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t |1 -v k* w A J9b vMHHBv ?A JE^?3b 1 PUBLISHED ~BY AUTHORITY. AK Hrr.'ittW.ira-m Sooth Carolina, ?? mat and tilting In On- 1 eral Am?>My, aud by the authority of the aatna: > W waty Individual ar aapartnarehip, raaidtog in the aoontiee of Charteetoa and Highland, dealgoing to aarry on ar ?evaine < tba koala?a of atook broker, exchange bro- ' kar and bUI broker. ahull* and they are haraby, mqalred to pay lata, tba tiaa?ry of their reap active aooatiaa, fa# da w* ot tba Suta, tba earn of one hundred doffaira, MtikU nnu4*rt? fnlln*. 4.. r ? + i?"" "m ?" v* ,w"w dollar* on or before the first day of April, 1871; twenty-ire dollar* oa ar before the flnt day of Jely, 1871; twentymo dollar* l on er before the flnt day of Oetober, 1872, < end tweotyofive dollars on or before the i fbatday of January, 1878 '; and if residing in any other county ef thl* State, U?* ram | of fifty dollars, la quarterly ln*tellm?nta, on i or before the first day of April, July and > October, 1878, and January, 1878. Th* provisions of thl* eeetion ehall be, and *r* i hereby, extended to real estate broker* aadi to merchandise broker*. A reel estate broker I* hereby defined to be one I Who engages la the purohaa* or rale of reaU1 estate for a eommiasioo or oth?r profit; aod 1 a merchandise broker, one who engage* In 1 tb* porch*** or sal* of m?rehandi*e for. a, commission or other profit. See. 8. Every person or company designing to enrry on or eonduet the basinet* of keeping a billiard room, bowdng saloon br tea-pin slley la this Stat*, *ball bo required to pay into th* treasury of their or hie re* peetive oouoty, for the use of the Stat*, the ram of twenty fir* dollar* for every billiard table, th* sum of twenty-five dollars for every alley, aod the .earn of ten dollars for every bagatelle table, the earn* to b* paid in qoertcrly ioatallmeats, on or bsforo th* first day of April, July end October quors, drag* or medislnsa, exospt aueh m I trt cold by aoetioo, under lieenMe granted them, and except euoh MAM told by regularljr licensed beta), la*, larero or saloon keeper, shall b? required to pay lato the treasury of the county |0 which he or they hall dsaiga to ooadoet or oslrry op'sweh' business, lor the use of the Suite, ill/tfftn* aa follows, to wit j Those whoseannual Mies amount to Utree hundred tboaeand dollars and upwards, shall oonstHota tha first elate, aad pay two hundred aad fifty dollars; those lo tha am on dt of two hua. dffed thousand dollar^ and l?aa thpfUjret buodred thoutaod dollars, the MeeSfJCj aad pay two hondrad dollars; those to lb# amount of oos hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and Itsa than two hundred thousand dollars, the third eJaH^sttd'>ey,<*g hundred aad aarenty fiva dollars; thosa to | ba amount of one hundred and twenty-fire thousand dollars, and lass then one bun,* drsd mid fftv thousand dollar* th* (m?is class, lod pay on* huadrad and fifty dol )?n; tboM to tb? amount of on* hundrsd thousand dollars, and Itaalbao on* hundred aad lWsnty<fi?a thonMod dollars, tba fifth lass, and pay ona hundred and iweaty-fiva dollars ; those to the amount of sighty-tire thousand dollars, and lees than one hnadred thousand dollars, tbedtth olaes, aad pay ffc hundred dollars ; those to the amount of nty-fire thousand dollars, and less than s)fhty*fir? thousand dollies, Ills sstsfcth elasa, aad pay algbty dollara; those to the gasoont of sixty firs thousand dollara, and leas than sevsoty firs thousand dollars, ths aighth alasa, and pay seventy dollars ; those to th^lgphat cdfifif fra thousand dollars, aad laps sixty Ira thousand dpHarg the nlath als#s,'and pay slat/ dol?r? ^?o4e Jo the amount of forty flr# thousand dollars, aad law* thaa A#ty thousand dollars, ths tooth ataas, and pay fifty dollars j thoae to the emeuat af thirty Asa thoussnd dollar* aad lew than forty fire thonsand dollars' 'be eleTr?th el MM, An<] forty doll*r? ; J 1872, and January, 1878; provided, however, that tbia act shall not bs construed to apply to billiard tables, bowling saloons or alleys used in private residences, for private use. 8?o. 2. Every liotel, ion, livery stable, tavern or saloon, shall be classified and ra ted according to the rental value thereof, and every keeper or keepers of the same shall be required to pay into the county1 1 treasury of the county in which such hotak ino, tavern or saloon 1* kept, for the use of the 8twte, the sums, according to said rea tal values, as fellows, to wit: In all casta where such rental value, per year, shall be tan thousand dollars or mo re, such hotel, 1 Inn, tevera or seloon shell pey the sum of three hundred and sevantf-fiva dollars; 1 when the reetal value is seven thonaaad l five hundred dollars, and leas than ted thou* send dollars, the sum of three hundred doU lars; when five thoueaod dollars, sad lasa than aeven thousand fivs Lund red dollars^ -tha sum of two hundred and tweuty-five dollars; when three thousand five hundred dollars and Iras than five thousand dollars, one hundred sad eighty-seven dollars sod fifty cents; whs*.two thousand five hundred dollaA and less than three thousand -fivs hundred dollars, one hundred end fifty -,i?n? . _i? -? -* - - -- , nuon iwo ibouhbo dollars and -less than two thousand five hundred dolWarn, oo* Imudred and thirty-one dollar* and :8ixfyd^ ctnli; when fifteen hundred dotdam and leas than two thousand dollars, one Miandred and twelve dollars and fifty cools ; -?* when one thousand dollars and leas then fifteen hundred dollars, ninety-lour dollars and seventy-five seats} when seVen hundred and fifty dollar# and less than one tbooeaad dollars, seventy-five dollars; when five hundred dollar# and leee than saves hundred end fifty dollars, sixty-seven dollars and fifty eentii; when four hundred dollars and lass than fiya hundred dollars, sixty dollars; whso three hundred dollars and le*e then four hundred dollars,'fifty-two dollars and filly eants; when two hundred dollar# and leee than three hundred dollars, forty-five dollars; when less then two hon-i drad dollars, thiftg-ssvea dollars aad fifty cents. Th? abd^aiaoaou ahafl he paid h la quarterly Installments, on or hefofie the first day of April, July aad October. 1172, and January, 18*73. V'v* ' See. 4. Svsry person, firm or oompany, who shall engage la or exsreiss the business of sellipg or vending any good* wares, merchandise. wines, distilled er malt it. ?IUn; tboM to Uw toonat of t?o?tj fa liouMod defer*, Ml ]*t lbo% 4??>rty U ho^nd dollar*, *? Uifrtototh elaa, a.d h Mf (V6l)tv ftv? jollfff', ik|M to iBCilDl # I J w - ywmm-m ?avfiwi.v^v?^p^rvaf T *f flfUoo UmmmmI tdlh^ dad1 Mo ?M? b the mooat of Ml UtatMtt* WMhrm. Md e MImi III* *t> a teeoth elaae. and pay elgbttfeedfrllM*) those n io u?* til* 1tofiindawHiMi ?MiU dred dollars, .rrf <!*,. than ten lbo.Mid o j.lj.n. u,. .ly,^vrt.B, Hd rn afy,? k dollar*; those to the amount of flr* thou a- i| and dollars, and Tea* than asvaa tboueand' m tre huedr^ dollar andjIH*|tDun^re&ta To (7 Bra hundred Um, and pay flee d'WU^V the sale of melt or ipi^pl llq^k preparation or nakiof np of maAdoM for o liek, lame or dia?aae<FWadod^ d dad, further, that setVy Merdr Araftdef M o winea, diatilled or malt liquor*, Th ibedoerefc e modi tie* or effects, as aforssaidj tftalft pe{f h lift* nar taa, iaoiMitlnnU>? ?>? .1.^-- I ? ery license granted under this Mi shall die- i fWfSfr 'Prft -??et1.?rth. pM.ln- o ing the um? w or is pot apHi?rl*?J thereby u to soil, or veed wioe, sphituaasi distilled or nilt liquort The sbo*4 sfobtintt shall be r paid in quarterly installments. on the first o dsy of April, J'lly yd October, 1872, and c January, 1871. * ' * See 1 hare mora than one stare la which mer- * chandise. as described in the fore]$oinfc see tioo Is person qr peramounts above lpecin^&,a<jlotdre^o etas/; Lq eomfl^ ? JJ. ^ poratlon, other thpn national banks, carrying on or conducting a banking business to f this State, shall be r?quirt<ta|M lpto>t|ie a county treasury of the edtaW^irwnfoir ne d or they shall carry oa or conduct each bue- 5 in est, for tbe use of thy.8Ute, the following: t rcspeeilve sums, to vit^9(wMMfln 1 the capital of. whiah is lass than, and doaa not exceed fifty tkoaaaad dollars, the earn ' of one hundred end, .tqrenty-fire dollars ; 1 for s??ry bank the capital of whioh dose ' not axeeed one huodred thousand dollars, ^ but is greater than fifty thousand dollars, 1 two hundred sod fifty dollars; for every bank, tba capital of which doaa oat exceed * ooa hundred and fifty thousand dollars, <1 but is greater than one hundred thou- 1 sand dollars, thraa hundred and seventy 0 five dollars} for every bank the capital of ^ which does not exceed two hundred thoue- ' and dollars, but k greater than ooa hua- ' dred sad fifty thousand dollars, five hun- ' drsd dollars; for svery baqk. the HplUl * of ahlsb does net exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dbtlars, but Is greater than I two huodred tiioueand dollars, six hundred ( and twenty five dollars; for evyry bank, * Ml* ?apii?i Ol WOltO OM* BOt WM?4 UirOS " hundred thousand dollars,' hut is greatsr than two hundred and fifty thousand dol- ( lars, seven hundred and fifty dollars; for 1 every bank, the capital of which does not 1 exceed three huodred and fifty thousand 1 dollars, but Is greater than three hundred 1 thousand dollars, eifh$~J)UBdreil and seven- } ty firs dollars; for every bank, the capital ' of which does not exeecfi four hundred thou* I sand dollars, but is greater than three hun- 1 drtd and fifty thousand dollare, one Ihoua- 1 aad dollarsfor every bank the bapltel of I which docs not exceed four httfdaed and * fifty thousand dolla^f, biif is g'realer than 'I four hundred tlioneend dollars, slsvsn huo- 4 dred and twenty five dollars; for atei^r ' bank, the capital of which does not exceed I five hundred thousand dollars but ia groat- a er than f?ur hundred and fifty thousand 4 dollars, tbirtaan hundred and seventy five * dollars; for every bank, (he capital of 1 which does not exceed ate,hundred *hnus- 1 and dollars, but Is grerter than five hund> ad I aad fifty thousand dollars* fifteen hundred 1 dollars; for every bank, tba capital of 1 wbfab dosa pot exceed six hundred and fifty t|>ouaaad dollars, but If greater than eix [ huodred thousand dollars, sixteen hundred ^ and twenty fi ve dollar*; for every bank, the I capital of which does not exeead seven hun- f dred thousand dollars, but is greater tbao V six buadrad and fifty thousand dollars, sev- c. snlesn hundred and fifty dollar.-, for everv 4 bank, tO sj>4l?Od?Mkfi^ftaW fi even hundred and Iky thonsnad deRarn,bu? * it gwatsr than asven hundred thousand dol- ^ I*r?, eighteen huodred and seventy five flol- ' l*re; (W eekry WnM, the oflw|leh does not ?ze??d light hundred tbouiaod 1 dollar*, but In fro*tor than reran hundred add fifty thousand dollars, tVO thousand | dollar*; far aeary fa*k, tba MfltoUf whieh t doeo not exaead eight hundred and fifty I thooaand dollar*, bat la greater than eight i hood rod thooaand doll era, twenty ana hue*. ? drvd and twenty fire dot lore; far every ? bank, tbe capital of whieh d*ef net ex eyed I nine hundred thousand dollar*.but U greet- f ar than eight bnndrad and fifty thousand I dollars, twenty two hundred and twenty i fire dollars ; for every bank, the capital pf r which doee not exceed nioe hundred and i fifty thousand dollars, tut is greater than ? nine hundred thousand dollars, twenty | three hundrdd and sereoty five dollars ; for t every bl&fi, tfief chplul of which dpes not Tl exosJd "oud* ftfllTW dmlare, but le greater | than (fine btlsdredwod fifty tbo<*end M t lar*, two thousand five hundred dollars; t and for every additional thonoand dollars t of oapKaV Wncifi in ekdeaa of | one million dollar*, on* huodred and twen- f %?\ WfD TM *?19 *mmmi Ml be pelfi 1* quarterly Installments, on or bo* t fore the first dav at *??il -?1 bar, im,tod January, ) 87$. , 8** t. Erary ralroad aoaqppay 0r. ?on- , poraUon in thU 9tata ahall b. required to , pay into (ha Traaaury 9/ thlojjHBflo ? whifth He v ^ntrtpat offlo# wUhiWiflHKkp j wboaa main Ua?k nd'btftOalifte, together, tb^ *90* ol twe|va hundred and fifty Aab , I are; avary aoa tba Wag* of wftoatf auda , treek a?d braMhetf, tagetfor, ft two hun- | ' >1 Mn)Mt4iiAftAJk?dla| t?? baadrtd ? lata InA wd krtatkw, t?f*tb?r, la ^^?S5?SI M ! Ml fi'ty bIIm, l*ht baodrsd eM* .eeranty *r*4olloia; t Tfiy * ? tk? length of whoa* awln tmk t ad W*mk?% l?qf*lber, i? mvwi| |t?. k rttee, an* lee* fix one kn4rtd bIIm, rii t lto#y ? *>?*** T?ry q * * >? ** ?** *** ?* f M>q^0e, together, k fifty miles, and I?m a nan MTtalj five mile*, three hundred asd I treaty five dollar*; and ?my MM the a m|^f whm* qmIb tra?h and branefcee, a mm* ftfifty ?? , ob# ban. and a do 11 era.? f< b? paid la qanr. a Set a.' Every pewon or compeny selling fl utarf. bbaH b* deemed an auctioneer on* tl ?OW#M[WN * f*J, ? carrying on r ?>addcUag sbeh> bUslneM In the eoontle* p f Charleston or Uiehland, shall b# requir- n and if in any other eoun? p f In Jthk^tale,. theaum of fifty dollar*? a 1?e ^ba^ajjataquDle "ahal^be ?>ald ip qoar- l< try inaiauuienia, on or oeiora me Dm aft} 1 f April, July and October, 1872, and Jans !i 2ima. ; 1 Sea. f. Bfirj person, company or eorpo- a fttlAft, carry log on or Conducting tha boel- p M' of digging, mining, manufacturing or b banging into now forma for use no fsriillcTa, any mineral or phosphate depodto io o h (a Slate, aball be required to pay into the n oealjr troaaury of the county to wbieb h? c >r they shall earry on or eondnct such boo- e neee, f. r the tiao of the 8ute, the auin of v lv^ hundred dqllaib, lb* ami to be paid in f! bnteriy Inatanntents, oh t>r before the e i See. 10. Every perron engaged in the fi trofeaaioo or ealllng of attorney at law, e flf Vfjf- phyeiaian or surgeon e lebWst, iMitranCc agent or architect, io thie c I tale, aiiat) bo required to pay into the o rea|ury of the county in wliieh audi per- ii 'ofn^ra, for the use of the Stalo, the b um of ton dollar*; all photographers, a laguerrean artiste. in Cbarleaton and Rich- n and eountiee, '.wenty fire dollare each, and e or all the other counties in the Slate, ten a loliara each; and arery per too holding 0 my office whatsoever, either elective or ppoioted, all offleera of corporations and octet lea who receive a salary, shall be re* ' [Vired to pay into the treasury of the ooun y in wbieb suck persona reside, for tha use f the State, on or before the first day of iprii, A. D 1872, lb* cum of one dollar for j ivory one hundred dollars' salary receive- g ?ln, or to be received, from aoch office ? r lay person engaged in the business of sell- a n| vj Minpie, or any person soliciting order*, shall pay lbs ium of twenty fir* dol? t ara. The abor* amount* atiall ha paid in ? [uarterly installment*, on or belor# the i irat day of April, July and October, 1872, ind January, 1878. 8m. 11. Every company or corporation, :arrylng on or conducting the bualoeve of elegraphiug, or torwarding dispatches by airgraph, in this State, shall be required o pay into the trearury of the eounty In which it* principal office within this State a locatrd, for lira oae of the Slate, the folowing reapactire auma, to wit: Every com >aoy or corporation, the length of whore nain line and braoeher, together, i* fifty pilea or leea> fifty doltarp; every one, the ength of whose main line agd brancher, ?g?lher, doee pot execed 100 miles, but la prater than 60 miles. aerenty five d dlars; >od for every, additional 60 miles, or frae- I ion thereof, the mm of twenty five dollara: trovided, however, that the above rates hail, apply to a ningle Una ot wires, and ivery company or sorporation, aa aforesaid, hall pay twenty per cent, in addition to he rales above specified, for every addliooal wire. Tlte above amount* shall he >aid in quarterly inatallmenta, on or before he first day of April, July and October, 87* .and January, 1878. Sea. 1*. Evary express company or certoralion carrying on or conducting the iniinees of forwarding or carrying parcels taekagea or good*, or naerehandiaa of any lescripMon over any of tha railroads or >oblfe hlghwayt of this State, shell be re* juired to pay ieto the treaanry of the axtnty lb vidirb kb er Ms' 'principal office rttiiin tbia ftrta liuuiwt '?? <ti? ?? ?? h? 8UU, the ?um of I** hundred and fifty lollare. The above amounts ahall ba paid o qrflrterly installments, on or before tho [rat dayjof Ajj^l, /aly ^nd dfclo^ar, i?78, Haa. It. Every pevaoo, empaay waar? .oration eeerylag on or conducting airy of he above oeAapetioM cr busiaeea in hereby rquired to aaka t ret or o, under the proriaiona of thia aot, of liia or their respective weupation or bnaiaaaa, voder oath, to the editor of their reapoettve aonotiea, bos worn the drat day of April, ead the tret day af J nee, A, fX. IfWX pod ?ptwaaa iba aeqpe date* pa each and very ancreediog year thereafter y aad eveJ porppo. company or oorporatloa oarryng on or oooduellagony of the above oo inpationa or bus ieeas ia hereby required to toy lot* the treeaury of hit or their raapaeive eountje*, for thy use of lb# Slate, on or or Apftl, July and Oo ?WweiWf Vw vVOw VQwVIQnlg JVSr I DC| fj?I er, tha ana roquirad by tha foregoing proriaiov of thle net to bo paid Into the re*, koativo aoonty treasuries on hia or their repeeVV* ocooyatioe or be*lne^ 1/52- }i U U hereby made tha doty of tech aad avery county auditor in thle State, hi or beforeflt April, Jely tnd 0?ft>ber, X** e?< and al the same i ime on earb aad evaw Mm landing >?r UiareoUsr. ?o maka APd d*l'*? , ir4o iba t'Mwnr pI bis oonaty a duplets { iat, ud at tha uat lima transmit to tho ( illU Auditor M of tha ra tnrna , ntd* to bin uodar tba provltiooa of tbla i i ,, 15. It aboil bo th# diijf of tbo trfp t MOT of aoob and a vary OtfHftty M tbbdtffa, < rpor Mm ucaalpt of lb* Aral qoarlarly in- l itallmant of lb a oom or autna apaelflad to < ?o paid upon any oooupatloo or bqaiaooa 1 ?d*r ifri 4fei?*f,- fo ft** U h* pmn, **mp*i?/ er^yrpWtfce b? MM | itiliflull to 4* ewihor of kit omty. Iftoiyttf too opm pol^ *nd to* ??patl|(i ?r Wnh m -vkiik Ui* mi rm paid | **d mM tadito, ?Jb* ^rmenU U to Mb df m*b WilltiOl, (* Krr*by uthorimd ?sd Armtod to M?o to *? p?roo, or Mpilf to M'fMXiw primming b* nail Hi mi i, iMMtWufMa to ?h?? ? mrry 0* or **oda?t loofe o*co polio* or >aai**m for to* pvriod of oo* j*ar from M I"l d?J ol April; provided tfc*t U^a [ooatorlj in* tollmen U b*r*lefor* provided or aball b* poM wh?n do*, or *o*b It*****, o (mood, *b*ll broom* noil *nd void ;f<r b* Imoiof of *hUh ll**n** mid ooanly *dU*r tboll r*??lv* tb? inn of twenty fir* ?ofo from lb* p*r**n, *omp*ny or *orpor? loo, reoalVlag the MSI aa oompenaatioo w taking Ikt rttWRi and issuing the lit MtM proiid?4 far la IJbla aat; provided hat any paraoa, company or eorporstloo rbe may eotnmeoee aay of th? occupations r boa in eat specified In tbta aat altar the rat day of April, A. D. 1871, ,or of any tteceedlng Jfiai#, M|?tl taka M| a license ro9k iba tins of ooaaaaanalng ?uch occopa* too or bnaiaoaa until tho firat day of April ofcl thereafter, for wtiioh he or Ihoy aha 11 ; a"J>*V torn'" proportion ate to tba number of tooths iotorveoing between aooh period a. Bad. 16. The eoonty treeeurer of raeb j nd orery eounty ahall pay, or oanas-to ba id, monthly Into tho 8tate Troaaury all toneye raoelred by him under the proviss >oa ol this aat, and tho State Treaaurer hall teoeipt therefor to aoanty treatarere, o tba aamo manaar aa la provided in a?o loo 101 ef no act entitled "An act to pros ids for tha assessment and taxation of roperty," pawed tha 16th day of Septems er, A. D. 1866. Sec. 17. Any peraon or pertona earryiog u or conducting any occupation or buais icaa named in thia act, without having firat oofptlad with tta provisions, ahall be deem< d guilty of a miadecuaanor, and, upou cons lotion Ihtreof, thai) be sentenced to pay a ioe net laaa than double the amount of 1U ens* imposed upon M?fe business or ooous iallnn, and bo imprisoned la tha joil of the ounty in which such offence is committed or period of not less than six mpntha, or llher or both, ot the discretion of the ?<irt; and orcry company or corporation arryt-ag on or conduetipg any occupation r business named io this act, without hers ng fliat cocnpliod wilft ita provisions, 'shall >e fined in n sara not lesa than double the mount of license imposed upon sueh bust* ess or occupation, and the Attorney G*n? mi end Solicitors are hereby authorised nd directed to take all legal proceedings teeeosary for the collection of such fins. Approved March 18, 1871 i. ln act to make appropriation and raise 8upplik8 por the pis. cal year commencing november 1, 1871. Section 1. Be it enacted by the 8cnate* and louse of Representatives of the 8tate of louth Carolina, now met and sitting in Genaal Assembly, and by the authority of the ame: That the followiog sums be, and they are icreby, appropriated for the payment of the rarious officers and expenses of the State Government, that U to say : VOR 8AL.4R1SS. For the Governor, three thousand five has. I red dollars ; fbr the Lieutenant Governor, wenty-ftve hundred aollara ; for (be secretary if Stats, three thousand dollars ; for . the prirats secretary of the Governor, two thousand lobars ; tor the clerk to secretary of State, me thousand dollars ; for the adjutant and in. ipectnr-general, twenty-fire hundred dollars ; or the comptroller-general, three thousand lobars ; for the clerk to the comptroller- geniral, eighteen bundled dollars ; for extra eler* ieal services in the office of the 'comptrollergeneral, one thousand dollars for the Slate reesnrer, twenty-five hundred dollars; for the shief elerk to the State treasurer, eighteen lundred dollars, for a bookkeeper for 8tate :reasurer, eighteen hundred dollars ; for audior of the State, twenty-five hundred dollars ; Tor the State auditor's elerk, one thousand lobars; for tbe^8tate superintendent of eduction, twentyrfive hundred dollars ;?for the slerk to the State euperir'eodeat of education, >ne thousand^dollare ;.for the health offieeA, Tour thousand nine hundred dollars; for the .Lf-f I at- t .t _ o em . - iikji juauro ui ins nuprtme vourt, lour tboui?nd dollar* ;tf'for the two associate justice*, teron thousand dollar* ; for the eight circuit udges, twenty weight thousand dollars ; tor the light elrcalt solicitors, eight thousand dollars . for the attorney general, three thousand dollars ; (er the attorney-general's clerk one thonland dollars; for the elerk of the Supreme Insert, who shall perform the duties of librarian of said eourt, fifteen hundred dollars ; for the State reporter, fifteen hnndred dollars ; for the keeper of the 8tate-house and State librarian, one thousand dollars; for thesuperlnteniaal of the South Carolina Penitentiary, two IhouMnd dollars; for the watchman of the Statehouae and grounds, six hundred dollars tack j for the county auditors, thirty-one thou* land fire hundred dollars; for the olerk to the kuditoe of the County ef Charleston, one thousand dollars; lor elerieal serriees In the office of auditor of Charleston County, two thousand dollars ; for the Oorerner's messenger, three hnndred dollars ; for the county ichool commissioners, thirty-one thousand two hundred dollars ; for preserretion of books tnd records in the office of registrar of mean# sonveyanee in Charleston County, three ihou* tend dollars. BxacoTirn nurartmcht. See. 3, For eontigeat fund ol the Oeveroor^ Iftaan thousand dollars: for tha n??tl?M?i 'nnd of the traaaorar, on* thonaand dollar* } por th? oontiagant had of tie eomptrollar{ooaral, DM thouaand dollar* ; for th# walla* font fond of tbo attorney general, ooa thooatand dollar* j for tba contingent food of tba Stat* auditor, fiftOaft buodrad dollar* ; for tba Motlogoet fbod of tba odj Jtant and loapaatar* gonarfet, two thooaaod do.lara j for tba oonMbpal fbod of tba Stat* aoparlotaodant of adolatbm, flftaao buodrad dollara j for tba ***llagant fbod of tba aaoratorj of Stat*, Iftwa hundred dollar* j for tba aeeUegael fbM af Iba Stata librarian, tra bandied dollara Tba abora appropriation* to b* drawn open tha warrant af tba eoaaptml)ot^general on appUtatioo bj tba bead* of aaah Baportaaaot, 8**. I. For |h* ywMii of boob* for tk Sapreat* C??H Ubnr;, an* thtwiad dollar*, U w rndt k? aiiuaary, U b* draw* *a ttw ?rd*r of lb* ?W Ja*tW>* | for Ik* ?a?tl|n> iipraMi of lb* Ss^NA* Coart, aoda? aaatloa 1 of aa oct rati tod dalltk day. of fUyt*a*b*r, IMS, If* baadrod dollar* / for ab attend** I ra tb* library aad Ik* now of Uir 8apr*a*a Ooart, oigbt bandrad dollar*, to ba paid, qaar~ tarly, oa tb* warrant of tb* tMof jwtUa an tb* traararj) tb* raid attendant I* bo ay pointed by, and ba r*?orabl* at, tb* pl*a*ar* 4?ltl Nit) tor iM Hto ooaootoalopoco, to# Miwjr toVv 1M. Unload two aa| Ifty 4ol|ti% u< m totktr aaioonta aboil W fold tbo oode connalaotonors aftor tblo data, oad bofero whlob too tbooo^ [ { laawfaitooara aboil oaoko o ooaoploto loJox mod latoroaao, oad ooaoool oil amn oo oido J aotoa, too. I tuuun errio iiaawot. 1 Boo. i For tbo olril aootogaat fi?4 thirty toonad dollar*) Itlaoo tbwani Man tbimf, If oo oMob bo aeooaoaay, aboil bo of* pHod to tbo pajoaat of elalaoa oow oaditod oad oa flto, otbor tbaa nqlU ooaa elalaoa j for tbo oaf port ol tbo Loaatla toojloao, olghtr tboooaad dollara, to bo paid oo tbo worroot of tbo ooia p Iwj Hof' gooorol oo tbo oppttootUo of tbo board of rogoata ; for tbo aapport of tbo 8 to to Orpbon Aijlaa, iftooa tboaooad dollar*, to bo paid la aooordaaoo wltb tbo law oatab ?- -??a lag the S?*t* Mllite, IMIm? Ikomvd dollsve, J provided that thirty-Ave hundred d often he ted for (he repnire of the nrteory M Cole*- 1 hie, te he drawn em (be warrant o? the comptroller-general, oe eppiieetiom by the Blatant a ted inspector general; for quarantine expense*, three thousand dollar*; for keeper of the | Laaaretto, foer buedred dollar* j for repair* eed pa lot leg ef the Lea are t to building, six . Heedred dollar*, to he drawm on (he varraet of the ootnptrotler-'general, on application hy the port pbyateiaa of Cbarieeton j for the ' phyaieiae of Chartetton Jail, one thee*1* t and dollar*j for (he transportation 'and I clothing of discharged o.onrict?, three hundred dollar*; for the Catawba Indian*, eight hundred dollar*; for the payment of (he eommia Ionsra, e***e*eger? and manager* nf the gea-. eral eleetion of 1ST*, twenty-Are thousand dollar*, to he paid en the warrant of the eomp- < troller-general. - ? BXTBAOBDIXABT BXPBBSBS. 1 j See. 6. For past daea (or eoaatreetioh and for continuing the construction of the South Carolina Penitentiary, eighty thousand dol- ' lar*, to he paid on the warrant of the comp. troller-general, on application of the anperin- a ten dent. ft hhH/N X A*l A m-AA .auburn JOINT RESOLUTION TO RKLICTE R. VAMPILL. TREASURER OP MARION COUNTY. OP UNCOLLECTED TAXES 1 FOR THE YEAR IMS. J Wktrtu ik? book* and popart of Ik* Trca*ur*r. R Yampiil, of Marioo County, win d'*troT*>l by Br* m Ik* Mlk day *f Pabruary, 1810, at Ik* U?w? of Mari.-u ; and ?h?r?M k* b*a ? r**ord t*fl of Ik* p*rti?* d*li*(|B*al | tka?*fa?a. Seotlon 1. B* k raaolwad by lh? S***t? aad Hoot* e| Representative* of tka Slat* of Soolk OaroHaa, ro* ***i *?d *itti*? I* < 0?n*r*l AtMttbly, and by Ik* otkorky of | lb* tan : Tt>*t R. YampiD, Coaaly Traa?urar of Marioo, l>?, aod U h*r*by, r*ifov*d fro* MpaadbUUjf for Ik* o**oU**a*d laa** of 18M. to Mario* *o**ty, amonallo* to I&.88A.8B, ub aeooaol of th* 8tala, and. J /9&.&1&09. oo ***?o?? *f tka Coo*ty. Tka AQdUor ?f WtU Hd irMMm of lb* HliU, 1*4 ()? Oonotjr Oommtiiionifi ( Mirhn, rt bwtbj anlhori?ed bod directed lo give Slim A.n acquittance and reWave therefor. Approved March 4, 1871 8*c 6. For the support and maintenance of 2 fro* schools, throe hundred thousand dollars, tl in addition to the capitation tax : Provided, p That the ram ot three hundred thousand dol- f lars be apportioned among the several coon- ^ ties of the State, (n proportion to the number ef child ran between the age of six and six- V teen; further, that eaeh count/ shall he eh- tl titled to the amount of the poll tax raised in < said count/. For the support ef the 8od^ Carolina University, twenty-seven thousand j eight hundred and fifty dollars; for repairs to <j buildings of tbe South Carolina University, C ten thousand dollars ; to be paid on the warrant of the oomptroller-general on application of the president ef the university ; for the sup- * port of the 8outh Carolina institution for the , education of the deaf and dumb and the blind, g ten thousand dollars, to be paid on the war- I rant of the comptroller-general, on applies- I tion Of the chairman and secretary of tbe r board of commissioners of the deaf, dumb and ^ blind. f Sec. 7. That all taxes, assessed and paya- t ble under this act, shall be paid in the follow- li ing kind of funds, vis: BUIs receivable of the State, United States currency, National Bank notes, revenue bond scrip, gold or silver J coin. r Approved Maroh IS, 1872. ] AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE WILL- J TOWN NATIONAL O CARDS, OP COL | LETON COUNTY. | Section 1. 3# it enacted by tbe Senate and 8 House of Representatives, of the 8tate of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: ] That Benjamin Rivers, Major Solomon and Chisholoi Ford, under tbe name and style al the" iVilltoito National Guards, of Colleton County/' they and their successors and associates io office, be, and tbey arc hereby incorporated and made and declared a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, and, as suoh body politic shall have power to use and keep a common aeal, the same at will to alter; to make all neoessary by-laws, not repugnant to the laws of the land, and to have succes ion of ofRt'P.rfi unrf mnn Kara wawIo.?-Wl W ? I ' *'' WMIVWBW'V lU g such by-law* ; to sue and be toed, plead and ^ be impleaded, Court of competent jo- j risdfetion In this State, and to bare, use and a enjoy all otbar rights, and bo subject to all 5 other liabilities, Ineidsut to bodies corporate. See. 2. This Aet shall be deeased aad taken I to be a publis Act, and shall continue in foroe ' until repealed. . . Approved March 4, 1872. AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF j THE TOWN OF ORANOEBURG. j Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of ths State , of South Carolina, bow met and silling in , General Assembly, aad by lbs authority of the same : That ths charter of the town of I Orangvbti'g be so amended that, whenever ft shall become necessary for a new street , or road to be opened wUhin the ioonrperate ] limits of the said town, it shall be, and is hereby, made the doty of the Town Coun* ail of said town to bane a Board of Apprais* ere appointed, to value the damage sustained by the owner or owners of lands through ; which said street or road is to pass, said Appraisers' Board to eonslst of three mem- | here, td be appointed as follows: One by < ths Intsndaul of the town, one by the owns 1 er or owner* of the lands, and one by the Chairman of ths Board of County Commissioners, and any damage caused by the running of said road or street to the owners of the lands shall he apprai'ed by the said Board, and the Oonoty Treasurer shall. ?pon thsir joint warrant, pay out said sum as uay ba appraised, out of say funds in hie hands, to the credit of ths Ooanty, Approved March 4, till. " .... " B B A ,J YM? .? : tjNK k? Qnr.HH-j,tM , . ,? * y^' ' >,1 '#1 t. n j 11" .1 ) : 7 flr I A >W. ??T04 liikV Having Xteiii ,MpV BR X6 I he most economical " 25 ly 202 ant? 204 2?n> L^b. . t flWIef CUM3 THE WORST P UN8 rft from Oiie td Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR Ctcr reading ihU adrertieemenl need any one euffler with paia. Lad way'a Ready Relief it a cure for <T?r] pain. It waa tlie first and la "HE ONLY PAIN REMEDY bat instantly a tope the moat ?* crueiating estiona, whether ol the lung , atoraaeh, uw?!?, or other gludl or organs, by one ppliealion. RADWAY'S READY REIJEF IT HI afford instant ease. Inflammation af lie Kidneys. inflammation ot the Bladder, iflnmmation of the Bowels. Con)estion of he Langs, Sore Throat, Difficult Hrealhing, 'alpitalion of the Heart, Hyster es. Croup, liphtheria. Catarrh, Influenxa, Headache, 'ooothache. Neuralgia, Rlieuroa'Inn, Cold 'hide. Ague Chills. The application of the Ready Relief to ho part or pans where the pain or diffL oily exists will afford Hfee end ronifort. Twenty drops to half a tumblei of srsler rill in a few momenta cure Cramps, Spasms, lour Stomach, Heartburn.. Siek Headache. Harrhea, Dysentery, Colic, wind in the lowela, end all Internal Pains. Travelers should always sorry a bottle of lad way's Ready Relief with them. A few Irops in water will prevent sickneM or laine Irons change of water It ie belter hen French Brandy or Bitters a> a slimesnt. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague euied for fifty lent*.? ["here is not s remedial agent in tins world hat will enrs Fever and Ague, and all oth r Malarioua, Bikous, Scarlet, Typhoid, fallow, and other Fevers (aided ly Badray's PilU) so quick as Radway'e Ready telief. Fitly eeota per bottle. HEALTH !_BEAUTY!! itroug and Pure Rich Blood?loeieaae el Flesh and Weight?Clear Skin and beautiful Complexion secured to all. A / I < PR. RADWAY'S SARfiAPAKftLLIAM RtfiOLVDIVT 1 Not only does the Sarsanarilliati llesole ot excel all known remedial agents in the sure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Const iti tional. tud Skin dteeasea; bat ft Is the < nlv po?iive cure for Kidney and Bladder com laints, Urinary and W?mb disenaea Orav I. HlklirK'l, Wtop*) , CMopp*l/C Ol A r. nconlln?nce of Urine,. Bright** :/i*agse, tlt.wnd.iuria, nod ? ? oil ease# irUn there ir? t-riefc dust Helmuts, or the jrt%ter htek, cloudy, mlxsd + ith . ub<tae<-f*ll4> he while of an egg. or thread* lik? white ilk, or wtteith a morbid, dark. I i t.>u??p >r?rtner, and white (tone da?l deposit a, iltd wh?n there is a pricking, horning seeia i<u( when passing water, and | ain in the i nail of the Hack and along th? Loins Br. Badway's Perfect Purgative Pills, I'erfeetly ie-lele?s, elegantly enated with iwa<-t gum, purge, retfiilata. ptnily . eleenee tnri griogthen, Rndw*ya Pi I la. for the sore of ell disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervot a diseases. Headache. I'-obstipation, Co-tivene?e, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness Bilious Fever, Ioflamation of the Bowels, I ilea, and ?l| I>et angem-nts of the Interest} A iMH| Warranted to efegt a poaitive car.. Purely VegetaLfe, containing no mereitrv, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observe the following tytnpton-s resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation. Inward Piles. Ft llnesa of the Blood in the Herd, Acidity oftbeBtom ?ch, Nausea, Heartburn, Distrust of Fond, Folio-ss nr Weight in the Stom eh. Hour Kruelsttons. Sinking or Fljittcrla ; jjithe Pit of the 9>attack, Swimming of It/ll^ad. Hurried and Difficult Breathing. A few doses of Radway 'a Pills will freeI the system from all the above nsmod disorders. Priee, 26 cents per Box. dold by Druggist a. Read " False and True." Read so# 1sttar at amp to RADWAY A 00.. No. 81 Mat iKis* July 22 I vi ly ?' <*> JOHN C. SEEGERS \tt f nmmm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AHI COLUMBIA, & a Oat It 24 ly ' COTTON FACTOR AND 0*NFRAT. - :imb::hi iimfla ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. G. ?? r tstll also, *>Aon flaos'i in funds, purchase and forward eM kinds of Merchandise, Mar chin try, Agricultural y s JmfkmmtHjfwtilcS ,0 CK0. Oct 23 t? . )j V ft W* ' SjHBxttjjA* i ' ??W- f*??^i .+\t k* 1 " *- > ** t' l|V?tS ?di m? rpt j?H ?u S??K tii) i? mmx ro!? <_? i )??<* jr-''' ' " I J?d j? j : 'viji**? ?" loved Their . . <1 irifc q ***? '?**? vpps?(pteft?':,"Ti"1 .T Inlosli 8t*., A "gusli., C(. ' isdt t><>?) <'?*< s?i m jMfcvwaa Tf ilting on their Onrolina frieadd, lortjnent of ercry description of led of at prt'ei Ma* m** *ati*fu o?. ;e ,( *.**?* ,*T" '?o tx:T r ad Prieee respect to J \y solicited. I i* ./.?> :? NTiJlfAXlJM I ,? f:l A w er Gray <'& Co., c ' -Mot ... axraxfsra, oa. y ~ I. Wm ?, rieyetOof. IU M. kl<D.?ii.a AO., l>r<iriM 4 Oh. A|iaU, l? FreMlece.Csl ,a*4 M Cwmki St., N.Y. MlLMOm Benr TMllmar I* ibe-lr Wmm+mrfni Carailrt BITwii Tlmw Ulnars w* not t ell* K??ry Drtnk. Mad* ot Pmmr Ham, WUIpUcr, Praaf Hplrlta and K*rii*e l.lqtior*, doelor*d. tyiceS and mtttoed to plah** th* tuU. *all*d - Tonics." " Appctl/sn." " A*?tor*rs," At, that lead tha tippler on to drnnk*nn*M and rata, bat ar* a true Medicine, mad* from the Katie* Moots and Hotbo at California, free from all Alcoholic Mtlmnlanta. TU*e ar* th* URKAT HI.OOII rilKIKIBK and A i.irit mvi$u ritj^ii'kit, nrfnt Kecovator um mvignnitor of the lr>M. earry1>* off all BoieoMiupnatteraad restoring the blood to h stithy eOndhfoh. Ho Hnon .-art ltl? these Bittora according to direction! at?'- remain lone nnwttll.-provided tb^le bo nee are not deatreyed by mtoeraf poison or other meaae, and the etui organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Thpynrea UeMlwrarenili* <e?ll mow Toole, poeeeeelns. also, the eculiar merit of acting ,aa a powerful agant In r?li J up Congas ton or InOaqtmatlnn of the Liter,. d of all the laeerai WtgAJT . I f t^Y F(mFBMAl.t( 0)irUU H, whether In young or old. married or single. a< the dawn ef woawnthood or at the torn Of life, th j Tonlg Bit* ten hive no equal. arlahmtmltfr Bnd Chronic librarrxJr'xrJL. "i\z?:r ix Intermittent Vetera, 1)1 era are oT the Ulead, l.lver, Kldeera nuri ttlndilcr, tt.eee lllttel-a bate been moat successful. Sorb Ulaenaea are canail by Vlllnted III nod, which la Generally produce*' by derangement of IMXHKHTION. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight neee of the Cheat, Diaxinosa, Soi\r Biuetations o( the Stomachy Bad Ta*to in the )*f>uth. Uliiou Attacks. Palpitation of t1t? Heart, fnflninni.iti n a the Lunga. Pain in ther.gionsof the Khlneys, mii a hundred other painful Amptoma are the ?n springs ot Dyspepsia. * * * . They Invigorate the Stomach and etimuhite the torpid Llver and Bo-vela, which render tln-m of ncqusdiod efficacy in ffteanshig the blood of II parities, and Imparting new life and vigor i >> ; whole ay atom. ' VOR SKIN DTAKAHKH, Ernpllonvl cit r Bait Rhoam. Ulotcheia Spots, l'iiit|?ie?. i'lntui-. Bolls, Carbuncles, King- Worms, 8 u.\l I loud. S.. Rtea,Rryeipelas. Itch. Scurfs. Dis olorutin. - f Skin, Humors and hirsw- of tho thin. of wrlmtever name or nature, are Htrnilly dog ?i> tut . *r? rlrd out of th? system Inn short time hi the u*e < f tkaae Hitters, 'use but'lo In Ckt^il R\* I 1 { iMll# vtnoe the moat incredulous of their curative eff. <-t Cleanao the Vitiated Blood whenever j on tlnd its lmpuritiea bursting through the skin In I'i pic. BrupUona or Sore#; cleanse K wheat tmi and it. obetructed and sluggish In the veins: cleano- it when Uiafoul.andyour feelings will trU von when.. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the ?j stein. WW fallow. PIN, TAPK, and other WOlt.lH, urhing In the system of so mnny thousand*, me effc lu.dtjr destroyed and removed, CO.. Druggists ekliciw Agujpt*. San Jfrnn.-i?co. Cel.. and sTaaut W CouiJeCTOn Stfeet. New York. pM For sale is the City of Wrcenr Ho DR. M.'illKJWTKK Jk CO.. Wk?)?niti And Retail Dealers iu D u.ja? Medicines. Chemicals, Ac., Ae. May 10 1 d00p7 sashes, jlinps &c p* p t e a id V Maaufactarw and Dealer, A'?. 30 Jfegw* ssd /larf&eeft's R' CUARLKSTOh, a C. Or This ia tha k'reart and moat e m-> nleta F??tory of tbe tfad la' tb? 6oi?f*4ria Hutaa, and all "article# ta this line ban b? furnished by Mr. P. P: Tbstl at p leen ~2?*ft??siftb UM..? H ? liav af all siaaa of J)oor a, Hashes and HI nda ami Ika prices of taoh, will be sent Ires and past paid, aa application to tjjiji: upttfigj kkhhs&mui in prompt atUalfon to kdafiwaa, k n rlt t MMt of tt? patMaag* Mar ?rr asotadod to klaa. ; u j A * U p,,^;/^::.:^ North Georgia ?n(iol,*fe? th<* largeat whoot erop aror rai?*<1 lo that *of (ton.