University of South Carolina Libraries
<?nta;j>risf. QRSSN.V,lL.IkK, S. o. i WPgMBATiMPIT !< A UT*. J 1 fc* 1*1 t I Jt I I! 1 Z> For Prmidml, HORACE CREELET, or raw tobk. For Vice-I*rttidenti ; B. GRATZ BROWN, < or MISSOURI* ' Ixt ' , I The Orut Radtool Momtnmtlon. 1 Tho regular Convontii n ond tho Bolton' I Convention bavo both pot in aoatiaotion i a tiokot for Oovoraor and Suto otto wo ? I It btcomei oar duty m tho Democratic I party of South Oarolioa, to tsamlD> and weigh wail tha oharactar of (ho candidate* \ on both these tickets. This being dons. ? we roost decide whether we can, under ex. i isting circumstances, support either ticket. I If we osn, consistently with the true In- i tereat of the State support either tiokeW I which one shall we endorse, aa the least eC | two evils I If we oan support neither, and | preserve our self-respect aod the honor of < the State, what shall we do T Nominate a i Deraocr alio Liberal-RspublieansOreeley I ticket, or let the rogues, carpet-baggers, sesllawaga and Qxaat men fight it out In their own wayf' These ere Important questions, nod should aot bs hastily de-> , oided. ,* , The regular Grant ticket is as follows: I F. J. Moses, Jr., has been put in nomination for Governor. He is n native-born , white rcalawag, was a violent secessionist, , has been Speaker of the Bouse of Repre< 1 ecntativea, received a bribe for hie in ( fluence in the Legislature iu parsing varl- I oca bills to swindle the State, and he has, in violation of all honesty and law, issued fraudulent pay bills to the amount of one million of dollars I He is a young man, a spendthrift, and utterly destitute of all principle. He now promisee wall, end says he will rsduee the taxes of the State, j repudiate the freudulent bonds, die., Ac.? The Lieutenant Governor on the regular , ticket, is R. B. Gleavea, a colored man in < Beaufort, who was eonvioted a year or two 1 since of gross frauds as Commissioner of Election*, got a new trial and the care was < iVo/. Prond by the District Attorney. The < Secretary of State is H. E Hayne, another 1 colored man, and has been a member of the last corrupt and corrupting Legislature, and no doubt participated in its corrup- i lions. The Treasurer is P. L. Cardozo, for- I rner Secretary of State, a colored man again i and pretty well proven to have cnunlenano- * ed for a time all the the frauds of Scott, Parker, Kirapton, Ao., in issuing fraudulent 1 bonds to the amount of six millions of dol. ' lara. Attorney General S. W. Melton, a native-born white man, who after being a violent secessionist, kept out of the way of the ballets and joined tha Radicals to be elected Judge. Comptroller General S. L. < iloge, a carpet-bagger who came here #llh < the army, and eaid, " he wished I all the niggers were in a ten aore < field, that he might lorn his battery on thorn and blow them nil to pieces"? | lie pretendod afterwards to be a great friend ? of the colored people, and they oloeted him 1 Judge. IIo then ran for Congress, and was bentcn thrco or four thousand votes by Mr. i Kced, but succeeded in getting his seat > through the decision of a corrupt Congress. ( Adjutant and Inspeotor-Qeueral W. H. Purvis, another colored man, Superintendent of Edu- . cation J. K. Jillson, a white carpet bagger, Congressman at Large R. H. Cain, a black carpet-bagger, who has bcon editing a newspaper in Charleston, and seems uncertain and unsteady in his politics. Since writing the above, we have seen f the card of Mr. Speaker Moses to the public, calling upon Judge Orr to prove the charges he makes in his most admirable address to the people of South Carolina, which we intended publishing in full, but has been crowded out this week. This is really very adroit on the part of Moses. Our impress sion is that the charges have already been proved and confessed by the friends of Moeea. But if they were not, is ibis the way for an injured, innocent candidate for Governor of South Carolina to act f Let him explain the charges, and disprove the bribes aud pay certificates, or seek the redress of a gentleman. The nomination on the Bolters' ticket, is Reuben Tomlinson for "Governor. He is a carpet-bavarer who earns to South C*mlln? . take charge ot the eduoation of the ootorod I people. Ho went about ofer the State making 1 violent speeches to the colored people, which ' were calculated to stir up strife and hatred j between the races. In some of bis addresses, , his language was of the most incendiary character, telling tho colored people they could revenge themselves on the white people for all tho injuries inflioted on them ! In other words, they could apply the toroh, which tbey were doing about that time all over the State.-Judge Mackey charges Tomlinson with taking a bribe forty thousand dollars to pass the ' Phosphate Bill. This is denied by Corbln, but we believe Tomlinson was a stockholder i in that great fraud. He is also charged with 1 being connected with the Oteenville Railroad ' swindle. I n point of talents, Moses i s perhaps bis superior, certainly more adroit and I managing. J. N. Hayne, candidate for Lieutenant-Governor, is a colored man, and was one of the eorrnpt members 0' that corrupt Legislature which has disgraced and plundered the State to the tnne of millions and millions. The Secretary of " State is Maaen B. Anew, another e o 1. f , or ml man, abooi whose we know nothing. 1 John T. Oreon is nominator for Attorney j General. Ho is a native white man, who, after being a fierce secessionist, Uireed Rad- f ieal to be sleeted Judge, and whoa* reputation as a lawyer was very moderate in* 1 deed. J. Seott Murray is to be Cotnptrol* * ler General. He la a white mao, but not a , native of Sooth Carolina, a Baptist preach- j or. turned Radical to be elected Judge, but > was disappointed in his ambition once or ] twice. E. P. Oarv is a cor pets bagger, im- 1 ported by Governor Scott, and made a candidate for Treasurer. It is said he has re. i fused, as Auditor, to levy a tax on the peo- | pie to pay the interest on tbe fraudulent < bonds issued by Soott. Parker and Co. For ' this we give him all praise, and we know ( nothing touching hie dishonesty, sxespt j tbe bsd company in which wa find him.? ' Superintendent of Education Is B. L. Bob- J fit*, ? ooiorea man ?I tuo ?ia laaae, bora f freo, sod belong* to tbo colored ariatocraoj ( lA Chariwlou, (Lough now a ra idc&t of our | I i -TO Xo.j # citjr, sod wo believe a Tory worthy and r?i|>Mlibl? man, bat certainly not oompotent ( {m take efcarge of tk? edoeatioa ?rf th? BUU. Philip Ecfciel, saother eolored man, 1. u> be A<#uUat end Inspector Gooerel. on- ( pi none at Lsrg*, la Jeoeph Qnneh.nbe , -?o^ ' ?; I Tbaae are (biwe tiekele preertaled It ; the paopla of Soath Carolina I Oa the ref. alar ticket there are four white ana', two ! tealawage, aad two awpet?bagf?n aad Are eolared men.\ Oa Uia Bo Hare1 tieket, there era four white men, two oerpet-baggere aad two aaalawaga, aad only owe a aatiea of he State. The Boltera have prealahaed hat the regular ticket are iD rogoea, and tare swindled and rained the 8tate; bat bat if the white people undertake to eleet in boaret e?t of aAciah), and take adraa nga of their eeparatioe from the rogues, they will go back aad join the rogues ,.oU I atl.' a. ? - i m dos m their i >?rt, that they ear* nothing for tbe inter eta of Uio Stat* or for boiiHy and patri- j >titai ? The man who proolaitna auah aan < imente, eonfaeiae hie own infamy, and ad* 1 nite hitnwlf no bailor Ibaa a rofoe, Oaa ] Jm Democratic-Liberal R?pnbHesn-Gre?ley < party aappori auoh eaadidatee and aoah a J >arty I If we ara to ba robbad aad plea* | iered, in the nam# of all wo bold aaarad < ind dear, lot as baro nothing to do in a!aot> 1 log ihoaa who ara to do it. LOCAL MATT1BB. < JE0- Our Aaanvs iw hy> aLRStow.?The I Advertising Agency of Messrs. Walksr, i Rvaxs A CoeiwB^L reprceented by Botwiu 1 r. Looar, Esq., is tha only authorised Agency 1 lor this paper in Charlaeton. < Our Aqsrts is Baltimore.?Meeere. Gairrm A IlorrMAH, Newspaper Adrertising Agents. No. A South Street, Baltimore, Md., , ere duly uutboriied to oontract for advertisements at our lowest rates. Advertisers in that jity are requested to leave their favors with this house. WrraDBAWAL or Jambs Biriub, Esq ?We ' sre authorised to ssy that Jambs Birnib, t??q., withdraw* his name M a eandidata for Solieitor of th? 8th Cireoit. I N*w Cotton in Maukt? Pbiob 25 Cents. Mr. William J. West brought iotoimarkft last Thursday, 29ih of August, the first bale of new eottoo sold in this market the |>res- 1 tat season. It was raised in the lower part i of Greenville County, and purchased by Messrs. Sullivan A Son, for whieh they paid tw?nty?five oents per pound. It was snipped to Messrs. Gao W. Williams A Co., 1 Charleston. Mr. West Is a nominee for County Commissioner on the Conservative , .icket, and we wish him aa good sooeeea text Ootober. I Ws learn that Dr. Wsil, the eminent optlean and oculist, will leave Greenville for ( Spartanourg, on Monday next, 9th inst., and ( ? can say that his stay has been gratifying to the community and to himself. Oar leading eitisens speak very highly of his glasses ; and all those who have not availed themselvea of the rear opportunity, had better do so.? You may not have a ohanoe of that nature ioon again. He can grant you entire satis* Taction. Black Silk Bow Found?A lady's black 1 silk bow was picked up in the Episcopal Church yard, on Sunday, after the Bible Society meeting, which can be obtained by Milling at the siore of Fornax it Huntbb. Declines.?Mr. Tnoa. W. Davis declines Lbe nomination for City Connoil, as made in our last issue, his basinoar engagements absorbing all of his time. Journalistic.?We have received calls from Mr. Wit. H. Fabbr and Mr. Jno. A. Faber, >oth sttonding the South Carolina College, in i Columbia, S. C. The former is an authorised ] igent for the Abend Zietung, of Savannah, < 3a; Daily Pheenix and the Gleaner, of Col- ' imbla, S. C.; Chronicle and Sentinel, and the J Banner of the South, of Anguata, Qa. < Mr. Jno. A. Faber is agent for the Lutheran < Vimitor ; South em Prerbyterian and Index ; I Working Chrietian, and the Southern Preeby- * erian Review?all Issued in Columbia. Til.. lit. .... r?_ r T. . - 1 ? v vu? iuuo vi i/l< ?l A. r AQCr, I Or | nerly Professor in Furman Univorsity, whom < mr people remember so well and f avorably ; md these young gentlemen are deserving the itteution of those wishing to subscribe to any J if tho above named journals > and will be in , he City several days, daring which time they < sill call on our oitisens. We oommend them ' o their kind attention. Nsw Publication?A. H frrarnrna'Hie- \ 'out or tub Unitbd Statm ? We have re- i seived from Mr. W. J Duma, Publisher, 1 'olumoia. 8. 0., through Messrs Marshall 1 k Mauldin, of this Oity, a copy of "A Com- < >endinm of the Bistory of the United Slates rom the Earliest Settlements to 18Tt," rU , ?y Ai.bxandbb H. Stephens. The leading ' l'i es? speak in very high teims of this book, J ind leading literary men recommend It as 1 in excellent and superior work, well suited ] Tor the purpose of a text book in schools and colleges, as well as to meet the wants , of general readers. From a cursory view given it by onrself, we coincide in these opinions of it. and hope that the teachers | snd pnhlio educators will give Mr. Stkph* bns' History the consideration it merit#; , and if we may judge of the work by ibe ] high character of the author, it will be , adopted m all our aelioola Messrs. Man* , bball A Mauldin are the Agents in Ureen- ( ville, end keep It oe saleCourt.?The September session of the Court j of General Sessions for Greenville County was ' opened on Monday last in the old court bones, , His Honor J. L. One presding. The Grand . and Petit Juries were organised. One ease each for potty laroeny, grand laroeny, arson, ! and official mtsoondnet, were ooutioued, and ' four for arson were strieken off the docket No ease has yst gone before the juries for 1 trial. i petit 1 dribs. i Jury No. 1. I Jury No. 2. ' Jas K Dickson, John M Jones, J D Armstrong. I W B Jimk Marshal Agnew, John T Groee, ( P B Benson, Tbomu Urishsm, J F Bramblett, G W Holtsolaw, Peter Bennett, Sandy Johnson, I I W Chandler, 0 F Smith, , IV B Charles, J F Mackey, f A Dill. Stephen Pool, Benry Forrester, Aquilla MeCollongb, 1 Thomas Forrester, A J Ponder, Stephen Griffith. D M Peden. SR.ISD JVKT. W 0 Bailey, J W Boiling, 1 lohn Henson, 11 B Robison, ' ? B Dyer, C J Hill, Joseph Brook shier, Isaao Cos., Josiab Bramblett, John Hooker, i H J Mebrayer, J W Harrison, Thomas H Cols, Henderson Adams, * Bendell Nesbit, W 8 Pickerel. i IF D McClure, , An Btnsaomo PntiMia ?The Morning ' Stor, a lively daily published at WtimingM, N. 0., is inoreased in stss and presents no appearance of irto mora apright linear * Mr. W H Baaniho, tba editor sod propri- < >tor, furnishes journal of which Ma city . ihonld fool proud. It not only prooanU tbo m?i while U ia now, bat in a style that Inritea. Wilminfton should eherieh her oar*. , y Star, and It wHI bo onre to stood foro noat la progroaa aid ineroaaa of trada and I >opulation. Pnoe a4 dally, 97.00 par no- I turn. Address W. 0. Bobwabd, WUaring* 4 >on. N. O. f Sovtiim Birrw Tmoimmui, 8uimit.?The opening txtnlni of this TnetlUttUa took on Monday, 3d tortirt, it I? A. in tie bwomortofX* Baptl.t rig wan eneeeaUy Sire with Viittii, Uti? t rUkd njwijwi lie onmIoi by the aaaoaaoament tUt a new dealmeenwaa pea wa |>yi^'ea|v thae*|wa am rrovwirwti io roniiny iokiiimi obmi When the hear arrived, pram wan aflhnwd by Pret J. P. Boyeo, D. D.. end the Bar. Mr. Wbtteitt, the newly eteeted teeambnat of the Ohalr W Blhlioal IntrvdaaUna and Peleaieel pk^iilaaw v\ai) iea ilallvaa ftaflm twnn^enaw^al pipwfbwl iv ow11w dtv lbbofunu iddeeee. The oaldoet wee, - The Poeitloa if BapUata la the History of American On I tare." the Speaker totrodheed hie teaerfce by eharesSeriilag tae Importance of rtllgtoa and reIMew Inetltetione an faetori of the Intellectaal aad pillMeah an wall an the moral culture at nattoes. Mention wan made of the does it* at Herder, an the Bret who directed the attention ef no bolero in the import aaee of the people, and the a penalty of at earring narrowly the rartene phaean of their darelopaneat. In the next plane, the prominent fbetaren ef BapMet Theology, both dogmatical aad praeileal, were brought ander review, aad It wan nought to point oat the worhtngo of tbeee upon the latelleetaal end moral obareoter of the mem- I hern of that denomination, aad aleo apon other denominations aad the eonotry at largo. Xbo eddreee being tec long foe delieeey en a tingle occasion, a ooaeidaraKU part ot U wae omttiM. We BDdintud, however, ttet U wm mob he published eaUva. A% theeoaela lea of the address, Dr. Beyee, as Chairmen of the FaeaMy of the Statauy, read the AW straetoof haelyla ia accordance with which hU aeieeae aoyepttng Profeeeorebtpa la the Beaneery aboil he expeoted to toeeh, end the eew Profeeeor subscribed Me aetoe to thee*, rhia done, he woe. welcomed by the Oheirmoo ae a member of the Faeully, end formally la* trodaoed to the other Professors aa each. The sxeretsee were olooed at lit A. If. with prayer by Ret. J. 0. Panama, D. D. The Paealty tad Btadenta then repaired to the Seminary, where the business of matrlouUtion waa at* leaded to mod the eeasl ia of 18TS-TS wee opened. The nanal aamhti of atadeau were present. PaMBrmiAL Oc.-i jI?sion?On Thnreday areoiag last, the Commission appointed by the South Carolina Praahytery, to visit Washington Street Preebyteriaa Cbareh, met at that plsee, and ooneiated of Rev Iod.1 L. SipsiOT and Elder Thomas L. Woodside. In the abeenoe of Elder R W. Todd, who wae one of the regular appoint. eee. Elder E. McCann wee substituted io hie plaea. The obj-et of the Commission was to inquire as to tbe amount of salary promised and paid to the pastor, and nth?r matters in reference thereto; the fidelity of the pastor ; to inquire into the extent to which the various benevolent schemes of the Church are supported, rto.. etc. The Commission discharged their dut'ee faith, felly, and were gratified with the result o( their inquiries and investigations, as all of those interests were properly suet ined end supported. Rev. Mr. Kennedy is an aged and vener* able minister of the Gospel, having been engaged in ^reaching for over forty years. Be ;e also well known in thisEtate as ore of the beat teachers of tbe Classics in our section, end has no doubt prepared more young men for college than any other per* son now living in the up*country. Another Sodden Death?A eeoond sudden death has occurred in the lower i>art of our County. Est. Sxwsu. Thohaiok, a minister of lb# Methodist Chnroh, residing fifteen miles below the City, on the Laurens Road, died on Monday morning last. He retired the night before bis death in his usunl health. He was aged about sixty! years, and had been in the work of the ininisiry zealous'y a considerable time. Mr. Tat mason leaves a large and estimable family. W an do Fbrtti. kbh ?Tli? heal farmers of Oreanville Omnty recommend the Wando Fertilizer, and It good testimony is worth Anything, there is no fertilizer that is superior to it. Thoet who are sowing small train, turnips, wheat, oats, rye and barley, should not overlook the advertisement of fouos G. Smith. E-q , who is agent ol this sstablished manure. He is anxious to furnish his friends, the farmers, with It iu any ]uantity, for fall sowing, as be knovi i'l jse never fails to put money in (he pocket if him who jodieiouely applies it. Reed he double column advertisement, and then sail sod talk with him Tni Weather.?We are having delightfal ind ebariuing fall weather, the heated term laving taken its exit with the last days of August. Our farmers are busy pulling fod ler, which the weather is so favorable for.? Sotton picking will commence in earnest, ifter the corn blades are properly eared for.? 3nr countrv friends are now unarmlieulU K?_ (inning to garner the retards ot their labor irhich nam been ao abundant and profuse, rendering the /ear 1872 one long to ha remembered for bounty. We should treasure in our Hearts a deep gratefulness to the Author of ?ur blessings. , 1 m Tan Columbia Pnam.?We Insert elsenbere the card of the above o lee Dent daily journal, which the most of our renders ere familiar with. It supplies the wants of our people and We oommend it to those cot already subscribing for it. Mr. W. H. Faber, authorised agent, is now io Greenville, who will re seive names and money for it. Report or the Grand Just or nik United 3tates Court?We have only apnea this w?ek to briefly call attention to the report >f the noose Jurv, published elsewhere ? By reading it, imporiant recommends! ions nil] be found made, whleh we sincerely nlsh will receive aUeotion from the next Congress. Bale or Yaluasls Crt Pe?pertt Be. lonoino to tu Estate or Mrs. TaanaroN.? rhoee desiring to pnrehaee real aetata in the City of Greenville that will certainly eonlinne to still increase in ralne, have their ittentioo ealle-1 to the edvertlaoment of T. B. Theuston. Executor Betate Mrs. Susan I W. Theuston, deceased. The reaidenee nearly opposite the Baptist Ohnreh. besides Jiher property in the City limits, 1* offered for sale. More desirable or safer invest* mente cannot be found in the np-eounlry. Mr. J. B. Smith, an excellent young men, And graduate of Davidson IN. O.) College. rho had been teaebieg aebeol ia the neighborhood of Fairview Churoh. in GreeuTille Ooontj. daring the jeer 1871, di*>4 at the residence of bia (ether, near Slabtown, on Friday leal, 80th ult, of oooaumption ? H? waa thoroughly educated, end hie talsnta gave promise of mo?h uavfulnaaa, ebieh bo would no doubt bare attained lad bia health pernitted. ExrLAUAToaT.?In the pobMad proceednga of the United Butee Coort, the oamee i Habrioon Saul* end Pun Nana appear inder the Hat of eonrietiona. Aa they rare colored men, it ahoald have bean ao dated. Aooocirra.?W e ere eoeopolled to aead Kit aeeoonte aa they baaeaae dee: oartiea rill pleaee pejr proaptlj ?hw Umjt iri priNotcdi Political Snra.'-Wa enderetond that Indf* OtK will deliver politioel *p?eoh et Jm Court Houm, on Tkertdej night next, ith ioeUnt, et o'eloek. Hie revnerik* ere ixpeeted to be eoefliied to e tllwuwiot of k?(e politic?. Ouumu Ceoenr Biau Sooistt.?a f? tor liTtot rervioa in {whrntd at the Kpj?aspai Chared in tbU city on 8ahhatb MM) Bap tombac l%t instant, l?y the K<tn, Iw Iwmw Omw, tho Oreeprllle County Bihtolastety phhiri tto anniversary. 1 la thb mil, Ttofti Mi Otii Esq., Pn*id?i jfchn aaanal report waa tend hy Dr. >. i Walts a. Preeant la the ohanoel, Ear. Blusoa Cars as, Ear. P. P. Ststmi, Rot. Dr. Mbtsasoib, Rot. Dr. Tot, Rot. R. A. Bollbs, Agent ot the Asm* lean Bible Society, nad Mr. W. A. Homos. Addressee were delivered l?y Bar. Dr?. Meriabms sad Tot and hy Mr. W. A. Hoseos, Col port ear (he this Mity In the County. The oooeaiea.% * aae of ranch ietareat. . At a meeting of the Board of Managers, on Monday, tho Sd instant, it wee JtaeeW, To eonttnoe tho work of dlatrihutloo of tho Holy Seriptares In Hreenrille County through colporteurs, as was done so sueeessfally daring the past year. Board of Manogtrt.?Thomas M. Cox, President i Rot. BHUon Capers, Tloo- President j P. A. Walter, Treasurer and Secretary. Executive Committee t Bee. Dr. Meyeardie, Bar. Dr. Johu . Brosdus, Mr. 8. 0. Clyde, Mr. A. , A. Foster. Mr. Thomas. Staan. ! Blblea and iutrawU of any stylo and prioa may be found at tha Depository, kapt by V. A. Waltbr at kit drag ?torts. Tboee t maabU to pay for tha Word at God aaa ra aaira tt freely and without priee, in plain, aubaiantial binding. Paraona wiabiag to baeoma awathan of tba Blbla Society aaa do ao by handing In to tba Depoeitory tbair nomea with oaa dollar, and aoatribntloaa of any amount will ba thankfully raaairod to furtharanoa of tha (proad of tha Biblh to tba naady. Saur-dat.?Monday brought a larga and atlrring crowd to town. Tha aaira vera few, although oaa waa of ooneidorable ims portaaoa Tha Lnru'l Factory property waa pnrehaacd by Mra Coaaia B. Lmn, for $15,400, aobj ct to a mortgage of $90 000 making $50,400. Tba trgot ol land of Pxraa Taylor. doaaaaod, containing ?? aoiaa waa pnrehaaed by ffa E. Earl*, for $1,840. Thia land waa sold for partition. Citizens' Ticmt for Council?W? ara authorized to alata that Mr. Thomas Stir* having declined tha nomination for Wardan to icpraaant Ward No. 4, Mr. WrO Cuter a land will ba anbalituted therefor, on said ticket. Fair or tea Caeolihas?We hay* been handed by Mr. J. J. Blackwood. a eopv of the published premium 11m of the Second Annual Exhibition of the Fair of the faro linas. to be held in the City of Charloti*. N. 0.. comme.iuing on Tuesday, October 82, 1878 $10,000 bare b?-en offered in prerois urns, in the different departments of field orope. poultry, Ac. manufacture* manhlnery, Ac , Ac. Ao. In this pam|>lilei U is atalrd that the care on the Richmond and Atlanta Air Line Rail way will be running from Spartanburg to Charlotte by time of the Fair. Caowpxo Out ?The Tribute of Respect from Recovery Lodge, No. 81, A F M., to the late Oen. W. K Easuy, adopted on the 2d inst., has been crowded out, and ?<I1 appear next week. The Obsrlest n Courier publishes a list of eontraotora for the State of South Carolina to whom balances are due bj the United States Governm-nt, for servioea in marrying the mails for the eleven months ending May 81, 1861? estisfsctory proof of service having first been made, and the requirements of the Auditor having also been complied with. Amdng them, we find the nam-a of Renben Br unlet, Rotfte No. 6719; B. F Crymea, 6780 ; James Odam, 6786; V. Ripley, 6626 ; Thomas 8. Roe, 6760. Takiko Stock.?The drug store of Dr M. A. Humtkb A Co., baa been temporarily elossd, preparatory to a change of management. The present proprietors oommenoed the taking of the slock yesterday morning a Presentment of the Grand Jury. United States or Amesica. ) Wkstkbr District or Sotrru Carolina. j The Presentment of the Grand Jnry for the District Court of the United States for the Western Distriet of 8onth Csrolins, began and holdsn at Greenville, in said Die t let, on the first Monday of Angoat, A. D. 1872. I. In accordance with the instructions of iuc vwurt, in* urinn jury *mt#d the pr||< I oner> of the United Slate*, confined in the Jell of Greenville Couoiy.and find they are in over-crowded apirtmenta, nine prieonera being at prevent in one email room, and eevan In another, with the probability of a elil! further increase in their numbers. There la no provision made for the separate confinement of the sexes. The Jail build* lag la not well kept?there is not sufficient attention paid to cleaning the rooms. The Grand Jury respectfully recommend the Court to make some order on this subj?ot; and, also, to have the rooms and hall of the Jell white-washed, II. Tha Grand Jury respectfully present, that there is no Jail or Penitentiary, within Uia limits of this Slate, at all proper for the eonfioeinent of prisoners of the United States, sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. Soeh prironers have now to be tranaported, at graat expense, one thousand miles to lbs Albany Penitentiary, without the limits of the Slate, and beyond the reach of their friends, thereby greatly Increasing the privations of their imprisonment*? The Grand Jury would reepeetfolly request that this matter be brought to the attention of the Congress oi the United States, together with the advantages possessed by Greenville lor sueh so institution, on account of its eentral situation, henlthfulneea of climate and cheapness of living. Ill The Grand Jury wot Id fur her recommend, that lha application heretofore made to Congress for ao appropriation for tha erection of a building for a United Stales Court House end Poet Office, be renewed. The Oourt being without a suitable building for its accommodation, and tha Poet Office, frees its natore tad surroundings, being at say (lose liable to be destroyetTby flrs, and the mails entirely lost. The Olty Ooascli ef Orse*villa still hold themcalvts reedy to fbrniah the site. THOMAS M. 001, Foreman. By tht Court: Ordered, That the foregoing Pr(MhMi?Dt be published in the eiwtpipert published In Greenville County. IL That eoplee of paragraph t end I of the eald Presentment be furnlehed by the CTerfc to the Sena to re In Congreaa front this Bute, and to the Representative le Congreet from the Ponrth Congressional Din trial of thie Bute, and aleo to the UmoA* Me Beerntary of the Interior. GEO. & BR YAH, U. 8. Judge, Diet 9. C. Brpteiaber 2d, 1878 For the Greenville Enterprise ? "V II*. Ed m>*: Dtmr Sir? Please inncunM that l.:rr?|>?ctfnlly drcltae the notDInitio* kliMin UrImm mo l.?r M?tor. I tlvr n* upport to the Nominating Connection held r* ill Oourt Bouse oome tiro wok* riMt and feel It n let* to abide the action oI *" ** Yoor lb/i( V AMU EL ATftADLKY. ' Ore* avill*, August SI ISTf. r For the Greenville Enterprise Mr. Mditmr ; I respectfully deelins the nomination of Warden on the Piremen's Ticket; my datias are saek that I cannot ft 11 the office, do not wleh the poettlon, and beg mjr frieode will alter the nomination. Thanking the Flremoo for Able, an expression of their ooa.. Idenee, X beg to withdraw. Angus! IS, ISTf. T. B. FERGUSON. I ? . . . !. ? V , t - ? ? --- worn TBS SMSMTIUS nTUHML A CardIt has b??o reported, m I aoi informed, that I am oppoerd to the establishment of th? Air-Line Railroad Workshops in this City. Now. I distinotly sraert that an eh is not 'he case. I Aaw remarked, that I doubted very roueh whether ws woold derive as much benefit from their location in this plane as was generally expected. This is simply a matter of Opinion. It ta known by the eMi)?Ae that I was Mayor of the City wheo'ible great work was Inangeraled, and used every exertion, both personal ly'aod officially, to eeenre the Road for oar City; and I Mil) hold soy tell-ready and willing to do anything la my power te ads ranee her i^areeto and promote her proeperity. W R. JONES. September g, IMS. . For the Greenville Enterprise Editor of fJL KnUrprito ! I hare aeen the eard of Qea. Moses, (Wing a general denial of tho charges made against him, and I will be obliged to yon for the ase of your eolntnns for a brief reply. On tbe flour of the Moms Conreation, bis friends freelr admitted his over-Issue of "pay certificates, bat alleged by way of eonsaseiHiation as well as apology that tbey were issued to refugees from the Ku Klux. Can it he that when Qea. Moaea was a member of sbat Convention and a prominent candidate before it, that he was not aware of the ground taken for htm hy those wbo represented his interest on its floor? Doubtless Gen. Moaea la the only man on earth wbo oan make out a list of those to whom these certificates beve been issued, aad if he bed done this sod shown that only real employees and Ku Klux sufferers received them, tba apology would have been sustained ao far as It amounts to anything. Gen. Mooes will hardly aay that there ware any Ku Klux sufferers in Anderson, Beaufort, Edgefield or Richland Counties, nor that tbe numerous " pay certificate* " hawked through the hsnki end brokers' offices of Columbia sod Charleston were issued either to this unfortunate class of people or to employees. Col. Merrill fixes the date of the last Act of violenoe as the 9tb of September, 1871. At this time the General Assembly had not met. and the eettiflcates generally bear date in February and March and later in 1872?had tbey been issued a year sooner there would have been less contradiction of Gen. Moses' apology. Again, the Geo. may not be fully accredited as a witness in this matter, hut bis statements against himself are competent, lie admitted to Judge Orr a ' little extraragaace " in the tssee of '* pay cert i Asa tea," and aid not pretend to have dono so for the Ku Klux sufferers, but told the Judge by way of apology that he 'Moses) was fighting the Governor who had the bonds, and the Treasurer who had the Treasury at his back. Now, here are two each goad ; bat is the avoidance worth anything? Suppose it were true that all the " pay certificates " over drawn ware really issued to Ku Klax sufferers, we may aooept that as a confession of fraud In the publie officer, end ask by what law the State Treasury became the charity fund of the Speaker of the House of Representatives T The apology simply demonstrates the shamelessness of the apologist. When most of these pay-certificates were issued, as is alleged, for the benefit of the K K. sufferers, the General Assembly was in session, and it was the proper power 10 make appropriations for tlielr relief, but very bad for Geo Mosee A year previous was the time that that theee poor people needed help, and during that year help oame from anolb-r source than his pay-ecr tifiustea, hi* expensive arms or his "Arms Force Fond " P. J Mose?, Jr., has not jet, I believe, at tempted to explain the ten thousand dollar* drawn by him from the armed force fund, as shown by the sworn statement of Treae urer Parker. The r?al consideration of this little sum must remain a secret in the sacred breasts of the 8peaker of the House, the Governor, an-l the Treasurer, unless they ebose To reveal It; hut the facts whtoh sr# known indicate strongly that its revelation will not be ereditable. Lei us look at them. It was drawn on the 24th of January and 2d of February, 1872, just after the failure after a bitter struggle, of the impeachment movement in that branch of the General Assembly over which Gen. Mosee presided. It teas drawn, too, at a time when the Trees urer bad p aearded. on the railing of his desk, " No Monst at a time when thsrs were no tunde to pey the General Assembly; no funds to pay the 8o|ioito*a and Judges of tha 3t*te. It was drawn f.oro the "armed foroe fund " when no such or KuniuuMu rxixtu, ma none turn nid ex* is ted for more than a year. I shall not slop lo inqoire who Moon?y and L-ggett are, or what branch of tha armed fores tkty re pre rented ; but if it is not anli-Republican lo make such inquiries, I would like to know, for the curiosity of the thing, what was ths consideration of those ten thousand dollars. Speaker Moses* hand writing is well know?, and there are gentlemen of ehsrae* scter who have seen his receipt for one thousand dollars, for services rendered in. I he parsage of the Validating Bill of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Mr. Speaker Moses will hardly have the lemer ity to deny receiving this money, and ihal he subsequently received ten thousand dollars more, Irom the same road, for his valuable aid in the passage of the Act to pro* mote the consolidation of the Blue Ridge sod Greenville ? Columbia Railroads. If he wants the proof-, and wants them legally produced, lb* Courts are open to him. at the expense of the State; and this propo silioa has been publioly made since June last I have looked wi>h interest for some ex- j planaiton of tha Roberta' arms traesae' ion. Gen Moe-e, Gov. Seott and Traaa. Parker can doubilee* explain how something over one hundred thousand dollars were lost on the way to the "Roberts' Arms Company." i no i?"j iwo or* not oandidaiea, hot every true Republican will await with in lor act tha General'* explanation. I w, vary respectfully. Wli. JL EARLB Tha Ciraolt Convention, which waa to neat at Aadrraon O. H., oa tha Id, haa bean deferred ontll the ltih of September. Thia irraBfMMDt haa baaa made in ordar that tha nominating eoavcntioa a# Ooonaa connit, which meeta on tha 1 th, may aa lent delegate* to attand the aonvention. Tha laat Alkea Journal aaya: A aorraas pondert at Hetdeeatlle report* everything qniet. The only aaearranaaa during th* pact two week* ar* ncven aowa killed a* tha Oharlaaton and Rama oak Railroad, lour tree* at rook by llghtoiag, a ratUcanak* with fifteen rattle* killed, and aa old mol* d ied of colic. A lively place, indeed I I T T-i tin I ii if-"-rTTlTiTT, Ijil Flttra'i Lift of fhroalay.?Nov that tboro U ovary probability that Mr. Orooloy will ho oar next Provident, a truthful blatory of hit Ufa baoomee a matter or b If boat interoat aad i?portaaee to ovary eitixaa. It It therefore molt fortunate that va bava whfhooMbMt tha able and impartial pea of Japiea Wh. tho welhkoowu oooay lot and btOgrtaikeK Aay Hlh of Mr. Orooloy that It My to ho pat forward now, got up uador tha Mi of pieoeat politlotl exoitemeut, win ho liable to Iba charga of pertiaanehip. It io tha great merit of Mr. firWi work that, having boon written witboatfaay tatantioo of making it oabaorvo a political purpoeo, it preaeota aa impartial view of tha importaot avrata at Mr. Greeley'o earner. | The work to a pcofoondly Interesting one j and uM? flroa tb? attention bow dtroird to Mr. Greetoy, artetng from bto nwwt candidacy, tbe mora story of bis wouderftol Bad Ma. CI or oaroor?bb oarly Ufa, Its poverty, Its idshlpa, nod bis precocious development andai It; bto Ufa as a printer's approattoo at Bast Pool toe/, Vt.; bto Jonrney to Was tarn Pennsylvania, bto arrival la Maw York almost penniless aod alone; bto steady progress, first as a Journeyman printer, then as editor, until bto estakltebmeat of the Mew York Trihnne t bto saeaaaa la bail ding ap the Tribnae as it warp eat of bto ova brains, aatll it became tbe most powsrfal' Joorael la Amerlsa; bis vabasqusat career aa one of tbe meet aotive, inflaential, honest and bast abased asea of bto time?all this, as graphically told by Mr. Parton, Is valaaMe reading at any time; and par* tienlarly talas Me to yoaag men aa aa scans' pie of what ean be accomplished by Integrity aad devotion to honorable pursuits. The aarratlva to broaght doere to the peas., eat time, giving a history of Mr. Greeley's connection with tbe belling of Jeffereon Deris, bto views oa reoons tract ion, etc., aad eloeee srltb an aaeoaat of bto aoaslaation aad letter Of acceptance. It to published by tbe Natloaat Pablisbiag Co., of Atlanta, who want .agents la every conoty. . . STATS AMD OTHBR XTSMB. Tbe Anderson oyrchanta )>ava gone North for atooke of fall goods. Merchants dealing In tobeoeo oannot be too aanlions about proo* ring licenses. Tbe Edgefl-ld Advertiser nominatesGen,ni u n n..iu. t? n ?? ?-? State. Wm.' La cm end Edward Harria, colore J* murderers con rioted, were bang in Columbia, Friday, 80th ult., Daily communication between Char* lotte end Spartanburg, the Spartan says, ia but a few weeka distant. The Unireraily of South Carolina will open ita next (sixty-alxlh,) Annual Seaaion on Monday, 7th October, 1874. Mia. Patience Footer diel at her home on Tyger Hirer, in Spartanburg County, on the 17th ult^ in the eighty-fourth year ef her age. Woodhull and Claflin pleaded porarty in a anil for debt, in New Yoik, and awore they did not own a dollar's worth of property. General Banks addressed a crowded Greeley and Brown meeting at Lynn, Maea , on the 28th ult., and waa frequently applauded. A pnblio meeting, preliminary to the holding of a County Conrentio* for nominating County officers, baa been called in Anderson. Mrs. Rebecca Foster, widow of Weldon Foster, died at her home in Spartanburg County, on the 17th ult., hi the ninetieth year of her age. The Columbia Market, under construction, at an immense pries, some time ago destroyed by a gale, is not to be finished, the Council having abandoned It, Gov. Scott has entered aueoeeefolly into cotton planting. Two bales of hie eotlon were among the first brought into the Co. < tumble market this year. On* bale weigh I lug 600 pound* brought l9\o. , Mosby now announoee hi* intention of supporting Blenton Duncan, o?ndidate for President, whenever he ia produced. He eoon got tired of Orsot and n?w proposes to come back by easy alagee. The Abbeville Medium, of the 28tb nit., aaya: The advice given to Abraham?the father of the faithful?long oentnriea ag<?, la not wholly lost upon the fathers and mothers of this day. A colored woman of this plaoe gave birth, on last Wednesday night, to tbres girl children. Gbbssvills, S C., Srpt 4. Cotton U eelhug to-day at 18 oanta New Yobs, 8ept. 2. Sales of cotton 2.6V2 ha ??, at 22^ for middling uplands ; 22f for Orleans. Oold l?i<JU*. cliablesion. Sep. 2. Cotton quiet and firm?middling 19j ; racrlpie 284 bales ; export* 281; eah-a 28; stock 8.446 ; and 640 not before counted. Valuable Hints.?A regular habit of body is absolutely essential to physical health and olearneas of intellect. Nor ia this all. Beauty of person cannot oo-exist with an unoetural condition of the bowels. A free passage of the refuse matter of the system through these natural waste pipes is as neoessary to the purity of the body as the free passage of the offal of a city through its sewers is neoessary to the health of its inhabitants. Indigestion is the primary cause of most of the diseases of tho discharging organs, and on# of its most oommon results 1* eonstipa* | tion. This complaint, besides being dangerous In Itself, has asaoy disagreeable concomitants?ggph as an unpleuH&ut breath, a sallow skin, contaminating blood and bile, hemorrhoids, headache, loss of memory, and general debility. Hostettar's Stomach Bitters remove all these evils by removing their immediate eause ia the digestive organs, and regulating the action of the intestines. The oomblnatioo of properties in this celebrated preparation Is oaa of its oblaf merits. It i* not merely a stimulant or a tonic, or ao anti-bilious agent, or a nerv ine, or a blood depuren t, or a oalhartle, but all these enrative elements judiciously blended in one powerful restorative. It leads activity sad vigor to the inert and enervated stomach, relicvea the alimentary canal of Its obstructions, and gives ton# to the membrane which lines it, gently stimulates the liver, bracea the acrvea and oheers the aalmal spirits. No ether remedy possaseee suck a variety or hygienic virtues. It is to these characteristic virtues that it owes its prestige as a household medicine. Kxperienee has proved that it ia aa hamlaaa as it is ettcaeinus, aad banes it la as popular with the weaker sax as with the stronger. Hostettar's Stomach BiUera are sold ia battles only, and the trade-mark blown in tba glass and engraved on the label la the teat of genuineness. Beware of counterfeits. CARD. fa (4a Nominatfmf Oon?mrtu far OramrilU Ooawtf. I 0istu?Ri>4i I reftssed to bosoms a| WWH HV uooni; Hokool Oommtaaloa<.r in | oppotlUM to mm of my Mlaw-wiiiin la | too Into war, bat ao my Moada, aotwlthstaad- I lag, kavo oaod my aamo aad yoa bar* aomi- J noted am for that ofloo, I tblak It aooomary for mo to wpnM my wllllngaaaa to aooapt too nomination whloh yoa haro ao gaaaroualy Mm* fonad a poo mo j and, la doing ao, I would offar my tooaka for yoar kindaooa and prom laa yoa that, If alaetod, I will dlaahargo too dntioo of tho oflm to too hood of my ability. Roapootfelly, JA8. M. TAYLOR. August %7. W2. giayMB? ? DEMOCRAT! C-E E P UBLICA1? COUNTY NOMINA TIOF8. For Stat? Senate, BOX. B. W. PERRY. For H<nm of Repnxentatwe*, p- - JOHN H. OOODWIN, JAME8 MoCULLOUGH, 8. 8. CRITTENDEN, ; J. P. MOORE. for vongress, COL. E. P. JONES, For Solicitor, W. n. PEKKY. For Judge of Probate, S. J. DOUTHIT. For Clerk. W. A. MoDANIEL. For Sheriff \ J. L. 8001 HERN. For School Commissioner, JAMES H. TAYLOR. For County Commissioners, A. R. MoDAVID. W. C. GOODWIN, Wll. J. WEST. For Coroner, Wll. H. Gf?ODLETT. Aug 88 17 Id Rapafclioaat, Rally. THERE will be a Mass Meeting of the Rtpabli?ini of Greenville Connty, at the Court Houee, on Friday, September 18. at 10 o'clock in tha forenoon. Prominent Speakers from a dlalanaa will b? In attendance. Judge 8. W. MELTON, Hon. R B. ELLIOTT, R. H. GAIN, 0 D. HELTON and others are expected. WILSON COOK, or Executive Committee September 8, 187*. 18-* For Congress.. We are authorised to anntnnee Colonel TC a A n a U.trraarnv UJ... ?- - - aant the Counties of Fairfield, Chester, York, Spartanburg, Union, La areas, Oooooo, Picken? nod GrMnvillt In the Congress of tbo United States, at the nest election, 14-tf For Solicitor. The friends of ABSALOM BLYTHE, Enquire, respectfully announce him as a Candidate f??r the office of Solicitor uf the 8th Judieiai Oiroult, St the ensuing eleo* tion. The friends of Colouel W. H. PERRY annouuce him a* a Candidate for Ra>Blectioa for Solioitor of the 8ih Judieiai District of Soath Carolina. 50-tf For Sheriff, P. A. McDAVID nnonuores himself an independent candidate (not for President) tor Sheriff, at the ensuing election. July U J4 14? For tHo Legislature THE friends of WILSON COOK, E>q, announce him as a candidate for the Legislature at the ensuing lection. For 8chool Commissioner. WE are authorised by the friends of JOHN W. WOOD, Esq., to announce hi in as a candidate for School Commissioner, at the ensuing election. 8-td* HID, ivgeT^PRoos' FOR sale, a> A B. HENRY'S: Sept * JA 2 cattjle7 HORSE, FURH?TUREr AT AUCTJOJf. TWILL sell, on 23 </ September, at nahlio nuuiiuuf ?? iu? reuucuwj ui avwy. ii ao. r. BOYCB: Improved Aldorncy Bull, and Cows, Horse, Chester Hog, Pigs. Carriages and Buggies. Household and Kitchen Fumitnre. Farming and Gardening *onlt,&c. A large lot of Flowers in Pots. For particulars, apply to JULIUS 0. SMITH. Sapt 4 19 1 i Estate Sale. Sir ILL fee sold, at the lata residesea of VY JOHN WATSON. Jr., daaaaaad, ?* Tufdag, 17/A S*p?tmh?r, 1 ITS, the following property of said Batata, via t Males, Cattle, Hogs, Farming Implements, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and many other articles too naraerons to mention. Taaws?CA8H. J. F. WATSON, ) ... W. N. TAYLOJt,) Ad" Sept 4 IS 3 Important Bales. . L)rrSR at private eats tbe following vaN nab'.o Baal Batata in lbs City of Green. t The LOT on Avenna and Washington Streets, en wbiob are a Dwelling af 8 rooms, and two two-story Buildings now nsad for tor*a, m, xbti la om or uio taoat ooareolent location* in the City, and will bo diridod U desired. AIM, Thirty-throe Aero* of Load om tb* south id# of hoody Rlror, adjoining tbo Faraan UnirereUy, and aear tbo OiooaoOlo oad Oeluabia Railroad Depot. Oa tblo la a aaall Oottago of. four room, aad other Building* ; ood Orohard, aad may doairablo building Looatioaa. Adjoiaing No. ? la a LOT containing Soroa Aero* of Land, oa wbioh aro two Dwelling Houaoo of two atorioa, with Out-buildings, Ao., 8priog of good Watar, aad aoloot Orohard of Fruit. Tbio Property will bo diridod to ault purehaaors. For further Information, apply to T. 1. THKUbTON, B reenter. Bept 4 1? 4 T>T rirtoo of authority la m to*tod aa Jn Chairman of Ureearille County for tbo Eopobttoaa Party, I hereby oall a oonroatioa of tbo Republican rotor* of this County at Ortoarlllo Court House, to ho bold oa tbo 14(4 dm of StpUmbor, at 11 o'olook A. M. for tbo pwrpot* of nominating the following oundidatoo to bo rotod for s? tbo sort ensuing oloetion i One 8*o? ator, four Repreosntatlres, one Sebeol Commissioner, Sheriff, throe Omnty Commissions ore. Clerk of Court, Probate Judge, Coroner. The ratio of roproooatatfoa will bo aa (bo loot County Coaroetiua. TH08. BRIXR, Chairman. floytd It S nr ,k.. ?ii a. ^?i.t, MlWJ Mill iww wrnijiii UOTfN m?nt "liUlant Dotik?) Um."