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Tht wtwihi of Lftml IfpiMhiM. eompoeed of B*?J of tlio loodiog of tho ooMlrj, who hftr nhra la oil iko4o? , oa WHwpaoi hi, ** MtilW tho p*r* poo -if 4|Ulti?r Sv tho ifprwafcif standard tea** Matthews, of Ohio, ?M tteti temporary Pr?i4*, ud (M StlMtt of Mteeourl,. permanent PruUnt. 1a voting for i Mninitioa, for Presidential ooedldaU, fix ballots .were hod, Ate ?00 of Oo*. Franoia Adams of Mean, Horace Greeley of N*f York, Lyman Trumbull of Illinois, B. Or its Brown, of Mieelourl, Got. Ourtla, of Poon., Judge Davit, the Labor Reform candidal# now io the Geld, Sainton P. Chase, and Charlra Sumner, worn voted tor. Oo lha sixth bal> lot, Hon. Horae# Greaiay, of Naw York, for forty yaavo aondneting tha New Yoik IWUm, art# declared lha knUim of tha Liberal Republican party for President of tho United Stataa. Hon. B. Grata Brown, . prevent Governor of lliavoori, waa elected candidate for Yiaa President, oo the second ballot In tha platform the Convention adopted resolutions declaring lha equality of all men before tha law, tha union of tha Stales, aud no reopening of questions settled by Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments ; tha removal of disabilities In ourr. d in the rebellion ; general amnesty ; local self-government; supremacy of the civil over military authority ; reaped for the writ of habeae eorpua; a return to methods of peaee; maintain constitutional limitation of power; single term for PmcIdent; a system of Federal taxation which aball not onneeessarily interfere with the industry of the people, and as there are honest irreconcilable differences of opinion as to the merits respectively of syetems of protection and free trade, that these ques tions. be remitted to the people in congrea sional districts, and decision of Congress thereon whollj tree of executive inteference or dictation ; maintenance of public eredit against repudiation in every form; speedy return to specie payments; recognition of the service and sacrifices of soldiers and sailors ; against further grants of lands to railroads, or other corporations ; in foreign friendship, demanding nothing not right, submitting to nothing wrong. - Mr. Gbkbly has (be coafiJencc of the en? tire country, irrespective of perty or section for his greet honesty; and hit nomination was a wise decision of the Convention. That he will be elected over a military chieftain, who in the approaching oanvasa haa the advantage of strong partisans and officeholder^ cannot now be foreseen ; but that he is a very alrong candidate is beyond question, lie will be the most acceptable to the South, of the two, and will no doubt receive its rupport, except that of the colored vote aod office-holderr. The negroas will be manipulated as heretofore in favor of Gba.nt. Fiom expressions already made, A.A.. n.? - s _:n a riu'j i/riiiuciBi win ruimiu urar* LkT ; hut that he should be formally nomlna ted by I be Democratic party, it a measure the piopriety of which thould be well conaidered for the aucceo of the Liberal mortThe New York Herald of Apiil 30th, i??aued before the aaeetnbly of the Convention^ ic reviewing the names to come up for the nomination, spoke highly of Grmklet, and eaya that he haa a better record than any man named, and would poll more votes in the South than any other liberal R?publi? can. We quote: "We see in Mr. Gckcli.t a man who would moke a serious candidate The country would know where to find him. He haa a better record than any mkn named. A temperance man, he would offend the Germans ; but temperance is a local, not a national issue, and eould not enter into the canvara. H protectionist, he Sees that there can be no eanvaas upon that issue for a political generation at least. He would please the South with his sngnesty views; while his record as a Republican will at least bear the eloaest scrutiny. Let Mr. Gbsklky be nominated and he will poll more votes than any other liberal Republioan who would run in the South. WA question whether Grant even conld defeat him in North Carolina and Virginia. He would V - .1 A i.M tLa, 1 uv rh swung nm nunmii iu iiio uici ruu Pennsylvania, and would be popular in the W?l, btc*ue? of his identification with Western schemes and events. He would he a positive candidate; and we queetion whether any man who could be nominated would rally to hie standard the influences that would surround and sustain him." The same paper which hfa been a strong partizan ol the present administration up to a very recent date, in its is?ue of the 4th says it welcomes Horace Gimn into the campaign aa a man whom the American peop'e will always respect and honor. ? - - ? ? ' Re-Organisation of City Police. At a meeting of tba Cfty Council, last evening. the Pofiee of the City was ra-organisad, and the number increased to sia. The following parsoos were elected; A. Datson, M. J. Ferris, W. D. Roper, I. L. Henning, Sandy Job as on, and Henry Tneker. The last two are colored. M. J. Parris being sleeted Chief of Police. TV ...V. We are requested by Mr. J. W. Thorn burg, to retain bit thank* to hi* neighbor* and the e'tiaeu* generally, both while and colored, for their prompt aeeielanee io the recent burning of hi* *table. Arrest. Oronor Simmon*, colored, baa been arrested and committed to Jail, on the ebarge of bnrninf on* of the (table* recently consumed fn oar City. The testimony against bio* is poRtthre, bat not regarded a* very reliable. Aooident on the Air-Lino Railroad An accident en tha above Jtoad, om Monday I a at, on Suit's contract, reaulud in the dontb of n young man by Ibo nam* of Joan, and tho aoriona Injury to I brother, Daniil Fullnn. Two colored man worn alao injured. 4 ONK IN* CMMMt OaMMhk aliM. I *3?bb3^..u a* kaaa, hgr aaaa* tarty, fcf HI Oaki talk *fcy *f ChwtB? mto> ! ? ter mm, mm* ? ton, te |nj?lj 0. 0. 0. P. of Or?arUte CoutL Prnlte hy T. C. Oowar, for *lY?. ^ 0m tract o| lead aonWiatag ntu ki drad ?crw, moro or teat, the prvputjr of B. 1 Mim, at tea nit at L t. itftOteaaaka at aL Partkaaad ky 8.4k. MoClaaaakaa, f *P* Last Wedaaaday a qafraahiag rate, Vfati aoatlaaad kaatily for kcn tUaa, rlaitad tfc Ieactloa, add U wu anted, aa tka grorad hi kuoat qalta dry, Tka raoeaadiag ktt aa kwwtt, aioaa tea, kaa ahaoat farad 1 1 owtward tftcu. Inf^khf to growing i wall, and tlM orope generally, to tor, pro*] wall. ' f'. r-r.**1 Important Daotaion. The Colombia Pkmuia of Tuesday eayi ia reported that ib? Hnprene Court haa d elded whet ie known ae the Jury la< whereby mntt b?Uut* debit are looted fro twanty-fire lo fifty par eant, In aao*t of t! Counties of the State, to be uneonettt tional. a??? Ooort. Court Ie in aeaaion, hii Honor Judge Oa presiding. Next ,jreok we will report ai important proceeding!. tW We call attention to the Adrerlie< ment of Mr. T. W. Darn, Jeweler. II keepa correct time. Thk Campaiox Orxxao.?On laetSaturda we were aorrj to eee in our atrecta (even muikela, cartridge boxee, Ac , and to hei later in the afternoon the drum beating, i if some military body wae drilling W are informed that the eolored people has again formed a company and commence to drill?baring met for the firit time o Saturday, a week ago We uy we are eoi ry to are and hear lliia, for we are eonfiden no good will come out oi it. We hare ha a quiet time since the last election, and w don't wish to see a change. , . I Marion Cretettl. A delegation of 'citizens from Greanrill called on Gorenor Scott, yesterday, I I have a reward offered for the arreet of lh incendiaries who have been infesting thi town. Colonel Irvine. Mr. Robert McKaj T. C. Cower, Esq , and Mr. J. G. Bailey, < the Greenville JSnterpriu, were the eon mittee of eitizens. There hav*f been eigl or ten iocendiery firea in Greenville withl the past two weeks, mostly eonfined 1 stables. The Governor promised to off a reward o' $600 for the apprehenaion i the incendiaries, whieh, with an addition reward of an eqnal amount offered by d town authorities, will, it ie hoped, lead I the detection nod punishment of the guilt parties. ? Columbia Phcenix, 4f/?. Thk Full Skxatk.?When the Unite States Senate decided to admit Generi Ransom as a member of (bat body froi North Carolina, Mr. Thuitnnn remarks that, for the first time since 1861, all tf States are fully represented in Co.tgressNow that t!.ia muoh of justice has be* done, tardily and nngraeicusly, hovreve the New York Evening Post says " it woul be well to lake another atep towards rccoi ciliation and peace. The rule of the bsj onel has been gradually giving way to las although with apparent reluetanee. A moat, the proscription of the Souther leaders for political offences cannot oonlir ne through another administration. 1 would be an admirable sequel to thie a< completing the representation of the Soul! ert. Slates, for Congress to adopt an A.< wet-|>iug mwmj mil aisaoillliea UUfir* amnesty is on* of tbe demand* of th boor." ,, . ... ? Washington', May 4. Tlie nomination while it excites miri io all high political circlet here, serious' ehangta the probable programme. Th Democratic leaders were virtually pledge to Cincinnati, with Davia as standard bearer, but now the shrewdest pollticiar predicts square Democratic nomination.In view of the interest taken in the proh* hie action of the Democratic party, the fu fowing from the Wold is telegraphed: It editorially expresaea profound eurprii at the result in Cincinnati. Adams, wh proved by far the strongest of all the ear didatea; who had been ex pro'ad to t strong in the Convention, might have bee edrdially endoraed by the World, sa h would have been cordially supported b the Democratic parly. Grreleyean recetv no such endorsement?nor has he an reason to expect such support. The Convention has ehosen to nominal the most heated.and eoospienocs oppoDen of the democratic party In the country.Called for rsvenoe reform, it has selected most x-aloos proteetionest. This leaves th Democratic party entirely free to await th developments of the immediate future, en opens (he way for a possible Demoorati victory. The World will reserve lie jodg ment until the meeting of the Nations C-onvsnlion, to be ealled next week by th national uomnuiiea mealing in this elf jr.? Tli* World recommend* an early da la to the assembling of tha eoovenlioo. The Outlaws Agaix?We learn thai ih residence of Mr. Henry MeOollurn, nea Bed Bank, Robeaon County, vaa v lei ted b; Stephen Lowery, one of tba outlaws, ant present leader of the gang, on Toeada; last. Mr. MoCollum eras at work in lb field at the lima and kntf nothing cf th tail until the outlaw had left He appro printed a fine watch, batooging to Mrs. M and a gun belonging to bar husband, bo afterwards, at tha earnest soHefustioo o the lady, rstorned the wsteh. He enrriet off the gfln, hoi molested nothing else. ' f Wilminfion 8tmr, of April 80Ih. A deipsteh from Wilmington, dated Maj t, stales that Cap<? F. M. Wishart, a promt nsnt eitlsen of Robeson oouoty, was kiliet By tha Lowry outlaws on tha id Inst. Tbi is ons of the most brutal and cowsrdli mordsks agar eommiited by tka land Wishart having been decoyed to on# a their hannte, on pretenea (hat they wish* to make term* of am render, and that hi would oot be harmed. + ISSSfeiJjBro ft* Fedkrsl ulkwitH ?' IW amt^l alrii^ ft ?paat la priam MiofUt d+mimi fcfcUx ^ III- liMl^ll ?* Ibama^Caplala Barla.affeaDlrtrtrt AttarMgr'a o??#, wyylinihi tfc?M tatemaaU ? wtlfc A* ??Im^ JMpfcitnaa Mii lafbmadoa #. in piaailoa ?f tk Omnawl, UlnrfHa ? Ifcattaawara ftlaaay af tha inaftadnf Ka bff KW> IU. ?w- ?. .% the |WUk? Hl*> ftajtMr M$P*r S-I?k. tVM ? *, lm> 3D UrlMUBMCt. ' ila William 8mUh, tM?>wy tea yean' imid prUcaa**at. a, Pinekaey 0*MmU, H,N) la*, tra year*' It* Imprisonment. ?f Juliut Bow*, $100 fine, four years' Imprisonm mcnt. ABiaon llii^mnii, fimryeaa* laapri*. Lafayette Hood, $IM fine, thro* years' lm^ prisoaaemt. ( ? ( , ? Jum A: SuJm, $M$ fin*, two |?m' lair, pr iionmenl. ra Folic Dow, $11 > jjttbwt y?Mi' Imp0*M OBBMBt. a. Willi*? R*n>i*r, $100 fin*, eight year*' impriionmont. Walter Moon, $100 to*, eight yean' in prisonmeoi. B, Joseph Lucky, $100 fine, afeht yaws' i*t< iy prisonment. Arthur F. Floyd, M fine, two month*' imprisonment. ^ Creighton Pope, aonleuoe* ru Spend*. [e The court than adjourned until tan o'clock I to- da*. which, it i* understood, Wfill be the last day of the trials, as Judge Bond leaves for y Baltimore to-morrow night. '' In the United States Court, in Charleston, r on Thursday, 2d Inst., the following cases were is dirposed of: 'e William Owens, of Cpartanburg, was ar'e reigned on the charge of eontplraey and murd der, and having plead guilty to the charge of n conspiracy, the murder oonnts io the indict> ment were withdrawn. ,t The following persons who plead guilty i or j have been convicted of conspiracy* were e brought up and sentenced as follows : Wm. B. Barnes, $50 fine and one year imprisonment. John C- Robinson, $100 fine and two years ^ imprisonment. * Wm. Lowry, $10 fine and two years impris? on ment. e Robert T. Riggins, $100 ftwe and three years lt imprisonment. f< Benjamin Striokland, $10 fine and one year imprisonment. I" Calvin Moore, judgment suspended at in* t stance of Distriot Attorney, in J. S. Kimball, one month imprisonment, to Lewis Jolly, three months imprisonment. v Elias Burnett, eighteen ^months imprison0f ment. kl John Chapman, six months imprisonment. , James Kimball, Jr., one month imprisonlo montW. N. Fulton, eighteen months imprison^ ment. A. J. Martin, one year imprisonment. O. Hnmbright, $500 fine and two years imprisoment. David Ramseur, $100 fine and eight years n imprisonment. McDinal Thompson, one year imprisonle ment. ? Wm. Owens, ordered to be released. ,n Geo. 8. Wrgiht, two years imprisonment and $100 fine. r> The Uoted States vs. John T. Craig, at a!., 'd prisoners from Lsnrens. On motion of Messrs. " Torter A Connor, it *u ordered that the def' fendants be admitted to hail in sums ranging r, from $5,000 to $10,000, in tbe discretion erf tbe t District Judge, where the indictment charges n murder, and ia sums ranging from $1,000 to is $3,000 where the indictment does not inolude It the charge of murder. Tbe bond to provide ,t for tbe appearance of the defendanta at a ape. l# eiat term of the court to be held in Columbia on the firat Monday in Auguat, where tba dofendanta are in jail at any County other than Cbarleaton, the diacretion may exercised, and bail taken by the United States Commissioner. I On motion of Meaara. Duncan k Carlisle, the following named prisoners were ordered to be ^ sent to Spartanburg to serve out. their term of imprisonment, vis. t James 8. Kim* 7 ball, J. E. Kimball, Lofcis Jolly, John Chap6 man. McD Thompson. ^ Tbe hail in tbe case of the United State vs. '* R. K. Britton, A. W. Thompson and II. L. > (loss, indicted for eonspiraey, was de* - clared forfeited, and exention was ordered to I* be issued. Last Dag.?In tbe United States Circuit le Court, Judge Bryan presiding, yesterday ? morning, the grand Jury brought io a true bill '* against Alex. McOarley, William E. Black, f Thomas McCoy and John A. Leland, indicted D c for conspiracy and murder, y The following prisoners were ordered to be e discharged, they having entered into roe?gy nisadee : John A. I^Umi i?i<? f* T> C. Blakeney, R. H. Williams, M. M. Beau*urd, I t W. F. Pearson, ThomM McCoy, Henry Buber, . A. MeCarley, E. M. Forney. Order* were a giren for the transfer of number of other* to * the Qoonty jail* to be bailed. * The following order waa alao made, after which the Circuit Court adjourned to meet .. again in special ***eion, a* per order s tl Ordered, that a apodal aession of the Circuit * Court, for the trial of oriminal caeea, he held " at Columbia, on the ftrst Monday of August, f 1872; that the Clerk of the Circuit Court do give thirty days' publio notice, through the Columbia Pheenix and Union; aad, furtbor, * that the criminal eases now pending In the r court, or made returnable to It, aad not otVrj wise disposed of, be, continued over to the J said special session? CkarUatom Courier, ?|A> f J9?/er? United Stat*4 Commiuiontr JBoottr. e ?The following defendant* baring been hoard u on charges of a violation ef the Snferoesywt * Act, wore d iaposed of as follows, to appear at ( the next regular or special term ef the Circuit I Court, at Columbia r f Dr. William C. Irby, bailed in the sum of | $?,80d. 1 A. W. Tongue, bailed In the sum of ftS.ono Willi** E. CrW$, ballod * tbo mm* of $l,M0. John KM Won, halted t? tbo ana of $1*60$, * John 4. Wright, boilod io tho ana ?f $3,OH. ' Bonjaain V. Ballon, bailed io tho ana of $2,000. t Robort E. ftiebardaoD, bailed in tho ana of ; ujmt John lUatafe, dleohargod. I J. A. Frtta woo brongfrt ?p, a<|?r as orfcr. a of tho Cironit Coort, and hi* ball toko* in tbo ^ sum of $r',000. ? rfi+nir, ot). m Hfiw oMBkwV iMtof to la Ito I old for l^rtnor. I Aatot olalm for rebate of to- ? norm, vmmmU*, WA to W Tba odltor ot too Bftrtotorf Jfrni'tnii |m * rood a letter Grofo Rtow foulf to bid own ? handwriting. * tbo WNUtofTtoM* dpftoctollr, blato tba* it might totiwiiM to tod worU mm *?la?d to abeolee Canada ttom ill^toni. ' ^ Carolina baa aoainatod A. 8. Merrimaa for * Oorernor. - ) Mr. Robert 8. Catbeart, of Colombia, baa ' boaoaaa oa of tbo firm to rtto boaao of Oao. W. WUliama A Co., Cbarioatoa . . Oao hundred gone each worn food at 8j? ^ raeoao add JObany, H. T., for Iforaaa Qrooty, i on the 4 th. Got. Raid, of Florida, who baa boon taa* # poacbod, and vaooatiy andargolng trial, baa () ? mmpimmm, raimaee u. ?~ernor- f, Wp. | An Atlanta Urn*told 1,500 Altktai lut Frl- |( da jr. Oata|Mt io Otit?rrin? baa sent (beta tj 4, >00 li^bM witkli Ha collected a few weeks igV 1,800 in one lot. Mr. R. lit Wallace, h aa transferred the f oSce of Collector of United States Internal ^ Ro venae, over to hi* successors Mr. 0. L. An- ^ deraon. . t ? > ' Several floe abad hate been brought to the r< Piobcna market by Mr. Ball and aold at seven- w ty-fl ve oaota. He ooaaplaina ai the river being ^ damned np. " ^ At a meeting of the Board of Regienta of #| the State Lnaatio Aaylutn, bald Monday, At- ^ tornoy General D. H. Chamberlain waa elect- ^ ed a Regent*race Dr. Maokay, reaignad. It la atatod that Dr. J. B. Brattcn, of York county, who, to eacape arrest, fled on the arrival of the military at that plaoe laat year, al haa recently been artweted. ? - t. C. II. 'CUvssao, leading merchant of Cbarleaton, celebrated hia ailver wedding a few daya since. May he and hia aponae lira beyond their golden one. pi Eleven State guaranteed bond* of the ^ Greenville and Columbia Railroad were sold by Meaara. Seibela A Raell, on the 2nd Inst., t( in Colnmbia, at an average of fifty eeeta. P The Andoraea Intelligencer of the 2d, reporta the finding of-lbe body of a atranger named P. W. Morris, in a well there. Deceased had committed suicide, eaused from intemperance. A negro, on being examined, was asked if ^ his master waa a christian. " No ! air : he's a <j member of de Souf Kerlina Legislator," waa ^ the reply. ' j, The city assossors of Atlanta baa just completed their labors, and give the valno of d real estate nt $13,545,685 against $12,520,637, e< in 1871 ; an increase for the prosent year of o: $1,014,$>33.. l< It is thought that Mr. Farrif, of Americas, P Georgia, wilt receive the reward of one bun*- '' dred thousand dollars offered by tho Legislature of New Yorlt for an improvement on T canal bogts to be used on the Erie Canal. it i ' o! Hayes introduced a bill in Congress, to give six and one-half millions acres of publio lands p to Alabama for public school purposes. These " lands are within Alabama, and the bill givos tho State the disposal of thorn. 8 The Legislature of Wisconsin has passed a n law declaring it " unlawful within thia Stats g( for any person to become intoxicated." The punishment, on eonviotion, is imprisonment from one day to two months. Fire mounted men robbed the Deposit Bank i> at Columbia, Adaire county, Kentucky, after s] killing the chithler. Citisens are following the gang, and will lyneh them if they eateh b; them. U The Athelis (Oa.) Watchman says that track laying on the Air Line Railroad ia now n progressing east of Oalnsrille, and it is said " trains wlU be runnih^ to Jarrelt's Bridge by h the mMdle ?f July.* ' 0 The toiafe )esa by the late earthquake in ^ Inyo County, .California, was Lone Pine, ^ $132,000 ; Independence, $43,860 ; Camp Inde- ^ pen den cc, $28,800; other places $34,780.? Total $237,000. % A. 8. Abel, Esq., editor and proprietor of the Bj Baltimore Sun, is stated to bare amassed a fortune of $10,000,000. Be commenced lite as a journeyman printer, forty years ago, and is m, reputed to be (he wealthiest man in Baltimore. It is rumored about Columbia, that steps are being takea to put the Blue Ridge Railroad U into the hands of a receirer; also, that the th validity or ecaatitationality ef the act releas- W in* the State from all liability for the bonda in of said read, by Issuing script, is to bs tested. B The Ptokens Sentinel ef the 2d inst., says hl that the Commissioners of Pickens and Oeonee P1 sold on 8at**dny, 27th nit., the public lots at Old Pickens'tb the highest bidder, for the sum * of Thirty three Dollars tad Twenty oents. A '' whole town sold for $33 20 ! at The Cbarlestop Vn<>? in noticing the effeot rt oi id? recent wnoieaale Ku Klux arreita, m;i " that in Ibe iBMlltMiat; of UirtM floe kundred plough* by actual count li* Idlo and tho cultivation of tin tkoo*a*d fcnt la loat in that '* county alono. . ^ m Earopoan nttiona aro re*organixlag tboir n| army ayxteoaa. Germany, Ruaaia, Franco, ^ Turkey and England propoao to inoaoae* their k( military ergaoiaatlon ao aa to nearly doable fe the precant total war eatabliehaieot of the ar- t| miea of Ear ope. Meaaorea are before Congresa looking p> the erpenaion of the enrrenoy.. Mr. Merrier Introducef a hill into Confront Monday, direet- ac ing the Treaaorar to oall la tho |U,Mt,OM J* three per oeat. eertlfloatea, aod laaue legal tender notea in their atead. The Grand Dtrlaton, Sonc of Tetaperanoe l* met in 'Cklbfaeten recently. From report*, hi we lenrn that them are twenty eeren dlrlMoaa aa In thla Stdte, and that the eeaae of tapper- ,t> aaee la rapidly inereaainf, and every encour- g, agement la glyeu far further efforta in thla Jo good wofk. J ,. * j U A. D. Hondricka, ono of tho night aeon of tho hi Polio* for## in Charleston, haa horn arroeted la on tho afldaflt of * pert/ who adno that he ? area ono of tho conaptratora at LaamM Oonn* , ty In October laat. who bad a hand In the killing of Wade-Perrin. The peenaod wna onrri- ? ed befomOhw tilted Btntee CoBMniaalonor awd y \ " ur * | 3*4 <|V , ( v ?'' * * < ) i W?* lo Mil ?11 nnI ton l? oar TtrWd and olfoofrHod StAeIr ?f Oord., wK|?h ?| propaao. to M8LL LOW FOR CASH. A CI call wHV?<*nV{n?e. W? **?t lo ?#)1 ro 1 i'OSTER i BUlJTLR. I lony of aotloa kM'r*?alu4 la Io)m| aad mtMilM. I? k Una bow to lot politico l4a?, aod ntriin a pawirooeoa or idiki > ?M tkUkMii la 1>H or PodraJ olootioat Bad tbk policy boon adopt d loaf ago, wo firmly holiovo it wolild aot aly baVo Woo infiaHoly botior for aa poaniorty aai aooiolty, bat politically. Tha ? omiaaat aartv iutioc ao ODitooliian. and otbiaf to Whet Hi sword nt bats ssd rt> ? would km** beea Makw to J ay instead of stronger, and tb? eigne of g alireranoe from oppression greater. W? ^ liottld make 00 isue with the puny, iojp j vrt nothing, adrisa nothing, bat lot them c 0 00 a?d on, till bjf tho antornl Inw of m 110U tho wroog uLall right itself. ?| If ths sensible, and moderate oolored ?!( 01 woe want reform ia the S'ate gortf niprnt. tc nd era assloaa for the white |wop|? to as- tj at ia achievingeodoeirahle a consummation, ti ad aak for il, let it be gieea. Further < las thfa we eao do nothing, and H Is the tl merest folly to attempt enythiig Aside *1 on this we may wall diaeard politic*, and it election* alone, better never ante again ran, that In thelatterapt to do well, our peo g la *bouid ho made to suffer as We are noW iffering. lot tiia Republicans hare the 'hole field to themeelrea, and if they split, nd fight among themeelrea, It ia their own ght and not oore. A What we want now particularly ia rest, el Mt from polities. Erery energy should be ' el >neentrated on labor and the darelopinent ai T agriculture and trade. Especially Ut tn ta farmer go to work now, and make food m op*, and work with a will, and make t< rerything tell, and our word for it a el liferent aspect will pttacnt itself are a| _ _ ft , Dg- et Linen*. Cottoi.ede*, Jeans and Csesimeree. il grades, at low prices. POSTER A HUNTER. u Judge Orr. J' "8?n?," writing in the Ahb?ri1l? Medium, iji the following high eompllasent to tbo . Ion. Jam** L. Orr: In those and times it Is pleasing to be able 01 > speak in terns of just and truthful ap- Pl reciation of the character and services of a ' ublio functionary, and especially of a high * ulioial magistrate. P In former and better days, the high officials t f the State, and particularly the Judges, ex? [ cted, by their eminent virtues, tbe ci ribute of popular rsspsot and rsaeration.? 'be very presence of the Jddge inspired re- hi pect for bis office and for the law, whose min- j-t iter he was. h The law was administered with ability and #| ignity, innocence found a sanctuary in the ourts, and crime was scourged with tbe rod 1 tbe law. Every oitisen?the low and the ifly?felt secure in bis person and his roperty; felt equally the protection ol the iw. ? The public peace was rarely broken and pri- ^ ate security rarely invaded. The taxes were, paid by the cHisen as a , boerful contribution A)'the government that roteeted him, and all pursued their avocations ^ it bout molestation and without tear. It is believed that tbe eircuit of Judge Orr, # no of the largest, if not tbe largest. In tbe ^ tate, is the only cireuit in which tbe ublic peace and private security are pre- J* srved. ' p Bad morals and bad passions?bitter fruits f the late unhappy war?have been repressed nd confldsnoetn the justice of the courts and ^ > tbe protection of tbe law has been inured. ^ It is unspeakable praise to Judge Orr tbat, y y mere peaceful ageneies?tha intarior Mag n, Urates sud tbs executive officers of each counr, and tbo firm, yet gentle and impartial ad- ^ linlstratfon of law itself, from the bench? le most absolute quietnde has prevailed in ^ tr cireuit, and mild and wholesome sense f security felt by tbe citison, however bumble. That this picture is life-like, as wall in Ab- ** cville as the other counties, every citisen 0 els to be trne. Tbat this happy and peuee- f il condition of Abbevills is due to tbs emi- tb at talsots, large attainments and vigorous tb iministrative abilities of Jndgo Orr, it were b> ismeless dispraise to deny. 8traw. Lsghnra, Punania and Chip Hats, j? I very low prie-s, at FOSTER k HUNTER i ot Iscsndiart Firm.?Within a week past, *' tree daring attempts have been made to tre m ie town. Tbe first attempt was made on last 'edoesday night, when an armful of shar>gs was placed on tbo piasaa of the " Old oinar House." and aft ?? Sm tKi. ?u ; ** >um being in the rery centra of the bualnee# i* of the town, end belbg ballt of wood, end " >tj much decayed, no point could bare been lUer aeleetod for a wboleeale deatruction e la town. On Friday night following, another at .tempt waa made to Are the wooden eflleee in >ar of the law ofloe of Brina A Botnar, and I Sunday night the incendiary Waa eangbt 00 the very act of firing the bnildiug occupied K* i Mr. Leonbardt aa a bar ream Hi# name v< Lawrence Mac yak, a barber, who oatae to is place about a month ago from Morganton, B< . C. The proof and hia own codfcmiane eon- 01 wt him pretty certainly with all tbswo of the < tort# to fire the town. He will not, boweeer, i allowed to go at large aeon again, and moat elite the tad experience to which latomper?ce, aoonev or later, bringe ao many of ita w etima.?Carolina Spartan. Fin# Mew Style Genie* and Bora Hate, a)i Plant era' Hate. A aall w m eonriiitr a1 re. FOSTER * HUNTER. ?? Dow CtBLoe la the Bourbon pretender to in Spanty Throne. He aad bla party adire to the; rather aaaient ilnay of an abtlpte monarchy. Being badly baaton in I# late elect loaf, la which the preecnt ivrrnment waa auatoiaed by a large ma- " city, theao Ire-eating CarliaU araalaim . ij- - , : >at u* rWollo* vm Mi Mir, Md thai ( forth they Will ia??i their idrtmrin hi i th? field. An iMimHioii of th* Infat (Ud follower* of Son Carlo* ha* already 1 rgun, and may kaap affair* la Spate ia a itolotiooary aad uneettled ooadkiloa for a tar or alor*, although tha aaaa* of the "| krliat* I. a hoprlrt* ona. J f) : i x' Jj fin* ghoM, OmWTWW aad ChlMraa'a. tl ImIi, Kid aad Calf; yoa will iad th* boat at k?a and the lowoet prieea at re fostur t numx*. ,J' if raflMad w%n4 ai aboat11 o'alock ?d iMia or Tn4 atoaot Mi mwlrt Waptvard m tW Afr LlM ImA mi a mala oa tfco bow um waii fklb aa xtoadod i?itoa?l la Um WaUmpa fart W >r olljr, m Mraldlag "Um pood Ua?comin^f hen train* will^bo n^jdjrwU alLtbo ?r of Um Ponaoyltaaia Ooatral Railroad; olonol Balbrd, PrttMnl of ttao North Caro> aa mad Rtohiaaad aad Daarillo Railroad j uperinlaadeet Taloolt, of tho Um road*; aoral Aloxandor, SopariaRadoat of lb* harlotts, Colombia aad Aagaafa Railroad; aporiotaodont ^Tollford aad Capiat* Alloa, ouvi|/?i vvuibui vngiDivr ov 109 Air Idin#*?? I hero were alto aereral directors or tha South | arolioa lUllrotd, and otbar (aatlaato Interitad lu railroad improvements. Tha day tu oudy aud pleasantly warn, without being Dcomfortahte, and tha exeurstoniata enjoyed I tha fall 4ba plaaaant and axbiliratiag sensaoaa of the rida. Tha eoaotry, tha grade of 1a read and tha track were all duly consider* I, aad tha beat of MtUfaction expressed by la distinguished visitors at thalr excellent ppearance, generally and severally. [CAartotU Di*pat*A. Deeaa Linens. Colored Piques, Lawns, uiiinga and Erioalra, at Pt?8TER A HupTERH. Washinotu*. May 5. There (a no change in the position of tha hibama queaiion ainca the reemt itmhoffiial publication in which It waa oa'd tha laims f-r indirect damages have n??t been nd will n<>t ba withdrawn. Tha Governlent baa not, in ita statcinanl or oounlerelement, asked the tribunal of artiilraiore > draw any distinction between rhetwo lassea of claima for direct and indirect damgee, but both haea been auhmitiad t?gethr, in tha hope that the tribunal will exer* iaa tha power eon'erred upon it to award eom in grot* to ha paid by Orent Britian > tha United States. The suggest ion that we would not ask the ibnnal for any mnnird consideration fbr idirect damage?, proaided Great Britian 'ou]d not olaiin compensation for similar juries under like elreumstaners, was disussad by prominent gentlemen of both auntriea before the intimation was made > Great Britian thai we would accept it aa n easy and astWfaotory solution of tlx* resent difficulty, but It appears, from eonrer?ationa in prominent ciicle*, that Gr*at Uitian does not deem it necessary to ally make the declaration or to enter into icli a atipulatinn, for the lesson that aha aa never admitted the principle of claiam( >r indirect damages as between nations ut adheres to her po?ilioo in the question > heretofore expressed. The Cheapest Gnnds can be had of FOSTER 4 HUNTER. Political Ecrofb ?Says the Philadelphia ress, in its comments upon the political conitiun of Europe : " Europe is in rather a troubled condition t present. There is a civil war In 8pain, aparentlr more fcrmidalile than any since the lose of the Carlist and Christlno contest in 140, when Espartero became Regent, and hat renders it so is the fact that republican are gradually supplanted monarcbial rinciples, even among the stagnates of lbs md. Tbs fighting may he in the same #f harles VII., bat the increasing feelings is sitber for bim nor yet for Amedens, bat for ipublicanism?probably with Signor Caste* r, the eloquent and patriotic leader of the ?ople in the Cortes. In Italy there is s contest also?between ictor Einannel and the Pope. The latter >t sanctioning any overt act against the monrehy, appears as a sort of mirtyr for tbs burch, and, in this espaelty, baa won the rmpstby ol a great majority of persons la bristendom. Tbeir rulers, however, are less easily movI. The Emperor of Austria, and tbs King ' Bavaria, Catholics both, have not the most isndly relations with Pope Pins, because ey believe that certain encroachments on o part of tbs higher Catolie clergymen c onld its taken plaea only with permission, perips command from the Vatican. M. Thiers, is provisional ruler of France, is believed to > in favor of reetoriag the temporal pewer of a Pope, whjob le the poliey so long esrried it nnder the lata empire. It is positively Brated, from Berlin, that the German Gov. anient will go to war with France if ehe any iiwnpi in taror or tb? Pope, end iBt, with fall knowledge and content of the [alien Government. In England the nneettled and alraoat threatilhg relatione with the United Statea alarm *t politieiana alone but alto effeot the tannery intereata, which la ao powerful in that nation of abopkeepera." LX 44^^ ?? Grenadine* Poplin*, J*pen*en and S*rgea , low pricon. FOSTER A HUNTER. Let your brow he a halo of light, let yonr nreraation be that of a true and onltiratad intleman ; lot aoclety acknowledge you ea orthy of eaampin Then let the preeervallew yonr character be your chief aim'; there la ? wealth neder the tun no pveoiona an a good tme worthily wen, and there la ao calamity i great aa auch a name ahamefnlly loat. Fine Figured Lawn# at 10 aenta ?*r yard 1 FOSTER A HUNTER'S. Finrot French Figured O'gandien. at 16 id SO eta. per yard, at ' FOSTER k HUNTER'S. Ready-made Clothing for Snmmer Wear, L extremely low prieea for eaah. et FOSTER A HUNTER'S. GaactiTiLLi. May 9. Cotton ia celling to-day et lOg-lty ceo .e. New Yea*. May . Cotton drooping, ealee 467 hel?e?upinda ISf ; Orleana Iff Gold lSiQ14. CRtiLWrea, May ?. Cotton dell?middling "i1\ ; receipt# 857 ilea; ealee 100 ; atoek 14,US. 'he Bible and the Conititntion Victory Shall Be Owe In 1872. rrtDWARD F. STOKES, a Jerer of hla LJf God and hie aiaamy a Mitteaal 'Deft' ffafiST i le Court Honae to-morrow (Thnreday) night, , 71 e'aleck. tM people at . veentllM are epectfnlly i irltoi to hear him. Slaj x 1 - . ' 1 roar, ram, to long u4 rerorably kaov< to the euatomera of HerMand, Harret and Malay anrt tbolr brancbee, for Ha Ana permanent fragrance It now made by R. W. R it ley Arid the trade anpplied by hta eu<-eee#er?, Morgan k Kialey, Wboloaate DmggiaU, Row York. ftarWea'a /eory /Wf TWA JWirr-TW beet artlele known fbr eleanatng and preaerrIng the teeth and game. Sold by aH draggirfa. Priee 3ft and AA ooate panr bottle, f .O.-weUa * Co.. Hew tar*. , Carbolio St ho nnoqnaHid aa A Healing Compound. PbyoMane reennnmd It aa tko nvnt wonderful rawody area bwam. r PrUe Tft cenu per be*. John F. Henry, ante Propria etor, A College Place, Row YeHt. " OArfefadere'a ***> Dy* ?Title magaHeeat eompoend to beyond epntlngenay, the eahpt and moat retleMe Rye Hi ealitenaej teear failing to tmpnrt t* tba Hat^, antlWmtty ef tory AA Maden Lenta Row font- i!? McBSl, fef., m s owHliti for tVe UiUU. |ere,el dkeeewlegsUwi*. 1-M VI Ms to ubmm J. L. OVTWBRV. M ssMUUto tor ro W? eSW authorised by the friends of 7 A MRS P. MOORS, Bs<p, to amouaae him u I oandkteu for a Mat fetf the Bute Senate, at the ensuing oteottoar. 1-td * ! Liu: | , ftr tilorlF of the Court. Wl ate authorised to anaoeoeo W? A. M?DANIIL, Acq'., m a candidate for re-election aa Clerk of tho Court fer Oroonrillo County. May8 I td WE are authorised to eqjtowneelhe name of JAMES BIRNIE, E-q., oo a. Candidate for llw offi-o of Solicitor ff thw Eighty Judicial Cirehit, at the ensuing cleetioD. &1?tf tAasouneesoMt . r<| The friend* of Coloaol W. H. PERRY in. aonuoo hla a* a Candidate for Re-Rleetioa for Solicitor of the Sih Judicial District of South Carolina. 60-tf " 1 '1 ' . " ' ' ' ~~ Dr. 8aoa'a Catarrh 'Ranaor.?ftMK) r?? ward for an inoorable oaaa. Sold by Dreggifts at 60 cents. Laating LtwellneM?Twenty years ago, when paint, pearl powder and onaisol, wore raining tbo complexions nnd destroying the health of women of fashion, Hagaa's Magnolia' Balm was hruaxbt out as a pore botanwal cosmetic, guaranteed to restore bloom and beonty to tbo akin. PlHn that time to tbo present it baa been continually rising lo puMle estimation aa the safest end most unexceptionable preparation of its elass. Instead of producing' an artifleial, metalie aorfnoe, like tbo deadly enamels, or wilting tbo outiclo like tbo poison.oar fluids sold under various namus ns "beautifiais," it keeps tbo skin ns soft aa v&lvet, renders it as smooth and glossy as sat|n, and imparts to it tho delecato. rosy tinge, wbieh is the beau (deal of Oomploxiooal loveliness.? This exquisite chrnmntie effect is not translont By Applying the Balm daily it may ba prolonged from youth to ago. A lady who purchared the first bottle of tha artiola nineteen year* ago, writes to any that her complexion at forty is " purer, clearer and mora brilliant than it has eror been and sho attributes fts beauty solely to the daily use of Hagan's Magnolia Balm. A Healthy Digestion. Life is rendered miserable when the digcitire organs aro impaired. Food becomes repulsive ; the body emaciated; tha mind,depressed. and melancholy broods over^rou.?" Tnit's Vegetable Lirer PilU i* the remedy for these erilt; they produce sound digestion ; create a good appettte, Impart refreshing sleop and cheerfulness of mind. Cuarlbstox, 8. C., August 1, 1889. Dr. W. H. Tatt : I>ear 8ir?I wish to inform yen, and if yo\* desire you can puMish it, that I hare boon afflicted for upwards of seven years with Dyspepsia. I could eat nothing that agreed with ma. I became emaciated, had no energy, and ffelt gloomy and melancholy all the time. I have been using your Liver Pills for three weeks, and have experienced the greatest benefit. I have a fine appetite, and can now eat anything. I cordially recommend them to all who have Dyspepsia. DENNIS O'HALLORAN. Dr. Ttttfi Hair Dye contain* no-Sugar Lead. Wiii'sk Haxpsoiuc H< qsk in that t?Such was the inquiry of a travel), r as he passe! an unusually well finished country rest doner, not a thousand mil-* fiotn here.? The style of lh- sash-s, tha tn ightnem of the glass, the beauty of the do ro, I lie classic pattern* of the mouldings, (he neatness of ihe balusters, and (he st*t?di*iese of the p liars around the p:axza, all struck the traveller with eatoni-m-nt and admiration. And r,n won ler. for they were all fnrnished by Mr. P. P. Toabk, No. 20- Hoy no Street, Charleston, 8. C. 52-tf A iV?K Demti/ying Agenr.? /ti\ Dentifrices bad their drawbacks, until the Salubrious Bark of the Soap Tree was drought from the Chilian Volleys to perfect the fragrant Rosodont, the most delightful artiolo fur the teeth that a brush was ever dipped into. uClti7drt*'* t.ivtt Su ed for SO Cenii."?Every ense of ernap can be cured when first taken by Dr. Tobias' Venetiaw Liniasent, warranted for 24 years, and never a bettle returned. It also cures diarrhoea, dysentery, oolie, sore throat,eats, barns, and external pains. Sold by the druggists. Depot 10 Park Place, New York. Venn# herself would not hare been beautiful if her complexion bad been had. If beauty is skin deep, it is necessary to sac are and ra tshi that part of it; and ladies, iastead of ?? porting to point* and powden, should remem> her that an impure, blotchy, or sallow skia is the proof o( feeble digestion, torpid licer, or vitiated blood, for ail which Do. Walkkh's . CatiruaniA Vinroar Birrsti is a safe, sure and effectual remedy. Duruelt'* Coenaine.?No oils, neither pomades or alcobolio washes?foreign or domestic?can compare with Cocoaine as a HAIR DIIESSINO. It anohors the hair firmly la the scalp?glees it new life and lustre?and renders it the "crowning glory" of both sexes, eld and young. Pratt'* A thai Oil.-? More accidents occur from using unsafe oils, (hen from steamboats and railronds combined. Oeer 100,00? fami. lies continue to burn Pratt's Astral Oil,and no accidants directly or indirectly hare oeenrfed troui burning,storing or handling it. Oil House of Charles Pratt, astablishod 177?, New York. , A Beaut if,I! Whit*, soft, smooth and olear kin is produced by using O. VP. Laird's "Blooai of Youth." It ramoros tan, freckles, unburns, and ail othar dieooloratlone from the skin, leasing the complexion brilliant and beautiful. Sold at fill druggists. This preparation is entirely free from any material det. rimental to boalth. t{ < .1- O *- - " > nrnecy neeata.? Thanks to Mrs. Winslow's 8ootbiag Syrup, w? bar* for years boon relieved rum sleepless night of painful welching wilb poor, suffering, teething children. For Dyroeptla. Indigestion, depreMion of spirits end general debility In (heir various forms; also, as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and other intermittent fovebs. The Ferro-Phosphorated Klixir of Caltsavaj made by Caswell, Retard A Co., New York, and sold by all druggists, Is the best tonlo, and ae a tonic for patients recovering from fever nr other sieknnss, it baa no aqnaJ. Hi*fay's Genuine Golden Bell Cologne Ww ler according to tho original formula of Pro