University of South Carolina Libraries
MBHMBBnMPaSSR For Befool 0? tfwoner. WB nn^u&orlMd te iuouci JAMBS K* of County School ConnlMtcmralthi Jneulnj lection.: '. * ? ' ' <>> S-td WK die SLIAS BRAMLKTT u wSl?i for foe efoee K School Cy hutoncr Of OreenVfUe County, nt the enruie* electa*. June M 8 T* a An i jrrMDds or Sr. BERRY LEAGUE, respectfully annouoos him a candidate for School Coaemiasioaer, it the Muallf slcsdlau Jono IS ? ti WE ore authorized hj many Wadt of ht C. McOEK, Esq., to Hftcuw Mf* M ewfc dldato for re-eleeUoo m School Commit* ionor of Qr?t>tiU? Qonnty, of lk? ensuing eleolleo. ' * IWd WB jtyp authorised by the Mends of JOHN W. WOOD, ?< *.? * aanonaee him u a sandtdatc for School Commbsleaor, at Mm taming election. Wd* | THE frlcoda of Education would respectfuliy nominate Prof. J. B. PATRICK for School Commissioner, at the enening else tion. For County Commissioner. " Many Friends * respeolfully announce Mr. WILLIAM L MAULDIN aa a caudidale for County Commimlonar, at the unto log election. - 6?td THE Mania it W. A. fcUDBON, Esq.. knowing that ha haa discharged his dntiaa honestly sod scsluosly,, and acceptably to the people, anuounoe hira at a candidate for re^eleclloa aa County Commissioner for Greenville, at Ihe eotulng election. COL. ROBERT ARNOLD, CAPT. ' OLD'S MITU, i A t B. R. JOHNSON, Esq. The above Ticket la nominated fur County Commissioners, and the gentleman composing it are respectfully requested to ah low their names to bo Used. ' 1 TAXPAYERS. May 22 3 ldl2? For tho Itate Senate. TIIE friend* of Colonel 8. 8. CRITTENDEN, announce him a candidate for tbe State Seoat* at tbe ensuing election. May 29 4 td WE are authorised by the friends of JAMES P. MOORE, Esq., to announce bita as a candidate for a seat in the State Senate, at the ensuing elcotion. 1-td For the Legislature. THE friends of WILSON COOK, Esq., announce him as a candidate for the Legia lature at the ensuing election. WE are authorised to announce 8IMEON R. WESTMORELAND, Esq., as a candidate for the Legislature, at the ensuing election. May 29 4 td WE are authorised to announce F. B. McBEE, Esq., as a candidate for the Legislature, at tbe eneneieg election. 1-td For Sheriff, WE, the friends of JAMBS 0. YEAROIN, announce him a Candidate for Gheriff, at the next election. WE are authorised to annonnce J. L. SOUTHERN, Eeq., as a candidate tor reelection, as Sheriff for Greenville County. Mny 8 I td For Judge of Probata* WE are authorised to announce SAMUEL J. DOUTHIT, Esq., as a candidate for reelection as Judge of Probata for Greenrillo County. I-td For Clorfc of the Court. WE are authorised to announce W. A. MoDANIEL, Esq., as a candidate for re-election as Clerk of the Court for GreenVHIe County. May. 8 1 td For Solicitor. The friends of ABSALOM DLVTHE, Enquire, respectfully announce him ne a Candidate f.?r the office of Solicitor of the 8th Judicial Circuit, at the ensuing election. , WE are authorized to announce the name of jAfciES DIRN IE, E-q., as a.Candidate for the office of Solicitor of the Eighth Judicial Circu ?t, at the ensuing election. Sl-tf Tbe friend* of Colonel W. II. PfeRRY annouuee him as a Candidate for Re-Electioa tor poitouor of Ibo 8tb Judicial District of 6outb Carolina. 60-tf Bevenue StampsPARTIES desiring REVENUE STAMPS can be supplied by calling on the under igued. JOHN H. 8CH0FIELD, General Insurance Agent. Je28 ? ! NoticeTREASURER'S OFFICE. \ ORAsMviLLA, 8. C., June 24tb? 1872. J f^TOTICK is hereby given that the 2d Quar1.1 tor's LICENSE TAX is due on the Ifl July. All persons that are liable for said Tax will call at the Treasurer's office promptly. W. W. ROBERTSON, Treasurer Greenville County. Je W 8 1 COW8 FOR SALE. KI HAVE for sale TWO FINE MILCH COWS, with a Calf, which will be sold on application to W. A. HUDSON. Ja 2? 8 3 Auditor's Office, 1 Greenville, S. 0? Jane 24, 1872. j Notice IS U hereby given that the ASSESSMENT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY will eon. inenoe about the Jlryt 9f Jmtf, and that Depties will attend at different localities in each Townabip for the purpose of snaking said Awsassment j and all parsons are respectfully requested to he prompt in making Returns, as it will save thecaselrss, and the DepuUee, too, much trouble. All WL- hB u within ih? (Im pttwribed by lew, will auhjeet thetnrelvea to fifty Pot Cent. Penalty, which will bo atrtetly on forced. J. M. KUNrON, <1 County Auditor. Jum J# 8 2 uw i ii.?" ?i III Bankruptcy# 1 United State* of America? DUtriet I qf South Carolina, 1 % ' In T*? limt or U D. Mctf AKIN. I T "\tOTICli le hereby ftrw lint there will f XN be general meeting ofthe Creditor* of the eforMtid Bankrupt at the office of w- I- 0'??OWP. Bag* Reglfier in.Begkrnpt* * ey, t'Torlellio, 8 G? on the 6th </ay of Jnlfiiy\en\i I* -thb nurpoefo nMbcf Hi the 27th rteclioo of the Bankrupt Aetof Mm oh 2, I8R^. A.,Bl.YtHE, Asrlgnee. Je 19 T ' ? ! Commencement JEaorcioet of Ntwberry ' 1 Colombia, 8. C? June If, 1872. TTH)R the accommodation of p?raoni who ? dldr* to attend I ho Co*nrin?lB?at Eierelaea of tha above named Institutions, I Round Trip Tlokete for one firot->etase faro will bo Mold at Stallone on this Rood Ma fotI Iowa: ) I b Bolo of Dakota for Walballa to eOnnhonce Tbohdit, June 20. and ooutlnue until Tunes dat, the 251 h. inclusive, good to rolurn un III Tomdat. July 2, inclusive. For Oo^p?bi?lo c<*t?.e>e IRnda* Jun. 24, add continue until t si day. the 28th, inoldvlvo. gtod to raMita until Monday, July 1, Inelnelve. v For Deooald'e. (Due Weal.) to aommaapa Wsow*8D4t, Julv 8. and continue until Thobsday, tha ntb, inclusive, goo<l to return until Monday, Ilia 16th. inclusive. Agents will iaaua ordinary Tickets, marking them " Return,* which will b? taken up bv Conductora. and Return Cbeoka aubs atituted. THOS. DODAMEAD, ' Oencial Superintendent. M. T. Babtlktt, General Ticket Agent June 28 8 ) ' 2 |E Bankruptcy. .Wi United Slate$ of / merica?rDistrict of South Carolina. In tbb Mattib or E. C. CUNNINGHAM. NOTICE U hereby given that there will be a general i^eetinfff the Craditora of the aforerald Bankrupt at the office of W. I. Clawaon, Esq , Register in Bankrupt .A tf--? Ml rt e. ?y, inmiiie, o. u, on the 8th day of Jfdy, 1812, for the purpose* Darned ip lite 27tli Section of (he Ba?krunt Act <>f Marsh 2. 186^; A. BLYTfiB, A?aigu*e. " Je 19 7 T. * 8> Notice to Creditors or williaih West. IT is ordered by theHonorahle-the District Coort for tha Distriet of South Carolina, that all Lieos and othar Creditors of WILLIAM V BST, of Greenville County, do establish thalr liens and. prove their demands before ma, at my office, in Yorfcvllte, 8. C., within Ninety Days from the Nineteenth Day of Jnne instant. W. I. CLAW80N, ? Register in Bankruptcy. Jnne 19 7 4 In Bankruptcy. United. Stales of America?District of South Carolina. In the Matter or WILLIAM WEST. BY virtue of a Decree of the United States District Court, I will sell, at the residence of WILLIAM WEST, thirteen miles above Greenville Court House, on ike tixih day of July next, all the Real and Personal Estate of said Will'mm West, as follows: One Tract of LAND, containing two hundred and fifty Acres, more or less, to be sold fVee of liens, and on a credit or six months, with note and two good sureties, and a mortgage of the premises. Also, all the Personal Property not set off to the Bankrupt. A. BLYTHB, Assignee. June 19 7 S STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Thomas A. Pcden and Andrew M. Prden, Executors, Plaintiffs, vs Moses T. Fowler, Trustee, et al.. Defendants To the Defendant*. David M. Peden, John T. Fowler, David M. Fowler, Mary J i Douglas and Andrew J. Douglas, her husband, David Boyd James S. Bnyd, Elisabeth Boyd. John Bojd.Ssllie 8irw?r'. and John Stewart. Iter husband, Roheit P. Boyd. Louisa Boyd. Ellen Boyd and Nancy Boyd. YOU are hereby summoned and r< quired to answer the complaint in this c lion, which is filed in the office of ihej Clerk of Common Picas for Greenville Coun'y, at Greenville C. H? 8. C.. and lo serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at. his office, at Greenville C. H.. 8. G., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the lime sfoiasaid. the plaintiff in thia action will apply lo the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Greenville C H., 17th Jone^ 187*2 J. P MOORE, Plaintiff*! Attorney. T<? the Defendants, David M. 1*eden, Joltn T Powler, David M. Powler, Marv J Douglas and Andtew J. D-uxlas. her huso hand, Dav>d Boyd, James 8 feopi, Ebxatieth Boy *. J 'hn Boyd,'Bailie Stewart and John tjtvwiirt, W husband, Robert P. Bovit, Louisa Boyd, Ellen Boyd and Nancy Moyd. TAKE notice that this' action is eommenred lor Injunction, est aside decree, and r-lief in the Comt ot Common Pie s for Greenville C"Unty, and thai the eomplaint and summons in litis action has been (ibd in the office of the CleVIt ot the Court of Common Pleas, at GtecnviHe. Booth Carolina. j. P. MOOUE Plaintiffs' Att'y. Greenville, 8. C , 17th June, 187*2. 7-8 STATE OP BOOTH CAB0L1V4 ORBffNVILLE' cbUNT*. Ill I tie Can rl of Prohn#? WM. McKINlfEY, Jr., Vs. CYNTHIA P. TAYLOR, et al.?Petition for Partition of Real Eetate. IT appearing to my satisfhcUon tbat Thomas Taylor and Lucinda Jane MoMahan, Defeodanta in this ease, reside out of the Stato; It is ordered, on motion of Barle A Blytbe, Attorneys for Petitioner, that they do appear in person ortj attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be'boldea at Gitoetorille Coon Hofim on the 23d day of July next, to abow cause, if any tbey can, why the Real Batata of PBTER TAYLOR, 8r? deceased, should not bn sold or dirided as prayed for. On failing to at- | tend, their oonsents to the same will be enter- I ed of reoord. 8. J.DOUTniT, J. P., O. C. June 10th, 1872. 12-2 In (he Court of Probate, GREEN VJLLR CO XJNTY. BARK8DALE CHARLES rs. EDMUND B. GARRISON, and others?- Pet it ion for Sale Real Relate to pay I&bte, drO. TT APPEARING to mw satisfaction tbat John N. Garrison, Darid 0. Garrison, and M^ry Garrison, Defendants in this ease, reside out of the State: It is ordered, on motlon ol Sulliran A Stokes, that they do ap- | Star in person or by attorney, at a Court ef ( rotate to be holden at Grtenrille Court House, on the 8Ik day of July next, to show cause, if any they een, why toe Real Estate _t A tar a t nn rflAM %? * * * vi v. n. uAnniouii, awiim, anouia not be aold to pay the Debta of aaid deceased, and for Partition among the betra; on failing to attend, their eonaeota will be entered of reeord. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J. P., O. C. , May 27th, 1871. 4-6 In Bankruptcy. ! United Statee of America?Dittrict of South Carolina. la run Marran of WILLIAM WEST. rpHR underaigned hereby girea notice of hla 1 appointment aa Assignee of WILLIAM WEST, of OreeoTilie County, Bouth Carolina, ' who baa been adjudged a Bankrupt on the 4 petition of bla ereditora, by the Diatriot Court * of (aid Diatriot. . A. BLYTHE, Aaelgnee. \ Jeaeirrtf, 1?*J r-3 I X w . g ^ I gn I Unite* Stak* qf jkmmrjtm District h of South Carolina. mJi ? la mtMattm or IX W. HODQW" <t | NoracB i? *?*by ftvoo ilMt iHwvVlir J M?U(| of ||M ClliHH Ik Ah* ufamkid Bukrnnt ki Ifc? -* W. |. CUweon. Eeq , Register in Bankrupts fo er, at Yorkviile, o. 0., oo the tth day of Alf, lS7t, f?r thf porpo*fi Dtntd tn tb? B 47th Section of the Benhnspt Act ?f March st I, 1M7. A. BJiYTHB, AaigOM. oa Je 19 I t .tt th Mrs. Minnie O'Connor, _ M RBSPBCTFULfrT CALL8 th the XMtin of the Ladtee ef Ti .d^S^HKGrech7UW end vicinity to lite pi ^ ^ feet, thai she wlli epen, on ea AH Monday, 97th lUy laot, Jj ^WJW An Blegant AattMment of ' ?t iff FANCY GOODS, *' BMTOt EVERY DESCRIPTION, "MM consisting to pert of: m Lace Good*, Fancy Jewelry, Zephyr Worsted*^ Ti Millinery Bonds of Every Deseription. 1m And many other Articles too nnmerons to * mention. ,n N. B.?A liberal patronage is reepeetfaUy ?? eolicited. " May 22 S if #t SING'S 1I0TTNTAIN~ P( MILITARY SCHOOL, If YORKVILLE, S. C. THB SECOND SESSION of ?, MHMk, the School Yrar of 1878 will M ^jnBBi>ecln on the 1 *tof Jtdy, end end M M? oo t he SO/A of Noottnber. Wl Mr Txene.?For School Expense#, en I.e..-Tuition, Board. > ashing. Pud, Lights, Books, Stationery, Ac., $184.00 payable io ,tl advance. -r - - > ? men IINH, "fOT m?r* tUaU 4 M*n|din'a Drug Store. Regular H. . endsoce desired., JAMES P. MOORE, N. 0 ~ Aug SO IT tt r. DRESSMAKING f* DONE >-y MRS. FOWLER and MISS he< LINDSAY, st ?he hoiUH formerly ne? aoi >upird by Mrs, Marls Thompson, on Ban" ly >omhe Street | Ladles* Hsta Trtanmed and altered. ar, Oentleraeu'a Clothing mode and ; snore* ;ad. 81 N , i uircuiars containing fall information may be obtained upon application to Cot A. COWARD, Prioeipal and Proprietor. I Je 5 6 j 4 The 8tate of Booth Carolina, _ QREENVILLE COUNTY. J In the Count of Trial Justice. *' JOSEPH W. HARRISON m. JULIUS A. J.? POOR?Warrantor Attachment. To the DeftndaUt, Julius A. Poor : C< YOU are hereby required to plead, anewer or demur to the Complaint filed 5?! against jou in the above ease, on or by the 16(A day of July next, at 13 o'clock M.. and file a copy with me; and on your failure ^ o to do, judgment will be given against a( jou for the amount claimed. Cu J. P MOORR. T. J. O. C. an Greenville, S 0 , June 4, 1872. 6?7 go __r th The 8tate of South Carolina, QREENVILLE COUNTY. In tub Court ok Trial Justice ? J. W. THORNBURO vs. JACKSON ROB- I ERTS?Warrant of Attachment. To th* Defendant, Jackson Roberts : ? YOU sre hereby required to plead, ans J awer or demur lo the Complaint filed against you in the ahuve case, on or hy the jn \Sth day of July next, at 12 o'clock M *mid file a copy with me ; and on your famire o to do. judgment will be given against yott for the amount claimed. J. P. MOORE. T. J. O. C. Greenville, S. C., June 4, 1872. 6?7 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE COUNTY. Conrt of Common Picas. JOHN P. HILLHOUSE, Guardian, vs. ROBERT HAWTHORNE AND B. TIGHE | KANGLEY. " IN pursuance of Decretal Order of Lis Honor Judge James L. Orr, I will sell on Salesdsy in July next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, all that piece, parcel or tract of / land on Reedy Rivor, and containing Two -4 Hundred and Fourteen acres more or less, adjoining land* of Foster, Farr and Hawthorne. Sold as the property of Robert Hawthorne Ai and B. Tighe Kangley, at the suit of J. P.IIilhouse, Guardian. TERMS CASH. Puaabascrs to pay for stamps and papers. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. O. C. Juno 5th, 1872. 5-4 Gi Notico IS heVcby given lo all whom It may con cern. that I will apply toS J D?>cTbit, Probata Judge of Greenville County, on the 15/A dai/ of July uext. for a Final Din- t0 charge ?t Kx-cutorof the Estate of DUD- pf LEY TAllLKY. deceased O F. lOWNES, Executor. J one 4 th, 1872. ?--? _ Just Received, !?1CKAY'S, NEW SUPPLY LEGHORN AND'STRAW tarilATs. BONNETS, RlBBONS. j||J g HT Ladiee*TIE>* and HAIR GOODS, tar SUN DOWNS AT FIFTY CENTS. J0 July 4 5 tl GRAIN CRADLES, 0] At the Conch Factory. w?on jj WE will supply this country with a superior article of GRAIN CRADLES, ( made by a hand who has had a lifetime of tb experience, and willfif SUIT THE WANTS OF OUR PEOPLE. They will he retailed cheaper the* the poorest Northern Cradlra that are sold her* The HANDLL8 are aeaaoned 8our. | wood, and the FIN (J KRS of selected Ash. * The piles will t?e onlv ^ 88.79 each fitted with a FIRST GLASS CRAIN BLADE. 00 W ER, COX A HARK ELY. June 6 6 4 J For Rent or Sale. THE LARGE BRIflK ... HOUSE, acoond iquirt b? >ow l',B ^ourt Home. It HHUfeoon.aina room., i kiao all DMcMarjr outbuilding* For t?rmi, tpidy to O. B. IKV1NR. n May 8 1 tt If l o o. f. r Mountain Lodga, No. an< 16. I- <> O. F. maata Friday Night, at 1m 6tat? of South Ctaurolfautf OEIBNVILLI fcoUNTY. '" HIIUVK BALJBS. yfrtno it Midrr ifAta of FUri /b. J ?fcrt, to BBo'dtroOttd, I vUlMlt Ottltf ? Oaort Boom door, oo jkiaodap. U duly bwr?/o( renOOB BOO t a clook IB MB b'Ucbooo, On# trwiifl of Land, contalniag 1500 Acroa, BIB or low, ud bouaM Wy latdt of BUmii tUo, ft. iii Pool. Carry Bad lUwi. Levied i bb the property ol J. L. Weotnorelaad, at a Mil of M, L. Marchant, oi aL iu% Ono Tract of Land, containing 800 Acre*, or* or Una, tofotbor with a Cot too Factory croon, known a* W Bar or* a Factor/, and om mot of Land, known aa tko Barrett Mill ws, hiiv vnniainiDK I'd ACnLVW* or lOSS, i 8Mtb Tyger' Rlw, #o4Nog ludi of tvlor, MoKinney,, Loftla A?d others. Lead on M tho prop? rty of Martha B. Wbildeu. tM nit of Washington B. Taylor and ranois A. MUoo. 1* ? amo, .. ,i j j Oat Tract of Land, containing 22} Aom, oro or lees, ljriog on north side of tho old igaloo Road, ana being a part of a Tract of uid formerly belonging tb B. F. Barton, do aaed j and all of Defendant'* right, title and tercet in tbe Batata of Peter Taylor, deased. Loried on aa the property of Jam** . Taylor, at tho anlt of Wa. Traanmell and bera. .-M . . t ,, iUo, One Hundred and Fifty-Two Gallons of sacb Brandy. Loried on aa tbe property of oaes J. Parla, at the anit of W. T. Shumate, . F. Parry and others. Ateo, On* Traot of Land, containing 100 Acres, or* or loss, and bounded by lands of Mat* ew Carter, Millerson Powell and others.? met No. 2, containing 280 Acres, more or less, id bounded by lands of Win. West, Batson, id others. Levied on as tho property of Kd- { ?rd Powell, at tbe suit of H. Biechoff A Co. i id.others vs. West A Powell. Terms?Cash. Pnrehasers to pay for smps and papers. ? J. L. 80UTHERN, 8. O. O. Sheriff* Office, June 4, 187). td STATE OF SOUTH CABOLIHA, - GREENVILLE COUNTY. BherfTs Bales. JY ylrtne of an Order from 8. J. Donvatv. J Probatw Judge of Greenville County, I ill veil, Sales-ilay io July next, between tbe lurs of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and 3 ulock in the afternoon, One Traot of LAND, situate in Greenville tunty, adjoining lands of Henry Darby, Lines Darby and others,containing 490 Acres, ore or less. Sold as the property of ISAAC 1ERFIED, deceased, for partition among e heirs and to pay Debts. TSrms?A Credit of Six Months with In? rest from day of Sale, for all except so much will pay Costs, which will be required in ish on day of sale. Purchasers to give bond d approved personal security, with a inortge of the promises to secure the payment of o purchase money. Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. G. C. June 6, 1873. td IND FOR SALE. nwo TRACTS of LAND, on South Sslu. L da River, containing 780 acres, part at River and Creek BOTTOM, with new tpriiveinettts 4' Also large lot tf valuable HOUSES, CATLEandHOOS. Apply to JULIUS 0. 8M1TH. or J. M. McCLANAllAN, Mny 29 4 td GREEN VILLE WOOL CARDING AT THE fl'BEE FACTORY. OtJR CARDS Lre in complete order, and MANAGED BY JflK. ROGERS, J Experienced Carder, who gives unusual SATISFACTION. T ta. ivf s ? WIO qENTS per'Pottfcd when Oil or i Furnished, or 12 CENTS when we Furnish Oil. Our WAGON la constantly passing. ftW WOOT< left at the Stores of Captain radley, or Mr. W. D. Goodwin, will be sent the Cards, and will be returned to the same ice. __ McKENZIE DAVIS a CO. MaJ 21,1.1272. M J. B. HENRY7~ WHOLESALE AND retail grocer, MAIN STREET, Greenville, S. C. IOUNTBT PBODUOB BOUGHT AND rt wa MWtUtf. ftDERS FOR CORN SOLICITED April 17 40 ' ly rs W. B & J. H. Harr son. mesPectfully )FFER their PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the public. Will be found at e Residence of John H. Harrison, Esq., teen miles below Greenville. May 29 4 Sm Notice S hereby given to all whom it may eon* cern that I will apply to 8. J. Dovthit, nhate Judge of Greenville County, on the th day of July next, for a Final Discharge Guardian of O. B. Banc*. M M JONES, Guardian. June 17th, 1872. 7?5t Notice 8 hereby given that we will apply to S. J. Duuthit, Probate Judge of Greenville only, on the 29ih day of June next, for a al discharge aa Administrators of tha Bee of JOSEPH H. TURNER, deceased. JEFFERSON BARTON, 1 a jmn J E TURNER. \ AdmM: May 24th, 1872. 4 0 rof, M. G. DeCamps. )EALER in all kinds, of MUSICAL MERCHANDIZE. On hand-Pis oa. Melodeona, Flutes, Ao, Sheet Music 1 Music Boohs. Call and see him, al his omi io the ACADEMY OR MIMin Near the Female College, Qreenville, 5. C. ifay 33 3 ' If Boot and Shoe Making. rFIE UJfDRftMONRD i? prrpmed with comp^Unt Workmen to fill all order* BOOTH and 8HOKH, of bmh fin* and ?vy qualities, on snort nnt-o-. Be gu*r? lee* satisfaction, RKI'AIRINO promptattended to. ty* shop nearly oppooite Mo.*m OowOox A MaiUUy'a. _?i _ x BUTLLB DYER. ! irrlUO , , ~ ,, | AT^mE'^COAC ' .? 1 l "9 w V :i" if'-.O >. - ? f ? " ^ 0I3TTBEBE ffi A FIN^ GRASS AND SO tjj DOZEN (Assorted) BEST ] CALL ANJ> OET YOUR " * x * cftwi iluoe 0 TntrxT TT c/ eJ 11* OV LIFE AND FIRE II IS PREFAttEl Policies on all C JIT THE jLOW NONE BUT THE SAFEST C J.J. ) - i...t TC*I , -T }. NEW YORK LIFE IN! ASSETS, ? Home Of N. T. Capi Georgia Home, " OFFICE WITH MESSRf GREEJy1 aiay i 62 CITIZENS' SAVINGS! !BAJNTKl SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 :o: 1 Compound Interest Allowed on Deposits. :o: WM. MARTIN, President. JOHN B. PALMER, Vice-President. A. O. BRENIZER, Cashier. J. C. B. SMITH, Local Assistant Cashier. J. H. SAWYER, Assistant Cashier, in dene- J ral Charge. r DIRECTORS. Wado Hampton, Rev. William Martin, A. C. Haskell, F. W. McMaster, E. II. Hsinitsb, John B. Palmer, Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia; J. Eli Gregg, Marion ; G. T. Scott, W. G. Mayes, Nowherry; B. H. Rutledge, Daniel Ravenel, Jr., Charleston. :o: Greenville Branch. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Assistant Cashier. I to: - * Planters, Mechanics, and Professional Men, Widows, Orphans, Trustees and County Offi- > cer?, having money Tor which they haVe no present use, can here deposit it, thus avoiding all risks of thefts and destruction by flro, and . at the same time draw interest thereon till needed. P&- Citizens of Greenville can save thoU-! sands of dollars by patronising their Bank. Deposits solicited, no matter how small, or how large. Gold and Stiver received on deposit, at interest, and repaid in kind, or in currency, as agreed upon. May 22 i tm ORDINANCE To Prevent the Running at Large of Goats and Swine ' Se'ctios 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor . and Aldermen of the City of Greenville, in ' Council assembled, and by the authority of 1 the satno : That from and after the first day 1 of May next, all Goats and Swine found run- 1 ning at large in the Streets of the City, shall 1 be forthwith impounded iU a Suitable pluce by * ; the Policemen of tire City, and there kept for 1 fire days, or until the owner thereof shall come ahd pay a fine of Wty Cents on each head so impounded, together With alt necessary charges for maintenance- and if at the expiration ot fivo days said Goats or Swine remain unclaimed, the PolicetneU shall then, after giving five days* public Uottco of the same, sell them to the highest bidder at public outcry ; Provided, That whenever any animal so impounded shall be found to be the property ot a non-resident of the City, he or they may bare the same released on the payment of tho necessury charges for maintenance while in the pound-, and the Policemen are hereby instructed to use proper diligence to inform the owners of Goats and Swine (when such ownership is known) of the impounding of their animals. All moneys collected from the above sourcas to be deposited in the public treasury, for the use and benefit of the City. Sr.CTios 2. And ic it htreby Ordained, That | an irruiuunces neroiomre ptuea reiauve to the running at large of Goats and Swine, be, and the tame are hereby, repealed. Done and ralifled under the Corporate Seal \ of the said City of Greenville, on the ( L. 8. ^ 2d day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand bight hundred and seventy-two. J. P. MOOUE, Mayor. A. R. McDavid, City Clerk. April 10 49 tf GRAND OPENING OF MILLINERY GOODS MRS. JENNINGS Wilt open her SPRING GOODS On To morrow, Thursday, APRIL. 25TM. _ JSJTShe most reepeotfuUy invitee the Ladies to sail and examine her Stoek. Apr1! 24 hi tf J. H, BLACK Sc CO., DEALER* In Watches, Cloaks. Jewelry, Spectacles, Fancy G?<<d? and Or?ee rim. Confectioneries. Notions, Lamps and Fix*urea, Nou exptnstve Attachments, Glass war-*, Se/ars, Snuff, Hmohlng and Chewing Tnbaooo, pry Goods, Hats, Shoes, and a great variety of other articles. All are in- J vtled (and might do w?II) to hall On thorn ' before purchasing (Sf* Special attention it given to RcDelrinc fi M?r IS i? " tf 1 ? .V *.%/ %? # * * bt a ivwt owillllwf m factory. * ' t i l * .. ?' ? assortment ofr m YTJHE BLADES, MAKES, WILL BE BOLD AT ?. ? t 1 ug J :. >? 8UJPJPLY.* ^ 2R. COX * MARKLEY, & 4 ^HOFIELD, JSURAHCE AGENT, )" 10 ISSUE lasses of Risks, "EST RATES. 0 MP ANTES REPRESENTED. o . > FRANCE COMPANY. 110)000.000 ital, $2,500,000. $350,000, 3. EARLE & BLYTHE* ville, s. a ; u WTO stradley, n n.T ' SUCCESSOR TO DAVID & STRADLEY, . .? . rf WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE HIS FRIENDS, AT THE h IltU $ Ulw a) 4 .... OLD STJlJYD, WHERE IIE WILL SELL THEM AT LOW BTfLTTD'fitf riuxujuo. Feb 28 43 tf Office Comptroller General CoLt'MlstA, 6. C., February 1, 1872. klHlS is to certify that the GREENVILLE JL ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published n the town of Greenville, S. C., is hereby desgnated by this Board as the paper in which egal and publie notices shall be published, for bo County of Greenville, in accordance with he ' Act to regulate the publication of all le;%l and publio notices," wbich became a law February 22d, 1870. J. L. NEAOLE, Comptroller General. D. II. CHAMBBRLAlft, Attorney G*hcral. THE above is a true copy of the original on lie in the offioe of Secretary of State. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. T>-L t J x co 11 41 If * s i pa s I ^ g?: 5 J g W ** a ?i : 8 g y*6 I g 5 t & M M fe 2 * ? "? I ; O & ; J j tagj M & | H ; ' - S2 r * 285 " w 0 g O 5- L - f. ? ?: s? S ^ ? S - I ? 21 * ' ? C* ? 3E b J a d * ^ -S 2 ? 5 H * I S5 I S ? 4 5 ? " r, 2 ? -a ? * H 11 -1 , .J _ ii g ? > K = h ? * sf a ? r_ ? * M J &.* <j ! S 111 ;i ff15! if I 1 CO fi| ;| i d ' *if S? ? " . n. -3 a a a. o fa J I-? Notice. 3N2 of the Fioeat BULLS (iWham and Ay rehire) etef broufht t6 the County, i now Standing at the Lot of MILLS, Mo- I RAYliR ? CO., for the uae of the public. ? * /:? t. . . . ? ... .# | I W1UTYJ9R SYMMK9, Attorney nnd fcuuoUor *t LnwV C. . OPFIOB.-lr?? Cmh HNM Ro?p M*d by C900tydj?oiUiin*n^!, * April to - - d j!? 4 BUJBT & 6R^:A ATTORNEYS AT U.W,. ?AiO? SOLIOITOBS IN EQtflfi",: , GHEENVIl.LE. H. O.. inn /Vaott'M im Us Qostrit if Ikit Stat* and Us United Stats*. OFFICE?R?*r room of Nov Cbort Room liar SO, 18V3. 46 tf i.. , ??il C. C. Stephens, attorney at law., greenville, 8. c. OFFICE IN REAR OF BEATTIE'S STORE. pit * Prompt Attention girra to Oillw tiona. 89-tf Ju> 81, 18 p, jotov atptpddiasssw aw o?aw, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. will ruonct rn all courts of this stair ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Offioa at OmanlU 0. H., S, 0. July 1,1860. * \ym v. . ? ,m U. O. BUTLBU. V. P- MCBKK. ? " BUTLER & MoBEE. Attorney* and Counsellor* at Law and in Equity, GREENVILLE, S. C.. Will Praotioe In the Courts of tho Bt?to and of tho United State*. May 81 ' 4 tf W. K. BASLBT. O. ?. VILLI, EASLEV A WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellor* at Law AND IN EQUITY. GREENVILLE, S, C., PR ACTICE in the Court* of the State and of the United Statea, and give eapecial attention to eases in Bankruptcy. Jan 1 1871. S4-tr _ ^ ^ ^ > ^ J, ^ ATLANTA DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. PRINCIPAL OFFICES: Atlanta, Ga., and Memphis, Teen. CAPITAL. $228,500.00. GEN'L JOHN B. GORDON, Preaideut. W. C. MORRIS, Secretary. Gkn'l A. II. Coujuitt, Vice President. ? W.^llakd. } Fin,nce Committee. MEDICAL BOARD: j. m. johnson, m. n. B.y. x. xillrb, m.d. Assets July 1st, 1870 $826 222,7 C. C. STEPHENS, Agent for Up-eouotry _ or Address sil communications to P.O. Box 25, Greenville, S. C. i SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. A Purely Southern Institution. INSURES LIVES und promptly adjusts and pays loaves The Department in this State invests all its lunds in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. It has ample means 10 fully protect PolN cy holders and pay all looses. Issues all the improved forma of Policies?Life, LimU ted Pay meat, (5.1ft, 15 or 20 (Moments) Endowment (plain,) Endowment (limited payment,) Return Premium, Joint Life, Short Term, Children Endowments, and Annuities,In sums of $1,000 to $10,000, as may be desired. By the terms of Charter Die wife and children may be made sole beneficiaries. nnu me vaiue 01 ilie j'oiicjr can only be controlled by them. Premium* received in cash and entitled to Annual divideuds. ALL POLICIES XOH P0KPI1XA9LE After second annual payment. Every rea* tunable Indulgence extended the assured. Including liberty to travel, change of occiu pation and aceomniodaliou in payment.?. Premiums payable annually or eemi.annually. No extra charge for pernoita. Any premium stipulated to be paid annually, can afterward* l>* paid-semi-annually, if desired. Assurance within the reach of all. TRUE TEST OF COMPANY'S STRENGTH. Ilaliu <j /tucli to Liabililiei. $299.67 to $100. Patronize Home Enterprises. PROORESS OF TIJE COMPANY. Assets, January 1st, 1869 $384,245.8h January 1st. 1870. ftSft >? ! fit April Ut, 1870 7IP.928 52 July 1st, 1870 826,*12.74 Mar 27 47 ' tf T. W. DAVIS WATCH MAKER AIR MOT. CORNER Washington Street* next Door to Rational ink* GRBENVII.LE, S- C. May 8 1 tf fir. QOTTLXXB TECH'S BITTJffiS. A This preparation of the rreat Solnntlat. fir. Gottlieb Flsch, of (krmanr, la baaed on the tut that, aa aU material* of the body are derived firom Food, *? ?U Vltal Foron. or Health, la derived from the Foree a to red np in Food, fm, FUeh't Jfmiii enable* tho Svatem to liberate end I appropriate tbw? Fore**, creates Appetite, oar re Dyspepsia with Its resulting Jlebinty and lsck of Nervous Energy J so tones the Stomach and Liver as to make Oonstlpatfnn and lilllonsneselniposslhle; reinforces tbe System so ft ean tide ever wl weWseS changing climate, water, Ac., and better endure tho demands often unexpectedly made on Ms Nree and all emaciated and weak after sickness, will rapidly strengthen by using tois great preparation. J?3, i<?r? ^ a ' ly#<^