University of South Carolina Libraries
FOR HALL GRAIN, ( -o CTpHE attention of Farmers U is called to the IANM Ft WHICH IS ESPECIALLY AD Having been tried for several set nounced "The Fertiliser " for Steal USE WANDO. and double von WANDOI unsurpassed lor sma! WANDO 1 unequalled for Tumi] WM. O- T2TJ1 general Eolith Atlantic ifhai james g. Holmes, i Superintendent Agencies. | Augutt 28 17 _ = M.8mh.2?2-5 ' m tS s * >r iglsil 1 ?, b-H if 5 * S*3<3-* S i ^ r H S i t?.s S _ Si 5* 5 ? 2 ?1 *"3 SR5 O ?D S ? B t ul 3 O Q, JSg-0^8^ g? PaQ 5 I > !?"|l| S" K , fe. h 1 a .* c 5? ?? & rr d 3 ? *2 ?* ?&? C|2 0-3 O J ?? - S '? e a t] ?2 s ?s?:?o^ ? PP &g < ggiis* _ -=ej ? ! | 13th August, 1872. WE hereby notify the public that the United States Patent Office has ORANTKD A ? PATENT FOB TESTS urn DISTRIBUTOR." which fully covers ail its parts. They will bo manufactured, and fur sale, by us. State and County Rights for sale. S3T AU infringements prosecuted j to the full extent of the late. W. J. WEST. OOWER, COX A MARKLEY, Owners of the Patent. Aug 21 l<$ tf FALL 18727 m. OUK STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS & NOTIONS WILL BE COMPLETE BY THE 1st September. With n resident imyer in tbo Northern markets, wo arc prepared, at all times, to execute your orders, upon the most favorable terms, or to serve you in person. ^ ffc respectfully i?vite you to call. -ar? sir t ncii * t i c. n/v jcj? it ita ;t 143 MEETING STREET. CHARLESTON, S. G. H. 0. MAULDIN Is ti(h us, and will bo < glad to serve all friends. Aug 14 1. 3m The State of Soith Carolina. GREEN VILLE CO UNTY. fly S. J. DOUTHIT, Ern^irt, Judge of Probata of anid Coaly, WHEREAb, JAMR-P. WATSON and W N TAYLOR have fih-d a Pelitlon in my Office, prayig that L-ttrra of . Administration on all \nd singular the goods and chattels, right and credits of JOHN WATSON, Jr.. lat of the County aforesaid, deceased, shout be granted to them These are, therefore, to Its and admnn iah all and singular the kidred and credi*. tors of the said deceased, h Ve and appear in the Court of Proha'e foradd Coiimy, to beholden at Green villa (Wt House, on the 2d day of BopUmbar.nexi t> show cause, it any, why the said Admiuacation should not he granted. j 8. J. DOOTHIt. J.?, 0. C. Office of Judge of Probate, ;uguat 10th, 1872. 16-2 Notice T8 hcrchv (riven to all whom 1 n?av con _1. cern, that I will apply to SJ. T>oulhit, Prol>ate Judge of Qreenvilla Ooity, on the 7th day of September n?-xt. fo? PINAL DISCHARGE ? Adminislratorf the IV. tale of GEORGE W. DILu doomed JAMBS M. BAlLEYldm'r. Atiuuat 1st, 187 2. 14-A Office Board County Commlseners, OaaaNviLLa, 8. O., August 1872. THE Rub-CnmpaiMionera tbroujout the County are requested to have ethe five 1 days labor required by law to bo expded on tbe Roads, including the time alrcadyorked. All road defaulters to be returned to ttOffloe, through Sub-Commissioners, by Tueay after Salesday in October next, to be eetmar* tialed. W. A. HCDSt, Chair'n Board Co. Commiseiers. P. A. McDavid. Clorlt. ( Aug 7 U ^ i 4 Desirable R1A7( ESTATE for vie, In and near the City of Oreenvill I OFFER at private sale the very dea|>|# i PLANTATION end ltE9IDBNC0r i the late WM. BATES, deoeased, locate^n 4k. n:. ?,i nn the Runeombe Road. Ani two miles above the City and in light qt, and within one mile of tha Air Line R?\,y Depjt. The Tract of Land conUina about 4) Aorea, about 40 Acrea of which ie very a*, rior River and Creek Bottom, admirably a4>> ed to the growth of both grain and the The Upland* are very auperlor red cb 8<>"> and a part of tbem in native forest, /*"* if equal to the heat in the up-ooontry. The Dwelling on the promisor ia r^y auptrlor, ia conveniently constructed 'n *ort' repair. The out buildings areabn good re pair, and plenty of them. Xb*e" of *at? In the yard ia equal to the l.?etmountain we ter. The front fence (plmW ' new; th yard and garden fenoe (plA?*) baa Just heo com pleted and painted s m*hing aUogetbr one of the most desireW* places P" *alo n this section, or likely U * ?D.Yr.bU twos I also offer for rah wj * . _ , HOUSE ?.* (? Ci frJZ o<>in h? 8treet, in the City, or public square. bU BVILDINQ AUo, several ,le%o mile from the LOTS, on Augusta o^rul40 University, public square., an^-nee^ p HABIMBTT. Aug 14 j JT 4 ' MS AND TURNIPS. ng Wh^at, OaU, Rye and Barloy, MM!!, apted to these crops. f aeons in different States, it is pro. i Grain and Turnips. ' r crops. 1 1 Grain. , pe. 5 SLB3S ct3 CO., AGENTS, < T, Charleston, 9. JULIUS 0. SMITH, Agent, Greenville, S. O. ' " == . STATE 09 SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of an order from 8. J. Douthit, Probata Judge of QreanviUe County, I rill sell, on Saleiday in October next, at publio outcry, before the Court Houae door, tho following Tract* of Land, via : No. 1. All that Traot of Land aituate with- I in tho City limita of Greenville, about one mile from the Court Houae, on Pendleton and " other atreeta now being opened, containing Thirty (30) Aorea, moro or Icaa, about Ten * (10) of which aro under cultivation, the re- . mainder la well timbered, having beautiful Building Lota on all of it, and ia wall adapted . for cultivation. Also, on this Tract of Land is a substantial Dwelling House, of six rooms ; _ also, good Outbuildings, with an exoellent Spring of Water within a few yards of the . House. The said House and Land lies con- J venient to either tho Uroenville and Columbia ? Railroad or the present site of the Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line Depots. May bo cut up into lots suitable to purchasers beforo day of sale. No. 2. Known as Sherman Lot, situate in the City of Oreenvilio, on Main Street, bound* ^ ed on north by North Street, and west by ^ Laurens Street, and contains One and One- C Fourth Acres, more or less. On this Lot is a ' good Houso with fonr rooms, the necessary p outbuildings, and a Well of excellent water; also, fine Garden spot. This property is woll 4 located fot business bouses. ALSO, li A valuable Plantation, situated on waters of South Tyger River, adjoining lands of A. J. Ponder, V. MoBce and others, containing Kleven Hundred and Sixty five Acres, more . or less, and known as tho Carson Oold Mine Traot. On this Tract is Ono Hundred (100) Acres of first'Cisss River Bottom Land, under 9 high state of cultivation. This Land lies within eighteen miles of Greenville Court a House, and fourteen miles of Spartanburg C. II. The Gold interest in this place has been pronounced, by experienced Minors, to be very valuable. 1 Tho ubove property is sold as the property J of Luther M. McBec, deceased, for partition anion* the boirs. TERMS?One-Third Cash; the halance on ? vituu 01 j wcico ?nonins, Willi interest from day of sale. Purchasers to give Bond and Mortage of promises to Probato Judge, to secure the payment of the purohise money. Purchasers to pay for Stamps and Papers. J. I.. SOUTHERN, S. O. C. August 21, 1872. 16?7 a EXECUTORS' SALE FOUR OR FIVE THOUSAND ACRES OF FINE WOODLAND. BY virtue of an order from the Circuit Court for Greenville County, we will sell before the Court TTouse door, on Sales- J day in Oetnher next, to the big litest bidder, the following lands, to wit: One Tract in Oreeville County, five milee above tbe City of Greenville, lying on both Bides of the Air Line Railroad, and of the Rutherfoid Road, containing about One Thousand Acres, and known as the Mountain Creek Tract. ^ One Tract, containing from Fojir to Five Hundred Acres, lying between the Pendle?ton and Anderson Roads, and on both sides of the Farley's or Towns' Brid e Road. One Tract, of about Four Hundred Acres, lying between the Anderson and Grove Roads, and on ho.h aides of the Greenville _ <fc Columbia Railroad One Tract, of about Fourteen Hundred ^ Aeres, lying between the Grove and Augusta Road., on both aides of the South, and North Forks of Brushy Creek, and known aa the Bruahy Creek Tract. One Tract, of about Twelve Hundred Acres, known aa the Laure! Creek Tract. One Lot of Seven or Eight Acrea, lving within the corporate limits of the City of Greenville, fronting on Pendleton and Anderson Street*, and adjoining lands of Gainea, Stradley and others. The above 1 ands are almost entirely in . the original forest, and the extreme outer I limits of no portion of them la more than six miles from the City limits?some of them are entirely within the City, others partly within and partly without, and others \ from a halt to five and six miles distant.? The different Tracts will oe rub-divided into Tracts of from Thirty to Fifty Acrea to suit purchasers, and Plata of the aame will be exhibited on the day of rale, and in the meantime can bo seen by vailing on Alexander MoBee. J ALIO, On# Traet of Land, known at the ' Shoal , Traol." containing One Hundred and Forty Anree, more or lees, aitunted in the upper part o< Greenville County, on water* of Beaverdam Creek, and adjoining land* of R F. Whilden and oilier*. One Tract, known a* the " Gap Creek Tract," lying on both side* of the Old Gap Creek Road and Gap Creek, containing Fifteen Hundred or Two Thousand Aeres, and extending to the North Carolina Line. TERMS.?One-third Ca*h ; balance on eredit of twelve mootha, secured by Note i and Mortgage of premise* I'urohaseis to pay for stamps and papers If all the Treete ere not sold on Salesday In October, the sele will continue from day to day until all are disposed of. V A. MoBKE. ALEX MottEE, Eteeutore of Verdry MeBee, deceased Aug 14 IB 8 TJnited States Internal Revenue. Collbctor'm Orr/CB, So Dist., S. C.f I Comae:*, August I3tb, 1873. j Nf* *CR is hereby glvsu that on .1 fun Jay, '* id day of Stpiimbrr, 1872, the following det-ihed properly will be sold in the City of Gret,v{||e< g. ()., the same having ? ttl0 united otatos ior violation of Internal'<ovnnua Laws, visi 1 Cupper Sill, Cap and Worm, 1 Yoko of Oxen and 1 Wagon, ^ 2 Malt Barrel Whisky, 4f Ping Tobacco?104 lbs, * vVr ^ aU^ C4ctlloue ? c- V ANDKASOK. i '** Lollwetor M District, 8. C i " / * ? ? / \ FUltMAM UNIVERSITY, r ^5 rHB next ANNUAL SESSION of thU In titutlou will begin on W SDN BSD A r .'*? lliA of SEPTEMBER. For fall Information aa fo nqtlnnwti for draUeion, rate* of taltioa, Ac., apply for Cat* logae at th? Bookatore of G. E. Elford, or to VefeMor 0. H. JTJDSOK. Aug 14 15 4 3REENVILLE FEMALE C0LLE6L 'rof. J. F. DARQAN, Prinoipal of Collegiate Department. Use BRTTIE DARQAN, Principal of Acadctnio Department, lias EMMA 8. MERRICK, Principal of Primary Department. 'rof. M. Q. DkCAMPS, Principal of Muaio, fi-?--a? a i/opBnuieoi. lias C. DAWSON, Assistant English Teaoher. t. McKAY, Esq., Te?ober of Penmanship, Ao. liss MAY COX, Assistant Mutio Tesohor. , French, Drawing, Ac. bates or tuition, Per Term of Twenty Week*, in advance. 'rimary Department.., $12 50 tcademio 2b 50 'ollegiate 27 00 'iano Lessons 25 00 iinging in Glass 6 00 The next Annual Session will begin on the th of September. For full information, apply for Circu~ tr to Mr. Q. E. Elford, or to C. H. JUD80N, General Superintendent. Aug 12th 1872. 15 4 _ ___ MARSHALL M All LOIN S DRUG STORE, Fresh Turnip Seed for Sale. 1MBLR GLOBE, SEVEN TOP, RED TOP, FZ/ir nuTcn, RUT A BAG A, WHITE GLOBE. STONO GUANO, for Turnips. \bove Seed are grown in Philadelphia. from reliable houses. We are constantly receiving FRESII DRUGS, torn the Best Houses iti the Country. BLACKBERRY CORJDIAL, A Fine Article. FRUIT JARS, At Low Prices. 3RANDY AND WINES, For Medical Purposes. iVHITE LEAD AND PAINTS, At Low Figures. One Barrell each of MA CHIN. V OIL. TANNERS OIL. LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE. and ALCOHOL. SCHOOL BOOKS, At Publishers' Prices. Paper and Envelope*, \t any price, and in any quantity. NEW BOOKS JUST IN, " 1 HE REBEL BOY By a Southern Lady. A Large Stock of Wall Paper and Moulding For Frames. ? CALL HOTXMUIE. 2 July 10 10 ljr Annual Meeting. Couwtt ComusstosKit's OrrtCK,) Urrrnvillm, 8. C., Aug 12. 1872. ( k LL parties holding COUNTY CLAIMS ?\_ aro notified thai unless their Account, re placed on (lie in this office hy the 1st day f September, 1872, they will not he audited ; ril) pass to another year and deprive the ownr from the nse of bis money ; oan bo left witb lounly Clerk any day. W. A. HUDSON. Chairmen Board Co. Cominiaaiooera. P. A. MoDavio, Clerk. Aoj 14 S H a , i Call from the public will mqi? them ikil we oca eopply all that U needmi. by a MAN In ilia way of Orange#, Leroooe, Nut*, all kluda, Candlee, Sugar, Ooffce, Tobaoeo, chawing and nioklng, Cigare, and almoei eeery thing to be k . FOUND In a well ordered atora of ^ile charaotar. Thoae wbo purabaae from na, go ewty plcaeed ; and ae to priaaa, wa have a DEAD Thing ou moat dealere, being. extremely low. Our location, nr Poiut of eoivMlesM, ia not isetlltd, on An* gusts Street, where our friends should cell. A L*nje supply in constantly ljept oo hand, , which will be aotd by rete 1 or by the WAGON Load. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere. FRANK HAMMOND & CO. August 1 14 8 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, QREKNVILLK COUNTY. SfcerJTa Selea. BY virtue of an order from 3. J. Dou- 1 TOtT, Probate Judge of Greenville County, f will sell, on Saletday in September 1 next, before the Court Bouse door, at publio outcry, the following Tracts or lots of Land, viz: All that Tract of Land, situated in j Greenville County, on waters of Tyger River, bounded by lands of J. P. Peace. L. T. Jennings, Shumate, Per- 1 ry, and others, and containing ?? acres, more or less. Sold as the pro erty of Peter Taylor, Sen., deceased, for Partition among the heirs. ALSO, A House and Lot, situated in the City of Greenville, bounded by lands of Vardry McBee, deceased, G. F. Townes. and nthom - W.uv.M, ouu VVII milling Two acres, raoro or less. Sold as the property of Gen. Wm. K. Easley, deceased, for payment of the debts of said deceased. On said Lot are good Out-houRes, Kitchen and olh er improvements. Trkms.?For the Tract of Land, a credit of six months, with interest from date for all, except so much as will pay the costs, which will be required in cash. Purchasers to give bond and approved security and a mortgage oi the premises to the Probate Jndge, to secure the payment of the purchase money. For the House and Lot, onethird cash ; balance on a credit of six months, with interest from date. Purchasers to give bond and approved secu rity and a mortgage of the premises to the Probate Judt?e, to secure the payment of the purchase money. Purchasers to pav for titles and stamps. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. G. C. August 6, 1872. 14-4 The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of an order from S. J. 1 Docthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, I will, sell, on Salesday in September next, before the Court House door, at public outcry, the following Tract of Land, viz : All tliat Tract of Land, situate in ] Greenville County, on waters of Rever Dam Creek, adjoining lands of R. F. Whilden, James Few and others, and i containing One Hundred and twentyfive acres, more or less. Sold as ?he property of Nancy Babb, deceased, for partition among the heirs. Tehms.?A credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, for all except so mutjl) as will pay the coats, which will be required in cash on the ' day of 6ale. Purchasers to give bond and approved security, with a mortgage of the premises, to the Probate Judge, to secure the payment of the purchase money, Re-sold at the risk of the former purchaser. Purchasers to pay for titles and , stamps. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. O. C. I Sheriff's Office, August Oih, 1872. 1 Aug 7 14 4 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S BAI4SS. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facia* to me directed, I will sell be'ore 1 the Court House door, on Sale?day in Sep teinber next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the fort-noon and 8 o'clock in the after noon, One Tract of Land, containing One < Hundred Acres, more or les-, lying on waters of Ssln-la Kiver. near Wilsons Bridge, adjoining lands of Elijah EsKew, John Toilet-son and others. Levied tin ss the property of Catherine Wilson, Executrix at the suit of Jasper Wilson. Executor. ' also, One Ilonsc and Lot, in the City of Greenville, on corner of Coffee and Riclmrdion Street#, containing Two Acre*, more or leas, adjoining lota of A. L. Herron, E B. Bacon and other*. Levied on as the properly of Rodolphns Long, at the suit of Charlotte Norton, residuary Legatee. a no, 1 One Tract of Land, containing One , Hundred and Twenty Acres, more or leas together with a Cotton Factory thereon, known as the Buena Vista Factory,together with all tools, machinery, appliances, and appertenance* thereunto belonging. Also, one Tract of Land, containing Twenty , Acre*, more or leas, together with a Oriat . Mill 'beteon, adjoining the Factory Tract, , and known aa the Grist Mill Tract. Aleo, one other Tract, known aa the Lester (I a - J ? I lauuienriid, cuuiuinm(( vnrPC nnnflffQ 9 Arret, more or )m, adjoining lands of 1 Raletville Manufac'uring Company, and ( oihara Levied oa as the property of L?e let Jt Brother*. at. the atiit ol M, L. Msrehant and others. Said property will he sold *ul.j?ct to lien of the mortgages of Wyman, Byrd <h C?\, upon said property. J. L SOUTHERN. 8. O C. ! SherifTs Ofhoe, Greenville, 9. C., August 6, 1872. 14-4 Notice. ALL PERSONS having Claims against < the Esta<e of Gen. W. K. KASLBY, 1 deceased, are requested to hand Ihem in, properly atteeteo, to Capt. G. G. Wells. BENJAMIN SLOAN, Admlnlat'r. August YO, 1874. 16-S I CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK or SOUTH CAROLINA. Compound Interest Allowed on Deposits* WM. MARTIN, President I JOHN B. PALMER, Vtee-President , A. G. BBKNIZS&, Gash tar. T. 0. B. SMITH, Looal Auiitut Cuhlir. i J. H. SAWYER, Aubtut Cuhi?r, In Gene- ' ral Charge. DIRECTORS. Wade Hampton, Rev. William Martin, A. ' D. Haskell, I. W. McMaster, E. K. Kelnitab, J oha ?. Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia; < X. Ell Gregg. Marlon; G. T. Soot*., w. g. ; Sfayes, Kewberry; S. ~. Eutledge, Daalol i Rarenel, Jr., Cbarlesian. Grednville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Aaalatant Cashier. | Planters, Mechanics, and Professional Van, < Widows, Orphans, Trustees and County Oa. sers, baring money for whieh they have no present use, oan here deposit it, thus avoiding all risks of thefts and destruction by fire, aaa at tbo same time draw interest thereon till needed. ' i pS- Citisens of Qreonvllle can save thousands of dollars by patronising their Bank. Deposits solicited, no matter how email, or how large. J&f- Gold and Silver rcceivod on deposit, at interost, and repaid in kind, or in currency, as agreed upon. May 22 3 6m SCO. W. WILLIAMS. I J AUKS BR1DOE, JR. WILLIAM BIRNIIC. I rSARK I. TAYLOR. JOS. R. ROBRRTSOB. | ROBT. 8. CATDCART. Geo. W. Williams & Co., Factors and Commission Merchants. CHARLESTON, S.'o., and Williams, Birnie & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i 65 Beaver Street and 20 Exchanor JPi.apk, NEW YORK. Messrs. Foster <fc IIcnter are pro - I ' pared to roako liberal advances on Cotton and Produce shipped to us either in Charleston or New York. 12-4m paul b. lalane. ] p.. p. t.arou8sei.ikre. i a. a. aveilub. PAUL B1ALANB k CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS and CominiHsion Merchants, AT NO. 175 EAST BAY, Charleston, S. C. July 24 12 ly W. B. SMITH & CO., and commission merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. B. Smith. a. H. Jones. L. M. Jones. W. B. Wiialey. ?o? I jy Consignments solicited, on which I Liberal Advances will be made. ?' O c*r Refer to Messrs. Foster A. Hunter, Greenville, S. C. Jy 3 9 8m Office Comptroller General, Columbia, S. G\, February 1, 1872. TrflS ia to certify that the GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published in tho town of Greenville, 8. C., is hereby designated by this Hoard as the paper in which legal and public notices shall be published, for tho County of Greenville, in accordance with tho ' Aot to regulate the publication of all legal and public notices," which became a law February 22d, 1870. J. L. NEAGLE, Comptroller General. , D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. THE above is a true copy of the original on Bio in the office of Secretary of State. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. Fob 14 41 tf Mrs. Minnie O'Conner, RESPECTFULLY CALLS the attention of the Ladies of Greenville and vicinity to tho gHnQH fact, that she will open, on Monday, 27th May inst., Wlji An Elegant Assortment of Iff FAWCY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, I consisting in part of: bace Goods, Fancy Jewelry, Zephyr Worsteds, Millinery Goods of Every Description. And many other Articles too numerous to mention. N. D.?A liberal patronage is respectfully lolicited. May 22 3 tf , Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may eons i cern. that 1 will apply to S. J. Iiouthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, < n the Mh day of September next, for a FINAL DISCHARGE as Administratrix of the Ksate ot JOSEPH GREEN, deceased All >arties having claim* against said Estate will present th?mlo the Probate Jndge on >r before said day, or bo debarred. 8USAN MoCOLLlSTER, Adm'x. ! August 3, 1872. 14-6 1 T. W. 1) \V18 I&TC9 Mil mi H6RAVEE. CORNER OF cfT J38 j?8 i lanaav Anii i Washington Stroot* noxt Door t6 National Bank, , <1 RKKNVIl.LP, S- C. May fl 1 tf 1 I - ? Gtr* Hi* ?11 JMM4J BQQKS ARB tTAHE AM COURT HOUSE SQUAR: Xeepe in Stock the following, together with J>R1NCE'S rROTEAN FOUNTAIN PENS write* 8 to S hours with < ne Siting > pr N8, with aod without Ho" * prioee Iron three aire* ; price 26 oente e < - BTKBL PJ "OILLBT, Note* Letter, Foolecap, BUI Cap, \ II Legal Cap, Plat Letter, Flat C?p and , Mntio Paper* by the quire or ream. *mCKM0RANDUX8. Indexes, Day Book*. jXL Ledgere, Record Books, foil and half l/\ nnn ENVKLOfBS. or rarioaa uUjUUU tisee ud qaalitUc. froai 1 11.76 to $5 a thooaand. A FULL SUPPLY of Pane. Ink, Inkstands, A. Poaeila, Saaltog Wax, Latter Clip*, water Colon, Choaamao, Kabbar Bands, Via' ting Card*; Ac., Ac. June 29 8 Excelsior JUattrei THE pnblio ia ioUrmed that ttare la sneh ih? Wond?2fnl Efl?ls!?r ionnd aad refreshing al*ep la aeourwd that dattmeaa. Peraona and act lHt*e their pis 3oga, fpr they will not infest this Mattreea. These Mattreatea are gotten dp in variooa ind $10. A good assortment always on hen sarriaga makers, that this Patent Excelsior ia t ia very light and durabls, and I would reoi iny quantity, aa I buy direot frctn the Boat ind 1 can aell it very eneap. Manufacturer of the " Wonderful Patent ?ourt House. JOHN H. SC LIFE AND FIRE II IS TREPAREL Policies on all C JIT THE FjOW If ONE EOT THE SAFE or c North British and M< and Edinburg, 1 $10,00 Home Of N. Y. Cap: Georgia Home, " OFFICE WITH MESSR GREEJY May 1 62 SAMUEL STRADLEY, SUCCESSOR TO DAVID & STRADLEY, WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE HIS FRIENDS, AT THE oijD sTJiJvn, WHERE HE WILL SELT THEM AT X*OiW tombs. Feb 28 43 tf LAND FOR SALE. rPWO TRACTS of LAND, on South Salu. JL da River, containing 780 acre*, part best River and Creek BOTTOM, with new improvements Alio large lot cf valuable HORSES, CATTLE and HOQS. Apply to JULIUS C. SMITH, or J. M. McCLANAHAN, May 29 4 td Just Received, MCKAY'S, ^|f NEW SUPPLY LEGHORN AND STRAW tar hats, bonnets, ribbons. jb% XW Ladies' TIES and HAIR GOODS, jjp |y SUNDOWNS AT FIFTY CENTS. JH July 6 5 tf Cherubusco Mills. I AM prepared, with my new Mills and * competent Miller, to grind wheat ini< i superior quality of FLOUR, pr?mptl\ ind on short notice, and would respect fullx ?sk the patronage o' thn public. AH I ask a a trial PHILEMON HUFF. June 25. 8 tf Prof, M. G. DeCampst DEALER in all kinda, of MUSICAL MERCHANDIZE. On hand-Pis inoa. MeloJeona, Flu tea, Ac, Sheet Music ?nd Music Books. Call and sea him, at hia Rooms in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Near ike Female College, Greenville, 8. C. May 21 S tf Boot and Shoe Making. TnE UNDERSIGNED It prepsred with competent Workmen to fill ell order* For BOOT8 end SHOES, of both fine end heevy qnelitie*, on short notion. He fpi*t? mice* eeliefeolioo. REPAIRING promptly sMonried to. |fgf Shop neerl? opposite Moeers. Oowtr, Cox <k Merkley'e. '1 RUTH** DYER April 10 4t *ly mM p KH IN l? FARCY STATIONERY, B, OEMKVILLK, 8. 0. i UMroia otksr ArtMn iailaikr lists: . mi oxoollool nrtiolo for tk? Dotk or Poefeot ; few, WLM nd $6. WARRANTED GOLD > $1-60 to $4. BESTOR'8 GOLDEN PBJT8, INS In n^oty. BIBLES. TjofunooU, Hymn BooVi i Intent vmm QuMtlon Books TTOIam A.I?-a! ^ ? v., www tUMBMI Claw Books, Reward Tickets Fresh Laurels?Pure Gold, Fruits and Ylowtre Priaa Books, Bible Dtetionmtj, A a. Jfgf Sunday 8ohool Libraries ordered, and furnished free of freight, at publication prioes. T* AW and Trial Justice Blanks, at Charles* I A ton prioes, by the quire or quantity. Deeds, Mortgages, Mesonir Demits, Drafts, Ac. 6m . \ ... . ss Manufactory. aplaee in Greenville, where they eaa get Matircwcfl atD<S Pillow?, le hot and sultry nights by lying on the** Meant dr*.itn* 1?* " ? . wu kjj iub. rnr, MC They are a gre?l confer t V> the wen-/ tylee. sires and prices, from $8, $7, $8, $9 d. Would also say, for the inforrnatiob of a good thine lor stuffing en Jiioos, dee., a? rmiueod it. I can furoisk the Excelsior in on Exeelsior Company in large quantities, w J. C. C. TURNER. , Excelsior Mattress, two doura i>?uih of ll-t? SotieldT ISURANCE AGENT, ) TO ISSUE lasses of Risks, EST RJ1TES. OMPANIES REPRESENTED. e!'ointile, of London Capital (Gold) 0,000. Ltal, $2,5tq,000. $3.?0.0*0, S. EARI.E & BLYTHE, VILLE, s. c. t tl WH1TNER SYMMES, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFICE.?New Court ITouse Room used by County Commissioners. April 10 49 Cm BUKT & GRAY^ ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND? SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, S. C?. Will Practice in the Court* of thi* State and the United State*. OFFICE?Rear room of New Court House Mar 20, 1872. 40 tf C. C. Stephens, fa ?TP?iP^>=M77ir\nr^w/7 u ^iniRjie,? AIT LAWo GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFICE IN RKAllOF JIEATTIE'5 STORE. Prompt attention given to Collections. 39-tf Jan 31, 1872. E. P. JOSES, aw a,AW? AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL rBACTICC IN ALL COURTS OF THIS STA1E ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office at Greenville C. H., ?. C. July 1, 1869. 7 ly? M. o. butler. E. B. MCBLK. BUTLER 8L McBEE. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GREENVILLE, S. C., Will Praotiee in the Courts of the State and of the United 8tates. May 31 4 tf CAROLINA LIflllSmiCE COMPANY. CP MEMPHIS, TENN., AND BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1,100,000. HON. JF.PFKRSON DAVIS. Paiceiurvr. GEN. WADE HAMPTON, VIOK PrmidknT. GEN. JOHN 0. KENNEOY, General Agent for South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. JOIIN H. SCOFIELI), Agenl, Greenville, s. c. Mar 13 45 6m Dr. GOTTLIEB FISCH'S BITTEBS. This preparation of the OfAftl. PtAlAntJaL fTteb Flitch, of Germany, I* based on the fact that, a* all material* of the body are derived from Food, so all Vital Force, or Health, Is derived from the Force stored up In Food. Dr. fitch'* Hitters enable* the System to liberate and appropriate these Forces, creates Appetite, oares fiPSlfc Ly and lack of NsrvooMfoergy 1 so tones the Stomach and Liver as Hllloaanesslmposslble: reinforces the System so It can tide over bad results of changing climate, water, dee., and better eudoM tho demands often nnsspectedly mad* on Its Force aud Knergy. Ladles In delicate health, aged persons, and all emaolated and wsak after sickness, will rapidly strengthen by nslng this great preparation. A sufferer at one of the mountain houses, says "the flies some down to breakfWst. at * th* sOWTtrl of tfc* ({ ?.M \