University of South Carolina Libraries
' - .{mmmmmmmmmmmmrnm Tiat m a*ti"^ei5d6 the ooontrr, wktw M "pool ril tW?t eontraeU (or UmIt that no 8ood> oro put op oaMw^lterkat efittod (that If iko propor <o?hh iump??A it. f iron him, bo trtoodo to g<oe^H1**r to great dm;. lotolllgoM thoroby adding not poly pfcanianiy, OTT morally to the ooaatry I mat wld* field sr iSrsibJBSJtWto (Mine Cot I) that the beat Garden Snap Drue Stom of l*r. GUaoarr. or of i>w 4^oi^l-xaj4^a GREENVILLE COUNTY. r?ini? r.r" fSM?S?wPA-, IT appearing to my aatlifaetlon, that (bo ' *7 ( LI AM HOON/wad perhap. tome other, who.# MM a*o not ftMHti t?Mn at low of POLLY KILGORE, deoeaoed, wboee name, are not known i tbo batra at law of ROQIKT MOON, deeoaaod.towlt. i PLEASANT. ROBERT. MARY and ELIZABETH MOON, and roeido without tba limtU nftfiae Stat*. On motion ef Earla A Blythe, Attorney, for Petitioner, It la broefed tbal they do appear In pereoa or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate, to he holden at QreenriUe Conrt llouie, on tba 3d day of May Mil, and ohjeet tfle aala or diviflea of tbo Ron 1 BitUte of ?tvN MOON, deeeaecd, deaoribed In tbo petttMtotfer the* ooneent to tbo Aai will i?e entered of reeiftd. 8. I. DOUTIIIT^ . Probate Jndgo for Greenville ConnM. February 1Mb, State ?f South Carolina. GlUteVlLLR COUNTY. * lit. pafoRT OF MOB A TE. n. x? n mIm: r o..i a.. . a. JOHN j. FARMER ?t fti. ? KUJ4lAyi* MKJ . ^PlWWM ^ \ \ IT ftnp*ari#g to my tft?tof*?tioii that MAry LttsJhiE^TM: JxrnM P?r?V 8?r?li Hardin. Mary *. KM, Jiidh D. Townidul and BaajmiB H. Townwnd, d?f?ndtali In this ????, re?ida without ths limit* of this 9t?t? On motion of Est Is and IflrUrt, Attorneys for petitioners, it Is tidefcd tliat- they ds Appear at a Court of Prohnie, to hs holdsn in the id d*f of Afay ntxt. lo show cause, if soy thsy ?*a, why Mis Rear Estate of THEODORIC PARMER, deceased, should not be sold or divided as prayed for. 8. j. DouTiiir, p. j. o. a Marsh l?th. 187*. 'M 4?-1 THE MRIM Combination Button-Hole "A?D SEWING. MilfTfTHft I4 now admitted to be far sups: io> to all olksr as a FAMILY MACHINE. The Simplicity, Pin.hp and Certainty Willi which ! p*r*le?, ? well ill* uniform rxc-llcnce uf it* work ihroufhout ill* ?i.iir* r?uue ol Hewing, in STITCHING, HEMMING, FELLING, TUCKING, CORDING, BRAIDING, QUILTING. GATHERING and SEWING UN. OVERSEAMING ' EMBROIDERING on ike EDGE V.r. *' 'f And li* Beautiful Button Hole and Eyelet Hole Work* Pine* it iinqo?'iioi>?blv ??r in advance of ny other *iinitar invention. It i? !* idmlrtMy adapted to unumnt mms ON WdOLtN, COTTON AND LINEN FABRICS. For D'rea end Shirt Me kief and Tailoring, 1 y II kw to ?q?il It U alao the " # CHEAPEST, Ietrfeeieell/, aa wail m the BEST, Bloc* It U really Two * #! * C**biB#4 in Oflt* (bj i tin) mtthiiikal ir< rengemeat t?fM before 4ttMpKtht4 by hemaa ingenaiiy.) aaakia* rlth- . "Saas&sarmay require. %gf ThU ie the only new family machine thai em bodice a ay Bubaiantial improve" meat open the many old maehiaee ia the aaerket. , . ? \ FOSTER a HUNTER. Ageate for Greenville County. Mar It ' 46 ' tf LIFE HSHilS Cllfil? WWW ?k TIP**.. .ALtW^V. MO. AwO, f1,100,000. HON. jRvmnon DAVB*. hnwi, GKN. WADK HAMPTON, VnManan. J GcMfftJ UrtNM, * Ocltakii, 8. 0. M?r1* : '*'? " Aw ? $ 4^ . jwrNI *? TMg^OMMIgL TW ur.mnii,, I ^Wi*7^0.fl8r-b Jl'V ,87S- ) T JttRXBY CERTIFY THAT C. 0. 8TB. ^fllHS of OioobtUIo, 8. C., ag?ht of id C. C. STEPHENS, Agent nfor?Mid, to wt* oil baaiDMt of Inra> jBwt ^ dm Town of tiroenvill*, or Mid ttTwWmTf anid CoapiDj. Kxpiroa Mnreb Kit, 18T8. J. L. N BAG LB, f^RTpA^E^ H Jf fynfe BEST ApICLE kg?t? U IK 8IA*8?Wl . GUANO. ~"tejtoiTuf)} ?*\v rM. u %>a r r i vc. tVv 1 : T>W> "f>"0 'f f ? mipurmicoTTfli. "Mntir mm^Axknte>? SAMUEL. STRADLEY.v Mar 1ft 44,. | ^ 1st Kontl Ta\. EfllflE UtfPERSIGNEbWv ibg reee!ve<i JL prderi from Board uf Qnunty Corandssfaners far GreenvMJe Cooirty. 8. O , I* Collect a TAX leeied by them for Repa.r of Highway* and Bridges, gives uol'.eo that ha will b? at the Court House on Monday and Tuesday, the let and 2d of April,dor the purpose of Collect int( Tax for Greenville TownaHip, tihicl ia be# mill on the dollar. It to deal red that all will cotn? forward and pay op promptly. Office In old Court Hotter,op vtaira. P. D. GILREATH, Highway Surveyor 44-H Greenville Township. $$00.00 UTAH! TnE ABOVE REWARD will be paid for the apprehension ot, wlih proof to convict, ihe parly or parties wlu> ?cl fire to the otahled of G<tndr*1 Kealey, Captain Earls. Captsirf ' Wrstfield, Colonel Irvine Mr. D'Oyley. the Mnchine Shopa'Cf Messrs Cline A Gihbs. and the stable* of Alex. Mc Bee. Mr. Benrden and W. A Jennings. The REWARD will l>e paid far a eonviction in any one or more cmra. JAME-t P. MOORE, Mayor. Grernville, 8. C., March 8, 1872. M?# IB U A .78 44 H T J A if THE GUANO DISTRIBUTOR, A Simple, Cheap & Most Useful Article* Call at tba COACH FACTORY and ?ea the VESTS PATEIT FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTOR. It will Save your Manures. MANUFACTURED BY GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Mar? 44 i samijelItoadley, SUCCESSOR TO DAVID & STRADLEY, WILL BE PLEASED TO oEE ' '' * it ui Pi m MIS FRIENDS, AT TIIE nr.n nr./uvrk , .f ./ - WHERE HE WILL . | J *> #i*? J %* *' "T kr? v *1 * I r 31 SELL THEM 1^ 1?*/ ! ti.c*w JIATSit n-A 'LIA>:iJ?)II V Feb 28^ V 48 > tf - -? -ri -r/ | ?r i^rj'T ' . THK nndernigned has taken flBUPWi/tt ftto; tt?s tbe eatlre pObb""> relierakehed It with Far t?iaacawxirinayfi!S; personal attention ty Um Hotel, and guarantee antUfoetior.. . Satan of It oand pdk day Jl M 9*MtaO? Braakfaat u%4 Lodging .... 1 60 Mrali. ??** ** b***^ ?#,?i 60 Snawinabte deduction will b? utwJa to those boarding toy the weak or noatb. 7i^ C. C. MONTGOMERY, w__ /. !_ Proprietor. ump Ji?r, 1972 yj , . I ' IIIJJ- I. III The State ef Sooth Carolina " *' b " G(**BNVlLt(B COT7^Tt. "" ' v ) IHEKHT'F . 0)0 Court ftooM door, oiT Solefdai^th April n**t. teMTrtta th? Kot?re Of'10 otsloeh la iK? forenoon and 8 o'clock in tlio-afterodbai, ' One Tract of LAod/ oonrtalotng ?no Hun<W ??>d ????P Aorps, u? or loos, on wafers of Ijeedy Hirer, Adjoining land* of Atoo* *oketr and otbSr#. Looted on' Mo the prooOrty of TAutoa* Hopkins, at'the suit of Laoinda llopkius and other*. M r. ..J. . llAVklll II j n m> a ; v Ono Tract of Land, containing Fifty Acres, i more or less, adjoining lands of Q. W. Center, Btephen Center an!d others. Looted on as the | property of John Harrison, s| the salt of W. A- Moouey. . Also, . ' One Tract of Land, containing Ona Hundred AJres, moroorfosr, adjolninglands ofCletMroo Traamoil, Etrtial JKoHy and othpss.? Looted pa as the property of Awaoda Barnott, at the salt of J. C. Alton ond other* .. _ ALU), On* Hundred and Fifty-two Gallons of Wfeeb Brandy, MH ?r Re*. ' Levied on as the property of M?twJ< P arris, at the suit of W.'f, Shumate and ijthers, to be re sold at former purchaser's risk., " J All the HlgWl'TVtlKStf Interest of James WtlWsIm, htrtnfc the Oue-Th!rd Interest In BUWSfl Manufacturing And Refining 0>mi ysnjr, of l?siiville, Ky., on buhalf ol W. J. Boone, Mortgagee. Trsms?Cash, i Purchasers to pay for Bhevirs Office, GrOdowiTle, 8. C . March 8. 187F.< " ' ' ' ' 44?td - >? I 'I'W I 'M ' it Trensury Doparlnienl, Orric* or Comptroller or the Currency, I Washirotoe, February 14th, 1873. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to theonderalgned, it has been made , to spposr that "THE NATIONAL BANK OP GREENVILLE," in the Oity of Greenville, in the County of Greenville, and 8'ate'of South Carolina, has beeu duly organised, under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress entitled "'An Act to prtiTlde n National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and proride for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June Sid, 1881, and has'complied with all tha provisions of said Act before commencing the business of Banking under said Act. Now, THBRkroRR, I, HILAND R. HULBUIID, Comptroller of the Currcoey, do herehy certify that THE . NATIONAL BANK OF GREENVILLE," Jn the City of urceoviite. in ino voumy or ureenrtlle, and State of South Carolina, ic authorized to eoinnlence the business of Baakiug under the Act aforesaid, ^ In testimony tclereof, witness my I tap a *. i fcanrf una eeat of ojftre, thii HlA day of February, 1872. 11ILAND K. HULBIJRD, Comptroller of the Currency. Feb 28 9 43 . 9 Til EB ROOKS COTTON PLANTER, 17AAMER8, call at tbe COACU FACTO1 RY, and see the LAHOR SAVING PATENT COTTON PLANTER. We wake them ourselves, out of good materials, and they are sold VERY CHEAP. A GREAT SAVING OF Time, Ltdbor and I Cotton Seed IS EFFECTED. Call and Buy One* GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Jan .11 30 0 1 state or South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. . Ia Coart of Probate Petition for Partition of Ileal F.'tnte. ALLEN CHANPLER vs. WILLIAM D. CHANDLER, et at. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that WiL ' liam D. Chandler and DavM P. Chandler, reside without the limits of this State. On motion ot Sullivan A Stokes, Attorneys (or ] Petitioner, it is ordered tbey do appear in per- , son or hy Attorney, at a Court of Probate to be holden at Greenville Court House, on the j 28th day of March next, to show cause, if any . they can, why the Real Estate of TEMPERANCE CHANDLER, deceased, should not be sold or divided as prayed for. S. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. O. C. February 12th, 1872. 41-7 ' 1872. I SPRING TRADE.: B. W. MARSHALL & CO.,! DRY GOODS A NO? so? loss, , 143 Meeting , ; CHARLESTON, S. C. ' Ws will offer to tits T adc tlil* Season, A Large and Complete Line of Foreign and Domestic Dry ^ Goods and Notions, Whieh we will sell at York Prices. ^ E. W. MARSHALL & CO. Feb 14 41 8m t For Sale, AIX of my RRAL ESTATE, consisting of the'following: One HOUSE and LOT, on the Rutherford Road, containing Seven Room*. This is a very desirable piece of property. Ons HOUSE srxt IX)T, on t1?e corner of . Coffee snd M??Bee Streets. containing Right ' Rooms. In very convenient locetion. One HOU8B snd LOT, soar the Stele Work*, containing Four Rooms A PLANTATION, on Knorf* River, cos- J tsinlng Three Hundred Acres?Thirty of which la first.elaas River Bottom, snd Fifteen Branch Bottom. I will sell this as s whole, or divide it into Three Plantations, ^ oJ'/wOObLAftn.pLANT^nON. thrss f and a half mflss from the City, containing 1 Savvsty-Fivs Acres. / ( ;.. ]/ * A Lao. ? O.ny Tract of LAND in Transylvania County', N. C., containing Hi* Hundred and Forty Acres, THOMAS STUBN. Feb 31 ' 43 .'I 8m Notic? of Removal. Mil. . B MORRISON rakurpa hi* sin- > c?re tli?nk? lo the citizaoa of Often- d Till* and tha aurroonding country for the ' liberal patronage which thay haae amend- J %i lo him linN ha haa opened buainma Ha hat now removed to the atapd bo Main Street, afait below Potter Jk Hooter, whaie ha guarantee* full railelactlon in MAKING, CUTTING an J FITTING, in tha be* and naataafc worfcmeaehip and manaar tha f county,can afford. iW-tl < ' i?ai Jf.WlUoto haa baan arraatad in Balti- j mora, charged with obtaining f 190,000 on falaa pratencaa. Is 111 ^ ' \wmmmsF9rm9msT-i ' Offioe ConptrolWr OmmnlJ, Columbia'S. C., ^ Sroi^j', 187*. rpHJSjt U/>jrUfi th^t the ORflBNVILLB x ENTERPRISE, *a newspepa? published In the town of Greenville, 8. C., W hereby <? igoated t\jr this Board as the paper in which legel and public qptioes shall be Published, for th? County nf Greonvilte, in accordance with the* Act to regelate the pubilctHoa uf all lass I and public notions,V. which hsasups a law February 22d, i8T0. J. L. NEAGLE, ? v, t.. Cmpptrullsr General. ... ..u , D. H. CHAMBER LAIN, ,tudi , . _ , Attorney General. THE abor* Is a true eopy of the original on , flUtn the offioe of Secretary of fttate.. ? i . wmt ?<teb?4 ..*'!> ? '? 41 if Land far (ialef posed Of at fri'^H^Sr **i*> t h ESTATE/ belonging to Dr. J. M. McCfLANAHAN, will be offered at public miction before the Court House door, on Balesdaj in April next: TRAT7T No. 1, containing BOO Acres, more or less, MO Acres of which are le a high state of cultivation ; abont 100 Acres of first quality River Bottom. On this Tract is a NEW FRAMED HOUSE, NEW BARN, Ac., and plenty of good Houses fur Servant*. TRACT No. 2, contniniug 170 Apres.more or less, lies adjoining No, 1 ; of this, about 70 Acta* fn cultivation, a large proportion Of wbiob ie Creek Bottom. On this Tract are two Settlements; also, a good sits for a Mill. This Land lies on South Saluda RiVer, 18 ( miles from Greenville. TERMS.?One-half Cash ; the remainder | in two or three annual instalments, with ten per cent, interest, secured by a Mortgage on the pmmises. JULIUS C. SMITH. Feb 28 43 tf Sixty-Five First Friss Medals Awarded. Piano WM. KNABE &CO., Manufacturer* of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PTAVn PAPTT? fl . ? ? ? ? w A V AV A Jki KJ 9 R ALT1 MORE, ltD. These Instruments have boon before the Public for nearly Thirty Year*, and upon their excellence alone attained an mtpurchaitd prt-tmiutnte, which pronounce* them unequaled, in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. AU our Square Pianos hare our New Improved Overstrung Scalo and the Agreffe TrebU. Wo would call special attention to our late Patented Improvements in Grand Pianos and Square Grands, found in no other Piano, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than baa yet been attained. Every Piano Fnlly Warranted for Pive Years. We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish Purler Organs und Mclodeons of the most ccluhrwtcd makers, wholesale and retail at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists promptly furnished on application to WM. KNABB A CO., Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular established ageucies. Cot. 18 , ? , Am 1871. F?" Tradc- 1871.1 SOTS 2 (SOTS 2 SOTi 2 : DOUBLK and Single Barrel Guns, Urecchloading and Muzzle-loading Guns, of Knglish, French and German manufacture, at ill prices. Singlo Guns at *2.60, *4.00, *6.00, *8.00, >12.00 to $20.00 each ; Double Guns from 17.00 lo $200.00 each. ipmms! ipmmsn ? Smith A Wcaaon, Colt's, Allen's, Sharp'*, ind all the populnr and approved kinds. SPORTSMAN'S GOODS of great variety. AMMUNITItbft I For Gone, Pi.tola and Rifles. JEST QUAl'T Y ANO AT LOWEST PRICES. Country merchants and sportsmen are inrited to'all and examine our large and well telecter. stock of the above good*, Which wo tnpor'. direct and buy from the manufactu'era Orders by mail filled promptly, and lent by express, C. O. D. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., i J00 W*. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. MD. 1 32 8 18-fi 4b ly ] PHOTOOBAPHINO." HAVING recently Sited tn? the room# over Wliitiniro L Porgoann's Store, ' rith elegant light*, I am prepaiod to do I ill kinds ol PHOTOGRAPHING, at very hurl notice. Satisfaction gimrented to ail W.M. WHEELER. May 21 * l??" C. C. Stephens, &V1TORIMIV AT LAW. GREENVILLE, S. C. JTPICB IN KHAR OP BEATTIR'o STORE. Prompt attention given to Colleeioni. Jan 31 39 tr ' I ; ^ ' J B.P. JOMES, AWSfuDaainsm AW i AND SOLICITOR IN NQUTTY. WILL' PBACTIOE 1M AIL JOTTUTS OF THIS STATE < a Lao, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. | Office Greenville C. H., 8. C. u!y ' 7 1 4 Ty* ~ No lice T77 t8 HEREBY GIVEN te all who* it may concern, thai I will apply to S. J. Poulbt, Probata Judge of Greenville County, on tba fith day of Mnrcb neit, for a PtNAL DI81HAROR aa Kaeootor of tba Batata of John i itoaaia, dooaaaeil, A. T. STBNNI8, Executor, February tlat, 1877. * 41?3 Notice [8 hereby glean to *11 whom it may concern, that I w?W apply to 9. J. Dnathit, Prolate Judge of tiraaovUJe County, on Ibe 6th . lay of April P?xt, for a Final Diaoharge aa idminiatrator of the Batata of JESSK TRAMifELL, deeeaaad. JLAYBOUKN TRAMMBLL, Administrator. March 4lb, 1872. 44-6 IMftlicc rS MEREST OiVVN to all whom it may I. conoero, that I will apply to 8, J. Dontht, Probate Judge ot Greenville County, on be Alb day of April next, for a FINAL DI8Ml A ROE aa Adwllnietratrix of the Batata of 1 IUDITH ATfWOOD, deceased. J O. V. McKAY, Administratrix. Mareb 5tb, 1872. 41-5 ti ^T*"?T"T. . "I AVBS* MISMKlUie* SIP i;U-l>|lO&PIiA'rE OF LtiHK ? id*-!* ahu* ; a??? ?*u <a MM!. :? . fjf* OLDEST SLP H.fMOSMIAra MANurAVTURXD ut TMIS OOUNTJi Y. /COMPOSED 0^ Bonet, Pfrta.h, PKL?pjkatlr Guano, ifmnt?kbdtml MH& v, <f and SntpkmHb Acfd. Vo SiC BaTl <**?, Hlwl Oato, ttaMOT, sir lM??i m Anhlirt' 9i mmf kW?Aii ^httwy^ kS| win a tWw Ii ? 1 ? i mri??MM TNnrti mt FmWlrwl gs?srt?ns>BifTkomyoab nr. ism. ? ') f^fgHTIO DlOi SS* 18*9 I ; ' 1 QtJTCK ACTION AUD PtRMAfffNT IMPaOVfMtNT TO Til 80 tW Tetrtmvny of Ifiindsid* 4f W?tt'Xn+W* ft?* Allto1 A" i?ny Mi fafr tf Crf mnd u. a -'" $46 Oaeh~$GO Thn** Payable Nottmber l*t, UTS. - FOOTER A HUNTER, AGENTS GREENVILLE, 8.O. ' KINSMAN A HOWELL, . Otntral Agent. Tor tt?ik O*rol<nn, Jen 44?38-3m f " , a'f . ,v -- / AT*. IN fcrt Jcyt & 0. , " ""' ' !! ' ^ ' AMMONIATBMOLPBLB PACIFIC CMNO. - CASU PRICE AT FACT ORY, *5 Pt& tW. TIME, $5fc. , PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN GCANO. CASH, |50. TIME, *55V ACID BONE PHOSPHATE. r <" CASH, $23. TIME,$30. GROUND CAROLINA PHOSPHATE CASH, #15. TIME, MO. " NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER. CASH. $13. THE ahnve-nained Ammoniated Solublo Pacific and Phocpho-Peruvian Goano*, are rleVi compound* of the behest grades of Bone Plioiphate, rendered aolable and ammoniated with No. ! Peruvian Guano and animal matter, making the meet concentrated and profitable Fertilize in ute, combining Ike ingredient* required to produoe and anpport the Cotton Plant and Cereala. Wbilat tbe*o Fartiliaen ara warranted to he kept up to their high itandard, the price* have been materially reduced for the present aeaten. # Manufactured and for sale at Charleston, 8. C., by JOHN B. SARDY A 80N. iniri. u. a. j nn.inuijB * HUM. Meneral Agents. Alse for sale by Agents throughout the South. For analyse* and certificates send for pamphlet. Jan 24 38-3m STONO FERTILIZERS." THE STONO PHOSPHATE COMPANY, Of Charleston, 8. C., properly appreciating the necessity of fostering the planting interest of the South, resolred in the outset to offer their Fertilisers at a price which wonld place them within the reach of cyery planter. They offer their SOLUBLE GUANO, a complete Ammoniated Fertiliser, at $45 rash ; or $50 on a credit to the 1st November next, with approved city acceptance without interest. The "Dissolved Phosphate," for composting with Cotton Seed or Stable Manure, is now offered at the very low price of $25 cash, or $80 ciedit as above; this ia highly recommended by planter# who have used it with great satisfaction. We have numerous certificates from intelligent planters of tba highest character, from diffcrent sections of the State, testifying to the excellence of these Fertilisers.?only a few ef which we append below. WILLIAM RAVbNEL. J. B. AIKEX. GENERAL AGENT, i'rteiJtni. Mo. 6 C ntrnl Wharf, Charleston, S. C. MARSHALL A MAULDIN, Agents, Greenville; Q. W. ANDBRSON, Agent, Williamaion. CAMDEN, December fitb, 1871. Dear Sir s In reply to your inquiry concerning my use of the Stono Phosphate in the present year, 1 will state what I did, and give you the result. On the 15th of May last I planted twelve acres of cotton, to which I made a heavy application of cotton seed and barnyard manure comhincd. On tbe other six, at the time of plahhing, I put nothing at all, not having received then the 8tono Soluble Phosphate. On the 15th of June I applied tbe Stono, at tbe rate of 250 pounds to tbe ayre, to tbe last six acres, after the cotton was all up. The manner of the application was as fblleW4: With tha, onehorao Watt plough the cotton was bsrred off as near as practicable and tbe pbosphal* pat in, and Immediately covered l>y throwing back tbe earth taken nway hj tba.first ploughing. The rosult was as follows: On the first six seres 1 gathered in the seed .about 800 pound* of cotton to tbo acre ; from tbe last six, to which nothing but the Stono Soluble Gusno had been applied, I gathered an average of 1,200 pounds per acre. Tbe "two parcels planted1 were in tbe same field, separated only hy a row. Tba cultivation was tha same. . Very truly, yours, Ac., JAMES CHKSKUT. To J. D. Aikk.V, Esq., Gen. Agent Stono PhotfthaU Company, Ctarfeetou, S.. A - EDGEFIELD, 8. C., November 27, 1871. I used two tons Stono Dissolved Phosphate, composted with an equal weight of cotton iced, on my cotton th * year. It certainly doubled tbe yield, making on ordinary lanJs three bales to every four acres on which it ru u?ud- Tn ?..m? -?? -- ??' ' * ' ? an Vlj??al WBlglll VI fOOt- I itiate, with two other fertiliser* coating nearly double the money, produced more cotton.? rhcre was no ruat on the cotton under which the phospbata was used, except on a few small pots of wet, springy land, whilst th* cotton under which tha other more costly fertilisers irero, rusted early and badly. J. W. tOMPKIN8. Jnn 10 36 3 m. S OUTHB BLN r LIFE INSUKANCE COMPANY. GEN. JAS. B. GORDON, PRES'T, ASSETS!. OVER St.SOO.OOO. C. C. STEPHENS, AGENT FOR OREENTlLLE COUNTY. DR. J. H. DEAN, Medical Examiner. Dec. 13 ATLANTIC ACID PHOSPHATE. n-pnis Anicle, prepared by the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COM- I U PANY, under the direction of their Chemist, Dr. ST. JULIEN RaVENEL, for composting with Cotton Seed, is now offered at the Reduced Price of $28. per ton cash, or $31 per ton payable 1st November, 1872, Free of Interest. Orders tilled now will be considered as Cash 1st Marcb, 1872, or )n Time as due 1st November, 1872, thereby enabling Planters to jaul ic at a time when their Wagons and Mules are idle. P?LZER, RODOERS St CO , Geaeral Agesata, Brown's Wharf. Charl aatnn ft fl J. F. DONALD, Agent, Crotc Station, K. C. Jan S ' 35 3m TtlantTC^^ qpllis FERTILIZER, manufactured by the Atlantic Phosphate J|b) Company under tiie direct-ion of tlteir Chemist, Dr. St. Juiien Ruvenel, ia now offered to the Planting Community At the rerv Reduced Price of $48 per ton cash, or $52 payable 1st November, 1872, i Free of Interest. > ' ' < I This Fertilizer has been very extensively nsed in this State and has given entire satisfaction ; some of the most practical planters admitting it to be equal to Peruvian Guano, pound for ponnd. All sales tnride now will be considered as cash on the 1st of March, 1672, and to those buying on time the sale will be considered as due on 1st November, 1872. By this arrangement planters will be enabled, wltbont extra cost, to lianl their Manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the Atlan ic Phosphate will he furnished on application to the Agents. PELZER, RODOERI * CO , Gesehll Agents, Brswa'i Wharf, Charleston, S. C. WM. BEATTIE. Agent Greenville. South Carolina. Jit 3 S3 3m ??' ;TO THTLADIEST BUTLER & MtBEE. Fa|, wTnirr Opming. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ?-*? ? ? ?RKBNvifT.K8. c MRS- LT.JENNINGS bRbKNVILLE, 8. ?M R*?p.?tfully informs ?h. gill PrsstM# ia tha Courts of tho IUU L.dir. thai !>? is now roooiv aa.d of tho VaitoA lutoo. ffl||HBin8 ,ntI ??PpHoo of Msy XI 4 j|B^B FALL AND WINTER i fx t\ ~o Vllf II I I I I I' P e if ..... m i L L I?u KI Mountain Lodge, No. cJTm ' ? 0. F.. mama or umt aho moat ffc&SflsP.hi? SS^JSflii' ?i?JIO*ABLI! BTYl.ES. iltall 4.M*ui<iio'a Drag State. Regalar at. Th? Stock will const* of all tlie lines of tendance deli red. GQGDS fovnd Hi similar establishments, JAMES P. MOORF, If. O and will b? offered at very teoaonahie A 'gSO 17 II pi ices. ili-tf I I #1 M . MH IftK- | I I 1 IT V W *w 1|HVV|V R1TIUZS1 T R T IT U?U A WT* m. w jb v 1IC JS. Jl ? Wiumumm. Jf.G., Ang rflet, faf!. For the Urge-t production of Cotton u> tl)i ere, 1,000 lbc CAROLINA FERTILIZER. For the Jnngeei production. of h?( ??* ; the sere, 1,000 IW. CAROLINA FERTILIZER. The ebove prMninmi ar? for erbp* produced with the use of (he CAROLINA I FERTILIZER Aloe., or in com Wualion willr , plantation manum only, end the awarding of eeid premiums i? left discretionary with the committee oT the AsSootatloa under their rules SANDERS. OATE3 A GO.. Aaente at Cberlolte. STEVENS A CtJRETON, Lancaster, 8. C. W a jnuwa. La^ast** Coinrrr, 8 C. 7b p. Jr. Zimtntrmam, Ktq.. Secrttarit of til Fmir of the.Carolina*. Charlatt*. N. C-; The following is a correct statement of ' Cotton raised by Stevens A Cure ton, on 1* acres of etuhble land/ which wee manured with 400 pounds of Carolina Fertiliser. The following lathe mo'e of cultivation : It was thoroughly broken up twelve incite* deep, aod laid off in rows thtee and half ' teet wide, and the Fertiliser applied in the i J.iii it'- -*??"? - urui, men oeoaea on iiuo tlte 10th of M?y, end planted the aame day, but owing to tlio eool and dry weather, aid not come up to a ateod until aboil the let of June. Kirst working it was run around with a half shovel and partially trimmed out with a hoa. Second working it Was run around with a three-inch grab, twelve thchee long, and the middle! throws out with a eweep eighteen inches wide. One furrow to a row nod thinned to a aland with a hoe about twelve ioehee between the ?tccks, and after war da it was ,ploughed overy two weektf with a sweep eighteen inchea wide, and hoed each time, until it waa worked tire times. The following ia a correct atatement of the Cotton picked : let Ticking .204 2d Picking. 410 8d Picking....... 418 E?timaied amount of uuopenet matured bolla .... 818 Tclal INI Respectfully su' mitiel, STEVENS 4 CURETON. I certify I weighed the Cotton picked ia the sbove statement and it is correct. W. A. GRAHAM October 2d, 1871. t the request of Messrs. Stevens ft Cure ton. we have examined the Ane and one eighth acre ot Cotton, end the eetiiwal* made above is true to the test of our ability. D P. DtJKANT. W. A HRAHAW JOSEPH ROItGES. Premiums awarded to Stevens 4 Cureton on above Certificate. We will sell ?lie nbore SPLEN DID FERTILIZER nt Forty i Five Dollars cash, or Fifty Dollars payable 1st November, with interest at Seven per Cent, per annnm, delivered nt our Warehonsc in Charleston. Agents will sell at same prices, adding tfic freight and dravage to rheir Dgj>o'b. " * GEO I. V1LLI1AMS k CI. J. A. DAVID AND ^mmr. ? aw* AGENTS, GREENVILLE, S. C. Jan 17 37 3in FERTILIZERS. THE CELEBRATED HSfVFm m i*-A 11 ARE FOR SALE BY WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., Importers and Dealers la Guanos, 141 Bay St, Savannah , Ga, 111 East Bay, Churl<>Aton, ft. CJ. A. DAVID* Agont AT GRSENVILLE, S. C. For further information apply or address as above for Almanac far 1872. Hn 17 1 *7 8m fa. -f I ' < ..., aJJ Johnston, Crews St Co*, IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers in STAPLE AND * ? ' DRY GOODS, IT 0 T I OW B AM? SMALL WASTES. ?l HAWK STREET, wu&miri&mm, g. . i* ?2 j7