University of South Carolina Libraries
g /t^erjgM 10%) ' t lha'. era Bwt adapts to "*r foil Ood clis tny^lKit a *i wJ^t iTjMr aeatthat MARTIN doaa not sell Seeda^ f?r ena?^ reiao Souaali hasprived an entire fatly *. (Mine Coil) thai, ?h? beat Garden Soap Bean to the world, la the Black-aeedrd We*; that any arda wanted eftar kt land at Maaare. Powler to Veagh n'a Store, ov at the Drug-Store of I>r. Oloeenor, or al rr ' PAGAN ELLIOTT M ART IK. MarlO 1 ' ' 46 " >?Hk _ . . ' J. ?, BLACK Jo CO., I kMLUVt ID wiitohn, I'locka, Jewelry, I JL/ BpMbnlM, FU?T ri*a, Coafeetiooeriea. KoilM, bam|?:and ( Fixture*, Ron edplHlaie AUe*ha??nt?,Glfco? trir*, Segara, Snuff. Smoking and Chewing "Tobacco. Dry Ooo<J#, Halt. Shoe*, and a great variety of other artlelejL All aj*e in- , viled (and might do w?ll) oh them before purchasing tJT SpceWI atteotion > given to Repairing Timepiece*. &e. Marlg >t 44 rrtf 850 li AGS SOUTHERN CHEAP FOR Tllli CASH. SAMUEL 8TRADLEY. March IS 45 lm L A N D 3P&JRBTK&. 100 Hags at .. Cost. SAMUEL STRADLEY. Feb 29 48 Itn DR. E. E. WH1TNBR, HAVING located In G<e?nville, M?Eoff-.a l?U PROFK8SIOMAL 8?1K fj VICES to th-citiaeae of tlia Ci'y and .unrounding eounlrv. Ml Office at Mr. A. Bljrlhi'a rcei drnee. M*r IS 45 6m* THE AMERICAN i * \ tu . u:> Combination Button-Hole r AND I SEWING iicnm, 1a now admitted to be far superior to all otbar aa a FAMILY MACHINE. ? ... ? 'l -VI 1 nrt.~ o.*?a-?* jl tec Ky wrijJUCliy, Ease and, , . . :Js . /? ii 4 Certainty With which it operate*, ? wd! as the uniform excellence of its wot U throughnut the entire range of Sewing, (n STITCHING. HEMMING, , ^ , CIO FELLING,, TCI Ck IN G., ... CORDING, BRAIDING. .* QUILTING. GATHERING and SEWING ON. OVERSEAMING EMBROIDERING on Ike EDGE And It* Beautiful Button Hole,. f*nd Eyelet Hole Work, PUee it unquestionably lar in advanee of any other cimllar invention/ It U also admirably adapted to Hiimmint hots ON WOOLEN, COTTON AND LINEN f ABRIC8. Por Deeac and" 8h1rt Malting and Taihn-ltig, iiod]Hal It is a1*o the CHEAPEST, Intrinsically, aa well as the BEST, * Aisw it it really Two XftcltftM Combined in One, (by a rlmplo and beautiful meet.anient arrangement neitr l>af?re aeeompliahed by human lnaaa?Hy^niabiog?lih r* ' arth* Lotlt h'lUlivr Buujp- * llola $tlich. M>. oovaaioQ may require. |W ThU la the only new family maehine that emhodlen. any Substantial Inoprureman?. upon Ufa many ok) maehinea in the market. FOSTER a HUNTER, A gen la for Qreeneille County, Mar 18 46 if CAROLINA^ , ' LIFE iismin COMPAIY. o# MEMPMtftj TPtuai - w ?e ' 7 ! BALTIMORE, MP. Asset#, $1,100,000. BON- JWFEHSOB DAVIS. Dhmt. ' OSN. WADE HAMPTON. VuiPMramr. 6EN. JOHN 0. KENNEDY, Oenaral Agent for &o?U? Caroling Columbia, A C. Mar 13 46 6m 2 cortfoN 4FERTILIZER. lil-P?WL. mm " Mi*** KII11UT1E If 15CTS F0R EBTTOI. :k XVSAY BAG W-AMAVnb.'B' SAMUEL STRADLfJY, h'? Mar IS' i >- #i? 46 ;> i ln? f ft* "^T"" "* *"* hMI'ORlUM OF ?r**sa ! *: icsa ?. HAVING r?e-?v??j th? SPRING..FASH? ION'S, and posted thereby In nil ih* Ptetmli ? Awwlesu Biylss, ftntfHng irrrtl CiUJlng. .w.e sr? j>repnr*<J to givf perfect nliUnction lrt4liir Ik inn* of Ctrt*-ir?ent-? mi OentKmaa nod YoQMhs' CUlhiog, Sliirto, A*. . AU jr9>k w*rr?nU4, r , We requ(bore. Indebted to us to come /forward, hik^ p*v at one, as business can* not be conducted without c**h. O. A. PICK I E A CO. Greenville S. C: ' ' : 45-2 LLiU Road Tai. T^HE UNDERSIGNED having re*eiy?d orders lro?n Hoard'of C?>:'niy Com n.tsrloners for Oreenv'Ha County, S 0 , to Collect a TAX' irvIeclMj Went for Repa.r ol Highways and Bridges, glved noi'.ee thai 1?tr will he at the.Court Uouse on Mond-ty a tfd'Tuesday, the. 1st and 2>1 of April, foi ti,? -r r?..ii? !-- ?2? *-- ? ...... . ? vi"it?>in* K.i'1 l?? ><>I Greenville Township, which is one mill on the dollar. it is desired thnt *11 will coine forward'"and phy up promptly. Office lb old Court House, up etarirs. ' -i : | P..D. GILRKATH. e- l t , | High way Horveynr ' 45-3 Greenville Township. mm! HPUE ABOVE REWARD will be paid 1 lor the apprehension oi, with proof le convict, the party or parties who ret fire to the Slahles of General Easley. Captain Earle, Captain Went field, Colonel Irvine Mr. b'OyUsv f.he Machine Sbnpa of U*rtrs Cline &. Gihos. and The Slahti* of Alex. Mo Bee. Mr. BetrdVn And W. A 'Jennings, i The REWARD will he psid for ? cbn viotion in any one cvi? more eases. * JAME-* P. MOORE. Mayor. Greenville, 8. C., March 8, 1872. Mar IX i ? 46 if TH'fe fill ANA MSTRIRIITHR ULililV ISIU 1 IlIDU 1 UII^ A Simple, Cheap & '1Host Useful Article. Call at Uio COACtf FACTORY and the WESTS PfflT FERTILIZES DISTRIBUTOR. It will Save your f"Manures. MANUFACTURED BY. 60WEftf COX fit MARKLEY. Mar 6 44 '4 mmetmMIY, SUCCESSOR#TO DAVID & STBADLEY, WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE HIS FRIENDS. AT THE r,l f / ? i 'J' < i .< t OldstjMyD, *f|| ?*; Vi V\ {K \\ OS WHERE HE WILL SELL THEM < ? ! ? f >(. It /I 'faG'Wi > Feb 28 48 . m*>;; M * + vMi V* ----- ? ?- ? VJIX tltJTJSjL. THk ondaritjjilei baa taken charge of tha above Hotel, VU9SbB&; (formerly known a a the " Soatbem VtAt,") aM having overhauled the irftlre place km re-tumt^rvd It wtth FurRtnrb, la *?ore? *> ac?em*o0ote the publlo, notfi tranalkift ?a4 permanent. I will gtVe itiy petaoDai^attention to iho Hotel, and guarantee Rota# of Boa<4 par day-Mi 00 Sapper, Brook lea'. e?<l Lodging. 1 60 ttkagl* Heola.?..?? .. 60 Reasonable deduction will he mode te thoae been!log hy the week or mneih, . C. O- MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. Jan Slat, 1872 .19 tin lifhe State of Eolith Caroline GREENVILLE COUNTY. ? SHERIFF'S BALES. TVY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Ft L| e?s4t%. mi djroctbd, ? wills#U l>#fd| MufcCqjirl.HoSrs flaor^n 9alr#<%3rlp AP< nest, between ill# hours o| l? o'#>cl in l) foHhiobn and 3 e'oibcb in t>i# aJwrnSorv .. One Tract of Land, Containing Otis Htfi <tred snd Seven Acres, more or less, oo wate Lf Reedy adjoining lands of Amos K Jftew ami otWws. Levied on as the proper! Tof Tuo?SbS--4Mf*i..3, at the suit of Luoind HepMos and others. - rx * ' iL On# Traal bf Land* aoStslnlng Fifty Aore more or less, adioininc lands of O. W. Cente , Stephen. Ccqtpr npd others. Levied on as ti propoety <.('John Hiu-rLnon, at tho suit of V Also, < One Tract oC Land, containing One Ilui fre( Acres, tnore'irflprf. adjniUlrtglandaoflClt burttP Trammcll, Vflkkial KcUygnd ojftte*LLeVfed on as the property offA>*anda Qardet at Ui? suit of J. C>. Allen ang others. ^ Also, , ,0m , llundtod and Fi(ty?two Gallons ?iull brandy, mora or less. Levied on as tl property of Moses J. Parris, at the suit of W.' Also, All WtfrlUght. Title and IriVrett.dWIM* i Wulbeleriv bring ?he Ot??-Thi?d InterM*? Stewart. and Uefi.ui? Cy. Ipany, of Tji.tiisvltle, Ky., 06 bel'iflt ol W. Boone, Mortgager. ' . > TitaAei?Oteh. PUfotraser*/ to pay f< stamps and papers. SOUTHERN, s. o c. A* i MtarilPe aMUsI Greenville, 8. C, Mom iff 1872. 44-ld I ? | > * a. , , j,_ Treasury Pcpaiimcnt,' Orrtcjf' yr. Comptpo^lvr, or rug Corrbxc * * WAStHisoTon, FohruaVy 14th, 1872. ' \\7* ^1W? Aby1 Jotisfaclory v fdence pr W' I stated to the Undercitniod, it.has l.e< made to appear that " TllE NATIONA BANK OF UREFNVILLtt/' in tbo fytr 1 Greenville, In tho County of QreenvillJ,fci 8'ate of South Carolina, bae been duly orgai feed, under and according to tbo requiremen of tho Actor Congress entitled "An Act provide a National Currency, secured by pledge of United States Bonds, and provi< f?r the oireulation. and rfdcipption therco! ppproved June 3rd, 18(11, nnd has cOinplV with ail the provisions of said Act before cor 1 .noticing the business of Banking under sa ' AcU r. y / , :t a,,.KT T UIT.JXn 11 TJ IT' ' I iwn, iiiNnnrvnnf ? * * M* ?*'*<; - Bi'ItD, Comptroller vf, the Currcpcr, i hereby certify that .' THE NATlON[A BANK OF UREKNVILLK," in the C^ty Greenville. in the Couuty of Ureeuvillcn ai , Stato of South Carolina, if authorised to coi moict the buaiacse of Uaolwnt; under the A aforesaid. A j* In 14* iiin ohy tthnrtof, vcitnf** t | af a | l hand tl'iU teal of ojhct, ll . 14(A day Of Februa.y, 1875 IIILAND It. IIULBllKD, Comptroller of the Currehtv. Feh 28 43 ? . THE BROOKS COTTON PLANTlf I^ARMERS, call at (he COACH FACT i UY. auil ?oo the LABOR SAVIN ,1 PATENT COTTON PLANTER. Wo mn them oursolvcs, out of ?oo<) materials, ui they ore fold VERY CHEAP. . A GREAT SAVING Ol 1\me, I^abor and Cotton Seed IS EFFECTED Call and Buy One GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Jan 31 39 9 Slaic of South Cnrolinr URKRNVILLB COUNTY. In Court of ProbatePetition for Partition of /{eat Pit ate. ALL UN CHANDLER vs. WILLIAM ! CHANDLER, et al. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that W liutn D. Chandler and David P. Chnr.dh reside without the limits of this State. ( motion ot Sullivan A Stokes, Attorneys f Petitioner, it is ordered they do appear In pe son or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate be boldcn at CJreenville Court House, on tl 28th day of March next, to show cause. If nr they can, why the Real Estate of TEMPRl ANCE CHANDLER, deceased, should not 1 sold or divided as prayed f"TS. J%DOUTHIT, P. J. 0. C. February I2th, 1872. 41-7 ~iisrsrs. SPRING TRAD! V \M MARfill III f, rn 1U? 111 illll 111311 ALL Ul H/, DRY GOODS ? AND? Mouwcmis, 143 JHecting CHARLESTON, S. C W0 wilt off-r to the T ade lli}* Season, A Large and Complete Line o Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods <md diotions, Which ?e will fcH at. N-w York Price E. W.MAKSIIALL&.CO. F.I) 11 41 8m ? ? 4 CHi. I ' > r I For Sale, ALL of my ilKAf, ESTATE, eoovialin of the foliowi?Sn t One llOUJAE ;?<! LOT, ort the Rmherfor RrtaVI. bdntah * t Rnnma. Thia la ?erv lieglrx) ''cii of properly. Oita HOlMft ? : VT\ on the corner < C'.ffec and M.-P^e -< ? . mainUit Rigl Rooms. Tn a v-ry it hVratlon (, OnA HOCJ8E a<!^ /, notr thi Surt Work*. cn?t*m ? Foi I.'iotrtt ' \ . A .PLANTAl fi)N, Iinoicr Rlvor. (ion UipifiK .IWe* i!ui-.<lr?(i Aoi?'8?Tliirty ( wlkujlt i? kiver Roi.'om, %nd Fil ir?-n Broooh BoiUitu. I tbm ? wor divWe it into Tbroo I'lonUtioni If desired One WOODLAND PLANTATION, theand * h*|f miles from the City, eontsinin S?*entr-Fi?'? Acres. r k\*0, Ona Tract of LAND in Tranty'ltani Cotinly, N. C , contitihinft Six Hundred i?n Forty Acres. THOMAS 8TEEN. Feb 21 42 Sin Notice of Removal. MK. A. H MUKKISON tetrtrn# hi# ?1n c?*r? thank# to (ho citizen* ut rt??-?-n ville and the orioundipff country f??r th liberal nationege whioh ihey ]>* ? extend I ed to him sine# be he? opened Imi tin see. H lies now rsraored to the eiend ?? Mel Street, next t>elcw Foster A Hneier, whe> he guarantees 'nil raiisteetinn In MAKING CUTTING and FITTING, in t4?A Iwst er, neatest workmanship and manner th country can afford. '1 ?4-1f 1? XO. K. 8. Welts' palace Soar mills, near Polum bus, Geo., were burned on tbo 13th Ktet'lon *75,0(0. V4 ' 'J, 1J4' r? i. Office C<wn*roUftr OaoeraJ, la CoiAmai A, 8. C., ifabriary i, 1871. Til 18, i? to certify liaitk a, fi'kEfy*"VJlIlK ' KNTKltPRTSB, 1 newspaper published ? in the town of timonrillet 6. 0., is hereby de>r? ignated by U>is the paper in whiob >* legal and public notices published, for Y- the Conntr of' Gfeenyitle, iri accordance with the ' Aet to tabulate the publication of all laf&xi.yiur.p*'ttirxu,w S. |- M f i? n Cottpewildf Uaneml." - . ! i Dw 44, CHAMBBK.LA IN, t, . Attorney UeuoralTHK above is a tfire copy of the original ot> f fi|e in the efflpo of Secretary of Kt*t*. t ,, , F. L.CARDpZA, r Secretary of Stati. j Feb M i' 1 4l'i ' ' < ?r?tf? ' ^ liftHd for ,r NAM A N, will be ndbted at fmbltf MtlollOtl, before the Court llouae door, on Cnleaday in April next: . , a . . c TRACT No. t, confaining'6o0 Ac'rcS, more or lew, 180 Acres of-wMcH air* itr* high MiOo of cultivation ; about LOO Aerea.of firat quality River Bottom, On this Tract is a NEW FRAMED HOUSE; NEW- BARN, Ac., and Y) pleh?y ?f goed Moiitee fotr sareantr. > TRACT N?>.,2, containing 170 Aciea. ajoro or less, lies adjoining No, 1 ; of this, abopt 70 Acres in cultivation, a largts proportion of en which is Creek Bottom; (Httbts Trentkre two " Sctlh merits i also,.a good site for a JdilU., ?* This Laud lies on South .Saluda Rivcf, 18 >d miles Tro'rh Orcenvlllb. ??. < T, 1 . e n" TERMS.?One-half Cash ; the remainder ts in.two or tbreu annual instalments, qritb ton t? per cent, interest, secured t.y a Mortgage on * the premises. 1? ? ... JULIUS Oi SMITH. ? Fob 28 4a , . tf fd ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Sixty Fivo First Frige Medals Awarded. j1? ' MoSutlicrn Pinno 1*4 fjl MANUFACTORY, 5 'J WM. KNABE &CO.f Manufacturers of "> BRAND, SQUARfc AND UFR1GHT ' ' piano:fortes, BALTIMOHE.MD. ? These Instruments have been bdfere the Public for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their excellence alone attained an ununrchat, cdpriftini neilck, Which prChounctV'Hicm uhj equaled, in .( : xr n w TONE. TOUCH, ?G" WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY, ke All our Squaro Fianos bavo pur New Itusd proved Overstrung Scale ana ^he AgrofTe Treble. ? We would call spceinl attention to our late r Patented Improvements in Grand, Fianos and , Snuare Ornnds. (annil in V?.? mK?. o:- ? , . ? ? ??", , which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained, Every Piano Fully Wan anted for Five Years. We ere by upcoral urriitipvuual enabled to furnish l'arlor Organs and ^JLelodeons of tbo most celehrated makers, wholesale and retail ' at lowost Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues . and Price Lists promptly furnished on application to _ WM. KNALtK A CO., Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular established agencies. I* Cot. 18 JM em 1871. *'1871. I GUM 2 GUM 2 GUM 2 r, X~VOPBLE and Single Barrel Guns, Brocch)n XX loading and Mtirrlc-Uinding Guns, of or English, French and German manufacture, at r- all prieos. . i. .'? ?!? , to Single Guns at (2.50, $4.00, $6.00, $8.00, >e $12.00 to $20.00 each; Double , Guns from >y $7.00 to $200.00 each. ? wswDltS! ipmmsn Smith A Wesson, Colt's, Allen's, Sharp's, and all the popular and approved kinds. SPOUTS-MAM'S GOODS of great Variety. AMisoiMOTaoKi't I'or Guns, Pistols and Rifles. BEST QUALITY AND AT IUWIST PRICES. Country merchants pnd sportsmen are in1 viU'd to call and examine our largo and well it selected stock of the above goods, which we , iimport direct and buy front the manufacturers. Orders, by mail filled promptly, a#d sent hy express, C. 0. D. ih POULTNEY* TRIMBLE & CO:, 200 M\ BALTIMORE STHRET, BALTIMORE. MD, Afar 22 S 18-6 46 1y PHOTOGRAPHING. K T T A VINO recently titled up the rooms " XX over VVU'i/pire A Fergusint'a Store, with elegant lights, I am prepared to do all kinds nt PHOTOGRAPHING, at eery rhort notice. Satisfaction guarented to ail !, W. M. W HEKLPjt. May 21 * tfl? f C. C. Stephens, LW. tiREENVILLEt 8. . ?. OFFICE IN KHAR OF UEATTIK'd STORE. - Pf6mpt attention ghreh to Collec- I tlons. Jan 81 v M tf etptjowes * ATP 1VAW, .1 ' jLvA SOLICITOR IX EQUITY. " WILL PRACTICE IN ALL >r COURTS OF THIS STATE ,l or ., W ....ft / . IN THE LNIT^D, STATES COURTS. Office Greenville C. H., 8. C. JMly' ' ' 1 7 v 1 y* - f I\ollC<r TS HEREBY GIVEN to all whom it may ' X Concern, that I will apply to a. J. DoutnH, l'arbalu Judge of Greenville County, on the * 28th day of March next, for a FINAL Dls>g CHARGE aa Executor of the Estate of John StcnHia, deceased, 1 A.T. STENNIH, Hxacutor.l a February 21st, 1872. , .41?>>, Notice _ 18 hereby given to al| whom it may concern, X that I xyill apply, to S. J. lioutbU, Pro* hate Judge of Greenville Connty, on the Cth - day of April next^ for a Final Discharge aa Administrator of tha Eitateof JESSE TKAMn MELT., deceased. L 01.AYBOURN TRAMMEL!., AlmlnWfmtrtr. , March 4th, ?8>2. . hr 44-4 ft ?r. r*. ? - ? . Notice ? . j , , K TS HEREBY GIVEN to,all whom it may d X enneero, that I frill apply to S. J. Poqth H, Pfnbate Judge at Greenville Conhty, an the 8th day ol April neat, for a FINAL MidOilAKOK aa Administratrix of tbo K?iaUi of ,. JUDITH ATTWOOD, deceaacj. I, O. V. McKAY, AdiflTvfetrfttflx. March ata, 1872. 41?j T ?r HAPKS' Mil SUPEH-fttOSFI r/r? OLDEST ffrrrifn.pnospHA'Yt i IO (r* i- ;? f <?* ??? ?';. . ' rfT19MP03Bl>?f Pk~pk*tic \j t*r and Smlnh+ric Acid. N? Salt, Ba Abaorbaut of any kind ua?d. Factory open ' ' ' _ * Nitaetecu l?9ri of F JBZfTKODVOKJB IN 18*2. , QUICK ACTION AND PBRMANBI 7k?ft'HM)r V J/tmdredrn 4/ Wtll- Knonm Pinn #<1*1, ? " During A>< $46 Cash-$50 Time, Pa FOSTER <k HUNTER, A( " KlNSN n Mil" s? ,t?i? >> ? Hi-4a |p?hn*f?*r on! I i < w 1 ' ! ?(' > I* "W vll IP dflll UMOmTKIl 80LU CASH PRTdE AT FACTOR1 PHOSPH0-PERI CASUf tiO. ACID BONE CASH, $25. GROUND CAROL C ASH, #15. NOVA SCOTIA CAS THE above-named Aftimonlated Solnhlo lI compounds of the highest grade* or Bom with Nn. 1 Peruvian Uuano end auiinal matte Fertilisers in use, couibiniog the iugrcdicnts r< and Cereals. wOiiist thesis FMIHttri are warranted to fete been materially reduced-for the present season. I -Manufactured and for sale at Charleston, S. II l*\l uvr Mossffr. 0. A. TRENHOLM A SON. Oeneri the South. For analyses and certificates sopd STONO FE THE STONO PHOS Of Charleston, S.'C., properly appreciating th the Smith, resolved fn the atitset to offer theftwithin the reach of eyery planter. They offci SOLUBLE a complete Amtnoniatcd Fcrtiliicr, at $45 ensh with approred city acceptance without intcrcs u Dissolved. for composting with Cotton Seed or Stable Ms cash, or $.10 cietlit as above; this is highly re great satisfaction. 1/ < Wo have uutuorous certificates from intellig fcrcnt sections of the State, testifying to the which wo append below. WILLIAM KAVKNEL. J.I f'mirimi. MARSHALL A MAULDIN, Agents, Grecnv De<\r Sir : In reply to your inquiry concer presont year, I will state what I did, and givo On the 15th of May last I planted twelve a cation of octton seed and barnyard manure eoi ing, I put nothing at all, not having received 15th of June I applied the Stono, at the rate after the cotton was nil up. The manner of tl horse Watt plough the cotton was barrod off a and immediately covered hy throwing back th The result .Was as, follows: Ou the first six t of cotton to the acre; from the last six, to wh been applied, I gathered aa avorage of 1,200 were in the same field, separated only by a ro' i Very truly, yours. A To J. D. AlKR.N, Esq., Gen. A-jeni Sun I used two tons Stono Dissolved Phosphate, seed, on my cotton th s year. It certainly dot bales to every four acres on which it wns used, phnte, with two other fertilisers costing near!) 'J'here was no rust on the cotton under which I spots of wet, springy land, whilst the cotton I were, ruMed early and badly. Jaw 10 sou t : LIFE INSUitAP GEN. JAS. B. G( ASSETS. OVE C. C. ST AGENT FOR GREj DR. J. II. DEAN, Medical Examiner. Dec. 18 a rnr a iintr /i a | A 1 L/AiN 11U AUL cjlJHIS Article, prepared by the U PANY, under the direction RaVENEL, for composting with Reduced Price of $28 per ton cas vemher, 1872, Free of Interest. Orders filled now will he cons! on Time as due 1st November, ] haul it at a time when their Wago PELZCR, RODGER Browr J. i\ DONALD, A | J an 3 TtlantTcI millS FERTILIZER, uianufu. Company under the direc'i ! Karenel, is now ottered to the PI dnced Price of $48 per ton cash, oi Free of Interest. This Fertilizer baa beon very ex1 given entire satisfaction ; some of ting it to be equal to Peruvian Gui All sales made now wjjl be cons 1872, and to those buying on time on 1st November, 1872. t By this arrangement planters wi haul their Manure at a time when Pamphlets containing the cvrti Atlantic Phosphate will he fnrtiieln PELZER, ROD4?i:i Rro WM. BEATTIE Agent Jan 3 M. 0. BUTI.Ra. , . F. B. MCBKK BUTLER & McBEE* Attorney! and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GRBBNVILLK, 8. C., 011 Praetiee in the Oeurta of tho State and of the United States. ' May SI 4 It ?l?U!:a ?, : I. 0 0. F. Mountain Lodge, No Wy Friday Night, at their Hall, over liar iltall Ai Mpuldiu'a Drug Sluir. Regular attendance desired. j a Mvs r. Moon*, ff. r. A-g. 47 ;t r? - -?n tJUU-2-?lUMtENlKED etii l-n >i?-t i?f't -ttijl IATE OF LIME. I ' '? V11# JI. . < *!? {ANurACTunab j.y w*/.? cou*T&r> Guano, Cont*ntral*4 Animal AmmOAitlfiat Stoi* It Cake, Nitre Cake, Plaefef/ftof Adetterirot oi tor inapMtien at ell tiaaea. i rMtloal Eiperlenec. PATBHTBJD DECt M. l9?? IT IMPROVBMRHT TO THK BOIL. let* f? it* /unrM ***Tf Variety / Crap mmj rtm? Ajveret Scaiont. ,, yable November 1st* 1872 }KNTS GREENVILLE, 8. C. IAN & HOWELL, Gtnrrnl Afftnlt /&r South Carolina, Jfo. 128 Mutt Day, CharUetoa, & V. DVS: BfcB PACIFIC QtANO. |45 PER TON, TIME, $50. UVIAN GUANO. TIME, #6*. PHOSPHATE. TlMEytaO. IN A ^PHOSPHATE. TIME, f?0. LAND PLASTER. II. $10. 'arifle and Pbospho-Perurian Guanos, are rich Phosphate, rendered soluble and ntnmoniatcd r, making the Most concentrated and profitable quired to produoa-nnd support tha Cotton Plant kept up to their high standard, the pricea iiave (J* l?y +N B. SARDY St SON. it Agent*. Alao for aale by Agents tbmnghout for pamphlet. Jnn 24 36-3m ' RTILIZERS ~ PHATE COMPANY, o aaceaaity of foatering the planting interest of Fertilisers fit a price which would plucc tbcin their GUANO, i; or $50 on a credit to tha 1st November next, t. Tito Phosphate," inure, is now offered at tbo very low prico of $25 commended by planters who have used it with ;ent planters of the highest character, from difexceljenco of these Fertilisers.?only a few of J. AIKEN. GENERAL AGENT, An. 5 Cittlrnl Wharf, Ch<irlr?tnn, St. C. ilia; G. W. ANDERSON, Agent1, Williamston. CAMDEN, December (lib, 1871. ning my use of the Stono Phosphate iu the you the result. ere* of cotton, to which I made a heavy appll* nbincd. On the other six, at the tune of plantthen the Stono Soluble Phosphate. On the of 250 pounds to the arre, to the last six acres, be application was as followsWith tho ones near as practicable and the phosphate put in, e earth taken ewny by the first ploughing, icres 1 gathered in the seed about 800 pounds ich nothing but the Stono Soluble Guano hnd pounds per acre. The two parcel* planted w. Tho cultivation was the same, o., JAMES CURSE (IT. ioi Phosphate Company, Churleiton, ?>'. C. KDOEFIHLD. 8. C., November 27, 1871, , composted with an eaual weight of potion iblcd the yield, making on ordinary IniVJfl threo Iu nomo tint rows an equal weigjit of PI109' double the money, produced roofc cotton.? [lie phoftphxte wn> used, except on a few final! undur which the other m?ro coot I v furlilirers J. W. TOMPKINS. nr. :im. EI E n 1ST iCE COMPANY. 3RDON, PRES'T, R $1,200,000. EPIIKNS, ENVILLE COUNTY. 32 tf D PHOSPH ATE. ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMof their Chemist, Dr. ST. J U LI EN Cotton Seed, is now offered at the h, or $31 per ton payable 1st No* idcred as Cash 1st March, 1872, or IS72, thereby enabling Planters to ns and Mules arc idle. L8 St CO., Cicncral Agent*, i's Wharf, Charleston. S. C. yrnt, ?me Station, H, . 35 3m MI0SP1IATE. cturcc) by the Atlantic Phosphate on of their Chemist, Dr. St. Juliet) anting Community at the very Re i $>i>2 pavuDio let .November, 1872, teneivdy used in this State and has the most practical planters aeimitsno, pound for pound, idered as cash on the 1st of March, the ealc will be considered as due 11 be enabled, without extra coat, to their wagons and mules are idle, ficatea of those who have used the ad on application to the Agents. Its St CO , tilcneml Agent*. wn'M Wbnrf, ChttrlcMon, *. f. . Greenville. South Carolina. |J 3 in to tiik lad1ks. Fall and Winter Opening. mbs. l. t! jennings It fully infnrtn? thi> s&rgtm ^Im that *li? i* now rtoiv fflMBCTfil it'g lull fupplie* of JH3HI FALL AND WTNTER hbimillimrv I . . f I ' ' ' or liTHT AXV MOOT FASHION AIIIvK STYLES. Thr 8:oek w]ll ron?4?l of oil fit* lines of OOOPS fount] in similar ealablmbment*, an<1 nl'l be offcri-t] *t very ronsnnabU I'lict* 'i7-ll i m FSSYUIZES TRIUMPHANT. - -0-?ri* WiufiNoroN, N. 0.1 Aug 21?t. 18*71. Fof the large-t pioduc'-ion of Cotton to th- acre, /,001) lba, CAROLINA FfcRTL L1ZER For the largest. production hf Wheat frt th'? acre, l'.ooo lba. CAROLINA FERTILIZER. The above premium* ar* for crop* produced with the use of the CAROLINA FERTILIZER alone, or in combination with plantation manures only, and the awarding * of said premiums is bit discretionary with the romniittee of th# Association under tlieir rules ' SANDERS. OATES ?fe CO.. Agent* at Charlotte. STEVENS A CUR ETON, Lancaster, S. C. i W ?xi!avr? LascaRtbr Comrrv.S C. To P. P. Zimmerman, h*q.. Seer*tnr>i of the Fair of the Carolina?. Churl pit*, N< C : The fol'owiug Is a current stiiteiireol ?f Cotton raised hy Stevens dr CuretAo, on 1$ aensof stubble I >nd. which was manured with 400 pounds of (Jaiwdna Fertilizer, j The following-?? the ino 'e of cultivation : It wn* thoroughly broken up twelve inches deep, and InM off in row tlncc and a lmlf test wide, and the Fertilizer applied in the drill, then bedded on it on the 16th of | and plquled the as inc. day, hut owing 'otliv | cool and dry weather, <l:d not come np to j n stand until about the l?t of June. First j working it wns run nrourid with a ha'f aho: Tel ani partially tiiauned out with a line. ( Second working it was run around with a i three-inch grub, twelve inches long, an.I | the middles thrown out with a sweep eigliI teen inches wide. One furrow to a row and j thinned to r aland with a hoe about twelve inches between the stock?, olid afterward* it was ploughed every two weeks with' a stTeep eighteen inches wide, nnd hoed each tinie, until it wna worked live tim-a. The following in a collect itatement of I tlie Cot loo picked : I 1st Picking.,.., 2o I I 2-1 Picking .41<? 31 Picking 413 Estimated amount ol utiopenel mutured bolls 81ft Tctnl 1023 Respectfully auVniit.iel, STEVENS A CUR ETON, I certify I weighed the Cotton picked in me ?oi'V<! statement ninl ii i* cutfrt. W. A. GRAHAM. October 2d, 1S71. At lln? request ot Messrs. Stevens & Cureton. we have examined the one and oneeii;liih nere of Cotton, and the estimate tnade above is true to the best of our ability. * 1) P. DURA NT. VV. A URAllAM. JOSEPH ROUGES. Premiums awarded to Stevens A Cureton on at ove Certificate. We will sell tlie abore SPLKXDID Flill'LILlZEU at Korty-Fivo Dollars cash, or Fifty Dollars payable 1st November, with interest at Seven per Cent, per annum, delivered at our Warehouse in Oliarloedon. Agents will sell at saute prices* adding tfie freight and dray age to their Dcpo s. GEO IWILLIU1MS & CO. .1. A. I>AVH> AND TT . mxu. n j2> m." :E2 % AG FN TS, GRLEXV1LLE, S. C. Jan 17 37 Han r FERTILIZERS. THE CELEBRATED ARE FOR SALE BY WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., Importers and Doalets in Gn&noa. 119 Ray St , Savannah , tin. 151 Hay, Charleston, S CJ. A. DAVID, Agnnt AT GREENVILLE, H. C. For further information apply or address as above for Almanac for IS72. Jan 17 87 "8m Johnston, Crews & Co*, 1MI'OUTERS And Wholesale Dealers in 8TAI>IJ5 ART) 3? A3NTO "5T DRY GOODS. XT 0 T I OXX O WAKES. 41 71A r .V K S 77? EE T. (DMiOOSTOr?, S.'' (P. L>?c VX oi >y