University of South Carolina Libraries L-1L?O Laws of the State. ted af the fteaaral Awiatty at si* OrnBaa t ^ ST ?i PUBLISHED ~BY AUTHORITY: AN ACT TO RELIEVE THE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA OP ATX LIABILITY FOR ITS GUARANTEE OP THE .BONDS ?P THE BLUB RIDGE RAILROAD COMPANY BY PROVIDING FOR THE SECURING AND DESTRUCTION OP THE SAME. Whereae lb* Slala af South Carolina has, by and in poreuar -a of the proyiaiona of an ee*. approved the fifteenth day of September, A. D. 1888, entitled " an Aet to tu i. >k. m... D: J? Railroad Company, in South Carolina," endoraad a guaranlea of tha faith and ar?dit of tha Stata on four milliona of dollara of bond* issued by tha aai<1 Blue Ridga Rail road Company, comprehending the Blu? Ridga Railroad Company in South Caroli na ; tha Blue Ridga Railroad Company in Georgia; tha Tennessee River Railroad Company in North Carolina : the Knoxville and Cherleeton Railroad Company in Tenneaaae, and tha Pendlaton Railroad Company In South Carolina, for tha purpose of aiding tha speedy oompletien of tha raid Railroad, whieh bonde ara liable for the debts of tha said Railroad Companies ; and whereat tha present condition of the finances of tha State, and of said companies, is such as to make the further continuance of said bonds on the market inexpedient and tinadvieable, and a serious injury and prejudice to the credit of the State; and whereas the existence of the eaiu four millions of dollars of the bonds, so guaranteed, creates s large liability upon the part of the State, whieh the treasury may he required to meet at unforeseen and inopportune timet; and whereas the liability of the Stale, on account of such guarantee, should be faithfully met and discharged ; therefore, in order to secure the rsoovery and destruction of the bonde and coupons of the aid company. issued under and in pursuance of the provisions of the store-aid act? >?t it,,. ?t v? v v. i elsewhere, and to relieve tlie State of all liabilities whats ever, by rea*on of ita endorsement and guarantee of said bonds : Section 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and silling in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That the State Treasurer is hereby directed, with the consent in writing, of the Bine Ridge Railroad Company, in South Carolina, to require the Pinnneial Agent of the State, in the city of New York, immediately to deliver to the State Treasury all bonds of the Blue Ridge 'Railroad Compai?iy, endowed and guaranteed bv the State ,of South Carolina, which are now in his possession, and held by him as collateral oowrity, for advances m?d* by the sa?d Financial Agent, by the order of the Financial Board, to the Blue Ridge Railroad Company ; and upon the d livery of said bond<<, 4Jhe Treasurer is hereby requir ed to aonncl the same, in ?he manner hereinafter direete 1; and the sail B'uo Rid?e Railro-id Co-op iav shall thereup ?n he discharged from all liability to the State on account of such advances. Sec 4 That upon the surrender by the mid Company to t%e State Treasury of thbalanee of the said four millions of dollars of bond*, issued hy the said Blue Ridge Railroad Company, and guaranteed by the State, tho dtate Treasurer is hereby author ixed and required to deliver to the Piesident of the Blue Ridge Railroad Company, in South Carolina, Treasury certificates of indebtedness (styled Revenue Bond Scrip) to tho amount of one million eight hundred thousand dollars, the said certificates to he executed in the manner hereinafter directed ; and if the said company shall not fie ao'e 10 oe iver an ot sail bonus at one | time, the Treasurer it authorised and re?| quired to deliver to raid Preeident such I amount of such Treasury certificates as ehall be proportional to the amount of bonds delivered. See 8. That, to carry out the purposes of this Act, the State Treasurer is hereby an* thorized and required to have printed, or engraved on steal, as soon as practicable, Treasury certificates of indebtedness, to be known and designated ns Revenue Bond Scrip of the State of South Carolina, in such fonn, and of aueh denomination as may be determined on by the State Treasurer, and the President of the Blue Ridge Railroad Company, in South Carolina, to the amount of one million eight hundred thousand dollars, which Revenue Bond Scrip shall be signed by the Slate Treasur* ar, and ahall express that the mm mentioned therein ie due by the State of South Car olina to the bearer thereof, and that the earne will be recieved in payment of taxes end ell other dues to the State, except special tax levied to pay interest on the pub lie debt. See. 4. That the faith and funds of the State are hereby pledged for the ultimate ( redemption of said Revenue Bond Scrip ( end the Connty Treasurers are . quired to receive the ume in payment of , all taxes levied by the State, except in pay nnent a! special lax levied to pay interest on the public debt ; and the State Trensur* | er and all other puhlie officers are hereby required to receive the eame in payment of all duea to the Stat ; and atill fin tier to provide for the redemption of eaid Keve. nue Itend Scrip, an annual tax of three mills on the dollar, in addition to all other taxes, on the assessed value of all taxable property in the State, is hereby levied, to be collected in the eeme manner and at the Mine lime ae may be ptovided by law for the levy aad collection of the regular an* nual taxee of the State; and tho State Treasurer is hereby required to retire, ei the end of each year from thair date, one* fourth of the amount of the Treasury Scrip hereby authorized to be issued, until all of it shall be retired, and to apply to such purpose exclusively the taxes hereby re* quired to be levied. See 6 That, if any such Revenue Bond Scrip >a received in the Treasury, lor payment of iaxee, the Treaaurer be, and he i* hereby, authorised to pay out auch Revenue Bond Sorip in aalieraotion of any claim* agaioat the Treaeury, except for interest that may be due oo (he public debt. See. A. That upon the delivery to the ft Lata Treasurer of the eaid gueranlesd bonda of the Blue Ridge Railroad Company, or of any part of litem, the Treasurer ia hereby required to canae the tame te to cancelled ind dmroyid, W ibe prtws?? of the PreeUeat of (b? D)>? tld|? Raflrted Company, la. 8outh Caroline, aad ,1* tba ymwi of ft Joint CoaiMtot off t|| |?^ to end How# of It?prft?Utivti of this 9ftU, to bo for ib?t pnpode tp^olttol.' Sec. 7. That whenever the whole num< her of the cold gutrtntetd bon-le shall hev* been delivered to the Treasurer and c-aecelled, as required by the pro* immta of iiiii Act, the Hon of '.he State of South Oundlm, upon the eetate, property and funde of th< aid Blue Ridge Railroad Company, in thii State, and of the other awoelated companies in the State* of Georgia, North Carol! na and Tennessee, as secured by the provisions of an Act entitled f An Act to ae thorise additional aH to the Blue Ridgt Railroad Company, in South Carolina,' paaeed on the Ifteeoth day of September Anno Domini mm thousand ?lgbft hundred and sixty-eight. and all other elalme ct liena which are held hy the State agorae! tai l company or companies, on account oi said guarantee, shall, from theooefortb, b< forever discharged and released; and should Ihe said company be unable, from any cauae, to deliver all of aaid bond*, sneh liena shall be discharged and releaaed an extent which shall he proportional to the amount of such bond* actually delivered. 1 * ? I Bee. 8. That if Ihe said company ehall accept the provisions of ibis Act, i| shall be authorlx*d, if the Beaid of directors may desire, to change the corpora'.* name of the oompeny to that of ihe " Kooxville and South Carolina Railroad Company," and shall have power to axtend its railroad, or to construct branches thereof, to any point* or places in this S'ate, with all the power* and privileges with which the said company is now vested by the provisions of its charter; and the said company shall also have power to Issue bonds, and to secure the same by a mortgage, to sueh amount, ant in sueh manner, at the Board of Direetora may direct- And all sales of slock in the said Blue Ridge R-iilrond Company, in South Carolina, and ii* associate companies, formerly held by the State and sold by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be, and they are hereby, confirmed. See. 9. That if anv person shall fo ge oc uifuuici icit vuo ir???iirj ccip nernny #u, thorized to be issued, or shall, directly 01 indiiectly, aid or as-bt in the forging or counterfeiting of such Srrip, or shall issue or in any manner use any such forged or counterfciied. lie shall, on conviction thereof, he fined in the discretion of the court and ehall he imprisoned in the lVnitentia ry, for a term not exceeding ten years. I.n tiia House of RepriskxtativkS. Columbia, S C, March 2, 1872. On the question " shall this Act become a law, the objections of llis Excellency the Governor to the oontrary notwithstanding,' the yeas and nays were ordered, pursu >nt to provision of the Constitution, resulting yeaa 84. nays 18, and ordered to he sent to the Senate, By order A. O JONES Clerk Uous- of Representatives. i.n tub Sbnate, Colombia, S, C , March 2. 1872 9 On the question ' elioll '.his Act pas* and become a law, the ohj- ctions of His Excellency the Governor to the contrary uolwithstanding," ttieyea? nays were ordered pursuant to provision of the Constitution (Article 3, Section 2'2.) the Act pasted by a viva voce vote o' yeas 22, nays 6, and ordered to be returned to tlie H>>us-* of Rep resentatives. By order, J. WOODRUFF. Clerk of Senate AN ACT TO GRANT, RENEW AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE VIL* LAGE OP ROCI IIILL, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South r..?l-? ?i --j ? j- n 1 i _ viiiuiiim, non inci mm milium in vicncrm All' scrobly, and by authority of Iho name. That, from and after the pass-ice of this Act, all citizens of this State, having resided twelve months within the State, and sixty days in the village of Rock Ilil), shall bo deemed, and are hereby declared to he, a body politic nnd corporate, and the said village shall be called and known by the name of Rock Hill, and its corporate limits shall extend over an area of a square each side whereof is one mile, and the centre whereof is "Gordon's Hotel,'' Sec. 2. That the said village shall be governed by an Intendant and four Wardens, who shall be citizens of the United States, and who shall have resided in this State twelve months, and shall have been residents of the said village sixty days immediately preceding their election, and who shall be elected ths second Monday of Jannary, 1973, and on tho same day in each year thereafter, ten days' publio notice thereof being previously given; and that all malo inhabitants of the age of twenty-one years, citizens of the State, and who shall have resided within the State twelve months, and in the said village sixty days immediately preceding thoir election, shall be ;ntitled to vote for said Intendant and War. lens, paupers and persons under disabilities ?f crime excepted. See. 3. The said election shall be held at some convenient public place in the said village, from 10 o'clock in the morning, nntil 4 o'clock in the afternoon ; and when the polls shall be closed, the Managers shall forthwith count the votes and declare tho election, and give notice thereof, in writing, to the Inten riant therein being, who slin.ll, within two day* thereafter, giro notice, or ratine the tame to be given, to the person* duly elected. The Intendant and Wardena, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall, respeetively, take the oath prescribed by the Constitution of the State, and also the following oatb, to wit: "As Intendant (or Warden) of the village ol Rock IIill, I will, equally and impartially, to the boat of my ability, exercise the trust reposed in me, and will use my beat endeavors to preserve the peace, and carry into effect, according to law, the purposes for whieh I bave been elooted : So help me lod." And,.if any person, upon being sleeted Intendant or Warden, shall refuse to act as sueh, he shall forfeit and pay to the Council the sum of twenty dollara for the use of the said village: Provided, That person who has attained the age of sixty years shall be compelled to serre in either of said oftees; nor shall any othsr person be compelled to Mire, either as an Intendant or Wardan, more than one year in any term of three year*. The Intendant and Wardens, for the time being, shall ? " ?" uiurv oonrai OI AliUllkgera, (threa Managers for oa?h Board,) to eonduot ib? election, who, before tbey open the poll*, shall take an oath fairly and impartially to conduct tha earn*. '"^ arrTGCB NN I TMMJ hall ocovr | I inlbe orfoo ?# tttfcdhmt, or id; of the War- I i 4?m. by death, reoignattoa, naotil or etberwlee, aa oli+tfra to 1U iwh tlltli? ob*M bo , heM by mbr of the Intondaat and Wardene, or* majority of tba tamo, to* day*' ywbiic not loo bolag prerlonoly giren ; and In oaoo of oiekaeoo, or temporary atiitoo of tbo hto* dent, tho Wardeao, forming tbo Council, iball ' bo ompoworod to oloot oao of tbo aombor to ' *ot no In ten dent during tbo tlnm. 800. 6. That tbo Intondaat and Ward ant ' duly olootod and qualified, oball, dtfring tbo | 1 term of ofloo, oovorally and reapectieely, bo 1 rooted a'.iS all tbo poworo of Trial Juotioeo( or Jaotieoo of tbo Peaoa, no tho enoo' may bo, ? in tblo 8tato, within tbo llmlto of oald Tillage, ' except foe tbo trial of omall ao?l mono oaoeo; 1 and tho Intondaat oball and may, aa ofton aa ' la noooooary, onmaon tho Wardona to moot In Couneil, any throe of whom* with tbo Inten. , daat, .h*U eonotitnto a quorum to tranaaot t,? ??' >1... .k.n k_ L.? ? -?? ^ - ? y W?WJ >U?1I W AUVWU M t Tows Conned of Koek IIill; and they end I their successors In oAce, hereafter to be elected, may have a etaaoa seal vhieh shall he ' affixed to all of their Ordinances; may sue and be sned, plead and be impleaded in any Court of Justice In this State; and purchase, 1 hold, possess ahd enj oy to them, i? perpetn' It/, of for any torih of years, any estate, real or personal, or mixed, and sell, alien or eon. vey the same; Provided, The seme shall not exceed, et any eae time, the sum of ten thousand dollars ; and the snid Town Conneil shall bare authority to appoint, from time to time, esdhsy nay see Ot, such end po many proper persons, to aot as Marshals or Constables of said Tillage, as said Council may deem necessary and expedent fer the perservation of the peaoe, good order and police thereof which persons so appointed shall, within the corporate limits of said Tillage, have the power and privileges, and be subject to all the obligations, penaltiee and regulations provided by law for the office of Constable ; and shall be liable to be removed at the pleasure of said Town Council; and the said Town Council shall have power to establish, or authorise the establishment of a Market House in said village ; also to authorise the establishment of a Jiuard House, and to prescribe suitable rules , and regulations for keeping and governing I the same: and the said Town Council, or the I said Intendant and Wardens, in person, any one or more of them, may authorise and re, quire any Marshal of the town, or any Con stable especially appointed for that purpose, [ to arrest and commit to the said Guard House, for a term not exceeding twenty-four hours, any person or persons who, within the corpo rate limits of said town, who may be engaged in any breach of the peace, riotous or disordcrlv conduct, onen ohnoenilv- nnhttc rtmnt > enness, or any conduct grossly indecent or dangerous to the citizens of said town, or any of them; and it shall be tho duty of the Town Marshal or Constable to arrest and commit all such offenders, when required to do so; and who shall bare power to call to their ' assistance the posse comitatus, if need be, to 1 aid in making such arrests; and upon the failure of such officers to perform such duty as required, they shall severally be subject to , such fines and penalties as the Town Council i may impose npon them; and all persons so imprisoned shall pay the costs and expenses incident to their imprisonment, which said costs and expenses shall be collected in the same manner as is provided for the collection of fines imposed for the violation of Ordinances, rules and regulations: Provided, That such imprisonment shall not exempt the party I Irom the payment of any fine the Council inay iinpose for the offenco which be, she or they may have committed ; and the said Town Council shall have full power and authority, under their corporate seal, to make all such rules and regulations, By-Laws and Ordinances, respecting the streets, roads and business thereof, as well as the police system of the said town, as shall appear to them necessary and proper for tho security, welfare and convenience of the inhabitants of suid town, and for preserving tha health, order and good government within the said town ; and tho said Town Council may impose flees for offences against their by-laws, rules, regulations and ordionnces, and appropriate the same to the public uso of said town; and the said Town Council shall have the same power that Trial Justices or Justices of the Peace have, or may hereafter have, to compel >he attendance of witnesses, and requiring them to give 1 evidence upon tho trial beforo them of uny person or persons for a violation of any of meir ordinances, by-laws, rules or regulations; but no fine above the sura of twentyfive dollars shall be collected by said Council, except by suit in the proper Courts of Justice in this State, and also that nothing herein contained shall authorise said Council to make any ordinances or by laws inconsistent with, or repugnant to the laws of ths State. Sec. 8. Tnat the said Intendant and Wardens, or a majority of them, shall have power to ahato and remove all nuisances in said town; and it shall be their duty to keep all roads, ways, bridges and streets within the corporate limits of said town open and in good repair, and for that purpose they are invested with all the powers of County Commissioners, for and within the corporate limits of the said town ; and they may lay out new streets, close up, alter or widen those now in use ; and shall have full power to classify and arrange the inhabitants or citizens of said town liable to street, road or pnhlic duty therein, and to force the performance of such duty, under such penalties as are now, or shall hereafter be, prescri -ed by law; and they shall have power to compound with all persons liable to work the streets, ways and roads in said town, upon such terms as their ordinances or by laws may establish, or their rules and regulations may require; the money so received to be applied to the publie use of said town ; and all persons refusing to labor, or failing to pay such commutation, shaU be liable to such fine, not exceeding ten dollars for any one year, as the said Town Council may impose; And Lh#r ihtll k>v? In/ivar La nnf/iroa ika . payment ot aueh fine in the cam* manner ? it now, or may be hereafter, provided for the ooileotion of county taxe?. And the aaid Town Council ahall have power, with the con- | eent of the adjacent land owner*, to eloae all ] uch roada, ftreet* and way*, within the aaid town, a* they may deem neeeeaary, by the i sale of the freehold therein, either at private or public ?ale, a* they may adjudge beat for the intereat of the aaid town, and they ahall keep in repair all aueh new atreeta, rond* and waya aa they may, front time (o time, deem neceaaary for the improvement and convenience of aaid town : Provided, That no atreet, road or way ahall be opened without flrat having obtained the content of the land owner or ownera thereof, through whoee premiaea any anoh new atreet, road or way may paaa. n M mi ?t i m ? -- O'-o. i. ine MM i .wn uounetl may hove power and authority to require aM persona owning a lot or lota in *ald town to cloie | in, and to make and keep in good repair, sidewalk* in front of said lot or Iota, whenever the same st*ll front or adjoin any puhlia atreet of aaid town, if, In the jndg ment of the Oouneil, sneh sidewalk aliall be neoemsry, the width thereof, and the man* I ear of construction, to be designated and regulated by the eaid Town Council; aad tor default or retaaal, after reaeooeble notice, to make and keep la good repair euoh aide walks, aad to eloee eueh lota, the Town Oooaeil may eaaae the eaiao to ' ade or pat hi repair, aad require t owner to pay the priee of makiag or repairing ; and the eald Town Council are hereby empow* I Ma Ad) lA faa a>i eaa.,ae* ??- * ... ?? www www auu iwvvr ?im ?*uiO UJ BOtk>n of debt in any Coort of competent ju rfcdictioe: Provided. That ?neh contract for making end repairing la let to the low* eat bidder. The oemetcriee and publio graveyards are aleo placed under the jurisdiction of the eald Town Council. See. 8. The Inleodanl and Wardens of the eald town, or a majority of them, shall bare full power to grant or refuse lieeoaa to keep taverns or to retail apiriluoue liquors within the corporate limit# of the eald town, ujtoa rich oonditione. and under ueh oircumetanoee, as to them shall seem proper and right: Provided, That in no Instance ahall the priee of a license tu keep a tavern or to retail spirituous liquors, be less than tha amount that ia established by the State; nnd all mooeys paid for licensee and for fines and forfeitures shall be appropriated for the public use of the said town : Provided, That the Intendant and Wardens duly sleeted ahall not have power to grant any license to keep tavern or retail spirituous liqnore, to extend beyond the term (or which they have been elected. They shall have power to regulate sales at auetion within the corporate limits of said town, and to grant licenses to auctioneers, itiner ant trader*, to keepers of hotels and livery stables, and to Isvy a tax on all drays, carta wagons, carriages, omnibuses buggies, horses, mares, or mules, kept for hire or used for public purposes, in said town ; and they shall have the full and only power to impcee a lax on all ehowa or exlubilions, for gain or reward, witnin the cor poraie limits 01 said town. They shall I have the power to impose tax, not ex* ' ceediog twenty cents on every bundled dollars of the value of all retl and property lying within the corporate limits of the town real and personal property of churehes and school and college associations excepted That an ordinance declaring the rates of the annual taxation upon property and other subjects of annual taxation for the year shall be published at least three week*, during the month of January in each year : Provided, That the said Town Council shall have power to levy a tax for this year, under the same rule as ia anove stated, imm-* diately after the pas?age of this Ant ; and that all persons liable to taxation nnd^r the asm- shall make oath of their taxable property within said town, and make payment of their taxes to the clerk or treasurer s?f said corporation or such other person as they may be ordered or required to d? dur ing the succeeding month after publication, and upon the fiilure to make such return and payment as required, the parties so in default shall be subject to tbe pnallie* provided by law for failures to pay the gen era' State and County tax, to bo enforced by the orders of the Inteudant and Wardens, or a majority of them, for the use the said town, except in such cases that ex ecutions to enforce the payment of such taxes shall be issued under the seal of the corporation, and may be directed to the Town Marshal, or oih-r person appointed by the Town Council to levy, collect and receive the same, with costs, ns in s:ch cases made and provided hy law ; and all property upon which such 'ax shall be levied and assessed is hereby declared and made linb ? for the payment thereof, in preference to all other debts, except debts due to the State, which ?hal! be first paid ; and that all other taxe* imposed by the lnt>-ndant and Wardens, or a majority of i I,- -t.-ii i? ii-n ? 1 ........ r.iBM iniiir lor ine rame, m in manner and form just before stated. See. 0 The Inlendiint and Wardens elect, together with Clerk and Tieasurer, hull, during their term of office, be exempt from street and police duty. F.iuh Town Coun cil shall, within one month afier the expiration of their taim of oflioe, make out and return to their successors in office a full ac. count of their reeeipta and expenditure* during their term, which account shall be publtahed in one or more pepera of the town, and thall pay over all moneya in their possession belonging in the corporation, end deliver op all hooks. records and other papers incident to their office to their ane 'ees*?>rs; and on failure to do so they shall he liable to he fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollar*, to be collected by any proper action of the Town Council. See. 10. That all Ordinances or bylaws, passed by the Town Council of Rock Hill, shall he Mndiotr upon the clt X-ns of said town, the same aa the laws of the State. See 11. All Aeta or parts of Ac's inconsistent or supplied by this Act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. See, 12. This Act shall be deemed a poblie Act, and continue in force for the term of fourteen yeara. and until the end of the Legislature thereof Approved, March 4 1872 AN ACT TO RE CHARTER THE FERRY OVER THE COMRAHEE RIVER, SOUTH CAROLINA. KNOWN AS THE COMBAHKB FERRY. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hottae of R preaentatlvea of the State of Sooth Carolina, now met and titling in General As?. mMy. and by the authority of the tame, Tint from and alter the pierage o' thin A at at the Ferry over lh# C?mbahee River. (known at the Combahee P>-rry.) be, and the tame It hereby re-chartered and vetted in A"thur Middleton, hit heirt and ateign*. for a lerm of fourteen yeart, with the following ra'e of loll: F?>r each man and horte, ten cent*; for each hone, led, five rente; for each foot pastenger, five sent a ; for etch wagon, drawn by four ho'tea, aeventyoflve aenla; for each wagon and carriage, drawn by two horeea, fifty eente; for each wagon, drawn by one horte, iweaty-fire; lor eaah gig or anikay, twenty-five eenia ; for aaeh aart and horte twenty-five eenla; for eaeh head of eallle, five cent*; for each hog, aheep or goal, ihiee eenta; lor long or doubia ferriage, double the amount of the above rate*: Pro vid-d. That the raid Arthur MiddWt?n. hi* hvlr? or eeeigne, ?l>?ll keep on* or more g. od, euhMentlel ferry hn*n, together with * auilable r?p* or eh?(o, or each other eon* trtvenee ? will ineure refe end prompt treepcrtetion eeroee eeid etreem : Provided, further, 1het children going to end return* Ing from eehool, end voter* going to end re turning from the polle on election dey, eh ell be peeeed free of nherge over enid ferry Approved, Februery 27, 1872. ?-?? . ? R I R ( CHRRTOl Having R< DTBTk- LMtta ^JK RYE TO TI1EIR 1 Corner of Brond and !V ?mnp?ILL*tako great pleasure it Br who will find a choice DRY GOODS, which will be di the most economical. X3T An examination of Goor Chris to] 25 ly 202 and 204 j CONSUMPTION, Its Cure and Its Preventive BY J H.8UUENCK, M. D. MANY a human be in ft hu passed 1*1 for whose death there was no oth reaaon than the neglect of known and indi putably proven means of cure. Those ne and dear to family and friends are sleepii the dreamless slumber into which, had thi calmly adopted DR. JOSEPH H. SCHENCK'S SIMP! TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonderful effle eious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Schenk has in his own case proved th wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vita ity, by bis medicines and the directions ( their use, is quickened into healthful vigc In this statement there is nothing presump uous. To the faith of the invalid is made i representation that is not a thousand tim substantiated by living and visible work The theory of the cure by Dr. Schenck's mec eines is as simple as it is unfailing. Its pi losophy requires no argument. It is scl(?s suring, self-convincing. The Seawood Tonic and Mandrake Pills a the first two weapons with which the cita<l of tho malady is assailod. Two-thirds of t cases of consumption originate in dyspepi and a functionally disordered liver. With tl condition the bronchial tubes " sympathisi with the stomach. Tbey respond to the in< idfic action of tho liver. Here then comes t culminating result, and thesetticg in, with i its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pills are comprsed of one Nature's notdest gifts?the P idophillium Pi latum. They posses* nil the blood-searchiti alterative properties of calomel, but uuli calomel, they "LEAVE NO STINO BEHIND." The work of cure is now beginning. T vitiated and mucous deposits In the bowi and in the alimentary canal nre ejected. T liver, like a clock, is wound up. It aroui from its torpidity. The stomach acts respti sively, and the patient begins to feel that he getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Seawood Tonic, in conjunctien with t Pills, permeates and assimilates with the foe Cityliflcation is now progressing'without previous tortures. Digestion becomes painlci and the euro is seen to be at band. There no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the st macb. An appetite sets in. Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier cv yet given by nn indulgent father to sufferii man. Sct)enck's Pulmonic Syrup comes in perform its functions and to hasten and cot plete the cure. It enters at once rpon I work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collet and ripens the impnired and diseased portio of the lungs. In the form of gatherings, prepares them for expectoration, and lo ! in veiy short time the malady is vanquished, tl rotten throne that it occupied is renovated at made new, and the patient, in all the digni of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the ma bood or the womanhood (hat was. GIVEN UP A8 LOST. The second thing is, the patients must st in a warm room until they get well; it is mxt impossible to prevent taking cold wh the lungs are diseased, hut it must he preve ted or a cure cannot be effected. Fresh i and riding out, especially in this section the country in the full and winter season, s all wrong. Physicians who recommend th course lose their patients, if their lungs i badly diseasod, and yet, because they are the house they must not sit down quiet; th mnst walk about tha room aa mu/?h unit >- f. a* the strength will hear, to get up a good c culation ot blood. Tbe patients must keep good spirits?be determined to get well. Tl lias a great deal to do with tbe appetite, a is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidence of possibility in tbe wotst cases, and moral c< tainty in all others, is sinful. Dr. Bchcnol personal statement to the Faculty of bis 01 cure waa in these modest words : ' .Many years ago I waa in the last stages consumption ; confined to my bed, and at o time my physicians thought that I could r Itve a weak ; then, like a drowning man eatc ing at straws, I heard of and obtained the pi parations which I now offer to the public, a they made a perfect cure ol me. It seemed me that I could feel them penetrate my wh< system. Tbey soon ripened tbe matter in o lungs, and I would spit up more than a pi of offensive yellow matter every morning I a long time. As soon as thst began to subside, m/ coug fever, psin and night sweats all tagan leave me, and my appetite became so gre that it was with difficulty that I could ko from eating too much. I soon gained n strength, and have grown in flesb ever sines ' I was weighed shortly after my recovery added tbe Doctor," then looking like a me skeleton; my weight was only ninety Sevi pounds ; my present weight is two bundr and twenty-five [225] pounds, and for years have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Sobenck has discontinued his profs sional visits to New York end Boston. Ho his soft, Dr. J. H. Bcbenck, Jr., still contin to see patients at their office, No. 15 North Six ttreet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thnrouj examination with the Kespirometer will en. Tl.. D ...I..? ? J? . VHMI^VU w* A no i?c?pnvuicicr uw'ifcm \ exact condition of the lungs, and patient* ei readily learn whether they are eurable or n< The direction* for talcing the medicine* a adapted to the intelligence even of a ehil Follow these direction*, and kind Nature w do the rest, oxcspting that in soma eases t Mandrake Pill* are to he taken in iooreaa dose* | the three medicine* need no other a companiment* than the ample instructions tfa accompany tbam : Firat create appetite, returning health hunger is the moat welcot symptom. When it couies, a* It will come, ! the despairing at one te of good cheer. Go blood at onee follows, the eough loosens, t night sweat I* abated. Jn a short time ho of these morbid symptoms are gone forever. Dr. 8chenck's medicines are constantly k? in tens of thonsands of families. As a la* tive or purgative, the Mandrake Pills era standard preparation ; while the Pnhaot flyrwp a* a curer of ooaghs and eolds, may regarded aa aprophylaeterie against oonsaao Uon in any of its forms. Prtee of the Pnimonie Syrup and Seawe Tonie, $1.40 a bottle, or $7.M a half done Mandrake Pills, 26 cents a box. For sale all druggists and dealers. Wbolenale Agent, JOHN F. IIEKHT, J College Plane, New York City. March 22 46 ? 1 1 . - - 1 I 1? JL?L.LJL. - - -r *- iim mi i I I h 9 ( ) MR GUI CO. amoved Their r $i H Its 1EW PREMISES, Juli-.. "ll.jiuli .b tali.i.h!'.y: Iclnlosh Sts., Augusta, *a. i waiting on their Cartdih* friends, assortment of every description of sjH>8ed of at pri'ss that m?st satisfy Is and Prices respectfully solicited. jher Gray & Co., Broad Street, AUGUST A. OA. Charlotte, Columbia and Au gu.sta Railroad. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE) _ U? C. A A ft. R [ e'r C?LI'MBIA. S. C, January 1, 1872. ) #- /^"\N m>d after January 4. the following ar V/ achedule will be run over this Road: '* TRAIN No. 1. ?y MALE TRAIN ?0"I.><1 NORTH .. Leave Angu-ta 3 16AM ' Leave Columbia 8.22 A M Ariive at Charlotte ' 2.09 P M a* TRAIN No 2. Bt MAIL TRAIN ? OOINO NORTH. d- I I.cave A?guMa 0.OO P M or | Leave Columbia.. 11.04 PM Arrive at Charlotte 6 16 A M To TRAIN No. 1~ es MAIL TRAIN OOINO *0UTII. Leave Charlotte 7.16 A M ." Leave Columbia..... 1.86 PM [g Arrive at Augneta 6 60 I'M TRAIN No. 2. jr? MAIL TRAIN ? OOINO HOUTII. he Leave Charlotte I 7 80 1' M tia Leave Colombia I 2 00 A M ill Arrive at August*. | f.SO A M >r- "?* t Train daily. No 2 Train daily, he Sunday* excepted. Both Traina make eloee connection* to all points North, Sooth and M4 st. Through Ticket* aold apd baggage checkof ed to all princ pal point*. ej Standard time?Washington City time, sixteen minute* faster than this city, ft K. P. ALEXANDER, 8up*t. E. R Dorskt, Generul Ticket and Freight Agent. ( Jan 24 28 h" Greenville & Columbia R. R. '? Columbia, 8. a, Jan. 8, 1872 "1" /"\N "f'er this dste, the following 18 Schedule will be run daily. Sundays escap ed, connecting with Night Trains on South Catolin* Road, np and down, also ))c with Trains going North and South on Char* i lotte, Columbia ?t Augusta Railroad: UP TRAIN. m Leave Columbia 7 00 a m is " Alston 8 60 a m ;o- " Newberry . <10 30 a m " Cokeshury 2 10 p m cr Helton.... 8 65 p m "K Ariiveat Greenville i. . A 86 p m ,0 * Anderson....... ,. 4 46 p m ?" " Pendleton.. 6 45 p n. Its ,, Walhall*.... 7 16 p m DOWN TRAIN. jt Leave Walhalla .. 6 00 a m R * Pendleton 7 28 a rn |le " Anderson 8 20 a m id " Briton. V 80 a m ty " Cokeshury .....11 16 a m n- " Newlierry ........ .... 2 85 p m " A'ston. ........ f....... 4 20 p m Arrive at t'olumbia .... ..... 6 00 p in M. T. BARTLKTT. Oen'l Ticket Ag't. Jan 24 88 I DOORS, S ASHES, Z BLINDS. &c. i 1? I'. T O A LE, n.d Manufactnrer ami Dealer, to 1 tie No. 20 llayne Street and Ilorlbeck'e Wharf, Vt\ CHARLESTON, S. C. or This is the Isrge-t and most cm* nlrte Factory of the kind in the Southern 'J, States, and all articles in thi* line ran i>? furniplied by Mr. P. P, ToalI at prices which defy competition, ay XW A psmptd-t. with full and detailed , ? list of ail siaea ot Doora, Sa-hes and Bin-da and ths priest of each, will be sem free re itnd |u>st paid, on application to i?. r.To?ie. 11 ~ ' CHARLESTON, 8 C ?. Julj 13 li) ly. ;|jOHN~C.~SEKGiRS || vj? i t-r | MANUVACTURRR, > E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor Dealer, C LAGER Bill IREIEHC. ?" COLUMBIA, & a ,5 Oct it <4 i? C " HEHEY OAHTT," NtQFlSSIClNAl BARBER, be /~i AN bo found At Me old aland, opposite Mr. 'P* Wehrlo'a. Ho continue* to RHAVB an. I . CUT HAIR. Ho hopee by pnlitneaa to all, and prompt attention to kaehieee, to merit a {" tontinaanoo of the patronage heretofore ox* *y eended to Mm. ?7-tf r0. Ova* OA# hundred Ia<f1oaar? aiudyioglaw la the United Statea, m?L im?,' Bmr TcMlmtti; t* ihrlr Witiifftil CarHllr* KffVcl*. TlMm Mrwi m not a ?He Ortafc, M4* ?( r?*r B?w< Whlikey, fr??r Hplrlta aad Refnae I .Inwarn, doctored. ipietd and aweotened to pi?a*e the taete, called " Tonlca," " Appellren." M Reatorera," *c., that lead tha II piM- ?tlu^a^'ut^" aaRruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Root* and Her ha of Dalltenlt, free Ireua nil Aleatiallo Mfmalntu. Titer are tk* HRIAT UMNIO HUHiriKIt ami A L.IFE UITINU PRINCI 1'I.K. a perfect KaruiTRtnr aiul Inviaoralnr of ilia Mvitum Mrrv. |_. logoff alt poisonous matter and rrstoain* the Wood j. to a heeUbr foodltlpp. No ptnon ^n tnke tlie?e Bitters oseordlnr to directions an r. nialu lunar aowolt. provided thslr bones are ifot destroyed by mineral poison or other mr*n?. nid the vital orinna wasted beyond the point of trpliir. Tber nre n tleiille Perimlie tie stroll note TwmIc, powmim;, also, tlie cnlitir merit of aetin* M a powerful gsrtnlin rah Lib C<>n*esttoo br Inflammation of lb? Uwq % A <>r nil the Visceral Orr?n?. FOIt Kit.VIA l|K ('O.VIPJ.A II S. whether In voting or sld. inMrlAl orfnmlr. A t|i-- ?pA? of womanboodoSatihetuuibilire.tif J'lunlc'Uit tern have no equal. For tslluntmnlnry ttml (!br?nl? Uken* nnllpM nu?l Mont, |lr>p?p?lii or I ndigenttoit, '' Itlllons. It cihIi 11-tit " nuil IntomtlttoBt Fever*, l)l*fn?r* of tho CmI, l.lrir, Kldsry* and lllndiler, Hitters I |iivo been most succe**lul. Sueli Bleeate* are eaus.d bp Vlllited Itlonal. ?eh li ecnerally produced br (tybinceaitdt oi Dlfesllvi Orinm, ' ! i .? i I DYHl'El'^lA Hit INJPJIsKt'TtOV. Headache. Pain In the SUouhle s, CJtoKc. I'iiihtne*s of the Chest. Dizziness, Sottr Rnielattojis of the Stomach. Dot) Taste in the Xt.mth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tho llonrt, Intlnniiiiuti. n ol tho Dungs, rain in then gloss of the KAtlicys. ml huipirog other,painful symptoms ? the olT pring* of Dyspepsia. * k They invigorate the Stomach And uiiunbite the torpid Diver and DoweU^ which rvmler them ,if nneqnalUsd efflency in ci.?*injr the tripod ?>f kit impnrttles, and imparting new life ami vigor to tho whole system. , ' J } FOR MKIN !)|!*EAHKH, OTuptbdti.V r rt>r Bait Ilheuni, Ulotchcs. h|, Pimple*. Piti-tulc. Boils, CaiPtMicies, Mug-Worms. B> u'tl Hch.I.Km e Byes.Kryslpela*. Itcli. Scurfs. DIk olornt ln..-?of t': Bkln, Humors and Dls. s*os of the .-kin. of whatever name or nature, are Itterslly dug hi> an car. rtrd out of the system in a short titii.- l>> Uiu naeof these Hitters. One bottle it! such i-:wn will . ..IIvince the most Incredulous of their curative effort. Cleanab the Vitiated Blood \vhcnevn you AshI if iBiptrritlee bursting through Hit skin fu Pheple-. Kmptions or Bores; cleanse K when yvit find it obstnicten and sluggish in the veins: cleanse it Wlten it is foul.and yonr feelings will telEtrott when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the ?> stein Will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WOR KS, ttrklng in the system of so ninny thousands,unictfe. uidly dratdoyrd npti rwfnos-e.1? BOU> BY AIL DRUQGIBTS ANt> DK \ r.ERS. J. WALKKtt, Proprietor. It. H FllgvNAI.I) if CO., Druggists ami tlcii. Agents. San Prnn. is.-o, Oal., and xi and 31 Commerce Street. New York. For solo in ihe City of slr.-snrllle DR. M. A. HUNTER A CO.. Wholesale and (Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., A c. M,y '* > /-! " If ': v K. K. R. Rsdwayia Bendy Relict' CUBES TUE W.llfcll r VINE M In from One to Twenty Minutes. HOT ONE HOUR Tier rending tlii* advertisement need any one suffer with pitin Had wav'a Heady Relief is n cure for evsry pain, ll ?? 1 lie first and is THE ONLY PAIN R-.MEDY that instantly stops Hie most a rVindating pains alltys iniflumntions. mid ottres cmi? gentians, whether oi the lung , Htoinneh, b.-we's, or other glands or orgetis, by one applies! ion. HAIlWAY'H BRADY HEI.II'F Wilt afford instant eflse. lntY>n mation of lite Kirtneys. inflammation nl the Bladder. Inflammation of the Ib-wels jcslicn ot ihe Liings, Sore Throat, Diftirwh iiciitnng. Palpitation of the Henri. Ilyster os, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarih, Influenza, Headache, Tooothaohe, Neuralgia, Rfwuma i?tn, Cold Chill-, Ague ChdU. The app ieation of the Ready Relief to the part where the pain or diflU colly exists will afford -a*e end comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumble! of water will in a lew mom- nts cure i ramps, Spasms, Sr.ur Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Co ic, wind in (be Bowels, and all Intel nal Pains. Travelers should always earrf a lottle of Bad way's Ready ReloJ witti them A lew drops In water wril prev-bt sickness or pains tri m cliang- of wster It is better loan French Brandy of Bitters a a stinitt" rEVER AND AGI E. _ Fever atut Ague otued for'fitu ' ient?.? There in not nVm'-iltl ag-nt in this win Id that will cnijp Fever and" ^gtte, nod r!I nth r M*lnrl'iut, ntlou*, Scarlet, T.plmid, Yellow, and other Fcvr* (aid-d ly Had. wnyV Pill") i# quick ae Kalway'a lirxly Rrltrf. Filly t-etila per hot) le HEALTH I BEAUTY II ??iJ l-nre ?t fr !* )> and Weight ? ptrar S)t'? 1 LauiHiul'Coaipt-^MiWee' * ' ' iAtiamu -a OR. ItADWAl'fc KARMAPAKILLIAN BthOLVI^T Not only dne* the Harraparilliaii 1Umi.Iv enl rxrrl al> km>wn rnt>-4ial atre-itf itt ilit e>>r? At Chronic, So otulohay (Vita' ittiioinil. and Kk in dWeanea; lint it is the nK po?itivr cure lor K'do-y And Bladder onmj'lamti, Uilnert unit W. ??* ? dieeares Grav^r"'(^SSk'iJ6 . ?Tr hriek duet depoane, or 'ho water ia thick, cloudy, mixed with ub?ian.-en like I 'Jtr tyhiteof an egg, or ihreo}?lik- white Hit, of whe>e i* morbid. dark.I i i >u? ?p pearonee. nod whin h?>rn? dual d*-prwii*, and whm llte?e is ? priek?ng. boring senu l?n when passisg witer, and | ei<* In the Ho.ll+lhe melt and along th? Loins. Dr. Bidwij'i ferfeet Purgative Pills, Perfectly la* ele-s, eVgsnily o<>*i*U with iwe-t gutn, l?U'g?. regulate, pui 1'J , rleansf end ?iiHiigilitjn. Kndvtv'i Pille. for the enre of ell dihordcri t?i inn "?ionia? h. Liver, Bowel*. Wwrv.o a diseagM, Ur?d??U, fftiidijiiilon, Co liveneas. Indignation, Dyspepsia, Bib even e** Biliou* Paver, Inflamatioft of the Bowel*. I He*, and All Dalangem-ola of the Internal i ifrfu, Warrmted toefj^ng p positive eur . Purely Vegetable. dnVniViay no mereurv. min?re?s or 4r|gg. T ? | T Iff v Ofteer*e tkc fctllow-egaymrtonafOfhll. fng from llt'order* ol ihe 1 Hgeetivi Oigana: Constipation. Inward Piles Ki lines-* of the Bli^lnir e Heed *ch, Nausea, II an burn, Duwu?t <?f Pood, Fnlln -as or W-ightln ilie Htom eli, Hour & uoi?iion?, Hinkirur of ePlutsorirs Jki fk? ' Pit iJffhe HiO?nSeh,"8?thlonnrf ofT '#ReS<l, i "r&'j&Tt&Mxt*.. the s>stem fr?m etl 'he soove nam.-d disordore. fVice, 5Mt eeets per Bo*. "Hold by Druggists. ,1V, Read " Pels* en^l True." Beed one le*I t?r Msmplo RdDWAVdf aOa Not 8/ Maiden lame. Mew Yo.k. Information worth i thbttaand* wHl be ??nt yen. I July t? 1'i Jy I ? t ' *