University of South Carolina Libraries
S*mSSmHB!**HFFSF"H?? Th. Tina of ItPORU i fltUUi 0. 0. W?LLi, la nniiMfa?h of hU lanraaatei public that I will oontinaa Ibo Book and Jftmti July lt,H78. 1R CKmS BOOKS ARB STAKE *1 OOUET B0U8I 0QOA1 Zitpa la Stoak tk? following, tofnthar wil T) ILLBT, Note, Latter, Foalacnp, Bill Cap, JP Local Cap, Flat Latter, Flat C.p aad Koala Papal) ky tha qoira or raaia. M8M0RABDUM8. Iadaaaa, Day Book. . Ladgaro, Bcoaad Baaka, fhll and half Ork AAH BNVBL0PK8, of raiioua OvJaUUU ateaa aad qaalUlea, from 01.76 to OS a Baaaat A FULL SUPPLY of Pana, Ink, Iakatanda, A. Panada, Saaltng Was, Latter Clip., w,ur OdMra dhaaaM. R.kk*r ni??iU Vl?. King Card*, 4a., 4a. June H I Excelsior Mottri THE pnblla la Informed thai ibara la aoa tha Waaiagfial Eiealalar Boaad and refreshing sleep U seeured th Mattresses. Persons naad not bare their p Boca, lor they will Hot Infest thla Mattraa These Mattresses -era gotten op la vnrlou and $10. 4 good aoaortmant always on ha oarrlnga makers, that thin Patant Esoalnlor dt la vary light and durable, and 1 woOld re any quantity, at I bay direct from tha Boi and I can eel I It vary ehaon. Manufacturer of tha * Wonderful Patant Court Houae. ATTENTION REPUBLICANS 1 WHEREAS, Hon. Amnio J. Rakmii, Chairman of tha 3<ata Executive Committee, haa iaaued a call for a State Convention to be held in the City of Cnlum bin, on Wednesday, August 21st, 1872, lor the purpose of nominating Seven Oandldata# lor El colore of Prvaident and VicePreaident of tha Unitad Steles; f.?r Governor, L'ebtenant-Governor, Secretary of 8tat?, Stata Traaaurar, Comptroller-Genes ral, Attorney-Genera), Adjutant and In*peo tor General. Stale Supeilniendent of Kduoatlon, end for One Member of Congreee from the Stata at large; alto, a Stale Executive Committee, a County Chairman for eaoh Count), and a Chairman for each Con greaetonal District, Now, therefore, by virtue of the power vaeted in me ae Chairman for the County of G-ieenville, I do hereby order that a County Convention be held at Mountain Creek Church, on Saturday, the 10th doy of Ah* ?ul prox , for tlie purpose of electing four elegatee to tha said State Convention Tha Republicans of each Township will therefore pleeee hold public meetings In their respentive Township*, alter thoroughly advertising the time, place and purpose for which they are to be held, and select Delegatus to the said County Convention. The ratio of representation wilt be as follnwa? Dunklin Townaliin a - Oak Tan-n 3 ; Falrviow, 4 ; Grove, 8 ; Au.tln, 4 ; Gantt, 3 ; Butler, 4 ; Greenville, 8 ; Chick Spring-, 3 ; Peris Mountain. 3 ; O'Neill, 4 ; Bates, 4 ; Highland, S; Gla?ay Mountain, 4 ; Sa luda, 4 ; Cleveland, 2. WILSON COOK, Chairman Greenville County. July. 17 11 4 Sale by Marshal. BY virtue of an order, t" me Issued, from the Honorable the Dlalrlet Couit for South Carolina, I will aell to the highest bidder, at auction, before the Old Court House, on Saturday, the '21th day of July but. at 11 o'clock A. M., the following property, to wit: 2* Dbla. Distilled Spirits, 1 Horse; 1 Mule, 1 Wagon and Harness. Sale to be mansard by W. n. Mouses, Deputy Marshal, and terms cash. n. m Wallace, Marshal for South Carolina. July 17 112 Sale by Marshal. BY virtue of an order, to me i.eued, from the Honorable tl.a District Court for Sooth Carolina. 1 will sell to the highest bidder, at anotion, before the Old Court House, on Saturday, the 27(A day cf July tn*f, at It o'clock A. M., tha following pro* pertv, to wit; 1 Keg Distilled Spirits, 9 Tliiles, 1 Wagon and Harness. Sale to be managed by W. II. Mouncb, Deputy Marshal, and term. cash. R M WALLACE. Marshal for South Carolina. July 17 ' 11 2 Jnat R ftrni rod r v jtL. w V-/ V> * T Vt ^ A MEW atoek Summer Callooa. Long JtV. Clothe, Bleached and Brown Shir' , itntT Swlttngi and LaWni. at POSTER k HUNTER'S. At Cost. WE will Olntr Out the remainder of our lock of Stammer Dree a 0ood?, conelating of Bar.gee, Lenna, Orenadinea and Ja< paneeo (Jooda j alao, Printed Lawna, French Orgwndiea, American Muelioe, ke., at and bolow coot. Remember to call at F08TBR k HUNTER'S. 3y 10 10 S Tariff Taken Off JUST arriving* a good aupply of Coffeea and 8ugara, bouabt alneo lat Jul/, at FOSTER k HUNTER'S. FL OUR. rflHOSE In want of a good quality of X FLOUR, ground at Melleo's Mills, can be supplied by oalllng at my storo, at SB.OO PER SACK. It u new, from thu year 9 wheat. WILSON COOK. July to io ' J. B. HENRY, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL GROCER, MAIN HTBEIDI. Greenville* s. ( . OOT7NTRT **0DT7Ol BOXJOHT A2TD BOLD. *> ' oidjuu ton 0oe* bolxoxtsd April II 40 lt Cherubuaeo Mills, T "f* ?ft<f Mn thoi t notice. ?n<f wntild rwneoifalW fcLr-^VtSSS, uvrr Li , 1 rll| km dlmoWod by tha ?M4ft?(l of Copt I prohotia?l prMtioo, T rooponMbltp notify tbo Q?rTf Btimmt a lfc>?Ml>m>4. . , ^ ?. a. Jslford. I*, aJMBNVILLH, 8. C. ' b nnmoroaa ntkor ArtUlan U aiwJlnr llano : T>IBLR8, ToaUmanU, Hymn Booka j JL> Inf*ot Olaao Qaoatkm Booka Union Quoationa, Oooaoontiro Quoationa Clnaa Booka, Bniknrd TiokoU n D..u A.IJ B ! - J B1 4B iw? ?uauewwewi ? HIV WVlUf W niliv HV M WWW1 Prise Book., Bible Dictionary, Ac. Jtf Sunday School Libraries ordered, tad furuiahed fiat of freight, at pnblloation prlcoa. T AW and Trial Justice Blank., at Charles* M A ton priooa, by the qpire or quaatity. ; Seeds, Mortgages, Masonic Demit*, Drafts, Ac. } ?a sea Manufactory. b a place in GreeorUls, whore they can get 1 nlsttlrcNM aad Pillow*. cec bet and snltey nights by lying on thee, leaeant dreams disturbed by that rnr, Bed a They are a great comfort to the weary style., alaee And prices, from 96, IV, |t, $9 nd. Would alio .ay, for the intormeltaa of le a good thing lor stuAac cushions, Ac., as souuuend it. I oae furoioh the Rxccl.lor in iton Excelsior Ompenv In large quentltlaa, J. C. O. TURNER, . Excelsior Mattress, two doors 8<>uih ol ' ll-tl I CALF SKINS, I AT TUB COACH FACTORY. JTT8T RECEIVED, THREE DOZENS FINE FRENOH 8KIN8, at rery low prtcos, for cash. QOWER, COX A MARKLKY. T IBRRTY WHITE~LEAD?1 TON AT I i Coach Factory. Jy 10 10 4 111 D CIIITU P. OA vi um umnn au uiiij and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. B. Smith. A. H. Jones. L. M. Jones. W. B. Wbaley. ?o? jy Consignments lolioiltd, on whteh Libers) Advanoea will b? msds, |y Refer to Messrs. Foster A Hunter, Greenville, S. 0. 3y 8 9 uig DRUGS AND MEDICINES. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FR.E8H 8UPPLIES. ?o JUST RECEIVED, One Cask, Extra Fine, FRENCH BRANDY, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. MILLVILLE FRUIT JAR, TUB BEST IN USE. TO BE RECEIVED IN A FEW DAYS, &JJIDUYK'S TURNIP SEED, TUB MOST RELIABLE. ?ov JUST TO HAND, AN ASSORTMENT OF HARPER'S and APPLETON8 BOOKS AND ITITIAMEftV. ? ? ?? ? WW aw WW WSJ SJ y AT LOW RATES. ?o? JHOVLDIJYG FOR FRAMhS. SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT. (CP Examine Prices before Buying. MARSHALL VlHAULDIN, OPPOSITE MANSION HOUSE Jnly 10 10 ly The State of South Carolina, QRKKNVILLE COUNTY. By S. /. DOUTIIIT. Kayuir., Judy of Proban of taid County. WHEREAS. HRNJAMIN SLOAN 1M* filed * Petition in mj Oflle*. prey * *1.-4 t * * * mg vmi t^viiri 01 Aiioiiouiriuon on nil nod si ocular thn good* and ohattoW. rights and orodils of WILLI All K EASLRY, Uu ol ilia County atwsaid, dseoaand, should bo craaiod to him . . TVaoara, thoroforo, to olto and admon lab all and singular ths kindred and arodis tors of ths said daaoasad, 10 bo and appoor la tho Ooort of ProKolo far aold Goomy, to ba hdd?a at GmoavtHo Coort Homo, on M?a ttfA day of July toat, to show qaooo, U any, why the aold Adaslntatratioa shoald not bo grsntod. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J, * , 0. Q, Offlet of Judgn of Probata, 'nly 15lb, U7i. 17 ^ U-* ST ATI Of SOUTH OAXOLDT A? OHSSNVILLM OOUNTY. IfcjHTi iiin BY HrtM ?( en order froai 9. J. Do? Wh, Probata Judge af Greenville Uoo?ly, I will ooll, m SmUtfry in Auguai nmt, Wore the Ooort Boom door, at pobllo 1U?tfellowl?| Trecta of Land, vis: All that Tract of land, altaata In Green Ilia County, on watara of Beaver Dam Creak, adjoining land* *1 R. F. Whlldn, Jemee F?* and othera, and aootalalng Ona Hundred and twenty-flve eorea, mora ar laaa. Bold aa the property of Nana? Babb, daaaaaad, for partition amoDg tha helra. AIM. All that Traat of Land, altnata In Groanvilla County, OB watara of Grove Craek, adjoining Unda of John Cbarlaa, Hewlet Chapman, B. Charlva and other#, and aoa taialng Two Hundred and eight aaraa, mora or l*aa Bold aa tha property of O. W. Gar* tiaon, daaaaaad, to poy debte, da. Tanw.?Tor Tract Bo. 1, a orodlt of twelve montho; and for Timet Ho. 1, five months, with lntaroat from day of aala, for all asoapt ao ntooh aa will pay tha eeeU. which will ba required In eaah on the dny of sale. Purohaaere to giva bond and approved eecurity, with a mortgage of the promlaoa, to the Probate Judge, to oeeure 1 tbo peyment of the porchaa* money. Pureheeort to poy for tltlee end etampe J. L SOUTHERN. 8. G. O. She* Iff'a Office, July gib. 1879. 10-4 j The State of 8outh Carolina. OaHBNVlT.LB COUNTY. sKMurra ULM. BY virtue of anndry Write of Fieri Facias to mo directed, I will tell before (he 0?nrt Honao door, on Balccday fu Au and next, batwean the houra of 10 o'elock In tbo foranoon aod 9 o'clock in the afternoon, 9 Framed Picture#, 1 Clpok, 1 Sawing, litchine, 1 Roekaway and Harneae. Lav led on ea tha property of A. B. Stephen*, at tha enil of R. H. Jeooba. One Traot of Land eooUlning 18 aoree, more or leae. adjoining landa of PriaolaTur nar, MallndeTramroall and otbors. Levied on aa the property of Joeeph Lcmanoc, at tha anil of hi. C. Goodlett, ALIO, All Defendant's Interest In the following property: One Traet of Land, known as the Batson Tract, eontalnlng Two Hundred and fifty five acres, mors or less, adjoining tract wheraon Defendant now lives. One Lot In Marietta, containing Six acrea, more or lesa, adjoining lands of Salraona and Cleveland. One Store Douse and Lot in Marietta, containing One and threexquar tere acrea, mors or leva, adjoining lands of J. U Cleveland. One Tract of Land, oon. taining Eighty sores, more or less, adjoin, ing lands of Cleveland, Tinsley and Stephen Powell. Also, one Tract Land, known as the Richards' Tract, containing 161 i aores, more or less, adjoining lands of M. Carter and M. E. Powefl. Also, one Traet, known as the Good Tract, cons taiuing Ona Hundrsd acres. mora or leaa, lying on North Saluda River, Alao, one Tract of Land, containing One Hundred and filty-one sores, more or less, adjoining lands of Matthew Watson, Wsn Powell, Esekisl Burns and Fanny Shelton. Levied on as the property of Edward Powell, at the suit of II. Bischoff A Co. and others vs. West A Powell. Homestead to be set off before day of sale, run, All Defendant's right, title snd Interest in one Tract of Lend, containing Eight Hundred aores, more or leaa, together with a Cotton Faolory thereon, known as W?irer's Factory, together with all the tools, fixtures, appliances and appurtscanoes thereto belonging. Also, one Tract ot Land, known as the Craine Tract, containing Two Hundred acres, more or loaa, adjoining the j Factory Tract Levied on as the property of Martha K Whilden. at Ihe suit of Washington E. Taylor and Francis A. Miles ? Homestead to be set off before day of sale. Terms, Cash. Purchasers to pay for tamps and papers. J. L SOUTHERN. 8. O. 0. Sheriff's Office, July 8tb, 1872 10?1 T. W. DAVIS WATCH Mil HID DKUII1 ^ CORNER OF a* MAIN AND Waahmgton Stmt* next Door to national Bank, GRKENVILLB, 8- C. Mar 8 i tf Prof, M. 0. DeCamps* Dealer in aii ktnda, ?r musical MERCHANDIZE. On hand-P.s no*. M*loJeone, Plutea, An, Sli^et M"*ie and Mnale Bonks. Call and ?ee him, at hia Roome In tl-o ACADEMY OP MUSIC. Near the New ale College, Greenville, 8 O. May 12 S tf iTnllorliiff. THE un-leraigned have opened a TAILOR! NO 8HOP at the 8'an.I One do??r noi-th of the Poet Office, having re fi'ted the eame. wh - ro they are prepared to do all CUTTING, MAKINO and KRPAIRINO of GARMENTS committed to ihem. Com* plete File guaianleod, and all Work warranted, and turned out promptly. Tenn? reasonably, vtr 0-?e nr two good 1 allnre bah find permanent employment at fair Wage* O. B. rOORE A CO April 24 6^ am Notice IS hereby given to all whom It may concern.'that we Will apply to 8. J. Don*mt. Probate Judge o? Orhenvllle County, on the Mfl dm* *f Jul* nemt foe a l-'u.-t Dtenharue an Administrator* of the Katalo of HENRY R. Wt |.LI A MS. drona-ad. freeman 0. Martin, LEONARD WILLIAMS, Administrate r? June Si, 1871 8-fl Desirable Residence for sale* - ' _. THE undciatgned oflf-r, at private rale, that durable 5nP**^ and comtnodioua DWELL BfiBSUflpI INO, on North Street in thla city, formerly occupied by th# late Dr. Jaa Harriaon, aituatrd near tha eentvr cf tha aity, within a taw minutaa walk of Ilia PoelOJle* and Oonrt H?u?, The Hnue* eontaina tan room*, and ia in good oider On the Lot are all (ha n#e*#eery Out build* toga for a comfortable residence For trrma, An., "pply to Jollna 0. Smith. m. b. harrison. ) J. w. Harrison. [ Exeeutoia. J. 1l harrison, ) Jy I 9 *4wtC Boot and Shoe Making* he undersigned ia prrparad with JL com pat# nt Workmen to All all ordaia for BOOTS and HHOAt, of both Ana and heavy qualities, on anort nolle*. Ha goer* antaaa aatiafaeiion. repairino prompt* ly attended to. AW Shop nearly oppoeile Ifnaere. Oowar, Cox A Markley a BUTLER DYER A nvll in in - ^ *1 Notioe 18 hereby given to nil whom It uny concern thni I will apply to 8. J. Dorm it, Probnto Judge of Oroonrillo County, on tin 1 S?A Han of AngnH no*?, for n Plnnl Diacbarge no AdrainUtrntor of the BeUU of T. B. CUNNINGHAM, dooonood. ABA CUNNINGHAM. July 8tb, 1877. 10-6 JOHN H. S( LIFE A EE FIRE I] FSEPARBI Policies on all C AT THE LOJ\ nuns BUT THE SAFEST C North British and M and Edinburgh 1 $10,00 Home Of N. Y. Cap Georgia Home, " OFFICE WITH MESSR GREEJY May 1 S] CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK or SOUTH CAROLINA. Compound Interest Allowed on Penoaita. WM. MARTIN, President. JOHN B. I'ALMER, Vice-President. A. Q. BRKNIZER, Cashier. J. C. B. SMITH, Looal Assistant Cashier. J. H. SAWYER, Assistant Caabiar, In Qeneral Charge. DIRECTORS. Wade Hampton, Rev. William Martin, A. C. Haskell, P. W. MeMaater, E. H. Ileinitab, John B. Paltner, Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia; J. Eli Gregg, Marion ; O. T. Boott, W. G. Mayes, Newberry; B. H. Kutledge, Daniel Ravenel, Jr., Charleston. to: Greenville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Assistant Cashier. Planters, Mechanics, and Professional Men, Widows, Orphans, Trustees and County Officers, having money for which they have no present use, ean here deposit it, thus avoiding all risks of thefts and destruction by fire, and at the tame time draw interest thereon till needed. p9" Citizens of Oreenville can save thoul sands of dollars by patronizing their Bank. Deposits solicited, no matter how small, or bow largo. Oold and Silver recolrcd on deposit, at interest, and repaid in kind, or in currency. as agreed upon. May 22 3 0m Office Comptroller Gonera), Columbia, 8. 0., February 1, 1872. THIS Is to oertlfy that tbe GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper publiibed in the town of Greenville, 8. C., U hereby designated by tbia Hoard as the paper in whiob legal and publie notices shall be published, Tor tbe County of Greenville, in accordance with the '* Act to regulate the publication of all legal and public notices," which become a law February 22d, 1870. J. L. NKAGLR, Comptroller General. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney Genoral. THE above is a true copy of the original on file in the office of 8eeretary of Rt-ate. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. Feb 14 41 tf LAND FOR SALE. 'P>*0 TRACTS nl LAND on 8outli Sain. 1 d? Riv?r. containing *780 acres, part River and Creek BOTTOM, with now improvement# Also large lot ?.f valuable HORSES, CATTLE aod HOGS. Apply to JULIUS 0. SMITH, or J. M. McOLAN AHAN, May 20 4 III TVTro Minni o ------- v VVUUOft) RESPECTFULLY CALLS the attention of the Ladies of /^USQOreenvitle and vicinity to the feuHHBV fact, that the will open, on dXmm Monday, 27th May in?t., An Elegant Aieorttaant of FANCY GOODS, ?9" OF KVKKY DESCRIPTION,-?afc consisting ib part of: Lane flood*, Fancy Jewelry, Zephyr \Y opted*, Millinery floods of Every Description. And many other Artiolea too numerous to mention. N. !).?A liberal patron Age ia tecpbotftilly aollelted. May 22 i if Just Received, ^ nhs BI?KAY>S, VilJ[ IfEW SUPPLY LIStiHORdf AMD* STRAW or hath, bonnets, ribbons. jn ?M*Lodieo'TlRS and HA1H OOOD8, Jg% BT* SUN DOWNS AT FIFTY CENTS. JH July ? |A tl nouce IB bareby given lo all whom it toay non?. earn, that i will Apply to8. J. Douthit, Probata Judgo ol Greenville County, ^n tha Mth day of July nail, for a Pinal Dieutmrge a Adminiatrator of tha Batata of PRANCI8 W ILLlAMH, daoaaaad. PKEKMAN G. MARTIN, Ad'or. Juna Slat, 1871. 8-1 Notice iS hereby given to all whom it may ooUcern. that I will apply to Q. J. Doaihlt, Prota Judge of Greenville County, on lAa 37fA day of July naxf, for a Final Dieoharge aa Guardian of JOdlAII SMITH BRADLT and WM, SCOTT DftAbLY, daoaaaad. B. ft. IRVINE, Guardian. itni iab? V14UV ?4U, lOfi. 3HOFIELD, VSTOAVGB A OUT, D TO IS6UB !lasses of Risks, VEST RJ1TES. 70MPANiX8 REPRESENTED. . * *? W ? ercamue, 01 juondon Capital (Gold) 0,000. ital, $2,000,000. $850,000. S. EARLE & BLYTHE, VILLE, S. C. I u STATB OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. COURT Or COMMON ?LBA>. Thorn*. A. Peden *nd Andrew M. Peden, Executors, Plaintiffs, v.. Mom. T. Fowler, Trnat??, et *1., Defendant* To the Defondenla, David M. Peden, John T. Fowler, David M Fowler, Marv J Douglas and Andrew J. Douglas, bar hue* band, David Boyd. James 8. Boyd, Elixabeth Boyd, John Boyd, Sal lie Htewar: and John Btewart. her husband, Robert P. Boyd, Louisa Boyd, Ellen Boyd and Nancy Boyd. YOU are hereby summoned and required to onawer the complaint in this action, whieh is filed in th. office of the Olerk of Oommon Plea, for Qreenrllle County, at Greenville C. H? 8. 0? and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at hi. office, at Greenville 0. H? 8. 0., within twenty day. after the servioe hereof, exclusive of the day of such service ; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afoiasaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Gouit for tho relief demanded in the complaint. Dated OrcnviBe C. H., 17tli June, 1872. J. r. MUUKI5, Plaintiff's Attorney. Tw the Defendants, David M. Peden, John T. Kowler, David M. Fowler, Mary J Douglas and Andrew J. Douglas, her huss band, David Boyd, Jamea S. Boyd, Elisabeth Boyd, J?hn Boyd, Sallle Stewart and John Stewart, har husband, Robert P. Boyd, Louisa Boyd, Ellen Boyd and Nancy Boyd. TAKE notice that this action is commenced for Injunotlon, set aside deeree, and relief in the Court ot Common Pleas for Greenville County, and that the complaint and summons in this action has been filed In the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, at Greenville, South Carolina. J. P. MOORE Plaintiffs' Att'y. Greenville, S. C , 17lh June, 1872. 7-8 SAMUEL STRADLM, SUCCESSOR TO DAVID & STRADLEY, WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE HIS FRIENDS, A T THE OLD STJ1JYD, WHERE IIE WILL SELL THEM AT LOIV FIf,HtlS. Feb 28 43 tf ? a if' Q * t a ? ^ 1 ? ? 2 @ 1 i Ji! as 0 '* - I ?> tt ? a I ' ! 5 ! -sirih M 3 ?* I Z*2 S * ll a 1 S i I ? B f h ? I * , g 2 I S i S o B ft ^ O g> K a f I "1S| P A 1 Q ^ fl j -< I ? 5 I * Ch * ~ O S W 3 J r 1 Z ? M 1 1 ? Is^s5" W 1 *11 , 1 S 2 * * = H I * ? | ? 1 _ ? < a S J ^ ! CO ? I ^ I8 ^ - Z ^ 7g 1 ^ is " ! Sd]' I? ^ * s? I if j -s{. 1?' 6 6 I 'i J. ?, HLACK Ac CO., DKALKRS (b Watcbaa, Clocka, Jewelry, Bpaelaolae, Fa dot U?i>d? aud Orooe ri?a. ConfaetioUrflee, Notion*, lamp* and FiXHiraa, Non explosive Attachment*, OIbm ware, Hegare, HaulT, Binuklng and Chawing Tubaoao, Dry Gooda, Halt, tthoet, and a gr?at variety of ott??r art Ulan All ar? in* vii?d (and might do wall) to oall on thoiu before pnroha3ng HT Spoelal attention given to Repairing Timepiece*. Ac, Mar 1? 4A If WH1TNJBR SYMMBS, Attorney and tAafefetflftir at Law, Hoom BMd by Ceaaty Coin mitotan era. *?**( , * .ft .Iff-BUKT *, GRAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORs'lN EQUITY, OREENVILLE. S. CL, Will Practice in the Court* of. this Stmt* cmd the United State*. OFFICE?Rear room of lf?? Court Boom Mar ?0, 1871. 4? tf C. C. Stephens, ATTORNIIV AT LAW. GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFICE IN REAR OF BEATTIK'S 8T0RE. fth * Prompt attention giren to Colleetloas. 30?tf Jan 31,1872. | E. P. JONES, AWWdDMfiiTsr ILAW, and solicitor in equity. will practice in all COURTS OF THIS STATE a Lao, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS, Often at Oreeartlle 0. H., . 0. Jelj 1,1889. 7 IV* M, a BUTLEtt. r. B. MCBKK. BUTLER 8l MCBEE. Attorneys ana Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GREENVILLE, 8. C., Will Praotioe la the Court* of tho State and of tho United States. May 81 4 tf w. k. bailey. o. s. vilu. EA8LEY ft WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, 8. C., PRACTICE in tlie Court! of the State and of the United State*, and give eipecial attention to eaaei in Bankruptey. Jan 1 1871. 84-tf ATLANTA DEPART KENT SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANYPRINCIPAL OFFICES: Atlanta, Ga., and Memphis, Tenn. CAPITAL. 8228,500.00. GEN'L JOHN B. GORDON, Preeident. W. C. MORRIS, Soeretary. Gkn'l A. 11. Colquitt, Vioe President. K W.lfoLLANn, [ Fin,nc* Committee MEDICAL BOARD: j. m. joiimsox, m. n. n. v. x., m.i>. Aiaets July 1st, 1870 *826 222,7 C. C. STEPHENS, Agent for Up^oonn try (9* Addree* all communications to P.O. Box 26, Greenville, 3. C. QSKEBUt conlalna eight upright room*, alao all neo?*a?rjr outbuilding*. For t?rm*, apply to O M. IRVINE. May 8 1 It L 0. 0. P. da^^n Moootaln Lodge, No. dF* 0*"JFH|S 18. I. o. O. F. >r??t' Friday Night, a' Hall, over MaraUall A Maqldin'a Drug 8toir. lUgular at. tendanoa dealred, iAMW r. MOORK. If. o ' A'tg 30 17 If" SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. A Purely Southern Institution INSURES LIVES and promptly adjusts and para Icasea The Department in this State invest? all its lunde in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida it hna ample means to fully protect Policy holders and pay all loseea. iasuea all the improved forma of Polioiea? Llfs, Limi* ted Payment, (5. 10,1 & or 20 payments) Eii dowment (plain,) Endowment (limited payment,) Return Premium, Joint Life, Short Term Ol.ildren 4? -* f ..... niiu Annultics, in sums of $1,000 to $10,000, ss may b? desired. By tha terms of Chartee the teifo and children may be made sole henefiolarira, and tha value of the Policy can only be controlled by them, Premiums received in oath and entitled to Annual dividends, ALL POLICIES HO IT FORFEITABLE After second annual payment. Every rea. onah}* Indulgence attended tne henured. Including liberty to travel, ehangu of ocCu. pation and accommodation In payment.^* Premiums payable annually dr scnil.annually. No ektra Charge for permits. Any premium stipulated to be paid annually, can afterwards be paid semiannually, if de* sired. AMuranOs within the reach of all. TRUE TEST Of OOMPANV'S STRENGTH. Ititfft) aj AeaeM la t.i&bihxie*, $299.(17 to $100. Patrooiee Home Enterpriser rk oak ess ok rkk com pa sr. Assets, January 1st, 1889 $8A4,24A.AA # January 1st. 1870 888 294.01 " April I at, 1870 719.928.52 July lat, 1870 818,$11.78 liar 87 47 tf | UAKOlvlNA Lift llStlUGl C0MPA1Y.! 01MEMPHIS, TENN., A Mb BALTIMORE, MO. Assets, fl,JOO.OOO. HON. JTKFPBR80N DAVIS. okn. wade Hampton, Vio* -phkmukmt. GEN. JOHN D. KENNEDY, ()?u?r?l Agent for South Caroline, Columbia, S. C. ptr- JOHN II. 8C0PtELt>, Agout, Gro.nfliM. o. Mar IS <iA 6m For Rent or Bale. , THE LARGE BRICK HOUSE, eeoond aquara below iKm iVnri Ylftiiaa Ti &SD*AS?siwee Y1V0U8 BB5T OH&DBS or SILVER AND SILVER-HATED WARE. TABLE CUTLERY. ?nu FANCY GCK>DS. A LAUGH ASSORTMENT OP Gold, flilrer, Steel A Plated framed SPEOTAOLE8. ALSO GENUINE passim siPii?ir/m?E. B. Wehrle. Oct 11 < as tf A. B. MtJLUOAN, COTTON FACTOR and general tlliSHil lltlilt ACCOMMODATION WHARF, , CHARLESTON, S. O, < '.. tOUM I Twill also, when place'/in funds,'* purchase and forward all hinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural , TmpCetnents, Fertil izeray i?c. Oct 25 26 ly > Johnston, Crews & Co., IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers in 8T1PIB AND F A.-3XT O Y DRY GOODS, JT O T I O IT O AM? SMALL WAKES. 41 HAYNE STREET, ?IHAiBH.ll8T?U, S. ?. Dec IS 82 ly JOHN C. SEEGERS \|\ i MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor Dealer, LUEB Bill BBEffEB. SC.. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 , ly Wll II Air CIA 4 MP tt oliuiih f!/? Lithographic, Copper-plate, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTER, W&MM SV&ikibt, COLUMBIA, S, C. BOOKS, Pamphlet*. Posteis, Iland-Biil?t Card*, Circular*. Bill lived*, Fan Sim* ilea. Maps, Plan*, Chalk and Lin* Drawing*, Liquor Labels, Drnggista' Proserip* tloos. eto , Executed with NEATNE9S AND DESPATCH, AND ON Til* Most Reasonable Terms. Oct 25 *"*' "18 3in* Sr. GOTTLIEB FISOH'S BITTEUS. tThis preparation of the great Scientist, Dr. Gottlieb Flsoh. of Germany, 1* based on the foot that, M all material* of the bodyAre derived frbm Food, no all Vital Ft)roe, or Health, 1* derived from the Force stored up In Food. Dr. Fiieh'9 JiiUert enables tho System to liberate and appropriate theee Foroee, create* Appetite, care* Dyspepsia, with It* resulting Debility and lack of Nervous Enorgyj *o tones thb Stomach and Liver as to make Constipation and Blltoosnesslmpoeelble; relnforoea the System so It ean tide over bad resnltaof changing climate, water, Ac., and better endure tho demands often unexpectedly made on It* Force and Energy. Ladlea In delicate health, aged persons, and all emaolated and weak after sickness, will rapidly strongthon by Using this great preparation. Jan 8, 1872 85 I t eoW Edmonds T. Brown, 48 HAYNE STREET, vrruoiit itHKnus i un nuiu, OH A RLE&TOK, At C. Dec 9 , 81 1 y Notice. ON2 of tha K!n??t (Thulium iu><l> Arr?hir?) o*cr brought to thof'otaoty, 1 it now Bunding nt the Lot of MILLS, Mo, BRAYER A (XL, for the use of tii? public. May 1 64 ^tf Drs- W. B ft S. H. Harrison, KKSPEfirrVLL Y OFFICII thalr PROFRRSTONAL SBUftCB8 to tbo public. Will bo r<w?il at | \bf> RiwManca of John 11. Warriron, EM.. 1 If.o*a nllei bflow Oraonvttle, ? May 39 , # ( 4 Sqi 4 ft * I