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RS**eBS5HaeSHS*BHre#pll5SF Laws of the State. Aots of the Oemeral Assembly of South Carolina. . PUBLISHED BY A UTHORIT J. AN ACT TO OHARTBB THB URBBNWOOD AND AUOOBSA 11ALL HO AD COMPANY. M Soot&od 1. Bo It onaoMnb tho STonato and , Home of Reprosontatlwoo orlne St*to of Booth Carolina now mot and sittlog in U on oral As* eorubly, and by tbo authority of tbe iimo; aiihv, ivr Hio puruuiv yi winuinm?| i railroad, oo the tooet practicable rOutel"' from Greenwood, In the State of Sooth Oaf* olina, to Augusta, in tho State of Georgia, which ooropaov, when formed, with the condltlone herein preeoribed, shall hare eonporato exlstsnoo as a body politic in perpetuity. ' S?o. 2. Tint ibis charter, with the rights and privileges loeldental thereto, ie hereby E ranted to and reeled in J. U. Jennings, A. i. Aikeo, B. P. Booser, P H. Bradler. 0. L. Blair, J. P. Talbert, w. K. Bradley, Nlek Merrlwetber, J, D. Neill, Win. L. Parke, J. L. White, Win. K. Bleke and Q. J. Shop pard. of the State of 8outh Carolina, and Robert H. May, Thomas Phlnay. John D. Butt, Edward Carry, Austin Mnllarky. W. , A. Ramsey, T. Jefferson J en n logs /Joseph T. Smith and Win. PL Crawford, of the State of Georgia, nnd J. A. Barker, Lawrenee Cain, ErcrldgC Calo, T. M. Talbert, of 8tate of South Carolina. Sec 8 That, fbr the purpoae of relsing the necessary capital etock of said company. it shall be lawful to open books Of sub cripuon, in me oiaie 01 tsoutn uarottna, In tue counties of Abbeville and Edgefield ; and, In the Hute of Georgia, In the counties of Richmond end Columbia; and in ench cities and towns as may be deemed for ihe beet interest of the oorporatloo, under the direction of the corporators, to an amount not exceeding one million dollar* ($1,000> 000,) in shore* of twenty dollars ($20) each, to ooDRtituto a joint capital stock, for the purposn of constructing and carrying into operation the aforesaid railroad, or any part thereof. And it shall he the duty of , the said corporal ore. or a majority of thehi, to open books of subscription as soon alter, the ratification of Oil* Act as may be press tiosble, of which twenty days'previous bo- j' tice must be given in any newspaper or 1 newspapers of tho States aforesaid ; and lh? 1 subnet intion boolos shall be kept open for ( sixty Jays; that ou each share of atook ' subscribed, Ihe said subscribers shall psy 1 two dollar* ($2,) or ila equivalent, In curs 1 rency, to the corporators, who shall give a 1 certificate for the &nio; and, on ^tho uons payment of said installment, the subscription eh nil be void ; the corporators shall ' deposit the money received by thern no said cash installments in a solvent bank, in any of tlrv State* aforesaid, and at the vxplrss lion of overy thirty days. That when the muu of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ,$150,000) are subscribed, the said corporators, or a majority of them, shall give notice of the time and plifce of meeting for organization in some publio newspaper in each of the States a foresaid. Rut if the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) shall not be subscribed within the first, appointed time, the said corporator* may, for tho purpose of further subscriptions to the capital stock, keep the books open for such lime, and at such places, as they may deem proper: Provided, That the corporators shall not keep the book* open for a longer period than ona year, at the expiration of which time the right to solicit and receive subscriptions shall vest in the President and Directors of said company. Hec. 4. Whenever the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand do.Inrs ($160,000) is subscribed, in the manner herein pre scribed, the subscribers, their executors, ad uiiniitratorH, and assigns, shall bs and they are hereby declared to be incorporated, in to a company, t-y the name of the Greenwood and Anguelu Railroad Company, and in iy oiganizM us herein provided. Sec 6. The said company, by its name above mentioned, shall have perpetual succession of members, ah all hold real and per"oonal propci ty, may sue and be sued, may plead aod be impended, may have and u?e a common heal which they may breuk and use at pleasure, and innke all audi by-laws, rules and regulations as they may deem necessary lor the well ot defidg enJ conducting Ihe affair* ot the company. Seo. 0. At the first meeting of the said company, to be called by tha corporators, ns above stated, and at all subsequent meetings, it shall lie lawful lor any stockholder to be represented by proxy, whose appoint ment shall be in writing, signed by such stockholder; but a person not a stockholder shall not represent such proxy. A majority of two-thirds of the stockholder* present, or represented by proxy, are empowered to transact any kind and all business connected with the company. At the first meeting of stockholders, and annually tbefeafler, at such lime ami plaea at may V? ?P1 minted by the by laws^tbey shall elect, by ballot, to serve op# year, and tin til another elrction, a pro?ldeitt Btftf ten df- , lectors. No person shall ha circled a pres. | Ident or director who is not the owner,of | twenty which tnuat havo been hahl i for three months prior to his election ; but < this does not Apply to the first election here* i in piovidedi lor. la the election of presi- < dent and dlieelors, in the eslubliehnieiit of < the by-laws, and all other acta to be dona 1 by the stockholders, in thoir corporate ca- 1 pactly, ench stockholder shall 0? entitled ' to one vola for avary paid up share ol the 1 stock subscribed by bun. - I bee. 7. That, for the purpose of acquiring , such lands, or right of way, as they may ( require for ilia location and conetrhciion of the sitid railroad, with aueh depots, ware* t houses, stations, wharves, arid oilier necaa* ( anry establishments, or for extending or al- I teririg the same, the said company shall < have every right, privilege and power here* tofore gmnted to, and which now i* or has ' i evil u>ed or enjoyed by, any railroad coin ' pany heretofore incorporated in either of ' the Mates aforesaid ; and abail, also, be cn? tilled to the usa and benefit of every pi o* cess and proceeding provided by lew lor enabling reilroad companies, in either of the Htates aforesaid, to obtain such lands, or righta of way, as they rqiiira, in cases io , which the eonssot of the owners cannot be obtained. And the said company shall have ' the same exclusive right of transportation ' . on tli< Ir railroad which la possesied and en- , joyed by Arty other railroad in either of the aforementioned Mates. And persons tre/s* ( paecing, inuuding or willfully destroying | any of the property of the said company, i shall t>4 liable io all penalties to which per- < sons willfully destroy lug, dam igiug or oo i strutting any other railroads, or parte or I parcels thereof, are made liable by any law 1 lu either of the Slates aforesaid. And the said company shall have the sarqe prsiuap-, live right and title, and to the seme extent, to lauds through wl loh their railroad inav , he built, in absence of any agreeulont with tha proprietor or oropi letori of such lands, wbiuh is possessed or enjoyed by any other lUiiiudUf 111 wo nuvei iil?'li|,l(>ne(| ?UOV?, lit i to the land* through which their railroad may have bean or may be constructed in absence ol any contract with the owners thereof. I Bee. p.That it shall be lawfel for tbesaid company to increase their capital aiosk to any amount not exceeding two milltoa dol% , lara ($51,000,000) by receiving subscriptions for additional shares, on auah Isrins sod conditions aa they inay think piopsr to prescribe ; and alio to borrow moocy for (he purposes aforesaid, on auah terms, and at such rates of interest, us they may think proper Hee. t. Hobeoript iene to the slock of said company shall be payable by lustallmente, \ If live dollars (#*) on each share, after pay-/ ng Drat installment aa aforreeid, and at ta*. tcrvals of not leas than ninety days, under such regulations aa nay be pressribed by the by laws, i'oblte notice M the lime dnd place of payment of aaah installment shall be given at leaat twenty days beforehand ; I and, in oase any installment or spy share j rcmoln unpaid for tbe space of thirty day, 1 EEOSSBFE Mid MMpiny. i?4 tha defaulting Stockholm Mr rslsaaed from all obligation* to pity the amount unpaid oa the forfaited ahnra. Th< ilgnable and traoaferable, to nuoh manner and under aoab rsguleliona, aa roar ba pra Mribad by the A '. ' ' ' I Sac. 10. Tha President and Direetore 01 tha company shall hare authority to asa anta #11 the power# hereby granted te aaid company, aubjaat to aueh Tlmiiallooa and reetriotione aa may ba Imposed by tba bj law#. There muni bean anneal meeting oi th# stockholders, at sdeh dm# at may b? appointed by tba bylaw#, at which tha President and Direetore eball make# raporl in writing, of ?he atfaire nod (Condition oi tha eompady/whioh report aball be pnb? liahed In a nsWspspsr of each of tha Bute afprrsaid. Other mretinge may ba called r>f me r resident or 'Direolofa, wheb Ihpj deem it expedient, and, olap, wtjhep .t'wealj stockholders, representing three hundred aherea. ahall demand the aame in writing, The corpora tore, herein * appelate*), ahall give a written account of all raoda received by them,' anil of*th? dhy>oeUloa cf the raroe at the firet meeting after the ratification ol thia Aot. It ahall be.lawful for the atoekholdera, at any meeting, to remove th< Prceldent and Direotore, or any of tham from office, and elect others in their atead The President end Pireci'ore ahall have au thority to draw out the money depoaitcd in benk. by the corporators, for subscription to tbc stock of the company: Provided, That > y?ly tieed for the ioteresi of egld eoti|r?nny. ScP." 11*. Thia aot shall be In forea for th? term ot forty 'years from the ratlficaitor thereof, -end ahall be deemed, and herebj declared, a public aot: Provided, That in? work, for the exeoiltion whereof the Cald oompaoy ia formed, ahall be commenced within two yearn from the firet day o( Jan uary, ot)6 thousand eight hutrtlred tiro eev enty two, apd be ?or?pitted, within eighl veers thereafter: And praohfigrl further That asid road shall ha subje?t to the pro visions of an aot entitled "an actio deelart the manner by wbioh the lands, or thi right of way ovef the landa of parsons 01 corporations, may ba taken for the con itrnetion and oaea of railways and othei works of internal Improvement." ratified September 22, . D. 1808: Provided, Thai nothing herein contained shall ba so con trued as to exempt the said company from Die payment of taxes. , , Approved March 18, 11i. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MEK? CHANTS' HUII,DING, TRUST A NO LOAN ASSOCIATION, OF AIKEN, SOUTH CAROLINA. 8ectlon 1. Be it onactod by the 8cnate and flume of Representatives of toe State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Osnsral Astoiubly, and by. the authority of the asmo : That W. 11. JonM, 11. J. Maxwell, J. A. Rowloy, P. R. Rivers, K. P. Stoney, Janes Mnjor, Joseph Qush, M.J. Iliraob. C. D. llavun. John C. Ford, IS. FerfUion, James Johnson, J. IS. Jioaoomb, J, 6. Moblcy and E. M. 8uniter, together with such other persons who aro now i>r may hereafter bo assoolated with thorn, bo, and. tlHXW hereby, declared Tj body poiltls snd corporate, (for the purpose of making lonns of money, by certificates or otherwise, Mscured by mortgago on real estate and perlonal property, or any and all description, or by :onveyanoo of the same to their members and itockholdors or otber persons,) by the napao Mid stylo of the " Merchants' Building, Trust snd Loan Association, of Aiken, South Carolina." The capital stocl^ of seid Association shall consist of twenty-fire hundred shares, to be paid by sdccesstve monthly lastallmontf oi ano dollar on oach share, so long as the cor puration shall continue; apd the said shares Lo be held, transferred, assigned and pledged, snd the holders tberoqf to be subject to such regulations, for defaults in their payments, as may bo prescribed by the by-laws created for the government of the corporation. Sec. 2. That the said corporation shall have power and authority to make any snch rules snd by-laws for its government as are not repugnant to tha Constitution and laws of the land; and "shall hare eueh succession and number of members and ofheera as shall beerJaiued and obosen; aooording to the rules sod by laws made, or to ho made, by them ; shnll have and keep a common seal, and alter the atno at will: may suo and bo sued, plead and bo Impleaded, in any Uourt of law or equity in Ibis State ; and shall bare And Cnjuy every right, privilege and immnnity belonging to sorporntc bodies, as guaranteed by tha laws of the land. Fee. ,1. That tba said oorporatton shall have power to take, purrbaso, hold and enjoy real ratatr, and to sell and transfer the same, as nny bo doemod proper, to its members and jtbers, on suoh terms and on suoh conditions, ind subjoct to suoh regulations as tony he pre* icribcd by the rules and by-laws of said corporation. I $et. 4. That the fundf of sgid corporation ihall be loaned And advanced to Its members tnsl aw' ??*? ? ? ? r?p> ??! ? a)iuu HID BOOUrilJ >f real and peraonal property, and used In the purcbaae of real eatate for the benefit of it* indmber* ?t'l ?U>ckbolder*,on iucU teriaey and >n an oh condition*, and rubjeot to auab regulation*, aa may, from time to timo, be preacribod by tho rulea and bylaw* of (aid oorpartion; ind it (ball be lawful tor the aaid corporation to bold aueh land, ionetnenta, hereditament* end peraonal property aa (ball be mortgaged or conveyed to them in good faith, by w^y of tecnrlty, upon ita loan* and advance*,?* and may aell, alien or otherwiae diapoae of the mm* to ita membera, atoekboldera, or othera, t* they, from tune to time, may deem expedient. 800. 6. That all the privilege*, right*, and Immunitiea conferred upon any and all char? terod banking corporation* in thia State be, and the aame are hereby conferred upon the Aaaoeiatlon hereby Incorporated, and they hall be, and are hereby, authorised and cmEowercd to adopt any and such charter* to militate them in carrying on the bualnefa,contemplated by tbe Aaeoeietion. Hoo. 6. That thia Ant ahali be deemed a pub. lie Act, and eontinup in- tare* for the term of fourteen yeara; and the aame may bo given it) evidence without being apeeially pleaded. Approved March 13, 2872. r AtfAC* TO INCORPORATE THE ZION BAPTIST CHURCH, OP COLUMBIA. Section 1. 'Be it enacted by the Senate and Route of Repreaentativoa of (be State of South Carolina, now met aod eitting in Gen. iral Aaoembly, and by the authority of tho lame: That from and immadlataly after the pa*cage of thia Act, Iaaae Goodwin, A. 8. Night, A. Worthy, Daniel Qohjetf, Peter JelTeraon, and all other peraona who now are, or who hereafter ahall or may become, member* of tho laid Chnrch, ahali be, and they are hereby dealared to be, a body corporate, by the name nd atyle of the Z^n Baptiat Cbureh, and by their aaid name ahall have auoeeaaion of oABera and roembara, and have a common teal. See. 2. That tbe aaid corporation ahall have power to purebaae, receive and poaaea* any real or peraonal property, not exeeedlng in velee the turn of twenty tbouaand dollar*, or to loll the lie*, and kt tl? w, -V?r inHHV I" mo and bo aood to any ooort of tbia Flats, and U> taako -sueh roloa and by-lawa, oat repugnant to taw, as may ba thought uoooaatry and axpediont. ? Boo. 3. Thla Aft ahall bo dsetasd a nubile Aot, and aball oontinuo In foro# twonfy-Bro yTy'proTQd Marfb 13, tsyt, {jf -?7, AN ACT TO AMBND AN ACT PA8HPD AT T11E PRESENT 8K8810N ENTI TLBD ' AN AOT Td KtVIYB AND EXTEND tilt CHARTER OP THE RELIEF L'OA If AflfldcrATlON, OF CIIARLKRTOV. Haction I. D? U onagtod by tho Sopato and Houaa of RopnEtartatiajd of tta?" Btato ot That tbe Jut paoHon o( tbaAot 'to rarivo and onlnad Ifco ofca?4ar of tba Ratiof Loin Aa oclation, of Charleston, bo ao amondod a* to toad, paaaod on tM taonty-Arat day of Daoambor, in tba yoar ot Onr Lord on# tbguaan sight hundrod and flfty-aorea, Inatoad of tba twentieth day of Dooeaabor to tba jroar of Oar Lord ona thouaaad oiirht hundred mmA a#... ?*. t ' Approved March 13,1872. Msuviiwik - ^^ _ AN AOf jTrxovrto V5n O^ALI AND #PWZAL'ELECTIONS, AND THB flAMlM*B ^CP^PC^^Q TUB ; South Carolina, now aet and ilttlai* la Gas* " era! Aairabl;, Mid by Um aatboSly ot the , iim : That all general and spec lei elections, held pursuant to Ae CoeatlytUdn of this State, I shall he regulated end conducted according to f the rales, principles end provisions bbfetil frbi ! See. 2. The Coutnlsslonbrs of Election shall provide eoe box for each election precinct.? 1 An opsnlng shall he made in the lid of the ' box, not larger than shall be Ifclletent' for a f single ballot to be Inasrlpd therein at one i time, through which eaA ballot received, I proper to be placed In saeh box, shall be In* t sorted by the person voting, and by no other. i uwu vu* iuw u? |kvtiu(q vua m lumewm . look, ud inch box obeli be publicly opened , and inapeeted, to aee thai It U empty and ae* I euro, and then looked juit before the opening . of the poll, and the keya returned to the Managora, aad ehalV not be opened.durlng the elap' tlon. Kach box for euoh preolnot ahetl be la* ' belled aa tellewa t " Cvngreaa," " Bute," M Clr cult," and ' County Offloora." 1 800. t. At the cloae of the eleotloo, the' I Man age ra and Clerk ah all immediately pro* , eeed, publicly, to open the ballot box had ! oont tge ballota therein, aad oontinde auoh . oount without adjournment or Interruption un* , til the tame la eoeipleted, and make auoh state meat of the.reeult thereof, aad aign the same, ' aa the nature or the eleotloo ahall require. If, in oonuting, two or more like bellota ahell be 1 but If thajr bear dlfforent name*. tb? aeme > ahall be d'eatroyed, end not oounted. It more 1 bellota ahall be feund, on open leg the box, then theri ere nomas on the poll list, all the r ballots ahell he returned to the box end 1 thoroughly mixed together, end one of the r Manager*, or tha Clark, aball, without aeelng , the ballots, draw therefrom and immediately I destroy aa many ballota aa tbefe are ih exceaa I of the number of nemoa en the poll llat; within throe deya thereafter, tbo Chairman of the Board of Manager*, or one of tbam, to bo do* ' rlgneted In wrMng by the Board, ahall dally* 1 er to the CommiaaTeoar* ef-Bleotlon the poll llat | the bexaaeentalaing the ballota, end a written statement of the result of the election 1 In bia preolnot. ) Bee. 4- After the final adjournment of the r Board of County Canvassers, and wlthtn tbe . time preaerlbed in thla Act, tbe Chairman of aaid Board ahall forward, addreeaed to tbe | Governor And Secretary of State, by a tneaL longer, the returns, poll Hat, and all papera appertaining to the election. Tho aald messenger to be paid hia actual expenses upon a certificate to be furniabed bim by tbe Secretary of State. Said certificate aball be paid out of tbe funda provided for the payment of Commlaalonera and Maasggra of Election. 1 Sec. 6. All Acta or parte of Acta in any way conflicting with tbia Act, are hereby repealad. .Approved March 12, 18T2. AN AC? TO ALTEfcAND AMEND THE CHARTER OP THE TOW PI OF GREEN WOOD. SOUTtf CAROLINA. Section I. Be It by the Senate and llonae of Reproien-tai'vea of the Bute ol South Carolina, nown??t and eittlug in Gencfa! Assembly, and by the authority of tbe aamc: That all peraona, having reafdad twelve montha In the town of Grae.owo.od, In the County ol Abbeville, are haroby deolared to be e body politio and corporate, by the name and atyle of the towu of Gvrenw.obd, and ita corporate llmita ahall be an irrrgu* lar polygon, the verticea of whoac angles ahall be at, or near, the following poinie to wit: let. A large pine tree near J. R, Tar rant's residence, on the Abbeville road. 2d. A point on tbe New Market road, In a flat just beyond J nines Ores well's icaideoce 8d. Hie point on tbe road that leads to W. A. Blake's where, the Greenville and Columbia Railroad crossed. 4th. Thf first small branch on the New Cut road, beyond J. W. Rycard's. 6th. The hollow bridge, on the Abbeville road, just beyond J. 11. Oldham's residened fiih. T h junction ol the Cokeabury and Stony Point road. Sec. 2. Tbe aaid town shall be governed by an Inten >ant and four Wardens, who shall be alecled on the aeeond Monday in January next, and in every year thereafter, ten days' notice being previously given, and all male inhabitant* of said town, who are qualified under tbe Constitution of thia State to vote for members of the Legislature, and who have resided therein twelve montha immediately preceding the dees tion, ahall bo eligible to the office of Inten* ant or Wardens. Male inhabitants, who are qualified to vole lor ir.embera of the Legislature, and who ahall have resided within the limits of the corporation for tlx ty days immediately preceding the election, ahull ba entitled to vole for said lutendant end Wardens. See. 8. The election of Intendant and Warden* of lliw aaid town ahall be bald at ome convenient public place thereto, from aix o'olock tu the morning until six o'clock in the evening, and when the polls are .1....A tL. 44 - ? * * u>mu, Mia managers N1KII lortllWIlll COllTlt tbe voles, d?-oUre the elect'oo, end give notice lo writing to the parties elected.? It shall bo tbe duty of the Clerk of the Court for Abbeville County to give ltgal oulice and appoint Managers for the first election. And the Inlendsnt aod Wardens, for the time being, who shall be known ss the " Town Council of Greenwood," shall give the legal notice and appoint three per none to menage all subsequent elections, who shell manage and declare the same as herein provided for the first time of el#?c? lion. Ihe Managers shall, before they open the polls for any auoh election, take an oath fairly and impartially to conduel tb? same, and the Iutendaht and Wardens, before entering upon tbe duties of their office, shall lake the oath prescribed by the Constitution of this State, and also the following oath, to wit: "As Intendaut and Waiasna of Uresowood, I will eqnally and impartially, to the beat of my ability, ex or eiao the trust reposed in tne and will use iny best endeavors to preserve the peeee and good order, and earry into effect ae?. cording to lew the purposes for which I have bssn appointed or elected : Ho help me God." And it any prson elected Ini end en*, and Warden shall refuse to serve as such, he shell forfeit aod pay to the Town Council of Uresowood the sum of twenty dollars, for the use of seid town : Provided, , that no person shall be compelled to serve mors then one year in any teiuiof threw yeere. Heo. 4. lo esse e vaeanoy should occur in the office of Intendsnt Or Wardvn, by death, resignation or otherwise, an election to fill such vacancy shall be held by the sp? puintnswot #f the remaining members nf the Town Council, ted days' pie viola* nolle* hewhag been given-, end in rare nf sieVifeas, or temporary alasonee of the Intendsnt, the Wardens Iwruiieg a Couoeil shell have pow. ar LS abut iki#- - * ? ? ? ... v. .hoii umuvvr intruuaui, pro tain. i beo. fl. That Uia Intupdapt. in<1 W?r<lini duly- elected a?xl qualified, Whall, during tbair t?m of aervioe, atverally an<l r?aj??oiwaly, be ve?M *lih a/1 tha power* of Jurtfore of tha P*a*e, wnhlrt (ha limit! of aid to am, exoapt for tha trial of mall and niran capea, and tha lotaudant thall. .aa oftan aa ha may derm neraarary, aummona the Wurdaua to ?a*t in Co a nail, any thraa of whom fbail aonatitula it qdb+dffl to tran?> aot bnriaaaa | and ahall ba known by tha aaroa of Un? "Town Co?noil of Oreans ad,' aa aforaaatd, and lhay.'hnd thalr aueaaayif la ollcp, stay hat a and oaa a O'-mniou a?al, which thall ba affixed to all thvlr ordinance*, and by their eald corporal e name may sua and ba an ad, plead and ba Impleaded, In any aoort Of lato or aqnlty la (hit Suit. Tha aafdTorru ClounaH ahall bava full power, under Ita corporate tea), to make all auoh rulea, by lew* and ordinance# reapaetlng the roadr, rtreeta, merkate aod polioe of aM.towo, m thall appear to I them ueoeaaary and requisite for fhe aeeurK ty, welfare, good MOariMtont end con ranieoca ot thf aame hod for preearvioq the P; KX'uii snar rw:? ,^,SHF8BeAbbeville eouoty ; Provided, That DO Una evcerdlng fifty dollar* aball be impoead, an# that nothing befaln oontalabd ahatt-fen lb or i'm the all Qflml to t4W? any by lawelnooDaiettot with, or rrpugaaat to, the taw a of tMi Bute. / Boo. 0. That the lotendaiH a?d Wardene jfatiw Ureroe, or ratall aplritooa Jiquora, within tho aald Manila, which JJoenaea thajl v? grantadia the*??e.manner and upon the lima condition! aa they now are, or may hortofUr bo, granted be tho Ooantg OoOmiaelooora nadar the Win ot thia State; nod the power! Jrotfed in the County Commlaaioneri ara h?reoy granted to the Mid lotondant and Wardepjl within tho aal<f limHi ; and nit money paid for Iieenter, end for ftoea end forfoltnrea for ratalllng tfpirtts one liquor*, keapiog tarerna and billiard* tableo within the eaid iimita without lieeo* ae, shall be appropriated to the public um of Mid corporation. S*o. 7. That It etasll be the duty of the said Intandeataod Warden* to Wp.lll roadfc, 4t?}i sod atresia within their corporate limits open and In good repair;.and for that purpoff, they are Invested with all the poweH granted to Cnonty Commissionart: and fbrttMhaotbf doty therein, they shall be liable to the eaite peaaltiea aa are Impotnl on Ooonty Cowtniealoaara.' The Tatendant aod Warden*' ah all hsvs power to compound with all pereona liable to work on said roads, way* and streets, to release ""h. ' ?.?!" " yffti ment of non eora aa tney may oeem a fair equivalent therefor, to bo appl'ed hf them liable to work ea any roads without the See. 8. Tha Intendant and Wardens shall have powder .to appoint Marahala. *bo'<ahsll bo duly aworn iff, and Inveetad with afhtha power* Conaiablea have oy law and whose, Ji'risdloUoo and authority ahall be oonOntd within tha Oorporat* limits of salt) town. Sec. 9. That, far any -willful violation or negleet of duty, malpractice .-abuse or op* preasion, tha Iotendaut and wardens, aev eraljy, shall be, liable to indlplmant, and upoi% conviction, to ba fined lkl tha alteration of eourt, not exeaading one hundred dolTare, and removal from omce. beside* beigjg liable (0r damageflo any person InSee. 10 All Acts end parts of Aeta here tofore passed in relation to the Ineurpora* tion of tha foam of Greenwood* be, and the >ame are herchv. renealed. Seo. 11/ This Aet shail be taken and deemed to be a public Act, and shall oontioue lo foroe for the space of twenty years from and after iu passage. Approved March 18, 187A AN ACT TO REOHARTER THE TOWN OF FROO LEVEL, AND CHANGE THE NAME TO ENTERPRISE. Section 1. Be it enacted i>y the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of 8onth Carolina, now met end sitting in General As. sombljr, and by the authority of the same : That the persons residing within the atea of a square, each side whereof, Is (1) one mile, and the centre whereof is the public well in the village of Frog Level, county of Newberry, are hereby created a body corporate, under the oame of the town ol Enterprise, with the officers the same in number, and having tlie same powera and privileges, and anhjeot, in evsry respect, to the provisions of the charter granted to the town of Manning by an act approved tile ninth day of March, A. D. 1871 : See. 3. That this act ahull be taken and deemed a public act it) all courte of justice, ahd shall continue in lore for twenty years and until the end of the next session of the General Assembly thereafter. Seo. S. Thai all acts and parte of acts in. consistent with UiU act bo and ths same are hcreb ri repealed. Approved March 4, 1873. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE VILs LAGE OF SMITiVVILLiE, OF CHRIST CnURCH PARISH Section 1. Be it enacted ,*>y the Senate and House of Representatives ol the State of South Carolina, now. inet and sitting 'n General Assembly, and by the authority of t.he same : That from and after the passage ?f tills aet, the village of Hmithville be, *od the mania la hereby, incorporated : and the privileges, rights and immunities granted by an act to incorporate the town ??f F'"1 rence. South Carolina, bo, and the same are h?r?hy vested In the said village; and that I the first election under this art, to h? li -Id on lllu fleet unnilati i ? a t g*?v ? et i -?v M< WIUIMInj III n |?r?i, 1 O ( <t, in#! clerk of the eourt of Charleetoo county U hereby authorized to ap|?oint manager* to eo.tduet the tame, by giving the proper lime end notice thereof. 8eo. 2. That A Smith, Wm Murrill end David Dial be and are hereby appointed eomruleaionert to fix the boundary of aaid village; raid boundary to extend one mile in t,v*ry direction from the fork of the Qeorgelowb mid Melton road. Approved Ma rot. 4, 1872 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE DAMASCUS IIAPTI8T CHURCH, IN SUMTER COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA. Seetion 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilouaa of Keprcaentativfi o f the 8tate of South Carolina now aaat and rifting in General A trembly ond by the authority of tbo eatne : ' That the members of the aald Society, he and they are hereby, declared to be a body corporate, by the natne and etyle of tbe "-Damasoua llantiit Churoh," and by that name and etyle enall have aueeeiaion of otteera and snombe' I, and aball bare a common aaal. Sao. 3. That the aald corporation aball bare power to purohaee, receive and hold any real or poraonal aetata, not exceeding in value the turn of twenty tboneand dollar*, and to eell, convey and dlepoeo of tbo eame, and, by its corporate name, may eua and-bo aued, in any Court of tbi* State, and to make such rule* and by-lawa, not repugnant to law, aa it may eonaidar uaoeeeary and expedient. Sea. 3. Tbie Aet ahall be deemed and taken to be a publie Aet, and aball eontiuue in foroa for tbo term of ninety nine year*. Approved Marob 13, 1873. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SAVINGS BANK tip AIKEN. Whereaa there exlala a cl??* ef peraona who. fiom want of experience, are incapable of iovMirg their email income* and earning*, aifd a* it la detiraM* to Mnenui-age economical and provident habtU in all o!?* aaa, and eepeoCally tu the young, the labor1 J ,k. 4 .1 >K> UU '? Urp'UUOIll , IQirll^fl, gee. 1. Bit it vnaeted by tit* Senate and I H?uee of Repreeeniotiva of the Statu of South Caroline, bow met end sitting in Qenerel Assembly, ead by the euthdHty of J the aanie: 1 That Elltry U. Bray too, Chee. D. Hayna, Frank Arnim, 8amuel A Oilman, Urnry Jones. R. B. KUiott, P. R Rivera, John Wit. liama, 8. J l^ee, W. H. Jon#a, fl, J. Max* wall, and their apeerasors and e-aoolataa, ha and' they ere hereby, constituted a body oorporata and politic, to reeeiTa deposits of tnonuy at Interrat, to loan and Invvat the aama, and to iatna certificates of dapoaita under the name of the Savings Bank of Aiken, and hy thie name, are invested with the following (lowetr, rights and privileges and aebjrolrd to (ha following restrictions: Bee k. That the anpital ahall be twenty thousand doll era, with tha privilege of inereaeiag it lo any amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollar* Thla . eani? (at an all ha a "fund hUdfeed Tbr the security of dapoaita. \ ' fled. A. Kaeh ah are of stock ahall be pr?e hundred dollars, and the stockholders ahull eoie at all meetings to proportion iditha nember of their shares. >' * See. 4. The atoekh^defshhdll MavwppW. dk to maka ruled, regulatione add by.laws fur the management and direction of Its of. amertMed rwith the law* of this 8iaie, through their properly eppaUtutad t-?, D?r f<ip Lhd aofa an.l man.<rm..i or ,h> nMk. Th#lS,Vn?it"MoV"7*2 Od uot t.?fori^A fiUa 8. Tliat thSTatorkhoMwt ofUNi nM aorporatlon alalt v4 Tidbit to tha amount of their rMpcctlv* ahara or aharaa of atock io ' farther, no dlraator of otbar oflleer of said oorpormtlon shall borrow uy money from said eorporoiioe. And if any director or of other ofllaar shell bo aoaviatsd, opoo indlatmant, of dMW? or ladtraatlr viols* tlnf this seetloo, ho shall be paaiaoad bj floe oT Hnpriioonoeot, at the dieeretfoo of the eoort. The books aad aeeoonts of said corporation shell be opeo to inspeelioo nnder slash regulations as may be preeeribed by law. Beo. 7. That iKIe Art shall be deemad a publie set, and shall eootious In fores for the term of twenty years. Approved Marsh 18. 1178. Ajt ACT TO CHARTER THE VILLAGE OP LISBON. 8*0. 1. Be it enaeted bv (he 8enate and Houm of Rrpreeentattva# of tha State of Sooth Carotins, Bow mat and sitting In General Assembly, and by tbe authority of the aame: That from and after the paaeage of thte sot all land every person or peteona who hall have redded in the corporal* limits of the village of Lisbon, In tha county of Darlington, State of South Carolina, for two months, are hereby declared to be member* of the corporation hereby to be created. That the said persona shall, from and after the paaaage of this act, b-eome a body j'polille and corporate, and shall be known ao8 sailed by the naih* of the village of Liabon, and lis corporals limits shall ex* i tend 09a half mile from "the eross roads," so-sailed, In every direction. See. 9. That the powers and duties of the officer' of the villagp, the government of the aame and all. things pertaining to the ohartet of said village, shall be the' same, as provided for In the net entitled "en act to ioeorporate the town of F!orenee,H approved March 9, 1871, exoapting only the cor* porata limits. Sao, 8. Thia act shall be deemed e public aet, and oontinue in force until ameoded or repealed. Approved March 18, 187 X AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A UNIFORM BYSTBIf OF 80H00L RBC0RD8. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and FTni>>? n ? *> --- South Carolina, now met and silting in General Assembly, and by tbe authority ol the same : That ths State Superintendent of Edocalion of the State of South Carolina be, and be is hereby authorized to prepare and cause to be published and distributed a complete and uniform system of school records and blank forms, for the use of the officers and teachers of the free common schools of this Stale. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of seelion 1 of thla act, the sum of seven tnousaod (7,000) dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated: Provided, That the same shall only be paid out on the order of the State Superintendent ol Education ; And provided further, That our part of tha veld appropriation shall be used for any other purpose than is specified in this aot. Sec. S. That this set shall lake effect immediately alter its paaaage. Approved March 12, 1872. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SUM1ER ACADEMICAL SOCIETY. Section 1. -Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Stats of South Carolina, now met and rilling in General Asaembly, and by the authority ol the same: That Franklin J. Moses, Jr., Samuel Lee, T. B. Johnson, A L Singleton, J. N Curbed, W. J. Andrews, together with euen other person or persons, as ere now, or may hereafter be, associated with them, shall t>? and thry are hereby constituted and made a body politic and corporate, by the name of "Tli? Sumter Academical bocic'y," with power to aue aud bo sued, to plead and he impleaded, to p?es?se and hold, aubjei-t to fuiiner grants, escheated and other prop erty witbiu the county ot Sumter, to an amount not exceeding twenty thousand dot lars. Sec 2. That nil properly heretofore vested in the trustees ol " The Sumpter Acad einioal Society," iucoi porsted by an act entitled "an act to inCorpo ute carta in com panics and socio lee," passed on the twentieth day of Do-ecnher, A. D. 1827. be and thtf same is lieitby vested in ilie incorporators named in this aci, and such incorporated* shall oe deemed and held iu law to be the proper and legal suceeaaoia of such lurm*r trustee 8?-c. 3. T.'ist the corporators of the aaid Sumter Aeuo'emicnl Society named in the first seotioo of tltis act, l>e au<l they are hereby authorized and rtnpowered, lor ihe benefit ol the a oiety herein incorporated, and lor no other purpose, to exchange the lot of iaod which was conveyed by the late J, If. Miller to certain trustees lor eds uoetiooal purposes, of whom F. J. Moses, Jr., is the survivor: Provided, That the condition ol the exchange shall be, that a lot of the same site within the corporate limits of the town ol Suuiter shall be given, and a frame house ol equal capaciiy of the Academy lately destroyed by fire, completely furnished with de*ks anrf seats, shad be erected thereon, subjret to the acceptance ol the aforementioned corporators Sec. 4. This act to be aud remain in full force uulil repealed. Approved March 13, 1872. AM ACT TO AMINO AN AOT ENTITLED "AN AOT 10 GRANT, RENEW AND AMEND THE CHARTERS OF CERTAIN TOWNS AND VILLAGES THEREIN MENTIONED. geotica 1. He It enaeted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Sooth Carolina, now met and sluing In General Assembly, and by the authority ol the same : That seetien 12 of an Act entitled " An Aet to grant, renew and amend tbe ebarter ol eer? laid towns and villages therein mentioned, he amended by inserting betweon tbe words " Officers," on tbe ninth line, and " the," on tbe tenth line, tbe tolluwiiig: And the said Iotendant and Wardens, shall bava tbe power to bring before them, whan sitting in Couneil, all offenders against the bylaws and ordlm anoae of tba laid town, and to punish by fins tbe same, and iu the ease sucb pet son so fiued sbsll fail to pay the same, tbe said Intendant sad Wardens sball have the power to compel lbs offender to work upon the puolio roads or streets, allowing a fair Valuation for swob wbrk until the line be cancelled. Bee. 3. That all Acta or parta of Acta inoonaiatout with the proviaiona of the above Act, be ahd the aatne are hereby repealed. Approved March 18, 1873. AN ACT TO iNCOKl'OIUTK THB LIN OOLN LIGHT INKANTKY.OF I>AttL iMMV Section 1. Be It enacted by the Senate and Houee ol Kepreaeulalivee of the Stale ol South Carolina, now met and aiding in General Aaecmbly, and by the authority of the aanre: That Ham a el J. Keith, Larry Aiken, Jacob Smart, wrxi-r the name and alyle of the Lincoln Light Infantry, ol Darllr.gtoo, and their aaaoeiatee and euaeeaaore be and tfdy are reapaatieely lro??rporate?l, and made and daotared a body puhtio and cerporate, in deed and In lair, and, aa auth body politie, aliall have the povrlr id aae and kdap a common acal, And the lama at will to alter; to make all naoeaaarv by law a not rapugnaat to tha law* of the land and U> have auaMiliia ..I Amm and nimlma lumUnui bin to eueh bylaw*; to eue end ba iwd, plead and ba impleaded, in any court of law or tqally In th<a lUU ; and to ha?a, iiaa and enjoy all other rlgbu, and be eabj~ot to *11 other liabilltiee Incident to bodies eor? porato. . ,,M ? *. S That thta act than t* deemed and taken to be a |M>blla,npt, and *h*ll eodtiaue In 'orewleMV# epao pt )*p yaara from and after tie paeeago. ' Approved March 13,18*2. SARI UBIONUTBD 80111 CASH PRICE AT FACTORY PHOSPHO'PERl CASH. *60. ACID BONE CASH, *25. GROUND CAROL] U1 CASH, *15. NOVA SCOTIA ] CASE THE kbort-iiiMd Aamooiitod Soluble Pi compound* of the highest (red** of Bone wilb No. 5 Peruvian Oaeno and tainil metier Fertiliser* in n*e. combining the Ingredient* r*< end Ceieals. Whilst these FertiHter* ere warranted to be I been materially reduced for the present season. Manufactured end for sale at Charleston, 8. < JOH Messrs. 0. A. TRENIIOLM A 80N, Genera the South. For analyses and oerti^cates send HI APES' WIT SUPER-PnOSPF TBE OLDEST SUPERPHOSPHATE If /"COMPOSED of Donei, Pola?h, Phoiphatie i t?r end Sulphuric Acid. No Salt, Sal Absorbent of auy kind used. Factory open Nlueteen Tears of P INTHODUOKD IN 1862. QUICK ACTION AND PERMANRN Tctlimonw of Jiundrtdi of IV?I/. Holt, evm During Exti $45 Cash?$50 Time? Pa> FOSTER & HUNTER, AC KiNsrv Jan 24? 38?3m ~ isni CHMST0P3 I Having Ren BRI 6 TO THEIR NE 1 Corner of Brond and Tic | QfiflOlLL take great pleasure in w who will find a choice a DRY GOODS, which will he di?|x the most economical 13T An examination of Goods i Christopl 25 ly 202 and 204 Br Sixty-Firo First Frit* Medals Awardad. WM KNABK &CO., M?u"'*ctur?r* of GRAND, SQUARfc ANO UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES. BALTIMORE, MI). These Instrument* bare been before the Public for nearly Thirty Years, and upon tbeir excollenco alone attained an unpurehntrd pre-t?iHtnce, which pronounces tliesn uuequakd, in TONE. TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. All our Sqaro Pianoe hare our New Improved Onrming Healo and the Agteffe Wo wonld eall epeeial attention to our late Patented Improvement* in Grand Piano* and Square Grand*, found in no other Piano, whieh bring the Piano nearer perfection than ha* yet been attained. Every Piano Fully Warianted for Five Yeara We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish Parlor Organ* and Melodeone of the moat celebrated maker*, wholesale and retail at lowest Factory Pricee. Illustrated Catalogues and Price List* promptly furnished on application to WM. KNA11K A CO., Haltimore, Md. Or any of oar regular established agencies. A.i t a n, ? V'<K 10 Pin HENRY B1SC110FF & CO., WHOLESALE OROCEES, AND DEALERS IN Tryaaaas, aa^aaae, 8HGAR8, TOBACC6, NO. 1ST BAST BAV, aiiysM. s. c. H BIMMOrr. C. VIILIIIN. i, m. nnu < 25 26 ?m A. B. MULLIGAN, cotW^ ?actor AND GEtfKBAL / tlHKSIU IIICI1IT ACCOMMODATION WHARF. CHARLESTON, & O. . * ? I tot U also, when place*t in funds, purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Fertilizers, C fro, Oct 25 2ft if* DV'S JIB PACIFIC GUANO. . 146 PER TON, TIME, 160. JVIAN GDANO. TIME, $66. PHOSPHATE. TIME, $30. [NA PHOSPHATE. TIME. $30. LAND PLASTER. I. $18. soldo and Pboapho-Penirlan Quanos, art rieb Phosphate, rendered soluble end emmonlated , making the moat concentrated end profitable inlred to produce end aupport the Cotton Plan? kept np to their high standard, the prlfea hare' D.,b y IN B. SAROY &SON. I Agent*. Alao for aele by Agents throughout for pamphlet. Jan *4 38-3n> ROGKN1ZED IATE OF LIME. AN UFA CTURRD IS THIS COUNT It Y. Guano, Concentrated Animal Ammnniocal Hat t Cake, Nitre Cake, Plaster, nor Adulterant er for inapection et ell times. radical Experience. PATENTED DEO. 30. 18O0 T IMPROVEMENT TO THE 801L. ire in ill Favor on every Variety of Crop onJ erne A decree Scaeone. frable November let* 1872 UiNTS GREENVILLE, S. C. IAN & HOWELL, General Agcnle for South Carolina, So. 128 Knit Hay, Charleeton, S. C. f JHL 1 (MR GRAY so. noved Their uuus W PREMISES, Intoali Sis., Augumln, Cia. 'airing on their Carolina friends, asorttnent of every description oi >so(l of at prints that vwst satisfy md Prices respectfully solicited. ler Gray & Co., oad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Tggg i. Walnis, Pr*prWtoy k. H. k CV, DrvrjriiU k G?u. A|?Ur Im .And SI ComniMM SLA.V. HILIJOlVa Br*rT?ili?tnr to ihrlr WcndrrTuI Cnrnlirr Rffr?M. Tlneiar Hitters ?r? not ? tilt Finer Brink, Midi of Poor Hum. Whisker, Proaf Hpl rlto nnd Kafnae l.lnuora, dr>ttored. apleed and nrMtand to plena* tlic tuta, tailed " Tonlea," " AppetUer*." " Restorer*," die., that lead th* tippler on to drnnkrnneaa aud ruin, bat or* a true Modlcln*. mad* from the Natlvo Root* and llerlia ol California, free from nil Alroholto Ht I mi ii In nt a. Thap are tba UKKAT Itl.OOIf nnd At 1,1 Fit CIV I M ; I'll I M I I', a perfad Renovator and luvlgoralor of Hie itratem. carrying off nit poiaoQoua matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No perton fan take the** Bitter* according to dltoclioti* aw' remain lone auwell. provided tliolr bone* are not daitrepod hp mineral poiaon or other mean*, and the vital organ* waaled beyond the point of repair. They are a Ueelle I'erfailte no wolf MOM Tonic, poaseaalnc, alao. iii# vcullar merit of act lug aa * powerful agent In rail- .lug Congestion or Inflammation of the Liter, d of all tk* Tleoeral Organ*. Foil riMAl.R coif PI.AU "S, whether In ponng or old. mandator tingle. ii the dawn of womanhood or at -the torn of life, tu ? Tout* Bit ten hav# no equal. For InflniMmntorp and Chrnnlc Ifheu nntlein nd (tent, llyaprpiln or I ndlgeutlon, lfiltnaa, Komltloiit nnd Intermittent fever*, lll?ea*e? of tho Dlood, I.Ivor, Kidney* nnd lllatltlar. Hoi Bltfgroh?t'?" An*h ?" are caused br Vitiated lllood. which li fMtrillr produce/ br dmiifiiutol ( the DlitMlv* Oriinii " DYMPKI'NIA OR. INDHlBfTION, Headache, Pain in thi Bhouldere, OoubIii, Tlglitneee of tha Ohact. DMilneee, Sour RnioUtlone of U>0 Btomaeh, Bad Taata In the Mouth. Ulllou Attache. Palpitation of the HCart, Inflammation a Uu Lunge. Pain In tharegloneof the Rlrfneye, an. I4an.troil other painful lyraptoini are the efl priiiff e oI Pyepepda. They Inelgorabe the tomaoh and etlmnlate the torpid Llffr and Bewela, which rander them of wneqtydled aflloacy lo eleanelng the blooil of all IraparMtaa,and Importing now life and ylgor la tha whole ifMem. fOR >KfN mSKARCH, Kruptlane,Tetter Bait Kheuni, Btotchee, Hpole, I'ltnplee, I'netulee. Roila, Oaoponolae, lllng-Worme, ?. Ad Head.Rare Ryee.KryaTpelas. ftoh, Bourfe, f>ter-n1nrfttlone uf tha lliln, Hiimore and Dlaraeoe of tha Nkln, of wtiatAameor aatnra, are iitarally do* up cn<1 carlied nut of the eyetem In a ehorl tlin? l.y Ule uaa of theee llltlare. One bottle In enoh raeee will rowelnee the MOM Inoredulpae of their curat Ire effect. Cleanee tha Vitiated Blood Whenever you find It# Impurltioe buret Inn through tho ektn In 1'lniplee, Brapttone or Boras; cleanse It whan you find It ObetrwatM and sluggish In tha esine; clean*# It when It le foul,and your feellnfra will tall yon whan. Keep tha blood pure, and tha health ef the eyetent Will follow. PIN. TAPS, and'Other WORNlt, urhlag laths eynumi^ofjeoajay thoueands.are effectually BOLD BY ALL DBUOOIBTB ANT) DBA I.BUN. J. WALK It N, Pmpe+atoe. R. H. McDON Al.ll * W#- For eala la tha Cifw of UrcinyUIa nn v a 11 ntfTi; n- <w. Art : . Wbokmfe and f>r?t?r* in oi ctf* Medieln*#, Chntlesl*, Ac 4c. M*> ! * 1871 1 ' - V?lj