University of South Carolina Libraries
mmmmmmmrnmmm i _ mmfgrnm^ Notice. < ALL PBRBON8 having CUigie agelnat thn buu of Onn. V. K. BABLEY, decao'td, arc lequeeud to baud tham In, prop?' lv to Otpl. 0. O. Walje. Benjamin bloaK, AdmioutV. August 20, 1872. lfl-S Greenville HIGH SCHOOL. TUB BXER0I8B8 thin SCHOOL be roe a mod on AoMbyi iHlu Ida M mf 8*pt>mb*r. WF For Catalog*#, glv? F tag full particulars la regard to course of Indite, re tee of tuition, Ac., apply to Prov. JOHN B. PA THICK, Prinelpal. Aug 21 Id 3_ A ?P ' A it ? ta ? s"! 23]i1i -SP d 1 i Sglsll 1 s, kh rf 2 :- i E S * S 53 ?* .$ 2 s s ? j sgj2?4 gj c=q i ? > |im^| s s^isi v*il,~ s co ? s 3-asin^ r^i p<i h ?h^*s< 3 13th August, 1872. WE hereby notify tho public that the United Stataa Patent Office baa oramtrd a PATENT voa "west's nun disthiebtob; which fully corera all Ita part*. Tbcy will be manufacture!, and far anle, by ua. JEW Slate and County Rights for sale. JEW All infringements prosecuted to the full extent of the law. W. J. WEST gow'kk, cox a mark lev, Owners of the Patent. Aug 21 16 tf Tho State of South Carolina. OR KEN VILLE CO UNTY. Jly S. J. DOUTHIT, F,quir,, Judy, of Probale of to til County, WHEREAS, JAMES P. WATSON and W N TAYLt?R have filed a Petition in my Office, preying that L?ttera of Administration on all and singular the goods nix) chattels. rights and credits nf JOHN WATSON, Jr., lata of the County aforesaid, deceased, should he granted to lliciii 'I lit-an are. therefore, to cite ard admnn ish all and singular the kindred ami crrdis tore ot I lie said deceased, to he and appear in tho Court of 1'rolia'o lor said Cootiiy, to he hidden at Oreenvlll* Court llou-e, ou the '/d dag of Sejdem her, next. to alio* cansif any, why the an id Administration should not he granted. rv j i;uu utll, J. i', H. U Office of Judge ol i'luliile, August 19th. 1872. lti-2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, O HE EN V1L LE CO UNTY. fch<;rif('a Mule. T)Y virtue of an order from 8. J. Doulhit, J) Probate Judge of Greenville County, I will evil, ou 8ale?dsy in October next, at pehlie outcry, belore the Court House door, the following Tracts of Land, vie : No. 1. All that Tract of Land eltuete within tho City limits of Greenville, about one mile frutn the Court House, on Pendleton and otbor streets now being oponed, containing Thirty (30) Acres, more or less, about Ten (10) of which are under cultivation, the remainder is well timbered, having beautiful iiuilding Lots on all of it, and is well adapted for cultivation. Also, on this Tmct of Land is a substantial Dwelling House, ol six rooms ; also, good Outbuildings, with sn excellent Spring of Water within a few yards of the Huuso. The said House and Land lies conveniunt to either the Greenville and Columbia ^ Hailroad or the present site of the Atlanta and Richmond Air-mine Depots. May bo cut up into lots suitable to purohasers before day of salo. No. 2.-Known as Sherman Lot, situate in the City of Greenville, on Main Street, bounded on north Ity North Stroet, an.I west hy Laurens Street, and oontaina One and OneFourth Acres, mors or less. On this Lot is a good House with four rooms, tho necsssarv outbuilding*, and a Wall of excelleot water; alio, fine Garden apot. Tbis property ia well loeatad foi builacaa houses. ALSO, A valuable Plantation, alluated on waters of South Tygar Elver, adjoining land* of A. J. Ponder, V. lfoBaa and others, oontainiog Klaven Hundred and Sixty. five Acres, more or less, and known aa the Caraon Gold Mine Tract. On Ibte Tract la One Hundred (100) Acres of flrst?elaae River Bottom Land, under a high state of cultivation. This Land lies within eighteen miles of Greenville Court Hoase, and fourteen aailaa of Apartanbufg C. * H. The Gold interest in this place has been pronounced, by experienced Minora, to bo very valuable. The above propenfiy Is sold as the property of Luther M. McBce, deceased, for partition among (ho hairs. TERMS?One-Third Cash: the halanna on a Credit of Twelvw (IS) Months, with interest from day of sale. Purchasers to give Bond and Mortgage of pram lees te Probate Judgo, to secure the payment of the purob ?se money. Purobaaers to pay for Stamps and Paper*. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. O. C. August 21, 1872, 18?7 Desirable RIAL ESTATE for Sale, la and near the Oity af Greenville. IOFFKK at private sale the very desirable PLANTATION and RESIDENCE of the late WM. BATES, deceased, located on the River arid pn the Buncombe Road, abont two miles above the CI}/ end in sight of it, ?uu wiiniD oni mil*, or tha Air Lioa Hallway Depat, the Tract of Land contain* about 330 Acre*, about 40 A or** nf which la very aupa> rlor River and Croak Bottom, admirably adapted to th? growth of both grain aod the graaaoa. Tha Upland* aro vary superior rod May aollf * and a part of thorn la native foroet, and (a equal to tha heat In tha np-oonotry. The Duelling on the promleoa la vary raperlor, la o?nvenTently eonctruoted and la good repair. The out buildlnga are all In good ra> rialr, and plenty of thorn. Tha wall of water n the yard la aqual to the boat mountain water. The front fanoa (plank) la new; tha yard and garden fanoa (ploket) baa jnat bean completed and painted; making altogether one of the moat deelrable pUeea for ante In fhla aaciion. or likely to be aoon again. I alao offer for aala a vary deelrable two. atory llOUdK and LOT, (two aorea,)on Bun* oomha Street, In the City, ona utile from tha nubile aquare. Alao, aoeeral vary dealrable BUILDING * LOTS, on AnguaU Street, one mile from tba public square, end near Farman llaivaralty. n. P. MAMMRTT. Aug II tt * 1 ORDINANCE. BB 11 enacted by the CKy Ceonoll of Gr?wTill*, South Carolina, and by authority or |h? name, That tho Atlanta and Richmond Air?Uae Railway O?mnaoy bo ootborlaed to croon with lhair traok tho following tttraetn In aald City, to wit t Pendlaton Street, opppalta ! tbo Greenville had Colombia Railroad Depot; Rbota street, la roar of lot belonging to Wil*; I lam 0. Barria > and Blraot, botwoon > tbo loU belonging to T. Q. Dooaldaon and Mra,; Jano Barry t Provided, That tbo aald City Connell may proaerlbo all naaaaamry regaletloaa for tbo pretention of peraoaa and vehicle# panning along aald atraota. Dona and rati Hod in Council aaaamblad, thin 6th day of Aegnat, A. D. 1872. JAMK8 P. MOORB, Mayor. A. R. McDatid, City Clark. Angnat 14 14 2 Annual Meeting. vvvn i vvHKiwiviiaii urriuii r Grbkhvilli, 8. G., Aug- 13. 1873. | ALL parties holding COUNTY CLAIMS irt notified thai union thei.- Awoanti in plaoed on fllo In this offles by the lit day of September, 1872, thoy will not bo naditod ; will pm to Boothor yoor and dsprtre thoownor from tho u*o of his money ; oau bo loft with County Clork any day. W. A. HUDSON. Chairman Board Co. Commiaaionora. P. A. McDavid, Clork. Aug 14 15 3 U. S. Marshal's Sale. BY rlrtuo of a warrant of aala isauod out of tho Dlatrlot Court of the Unltod States of America for the District of Sonth Carolina, and to me dirooted and dslirerod, I shall sell at publto auction, to the bighoat bidder, for cash, on Saturday. Ike 24fA day of Auguet, 1872, in the Otty of Oreenrllle, B. C., tho following Property, to wit:. 8 BbU. Distilled Spirits, 11 Kegs Distilled Spirits, 1 Copper Still, Cap and Worm, 1 Copper Still and Cap. R. M. WALLACE, u. 8. Marshal. Jambs B. Shbrmam, Deputy U. 8. Marshal. Aug 14 15 2 United States Marshal's Sale. BY rlrtuo of a Warrant of Sale Issued out of the Distrlot Court of the United States ot America, for the District of South Carolina. to mo directed ond delivered, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for essh, subject to the tax, on Saturday, the 24th dry of August, 1872, in the City ol Greenville, the following property, to wit: 320 Gallona Distilled Spirit!, Three Copper Stills. R. M. WALLACE, U. S. Marshal. W. H. Mounce, Deputy. Aug 14 16 2 FALL 1872. FALL OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS & NOTIONS WILL BE COMPLETE BY T1IE 1st September. With a resident buyer in the Northern markets, wc are prepared, at all times, to execute your orders, upon the most favorable terms, or to serve you in person. ^5|T-We respectfully Invite you to call. E. W. MARSHALL & CO., 143 MEETING STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C. B. O. MAULDIN is with ns, and will be glad to serve all friends. Aug 14 15 3m Offloe Board County Commissioners,, 6. C., August 0, 1872. THE Sub-Commissioners throughout the County are requested to have all the five days labor required by law to be expended on tho Roads, including the time already worked. All road defaulters to be returnod to this Offico, through Sub-Cnmuiieeionere, ??y Tuurdny alter' Suloeiluy in October nest, to be eourtinartiaUd. W. A. III I ?si? s . Ohair'n Board Co. Commissioners. P. A. MoOavid. Clerk. Aug 7 U 4 Exiit irmtv siiK. FOUR OR FIVE THOUSAND ACRES OF FINE WOODLAND. BY virtue of an order from the Circuit Court for Greenville County, wa will ell before the Court House door, on Kalesdny in October next, to the (lightest bidder, tin! following land*, to wit: One Tract in Oreeville County, flvo miles shove the City of Greenville, lying on both ides of the Air Lhte Railroad, and of the Ruthetford Road, containing shout One Thousand Acres, and known as ihe Mountain Creek Tract. One Tract, containing from Poor to Pive Hundred Aerea, lying between the P?jndle? ton and Anderson Roeda, and on both aides of ths Parley's or Towns' Brid ,e Road. One Tract, of about Pour Hundred Acres, lying between the Anderson and Orove Roads, and on both eider of the Greenville A Columbia Railroad. One Trael, of about Pnurtsen Hundred Acres, lying between Ihe Grove and Augusta Koade, on both sides of lha South, and North Porka of Bruehy Creek, and known ae the Bruehy Creek Tract. One Tract, of shout Twelve Hundred Acres, known aa the Laute! Crs?-k Tract. One Lot of Seven or Right Acres, lving wtiniii itie corporate Un til of the City of Greenville, fronting on Peud!'ton end Anderson SlreeU, end adjoining lands of Geiaee, Stredley and others. The above l ands are almost entirely in the orlgnal forest, and the extreme outer limits of no portion of them is more than six ralUsfrom the City limits?some of them are entirely within the City, others pertly within and partly without, and others from a hall to ties sad six miles distant.?The different Tracts will be snh-divided into Traeta of from Thirty to Fifty Aorea. to suit purchasers, and rials of tha ssme will ha exhibited on the dey of sals, and In the meantime ean l>a seen by aalllag on Alexander MsDrs. ALSO, One Tract of Land, known aa tha 'Shoot Trsol," uontainlng One Hundred end Forty Acres, mors or Ism, situated In the upper pert of Greenvllls County, on watere of B*avardam Crash, end adjoining lands of It F. Whildon and others. One Traet, known as tha " Cap Crash Tract," lying on both side* of tha O'd. Osp Oraek Road and Cap Cr?-rk. containing Fifteen Hundred or Two Thousand Acres, and saundlng ta tha North Carolina Lino. THRMH.?One third Cash: Helenas on credit of twvlva month*, avatirad by N?to and UorlgMK* of I'trrnii** Puraltaaars to pay lor aUmpt and p?p?ra If *11 th* Traoia art not aold on &al*aday In Oalobar, tha Ml* will aoi.tinwo from day to day until all ar* diapo**d of. V. A MrHKR. ALEX. MottEE. Ktaautora of Vardry MoRrt. dacaaa* I. Aug 14 IS 8 " -J a. wHI ., nnHl m^HWUALBEHSION of tkb la WEDNESDA Y, (A* Utk of SEPTEMBER. For tall information m to roqairamoata for adalaaion, rotor of toitloD, ho., apply for OaU aloguoat tho Bookatoro of O. B. BI ford, or to Proftaaor 0. II. JUD80N. Aug 14 IS 4 GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE. Prof. J. P. DA ROAN, Principal of Collegiate Department. Miee BETTIE DAROAN, Principal of Awdemio Department. MIm EMMA 8. MERRICK, Prineipat of Primary Department. Prof. M. O. DaCAMPS, Prineipalof Muale, Department. Miaa C. DAWSON, AaaiaUnt EnglDh Teacher. R. Mt'KAY, Eaq? Teacher of Pentnanihip, Ac. Mill MAY COX, Aaaietent Muaic Teacher. ? ?? , French, Drawing, Ac. BATES or TUITION, Per Term of Twenty Weekt, in advance. Primary Department $12 60 Academic 20 60 Collegiate 27 60 Piano Leiaona 2) 00 Singing in Claai 6 00 The next Annual Seaaion will begin on the 4th of September. pAr For full information, apply for Circular to Mr. O. E. Biford, or to C. H. JUD80N, . General Superintendent. Aug 12th 167'i. 16 4 AT MARSHALL MABLBINS DRUG STORE. , t Fresh Turnip Sood for Sale. AMBhll GLOBE,\ SEVEN TOP, RED TOP, FLAT DUTCH, RUT A BAG A, WHITE GLOBE. STONO GUANO, for Turnip*. Above Seed aro grown in Philadelphia lVom reliable houses. - t We arc constantly receiving FRESH DRUGS, from the Best Houses in the Country. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, A Fine Article. FRUIT JARS, At Low Prices. BRANDY AND WINES, For Medical Purposes. WHITE LEAD AND PAINTS, At I/jw Figures. Ouo Barrel! each of MA CHIN V 07X, TANNERS OIL. LINSEED OIL. TURPENTINE, and ALCOHOL. SCHOOL BOOKS, At Publishers' Prices. Paper nnd Envelope*, At any price, and in any nuantitv. - - - . ' * * NEW BOOKS JUST IN, "HIE REBEL BOY;' By a Southern Lady. . A Large Stock of Wall Paper and Moulding tor Frame*. ZtllL AliTUIllL? July 10 10 lj T. W* DAVIS lira mini no mum tx? coKNhia or JmS ma jp>fi &S&J& AND Woohinfton ftroota nut Door to Vntlonnl Bank, ORPKHVILI.B, * C. M?y 8 1 n A 0*11 from tk? pablU *111 aaaora thrm that w# Ma wpplj all (bat b naadad by lfA? In th? way of Oraagn, Laaaoaa, Naia, all kind*, CandUa, Sugar, Cuff-a, Tohanaa, abawlog and amuklng, Otgara, a ad almoat ararything la ba romn) 1 In a wrjl ardarad atom of tbta abaraatar. Thoaa who pamhaaa Iron on, go away plaaaod ; and aa to priaaa, wa bava a DEAD Tiling on moat daalnra, bring eztramtly low. Oar locallun, TW Mil Point of (onTiniiiwi, it not escallad, on Augusta Street, where our friends should eell. A Large supply le constantly kept on hand, which will be eold by ret* 1 or by Ibe WAGON Load. Cell and eee ue before purehaelag elae where. FRANK HAMMOND & CO. Auguet 7 14 I STATE OF 80UTH CAROLINA, QUE UNVILLB COUNTY. Sharif lalea. BY virtue of an order from 3. J. Dontiiit, Pr?>bate Judge of Greenville County, { will sell, on Saleeday in September next, hefote the Conrt Houae door, at public outery, the followiog Traota or lota of Land, via: All thai Tract cf Lend, situated in Greenville County, on waters of Tyger River, bounded by lands of J. P. Peace. L. T. Jennings, Shumate, Perry, and others, and containing acres, more or lens. Sold as llie pro atty of Peter Taylor, Sen., deceased, for Partition among the heirs. ALSO, A lfrvian ami T.?? ? ? ..... oMunicu IU IUC Citv of Greenville, bounded by lend# of Vardry Mcllee, deceased, 0. F. Townes, and other#, and containing Two acre.*, more or let#. Sold a# the property of Gen. Win. K. Easier, deceased, fur payment of the debts of said deceased. On said Lot are good Out-hou*es, Kitchen and other improvements. Tkkms.? For the Tract of Land, a credit of six months, with interest from date fur all, except so much as will pay the costs, which will be required in cash. Purchasers to give bond and approved security and a mortgage of the premises to the Probate Jndge, to secure the payment of the purchase money. For the House and Lot, onethird cash ; balance on a credit of six months, with interest from date. Purchase'# to give bond anc approved secu riiy and a mortgage of the premises to the Probate Jud(/e, to secure the payment of the purchase money. Purchasers to pav for titles and stamps. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8 O. C. August 6. 1872. 14-4 The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERirr'S bales. BY virtue of an order from S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, I will, sell, on ' -L - ?r? Wiy/Itmviir IKiH, UCKKQ (110 Court House door. at public outcry, tKe following Tract of Land, viz : All that Tract of Land, situate in Greenville County, on waters of Bever Dam Creek, adjoining landa of It. F. W'hilden, Jaine* Few and other*, and containing One Hundred and twentyfive acre*t nv?re or lea*. Sold a* the property of Nancy Babb, deceated, for partition among the lieira. Tkkms?A credit of twelve month*, with interest ftoin day of Bale, for all except m? much mk will pay the coat*, which will be required in cash on the day of sale. Purchaser* to give bond and approved *ecurity, wiih a mortgage of the premises, to the Probate Judge, to secure the payment of the purchase money. Re-*old at the risk of the former purchaser. Purchasers to pay for titles and stamps. J. L. SOUTHERN. 8. 0. C. Sheriffs Office, August Oth, 1872. Aug 7 14 4 The State of South Carolina, COUNTY. SHERirr'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Facia* to me directed, I will sell he'ore I he Court Home door, on SaUtday iti Sep inn her next, between the hours of 10 o'clock In the forenoon end 8 o'clock in the titer noon, One Tract of Land. containing One Tlnndied Acres. more or les\ lying on waters of Saluda River, near Wilsons Bridge, adjoining lands of Elijah FsKew, John ToN leraoo and other*. Levied on aa the prop* erly of Catherine Wilson, Executrix at the suit of Jasper Wilton, Executor. aLso, One House and Lot, in the City ol Oreen* ville, on corner ol Coffee and Richardson Streets, containing Two Acres, more or less, adjoining lots of A. L. llsrron, K B Bacon and others. Levied on * the property of Rodolphus Long, at the suit ot Charlotte Norton, residuary legates. AISO, One Tract of Land,' containing On# Hundred and Twenty Acres, more or Iraa together with a Cotton Factory thereon, known as the Buena Viala Faetory, together with all loola, machinery, appliances, aad appartenaneaa thereunto belonging. Also, on* Trait ol Land, containing Twenty Acre*, mora or Wee. together with a Oriat Mill thoreoa, adjoining the Faotory Tract, and known ae tlie Oriat Mill Tract AWo. one other Traet, known aa Iha fleeter Homeetrad, containing Three Hundrrd Acre#, more or Wee, adjoining land* of Bateaeillo Manufacturing Company, and oihare levied on aa the property of L?etar A Br?th era, at the eull of M. L. Ma reliant and olhera. Bald ptoperty will he eold enhjfct to lien of the mortgagee of Wyroan, Byrd A Co., upon aald properte. J. L SOUTHERN, 8. O. 0. BherlfTa Office, Oreeimlle, S, C., Augaat 8, '87 i. 14-4 N Yoke of Oxen for Solo. I HAVE a eery large YOK< of OXEN to aall, on reasonable termr. If not eold aa work entmala by the Brat of Oetoher, they will be dWpoaed offer beef Ar* ply to W. A. HUDSON. Angcet let, 1874 14-3 CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. i Compound Interest Allowed on Deposits* WM. MARTIN, President. JOHN B. PALMER, V lea-President. A. 0. BRKNIZBll, Cashier. J. 0. B. SMITH, Lm?1 AuUUni Cashier. J. H. SAWYER, Assistant Cashier, in Quaml Charge. DIRECTORS. Wad. Hampton, R.r. William Martin, A. 0. H.ak.11, P. W. MoMaiWr. B. H. H.lalUb, Jobn B. Palmar, Tbomaa X. Gregg, Columbia j J. Bit Oragg, Marlon i 0. T. Reolt, W. 0. Maya., N.a harry J B. H. Rutladga, Danlal Kavanal, Jr., Cbarlaaton. Greenville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Aaalatant Caahiar. Planter*, Mechanics, and Professional Man, Wldowa, Orphan*, Trnataea and County OSoara, baring monoy for wblob tbay bar* no present use, nan bora depoalt It, tba* avoiding all riak* of thefta and doatruotlon by lira, and at tba aame time draw interaat thereon till naaded. pgr Citlcana of Oraanrllla oan aara tbou anda of dollar* by patronising Bank. Dapoiita solicited, no matter bow small, or bow large. W Oold and Silrar received on deposit, at Interaat, and repaid In kind, or in curranoy, as agreed upon. May 23 8 Am ORO. W. WILLIAM!. J AM ICS BRIDOB, JR. WILLIAM BIRMIB. FRARK R. TAYLOR. JOR. R. noRRRTROR. ROBT. R. CATMCART. Geo. W. Williams Co., Factors and Commission merchants, CHAHLtBTON, 8. O.. AMD Williams, Birnie& Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 65 Beaver Street and 20 Exchamor Plack, NEW YORK. JS9~- Messrs. Fortbr k Hunter are prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton and Produco shipped to us either in Charleston or New York. 13 -4 m PAUL B. LALANR. I K. F. LAROl'RRKLIRRB. A. A. AVE1LHR. PAUL BiALANE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Comiiiission merchants, AT NO. 175 EAST BAY, Charleston, S. C. July 24 12 ly W. B. SMITH A CO., <*n? COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. B. SMITH. A. II. JONES. L. M. Jones W. B. WIIALKT. (JF* Consignments solicited, on which Libvral Advance* will l>e mnde. O ' or Refer to Messrs. Foster dt IIuntkr, Greenville, 8. C. Jy 3 9 8m Office Comptroller General, Columbia, 8. C., February 1, 1872. THIS la to certify that the URKKNVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published in the town of Greenville, 8. C., ia hereby designated hy this Board as the paper in which legal and public noticoa shall be published, for the County of Oroenville, In accordance with the " Aot to regulate the publication of all lagal and publio notices," which became a law February 22d, 1870. J. L. NEAOLB, Comptroller General. D. U. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. THE above is a true oopy of the original on Al. 1? iL- - e O ? - f o.-A hi? in (uo uuiud ui oiortiarj ni mmn. P. L. CARDOZA, Hec rotary of State. Feb 14 41 I f ^ Mrs. Minnie O'Connor, f RESPECTFULLY CALLS the attention of the Ladies of Groenrille and vicinity to tbe fact, that ehe will open, on Monday, 27th May init., An Elegant Aeaortmont of FANCY GOODS, ITOF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ooneiMting in part of: Laoe flood#, Fancy Jewelry, Zephyr Woretede, Millinery Goods of Xvory Deserlptlon. And many other Article* too numerous to mention. N. B.?A liberal patronage 1* reepeetfnlly solicited. May 77 3 tf Notice IB Iterehy given to all whom It may eons earn, that I will apply to S. J. Donthit. Probata Judge of Greenville Onunty, n the #th day of September ne*t, for a FINAL DISCHARGE aa Adminietratrix of the Petal* ol JOSEPH GREEN, deceased. Ail partiaa having claim* agalnat said Estate will present them to the Probate Judge on or before said day, or he debarred. SUSAN lioCOLLISTEU, Adm'v. Angn?t 8, 1878. 14-A Boot and Shoe Making. fMIHE UNDERSIGNED le prepared with A competent Workman to fill all ordera for BOOTS and SHOES, of both Ana and heavy quelltiee, on abort nntioe. He guar* anises satisfaction. REPAIRING prompt* Iv attended to. Or sh?P n*?rly opposite Uouri. Oow r/Oox A MarkWy . BUTI.FR DTRR. April 10 i9 \y n j ej Tbe rim ef 1LK0RD A W%LtB Wtl 0. Tnu, ta minimi 9t fek lanwHii publU that X will MatiuM tk* Mo+l and MNiMt July It, mi est. m m PMAMM 001$ ARB tTAHl AR COURT HOURS BQUAR1 T)ILLIT, Note, Letter, FoeUeap, BUI Cap, ' Q Lags) Cap, Flat Letter, Flat C*p u4 , MuU Paper, kj tha quire or ream. HJ'BliORA>DUM$? Masea, Dap liafca, JxL Ledgers, Reeard Books, fell and half bound. on nnn bnvklopbs, or twiou Ov/jUUU alaaa and qualltlaa, from 1 $1.76 to $6 a thousand. A FULL SUPPLY of Paaa, lab, Ioksfaads, Psncila, Sealing Was, Lot tor Ollpa, ' ?r Color*, Ohaooman, Rabbor Band*, ViaItiag Cards $?., Ae. ! J una 28 8 Excelsior Mattrei THE public ia Informed that thara la sueh iha WsM<?r(nl Excelalor Sound and refreshing al?ep la secured thai Mattreaaaa. Prraono oaad not hare thair pl< Bon, lor thaj at ill not Infant tbla Mattress. Three Mallre#a?e are ftotlen op In various and $10. A good assortment always oo Han carriage maker*. I Hal thia Patent ExoeMor W it la very light and durable, and I would rea any quantity, aa I buy direct frc-m tha Boat and 1 can aell It vary ah-ap. Manufacturer of tha * Wonderful Patent Court Houee JOHN H. S( T mr* A irn TI AAXJCJU aim ? AAA X J IS PREPARE! Policies on all C JIT THE EOW NONE BUT THE SAFEST C North British and M< and Edinburg, < $10,00 Home Of N. Y. Gapi Georgia Home, " OFFICE WITH MESS 11 GREEJY M?y 1 bl SAMUEL STRADLKY, SUCCESSOR TO DAVID & STRADLEY, trr rrr r? ** r\ r n i n f.i n rrt v n t? n t*iij ji?j rL,n>sio&u i u on,/!, HIS FRIENDS, AT THE OLD STJ1JYD, WHERE HE WILE SELL THEM AT JLaOHi/" mmm. Feb 28 43 tf LAND FOR SALE. rpwo TRACTS of LAND, on South Selu. 1 ds River, eontnininir 780 seres, purl best River end Creek BOTTOM, with new improvements Also Urge let tf vnhishle HORSES, CATTLE sod HOGS. Apply to JULIUS C. 8MITH. or J. M. WlcCLAN All AN, M*y 29 4 td Just Received, AT i^RnNS NCVAVtM. mm ' V1H NEW SUPPLY LEGHORN AND STRAW OT" HATS, BONNETS. RIBBONS. J& or Ladies'TIES and HAIR GOODS, Jg% tJTSUNDOWNS AT FIFTY CENTS.J? July 6 6 tf Collector's Office, 8d Dist., COI-UMBIA, 8. 0 , July 20. 1872. IN conformity with requirement* of the Internal Revenue Law*, I hereby give notice to all persona who may claim one Copper Still. (Sip and Worm, and ten gallon* of Whisky, which ware eeix>d from Davio Davis, on the 2 (Mb day of .July. 1872, to make euoh claim before inn within thirty day* from the first publication of this no. tioa. C. L. ANDERSON, Aug-7-14-8 Collector 8<\ Diat Notice IB haraby given to all whom It may eon oarn, that I will apply to S. J. Donlhlt, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 7th dav of Seotembar ant for a WlWai. DISCHARGE Administrator of tha Ea? late of GEO ROE W. DILu droraaad. JAMES M. BAILEY, AdmV. Anrnat lot. 181?. 14-A Notice. ALL partiaa indrhtrd In thr K?tata of WILLIAM K. HIGHTOWKR, d?. aeaard, ara raqua*Ud to coro? forward and altla; And thoaa having claim* will I Itam on or bafora the Aili day of Novrms bar nasi, or ba daharred. T W IIIOHTOWER. Ar.g 7-14 14* I'irootri* N ? m*. a* Wn timlwl Vy (W vUMNvtl of Ctft. pr?*Mton?1 ymllM, T r*pWM?y aotffy ttoi *rp at tW mm* nwl ST. KIFORD FARCY tTATMRERY, i, muunriLLs, s. c. iUMmi ttkN Aitiiln La tiaulu 11km jiauM, iwMtnii, nyma 0Hki; n UlMt CliN Qu*(tion Book* Union Question*, Cwwotlw Question* Clnaa Book*. Reward Tieketa Treah Laurels, Pare OoM, Fruit* nad Flower* PrlM Book*, Bible DliHwny, A*. Banday School Libraries ordered, and tarnUhed free of freight, at publication price*. * ? , T AW and Trial Jostle* Blank*, at Charles* I J ton prion*, by Um qalre or quantity. Deeds, Mortgage*, Masonic Demits, Draft*, Ac. en is manufactory. a plana In Greenville, where they eao get minttreaaea wad Pillow*. i* hot and sultry night* by lying on the** a sent dream* disturbed by that raar, Bed They are a great comfort in the weary style*. alar* and priee*, from $0, $7, IS, $9 d. Would alao *ay, for the information of I a good tiling lor (luffing cushion*, Ac., a* ommend it. 1 c*u furnish the Kxeelslor In on Exeelsior Com pane In large quaotitle*, ? J. O. C. TURNER, Exoeleiur Msltres*, two duora fcv-u.h of 11-tt SoFIELDr 5TSUEANCE AGENT, L> IU ISSUE 'lasses of Risks, "EST RATES. 'OMPANJES REPRESENTED. Brcantile, of London Capital (Gold) 0,000. ital, $2,500,000. $3r?0.000. S. KAKI.R & BI.YTI1K. YILLE, S.C. : ti .J.--! ' . 1 " WH1TNER S1MMES, Attorney and Counsellor at Lair, GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFICE.?New Court House Room used by County Oommi?#ionem. April 10 4V Cm BURT & GRAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ? AND ? SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GllEENVILLE. S. C? Will Practice in the Court* of thi* Slate and the United Slate*. OFFICB?Rear room of New Court House Mar 20, 1872. 46 tf C. C. Stephens, iru U 'J V ir\ U \L?\Wo GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFICE IN HEAR OF BKATTIE'o STORE. ptM" Prompt attention given to Collection*. 39-tf Jan 31, 1872. e. p. .io?es, AW^ciDiaitsriBW AIP ur..^wy AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. will rraotick in all COURTS OF TH IS STAT E also, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office at Greenville C. H., S. C. Jul; 1,1869. 7 ly* m.o. v n mcm:k. BUTLER & McBEE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GREENVILLE, S. C., Will Fraction In the Contte of the Stata and of the United States. May SI 4 tf CAROLINA LIFE 1ISHHAIDE CDHFAHY. op MfcMrMIS, TENN., AND BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1,100,000. hon. jf.fkerflon davi8, TnwunrvT. okn. wade hampton, vic?p?aid*m\ SEN. JOHN D. KENNEDY, General Agent for .Smith Carolina, Columbia, 8. C. pgr JOHN II. S00FIKLP, Agent, (Iroenviiio, a. c. Mar 18 4.S Cm I. 0 0. F. Mountain Lodge, Nr. shall A Mauldin'a drug stoie. regular ai? tendance deaired. JAMK8 P. MOORTC, N. O Aug 80 17 If ' Cherubusco Mills. I AM prepared. with my new Mill* and a competent Miller, to grind wheal inln a mperior quality of FLOUR, promptly and nn tlimi .?<! 1 1 ~~ * w??. , w.'UKl re^pwiinily auk tha patronage of the public. All I auk is atrial. PHILKMON HUFF. Jnne 20. A tf Prof. H. G. SeCampfc DRAI.KR in all Winds, of MUSICAL MRKCHAHDIZI. . U? hand-Pis anna. Melodewnf, 4*, Sheet Musi# ami Mnalo Honk* (Mil mi) see h)m. at hia Rooms la tl# AOA1WMY OF MUSIC. AW the Fmmmim CW/rpr, Orrery'tte, 8. (J May 22 - 1/