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BFTORSr AeU t it? ?myal_A>M?Hy ?M?tk PUBLISHED ~BY AUTHORITY. > AN ACT TO ifrOORPORATR TH jf VILI.AOK or LITTLE ROCK. IN THE ?w?aad isr. Section 1. He it enacted by the Senate and IImn of RtpruwIaUfA of the State of Boat* Carolina new Mt and eitttM In General AneaUy and by the aathority of the i mum i 1.11/ n ^ 1 i? 1 That from and .after the paasaga of this act, all elttaeni ol thle State, having resided, twelve months withia thia Stale, and sixty days in the town of Little lloak, ehall be deemed, and are hereby declared to be, a1 body politio tad corporate, and the aeld town shall be o?Ue4| by the came1 of L'tile Rock, and lie corporate limit* shall extend three fourths of a mile in each direction from the Methodist Church, in eeid town, Provided, that tha corporate limits of said teen shall not exteod beyond the Idttle Tee Dee river. See *. That tho said town shall be gov* erned by an Intendaot and four Wardens, who shall be ciliz-MW ol the United States, i and who shall have resided in this State twelve months god ehall have been real* dente of the mr town sixty daya Immedi ftlaU iltAie* lalaalina set A intendant aa I virdem shall, bo elected on the eecond Saturday lu April, in every veer, five days* entice being previously givcd, end shell continue In office for one year, end until the election and qualification of their euooessors; and all male inhabitants of said town, who shall have attained the age of twenty-ens years, paupers and per. ?ons tinder dUahil ties tor infamous crimes excepted, and shall have resided therein sixty days immediacy preceding the election, shall be entitled lo vols for said intondantand wardenk See. 3. The said election shall be hold in some convenient publie place in said town, from eix o'clock in the morning until four o'clock in the evening, and when the polls shall be closed, the manager* shall forlhs with count the votes and declare the elec. tion, and give notice thereof in writing to the persons fleeted. The lotendsnt and wardens, before entering upon the duties of their office*, shall each take the oath prescibed by the Constitution of this State, and also the following oath, lo wit: "As Tntendant (or Warden, as the case may be) of the town of Little Hock, I will equally and impartially, to the best of my ability, exercise the trust reposed in me, and will use my beet endeavors to preserve the peace and carry into efleet, according to law, the purpose* for which I have been elected ; So help me God." And if any person upon being elected intendant or warden shall refuse to act as such, he shall forfeit and pay ilo the town council the sum of ten dollars, tfw the use of said town: Provided, 'Dial no perse n who has attained the age of sixty years shall he compelled to serve in either of said office*, nor shall any othei* person be compelled to serve mere than one year in nny term of three years. The Intendant and wardens, for the time being, shall always appoint a Board of throe Managers to conduct the e'ection, who, b?-f?re they open the pulls, shall take an oath fairly and impartially to conduct the same. That James Blockhouse, B-njaniin Mace and K. I' Hammer are hereby appointed manager* lo hold the eleetion on the second Saturday in U I- 1 2-I-- I > - ? luurcu, one mousnna eigui nur.ureu nno seventy-two. See 4 That In en?e ? vacancy shall occur in the office of intendant or any of the wardene, by death, resignation, removal or otherwise, an election to fill such vacancy shall be held by order of the intendant and wardene, or a majority of the same, five days' public notice being previously given ; and in case of sickness or temporary absence of the intendant, the wardens, forming the council, shall be empowered to elect one of their number to net as inlcndaut for the time being. Sec. fi. That the intendant and wardens, duly elected and qualified, shall, during their teim of office, severally and respectively, he vested with nil the powers heretofore granted to magistrates, trial justices of the pence, as the ease may be, in this J State, within the limits of the said town, except for the trial of enures small and mean. And the intendant shall and may, as often tinny be necessary, summon the wardens Jo meet In council, any two of whom, with the intendant or any three wardena. may constitute a quorum to transact business, and they shall be known as the town council of Little Roelr, and they nnd their successors, hereafter to he elected, may have a common seal, which shall be affixed to all their ordinances; may sue and ba sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity in this State; and may purchase, hold, possess and enjoy, to them and their successors, in perpetuity, or for ar.y term of venra, any estate, real, r?rtn??| m t v u, t ~,l -..I I - i; niiu run, ?uru VI r.Ull* vcythe same; Provided, the same shall not exceed, at any one lime, llie sum of ten thousand dollars. And the (Atecidant and wardens shall have full power to tanks and established all suoh rules, an J by-laws and ordinances, respecting the r??<ie, streets, tnnikct and police of said town jm shall appear to tl.fni necessary and requisite for the security, welfare and convenience of the said town, or for preserving health, peace, order and good government withio the same. And the skid town council tuay fix and impose fines and penalties for the violation thereof, and appropriate the same to the public uses of the said corporation : Provided, that no fine shall exoe-d Sfty dollars for any offense; and, also, that nothing herein contained ahall authorise the said council to make any hylsws inconsistent with or repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State ; and aU by-law* and ordinances the council may make shall, at all timet, be subject to revieiu? or repeal by the Legislature of this S.ate. See. 5. That the intendant and wardens of said town shall have full pDwer to grant or rofuse licenses to keep taverns, or to retail spirituous liquors withio the corporate limits of said town, upon such conditions, and under such circumstance* a* to them chat! seem prop* r and right: Provided, that in no instance shall the price of a license to 'keep a laverw, or to retail spirituous li -quore, be at a lees sum than Is established by the laws of this St?te; and all moneys paid for lieen?e*. and for fines and forfeitures for retailing spirituous liquors, keeping taverob and billiard tables within the said limits without licenses, shall b' appropriated to the public uses of said town : Provided, that the intendant and wardens shall not have power to grant any license i to keep taverns, or to retail spirituous liquore, to extend beyond I be term for which they have been elected ttec. 7- That it shall be the duty of the i said intendant and wardens to keep all ( roads, ways, bridges and streets, within the I corporate limits, open, and in good repair ; i and they may lay out new streets, oiose up, widen or otherwise alter those now in use, i ?od for tfiat purpose they are invested with 1 all ths power* and duties of county eomrais- i sinners, or commissioners of roads, lor and | Ilk:, tko aneamHalA Ulttilu Ik# ta r! l/.?n wnmii mt vw p"???'v ...... w v. w>u lunif ?? They ahull have |?ow?r to compound with all persons liable to work the streets, waja and roads of aald town, upon ench terms as they shall, by ordinances, establish ; the moneys ao received to be applied to the public use of said town ; and all persona refusing to tabor, or failing to pay such com- I < (notation, shall be liable to such fine, not eEoeedwg twenty dollars, aa the town conn j ell may impose, , Sec. 8. They ahall have the power to Impoae an annual las, not exceeding fifty < eanta on every hundred doljare of the value i r of all real and personal property, tying j r within the corporate liftits-of said town, r I he rae| and personal proper I y of ebspsbea h Had school saaoeiallona ptw?ep?ed. The aaid town council shall have pow#r to ragalete the price of lioenses upon ?lf public show* 0 end eghtpltjens In njM town, to erect a b powder magazine, nod compel any persou ' fuivrw in ?l?l WPPIMVWI,, i meats leried under the authority o| this not agajpst tbe property of defaulters, to ths'., semS extent, inf iii Uie^aame manner proqfcljd V Uw for tb? colleeUon of the general Stele U(, except that exneullons to enforce the peymenl of the toWn Unit hell he leescd n rider the eoel of the eorporv ation, end directed U the town marsbel. or ther person especially Appointed py tne Mid town council to collect it.. .erne: end ell property upon wh!ah>e Ui eheU be lee Ud end iNMud ie hereby declared end ruede lUbIa for l4*e payment thereof in pre fereoce to ell other dehte against the Mid property, except debit due the Stele, whloh | .hell be first paid. See. 9. Th. eeid town council shall hare power aod authority to rrqbire ell poreona owning e lot or lota in sali town, to close in end to make end keep in good repw. sidewalk', in front of said lot or lots, when erer the same shall, front or adjoin nay pubI c street of raid town, it, in the judgment of the council euoh aide walk shall be neees* eery, the width thereof, end the Manner of , construction, to be deeignaied end regulated by the aald council; and for default or refusal, alter reasooayle notiee, to make and keep in good repwtr such sidewalks, and to* close in such lot or lots, the town eooncil may eanse the same to be made, or put in repair, aod require the owner to par the price of making and repairing. And the said town council are hereby empowered to sue for and receira the same by aetion of debt In any court of competent jurisdiction : Prorided. that auch contract for making or repairing be let to the lowest bidder. The cemeteries and grarejards are also placed under the jurisdiction of the ttttrn council. Sec 10. The raid town connctl shall hare power, with the consent of the ndjaeent land owners, to cloee all such roads, streets .. M.I ?I.LI- -? '1 - i-ojB KKiiiu ino 9.11 ci mvrn uuxy may deem neeesssVy, by snie of the freehold herein either at private or public eale, an they may a<(judgi beat fur the iatereat of the said town: and they ehall have, also, power tu lay out, adopt, widen or otherwise alter Ihnae a tree la how in uae. open and keep in repair all euch new streets, road* aod waya, aa thrv may, from time to time, deem necessary for the improvement or convenience of eaid town : Provided, that no s'reet, road or way ahall be opened without first having obtained the consent of the laod owner or owners through whose premises any auoh new street, road or way may pase. ' Sec. 11. The said town council shnll have power, and are hereby authorized, to elect one or more marshals, to fix their salaries and prescribe their duties, who shall be sworn in, and invested wilh all the powers and subjected to all lire duiies and liahilu 1 ties that con'lnblcs now have, or are s'iib- J jeel to, by law, in addition tu the duties and ' linbi.lities speoiaily conferred and <-mp?wor I ed on them by the town council: Provided 1 that their jurisdiction shall be confined 1 within the limits of the said town. ' Sec. 12. That the said town council shall I have power to establish a guard b<>U<e, and 1 to prescribe, by ordinance, suitable rules and regulations for keeping and governing the same; and the said town council may, by ordinance, or I lie said intend ?ni or wardens in person, any one or more of llicm, authorize and require any marshal of the town, or any constable, specially appointed or that purpose, to arrest and commit to the said guardhouse, tor a term not exceeding twenty four hours, any"person or pep sons who, within the corporate limits of said town, may be eng ?ged in any breach of the peree, any riotous or disorderly cons duet, open obscenity, punlio drunkenness, or in any conduct crossly indecent or dangerous to the citheens of said town, or any of them ; and it shall be the duty of the town marshal to arrest and commit all such offenders, when required to dos\ who shall hare power to call to their assistance the posse comitalus, if .need be, to sid in making such arrests, and upcin failure of said marshal to perform such duty, as required, they shall severally be subject to such fines and penalties as the town council may establish. And all persons so imprisoned sha'l pay the costs and expense incia dent to their imprisonment, which said costs and expens-A shall be collecied in the same manner as is provided by this act for I he collection of fines imposed for lliesvioInlion of ordinances: Provided, that such inipi iannment shall not exempt the party from the payment of nny fine the council may impose for the offense for which he may have been Committed. Sec. 1.3 The said town council shall have power to impose and coHect Inx-a from all persona representing puhlioly within their corporate limits, for gain or reward, any plays or shows, of what nature or kind whatsoever, to be appropriated to the pub- ' lie use of said town. Sec. 14 The said town council ehall have full power and authority to abate nil nuis ancee within the oorporato limits of said town. Sec. 16. The inteudnnt and Wardens elect shall, during.their settii of office, be exempt from street riuty. Eaolt town council shall, within one month, after the expiratiou of their term of office, make out ana return to their successors a full account of their receipts ant? expenditures during their term, which account shall be published in one or more papers in me counly, end spall pay over all moneys in their possession belong King to the corporation, and shall deliver up all books, records and other papers inei- 1 dent to their office to their anccesaois ; and on failure so to do, they shall be liable to be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to bo collected by the town 1 council. See. 10. For any willful violation or neglect of duty, malpractice, abuse or oppression, the said intendant and wardens, jointly and severally, shall he liable to indict ment in the Court of Sessions, and, upon conviction, to punishment as prescribed in the preceding Section, besides being liable for damages for any person or persona injured. Sea 17 This act shall be deemed a pub llo act, and continue in foree for the term of fifteen years, and uniil I lie end of the session of the Legislature then ovxl ensuing. < Approved March 9, 1872. < AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED < AN ACT TO EXTEND THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF CAMDEN." I Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and ' House of Bcpreau'itnti ves of the State of ' ' South Carolina, now met and sitting in Ge- < neral Assembly, and by the authority of the I same: t That an sol entitled "an act to extend the ( limits of the town of Camden," approve I ' March 9, 1871, be, and the same is hereby, < ^mended by striking omt Section 1, ana wi- < tinning the following: "Sec. 1 That tha limits of the town of Camden he, and th# \ same are hereby, extended as follows, to I wit: The wes'Oro boundary shall commence t at the junction of Wylie street with Mol- a berry street, and shall extend northwaid a along the line of aaid Wylie street three a Ionrtb of a mile beyond the present termin- I us of ihs said street, and from this point the t northern boundary shall extend, in an cast t arn direction, until it interseota Horse t Branch, and thence, by eourea of said ( dream to the point where It empties into t Little Fine Tree Creek, and theooe, by the | Bourse of the last named creek, to s point opposite Mulberry street, thence westward f until it reaches said street, and continue c tlong the line of said street to its junction i with Wylie street t See. 2. That lh?f intendant and wardens 8 if the said town of Camden are hereby re- c |uired to proceed, immediately upou th? isssage of this act, to designate by proper I' narks and monument*, lb? bouodarlee a lOOk i n hnfnfffl Atlf ItbFlM/l " d?o. 3 That all aeta or parta of acta in~ I onriaUnt with th? provialona of ifiia aot I ie and the aame are hereby repealed b Apjroreil March i, 1*72. v. f _ ' . EAt COM^A 1. Be it aaa?l?} Ijrtba Sana* tnd Uou*e of R?p?MiiUi(tTk wlln 8uu of Sontb Otrollii, now n?t ttd tilling li ???3L1QEE railroad of on? or mora traoke from to??< poiot, ak olf near the al\y o(.diarl?aioQ through tha oouoliaa of Charlealoo ao< Georgetown, to khi* |K>int at or near ih< town ni IknanlnMi ??< ? -e-"- " ?t Harry county, \o some point It or Ami Con way bora, tbenee to lb* North Carolina swaiwasw Johnston, J. Walker and their associate* uceessore and.?s4igna are hereby created i body politic and corporate, under Ui nsmi of the Charleelon, Georgetown and Con. wayboro Railroad Company, and by suet title, shelf have a corporatej^exiKset foi the term of (801 thirty year* I enif may an< and be saed, plead and be lmbleaded ir every proper court of the State of Soulli Carolina, and may btte and use a e<> tnmor seal, which it may change or #ltepat pleasure: aud- shall be eapahle. of purchuaing holding, using, leasing, and conveying estate, reel, personal,, and mixed, and othei property, and acquiring the same by gilt or devise ; and may make alt necessary bylaws and regulations lor its government not tbCQn?WlenVjfritlvAj??'Constuuii?onnd irj.ASu.^ci'801"" c'ro:'"'u'"' Sec. 3. That the said company, be, and !i hereby, auU>orix?d and empowered to cuo1 truo?, malptal* nod operate a raijre*) pi one of mort tnkka. extendingrfrom iom<! point at or near Charleston. to, point at or near Georgetown, thence to aoipe point at of near Conwtfyboro, thence to some point on the North Carolina State lioe, in liorry county, the parlieular route or same to be determined upon by the company after the stme shall have been formed. Sec. 8. That the capital stock of said company shall 4s* three millfonzwf dollars, in shares^ of ona hundred dollars each, " with the privilege of increasing, the said capital atook to aueli ad amount 4s may be found necessary to construct, equip and maintain, the aaid railroad ; and the shares shall lie perioual property, transferable in such niinoar as the by-iaws may direct; and, for tba raising of suoll capital atook. It shall be lawful to open hooka of subsoiiplion, at such limes and places, and under the direction of euolt persons, as said company may determine. That the subscription to the capital stock may be made in incney, bonds, lauds, materials or work, at such rates add on such terms aa may bo Hgreed upon at the time of such subscript lion. A copy or. any articles of association, signed by the incorporators named in this Act, or any number of them, not les; than five, may be filed in the otfice of the Secretary of State, and, thereupon, the persons subscribing such articles of associ?> Uion, and all persons who shall become stockholders in such company, shall be a corporation, in deed and in law, lor the purposts herein set forth, nod shall be considered orgauized by such uct of association. Seo. 4. That the Company hereby nu? ihoriced shall be allowed six moohts from the passage of this Act iu which to file the nrliuic* of ussoci tlion iu the office of the Secretary of State as provided for in section 8, and the said road hereby authorized to bo constructed shall be commeuced with in two years aner ins pus-age ol litis Act, or otherwise the charter shall be void. Sec. 6. Tout the said railroad company is hereby authorized to construct and opes ate one or more lutes of telegraph along its railway, charging and collecting such remuneration for all message* or dispatches as the President or Board ol Directors may direct. The said company may connect said line of telegraph with the hue or lines of any other telegraph company in this Siale, or adjoiumg Stale, and may lease, farm out, or sell i.iie aoove right, ?s in the jndgineni of the President and Board of Directors may he most advantageous to the interest of the company. See 6. That the said company is hrehy authorized aud empowered to mortgage any or all of its property and franchises, and issue bouds aud prelerred slock to an amount, und on such conditions, and for such uses aud pursoses of the aaid corporation, at the Pre-ideui and Directors theieof deem expedient lor the best interest of the company. S c. 7. That this said company is hereby authoiizel and empowered to merge and consolidate its capital slock, estate, real, personal und juixed, Iranchis s, right, privileges and property, iulo aud with the cap iiul stock, eslals, real, personal and mixed, franchises, rights, privileges or properly ol any other raihoad company or companies chartered by, and organized under, lite laws of this or any other Siato or 8*ires, whenever the two or more companies so to ho merged and consolidated shall or may form a continuous Hue of railrosd with each other, or by means of any intervening railroad bridge or ferry, and such consolidation shall or may be etfected in such manner, nud on such terms aud conditions as the J'esideot and Board of Directors may determiue. tiec. 8. That the said railroad company shall be sunjecl to the provisions of an act of the General Assembly ol South Carolina, passed September 22, 1868, entitled "an act to declare the manner by which the lauds or right of way over the lands of per sous or corporal ions may betaken for the construction and uses of railways and o her works of luterual improvement; provided, nowever, Hint nothing herein contained shall be sj construed *s to exempt the said railroad company from the payment of tares " Sec. 10. That this act shall take effect on and after ita passage, and all acta or parts of acta inconsistent with nny of the proviso ions of lliia act, are hereby repealed. Approved March 9. 1872 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTITUTION OF A NEW COURT HOUSE IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF RICHLAND. Section 1. Be it enacted Jby the Senate ind House of Representative* of the State i>f South Carolina, now met and Hitting in General Assembly, and by the authority >f the same* That the County Commissioners of Richland county are hereby directed, authorized tnd empowered to sell nnd convey the whole of thai lot in the oily of (Columbia, jn the corner of Richardson and Washington streets, whereon whs formerly situ itsd .he Oourftloase of said county; Ilia said aale ,o he made at public outery, to the highest iidder at such time or times, on auoh terms, ind in such parcels, as the said Commit doners shall think proper, after advert!#*n<*nt thereof lor at least, thirty daya: Pro nded, That said lot shall not be sold tor ess than $100 per foot, said measurement >o be made on the street* bounding the ame, and that all the proceeds over and ihove the amount of purchase of a new ite, shall be deposited in the Treasury of he county, sad shall ha drawn out oq the arrant of tfir Oommlseloaert, providing hat not more tbnn one half of the above lepoait shall be drawn or ptid until the 1 ii _ a - . -1 - /uuri nouqg u eoiapiewo, ant re??fM >y the County Commissioners a* being com >leted accorointf to ountrnct. Sec. 2. Thai the said Commissioners are orther authorized and empowered to por base a suitable site for new Court House n ti..' utty of Cvl(>(l)Me. Mtfi to take the itlea therelof', exettuOQ to the State of ionih Carolina, to, and for ilia use of, said ??nty. L + Sec. 8. That the said Commistionere are urther directed, authorised and*empower. J . L-llJ - J - - " a 10 ouim ?ua ereoi n u?w (Aiurl 140141* ipoo lh? aiU MleoUd, pr?vi<M in Mo~ ion 1, pi thin Aot; nod that the oontraat or tb? ereelion of atieh building ah* I) not >? binding or valid until approved bj* th? ;ireuit Judge of the Fifth Jipiicial Circuit, Approved Mtreb 9, 1(71 AiiiSf ^ ? "AN ACT TO ALTER AND AMEND ? AN ACT TO INCORPORASUU *WN i- OF MARION. AND FOR OTHNS FOR rvsw |?TIOBBD. South Carolina, now met aud sitting id Gen* "Sit SeSt&n The' amem^l, on the^A ITnfc, by striking out " three-iourtha," and insertin# )o lieu t*toor the *0* ?V.? Tb?t Sootion 3 be amended, on the eth line, by striking out the word "January," and inserting In fled thereof the word " December."? That Reetion 4 be amended, on the 6th line, by inaetting, between the worda "thereof" and " the." on 6tb line, tho worda " It aball be the duiy*of tho Inteodant and Wardens to canae alt bar-rdo4s, satootis, and other place* for the aale of liquora by retail, to be closed aaesffiss of all intoxioatiug liquora ia prohibited. Any peraon or pnrsona violating abermrovieiona ?f thia Sootion iihall be punlalffc St fine nV exceeding thirty dollars* or by imprisonment not exoeeding thirty daya id too CoAnty Jail or by both auob fine and impriaonment, at tho diaoretion of the Town Counoil." l Approved March 13, 1873. AN ACT TO SUPPLY"Tltt )**FICENCY IN THE APPROPRIATION FOR Til* BtfPPORT AND MAfNTBNJnTOE OV 1 FREE COMMON SCHOOLS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 81, 1 1371. ' Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sonata and | llouse of Repreaentativea of the State of | 1 South Carolina, now met and aitting in Qen ' crel Assembly, and by the authority of the > same: That thp sum of seven,y"five thouaand dollars be, and the aanae is hereby, appropriated to supply the defioieney in the appropriation for tho support and maintenance of Free Common Schools for tho fiscal year ending October 31. 1871. Sec. 2. That each of the several counties of the State (ball be entitled to reooire froip eaid deficiencyNppropriation, suoli a lumof money as is equal to the exact dcrtrienoy existing in the Free School Funds of said oounty, for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1871, and no more. Sco. 3. That the State Superintendent of Education, upon his receipt of an official statement, signed by the County School Commissioner and County Treasurer of any coun* ty and showing the deficiency existing in the Free Sohool Funds of said oounty, for the.fiscal year ending October 31, 1871, shall, if he approve said statement, isnuq an order in fa? vor of the County Treasurer of the couuty aforesaid, payable from t h o appropriation made by section 1 of this Act, for a sum ot money equal to the deficiency shown by the aforesaid statement. Sec. 4. That no part of tho appropriation oreated by section I of this Act shall bo disbursed by the State Treasurer, except upon order of the Stato Superintendent of Education, nor shall the said appropriation, or any part thereof, bo applied, appropriated or used for any other purpose than is spocfiod by tho terms of tbis Act. Sec. 6. That this Act shall be docmod a public Act, and shall take effect immediately. Approved March 13, 1872. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NAZARETH PRH3BYTKRIAN CHURCH, OF SPARTANBURG COUNTY. Section I. He it enacted by the Senato and llouso of Representatives of tho State of 8outh Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly and by the authority of the same : Tho tdumbcrs of the corporation known as the " Nu-arcth Presbyterian Church," in tho County of Spartanburg, together with the officer and inombcrs ofsaid corporation bo, and arc hereby, declared to bo a body politlo and corporate, by the uamo and style of the Nazareth frcsoyterian Church, und as such, shall have power to adopt such Constitution, a n d t o make such by-laws as may be necessary for the government Of tho canto, and not repugnant to the laws of ths Stato, and shall have such council, trustees, ciders and deacons, their successor?, in office, as thev may select. duo und be sued, plead and be impleaded, by their corporate title, in any Court of Law or Equity iu this Stuto, to have and useaoorpor ate seal, to have and enjey every right, power and privilege incident to such corporations ; and the said corporation is empowered to hold retain, possess and enjoy ull suuh properly, real and personal, as the corporation may hereafter possess, or ho entitiod to, or which shall hereafter bo given bequeathed, pr devised to,or in any way acquired, and to suit and transfer the same, or any part thereof, und enjoy and exercise all rights, powers and privileges as uro incident to suoh corporations. See. 2. This Act shall ho deemed a public Act, and ehall continue in force for the term ol twenty-Gve years. Approved March 0, 1S72. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED " AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS OF PUDLIC HIGHWAYS." Sectiou 1. De it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State ot South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority ot the same ; That Section 2 of said Act he so amended ns to read : " That the bridges be repaired under the supervision of the County Commissioners, and that the expense of the same be paid out of any moneys in the County Treasury, and that all the work on said bridges given out by the County Commissioners, wiien the amount shall excocd the suin of one hundred dollars, shall bo done by contract; and the Commissioners ars hereby required to advertise the same in at least one of the papers of the county ; that said proposal shall, in all cases, be accompanied by two or more sntficient securities; and tbe County Commissioners shall have tbe right to rgjoct any or all bids, if, in their judgement, the Interest of the county so requiro." . - . Sec. 2. That the sections of said Act relating to tlie appointment and duties ef Highway Surveyors, bo so ameoded us to abolish the office of Highway Surveyors, and to confer tbe duties of the same upon tbe County Commissioners: Provided. That if' the County Commissioners of any county in tills State fail to comply with the provisions of this section, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine not exeoeding fire hunddred dollars each and to an imptisenment nwt exceeding six months, or eitner or both, he the discretion of the' Court of General See ion*, of thoir roipoctive counties : Provided further, That all taxes levied for the repair of highways and bridges in each county, shall ho collected and paid at the saino time its the genoial taxes, to tbo County Treasurer*, Sec. 3. All Actl or parte of Acts ioconsis t> i<t with this Aot are hereby repealed. Approved March 13, 1872. JOINT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TUB STATE TREASURER TO RE-IS. SUB TO M. E. CARREER, M. D. AND W. M. WILSON, EXECUTORS OF 8AMUKL WILSON DECEASED, CERTAIN CERTIFICATES OF STATE STOCK. Whereas, it appears by the books of the State Treasurer that there has been duly Issued certain certificates of State stack, to tbe amount of three thousand five hundred and ixty-eix dollars and sixty-eaven cents, to Samuel Wilson, deceased : And, whereas, said certificates coining into the hands of said M. E. Carrere, M. D., and W. M. Wilson as Executors, as aforesaid of Sauauel Wilson, were lost or destroyod at the burning of Columbia in Febroary 1885, therefore, Be Unresolved by the Senate and Ilewsa of Representatives of tbe State of South Carolina, now met at.d sluing in General Assembly, and by the authority of tbe same t I '? That the State Treasurer bo, and ha Is hereby authorised to re i?eue to said M. K. Carrere M. D., and W. fit. Wilson, Kgeeutyre, as aforesaid of Samuel Wilson, doooasod. oertih oataa of ttook of the tamp anwnnt, payabla al lha .??,,? Hap ami baarfitg tha wn M M intaratt at th'ta loat or destroyed. Thai the aid M B. Oarma, If. n , .?nd W. M Wiltoo, KcoMara M troraaai* of Wilton, .*? zzzzpsssxtix. njtaeutad ? i* J*?al ?? lb????*od i om h?a<Uo4 a?4 thirty tbraa doiUrt aM thirty.Mr oaqtt to ladeiq*IJy lb* ( Stata againat loi*. .{pprorcd Mafcl 13,1873. l^kCT dblMKt^ iMfel1fcTL*D I AMBNDTMB?0HAHTSn8WSlTAIlf 1 TQ?tM? yta vnii'iM UUWJUft, tiMfop w?k* %1* * * by tho 8???u ??4 Imw'ffrWpMialatlTM of |bo But* of Booth Carolina, now mat aad titling la QeojUffW WfelWTf * That tba proriao la taction ninety aorta w owQvn wf Iftiww wtiT wOwd ww WTfii or atroota nay paaa aball bo til; oompenaatod by I tbn oaid iwe oouaol^('T _ tn?.. I ow. < i nn in ~?m? tbo council M'MWr owner* cannot agree upon the ?mount ot aueh coinpenaatlon, tha aauio ahtll ba aaoarlainod by throe oommlaaionera, to be appointed, one by the towh council, one by the landowner and tbe third hy the board of county commiaaionera for Ornng^urg oewety; Provided, that either party may appeal froinauob eaaeaiment to tbe oourt of common pleaa, who aheil aubmil tbe iaaue of Yalue to a jury : And pwri1 dad farther, that the' alaetament agreed on, whether by the aforwaaid coiamiitionera. or bytbe Jury, ahall he reon'rdod tn the office of Approved March 13, 1872. JOINT RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT T1IE COMPTROLLER GENERAL TO DRAW WARRANT, IN FAVOR OP C. WERNER, ON THE 8TATB TREASURER,rWllBN CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS ARE FULFILLED. Wberepl d Joint Resolution Wft* paaaed in 18M? apfiAaprUiing fve tbouftadd dollar* to* ward* purohaaing tbe oaat iron Palmetto Tree for a monuraont to the dead of tbo Palmetto Regiment j and, whereat, on tbe 30th ot (J)e? camber, 1858* aoollier appropriation Of one thouaaud dollar* more, a* additional company aatiun, waa paaaed ; and, whereat, Mr. C. Werner oply waa paid four thouaand dollar*; be ^7,. .. . - nesotved t>y the Senate and House or Representative* of (be State of'South Carolina, now met and rttting In General Ailembly, and by the authority of the same: 1 That the Comptroller General ho author* i7.ed, and is hereny directed, to draw bU warrant on the State Treasurer, to the amount of two thousand dollars, iu favor of C. Werner: Provtdod, Mr. Werner makes alterations on the pagels, as directed by the Commissioner of the State House, as reported by the Commit* tee on tbo State House, on the 20th of De comber, 1851*. The State Treasurer is hereby authorised and directed to pay, upon the order of the said Comptroller Gonoral, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved March 12, 1872. joint resolutions) grant a sec* tion of land, in lancaster county. to t1ik widow and minor children of isaac cowles, and to provide for levying a special tax on said county, to reimburse the state for ti1e same. Whereas, Isaac Cowles, a citixens of the county of Lancaster, and State of South Carlina did enter upou a section of sixty acres of tbo land of the Slate, purchased by the Land Commission, and did proceed to acquire a title to tho same, by actual settlement and cultivation, and the terms provided by law, and whereas, the Said Isaac Cowles was token from his house on or about the 25th day of April, 1871, by a band of disguised nnd armed men, and while in the peace of the State, waa, by, them, brutally murdered because of his political opinions, and because be bad dared to exercise his ctvil rights as a loyal citiscn of the United Sates ; and whereas, the said murder was in pursuance of a system of organised vinlenco, designed to suppress free speech, and a free ballot among loyal oilixens of the State; and wlieroas, tho said Cowlos left a widow and three minor children, now living and dustituto, on said land, and have no means to make pnyincut for tire sume ; therefore. Section 1. Be it resolved >y the Senate a'jd He use of Representatives of the Slate o I South Carolina, now met and sitiiug in General -Assembly, and by the authority of the saiuc : ? That tho Secretary of the State, and he is bure'<y, directed to issue a title to the widow and minor children of Issue Cowles, for the suction ol State land in the county of Lancaster located and settled upou by the said Isaac Cowles. Approved March 13, 1872. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A COMPANY UNDER THE NAME OK THE 8ULLI VAN'S ISLAND FERRY COMPANY. AND TO MODIFY THE CHARTER OF THE MOUNT PLEASANT FERRY COMPANY, AND FUlt 0filBR PURPOSES. Section 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Stato of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen erm Assemuiy, ana by the authority of tbe iiuno: 'Flint Douglass Xcsnitt, John B. Conner, D. F. Fleming, Henry Jones, William Ufugg, CharUs J. Andell, W. R. Jervey, and other such persons as may tioe?nae inrtunerj, Ihj, und thoy are hure'-y. declared n Ixwiy politic and corporate. I>y tbe name of tbe gullit au's Island Ferry Company, for the purpose of convoying passenger* and transferring goods, wares and merchandise between tbe city of Charleston and Sullivan's Island, in th* County of Charleston, and between the snid city mid any other place or places, and by that name may suo and be sued, plead and bo impleaded, in ony Court in this State ; may have a common seal; may purcbaso, hold and convey real estate to any amount not exceeding forty thousand dollar* ; and tnay have and enjoy iilljtlio rights, powers and privileges incident to n corporation. 8eo. 2. That tbe oapital steek of sAid company shall be thirty thousand dollars, with a priviloge of increasing tbe saute, from time to time, to any amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. And'every member of the said company shall ho individually liable lor nil debts contracted during the time he shall bo a member or shareholder in tbo said Company to the extent of the par value of his or her shares in tbe same, end ahnll bo an. wurable in any action at lew therefor against tiiin or her, no^#ith*tundlng the non joiuder of the other shareholders or any of them, at any time after tbo return of aslla buna may have been made by tbe Sheriff of Cbarleatoo County, upon any execution issued against tbe said Compauy. But nothing herein contained (hall be construed to deprive any of the shareholders of any equitable rights against the creditors or tbe other shareholders of the faid Company, Sec. I. That the first Hneetiog of the tatd corporation may be called by the persons, or a majority of tbcm, named in this Aot, at suofc time and place as they may think fit, after duo prolic notice thereof. And at eaifl meeting, ofhny subsequent meeting, (aid corporation may mules, alter and amend or repeal such by-laws aittl rugulationS for the organisation of tbe sfimo, an J tho'management of the business thereof, as a majority of the stockholders may direct; l'rovidcd, tbe aanse bo not inconsistent, with, or raptfjrnant to, the Constitution and Laws of Ibis State, or the United States. Soc. 4. That this Act shaft bo taken and doomed to be a public Act; sIuHLbc and continue in force for tbo terra oTCotirtesn years. See. 5. That the several Acts fof December 20, 1856, and of December 21, 1865/ relating to the charter o f the Mount Pleasant Perry Company be, and the same are Jtereby, repealed ; and all Acts and parts otApts inconristenMvitb this Aet are hefbby Wealed. Approved Marob 13, 1372. Aw AJf ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF 8TATH AUDITOR. AND CONPRIt THE DUTIES OP HIS QPP1CK UPON THR COMPTROLLER QRNZRAL. Whereas a. multiplicity of oftoee should by avoided by tbo &lpte, as w?U %s anneeesssrf sapvndituivs la keeping thew apt and. whoreas, the duties of state Auditor e^n be parfbrfeed 1 >f life* Tu?sp4rolloi Oeaeral tfltboji tu tha ?e<^He^?pU feU of oe, | Seothm I. Re |t Jywet?i by tee Senate aed House of Keprsseoiativss of tk*ku(kvf Heath Carolina, now met *M silting fa CJoaeral Assembly, nod by the atttaqrHj Of the earn# t < Thpt the ofllee AndW *Ij a HL-. .Li. ... -u.rt i'jCaliAJa. 1 *fU.r the general ?U?<ioD *1 Cfctttheft 1?TI, ?i whloh tia*? HfgfHM* 4N?tV>r?)mll M WlWh WWWl <*M of kU offloe to | lh? OjB^ptjoJJor'fieM**!. Approved March J3, 1 tf'l k* "l* ""turSH I una m rtnm 'I l^frrCKa wM I b cnilxH 0 !.nr dla^ .w'fjforfoB rtlrT j ^ Having Ren 9 R Y & TO THEIR NE1 Corner of Broad and Be] 4 WILL tftke great pleasure in wi who will find a choice ae DRY" GOODS, which will be dieim the most economical. Ggr An examination of Goods a Chris toph 25 ly 202 and 204 Brc R. R* R. Radwny'? Ready Relief CUKES TllE WORST PV1NS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUlt after reading Ihie advertisement need any one suffer with pain. Il?dway*s Ready Relief I* a eura Or every pain. It was the first and Is THE ONLY PAIN R <MEDY that iiiatantty stops the 4nost e crudlalinx pains al] tys imffimations, and cures con* gesllnns, whether of the lung >, stomach, b./tfre'.s. or other glands or organs, by one applioation. RAILWAY'S READY RELIEF Will afford instant ease. Inflammation of the Ki'tn?*ys. inflammation of the Bladder, Inflammation of the Bowels. Congestion ot he Lungs,SoreTliroat. Difficult h entiling. Palpitation of the Heart. Hyster es, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Inflnenxa, Headache, Tooothacliv, Neuralgia, Rlieuma'istn, Cold ClitlL, Ague Chills. The application of lhA Ready Relief to the part or parts where th'e pain or diffL eulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tttmblet of water will in a few momenta cure Cramps, Spasms, Sr.ur Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, wind in the Bowel*, and all Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle ol Had way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water 'will prevent sickness or pains trom change of water. It is better tosii French Brandy or Bitters a - a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague cured for fifty tenia.? ? There ia not a r?me?iinl agent in this world that will pur. WVv'Af ?n.t a?ii? ?."t ",L - " n" "v" r Malarious, Bilou?, Senile', Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided ly Had wiy'i PHI<) 10 quirk an Kad way's Heady Relief. Filly eenU per bot'le. ? HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Strong Mud Pore Rich Blood ? Iuclaase ol Flesh and Weight ? Clear Skin nod beautiful Complexion so, cured to nlL PR, RADWAl'8 S A R8APARILLIAN RtSOLVIINT Not oitly doe* the Surenpnrillian Uesolv eni rxrrl all known re medial agent* in the core of Chronic, Sciofuloua, Const in tionnl. Nod Skin diwii?P(i; but it is the til v po?i? live cure lor Kidnry mid Bladder complaint*. Urinery nod Womb discuses Ornv-1. Diabetes. Dropsy, Stoppage of ?Vat?-r. Incontinence of Urine, BrightV tsieease, Alliuuiiunrin, end in nil cases where iherr re brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with sub-lsm-es like the while of sn egg, or threads lik- white ilk, or whe>e is a morbid, dark, I I i >u? ap penrauee, snd white bone dust deposit*, nml wlirn there ia a pricking, burning s*naition when passing water, nud pain in the Snail of the Hack and along tli Loins. Dr. Bsdwsy's Fsrfset Furgstiro Pills, Perfectly tnxtelees, elegantly calej with wcet gmn, purge, regulate, pniity, cleanse and strengthen. Rndway's Pills, for the en' e of all disorders of the Stomal It. Liver. Rowels, Kidney*, Bladder. Nervoi * diswases. Headache. Constipation, C? tivne?, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bil owene** Btltou* Fever, Infl nnalion of the Bowel*. I ilea, and ail Detsngemeiit* of the Internal \i*<-eia. Waff sniuil IA ? ????? n .? W cii> VI m |?"Din*f CUT . I'lirc ly Vegetable, containing no mereurv, miner* l?, or dtloerloui drug*. < Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digertivi Organs: Constipation. Inward Piles. Fi lines* of the Blood in the He id. Acidity of t ho St?>ni ach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Fond. Pullnrss or Weight in the Stom cli, Sour Eructations, Sinking or FluLieritt; at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of t'lc liead, Hurried and Difficult Breathing. A few doses of Had way's Pills will free the system from all the shove nsmjd disorders. Price, Ift mnti per Box. Sold by Druggists. Read " False and True. Bend o le letter stamp to RADW AY A CO., No. 87 Mai den Lane, New Yoik. Information worth thousands will be sent you. July 20 12 ly j JOM C SJEEGEBS i ( I MANUFACTURER, 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' JLiijUor tPeal&ty Lint uu mm tt. ! COLUMBIA, A'. C. ' Oct it iM ly I 1 T il. MULUGlN^ i cotton"Factor , AND OJ5NENAL ' J titrai siici&it. ! /.^ACCOMMODATION WHARF. CfHA^l,E8Tt>K; S. C. 1 Jv>?ll at*& vpJien plcwslin funds, j pitroJicw and forward all ki?<k of Merchandise. Ma . faricxsUurcfl fwplem***s Fcrtib i ?xers% <$c. i Oct a> 24 * 4 ij t u m : * Jt IsAnMb: _? ' Joved Their '?1IN<?ilHI?Mi"?WlliH ' ? ?rt? ftW* M o on s >V PREMISES, Intoali $(?., Auynsla, Ga. niting on tbeir Carolina friends,aortuient of every description of sed of at prima that m^ft aatisf/ nd Prices respectfully solicited. ier Gray & Co., >ad Street, AUG LS2 A, GA. ilhnffiiii'lllliiri ?. Wtuu, Proprietor. It. H. Mclk.NA. ? * C?.t Onu(i>U k O.u. Aputi, Sou FraacUce,C*l ,u<l 34 CwiMirrr* St., N Y. iniLI.IOItIN Bear Tmilmoiif to their Waadcrful Curative Kffrcti. Tlnfinr Blttcra art not a ?tle Fnncy Drink, M:tde of l'oor Hum, tVlil?Uc), Proaf Hplrlta nnri Ifafuae l.lriitora, doctored. tplcrd and awactoned to pleaao the Uitt, called ' Tonic*," " Appetisers." " Restorers," Ac., Ibat lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rula, but are a true Medlcloo, made from the Native Roote and Herb* of California, IVre fro in nil Alcwbollo Ml I m 11 fn lit*. They are tli* (IllKAT lll,OtlI) I'll It I Fl Kit and A III Fit (ilVINO 1* It I NCI I'l.K, a perfect Renovator and Invlgorator of tlio Aystem. carry In j oil all polnonou* matter and restoring the blood to a health 1 condition. No person < nn take these Bitters according to dlroctlone am' remain lone unwell, provided their bonce nro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond tlic point of icpair. Tliey uro n (ieutle Purgative na well ne n Tonic, possessing, alio, tlio tcullsr merit of acting a* a powerful ayent In roll -lng Congv*tlon or Inflammation of tlic Liter, d of nil tlio Vlsevral Oman*. FOR FK>I A 1,K f'OAl I'l,A I* X, whether In youny or old. married or single. a< the dawn of Womanhood or at the turn of life, tl? j Tonic Dltlora litre n6 equal. Far InRniiiinniory and Chraelr Ultra* mntlani mid llnnl, llyaprpalit nr In* digestion, Dillons. Kfinliiout mid Intermittent Fovrra, llUeimrt of tlio III noil, l.tvcr, lildnrya nud lllnddcr, these lllttera have been most successful. Miirlt Dlarnsra are caused by Vitiated Jllood, which I* ceuerally products' by derangement of the Digevtlve Organ*, UYMl'Kl'MIA OR IX I) HI KMT I ON, llotuluchc, l'aiii 111 Iliubhi'Uldoi*. Coughs, Tightness of tlic Ghent. Dimness, Sour Eructation* of tlio Stomach. Hod Taste in the Mouth, Dillon Attacks, Palpitation of tlio llaart. Inflammation o the I.ung*, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, an a hundred other painful symptoms are the oft spring* of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and llowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of .ill int. purities, and Imparting new life and vigor to tlic whole system. FOR MKIN DIAKAHKM. Erupttons.Tetter Rait Rhouui, Ulotchos, Spots, Pimple*. Pustule,, Boils, Carbuncles, 'Ring-Worms. R. sM Head. Ho- e Byes,Erysipelas. Itch, Scurf*. Die olnrotlon* of tho Rain, Humors ?nd Disease, of the Sktn. uf wh it* ever name or nuture, are literally dug up aii>-car. rird out of tho system Ins short time br the use of these Uittors. One bottle In such cases will con. i nice the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Ulood vvheneirr yon flml its impurities bursting through the eklu in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it whim yon And it obstructed nnd sluggish In the veins: cleanse It when It I* foul.andy our feelings will tell von when. Keep the blood pure, aitd the hcilthof the s, stein will follow. PIN, TAPK? and other, ln the of no many thousand*, areeffectually destroyed and rumored. BOLD DY ALL DKUG01STH AND DK.U.KUK. J. WAI.KKH. Proprietor. R. II Mi DONAl.t) * CO., DruKtrlitl* and (Jen. Agents. Hun Vrtliclacn, Cel. and aJ aud |i Commerce BUtrt. New York. f&T For sale Id the City of tlrcepv-.llo Dll. M. A. HUNTER A CO., IVholeinlo and Retail Dealers in Diu^a Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., Ac. May fO, 1H71 1 ly i i .J ?! I'oMcaaiotf powerful invlgoratiurf These Bittcra era positively Invaluable in * They purify Urn system, and trill cure Remittent end Intermittent Jerasa, andstm a prnvenUve of Chllle aAA Invest Ail yield t<> tfaclf powerful efljcaeyT^^^ Am an aatidoto ta and t>f yujfcrtng^to tU?icli/?nJ^ J.. ?, i?r? w ,, 1 v , <w n.!-1 r . ? M,. , They have live Palleaa to CfcerlaftMu Ii >"?* e?.r*o**W>l, *n wbfch. k attaoked * *r<* !">?<*. ? it i. aaid.tbe fowl ear. K- " utcr and G.-b t j it J