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?1)t (?wtacy\ndt, 5 QKEEJIIV 0 i!.il?^_s[o'. WXDXXSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1178. For President, HORACE GREELEY, For Vice- President, B. GRATZ BROWN, or MISSOURI. The North Carolina Election. Tfte latest information from the election in North Carolina, places the success of Governor Mbrkimon in some doubt; but it is conceded tbat tbe Grekley interest has elected five of the eight members of Congress and a majority of the Stale Legislature. The vote for Governor is very close, but the Western portion of the State being to hear from, which is strongly Conservative, good hopes are entertained for Mekrimon. This is a glorious result, and will have a telling effect against Grant and tbe corrupt and thieving every where, -y Radical Reform?The North Carolina BlsqUon. It is verv amusing to hear, the Radical leaders in South Carolina speak- of Reform and ?r d_taw tu. r uiv uvvvwik/ vi Akvtuiuj nuu ufo m(/uu? u^/rrun" <ft. There is not an official rofcue in the State who will not join the orjr of "Reform." Tbej who have stolen the most, profess to be as earnest in desiring Reform as those who have stolen least, for the want of an opportunity of stealing more. Their professions are of course utterly false, and puteuily so. But there is another class of Radical leaders who are no doubt sincerely desirous of putting a stop to the thieving, which has been going on for tho last four years in South Carolina. At the head of this Radical taction, which we fear will prove to be a very small one, in the Radical nominating convention, stands our friend, Judgu Orr, whom we could wish, with all our heart, to see in better company, more congenial to his natural and former political associations. The Judgo tells us in sober earnest, that the only way to stop the roguery and bribery, squandering pubilo money, and oppressive taxation, is to vote for Grant! instead of Greeley, for President of tho United States ! This seems to plain Democrats like ourselves, very strange advice, rather funny, to vote for the man who has been protecting and sustaining these swindlers and thieves for tho post four years, with all the power of a great government, iu order to put them down and stop their rascality ! The paradox can only be explained on the principle which governs the wandering Bedouins in the desert. It you intrust your life and property to them, and confido in their honor, tnoy will protect you, otecrwise they will rob and kill you, if they oan. But wo greatly fear, from past experience, that these carpet-bag and nativo thieves havo not the honor oi the wild Arab robber.? It seems more like submitting tho lipnh to the tender mercies of the wolf. If Judgo Orr had united with the Liberal Republicans and gone for Greeley, he would hnvo found himself once moro united with nis old Democratic friends and partixnns, again in honest company, wag ing a successful war aguinst thedespoiicrsof his State and country. Bat the Judge seems to think,'fiom his speeches, that Grant is an honest man, and will aid, now, in putting down those in South Carolina, whom he has built up and defended for the last four years ! The more intimate friends of Gen. Grant, they who have knovrn him longer and more intimately than Judgo Orr, entertain a different opinion of the President's administration policy. Seuatora Scburs, Sumner, Trumbull, and cr leading politicians of his party, declare officials, whom ho sustains "wrth""iiTl his vaju patronage, and that he has tried and docs tr^ to corrupt the honest portion of his friends!His postmaster and mayor at Washington, baa recently published a crrd in which he says Grant has swindled him out of twenty.five thousand dollars ! and he intendi to prosecute him for it! lie moreover says his Excellenoy is a corrupt man, aud corrupts others, that "ho is a miserly, sordid roan, and will resort to anything evasive or invasion of law or justice, or anything else that an honorable person would despise, to put money in his pocket." He says again, that "by dishonest means, Grant will leave tho Presidency on the 4th of March next, as rich as a Jew, and as infamous as ho who betrayed his Lord and master for thirty pieces of silver !" Tho offer of Grant to corrupt and bribo Senator Schurz is proven on him by General Pleasanton. Grnnt tried to lie out of his treachery to President Johnson, and was convicted of bare-faced lying by the whole Cabinet. He tries now to play the same game to -cover up his corrupting offer to Schurz. In utter violation of the constitution and laws of the country, General Grnnt not only node a treaty to purchase San Domingo through one of his military aids, but hisorJers to the navy were tantamount to a declaration of war! He wanted Schurz to defend him in the Senate, and sent him word through General Pleasanton, that if he would do, he would givo him all the patrbnngo ho might ask fori No President before ever dared to make such a proposition to a Senator! It would have damned him to eternal infamy! The bare suspicion of such a bargain between Adams and Clay hurled Adams from the Presidency, and prevented Clay ever reaching the summit of his ambition. This fact alone of approaching a gentleman, and a Senator, with a bribe, shows what Postmaster 8. P. Bowen says of him is true i "Ilia habits are of the worst kind, and his associates of tho lowest order. Indeed, his instincts are loin and vulyar, and be is never so well satisfied as when in company with horse jockeys, smoking cigars, drinking whisky and talking horse !" A man with tho instincts and education of a gentleman, no matter how oorrupt he might be, would not think of approaching an honorable Senator, ns Grant did Schurs. It shows " bis instincts are low and vulgar." He judges other men by his own base nature. Now, if Judge Orr had come out for Greeley, and told us that, in reforming a party wo must always commence at the head, we should have believed him ; and tho people of South Carolina would have placed confidence in his wisdom and sagacity, and co.operated with him most heartily and most zealously. Greeley is an honest man, all admit; and no one has denied it. His life proves it. He will reform 'the rogues aud srjuandcrois of the people's money with a vengeanco. We prefer Horace Oreelsy to any Democrat who oould have been nominated for tha Presi dency, because he is capable, as a Republican, of doing more in the way of reform tfasn a 1 Democrat could do. He will have the support ao4< confidence of tho Republican party, the honest portion of it at least, In all of his measures; and this a Democratic President could not have dona, lie will have, too, in the end, the confidence of all the honeat and | intelliircnt nortion of the colored nennle. No one can charge him justly of adapting meat* ures prejudicial to their interests, and favoring the white race. He can do justice and satisfy both races, and both parties. Since writing tbo above, we have received news from North Carolina, that this good old ' State has commenced tho work of reform there 1 most successfully, in spite of General Grant, I his Cabinet, and the public money sent there to control the elections. The Democrats have < eatried tho Governor's election, very probably, < and State Legislature. They have, with the H assistance of the Liberal Republicans, elected | sisT members of Congress, out of sight to which the State is entitled. Well done for "old Rip Van' Winkle'* and Horace Greeley. ( Well done for reform and the new departure, It is to be hoped that the patriotio furore which has carried North Carolina will pervade ' South Carolina and all the other States. This 1 was the first gun fired in onr great oontest to 1 restore the Constitution and oitil liberty, and 1 cleanse the Angscn stable of the oorrnption Mid misrule which the Radioal party have ^ brought into it within fbuf years past. ThoMn [ will now be a general bolting of Radical# I from QfOnt to Oreeley ; and the colored peo- I pie, too, if it) go over to their old and faithful I friend, instead of sttoking to Gran^ who da- J clared that he went Into the civil war to pre. , serve the Talon and not to free the negroes. < 1 I U^Th^tki Court H<M?y?iMlM lufMtiJktl hu bMt held iu this 0?u(r At nj tia*' slnoe the war. The feel la? war most eothylieUc, and the a?? t plauee for Oaaai.aT'aaa'BteoWK was at fettr 1 Kaal iixI KaIII.. aw. 1?1 >? ??? Mdlagi. The room wm crowded to It* utinoet, occupying o{ ih* ?od available landing room. UT')j j The Ttrioai rpuctw Mtrmd wm forolbio, ud tome of thom powerful. Governor Perot diatinguiabed and excelled himaolf, m did CoL B. P. Joan and Gen. M. 0. Butler, "the latter happening to bo proeont waa called on. Tho romarka of tbo othora won llkowiao pointed and atrong in aontiaont and ozproaaton. Tho applauee and o bearing waa deafen < ing. Qreblet and Baowx will carry Green* vtUe overwhelmingly. Our very proaorvation demaada and require* it, and tho impel ua given thom win roaolt in a heavy vote in tho State and Preaidentlal oloctlona In tho ffcll. XjOOAX* MA.TTXRS. Co anno a Em?Owing to tho proaa on our columna, wo have been compelled to condenre our local noticea. Commnnicattona omitted will appear nozt week. Elbciiok ov TowaaniP Dblboatb*.?By tho aotion of tho public mooting, held in the Court Houae on Mundoy laat, it will bo aeon that tho time appointed for tho aaaombling of the people in too varioua Townshina to elect delegates to the County Nominating Convention, is Saturdmy, 17tA im(. Brery Township that wishes to be heard in the selection of officers, should hold a nesting and appoint del' egstae. The Nominating Convention will meet at tbo Court House, on Monday, 19th inst., and will then chooso candidates for the Legislature and the Conntj offices. We hope every Township-will be fully represented, and that there witl be perfect harmony in sustain" log their action, that thieving, corruption and audacious fraud and dishonesty may be driven from the land. To United Statsb Count Joaout.?We will furnish the Ebterpriie, during the session of Court, to Jurors, for twenty-five oonts eeob, paid in advance. Come and leave your names with the money. Cotton Botu?'The earliest Cotton Boll, which we have seen any mention, reached our office on Monday last. It was sent us by Mr. J. D. Woodside, raised by himself, on his farm in the lower part of the Conntv, It Is fleecy and reminds one of the fall when the balee commenced to roll in. He furnishes the following statement: Tne seed was planted 8ih of April; the square or form was Srst seen on the 37th of May ; the bloom appeared on the 19th of June, and the Cotton opened on the 27th of July.? This is pronounced the earliest ever produced In this latitude. United Statkb District Court.?Contrary to expectation, the Court was not opened on Monday last, as neithsr the Judge, Clerk or the District Attorney bad arrived. These 'officials, it was understood, were detained in Columbia, in connection .with the session of the Circuit Court, and were expected to reach Greenville by Tuesday evening's train. We publish below the list of Jurors, as furnished us, copied verbatim. It is evident there are a number of mistakes in the names: fly Grace, W. J. West, B. T. Buist, Wm. Benson, Edw'd Hoopor, Miles Batson, Moses F. Fowler, Alfred Williams, Darkin Brown, J. M. Caylo, 8. S. Qihbs, Goo. Gray, Wm. Austin, W. H. Johnson, R. W. Goddard, A. M. Peaton, Jeremiah Trammel!, Geo. Heldtnan, Washington Howell, Frank Fisher, Tho's. LewV"- frSM J. M. Cratwell, E. M. Coleman, Andrew Carson, 8heriff Wyatt, L. II. Shumate, Thos. N. Cox, J. N. Cleveland, J. M. Watson, Fnldan Gossott, Miko Moore, Henry Tucker, J. N. Acker, Madison Howard, Valentine White, ? S r-'wl or? o-ii ? -? w. w? vt luuvuiubj tv in* naiicra, John L. Smith, Tower Ross, W. C. Kellott, Mnj. Rlins Alexander, Joel Former, Samuel Paine, Tbos. J. Turner, Henry H. Fowler. Isaac Brerfield, Thk Judge and Clerk having arrived last night, the Court was organized this morn* ing at 10 o'elook. The Cuurciies.?Rev Dr. S. J. Metnabs die, of the Methodist Church, will delicate a new Chnreh of his denomination ?t Chester, on Sunday next, 11th inst Rev. Dr. Joutf A. Bkoadus, of (he Theological Seminary, will supply his pulpit during bis absence. Citt JSikttiojs.?The election of City ConDcil for another year will soon take plaee, and our citizens will no doubt commence to get up their tickets before long There is no local issue we believe, upon which the voters will be divided. We will be glad to insert nominations of tickets, if paid for in advance. Reoistek.?- Those of the residents of the City of Greenville who design voting at the approaching municipal election for Mayor and Aldermea, will bear in mind the necessity of registering their names with the Clerk of Council, before five o'clock P. M., on Saturday next, 10lh iost. But a short time temains for this to bo done, therefore no opportunity is to be lost Hn nnt no?loat fltta 4rr\r>A*fan? <! ?* D .'W MW ..?^.VVV ? *tu|/VI ?MU? vau'jr* ivcg" ister! Register 1 Pickens Nominations.?The following nominations were made by the Democratic Parly of Ploksns County, on sal*s?day, (Monday last:) For the Houte of Represent at ives.?Col. Robert E. Bow en. For Sheriff ? John Rilky Ferouiion. For Clerk?Syethbm y Keith. For Probate Judge.?I. H. PhiLpoT. For Solicitor ?Ws. H. PERRY. Sales on Monday.?Capt. J. L. Southern, SherilT, made the following sales : Land of Nancy Bahb, deceased, containing 125 acres, purchased by Roy. R. F. Whilden, for f 111.00. Land of 0. W, Garrison, 208 acres, purchased by J. F. Charles, for $151.00. Land of Ed ward Powell : Tract No. 1, 255 acres, W. K. Eerie, $100; Tract No. 2, 6 acres. A. Blythe, $32 ; Tract No. 3,1| acres, W. K. Eerie, $100; Tract No. 4, 80 acres, W. E. Earl?,$95; Tract No. 5, 1514 acres, if. B. Earle, $30. The Weatbeb and Ceora.?The weather has not been so hot during the past week, and, saving Thursday lest, the days hare been comparatively cool; on that day, the Ihermomeler reached 04?. Rain has fallen in plenty. John A. Goodwin, E*q , and Dr. W. A. Moonet, from the upper part of the Count/, say they do not remember in their whole farming experience, of a more promising crop; and Rev. A. C. Htbvp and Ur. J. M. Sullivan, give the same glowing _# ,i ? .. Uiy'uut ?'I ma corn >nu COllOI. Ill in* IOW* sr end of Greenville. A big Orop^ coupled with the eleotion of Gkslbt end Bbown, in din fnll, will girt as no Eljtium. Tan National Bank or obecntiltn.? Dor National Baok, Hamlin Bbattik, ICsq., President, baa a paid up capital of one hun* Ired thouaaod collars. We are glad to be ible to aiy thnt ita proeperity is eatislaeios y to the management and to the entire lommanity. Visit* or mi School Commismonbr.? 5ur present popular School Commission* if, A. C. MoGna, Esq., In forme us that he ' its beeo visiting a number of Sehoole in the eastern portion of the Conhty, and re* X?rU them i* good organiaation. lie ie lontinuing his visits until be reacbeA all diet are In operation io the upper part of ,he County; after that, will go to the low* ' ?r nerLion agagf?i 'IT ' J .""f GscbJB H. Uoohit, on* of GeorftaVluoet enterprising eitigcns, has b?H speudtyg a short time with hTs relative and fry |nds ii: QrMuvllU, basing been . called hero ?? discharge the sorrowful duty of the burial of bis mother. Ha has, wilh a copartner, a large ahair manufactory ia Qtiftio, 1n which are employed from forty to fifty btade, taming oot between aaa hundred and fifty and two hundred ohalra par day. Every native of our State, leavs log her borders of such eommaodiag energy as distlngolfhee our friend, is a public 'loss, and eaftnot be computed in dollars and oenla Mr. Mconev U already sueceae* ful, but era wlah for him the seme tea times over. Btsnor Hows.?The Right Rear. Bwuor Howa left Charleston on Tuesday, 30th ult.i for his annual tour of visitations tbrouirhout the Stete. He will be absent about two months, and will eonduot services, deliver sermons, and administer the rite of eoofirs rAalton In the''different churches in this part of bie dicoeSe. On Sunday, 18th Inst, twelth after Trinity, he w?|l visit ChrUl Church, in the City of Greenville. Large Rattle-Snake.?A subscriber at Lima, Greenville County, informs us 'hat a Rattle Snake, with seven rattles and one button, nnd measuring four feet and two inohcs in length, and seven and three eighth inches in oiroumfereooe, was killed on the farm of W. C. Goodwin, B#q? on the 27th nit Its fangs are in the possession of Dr. Hbkey P. Goodwin, who 4ut away and diseeeted all the soft tissues, and foiled the tooth to measure one-half an inch from the point to its attachment to the jaw bone.? " Varmints "as large as this oue, are rare. D. Wtait Aiken, Esq?Every friend of |he development of our country?farmers, merchant*, lawyers, mechanics, Ac., and the ladies especially?will bear in mind' that the above distinguished gentleman will de? liver an address iu tlio Court House, on Wedoesday, 21sl Inst., on Agriculture, and everything that pertains to the development of the farming interest. The remark* of Mr. Aikkn are earnest, eloquent and, withal, practical, and well Worthy of at tendiog to hear; and ae politics is entirely ignored, all parlies, of whatever creed, can come and listen, and then go away benefit ted. Republican Convention ?The Republicans of Greenville County will meet in convention, on Saturday next, 10th inst., at Mountain Creek Church, for the purpose ol electing fonr delegates to the Stats Convention, the latter meeting in Columbia, on the 21st inst, to select candidates for Governor. Lieut-Governor, Members of Congress, and other officers. Rev. Mr. Grkkn, of the Theological Seminary at Columbia, preached in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday, morning and afternoon. Rev. Dr. IIuist will be absent at this Church next Sunday, and Rev. T. Ward Wiiitb, President of Keidville Female College will supply his place. Toa Workino Christian?Capt. C. M. McJu.nrix has become sole proprietor of the above paper, and will henceforth control us cottiuios. he assures in maty iri??o. that Editorial ability will be secured. We trust that it will contiuue to prosper.? Terms $2 60 per annum. Every one of the Baptist denomination, especially, should subscribe for it. Address Capt. C. M. McJunkin, Columbia, 8. C. RtPLT.?The article of J. B H , " will appear next week. 1 ardonkd?Bkrky Bihar, colored, convicted of grand larceny at the January term, 1872, of the Court of General Sessions, for Greenville County, before Judge Okr, has been pardoned bv Gov?r?. nor Scott, on the recommendation of the presiding Judge, Card ov W. T. Shumate, E-q ?Mr Shumate's card is published elsewhere. He is willing to serve as Sheriff, if nominated by the Democratic Nominating Convention. Affliction ?Mr*. ?? MoKat, ou Sun day last received the sad tidings by a des spatch from Charleston, of the death of her ( daughter^ Miss Maoqie McKat, which oc- , cnrred the same day. She and her family ( have the condolence of many friends in her ^ affliction. , Late Papess.?Mr. T. C Gower, who has been absent on a month's trip to the ' North, returned last week. He will accept" ' our thanks for a batch of New York, Rich- 1 ' i mood and other papers. The Rev. Edwin A. Boi.les, Bible "Agent i for South Carolina, will preach in the Metbo- . drtt Episcopal Church, South, st New Pickens C. H.f on the 8th day o( September, (se- ' cond Sunday.) Service to commence at 11 i o'clock A.M. * ' ' After the sermon, a Bible Society will be 1 organized for Pickens County, in place of the ' Bible Committee. Arrangement* will be made . to procure Bibles and Testaments from the . Parent Society for distribution in Pickens Connty. ( All persons in Pickens Connty friendly to ( Bible distribution, without note or commont, are earnestly, invited to co-operate in the organisation of the Connty Bible Society. On I this occasion there should be a large coogre? f gation. 8oM8 op Temperance.?-Rrv. Dr. E. J 3 Meynardik, with other gentlsnen, is en* 1 dcavoring io organise a Division of Sons of Temperance in this City, and baa already the nemos of a number of eitisens on a list. The organization will soon be effected, of which we will again speak. The curse of intemperance is spreading so rapidly over the lend, that the good every where ere organizing to assist io cheeking its growth. ( Railroads.?'We have had a call from Mr. ' II. T. McDanifl, Chief Bpgineer of the Dal- ( ton and.Morganton Railroad, on a visit to bis . relatives in this section, betides attending to so in s business matters. He is returning from 1 a conference had with the officials of the Bal > timoro and Ohio Railroad for his Company, and Is a live railroad mas. 1 " A Man Found Dead in a Waoon t Band tha particulars in the advertisement , of Messrs. Prank Hammond A Co, LirKNSED DeUOOIST.?Dr J P ITr. 1 - - ? ?. i ? sAiKiiiiuunfe, of Greenville, hea been licensed m a Drug- ( gist, under the new aet of the Legialature. ^ Viva CavTg.?Ife aell coplee of the Knttr- ' pries at Ave oenta each. ( ?: I Geo. Wade H amp tow ie at present on a y visit to White Salphar Springe, Ya. General Banks' declaration for Greeley ' la formally published, over hit own eigne- ' tute. I -fcFor>tK'o^nTill? EntdrpruT""1" IV. Cdt^pr The platfora apea which aome of oar iltiiiDi hm nominated fk candidate U certain^ devoid of jail oappiiodtiona, aad U quite en namely, reldHve lo the femedfea propooed to arreat mlarule and aaarpatlon. Thia matter-of-fact mode of procedure, bowever, will, not be will received by our numer aa pelUioal guardlana aad doetora of lawa.! They do-?ot moplie anything aa legitimate that la doc eliminated from a round of apeechea, reaolutiona, seconded and amended, beginning on the political ootave of the aoale of O, pounding their notea up to Q and down again to G. They then vehemently tell aa that we will lad a Panama for all existing arils first io od? and than in tha other of the U'a; 1. a., Oreo ley and QranC 0 hers invoke one or the other of the Q'a aa an object for Fetlah worship, and apply all tho craft of a politico' Obeah to enforce conviotion and party laws. i We are affiioted with a political leprosy that astonishes tha whole of the Christian world, and which has changed into oanoerons uloers that are consuming vital morality, and oheck* ing all motives for the necessary enterprises of society, and inflecting upon the rising gen eriuoD moio natural oonsequenoes or bad law*. is : idlenoaa, poverty, ignorance, and all approaohes to lawlessness?all tending to ravage barbarism. " Wash soven times in Jordan and tbou shalt be clean," was the ultimatum, or Naa man oonld not be healed. Simple but effectual. To tbrow the past iqto oblivion, and begin anew is all that we dfcn do, as it would seem, to restore order anf prevent the aunlhilation of both raoes as to the means of sub* sistenoe and a eotnmoa sohool education. Has not the last four years of Legislative robbery almost ground the laboring classes into the dust? Where have the taxos gone that were directly or indirectly wrung from them to buy land for homes and endow schools for thoir children ? And of the future! What is in the future? Does any sane man expect to pay these falsely issued bonds ? Can we pay State salaries as now established, and the interest on those bonds ? Shall we beggar ourselves by giving all property up to pay tbem, and becomo tenants on fields earned by our own hands, and fondly looked upon as a home for onr young | children and sholter for onr old age ? Desperate diseases require speedy and desperate remedies. These remedies must be administered by tho tax payers. Is it to be expected that our oppressors will give us up without a struggle? Will not officials oppose an extinction of offioe, even if useless, or refuse to submit to a fifty por cent, deduction on salaries and fee lists ? And notwithstanding that thousands of the so-called free voters, whose labor supports these offloials, are living from band to mouth, with nothing to put by for the morrow, will many of these yield to their call for a reduction or to abdicate? We fear the number will prove small; and yet hundreds of our citizens, equally qualified aud capablo, would be glad to serve in those offices at one-tbird and one-half that their present incumbents receive. , Tho speo-al surroundings require prompt and wiso actions. National reforms come but slowly. To us the Presidential oontest is virtually an outside issue; for, eves before the 4th of March next, our fate may bo irretrievably fixed. We alone must, to a man, colored and white, come squarely up. To shirk responsibility aud leave others to do the work is mean and cowardly. We only excite the contempt of the outside world when we call on Grant or Greeley. God helps tbose who try to help themselves. Grant and Greeley, like ourselves, may ptove mere ephemeral atoms of a political day, nor be any more able to assist us in Btate reformation than Andrew Johnson was. Truth is comprehensive, and fnrnisbes an unerring base to act on. Demagogues are noisy and imperious, and ever pretending to teaeh. We want no harangues. It is for us to say what is to be done. With troth and justioe on our side, midnight caucuses, secret societies and under-ground political railroads are useless ; and he who olaims to be ignorant,or yields to apathy, or is possessed of too much moral cowardioe to stand up to his neighbors to redress the wrongs inflicted on himself, wife and obildron doserv.s to be a slave. A LABORER AND TAX PAYER. - 4 ? For the Greenville Enterprise. Mr Editor'. I ere Tn your valuable newspaper, of last we-k, soma of my friends wish to use my name as a candidate for the Legislature. I consent for them to do so. If they accept me, they must accept my platform with me. If the one is rejected, both must be. This platform appeared in full in the same issue of your paper. Our Representatives to the Legislature must represent the people, and oot themselves. None but tboae who will ict under our instructions in Greenville, and not according to influences at OolUrnsia calling for other standpoints, will be mpported. No man should be supported who is, or ever was, suspicioned of han<l< infF hrih#t mnnau A rann/1 !? ??? A - r> --J ? ? Scott, Parker, Kimpton A Co.'a Bond* must it once be declared necessary. AHealariee < oust be out down ; all useless offices must >e out off; all legitimate debts should be >aid. Corporations, Commissioners and Legislatots must learn to submit to the roio* , >f their constituents, and not become usurp:rs of property, liberty and power. To you, gentlemen, who have been so , tind as to nemioale me, if you and your riends can except me on this platftrm, I ihall |be proud to aerve you. Thanking rou for the kindness you have shown in my >ehelf, I am Tours, truly, T. B. FERGUSON. Grsenvills, July 81st, 187S. 14-1 1 ? 1 roa Tax QSEKMVILLX CMTKRPSISB. | A Card Afr. Editor: In yonr pa pei1 of the 81st iltimo, I notice thet my name hne been ana tounced as a candidate t?r Sheriff of this /"uiivt, ounjovt v?? mo nnmin?HDg uonvftl)* inn. In lliaae dajs of fraud and eorrup- , ion, if is the doty of every candidate for ( >ublio office to defiao bia political prioci- 1 >lae. I have always been, am now, and expect o eontinue, a dyed-in-the-wooi Democrat, >nd will not Mortflaa principle for the sake ?f office. I think the Convention held in < Baltimore acted wisely io endorsing the < }inolnnali platform. Oreeley ia believed to I ?e eapable and honest, and I aball certain* I y east my vote for him in preferenee to Irani In do'ng so, I do not oonaider that , have compromised my polliieal prinei* | te < If nominated for Sheriff by the Democrat a party, and elected, I will aoeepl the of- , lee, end eerre to the beet of my ability, W. T. 9HU1CATE. ( foa iu QRU.1T1LUI BHTKBTKISS. I Pr#?ee4lngs of Pnblio Mdetfcu:. Pursuant to adjournment ot a meeting held | on Saleadnp In J una, A large and enthaaiaatle I aarating of the Democratic eiliaana of Greenf. ilia County, wee held la Ae Court Hoaue, one Monday, the 6th instant. Dr. 0. B. Irvine occupied the Chair, with F. B. MoBee ae Secretary. Col. S. 8. Crittenden offered the followiag preamble aud iwaolutiona, which he sustained, at aome length,'in a pertinent apeeeh t ' Whbrbas, We, the Democratic eittaena of Greenville County, in eommon with our countrymen throughout the whole United Statea, feel a deep internet in the grave and momentua laauea now pending between the rival partial who aeek, through the anffragea of the people, to govern the Republic during the neat four year*, and the contest being now narrowed down to a eeleotion of U. 8. Grant, the candidate of the Radical Republican party, or, of Horace Greeley, the candidate of the Liberal Republican parly, as President of the United States for the ensuing term ; end whereas, the principles and candidates of the biberal Re* publican party hare been endorsed and rati* fled by the National Democratic party, in Convention assembled, and in our opinion the suocoss of those principles and oandidates being best calculated to promote and preserve the constitutional liberties of the whole people, and to restore unity and reconciliation to the different sections ol our country ; therefore, be it Betolved, That we, the Democrats of Greenville County, in Mass Meeting assembled, do oordially and fully endorse the aotion of the National Demooratio Convention, whereby it re-nominated Horace Greoloy and B. Grata Brown, for President and Vice President of tho United States, at the ensuing election, and pledge to them our earnest support. I Retolctd, That while we regard the rode sap* tion of our own. State from the official plunderers who are now fatAfftog upon the substance of our people, imposing upon them a burden of .taxation unparalleled In amount, while misapplying and squandering the proceeds among their political partisans, we hope and believe .the election of Horace Uroeley will be one of the means promotive of this end. Rtsolved, As wo bolievo it to be a man's higbost dutj to protect bis own home, we also feel it to be our iatercat and duty to protect wui iw?i nuu vuuuij uuicos irum iuo grasp uk tbe anine Radical party which hu miigoverncd and ruined tho State during the past four years; and for thia purpose we recommend that a Convention of tbe anti-Radical party of tbia County be held at Oreeuville C. 11., on Monday, 19th of August, for tbe purpoae of nominating candidates tor tbe various offioea to bo filled at the ensuing elections. Jietolved, That all members of our party be I requested to meet at the usual placoa of meet1 ing in the various Townships, on Saturday, 'the 17th day of August, and elect by ballot tho delegates to which their Townships are entitled in said Convention. Rctolccd, That tho rate of representation should be throe delegates from each Township. Jtetolved, That we announce it as our firm belief that, with united and harmonious action amoug ourselves, wo oan defeat any ticket whioh oan be put in the field by the Radical party of Greenville County, by a majority of one thousand votes. The meeting was then addressed, in speeches of stirring eloquence, by thoae true Democrats and Carolinians, Gov. B. F. Perry, Col. E. P. Jones, Gen. M. C. Butler, John W. Stokes, J. P. Moore, T. Q. Donaldson, F. B. McBoe, A. C. Stepp, Col. J as. McCullough and T. B. Ferguson. On motion, the blanks in the resolutions were filled by inserting the 17th and liHh proximo, respectively, for the Township meetings and tho County Convention, and the number of delegates fixed at three to each Township. The preamble and resolutions wore then unanimously adopted. A resolution was also adopted instructing tho County Convention to nominate a candidate for member of Congress from the 4th Congressional District, and for Solicitor of the 8th Judicial Circuit. On motion, meeting adjourned. 0. B. IRVINE, Chairman. F. B. McBee, Secretary. For the Greenville Enterprise. Mr. Editor: in accordance with the progra mine of the meeting on yealerday, it should b.i the duty of the people In Township meetings, to determine on oertain cardinal points of State reform, and the responsibility and accountability of State officials. Some expres ions upoo the platform. put forth by Maj. T. B. Ferguson, in your issue of last week, will be advisable, entirely outside of National Issues. Domestic reform meana, low taxes, low salaries^ *nd utter and determined repudiation of all illegal Stale bonded issues, and taxes economically expended. Hundreds of lax payers imeud to insist tipou these preliminaries, and I trust that the people of Gieenville County, will insist upon, and sauction the same *)ews. TAX PAYER for the oreenvillb enterprise. To tho Citixsns of Greenville County. Ftlloio-Citiaen*: As a "number of gentlemen in different portions of the County have asked the liberty of using my name for nomination in the Democratio, or Liberal, Convention, I take this occasion to aay that I respectfully deeline having toy natne canvassed at all in the selection of the ticket. My position has been sufficiently defined. Respectfully, A. C. 8TEPP. For the Greenville Enterprise. Mr. Editor: With many thanks to the friends who have solicited the use of my name as a candidate for County Commissioner. I must respectfolly decline, as my business engagements are such that I cannot give that attention to the office whioh its importance deserves. T. C. GOWER. Greenville, S. C., August 0th, 1872. For the Greenville EnterpriseWe, the undersigned voters of the City of Greenville, suggest, that all citiiens who favor the election of Greeley and Brown, meet on Thursday, the 16th inst., at 4 o'olock P. M., for the purpose of nominating a ticket for Mayor and Alderman of the Oity, for the ensuing term. It ia of the atraost importance that we have a full meeting. J. C. BAILEY. A. 8. DUNCAN, M. M. OAtNKS, T.Q.DONALDSON, J. N. GREER, WM. BEATTIE, J. P. MILLER, JULIUS C. SMITH, TntlW W (in JliV i> r, X. U. UVnBA| W. 8. GRADY, O. P. MILLS, J. P. GRKEll, II. A. CAUBLK, Greenville Association. The Greenville Baptist Association nee la wiih Grove Station Church, on Friday be* lore the first Sunday in Oetoher next. The Assoeiational Sermon will he preached hy Iter. W. L. Ballard, the Moderator of the laat Association. *V. L. BALLARD, Aug 7-14-8 Moderator. For Congrase. We are authorised to announee Colonel ISAAC O. McKISSICK a candidate to reprelent. the Counties of Fairfield, Chester, York, Spartanburg, Union, Laurens, Ooonee, Pick* ins and Greenville in the Congress of the United States, at the next eleotion. 14-tf For Solicitor. The friend* of ABSALOM BLYTHE, ' Require, reepeotfully announce him as a Candidate for the office of Solicitor of the }|h Judicial Ciroult, at tha ensuing dec* i Lion. i WE arc authorised to annouoce the neorfe ?f JAMES B1RNIE, Esq., ee e Candidate lur im omc? 01 solicitor oi i n? tugnin jodis ilal Circuit, at tbe ensuing election. Al-tf 1 The friend* of Colonel W. H. PKRRY anion nee him ae a Candidate for Re-Klectioa I 'or Solleltor of the Sth Judicial Dletrict of I loutb Capita*. 60-tf i MNMNHHBeass^; lar IMHC At M?M? oLW. T. B&DSIAT1 iwpiilItallF announce bfe m a sbndidate far 8heriff, It at ensalng eleitloa, wMirt to tht nomination by the ConYeff tioa. Aa frletAl of PBTBR iPDDVTH aa* ' Bounce him a candidate for Sharif, at the aext election. 13-tf P. A. MoDAVID onooaoaaa bimaelf an independent candidate (not (br President) for Sheriff, at tba ensuing clodtion. July 81 It It* WK, the friondo of JAMBS 0. YBABGIN, onnounoe him a Candidate for Sheriff, at the next election. WB are authorised to anaoaaee J. L. SOUTHERN, Xtq., aa a candidate tor re* election, aa Sheriff for Qreeariile County. May 8 1 td For Judge of Probata. WB are authorised to announoe 8AMUBL J. DOUTUIT, Esq., aa a candidate for reelection aa Judge of Probate for OreenTllle I'nnnt. t ?.! | For the But? 8enate. THE friend? of Colon?! 8. 8. CRITTENDEN, annonnc? bim ft eandidftto for tbo 8tat? Seoat? at tb? ensuing ?l??tlon. May 29 4 td WE are antboriied by tbo frienda of J A ME 8 P. MOORE, Esq., to annonnoo bin a? candidate for ft ?eat in tbo Stat? Sonata, at tbo ensuing olootion. 1-td X, <a ; Tor Clark of the*Court. We are authorised to stale that ROBERT McKAY, Esq., is a Candidate for Clork of tbo Cou t, at the oonaing elsctioo. 11-tf WE are antboriied to annonnoo W. A. MeDANIEL, Esq., as a candidate for re-eiection as Clerk of the Conrt for Qreenrille Connty. May 8 1 td * For County Commissioner. The friend* of WM. J. WK8T respectfully prerent bii nam* to the Demooratio Nomine* ting Convention, as a ill and proper person for County Commissioner, at the ensuing eleo* tion. GROVE* The friends of J. M. WHITMIRE, of Bates Township, respectfully announce bim a candidate for County Commissioner, at the next eleotion. IS Many friends of A. R. MoDAVID Esq.. believing the publie good will be promoted by having one of the County Commission, sioner's resident st the Court House, pre* sent hie name to the Nominating Convention, subject to its action, as one eminently qualified for the plaee. July 11 11 if The friend* of T. C. GOWER, Esq., announce hire as e Candidate for the affiee of County Coaamisaioner of Greenville, at the ensuing eleotioo. IMf "Many Friends " raspeelfully announce Mr. WILLIAM L MAULD1N aa a oandidale for County Commissioner, at the eoau* ing election. 6?td THE friends of W. A. HUDSON, Esq., knowing that he has discharged his dntiea honestly and xealuoely, and aeeeptably to the people, announce him aa a candidate for reflection as County Commissioner for Greenville, at the ensuing eleotion. CAPT. WM. GOLDSMITH, B. R. JOHNSON, Esq. The above Ticket is nominated for County Commissioners, sad the gentlemen com posing it are respectfully requested to ah low their names to be used. TAX PAYER8. May 22 S * tdl2* For the Leglsl?Ure We are authorised to announce J. THOMAS AUSTIN as a candidate for the Legislature, at the next election, subject to the action af the Democratro Nominating Convention. 14?2 The friends of Col. JAMES MoCULLOUGH having obtained his consent for the nae of his name aa a oandidate for a seat in the next Legislature, respectfully pmaeot it to the Demooratio Nominationg Conrention for ratification. 14?2 THE friends of WILSON COOK, Esq.' announce him as e candidate for the Legislature at the ensuing election. WF ere authorised to enuonnee SIMEON R. WESTMORELAND, Esq., as a candidate for the Legislature, at the ensuing election. May 29 4 td W B are enthorised to announce F. B. McBEE, Esq., as a candidate for the Legislature, at the ensueiug eleotion. 1-td For School Commissi cm We are authorised to announce W. H. CELT a candidate for School Comtniisioner at tha next election, subject to the action of the nominating Con rent ion. 14-2 Tha friends of disabled soldiers respect fully announce JOSEPH BROOKSHIRK a candidate for School Oomrnieeiourr, at the ensuing election. He lost an arm in the defence of his country,sad Is oompt'.tnt fov the office. The friends of J. H. CAMPBELL announce him as a candidate for 8ohool Commissioner of Greenville County, at the ensuing election. Mr. Campbell is a one-armed Confederate soldier. IX S* We are authorised to announce Da. M, O. BERRY as a Caudltate for Sehool Comaiaeioner of Greenville County, st the en. suing election. 11?tf Wa are authorised te announce Capt. JOHN M. JONES as a candidate tor the office of School Commlseioner far Greenville Connty, at the eniuing election. July 10 ? w _ _ II WE art authorised to announoe JAMES K. DICKSON, Esq., aa a candidate for tbt ofloo of County School Commissioner at the toning election. 0-td WE art aalhoristd to annonnot BLIA8 BRAMLETT a candidate for the offeoe of School Commies loner of Greenville County, at the ensuing election. June 20 8 7* MANY Friends of Mr. BERRY LEAGUE, respectfully announce him a candidate for Sohool Commissioner, at the ensuing electlen. June IS 8 td WE are authorised by many frleuds of A. C. MoOEE, Esq., to anaoonoe Mm as a can didate for re-election aa Reboot Commie* loner of Greenville County, at the essuief election. ft-id WE are authorised by the friends of JOHN W. WOOD, Esq., to annouaco him as a candidate for School Oemmiesieser, at the ensuing lection. 8-td* THE friends of Mutation would respect- |' fuliy nominate Prof. J. B. PATRICK for I^U^al n.? ~-wl v a"",onwi ? ti?t . I Tip 111* Hut 91**h?m Heir to, N Beany,b?l remafly for them all la fttrofobod by. Datura, Wterp ie no doabt Ifolrar tvirj 4iiNN, thtr*ii nn antidote in lb* vegetable kingdom. The a bo rig lnMfcwert tha vietime of many and loath* euro* maladler, yet thay found in lha wllda of thair foraeta remedl*# aura and powerful. Acting on thle belief. Dr. TUTTS SAR8APAR'LLA AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT la offered tha public ae a mort highly oonoen* trated vegetable compound, poeereetng ax* traordlnary power for tha eura of Rheoma> Item. Neuralgia, Scrofula, Ulcere, Swelling of tha Glauda, Eruptione of the Skia, Pa* mala dieeaaae. Liver Complaint, Secondary SyphiHa, tha affect*of Mercury. Ae. It lea moat powerful elteeta>ive and blood purlftare and at iha aama time ao barmleee that It may oa uwa oy an. Watab out for Ohilla and Favor, and pro* para the avataro for raaiating iu allaok by utiog Dr. Tutt'a Livar Pilia. WW Dr. Tutt'a Hair Dya mnkaa Uia old look youbg Empty Barrels. rtr EMPTY MOLASSES BARRELS, fa JUlJ good ordar, for sal* low, by FOSTER A HUNTER. July 1 14 1 ' ' Piano Forte Tuning. c WM. H. ORCHARU# Professor of Mualo, of nM.n.111. far tha nur. Y ^ P?se? f T ONINQ "aa d J J \|r^l REPAIRING Piano Vw Forte*. Organs and Melodoons. Order* left at tbe Boarding-House of Mr*. Cobbn, or at tbo Drag 8tore of M. A. Hunter A Co., will bo prainpliy attended to. Aug 7 14 tf 80S00L BOOKS, &0. 1 Q DOZ. WEBSTER'S ELEMENTARY 1 O SPELLING BOOK to arrive tbi* week. aow oa BANE, Primer*, Reader*, Grammar*, Arithmetic*, Dictionaries, Geographic*, Ao, ALSO, GOLD PBN8, Fountain and Plain; FOUNTAIN PENHOLDERS, a very convenient article; Inkstand*, Ao. Q. R. ELFORD, Court Hou*e Square. Aug T 14 1_ lOO BUSHELS It UST P It O OF RED OATS, AT $1-00 PER BUSHEL. APPLY TO JULIUS C. SMITH. Aagusl 1 14 2 Toke of Oxen for Sale. I HAVE a v?ry Urge YOKE of OXEN to sell, on reasonable term*. If not ' old a* work animal* hy the first of October, they will be dUpoeed of for beef Apply to W. A. HUDSON. August 1st, 1872. 14-8 Office Board County Commissioner#, Grbentillb, 8. C., August 6, 1872. mm! a..t. e.--i..i .i ?.?- -A . _ .MU www-vviu?ulMIV|igiP (UrUDgQUU ( low I County are requested to have all the five days labor required by law to be expended on the Roads, including the time already worked. All road defaulters to be returned to this Office, through 8ub>Cotnmis*ioners, by Tuesday after 8alesday in October next, to be courtmar* Haled. W. A. Hl'D80N, Chair's Board Co. Commissioners. P. A. McDatid. Clerk. Aug 7 14 4 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may eon* corn, that I will apply to 9. J. Douthlt, Probate Judge of Greenville Oounty, on the 7th day of September next, for a FINAL DISCHARGE as Administrator of the Hex tale of GEORGE W. D1 Li* deceased. JAMBS M. BAILEY, Adm'r. Aug net 1st. 1872. 14-fi Notice. ALL parties indebted to the Estate of WILLIAM K. H1GHTOWKR. de* ceased, are requested to come forward and settle and those having claims will present litem on or before the 6th day of Novems ber neat, or be debarred. T. W. HIGHTOWER, Aug 7-14-14* Executrix. Col lector' Oflloe, 3d Diet., COLUMBIA, 8. 0 , Jul* 4?. 187*. IIV conformity with requirements of the Internal Revenue Law*, I hereby give notice to all persons who nvay elxitn one Copper St ill. Cap and Worm, and tan gallone of Whiaky, which were seis*-d from David D.ivia, on ih?* 29th d <y of Inly, 1872, to make aueh claim before dm within thirty days from the first publication of this no* ilea 0. L ANDERSON, Aug-7-14-S Collector 21 Disk United State* Internal Eeyenae. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 8d Dtwr.a 0., Columbia, July 24th, 1872. NOTICE is hereby given to all parties interested, that the following described property has beer, seised lor violation of Internal Revenue Laws of the United States, and that Bonds for Costs of an action In the United Slates Conrt for forfeit* ure must be filed in litis office withia thirty days from date hereof, or the property will I e sold under provisions of Section 68, Act July IStb, 1M6: One Copper Still, Cap sod Worn, One Yoke of Oxen, One Wegon, Two Half Barrel* Whisky, Two Boxes Plug Tobacco, 104 lbs. C. L ANDERSON, Collector Sd District, S. C July 26 11 8 A , Call from the publlo will aasnro them thai we oan supply all that la needed by a I MAN In the way of Orenge#, Lemons, Nnta^ all kind% Candies, Sugar, Coffee, To banco. vuvwiug boo smoking, Cigars, sod almost everything to be FOUND la a wall ordered aUre of tbU oharaotar. Thoao who purohaoo from ua, go awaj pleated ; an<f at to prioot, wt hate a DEAD ' ; Thing on moat dealers, being extremely low. Our loeation, Hf Polot of eoirreaieoef, ia not excelled, oq Angueu Street, where our Irieade ehould tell, A ' Large eopply la ooneteelly kepi ee hand, w hich will be told by reU 1 or by the WAOKnr Load. Cell end aee na before purokeafog aleewhere. FRANK HAMMOND & 00. Aogoet 7 U