University of South Carolina Libraries
OMUM. PUBLISHED BY A^THOMJ^T. AN ACT TO AUTttORlZB Tnl FORMATION OF. AND TO IFOOKFORATR. TH1 LAURElfe AMD ABBEVILLE RAILROAD. Section L Bo It enanted by U?* B?"iU ami Boom of Rtprmnutivrt of the State of 9onth Oarolioa, now met and .Hting in , General Aaeembly, and by the authority of the name: f' r! ?-V< That J. R. Fowler, William llille. Lay eon Oweni, Samuel Fleming, Vn, H ^eng ton, Y. J. P. Owen., J. Crowe, W. R Sarin. Thome. M. Cox, Alexander Ieaaoa, WUaon Cook, Alex. McBre, H. P. Hammett, L. William., Hewlett Sullivan. Jamea P* Moure, ud their associates and successors, be, and they ere hereby, daelafed a body polilio and corporate, uadat the nana and style of the Ltertnt and Aahavilla Railroad Company, for the parpose of eonstrnetlng a railroad from the town of Laoreaa to the town of Greenville, and thcocc towards Ashe villa, N. C., by the most direct and passable roots. Sec 2. That, for the parpose of raising the capital stock of said Company, it shall be lawful to open books, at the town of Laurens, under the direction of J. R. Fowler, Wen Mills, Laoson Owens, Samut] Fleming, Win. II. Langston, T. J. P. Owens, and J. Crews; at tbs town of Greenville, under W. E. Eerie. Thomas M. Cox, Alexander leases, Wilson Cook, Alsx. McBec, H. P. Hammelt, L. Williams, Hewlett Sullivan, and James P. Moore; and at tneh other places, in the eounties of Laurens and Greenville, and under the direction of such other persona, as the Commissioners in the respective counties herein above named may designate, for the pnrpose of securing subscriptions to nn amount not exeeeding two million fire hundred thousand dollars, in shares of ons hundred dollars each, to con-.t.inte a joint capital stock, for the pnrpose of constructing and carrying into operation the said railroad; and on each share of ind'vidnsl stock the subscribers .k.i i ... ik. i t ... v. ~ .v.ti r" " I ' |*??J ??*J VWUIMIIWIUIICIP, w UU *111111 be authorized to take the same, the sum of five dollars, lawful money of the United States. See. 3 That, when the sum of one linns dred thousand dollars shall hare been subscribed in the manner before specified, the subscribers shall be, and they aie hereby, declared a body corporate, to be known by the name and style of the Lanrens and Aeheville Railroad Company, and may meet and organize said company, at such lime and place, as may be designated by the Commissioners, for tlie town of Laurens hereinbefore named. See. 4 That, for the purpose of organizing said company, all such powers as are conferred by the charter of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company on the Commissioners at Gr< envllle, shall be, and are hereby, conferred on the C? mmission ers herein appointed, at the town of Lau. rens ; and all the jiowera. rights and privi leges granted by the said charter, and its mnen ments, to the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company, shall be, and they nre hereby, granted to the Lanrens 'and Aslievillc Railroad Company, and subject to like restrictions as are therein contained' except as to the capital stock, the sum necessary to authorize organization, nnd the amount of shares, except to far as may be necessary to conform to the speeial provisions of this Act: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to bind the State to subscribe slock in said company, or make any appropriation to enable the said company to build said rond, or in any manner to loan the credit of the State thereto. See. 5. .Be it further enacted. That it shall be lawtul for any eouuty, township, town or city in this State, interested in the const ruction of the said railroad, to sub* scribe to the capital stock of said company such sum as the mnjority of the voters such county, township, town or city mav authorize their constituted anthortiea to subscribe; nnd tbe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of any county, or the Mayor or lotcndant of any town or city in this Sta'e, when instructed by resolution of u convention of taxpayers of euch county, township, town or city?said ccnven. tion to be called, after reasonable notice ' 9 by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, or '.he Mayor or Inleudant of (lie town or city, upon the application of not less than ten tax-payers, in writing?is hereby required to gambit the question of said snbscriptioc, and the amount to be subscribed to the said road, to a vote of the legal voters thereof, the said Mayor, Chaii** man or Tntcodant to designate the preeincts for voting, aud to appoint suitable Managers to condnet the same, and declare the result. See. 6. That if any couuty, township, ' town or city shall make a subscription to said road, as provided in the foregoing section, saiJ subscrption shall be raised by taxation, in annual installments, of not less than ten nor mora than twenty years, as the people may authorize in the vote aforesaid. Sec. 7. That whenever any subscription , shall he made by any county, township, i town or city to said road as aforesaid, the County Auditor or other officer discharge ing the duties of County Auditor, shell ??- < sees annually, upon the tax-payers of such 1 county, township, town or city, such per * centum as may be necessary to raise the 1 annual installment required by said sub- 1 scription, which shall be known aod styled 1 in the tax Loot* as the said railroad tax, 1 which shall be collected by the County * Treasurer, uoder the same regulations as are provided by law for the oo'-l-ction of , the Stale and county taxes, end which shall be paid over i>y saM Cotanty Treasurer aa soon as collected to the Treasurer of seid Railroad Company, Sec. 8. That, upon the payment of aaid annual railroad tax by Ihs tax payers, the Coooty Treaeorer or other officer eolleetiag . aaid tax shall give to ?aoh tax payer a ear-, tificats of the amount paid by him on aaid railroad tax, whieh certificate shall be oon- 1 vertablc into slock in said Railroad Company, at par, la the bands of aaid lax-payar # * __ t.j , _ or lb? keirir ibereoi, wntn prmmyi to llio ooroj>?ny for lh?t parpoM. 1 1 See. ?. 1 >?o?1 oooTtulioui of tb? teckhoMcra o^bZZpnpaiiy, M?h county, towoaliip, towu'^Fiky, aa may tabacribo to the capital Hock l he roof, nay b? r?pr? gf?? m i minnmri! i i-? . rnri ^ot*d bp net !? tbna threenor more than by the eeiLiiUulen of ths lii?p?j?r? afore* nueh county, township, |t?i or eity, M thn onae tony bo. in km* taaunae as the Mid conventions may determine, and tor tbli purpose, tlio ObiinMt of th* Coaoty Commissioners of ?y county, or Uu liny or or la lead ant of amy town or ?!ty. la which nueh auboorlptioaa may bo made, to hereby requite! to eall a convention of naob taxpayer n, ai leant toe days before the meeting of any oonrentioa of stockholders of an id company to which the delegates are to be appelated. See. 10. That aald company in authorised to receive subscription to Its capital stock in lands or labor, as may be agreed apon between stld company and said subscribers, and may acquire, by grant, purchase, leans or otherwise, any estate, real or personal, whatsoever, and the same to hold, use, sell convey and dispose of, aa the iattrtit ol aid oompany requires. 8??. 11. That the Gouuty Commissioners of the counties of Laurens and Greenville' and lha proper authorities of the towns and villages ia the counties snhseriblng to the capital stock of ths said Laurens and Asbsvilte Railroad be empowered, as soon as the said company shall have oorupliod with the terms of subscription of any of ths above mentioned counties, towns, cities or villages, and said subscriptions accepted by said company, then the said County Commissioners of sueh county, or the proi per authority of such towns and villages, are authorized and required to issue bonds to the amount of said eubscriplion, and to have levied and collected, par to par, on all taxable property In siid county, towns or villages, a sum of money sufficient to meet the interest seeming on sueh bonds as may be issued to meet snch subscription to the capital stock of said Laurens and Ashevtllc Railroad Company, and to provide for the payment of such bonds ss they may fall due. Sec. 12. That the said company be. and they are hereby, authorised to iaaue first mortgage bonds in so amount or amounts not exceeding twenty thousand dollars per mil. ?.?l. ..J ?.... ?SI. -t ,1. 1 1 " V, >V) VNUH auu *J?CJ llll C VI IIIV UIU B* soon as each mile ot I ha nm? ah all be completed, and to oo until the Completion of <he entire road. Apptovei Marsh 13,1872. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE TI1R RED BANK MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF LEXINGTON COUNTY. Section 1. Be it enncted by the Senate and Honae of Representatives ot the State of Sooth Carolina, now met and titling In General Assembly, and by the authority of the same : That Fredrick W. Green, John Green, John P. Southern, Clark Waring and W. C. fiwaffteld, and others, and their associates and successors, are hereby made and created a body politic and corporate, and under the name and style of 44 The Red Bank Manufacturing Company," for the purpose of manufacturing cotton yarns and cloth, and such other fabrics as tho demand of the community way require, aud also for the transaction of all such business as may be connected with the above parposes, with a capital of thirty thousand dollars, with power to increase it to one hundred thousand dollars, tho consent of a majority of the stockholders being first bad and obtained. See. 2. Tho said corporation may purchase and hold such real estate as may be required for their purposes, or such as they may deem it for their interost to take in settlement of any debts due them, and may dispose of them ; and mny erect such mills, machine shops and buildings thoreon as msjr be deemed necessary, and may sue and be aued, have nnd uso a common seal, and make aucb by-laws for the regulation and government of said corporation, not inconsistent with the Constitution and Inws of the United States and of this State, a8 may be deemed necessary ; and shall have, generally, nil the rights, powers and privileges in law incident or appertaining to corporations. Sec. 3. Tnat this act (hall bo a public act, nnd shall continue of force for the term of twenty--!!ve years. Approved March 9, 1872. JOINT RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TIIE PAYMENT OF COMMISSIONERS AND MANAGERS OF ELECTION8 AT 8PECIAL ELECTIONS DURING THE YEAR EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTYhONE. Be it resolved ty lbs Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the airne:. ti,.I ik. at.i .,^:t? t- i 1? ..<1.? iuv utNM nuuaivi av ii^riujr nuvuwr* i/.cd and required to audit tha account* of ilie Commissioners and Managers of Bleeliona at special elcctiona held during the year eighteen hundred and seventy one, in any of the counties of thla State, and there upon the State Treasurer ia hereby authorized and required* to pay the same oat of any unexpended balanee of the appropriation made by section 4 of the Aet of March 7, 1871, entitled " An Aet to make appropriation and raise supplies for the fiscal year commencing November 1^-1870," "for deficiency for paymeot ol Commissioners and Managers of Elections, ten thousand dollars." Approved Mareh 12, 1872. JOINT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE STATE TREASURER TO PAY THE SALARY OP TOfi LATE JUDOK PLATT TO HIS Be it resolved by the Pan ate and House of Representatives of the BtAfik^nf Sodtb Caroli on, now met and fitting is General Asaatnbly, and by the sutbority of the seme: That the State Treasurer be, and he ie hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Mrs. Cornelia Piatt, widow of the late Zephania Piatt. Judge of the Second Circuit ot this State, the amount of salary, as Circuit Judge, vhlch would have aecrued to the Jndge of tba taid Circuit from April 24, 1871, the daU of the decease of Judge Piatt, to September 9, 1871, the date of the quslAcation of hia suotessor in office. Approved Mareh 9, 1872. JOINT RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE VOR THE PAYMENT OP CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE QKNBRAL ASSEMBLY. Be It resolved by the Senate and Honse of Representatives of the State ef South Caroline, now met aad sitting in CNoeral Assembly, and bj the authority oftbe same: 8ect>on 1. That the State Tnararjr la here* by authorlied and required to pay the eertifl. cat** of tbe member# and anbordtna tee of tba General Aeeembly, leaned ^ the Clvbeof both Hoaaaa, and bearing the %naioMO of the President of tba Senate and tbe Speaker of the Houaa of RepreeenttJiree, ta the United Rtotoa onrreney, fold or ellrer ooin.only.~w And lw (a hereby aettberleed te borrow, on the Taith and erodU of the State, n eaSolent amount to eaoeel the ated wHiitelei. Approved Mareb 19, llWfr * ***^ AN ACT TO REN*W AJHD AMEND THE OUARTBR ON THE TOWN OP WIL' enacted by 4* BMtU ud HagHof HiiiiiiinllMiM of ftka SUU vfJSMtk , " ~ 1,1 1 wm ' ** ^ r'TT*p" fwrnNee, m* Ml ul Atdeig la Qn?nl AewaWft ud by m taAatil; ef tW aa* i Wll from Ul Ha?acdicUly after the pee* age of this eot, all and every ?bhoa or per oae who roey have resided within the corporate limits ef the towo of WDlismeton for ooe year, or who may owe a freehold therein, and their enoeeeeort, are hereby de? e'ared to he members of the corporation | hereby intended to be ereeted. See. a. That it- mU mU. .U-i successor** shall, from sad a(Ar lha pa* ( of this Ml, b>w? body palitia and Corporate, and hall b? known and ealUd by tha aam? of lha town of Wttliamtton, and lis corporate limit* fhaU Mrtand o?n . .ntla in tha direction Ttbacefdlnal point* from tha preaaot brhk' hotel as a centra, ' and form a cirola. > See* S. That lha said lawn hail ba gov rned by an ioUndant and four warden*, 1 who aball ba peraona that aataally raaida r within the limit* af lha corporation, and bar* so raaided at least twalra month* itnrnadiately pracediog their alaation. The aid intandant and wardasa aball ba elected on tha *aaood Monday in September In each year, ten dnya' notice having been pravionaiy given, and ahnll continue in affiea for one ja*r, and until tha election aad qualification of their successors, And all mala inhabitants of tha aald town, who ahall have ntuinad tha age af twenty-ona year*, and resided therein sixty day* imniadiaUly preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote for aaid Intandant nnd warden*; provided, that no parson shall bo allowed to vota at any aoah election who aball not have regis ered hi* nam* as a voter with the clerk of the council, in a b?ok or booke to be kept by him for that purpose, by 10 o'cloek A. H., on tha day preceding every such aleetion. Bee. 4. That ssid election shall ba hsld in soma convenient pnbllo place in aaid town, from nine o'clock in tha morning until flvs o'clock in the evening, and when the polls shall be closed, lha manager* ahall forthwith proceed to count the votes. Iind,r nalh n?l?. . I ( licly, staling the whole number of vote* , cut for eeoh tudidtU or person voted for, | end shell transmit their report for the seme, , in e seeled envelope, to (be Intendant of the j town, end if there be no such Intendent, 4 the seme shell be transmitted to the Clerk r of the Court of Anderson eounty. The said 4 Intendent, or Clerk of the Court, shell open ( the report of the said managers, end shell t announce end publish the whole number of , voles cast, end the whole number cast for | each candidate, when the several candi- r deles receiving the highest number of legal r votes for the offices which they were voted t for, shaft be declared duly elected. The j Intendent and Wardens, for the time be- # ing. shall always appoint three manager* to a conduct the election, who^ before they op? n ? the polls for mid election, shall take the j, oath fairly and impartially, to conduct the v same. And the Intendaot and Warden*, e before enteiing upon the duties of their of* ( fice, shall, renpeetivelv, take the oalli pre- t scribed by the constitution of this State, and ( also th# following oath, to wit: "As Intend- r ant (or Warden) of the town of Williamaton, a I will faithfully and impartially, to the best c of my ability, ezerciee the trust reposed In p me, and will use my best endeavors to pre- u setv# the peace, and carry into effect, ac* p cording to law, the purpose lor which I t have been elected : So help me God." p Sec. 6. In case a vacancy should occ"r in g the office of Intendent, or any of the War- e dent, by death, resignation, or otherwise, an election to All such vacancy shall he held m by the appointment of the Intendaot and p Warden or Wardens; and, in ease titers be t, none, then by the appointment of the Clerk p of tlie Court of Anderten county. m Sec 6. That the Intendant and Wardens, |, duly elected and qualified, shall be, during e their term of office, vested with all the ii powers and authority with which Trial R Justices are at present vested by law, ex- ? cept the trial of civil esses, sad exespt as it g may be otherwise provided in lhss set? ? And the Intendant shall and may, at often t aa necessary, summon the u ardeos to meet t in council, any two of whom, with the In- a lendant, or any three Wardens, may con- t stitute a quorum to transact business; end they shall he known by the oam* of th? Town Council of Williamaton ; and they, | and their aneeeseore hereafter to be elected, , may have a common seal, which ahall be af- ( fixed to all other ordinances, may sue and he ,| sued, plead and he impleaded. In any court , of law or equity in this S'ate, and purchase, t hold, poetess and enjoy, to them and their () successors in perpetuity, or for any teim of m years, any estate, real, personal, or mixed, f( and sail, alien and convey the same: pro- p vided, The same shall not eiceed, at any d on# time, the sum of leu thousand dollars. ^ And the said Intendant and Wardens shall ? have full power to make and establish all such rules, bylaws and ordinances respect- ^ ing the roads, streets, markets end polios of ^ said town as ahall appear to them necessary and requisite for the security, welfare and convenience of the said town, or for preserving the health, peace, order and good government within the same. Aad the acid council may fix and impose fines and penalties for the violation thereof, and appropriate the same to th* publia nae of tha aald corporation : Provided, That ia all osece of trials to be had before (he said town council, as hereinbefore provided, the party charged shall be cited to trial by service * upon him of a summons, under tha hand of the Intendaot, any one of the Wardens, or th* clerk of the council, wherein aball be exv pressed, with eertainty, the offense charged, D<1 the tim? tod pl?M of trial, which ssr? 10 tit* ball ba ma Jo at least flee day* before the d?; of trial, bi See. V. That tha Intcndant and Wardens < of the said town shall hare full aad only *l power to grant or refaqp iliemM to retail api< itaeue liquors within the eaid limits, ,r which lieenea shall lwi0fcoted in the saoaa M manner, and opon tha' same conditions, as u they now are, ar way hereafter ba, nadar p the laws'of th-.s State, except that the town r< aouneil shall hare tha power to ragnlata *' tha price of license to keep i seems and IS p reuU episgtoans-liquore | Prooided, That in no nstenee did prion of n licence eo to koap T taeern or NSlI eplritooan liqaom shell ba Used at a lasa anas than iaaeUbllahad bj the * lews ef Usie Statej and nil tba powers rest- p ad Wnteely la the sosacwlesion ere of rondo n nro hereby granted (b the said Intandhnt and Vmtfp tHkh tha sett Resits ; and h Vf ? 7* a ' 1 U mqotyi jyU far Umim, ud for 8o? od (orfailur**, for ralalliog aplrituou* II[ on, keeping Urerm, bUkrd Ublra, with-' ilk* a*!d limit*, without llcifta*. ba'll b? ppropriaUd to Ik* om* of aaid oorporailoo: 'rorldvd, That tka lotandant mod Wardena, kaly al*et*d **4 qotliflad, ahall aaClfrt N>w*r to iraat aar Ita?aa* to ktM iirirn ?r NUll spirituous liquors to iitiod be? rond the time Tor which they aboil him MOO tlootod. 9oo. 8. That It aboil bo tho doty of the id IaUbdant ood Wardens to hoop oil recta, rood*, ood ways, within thoir eorxwato linlti open ood to good repair; and, 'or that purpose, tboy are forested with all .bo powora granted formerly to the oommie* lionera of roada. And thoy ahall bare pows >r to compound with all peroona liable to work the streets, waya aad roada la aald town, opop aoeh tanno aa they ahall, by or* linaoeo, establish; the money a ao raoeired to bo appHel to the pnblio use. See. 8- That tho aald town oonoeil ahall bare power to iapooo on aoaoal tax apoo the keeper* ol all billiard tablet and teo pin tllayi, or other pin aitayp. within the dieM-eUoo of add eooooil; and to grant or re< fuse lieaaaas for the amine, apod auch tonne and oonditionn nnd aubjeot to aueh regulation*, aa thm may, by ordinance, oaUbliah. rboy ahall also hard power to impoee a tax, within their alteration, on nil aaloa made jy itinerant traders and aoctioneers, on all ?ublia drays, wagons, carriage*, omnlbu-ee, tnd other rihielea, kept for hire, and on ha owaara or proprietors of ail dog*, hogs, beep, goata aad cattle kept within the cor xjrate limits of aaid town. The aald town tounail ahall hare power to impoee an aninal tax on the amount of nil aaloa of goods, raroa and merehendise, and alao upon the mount of income arising Irom all factorage od mrrchandiao, cmploymonta, faculties ,nd profession*, including the profeaaioo of lentiatry ; also upon the amount of income rom all moneya loaned at interest, and rom diridenda reeeired from bank* and all >tbar stoeke: Prorided, That no tax shall > impoaed. In any one eaae, to exeeed the ate of thirty eents on each hundred dotart of the ralue of aueh tale* and income, ^nd the aald town council ahall hare powir to impose ao annual tax on all carriages ind wagons, of whatever kind, kept for trivat* use; on all gold, silver aad other ratchet, kept for private use, within the imitsof the said town. And the said town touncil shall have power to ine pose an as* lunl tax, not exceeding thirty cents on evry hundred dollars of the value of all real istat* lying in the corporate limits of said own, tha real estate of churches and school issocistions excepted ; and, for that pur* >ose, they shall appoint three freeholders esiding therein to assess Die value of said eal estate, upon oath, and return the as* essmrnt, within one month, to said council or taxation ; and to fill any vsesney occalorie.1 by lbs death, resignation, refusal to erve, or removal froaa office, of the itid seessor. And the raid town council shall tave power to regulate tha price of licenses ipon all public shows and exhibitions in aid town ; to erect powder msgscine, and o compel any person holding more than wenty five pounds of powder to store the arae therein, and to maka regulations for stes of storage thereof, and for keeping nd storing Ihs same. And the a*id burn ouncil shall have power to snlorce the laymeutof all taxeaand assessments, levied inder the authority of this Act, against the >rop?rty and pereoos of defaulters, to the ame exieut, and in tha same manner as is >rovided by law for the collection of the :eueral State tax, except that executions lo uforce the psymeut of town taxes shall be Mued under the seal ol the corporation, nd directed to the town marshal, or other erson especially appointed hy the said own council, to collect tha zame ; and all roperty upon whieh a tax shall be levied od asserted, is hereby declared anJ made able for the payment thereof in prefer* dcc to other debts doe by the person own* lg such property at the time of the assess tent, except debts due the State, which hell be first psld. Tha oald moneys, to* ether with all other moneys collected by uihorily of the provisions of this set, sad he ordinances passed in conformity there* o, from whatever source said moneys may rise, lo he paid into the treasury of said own, for the use of the corporation Sec. 10. That returns shall be made, on in, i? wi? cier-K 01 me town council, <iur? ng the month of January, in each year, of h? amount of mIm of merchandise, profesionnl, mechanical, or othar incomes, and of he quantity and kind of all other property lian real estate subject to taxation, under he provision* of this Act, by persons who lay be liable to pay the taxes on the same ; nd the said taxes shall be paid nn or beore the first day of Mareh then next en?u? ng. Upon failure thereof,' any party in efault shall be subject to the penalties now rovided by law for failure to pay the gen ral State tax. 8ec 11. That the said town council shall are authority to require all persons ownrig a lot or lots, whenever they shall (root n or adjoin any public street of said town, r. in the jadgment of the council, sueli side* 'elks sfasll be necessary, the width thereof nd the manner of their construction to be esigoated end regulated by the said eounil; and for default or refusal to make and eep in repair aueh sidewalks, the town nuneil may cause the earns to be mads and ul in repair, end require the owner to pay lie pries of luaktog or repairing ; and the lid town rooneil are hareby empowered to ic tor and recover the same action of debt i any court of competent iurledietion in nderson eonnty : Provided. That each nonact for making or repairing be let to the iweet bidder. Ht*. IS. That tli# Mid tow* eounell aholl iv* powvr, with the eonMnl of th* edja. tot l*nd-own?r?, to alone ad auoh road*, r?*U and way* within th* aatd town aa ay maj dtvn nvwavary, by aaU of th* eehold therein, cither at private or pablie ila. a* lb?j may a^judg# tot for th* Intra#* of Mid town ; and lhajrahatl alao have owar to lay oat, adopt, open and k**p in pair all *??h naw elreata, road* and way* 1 thay may. from tin* to tiro*, damn im artant or otewatrj foe the improvement nd aoovanieno* of Mid town t Profiled, hat no naw atrant, rood or way ab*U be panad withont fir at having obtained the meant of tha land owaar thronfh whaaa ramtaaa any cnah oaw alraat, rood or way lay paaa, Ann IS That tWaaid town noqnail ahnll ?? powir, and am hdraby aot^ri(^, to BfMWWWill muriBUi 111 f IT elect om or BtrH W? ?* tfcflr derive end prescribe iMr duties, who dfcell W duly MtM tir; and Invested with all the power and subject lo oil the duties end lie bllitioa that ??aeUblep how'^n veer are jtetad, by low, In addition to the dutleo and liabilities apoeiolly oooferred and imposed on then hy the town ooonail: Provided, That their jurisdiction ahull be eoudned to |ke corporate limits of said town. See. 14k That the aatd town oonnetl ahall hare power to eetablish a guard houee, and to prescribe, by ordinaooe^ anitabU rulea and regulations for keeping and governing U>4 fame, and for the confinement of all persons Who may be sqhjeOt to bo eotgfnitted for the violation of any ordinance of the town, paased in conformity with the pro* visions of this act; and the fold town connell may, by ordinance, or theeaid Intended and Wardens, In person, any one or mora of tbem, authorize and require the Marshal of the town, or any constable specially appointed for that purpose, to arrest and com. mit to the said guard hones, for a term not cioeedtnf twenty-four hour*, any person or persona who, within tbe eorpotate limits of said town, may be engaged in a breach of the peace, any riotona or disorderly conduct, open obaeeoity, public drunkenness, or in any conduct greenly indecent or dangerene to the ciilMM of said town, or any of tbem ; and It shall be tbe duly of the town marshals to arrest end commit all such offend ere, when requited to do so, and who shell have cover In call to thflr assistance the pom eomllatos, if need be, to aid in n?li>f eueli arrest; and upon the failure of each Ifarehele to perform each duty ae required, they shall. severally, be aubject to eneh finee and penalties a# the town council may eatablieh ; and all pereone eo imprieoned aheli pay tba eoeta and expeneee incident to thoir imprisonment: Provided, That each Imprisonment ehall not exempt the party from payment of any fine the eonnoll may Impore for the offense for which he may have been eommitted. See. 16. That the eald town council ehall have power to collect th* taxee from all persona representing publicly, within the corporate limite, for gain or reward, any playe or ahowe, of what nature or klod eoever, to be need tor the purpoooo of eald corporation. 800. 16. That all linos, whioh ehall hereafter bo collected by conviction in tbe court of eeeeiona. for retailing'without license within the corporate limits of eald town, ehall be paid one half to the informer, and the other half to eaid town eouneil, for the usee of the corporation. Sec. If. The eaid town council ehall have power and authority to abate all nuleaneea within the corporate limits, and also to appoint a Board of Health lor said town, sad to paea all such ordinances aa may ba necessary to define the powers and duties of raid board. 8sc. 18. That the Intendent and Warden* shall, during their term of office, be exempt from street duty ; and caeh town council shall, within one month after the expiration of their term of office, make out and retnrn to their eueceeeore a full aecount of their receipts and expenditures during their term, and shall pay over all moneys in their hands belonging to the corporation, and deliver un all nroneriv. Iiookl. records and other paper* incident to their office, to their successors ; and, on failure eo to do, thry hall he liable to the pouishmenl prescribe ed in the twentieth section of thie Aot. Sec. 19. That all ordinance* heretofore parsed by the Town Council of WillUmston in eonfonniiy with the authority granted by existing law*, ehall he. and they are hereby, declared legal and valid. Sec 20. That, for any willful violation of duty, malpractice, above or oppree?ion, the aid Intendnnt and Wardens, j tintly and severally, shall be liable to indictment in the Court of Seeeiooe, and, upon eonvielion, to puniahmcnt by fine not exceeding one hundred dollstf, besides being liable for damages to any person injured. Sec. 21. That all Acts, or parts of Acts, heretofore passed in relation to the incorporation of the town of Wllllamston, be, and the eame are hereby, repealed. And thie Act shall be deemed and taken to be a public Act. and continue in force for the term of twenty years, and until the end of the session of the Legislature then next ens uing. Approved Mareh 9, ls72. AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF BUOYS AND BEACONS. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative* of the State ol South Caroline, now method silting in General Assembly, and by the authority ol the same: Any person or persona who shall move any vessel, scow, boat or raft,-to any buoy, or beacon, or floating guide, placed by the United State* Light Honae Board, in the navigable waters of this Slate, or who shall in any manner make fast thereto any vessel, boat, scow or raft; and any person or persona who shall wilfully destroy, in< jura or remove any such beacon or guide, hall forfeit and pay a sans not sxereding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned ia the common jail not exceeding three months. See. 2. Said forfeitures may b* recover" ed by an action of tort, eomplalot, or inv dictment, before any court competent to try the aaeae; one halt accruing to the in(nrmar ap M\mnlaisAnl snd |Ka AlK*r liall to Utt country io which the trial ahall be had. ~rx *wr> Appro?ad March IS. 1871. AN ACT TO TNCORPORATK TUB WILLTOWN NATIONAL GUARDS, Of COLLETON COy NIT. , n a \*t Section 1. Be it enacted Hy the Senate and Honae of Repreaentaiivea of the State of Sooth Carolina, now met and aittlng in Genera! Aaaembly, and hp the authority of the aame i That Benjamin Rivera, Major Solomon and Chieholia Ford, onder the name and atyle o! the " Will town National Canada, of Colleton County," they an J their aneeeaaora and aaaoeia tea tn olBce, he, add they era hereby. Incorporated, ead made and declared a body politic and eornerata. in deed and in law. and. na inch todjr pollUo, thai) but pom to mm ud keop i omum mI, tto tow at will to alter j to moko all ntaoooory Vy-Utrr, not rappfaaat to th? law* of tko Watt, ud to tan Mtoaotioo of arxtoiacK t ?H?W( toaay *??Hof ooa^toat jarttotottoa to (kb State i aatt to bar*, ?m aal oojoy all ottor right* aatt to mbjaot to a^k ottor JlabBUiot, In-M-at' to bottioo i?TP*rmU. 8o0. 9. lib Ami obaM to ill toll Hi tab on to to a patlb Aot, aatt Mi ooatiaao la form aattt npnbi. TINE AT GEORGETOWN, CHARLESjsxsa&K^ C?oEifc,?<>?aitiiH trnt JZfc'XSJuU-aoinbJy, and by tfco fcrtbortty of tho ?tao t IkUw atwh f# Soot too t of OA A?CM|town, Charleston ood Hlltoo Hood," 0pp*t+*t ths Mth doy ol SopUiobor, A D. I8W,oj protide. that Uo acborago potad for Tiy)l fo quarantine, Port Of Htttoa Hood, ihtll k what* it bai fcwtiliw teM, la barety upHilnl . 8m. 1. That said anchorage Ml tha mm la harshy, ItMhl an the North alda of l'arls Island, to ha MM: ted by Bteyi, anchored under the dlreotlpf of tha Health Ofloara of that Part. 8m. 8. Thai a quarantine station abaQ ha aatablishod at Saint Ha)epa Saand, (eoyertng tha Soaad and adjacent risers,) with aneh*r> age ground tor vaaaala whara It haa haratofora lean, and that a TleaUh Offioer loraaid stattea ah all ba appointed by tha Gorernor, who ahull hold hla offlca for a tone of two years, aalaaa aooner rumored, with tha aaaaa compensation now allowad tha Health Ofloagaof Georgetown and Hilton Hani. Sao. 4. If ffiy pprsan or peruana amplvad upon an* rossol, railroad, alprwt, or rthar ' oonreyanoe, ahull reoelro and coo ray qa y pareon effected with any contagious or lufoetiona dltoaee, or ah all teoelro and transport any , dead body, to any of tha cities or towna loea, tad apoa tha eoeat of tbia State, without paratlaeion from the Health Off ear af tha Port of Charleaton, between tha lat day of April and tha lat day af December, aneh perron or par one, aball ba deemed guilty of a mlsdeiManor, and, upon convietljn, shall ba punished by a line net exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment for a term ant exoeedtng one yMr. Sec- i. All permits leaned by Health Off oar shall ba at tha ax pease of the rosea), or eonreyaaee to which such permit may be issued, and shall ba eo! lee ted by the Health Offeer issuing the same. See. 0. That so much of Section 29, as requires the Health Officers of Georyetowa and Hilton Head to report their doings to the Goternor, at the end of M?h month, la hereby repeeled , and that the said officers together with any and all other Health Officers, who may be SD DO In ted snbaoaaent to the MM... ?f twu Act, (ball report the came, at the and of aaeh month, to tba Health Otteer of the Pert of Charleston, whose doty it shall be to forward a consolidated report of the doings of such oO? eers, to the Governor of the State monthly aad the Legislature annually. Approved March 4, 1871. AN ACT TO RENEW THE CHARTER OP PEAT'S PERRY, OVER THE WATBREE RIVER. Section 1. Be It enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the 8tate of 8outh Carolina, now met aad sittiag in General Assembly, and by the authority of the That the charter ef the ferry over Wateree River, knosra as Peay's Ferry, he, and the same is hereby, renewed, and continued In force from and after the passage of this act, until amended or repealed ; and the same is hereby vested in D. J. D. Cure ton, his executors, administrators and assigns, subject to like powers, privileges and limitations sts were formerly conferred upon the owner of said forry by law ; provided, that the following rates of ferriage only shall be charged and collected, to wit: Single passengers, A oents; man and horse, 16 cents; boggy, 26 cents; 1 horse wagon, 24 cents; 2 horse wagon, 60 oents; 4 horse wagon, 76 oents. Sec. 2. All persons attending public meetings and elections, and children going to aad returning from aahool, shall he exempt from any and all charges oi ferriage. Approved Marvh IS, 1872. JOINT RESOLUTION AUTHORISING THE COUNTY 8CH00L COMMISSIONER OP UNION COUNTY, 8. C, TO APPROVE CERTAIN CLAIMS OP TEACHERS. Be It Resolved by the Senate and Hoaaa of Representatives of tba Bute of South Carolina, now met and aittlag fa General Aaaeasibly, and by the authority of the same t That the County School Commissioner of Union County, S. C., be, aad the same is hereby, authorised te approve for payment eat of the School Fund of said Ooaaty, the claims oi iMcocri oi union uoanty, for services rendered between the first of January, 1871, and the lime when he ?h appointed to 111 the vacancy In said ofloe : Provided, That, la his judgment, said elatas are Just, true ass correct, and actually due. Approved March IS, 1872. i ' AN ACT TO AMRMD AM ACT SMTXTLBD "AN ACT TO XXTKND TI1E LIMITS 0PTH8 TOWN OP CAMDEN." r Section I. Be H enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 8tate of 1 South Carolina, now met aad sitting la Gen| ersl Assembly, aad by the authority of th# same: That an Ast ensltled " An Aet to axtend the 1 limits of tbs town of Camdea," approved , March , 1871, be, and the same la noreby amended by stsihiag eel Section t, nnd substituting the following : " Section 1. That the limits of the tewa ef Camdea be, and the , .sine are hereby,extended as fellows, to tit: The western boundary shall commence at the jeoctioo of Wylia street with Ms I berry street, i aad shall extend northward along the line of , said Wylio street three-foarths ef a mile beyond tho present terminus ot the Said street, end from this point the northers bona da ry shall extend, la an astern direction, until it t intersects Horse Branch, and Ihease, by eearse of said stream, to tho pel at where it empties 1 into Little Pine Tree Creek, aad tbeaoo,by the course of the last named ereek, to a point op, posits Mulberry street, theaee, westward, no* til it reaches said streat, and oontinae along 1 tho line of said stmt to It* jaasUen with , W/lie street." See. 1 That tho latoodsuat and Wardens ef the said town of Camden are hereby required te pressed. Immediately upon the paasegr Of i this Act, to designate, by proper mark* aad monuments, the h sand arise beisin before anther ised. See. A. That all Acts, er parts ef Acts, inconsistent with tho provisions of this Ast, ho,, and th* same ar* hereby, repealed. Approved March 4^7! j j g ( ??jj AW ACT TO PKBWfT XAlflK LOUOH TO ADOPT. OHANCK TOR NAMKor, ajw> makk hia lawful HELP. JOSEPH ALLEN 8TKPP. dootloo f. B? U bj ?hnPto?l? nd Hem of RrproaoatatioM of U?o. Slate ?f Sooth Carolina, nov ptat> *? 4*1* lo Oooerol AwoMbly, and by tho ?o*horBy < th? mm: That Jum IfoCnRoMgh, of intaolHs, to boraby tot od lo adopt. aod M?k? UVwW boir, Jo aph Alton Stopp. aid ibal tho mm of ibo aid Joooph Altos Stopp aboil to obigid to Joseph Alton toeCaltooyh. tea. t- That oboold tba aald Jmn Ma* Gattonfh dto lateatata, ikaaaid Jaflapb A), too MoOntloifh oHoljj loborH.* ?*?*> ?)lh (ho otbar lawtoi +o?*.ff ?ha laid Jomoo MnOoltongS bio nUten, batk p mmm 1 and root. Appctrrtd Mamli b, 1?7?, A t South CstoUeT^Lft ^4 Jnoi 4MI* "* *r * ?>***? <M of lfc?.*e$5)bMete<il Ada Stado, fai nIm Hon totlw HmfcM atMfeleof AH ACT TfeUQOftftPORATl TH* JOURHEYMBS MBCHAHICS' l>MOH Of OHABLBSTOlf, 8. C. Section 1. Jfft lwBiAy Ao Saih ud Hoqae of Bopn?ontoUva?pf fta fM^oCloptt Onroliaa mow jpot apd M?Mo? A Omwval id?wbly( wf V tM ?rtlnri<y ti t>i wm TkM Ma k|MfV. A W, mkr, O. M. Iiidtt, JT. Fi Reward. bw R*d, Hi mA ot*y perpe^*,ipgy-^w'V hereafter etoUl bo MioiiaM wHb * *,. ? hereby *ade ?nd doolontd m %aa Mr pii' Mo aad oorpomto, by Mm in* aM a^rte of too, 9. 0. 8m. 2. TbM th. Wi?tlpa fcforinW *b?lf tin iicniiloi of oMeere ud om^W h^ cording to Ho hjHnwe, ui iball km pewef to Boko by-low* sot repognqat to tbnlowe of tbo loud, and to bqve, on mod km?WMOOl eo), ond tbo oobm to alter at will, to m Old bo mod, and blood ond bo Impleaded, m any oonrt la Ala State. It la kWAy empowered to retoto, poeeeea, ond enjoy oil aneb property, real and peraonol, no It any poae*aa, or be entitled to, or wbteb aboil hereafter be given, bequeathed to, or in any manner acquired by it, aad to Mil, alien or trooafer tbo aomo- "* Sec. t. That tbl* Aet aball be a pablie Aet and eoatlaae In feme'for tbo term of twelve, year* from the date of Ita ratlfleatien. Approved March ?, 1ST J. A* ACT TO IHCORFORAtB THE - STAR 00MFA**. OF GEORGETOWN." Section 1. Re It mated by tbe Sonata pad * Room ef Rcproeeatatlvea ef tbo State r of South Carolina, now met and altrtaf io General Ail Mil ly, and by tbe authority of tbo UM I That Goo. H. Pawley, Teay O. RgtMn, William A. Johnson, William Moaltrie, John S my ley, and their associates and wniMon ia ?Im, ha. and they are hereby, sr*at*( and Miiiltitod a body pel i lie a ad ejvperata, by and oader tba mm ul itylo of tho - Star Fire Engine Company, of Uissgsfswif,* with a capital etoek aot exceeding Ihgna of too thousand dollar#, with a right to no and ho nod, to pload and ha Impleaded, In any Court of compateat jurisdiction, ho have and to aao a common seal, and tba aaeoa U> aitor at will and plcaaaro, aad to bar* and enjoy all other rights, privilege* aad lmmanitles that ara now, or may ha boroaftcr, secured by law, to like incorporated bed tea, X See. 1. This corporation ahall enjoy ail the righta and pHvilegea aecorad to oorporatlona under tho Act to rcgalatO tho IhrhaUee ?t oorporaliona, and ha n^eet to tho UabURiei there a prescribed ao far ai applicable. hoc.*. That tbia Apt fhatt m daoptbd ?public Act, and ahall continue in force forth# tana of four loon yearn. Approved March 9, 1STS. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THR CHARLESTON HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, NO. S. Section V. Be it enacted hy tho Senate aad Houae of Representatives of tho State of Snath Caroline, now met aad sitting la General Asacmbly, and by the authority of tho aamo: That Va. T. Eifa, Wm. K. Bnrka, B. F. Morris, A. V. Brodie, ajd J. Grant, their aa* a oc la tea aad aneoeaaers ia oSat, ho, and they are hereby, constiteted a body corporate aad politic, under the name aad style of the "Charleston Hook aad Ladder Cempaay," with a capital stock aot exceeding tea thousand (16.0T0) dollars, with tba right ta Bwa and be aned, to plead and be InplsaS* i> any court of oompotent jurisdiction, to have and to ure a common seal, aad tha same to alter at will, aad with all Other rights, privileges, aad immunities, that ope aom sneered by law to liko incorporated bodies. Sec. S. That this act shall ho deemed a public act, aad remala In foil force until rapaalid. Approved March 9, 187J. JOINT resolution authorizing TH r 8TATE treasurer to pay to l a langley. late school commissioner of beaufort county. the sum of one hundred and thirty-two dollars. Bo It Resolved hy (he Senate and leaao of Representative* of the State ?? loath Carolina, tow xaet aad aktlag la General Aosc^hly, and hy tho aethority of tho (MM t That the Stat* Treasurer ho aad bo la hereby, aulhotitod and roqalrod to pay to la 8. Lanley, late School Cammis-ieaer of BoaaVort county, ik? mb of ($1U) en* bandied mod thirty two dollar*, tt* mmm Mh.iH mmumot he tdTueed on text hooka, tor tb* ?*e of from common school* 1m the eMatjr aforesaid, cat of any fead* not otherwt** appropriated. Approved March 11, 1872. AN ACT TO REGULATE TBI PAT OP THE MEMBERS OP THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. * Be It enacted hy the Senate mod Heme* mt Representative* of the State or BowlhjQaraline, mew met and tilting ia Oeatrai ianably, and hy the aathority mt the mat r That aaeh amnhwt of the apxt Geaeral A?tcmhly thall receive an aaaaal salary mt six hundred dollar* | ami twenty eonte tee emery mile of Ik* ordiaary rente of travel ia going to, aad returning Inn, *e**loas of the Gomeral Aeeembly. Approved Matoh 18, ISIS. -J e, JOINT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE OOUNTT tiOMMISSIONRRS OP WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY TO LEVY >s4lfMP4M flftkftadV Ba It rfiofrfd Vj >|m Sfwato %ad Vmh at R*pmwMINi.W tatk Carol! ~ u, bow coat a*4 littjli iw Ow?nl AmmM;, ad by u>? aatbarity af lb* mm? Tbai, in addUtoa to tba Ho. baaatofeaa ?. tborisad ? bw Iwlid, tba OlHtyOlBBlwUBi ara of Wllllamabarg aawaty ?*b*abf?atba*. iaad U Way, and canoed to ba aolUetod, a ?-??> rfr^sm- r THE HOPE *tStA* *BS *KOUMI oompawt, or chammtow. ftaattoa 1. Ba U aaaalad bf tka Sawata 583%&aW16to^ m4 ?Mlli?fd l? bn> Mfll rtpMltd, tb. mid Mhfdmk to .aopi Ik. ..^,W ftpp. ?u*m FIm Sdi>? 0"?9m7. of CH?VUn; pro?Uei,?k. Hryi fcwpllHilnNi Owu p.njr, of OWIe?u>o,.?il Ik. m?o>t?r? th?r? of, aboil, ?t.n tiafto,'k? aot?|mt to tk. poo. vMmu of lb# l'lth bietioa of ikamimmld oo Dm ltd Aojr of D nwk?v dfkttn h.*fnd Mltklliptla,' mMM SBgas*' ppfOTfQ txf ^ cr -iU