University of South Carolina Libraries
ATTENTION REPUBLICANS ! SMStfe CoMBhu^ ims Inm4 s sail for a Seals OoaTsatioa to bahatd io *s GUgr sf Oslo* . ifc-'oUS datss M Blasura af Fmmmi andvW** President *f tha Ualtad R?*ua; far OaS* Poor. L'antaaaol'QoTaraar, Saaratary # Stats, flUU Traaaorar, Oonrfytrallar-Oaaav ? tXSXZtZ J0T Oaa ka?bar of Oatima ;t&2fcS? < ??? 55T?j>??for? V,Tfrty ?|f tha Pstrar j V#?t?1 IB mm mm vu......... lot mi, woumy Of QiWiMttf, I do kmbr ordtr lk?t O*0a' it Ob?? ***<*? ?> k?U at MobsIsIb Orrrk Cbareb, ?B Smtmrdmy, Mo 1 Oth dmymf putt pro*, tor die pMpuoo ofslrsttsj ' r D?l?fa(? to tk? Mid 8Uie OoBvsntion The R?poMl?oi of ?uh T?miUp will i therefore pleae* bold pobllo M?llnR? ( ' tholr wpmlH Ti?mMp% ifUr HMfo?fk> ljr odworiidof tk? Umo. pins* u<i pnrpoeo for which they or* to ho hold, ?M |f|<ol Delegate* to lb* Mid County Ceneeotina. Tho roils of roprcpoBtotloa will bo Bo follows: Dunklin Towaahlp, 4Osh Lawn, 8; Fair view, 4; Grove. f ; Atwtio. 4; Oastt, 8 j Butler, 4; Greenville, 8 Chick Bpriogn, 8; Porio Koocteln; 8; CKmH, 4) Bote*. 4} HigM*s4, 8) OlMsy Mountain, 4 ; Sa> loda, 4; Clevslaad, 4. , WILFON COOK, i } Chairman Greenville County. *oly?>i. U//l?*ri V^'T 4 11 ' i"! , 'i- - ; ! TtfHNIP (DEEDS, W n WATCrtN'C u. u. n Aiuuivu) AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. JUST received, riss English Purple Top, Bam. yiUoa-Iaiw A^'Wtn; R.ihert on i Qnld-U Ball; Frenah ^1 Innovsr) ; Fin land and 9'ona. HfyiU.?Eniftbh Largo Noifo'k, Dutch Wad (Jre?-n Olobe; Flat Dutch R-d Top and White; Salading Sevan Tpp, fresh and of earefel culture., . Sold by. .w. ?gn% V packages which clve praoticat directions A liberal discount la offered to tha trade. Al-o. WARD WARE -ND TOOLS of all eUara, including the lately patented Lightning, Mechanic'* Own, and other au*> Crior elaaaea of Saat. Alao, Paints, Colorra. Varnbhet, and Artists' Mulct iala. July 16 11 8 Sale by Marshal. BY virtue of an order, t? me issued. from the Honorable the Diatricl Couit.for Sooth Carolina, I will aell to the hlgheat bidder, et auction, before the Old C"tirt House, an Saturday, the iltk dny of July ittnl. a| 11 o'elock A. M., the following pro pertyf to wll : 2i Bble. Distilled Spirits, 1 TT nrcA 1 M IIIA 1 Wagon and Harness. 8ale to he menaced by W. H. Mounob, Deputy Marahal, and terms eaab. r m Wallace. Marshal tor South Carolina July 17 11 ' 2 i Sale by Marshal. BY ?lrtu?? ol an order, to me i-ened. fr??m the Honorable the District Court for South Csrolina. i will s? 11 to the highest bidder, at socti?n, hefoia the Old Court House, on Saturday, the 27th day cf July in*t. at 11 o'clock a. w., the following property. to wit: 1 Keg Distilled Spirits, 9 nnlrs, 1 Wagon and llarnenn. Sale to be managed by W. H. klou.scr Deputy Marshal, and term* nash, r M WALLACE. Marahal for South Carolina. July 17 II * MILLINERY AT COST. .Vt/fcv.ijJf Ji:r k to n A RARE CHANCE FOR THE LADIE8. 1,1 *' ' r f FOR ihe next thirty days. my Mock will be offered at C?>at. Among th?* veri civ may be. found Trimmed HATS end BO^NETft, latest Style* Reel, end Imitation HAIR. Fancy Jkff ELRY, Ac . Ac 1 a I co keep on hand a general atock of WILUNKRY, wh?".h 1 will be glad to cell to the Ladiea. Mm JENNINGS. Jy 10 10 2 flodrT TII08B Iq wapt of a good quality of FLOUR, ground at MoBee'a Mill*, ean be supplied by ealllng at ay atore, at &B.OO PER SACK. It it ntto, from this year's wheal. WILSON COOK. July 10 10 .1 Just Received, A NEW stock Summer Calicos, Long J\_ Cloths, Bleached and Brown 8hirtlngs, lluff Saltings aud Lawns, at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. Tariff Taken OffT JUST arriving, a good sapply of Coffees and Sugars, bought sioee 1st July, at F08TER A HUNTER'S. " CALF SKIMS, AT TUB OOACH FACTORY. JUST RECEIVED, THREE DOZENS PINE FRENCH SKINS, at vary low priooa, for nosh. GOWKR, COX A MARKLEY. X IBBRTY WHITE LEAD?1 TON AT h ? iotafk 'I A! THE COACH FACTORY. DOZBN8 Am<* a id RowUod'a BP A DBS. Down g^aarft-point ft. ft. 8H0VKL8. On# Oroo^Loag-handl#, Roaad~poiot, St#*l Two Dot. Ord#t>'? B##t ft. 11. ftto#l PICKS. aoWftft, COX * MA UK LEY. Jgf On* Pwm LIBBftTY WBITB LBAD. at 4b# Ow?b httorr, Jj 10 It I WJ^tMTTH A 4?.j * 'J#h I COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CHiRtSSTON, a. c] ^ W. B. inw. A. H. lorn L. M. JOHM. , rW1. Bf WIIALBT. JJjL* - 1"' BP" .C?>Baignrnft??4# ftolif%?ftwrl, oft ;which Liberal Adrano## will b? mad#. fgp R*f#f to Mtwr*. Pome a A Hiumm, C rft n?llle, H. U. J/ 9 0 tug DRUGS MEDICINES. OON8+AHTLY WWITYINO rn%9*i .supplies. fjJWt RECEIVED, One ntk, Extra Five, FRENCH BRANDY, " FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. . { i i ' i M1LLV1LLE STaiJIT TAR, 1 *hb ran if'tob. i t .? '> ? p.? ,i} 1 . . * * .w ' '> - * , to be received in a few dats, lanmm's TURNIP SEED, the most reliable. ' > 'fT > n i <' "r . ' i ) > ."""9"" . ' j "just to hand, ' 1 Ay ASSORTgfEyT t)F , harper's and appleton's'' t . ? if. ' : ..?< tl" ' " . ??S.T ll> , 3800KS ' ; , < AND STATION SKY,, I V I AT LOW RATES. i " ?o? MOlTLniJYG FOR FRAM \ SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT. i n ' r ' ; " 1 I I1* (CP Examine Prices before Buying. i O 1 MARHHAM. s MAITI.lfelN "* HAIKU IJUlllJ | OPPOSITE MANSION HOUSE. Jnly 10 10 Ij STATS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, QREHNVIl.LB COUNTY. Sharif a Bales. BY virtue ?f nn order from 3. J. Dou ' tmt, Probata Judg* of Green villo J County, I will sell, on SeUstdny in Auguet 1 next, before tbo Court Houh door, at public J outory, the folic wing Traeta of Land, via: ! All that Traot nf Ltnd, situate in Green- ( wllle County, on water* of Btmr Dam . Creek, adjoining lands of R. P. Whllden, , June* Few and others^ and containing Onn t Hundred and twenty-five scree, more or c teas. Sold as the property of Nancy.Babb. dceaaed, foi partition among Ike heira. ALSO. All thatTraet of Land, altnata in Greenville County, on waUra of Grove Creak, adjoining Lnndaof John Charlea, Hawlet Chapman, B. Charl-a and othere. and con 1 taining Two Hundred and eight acres, more or leaa. Sold aa the property of O. W. Garriaon, deceaa-d, to pay dehta, Ac Tkums.?For Tract No. 1, a credit of twelve months; and for Traet No 2. five months, with interest from day of eale, fur , all except so much aa will pay the coats. , winch will he required in cash on the day of aale. Purchasers to give h<md and approved security, with a mortgage of the premises, to the Probata Judge, to secure the payment of the putohas' money. Purchasers to pay for titles and stamps i J. L SOUTHERN. S. 0. C. J She. MT 'a Office, July ?ih. 18VS. 10-4 The State of South Carolina, i GREENVILLE COUNTY. ' HEStFP'S BALES. 1 BY virtue of sundry Write of Fieri Faetaa tw me direeted, I will sell before tbo Owun House door, on Saletday in Am put Next between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 8 o'clock in lha after noon, ' Framed Pictures, 1 Clock, I Sewing Midline, 1 Roekaway and Harness. Lav i led on aa the property of A. B. Stephens, t at lha suit of It. H. Jacobs. < One Tract of Land ^containing 13 acres, ( more or lese, adjoining lands of Frieda Tur j ner, Malloda Tratnmell and others. Levied i on aa the propei tv of Joseph Lemaoee, at i tha suit of M. C. Ooodlrtt. All Defendant** li tereet in the following proper! j : One Traet of Land, known aa the Bataon Tract, containing Two Hundred and fifty-fl*? tern, more or leae, adjoining tract whereon Defendant now lire*. One Lot In Marietta, oontaining Six acree, more or Ieaa, adjoining land* of 8?lmone and Cleveland. One Store Houea and Lot in 1 Marietta, oontaining One and ihreesquar ' tore aorea, mora or I cat, adjnioiag Iwnda of ' J. H Cleveland. One Tract of Land, con- ' taining Eighty acres, more or Ieaa, adjoining landa of Cleveland, Tlneley and ?tephea Powell. Alan, one Tract Land, known aa the R>eharde' Traet, containing 161 j ear-a, mora or law, adjoining Imda of M. Carter and M. E. Powell. Alao, ooe Traet, known aa the Good Treat, oons taiuing One Hundred aerrg mora or lees, ' lying on North Saluda Ritrr, Alao, oae I Treat of Land, abstaining One Hundred and ' fllty-one aarea. more or Ieaa. adjoining lands ' of Matthaw Watson. Wm Powall, EsnkU> 1 Burn* and Penny Shelton. Levied on aa ' lb# property of Edward Powell, at the anil of H. Bieehoff A Co and othara va. Wrat * A Powell. Horoeatead to be act off befora day of awfe. auo, All Dafeadant'a right, title and interest in one Traet of Land, aontaiaisg Eight lfitndeed aereg, more or laea, together with a Cotton Peet-ry thereon, known aa Wear- 1 r'a r??tnr? IxfXk., -Ijk -O ,1? ?? - a . m w-wvw j | ??? WSOTI WlW WH)IB , flaturra, appllanooa and appurtenance* ; thoreto belonging. Alao, on a Traot ot Load, known H tbaOralno Tract, containing Two , Hitbdred acraa, mora ^>r laaa, adjoining ih? Fbctory Tract Levied on aa tha property < of liarvka K Whtldoa. at tho snit of W?h. . Ington K. Taylor aud Franeta A. Milac ? Homealaad to ba act off baiora day of aala. Term*, Caah. Purabaaara to pay for I atampa and papfcra. . J. L SOUTHERN, S. O. C. i Sheriff 'a Office, July 8U*. 1174.' f 0-4 ENVELOPES. on nnn nniopn, <* Tirb? OUfWU HM m4 Mdllw, freu Onrl R?bn Square. PAPER. T> ILLET, Note, Letter, Foolscap, Bill Cep, X) Uftl Gap, Flat Letter and Flat Cap, by the quire or ream, For mte by KLFORD A WILLS, Court lipase Square. blawiTbooks. Ityf IM0RANDUM8, Day Books, Ledgera, 1YX Record Bodtf, Ittt and half bound. For sale by KLFCRD A WBLLS, Court Hp use Square. STATIONERY GOODS. A FULLBUPPLYof Pens. Ink, Inkstands, A. Penoils, Sealing Wax, Letter Clips, Water Colore, Chessmen, Rubber Bands, Via* ting Cards- da, Ac. Per sale by BLVORD A W?LL3, . Court House Square. t .' ^ ? ' 1 FOR SIT WTb A V BIBLES, TesteawinU, Hymn Book* ; Infant Claa* C*tMbbn*i Child'* Scripture Questions ; Siion Question*, Vol*. 1, 1 and 6 J nsecutlre QuMtion* j Claaa Book* ; Reward Ticket* ; BttTe Text Card* ; Fraah Larral*; Vara Gold ( Prise Book* ; Bible Dictionary, do. ptT Libraries ordered and furaiabed free o( freight, at publication price*. HLFORD k WELLS, .. Court House Square. m.iMvS. I AW ?nd( Trial Justioe Blank*, at Cbarisef ton price*, by the quire or quantity. ?eedp, Mortgagee, Masonic Demlu, Drafts. do. For *ale by BLFORD d WELLS, Court Houae 8quare. Je 26 8 6ru j. b. henryT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, MAIN STREET, Greenville, S. C. 3 0UXTTRY PRODUaU B0T7OHT AND SOLD. 3RDERS FOR CORN SOLICITED April 17 40 ly Cherubusco Mills. I AM prepared, with my new Mill* end a eompett nt Miller, to grind wheat Into i superior quality of FLOUR, promptly ?nd on short notice, and would respectfully isk the patronage ot the puhlie. All I a.k a trial PHILEMON HUFF. ' Juoe 25. 8 tf Notice IS hereby given to all whom It may ooncem that I will apply to 8. J. Doumrr, ?robat? Judire of Greenville Conntv, on the l9fA day of July next, for a Final Discharge is Guardian of U. B. Bbuck. M M JONES, Guardian. Jane 17th, 1872. 7? St STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINAGREENVILLE COUNTY. In tbe Court of Probntc. ffM. MoKINNEY, Jr., t?. CYNTHIA P. TAYLOR, et al.?Petition for Partition of Rcai Ettate. IT appearing to ray satisfaction that Thome. Taylor and Lucinda Jane lloMaban, Deundent, in this oo*e, reside ont of the State: [t Is ordered, on motion of Earle A Blythe, Attorney.for Petitioner, that thay do appear in person or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, ? be holden at Oreenville Court Uonso on the E3d day of July next, to show cause, if aay bey oan, why the Real Estate of PETER tAYLOlt, Sr., deceaeed, should not be sold >r dividod as prayed for. On failing to atend, their consents to the same will be enterid of record. S. J. D0CTH1T, J. P., O. C. Jane 10th, 1872. 12-2 t7w.davis V&TPl MITI! lin VVPUIUTD nmoil HUlflU All) MIUUAILQ. a/ CORNER OP a* Je& ma,n M Washing ton Street* next Door to Batienal Bank, GREENVILLE, 8- C. M ay 8 , , 1 tf < Prof, M. O. DeCamps, Dealer in aii kinds, of musical MERCHANDIZE. On hand-Pis tnos, Melodeons, Flutes, Ac, Sheet Music iad Music Hooka. Call and sea him, at his [looms to tl>o ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ANjar the Female College, Greenville, a. O. May 32 6 tf Tailoring. TUB anJerebrned hava opened a TAILORING SHOP at the siand ons door lorlh of the Poet Office, having re fitted the >ame. where they are prepared to do all CUTTING, MAKING and REPAlRtNG of GARMENTS committed to them. Comjlete Pile guaranteed, and all Work waranted, and lurbed out promptly. Terms eaeonahle. Hf One or two good Tailors ean find ?erm*Qenl employment at fair wegae. G. U. TOORE A CO. April 24 H Am Notice [S hereby riven to ell whom It may concern, tnat we will apply to JA. / DourutT, Probate Judge ot Oroenville Couuty, on the day of Jnly nett, for a Pinal Dteehame aw Administrators of the Estate >f HENRY R. WILLIAMS, deeea-ed. FREEMAN G. MARTIN, LEONARD WILLIAMS, Administrators. June 2L, 1ST 2. 8-8 Boot and Shoe Making* rglHE UNDERSIGNED Is prepared with JL competent Workmen to fill all ordara lor BOOTS and SHOES, of both floe and laavy qualities, on short notice. IJe guarto lees satisfaction. REPAIRINQ prompt Iy IIIMM to. nr Shop nearly oppoaita lfeaart. Oow Mr, Oox A Marklaye. BUTLER DYRR. April 10 40 lj i Notico 18 harahy glean to all whom H may aaaeara that I will apply to B. J. Door a re, Protola Judge of Oraaaeillo County, ?? (*? 12<A iay a/ A xywat ?**f, (Or a Pinal Dlacharge aa Adminlatrator of tha Katata of T. B. CUNNINGHAM, deeeoaed. ABA CUNNINGHAM. July 8th, IIT1. * 10-3 Drs W. B ft J. H. Harrison, klMPKOTFULLY OVPKR thair PROPE8SIONAL flERVICKS to tha public. Will ha found at Lba Residence of John II. H&rrlton, Esq , llftaan eiilee be Ian Oraaavillc, May 29 4 3m I JOHN H. S< LIFE AID FIBE I 18 rKWAEl - ;? J v.? * . rsTT Policies on all C JiT THE LOU l J err m ^#?Asrr ( f . -4 ' f * ' North British And M and Edinhurr, #io,oc ? I'. .Jii'W*. I- ' 1-1 Home Of N. Y. Cap Georgia Home, ' OFFICE WITH MGSSH GREEJY May 1 .1 " CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK "mT77 I or SOUTH CAROLINA. ?t " Comoound Intni-fiat AIIowaA on Deposits* ' WM. MARTIN, President. JOHN B. PALMKR, Vice-President. A. O. BRKNIZER, Cashier. J. C. B. SMITH, Local Assistant Cashier. J. H. 8AWYRR, Assistant Cashier, in General Charge. , , DIRECTORS. Wade Hampton, Rcr. William Martin, A. 0. Haskell, V. W. MoMaster, K. H. Heinttsh, John B. Palmer, Thomas B. Gregg, Colambia ; J. ?11 Gregg, Marion ; G. T. Scott, W. G. Mayes, NcWberry; B. H. Rutledge, Daniel Ravenel, Jr., Charleston. tot Greenville Branch. J. J. ? LACK WOOD, Assistant Cashier. Planlors, Mechanics, and Professional Men, Widows, Orphans, Trustees and County Officers, having money for which they have no present nse, can here deposit it, thus avoiding all risks of thefts and destruction by fire, and at the saino time draw interest thereon till needed. JMT Citieens of Greenville can save Ihonsands of dollars by patronising their Bank. Deposits solicited, no mattor how atnall, or how large. Gold and Silver reoeivod On deposit, at interest, and repaid in kind, or in currency, as agreed upon. May 22 S Am Office Comptroller Genera), Columbia, S. C., February 1, 1872. THIS is to certify that tho GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published iu the town of Greenville, 8. 0., is hereby designated by tbis Board as the papor in which legal and public notices shall be published, for the County of Greenville, in accordance with the '* Act to regulate the publication of all legal and public notices," which became a law February 22d, 1870. J. L. NEAGLE, Comptroller General. D. II. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. THE above is a truo eopy of the original on file in the office of Secretary of State. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. Feb 14 41 tf LAND FOR SALE. rI^ WO'TRACTS of LAND, on 8outh Sain. A. da River, containing 780 aeres, part b?-sl River and Creek BOTTOM, with new improvements Also large lot tf rslusble HORSES, CATTLE and UO(i& Apply to JULIUS C. SMITH, or J. M. MCCLAKAUAN. May 2d ta ir?m iffj mioi luiuuic v vuuiior, RESPECTFULLY CALLS attention of the Ladlea of mmH Greenville and vicinity to the UnflDH fact, that aba will open, on gsBmBm Monday, 27th May iost.t W/fA An Elegant Assortment of fflv FANCY COODS, pB~ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, -M* consisting in part of: Late 0ood*, Fanoy Jewalrjr, Zephyr Worsteds, Millinery Goods of Every Description. And many other Articles too numerous to mention. N. R.*~A liberal patronage Is respeetfnlly solicited. , May 22 3 tf Jast Received, ^rainiss MCKAY'S, V|IJ| NUW SUPPLY LET'HORN A NO STRAW xmr HATS, BONN Kltt, RIBBONS, .Jfcl tW Ladies' TIES and UAIR GOODS, Jf\ HT SUNDOWNS AT FIFTY OKNTS.JW July 3 |6 tt Notice IS hereby given to ell whom it may eons earn, that I will apply toS. J. Douihit, Probate Judge ol Greaovilla County, an the 26th day of July nail, for a Final Discharge aa Administrator of ilia Estate ol FRANCIS WILLIAMS, deeeaaed. FREKMAN G. MARTIN, Ad*or. June flat, 1872. 8-6 nonce 18 herahT givon to all whom It ma? oonearn, that I will apply to 8. J. I)out hit, Pro. bate Judge of Urmnvilla Count*, vn (A? J7lA daj ?/ J* I* mti, f?r a Pinal Dtaehargo m Guardian of JOSIAIl SMITH BKADLTand WW. SCOTT BRADLY, <leeaaa?<l. B. 8. IRVINE, Guardian. ' Juna 2W,1872. 8-6 CHOFlfl.i), HSURAKCE AOEJTT, ? , ED TO UBUB " ' - !; i, ua ;Jk ,-4\ J . . iBH" irl ( * Classes of Risks, VEST RATES. voupAirrss rspxSssntxd. M ' '' '' ercantile, of London Cagrtal (Gold) ital, $8,600,000. $850,000, 8. fiARLB A BLYTHfi, ville, 8. c. I ' . i. . 'tt STATS IV SOUTH OAEOLMA, ORE Elf YILL'S COUNTY. ooxjbt or ooMkoir Vxjiab. Thomas A. Peden an<J JLmmw M. Peden, Executors, Plaintiffs, vs. Motes T. Fowlsr, Trustee, ?t *1., Defendants' To Iho Defend note, DtvM M. Pad Mi. John T. Fowler, David M. Fowler, Mary J Douglas and Andrew J. Douglas, bur husband, David Boyd. James 8. Boyd, EHsabsth Boyd, John Boyd Sallie Stewart and John Stewart, her husband, Robert P. Boyd, Loniea Boyd, Biles Boyd and Nancy Boyd. YOU are hereby suoimonedLapd required to apswer the complalot in this action, whioh !a filed in the office of the Clerk of Common Pleas for Greenville County, at Greenville C. fl.t & 0.. and to aerve a copy of your answer to tbe said complaint on tbe subscriber, at his office, at Greenville C. H., 8. 0, within twenty days after tbe service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service ; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afote^ said, the plaintiff in this setfoa will apply to the Court for the relief demanded to the complaint. TV-. - J '? ? ? " uow fmhis. Feb 28 43 tf L O* ^ -5 8 l j S' s ? Sg 6' ? j s S BJ- 8 I 2 = s ' *' 5 R 3 H ? al Jr : -J s I f ? o * m =?631 i *; ?3 fe i E II ' osr - | * - g S1 S i S -il?]S?| tZ * S 3 * S " o I Z !a? 2 jgsjsi I . f ; I sis i E" I 5 ?1 a * c- I2 i s * ^' eD?-sa'e <! ? z < t 1 5l * 11 ?! 12 I 3??l, ?1 j ? - a r? ? ' 6 .? i ?i j J. ?, BLACK Ac CO., DRAT-.KRS In Wilohtt, Clock', Jtwolrr, Mp?eU6lf< Finer Qood. and Croon rion. Ounfnntioto Tfai. lfottone, Lamp* ami Fixtures. Non expl*ai*? Attachment., Ol.u ware, Sogara. Snuff, Srooklog ami Chewing Tobaeeo, Dry Ooo.l?, Hat., Shoes, and a ft rent *aneiy 01 omer arneiea. All are ln> Tiled (and m iffhC do well) to cull on (hem before purchacing (9" Special attention I givoto id fU>p?tfri?g Timepiece*, kt. ? I"' I L. 1 I) I I ?J t WHixm nuMBau Attorney Ml CoubmIUnt ?t 1*W. Z < i _ Room oiad bv Qiiitf wj \4WWmU0 *IPWPMBMPMr ? AMHI 10 ., y4. 4# * ?ju #? ~ BUjilili it QRAY, ATTORIBT? AT liAW its] >. ijjt * ^jitt1 SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, OttBfcNVILtlB.?. ?.. 2 ,km C??rt, of thi, Statt and ernop-*t*r mm ?r coort h*w m * C, Stephen*, ATTORNEY AY LAW. GREENVILLE, ft. C. orrics nv kxakw bbattiks storr n jMB* Pr6bpt altontlon glwii to ColloW'Uom. >/Oi sm! ' - ' J?B 31, 187?. E. p. Jones, "a I* AW ? iwi Bor.joirok nr jkQUiTY. [>' *? ?1'" * iriiftpkArttc# iW AM. " COPR^O*JTIJIS STAl E , ) : IN UNITED STATE& OOURTB. OflU* ?t OroosTiUo 0. . 0. July i,lt??. 1.(\ \ lv* j *""T ji?tl?*'"?!* ??- n wnir<' f ? M. 0. BUTUW. r. B. MCBEE. BUTLER 4 McBEE. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ,4 . and in lenity, GREENVILLE, ft. C., Will Pruotieo in t&o Courts of tlio SUU snO of the Ualtod IUUi. M.V ftl A ? uremTiin u n., 17U? June, 1872. J. P. MOORE, Plaintiff 'a Attorney. To the Defendant*. David M. Peden, John T. Fowler, David M. Fowler, Mar* J Douglas and Andrew J. DourIm, her buss band, David Boyd, James 8. Boyd, Eli*> abeth Boyd, John Boyd, Sellie Stewart and John Stewart, her husband, Robert P. Boyd, Loniea Boyd, Ellen Boyd and Nancy Boyd. > * '' * I TAKE notice that thie action I* commenced lor lojunotion, aet aside decree, and relief in the Court ot Common Pleas for Greenville County, and that the complaint and tommoDi in this aetion has been filed in the oflioe of the Clerk ot the Oonrt of Common Pleas, at Greenville, South Carolina. J. P. MOORE Plaintiffs' Att'y. Greenville, S. C., 17th Jane, 1872. 7-6 ] SAMUEL STRADLEY, -I '> SUCCESSOR TO DAVID & STRADLEY, . ia WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE . HIS FRIENDS, AT THE OLD STrfJYD, WriERE HE WILL SELL THEM at ? -- u wvX. I \ - ? w*x.u. EASLEY ft WELLS, Attorney* and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, B*WNVILLS, 8. C.f PR ACTICE in the Courts of the Stat# and of the United States, and give eepecial attention to eaeoa in Bankruptcy. Jan 1 1871. 31 tr .ATLANTA DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. PRINCIPAL OFFICES: Atlanta, Qa., and Memphis, Tenn. CAPITAL. #228,500.00. OEN'L JOHN B. GORDON, President. W. O. MORRIS, Secretary. Gkn'l A. H. Colquitt, Viee President. E. w!*H0Lta>n>, } Finine? Committee MBDICAL BOARD: ?. M. JOHNfON, M.S. II. V. M. MILLER, Asset! July 1st, 1870, $896 399,7 C. C. 6TEPHEN8, Agent for Up-country vm~ A<1 drew, all comrounioalions to P. O. Box 25, Greenville, 8. Q SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. A Purely Southern Institution INSURES LIVES and promptly adjusts .and pays loaoes The Departraent in this State inveets all lis lUnds in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. It haa ample meant to folly protect Policy holders and pay all losses. Ieauea all the improved forma of Policiea?Life, Limited Payment, (5,1A, 15 or 20 pap mente) En downdent (plain,) Endowment (limited payment,) Return Premium, Joint Life, Short Term, Children Endowment!, and Annuities, in tunu of $1,000 to $10,000, aa may be desired. , 4 By the terms of Charter the wife and children may be made cole heneflciarit-s, and the value of the Policy can only he central led by them. Premiums received in sash and entitled to Annual dividends. ALL POLICIES NOM-VORFEITABLE After second annuel payment. Every rea. aonahda indulgence extended the eaaured, Including liberty to travel, change of occupation and aceotumttdation ito payment.? Premiums payable annually or eemi-annnally. No eklra charge for permlta. Any premium stipulated to be paid annually, can afterwards be paid semiannually, if deaired. Assurance within ths reach of all. TRUE TEST OF COMPANY'S STRENGTH. Ratio oj After* to tiabilitie?, $299.87 to $180. Patronlte Home Enterprises, PROGRESS OE THE ED MP ANY. Aeseta, January 1st, 186#: ...,. $884,245 86 January 1ft. 1870 ..... 688 294.01 " April 1st, 1870 719.926 62 July lft, 1870. 826,222.72 Mar 2f 41 tf CAROL. IN A un nsmiti tiirtiT, ... or MEMPHI8, TENN., Alft> BALTIMORE. Mb. Assets, $1*100,000. HON. JEFFERSON DAVW. PaiatbrHt GEN. WADE HAMPTON, Vic* PauribKKt. GEN. JOHN D. KENNEDY, General Agent for South Carolina, Colombia, 8. C. Jrir JOHN II, SCOmLl), A goat, Um> l(ta78. 0. Mar IS 46 6m In the Court of Probate, ORSEN Y ILL E COUNTY. BARKADALK CtlARLRS ?. KDMtJND B. GARRISON, and otheri-'/'ditiM /#r .Salt 0/ Html Xtnu H fay t>ebi?, Jtc. TT APPEARING to nj eatlafaottoa that ' .l->bn N. Oarrlaon, UavM 0. Qarriaoti, and Mary Oarrtron, Defendant* Hi ffcla eaaa, riiMe oat of the ft tat I It li ordered, on notion ?f Sullivan A Stokoa, that they do appear In porooit or by attorney, at a Court of Pi obare to to balden at rifdenrllto Court H WW) m the M rf?y of Jnlv hert, to ?bow m'lni if ?i?t ibtT ?m, why toe Heal Katate of 0. W. UAURISON, dscMicd, ahonld not to told to pay the Debts of aatd deceased, and for Partition among the heirt; on biting to attend, their oonaents will to entered of record. P. J. DOVTHIT, J. P., fl. C. May 27lb, 187!. 4 ? t Uj?MpgwauiB ^trJKHtgor GOIO AKtr SILVER ti??? *or oRAPe OF tUVfft A WO SHVEA-fUTEl WABt, TABIC CVTLEIIfp t>i* kVO FANCY GOODS. a. labq* Aaoavn or *UrlftMr, mrnl #PfctUd Frraed SPECTACLES, , ALSO OEKtTJV* ipisma ^(dimuhuss. B? Welurle. 0?t II u tf A. B. MtWICIN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL lUUOSSM II1CUIT. E . ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. I toill also, wAsn placed in funds, purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Fertilizers, <Sso. OtiH M 7. ly Johnston. Crews & Co., IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers in STAPLE AND ^ A. NO Y DRY QOQDS, 17 O T 1 OIT B AM? SMALL 41 HAY EE STREET, .QlOJmHlNNV, S. (D. I>M in S2 ljr JOHN C. SEEGERS MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE akd RETAIL Liquor Dealer, LAGER Mil I11VQ. SC., COLUMBIA, & ? Oct l8 ' 14 1 jr WILLIAM SLOAN E7 tiithosranhic* nnnnAr-wio^ w * -> ?rr*" AND GENERAL JOB PRINTER, fjLAiny sraifiieip, COLUMBIA? S* C. BOOKS, Pampblalv, Pvsteia, Haod-BiiW, Cards, Circulars, Bill Hrada, Fac Similes, Maps, Plana, Chalk and Line Drawings, Liquor Labels, Druggists' PrOecrip* liooa, ate , Executed with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND ON TUB jMost Reasonable Terms. Ooiah 48 3m? Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, ) C., C. A A. R. R V Columbia, S. C, January 1, 1872. J ON and after January 4, the following achedule will ba run aver this Road; Train no. i. . MALE TRAIN?OOIKO NORTtl. Leave Augusts 3 15 A M Leave Columbia,. 8.11 A M ArilVa at Charlotte i- 2,09 P M TRAIN No. 1. Wail train?uoino north. LaaVa Anguata. 6.00 Tht Leave Columbia 11.04PM Arrive at Charlotte.,.... ,v.. 6.15 AM fRAltt-Ko. lT~ Mail tbAin?ooiira room. Leave Cbarlotie.7.15 A M Leave Columbia. 1.85 PM Arrive at Auguat*........... 6.60 P M TRAIN No. A Mail train?ooino south. 5va Charlotte............. | 7 30 PM Ve Columbia............. I 200AM Arrive at Augneta.; | t.SO A M Nh. 1 Train daily. 'No. 2 Train ^lelly, Sundays excepted. Both Trains make chJaa nnnneetiona to all points North, South and W at. Through Ticket* sold and baggage cheeked to all prine pal points. Standard Iime? Washington City time, sixteen minutes faater than this oity. E. P. ALEXANDER.SodT. E. R. TX)mmct, 6encr?l Tkkvt ind Freight Agent, Jen U M DRESSMAKING DONE hy Ml?. FOWI.KK ud MISS LINDSAY, illh? house formerly oc* cupied tiy Mrs, Marin "Thompson, on Buneonihe Street. Ladlo* Hate Trimmed end altered. Oen tinmen's Clothing mtJe end renovated. it 3m For Rent or Sale. , THF. LAROK BRICK AgltTV. HOU9S, eeoond equare below the Court Ilouee. It contains eight upright rooms, .iho ell HMcMsry outbuildings. For terms, apply to ' O B. IRVINB. May 8 1 U t a a ? a. v- v. r. Moonfain Lodge, Ko. iht'xr Hail, over Marthall A Itsnfdln's Drug Store. Regular at. tndUM desired. JAMEB P. MOORR. *. O A?ig K> It .>?? If 'T""' -? notice. ONS of the Pineal BULIA(Dark?m am! Ayrshire) ever brought to tha County, is now funding at the Lot of MILLS, Mc* RRAYF.R dr CO, for the ?ae of lht> puhtio. May I A* If