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?f)t (?ntcrpri asl?ENV9IL1K, a',.?'! W*DWM#AT? UOVST 14, Ml. For Preridmty HORACE GREELEY, V MW TOU. For Vioe- President, B. GRATZ BROW If, / I mw- M r* Wo oil Ihmo that lk?M tn at this tiaa* two grant pasttes ia the United State*. Tte ?M kwiUd by tiwanl Ouat, oad known on tin Republican or Eodienl Potty, tan other is beodod by lieoaor G oaklet, and known on the olUod portion Dooooorote tod Liberal Repulieono. The Goaet party bom endeavored to keep olim the hotrod of tb* North to tbo South ond the hotrod of the colored moo to the white raoo. All that could bo noid, ond oil that coo Id bo do do, to hoop alive thooe hatred*, hoe boon done, by tb* Grant Party.? They know that their oxietenet oo a party and luoceee, depondn on tbooo living hatreds being cherished ond kopt olive! On th* contrary, the Greeley Porty, eecaponed of DonercroU ond bonnnt, patriot in oad libera! Republican*, ore in favor of restoring good feeling, and uniting tho North ond South onee more an moonciled fnllow-citinons of thin grant Republic. They wish to nee all sections Hring together in pence ond harmony and brotherly love. Moreover, they ardently with ond desire to see the colored rooe ond the white reoe living together in peeee ond harmony, ond having eooftdence in each other. These nre the distinctive chnrncteristics of the two groat portion now contending for onceodsncy in the United States. No one con truthfully deny it. The history of the two pnrtirs, everything thnt they have mid, ond everything that they hove dune, since the surrender of the Confederate armies, prove it beyond all dispute. No doubt that a great many of our readers will remember a meeting in Columbia of the oolored and white races in 1866, when General IlamptoD addressed the colored people in terms of conciliation and confidence. Senator Naeli, a colored man, on that occasion responded in a speech of great witdom and patriotism, expreaaing hit coofidenee in General Hampton, and his ardent wish to aea the two racas reconciled and harmonious Immediately after this meeting was known at the North, the alarm was given, that the white man was gaining the confidence of the colored man, and there was immediate danger of their uniting in one party as Democrats! No sooner was this alarm given, than just apprehensions were entertained at lite North that this political union of the races io the South would prove the downfall of the Republican party. The North was pretty equally divided between the two parties, and if the South was united io oce party, opposed to them, there was an end of their reign forever. In cons sequence of ibis well founded apprehension* carpet-bagger#, white and black, were sent nil over the Southern States In Sonth Carolina, there cams Hoge and Eliott, Wright, Chamberlain, and Randolph, tt id cmne f/cnut, howling, horauuas tor the freedmen, and riding into office on their shoutings ! The campslollowers, Wbilte. more. Willard, Pillsbury, Farker, Neagle, Ac., joined them?scalawags like Robertson* Mos?s, father and son, Ac., were all at once imbued with great love for the colored race, eeeing high offices to be filled, and hovort to be gained I This infamous coalition set*to work, forming Union Leagues advising the poor deluded freedmen to vote for the Radical nominees, or not to vote at h: iney loiu mfse ignorant, creouious people, that If they ruled wilh their former roasters, they would all be thrown back into slavery ! They encouraged the colored race to set the torch to the cotton gioa, barns, stables, and houses of the white people, knowing that tbia incendinriaro would stir up the Caucasian blood to acts of retaliation, and then they could call upon the military authority of the National Government to pnt down the KuKlux! On the other band, ITorace Oreeloy and the Liberal Republicans oi tbo North, and the Democrats of the South and North, were trying to remove all sectional prejudices, and gain tho confidence of the colored people for the white race. It was well understood that tlreclcy was in favor of general umnesty, and . a restoration of the Southern people to all political and civil rights. Tbis tbe Grant party opposed, and never yielded until it was foreed from them by tbe nomination of the Cincinnati Convention. It was well known that tbe two races bad to live together in tbe Southern | States, and were, in a great measure, dependent on each other. Tho lands belonged to tbe one race, and tbe labor to tbe other. { Now, what can be meaner or more base than , for a great party in a Republican Government, | to sustain their ascendency by encouraging ( sectional hatred and strife? What can be ( more diabolical than for a party to keep themselves in power by encouraging a poor, deluded people, to burn and destroy the property f lLci eouDtrv. an*l Lrincr rfuwn nn t^omaal?a? ^ he retribution of tbe property-holders by tor- ' turo and death ? It would seem that very devHs themselves would heeitate and hare mime compunctions in adopting inch a eonrae. Hut the Radical carpet-bagger and aoalawag bare bad none, if they eould get office and plunder tbe public treaaury. Tbe colored people ought to see tbat they arc injuring tbemaelrea by suoh a course. Tbe taxes which are levied on property fall, in a great measure, on labor. Tbe laborer gets less wages, and liree harder, in consequence of these taxes! Ufa employer and patron is less kind to him, and leas disposed to relieve hiui in distress, in consequence of his elevating to office bad white men, lustead of honest, intelligent and patriotic eitisens. It is a strange delusion tbat makes one vote tor a rogtse to rale aver bins, in pveferenee to an honest mstn. Suoh a course of action the colored people hare pursued ever sinee they were set free, and knowingly puraoed It.? Why? Because theee roguee tell them tbey will be thrown back Into slavery if they vote for a respectable and decent man. Mr. Sutnner, tbe warmest and most devoted friend tbe colored people ever bad in the United StatM, wieely warns them against keeping banded together in antagonism to tbe white race, lie wishes them to think for themselves and rote independently. Whilst they continued under thetr present leaders, no worn hi oerrj ??( kM MmMllOM ol the Union they tn u mnch politic*! P Uvea u they worn formerly dome#tie alaraa. " And tbor gnin nothing by tUir political alar- w ory tho yattlag of. M an, atu "'I - J 111 n ull ?lil lj?ni rf 1 tog thot* m Nkr or M?i| tm *M iMlt M| to nfiwat tbwa, II W t wtttoowi fco >bt lim ulirgj ymfli all #w ft* Slat* ban kMl roting tn tb* hM l4?r|M?fwaw tiny kaow la la HtMae Hi worth koo. Wo hoBooo thoro lo a Mag orally, la hnr of tholr oH awotoro, aad If tall otoaothoy wookaU ytthrf?l hob apd goattoawo, to tho artfhl. doOottftt bbUtoo who bow ooatrol tbaa. Thoro to aa taaote frollag. fooling of tooyotl la tho hoart of ooory oao for what k wk ui ?? 1 . , ?, W? lamj wmj, ?pa siaUy a* with Ik talwi patpl*. Bat they hi mdilou Md Miilj kyiwd m. IknlnilHn of Ooontp Oliiw. 1* MMiduM with Ik attloo of tho puMk Hhi m akwdaj lih, tho Township dik galas will ha slanted rat Bttirdtj, ud Moot lo County Nominating Convention, ah tho Court fiouao, on Ifoodoy following, whlah k tho 19th teat. Thla Couroatioa k o Tory important ono to tho on tiro County, and tho ro? sponetbllitiee rooting on it vary gram, and wo hopo tho gontkmon composing it will fool that upon thair a?tion dipooda a groat dual; therefore, ia tho ooloetUa of caadidako thoir boot wit dom and moat nature judgment ahonld bo ezorokod. Coamntioaa of thk character arc arbitrary at boat ?_bat they are abaolutoly neoeeeary at thk preaoat time. Therefore, all prejudice, aa well aa favoritism, ahould bo thrown aaido and loot eight of ia oatting thoir otaa. We want good, hoaeet and oompetont men to (111 oar veriaaa offloee, and no othora will giro oatiafaetion to the people of Green ilk County. 8ueh wo ham heretofore placed in offloe. We deelre to aoo a good tiekct presented to onr people, and they will, aa with ono mice, ratify it on the 16th of next October. The delegates ham it in their power to eay who will be the ee re ants of the people, and they must eodearor to aee that all portions ef the Connty be dnly considered, in making np their choioe, and represented at far as it U practicable. This is nothing but fair and right. We want no division, in order that there may not be the possibility of a chance of success of the party whose creature* are now eating the vitals of the State. With profound respect w* orgs npon the Con sutivu lug ui>ca?rA? 01 moir duties in such manner as will radound to the good of the County, and of it* cordial support. Location of the Seminary. From despatches, we learn that the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, at present located in this City, the removal of which has been determined on for some time past, will he carried to Louisville, Kentucky. It will' remain in Greenville until the promised funds are made seen re. Prof. Jon* A. Bsoadus, D. D , has furnished us with the following: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary ?? The Committee to locate 'he Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, at their final meeting at Louisville, August 7, 1872, passed the following resolutions: . Resolved, That alter due consideration of all the places offered for location, taking 1 into aoeount the advantages presented by each. It scams best to locale the Seminary within or near the corporate limits of Louisville, Kentucky. Resolved, That the particular site tor the buildings be Uft tor further consideration end decision. Resolved, Thai this local ion Is made upon the condition that at least three hundred thousand dollars be raised in Louisville and the Statu at large Resolved, That the Board will, as soon as J praoticahlo after the raising of this amount from Kentucky, proceed to raise the fur ther amount elsewhere of two hundred thousand dollars. Reeolved, Thst the Exect tive Committee of the Board be requested to rend the Tree surer, as agent, into Kentucky hy the first of October, i( possible, that he may canvass the State vigorously, so that the sum offered in Kentucky may be raised by the first of May, 1878. Resolved. That the Brethren Burrows, Henderson arid I'ritchard, be appointed a sub committee to prepare and present to the Board, at the auDuai meeting in Mobils in May next, a report of the circumstance* and causes which have led the Committee to the conclusions thai have been reached. A Word to Correspondents. We feel very thankful to those of oar friends who have written communications i tor the Enterprise; and we think our corps of contributors is not surpassed in number or capacity by any weekly paper in the State. A journal that hae no contributors, 1 is often very dry and prosy, ae much inters est and valuable information ia given, as ! well as topiee discussed, through the me- 1 dium of contribution*, and the experienced editor knows how to appreciate intelligent , writers. In our observation of weekly I journals issued in this and the adjoining 1 Slates, there i? no town or city of the size j of Greenville, as evidenced by the columns ; of the local prcae, that is so prolific of wri- | ters, and good writere, too, aa it ia We ' mention the matter with pride and satisfaction, because we believe it to be true. As we have said, our contributors are numerous, and we would not part from 1 them but with reluctance ; and ae to the merit of those favoring our columns, but a hasty reference to the paper for the past j several months will satisfy all that our res- < tone for appreciating them highly are foun- ( Jed on worth. r With this brief prelude, we would sey a t cord or so to all writers for this press: Oar t >eper ia a small one, and at best there la no a groat spaee to furnish matter for; thsre- g ore, wi ask all favoring na with articles, to v > pointed in ioditiog them ; make themes p jrief aa ean be done with juatice to theanb* a eet in band ; uae jour words aa the good || iltemsn does his bullet?which ie directed f o the centre of the mark?regarding any* C hing else as mere verbiage and oat of p decs in this day that is given to eondsns- j( ng. We would give these suggestions urce by stating that two of the literati of >nr city ooee remarked in our hearing that he column in a newspaper devoted to ar- ? iel*e not exceeding three or four lines in ? engtb afforded more entertainment and 0 ostrueiioo, often, than all of tho other ( lolumna put together. We think It Is the ruth. Bteidos, there is so much transplr- G ng ell aroued, far and near, whieh should ippeer, but often faile to be printed, that. || o give a short statement of each ensnt, ekes up no little spec#?therefore there is \ demand for all the room in n small eoenry paper, except what la well oeeupled.? writers will see the importance of statins '' heir points with brief precision, eutliag off 1 ill that is not ne?a?sary and wlda of tbo nark. Having been compelled ones or wise, lately, to cxelode important politic al spasahes and proeeedioga of meetings, * a order to get in eommnnieetione, hae In. r reeeed us, and therefore we speak of theae itoga. w ? OW??S CoMMontcATiov or " J. D. W."?Our eor> 1 rapondent endeavors to point out several U boees, wbieb need correction, and than * roeeribea rem edits for tbsm. The sugg coons in reforsnoo to their removal; nre try good, some of them. We publish the ?i bole article, however j ^ ?seiiii.i.i '"Pi LOCAL MATTERS, 0t"O9M Aoaan to (Saumtm.?IW iBtortfolag Agoaaj of Mwri. Wiini, vara A Cooowatx, ufiiiioiil ky liwu T. Imtl, li^ to tbo ooly nlkorM Agoooy for thto popor la Okiriatw. Toa fiwam Cbvbcb?Tbo right Boo. W. B. How*, lotoly olootot aad ooooooraiod Blobop of tho Dioiwi of Booth Oorotto*, to ooooood tho IotoA at! loaMotod Bishop Datm, to ao? oloitlag tho Kplaropal Okorohoo ia tho op oooatry of tho 8UU.? Tb# Btobop uttitd from Bportaabarg oo yo*orday, and U ootortaiaod ot tho 1 or* utuM ?f nw.u? ro *- - - V?>m vuvivu I?riH, UB par OKy. There will be mttIom (I the Ghureh on this afternoon, tl ( o'clock, P. M , and on Prlday night at t o'clock. On Sunday, tko holy communion will bo administered, nod tho candidates for confirmation, preceded by the Rector, will bo ad sM tied by tho Bishop into tho comaiuoloo of tho Churob. It will bo gratifying to oar Episcopal friends to eoo their Ohrlatlna brothroo of Greenville at worship with these. On occasions like this it la most profile- , bis to see Christians testily log before the world theli eommoa faith in the living Saviour, and setting tho seal of their too thnony to the great principle of tho onion of the faithful in tho Lord Jeans Christ With the A poetic we say: "Grace bo with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in tiooerity. * ] Death or am Old ass Will erowkCr- ( kin.?Intelligence has boon reoeived of tho ] death of Col. E. S. I a vine, long a citizen of ^ Greenville, who died , on yesterday, at the ( bouse of Mrs. Davis, on Blue Ridge lie ( had for a number of years suffered from dis esse of the heart, which no doubt produced his death, and was an enterprising, reliable t citizen, one of the most thorough and ezpe t rienced farmers in the State, and his loss to * the community ie a very great one. I United States Covet.?This Court, for tho WetUrn District of South Carolina, I was opened on Wednesday taat, 7ih ioat., 1 Honor Qkorob S. Betan Dreaidinsr n?ni?t 1 lloRLBECK, Esq.. Cleik, U in attendance, ' together with Robert M. Wallace, Eaq., Marshal for 8ontb Carolina. The other of* ( fierre of the Court, are: ( Crirr.?HArlington Ilammelt. Bailiff*?Richmond WlUiame, Andrew , M. Ruoion, Joehua Prullt, George J. Wallace and Wileon Cook. The Court baa been engaged almost alto* getber in the trial of cases of violation of Internal Revenue laws. We will publish the proceedings regularly, commencing with those of to day. We ennex liat of jurors: GRAKn JURT. Thos. M. Cox, Fore'n, Tower Ross, Wm. Ballard, Samuel 8tradley, P. N. Acker, J. M. Watson, E. M. Coleman, Shadrack Wyatt, C. P. Dill, Valentine White, Frank Fisher, J. T. ltlakely, II. II. Fowler, J. II. Adams, Geo. Held man, John Buckner, W. II. Johnson, John Guest, Mike Moore, Zion Collins, A. M. Pcdon, W. II. Leudormau, Samuel Paine, i PETIT JURIES. Jury Mo. 1. Jury So. 2. Edwin T. Buist, F'n, S. S. Gibbs, F'n, Wm. Austin, Moses T. Fowler, 1 Miles Batson, Fielder Goseett, i 1,ark in Brown, Washington Howell, | Wm. Benson, Edward Hooker, John M. Crotwell, W. C. Kellett, Andrew Carson, lohn L. Smith, J. II. Cleveland, Jeremiah Trammel!, 8. R. Crittenden, lleury Tucket, < J. W. Cagle, Thoa. J. Turner, i U. D. Gibbon, j Joel Farmer, . It. W. Uoddard. | Adam Walker. Judoe Brtan in hit address to the Grand Jury on the opening of the Court, congratulated them upon the very encouraging prospect for the future before this section of country. The efforts of the farmer have hp on ' bloat with generoua seasons. The indications < of an abundant yield are so strong that even < the farmers, who are not generally hopeful, . themselves acknowledge the pleasing prospect. He referred to the great advantage to be derived from the completion of the Air Line R. K., and paid a baudsomo tribute '.o the f worth and character of our lamented fellow ( citizen, Gen. Kaslbt. He congratulated the people upou the genoral peace and quiet of i the country and showed them how utterly itn- < 1* jv possible it ia for a people to enjoy liberty except though an obedience to law, the just administration of ono being essential to the other. 1 The Judge referred to the civil and polit- ] ioal equality of the two races, mod the unity \ of in tercet which must really exist between litem in preset ving peace and quiet, and ' good government; and he referred with * much force to the obligations which attach ( to aod grow out of the possession of the full t rights of eitizeoehip, with which both races tre fully invested. The Judge then epoke of the obligstion which rests on every eili- I sen to uae his vote in the Interest of good government. The State is responsible to the citizen for good government; end in e t Republican country, where the will of the t people makes the government, bed government will not long be endured. We are glad to see bis Honor looking so well, and in such good spirits. Onr people ilwaya welcome bun end his Court. 1 Sudden Dzatii ?Recently we have been { isined to chronicle the sudden removal by . leath of one of the esteemed ladies of ^ 3reenvllle, and this week, a aitniUr duty ia ^ squired of us. On laat Thursday, about en o'clock, Mrs Ann McDonnell was stacked by a stroke of apoplexy, from the ffecta of which she died in a few boors? J ihe was attended by Dra Lono end iloH. / rho extended all the medical aid in their tower, but to no effect. Mrs. MoC. was a excellent person in all the relatione of ife, of wife, mother aod Obriotian lady ? ( lei funeral was preached at the Baptist Ihurch, of wbieh the was a member, on 'riday evening, by Dr. J. C. Fusman. She o saves many friends to mourn bar loea fl To Tuoex Wisaiifo Lanps.?'The Executors t f ths Estate of Vasdbt McRkb, deceased, , rill sell on Saleeday ia October next, four r flft thooMnd aeree of land*, much of j rbleh la located in and around the City of k Ireenville, aad ia therefore valuable. For 1 description of the different traeu, aee the trge advertlaement In another column. j Dancmo ccmi.?Prof. W. W. MiLam baa rrlved In Qre*nv11le, and it forming a Denes if Claaa, which he propoeea to teaeh the ? 'erpeieorean art aa aoon ae a euffleleat nam n ?r of pop!la leenrolled. He already haaecv- * ral oemee and la making arraafemanta for P ullable ball. Prof. Milam eomea highly eeom mended. Uefublioa* Cowrimtiok.?See the pros ceding* of the eonveutiou held at Mouns " tin Creek, laet Saturday, aa publlebed elee- C rhere. J On rna Octet db.? Several eommonleas T ooa will be found oo the Firet and I'nnnk Ti Mvuimui Attaok,?Mr. Jerry XMw> who Utw at XirMU, nywh to wo h ?r eltoo that, oa TkuWijr eight loot, titwiw aiMatght aad daylight, whtlo ha waaahooat aad la atteahm apoa Uo United Ham Ceart, aaaae paw a a approached hie hoaao aad rod eight or atao Uaaea la to hie dwelling, dleoharglag forty-olght a* ftfly ehote, oaw of whteh giaaid tho haad of hlo wlfo. groatly on* daagoriag thooo Ineide. Tho party gailty of this narderooe attaok la aappaaad to ho kaowa aad will ho arvaatod whoa eaBelent arMonao ii idilimd. Tk? mi, Mr. Tlailqr thinks, wind bka of reporting hiss to tho Internal Rimh officers. A imilar attack *u alio read* upou tka bom of Mrs. Catherine TU?> ley, In tho same place, la wblsh three or fosr shots wore fired, s few boors afterwards, aad U Is sap posed the same party did U for stmt* lar motives. We regret to rooord saeh occurrences. Oitt Ruuistuation.?Tbo total number of persons registered for the approaching munielpal election is fire hundred and seventy four?three hundred and tblrty-oigbt whites and two hundred and thirty-si* colored. This la considerably abort of a fnll registration, as there must be at least one bundled unregistered whites, besides more or less eolored. Registration closed on Saturday evening last. Litbuauy Club.?The meeting of the Littrary Club to be held at the residence of Mr. J. C. Smith on Tuesday evening, August 30th, is postponed to Wednesday evening, August flit, 8 P. M., at the same place. Dr. J. C? Firman Is expected to read the essay. Mobb Cotton.?Mr. Tbaddsus T. Westiouuns has placed on our table two bolls >f new ootton, plucked from hie place on Monday last, near lluolersville. In this bounty. He reports the cotton in his vK> liclty as very promising. hut fears th?r? it i tendency to run rather much to "weed." Editorial Visit ? Mr. Hugh Wilms, of he Abbeville Prett <t Banner, gave Greens ritte a flying visit last week. He is one of kbbeville's wealthy men, and we are glad is is attracted here. Contract.?The County Commissioners tare awarded the eontraet of removing the Bent Bridge on Saluda River to the Rasley Bridge place, to Mr. J. W. Colusa", for two hundred dollars. Card or E. W Marshall A Co.?Attention is called to the card of the above gentlemen, in this issue, who are located at No. 148 Meeting Street, Charleston, We are informed by oar friend, Mr B. o Mauloin, who is still connected with them, that they have laid in fuller stocks than ever before, preparatory to the fall trade. Mr Mauldin also informs ns that his house during the last year quite doubled its annual salea> with still increasing popularity. Merchants would do well to give attention to our Charleston wholesale dealers before going North, as Messrs. E. W. Marshall A Co. say they will sell as low as at aoy market Large Casbagr and Long Brans.?Our friend, Mr. J. F. Carpenter, furnishes this office with a monster Cabbage, grown in his garden, weighing sixteen pounds. The head is very solid and white, and will afford excellent dinners. He hes also presented us with several " California Beans," one of which is three feet in length, likewise raised in his garden. They often grow to the length of three and a half feet. About every inch there is a eed, and they look a good deal like snakes ; but nnt?itkll>n.tinr tli-n ?? - ?"n?? ...-j ... io sat, like other beam. Railroad.?The eontraet for the construction of tho link of railroad connecting the Greenville and Columbia with the Air-Line Railroad, has been given to Capt. 0. P. Mills, and the work has been commenced. Election or Mayoh and Aldermen.?Tueelay, the Oth day of September, the election will take plaee for Mayor and Aldermen of Greenville, to succeed the present iocura sects. Correction.?The name of W. H. Celt ippeared among the nominees for the >ffiee of 8ch(/Ol Commissioner, in our last sue; it should have beeu Hamilton W. Gelt. See announcement as correoted. | Land Offered by H. P. Hammktt. Kxecuor.?The traet of land advertised by H. P. Hammktt, Esq., Executor Esiate of William Bates,"deceased, is regarded as totne of the very best in the upper part of Greenville ; and as it lies contiguous to the Jity, is especially desirable, being both 1 own and country. This is an opportnni* y for an investment that will rapidly en? tance in value. 1 Declines?We are authorized to say hat John W. Stokes is not s candidate for h# State Senate, and will not aerva if ilected. Sale or Valuable City PzorEiiTT.?By 1 efering to the advertised sales of Sheriff lotrruiHN, it will he seen that he will sell 1 >n sales day the houae and lot lately occu>ied by Gen W. K. Haslet. This it one of ' he moat desirable place* io the City, end laaervea the attention of those drairlng a , deaeant residence. , Rev. T. Wnn a, will deliver an address at ' Ibner's Creek Church, on tba 4th Saturday of ( kugust, on " The Dignity of Manual Labor." ( By a mistake, the name of Maj. T. B. Fan- 4 iL'son was omitted from among tba list of an. ' oujoements for the Lagialatora, in our last 4 sana. ' 1 Tba station in this 8tata for Coventor and tbar State officers, together with County of' f tears, will take place on Wednesday, the 16th > ay of October next; the Presidential election raaspiros on Tuesday, the 6th day of Noember. Rev. Dr. MiTxanntw will supply his pulpit s the Methodist Church, on Sunday next, 8th inst. ' We bare reoetred the monthly report of the d lepartment of Agriculture for July. " PaxilRT Youa Claims.?Attention is call- 0 d to the notloe of W. A. Hanson, Bsq., Chair- * tan Board County Commissioners, notifying 0 11 having demands against the County, to 1 resent them by the 1st. pros., or they will ' ot he audited for another year. Messrs. Pelssr, Rodger* A Co., of Charles* >n, received, by the South Carolina Railroad, 11 So first hale of the new crop grown in South p arolins, from Dr. E. H. Dowling, of Bam- a erg, Barnwell District. It was of excellent nallty, and purchased by Mr. John N. bona pi on, Broker, at 26 cents per pound.? t has been shipped to New Fork to Wm. H. *' r....... ...... ^ Omliy ul Brvtrs. T MMR tfUT. On the telegraph win U? new* Is seatforth. It Km goo* to tho Sooth, U IWltMh the Tht h*roe\ statesmen, nod on* of reoewo. An coming oat bolalj for Gn?l?j tad Brown. Tht Sonlkm heart boats with pnlsetlooa quit* strong. And the smile of rcjo'eing in mixed with her aong: In nln may they ilrtf* aoch aaotioaa to WhiU a nation ia ahoutrog (or Qreeley and Brown. Thar# la hop* for the future?let a Tall ba now oaal OVr tha ulala, Iroublaa and woaa of tha May Haavan'a boat bleeainge ba abowarad down, 8uooeaa crown oar efforto for Oraalay and Brown. Ia apita of all baotharhooda, aaoonaaaa, leaguea. Where ignorant maaaea ara eaugUt by ins iriguee. In apita of bribary, which ahoold ba pat down. Fight hard for tba good aauaa of Qraalay and Brown. Tia tima for lha tyrant to aaoata tha ranaha. And retire in woa to hia bona at Long Branch ; Tha paopla demand that hla rod ba pot down, And tha nation ba gorernad by Qraalay and Brown. Tea, giro oa tha farmer, tba atatasman and friend, Who the righto of all claaaaa will (Irmly da> fend ; Let oa raiaa auah a about tha Red a aanaat drown. And three routing ehaera for old Qraalay aad Brown. Though handrada and thoueandeof dolfara ba spent. And Wilaon and Bootwall from Weehiog* ion Kent, 8ucceae will the efforts of freemen yet crown. And the oountry be governed bj Greeley end Brown. Oh, hear ye the monnings from Albany's wallet The erica of I he oppressed on humanity calls! One echo alone ceo their sufferings drown. Tie the shoot of the people for Greeley and Brown. Remember, you sons bound In tyranny's ohstnsI And while one spark of hope in your bonont remains, Stiike the death-dealing blow, and may Heaven crown. All your noble endeavors for Greeley and Brown. The day of redemption is drawiog quite ulgh; Let concord and peaee be our rallying cry ; In vain may they scowl, in vain may tbey frown, When our banner floats proudly for Greeley and Brown. For the Greenville Enterprise. Mr. Editor: The name of Maj. T. B. Ferguson is hereby presented to the Nomination Meeting of Greenville Township. He is the only candidate so far who has given public expression to his principles. Tbey meet onr views, and wo intend to sustain them to the best of our ability. Low taxes and cheap government, with a determined repudiation of all swindling and iliagal issues of Stats liabilities, is onr motto and platform, and we intend to fixht it OUt on that line ail aumiuer W An not heroin proiumo to forestall publio opinion, or prejudice the claims of other candidates, but coming events demand the aolection of men of t gor and fearless determination to enforce our views. We intend to bare servants, and not masters ; and in Major Ferguson, we can depend upon a trustworthy and fearless advocato, and we intend to austain hia claims at all haxards and to the last extremity. NUMEROUS WOKKINQMEN. FOR THE OREKNVILLR ENTERPRISE. To the Nominating Convention of Greenville County. It aecms to be the general impression of the people, that the present officers?Clerk, Sheriff and Proua .e Judge?are the strong* est candidates to put forward, and it be eomra the duty ol the convention to pot t'orw-ird the strongest and beat men. The present officers are good and accommodating, and we cannot put In better men.? Let all concentrate upon and retain them in office ; by doing so, wa are sura of success. A VOTER. To the Voters of Greenville County. Owing to the limited time between this and the election, and to the engrossing ftature of the duties of my office, I fear that it will be Impossible for me to visit every section of the County before that avent. I therefore take ihia opportunity of communicating with you. Aa ia known to all of yon, I waa elected to 111 the unexpired term nf m* nnJ?v rill therefore bare held the office, at the time of the next election, not quite half a term. That I am better prepared to All the office more gffioiently jow than when I wu flrat elected, la, I think, but natural. My record during the past nineteen months Is before you, and I leave yon to judge whether I bare served yon eith fidelity or not. As this seems to be neces* tarlly somewhat of a political issoe, it is proper that I define my position. In so doing, I an only say that my principles are DemoeratC; but that, while firm, I am moderate in my riews, and that I think that the ratification of he nomination of Greeley and Brown by the Baltimore Convention was wise and politic. If honored with your suffrages, I will faith* hlly endeavor te serve you with boneety and mpartiality. J. L. SOUTHERN. ? ? A Card. Mr. Editor i In yom paper of the list nltlno, I notice that my name has been anaouned as a candidate for Sheriff of this County, abject to the Nominating Convention. In been days of fraud and corruption, it is the inly of every^padidate for public office to loflne bis political principles. I have always boon, am now, and expect to ontlnue, a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, and rill not saorifloe principle for the sake of | See. I think the Convention held in Baltlsore acted wisely In endorsing the Cincinnati ilatform. Greeley is believed to be capable ad honest, and I shall asntaialo aas* -?> or him ia preference to Grout. la doing to, do not consider tbni I her# compromised : jy political principles. If aomlnntod for Sheriff Ij the Democratic 1 erty, nod elected, I will accept the office, and erre to the boot of nay ability. I W.T. 8HUMAT1. ? ?i imi ?? CalAwbli., Repnbllean, was elected Oota ( mor of North Carolina, by a majority of . em 800 to I MO. The election will bo oenwted by Mcrrlxnen. m ru Cftuvriua ivtiurxsi. rn?itiBf iinniiiiiiMii iniim Tbo Ooaan Q?pioHa? ot OroooTilU Otu> ?y,l? ?l?et lilpgiitH to tbo State oad Coo* groooluool OwTtttow, Mi, pumtnl to tbo ?tH of Uo OwMgr Cbotfoo, m 8Mu4?/r too lOtb to?c Tbo OoootT (iilnm ooKod tbo Owtw tlo? to wdw, atai w moUod, mo otdo porMMtt Cbolraoan. IUt. B. L. Roberta than op?d Ik* CootmHm with proper. Whllo tho Committee oa Credentials wo# out, Hoo. J. M. Alton addressed tho Cottventton to o manner whtoh woo well rwdrad. Pi/loon oat of sixteen Townahipo wore fblly represented. On o ballot Aw deleguiee, tho followinf percent woro oloetod i To tk? Stmt* OonvmHom.?Wa. I. Barto, Jemes M. Alloa, Jum M. Boll I ran and P. A. Williamson. 7b tk* dhoproarfawaI Cono*niion.?Hon. Jaa. M. Allan, Hon. WUaon Cook, Thomas BrUr and Wa. H. lfonnoo. AfUr tbo olootion of dolofatoa, Wa. B. Earls, Esq., addroaaod tho Conroollon at lsngth In donnnolation of tho prosont corrupt 8tato Government, and demanding that tho party purge itself from tho tbievoo and aeoan* drola who now rale it, a# a duty which tbop owe to thomsolvoa and tho County. Ho then offered tho following resobatiooa, which woro mmrnmimomoff adopted amid great enthusiasm. That wo, tho Repnblioan voters of Greenville County in Convention assembled, recognising Gen. U. 6. Grant and Hoo. Henry WtU ton as true exponents of tho National Republican party, heartily approve their nomination as candidates for tho Preaidenoy and Vtea-Presidency, and do pledge ourselves to their earnest support. That we profonndly regret the discredit and shame which has been brought upon the Re publican party, uot only oi this State, bat of the United States, by the maladministration of the government of this Stats, by the misconduct of most of tho exeeutlvo officers of this State, by the notorious abuse of their official trusts, and shameless corruption of many of the executive officers, and members and officers of the General Assembly, who, in their oapaeity of public servants, have wrongfully enriched themselves at the expense of thoee from whom they derive their power. Among | ntk., ,k._.r..l .1 -! ? J I? ? vvuv. ?h?w?iui Bi/utvi |il auuuvu 07 iucbu uu1 * | Mrs, it ippMri by the sworn statement of Treasurer Parker, that the aum ef $441,866.06 baa already bees paid vat of the Treasury of the State for the oxpenaea of the laat aeaaion af the General Amenably. At leaat three fourtba of tbia amount waa wholly unneceaca- | ry, and ia believed to he illegal. In addition { to thia aum, tbere ia known to be in the hand* 1 of the varioua County Treaaurera of this State pay certificates to ati immonae amount, pur* porting to have been iaaued to mcmbera and 1 employeea of the Qeneral Aaaembly. For ( thia oriminal extravagance and patent fraud, Franklin J. Moaea, Jr., Speaker of the House ot Represent ati vea, ia largely responsible. Notwithstanding these facts are well substantiated, thia Convention learn* with pain and regrot that the said Franklin J. Moaea, Jr., has announoed himself as a candidate for Uovernor, and has received the endorsement of a few bodies ot Republicans, who have de* 1 olared that bis eouree is acceptable to them. 1 That the drawing of money from the Treasury under the pretence of tbe Armed Foroe Bill, for the purpose of defeating their imStaebment by <)overnor Scott rnd Treasurer arker is a betrayal of tbe confidence of the party, and Is conclusive of their utter nnworthinese of tbe positions which they hold. That the people feel outraged when they oontemplate the fraudulent sale of the Blue Ridge Railroad by the 8inking Fund Commission, and tbe whoieeale swindle perpetrated , upon them under the name of *' Relief," by ( scheming lobbyists and corrupt legislators who, claiming to be Republicans, have die graced the principles they pretended to ess pouse. That the so-called " Validating BillM Is equivalent to a confession of " Quilty of the over-issue of bonds " by the Financial Board. That tha fact that Democrats have received large sums from the Land Commission, the Sinking Fund Commission and other frauds, ia no palliation for the betrayal by public officers of the sacred trusts confided to them.? Therefore, be it 1. Hnolvrd, That there is demanded an entire change in tbe State offloee now filled by 1 men who have proved recreant to thair trusts, who have disgraced their party and mlagorerned tbe 8tate. 2. lUtoUnd, That tha delegates elected by this Convention he, and they are hereby, instructed in making their selection of candidatea for State officers, to vote only for man of known and triad integrity. 3. Ji.toleed, That the said delegate! be, and they are hereby, inatriated not to support for nomination to any 8tate office F. J. Mom, Jr., , nor any member of the Land Commission, the Sinking Fund Commission, or the Financial Board. A speech was made by Mr}. William Btone, who gave a calm and dispassionate account of the condition of affairs, and advised the Con? vention that the Republican party owed it to themselves to work out the reform which is so | much needed. They have it in their power to i do it, the men with which to do It, they alone can do It, and the responsibility rests with them. Several other speeehes in a like vein were ( made, which were enthusiastically rceeivedby the Convention. A resolution was unanimously adopted, declaring the preference of the Convention to ( be for the re-nomination of lion. A. S. Wal> , lace as a candidate for Congress. \ The delegates to the 8tale Convention were < instructed to cast the vote of the County for Absalom Blytbe, Esq., as candidate for Soli* oltor of the Eighth Judicial Cirouit. , The entire proceedings of the Convention ( were most harmonious, and the entire body acted with a united purpose. On motion, It was Jlesolved, That the Secretary be instructed 1 to cause the proceedings of the Convention to , be published in the OreenviUe Enterprise and Columbia Union. ' - - Proceeding* of Oonnoil. Council Chamber, ) Gbbrnvillb, 8. (X, Aug. 6, 187* ) ' Council met at 4 o'clock, P. If. Preeent, * hie Honor the Mayor, J. P. Moore; Alder* ' man u/.lis. v ?- ? ? 4 ~ ? nmnr, i cir|(io, urur, W OOO, UliOO ' end Hamroett. Minulea of the laat rovellog were read and confirmed. Thornae Lewia and Porter Smith eaeb petition Council for the Neptooe Fire Engine, t On motion, it waa I Rnoltd, That the Neptune Fire Eogine | be to rued over to Thomaa Lewie, to be kept on the other aide of the River. Oo tkie the jeaa and Naye were taken? . yeea, f; nay a, none. Carried uneolmoualv. An ordlnaaoe giving the Atlanta end Richmond AlwLloe Railway Company permlaaion to eroee eertala atreeta oo the aooth t aide ef the River, waa adopted by Coanetl t unanlmoualy. BeeOrdioanoe Book, page47. t Mr. T. 0. Oower made a etaumeot to Connell of bia examining varlona fire ee- ( gioee, during hie rroent trip Iforth, and reeominended to Oooaeil one wbleli be thought would ault thia nlaee. 1 Jt*0o/ced, !?(. That the thanka of thia 1 Council are eminent!* dne. and era twdw * ~-j m tandorod, to tbo Hon Tbotnon a Gownr for tbo fnlthfal and thoroogh manntr In whioh ho boo dl*th?r|?d thn trunt oonfldod to bin br Oonnell, In oramlotng varioun Urn ?n I fin no, during bin rnonnt trip North, nod roportlng thn ronnlt of bin inregrigntiooa, to> gather with bin reeoa>n>?ndeUena to ihln ] Cooncil. ft ilntfiri id. Thnt thn Mayor bo author* land to purehaoo thn Are engine rooomm?n> M l>y Mr. Qownr; previdtd, bin daeorip Uoo of it in aotiafootory to tbo Flro Company. 1 Carried unasiaiou *ly. t? ??i?i # TIm proposli ion of Thomas 8?m to sail to Ooaoaii hi* Mmtory loU for $t?0?$1(K> KMk ud $100 la tit w?y ?r ?kj u?w MMHp'td by #??atil unanimously. Tbt following Mtoaito ttrt ordarad paid: J. 0. Ballaj, $12.00; Millar. Mo Brayor A Co, $4 ?; W. J. Smith, $28 CO ; T. W. Duals, $10.00; L. Vi Uliams, $6.85. Ob motion, adjoorosd. A. R. MoDAVID, C. 0. Qiicitiui, 9. o. Aogost 14b Oottoa Is sailing to-dsj at 19$<990 aaats Cbablkstu*. August It. Oottoa doll?middling nominally 19|A 10; rooalpts 44 balas; ax ports 179; stook ?,8U. MgJ. T. B. VBBOC80N is rsspaotfolly aa? noanssd as a oandidsta for ths LagUlatura, at tbs sasalng sloe lion. " ~~ ?s.. ? - uni rtilKJtDS. Mamu?, at the residence 0f the Bride's fat bar, on tba morning of tba 16 th July, by tba Ear. Bllisoa Capers. Professor M. Q. DaCAMPS, off Brussels, Uannany, an J MUs MARY B. flAHN, of tbla Clty. f? OMfTMI. We art authorised to announce Cotanal ISAAC O. McKISSICK a candidate to rcpre* ant tha Counties of Palrfleld, Cbastar, York, Spartanburg, Union, Lanrons, Oeonea, Piokena and Greens ilia in tba Congress of tha United States, at tba next election. 14-tf . } 7or Solicitor. The' friends of ABSALOM BLYTHE, Esquire, respectfully announce htm as a Candidate fur tba office of Solicitor of tha 8th Judicial Ciroult, at the eoeulog election. WE are authorised to announce the nam# of JAMES BIR.NIE, Esq., at a Candidate for tha offioa of Bolieitor of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, at the anauiog election. 01-tf Tbe friends of Colonel W. II. PBRRY announce bim as a Candidate for Re-Blection for Solicitor of the 8th Judicial Dietriot of South Carolina. 60-tf For Sheriff, Tbe Mends of W. T. 8HUMATB respect ion; auuuuuc* uiui ? WUQIQSM lor QDQrin, it the ensuing election, subjeot to the nomination by the Convention. The friend, of W. PETBE SUDDUTH anaouDoe him a candidate for Sheriff, at the next sleclion. IS?tf P. A. McDAVID announces himeelf an independent candidate (not for Preeldent) for Sheriff, at the ensuing election. July 81 .13 12* WE, the friend, of JAMES 0. YEARGIN, announce hlaa a Candidate for Sheriff, at tho next election. WK are authortied to annonnoe J. L. SOUTHERN, Esq., a. a candidate tor reelection, a. Sheriff for Greenville County. May 8 1 td For Judge of Probate. WE are anthoriied to annonnoe SAMUEL J. D0UT1IIT, Eaq., a. a candidate for reelection as Jndge of Probate for Greenville County, 1-td For tho State Soaato. TUB friends of Colonel 8. 8. CRITTENDEN, announce bim a candidate for the State 8eoate at tho ensuing election. May 29 4 td WE are authorised by the friends of JAMES P. MOORE, Esq., to announce him as a candidate for a seat in the State Senate, at the ensulug election. 1-td For Clorh of tho Court. We are authorised to state that ROBERT McKAY, Esq., 1. a Candidate for Cleik of the Cou t, at the coming election. 11-if WE are authorised to annonnee W. A. MeDANIEL, Esq., as a candidate for re-election as Clerk of the Court for Groenville County. May 8 1 td For County Commitsioner. The friend, of WM. J. WEST rcepectfolly present his name to the Demoevatie Nominating Convention, as a At and proper person for County Commissioner, at the ensuing eleo* tion. GROYE. The friends of J. M. WHITMIRE, of Bates Township, respectfully announce him a eanitlrl.l. h. r> c. ??i -? ??? .v. wvvxj wuionHiuwr, u u( nasi election. 18 Many frion.1i. of A. R. MoDAVID Esq., believing the public good will ba promoted by having one of the County Commission, lioner'. resident at the Omrt Hones, prelent hia name to the Nominating Convention, suhjeet to ita actio.,, aa one eminently qualified for the plase. July 17 11 tf The friend, of T. a GOWER. Eeq., announce him aa a Candidate for the office of County Commlaeioner of Groan fills, at tha ensuing election. Mf " Many Friends * raspeelfnlly announce Mr. WILLIAM L MAULDIN aa a eandilale for County Commiaalonsr, at the en?u> mg election. 8?td THE friend, of W. A. HUDSON, Esq., knowing that he has dieeherged hia duties loneatlj and aealuoaly, and aeeeptably to ,he people, anuounee him aa a eandidate or reflection aa County Commlaeioner for Greenville, at the enaulng elaetlon. CAPT. WM. GOLDSMITH, O. H. JUJINHOH, E#q. The above Ticket le DonieewJ for Couny Corona imlon ere, ted the geotlecnen ootu* aoelng it are reepeet/ully repeated to aK oar their nemee to be eeed. TAX PATERS. May IS t id IS* For tka LofUlstaro We are aathorieed to ubmhm 1. THOM18 AUSTIN at a eaadidato for the LogMaare, at tfc# aeat etoetloo, satyeet to the aetea ot the Doaaeeratre Noaetaatlag Conren loa. 14?S Tbe Meade of Cot JAMES MeOULLOUOn isrtai obtained hie eeaeeat for the aee of hie ium m a oftadldfttft for ft Nftt la tho ant jogUlataro, raapootfully pramt It U tho )*BoerftlU Noelftfttleeg Con ron lion for rfttU lOfttiOB. Id?S THE friooda ot WILSON COOK, E*q, tnnooBOft him ft* ft oftadidftto for th? Logtft* nlaro ftt tha onaaiog olaotloa. WF ftfft afttboriaod to aaaoaaoo SIMEON L WESTMORELAND, Kaq., ?a candidate *t tb? Logialataro, *4 tha nniar olootlon. Mftj n 4 td WE ara a?thorlaod to aanovnoo F. B. IcBKE, Baq., aa ft eaadldata for tho Ufkli* ira, at tho oaaaoteg olaotloa. 1-td