University of South Carolina Libraries
For School OommlMioner. We ere authorised toannonnoe HAMILTON W. CELT e candidate for School CogamUeioner et the next election, (object to the Mtioe of the nominating Convention. 14-J The friend* of dleebled coldIere rcepeet* folly announce JOSEPH BRQOK8H1RB e eandidete for Behoo. Oomroleeionrr, et the eneuing election. He lo*t en erm |n the defence or bit oountrr.aod U competent for tbe office. - ,, The friend* of J. H. CAMPBELL announce him as a candidate for School Commissioner of Green vtllo County, at tbe ensuing election. Mr. Campbell i? a one-armed Confederate *oldler. It-8* We are aothorlaed to anooonio Da. M ?. BERRY aa a Oandltate for Sahool Commissioner of Groenrill# Couaty, at the on. aulag election. 11-tf We are authorised to annonnce Capt. JOHN M. JONES aa a candidate fbr tbe oOoe of School Commlasloner for Greenville County, at tbe ensuing election. July 10 10 * tf WE are authorised to announeo JAMES K. DICKSON, Eaq., aa a candidate for the office of County School Commissioner at the ensuing election. 0-td WE are anlhorlsed to annonneo ELI AS BRAMLETT a candidate for tbe often of 8chool CoinmiMloner of Greenville County, at the ensuing election. June 20 8 T* MANY Friends of Mr. BBRRY T.BAaiiH roapcctfully announce him a candidate for School Cotnmluloner, at tha ensuing election. June 12 0 td WE are authorized by many friends of A. C. McGEE, Eeq., to anooonoa him aa a can didale for re-election na School Cotnraisaioner of Greenville County, at the ensuing election. 8-td WE are authorised by the friends of JOIIN W. WOOD, Esq., to announce him as a candidate for School Commissioner, at the ensuing election. &-td* T1IE friends of Education would respectfully nominate Prof. J, B. PATRICK for School Commissioner, at tha enaoiog election. EXECUTORS' SALE. FOUR OR FIVE THOUSAND ACRES OF FINE WOODLAND. BY virtue of an order from the Circuit Court for fywenville County, we will sell before the CtAirl House door, on Halesday in October next, to the highteet bidder, -the following lands, to wit: One Tract in Greeville County, fir? miles above the City of Oreenville, lyingon both aides of the Air Ltoe Railroad, and of the Rutherfotd Road, containing about One Thousand Acres, and known as the Mountain Cre*-k Tract. One Tract, containing from Fonr to Five Hundred Acres, lying list ween the Pendleton and Anderson Roads, and on both aides of the Easley's or Towns' Brid ,e Road. One Tract, of about Four Hundred Aeres, Ivincr holotann - ? -4 n -j o t-uv auucivii mm uruve Bonds, and on both side* of lha Greenville <t Columbia Railroad. One Tract, of about FourWon Hundred Acres, lying balween the Grove and Augusta Road*, on both eidee of the South, and North Forks of Bnuhy Creek, and known as the Brushy Creek Tract. One Tract, of ai>out Twelve Hundred Acrea, known as the Laure! Creek Tract. One Lot of Seven or Eight Acrea, lying within the corporate limits of the City of Greenville, fronting on FondLton and Anderson Streets, and adjoining lauds of Gaines. Stradley and others. The above I anda are almost entirely in the original forest, and the extreme outer limits of no portion of them it mora than six miles from the City limits?some of tbera are entirely within the City, olhera partly within and partly without, and others front a hail to five and six miles distant ? The different Trade will oa sub-divided into Traeta of from Thirty to Fifty Acres to auit purchasers, and Flats of the same will be exhibited on the day of sale, and in the meantime can bo seen by calling on Alexander MoBee. ALTO, One Tract of Land, known as the ' Shoal Tract," containing One Hundred and Forty Acrea, more or less, situated in the upper part of Grasnville County, orr waters of Braverdam t're-k, and adjoining lands of K. F. Whildan and othera. One Tract, known ae the " Gap Creek Tract," lying on both sides of the Old Gap Creek Unad and Gap Crtek. containing Fifteen Hundred or Two Thousand Acrea, aod extending to the North Carolina Lina. TERMS.?One third Cash ; ; balance on credit of twelve months, aecursd by Note and Mortgage of premia*a Furch/isete to pay for stamps and papers If all the Traeta are not told on 8nl*eday In October, the sale will continue from day to day until all ar? disposed of. V. A MoBBR. ALEX. McHEE, Ex?eutor* of Vardry MoDer, daeaaaed. Aug 14 15 g Notioe. THE Puhlia Sebonla In GrarDwllle Town hip will re-open on the fint Monday in September next, and dure on the Ian Friday In Ootobar following. All toarhera who desire to Uaah, muit maka application to tbe Board, he'ore lat Beptemhar. lly order of tha Hoard of Troeleea. W. K. ROBERTSON, Ch'n. Auguit 14 10 1 Desirable REAL ESTATE for Sale, la and naar tha City of Oraaarilla. TOPPER at prirata aala the wary desirable PLANTATION kiut nnsmRVnK A r the lato WM. HATES, deoeaead, loon ted on the Hirer and on lb* Buncombe Road, about two milea above the City and in aight of It, and within one mile of the Air Line Railway Depot. The Trent of Land eontalna about 230 Aorea, about 40 Aorea of which ia very auperior River and Creek Bottom, admirably adapted to the growth of both grain and the graaaoe. The Uplaeda are very aupe rior red olay aoll, and a part of them in native fbreat, and ia I eqnal to the beat la the np-eouatry. The Dwelling on the premieee la very anpertor, ia conveniently oonatrueted and in good \ repair. The ont bnlldtnga are all in good repair, and plenty of them. The well of water to the yard la eqnal to the beat mono tain water. The front feuee (plank) ia new; the yard and garden fenee (pieket) bee (oat been completed and painted; making altogether one of the moat dealrahle pUoee for eeie ia tble eeetioa, or likely to be eoon again. I alao offer for aale a very dealrable two. atory HOUSE and LOT. (two aered,) on Ban* ooinbe Street, In the City, one mile from the pnblle nqaare. A I.A .a.eeel waM Jnal^VL. VklTTV taVVV/v ?WIT uwwiia??'lV nu llit/IIIVf LOTS, on AuguiU St root, on# wile from ibo publto wiuofo, ond noor Furraan Uniroraltv. M. P. HAMMBTT. Ao( 14 l? 4 Yoke of Oxen for Sale. I HAVE o Tory largo YOKE of OXEN to ooll. on roMoooblo tormr. If nol old work anlmolo by iho flrat of Ooto. bar, lhay will be dUpoted of for haaf An>? ply to W. A. HUDSON. Auguat Ul, 1872. \{-i " FIMMAM UMViltSITY. ' E^a *M * ?WBHI THH? nc next ANNUAL SESSION of this In ? itwtivu wan uy|iu UU WEDNESDA T, tU lllA of SEPTEMBER. For ftill Information aa to requirement* for admUaton, ratee of tuition, Ae., apply for CaU alogne at the Bookitore of Q. K. Blfurd, or to Profeeeor 0. H. JUD80N. Aug 14 1ft 4 GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLEfiE. ' t t ^ Prof. J. F. DA ROAN, Principal of Collegiate Department. Mia* BETTIK DAKGAN, Prlnolpal of Aoa dcmlo Department. Mlse EMMA B. MERRICK, Principal of Primary Department. Prof. M. 0. DkCAMPS, Prinoipal of Musle, Department. Miss C. DAWSON, Aesiatant English Teaeber. R. McKAY, Eeq,, Te.cbei of Penmanship, Ao. Miss MAY COX, Assistant Mneio Teaeber. ?? ?? , French, Drawing, Ac. bates op tuition, Per Term of Twenty Weeke, in advance. Primary Department $12 60 Academic 20 60 Col leg late 27 60 Piano Lessons.., 26 00 Singing in Class 6 00 The next Annual Session will begin on the 4th of September. /Hft~ For full information, apply for Circular to Mr. Q. E. Elford, or to O. H. JUDSON, % General Superintendent. Aug 12th 1872. 16 4 ORDINANCE. BE it enacted by the City Council of Greenville, South Carolina, and by authority of the samo, That the Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line Railway Company be authorised to oroes with thulr track the following Streets in said City, to wit; Pendieton Street, opposite the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Depot; Rhett Street, in rear of lot belonging to Wil? liatu C. Harris; and Street, between the lots belonging to T. Q. Donaldson and Mrs. Jano Barry : Provided, That the said City Council may prescribe all necessary regulations for the protection of persons and rehioles passing along said streets. Done and ratified in Council assembled, this fith day of August, A. D. 1872. JA.MK8 P. MOORE, Mayor. A. R. McDatid, City Clerk. August 14 14 2 Annual Meeting. Covrtt Commirsionbr's OrrtCK, \ Grbb* villi, 8. G., Aug. 12. 1?72. [ ALL parties holding COUNTY CLAIMS are notified thai unless thoir Accounts are placed on file in this office by the 1st day of September, 1872, they will not bo audited ; will psss to another year and deprive the owner from the use of his money ; can be loft with County Clerk any day. W. A. HUDSON, Chairman Board Co. Commissioners. P. A. McDavid, Clerk. Aug 14 16 3 U. S. Marshal's Sale. BY virtue of a warrant of sala issued out of the District Court of the United States of America for the Distriet of South Carolina, and to mo dirocted and deliverad, 1 shall sell at public auction, to tho highoat bidder, for cash, on Saturday, Ike 2 it A day of Auguet, 1872, in tho City of Greenville, S. C., the fob' lowing Property, to wit: 3 BbU. Distilled Spirits, 11 Kegs Distilled Spirits, 1 Ooppor Still, Cap and Worm, 1 Copper Still and Cap. R. M. WALLACE, U. S. Marshal. Jambs B. Siikrnak, Deputy U. 8. Marshal. Aug 14 16 2 United States Marshal's Sale. BY virtue of a Warrant of Sale issued out of the District Court of tho United States ot America, for the Dlstrlot of South Carolina, to me direoted and delivered, I shall sell at puhlio auction, to the highest bidder,(or cash, subject to the tai, on Saturday, the 24th dey of August, 1872, in tbo City oi Greenville, tho following property, to wit: 320 Gallons Distilled Spirits, Tbrso Copper Stills. R. M. WALLACE, . U. S. Marshal. W. II. MoOMCE, Deputy. Aug 14 16 S FAIL 1872. FALL; OUR 8TOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS & NOTIONS WILL BE COMPLETE BY TUB 1st September. With a resident buyer in the Northern markets, we are prepared, at all times, to execute your orders, upon the most favorable terms, or to serve you In person. ^tW-We respectfully invite you to call. E. W. MARSHALL. & CO., 148 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S.O. B. 0. MAULDIN is with us, and wiU be (lad to serve all friends. Aug 14 15 8 m lOOBUSIlELS It VST PltOOF HEED OATS, AT Sl-SO PER BUSHEL. APPLY TO ' JULIUS C. SUITII. August 7 '14 * Piano Porto Tuning. WM. H. ORCHARD, Protamor of Muale, SB *f Colombia, Ttaita ^H^PB^^^^^^^Rorovuville for the pur^Vbam of tuning bo?i yj ^IhvJ REPAIRING Plaoo W Fort,*, Organ, and M,l?d#oo?. Orderaleft at tLj U..i.rdlcgf-IIouae of Mra. Oovm, or at (ho Drug Btora of M. A Roma A Co , will bo promptly attended to' Ang 7 U tf ' A Call from the public vill aarare them that we ?aa lugplj all that U needed ujr a MAW fn the way of Orange*, Lemone, Note, all kinde, Candle*, Buyer, Coffee, Tobacco, ?hawing and ameking, Cigara, and elmoai avfrytbiag to bo FOUND In a wall ordarod atora of tble charaatar. 1 Thoaa who purobaaa from ua, go away plaaaad ; and aa to price*. wa hate a DEAD Thing oa moat dealer* being extremely low. Our location, IN Folot of convenience, ia not excelled, on Au> guata Street, wbera our frlanda abould call. A Large evpply la oonatantly kept oo hand, wbiab will bo aold by rata 1 or by the WAGON Load. Call and Me ue befora purchasing oiaewbara. FRANK HAMMOND <fe CO. Aagoat f 14 8 AT MARSHALL BATON'S DRUG STORE. Fresh Turnip Seed for Sale. AMBER GLOBE,\ SEVEM TOP, RED TOP, FLAT DUTCH, RUT A BAG A, WHITE GLOBE. a m s\ ir/\ tr i a* o J. wi\ u vusiivu, for Turnip*. Above Seed ore grown in Phila*dolpliia from reliable houses. We are constantly receiving FRESH DRUGS, from the Best nouses in the Country. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, A Fiuo Article. FRUIT JARS, At Low Prices. .% _ BRANDY AND WINES, For Medical Purposes. WHITE LEAD AND PAINTS, At Low Figures. One Barrell each of MA CHIN. V OIL, TANNER'S OIL, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, and ALOOIIOL. schooTbooks, At Publishers' Prices. Paper and Envelopes, At any price, and in any quantity. NEW BOOKS JUST IN, " THE REBEL BOY By a Southern Ladv. A Largo Stock of Wall Paper and Moulding For Frames. ClLl 111 liUDIL 55 July 10 10 Ij Notice. ALL partie# indebted to the K'tat* ol WILLIAM K. HIGHTOWKK, da. eaaaad, art requested lo eoiue forward and settle ; and thoaa having claims will present litem on or before the filli day of Novems bar next, or be debarred. T. W. UIGIJTOWER, Aug 7-14-14* Executrix. Office Board County Commissioners, OaaaitviLLB, 8. 0., August 0, 1872. THE Bub-Commissioners throughout the County are requested to hare all the fire days labor required by law to be expended on the Roads, including the time already worked. All road defaulters to he returned to this Offloe. through 8nb?Comm1sstoners, by Tuesday after Balesday la October next, to be eoortmar* tialed. W. A. HUDSON, Chair'n Board Co. Commiselouers. P. A. MoDavid. Clerk. Aug 7 14 4 T.W.DAVIS VATCH Villi ill 1IBBAV1H. fjnm CORNER OP omain Jgjlfi WaahtagtoD Stroeta naxt Door to Vatiomal GREENVILLE, 8- C. May S 1 if %%>%%>%!%%% &$$$&? AT THE COACH FACTOHT. DOZENS Anti and Rowland'! 8PADK8. Doaena Square-point R. K. 8HOVKL8. One Oroaa Long-handle, Round-point, Steal R. R. SHOVELS. Two Do*. Ogden'a Beat R. R. Steal PICKS. OOWRR, COX A MARKLKY. One Ten Pare LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, at ike Goaob Factory. f. IA ?A VT IV I# 0 1 President Grant decline* for the prevent the inrtUtion to visit Chattanooga. ~9?ATS 09 SOUTH OAROLDTA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. 1 ftwfi telM. BY ?tri?M of an ord?r ham 8. J. Dontow. Probata Jwdg* of GroaorUlo County, ( will mII, on SaUodaw in 8tpUmbtr noml. hrfoia iba Court Houm door, at public oqtory, tha fallowing Tracts or lota of Land, via: All that Tract cf Land, aitualad in O r#? n V111? rVtlintv nn mmlarm ?/ T River, bounded by landa of J. P, Peace. L. T. Jennings, Shumate, Par- ' ry, and other#, and containing acre*, more or leaa. Sold as tbe pro erty of Peter Taylor, 8en., deceased, } for Partition among tbe heir*. Awao, j A House aod Lot, situated Id tbe City of Greenville, bounded by lands 1 of Vardry McBee, deceased, G. F. j Townee, and others, and containing Two acres, more or less. 8old J as the property of Gen. Wm. K. Easley, deceased, for payment of the debts of said deceased. On said Lot are good Out-houses, Kitchen and other improvements. < Terms.?For the Tract of Land, a j credit of six months, with interest from j date for all, except so much as will pay I tbe costs, which will be required in cash. Purchasers to give bond aod approved security and a mortgage ot the premises to the Probate Jndge, to secure the payment of the purchase money. For the House aod Lo', onethird cash ; balance on a credit of six ' months, with interest from date. Pur- < chasers to give bond and approved secu J rity and a mortgage of the premise# to i the Probate Judore, to aecure tbe pay- > ment of tbe purchase money. Pur* chasers lo pay for titles and stamps. 1 J. L. SOUTHERN, S.G. C. A no list fl 1H7<2 U-A I The State of South Carolina. 1 GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S BALES. , BY virtue of an order from S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, I will, sell, on Saletday in September next, before the Court House door, at public outcry, the following Tract of Land, viz: All that Tract of Land, aituate in Greenville County, on waters of Bever , Dam Creek, adjoining lands of R. F. Whilden, James Few and others, and containing One Hundred and twentyfive acres, more or leas. Sold as the property of Nancy Babb, deceased, for partition among the heirs. Tkkms.?A credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, for all except so much as will pay the costs, which will be required in cash on the day of sale. Purchasers to give bond and approved security, with a mortgage of the premises, to the Probate Judge, to secure the payment of the i purchase money. Re-sold at the risk of the former purchaser. Purchasers to pay for titles and stamps. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. 0. C. Sheriffs Office, August 0ib, 1872. Aug 7 14 4 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SAXjES. xr ?. i.. _ e a nr _ ? _ e vjh \ | u i virme 01 Hunoiy wrm 01 fieri fil13 cia? to mo directed, I will sell before i bo Court House door, on Galeeday in Sep tember next, between the hour* of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and S o'clock in the after noon, I One Tract of Lend, containing On? Hundred Aeree, more or let*, lying on waters of Saluda River, near Wilsona Bridge, adjoining lands of Elijah EaKew, John ToK lerson and others. Levied on as the property of Catherine WHson, Executrix at the suit of Jssper Wilton. Executor. also, 1 One House and Lot, in the City of Greenville, oo corner of Coffee and Kiclisrdson Streets, containing Two Acres, more or less, ( adjoining lots of A. L. Uerroo, E B. Bacon and others. Levied on as the property of Rodolphus Long, at the suit of Charlotte Norton, residuary Legatee. ALSO, Ono Traot of Land, containing One Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less, known as the Paper Mill place, adjoining lands of T. L Fowler, 8. B. Hutchlogs sua others*: Also, one Tract, known is the Mayfield place, and containing Three Hundred Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Wm. Bates A Co., and others.?Also, one Tract of Land, containing One Hundred and Twenty Acres, more or leas, together with a Cotton Factory thereon, known as the Buena Vista Factory,together with all tools, machinery, appliances, sad | appertenanees thereunto belonging. Also, one Tract of Land, containing Twenty | Acre*, more or less, together with a Grist Mill 'heteou, adjoining the Factory Tract I aud known as the Grist Mill Tract Also, ?>ns other Tract, known as the Lester "i Homestead, containing Three Hundred | Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Batesville Manufacturing Company, and others. Levied on as the properly of Lester ft Brothers, at the suit of M. L. Merchant and othera. J L. 80UTHERN.S. G. 0. Sheriff's Office, Greeuviile, 8. 0, August 8, 187*. 14-4 SAWYER'8 Improved Cotton Gin, WITH Adjustable Roll Box and Swinging Front, for ginning damn, wet or drv Cotton. AUo. the celebrated Oriiwold Gin. Having accepted the Agency of the above, I am now prepared to receive order* for and furniah to the Planter* the above Qina, at manufacturer*' price*, with freight added to thi* point. I have at my office, for inspeotion, oiie of the above Oior. Planter* are requeatod to call and examine. Every Gin warranted. JULID8 0. SMITH, Court House Square. July 24 12 4 LAND FOR SALL rpwo TRACTS of LANI>, on South Salu. X da River, containing 780 acre*, part beat River and Creek BOTTOM, with new improvement* Alio large lot c.f valuable horses, CATTLE and lioos. Apply to julius o. smith, or J. M. MoOLANAHAN, May ft 4 td Just Received, juHniss ihokat'S, jgmafW W*n NEW SUPPLY LEGHORN ANI> STRAW OT HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, jg) OF Ladiaa TIBS and HAIR GOOD8, JO OT8UNDOWN8 AT FIFTY CKNT8.JEI July 5 5 tf CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK " I SOUTH CAROLINA. i Compound Interest Allowed ] on Deposit* m WU. MARTIN, 5 rOHN B. PALMER, Vlee-PraridenL j i. 6. BRENIZBR, Cubbr. ' r. C. B. SMITH, Local Aulitont Cashier. r. H. SAWYER, Aulatant Cashier, In Gene- | rtl Cb.rg.. DIRECTORS. Wad. Hampton, Rev. William Martin, A. , 5. Ha.kell, V. W. MoMuter, B. H. HeiniUh, Fobn B. Palmer, ThomasB. Gregg, Columbia; , 1. Eli Gregg, Marion ; G. T. Scott, W. G. * MajM, Newberry; B. H. Rntledge, Daniel 1 iavonel, Jr., Charleeton. ' Greenville Branoh. \ J. J. BLACKWOOD, Amlatant Caabter. ( io: Planter., Mechanic, end Professional Men, 1 Widow., Orphan., Tro.tee. and Connty Offlser., having money for whloh they bave no preaent aw, can here it, tho. avoiding ill rlaka of theft, and dutrnetion by fire, ana it the lame time draw iptereat thereon till seeded. Citicona of Graenvllle oan aave thou- < land, of dollar, by patronising their Bank. aolioited, no matter how amall, or sow large. Gold and 8Uver received on, it intcro.t, and repaid in kind, or in ourrenoy, 1. agreed upon. May 22 3 0m 9BO. W. WILLIAM.. | JAMES BRIDGE, JR. WILLIAM BIRMIB. PRASE B. TAYLOR. 10.. R. ROBERT.OS. | ROBT. 8. CATHCART. Gfd W_ WiiiiiMc A. fin ? ? - ww w ww ikkinmu wUi) Factors and Commission Merchants, CHAKLKHTON, S. C? add Williams, Birnie & Co., COMMISSION MER0HANT8, 65 Beaveb Stbket and 20 Exohanoe Place, NEW YORK. JS* Moaara. Foster ? Hunter at* procured to make liberal advanoea on Cotton and Produce abipped to ua either in Cbarleatoo or New York. 12-4m PAUL B. LALANE. I E. P. LAEOUSBRLIERS. I A. A. AVEILBB. PAUL B. LALANB & CO., WHOLESALE 8R0CERS AMD Commission Merchants, AT NO. 175 EAST BAY, C H ARLESfON, S. C. July 24 12 ly W. B. SMITH & CO., AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. B. Smith. A. H. Junes. L. M. JONES. W. B. Wualet. >0 |y Consignments solicited, on wlileh Liberal Advanoea will he made. ?o? IW Refer to Meetre. FotTEE A IIukteb, 3reenville, S. G. Jy 3 0 8m Office Comptroller General, _ a Columbia, 8. C., February 1, 1873. THIS is to certify that the ORKBN VILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published In the town of Greenville, 8. C., is hereby designated by tble Board ae the paper In which legal and public notiees shall be published, for the County of Greenville, in aecordanee with the " Act to regulate the publication of all Isgal and public notiooa," which became a law February 22d, 1870. J. L. NKAGLK, Comptroller General. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. TlIK above la a true eopy of the original on Qle in the offioe of Seoretary of State. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of Bute. Feb 14 41 tf_ Mrs. Minnie O'Connor, ^ RESPECTFULLY CALLS the attention of the Ladies of (iroenvllle and vicinity to tho UpHV fact, that she will open, on JgjSeOTW Monday, 27th May inst., W/mA An Assortment of ill FANCY GOODS, pm- OF EVERY DESCRIPTION,-** consisting in part of: Lace Goods, Fanoy Jewelry, Zephyr Worsteds, Millinery Goods of Ivory Description. And many other Articles too numerous to mention. N. B.?A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. May 22 8 tf Notice 18 hereby given to all whom It may eon-, oern. that I will apply to 8. J. Doothit. Probata Judge of Greenrflle County, ? n the 9th day of September next, for a FINAL DISCHARGE Administratrix of the Batata of JOSEPH GREEN, deceased. Ail parties having claims agaioat said Batata will praaant them to lha Prol>ata Judge on or bafora said day, or ha debarred. 8USAN MoCO LUSTER, Adm'x. August 8, 1878. 14-8 Boot and Shoo Making* THE UNDERSIGNED la prepared with competant Workman to fill all ordara for BOOTS and RHORS, of both flna and heavy qualities, on eh?rt nolle*. Da guaraalaaa aallafaelion. REPAIRING promptly attended to. tW Shop nearly oppoaita Moaare. flower, Oo.c A Marklay a. BUTLER DYER April 10 \y I , ^m^s^^sae^sss^mBsmasmm P+- Ths Firm of 1LV0KD * WBLU W 3. 0. Will*, 1b eoaaoqaaoo# of hi* laovooslog jubllo tbBt I will oaotloto* tbo Booh and Bftim Jul/ 18, I8T9. o. m. sn DBA Li toots AMD STAKE AM OOCftT H0U81 8QUAR b?yi la 8took tko followlop, toffotkor wttb BILLET, Nolo, Lotur, Foolocop, Bill Cop, Logol Cop, Plot Lottor, Plot C.p and do Popar, by tko qolro or room. \yfEM0RANDUM8, Iodoxot, Do/ Book*, iXL Lodgoro, Eooord Books, full ood half ound. an nnn BNVBL0PB8, of rorlou* 3U)UUU olooo ood qvolltlM, from 11.70 to $0 o thousand. A FULL SUPPLY of Pona. Ink, Inkataoda, /V. Ponolla, Soollng Woo, LotUr Clipa, wotor Color*, Choaamoo, Kubbor Boo da, V toting Card*. Ao., Ac. Juno 98 8 Excelsior Mattre THE public to Informed that there la sael the Wonderful Exec lei or >ound sod refreehing eiaep la eeeured th? Ha Ureases. Persons need not here their pi 3uge, lor they will not infeet thle Maltreea These Mattreiaea are gotten up In various tnd $10. A good seaortment always on hai tarrlage makers, that thia Patent Exeelaior 1 it la very light and durable, and 1 would ret any quantity, as 1 buv direct frcm the Boa and 1 can aell It very eneap. Manufacturer of the " Wonderful Patent ?ourt Houee. JOHN H. S( LIFE AND FIRE I IS PREPARE Policies on all C JIT THE 1LOW V/l VP ? TTT ffXTV e < PPP7I , *v VAT JLV u 1 A AAJLX W/Ji'lVUi ' North British and M and Edinburg, $10,01 Home Of N. Y. Cap Georgia Home, ' OFFICE WITlf MESSF GHEEJY May 1 0 SAMUEL STRADLEY, SUCCESSOR TO DAVID & STRADLEY, WILL LE PLEASED TO SEE HIS FRIENDS, AT THE OLD STJ1JYD, WHERE HE WILL SELL THEM AT HaO ?W FI6CMS. Feb 28 43 tf OKDimANCE For the Better Regulation of Buildings and other Structures on the Streets of the City of Greenville. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Oroenville, in Council assembled, and by authority of the same, that on and after the passage of this Ordinunoe it shall not bo lawful for any party or parties to ereet any w don building of any kind whatever on the Main Street oi said City. Bsc. X. That before any person or persona shall proceed to erect any Store House, Dwelling House, Hotel, Stable, Fenoe, Awning, Cel lar Door, and other struoture of any kind whatsoever, application shall flrst be made to the City Council, in writing, stating the use and purp<>se to which the said building or other struoture is designed, and stating the place of looation for the same, and a permit from the Mayor anJ Aldermen be obtained to erect such building or other struoture, before the seme shall be commenced. 8no. 8. It shall be the duty of the City Council to send a Surveyor to define the lines of the street or streets to any party or psrties wishing to build in the City. Sac. 4. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to number the applications made under Section 2d of this Ordlnsnoc, in the order in which they are presented, and to file the same. Sao. fi. All parties failing to comply with ins requirumonis ui inn i/raiuinos mm ns fined not leoe than fifty Bur mora Ui?n fir* hundred dollars. Dob* and ratified, under the corporate seal, this ninth day of July, Anno Dom[L. 8.] ini one thousand eight hundred and seventy two. J. P. MOORK, Mayor. A. R. McDavm, City Clerk. 1Mb Collector's Office, 3d Dist., COLUMBIA, a 0 , Julr 2#. 1812. IN oonformity with requirements of Uio Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give no'Ion to all persona who may elalm one Copper Still. Cap and Worm, and ten gallon# of Whiaky, which ware eeis?d from David Davit, on the 2?th day of *n|y, 1812, to make enoh elalm before me within thirty daye from the first publication of this no-. lie*. C. L. ANDERSON, Aug-7-14-8 Collector 3-1 Dist FKoiice IR hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will applv to S. J. Dcuthlt, Probata Judge of Greenville County, on the 1th dey of September ?e*L for a PINAL DISCHARGE aa Administrator of the K*. .... .rnvADAv Uf nir * J inio vi umvi?\?n ?? vi via uni"?Wi JAMRS M. BAILEY, AdmV, August IM, 1872. ^ M-fl . ..I, .1 1. II ,1111111 ,. I .11 lm tow Btewtvto Wy to* witMrmral tf (tot. pefeMiona! pnttlM, T mpntfally ?l?|) tM wry Bmim? at (m mm twi. ? 1LV0U>> IS FANCY STATIONERY, B, QBSENVTLLK, 8. 0. UMrmtthirAitUlNisNmlHUsM: BIBLES, TMtumti, Hym? Book* | latent pt?M Qawtica Book* Qntitiopfy Coofouliy OUm Books, Rawtrd Tiokst* Fresh Laursls, Par* aold,Fnsitsand Flowers Pries Books, Bihle Dictionary, Ae. JW Sunday School Librarios ordered, ud furnished free of freight, at publication prioes. T AW end Trial Justice Blanks, at Charles* I J ton prices, by the autre or quantity. Deeds, Mortgages, Masonic Demits, Drafts, Ac. 9m as Manufactory. i a place In Greenville, where they eaa get nitttreMM and Pillow*. as hot and sultry nights by lying oa these easaat droems disturbed l>y that rear, Bed l They are a great eomfort to tha weary styles, sizes and prists, from $0, , $8, $V id. Would also uay, for the lolormetloe of a a good thins lor stuffing cushions, Ac., as tornruend it. I can furnish ths Excelsior in ton Exeelsior Company In largs quantities, JSSb of 11-tt 5hofieldT NSUBANCE AGENT, ID TO ISSUE Classes of Risks, VEST RJ1TES. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. ercantile, of London Capital (Gold) >0,000. lital, $2,500,000. $350,000. IS. EARLE Sl BLYTHE, 'VILiLE, s. a 1 tl | WHITNER SYMMES, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFICE.?New Court Hous? Room us*d by County Commiidontn. April 10 49 6m B1JKT A GRAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ?AMD SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, S. U, Will Practice in the Coarte of this State and the United State*. OPFICK?Re.r room of New Court Houae Mar 20, 1872. 46 tf f! f! fifATtVlAWfl VI V? MVW|fU0110) ATTORNEY AT LAW. GREENVILLE, 8. C. OFFICE IN REAR OF BEATTIE'5 STORE. pk * Prompt attention given to Collections. 39-tr Jan 31, 1872. E. P. JONES, AwwaDasnra' AW MW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL PHACTICK IK ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE A Lao, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. OBlts at Greenville C. X., S. C. July 1,1869. 1 ly* vr. o. autLSt. r. a. mcbec. BUTLER & McBEE. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GREENVILLE, S. C., Will Praetiee in tho Courts of tho Stats sad of the United States. May 81 4 tl CAROLINA LIFE IISmiCIE COXF&IY. OP MEMPHIS, TENN., and BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1,100,000. HON. JF.FPER80N GEN. WADE HAMPTON, Vica rnn?ii>khT. GEN JOHN D. KENNEDY, Genera) Agent for 8oulh Caroline, Columbia, S. C. fi#r~ JOHN H. 8C0F1RLD, Agent, flreentiiuTS. 0. Mar 18 4ft 6m I. 0 0. *. Mountain Lo<1g?, No. 1ft, I. O. O. P. mcete V Friday Wight, at their Hall, over Marshall A Mauldin'a Drug 8tor?. Regular a t tendance do*ired. JAMES P. MOORE, N. G Aug to )7 tr Cherubuscn Mills I All prepared. with my new If ilia and * competent Millar, to grind wheat into n enperior quality of FLOUR, promptly and on aliort notice, and would reepeeifullv aak the patronage ol the pithllo. Ait 1 a?|( .. a trial l'HILKMON HUFF. June 95. i %f Prof, M. G. DeCamps* I |CAL,n.n in an amda, of MUSICAL XJ MKRCH A NUIZE. On band-Pis anoa M?lodaona, Ftutna, Ao. Bh*?t Mnala and Mnala Hooka Call aad ?? hi** at hia Rooma la tl-o ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Near the Female Cotlcgt, Greenville, S, C, May 22 3