee appointed thiamine the Clerk end Treaanrer'a Annual Report, beg leaee to report that lh?j have mad* i tare ful e* amine tiou of bia book* and accounts, and Uka graat pleasure in expressing our perfeet satisfaction aa to their eorreetoeea. ? H P. HAMMETT, )nnmmU. . v r J O VEAROIW, Alderman Olio# moved that t|?a report of the committee be reeeived and adopted, and that the report of the Treasurer be pub liehed in the oily papers. Carried. On motion of Aidettnen HtamMIl, Retol?d, That the thanks of this Council ere due, end era hereby tendered, to A R MeDavid, Clerk end Treeeurer of thie Conn nil, lor the faithful end aoerteoee manner in whieh ha baa dlaebergad the duties of Olark end Traeanrar of Coonoil for tha last year. - 1 Adopted. r Hie Honor the Mayor repotted the fol? loving gentlemen elected ea.lhe City Coun* ell of Oreeeville for the nest year, in apeocdanoe vith the ratura of tha Managers of the eieetleo: If. P. Haoauirtt. Mayor; J M Sullivan, A M........ V..J 1 . XV ? *>--? ?- iU ? I nnf?l H??u nmw IMV I , ?? IM AlUfr* ( | nis Ward No 3; T W Alderman , Ward No 9; F Goeeett. A!d?rmen Ward So 4)JC Alexander, Alderman Ward No ; J I. Hawkin?, Alderman Ward No ?. I The above gentlemen eleet, appearing at Couneil Chamber, were qualified ae the City < Council of GmeeelUe froea I lib September, < lilt, to September lfth, 1919. Thereupon, Oeeneil adjourned*. 1 A RMeDAYiD, City Clerk. Cotjboil CtuMVM, Sept II, 1971. 1 Immediately upon the adjournment ef the ? Id ooaAU, U* m4eobere ?f (h? new eoon? a II QiM.lh HMion Hie Honor the Mayor 1 meeting to order Pr?Mt{| Bio < Honor H P llammett, Major; Aldormea < 8<dl?lvBMUl?, EMeU, OMU, A1?mb- 1 dor tad I|awktna. Mi oat** of tbo loot neeetlcg^were road and oonfrmed. Hie Hoaor tha Major road before pooncil tha charter of the eHj, alao tbo ralaa aad ( bjglaoi of the old ooaaaiL I Ald?nau Hawkioenweed that a eoae* j IttH of tbrao bo appointed to revise tbo | roloa and bj-law# of the old oooooll. Carried. Hewkioe, Boat tie, Sullivan, Corns ) cnll tee, t On notion, R?ol**d, That the pre neat officers bo ro- * tainod oatil an olootion oaa bo hold, aad that all oaadldatoo for oAoo aaoat flio their applieatioaa with tbo Clark of Chanel), bj 19th September, and tbo Clerk be iaetroot ed tojkdvortiao la thd oltj papera for applicants. Adopted. Alderman Sullivan moead that tba Ordioanea to pravent tba begs ruuning at large be repealed, end that thej ba allowed to ran at large. Carried ananimonelj. On motion, it waa moved that I L Hon ning take charge ol the Street force for the present, and that he ba relieved from pollea duty at night Carried. Oo motion, tbo Major waa fnetraated to doable tba polioe foroe on Prldaj, September 18th, aad to have all tba bar-rooma closed on Fridaj, September IStb, from o'clock A M natll Batnrdaj, September 14, 6 o'clock A M. Carried. On motion, adjourned to meet on Thurede j, September 19*li, at 4 o'clock P M. A. K. MeL>AVID, City Clerk. FOK TBI bkextiuji tXTKIPIIII. 1 Lewiston, Camp Flotd. U. T. ) September 6th, 1872. \ t Edttor Knltrpriu:?Sir, I #teh, through | the column* ol your valuable paper. to in* f form the relative* and triend* of Mr. T. C. Tracy, but with regret, of hi* death. Mr. c Tracy left tbia village for 8?ver District, ( which is about 160 mile* South, tb* last of t July, seemingly in good health, and after leaving took sick and purchased some . medicines, among the lot was a bottle of j poisonous drug, and in taking the medicines I after night took of the poison and died a day or two afterwards at Salt Creek oo the ^ 6th of August. ] Mr. Tracy said he was from Greenville, t S. C. He was shout 6 Test 8 or 4 inches high; weight, about 186 lbs; complexion red. Mr. Traoy was a quirt, sober man, and ^ I bad many friends in this camp. He was a . oarpentsr and painter by trade, and had | I done considerable work in this enrap. but whelhtr he had tnueb money or not I don't t know. II the relatives wish any (arlher inlors j mstion. they will address Iht undersigned si Lewiston, C?mp Floyd, U. T. I sm, very respectfully, Ac , JOHN B. THOMAS ' e From the Anderson Intelllgeneer. \ Proceedings of the Circuit Conven- t tion. ] Azdersor, 8. C., Srpt. 12, 1872. 1 In pursuance to s osll for s Circuit convon- ] tion, to nominste s candidate for Bolloiter for | the Eighth JndieisI Circuit, the delegates as<- g scmbled st the Court House at 12 m to day. The Convention being called to order, on motion of F B McBee, of Greenville, Col J N Brown, of Anderson, was sailed to the Chair, ( and James M McFall, of Pickens, requested t to act as Secretary. | On motion of T C Coze, of Greenville, a committee of one from each County of the ^ Circuit was appointed to draft rules and rugu. ^ lations for tba government of the Convention. The following committee was appointed : T C I Coz, of Greenville, J B Sitton, of Anderson, A c W Thompson, of Oeonee, R A Cbilds, of Piek> ' ens, and J. B. Kay, of Abbeville. C un boum oi W B MeUec, of Greenville, a eommitlM of oo? from each County of tb? Circuit wm appointed on credential*. The fol- j lowing oomaeittee wa? appointed : V B Mo Bee of Gitoenville, W II D Gillard, of Andereon, ' W W Hamilton, of Oeonee, D F Bradley of J1 Pickens, J B Kay, of Abbeville. " On motion of D F Bradley, of Pickens, 8 James A Hoyt, Esq., was Invited to a seat in tbe Convention. Tbe committee on roles and regulations (or ^ tbe'goverment of tbe Convention reported tke following, wbiek was adopted ; {. Akticle 1st. The committee appointed by ' tbe Chair decide, by s strong ag)?ritj, that " this Convention shall vote as the call was or* 11 Iglnally made, vist That each Connty in this C Judicial Circuit shall cast f va votes. Artiolb id, The committee decide naanitnously that tbe candidate receiving the ma- |( Jority of all tbe votes of this Convention shall be the nominee of the Convention. The committee on credentials reported tbe J* following: Tbat T C Coxe, J N Bannister, F B McBi-e. Whitner Symmes and V E MoBeee were appointed delegates from Greenville Connty. t| D F Bradley, J M McFall, J H Holcotnbe, f, R A Obilds and R A Bowen were appointod delegates from Piokens Connty. W U Parker, W A Ue, O W Matison, J B P Kay and A M Aiken were apoiated delegates from Abbeville County. I W Thompson, John Verner and W W CI Hamilu>a were appointed delegates from Oeo- 7 nee Connty. (I J N Brown, J B Bitten and WI10 Qalllard 0, were appointed delegates from Anderson Co. The Chairman annonnoed the nominations of candidates next in order. WbUner Bymmee, Esq., of Greenville, nom- * inated Col W II Perry, of Greenville. ? J B Bitton, Eeq, of Anderson, nominated lc Maj John B lfoose, of Anderson, ft On motion of Whitner By mates, Esq, it was. R?olve4, Tbat aaeb and avary party or pariiea, whoa# !* ? or namea aboil bo put In ^ nomination in this Conrention, ahouM bo in ^ honor bound, by kimaolf and thoao frionda who may place bla or thoir name or namea In ftl nomination, by tbia Convention, and give tbat nominee, whoever be may be, their cordial aupport. ri Tbia roeolntloo waa pnteed by remarka 01 from Mr. Sytnmea, chewing the neceaeity for mob action on the part oi tbia Convention and the entire Cirenit, and waa nnanimonaly , adopted. The Convention (hen proceeded to prepare ft Ibeir ballote. ? Oh motion of D F Bradley, of Fiokona, the Chairman ef each delegation waa roqaoatod to enat the vote of bla delegation, and the Cbair announced the vote# aa followa : Abbevllle, w> Ive voice lor Barry j Andetaon, tve votea for '? Moore; OrecnvUle, tve vote# for Pcfry ; Ooo- Ai nee, tve votea for Perry; Pickeaa, fro votea R lor Perry. '* On motion of F B M0B00, and upon remarka aado by Umrt. Chl)d% Byanoo, lfoBoo ud [toiipMD, the toU *u m4U aad Jol. Parry vh doelarod lk? aoalaoa of thU tanventloa fer Soltoitorof tho Blghlh Judlo?1 Circuit, Oo a otto of Mr. Core, a toaaUtM of om !? m*h Ooooty vh tpptfaiM to aotify Col. Parry of bit italaillra. P B Me Boo aMd that the thaaka of tho /onvontion bo Mleiitd t? Hoi J W ? "? Chairman, far his kind, courteous ud dlgnllad attention to this Convention as 1U pies Id. uf oflloer j and also to Jamas M MePall for lis ralaable services as 8cei<etary. , Mssars Browa and Mo Fall appro riately acknowledged tha Compliment of tba Con vanlon. On motion, tha Conrantlon adjourn ad *ts? lis. J. N. BROWN, Cbm'n. Jambs M. McFni, 8aa. ? 1 LATE CLIPPING^. It la astlmatad that na loss than fifty gallons >f whisky wara imhlhad la Ah bar Ilia an Montay, 14 th Intt. Tha adhasloa of Oo7arnor Curtsn to tha Liberal movement, is sopposad will giro Pan. lyalvania aartalnly to Greeley. Cbarlas Sumner has bean nominated as tba Liberal Candidate for Governor of Massaehaletts. Tha Qanava arbitration awarded 15} milions to tba United States in satisfaction of he Alabama olaims. General P M B Young has keen nominated or eleotion to Congress in the Seventh^Blbrict of Georgia. General A R Wright has been nominated or Congress Horn the Bighth Georgia Dls? rift. A St. Louis rat made a oom fort able bnt lomewhat expesive bed out of $1,606 in Govirnment bonds?all that the owner possessed. iftpi Xboa y Uenton, for fifteen yeureaconluotor on the Qreenrtllu Railroad?except oar, when he waa in the army?haa retired rem that poaition. General Moaea, the eandidate for Oorernor in the regular Republican ticket, and Con;reaaman Elliott, are atrietly temperance en. A prominent Charleston Meeting atreet dry tooda houae aold fiteen thouaand dollars* rorth of gooda between Monday and Friday, ately. Mr Henry Sparnick, editor of the Aiken Tribune, haa been nominated by the Ropub? icanr of Aiken County for the offlee of Pro ate Judge. ? WTub following is the electoral rote of the several States, being squal to their representation in x>lh houses of Congress : New York 85, Pennsylvania 29, 3hio 22, Illinois 21, Indiana 15. Vlissonri 15, Massachusetts 13, Kentucky 12. Tennessee 12, Virjinia 11, Georgia 11, Iowa 11, Michigan 11, Alabama 10. North Carolina 10, New Jersey 9, Mis lissippi 8. Louisiana 8, Maryland J,Texas 8, South Carolina 7, Maine T, Arkansas 6, California 6, Connecticut 6, Vermont 5, Kansas 5. Minnesota 5, New Hampshire 5, ?Vest Virginia 5, Rhode Island 4, Florida 4, Nebraska 3, Nevada 3, Jregon 3, Delaware 3. Total, 37 states, 866 votes. A puintkr, having been 'flung" by his sweetheart, tried o commit suicide. The " devil " ound him out and took him to the lanctum where the editor was vriting duns to the delinquent itibscribers. The picture ot des >air presented by the editor relonciled thn nrinlpr in l?!o fo?? y" MIO imui Jo began to consider himself as :omparately happy. An Englishman having paid an rish shoeblack with rudeness, vas thus accosted by the ,4 dirty irchin 4i My honey, nil- the polsh yon have is upon your boots, tnd I gnv you that." The Emperors of Russia and A us ria are now on a visit to the Emperor Wiliiatn of Germany at Berin. The object of the conference as been the subject of much sneclation, but has not been dislosed. Youno James Garden Bennett i going to build a $250,000 mon uient to his father. It will be a rhite marble shaft with designs ilistrating journalism. ?#S?I ? The New York Sun nominates je great Merchant, A.T.Stewart, ?r Mayor of New York, and says neither knows nor cares to what olitical party he belongs. ? ? Two convicts attempted to esEtpo from the Penitentiary on the th instant. One succeeded, but le other was shot and killed in rousing the canal. Gen. Spinnbb, the United States reasnrer, decides, that when a tultilated note has five-eighths :ft, it shall be redeemed At its .il ?1__ Ill V?ltltt. Thkrr are 3,800 employees In ie Treasury Department at Washington, of whom one third re females. ? i ii A Kansas farmer fired at some Lte under his barn and killed sev*al. Loss $3,000; uninsured. It is claimed that bonse build?if in Chicago is going on at the ite of one boose per hour. -??- _ GreenYille Aseooiation. The Greenville Baptiat Aeeociatioo meeta kth Grove Station Church, oo Friday be? ra iba Aral Sunday in Oolohar aaxt. Tba taoaialiooal Sermon will be preached by iv. W. L. Ballard, the Moderator of the rt Aeeaeietioo. f. L. BALLARD, Aug 1 ?114-4 Moderator The following U tbo roooatly tioetfd Towa Cornell of Anderson : Iatoadaat. J. 8 Mwr> ray; WurdMi. Joka R. Cochran, V. A. MoCully, T. J. Webb uiAvw Chaabloo, col^ fff* ift 1/ j TM Caterpillar, Walk? Worfc, hat Bad* Its ippwruM la thawMalty of Ninety-Six, and otkar polfU oa tbo Saluda, and throat no to bo rory dextrbottve to tbo growing crop. * \ Tbo Vow York Herald's editor la reported to have stated that tbo search for Livingstone has ooot that establish men t $?0,000, and the oxpoDsso are not all la yet. Do Mo* DsaPAla? Hundreds af of Scrofula, in it* worst ingM old e*a-a of Syphilis that have defied <h? skill of emit neot physician*, rhaumtlio* who have been offering I Or year*, and ihe victims of t e Injudicious use of uerenrv, havi heso radically eared by Dr. twik Serssparilln and Qa"ok DsKikl It la the powerful alt?rative and blo>>d purifier known. It It pre*orlbad ky many pbjslcian* .in their, praetiee. \ J*3, . if Ir yoo h?ve Oh ills, whether every otbtr day, every tenth day, or every two or tfTree weeks, taka Dr Tun's. Liver Pills, and yon will eheek them, otherwise they will stick to you all winter. Dr Toll's Hair Dye does not Stain the Linen. Ir yon desire rosy cheeks and a complexion fair aud f-ee from 1 implea. Blotches and Erupt ions, porify vour bl??d by taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diteovtry. Yeas and Neiobs? If boraes coo Id make thetnselv-s understood in hoinan language. Ik.. ? *...1.1 .1 k. t- 1 I. IT . i? TT VU-M "J UOIVOIMI " X Ihtir mrnt to th- lUttnitDt tbn the muitnog Liniment ie the bent remedy extant lor all theee external ailm-nis, and by a mont emphatie * Neigh 1" show their dins pleasure at every attempt to use any other preparation In its sl-ad Ever ainee its introduction at 8U Louis, at the close of the Mexican War, in 1849 It has proved a signal blessing to horse and man?curing, with absolute certainty and wonderful dispatch, such equine diseases as spavin, ringbone. poll evil, scratches, hoofale, Ac , and relieving an t finally removing the painful a fractions which attack the muscles, sinews and external glands of nuroan beings It ia a 'act beyond contradiction that for a 1 in juries or oomplaints of man or quadrupeds to which an external remedy is applicable, the Mustang Liniment la prefmable to every other. Valuable Hints.?A regular hahit of body is absolutely essential to physical health and clearness of intellect. Nor ia this all. Beauty of person cannot co-exist with an unnatural condition of tha bowels. A free passage of tbe refuse matter of the system through these natural waste pipes is as necessary to the purity of the body as the free passage of tbe offal of a eity through its sewers is necessary to the health of its inhabitants. Indigestion is the primary cause of most of the diseases of the discharging organs, and one of its most common results is constipation. This complaint, besides being dangerous in itself, has many disagreeable concomitants?such as an unpleasant breath, a sallow skin, contaminating blood and hile, hemorrhoids, headaebe, loss of memory, and general debility. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters remove all tbese evils by removing their immediate cause in the digestive organs, and regulating the action of tbe intestines. Tbe combination of properties in this celebrated preparation is one of its obief merits. It is not merely a stimulant or a tonic, or an anti-bilious agent, or a nervine, or a blood depurent, or a cathartic, bat all these curative elements judiciously blended in one powerful restorative. It lends activity and vigor to tbe inert and enervated stomach, relieves tbe alimentary canal of its obstructions, and gives tone to the membrane which linos it, gently stimulates tho liver, braces tbe nerves and ebeers tbe animal spirits. No other remedy possesses such a variety of hygienic virtues. It is to those characteristic virtues that it owes its prestige as a household medicine. Experience has proved that it is as harmless as it is efficacious, and hence it is as popular With tha waaVav ?aw * ? *!> ?*>- -* ... .?? ma nuu IUC PirnngPT. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters are sold in bottles only, and the trade mark blown in the glass and engraved on the label is the test of genuineness. Beware of counterfeits. Changes of Food in the Stomaeh.?When the lo-'tl lias l?- en ma-ticated and converted into a semi-liquid paste, it is passed into the stomach, which is simply an enlarge* ment, midway, of the alimentary canal. Ii ia the theatre of the second and mo t important stage of the dice* tire process. The food is here exposed to the action of the gaatrie juiee This is secreted by the mos eona membrane or internal lining of the aiomacli.which is foil of minute p<>re? e->n? munloating with miernsropie lubeaor bags closely leticnlated with nerves sad enpilliary blood ves-els. The function of tUis ap. paratns is the production of erlk, which are discharged in ionomcrable myriads into the cavity of the stomach. Arrived here, they bmet and p?or forth their liquid burden This is the gastric juice, which pbys. iealK is a limpid and colorless fluid Chemically, it ie powerfully solvent, and of acid reaction Its acidity is mainly owbg to the preeenet of munatie or ehloiod>drie acid. Hence the utility of salt, this mine ral furnishing the chlorine of which chlorohydrie acid ie mainly constituted There ia also present in the stomach an azntised auhstang* named pepnin. In ihe opinion of Liebig, this is found! of minute separated portionsof the int-mal coat of the stomaeh, in the eonrae of deeompoeitioa. It combines with the oxygen which has l>een swallowed entangled in the saliva, and so starts the digestive fermentation. Without an abundant secretion of gastric jn-ee the powers of digestion must be inefficient. Now, Dr Gottlieb Fisoh's Biners stimulate the flow of Ihe gsstrie juice, and thus strengilian the digestive power*, and through them the bodily fi-rcea generally. tM For sale by , Dowie, Moise 4 Davis, Chaileston. 4eow aaraa&fr&asa PRICES CURRENT. Correctsd Weekly, by Messrs Ferguson k Miller, Merchants. J OREENVILLB, 8 C., Sep 23, 1872. { BACON?0. E. Sidea, amoked W tb.,_13)? ? ! " " " " dry i?lt V tb.,_.)2i?? S llama, lufar cured, y lb.,....21?? r " country, " " ...???? I Shoulder*, amoked, $ lb.,....ll?? C " dry aalt " " ...10A? * BUTTER, $1 R> _......? 20?? ? BEESWAX, 1ft ? 26 ? ? , I CHICKENS, tt head 20@? C 1 COPFEE, tb, Rio 2*?26 J " " lb, Java, 30?? e ' " Mooha 40(a)? c CORN, ** knahel, yellow f I 16?? G " " " white, 1 20?? f OOrrON, taiddllog 16 EGOS. V doeeu 20 ?? FLOUR, tt barrel, ..$000? I i. 1 GOLD $1 12) IN Dirt O, A pan lab Float $2 00 IKON, II tb, A mar loan ..........T|c LARD, It tb 13? 16 LEAD, W lb I6o LEATHER, fl *>. Bole, Hemlock....JO @ 33c ! < " " " Oak .46 ? 60o f ?? ?? - Upper $0 ? 70e " " " " Ilarneaa..,, 60 ? 66c , MAT ilfllfl ?n ??? " * 1 ...v. <?u, H lauuu, HUIOIIHUO,,, ,,Ol?ia) ? |_ ? " ' New Orl. 8jrrap.,.fiY00 1_ " Sugar Ho dm || Bbl,........SSA? ? ? - a u?li,...?.?0(a?vR NAIL8 ? keg .$8 Ofi <a It Si ' RYK, V barbel, SALT, V Liverpool .....WLjL 8U0AR, Sib, Brown, Wl " * " Clarified ?. " " ? Cruahed 10*A T.-bae 8HIRTINO, eeren eight., ft bale_...n great " - retail,.....IX* riled TALLOW, ft lb,.., n 1 before WHBAT, f boahel .-.$1 ?5 1 given I T ARM, Kaetory, bj bale S k liar ' " Lynch, J \ Olftoe Comptroller Genera), rpHT8 U?U>?ittHy^bat '^OI^KV^IL'LB X BWT1IIPRI8B, a naw*paper pnbllabad in tba town of Groonrille, 8. C., l? haroby das. ignatad ay Ibis Board as the papar In wbieh logal and publia notioaa ibail ba pobllahod, for tba County of Qraanrtila, la aesordanoa with tba " Aat to mgnlaba tba pnblloation of ail la* sal and Dublin notioaa." wbioh kMarn* ? ! ? fobraary 13d, 1870. ' J. L. NEAGLB, Comptroller General. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney Goner*). THE ibort ia a tree copy of the original on Ale in the office of Secretary of State. r. It. CARHOP A, Secretary of State. Feb 14 41 tf OliOCBB, GOLD AND SILVER W A> VJSbA) 2$ BEST GRADES OF SILVER ANO SILVER-PLATED WARE* TABU CUTLERY, AND FANCY GO DS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF uoia, silver, Steel & Plated Framed SP EOTAOLK8. ALSO GENUINE IPSSSSfS SrJOTAUOS. B. Wchrlc. Oct 11 23 If A. B. MULLIGAN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. 1 xO'U also, when place t in funds, purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements Fertilizers, dec. Oct 25 26 lj Johnston, Crews & Co., IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, N O T I O IT D AM? ? (Ml ALL 41 HAYNE STREET, (DSTA^&IES^H, S. (B. Dec lx 82 1 j JOHN f zvvavini u vim V? UliUVJl^LlO MAMFACTllUiR, WHOLESALE and RETAIL Liiquor Dealer, LASER BEER BREWER. E. COLUMBIA, S. C. Otl 18 24 If j WILLIAJ1 SLOAN E, f Lithographic, Copper-plate and general JOB PRINTER, iPiLAm COLUMBIA, 8, C BOOKS. Pnmphlt'a. Patera, Hand#''!*, ChH*. Ciroulara, Bill U-ndn. iU?. Mr pa. Pinna Chalk and LineDiawinga, Liquor Lnbrla. Druggiaia' JWcripfc liona. eto , Kxecuied wiih NEATNESS AND DRSP V^H, AMD <>R TIIK Most Reasonable T *Oct 26 26 Plrlmnn/Ia T Irnnrn r .?EW AltAO A. t v"Uj ML jm. TT m 9 HAYNE STREET, , .81 T E CHARLFRTnw u?T. . . . ? >1 nulll ,r CHARLESTON, 6 O. > 9 *1 If . ?, BLACK Sc. CO., ALF.RS in Wtlekri, Clock*. Jewalry, Spectacle*, Fanny Q?cd* and Oroee ConfeetKHuriea, Notion*. Lamp* and **, Koo exploaive AlHthm.aU, Ulaaa Se/ara. Snuff. Smoking and Chewing eo, Dry Good*, Hal*, Shoe*, and a variety of other ar'ioIra. All are inland might do well) to eall on Ihem ru.?ii>?n| or SrMiil attention to R*|*tring TimepierN, &?.