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mmmmmmUki Lift; WlMtaJtf m tf 1 To tho lanu ornate, foree tsroriUh ncoompaoiee change, W ie> in feet, the r*alt J of change. The funoliooal action oI OBJ or- 1 gan or portion of tho system if poaalbfc .?fely under tho condition Of ehango. Tho blood F ether, they preee forward to the ao>o?> |o?P of botb. The notion that the V|Mai%h tlons of lire are but tho varying W 1 and outworking! of a my?ter|gp^fcitS*0*Sh M aa tho ritmlprinciple, lo'now upNtoT TlOOO varying fnuotheol aid'nasa tenod 0? <>0 tit pie effect# of intimate aaoMOter Jhangea la the orgaee, juet as tho ?<!?! el the etoani engine are viewed itodbHi of the expansion of elaatio vapor in the boilerjaud cylinder. Indeed, very probably if a man had first wet with steaXt-en'dtabs In itatnrc, ho would have explained theirmovements by mppeaing the , existence of o vital principle or aometbing } imiMk. Now "%?Flaeb'? Sitter# la>a prepn. ratio* compounded In Mcordaaoe with, the * above lately dlaeevered principles. It qimu I latea molecular changes. It alao stimulates allmentatiow, afd thus inanrea a* abundant ] aupply of blood for the fvtnation of now tiasues to toko the room of theoe that mojecular change baa displaced aa uaeleaa. For aale by Dowik, Moibx a Davis, Charleston. May;l . 51 lm-eow < How wo Ueed to Be Physicked- ) >vno uu?i not rtmmbtr the time when apring purgation wee conaldered indlapenaable to lummer health J No wetter for wry facer, the inevitable aeltf end tonne, rhubarb, or celomel end jelep, matt be edminietered.? There " rpring medicinea," tbe yuungetera were told, were to keep tbem bale end hearty , during the autuaer. We ell know now that tbia waa a falaey ; that new Yigor, not dtpletion, ia whet ia required at the commencement j of tbe aummer aolatice. Aa a preparation for the enervating oflecta of eppreaaive aumner weather, a courae of Hoatettor'a Stomach Bittera ia highly eipedient. Tbia faaona vegetable preparation bee three prominen^.propertiea : It renofatee, puriOer, end regqlntea ell tbe fanctiona of tbe body- It la eoiupoaed 1 oxclutively of pare vegetable productions, vl* t the. eaaeptial principle of 9W?> and tbe tnoat efficacious tonic and alterntlve roota, barka, and gumg known to medical hotaniata. Hence, it ia an absolutely a ale medicine and DO tincture of the Pllirmn-ftnmi* compare with it either in purity, or in the variety of i^e oMcois.and iU comprehensive re- ] aulta. Happily for mankind, the theory that ] it war nece*?*ry to proatrata a patient ia order to cure nim. ia forever exploded, and tbe^true ] philoaophioal doctrine, that vigor ia one great antagonist of disease, baa take* it* place.? ' ilcstcttor's Bitter* if'an Invigorant, and hence , it ia the proper medicine for the feeble at thie moat trying aaaaon^of the year. Be rare that yp^obtain the genuine article, ea there are innumerable vile imitatlona in the market. Look to the ornamental stump, the engraved label, and the name blown into the glur*. lloatetter'a Stomach Bitter* is sold in battels only. 52-4 J .. For Rent or Sale. THE LARGE BRICK HOUSE, aeeohd square b?? ' low ha Court Hons*. Ii Bt^Sawfcoi taiua eight upright ro-'m-, also m(1 n rural* ry outbuilding*. roe term*, npi-ly to O B. IRVINE. ' May 8 1 ,tf Neliee IS hereby given to all whom it may concern. thai I will apply to S. J. Dou'hit, Probate Judge of Qrvenvllle County, on (lie 8th day til June next, for n Final Discharge ns Guardian of LUCY T GERALD. WARllEN DKUMMUND, Gaurdian. ' May Itli 1812. 1-5 REPORT OF THE CONDITION or raa MTU mi Of B&EEIT1LLS.; At Greenville, in the Slate of J South Carolina, at close of bust 0ie88, on the 19th day of April, 1872 : . ' ! RESOURCES Loans and Discount*, $ 12.604.25 (J. 8. Bunds to secure circulation, 30,000.00 1 U. 8. Treasury (National Notes admitted) 2,600.00 Other Stocks, Bonds and Mort'ges, 13,087.60 Cue from Redeeming and Rcservo ] Agents, 1,54714 I Due from other National Banks, 600.84 ] Due from other Banks and Bank- s ers, 16,532.88 Furniture and Fixtures, 1,960.72 ? Current Expenses, 108.05 t Premiums, ., ( 2.990.20 ( Cash Items. 1.240.00 ? Bills of other National Banks, 13,686.00 I Fractional Currency including j Nichcl, 444.61 Specie, (coin.) 286.00 Legal Tender Notes, 4,712.?'0 $110,819.67 . LIABILITIES. . Capital Stock paid in, $ . 60,200.00 Profit and Loss, 609.34 National Bank Cireulation, Out* standing, 14.830.(0 J Individual Deposits, 36,160 33 $110,819.67 Stats or South Carolina, ) ' County of Qreenville. J > (, John J. Blackwood, Cashier of the N?? < - <ieuaL Bank of Qreenville, do solemnly swenr ' ^uai ino angrO ( CIIBOni 18 tTUfi, to tl)C bCSt ?f toy knowledge end belief. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Ceebier. 1 Subscribed end ewnrn to balore .pie, this J seventh day of May, 1872. WM. A. Mc DAN I EL, ' i Clark and lUr OHoio Magistrate 0. C. ' Correct?Attest. y -James Dirnie/ I Alex. Mr Bee, > Directors. . Hamlin Beartie,). May I I The State of 8outh Carolina OKt EN VILLI COUNTY. r* HMirrs balks. HV virtus i?l sundry Wrtii ?f Fieri At- * dan, to nti direeled, I will aril before i <lie Court House door, on 8*l-e*tay In Jtt-? tWXl, hetWrrM IhK of |(*Vol ??k 10 the forenoon and 8 o'etoek in the afternoon, t One Lot, in the City of Greenville,Teootainiog one-fourth of aa Aero, mora or- leae, urt Court Houee and Valla 8treeU, and known a* tbo Caaemer Gunsmith place. No. 2,eentain* . tag One fourth Acre, More or Igpa, bounded by 1 Lota of the Defendant, Jt. Hughes, R. H. ^ Ear la, sad other*. Levied on aa tba property of W. H. Cam in or, at tba anlt of Cbarlta Terry for aaotkac. apd another. Refold at tba riak sf former purchaser. Oas Traot of Lead, on tba waters of Tyger Hirer, containing Two Hundred ?%d Twehty- | Eva Acres, mora or less, and hounded by landa t of 8tovaa Dill, Jefferson Mitchell, and otkar*. Levied on aa tbn property of Jama* Odam, at the auitof William Barton, at AM that Tract of I.tnd, eouttlnlng Elgfcl Hn4ft4 Arret, inorrf or Um, and adjoining U.ncU of gl^ton SijIm, 8. *. Pool, Curry tad ???& I p*^r^of^'??n'?'?" TtyWr, at to mU of r i Tt"M"'~|C**h Porehwrt to pa; for a Ih ****** i tefliufli m iwim i ?*j w Jb Ml JXXJLrJ aRBEHVILLB, 8 0. fc?" ' irecmjaBUV ColumMa Railroad PatMnror Train Sehedalo. T^AILY, iundtjw At?*pMd, eoantetlDf \J vlik Night -Trains on South Carolina uilroad up and down, alao with Trains tolas Noaih and South' on Charlotts, Colutnoia and Angqfta Railroad, and Wilmington, ColfcasMa Hid Augusta Railroad. , >' f ' t* UP. D'A*. LaiVa Columbia at 7 00 a tn " Alston 8 46 a m " Nawt-arry .. ; 10 28 a m ' M Cokaalury 2 16 p tn " Bsllun.M. 4 00 p tn (irrlre at Uroagjfiila ^ f ft^O p m DOWN. Laava QraanriHa at 7 25 a m " Ballon 8 80 a tn *V Cokesbury ,1^,11 16 * tn " A*>h?vilia 9, 00 a tn " ' Nawbarry. 1 M p n " Alston 4 80 p ad Arriro at Culniu>?t? 0 00 p id ANDERSON BRANCH AND BLUB RIDUB DIVISION. . .. . DOWN. Laura Walhalla at - 0 00 a tn " Parryrilla 8 40 a tn 1 " Pandlaton ' 7 28 a tn " - Aodarsun nM?...mM8d0 a as Arrire at Beltuu b?........ . 9 10 a m Connacting with dowd train4 from Greet), rille. v}. , ?. * * UP. Lca?e Bolton nt. 4 00 p in " And?n?n ft Oft p " Penult ton - 6 Oil p n ? Parry vllle '. ft 4ft p m Arrive at Walballa at 7 20 p in Accommodation Trains will l>e run' on Branch Honda on Monday*, Wcdnerdaya and Pridaya.* ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Leafs Coke*' urjr tor Abbovillo at... 11 15 a m " Abbeville for Cokesbnry...... 1 00 p in ANDERSON BRANCH. Leave Baltvn lor Andoraon at 10 10 a m " Anderson lor Utlion 2 00 p m THOMAS DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. M. T. Bartlktt, General Ticket Agent. '* May 8 1 tf [ Would Inform those in Want of BOOTS AND SHOES, mdtl TH AT, ha* ii g recui e I Kood mA] rlj Woi kuifii, I can Make ^(<" r ll l^^Wo k promptly and on ?ho?l" notice, at r>-as*iiaitla prices. An experience >f twenty yeait enable* me lo give entire >eiitf?cti<>n. I nls<> solicit lepairing Call tiid see me at the old stand of my brother, IV m 11 Harrison. 62 4 JOHNS HARRISON. To Rent, the house, lately occupied by Mrs. Ellen Howell MARY HARRISON. May 1 62 tf No! ice. % , ONE of the Fineat BU LLS (Durham and A\rehire) ever brought t<? the County, ia now Standing at the Lot of'MILLS, Mo BRAYF.R I CO., for the ua..* of the puMja May 1 62 ' tf Stale of Soulli Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. By S. J. DOVTIIIT, Riquire, Judtjt of Probate of laid ComMy. WHEREAS, JOSHUA PRUITT has filed a Petition Hi my Office, praying that Letters ?i MaioiitraiMn on ail and singular he goods and chattel*, right* and credit* of IIOKRIS QOSNKLL, late ofthe County afueelaid, deceaeed. should,be greeted to hint. 7*? ? are, therefore, to cite and admeniafa ill and singular the kindred and creditor* of he aaid deceased, to he and appear in the ?ourt o( Probate for said County, to ba ho'den it Greenville Court House, on the 9th day of Jay nest, to show rauae, it any, why the said Vdmiiiutration should not he granted. 8. J. DOUTHTr, Judge of Prohate, Oreenrille County. Office of Judge of Prohate, Apr.) 26, 1872. May I 62 2 H(alc of Mouth Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY Uy S. J. DOUTfl/T, fit qui re, Judy* of Pros butt of an id County. Whereas, mn. mary harrison has fil-d a Petition in my Office, prayng that Letters of Administration on all and lingular the good* and chattel*, rights sad ; red its or \VM. II. HARRISON and KLLBN HOW ELL, late of the County aforesaid, de? 'eased, should be granted to ber. Three ar?, therefore, to site and admonish ill and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear in the Court of Prohate for said County, to be bob len at Graenvitle Court Honse, <>n the 9tb lay of May next, to show cause, if any, why bo said Administration should not he granted. 8 J. DOUTHir, Judge of Prohate, Greenville County. Office ot Judge of Prohate, April 26th, 1872. May I 62 2 DRESSMAKING DONE ?.y MRS. FOWLER and MISS |,INI>SAY. at the bona- f?o merlyne?? upi-d by Mrs, Maria Thompson, on Bun)i>mt>< Struct Levies* H ?t* T' immed and altered. Gentlemen's Clothing mude and rennvacd. 61 Sm GRAND OPENING 0*^' viilihinkut goods , ?rj?? MRS. JENNINGS Will ope* liar spring goods On 1 o morrowy Thursday, APRIL 8WM. ' "?a ysiia Iti'? respectfully invitee the La iim in caii and asnmiQM Iter stuck. April 14- | 61 < ? tf ^ - ~ irvj > WoileeM kit PERSONA ind?bird U ik* nnd-r?irn?d for Piof*?*i?n*l rtcrvlr#*, will pl*M? awta5*?*" , VAHn 1?AN. Arfi dlock for Sale. rwq J.n# Work HOR<*RS 1 Ch* E*ir* Yoke of OXEN, v ?oparlor Milk ?0?K.?M ROOfl Applr it* Pr. J. M. MoOLANAHAN. or April 17 ' SO tf S( im Ail> Mm ? \\ TA itDVDtDirr * ' rti.iiHp I m j-ui ?oj .. ? . vt PdHcies on all C . ti#c f] <M fttM**1# tr' ?M?T ATrA? X.OIV , v (i ft V 1<1 C**" * f ? I NQBE BUT TUB SAFEST C Oi' - AS I SBAl INSURANCE A PARTIES WILL DO WELL TO GIVE ME J OFFICE WITH BWJ MAIN STRBET OK Ray 1 fit the: LADIES' STORE. HOVBI & T0WNB8 DESIRE to call special attention to a L>rif and Well escorted STOCK of Spring and Summer GOODS. Full Lioe of STAPLE GOODS, Consisting of Bleached end Brown 10 4 Sheeting. LIii?d and Cotton Pillow Casing, Hi own and Bleached Shirting. Ticking, Drill. Alabama Plaids, Prime, &< . DRESS GOODS. White Goods, Cheeked and Striped. . Swiss. J?ror<eM?. Nainsooks, Indie Mulle, Terltone, Pique, striped, corded sod figured. Tehle DsniHsk, Linen end Cmton Diapers. I We have a large and beautiful Line of Il' tl-rjr, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, While end (Joint e-l N"pkios. Pique and Honey Cnmlt Quilts, Towels, Linen, teal and 1 imitation, Lice, foliar* ?nd Cuffs. Ladies' and Gent's, l,i-le Thread. Under Vesis Ladie*', Misses' and Children's Shoes, from the best Mann acluier*. Men's and Boys' Felt, Wo?l and Straw Hals. 11DVEY ?fe TOWNES. April 24 61 If Tailoring-. rF,HE undersigned have opened a TAT1 LORINO SHOP ai the a*and one door north oI the Post Office, having ra fitted the entne. wh re ihev are preparad to do all CUTTING. MAKING and REPAIRING of GARMENTS committed to ihem Com pletff FiU gunriiitrcd, and all Work warranted. and lurried out promptly. Terms rras?naMe. py Q-ie or two fjood Tailors eon find permanent employment at fair w?ue* O B. TOORE A CO. April 24 61 t 3m McDavid & Ball, D F.NTIST8. OFFICE ON MAIN ST., Over D. L. Miller A Bro.'i Store, e. ?? J. Q. McDAYID.. W. U. BALL. April 17 60 4 j. b. henryt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 6RQCER, MAIN STREET, Greenville* 8. 1 OOYiTTF.Y PB0DT7OB BOUGHT AND SOLD. ORDERS FOR CORN 80LICITED April IT 40 l V ? e v ? ? 1 ?5 & 1: >. 2 ? : 5 jg S 0 3 2 I a ^ ?! g! 8 * -j b .? s s. o ? . J << 3 i | * j< 2 w - ^ i ? i 2 a s - 2 ? I .O gj .? J Ja ^ - ?2 | I 5 I N a 3 , o t ^ ^ S 2 50 i r - CD _ ? "s o ic^gij 1 - i m 51 *: * i **1134 a? j ; ? ? ? 5 j | u s ?t ? ' t g o i X h ? * b i a ? H ?^9| 5|s ; ^ i m ** i ' ;? j if i i I & - Lfi * ; h=! .1 | ' Q & u " '.Bt?lfjbii~ IS IIKRKDY OIVP.N to *1) wUm It may . ?onM>r?. that I will apply to R, J f)nn> ! I hi*. l*roh?t? Judg* of (jr-onvtlla 0?>?niy, ' on lk? S4'h Hay ?' May n??xt, for a PINAL , hl-CHAKGK aa AHaainlrratals of <ka K* Uic of KLkANA MAROHBANK-t, de* araa*d KLUtS ?XKW, April 1ft, 187ft. AdonoiatralrU. Apr 14 ftl A j ?ia 1 *f 1 ' haiim I A Waby *l*?" ? tft ?* ? H 1??(p ro?? oarn, thai w? whl pf'j I" 8. J. Dvathii, ( Probata ?* 0?Hn"lM OwinU.oa lb* ITib A?y if n; wxt. tor PINAL PfcV | CHARrtl m A/trMi?Mr*tor* at lha ImM# ?f SARAH PKPPBR? j April 2H.1S7I M * - - kJ l C? , tt/tfii ...v.(l.. j | >HOMELD, " *jt a i * : i ?? ", (80RAHCK AO HIT, > to laaOB . ft oSl '".v v i i lasses of Risks, * iEST RATES. *" ' ? ? ? * ? ,1 OMPAMES REPRESENTEDJ I' l" t .. t,s - j \ X MAKE SPECIAi/TY, inuiHnHKimmi JTDALV * ISAACS, . KENV1LLE, S. C. '? r : tf ?. . ?i ' - i ORDINANCE To Pxvpent tk? Running at Large of Ooau and Bvina- v. Bkctiom 1. Bt it Ordnintd by the Mayor and Alderuien of the City of Ureenritle, in* Council assembled, and by the authoHty of tba same That from had after jgto pit day of May next, all Ooata and Swine found running at largo in tba 8tra?ta of tba City, aball ba forthwith impounded In a suitable place by tbp Polieemen of tba City, aad there bept for ?a daya, or until tba owner thereof abejl eou.e and pay a Una of Ffty ConU on each beat^ so impounded, together with all neeeesary charge* for maiataaauaa; aad if at tba expiration of fire daya aaid Goat* or Swine restysin unclaimed, the Policemen shall then, after giving flee dr.ys' public notice of theyatbe, sell them to the highest bidder at public outery : Provided, That whenever any animal so impounded shall he found to be the property of a non-reaident of the City, he or they sidy bare the same released on the payment of the neeeesary charges for maintenance while in the pound; and the Polioemen are hereby instructed to use proper diligence to inform the owners of Goats and Swine (when eaeb ownership is known) of the impounding of tbeir animals. All moneys collected from tbeahore sources to be deposited in the nuhtie treasure. for the um end benefit of the City. '2 Section 2. And it 1* A.r?6y Ordained, That ell Ordinances heretofore passed relative to the running at large of Ooata and BNvtae, be, and the same are hereby, repealed, a Done and ratified under the Corporate Seal . of the said City of Greenville, on the { L. H. } 2d day of April, in the year of our ?' Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy.two. J. P. MOORE, Mayor. A. R. McDavid, City Clerk. April 10 40 t a tf Lnntl for ing REAL ES juMUSSV AuKl TAXK. belongWBa>X"CmI" ing to Dr. J. M.M9%&DPMMn' McCLANNAHAN, is offered at private sale. Tract No. I, containing 600 Acres, more or lest. 180 Aores of which are in a high {tats of cultivation ; about 100 Acres of first quality River Bottom. On this Tract is a NEW FRAMED HOUSE, NEW BARN, Ac., and plenty of good Houses tor servants. Tract No. 2, containing 170 Acres, more or less, lies adjoining No. 1; of this, about 70 Acres in cultivation, a large proportion of which is Creek Bottom. On this Tract are Two Settlements; also, a good Sito for a Mill. This land lios on South Saluda River, 18 miles from Greenville. ,1 , < ,, TERMS.?One-half Cash; tbt remainder in two or three annual instalments, with Ten per Cent. Interest, secured by a Mortgage on tho premises. ' JULIUS C. SMITH. AprilS 48 tf ATLANTA DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ??? ? PRINCIPAL OFFICES: Atlanta, Ga., and Memphis, Tenn. CAPITAL. 8228,500.00. OEN'L JOHN B. CORDON, President. W. C. MORRIS, Bevr-tary. Gkn'i A. II. Colquitt, Vice Prrsidfmt. E. wmTollawd. [ fiu?"^?**rtllt,e? MEDICAL BOARD: - ,j l. M. JOB* SON, M. n. H.T. M. MILLKIt, M.?. Assets July lift, 1170 $826,212,7 C. C STEP LI , Agent for U;??eountry f$* Address all e.-tn<nani?s*liona to P.O. Box 25. (lieenvillsv S- C Mar 20 4? -e tf Tpritot MILLINERY. MISS M. KAY ha? just re9Hk turned from New York, and will MQaB^ftopeD on Thursday,' 11th inat., one of the Handsomest A?sortm e n t of MILLINERY, MV 1IA1R AND FANCY. OOOD8, "HlySfe ever brought to Hits market. ^{Ewk Alto, an Assortment of BUT STYLISH RUIT8 for ladies. April 1 ? " tf Boot and Shoe Making.' rjlHE UJfDRRMGNED Is prepe.ed with JL eompotrni WiM'kmoa to fill-all xtrdeis tor BOOTS and SIlOKS, ??/ i>oi h fine and teavy qualities, on anort nolie*. He guarinieea aailefae(io?K REPAIRING promptly intend,.,! to 4 f 19 sh?f> n-arlr opposite Ifeart. flowir, Go* A Markley'a .BUTLER DYER April 10 49 ly J. ft, BUCK * CO., DEALERS In Waichsa. Clocks, Jewelry, SpeH.clM, Fancy Goods and Oroce ira. ConfeetionVrles. Notions. I<ampa and 'ix'ures, Non explosive Attachments, Qlaea vsf, Severs, Snuff, Smoking and Chawing r-'haooo, Dry Goods, Hata. Shoes, ann a treat variety of other arMelea. All fere inlit'd (and might, do well) to eall en them >.fore purchasing gW 8i>?clal attention [ivan to Repairing Timepieces, An. Mar 18 4A tf Notice1 IS h?r?t>y to all whom iS may eoi?? mth, 'hat I will apply to 8 J. llpuihit, hnhaU JuHgo of Orwatilla on tha Oih day of May n?-nf. for a FINAL D(8> 311A ROE aa A tir.n Llr?t..r of the Batata of WILLIAM COX. daa-naa-l. T W. COX, Admlafatrator. April |ll?, lilt 49-5 Samuel Murphy, Jr., uhbatbmft war *mama abb axe&igaw H1&8&S. A XL ordara for MonaniaU. foaba Reads fV. <hiM, Taklau, Aa., will twaafra prompt tfcr>p ? Falla Straat, In front Oowot, Cp* A tiVia/a 48 j fb SUCSISSSOR TO ; DAVID * STBADUY, ??? *.|t?).r !>*'-? i Alii.. WILL BE PLEASED TO SJL. r i . . ... . 7.' ? ><f? i *# t - . His f&iPnds, at the :f?H >'<4 fOID STAJTD, WHERE HE WILL -f I | | SELL THEM ' . . ' 1- ? AT LOW Feb 28 * 43 tf Office Comptroller Genera), Columbia, 8. C., February 1, 1872. THIS is to certify that the GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published in the town of Greenville, 8. G., is hereby designated t>y this Board as the paper in whieb legal and publie notions shall be published, for the County o( Greenville, in accordance with the ' Act to regulate the publication of all legal and public notices," which became a law February 22d, 1870. J. L. NEAGLB, Comptroller Ucneral. D. II. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. i THE above is a true copy of the original on file in the office of Secretary of State. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of 8tate. Feb 14 41 tf State of South Carolina, ANDERSON COUNTY. Court of Common Fleas. Mrs. Amanda C. Wilson, Feme Covert. fMain t'ff. against A. W. Kichard-on and John W. Dm it-Is. Defendants?Summons, for Relief, Complaint not Served. To the Defendant, A. IF. Itiekardeon : "YTOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED end X required to answer the complaint In this action, which is filed in the office <>i the Clfik ot Common Pleas, for the ssid County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office, at Anderson Court House, South Caroline, within twenty days after the aer, vice hereof, exclusive of the day of such service ; and if yon fail to answer the <mmi plaint within the lime aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the C<>urt for the relief demanded in tlie comp'aiut Dated January 18, 1872. B. F. WHITNER. Plaintiff's Attorney, JO rnr urjrnaam, A. IV. JilltlA H /M'W.V : TAKE NUTIt'E, That tli<> Summons in till* aetioii.of which (lie foregoing if a copy,' wn? fjl.d in the office, of lt<e Clnk of (he Court At Anderson Court House, in the County of Anderson, in ihe State of South Cnrolins, on the 13th day of January, 1872. B. F. W UITNKR, PleiutifTs Attorney. Apiil 10 40 -6 WilTLlAM SLOANE, Lithographic, Copper-plat?, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTER, IPH.MM BVA1BIKV, COLUMBIA, 8. C. BOOKS. Pamphlets. P- steis, Hand-Bill*, Cards, Circulars, Bill H-nd*. Fee Similes. Maps, Plans Chalk and Line Drawings, Liquor Labels, Druggists' Prescript tious, etc , Executed with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, and on toc Most Reasonable Terms. Oct 25 2} 8m* BR. ? *? ? trade, [jflj CROQUET. Complete sels at $3 00, $4 00, $5.00, C.Oo, $7.00, $8.0() to $20.00 a set. FISHING TACKLE. Rods, Hooks, Lines and Baskets. BASE BALLS. All the Letdiog kinds at Reduced Prices GUNS. TY.wM. ..4 n.,.,1 n.._. PJ8TOL8. The Popular and approved kind*. AMMUNITION Of every description. N. B?AH of our Croquet. Accepting the $2.00 set, have Bradley's Patent Sockets lor the Bridges, a great addition. Bealera in Sport men's Goods and others interested, should send for our Price List of Jointed Pishing Rods, the beet end cheapest Goods in the Market. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE A CO., 20# If. Bmllimor? Street, Baltiwfre, hid. April Id 40 14 ? Johnston, Crews & Co., IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers In STAPLE AND yAieow DRY GOODS, IT 0 T I 02T 0 tMJULL WARM. 41 HAYNE STREET, (D!EIA!BILlKSTP0I5r| S? (P. I ?c 1* 5? 1/ % un miiilrtwin. *br f * MEMPHIS, TENM.J vd< U ?|f ti^w> .ST. > ' J SALT I MORE, MO. Assets, $1,10^000. * r ^ tf . - f. . -.1 HON JF.PFEHSON DAVIS. Pawobtt. I GEN. WADE HAMPTON. Vu? Purdim BEN. JOHN 0. KENNEDY, General Ageot for South Carolina. 0<dnmHie, 8. O. jm- JOHN H. BCOFIELO, A^'nt, Qreeavlue, 8. C. Mar IS 46 6m . For Sole* LL of mj REAL ESTATE, conflating of tha following: Ooo HOUSE and LOT, on the Rutherford Road, containing Seven Room*. Tble ia orv deairnble piece of property. One HOUSE and LOT, en the corner-ef Coffee and MuBee Street a. ooniaiulog Bight Rooma. In a very convenient location. One HOUSE and LOT, near the State Work*, containing Four Rooms A PLANTATION, on Bnoree River, containing Three Hundred Acree?Thirty of which ie flref-clsa* River Bot'om, end Fifteen Branch Bottom. I will sell thie ae a whale, or divide it into Three Plantaliooa, If deeired. One WOODLAND PLANTATION, three and a half miles from iba City, oontainieg Seventy-Five Aeree. , ... Also. One Tract of LAND in Transylvania County,N. C, containing Six Hundred and Forty Aeres. THOMAS STEEN. Feb 21 42 3 in nni n en vcd uvjju nny oilt Lii I BEST GRADES OF SILVER ANO SILVER-PLATFJ WARF,, TAtlt CUTLERY, AND FANCY GO >DS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Gold, Silver, 8te*l & Plated Framed SPEOTA OLES. ALSO GENUINE ' SlP'ilCTA'EILlSS. B. Wchrle. Oct 11 23 tf 1 1 s^n." SPRING ^TRADE. E. W. MARSHALL & CO., DRY GOODS ? AND? V0VX0SI8, 143 Meeting St., CHARLESTON, S. C. We will oflf-r to the T>ade thl* Senson, A Large and Complete Line of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and Notions, Which we will rell at N?*w Yoi k Prteee. - E. W. MARSH ALL & CO. Fel> 14 41 8m DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &c. P P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer, Xo. 20 Hoj/ne Street and Ilorlberk'i Wharf, CIJ A RLESTOR, S. C. 9^. Tl.le ?- ll.e.1 A % a una to iviv mric'v nna mosi C.4m* pl?*te Factory of the kind in the Southern States, and all articles in this line can be furnished by Mr. P. P. Toai.e at p'ices which defy competition. fW A pamphlet with full and detailed list of all sires of Doors, Sa?hes and B1 nds and the prices of each, will be sent free and post paid, on application to Pa P. Toale* CHARLESTON, S. Q. July 12 10 ly. PH0T0GB APHING. HAVING recently fitted up the rooms over Wlntmire A Ferguson's 8tore with elegant liahte, I am prepared to do all kinds ot PHOTOGRAPHING, at very thort notice. Satisfaction guarented to all W. M. WUEELRR. May 21 i a ifl* HENRY GANTT, NtQFESt'QNAl BARREN, CAN he found at his old stand, opposite Mr. Webrte'd. He oontinues to BHM'F. and CUT HAIR. He hopes by politne* to all, and prompt attention to business, to m<. rit s tontinuunc# of tbo pstronags her. ore ex? cended to him. j7-tf l o o. r. i Mountain Lodge, No Q**lft. I. O O. F.. nne?i? >t?it Friday Sight, at ^ ^*1 iheir Hall, over Marshall h llauldinV Drug Store. Regular at. itndiutt driirnl. JAMES P. MOORS, N. O AugSO 17 tr Notice IS harahy givan to all whom it may oon? earn, that I wlfl anply to 8. J. Donthif, Probata Judge of Or.onville Connty. or? IS/A daw of if ay ntxt. tar a Anal discharge as Adroiui-trator da ban it nan of the Est a I at ol RODORR LOVELAND and ISAAC If. LOVSLAKD, dan'd. T.C ROWKR, | Administrator it bonbtaat% Artil 8. ! ST J #?-t * . ti ~ . . r^p. GREER VILLE, 5. C. ? OFFICE.-*** c*ft HtttM, Bmo ?Hd bjr OMutjr Oo?amiM?ri. April 10 49 ftm BURT * OR AVt ATTORNEYS AT LAW ?ll#-? "soucrroBs in equitt. aBEENVILLE.8. d.. Wilt Fitiriie* in rk* mfitkii 9tmU mud H* (/inW Slattm. TO C. C. StenhADi. ATTORNEY AT LAW. GRBEKVlLt.E, 8. C. OFFICE IN REAR OF BEATTIK'A RTOBE. * Prompt attention (Iron to Col taction*. 39-tr Jan 31, 187?. E. P. joIES,77 . AM M?, , AND 80UC1TOR IN JCQUITY. WILL rtACTICK IK ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE ALSO, IN THE UNITEI> STAT?C0URT8. Offios ?l Greenville C. 0., t. C. Jaly 1, 1869. 1 ly* U, 0 SOTC.RK. >^. r. S MoBKK. BUTLER A McBEE. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GREENVILLE, S. C., Will Fraotiea in the Courts of the Ststo and of tho Halted States. May 31 4 t< W. K. rASLEl*. O. 0. WCLLS. EASLET & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY. QRERNVILLK, 8. 0., PRACTICE in the Courts of the State and of tha United Buten, and give cipeclil attention to eases in Bankruptcy. Jan 1 1871. 84-tf nOHEY CANNOT BUY IT! FOR &IQ11T IS PRICELBSSI BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. II 1'vii Value Your Eycaifflil USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. GROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PE8BLES, Melted together, and derive their name ' Diamond " on aeeonnt of their Hardness and Brilliancy. They will last many years without change, nnd me warranted euperU or t<r nil others. manufactured by J. E. SPENSER & CO., X. Y. Catmojf ?None g-r.uinc unit a.* stamped with our trade mark. J- C. C. TURNER. Side Agent for Greenville, S. C. From whom they can only be obtained. No Peple-a employed. May 10 1 iy Edmonds T. Brown, 48 HAYNE STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTtl CHARLESTON, A C. D-c 0 SI ly SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANT CO. _____ t A Purely Southern Institution INfcUIlRft LIVES and proinpt'y adjusts and | ny? los-08 The Depuirmnt in this Stale invests all its Jund* in fLoreia, North Caroline, South Carolina and Florida. It has ample meana to fully protect Policy holders and pay all bases. Laura till I lie improved forma of Policies?Life, I imi? ted Payment. (6,10,16 or 20 pajinents) Endowment (plain.) Ei.doatmnl (limited raymen t,) Heturn Premium, Joint Life, Short Term, Children Endowment*, and Anunities, in sums of $1,000 to $10,000, aa may be desired. By the terms of Charter the wife and children may be made eot? l eoeficim i. a, and the value of the Policy can only ba controlled by them. , Premium* r<c-ive4 in caeh and entitled to Annual dividends* ALL POLICIES HON FORFEITABLE After second annual payment. Every rna. sonab)e Indulgence extended ti e assured, including liberty to travel, change ??f oecua nation and nrc?nm odstion in payment.-? Pramtnma payable annually or semi-annu n?iy. .no mu? marge for perniit*. Alliy premium at-ipulated to ha paid annually, can afterwaide t>? paid *etni*annua)l). if de? aired. Aaauranaa within the reach of all. TRUE TESrOF COMPANY'S STRENGTH. Malta *.i *000 ?" , ? ??? <" ?v *? /". Patronize Homo Knterpnaar. PROGRESS Or THE COMPAQ}'. A aaeta, January let, :s?9 ftt84.246 AK January 1?t. 1870 ... . tM'Mt.AI April lat, 1870 719.OT8 *9 July l?t, 1870 8'J8,?2 7 J 47 For Rent, a A NEW COTTAGE W0l*6R containing 81X It001|8. neat tba Aoadamy T?n lfur-<f Aor i Vfjjf 8i in^ * 4 1 ^