University of South Carolina Libraries
DBUGS,. AND MEDICINES. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FRE8H SUPPLIES. ' : JUST RECEIVED, One C*?k, Extra Fine, FRENCH BRANDY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. # MILLVILLE FRUIT JAR, THE BEST IN USE. ' v '" -t:' > ?o? TO BE RECEIVED IN A FEW DAYS, fcjmvngi TURNIP SEED, THE MOST RELIABLE. ?o? JUST TO HAND, AN ASSORTMENT OF HARPER'S and APPLETON'S TT JBEC flHB ?"f ^ | ?o? BOOKS AND STJtfltiiif* AT LOW RATES. ?o?' MO iriDlJYG FOR FRAMES, SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT. C3* Examine Prices before Buying. MARSHALL I NAHM OPPOSITE MANSION HOUSE. July 10 10 ly STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, QtiRKNVILLK COUNTY. BherfT s Bale*. BY virtue of an order fr?>m 3. J. Don tiiit. Probate Judg- of Greenville County, I will se'l, on Saletday in Augu*\ next, in-fore the Court House door, at putilic outcry, the toll, wing Tracts of Land viz: All tliav. Tract of Lnn.i, situate in Greenville County, on waters of Beaver Dam Cr? ek , adjoining lands of R. P. Whilden James Few and others, and containing Our Hundred and twenty-five acres, more or lesa. So'd as the property of Naooy Babb. deceased, foi partition among the helra. also. All that Traot of Land, situate in Greenville County, on waters ol Grove Creek, adjoining Lands of John t'harlea, Hewlei Chapman, H Churl- a and otheia. and eon tainuig Two Hundred and e glit m-res, mot* or less. Sold as the property of O. W. Gar rison, deceased, to pay debts, Ac ?n I?,.-. T . VT _ BUI).?rur unci Lto. 1, a Credit O twelve months; and for Tract No 2. fivr months, with interest front day of sale, (01 all except so much as will pay the costs which will he required in cash on tir day of suit'. Purchas-ia to give bond and ap proved security, with a moitgage of ih( premises, to the Prohste Judge, to secure (.lie payment of the purehas money Purchasers to psy for lilies sod stamps J. L SOUTHERN. S O. 0. Shei iff 'a Office, July g.h, 1872- 10-4 The State of South Carolina ORKENVILLB COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Fa eia? to me directed, I will sell beloit the Court House door, on Saletday in Au jjmt next, between the hours of 10 o'clocl in the forenoon and 3 o'clock in the after noon, One Tract of Land containing 13 seres more or less, adjoining lands of PrisclaTur ner, M?lind*Trammel) and other*. I,?viec on as the propcitv of Joseph Leraance, a the suit of M. C. (Joodlett. ALSO, All Defendant's interest in the following properly: One Tract of Land, known ai the Bsrson Tract, containing Two Hundrct and fifty five seres, more or less, adjoining tract whereon Defendant now lives. Out Lot in Marietta, containing Six acres, moir or less, adjoining lends of Salmons one uni store Houm and Lot ii Marietta, containing 0?a and three-quar Item *ort-e, mor? or leea. adjoining lands o i. H Cleveland. One Tract of Land, con laining Eighty naues, mora or leas, adjoin ing lands uf Cleveland, Tinsley and -la jthen Powell. A'*0, one Tract Land, knowi as the ll abanla' Trad, containing Ftfleet and one-half aeret, mnre or less, adjoining lands of If. Carter and M E. Powell. Also one Traet, known aa the (food Tract, eon taiumg One Hundred acres, more or lees lying ?n North Salads River. Also. on< Tract of Land, oontaioing One Hundred anc fifty Ana eoree. more or leas, adjoining landi of Maithew Watson. Win Powell, Eeekie Hume and Panny Sheiton. Levied on a the property of Edward Powell, at the aui{ of II. Btschoff dt Co and others ?t We* A Powell. Homeatead t? be setoff befor< day of sale. auto. All Onfendant'a right, title and in totes in one Tract ol Land, aontaiaing Eigh Hundred aorea, more or lees, together will a Cotton Fael?ry theraoa, known ae Weav er's Vaotory,^^tth?r with atl the tooh ..* urrp, appNiBM and oppurter.ance thereto belonging. A ten, one Treot o! Lftpd known m the Craine Treat, eonteinlng Tw Hundred acre#, not* or I?L fdlointoK th Factory Tract' <uvltd eo fta fJt? proper*; of Martha B Vh'MM, |i thatolt of wash Ington B Taylor and Fraaei* A- MHee Horn reload to ba eat of b#m d?J of aaU Terrn^ Caah. forehoMfl Id pay fo luiopa and papery, j:l sooth bun, s. o. c. Sbariff^aOflUn Jo'y 8th,m? 10-4 A oecamuaiat, with both '*ff (>ot of, wa brought before the military tribunal at Vet eaiUes tp receive sentence of 4e?tb. * ; _ _ tlT B Willi to cdtil yintr attoaV> till to Thr?o Ttalngis let W? ere offering Urge etook of BUMMER DRESS GOODS et ooet. Id. We hlrr Joel reeelred e full stork of BLEACHED AMD BROWN SHIRTINGS, , I CALICOES, end other Good*. | 8d. Pereooe Indebted to ae for 1871 bed better o?ll ood settle et onee. BEATTIE A CO. 3y t 9 * Desirable Residence [. FOR SALE. A . THE undersigned offer, at Affy.s private sale, that desirable fle^^BSr *nd commodious DWELL on North Street la ihla oily, ti>nueriy ocouf^ed by the lata Dr. Ju, tlarriaoo, situated 'near the center of the G eity. within a lew ce in a tee walk of the Poet O Ace end Court Houre. The Houae contains ten n>oma, and ia in good oider On the Lot are all the necessary Out build* inga for a comfortable residence s I For terms. Ac., noble at this office. t< M. B. HARRISON. ) P J. W HARRISON, V Executor*. j h. Harrison,) Jy'S * 9 24wtC . Office of Board of County ) Commissioners, \ GREENVILLE, 8. C., July 2d, 1871. ) THE action of the Board of County CotntniaaioDers, in regard to building a new BRIDGE at Fork 6hoais, baa been deferred until November, 1872. W. A. HUDSON, , Chairman Board County Commiaaionera. P. A. McDavid, Clerk. July * 9 2 No ice. ^ Ofviob Board County Commissioners. { \ OIlKKNVILLIt, S. C., July 2u,*1872. \ The bridge over Saluda, known as ilie Bent Bridge, near the yossing 0 of the Air^Llne Railroad, will be let out for repairs, to lire lowest bidder, on S<UurJqy, ? the 18fA iuei , at 11 o'clock A. M. Also, the Bridge over earns River at Farr's Mills, at 8 o'clock P. M the same day Cash to be paid ?l" n tlie work la completed so cording to cootraot. r w A. hudson. Chairman Board Co. Com , O 0. ? JOHN T. GOSSETT. J Chairman Board Co. Com., P. 0 Jy 3 8 2 . W. B. SMITH& CO., I and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. B. Smith. A. U. Jones. L. M. Jones W. B. Wualev. j ?o? tr Conaignmenta solicited, on which J Liberal Advances will t>e made. Refer to Messve. Foster 4 IIuxtkk, Orevnville, S. 0. 1 Jy 8 0 UJ8 .< COWS FOR SALE. y KI HAVE formula will b? sold on appli> J cation to p Jo 26 8 3 11 c Cherubusco Mills. I AM prepared with n<y new Mil's and a competent Miller, i? grind wheat into s a superior quality of FLOUIt, pn<mu^ i t and on sho> t notice, and would respectf ! ask the patronage o> the pul>lie. All I ask r is a trial PHILEMON HUFF. i June 25. 8 tf a i . , ; ENVELOPES. OH OHO ENVELOPES, of various " OUjvV/U sizes and qualities, from $1.75 to $5 a tbousund. For sale by. ELFORD A WELLS, Court House Square. PAPER. J BILLET, Note, Letter, Foolscnp, Bill Cap, " Legal Cap, Flat Letter and Flat C.p, by the quire or ream. For aale by '' ELFOKD A WELLS, n Court Houae Square. ? BL ANKT~BOOKS. MEMORANDUMS, Day Booka, Ledgers, Record Books, full and half bound. For aale by ELFCRD A WELLS, c Court House Square. STATIONERY GOODS. A FULL SUPPLY of Pons, Ink, Inkstands, ^ Pencils, Sealing Wax, Letter Clips, Water Colors, Chessmen, Rubber Bands, Via' itiug Cords Ac., Ac. For salo by ELFORD A WELLS, J , Court Ilouso Square. ft I FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ' I3IBLES, Testaments, Ilymn Books; J , JL> 'nlant Class Catechisms; 2 Child's Scripture Questions ; Union Questions, Vols. 1, 2 and 6 ; q ' Consecutive Questions; Class Books ; 0 Reward Tickets ; Bible Text Cards ; t Fresh Laurels ; t-urcQold; . > Prise Books; Bible Dictionary, Ao. p&r Libruriej ordered and furnished I free oi freight, at publication prices. I ELFORD A WBLL8, Court House Square. l BLANKS. , T AW and Trial Justice Blanks, at Charlos- I I | j ton prices, by the quire or quantity. I Deeds, Mortgages, Masonic Demits, Drafts, Ac. ? For sale by ELFORD A WELLS, i Court House Square, I Je 26 8 Am j f Notice 1 ? 1"S hereby given to all whom It may eon? A corn, that we will apply to 8. J. I)ou? thit, Probate Judge ot Oreenville County, , on the 'i&th day of July next, for a Ftnal ! Discharge aa Administrators of the Estate > of HENRY R. W 11 ,i,i A Ms Herea-cd. FREEMAN G. MARTIN, 1 i LEONARD WILLIAMS, L * AduiiniatiaLora b June 21, 1872. ~ 8-6 Notice 13 hereby given to all whom it may eon?. . eero, thai I will apply to 3. J. Domini. s Piobate Judge of Greenville County, on the J 2rtib day of July next, for a Final Discharge a Administrator of the Rotate of FRANCIS W1LL1 a M3. deceased. FRRRMAKG, M ARTIN, Ad'or. June Slat, 1872. 8-6 J DRESSMAKING DONE by MRS. FOWLER and MIS8 . LINDAAY, at the house formerly oes spied hy lira. Maria Thompson, on Bunaembe Street t Lad lea* H?U Trimmed and altered. Oentl/etnen'a Clothing made and renova- , tad, 61 8m , < Dh W. B A J. H. Harjr son. ' rkspkctfully' OFPRR their PROFESSIONAL SKRVI- ? CBS to tba public. Will be found at ? the Reeid*Me ef John II. g*ri?0U, Esq., | ' fifteen miles below Greenville, May 29 i :\n GREENVILLE WOOL CARDIN8 AT THB ] M'BEE FACTORY. OUR CARDS A RB IN COMPLETE ORDKR, AND flL MANAGED BT 1R. ROGERS, _ 1 m Expert.noed Cudtr, who (IrM uuul SATISFACTION. TERMS? I IW 1Q qBNTS per* Pound when Oil or lr?u?tii Furniehed, or /T 12 CENT8 when we FurnUh OU. ^ar-Our WAGON la constantly nasalnc. mtb WOOL left at the Stores of Captain . tradley, or Mr. W. 1). Goodwin, will be soot J > the Cards, and will be returned to the same l^C?. A McXENZIE, DAVID ft CO. ( May 21st, 1872. 8-tf J. B. henryT~ WHOLESALE AND ? RETAIL GRGCER, I MAIN STREET, , Greenville, S. , JOtTCTTOY PR ODYOB . BODGHT AND SOLD. RDERS FOR CORK SOLICITED April 17 40 1y C The State of South Carolina, ORE EN VILI S COUNTY. ^ In the Court or Trial Justice. OSEPII W. HARRISON vs. JULIUS A. J POOR?Warrant or Attachment. "o the Defendant, Julius A. Poor : A L7~OU are hereby required to piea<l, an- j JL swer or demur to the Complaint Sled gainst ) ou in the above ease, on or by the j 5<A day of Ju/y next, at 12 o'clock M., nod le a copy with me ; and on your failure > to do, judgment will be given against All fr?r lliii aitmiini T V MOORE. T. J. O. C. Greenville, S G , June 4, 1872. 5?7 q j The State of 8011th Carolina, j GREENVILLE COUNTY, * n In the Court ok Trial Justice . W. THORNBURG vt. JACKSOW ROBERTS?WArrant of Attachment. "o the Defendant, Jackson Robertb: OU are hereby required to plead, ans X ?wrr or demur to the Complaint filed gainst you in the above case, on or by the 6th day of July next, at 12 o'clock M , and Y le a copy with me ; and on your failure c< > to do, judgment will be given against p on for the amount claimed. al J. P. MOORE, T. J. O. C. ?' Greenville, 8. C., June 4, 1872. 6?7 ni Notico ?? |"S hereby piven to all whom ii may con P L oern, that 1 will apply to S J IIoothit, ' 'robate Judge of Greenville County, on lie 16fA day of July next, for a Final Die- a harpe as Executor of the Estate of DUD- " .EY TALLLY, deceased _ G. F. TOWNES, Executor. June 4th, 1872. 6?ft Notice TS hereby given to all whom it may con* L cern that I will apply to S. J. Douthit, robate Judpeof Greenville County, on the 9th day of July next, for a Final Discharge s Guardian of G. B. Brock. M M JONES, Guardian. June 17th, 1872. 7?5t Notice to Creditors WIIiLIAin WEST. [ [T is ordered hy the Honorable the District j Court for the District of South Carolina, ^ tiat all Liens and other Creditors of WIL* t| iIAM V E8T, of Oreonville County, do cstab- t| sh their liens and prove their demands before ae, at my office, in Yorkville, 8. C., within j finely Days from the Nineteenth Day of June astant. W. I. CLAW80N, , Register in Bankruptcy. June 19 7 4 1T1TV nv oansur ? rAU AJU VA" OUVia 1/AAUL1V4' " GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ill the Court of Probate. FM. McKINNEY, Jr., v?. CYNTHIA P. \ TAYLOR, tt *1.? Petition for Partition of Peal Eetate. J r T appearing to my satisfaction that Thomas r L Taylor and Lncinda Jano McMahan, Desndants in this case, reside out of the State : . t is ordered, on motion of Earlo k Blythe, . Utorneys for Petitioner, that they do appear in " arson or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, o be holden at Greenville Court House on the ? 3d day of July next, to show cause, if any hey can, why the Real Estate of PETER BAYLOR, Sr., deceased, shonld not be sold r divided as prayed for. On failing to at* end, their conscots to the same will bo entor- s d of record. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J. P., G. C. June 10th, 1872. 12-2 T.W.DAVIS imi uiti tn ilium flg CORNER OP Cff MA,N J* ? Hii imF and Vashington Streets next Door to National Bank, " GREENVILLE, 8- C. May 8 I ? tf Notice [S hereby givon to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Proate Judge of Greenville County, on the 27tk \ay of July next, for a Pinal Discharge as luardian of J03IAU SMITH DRADLY and VM. SCOTT DRADLY, deceased. K. 8. IRVINE, Guardian. June 22d, 1172. 8-5 Prof, H. G. DeCamps* 1 DEALER in all kinds, of MUSICAL a MERCHANDIZE. On hand-Pis ' noa, Melodeont, Klulea, An, Sheet Muaie md Muaie Booka Call end cee him, at hia . looms Id tl>o ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Near the Female College, Oreenville, 8. C. $ May 22 8 tf ? f Tailoring, ? THE nn.terefgned have opened a TAl- ? LORINO 8HOP at the staud one door lorih of the Poet Offlee, having re fitted the t ?m?. where they are prepared to do all SUITING, MARINO and REPAIRING pf GARMENTS committed to them. Com- . ?lete Pits guaranteed, and all Work war anted, and turned out promptly. Term* -easonable. , pf One or two good "Jailors cap fiod ' >ormaneot employment ?t fair wagea. ) O B POOR E A CO J k II ni "r" ** ' Sni i JOHN H. SC LIFE A EE FIRE 11 >' a IS PREPARED Policies on all C) V ? -rAT THE LOW vnNK nrrr run n. Vorth British and Me and Edinburg, < $10, (KM Some Of N. T. Capi Georgia Home, " OFFICE WITH MESSRS GREEJY1 May 1 . 62 WIZENS' SAVINGS8 BANK T T or SOUTH CAROLINA. :o: lompound Interest Allowed on Deposits* 1 M. MARTIN, President. ^ 0 OHN B. PALMER, Viee-Presidont. < 0. BRENIZKR, Cashier. d . C. B. SMITH, Local Assistant Cashier. tj . H. 8AWYER, Assistant Cashier, in dene- a ral Charge. J" e< DIRECTORS. Wade Hampton, Rev. William Martin, A. . Haskell, F. W. McMaster, E H. Heinitsh, T oho B. Palmer, Thomas B. Gregg, Colombia; . Eli Gregg, Marion ; G. T. Soott, W. G. Tayes, Newberry; B. U. Uutledge, Daniel lavenel, Jt., Charleston. :o: Greenville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Assistant Cashier. * :o: i Planters, Mechanics, and Professional Men, ft fidows, Orphans, Trustees and County OA- p srs, having money for which they have no fj resent use, can here deposit it, thus avoiding 0 II risks of thefts aud destruction by Ore, and Q t the tamo time draw interest thereon till seded. Citiiens of Greenville can save thontnds of dollars by patronising their Bank. \ deposits solicited, no matter how small, or 0 ow Urge. " ? &- Gold and Silver received on deposit, t interest, and repaid in kind, or in currency, s sgreed upon. May 22 3 0m Office Comptroller Genera), 8Mak ' Colombia, 8. C., February 1, 1872. rHIS is to certify that the GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published t the town of Greenville, 8. C., is hereby des;nated by this Board as the paper in whieh C :gal and public notices shall he published, for i bo County of Greenville, in accordance with ie ' Act to regulate the publication of all leal and public notices," which became a law 'ebruary 22d, 1870. J. L. NEAGLE, Comptroller General. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. THE above is a true copy of the original on ile in the office of Secretary of State. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. Feb 14 41 tf LAND FOR" SALE. 1 rwo TRACTS of LAND, on 8ontli Saluda River, containing 780 acres, part l est River and Creek BOTTOM, with new mprovements Also large lot cf valuable HORSES, CAT- " 'LE and L10GS. Apply to JULIUS C. SMITH, or J. M. M< CLAN AH AN, May 29 4 td Mrs. Minnie O'Conner, f RESPECTFULLY CALLS the attention of tbe Ladiaa of Green7ille and vicinity to the fact, that she will open, on Monday, 27th May inst., An Elegant Assortment of FANCY GOODS, *?-0F EVERY DESCRIPTION, consisting in part of: >aco Goods, Fancy Jewelry, Zephyr Worsteds, Millinery Goods of Every Description. And many other Articles too numerous to nention. N. B.?A liberal patronage is respectfully olicited. May 22 3 tf Just Received* j&k AT pSfflto iSS MCKAY'S, NEW SUPPLY LEGHORN AND STRAW or HATS. BONNETS. RIBBONS. M Ladiea' TIES and HAIR QOOD8, JS 3^" SUN DOWNS AT FIFTY CENTS. Ap Inly ft (ft tl Boot and Shoe Making. rHE UNPF.RMONKD la prepared with eompatant Workmen to fill ell ord.n or BOOTS end SHOES, of boi h See end i?evj qualities, on ehort nulie*. lie guariDleea aatlafaeUoD. REPAIRING promply attended to. or Shop nearly oppoeite Reaere. Oew- . r, (Jos A literklay e BUTLER DYER. April 10 49 ly J Nollee. I ONE of the Finaet BULLS (Durhena end I Aymhire) eeer brought to the (?onnty, 1 a now Standing at the Lot of RILLS, Me- ' ftRAYFR A CO., for the uee of the public. | May 1 M it 3HQFIEU), tSUXASCE lenr, ? TO ISSUE lasses of Risks, ,? . , ' V ' I* 4 f N' i * " TEST RATES. : . ... . ?> ?. ! ?: '? ?" ' OMPANJES REPRESENTED. i WIUM , I ?* ?.' *lT< Tcantile, of London Capital (Gold) >,000. L tal, $2,500,000. < $350,000. , I. EARLE) Sl BLYTIIE, rILiLiEy 8. C. TATE OF 80UTH CAB0LIHA, 1 GREENVILLE COTTNTV COUBT or COMMON FLEAS, homas A. Peden and Andrew M. Prden, Executors, Plaintiffs, vt Moses T. Fowler, . Trustee, et al.. Defendan'a 0 the Defendant*. David M. Pcden, John T Fowler, David M. Fowler, Mary J Douglas and Andrew J. Douglas, her husband, David Boyd James 8. Boyd, Elizabeth Bojrd. John Bojd.Sallte 8tewnr? J and John Stewart, iter husband, Robert P. Boyd. Louisa Boyd, Ellen Boyd and Nancy Boyd. LTOU are hereby summoned and required 1 to answer the complaint in thiB *con, whioh is filed in the office of the lerk of Common Pleas for Greenville ounty, at Greenville C. H., S? C.. and to irve a copy of your answer to the said unplaint on the subscriber, at. hie office, v I Gieenviile C. H., S. C? within twenty ays after the service hereof, exclusive of le day of such service; and if you fail to nawer the oomplaint within the time afoi e- ' lid, the plaintiff in thia action will apply > the Court for the relief deman led in the Dniplaint. Dated Greenville C. H., 17th June, 1872. J. P. MOORE, Plaintiff's Attorney. o the Defendants. David M. Peden, John ? T. Fowler, David M. Fowler, Mary J Douglas and Andrew J. Douglas, her buss band, David Boyd, James S. Boyd, Elizabeth Boyd, John Boyd, Sallie Stewart and John Stewart, her huaband, Robert P. Boyd, Lonisa BoydpEllen Boyd and Nancy Boyd. rAKB notiee that thia action is commenced for Injunction, set aaide decree, nd relief in the Court of Common Plets >r Greenville County, and that the eomlaint and summons in this action has fieen led in the office of the Clerk of the Court ' f C< ramon Pleas, at Greenville. 8oulh Car linn. J. P. MOORE PUinliflV Atfy. Greenville, S. C , 17th June, 1872. 7-6 ( Samuel stradley, SUCCESSOR TO . BAVID & STRADLEY, VILL BE PLEASED TO SEE I HIS FRIEiVDS, AT THE OLD ST^Jv5" I WHERE 1IE WILL BELL THEM i AT LOW FIGtfBES. Feb 28 43 tf _____ | 8 D %> , P2 2 ? (a "S ! ? ' 1 s i f ; 2E 0 1 5 la *sU X! =s*!pM tt "* | S i j" fe * ! ? I I CD ? | " s ^ W CO & I ? ? o a n " ? -g. P ^ ! S ? s s ^ S 5 ? J-* I * ? I ? ** g= g NH i yj S s ^ o 2 pa u & -5 ^ * X " ^ H * B 25 I a 3 f i e 1 5 CO ' e gQ s W 8 _ * 2 J * ? w 2 _ H = Z s | o t H ? jg, 0 J <# *s <! 1 !b ?i 1 !l 5 S * J Is I * 5r * *? - ? s S? ?| * & i - 2-1 i 6 h I -J * J. IS, BLACK A CO., DRALSHS in Watch**, Clock*. Jewelry, Hpeakaolae, Pimt Good* and Oroee He*. Con feet ion ?-r lea. Notion a, Lamp* and Flxlnrea, Non explosive Attachment*, Olaaa ware. Sahara. Saaff. Braokloc and Chewino robaoeo, Dry Good*, Hat a, Bhon, and a great variety of other anielea. All ara in* riled (and might do well) to call on them before purchaaing fy Special attention jivao to Repairing Titnepieeee, ke. Mar 13 lb tf 5?? L <1 WI1?TNER SYMMES, Attorney &nA Connwllor art Lair, GREENVILLE, S. C. ( OFPICE.-N?* Owrl It6?? Room oard by County Com mi**toners. April 10 40 Am BURT & GRAY," ? ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, BREENVILLE, S. O,, G Will Prnclict in tka Courti of tkit Stat* and ht United Stat?. OFFICE?Resr room of Now Court Hons* Msr80, 1878. 46 tr C. C. Stephens, &TTOI&WET AT LAW. (;rkknvh.LE, s. C. )FFICE IN REAR OF BEATTIK S STORE. pM- Prompt attention given to Colleolous. 39-tf ' Jen 31, 1872. E. P. joSEST &xs ILAW, i AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. h WILL VRACTIC* IN ALL I COURTS OF THIS STA1E I ALSO, I IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. V Office st Greenville C. H., S. 0. 1 Jul, 1, 1869. 7 ly* 1 U o butler. r Hem. BUTLER 8c McBEE. ( attorneys and Counsellors at Law TU and in Eqnity, GREENVILLE, S. C., " Will Fractioe in the Courts of the State and of the United States. May SI 4 tf r. K. f.aslev. e. o. WKLU EASLEY & WELLS, CI attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, C GREENVILLE, S.C., j. PR ACTICE in the Courts of the State and of the United States, and give especial attention to cases in Bankruptcy. Jan 1 187). 34-tr ATLANTA DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE , COMPANY- J PRINCIPAL OFFICES: Atlanta, Ga., and Memphis, Tenn, CAPITAL. $228,500.00. jEN'L JOHN B. GORDON, President. !V. C. MORRIS, Secretary. Gkn'l A. H. Colquitt, Vice President. )j El | Fi0,nce Committee MEDICAL BOARDS I. M. JOHNSON, M. n. It.V. M. UILLKR, H.O. Assets July 1st, 1870 $826 222,7 C. O. STEPHENS, Agent for Upocountry r Address ail communications to l'.O. | _ oox zt>, uieenvtue, s. U -g SOUTHERN IJPE INSURANCE CO. A Purely Southern Institution INSURES LIVES and promptly adjusts and pays losses The Department in litis State invests all its funds in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida It has ample means 10 fully protect Poli- r sy holders and pay all losses. Issues all I. the improved forms of Policies?Life, l.itni* led Payment, (5,10,15 or 20 payments) l2u dowmenl (plain.) Endowment (limited payment,) Return Premium, Joint Life, Short Term, Children Endowments, and Annul- ties, in sums of $1,000 to $10,000, as may be desired. Bv the terms of Charter the wife and children may be made sole beneficiaries, L and the value of the Policy can only be controlled by them. Premiums received in cash and entitled to Annual dividends. ^ ALL POLICIES N0N FORFEITABLE After second annual payment.. J Every rea? sonabla indulgence extended the assured, -? Including liberty to travel, change of occn? pation and accommodation in payment.? .. Premiums payable annually or irmi.annu- . ' ally. No extra charge for permits. Any premium stipulated to he paid annually, can afterwards be paid semi-annuall) , if desired. Aaauranoe within the reach of nil. TRUE TEST OF COMPANY'S STRENGTH. Rutio oj A**eti to Lxnbilitiet, $209.67 to $100. Patronize Home Enterprises. f I'll OGRESS OF THE COMPANY. Assets, January 1st., 1869 $384.245.86 January 1st, 1870 6*8 294.01 ' April 1st, 1870 719.928.62 July 1st, 1870 826,222.72 Mar 27 47 tf ^ CAROLINA LIFE IISflBAlCE COMPANY I or ' A MEMPHIS, TENN., ash L BALTIMORE, MD.1; Assets, #1, J 00,000. HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Pimtdrnt L flEN. WADE HAMPTON, Viok Phsidkkt. J? GEN. JOHN 0. KENNEOY, General Agent for South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. ? JW" JOHN II. SCOFIELD, Agent, Green- ? vilie, 8. C. i Mar 18 46 6m III Ike Court of Probate, o. GREENVILLE COUNTY. v BARKRDALK CHARLES vs. KT>MI'MI? Ti . GARRISON, and others?Petition for ^ale oj Real Eetate to pay Debt*, <?c. , TT APPEARING to my satisfaction that John N. (Jarriaon, David C. Garriann, pod Mary Garriaon, Defendant* in thia caao, reside out of tho State: It i* ordered, on motion of Sullivan A Stokea, that they do ap- _ pear in peraen or by attorney, at a Court of Probate to be holden at Greenville Court House, on the 8th day of July next, to show oause, if any they can, why the Real Estate of O. W. GARRISON, deceased, should not I be sold to pay the Debts of said deceased, and I for Partition among the heirs; on failing to ? attend, their consent* will l>e entered of record. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J. P., G. C. ! May 27th, 1871. 4- 8 ion J-L?L"-' ' CLOCKS, GOLD AND SILVER wMxeaatn B?at GfcAf>KS or SftVER MO SH.VER-PLATED MAKE, TABU CUT URT, AND FANCY G(>;)DS. A LAftOK ASSORTMENT OF old, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed SPECTACLES, ALSO GENUINE IPSMlLffi SIPSSTAUILIES. B. Wchrle. Oct 1?' 2* tf t. qottuxb Ttscffs snmss, ^ This prmntloi at th? 1W groat Scientist, Dr. GottIleb Flseh,of Germany, It bawd on tha tact thai, as all materials of the body JBHA axe derived from Food, ao A^nJHRn all Vital Force, or Health, flHP M la derived from the Foroe rit TIBflfi ||J stored lip In Food. Dr. Br FH9 >VacA'a Bitter* enables tho BQGM System to liberate and tpproprlate these Forces, creates Appetite, cureaa Dyspepsia, with Its resulting i5obll7ty and lack of JgMjCTCOSjH^Ncrvons Energy; so tones E^KWstQHthe Stomach and Liver aa 9MH to make Constipation and Inforoes the System so it ^^1 oan tide over bad results of changing climate, water* HH Ac., and better endure tho demands often unexpeotedly made on Its Force .^ B^B andlCneasy. Ladles In do BnM Uoate health, aged persons, SBffiHWw and 611 emaciated and weak after sickness, will ?,( rapidly strengthen by * ling this great preparation. t Un 3, 1872 35 lycon A. COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL DHMISS1QH MEHCHAST, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, !HARLESTON(S. C, will alio, when placet in funds, purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Fertilizers\ cSec. Oct 25 35 ly ohnston, Crews & Co?, IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers in 8TAPLB AND f jOL. n CJ ~ST* DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AM? SMALL WARES. 41 ii ay ee street, CTAl&IESTOH, <B. Dec 13 32 ljr ^HNCTseegers MAMPACTljRElt, WHOLESALE ANi) IlLTAiL lAqtior dtalcy^ m HER BREWER, K. COLUMBIA, ?. <?. Oct 18 24 ly WILLIAM SLOANE, .ithographic, Copper-plate, AND GENERAL fOB PRINTER, COLUMBIA, Sa C. ^)OOKS, iPamphlete, Posters, Hand-Bid*, 3 Cards, Circulars, Bill H. ads, Fao Sim s, Maps, l'lans, Chalk and Line Draw* iga, Liquor Libels, Druggists' Proscrip* oiis, etc , Executed with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND ON TI1K Most Reasonable Icrms. Oct 26 25 Sis' iharlotto, Columbia and Au* gusta Railroad. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, ) C., C. <fc A. R. R V Columbia, S. 0, January 1, 18*72. j 3N And after January 4, the following schedule will be run over this Road : TRAIN No. 1. MAI.K TRAIN? GOING NORTH. save Augn?ta 3 16 A II eave C?duinbio 8.22 A M rrive. at Charlotte 2.09 P M TRAIN No. 2. MAIL TRAIN?GOING NORTH. eave Augusta ti. ijom eave Columbia 11.04 P M rrive at Charlotte 6 16 AM TRAIN No. 1~ MAIL TRAIN?GOING SOUTtl. nave Charlotte 7.15 AM eave Columbia 1.85 P M rrive at Augusta ft.50 I'M Train nXIl MAIL TRAIN?GOING SOUTH. eave Charlotte I 7 80 P M eave Columbia 1 2 00 A M rrive at Augusta | 7.SO AM No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, undays excepted. Roth Train* make close on n eel ions to all points North, South and i ist. Through Ticket* sold *nd baggage checkd to all prine pal points. Standard lime?Washington City time, ixleeo minute* fatter than this city. K. P. ALEXANDER, Rup't. E, R. Donear, Dent-mi Ticket and Freight Agent. Jan 24 3ft For Kent or Sale. - the large brick Hit! SE, second square beIriABsafl 'ow tha Court 11 It. oonlams eight upright room# too ell^??rjr oulbulldlng*. For termt Nj? OB IKYINF ' " ? 1 tf % #