University of South Carolina Libraries
V?r Shbrtff, The friends of W. T. 8HUMATS rwpMlf?'J? *n?ouno* him a* oandidate for Sheriff, t the mmIm lection, aebject t? thonamlsiaUen by the Convention. The friend* of W. POTIOR StTDDUTH enbonnoe him n candidate for Sheriff, at the nest eieetlon. 18-tf P. A. McDAYID annooocea himself an Independent candidate (not for President) for Sheriff, at the ensuing election. July SI IS ' It* WE, the friends of JAMBS O. TBARQIN, Annnunns htm m fismiHitsU fur (Ihartif. al fhm next ilMtion. , , Wl m? authorized to annonnoe J. L. 80UTHBRN, Baq., M * candidate tor reelection, a* Sheriff for OMomritl* County. ' I td Tor Judge of Probata. WI ar* uthoriud to aoooooo* 8AMUEL J. DOUTHIT, Baq., aa a oandidat* for reelection aa Judge of Probata for Greenville County. ' ' 1-td Tor the Stat* Senate. TBI friand* of Colonol 8, 8* CRITTENDEN, aanouno* bin a candidate for th* State Seoata at the ensuing election. May SO , ' .4 f , td WE ar* anthoriaed by tbo frienda of JAMES P. MOORE, Baq., to annoano* hiin aa a oandidat* for a aeat in tha State 8enato, at the onanlng election. 1-td Tor Clork of tk* Court. We ar* authorized to atst* that ROBERT MoKAY, Eaq., la a Candidate for Clerk of the Gou t, at the coming election. 11-tf WE are authorised to annonnoo W. A. Mox . DANIEL, Baq., aa a Candida to for reflection as Clark of tbo Court for Qreenvillo County. May 8 1 td Por Solicitor. Tho frienda of ABSALOM BLYTIIE, Enquire, respectfully announce him aa a ? fl-.- .? ' U-II-I.? ? - .1/1 ...a viiidv wi ouncuor ui me 8tli Judicial Circuit, at the ensuing elec* tion. WE are authorize ! to announce the name of JAMES BIRN1E, E?q? as a Candidate far the office of Solicitor of the Eighth Judis ?iat Circuit, at the ensuing election. 61?tf The friends of Colonol W. H. PERRY ansiouuce him ?s a Candidate for Re-Election for Solioitor of the 8th Judioial District of South Carolina. 60-tf For County Commissioner. The friends of J. M. WHITMIRE, of Bates Township, respectfully announce him s candidate for County Commissioner, at tbo next election. 13 Many friends of A. R. McDAVID Esq.. believing the puhlic good will be promoted by having one of the County Commission, sioncr's resident at the Court House, present bis name to the Nominating Convention, subject to its setion, as one eminently qualified fur the place. July 17 11 tf The friends of T. C. QOWER. Esq., announce him as a Candidate for the office of County Commissioner of Greenville, at the ensuing election. 9-lf "Many Friends " respectfully announce Mr. WILLIAM L MAULDIN es a eandi date for Couoty Commissioner, at the ensu ing election. 5?td THE friends cd W. A. HUDSON, Esq., knowing that he has discharged hia duties honestly and zesluorly, and acceptably to the people, announce him as a candidate for reelection as County Commissioner for Greenville, at the ensuing election. CAPT. WM. GOLDSMITH, B. R. JOHNSON, Esq. The above Ticket is nominated for County Com mission are, and the gentlemen corn * poring it are respectfully requested to al?low their names to be used TAX PATERS. May 21 8 ld!2? For the LegislatorsTHE friends of WILSON COOK, Eeq., announce him as a candidate for the Legislature at the ebsuing election, WF are authorised to announce SIMEON R. WESTMORELAND, Esq., as a candidate for tba Legislature, at the ensuing election. May 29 4 td W8 are authorised to announce F. B. McBEB, Esq., as a candidate for the Legtolature, at the eosuelog election. 1?td For 8ehool Commissioner. The friends of t. H. CAMPBELL announce him as a candidate for Sehool Commissioner of Qreearillo County, at the ensuing election. Mr. Campbell is a one-armed Confederate soldier. IS 8* We are authorised to announce Da. M> O. BERRY aa a Canditate for Sehool Commieaioncr of Greenville County, at the ensuing rleotion. 11-tf We are authorised toanoounoe Capt. JOHN M. JONES as a candidate for the offloe of School Commissioner for Greenville County, at the ensuing eleetion. July 10 10 tf WR are authorised to announce J A MRS K. DICK80N, K?q? as a candidate for the oAee of County Sehool ComaBisaioner at tha ensuing election. 8-td WK are authorised to announce ELIAS BRAMLETT a candidate for the office of Sehool Coasnsieaioner el Greenville County, at the enauing election. June 26 8 ' 7* MANY Friends of lir. BERRY LEAGUK, respectfully announce him a candidate for Sehool Commissioner, at the ensuing electien. Jnne12 9 td WK are authorised hy many friends of A. I 0. McGBB, E*q., to announce him * can ! dfdnte for re-election of School Commit* ioner of Qr?envill? County, at Iho cowing election. 8-td W8 or* authorised by tho frtande of JOHN W. WOOD, Kaq., to idimim him u o candidal# for School CommUaionar, a* th* ensuing lection. S-td* THE friend* of Kduaatioa would rwpeetful y no mi a* I* Prof. J. B PATRICK for School OoagwMrioner, at th* onaoing *) ? tion. NOTICE. TUI aqt*mi?r*feip h#r*tofora aelttjng betwreo W. K. EASLKY and 0. (J W ELLS, b diaaolved by th* death of tba former. All person* ladehtod to the late firm are raqueaud to maka payment to th* Burs rivor. July 24 IS S I ea*i?a^?? Copartnership Notice. THE undersigned begs leaee to an* Dounoe that he bee farmed e copartnership for the preetieo of Lew, with Col. JAMES S. COTHRAN of AlbeVille, who will hereafter b# associated with bin la the management of ell litigoted eases, both io the State end United States Courts. Office ft Greenville, 0. H , formerly that of Eaeley A Wells. O. O. WILLS. July M 13 S SAWYER'S TmnrnvflH Rnt.tnn (tin. WITH Adjustable Roll Box and 8wlnglng Front, for ginning damp, wot or dry Cotton. Also. tbo eolobrntod tiriswold Gin. Boring aeoepted tbo Ageney of tho oboro, I om now prepared to roooiro ordors for and farniah to tbo Plantar* tho atoro Qin?, at manwfikoturere' prlooa, with frolgbt addod to thla point. I'haro at my offloo, for inspeotlon, on* of the aboro Giur. II an tor* ore reqneatod to oall and examine. Every Gin warranted. J0LIU8 q. SMITH, Conrt llouae Square. July 24 12 4 ORDINANCE For the Better Regulation of Build ings and other Structures on the Streets of the City of Greenville. T>K IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Al? If dermen of the City of Groonrllto, in Council aaaetnbled, and by authority of tho aamo, that on and after the paoaage of tbia Ordinance it ahall not bo lawfal for any party or partioa to oreot any wooden building of any kind whatever on the Main Street ot aaid City. Sac. 2. That before any person or persona shall prooeed to erect any Store House, Dwelling Houae, Hotel, Stable, Fence, Awning, Cel lar Door, and other structure of any kind whatsoever, application shall first bo made to the City Counoil, in writing, stating the use and purp-ise to which the said building or other structure is designed, and stating the place of loeation for the same, and a permit from tho Mayor and Aldermen be obtained to oreot such building or other structure, before the samo shall be commenced. Sac. 3. It shall be the duty of tbo City Couneil to send a Surveyor to define the lines of the street or streets to any party or parties wishing to build in the City. Sxc. 4. It shall bo the duty of the City Clork to number the applications made undor Section 2d of this Ordinance, in the order in which they are presented, and to file the samo. Sxc. 5. All parties failing to comply with the requirements of this Ordinance shall bo fined not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars. Done and ratified, under the corporate seal, this ninth day of July, Anno Dom[L. S.] ini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. J. P. MOORE, Mayor. A. R. McDavid, City Clerk. 12-lm Sale by Marshal. BY virtue of an Order, to me issued, from the Honorable the Distriet Court for *touth Caiolina, I will sell to the hiuhest bidder, at auction, before the old Court House on Saturday, the 8d day of August pro*., at 11 o'clock A M., the following property, to wit: Two Horses. One Wagon, One*fourth Box Tobacco. Sale to be managed by W. H. Mour.ce, Deputy Marshal. Term* Cash. R. M. WALLACE. Marshal for South Carolina. July 24 12 2t PAUL B. LALANE. I E. F. LAROU88ELIERE. | A. A. AVK1LHB. PAUL B7LALANE & CO., wholesale grocers AND Commission Merchants, AT NO. 175 EAST BAY, Charleston, S. C. July 24 12 ly GEO. W. WILLIAMS. JAMES BRIDOE, JR. WILLIAM BIRNIE. FRANK E.TAYLOR. JOS. R. ROBERTSON. ROBT. 8. CATBCART. Geo. W. Williams & Co., Factors and Commission Merchants, CHABLL8TON, 8. O.. a wo Williams, Birnie & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 65 Biavbr Street and 20 Exchanor Place, NEW YORK. Messrs. Foster A Hunter are prepared to make liberal advance* on Cotton and Produce shipped to us either in Charleston or New York. 12-4m The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. lit/ S. J. DOUTlllT, ?({,, Judge oj Probate, laid County* WHEREAS, John L. Smith has Sled a Petition in my Offloe, praying that Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and obattels, rights and eredits of JORDAN UICKS, Sen., late of the County aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceasid. to be and appear in the Coart of Probate for said County, to beholden at Greenville Court House, on the 6th day of Auquit next, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. 8. J. DOLTHIT, J. P., O. 0. Office of Judge of Probate, July 22d, 1872; July 24 12 2 TUKNIP SEEDS, W. H. WATSON'S, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. JUST received, via: English Purple Top, Skirving's, Seines', and White Rota* Bags. Yellow.?Large A bei been ; Robert eons Golden Ball; French ^Hanover); Pin land and Stone. WhiU.?English Large Not folk, Dutch and Green Globe; Flat | Dutch R-d Top and White ; Salading 8ev en Top, freed nun 01 caretui eunure. ooia by w. igh\ In paakagre which glee praelh eei dir. ciione. A liberal dieoount le offered to the trade. Alo, HARDWARE AND TOOLS of all eUeee, including the lately patented Lightning, Meohanle'e Own, and other ?oo perior elaeeee of Sawe. Aleo, I'alnle, Color, inge, Veroirhee, and Article' Materiale. July 1# U 8 MILLINERYATCOST. A RARE CHANCE FOR THE LADIES. FOR the next thirty daya, my etook will ba offered at Coet. Among the ?eriety may he found Trimmed HATS and BOMfRTB, Latent gtylee Real and Imlta> tion HAIR, Pancy JEWELRY, Ac, Ac. I aleo keep on hand a general clock of MILLINERY, which 1 will he glad to aell to the Ladiee. Man. JENNINGS. - - - t A n ] Jy 10 * fm- The Firm of KLPORD A WKLL8 km Q. O. Witu, in nonaequMiM of bis iooranaivi public that I Will COOtiUM the Book and Sl*tu July 19,1172. O. SI. S3] DEAL BOOKS AND STAPLE Al CO CRT HOUBS 8QTJA1 Imp* la ftotk tkt kUvwiaf, together wit] J) ILLBT, Note, Latter, Foolrcap, Bill Cap,; J Legal Cap, Flat Latter, Flat C.p and usio Papar, by tha quire or ream. MEMORANDUMS, Indexes, Day Books, Lad fori, Raoord Books, foil and half bound. ?? QH nnn KNVBLOPB8, of rarioaa OUjUUU sisos and qnallttaa, from $1.76 to $5 a thousand. A FULL 8UPPLT of Pans, Ink, Inkstands, jCX. Panoils, Scaling Wax, Latter Clips, Water Colors, Chassmon, Rubber Bands, Viaiting Cards. Ao., Ao. June 28 I Excelsior JUattrf THE public is informed that ihera is sue the Wonderful Excelsior Sound and refreshing sleep is secured th M?ttresees. Persons need not hare their p Bugs, for they trill not Infest thi* Mattree These Mnltreraee era irotten un In terlom and flOi A good assortment always 00 ha carriage maker*, that this Patent Excelsior it ia very light and durable, and I would r? any quantity, aa I buy direot frcm the Bot and 1 ean aril U very en<op. Manufacturer of the " Wonderful Patent ^.ourt House City Election. ON the Second Monday in Septembar next, there will be an election held for MAY OH and SIX ALDERMEN, of the City of Greenville, to serve for the ensuing Term.? Any person qualified Constitutionally to vote for members of the Oeneral Assembly of this State, and who have resided sixty (60) days within the Corporato Limits ot the City, prior to the day of Eleotion, and who shall have Registered bis name with the City Clerk as a voter, will be entitled to vote at said eleotion. THE BOOKS OF REGISTRATION will be OPENED by A. R. McDAVID, City Clerk, at his office, on Saturday, 3d day of Auguit, and will close at 5 o'clock, P. M., on Satur~ day, the 9th day of August, of said month. JAMES P. MOORE, Mayor. A R. McDavid, City Clerk. July 24 12 2 Notice. ALL persons are warned not to trade for a certain NOTE, secured by mortgage, dated 24th February, 1872, for One Hundred Dollars, twelve months after date, given by the undersigned to Joseph M. Chandler, as the same will not be paid. 8ARA11 E. L. MITCIIEL. July 23d, 1872. 12-2 itu- ot.t. ? B ci it. rt si Ant? outw ux ouuiu uarouua. GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'B BALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Fa etas to me directed, I will sell before lha Court House door, on Saletday in An J tut next, between the hours of 10 o'clock n the forenoon end 8 o'ojock in the after noon, 9 Framed Pictures, 1 Clock, 1 Sewing . Midline, 1 Rockawsy and Harness. Lev led on as the properly of A. B. Stephens, at the suit of K. H. Jacobs. One Tract of Laud containing 18 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of PrieclaTur ner, MalindaTrainmell and others. Levied on as the propei ty of Joseph Lemanoe, at the suit of M. C. Goodlett. also. All Defendant's interest in the following properly : One Tract of Land, known as the Baisiyi Tract, containing Two Hundred and fifty-five acres, more or lees, adjoining tract wherson Defendant now lives. One Lot in Marielts, containing Six acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Salmons and Cleveland. One Store House and Lot in Marietta, containing One and three-quar ters acres, mora or less, adjoining lands of J. II Cleveland. One Tract of Land, containing Eighty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Cleveland, Tinsley and Stephen Powell. Also, one Tract Land, known as the Richards' Tract, containing 161$ acres, more or less, adjoining lands of M. Carter and M. E. Powell. Also, one Tract, known as the Good Tract, cons taimng One Hundred acres, more or less, lying on North Saluda River. Also, one Tract of Land, containing One Hundred and filly-one acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Matthew Watson, Wm Powell, Ez. kiel Burns and Fanny Shelton. Levied on as the property of Edward Powell, at the suit of H. Bischoflf <fc Co and others vs. West it Powell, Homestead to be set off before day of sale. also, All Defendant's right, title and interest in one Tract of Land, containing Eight Hundred acres, more or leas, together with a Cotton Factory thereon, known as Weaver's Factory, together with all the tools, fixtures, appliances and appurtenances thereto belonging. Also, one Tract ot Land, known as the Craine Tract, containing Two Hundred acres, more or less, adjoining the F?Atnrv Tronl I .savior) nn aa e? i? of Martha E Whilden. at the suit of Washington E. Taylor aud Francis A. Miles ? Homestead to be set off before day of eale. Terms, Cash. Purchasers to pay for stamps and paper* J. L SOUTHERN, 9. O. 0. Sheriff's Office, July 8th, 1872 1 0-4 ATTENTION REPUBLICANS t WHEREAS, Hon. Alonzo J. Ransisr, Chairman of the State Executive Committee, has issued a call for a State Convention to bo held in the City of C?lum bia, on Wednesday, August 21st, 1872, for the purpose of nominating Seven Candidates (or Electors ef President and VlcePresident of the United Stalest for Governor, L'eutenant-Oovernor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Comptroller-General, Attorney-General, Adjutant and In*pee tor General. State Supeilntendent of Education, and for One Member of Congress from the State at lergr; alto, a State Executive Committee, a County Chairman for each Count), ami a Chairman for each Con gressional District, Mow, therefore, by virtue of the power vested in me ae Chairman for the County of Qjeenville, 1 do hereby order that a County Convention he held at Mountain Creek Church, on Saturday, the 10th day of August pro* , for Ilia purpose of electing four Delegates to the aala Stale Convention The Repul-ltcana of each Township will therefore please hold public meetings in their respective Townships, alter thoroughly advertising the time, plsee and purpose for which they are to be held, aid select Delegates to the aaid County Convention. Tite ratio of representation will be as follows: Dunklin Townahfp, 4; Oak Lawn, 8 ; Fairriew, 4 ; Orove, 8 ; Austin, 4 ; Oanlt, 8 ; Butler, 4 ; Greenville, 8; Chiek Spring*, 8; Paris Mountain. 8; O'Neal I, 4; Betee, 4; Highland, 8} Glaeey Mountain, 4 ; Saluda, 4 ; Cleveland, %. WILSON COOK. Chairman Oreeovilie County. July 17 11 4 CALF SKINS, AT THE COAOn FACTORY. JUST RECEIVED, THREE DOZENS FINE FRENCH 8KIN8, ?t very low prieee, for eaah. OOWKR, COX A MARKLKY. -w TIIBDTV WniTII T V A TV 1 Tnu AT I J Coach Factory. Jj 10 10 4 1 'tag boon diMolrod by tbo withdrawal of Cnpt. ; professional prutlM, T rospocttally notify Um Mwry Awlnwt at th? MM itud. ? 0. E. BLVOED. BR IN Ar*" B ID FANCY STA1I0NIRY, LB, OEBBNVILLB, EC. h natmi athav Artialo* in siaaflar liaaa : BIKLH, TuttaMli, Hymn Books ; Infant Class Question Books Union Questions, Consecutive Questions Close Books, Reword Tickets Freeh Lou re Is, Pure OoM, Traits end Flowers Prise Books, Bible Dictionary, ks. a0> Snndoy School Libraries ordered, end tarnished free of freight, ot publication prices. T AW end Trlol Justice Bleak*, at Charles* I 1 ton prioee, by the quire or quantity. I Deeds, Mortgagee, Mosonio Demits, Droits, Ac. 1 6m !88 Manufactory. b o place in Greenville, where they oen get jnattresuea and PI I Iowa* ete hot end sultry oighte by lying on theee lcosont dreams distuned by that rat, Bed s. They ore o greet comfort to the weery style*, sixes end prices, from $6, $7, 88, $0 nd. Would also soy, for the information of is a good thing for stuffing cushions, Ac., as commend it. 1 can furnish the Raoelslor in iton Excelsior Companr in large quantities, ? J. O. O. TURNER/ l Exoelsior Mattress, two doors 8<>u?h of 11-t* W. B. SMITH A CO., JR flB and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. B. Smith. A. H. Jones. L. M. Jones. W. B. Whalkt. to Consignments solicited, on which Liberal Advances will he made. ?o? tr Refer to Messrs. Foster A. Hunter, Greenville, S. C. Jj 8 9 mg DRUGS AND MEDICINES. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FRESH SUPPLIES. JUST RECEIVED, One Vvt.n E<i?. JUA?I CI JL" FRENCH BRANDY, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. ?o? MILLVILLE FRUIT J^LR, THE BEST IN USE. TO BE RECEIVED IN A FEW DAYS, KrJJiDtlWB TURNIP SEED, THE MOST RELIABLE. I ?o | JUST TO HAND, AN ASSORTMENT OF HARPER'S and APPLETON'S m ^ jm.. rmrt k; am rmo* BOOKS AND STATIBHSRY, AT LOW RATBS. ?o? MO VLDIJYG FOR FRAMES, SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT (CP Examine Prices before Buying. MARSHALL I MAUI* OPPOSITB MANSION HOUSE. July 10 10 ly STATE Ofr SOtJTH CAROLINA, OHE UNVILLI! COUNTY. BherfTa lain. BY virtne of an order from 3. J. Dou TillT, Probate Judge of Greenville County, 1 will eel), on Salnday in Augtut next, before the Court House door, at public ootory, the follcwiog Tract# of Land, win: All that Tract of Land, aitnate la Greenville County, on water* of Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining land* of R. F. Whllden, Jamea P*w and others, and containing One Hundred and twenty-five anree, more or lea*. 8o d as lb* properly of Naaey Babb, deceased, for partition among the heirs. ALSO, All thatTraot of Land, altsata l^Greenvilla Coauty, on waters of OroVa Creak, adjoining Lands of John Charles, Hewtet Chapman, B. Charles and others, and oon taining Two Hundred and eight acre*, more or leea Sold as the property of O. k, Garrtaoo, deceased, to pay debts, Ac. Tbsms.?For Tract No. I, a credit of twelve months; and for Tract No 2, five months, with interest from day of sale, for I (U union will p*j in* *o*l*. which will b* required in ***k on the day of Hl?. Purchaser* (o give bond and approved security, with a mortgage of the premieea, to tha Prohat* iodge, to Mourt the payment of tha parabaae money. Purchaser* to pay for lillea and stamp* J. L SOUTHERN, 8. O. C. Shut iff '* Office, July 8th. 1872. 10-4 / JOHN H. S< LIFE ADD FIRE I] IS PEKPAREI Policies on all C JIT THE LOW KOKH! KTTT TUV. Q A VJPC7? / North British and M and Edinburg, $10,00 Home Of N. Y. Cap Georgia Home, " OFFICE WITH MESSR GREEJY May 1 65 filTIMS' SAVINfiS! BA1MK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. :o: Compound Interest Allowed on Deposits* :o: WM. MARTIN, President. JOHN B. PALMER, Vice-President. A. Q. BRENIZER, Cashier. J. C. B. SMITH, Local Assistant Cashier. J. H. SAWYER, Assistant Cashier, In General Charge. DIRECTORS. Wade Hampton, Rev. William Martin, A. C. Haskell, P. W. McMaster, E. H. Heinltsb, John B. Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia; J. Ell Qrogg, Marion; O. T. 8cott, W. Q. Mayes, Newberry; B. H. Rutledgo, Daniel RAVenol, Jr., Charleston. :o: Greenville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Assistant Cashier. to: Planters, Mechanics, and Professional Men, Widows, Orphans, Trustees and County Officers, having money for which they have no present use, can liero ueposit it, thus avoiding all risks of thefts and destruotion by fire, and at tbe saino time draw interest thereon till needed. Oitizcns of Orccnvillc can save thou- I sands of dollars by patronizing their Bank. Deposits solicited, no matter how small, or how large. Qold and Silver received on deposit, at interest, and repaid in kind, or in currency, as agreed upon. May 22 3 Cm LAND FOR SALE. TWO TRACTS of LAND, on South Salu. da River, containing 780 acres, part best River and Creek BOTTOM, with new improvements Also large lot cf valuable HORSES, CATTLE and HOGS. Apply to JULIUS C. SMITH, or J. M. McCLANAHAN. May 29 4 td Mrs. Minnie O'Conner, RESPECTFULLY CALLS tho attention of tho Ladies <>f Grcen7llle and Vicinity to the UljflBQSV fact, that she will open, on Monday, 27th May inst., An Elegant Assortment of "I!! FANCY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, consisting in part of: Lace Goods, Fancy Jewelry, Zephyr Worsteds, > Millinery Good* of Every Description. And wany other Articles too numerous to mention. N. B.?A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. Mty 22 S tf Just Received, UIcKAY>S, V||f NEW SUPPLY LEGHORN AND STRAW t2T "ATS. BONNETS. RIBBONS. g| Q3P" Ladies' TIES and HAIR GOODS, Uf"RUNDOWNS AT FIFTY OF.NTS. ^1 July 6 |5 tf Prof. M. G. DeCamps* DEALER in ell kinds, of MUSICAL MERCHANDIZE. On hand-Pis anoa. MeloJeons, Flutes, Ac, Sheet Mueie and Mnslo Books Call and see him, at his | Rooms lo U'o ACADEMY OF MUSKX A'ear the Female College, i Greenville, 8. C. Msv 22 S__ tf I kr-it? M U HUU IS hereby given to all whom it may concern ' that I will apply to 8. J. Doutiiit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 12th day of Augnet next, for a Pinal Discharge as Administrator of the Estate of T. It. CUNNINGHAM, deeeased. ASA CUNNINGHAM. July 6th, 1873. 10-5 < Cherubusco Mills. I AM prepared, with my new Mills and a competent Miller, to grind wheat into a superior quality of FLOUR, promptly . and on short notice, and would reepeotAilly I ask the patronage ol the public. All 1 ask is a trial PHILEMON HUFF. Jane 35. 8 tf Notice. ONE of the Finest bU LLS (Durham and ' Ayrshire) ever brought to the County, is now Standing at the Lot of MILLS, McBRAYER A CO., for the use of the public. May 1 83 tf AT Tuc pninu rAATnati n 1 11 b vvnvn muiuni DOZENS Adm and Rowland's SPADES. Doxens Square-point R. K. SHOVELS. One Groee Long-handle, Hound-point, Steel R. R. S1I0VRL8. Two Dot. Ogden'a Best R. R. Steel PICKS. 1 UOWKK, COX A MAKKLBY. One Ton Pare LIBERTY WHITE < LEAD, at the Coach Factory. > Jj 10 >0 6 * I N IHOFIELD, KSTJBANCE AGENT, 0 TO ISSUE 'lasses of Risks, funs'i' mil'us. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. ercantile, of London Capital (Gold) 0,000. ital, $2,500,000. $850,000. 8. EARI.E & BI.YTHE, VILEE, 8. C. \ u SAMUEL &TRADLEY, SUCCESSOR TO DAVID & STRADLEY, WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE HIS FRIENDS, AT TIIE OLD STJlJYD, WHERE HE WILL SELL THEM AT LO mmm. Feb 28 43 tf e B ?? ca s | fc) *S S S SS-? * 1 J 2 . ;fla w ** a! & 5 5 * -i (a i s - fl a w 38 * 11 < 63 Um 52 * ?S W og|M W Co 6 i? " H 1 2 i ? S" U - 5.2?*. stj KiS.|-ip O I as g a g = h *H I i" | g ^ 2 * lh ? ? ra 1 ? i ^ -g 3S M jg H * I g ? =5 ? i g s " r, 3 ?? -s ? I UJ ? ~ S ? 2 CI PS s ^ Z H I 5 9 1 2 ? H ) a J tf |s ^ s = 3 * 2s5 5= W * 22 J, * * 6L^, ? ? P" r-* * - *> 1 - CO C ? S 2 Jj @ 2 .a a "H s ?-> e* I O " _s < Office Comptroller Genera), * Coltmbia, 8. C.? February 1, 1872. IIIS is to certify that the GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published in the town of Greenville, 8. C., ia hereby designated by this Board aa the paper in which legal and publio notices shall be pnhlishod, for the County of Greenville, in accordance with the " Act to regulate the publication of all lefal and public notices," which became a law ebruary 23d, 1870. J. L. NEAQLK, Comptroller General. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney Goneral. THE above is a true copy of the original on lie in the ofFioe of Secretary of State. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. Feb 14 41 tf T. W. DAVIS v&Tca maker mil wmii CORNER OF a* ih? ma,n joi III liijr AND Washington Streets next Door to Ifatlonnl luk, OREENVILLB, 8- C. May 8 1 t( Boot and Shoe K&king. THB UNDERSIGNED la prepared with competent Workmen to fill all ordera For BOOTS and SHOES, of both fine and heavy qoalltioe, on short, notice. He guar* anteee satiafaetion. REPAIRING prompt* ly attended to, er Shop nearly opposite Me*ere. Gov* ir, Cox A Markley a BUTLER DYER. April 10 19 ly WHITHER SYMMES, J Attorney and Couaeollor at Lav GREENVILLE, 3. C. OFFICE.-*" Court Doom Room nitd by Coantj CoamkMoairf. April 10 49 Cm BURT & GRAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE. S. O.. Will /Varti'w in the Comrto of Mo Stmte om( lit United States. OFPICR?Rear room of New Coart Hoaee Mar 20, 1872. 46 tf C. C. Stephens, ATTORNEY AT LAW. GREENVILLE. 8. C. OFFICE IN REAR OF BEATTIK'd 8T0RE. pM" Prompt attention glran to Collaation*. 29-tf Jan 31, 1872. E. P. JONES. ATCTPCOIRMrarS' AW M?, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL PRACTICE IM ALL COURTS OP THIS STA1E ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. OSes at Greenville C. H., f. 0. July 1, 1869. 1 ly* M. O. BUTLER. V. B. MCBKC. BUTLER & McBEE. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GREENVILLE, S. C., Will Practice in the Courts of tlio State and of the United States. May 81 4 tf ATLANTA DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. PRINCIPAL OFFICES: auama, u&., ana Memphis, Tenn. CAPITAL. 8228,500.00. GEN'L JOHN B. GORDON, President. W. C. MORRIS, Scaretary. Gkn'l A. H. Colquitt, Vice President. E.' W?"I*olla?id, f Fin*nce Committeo. MEDICAL BOARD: j. m. JOHNSON, >1. p. h. V. m. miller, m. d. Asset* Jaly 1st, 1870, 8826 222,7 ? C. C. STEPHENS, Agent for Up-couotry V?T Address all communication* to P. O. Box 25, Greenville, S. C. SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO, A Purely Southern InstitutionINSURES LIVES and promptly adjust* and pays losses. The Department in this State invests all its lunds in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. * It has ample means to fully protect Poliey holders and pay all losses. Issues all the improved forms of Policies?Life, Litni-. ted Payment, (5,10,15 or 20 payments) Endowment (plain,) Endowment (limited payment,) Return Premium, Joint Life, Short Term, Children Endowments, and Annul* ties, in turns of $1,000 to $10,000, as may be desired. By the terms of Charter the wife and children may be made sole beneficiaries, and the value of the Policy can only b* controlled by them, n ? - - * - -1 rciiimms recetveu >d csBli and entitled to Annual dividends. ALL POLICIES NOW FORFEITABLE After second annual payment. Every rea. sonable Indulgence extended the assured) Including liberty to travel, change of occu? pation and accommodation in paymentPremiums payable annually or seml.annn. ally. No extra charge for permits. Any premium stipulated to be paid annually, can afterward* be paid aetni*annnally, if de? sired. Assurance Within the reaoh of all. TRUE TESrOF COMPANY'S STRENGTH. Ratio oj Antrti to Linbilitiet, $209.67 to $10D. Patroniee Home Enterprises, PROGRESS OF THE COMPANY. Assets, January 1st, I860 $884,246.85 " January 1st. 1870 6*8 294.01 April 1st, 1870 719.928.62 July 1st, 1870 826,222.72 Mar 27 47 tf CAROLINA LIFE INSU6&ICIE COMP&IY. op MEMPHIS, TENN., AND BALTIMORE, MD. Assets, $1,100,000. MUI*. JK.KKKKSON DAVIS, P??aiD*KT. GEN. WADE HAMPTON. VicaPaaeiowT. GEN. JOHN D. KENNEDY, General Agent for South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. JOHN II. 8C0FIKLD, Agent, Greenville, 6. C. Mar IS 46 6m For Bent or Sale. . the large brick HOUSE, second square beloW ^?urt House. It HlflBSUflorcoelaine eight upright rooms, also all necessary outbuildings. For terms, apply to O. B. IRVINE. May 8 1 tf L 0 0. F, Mountain Lodge, No. every Friday Night, at their Hall, over Marshall A Mauldin'a Drug Store. Regular at. tendance desired. James p. moore, n. c. Aug no 17 If Tailoring. The undereigmd have opened a TAILORING 8HOP at the aland an* <lom north of the Port Office, having re-fitted tha Mint, wh?ro thoy are prepared to do all CUTTING. MAKING and REPAIRING of GARMENTS committed to them. Complete Kits guaranteed, nod all Work warranted, aod turned ont promptly. Terms reasonable. tr One or two good Tailors can fifd permanent employment at fair wages. o. n POOR E A CO April 2<