University of South Carolina Libraries
The State of South Oarolina, U KKKNVILLE COUNTY. hbuttb a a lbs. ? ' BY virtue of sundry Write of Fieri Fa doe U me dlwsd, I will eell ts'efi the Oonrt House door, on 8aie*Jenf in October next, between the hours of 10 o'clock io the fun-noon sod I o'efook la the after noon. One Tract of Lead, containing O** Her 'v died Aer?e, more or leee, lying on we tors of Beluds riser, nnr Wila-m's bridge. adjoin' ing lands of Elijah B*k?w, #ohn Tollcreon and others. Levied on ee the property of Catherine Wlleor\ ffxecutrl*, at the suit of Jasner Wilson. JCxroulor. f I' One TYeet n| lend, ?oati|nin| One Hundred end Twenty Acre*, more or lets, together with a Cotton F?et?ry thereon, known m the h?ens Vi#ti Factory, together with eU tooU, machinery. appliances. an-1 appurtenanoea thereunto twlootring.?A'eo. one Tree, of Land, containing Twtttt3 Acr?-a, more or leer, together with n Grist ill thceon, adjoining the Faotory Tract, sod known ?* the Qri?t M'll Tract. Also, one other Trant. known w the L*Wer Home stead, containing Three Hundred Antes, more or lea*, adj-lnlng lands of Balesvllle Manufacturing Company and other*. L ?- ' ied on as the property of Lester A Bo"hers, at tha suit of M L. Mar.-hant *nd nthera? Said pioperty will ha sold suhj ct to lien of the mortgage of Wymaii; Byrd A Co, upon said,property. ; Us-*wld>t the risk of the JormerpnrohssT 'lernie u>i?h. Purchasers to pay for I atampa and papers. J. Lv SOUTHERN. S. O. O. Sheriff*- OWo.', Git-envllle, 8. U., ^pt-ui. (<er 8. 1872. ig_6 COLUMBIA PHOENIX, publish kd daily and tki-weekly ; wiaaasiii?? every wednesday, Bjr JULIAN A. 8KLBT. Contains latest Telegraphic News trout uil pari* of the V orld, besides spicy Editorials, stharp Locale, iRtoreeting Miscellaneous Readicy Matter, Poetry, Ae. Teiim*. for Six Months.?Daily Phoenix, 4M.0H; Tri-weekly Phoenix, $2.50; Weekly <3 leaner, $1.50. U. S. Marshal's Sale. BY virtue of ah order to mo issued from the lionoralde the District Court for tjwuth Carolina, I will cell, 4<> the highest bidder at auction, before the Court bouse, on .S'?t- i t<rday, ih* 1 \:K day *f Sep imlcr, at 11 o'clock I A. M., the following property, to wit : C Boxes of Manufactured Tobacco, i Terms?CASH. R. M. WALLACE, ' U. S. Marshal. ] W. II. Moumce, Deputy U. S. M. SeDt 4 18 5 Notice TS hereby eivfii to all whom 5t may con- ' #fin ih?> 1 w|H apply to 8. J. DoUlhit, j Probate Jodgr o' Gi'-fnvillf County, on th?* 4th dav of Oc'otier n?xt, for a FIN AL DISCHARGE as Guardian of I'lNCKXKY HAWKINS. II P HAMMETT, Guardian. Sepi ember *, 187*. 18-5 The State of South Carolina. QREENVILLE COUNTY. Ity S. J. UOUTHIT, Etquire, Judge of Probate of ea*d County. WHEREAS, ANN J IRVINE has fll-d a Petition in my ottioo, praying that L-t tsrs of Administration, with the Will ann-X' ori, on all at:d aincttlnr the good* and >-hattela, rights and nrodiu of E. S. IRVINE la'o ol the County aforesaid, deceased, should ho granted to her. These are, therefore, to erite ard admott Isb oil and singular the kindred and credi- ' tors of the said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Proha'o for said Oonn-v. to ' be h?ld?n at Greenville Court Hou-e. on the 17fA day of September inrt . Ipahna caus , if any, why I he said Aduiinistratioo should i not be granted 8 J DOUTHIT, J. 1*, O. 0. Office of Judge of Probsle, Srpt^m?.et 8. 1572. 18-2 8TATE OP SOtJTE CAK0LlNA> QHRKNV1LLK COUNTY. Sfc?rlffa Sales. < BY virtue of an or.i?r from A.jl. Dou TtttT, Probate Jndg* of Greenville County, I will sell, on Sate*day in Octobet next, h-fot* the Court House door, at public outcry, the foil, wing property, viz: A IIo'im and Lot, situated in the City of Qreenviile. bounded by land* of Vardry Mcttee. deceased, 0. F Townea, and olbera, and containin,/ Two acre*, more or Ibm. Sold* as (lie properly of Gen. Win. K. Easley, deceased, for payment of the debt* of said 'deceased. "On said Loi I are good Out-lion-ex. Kitchen and o'b j er improvement*, t * 4. ? ' . TEKMS?One-ihird cash ; balance on a credit of ei? mom ha, with in*. ' teres', from deie. Porch are is to give bond apd approved security and a mortgage of the premise* to the Pro bate Judge, to secure the payment of , the purchase money. Purchaser* to pay for titles and stamp*. J. L S0UT11J2KN, s o. c. 8ept.8. 1872. 18-5 VlMot tltA?t?. I 1 n > ! 11W1IW* (J Alt, persons indebted m ??fr?r J A count# ?>' IS7I, must call and a*til? by 15<A / 8+pt*nb>r. ?.r th?'r Aeeonnta will be gie?n to w. H. I'ksrv for cOl-oiiob. . ItK AT HE A CO August tStfc, 1872. 17?2 nf Hit nil iiEf All parties indebted u> mrs. l. t. jen- | n in ms are kindly rrquMU<i to come forward and swtlk tueik ac00unt8. Mrs. Jennings, at the urn# lima, will gently bint that aba heaps a cash store, and that all Uoods taksn ant and not settled for at the tine, were promised 10 be paid for im a /aw daye or weeks, llsr rircomatanoea do not permit her to wait an/ loagar apon delinquents. it-8 | Reuben Burrls bee been nominated for | the Legislators from Anderson County, by u number of ?ob r?. FOR SMALL GRAIN, i ( S HUE attention of Farmers plant (J is called to toe VANll F] WHICH 18 ESPECIALLY At Having been tried for several *e nouncod " Tbe Fertiliser " for Suial USE W ANDO, and doable jon W ANDO 1 unsurpassed for Sma r? :? v .. / \r iv.rvt i _n i a., t " mijt/v i unvijunuou iur iurm WM. o. jdxj: ' GENERAL South Atlantic Whai JAMES 6. HOLMES, I Superintendent Agencies. August 28 11 FURMAitmnviRsurv. THE next ANNUAL SESSION of thli In atltutiori will begin on VTEDXESDAY, the llrA of SEPTEMDER. For fnll iuformaiion u to requirements for admission, rates or tuition, Ac., apply for Cat* ulogue at the Bookatoro of O. B. Elfnrd, or to Profeasor C. II. JUDSON. Aug U IS 4 CITY ELECTION. AN ELECTION lor MAYOR and 8ix ALDERMEN of the City of Greenville will be heM on Monday, 9th September, next. The polls will ho opened at the new Court House at 6 o'clock A. M. and closed at 6 o'clock P. M. The Managers will proceed to oount the votes immediately after the polls aro closed, and declare the election. They shall also serve each member with a written notice of Lis election. Makaoehs.-?Verdry McBce, W. F. Tbackston and Prank A. Williamson. JAME8 P. MOORE, Mayor. A. r. MjcDavid, City Clerk. Aug 28 17 2 , RIRROKS, " MILllNfcBY j 1872. { AND STRAW SOOD9, Aisa, Wnite Goods, Embroideries, &c armstronqTCATOR & CO., IMPORTERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers, Bonnet, Trimming, Neck and Rash llihlions 5 Velvet Ribbons; Neck Ties; Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes ; Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Frames, Ac. Straw Bonnets and Ladies and Cbildreu'a Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. AND !* CONNECTING WAREROOM8, White Goods, Linens, Emhroideries, Lncee, Mots, Collars, Setts, Ilaadkerchiefs, Veiling, Head Nuts, Ac., ae. Nos. 337 and 338 Baltimore Stroet, Baltimore, Md. These goods are manufactured hy us, or bought for Caeh direetly from tlio European and American manufacturers, embracing all the latest novelties, unequalled tn variety and iheapness in any market. Orders filled with lare. promptness and despatch. Aug 28 . 17 5 13th August, 1872. WE hereby notify the public that the United States Puteat Office has granted a PATENT vor "WESTS fill DIST81T1." srhicb fully oovers all its parts. They will be manufactured, and fur sale, y us. , jtST State and County Rights for tale. ?3T All infringements prosecuted to the full extent of the law. W. J. WEST, OOWER, COX A MARKL15Y, Owners of the Pat?nt. Aug 21 16 tf fill 1872: Ml OUR 8T0CK OP AM 11 WlMfcA DRV SttU1NOTIONS WILL BE COMPLETE BT THE 1st September. With a residest hhyef in the Northern mariet?, we are prepared, at all tinea, to execute roar orders, upon the tnoit favorable tends, >r to serve yon in person. ptr-We respeeifully Invite yon to call. B. W. MARSH4W> A CO., 143 MEETING S-?pbT. OHARLF,feTtm,? S.C. B. O. MAULDIN is with us, end will be [lad to sorve all friend*. Aug 14 - U 3m Notice 18 given to all whom It map eon earn, that I will epplv to S. J. Dmithit, 'rol.ate Judge ?>f Gr.vnvill? County, on h? 'th dap of *?.|iirmher n-*L for a FINAL .toeuiun* ?j ?t _. ^ uvunnirri ? n ' in ' in*? r? l ??l" OI III! Ms ale ofOEOROR W, I)|Ll* ilrcaM J A UFA M. BAILEY, A*Wr. Anifuit 1*. t8ft. 14?9 Police. ALL PERSONS having Claim* a*afn*t tha E*u ? of <l?n. W. K. JIASLKY, 1ecea*ed. am requested u> hand ih* in In, [>ri?i?eilv ait?*te?f. to C*pt. (?. 0 Wells. BENJAMIN SLOAN, Admlnbt'r. August 40, 1872. 18-8 Notice. A TW ? J- e- ?L- ?-*-* -I a JUti |'nru?? iiiiiruiru IU nin ui ?\ WILUAM K. HIOHTO*KK. de WAfd, ar?? requeued to ??m? f<?rw?.r?1 and Iritl* ; and thoaa horinfr claim* will prrarnt horn oc or bafttra tha 0th day of Novates >ar ?Ml, or ba daHarrad. T. W. HIOHTOWEK, Aog Exrcn?rix. GRASS AND TURNIPS, ) jug Wheat, Oats, Kjpe and Barler, nmra, )APttCD TO THBSE CROPS. n?nn. a:a\ . c>.i? ?? (WHO III UIIIVI ciu K?Ulit;0| It ID pro- 1 II Grain and Tornipa. ir crops. 11 Grain. J* . * . BJE19 db OO.f AGENTS, rf, Charleston, 9. C. JTJLIU8 G SMITH. Agent, Greenville, S. C. . 4 GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLE0E. mm Prof. J. P. DA ROAN, Principal of Collegiate Department. Mias BBTTIE DARGAN, Principal of Academio Department. MUa EMMA 8. MERRICK, Principal of Primary Department. Prof. M. O. DaCAMPS, Principal of Mnaio, Department. Mias C. DAWSON, Assistant English Tcaolier. R. McKAY, Esq., Te.cber of Penmanship, Ac. Miss MAY COX, Assistant Mnaio Teacher. ?, Prench, Drawing, Ac. HATES or TUITION, Per Term of Twenty WeeAs, in advance. Primary Department .$12 60 Academic 20 60 Collegiate 27 60 Piano Lessons 2 ? 00 Singing in Class 6 00 The next Annual Session will begin on the 4th of September. ptf For fall Information, apply for Circa lar to Mr. G. E. Blford, or to C. H. JUD80N, General Superintendent. Aug ISth 1872. 16 4 AT MARSHALL MALLDin DRUG STORE o Fresh Turnip Seed for Sale. AMBER GLOBE\ SEVEN TOP, RED TOP, FLAT DUTCH, RUT A BAG A, WHITE GLOBE. STOXO GTTAKO for Turnipa. Above Seed are grown in Phila* delphia from reliable bouses. We are constantly receiving FRESH DRUGS, from the J>est Houses in the BLACKBERRY cordial, A Fine Article. FRUIT JARS, At Low Prices. BRANDY AND WINES, For Medical Purposes. wiiiie Lead and paints, At Low Figures. r--.ii . One Barrell each of MACHINE OIL, TANXER S OIL. T f *r LH> n i r * j-tin o aau w//, TURPENTINE, and ALCOHOL. SCHOOL BOOKS, At Publishers' Prices. Paper Jind Envelope*, At any price, and in any quantity. NEW BOOK8 JUST IN, " THE REBEL BOY By a Southern Lady. A Large Stock of Wall Paper and Mouldinff For Frames. % tiu ?n mini s July 10 10 ly TV a Ql.t>n./>nit ??? -? .... J" prevent between eight and nine hundred Virgioi* penitentiary oonviele, many of whom are htred out. 1 SiilSlPl I I sa 11? |i]l|j I" S ^ I s J Vih " 8s!n? .* JjjMj BXECCT0R8' SALE. FOUR OR FIVE THOUSAND ACRES OF FINE WOODLAND. BY virtue of an order from the Circuit Court for Greenville County, we will eel) before the Court House door, on Rates* day in October next, to the highteet bidder, the following lands, to wit; One Tract in Greeviile County, fire milee above the City of Greenville, lying on both aides of the Air Line Railroad, and of the Rutherfoid Road, containing about One Thousand Acres, and known as the Mountain Creek Tract. One Tract, containing from Four to Fiva Hundred Acres, lying between the Pendle* ton and Andereon Roads, and on both sides of the Easley's or Towns' Brid .e Road. One Traot, of about Four Hundred Aeree, lying between the Anderson and Grove Itoaas, and on both sides of the Greenville A. Columbia Railroad. One Tract, of about Fourteen Hundred Acresj lying between the Grove and AnRusta Roads, on both Sidee of the South. And North Forks of Brushy Creek, nod known as the Brushy Creek Iraet. One Trsot, of shout Twelve Hundred Acres, known as the Laurel Creek Traet. One Lot of Seven or Eight Acres, lving within the corporate limit* of the City of Greenville, fronting on Pendleton and Anderson Streets, and adjoining lands of Gaines. Strndley and others. Tbs above 1 ands are almost entirely in the original forest, and the extreme outer limits of no portion of them la more than fix milrsfrotn the City limits?some of them are entirely within the City, others partly within and partly without, and others from a hall to five and six miles distant? The different Tracts will oe sob-divided into Tracts ol from Thirty to Fifty Aeras to suit purchasers, snd Plats of the same will lie exhibited on the day of (ale, and in the meantime can be seen by calliog on Alexander MoBee. ALSO, One Tract of Land, known as the ' Shoal Tract." containing One Hundred and Forty Acres, more or lees, situated in the upper part of Greenville County, on waters of Braverdam Creek, snd adjoining lands of K F. Whilden and olhera. One Tract, known as the " Gap Creek Tract," lying on both sides of the Old Gap Creek Rued and Gap Creek, containing Fifteen Hundred or Two Thousand Aoree, and extending to the North Carolina Line. TERMS.?One-third Cash ; balance on eredit of twelve months, secured by Note and Mortgage of premleea Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers If all the Traeta are not sold on Salesday In October, (he sale will eot.tinue from day to day until ali are disposed of. V A McBEK. ALEX. MoHEE, Executors of Vardry McBce, deceased Aug 14 15 8 statu fiu RAirrsf rltAT re a QRtiRNVlLLB COUNTY. Sheriff'* Stole. BY virtue of an order from S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, I will eell, on Salesday in Oetobor next, at peblio outcry, before the Court House door, the following Tracts of Land, Via : No. 1. All that Traet of Land situate within the City limit* of Greenville, about one mile from the Court House, on Tendleton and otbor stroota now being opeftdd, Containing Thirty (30) Aoree, more or leaf, about Ten (10) of which ate under cultivation, the remainder is well timbered} having beautiful Building Lots on all of it, and is well adapted for cultivation. Also, on this Tract of Lend Is a substantial Dwelling Ilonse, ot six rooms | also, good Outbuildings, with an excellent Spring of Water within a fbw yards of the House. The said House and Land lies convenient to either the Greenville and Columbia Railroad or tho present site of the Atlanta and Ricbmoud Air-Lino Depots. May be out up into lots suitable to purchasers before day of sale. No. 2. Known ns Sherman Lot, situate Id the City of Greenville, on Main Street, bound* ed on north by North 8treet, and west by Laurens Street, and contains One and OneFourth Acres, more or less. On this Lot is a good House with four rooms, the necessary outbuildings, and a Well of excellent water; also, floo Garden spot- Tbis property is well located fbt business bouses. ALSO, A valuable Plantation, situated on waters of South Tyger River, adjoining lands of A. J. Ponder, V. Mo Bee and others, containing Bleven Hundred and Sikty-flva Acres, more or loss, and known as the Carson Gold Mino Tract. On this Traet Is Ona Hundred (100) Acres of first-olass River Bottom Land, dndor a high atata of cultivation. Tbia Land lios within eighteen miles of Greenville Court House, and fourteen miles of Spartanburg C. II. The Gold intafest in tbia place bas beeh pronounced, by experienced Miners, to be very valuable. The above property is sold as the property of Luther M. MoBoe, deceased, for partition ?uiuiiH iuo uvin. TERMS?One-Third Cub; tha balance on a Credit of Twelve (13) Months, with interest from day of flal* Purchasers to give Bond and Mortgage of premises to Probate Judge, to aoctire the payment of the puroh ?ee money. Purchasers to pay for 8tsmps and Papers. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. 0. C. August 21, 1872. 18?7 Desirable REAL ESTAfE for Sale, la aad near tke City of Greenville. X OFFER at pHvate sale the very desirable PLANTATION and RESIDENCE of the late WM. BATES, deceased, located on tbe River and on tbe Buncombe Road, about two miles above the City and in sight of it, and within one mile of the Air Line Railway Depot. The Tract ef Land contains aboht 220 Acres, about 40 Acres of which is vary superior River end Creek Bottom, admirably adapted to tbe growth uf both grain and tha grasses, Tbe Uplands are very superior red elay soil, and a part of tbem In native forest, aad Is equal to tbe best tn tbe ap-eonntry. Tbe Dwelling on the premises Is very superior, le conveniently constructed and In good repair. Tbe out buildings are all in good reIialr, and plenty of them. Tbe well of water n the ywrd is equal to tbe lest monntain wa? tor. Tito rroni ranee (plank) to new j the yard and garden fenoe (picket) bu Jut been rota pie tod and pal d ted j making altogether one of the at oat daairable pUoea for aala in Ihls see Hon, or likely to bo aoon again. I a lan offer for sale a rery deairabla two> story HOUSE and LOT, (two aoree,) on Bun* oomke Street, la the City, one mile from the pnblto square. Also, several rery desirable BUILDING LOTS, on Augusta Street, one mile from the pnbl.w square, and seat Furman Unlrerslty. H. P. HAMMKTt. Aug 14 16 4! A G?M from the pahlte wiJI saeure there that we tupplj all thai U aeeded by a MAM In the way of Orange*. Lerauoe, Num. all kiade. Candies, Sugar. CoffVe, Tobaaoo. obawing tad mehUf, Cigars, tad aliauei everything to ba FOUND Ih a wall ordered store of JxU oharaoter, Th<>8? who purehaaa from us, go ewsjr pleased ; a ad u to prieea, we have aDEAD nrui? ? - - ? un uio?i aeeiert, Ming extremely low. Oar location, nr Point of eonYeolenee, it not excelled, on An-' gust* Street, where our friends should cell. a Largs supply it constantly kept on hikd, whieh will be sold by ret* 1 or by the WAGO* Load. 0*11 and see as before purchasing elsewhere. FRANK HAMMOND & CO. August 1 14 8 CITIZENS' SAVINGS BjFkmK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. to: Compound Interest Allowed on Deposits. WM. MARTIN, President. JOHN B. PALMER, Vice-President. A. O. BRENIZER, Ceshler. ' J. C. B. SMITH, Local Assistant Cashier. J. H. SAWYER, Assistant Cashier, in General Charge. DIRECTORS. Wade Hampton, Rev. William Martin, A. C. Haskell, F. W. McMaster, K. H. HeiniUh, John B. Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia j J. Ell Gregg, Marion ; G. T. Scott, W. G. Mayes, Newberry s B. H. Rutledge, Daniel Rarenel, Jr., Charleston. Greenville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Assistant Cashier. ;o: Planters, Meobanies, and Professional Men, Widows, Orphans, Trustees and County Officers, having money for wbioh they have no present use, oan here deposit it, thus avoiding all risks of thefts and destruction by fire, and at tbo same time draw interest theroon till needed. Citisens of Greenville can save thousands of dollars by patronising their Bank. Deposits solicited, no matter how small, or bow largo. JW* Gold and Silver received on deposit, at interest, and repaid in kind, or in outrenoy, as agreed npon. May 22 3 8m OKO. W. WILLIAMS. I JAMES BRinOB, JR. WILLIAM BIKN1E. KRAilK B. TAYLOR. JOS. B. noBBBTSOJI. | ROOT. S. CATUCART. Geo. W. Williams 9u Co., Faclora nnd Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, 8. O., Alt) Williams, Birnie & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 60 Beaver 8tre?t axd 20 Exchaxob Place, NEW YORK. ptf Messrs. Foster A Hurter nro protared to make liberal advanees on Cotton and 'reduce abipped to us either in Charleston or New York. 12 -4m paul b. lauaret i e. t. laroub8el1err. | A. A. AVEILIiR. PAUL e. DIANE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AHt> Cominfasioit Itferehrttils, AT NO. 175 EAST BAY, Charleston, S. C, July 24 12 ly WUB. SMITH &HoT, A*b COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, 8. C. tV. fl. Surra. A. H. Jo*es. L. M. JONES W. B. WuALEt. --U? HT ConsignmentB .olid'ed, On wlileh Liberal Advance* trill l>e made; ?r Refer to lieaar*. Foster A Hunter, Greenville. S. (i Jj a 9 8m Office Comptroller Genera), Coioniu, 8. 0., February 1, TR7J. THIS is to oertify that the GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published in tha town of Greenville, A. C., is heroby designated by this Hoard as Ibe paper in Which legal and pwbllo notices shall be pahllshed, for the County of Greenville, in accordance with the * Act to regulate the publication of ail le Ml and public notice#," which heoaibo a la# February ?d, 187*. J. L. NEAGLK, Comptroller Genera! D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney denetal. TUB above is a true eopy of the original on lie in the office of Secretary of State. P. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. Feb 14 41 tf Jaeobe, Repnbliean candidate for ftorrr* nor of We* Virginia, has been elected. a. m. ss: DKAX BOOKS ANB STAKE Al COURT BOC81 SQCA1 Xw?? Ib Hwk A# frtleWf, l^herwi T)RI*Cirg PROTEAN FOUNTAIN PUN JT writee ? to S hum with om Ailing; | P1CN8, with ud without Holder* ; prioee tro throe rite.; prioe ft oewU doeoo. BTRKL ] ,* c-? "3! Memorandums, indexes, d*t book*, Ledgers, Reourd Rooks, full and half | QA AAA BVYKL0PB8, of nrmu OVoUlA; aisea oad qualities, from' $1.7h to $5 o thousand. j A FULL SUPPLY of Pom. Iok, Inkstands, j J\ Poneils, Staling Was, Letter Clips, j' Water Colors. Chessmen, Rubber Bands, Vis* Itiag Cards.. Ao., Ao. ( June 2fl I Excelsior Mattrc rl^HE publio is Inlorintd that there is ace 1 the Wonderful Excelsior Bound and refreshing sleep Is secured lh< Mm Ureases. Persona ased net hare their pi Bugs, lor they will aot infest Utia Maltrea These Maltrerete are gotten up in varioui and $1<X A good assortment always on hai carriage makers, that this Patent ExceUlor I it ia rery light and darable, nod 1 would re< any qoautity, aa I buy diraet frcm tba Boi and 1 aan aell It vary (Lap. Manufseiurer of tba " Wonderful Patent Court House. johnh7s( LIFE AND FIRE I IS PRETARE Policies on all C JIT THE iLOW NONE BUT THE SAFEST < North British and M and Edinburg, $10,0(1 Home Of N. T. Cap Georgia Home, ' OFFICE WITH MESS!) GREEJY May 1 6 SAMUEL STRADLEY, SUCCESSOR TO DAVID & STRADLEY, WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE HIS FRIENDS, AT THE OLD STJtJVD, * WHERE HE WILL SELL THEM AT roraisJ Feb 28 43 tf LAND FOR SALE. I^WO tP.ACTS of LAND., on 8ouiU Salo. da Hirer, containing 780 acres, part b*at Ritrer and Creek BOTTOM, with new improvements Also large lot of valuable HORSES, CATTLE and HOGS. A|.plv to JULIUS C.-SMITH, or J. M. MoCLANAHAN, May 29 4 td Just Received, fflffigraiss MORAY'S, ntiW SUt?^LY A^TD'STRAW MTHATS, BONNETS. RIBBONS, Jf-% &T Ladies'TIES end HAIR GOOD8, Jg% fgr SUNDOWNS AT FIFTY CENTS.Jgl July 5 & tf Cherubusco Mills. T AM prepared, with my new Mills and a A competent Millar, lo grind Wheat into a superior quality of FLOUR, promptly and on abort notice, and would fespcctfblly aak the patronage of the public. All I aek ie a trial PHILEMON HUFF. Jane 25. 8 tf Prof. M. G. DeCttmps* DEALER In all klnda, of MUSICAL MERCHANDIZE. On hand-Pk anoa. Meltideons, Flutes, Jko, Sheet Musis and Mneie Hooks. Call and sea him, at hia Rooms In tl>o ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A'ear the Female College, Or remit lit, 5. O. May 42 8 tf Soot and Shoo Making. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared trlth competent Workmen to fill all Ordara f?r BOOTS and RHOI6S, of both fine and heave analitie*. on short notice. He sniees MiUlaetion. REPAIRING promptIjr elt#n?1ed to. ty Shap nesrly opposite Oower, Oox A Mark ley's. ntJTLER DYER. April 10 . 49 \y 11 RIB FANCY STATIONERY, ft* REEN VILLI, 8. a 8, mi MMlhit article for A* Desk * Pocket > rfee*. S4.M mad $5. WARRANTED GOLD 81M to Si. BKSTOR'6 GOLDEN FENS, PENS la tvMj. BIBLES, TaUmnti, H/?n Book*; latent CIm QMotion Book* Union Question*. OoMMtln Questions Claw Book*, Howard Ticket* Freeh Laurel*, Pure Gold, Fruit* and Flower* Prise Book*, Bible Dictionary, Ac. BE" Sunday School Libraries ordered, and furnished bee of freight, at publication price*. T AW afad Trial Joetioo Blanks, at Charle#" M J too price*, by tha qoire or qasntity. Deed*, Mortgage*, Masonic Demits, Drafb, Ac. I 0m hm Manufactory. b a pla? it OrarnyUla, where they can get fflmttrewea and Pillow*. nmm hot and sultry night* by lying on the** leasant dream* disturbed by that rm?r, Bad k They are a great oomfort to the weary i ?tyle?, *i*e* and prieea, Iron $0, $7, f 8, |9 nd. Would also toy, for the information of i* a good thing lor etnfllng cushion*, Ac., a* eommeod it. I can furnish th* Excelsior in >too Bxeeltior Company In large quantitiee, ? J. C. C. yURNfiR, i Excelsior Mattress, two doors 8"u<h of 11-tt 3HOFIELD, NSURANCE AGENT, D TO ISSUE n-1 /ia?sca ui JLV1SKS, VEST RATES. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. ercantile, of London Capital (Gold) >0,000. ital, $2,500,000. $350,000. IS. EARLE & BLITHE, VJLLE, S. C. ? tf I WH1TNER S1MMES, Attorney and Counsellor at Lair, GREENVILLE\ S. C. OPFIOE.-Naw Court House Room used by County Commissioners. April 10 49 Cm BURT & GRAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW A."ID SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE. S. C., Will Practice in the Courtt of thie State amt the United Stat en. OFFICR?Rear room of New Court House Mar SO, 1872. 46 t( C. C. Stephens, ATT?^(M[EY AT LAW. GRSEBrVlLLE, s. C. OFFICE IN REAR OF BEATTIE'S STORE. yao ' I'rompt attention given to Collection*. 39-tf Jan 31, 19TS. E. P. JONGS, AWWO&I&SSraiW &15 MW, AND SOLICITOR IN ?Q UITY. WILL PRACTICE tN ALL COURTS OF THIS STA1E AUO, IK TfiE UNITED STATES COURTS. Offifce at Greenville C. H., 8. 0. Jul* 1,1869. 7 iy* M. O. BCTt.Ktt. y. B. MCBCK. &UTLER 8l MCBEE. I Attorneys and Counsellors at law and in Equity, | GREENVILLE, S* Cm Will Prifetiee in the Cohrta of the State and of the United States. May 81 4 It CAROLINA Lift IIS Hi ICE COMFAIY. | MEMPHIS, TENN., AND BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1,100,000. BON. JF.PFERSOJT DAVIS, ParaiorNT. GEN. WADE HAMPTON, VickPbkmdlnt GEN. JOHN D. KENNEDY, General Agent for Bottth Carolina, Colombia, S. C. ST JOHN H. BCOFtfcLD, Agent, (ircentnuTs. c. Mar 13 40 Cm T. W? DAVIS V&TCS l&lil m EltMEfi. CORNER OF /PISmain Washington Streets next Door to If at ton at Beak, GREKNVIUl.R, 8? C? Mar S \ tf IVstlee IS Vierabj given to all whom it may conn cero, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthil,. Probate Jnd?e of Greenvilla County, on tha 0th day of September next, for a FINAL. DISCHARGE aa Administratrix of tha tout* ot JOSEPH OK KEN. deceased. AR parties having claim* against said Estate will preaant them to the Probate Judge on I or owore mm any. or do <t?oarrcd. 8USAN McCOLLlSTEJl, A dm**. Aogntt 3, 1872. 14-ft