University of South Carolina Libraries
?gm The Parkerebnrg, V*., Coafereaoaof ItlbMy 1. al Kepublio.ns and DemooraU, reeolred to aael. v all honorable meant atCineinnatt, to nominate 1 , Chaee. * V ^ I I Burnett1* Flavoring Etclrattt.?Tbe aOperb- f* ority df the.* extra* eonalrle la tbelr perfwt n parity and great atrengtb. They are varnar- J ted free iraea poitonoua olla and aalde. Joeepb Burnett A Cp., Button, Manufooturare and Proprietor*. For rale b^ alt groeert and drag- ' glit.. " Nature Gir** urn k?t l>ua mm* mi.' ?rve and purify tbem.' That muat "w/oue | with fragrant Soaodoot. Tha dantilHona mod tta enamel caalng are made Invulnerable to ail deatruotive influence* the dally aae ol thla beneficent piyparellop. _ < { , ' j WAal Evtry I for tenia* Want**?A (food, [ cheap and reliable Liniment. 8uoh an artiele ia Dr. Toblaa' Uorae Liniment. Pint bottle* at one dollar. For Lameneaa, Cut*, Ga|ta, r Colio, Sprain*, *>., warrm^ted tetter than day I other. Sold by the dtwggleta. Depot 10 Parir 1 Place, New York. ?; < yj Diptomania la an tyaane thirat for intoxl- . 1 oat log liquor*. Habitual dram.drinking ,praduoea it. Yet each Aloobolie Bitter Vender n? recommend* that a dram of hi* rum and root- **. Juice be taken thrlee a day to prevent aiekoea* ! For all bodily ailment*, and aa a protection O' againat the cauaea of diaeaae, take that all *u0? pi flcient antidote, Dr. WiLiaa'i Vinbqar Bit- , ra tana, the pure eaaenee of rare medicinal herb* re unpolluted hy dlatllled polaon;^ A ,fl 'I d1 Carbolic Salvt recommended by the leading p? Phyaloiana epd the Prealdent of the New York Board of Health, aa the moat wonderful Healing compound ever known. Give* I octant re- ?? lief to burna, cure* all kind* of aorea, cuta and wound* and a moat invaluable aalve for all purpoaea. 'Sold everywhere at 25 cent*. John F. llenry, aole Proprietor, 8 College Place, New York. Svapnia la Opium purifted of ita aickening and poiaonoua properties, diacovered by Dr. m Bigelow, Profeaaor of Botany, Detroit Medical j College. A nio?t perfect anodyne and aooth- * ing opiate. John -Fkrr, Cham let, Jfew York! *".1 ' Chrittadoro't Hair Dp* la the aafeat and [ beat. It correeta the bad effect* of inferior u, dyea, while the black or browft tint* 11 piodu oca are identical to nature. Faotory 08 Maiden Lane, New York. p..,,'. o.u.1 ?v < ii . nnruf vni MVfll 11IM III IIImting Oil ever. made. Does not toke Are or jj explode, if the lamp Is npMtor broken. Over ? 150,000 families continue to use it, and no ao .. cidents of any description hove occurred from it. Oil House of Charles Pratt, established 1 1770, New York. The Pnreet and Sireeteet Cod Liver Oil in the world U Hasard's 4 Caswell's, roaQe on the sea-shore, from fresh selected livers, by Caswell, Ilatard 4 Co., Now York. It it ab solutely pure and sweet. Patients who haro ^ once taken it prefer it to all others. Physi~ 1< eians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in the .market. T JoHvin'e Inodoroue Kid Clove Cleaner restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Pric# ] 25 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells 4 Co., New York. ' H Kietey'e Piilntoken is an established, war- J* ranted remedy lor Painful Menstruation ; and " equally efficient as a Nervous Autidrfte in all cases of Nervous Excitement, St'omnch and L Sleeplessness in male or female. 8u!d every- L where for $1.00 a. bottle. Morgan 4 Rialey, L Druggists, New York, General Agents. . ? i A Youthful Appearance and a Beautiful, Bl Olenr Complexion is the desire of everybody. This effect is produced by using G; W. Laird's Bloom of Youth," a harmless beautlflcr of the skin. Will remove all Discoloration, Tan, Freckles and 8unl>urns. The use of this de- ( lightful toilet preparation cannot be detected. . For sale hy - nil Druggists and Fahcy Goods 1 Dealers, Depot, ft Gold St., New York. -? Mr?. H'l'xtfotp'f Soothing Syrup.?It relieves the little sufferer from pain, cures Wind, Colic, ? Begulates the 8tomach and Bowels, Corrects ' Acidity, and during'the process of teething it ti is invaluable. Perfectly safe in all cases, as c millions of mothers can testify. 48-4 Venetian Blinds.?No invention wns ever ?o important to tho people ?' hot climates aa the Venetian blind. Admitting the air and a shaded light, while keeping out the heat and glare, they are absolutely essential to comfort ' in this country. If the bouses of any of our renders are destitute of these vnlunblo contrivances. th?v should ! (viim liefot? tl>?> !>? weather sets in, aend their orders to Mr. P. P. Toai.k, No. 20 Hayne St., Cbarlcaton, S. C-, manufacturer and dealer In doors, aaabea, blinds, balusters, moulding, Ac., Ac. 47-it The True Grounds of Confidence. Whence comes that firm reliance, that aU- r solute, undouhtlng faith in the efficacy of Hos tetter's 8tomach Bitters as a "remedy for indigestion, bilious disorders, intermittent fevers, which notoriously prevail in all parts of the fJ United 8tates ? This confidence baa been . growing for twenty gears, and it is still ex? tending. It is not tbe result of credulity 5 ?t bas not been engendered by any human device, but is the spontaneous and natural consequence of experiontm. Vhat people see daily going on undfer their own eyes they cannot question. When families in unhealthy districts that resort to this wholesome vegetable ( tonic, as a preventive, escape periodical fe?vers; and tbeir famedialwwieigbWrs, hrhpncg leet this precaution, are prolongate^ l>y the disease,Bow Is it possible that the phenomenon , should be without its lesson? In like manner when it Is earn that obstinate eases of dyspepsia, of livqr .comprint, of Constipation, of nervous weakness, and of general debility, yield to tlio oneration of the liimous remedy, how ?en even incredulity itself withhold its endorsement ? Kyo-witnesses ol the salutary*effects of the hitters are to be found in every civilized settlement on thie continrnt. The thousands upon thousands who owo thejr res- H to rat ion to health and strength, or tboir pro* serration from sickness, to its extraordinary ? medicinal properties, see enthusiastic in its * praise. The multitudes who recommend it in <1 a neighborly way to their friends end arqt-ain- t taaoer, as well as those who make public tbeir estimate of its virtues, are always ready to > state tbeir resume for tbe fslth that is in tbsm. c They have alt either felt or witnessed its beneficial operations. , 48-4 WE are authorited to announce the name of JAMES BIRNIE, E*q., as a Candidate for the office of Solicitor of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, at the ensuing 4leetiou. fil-tf InssnnsMHsiit Tha friend* of Colonel W. H. PERRY u> } nouuee bin u a Candidate for Reflection for Solicitor of tbo lib Judicial District of 8on(b Caroline. 60-tf ""i""> . t.'.i '"rrr: ,r i, wr'~ DRESSMAKING TTbONR by MRS. POWXER and itflSS J-r LIND8AY, at the hoaae formerly oc?> wpl'd by Mr*. Maria Tbompaon, oa Buncombe Street. ? Eadlec' UaU Ti intmaft&nd altered. ( Gentlemen's Clothing toad* and ranoea* tad. II Im grand ofening or MILLINER! GOODS - *~ 1 MRS. JENNINGS .. . ? .4|Ul opan hai ,'v 4 SPRING GOODS On 7o m&rr<wt Thur*dayy APHIJiSSTM.-';- L HTSh? moat reepeetfally invite* tb* Le> 1 die* to Mil and examine btr Steak, .April 14 81 tf ?????? ; , " ? , . .mvnu -r Notice ,'??* ' IS hereby given to all whom H* may eon* mm, that we will epplv t* 8. J. Duethit, ' Probata Jid|? of Greenville County, ea the 17th Any of llajr next,'for a PINAL PIS CHARGE ee A<Vplni*ir*lora ol the Batata of SAR^R I'EPPER, deeeaead. v * April 21.1, 1871. ^ a*-4i FOSTER 1J11NTER |. tnm ^ND SUMMER 8000S. ' will Mil at LOW PRICES1 fur th? CA8H. ' Further particular* la ' naat paper. Kid Glows at $1.00 psr pair. J .ZMm | , FOSTER 1 HUNTEh. ' '/ -1' F^HE un.lereiened have opened a TAI- n i LOKING SHOP at th? aiand one door irlh of the Poal Office. Iiavlng re fitted the j hi v. wuriv mi?j vrv j?rr|?rwi v" q? all % JTTINO, MAKING and REPAIRING of ' AKMENTS committed to. I heat ' Com- c ft? Fll? guaranteed, and all Work war- j med. and turned out promptly. ' Term# <>nahle. or One or two good Tailor# can find I rmauent employment at fair, wage#. . ' 0 B. rOORtt ACO * April 24 51 8m i THE ~ ( LADIES' STOKEI0TBT & TOWNBi I to special attention to a 1 Large and Well afcorled STO'K of i King and Summer GOODS. Full Line of StAPLE GOODS, j Consisting oP < loaclird and Brown 10 4 Sheeting t ln?-o and Cotton Pillow Casing, men and Blraehed Shirting, i ickiog, Drill, Alabama Plaida, Prints, Ae. < DRESS GOODS. flute blood#. Checked and Stripad. wis#. JaconetU, N?ins"oka, idia Mull*, Tarltona, Pique, striped, corded and figured. able Damask, Linen and Cotton Diaper#. We have a larfte and beautiful \ine of [?a1-ry, Gloee#, Handkerchief#, 7hite and C?ioiel Napkin#. Pique and [oney C?mb, Quilt#, Towela, Linen, real and Imitation, oce. Oollsra and Cuffs, Ladies' and Gent's, .isle Thread, Under Vesta .Jl_' U J "Lill ?.m r ??"? , ?i?'" iiii*1 viinurra b onoei, iron* the beat Mannaoiurera. [en's and Boys' Felt, Wool and Straw Hals. - HDVEY-tfe TOWNES. Apifl 24 51 7 tf I\oticc 1*8. HEREBY GIVEN to si! whom it may L concern, that I will apply to S. J. Dou* fiit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, It the 24'It day of May next, for a FINAL tISCHARGE ?a Adniinis'ralriz of th- E? te of ELHANA M4R0HBANK**, d*s eased EL1Z \ E-KKW, April 22, 1872. Admiiiialraliix. Apr 24 51. . 5 80 Bales Prime ,* riMOTHY HAY, (Kenluek}' Raised,) Just in and for Sale by L. WILLIAMS. ' Apt il 17 th, 1872. 60-2 Klock Tor salt*. IMVO F,n, Work HORSE*. On# Extra Y"ke tfl OXEN/ Several superior Milk CO ^ Sand HOGS. Apt ly to Dr. J. M I R.JOHNSON heq, four mi!?s West of laiirt'n. Greenville folia ly, S. C. Apiil 17 OO tf Mc David Kail, D FiNTISTS. 3FFICE ON MAIN ST., Over I). L. M'Ret- A Ben 's Siorr/ ; " 63a (0. . Q. McDAVID. W. H. BALL. April.17 50 * 4 STRAYED m FROM the residence of the subscriher on the night of the bU-? * DARK BROWN vilObSK. niartfc forehead, with nark* of hnrnea*?medium height and alia, tired a'x.ut 10 yeara old?pucea under the endlie. Said borae la auppoaed to bare >>een raded fur either is Oreeeville or S|>artant>ur|r, >nd will probably attempt to make hie way nek. A suitable reward will be paid for bia lelivery or apprebenaion. Add rets. JAMBS KUDOENS, Laurona C. II., 8. C. April 17 60 2 J B HENRY, . WHOLESALE ' ( , ' i AND f 1 RET All SRKCERo ' M A IJN STREET, Greenville, 8. 3 0UX7TRY PHODUGB BOUGHT AND ORDERS FOR CORE SOLICITED AprllJ7 .O 40^/v ly Notice.. / WE hereby noti'y ell peraon* whnmnoe?er, Irotn evMl?ir wood or other limber, or Irewpeeemg in ooy. otber wty. ppoo our Undo, unlet* by written permit liop from uc. , A. tnd 0. ALSTON. Greenvlllt, 8. 0., April, 1872. April | ^ j; , 49 i f f4? nCrjlry Wanted. ,(y A FEW GOOD TAILOIW am flod EMPLOYMENT by addr^ng - . ? ? ~ JRA <5* WILLUM8, , " .M J*' t Notice. l?ie<TUTOlU?, AdmfiiMrtlOrt, Owirdiao. TIj end TiK^M in hereby notified to come forwai d aod make ihtir Annual Re> tarna, m the lav rrqMrea m? to RuU all who flail io.asaka Cham before the I at day of Jane. T' S i DOCJTHtT. '' - Probate iud|?, A prH 16, lift. !. f\. 50-* "'V t i'\ "v ?. ? Quaaa Victoria Tidied Wapoleoo at Ckloet* oa Tba i 3tb ileal. I ,1 i , Boot and Shoo Making. ( rHE UNDERSIGNED U prepared with ?om patent Workman to All oil ordttt ?r BOOTS and SHOES, off both Joo and r loovy qoalitio*. od short notks". Ho gusr itMMHikMloa. RBf AiRniO prsaipu g y auondad t??. ) |T* Shop nearly oppoaita Mints Gow? ] I* A MsrkleyV I BUTLER DYER April 10 49' ly ' ' Notice - : " [8 Wibt |ti?o to all whom It may eonaaro, hat I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, 1 'robata Judge of Orasarllla OantT. on tha J of May n?xt, for a FINAL.DIR- 1 CHARGE aa Administrator of tha Fata la of ? VILtlAM COX. deceased. T. W. COX, Administrator. otL ?a*.n ^ - apnv ovn, l a I S. 1?~# ^ WSa^W a^O*>lliei Wfc* " * ' . a*WW Notice | ES harchy given to ill whom li m*y eoncorn, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthk, 'robota Judire ef Greenvilla Conulv, M tlk day of May mmef. lot a final discharge ; ? AdminLtrator d* boni* non of tha Eetatca >1 RODGER LOVELAND and ISAAC N. X)V ELAND. deeM T. C. GOWER, ; Administrator dt boni* mom. April 8. 1871. 49-4 1 r -r -.-1- < ?rJreenville St Columbia Railroad Oo. ,. SECRETARY'S OFFICE. 1 Columbia, 8. 0., April 16,.1873, J THE ANNUAL MEETING of tha Stork' holder* of the Greenville and &>lnm? Ma Railroad Company will, be held on Thuraday. the 2d day of May next, at 10 >V|wk, A. M. Stockholders will be pasted raBB. t?> at d from Columbia to attend tha nesting, a* heretofore. They will be re* luired to rhow their Stock Script to the Conductor, who will exact pay from all >there, aa no one hm Stockholders, or thoae >f llteir family, tending with therm, are enItled to the privilege. All Stoek represented by proxy requires i tan e? at stamp for each signature. and no >ae but a etookholder can he a i>roxv. C. V. CARR1NGT0N, deoreUrr. April 17 AO t : 1? ' b a ? ' ?a a ? . a- a i M "S >5 g | ;s . at 03 I g ! ? * { s! 8* i -j ?i e - o ? j u *}s~,^ j S i fe 2 r ? * 1 m E -' h * fc - - S * i S i m ; 5 a i ? s- u - ! g s a fJ !? 1 S; .i J I* o i.gsgn : ' *WS E) k 9) 2 t ? 1 s S I' B S ; a ^ g 1 " ,, i *? a s i W 'i _ . | js s S ? 8 tad _ H 5 5 B| g.5 H r -JiSI^ .? 9 ^ -o - --j ^ 8 = ,2 s 2 8 ^ i ? i If 4 ? ft a ? ?t 4 ^ ?i? 8i i 6 b i i: < i - TO THE LADIES ?uf (^aais8W/waii.)tiiaB s. ?a rB^HE SUBSCRIBER Iim here on exhiJL biil..n< th- QUEEN OP CHARTS and ViOTHKR'S FAVORITE, two tela of Chatte, Invented l>y Mr*. Dr. MILL WEE, of 0r*mwiO'l, 8. 0. The ranf(* of their adapt ihility gr-atlv eurpaase* anything In iliat line aver brought before the pnbhd ? They enaldr any I-ady, In a few niinotea lime, to produce the moat elegant fitting Dr*es>s, of any aiyle Ihey may fancy, Basques, ?to The other art Cote for Gents, ?r Boys Irom twelve yeara old down, with equal elegance and accuracy, obviating the lifficultv of vexacinua alterations They can be learned in a few minutes time, and will he ahOwn to any perron wishing to see Ihetri, in my absence, t?y Mrs T. 0. Ooweo. IRA C. WILLIAMS. Agent for Greenville. April 10 49 lilt 8TATE OF SOUTH CAROLIHA. 0RBKBVILLK COUNTY. Ill Conrl of Probate. Petition for Sale of Baal Estate, Final Settlement. to. STEPHEN A. QOUOn vi SARAH A. IN GUAM, et al. IT appearing to my aatiafaction that John II. Qougb, Charles H. (lough, Uaal G. (lough, Ellsa I. Waite, Heater A. Lansing, Snruh 0. Thruaton, Lydia Conover and Cathrlna Blank, dofeadanta In tbia ease, reside without the limits of this State. On motion of garle A Blylbe. Attorneys lor Petition, it is ordered that they Jo appear in person or by Attorney, at a Court ui Frohate, to be holden at , Greenville CUy, on the 4th d*y of May next, to show cause, if any they can, Why the prayer of the petitioner should not he gf anted. 8 J. DOtTHtT. t?. J. 0. C. March 19th, )873. 48-7 WII1TNER SYMMESt Attorney and Counsellor at Law? GREENVILLE, S. C. OFFIC E.?New Court House. Room used hv Pnnntv Pnmniii.lAn... April 10 >) 49 . 6m , ? * " ? ? : "i r ?. r * * , Trennury Department, Orrica or CourtnoLtun or the Cunmtjcr, Washington, February 14th, 1871. WHEREAS, by satlafkctory evidence prevented to the undersigned, It bat boon I made to appeir that "THK NATIONAL BANK OP GREEN Vlf,LB," in Um City of Greenville, in the Count* of Groeovillo, and ate of South Carolina, baa boo* duly organteed, under and neeordlng to the requirement* of the Aat of Congrnae entitled " An Aet to provide a National Currency, teen rod by a pledge of United 8tatel Roods, and provide for the eircnlation gnd redemption thereof," approved June $rd, l8flt, and 1*4 complied with all tha provleiona of eaid Aot before eo*e? menetng the buetneee or Baokinf tinder anM Aet. Now, tHaatroHn, t, BfLANB R- HULBURD, Comptroller nf the Carreney, do hereby certify that " THE NATIONAL BANK OP GRRRNVILLB/* In the City of Greenville, in the County of GiuoUvtlte, and State of 8outb Carolina, la authorised to oom-' menco tho bneinoM of Bank la Under tho Ant rwwaid. '*' j S*~~ UHimnmu wk*rm/, mm C"40 i - HlfcAWD JL 6ULBUlll>, Comptroller *ftto OnrMifla, 7*b 21 4} 9 )ffloe of Board of County Commissioner*. QmiTiiUf 8.0., April >, 1W1 1 FBI Board of C?m(7 CoMBlMtoaon pro- . JL pom ta lat o?t to tbo lavaat hMdar, oa Fork nitk om, llaody Bitot; IT ailoo W wOroooTftloO L J W. A. HUDSON } Ckalraaa Baard Oooaty Suaaltuluna'a. J P. A. MoDaTid, Clork, <M ] if i . t , -i i i .. t ' For Bale. ? [Witt SSLt on Saturday la May ooztJ \ at ttia Court bouh, an aooaouM.d : JOT. oa Bonoombo Btroot, adjoining Lnta 4 W. T 8k?a*U aod otbara. TRRMS?OA8U. . TH08. B. THRU8TOK, Ezoeotor. April 10 4t 8* , 'f * ?; i Samuel Murphy, Jb., ' ^ 2oa^OiiK& usr ^oamoy^ypairoio ah ALL ordara for M0NUMBNT8, TOMBS, ! HBAD8T0NBS, TABLBTS, Aa.f will ! mantra proapt atioatioa. Shop oa fnlla Straat, in front of Cox. Gowar k Marking's. 48-4* , 5000 segars, 300 Steel MOES, 100 Bbls. Flour, 200 Bags Flour. rfOR THE CASH. SAMUEL STRADLEY. i April 8 48 lm ORDINANCE To Prevent the Banning at Large of Goats and 8wineSkctior 1. lit it Ordained by- the Mayor end Aldermen of the City of Greenville, In Conncil emhied, and by the ' authority of the me : That from and after the first day of May next, all QoeU and Swine found running at large in the Streets of the City, aball be forthwith impounded In a suitable place by the Policemen of the City, and there kept for B?e days, or until the owner thereof shall come and pay a fine of Ffty Cents on each head so impounded, together with all necessary charges for maintenance; and if at the expiration of five days said Goats or Swine remain unclaimed, the Policemen shall then, after firing five days' public notion of the same, sell them to the highest bidder at publlo outcry ; Provided, That whenever any animal so impounded shall be found to be the property of a non-resident of the City, he or they mar bare the same released on the payment of the necessary charges for maintenance while in the pound; and the Policemen are hereby instructed to use proper diligence to inform the owners of Goats and Swine (when puch ownership is known) of the impounding of their animals. All moneys collected from theabore lourees to be deposited in the public treasury, for the use and benefit of the City. 6kctioh 2. And ft it Arreby Ordained, That ail Ordinances heretofore passed relative to the tunning at large of Goats and Swine, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Done and ratified under the Corporate Senl s of the said City of Greenville, on the { L. P. } 2d day of April, in tho year of our * - - e' Lord one thousand eight hundred nd seventy-two. J. P. MOORE, Mayor. A. R. McDavid, City Clerk. April 10 40 . tf Land for Sale. TIIK follow-40n?R^ ing REAL ES MSBtSk TATE, belongHfiaBSffCing (o Dr. J. McOLaNNAHAN, is offered at private sale. Tract No. 1, containing 800 Acres, motfn or less, 180 Acres of whieh are in a hieh state of cultivation ; about 100 Acres of first quality River Bottom. On this Tract is a NEW FRAMED J10U8E, NEW BARN, Ac., and plenty of good Houses tor servants. Tract No. 2, containing 170 Acres, mere or less, liel adjoining No. 1; of this, about 70 Acres In cultivation, a large proportion,,of which it Creek Bottom. On this Tract are Two Settlements; also, a good Site for a Mill. This land lies on Soutn Saluda River, 18 miles from Greenville. TERMS.?One-balf Cash ; the remainder in two or three annual instalments, with Ten per Cent. Interest, secured by a Mortgage on the premises. JULIUS C. SMITH. April S 48 tf The State of 8outh Carolina.' Greenville County. , Sheriff's Bala. BV virtue ot an order from S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, I will sell on eelesday in May next, at Greenville Court Ilouee, the following TRaCT OF LAD vis.: All that TRACT OF LAND, situate in Green, villa CttUWty, adjoining lands of Willis Daven port, 8amuel Vanoe and other*, and containing Two Hundred and Bixtj-oo* Acre*, more or lea*. Sold aa tbe property of TEMPERANCE CHANDLER, deceased, for partition among tbo heirs. Term*?A credit of twelve months, with In torest troth day ot sale, for all except so mfcoh aa will pay the eosts. which will be required in oash on the day of sale. Purchasers to sire bond and approved personal security with a mortgage of the premises. Purchasers to pay for titles and stamps. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. O. C. April 8tb. 1871. , 48-4 Spring MILLINERY. MIS8 McKAY has Just rts* ACmHL turned from Now York, and wilt on Thursday, I Ith lost., ?n* *f the Handsomest AaAssortment, of MlLLlHERY, flWn HAIR AND FANCY UOODS, 10Jwflk *rer l,rouKht 10 lhi* market. Also, an Assortment of IP iff STYLISH RtJITS for ladies. April 1 48 tf Notice to Creditors. Vt\ AN ORDER of the Circuit Court for m w rmnni wonij, me ^realtors or k. c. OILlaM A CO., and OILLAM A AtKKN, ere required to MUkliih their demands before or by tbe first Moii.Injr in July pros., or he debarred participation in the proceeds of 0 a ale of tbe Copartnership Property of Mid Firm. R. A. BOWKN, Clerk of 0. C. Pickena. Apr * ' ' " 48 1 DR. E. F. 8. ROWLEY OFFERS hie PROFESSIONAL ^ fesEKVlCKB to the etilaona of Qreonville aod vieinlty. Oyrica?Corner o( Ooffsa and <93 Spring Streets, formerly oocnpied by Ur. W, P. Torpln. April 4* 4 J. ?, BLACK 4. CO., DEALER* la Watohea, ClOdka, J*welry, SpeeUclst, Fancy Goede and Groee riea. Confeetioorflea. Fotioec La in pi abd Tlxihree, Ron exploat to Attaehtoenta, Glasa war*, Bagara, 8noff. Smoking and Chewing Tummo, Drjr O00.U, Hftta, Bhow, ?hd great varitij ml 0+mt s?itelei All *?(?. eited (a?d Bight do w#ll) to mm mOm' b?fer* pnrehMing or? au?sU?i fi**s to IUpairing Tioy ptodet, km. Umr U ^ Wtd ' r tf 'V-. *V /v? y* Valuable Property In Pick- I ens County for Sale .G I rN MHUM of"a iNMtkl %Hbr of tha ] I Circuit Court for Piokoaa County, I will dl to tbo blgboat Mddor, for onto, oa lalo-day ' CRUIKSilANK TAN-YARD," aitaatod oa tnaaby Crook, woton of Solodo, noortho Air jloo Railroad. end about iUtm bIm front imttllto u< tap POM from Now Piokona. rhP t*?t ooatotal TIT ooroo, of vbtah nm 160 ooroo oro oplondld virgin foroot. Of tho ooooindor, about SOU ooroo tan boon aloorod itooo tbo war tod on la o high otate of ealtirattoa. On tbo proatiooo la ono of tkk boot ron-jrorda la tbo Statu, and ta good ooadtloo. . ?'* ' * " % anaaffcilablo DWBLLINO and oil noeaar wr oat balldiogo, la good ropalr. Tbto la a ran opportunity for parohaoiag food Roal Eotato, In a County no dlatlogulahid for tbo good ordor of Ito aoetety no for tbo inlubrlty of Ita climate and tbo parity of Ita oator. ALSO, Oa tbo abort protaUoa, oh tbo Wodnooday following, a largo lot of FARM 8TOCK, condating of Horaoo, Cowa, Oxou and Hogs, and Plantation Too la, Qottoo Oln and Bo raw 6u jar mm, MoWrtgbt* Mill ud a Copper Boll* sr; a lot of Lime, Tan-bark, Tanner*' Tools, he., A*., The above U sold as the property of Ulllaa ud Aiken for ike payment of the debts. JOAB MAULDIN, Sheriff of P token* County. Apr I td The State of 8outh CarolinaGREENVILLE COUNTY. .4 IHESHT'S SALBS. BY virtue of sundry Writs of FUri Faeta*, to me directed, I will tell before the Court House door, on Baleeday in Mar next, between the Wore of 10 o'eloek in the forenooo and 8 o'clock in the afternoon. One Lot, in the City oi Greenville, containing One-fourth of ao Acre, more or lest, on Court Houoe and Falle Streets, end known as lbs Cammer Gunsmith place.? No. 8, containing One-fourth Acre, more or less, boonded by Lots of the Defend eat, E. Hughes, R H. Eerie, and othere. Levied on as the property of W. H. Camner, et the suit of Cherlee Terry for another, and another. Also, One Traet of Land, containing Seven Hundred Aeres more or lees, and oonnded by lands of Col. Kern and Richardson May. ere, and others. Levied on as tbe property of B. R Johnson, at tbe suit of &. G. McClennahan, et el. This place Is finely Improved, and contains One Hundred Acre* of good Bottom Land. Also. One Tract of Land, on the waters of Tyger River, containing Two Hundred and Twenty-five Acres, mere or leea, and bounded by lands of Steven Dill, Jefferson Mitchell. and others. Levied on as the properly f Jams* Odam, at the suit of William Barton, et al. Also, One Treat of Land, containing On* Hundred end Fifty Aeree, more or lees, and bounded by lands of Obediah Davenport, Mrs. Vanes, and others. Levied On a* the property of Willis A. Davenport, at tbe tuit of J. W. Davenport and others Also. One Treat of Land, containing Three Hundred and Sixty Acres, more or less, and bounded by lauds of the estate of John J Stoke* and other*. Levied on as the property of Joho P. Poole, at the suit of Robt. McKay, Executor, Ao. Homestead 10 be est off before day of sale. Also, . Ona Lot, in tbe City of Greenville, containing Four Aeree, more or lew, and bono ueu uy bou 01 .1 u. u. l urner, J u. Hicks, and olhera. Levied on as the properly of T E Ware, at the sail of W. A, McDaniel, 0. C. C. P. ol Greenville County. ,> Also, All that Tracl of Land, containing Eiplit Hundred Acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of Simeoo Styles, S. H. Pool,Curry ana others. Levied on as the property of J. L Westmoreland, at the suit of Prudence Dill and others. Homestead to be set off to defeodant before day of sale. ALSO, . ., All the right, title and, interest of W. P. Pesemore in >he Southern Sorgo Sugar Com pany, of Louisville, Ky., for the Stale of South Carolina; also, all new Patents sod processes which the said Company have soquired in said State. Sold at the suit qI S. R. Westmoreland for costs. Tubus?Cash. Purchasers to pay for stamps aod papers. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. G. 0. Sheriffs Office, April 0, 1872. id Office BoardCounty Commissioners GassKviLiB, B. C. April 2d, 1872. milE Board of County Commissioners pro* I pose to let out to the lowest bidder, on Friday, the 3d day of May, 1872, the contract for changing and fencing a NEW ROUTS for the Buncombe Road, between J. H. Goodwin's and D. W. Hodges', twenty-five miles from Greenville C. H. W.A.HUDSON, Chairmen Board County Commissioners. P. A. McDavio, Clerk. Aprils 49 4 STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE COUNTT. In Court of Probate. Petition for Partition of Real Estate, Ae. PLEASANT MOON vs. ELIZABETH DAVIS aod others. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that the heirs at law of NANCY L1G0N, deceased, to wit.: JOHN, MARY, EDWIN and WILLIAM LIOON, and perhaps some others whose names are not kpown ; the heirs at law of POLLY KILGORB, deceased, whose names ate not known ; the heirs at law of KORKKT MOON, deceased, to wit.: PLEA8ANT, ROB- I KRT. MARY sad BLIZABMTH MOON, and perhaps soma others whose name* are not known, and JOHN MOON or his heirsst law, reside without the limits of thii State. On motion of Earle A lily the, Attorneys for Petitioner, it is ordered that thay do appear in pereon or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holden at Greenville Court Houae, on the 3d dfty of fiat next, and obleet to the tale of dlriston of the Real Rotate of JOHN MOON, deceased, described in the petition, or their eonoent to the same will be entered of reeord. 8. J. DOUTHIT> Probata Judire for QreeaTitle Coonty. February 10th, 187S. 4?-6 CAROLINA LITE IlsmiQE CIDUT, or memphis, tenn.. AND Baltimore, md. Assets, $1,100,000. HON. JKPFBRSON DAVIS. Paaeinairt. gBn. wads Hampton, Vic*raaaiD*?T. QEN. JOHN D. KENNEDY, General Agent for South Carolina, 04>l??t>fc, h. C. Maris 4ft v. fttn T7 o Kip 7 Mount ain Lodge, No. 1A> I. O. O. f, meets erery Friday Night, at <TMC#^thelr Hall, orer Marshall A Maoldln'e Dmg Store. Regular at* tendance deelred. JAMBS P. MOORS, W, G AnglO ; It " tf For Kent, - - - A NRW 0OTTA0K HOUSE containing SIX ROOM8, near (ha Academy Spring. Ten h Dollare per asonth. Apply t* ' M. Ch DsCAMPS, Mir pQ'it Aeadeai y of Musie. NOTIONS AMD SMALL WARIS. 41 BATHE STREET, (BJBAf ISSTOIT,' 8. IP. Vt is '3a ij v * , SAMUEL STRADLBA, ! SUCCESSOR TO * DAVID & STRADLEY, I 4* WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE * s HIS FRIENDS, AT THE p> I OLD STrfJVD, ? n s - if ^ ??* ?.* "? ' * WHERE HE WILL SELL THEM, ^ ^ ^ 4m. H R AT ^ LOW I mum.1 Feb 28 < 48 tf F Office Comptroller Genera), mmm , Columbia, 8. C., February 1, 1872. i THIS U to ?ertlfy that tha GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE, a newspaper publitbed in tbe town of Greenville, 8. C., Is hereby designated by tbia Board aa the paper in whioh legal and public notices shall be published, for ( tbe Cosusty of Greenville, in aocordanoe with the '* Act to regulate the publication of all legal and public notices," which became a law February 22d, 1870. J. L. NEAGLB, Comptroller General. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney General. THE above is a true copy of the original on file in tbe office of Secretary of Atate. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of 8tate. Feb 14 41 tf State or South Carolina, ' ANDERSON COUNTY. Court of Common Pleai. \ Mrs. Amanda G. Wilson, Feme Covert. Plein * tiff, against A. W. Richardson and John W, Daniels Defendants?Summons, for 1 Relief, Complaint not Served. 7b lis Defendant, A. W. RicMardton ; j YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED end required to answer the eomplaint In this setion, which is filed in 4lie office of the Clerk of Common Pless, for the ssid County, end to servo s copy of your snswer . to the said complaint on tna subscriber, at his office, at Andersoh Court Houas, South < Carolina, within twenty daya after the aer* vice hereof, exclusive of the day of such service ; and if you fail to answer ths corns plaint within the lime aforeaaid, the Plaintiff in thia action will apply to the Court for ths relief demanded in the oomplaint Dated January 18, 1872. B. F. WHITNER. Plaintiff's Attorney, ^ 7b the Defendant, A. VP. RICHARDSON} ' TAKE NOTICE, Thst ths Summons in. Ibis setion,of which the foregoing isaeopy, was filed in the office of the Clark of the Court at Aoderaon Court House, *,n the County of Anderson, in the State of South Carolina, on ths 18th dsy of January, 1872. B. P. WHITNER, Plaintiff's Attorney. April 10 40 8 WILLIAM SLOANE, Lithographic) Copper-plate, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTER, JPILAHH mr&ailv, COLUMBIA, s. o. BOOKS, Pamphlet*, Posteia, Iland-Biil*, Card*, Circulars, Bill Heads, Pae Similea. Maj>?. Plans, Chalk and Line Drawings, Liquor Labels, Druggists' Prescript tioos. etc , Executed with NEATNESS AND fcfcSPATCH, and on tbc Most Reasonable Terms. Oct 26 26 Sm* 1812 ,PBU,e 'trade. Jjj'jjj croquet. Complete sets at $3.00, $4 00, $6.00, 6.00, $7.00. $8.0o to $20.00 a set. fishing ta&kle. Rods, Hooks, Lines and. Nasketa. BASE BALLS. All the Leading kinds at Reduoed Prieee. GUNS. hottMe and Single Barrel Guns. PI8TOU8. The Popular tod approved kindr. AMMUNITION Of every deaerlptlbtt. N. B.?All of oor Croquet. excepting the 9&.00 have Bradley'* Patent Socket* for (he Bridges, a gteat addition. Dealere in Bportinen'a Qood* and other* interested, ehould vend for pur Price List of 'Jointed Flatting Rode, the beet and chea peat Oooda In the Market. TOUlTNEY, TRIMBLE &. CO, 200 W. Baltimore Stmt, Baltimore, JJd. ApHI 10 40 ti ' I - ^ -* Johnston, Crews & Co*, IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers in STAPIS AND DRY ftoons ! . 1 * J.1 I I " ^ aSnuuiooDvnr. IN COUNT or PMOBATK. FWfpfan f*r jferAMe* V N?l Nt%U, Ae. \ OH*i. rimmed u ELIJAH FAR11*1 h al. ? . [T appearing to my tttlefaatlon that Mary L Farmer, Btbabetb Thorn. William Pai. i?l% Johnathan hnMr, John J. Farmer, mm* Former. 9mb Hardin. Mary E. Md, Jsnaoe D. teimd and Benjamin , Townaeod, daHlBanta la thh caee, rede without tha Htofta of thla State Oo >ottoo of Earl* and Blythe, Attorneve for lUtlonora, It la ordered that An do ap> aar at a Court of Probata, to ba holden on * U dap of Jfiay tua* to abow aaoaa. If u Ibajr aar. wby iha Baal Batata of HEODORIC FARMER, deaeencd, ahoald ot ba aold or divided aa pray ad for. 8. J DOUTHIT, P. J. O. a Mnrab lath, 187* 4?-7 For Salef A LL of BIT REAL ESTATE, eootietiof 9L of tha following: Ona HOUSE and LUT.on tha Rutherford load, containing Sayan Room a. Thla b a try daairabta piano of property. Ona HOUSE and LOT, on the corner of offaa and MaBan Streets, containing Eight looma. In a vary oonyaalant location. Oaa HOUSE and LOT, oaar tha Stata forte, containing Poor R'ooma A PLANTATION, on Knoree River, eon* lining Tbraa Hundred A area?Thirty of rbieh ia firat-alaae River Bottom, and FUsen Brgpeh Bottom. I will eall thia aa a rholo, or divide it into Three Plaotationa, f deaired. One WOODLAND PLANTATION, thraa nd a half milca from tha Oity, containing eventy-Five Acre*. Atao, Ona Tract of LAND in Tranayivania ovinty, N. G, containing Six Hnadred and vrn notn, 1IIV/01 A3 SlbC'Di F?l> 21 42 3m GOLD AND.SILVER VWOK28 BEST GRADES OF SILVER ANO SILVER-PLATED WARE, TA6LE CUTLER*, AND FANCY GOODS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF told, Silver, 8te*l & Plated Framed SPECTACLES. ALSO GENUINE OMUIE SraOTMJklES. B. Wchrle. /%.? t? - - uoi 1i x;< tf eUBBNTILli CITY HOTEL. THE undersigned has takon charge of the above lintel, P?rW^P^ (formerly known ?a the Southern Hotel,") and having overhauled he entire place and re-furnished it with Furdture, ia prepared to accommodate the public, ioth transient and permanent. I will give my teraonal attention to the Hotel, and guarantee atisfaction. Rates of Board per day $2 00 Supper, Breakfast and Lodging 1 50 Single Meala 50 Reasonable deduction will be made to thoso warding by the week or month. C. C. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. Jan 31st, 1872 29 3m ISM. SPRING ? TRADE. E.W. MARSHALL & CO., DRY GOODS ?AND? ST07XOWS, ' 143 JHceting CHARLESTON, S. C. We will offer to the Tiade this Season, A large and Complete Line qf * Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and Notions, '* ' Which wo will sell at New York Prices. E? W. MARSHALL & CO. Feb 14 41 *m DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, See. P- P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealor, iV?. 20 ll'itfnt Street and Uorlbeek'i W~kmrf, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Or Thia is the largest and moat e mSleto Factory of the kind in the Southern / Utea, and all a r tic lea in ihia line can b?v fnrniehed by Mr. T. P. ToaUI at p< lean which defy competition. QP" A pamphlet with full and detailed . list of all aieta of Donra, Sa?he? and B1 nda / and the prices of each, will ba aenl free and poet paid, on application to P. P. Toale, CfTAflLKSJVX, S. C. July 12 10 ly. raOTOGBAPHIKOr HAV1NO rooejAl^ fitted up the rooms orer wus (mire dc Pergoeon'a Store, with elegani KffhU, I in prepared to do oil kind* oi PHOTOORAI'Hljm. at Tory 1 short notice. SaUafaetiun guarented to ail W. M. VV U KKLK.K. May 21 ' ? Ifl* HEHRY GAJTTT~ PROFESSIONAL BARBER, / "IAN ho found at hia old atoad, onaoatte Mr. \J Wohrlo'a. n# continue* to BMA VRaot CUT HAIR. Ha bopea by politner to all, and prompt attention to hnalneaa, it atrlt t tMtkatu, ?/ "t ..._ - art. rt or* tx< ccadH to h,B. j7 if