University of South Carolina Libraries
State of Sour Carolina. QA1SKVILL1 COUNTY. By S. J. BOUT BIT, Eequire, Judge of Probate of maid County. WllRRKA*. WILLIAM It KKRW bM , filed * Petition in my Offle*, pray- , ing that Letter* of Administration on all ond singular lb<> goods and chattel*, right* and eredltiof ELIJAH BSKEW. tot* of th* County aforesaid, dceeaaad,should be granted to hltn. bo bolden at GrcsndJ* ^fl:iT G^Si day ofOotobor. to sho* .?a?Mb-* ?oy,toby th* said Administration Shnold not bo granted. a J? DOUTHIT, Judge of Probate, OreeneH'a Co. Oflle# <>f Jndge ol Probsts, 8?pUa?bsr 19th, lsta ?!?? ; State of Soath Carolina. ORRENVILLE COUNTY. Bp 3. J. DOUTBIT, Etquire, Judg? of Pro' bait of ?aid County. WHEREAS, REBECCA JENK1N8 and M. O. JENKINS hava Hied a Petition in my Offiio, praying that LtUrn nf Administration nn all and singalar the rxii and chattel*, f%HU and *r edits of J. JENKINS, lata of the County aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to them. . ^ These Are, therefore, to ait 4 and adluonish all and singular I ha kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear in the Qourt of Prolate for raid County, to be hnlden at Ortrntlll* Court House, on the 8th day of Oatober next, to iln?w causa, if any, why tha raid Administration should not b* granted. S. J. DOUTHIT, Judg* of Probate Greenville County. Offle* of Judge of Probate, September 23d, 1872. 21?2 ?n" ?" ?l?J1W,.run....,? t<? Icep ik em up, is hereby repealed Done and r?t A*t ou ter the Co'L y' of the aei.l City ol Q) f flRfcl. Y?'rl*. on the eleventh d? ^ x8?p??mti?r, |? the je?r of Lord <>ne thoueend rl|{ht hundred end enty-two. H p H.\MMETT, N?)o A. R McDatid, Cltjr f ierk. ~ept M > j 20 1. i . The State of 8<>ntli Carolin County of Oro**nrilU. W^ wife, ART KLIZAB WILSON, did, on Saturday In* 7th of Sept., 1873, lee re my bed end h I do hereby forewarn ell peraona eg hoarding or ereditlng her on my neeennt will Ml pay any debit eon treeled by her ehe left my bouee. OKOROE WIR8C geptoutet Oth, 1873. 38 * COLUMBIA PHCENIX, PUBLISHED DAILY AND TRI-WKEKt.Y J waaEaw ?xbaAkssaSj, every wednesday, Br JUIilAW A. BZLBT. Contains latest Telegraphic News Iroin all parts of the W orld, besides spicy Editorials, sharp Locals, interesting Miscellaneous Reading Matter, Poetry, Ac. Terms, foe 8ix Months.?Daily Phconix, $4.00; Tri-weekly Pbcsniz, $2.60; Weekly Gleaner, $1.60. N CD ? o Q? Izb x O Q> Ga "3 -J0* 1 ? ? ?H r ^ adfcgBLL." L-^U-U?M II II I MARSHALL MAULDIN. , ? - *' | , -g3NTO'W ~ iaf THE TIME TO SOW RED CLOVER; Ten Bushels ? ? - "for^AR*-**? MARSHALL <fe MAULDHT8. Wanted to Buyv FOB WHICH THR HIGHEST PRICKS 'rt fftL BR PAID IH CASH OB T BARTRR, 1,000 lbs. lobelfaBeed, 1,000 lbs. Gin sen*. ? ,ff*. 1 - - 1 \f JUST TO HAND, Fifty Boxes FRENCH GLASS, AT A LOW FIGURE. PAINTS &, OILS, AT LOW PRICES. SCHOOL BOOKS, At Publishers' Prices. 72 Doz. WEBSTER'S SPELLER AT WnOLE8ALK TRICKS. The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facia? tv me directed, I will sell before i be Court llou?e door, on Saletday in October nrxt. between the hours of JO o'clock in the furmoou and 8 o'clook in ihe afternoon, One Trnct of Land, containing One Hun*" died Acres, more or less, lying on waters o' Saluda river, near Wilson's lfridg?. adjoining lands of Elijah R*k*w, John Tollersoij and others. Levied on as the property of Catherine Wilson, Executrix, al the suit of Jasper Wilson, Executor. A ? or* ? J ^ rm ? OS rh ? a. v O.H? j \S g2?6<?. \s ss?ss g?s ?5 ; C OB The Sta\ Qf South Carolina. ORBISNrirjLE COUNTY Jty S. J. DOUtjf Squirt, Judy a of Prm f] W VlM Count,. WHERKA?.-MK8 11 AMRY h,.* flled a T i ill' "ffiee, praying that L-ttere of A.1mln?tr?n on ^ ?nCi?l?r HaI? rl*hu *nA credi" NK1TIE A. ''Ally jil(1 0j C??unty ?<or.**ld, deo?ae*<t. >|(1(| b# gr(inlj|d u, him , .Th.?* eJr'.;*!5e<07: ** f*a Uh nil a?d singular fh^dred and eredi% tor* of the ?aid he wn<{ l? the Court o< Prol.*'? %mM to he l...ld.-n "l "r't^!l%rt Hou?e, o.? the <*??i?u*. il any. wl.y ihee-id Ad't?iV#,ioo %hwu|d not be granted 8 J DOUT1UT., n a Office of Judge of Prub-te, lf 181'i. *(>. % ' ORDINANCt BR U Ordained by th* M*.v"Tll*AldHrmen . f the City of ell ae*em?'M, end by the authorl.. nnt, That the |*i.?*rd a -a u - -- l... ..amrirtf OWIlClS.' One Tract nl land, containing One Hundred and Tweniy Acre*, more or less. lo geth'T with a Cotton Factory thereon, known as the lluena Viet* Factory, log-ther with *11 tool*, machinery. appliance*, and appurtenances thereunto belonging.? Also. oneTrac. of Land. containing Twenty Acr^a, ntore or hv, together with a Criat Mill thereon, adjoining th* Factory Tract, nod known a* lie G'i*t M'li Tract Also, one other Tr*ct. known as the L?-eter Home stead, containing Three Hundred Acre*, more or l?e?. ?rlj--in 1 nLf land* of Ralesville Manufuo'uring Company arid other*, levied on ns the property of Le*ter A Dot her*, at the suit of M L. Mar.-hunt arid othera.? S-iid property will h? so'd auhl-ct to lien of the mnrigag* of Wyman, Byrd A b\?? npott enid property. He-*..Id ?i the riek of the fotmer purcbas-r. alio, One Tract containing One Hundred and Fifty Acres, more nr less, and known as tne paper Mill Place, adjoining lands of T. L. Fowler, 8. B. Hutcbings and others. Also, one Tract, known as the Mayfleld Place, containing Three Hundred Aoree, tnoro or loss, adjoining lands ot Wru. Bates A Co., Mrs. Grishum and others. Levied on as the property of Lester A Brothers, at the suit of M. L. Marchant and others. AL*o, On Tuesday aft*r Sales-lay at Leaicra Factory: 1 Mule, 2 Tw??H?r?e Wngona. 2 Pour-Horse Wagons, I B"g^y. 1 Sett Two Horse Wagon Harness, 1 'lluasher without power, 1 old spring Wagon, I Corn Sh*l? Ice, 2 pair Scale*, almu< 15 hundred feet Hlckor* Lun-ber, ul'oot 5 hun'lrcd feet. Walnut Lumber, about 4 hundred feet Ma* pie Lumher, shout 15 hundred he. Poplar Luinher, sh-'Ut 6 hundred feet Oak L'tin hee, about 7 hundred feet Cherry Lumber, at'oui 4 hundred feet Pin* Lumber, 7 h*a t of Hog*. 6 Bart els. 1ft hundred old Cotton Tie*, 60 patterns nl old Bagging, 6 Ploughs and Stock*. 1 Morticing Machine. Levi-d n a* the property ot l-e't"! A Bio's , at the suit of M. L Marchant ?l ml. ALSO, 1 large Mirmr, 2 parlor Vs*e?, 2 Cows, I large Family Carriage Levied on as the property of Geo. W L-?ter, at the suit of E. H. Bubo. ALSO, One Tract, on both sides of Middle Tyger River, containing 258 acres, hounded t>y lands of Lewis Oreen. Sally Farmer and other*.? One Tract, containing 225 acres, more or less, lying on branches running into Tyger and Paoolet Rivers, adjoining lands of W. A. Mooney, Tinsley, Baltonger and others. One Tract, containing 469 acres, lying on Neat's Creek, formerly conveyed to Win. Fuller by M. I). Dickey. One Tract, containing 274 acres, more or leaa, lying on both sides of the Saluda Gap Road, being the homestead of L. H. Dickey, deceased. Levied on as the property of M. D. Dickey, at tbe salt of D. W. Hodges. Term* Ca?h. Purchasers to pay for stamps and paper*. J. L SOUTHERN. S. G. 0. Sheriff** Offieu, Greenville, tt. 0., Septum, her 8, 1871 18-6 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINAT OREKNVILLK COUNTY. Sheriff** Sales. BY virtue of an order from S. J. Doc tuit. Probate Judg- of Greenvllto County, 1 will sell, on .^afeadey in October next, before the Court House door, at publio outery, the fvlh wing property, vis: A Ho'ite ami Lot, situated in the Citv of Oreenvilfe, bounded by Innda *nf Vardry McBee, deceased, G. F. Townee, and others, and containing Two acre*, more or less. Sold as the property of Gen. Wm. K. 1 P uslot' /4 uooiiuo/l f..v naiimaMt kkoi -/' i' ? I Mt v |?M pn f IIICUV ui TI1TJ debt* of said decea-ed. On said Lot are good Out>house*. Kitchen and o<h er Improvement*. TKKMS?One-third cash; balance on a credit of six months, with in*. 1 teres'- from date. Pe?cha*ers to give j>ond and approved security and a lortgage of the premises to the Pro * . te Judge, to secure the payment hi purchase money. Purchasers to __ Tor liilfrf and stamp*. ft J. L SOU I'll RUN, 9 G. C. -4.3.1872 1&-6 h tha omes for All. oard, I alast I BV for Kale aavaval vary dasirahlt , aa 11 tha KtNO L0T8, naartba City limits, on .fur TS*d Road. >N. , %8YI . Sapt 1 JOHN H. fCIIOPlKLD. ^ ^ It 3 OFFICIAL. STATB OF SOUTH. CAROLINA, J liiooma DiriimiT. ] IN ponmnM of on act of the Owtril A?*roKly tpprnvMi Mareh 1. 1870, en tilled " An aet proeldfna for the general eleo'ion end the manner of conducting the ettne. amended by eo act approved Mareh It, 187Ran eleotten will be held in the e?eeral eoantiee of tkia State oo the THIRD WEDNESDAY. befog the 16th day of Ootobvr, for the following State. Legielatfee. County and Congrveeional offlwri, lo serve for (Ira nit two and four y??t, m pr*ri9*d kjr (he Slot* Conciliation and am* of Coagreat of the United SratM, to wit: Governor, Llentanant Oottmnr, A'torney General, ftecre'ary of 8taU, State Treasurer, Comptroller Gen* oral, Superintendent of Bdueatran, Adjutant and Inppeclor General, memberaot the General Assembly, 8olieitnra in the several judicial cireuite, and for lh* tarloua county oflieea. together with one member of Cons grees to represent the State at large, and Representatives in the rrapecliva Congressional Diatriou. At the aald election the following amend menta to the 8taia Constitution will be eubaaiUad. to the voters for ratifioation or wit: let. Amendment relating te change of time of holding general elections. Strike out all <f that poition of Section XI of Article 2 following the words ' eigh teen hundred and e-eenty " occurring in the fourih and fifth lines, and insert the following: " And forever (hereafter, on the first Tuefdav following the first Mondav in November. In every second year, in such manner and at anch places as the Legists turo may provide." The manner of voting on tliif amendment shall he aa lollowa: Those in favor of the ?n endm*at shall deposit a ballot wl*h (he following words written or printed I hereon, " Con*litntional Amendment?YeThose opposed to aald amendment shall east a nallot with the following words writen or ptinted thereon. " Const i tut ioual Amendment?No" 2d. Amendment relating to the fur'her increase of Ihn public debt of Ihe State, a* follows: Article XVI, " To the end that the fmMie debt of South Carolina may not hereafter he Increased without the due con aideratlon. and Iree coosent ol the people of the 8>ate, the General Assembly la hereby forbidden to ereate any further debt or obligation, either by the loan ol the credit of the State, by guarantee, endorsement or otherwise, except forth* ordinary and cur rent business of th? State, without first submitting the question aa to the creation of anv new debt, guarantee, endorsement or loan of the credit, in the people of this State, at a .general election; and unless two.thirds of lite qualified voters of this State voting on the question shall he in fay<?r of tnither debt, guarantee, endorser merit or loan of thie credit, none shall he created or ntada." The manner of voting on this amendment shall be as follows ; Those in favor of the amendment shall do posit a ballot with the following words written or printed thereon, " Constitutional Amendment, Article XVI.? Yee." Those opposed to the amendment shall east a ballot, with the following words written or printed thereon?" Constitutional Amendment, Article XVI?No." All liar-rooms and drinking saloons shall be closed on the day of election, and any person who shall sell any intoxicating drinks on tho day of election, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall ho fined in a sum not less than one hundred dob lars, or be imprisoned for a period not less than one month, r.or morn than six months.? The Commissioners and Managers of Blection, and each ef them, are hereby required, with strict regard to the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State, touching their duty in such case, to rause such election to be held in their respective counties on the day aforesaid, and to take all necessary steps for the holding of such elections, and for tlio ascertaining and determining the persons who shall have been duly elected thereat, according to the rales, principles and provisions prescribed by the Act and Amendment thereto, aforesaid. In pursuance whereof, I have hereunto set my band and caused th* great real of the 8tate to he affixed, at Columbia, the 16th day of September, A.fD., 1872, and in the Ninetyseventh Vear of the IndenendeneM ?f Ike United State* of America. | lTT I ROBERT K. 8COTT. I ? ? ) Governor. F. L. CARt>OZO, Secretary of State. 1 208 ptSe td PRINTING OFFICE FOK SALE. A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. rJ^HK SUBSCRIBER being Je*ir?ns of I giving bi* undivided attention to the Book and Stationery Busines*, iu which he ba* recently engaged, offer* for *ale tbe MOUNTAINEER PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. The business of the Ofloe la unuaually large for an up-oountfy Printing Establishment and tba Material i* all in good working order, lunch of it being almost new. Tbe outfit consist* of: 1 Cylinder Press, bed 28*by 41 inches. 1 Super-Royal Washington Press, with Sell-Inking Maebine. I Gordon Card and Billhead Press. 1 Standing Pros*, with Boards. 1 Paper-Trimming Machine. Miterlng Macnine, Lead and Rule Cutters. A good quantity of Body Type. Over seventy fonts of Job Type. Borders, Cuts, Curves, Rules, Ao. To a good printer, wishing to obtain a foot, hold in an improving location, this is a peculiarly favorable opportunity. It also affords a handsome inducement lor the profitable investment of capital and labor in a literary pursuit by one not acquainted with the meebanical operation of the business. Price and terms made known on application. Add rose G. E. ELFORD, Greenville, 8. C. Sept II 19 tf The State of 8014th Carolina, GREKNVILLE COUNTY. Court of ffeanions and Common Plana. r WILLIAM A. MoDAMKL, Clerk of ^ said Court, in |>u<au noe of the diree lions of the Act of tho Legislature In inch oese m*de and provided, do horoby give notice iha". an ELECT<>N lor Clerk of Court, SherifTand Ju ige of Probata. f??r Greenville County, will t>a hold in the varfooe Toons 1 ahii-o, at the oaual plaoeo of Bleoi|<>n, oa Wed need ay, tho 16th day of Oe'oher next Witneee mv hand, at (1r*env|t|e. this the . 10th day of 8?-pUmhar, A D 1872 W. A. MoDANIKL. C. C. P. * O 8. Sept 11 It 6 Boot and Bhoe Making* fBlHE UNDERPINNED Is prepatad with J. competent Workmen to flit all otdeia t _ nruiTo ...J ii11/\vu ? i? l e ht u\^/ao hum ??i i*?h n n if una heavy qualities, <>n nu?*l nntta*. Ha guar* , an lea aaiiafaetion. REPAIRING prompt* , ly ai?a>t<1?d ) >. tW Hlion n-arly opnoaile Moaara flower, Oox A Mark ley'a. /' BUTLER DYRR. ApHMft : *9 - ly EXECUTORS' Mil I > <*?# ? 4 : : > "TT ?) : -i . >.. FOUR OR PI?B TffVOHS* AJTD ACRES OF FfltE ^ ^OODUND. r" I* * l .% f r.Cr - * 1 i I T>y rlrta* / a? ordar fnm tbc Circuit Court for Qrconvitlo County, ? will Mil before the Court Houee door, on day in October neat, to tho higbteet bidder, tbo following lande, to fit: One Traot in Qreerille Ooooty, fir* milM above the City of Greenville, lying oo both Mm of the Air Ltn? Railroad," ?n9 of the Rntharfoid Road, ?oni?intn( about One ThwttHDd Acrea, eod kaowo aa tbe Monotola Creek Traet. One Traet, containing front Poor to Pice Hundred Aeree, lying betworn the Ptedlt* Ion and Anderson Roads, and on both eldee of the Ktel^'t or Towns' Brld .a Road. Qpe Tree*, o' ahont Four Huodrod Aerre, lying between the Anderson and Grove H??ai, and on bo.h aides of the Greenville A Columbia Railroad One Traet, of about Fourteen Hundred Aeree, lying between the Grove and Augueta Road*, on both sides of the South, and North Fnrke of Brushy Creek, aud known as the Brushy Creek Iraet. One Treet, of about Twelve Hundred Acres, koown as the Laurel Creek Tract. One Lot of Seven or Eight Aeree, lying within tjie corporate limits of tha City of Greenville, fronting on Pendleton and Anderson Street*, and adjoining landa of GainM. Stradley and others. Tha above I ends are almost entirely in the original forest, and the extreme outer limits of no portion of them is more than Ix milrefrom the City limits?some of them are entirely within the City, other* purt* Iv within and partly without, and other* from a halt to five and six mile* distant?The different Traets will oe sub-divided into Tracts of from Thirty to Filty Acre* to suit purchasers, and Plats of the same will lie eghltiited on the day of rale, end In the meantime can be seen by calling on Alexander McBee. al*O, " One Trael of Land, known as the ' Shoal Tract." containing One Hundred end Forty i..~. t? J ? - ??'?, muir ui icup, Biiumea in in* upper part of Greenville County, on wttrrn of B?averdem Cre-k, iind adjoining Undo of K. F. Whildeu mod other#. One Tract, known tho " Gap Crack Tract," lying on both aide* of the Old Gap Creek Road and Gap Creek, containing Fifteen Hundred <>r Two Thousand Acres, and extending to the North Carolina Line. TERMS.?One-third Caeh ; balance on credit of twelve months, secured by Note and M oitgage of premises Purchases to pay for stamps and papers If all the Tracts are not sold on Salesday In October, the sale will continue from day to day until ali ara disposed of. V A McBEE. ALEX. McHEE, Executors of Vardry McBee, deceased Aug 14 15 8 8TATB OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Shcrlff'n Sale. BY virtue of an order from 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, I I will sell, on Salesday in October next, at public outcry, before tho Court House door, tbe following Tracts of Land, vis : No. 1. All that Tract of Land situate within the City limits of Greenville, about ono mile from tbe Court House, on Pendleton and other streets now being opened, containing Thirty (30) Acre*, more or less, about Ten (10) of which are under cultivation, the remainder is well timbered, having beautiful Building Lots on all of it, and is Well adapted for cultivation. Also, on this Tract of Land is a substantial Dwelling House, oi six rooms ; also, good Outbuildings, with an excellent Spring of Water within a few yards of the House. The said House and Land lies convenient to either the Greenville and Cnlumhis Ruilrosd or the present site of the Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line Depots. May be cut up into lots suitablo to purchasers before day of sale. No. 2. Known os Sherman Lot, situate in the City of Greenville, on Main Street, bounded on north l>y North Stroet, and west hy Laurens Street, and contains One and OneFourth Acres, more or less. On this Lot is a good House with four rooms, tbe necessary outl>uildingst and a Weil of excellent water; also, Ane Garden spot. This property is well located fot business bouses. ALSO, A valuable Plantation, situated on waters of South Tyger River, adjoining Innds of A. J. Ponder, V. McBee and others, containing Eleven Hundred and Sixty Ave Acres, more or less, and known us the Carson Gold Mine Tract. On this Tract is One Hundred (100) Acres of Arat-clnss River Bottom Land, under a high state of cultivation. This Land lies within eighteen miles of Greenville Court House, and fourteen miles of Spartanburg C. H. Tbe Gold interest in this place bas been pronounced, by experienced Miners, tc be very valuable. The above property is sold as tbe property of Luther M. McBee, deceased, for partition amon* the heirs. TERMS?One-Third Cash; the balance on a Credit of Twelve (12) Months, with interest from day of sale. Purchasers to give Bond and Mortgage of premises to Probate Judge, to securo the payment of the purch ise money. Purchasers to pay for Stamps and Papers. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. G. C. August 21, 1872. 16?7 J. B. HENRY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, MAIN STREET, Greenville, 8. country PRODuaa BOUGHT AND SOLD. ORDERS FOR CORN SOLICITED April 17 40 ly T* j> oc 1 ^ ? S ? ? 6 I |2!ll| ?pci. S * *2*ZZ ? 5 ? ? I m ff 2 !' 2 S 3 o J IS*3 " ?? = ^ M S o ^ 5*~^1 M tons' .-S* 3 * <*> Lj a 3 < 3w^a8.s&,{ SM QQ Ho. ^"w-sSs? M J | ?*g P3 I H < ?ll|6l _ T. W. DAVIS WATCH MAKER MO IIBBAY1R CORNER OP pg Jgjlfi MAI* 0* Washington Streets next Deer to Nations lank. ORKKNVILLB, ? C. May S * 1 * * If CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK or SOUTH CAROLINA. .* Compound Interest Allowed on Deposits. WV. MARTIN, President. * . * JOHN B. PALMER, Vic*-Prudent. A. O. BRENIZER, Oaabtor. J. C. B. SMITH, Lc?al AwiaUnt CaibUr. J. H. SAWYER, AwUt.nt Cuhitr, in Own nl Cbtr|?. DIRECTORS. Wad* Hampton, Rot. William Martin, A. 0. Haskell, F. W. MoMaster, 8. H. Heinlwh, John B. Palmer, Thomas 8. Gregg, Column!*; J. Bll Qrt|t|, Marion | G. T. Scott, W. Q. Mayes, Newberry; B. H. Rutledge, Daniel Ravenel, Jr., Oharleston. Greenville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Assistant Cashier. Planters, Meebanlos, and Professional Men, Widows, Orphans, Trustees and County Officers, having money for whloh they hare no present use, can here deposit H, thus avoiding all risks of thefts and destruction by fire, ana at the same time draw interest thereon till needed. Citlsens of Greenville can save thousands of dollars by patronising their Bank. Deposits solicited, ho matter now small, or how large. Gold and Silver received on deposit, at interest, and repaid in kind, or in currenoy, as agiced npon. May 23 3 dm 13th August, 1872. WE hereby notify the pnblio that the United States Patent Offioe has QSAMTED A PATENT roR "WEsn guaio HRimr mkt.k f~.ll- " ? itiiiuu iuiij cuT?ri ni< id) pans. They will bo manufaclured, and for sale, by us. Jty State and County Rights for sale. ?3T All infringements prosecuted to the full extent of the late. W. J. WEST. GOWEH, COX A MARKLKY, Owners of tbo Patent. Aug 21 10 tf PAUL a. I.ALANS. I K. P. LAROUS8ELIKRK. I A. A. AVE1LHE. PAUL B. LAL ANE & CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS ARD toitimiosioii Merchants, at no. 175 east bay, Ch arleston, S. C. July 24 12 1y FALL >872.' FALL OUR 8T0CK OP FALL AND WINTER nay r,n{)nmnTin\K v v V V V & W a MA/ WILL BE COMPLETE BY THE 1st September. With a resident buyer in tbe Northern markets. we are prepared, at all times, to execute your orders, upon the moat favorable terms, or to serve you in person. ^*We respectfully invite yon to call. E. W. MARSHALL & CO., 143 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S.O. B. 0. MAULDIN is with us, and will b? glad to serve all friends. Aug 14 15 3m geo. w. williams. j auks buidgk, jr. william birnib. i frank b. tatlor. jos. r. robbrts0b. | robt. s. cathcart. Geo. W. Williams & Co., Factors and Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, 0. C., amd Williams, Birnie & To., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 66 Braver Strxkt and 20 Exciianok Place, 1T1SW YORK. Messrs. Foster A Hcntbr are pre pared to make liberal advances on Cotton and Produce shipped to us either In Charleston oi New York. 12-4m W. B. SMITH & CO.. and COMMISSION MERCHANTS CHARLESTON, S. C. w. B. Smith. A. II Jones. L. m. Jones w. B. Wualet. ?-o? (9 Consignment* *olici?#?d, on wliiel Liberal Advances will l>e made. tW~ Refer to Meier*. Fo?teb A Huxtkb Greenville, 8. C. Jy 8 0 8m Notice 18 hereby given to all whom ?t may eon cern thai I will apply to 8. J. Donlhit Probate Judge of Greenville Cnuuty, on lh< day of October neat, for a FINAL DI8 CHARGE as Guardian of PINCKN&1 UAWKIN8. H. P. U A MMETT, Guardian. September 8, 1813. 18-5 LANrT FOR SALE Til ACTS of LAND, on South Sale ) JL da River, eontainln* 780 aerm, par beat River and Creek BOTTOM, with net [ improvement* Ala large lot tf valuable HORSES, CAT I TLB end HOGS, Af.ptf to JULIUS C. 8MITH. or J. M. McOLANAHAN. May 4 ,s td a?sea?MI I'ii. i IUI -gyp. A Great Improvement i anvmona* vepatsc eem *'d- y ' 5 PA TENT T""* p?paia, or Ml SlcknM* ?rtalng ?9* fbrpld ? ?t?? th*\l\?, m?4 (iHm ilTplMA 14 i wttntr TtMUhU, u4 mrnui iiIWmiIm. DOW IE, K0I8B * DAVIS, Wk MARSHALL * MATJLDE JOHN H. S< LIFE AND FIRE ] ajtd jtota] Home Of N. Y. C Mm*ts, July, IS North British and M and Edinburg, $10,00 Georgia Hoi Carolina Life, of R $1,10 OFFICE WITH MGSSH Excelsior Ulattre ' | 'Hii poblie is Informed thai there is snel i the Wonderful Excelsior Sound and refreshing sleep is secured th< M?ttreaeea. Persons need not lisve their pi Bog*, tor they will not infest thlo Maltreat These Mattresses are gotten op in varioui and f 10. A good assortment always on hai carriage makers, that this Patent Excelsior i it is eery light and durable, and I would ret any quantity, as I buy direct frcra the Bos and 1 can sell U very cheap. Manufacturer of the " Wonderful Patent Court House. Important Bales. I OFFER at prirato sale tbe following valuable Real Estate in tbe City of Greenville: The LOT oa Avonue and Ayashiagton Streets, on which are a Dwelling of 8 rooms, and two two-story Buildings now used for stores, As. This is one of the most convsnler.t locations in the City, and will bo divided il desired. ALSO, Thirty-three Acres of Land on tbe south biijo ui ncaaj ivivor, aajoiniog tne jrurman University, and near the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Depot. On thh is a small Cottage of four rooms, and other Buildings; good Orobard, and many desirable building Locations. Adjoining No. 2 is a LOT containing Seven Acres of Land, on which are two Dwelling Houses of two stories, with Out-buildings, Ac., Spring of good Water, and select Orchard of Fruit. This Property Will be divided to suit purchasers. For further information, apply to T. B. TII HUSTON, Exocutor. Sept 4 18 4 RIBBONS, MILUNIRY | 1872. | AN0 STRAW GOODS, ALSO, Wnite Goods, Embroideries, &o armstrongTcator & CO., IMPORTERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers, Bonnet, Trimming, Neck and Sash Ribbons ; Velvet Ribbons j Neck Tiea; Bonnet Silks, Sutins, Velvets and Crapes; Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Frames, Ac. Straw Bonnets and Ladies and Children's Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. AND 1? CONNECTING WAREROOMS, White Goods, Linens, Embroideries, Laces, Nets, Collars, Setts, Handkorchiefs, Veiling, Head Nets, Ac., Ac. No*. ?87 and 239 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. These goods are manufactured by us, or i bought for Cash directly from the European and American manufacturers, embracing all the latest novelties, unequalled In variety and cheapness in any market. Orders filled with eare, promptness and despatch. , Aug 28 17 5 _ > Call from the public will assure them that we can supply all ibat is needed by a MAN In the way of Orauge*, Lemons, Nuls, all kinds. randies, Sugar, C? (F-e, Tobacco, chewing and amoktug, Oigara, and almost everything to be FOUND In a well ordered store of this character. Th>>se who purchase from us, go away pleased ; and as to prions, we have a DEAD Thing ou most dealers, being extremely low. Our location, i nr Point of oonvenienae, is not excelled, on Au* gusta Street, where our irieude should call. A Large supply is constantly kept on hand, which will be sold by reta 1 or by the WAGON Load. Call and see us befo.*? purchasing elsewhere FRANK HAMMOND & CO. August 7 >4 8 Jast Received, Is AT IHCKAY'S, Tfslr ^ 1IrV nr ip. iMr QiroDr v W/i\^ ua ww k7 ?J JL K AJ A PUf OF LEGHORN AND STRAW HT tlATH, bonnkts. r pbow, m\ JirLadiee'TIES and HAIBQOCM8, JP KT SUTft>OTfN8 AT FIFTY July ft ft ?l i ? , .? Notice. t A LL, partiaa indebted to Ihe Kotata ol r J\ WILLI AM K. HrOHTOWKft, datMcd, are rcque?t?d to"hnm* forward and ' nettle ; and Ihoaa having claimr will preerni them on or before the 6th day of Noveaas bar next, or be debarred. T. W HIGHTOWF.R, Awf1^l4-M* - Fxerntrir in tho Xed oal Soienoe. POOIIP OB LITER CUBE. ED 1,871. ImM of A? Q. 8IMMON8, of Goorjio, pot ?odi*w 44m o riroi for Oo?Upalloa. Dy?>r DImomA Ziivor. It I* Mid u oothartie, ?M Ml 1ft* BOW MTM. Ttal? Modlolno It Thooo nbttef will da wall to try tbU Modi, whoro. PraprteUrt, Walda, Via. oloooJo AgoaU, OkotlMioa, ft 0. NT. Agents for Greenrille. 5HOFIELD, rVCITna ivr/vn IMWWW uiouAivaujCi AtfXiiii, BIT PUBLIC, apital, $2,000,000. 72, 24,393,564* ercantile, of London Capital (Gold) >0,000. ae, $350,000. lcmphis, Tennessee, 0,000. LS. EARLE & BLYTHE, iss Manufactory. i .place in Graenvilla, where they can get nintlreiMt aud Pillow*. e? hot and sultry oighta by lying on thee* leant dream. disturbed by that rur, Bed k Tliey are a great comfort to the weary i itylw, .ire. and pries., from $6, $7.18, $9 nd. Would aleo .ay, for the ioforinatiou of a a good thing lor stuffing cushions, Ac., a. sommend it. I can furnish the Excelsior in ton Excelsior Company in large quantities, ? J. C. O. TURNER, Excelsior Matties., two doors Souih of 11-tt Greenville & Columbia Railroad? Change of Schedule. ON and after Thursday, September 5th, 1872. the PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road will be run as follows, daily, Sundays excepted: Going Well, or Up. Leave Columbia at. 7 15 a m " Alston- 9 05 a in " Nowbcrry - ?.10 40 a m " Cokesbury.. 2 00 p in " Bolton..-....- ? 3 50 p in Arrive at Greenville - 5 30 p m Going E'jit, or Down. Leave Greenville at _...? 730 a m 44 Bolton - 0 80 a m " Cokesbury -....-....-11 16 a m 44 Newberry 2 30 p tn " Alston 4 20 p m Arrive st Columbia ? 6 Oil p m Connect at Alston with Trains an the Spartanburg and Union Railroad ; connect at Columbia with Night Trains on the South Carolina Railroad up and down; also with Trains going North and South on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta and the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroads. ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Train leaves Abbeville at 9 !5 a m., eon* necting with Down Train from Greenville.? Leaves Cokesbury at 2 16 p m., connecting with Up Train from Columbia. Accommodation Train, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Cokesbury at 11 15 a m, or on the arrival of the Down Train from Greenville. Leaves Abbeville at 1 o'clock p m, connecting with Up Train from Columbia. ANDERSON BRANCH AND BLUE RIDGE DIVISION. Doten. Leave Walhallaat 5 45 a m 44 Perryville 6 25 a in 44 Pendleton 7 10 a m "* Anderson 8 IV i in Arrive at Bolton at 9 00 a ui Up. Leave Helton at. 3 50 p m " Andetion 4 50 p m " Pendleton .. 6 50 p m i " Perry villa... 8 .15 p m Arrive at Walhalla at 7 15 p in Accommodation Traina between Belton and Anderson on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Bat. nrdays. Leave Bolton at 9 50 a in., or on arrival of Down Train from Greenville. Leave Auderson at 2 00 p ui, connecting with Up Train from Columbia. THOMAS DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. JABKZ NORTON, General Ticket Agent. Sep II 19 tf WHITNER SYJMMES, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFICE.?New Court House Room used by County Commissioners. April 10 49 6m BURT A GRAY, | ATTORNEYS AT LAW AMD r SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE. S. C.. Will Practice in the Court* of thi* State and the United State*. OFKICK?Renr room of Now Court House Mar 20, 1872. 46 t( C. C. Stephens, AYYOKINIKY AY LAW. GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFICE IN REAR OF BKATTIE S STORE. m (voipc vwuiiua given 10 UOII6C* tiona. 39-tf Jan 31, 1872. E. P. JONES, at? iwvw, .diVT) 80L/CITOR IN EQUITY. WILL FllffPirr ?w *?? COURTS OF THIS STATE ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Offlb* At OrMDTilIi C. H., t. 0. Jul) 1, I960. 1 lym M, G. BUT LB A. r. B. MeRKB. BUTLER & McBEE. Attorney! end Counsellor! at Law and in Equity, GREt!?rTILlLl<( S? C*? Will rnutiM la the Cowrte #f th? Stats .and of tka United State*. May 81 4 t( or Hie woret Cough* yield, ** if by magic, to the wonderful euratire powers of Pt Pl*re?'e flo'den Medical Di'eoyerr.