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PUBWUfD ?T AUTHORITY \ AN ACT TO REGULATE PILOTAGE AT TMtf K>RT9 ON CHARLESTON, fr BEAUfORT AMD GEORGETOWN. ' Section 1. Br it enaetrd by the S?o??e and Hoom of Representatives, ol the Sut? of South Caroline, now mat and sitting in Qsoerel Anipbly, and by tba authority of the Mm a: That tba Governor ia hereby aothoiiscd to appoint aaparata and diatioot B tarda of Pilot Commissioners for the porta of Charleaton, Beaufort and Georgetown, each Board to ecnsist of three pereona, of whom two ahall be, or ahall have bean, eeafating men, and the third a full branch pilot.? The Commiaaionere of Piietage, for the port ot Beaufort, ahall have juriadiouon over St. Helena, Port Royal, and all entrances Southward. See. S. Tba said Commiaaionere shall have power to organise, from time to time, a Board of Examination, by adding to their number two nautleal men, if deemed neaaaaary by the no, to be ehoaan by them* selves; and It ahall be the doty of the said respective Examining Boards to examioa eaeh and all applicants as to his or their competency to work or manage vessels, and, generally, to discharge the duties ot a Pilot or Pilots ; and no license, or branch, _l.11 l. t.j e_ n. 1_. VIIBJI ue gr?Dvcu iu mijr poravu uu iw? uo receive the certificate of eompetenoy signed by a majority of such Examining Board. Sec. 8. That each aod every applicant for a branch, or lioenae, before he aball re ceive a certificate from a majority of the Examining Board, shall pay to said Board the sum of five dollara to defray the expen ses of auch examination, and of issuing said certificate. See. 4. Apprenfieea shall be taken by full branch pilots only, with the approval of the respective Board# of Commissioners of Pilotage, and shall serve two years before receiving a nine-foot branch, or license ; the last year of service it shall be the duty of their masters to take the said apprentices on board of all vessels,, so that they may become completely competent to discharge their duties. After holding their branches, or licenses, of nine feet, for twe years, if competent, to the satisfaction of their masters, they shall receive a twelvefoot branch, or license, which they must hold in service for two yeers, at the end of whieh time they may reeeiva a full branch, or license. In all cases, however, the applicant for apprenticeship shall be eighteen years of age previous to receiving his nine foot branch, or license: Provided, That any person, or persons, who have been trad ing between either of the ports above mentioned, ond other ports, for a period of five years, shall, upon a satisfactory exsinina lion ueiore tuner 01 me respecuvo uoarug of Commissioners, bo entitled to receive from said Board a full branch, or license Sea 6. The said respective Boards of Pilot Cupimieeioners shall give to the applicants approved by them either a limited license or branch, or n full license or barnch ac cording as the application and discovered fitness of the applicant shall be signed by a majority of the Kxaruining Board, or by their Chaiimnn, as the majority of said Board may direct, requiring of each applicant before the delivery to him of such license or branch, to swear and aubacribe to the following oath, to he administered by the President of the I Board, to wit: " I. A. B. do aolemnly swear (or affirm) that I will well and faithfully, and according to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute and discharge the business and duty of a licensed pilot or apprentice (as the ease may be) for the bar and harbor of Charleston, Beaufort or Ge rge- j town (aa the case maj be) and that I will at all times, wind, weather and health per milting, use my best endeavors to repair on board of all sbipa and vessels that I shall aee and conceive to be bound for, or ?nnn - ?- -1 -L. - l,.?i IDg llilO, Or going oui OI mc ]>un ur >1 uui | of Charleston, Beaufort or Georgetown, (as the case may be.) nnleas that I nm well assured that some other licensed pilot ia then on board the same. And I do further swear j (or fitdi) that I will, from time to time, and at all times, make the beet dispatch in my power to convey safely over the bar of Charleston, Beaufort or Georgetown (as the ease may be) every vessel oommitta 1 to my eare, in coming In or going oot cf the same ; sod that I will, from lime to time, and at all timea, truly observe, follow and fulfill to the beat of my skill and ability and knowledge, all sueh orders and direetions as I shall or may receive from the Coram iseioners of Pilotage relative to all matters 1 aod things that may appertain to the duty of a pilot; and further, that I will not at the as me time be owner, part owner, nor be interested, directly or indirectly, in more than two boats employed in the business of the pilotage of the bar and harbor of Ghar leeton, Beaufort or Georgetown, (aa the case may he ;) So help me God/* See. 6 That after any aueh person or applicant shall haVfc taken the oath or affirmation aforesaid, and subscribed to the same, the said Board of Commisioaers shall require sueh persons to esednte to them, and their successors in offiee, a bond, with two sureties, to be approved by th?m, in the sum of five hundred dollars, if his license be of nine or twelve feet; or in the sum of one thousand dollars if it be a full license ; which bond shall be conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as such pilot ; whereupon, the said Board of Commis* sioners shall deliver to such person a license, to be measured by his respective draft of water; said lieerse to ha signed either by the President of the said Board, under direction of a majority thereof, or hy such majority themselves. Sen. 7. That the respective Boards of Commissioners of Pilotage ahall have power and authority, for any cause or charge, to them satisfactorily proven, to order and direct any 01 ail pilots, for their respective t ars and harbors, to deliver up his or th-ir licenses, and to take oat a new license or licensee; but no pilot who shall satisfy them of the falsity of any such charge brought against htm, shall be required to pay an additional fee for his new lieense ; ' and It ahall be the duly of the said respective Board of Comtnhefona to ' y before I the County Commissioners of their respective counties, immediately after the execution thereof, all botdt given by pile's, and if the eai4 County Commissioners be not lat sded with the secnrity on such bond, I b? daamad : iwilBiictt, aha 11 fUo Hi bnd, with nth NTttlM and within inch tin* u shall baapproiod or dotnandod by tho Mid County OoM?lMionam. In wblob mm thn pilot ball ruilM n now IImdm on MfToodtring hia fol map ana Anil a?H ?il?i * I ? ? ? ? j*uv? nv? ?uui. I plying with thaea Moditlont, or any of *.hem, shall forthwith forfait hltiioenes, sad shall ho disqualified to Mt M pilot at oitbor ot ?ho roo poo tiro bars or borboro aforesaid, for the period of twelva (IS) months. The number of pilot* for either of the bare or barbora above named shall be deterroiaed by the raspeoltva Board of Gommieeionere afore^ldt Prdvided. That the Mid Board of Cotntntesionere ihall iftako no dletinetioo in the lection of pilots on aeeonnt of race, color or previous condition. Sco 8. Tha majority of tha respective Boards of Pilotage aforesaid ehall bare power and au'liority, in their respective jurisdiction*, to take away the IVeenee of a pilot for a given time, or to declare his H cense null and void, as the netnre of the care may demand, upon charge of any dereliction of duty made and proven against 1 him; bat each and every pilot against whom any charge shall ho made (hell he entitled to a hearing before his Board of Pilot Commissioners, and to make any proper defenee to snch charge before said Board of Commissioners; and if any pilot baa forfeited his license, or is ao longer en tilled to the us* of his license, by virtue of this or any other clause of thia Aot, the Commissioners of Pilotage shall have the power to order the Harbor Master of their respective harbors to call on him for the surrender of hie lireose, and if he shall rsfute to give up lb* same to the Harbor Master oo demand, the latter ehall notify for one week in the pubs lie daily papers, or for three weeks in the public weekly papers of his respective harbor, that such person has no loogev a right fft a ?I mm m nlt-.l unltl I.. --1 ? .-.--1 I? %m |/Uv* uu?? MV U? rVlUSlBbOU uj the Board of Commissioners. See 9. No pilot shall discontinue to act for three months, nor shall he absent himself at any time from his respective port or harbor, without permission from tha Commissioners of Pilotage of hie said port or harbor, nor shall any pilot hire out hie pilot boat to any person or parsons whomsoever, unices he substitute another boat, to be approved by the Commissioners aforesaid. But the Commissioners shall never give such permission unless, in their opin ion, there shall be a sufficient number of boats actually engaged in the service of pi lotagc. Nor shall any pilot substitute or employ as a pilot any one from whom license has been taken away, or become forfeited, as aforesaid; and any pilot herein in anywise offending -hall, for each and every such otTenc*, be deprived of his license by the Commissioners, or a majority of theui, and if so deprived he shall be proceeded against at provided in the latter part of the preceding Section of this Act, and shall moreover forfeit and pay to the State a sum not exceeding eoe hundred dollars. Sec. 10. That in esse of war no pilot shall bring in or furnish supplies to any armed vessel belonging to an enemy at war with the U,oited States, or shall carry ont any armed vessel belonging to such enemy without being ordered so to do by the constituted authorities of the Bolted States; and every pilot herein anywise offending shall forthwith forfeit hit license, and be disqualified forever after from acting as a pilot; and if, at any time, the President of the Unifsd States, or the Governor of the State, shall prohibit to furnish with sup plies, or to bring in or earry out any vessel or vessels belonging to any nation or Slate, or to a subject or subjects of any nation or State, it shall be the duty of every pilot, for either the bars ?r harbors hereinbefore named, to comply with every such prohibition, on pain of incurring the same penalty and punishment as for like offence in time of war. Sec. 11. That every pilot cruising cr standing out to sea, shall offer his services first to the vessel nearest to the bar, except when ha tees a more distant vessel in" distress, under a penalty of filly dollars, tor each And every such neglect and refusal, either of approaching the nearest vessel, and of boarding bar, if reqaircd, or of aiding any vessel showing signals of distress io the oast above meotioned ; and the Com ntissioners of Pilotage, or a majority of thern, may, at their discretion, deprive the said pilot of his license: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall ex tend, or be construe) to extend, to vessels of the description mentioned in the preeed ing Section, ail of which vessels it shall be the duty of every pilot to avoid as much as possible, whenever they ere known to, or justly suspected by him as such. Sec. 12. Whenever the Governor of the Stale shall issue a proclamation subjecting vessels from oertain ports or countries to quarantine, it shall be the duty of every pilot conducting any such vessel over the bar of the ports above named to bring her to the quarantine ground, and to remain on board, or go to the Lazaretto, without coming up to the port until the Port Physician shall permit it; and during the time for whieh any eueh pilot remains on board any such vessel, or stays at the Lazaretto, he shall he allowed four dollara for eaeh and every day of his remaining on board or s<aying at tha Lazaretto as afresaid, and be found in neeeasary provisions and aeeom* modal ions, at the expense of the Master, owner or consignee of auch vessel. And every pilot neglecting or refusing to bring any auch vessels to the quarantine grounds, or coming to the port without previously obtaining the Port Physician's permission, or before the time limited by the said Port Physician's, shall, for eaeh and eyery snch offence, be deprived of Ilia license, and shall not oblaio another license before the expiration of one year, and forfeit and pay tha sum of fifty dollars to the State. Sec. IS. The pilot ground shall extend from each of the bars aboved named thirty miles Eastward, Southward and Westward, and any master or eommaodar of a vessel bearing toward either of said eoastsor bara (all coasleis and other vessels trading be tween any porta within this State excepted) who *h?ll reesivs on board a lioeeeed pilot, who shall offer la board, shall be, and is hereby made liable, on his arrival at either of said ports, to pay the pilot who first of fared ta go on board, aod take charge of sueh vessel, lha rataa and fees allowed and established as hereinafter mentioned, aa if inch pilot hud actually brought io inch rea if a pilot having a aloe or ,twel*a .feet liMDM only, u tho M( may We, la refuted by the Meter ofA veeeel of frttlfr dreft_ each matter ehell not be liable to'him tor her pilotage: And provided, alee, That if a pilot refoeo to produce hie lioeoee to the matter of a veeeel when the latter demandt it, the feei of pilotage thai! not be charged a gal net the matter neglecting the tervleet of ?*?? fi'vnt ' a See. 14. That any pilot boarding a vessel I on pilot ground aball be ^utitled to reoeivo from the master, owner or assignee,- foor dollar# for every day of hie being on board prevlyuy to her etmiftg I Dtp part, (b addition to the fWea of pilotage hereinafter ea ubliabrd. That every pilot ot an inward bound vessel, who ahall be directed by, the matter to anohor in lha roade and after* ward* bring her into port, ahall be entitled to receive four dollare from the master, owner or asa:gnee; aleo four dollare to bring a vessel anchored In the stream (at the request of the matter, owner or eon* signee) and moor her at the wharf; four dollare to unmoor (at the request of the master, owoer or consignee) and aneher in the at ream, or from the stream! to the road#, to be psld m aforeaaid. See. 18 That the pilot who brought in the vessel shall have the exclusive tight of eafrylng her out, unless the master or com* mender of such veasots ahall, within a fortnight after his arrival in port, prove to the satisfaction of the Pilot Commissioners at said port, or a majority of them, thnt the same pilot had misbehaved during the time be had charge of-such vessel, or unless the said pilot eh all have been deprived of hie license before the departure of such vesfcel ; In either of which cases another pi* Jot may be employed, who thsil be entitled to received the outwprd pilotage. And every pilot having or becoming entitled to cXrry out a vessel. Shall either attend in person or procure another pilot, of his v?? degree, to attend for him on such outward bound vessel, after twelve hours' notice by the master, by the hoisting of his jack at the foretop masthead, for that time, during daylight. But if such pilot should neither attend in person, nor substitute another person, pilot of equal degreo with himself, the master ot such vessel shall be at liber ty, after the expiration of the above limited space of time, to employ another pilot, of equal license, who shall ba bound, if not previously engaged, to carry anch vesae' out, and who shall he entitled to the out* ward pilotage. And any pilot who shall carry out a vessel, not being entitled to do so, shall be liable to the pilot who had the right In the amount ot pilotage paid or dne for carrying her out. And any pilot whu brought in a vessel shall have the right to demand his fees of pilotage, and the lawful charges, as aforesaid, before her departure from port. And whenever a pilot, having a right to carry a vessel, is apprehensive I that his fees of pilotage may not he paid j by tier master, owner or consignee, he shall have a right to demand his lees in advance, or such security for the payment thereof as shall be reasonable and satisfactory ; and, on failure thereof, may lefuee to earrry her out. Sec. 16. Thatvjo person shall be author* ized or permitted to conduct and pilot any vessel over the bar of either the harbors aforesaid, either wleu coming into, or 'going out of, port, naleea such person ehall have a license as aforesaid ; and every perron not having teeeived such license, or haying forfeited the earne, or being deprived thereof, as aforesaid, who thai I uresume to bring into, or carry out of, either of the aforesaid porta any vessel which has to cross the bar, as well as every person having a limited licenae of twelve feet, or nine feet, who shall presume to conduct a vessel of more than nine or twelve feet, over either of the bnrs aforesaid, either in coming in or going out, shall he enti led to no fee, gratuity or reward, for the same, hut shall pay the regular pilotage to the pilot who aha!I first offer : Provided, however, That the foregoing prohibition shall not extend to preveot any person frem assisting any vessel in distress, without a pilot on board, if audi person shall deliver up such vessel to the first pilot who shall afterward* come ou board and offer to cond< ct eueh vessel; and, also, that the captain and crew of a ti-iKi nun roi se uaoie to sucn one tor conducting lier over the her without the aid of a pilot if, in either of the two lntt mentioned oases, a signal for a pilot is worn. Sec. 17. That every mastor of an outward bound vessel shall, at the appointed time of his departure, have his Teasel in readiness for sailing, and as a signal thereof, hoist a jack at the foretop-masthead ; and every master of a vessel who shall detain a pilot, at the timeap* pointed, so thet he cannot proceed to sea, though wind and wsatbeff should permit, shall pay to suoh pilot four dollars per day during the time of his aetual detention on such vessel. Sec. 18. That if any master or commander of a vessel shall carry off any of tha pilots for either of the bars or harbors aforesaid, he sball allow every such pilot four dollars for each and every day daring bis absence, and supply him with provisions and other necessaries in the seme manner as is asoal fer maintainsnoe sod accommodation of masters of vessels, and the master, as well as the owner, consignee and security of such vessels, shall be liable for the aforesaid sum : Provided, however, That no pilot, who is carried off as aforesaid, shall be entitled to any of the aums aforesaid, if such vessel sball have laid to fa* the space of sixlean hours, after having erossed the bar, and no pilot boat shall have appeared at tha time to receive such nilot on board ?i?? That the mailer, owner, or coosignpe, shall defray the expense of aueh pilot haelt to either of said ports, as the oase may be. Sec. 19. That the owner or owners ot every pilot boat, or pilot or pilots who may hire sneh boat, or may be eiuplcysd thereon, shall ? ! ? such number to be put on the moat conspicuous place of each boat's main and foresail, as may ha designated by the Harbor Master of the respective port, and the figures designator the number of the boats, mi aforesaid, shall be at least five feet in length, end be made to appear as conspleados as possible, by being placed on each sida ot the main and foresail j of every boat used in the pilotage, and every pilot omitting or neglecting to number tbs boat in wbiob he may be interested, shell, on conviction before the Commissioners of Pilotage, be deprived of bis license, aad shall, in addition, be liable to pey a fine of one hundred dollars. <* ^0 8t*c. 20. That If any of the said pilots shell vi ?'c vuiiuwtru in ou|)Hr?0?rPlll|Mn MIO buainaas of pilotage of ellhar of the bara and ' harbor* aforaeiid, aa owner, part-owner, or | inUrestad dlraatly tha* MM* fnpM?*lt i|V lM CA^dInImpi of (hi nlon|?' sball ba# aod tbay ar* htreby? authorised lo take away tha Hoaose of eneb pilot, and dsatara tha aant hall gad void ; and auah pilot, lo any manner offending againat thia Section, ahaII forfeit and pay f au.a not excaading fie# hundred dollara. See. SI. That it shall ba the duty of a pilot, if raquirsd by tkd mnater or eotomacder of a veoael, to remain on board, while such Teaaai ia anchored in the rgada, outward bound, a't tha rata of four dollar* par day, and in eara'of refaaal or oegleet, tha pilot shall bo^dJ^Vad of hll lieaaae by tha p ? ?? a^a - - * tail - d vu^jiuiwiuucn vi riiuiag* of nil port, ADd pay a rum not exceeding'fifty dollar*. Sec. 22. Thai the malw. owner or eoasignees of any ship or vessel, for the oonsideralion ot the pilotage of the skftf ship or veaeel, inward to. or outward from, either of lh^ aforesaid port*, shall |>ay to (h? licensed pilot who shall take charge of the ramr, the several kotos of money, rates and lees, which the Commissioners of Pilotage of the afoteiatd respective harbor* or ports may determine and fix upon, according to the draft of water of thq said, ship or vessel ; and tha Commissioner* 4( PllotaR* af tha respective ports or harbors aforesaid, are hereby,authorized and directed to deter* mlne.tfof theit i^psatlv* po? t or harbar, such rstrs and fees ss to them shall seem meet and proper, both as well for the draft of that Jkhip j or/ frsskl aa foj- taking such ship oa Vessel around any river requested by the master, owner or consignee, and fur taking letter* from either of the harbor* or ports aforesaid, to vessels outside the respective bar, and waiting orders and delivering them on board, tha amount of Inward pilotage of rnch vessel's drnft. See. 23. That whenever a vessel has crossed over, or. is. inei^a of either of the aforesaid fears the master shall not be compelled to take a pilot, hut if he demands the services of a pilot he shall pay the customary fees of pilotnge as in other oa?e*. See MT Yfie respective Commi*sion?r* of Pilotage shall have power and authority to prescribe to the several pilots of their re specuve pons sucn orders and regulations, not inconsistent with this Act as to Ihetn, or a majority of them, may appear suitable and proper. And any pilot negleating or refusing to conform to any such orders or regulatioi s, shall forfeit, and pay, for each offense the sum of fifty dollars. Bee. 2t. That the Harbor Master of eeeh it the aforesaid harbors shall be bound to keep constantly a complete register, specifying tbe licenses of all tbe pilots (with their residences) of his respective bar aod harbor, and of all boats to which they are severally attached, and the name, number and the owner or owners of the same; and also to register any change or alteration that may take place in either of the above particulars ; wbicb change or alteration the pilots are hereby required, from time to time, to report to the Harbor Master of their respective port, as they many occur, in order that masters of vessels or persons interested may have it always in their power to know from bim at once who are the responsU ble persons on board of each boat, and thereby obtain such information as tbey may find necessary. And every pilot or owner of a pilot boat neglecting or rofusing to report, as aforesaid, shall, for each omission, forfait and pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. And it shall be the duty of said Harbor Master, on the first Monday of each month, to report to the Commissioners of Pilotage a register as ^bovc specified, and also such pilots as uoay have neglected or refused to comply with the loregoing requisitions. And the said Harbor Master shall furnish every master of a vessel coming to the Hnrbor Muster's office with a copy of this Act, for the purpose of perusing it at said office, without ehanging or being allowed to chnrge any fee or perquisite for any or either of tbe aforesaid services. And for every neglect of duty in the premises, the said Harbor Master (of either of the aforesaid nnrfs"1 shall fitrlnlf owl ???? ? I?- -- / !?? -? YmJ n vuui uufc g*vtcvi" ing fifty dollars, to be imposed by the Commissioners of Pilotage at his respective port, and deducted from hie salary. Sec. 26. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner* of Pilotage, of either of the ports aforesaid, on the oceaaion of any marine disaster to any vessel in charge of a pilot of their respective port, to make n careful examination of the cause or causes of such disaster by immediately summoning before them the pilot in charge of the vessel, and obtaining audi testimony front the parties interested or not, as the ease may be, in their power; and the result of sueh investigation shall he placed upon reoord; copies of which shall he famished, when desired, at the expense of the applicant. The marine report* of the daily paper#, or private information, shall he d#om< e-1 sttffldr nt canse foretich investigation oy the Commissioners of Pilotage. See 27. That each and every fine, forfeitnre and penalty for each and every offence against this Act, or any part, olauae or article, shall be prcsecu'ed. sued for and recovered in any Court of competent juris diction, for the use of the State. And the penalties imposed in this'Act shall, fn eveiy eas--, he recovered, although the Commissioners of Piloface may not think proper to deprive the pilot in default of his license in any instance herein authorized. And the Commissioner# of Pilotage now in office shall set as such until the appointment of others, under the provisions of this Aet; and shall etereiae all th* powers vested in the Commissioners of Pilotsge, under the provisions of this Act 8ec. 28. The members of the respective Board# of Commissioners herein provided for shall hnlrl fhalr ftvr *?/? ??? .... V ?V IV* ?n v JV?I nf UUIOPB sooner removed by the Governor. When a vacancy ocean, new appointment (hall be made M 6 fall term. ' C.^1 o. A. v * Bee. 29. ThUActshnH not be constructed to interfere with the right* of any pilot* who already hold either a limited or fall breach 01 license f bpt all *?cb ptyoU, after the poMOg< of tbU Act, (hall (>e (wbjeet to all it* penaniei and forfeiture*, and entitled to all it* privileges and immunities. Bee. $0. That all Act* or port* of Acta lo? consistent With the provision* of this Act, and all Ordinance* or parte of Ordinances in conflict or iaeoosiltent with the provision* there' of, be, and the seme are hereby, repealed* Approved February 27, .1872. a i A wotkl keeper' at Millertown, Dutchess Couutv, If. Y., was going to a masquerade hall, and made arv, nana noun ued call on his aged mother to see if his disguise was a good one. It was. She gave one so earn, broke a blood vessel, and died in five minutes. ? < tJ." > HIJ^ ' fflMSTOP & * ? . D Having Rei 1 rtii vi n un i o TO THEIR N] I J J t C a I / < || ? " ' V I I . ! Corner, of Broad and m< QflQQiILL tako great pleasure in Wf who wil) find a choice i DliY GOODS, which will be disj tfye inoat economical. tS~A n ixafain&tion of Gpods . , Christop 25 ly 202 and 204 B CONSU MPTION . Ita Cure and Its Preventive, BY J II.SCUENCK, M. D. MANY a bumai being hu passed away, for whose death there was no other reason than the neglect of known and indisputably proven means of enre. Those near and dear to family and friends are sleeping the dreamless slumber into which, had they oalmly adopted DR. JOSEPH H. SCHENCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonderful efficacious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Scbenk has In his own case prosed that wherever suffioient vitality remains, that vitality, by bis medioinea and the directions ioi their use, is quickened into healthful vigor. la this statement there is nothing presumptuous. To the faith of the invalid is made nc representation that is not a thousand timet substantiated by living and visible works'. The theory of the core by Dr. Sehonck's medicines is as simple at it is unfailing. Its philotophy requires no argument. It is sell-assuring, sell-convincing. The Scawood Tonic and Mandrake Pills arc the first two weapons with which the citadel of tho malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With thie condition the bronchial tubes " sympathise " with the stomach. They respond to the morbific action of the liver, llcre then comes the culminating result, and toe letting in, with ail its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. Tbo Mandrake Pills are compcscd of one ot Nature's noblest gifts?the PjdopbiUium Pcltalum. Tbcy possess all the blood-searching, alterative properties of calomel, but unlike calomel, they -LEAVE NO STINO BEHIND." The work of cure is now beginning. Th? vitiated and mucous deposits in the bnwcli and in the alimentary canal aro ejected. Th< liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arousei i from its torpidity. Tlje stomach acts rcspon sively, and the patient begins to feel that he it getting, at 'ast, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Seawood Tonic, in conjunction with the Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food Chyliflcation is now progressing without iti 1 previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless and the cure is seen to be at hand. There ii no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the sto mach. An appetite sets in. Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier evci ' yet given by an indulgent father to suffcrinf man. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup comes in t< perform its functions and to hasten and com plate the cure. It enters at onoo upon iti work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collect! and ripens the impaired and diseased portioni of the lungs. In the fortn of gatherings, il prepares them for expectoration, and lo ! in s vety short time the malady is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied is renovated ami made new, and the patient, in all the dignit) of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, the patients must stn) in a warm room until they get well; it is uh most impossible to prevent taking cold wher f the lungs are diseased, but it must be prevented or a cure cannot be effected. Fresh ail and riding eut, especially in this section oi 1 the eouatry in the fall and winter season, art all wrong. Physicians who recommend thai eourse lose their patients, if their lungs arc badly diseased, and yet, because tbey are it the bouse tbey must not sit down quiet | the) must walk about the room as much and as fas , as the strength will bear, to get up a good cir eulation of blood. The patients must koep ti good spirits?be determined to get wtfll. i'bi lias a great deal to do with the appetite, an< is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after sueh eviJenee of it 1 | possibility in the woist eases and moral eer tninty in all other*, i* sinful. Dr. Sehenck'i personal statement to the Faculty of his owi cure wis in these modest word* : " Many years ago I was in the last stages o consumption ; confined to my bed, and at om time my physician* thought that I could no live a week ; then, like a drowning man catch ing at straws, I heard of and obtained the pre parations which I now offer to the public, anc they made a perfect cure ot ine. It seemed b me that I could feel them penetrate my wboli system. They soon ripened the matter in mj lungs, and I would spit up more than a pin of offensive yellow matter every morning foi a long time. , As soot) as that began toeubeide, my cough fever, pain and night sweats all begun t< Isave me, and my appetite b tic a roe so grea that it was with difficulty that I could ke?| from eating too much. I Soon gained inj strength, and bare growu in flesh aver since.' " I was weighed shortl/ after my recovery,' added the Doctor," then looking like a men skeleton ; my weight was only ninety, sevei pounds) my present weight is two bundret 1 and twenty-live [225] pounds, and fbr years 1 have enjoyed aninterrnptad health." i Dr. Behenek baa disoontineed his profea sionnl visits to New York and Boston. Ha o bis son, Dr. J. H. Bcbenek, Jr., still continui 1 to sea patients at their offloe, No. 15 North Sistl i ttreet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from I , A.M. to it P.M. Those who wish a thorougl examination with tha Hespiroineter will U charged $5. The Respirometer declare# tbi I exact condition of the lungs, and patients cai readily learn whether they are curable or not The directions for taking the medicines an adapted to the intelligence even of a child i Follow theae direction#, and kind Nature wil i do the rest, excepting that In soma eases tb< Mandrake Pills ara to be taken in inerease< doaea j the three medicines need no other ao enmpanimants than tba ample instructions tha , accompany them i First orsete appetite. 0 retnrning health hunger is tha most weleoim I ivmntfi.M Whin il aamm as* it sill U - *?I "" *" ' " the despairing at o? ?. be of good cheer. Uoo< . blood at once follow*, the eougb looaena, tlx night eweat if abated. In a abort time boil of theae morbid symptom* are gone forever. Dr. 8chenck'a medioinea are constantly kep i in tana of tbouaanda of families. Aa a lata tire or purgative, the Mandrake Pilla are i , atandard preparation ; while the Pulmonii , Byrup aa a curer of ooagha and eolda, may b< 1 regarded aa a propbylaeterle against eooaueap 1 , lion in any of ita forma. ? Priee of the Pulmonic Syrup and SaaeMi Tonic, $1.50 a bottle, or $7.6# * half doaeb Mandrake PUJa, 16 canta a box. Pbr aala bj I all dniggfaMpnd dealer*. Wholaaala Agent, JOHN F. HEKRY, No College Plmee, New York City. Mareb 22 46 ]y ^9 fLi a o* m^D IT HM uixJi I CO. moved Their IM(% M 0 0 BS EW PREMISES, clntosh Sts., AufuiU, 0a. waiting on their Carolina friends, assortment of every description ol weed of at pri'e* that mitat tatiqfy and Prices respectfully solicited. her Gray & Co., road Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. ) C <fe A R. R V Colcmbia. S. 0. January 1, 1872. ) ON and after January 4. the following tchedule will be run over thU Road: TRAIN No. 1. MALE TRAIN?GOING NORTH. 1 .... A ..ran.I. I ? a ?" ' - ? "-g- ? 10 n n Leave Colombia 8.22 A M Artiva at Charlotte 2.t?9 P M TRAIN No 2. mail train ?go in u north. 'Leave Augusta #.W P M ?L?ave Colombia 11.04 P M Arrive at Charlotte 6 15 A M i " TRAIN No. 1. i mail train going south. Leave Chariot's 7.16 A M Leave Columbia 1.85 P M Arrive at Augusta 6 60 I'M TRAIN No. 2. ' mail tbaim?ooino aoirrn. , L-ave Cliarb'lte 7 80 P M , Leave Colombia 2 00 A SI i Arrive at August*. 7.20 A M No. 1 Train daily No 2 Train daily, | Sunday* excepted. Both Traina make close i connections to all point* North, Sooth and Wet. Through Ticket* void and baggage check. id to all princ pal points. Standard time?Washington City time, sixteen minute* (aster than this city. K. P. ALEXANDER,ftop't E. r Doubly, Ticket and Freight Agent. Jan 24 38 [ Greenville & Columbia R. It. ? Cot um in a, S. C., Jan. 8, 1872 ON and nfier this dsle, the following Schedule will be run daily. Sundoyi excep e?l. connecting with Night Trains or South Catolina Road, up and down, als< with Trainsgoing North and South on Char' lotte, yoluml'ia <b Augusta Railroad: | UP TRAIN. Leave Columbia 7 00 a n | " Alston 8 60 a it " Newberry 10 80 a n " Cokesbury 2 10 p it r " Belion 8 66 p n 5 Ariive at Greenville 6 86 p it > " Anderson 4 45 p n Pendleton 6 46 p u ' " Walhalla 7 16 p n DOWN TRAIN. Leave Walballa ... . # (tfl ? ir " Pendleton 7 2ft ft n k " Anderson 8 20 a n j " Ballon 9 HO a rr , " Cokeshury 11 16 a n ' Newberry 2 8ft p n " A'ston 4 20 p nr Arrive a? Columbia .... 6 00 p nr M. T. BARTLKTT. Oen*l Ticket Ag'f. ' Jan 24 83 : DOORS, SASHES, ; BLINDS, &c. j P- P. TOA L E, 1 Manufacturer ami Dealer, j No. 20 llayni Slrtel anii Horlbeek'i WkarJ M CHARLESTON, S. C. r nr This is iha Urye-l and most o> m pl. l? PnOoty of the kind in the Boiilhsn , Stat'-n, and alt articles in thi* lin- can b< > I furnished by Mr. 1*. P. To A LI II price t Ulhtl'h (Iflf* .AMll.Atiflrtft fW A with full and dataller hot ill >11 mui ill I).i?n, Ha?li Mud Bliidi mil (lit* |irii3*? nf t-acli, will be sen) froi and pool paid, on opi-licatiou lo P. P. Toale, [ CHARLESTON, 8 C Julj 12 10 ly. : JOHN C. SEEGERS \%\ : MANUFACTURER, i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 Liquor Dealer, i L&C1B Bill IKEVil tt \ COLUMBIA, S. C. ' Oet 18 U ly I HENRY OAHTT, PROFESSIONAL BARBER, ? /^1A!V b* foemd ( bia old Uad,Appo?)Ulir . V; Wotarle'o. Ho eontinuoa to 811A VB ao<! OUT HAIR. Ho bopoo by polltnooo lo *11 I and aroBDt i? J? - . tontinaaaeo of ttao patroaof# bora to for* ? r miM to bin. 37 if The Japanese gat? the poor ol Chicago ? thonsand dollars. J. Walsh, PNprMof. R. H Md?^ u ? a o . k Q*m. Apt.i, 5u rnu?bto(C?l ,?na W Comm?rc* Si., N.T. HIL(|I#NA Bear Tmilawr ' thelF ITcBilcrAil i'aralir, B0rcl? Tincnar Bitter* are not vile Fniicy Drink, Med* of Peer Run, Wblakey, Proef Spirits and Refuse liquors, doc| load, fried and ifwttixd to plus tb. taatf, felled " Tonlca," " Appetlr-ere." " lUitoaa" *?., "--t lead the tippler on to drunkenneee and ruiu, kit ares trua Medicine, made from the Native Roota and Harba of California, fro a fratt All' Alcoholic HtlMinlnuts. Thar an the GRRAT RI.OOU FUItlFlBit and A LIFB UIVINM I* It I NCI I* l.K, a parfaat Renovator and luvlcdtatbr of tba Kystem, carryIn, off all polaonoua matter and reetnrlns tha blood i lot health/ condition. No person ran take theaa Blttera aaoordlnp to direction, as' rarnajn Ion, unveil. prevtdad their bonee are not deatre/ed by mineral polaon or other mean., and the vital' or, an a waated beyond the point of repair. They area Uentle l'lirgntl.e na .veil sas Tonic, posara.inr, al.o, the .collar merit of Mtlnf aa a powerful acent In rcll in, Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, d of all the] Orpana. FOIt FEMALE COHIM.A If M,?hrtb?r la roang or old. married or slnirle. ' tha dawn of womanhood or at Hit turn of Ufa, tu t Tonie Bit* tan bara no squat. Far lni|nnimntorr nnil Ckrwiilc Hlieiimnllsui anil Gout, Dyapcpaln or 1 udlcaatlon, Itllloii*. Krmlltsnt and Intermittent Voter*, l)i?on*o* of tho Illsod, Liver, Kidney* nnd IllndUer, thooa Itinera hove bean nio*t suecsnifuU Such Dlsensss ara caused br Vlllnteil llleoil, which U centrally produce* Or deranceatout of ! Ih* Digestive, (Irinn*. DYSPEPSIA OK INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain In the Bhonldei *. Cough*. Tightness of tho Choat. Distills**, Sour Eructations of the Btomach, Bad Taate In the Mouth. Bilious I Attack*. Palpitation of tho llonrt. Inflammation of I the Lungs, Pain In thetvgions of the Kidney*, nnd I a hundred other painful symptom* are tho offspring* of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Btomach and atlmnhitc tho torpid Liver and Bowels, which render tlietu of | unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of nil im parities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the i whole eystem. 1 FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruption*,Tetter Bait Hhoum. Blotches. Bjsita, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, 8 a'd Head, So e Bre*. Erysipelas. Itch. Scurfs, HI*- olomllonsof the Skin. Humor* and Diseases of the skin, of what vsr name or nature, are literally dug up an carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such cases will convince the moat incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find it* impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores ; clean so it wlion yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins: cleanse it when it is foul,and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood puro, and the beiith of the sj item will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other IVOR MS, urklng in tho system of so many thousands, ate effectually destroy rd nnd removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. J. WALKEIt, Proprietor. K. II MCDONALD dr. CO.. Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francis,*,, Cat., and XI sad SI Commerce Street. New York. For tale in tho City of Greenville DIt. M. A. HUNTER A CO., Wholesale and Rclail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., A c. May 10 1 R. R. R. Itadnny's Ready Relict' , CURES THE WORST PUNS ' In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR . after reading litis advertisement need any one suffer with pnin. Railway's Ready Relief is a cure lor every i pain. It ?i< llie first and is > THE ONLY PAIN R MEDY ' ihst ins*nutly e!?ps lite most e mu-inling 1 pains all tys iniflninntionn, nnd cures con1 gfttions, whether ol the lung , stumscli, ' li..we*.s. or oilier glands or orgs lis, by one ' application. RADWAY'S ready relief 1 Will afford insianf ease. Influtrmation of the Kidneys, inflammation ol the Bladder, ' Inflammation of the Rowels. Conjosticn of ' the Lungs,Sore Throat, Difficult (leathing, 1 I'nlpitaiion of the Heart, Hysler os. Croup, ' Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, ' Toonthsehe. Neuralgia, Kheuma Ism, Cold 1 Cli'M-, Agye Chills. 1 fhe app icatinn of the Ready Relief to ' the part or pari* where the pain or difficulty exists will afford rase and comfort. Twenty diops in half a tu ruble i of water will in a lew moments cure Cramps, Spasms, Si.ur Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pains. i Travelers -lioliid altvni a t..i Railway's Ready Relief with iliem. A lew drops in water will prevent sickness or pains tr< m chang-of water It ia better than French Brandy or Bitlers a a atimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fewr and Ague cuted for fifty tenia.? Tliera i? not a rcme<ii*l agent in tin* world that will core Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilou*, Scarlet, T?phoid, Yellow, and other Fevera (aided I y Rulway'* Pill') an quirk a* Radway'a Ready Relief. Filly rente per boltla HEALTH ! BEAUT Y! ! Simng and Pure Rich Blood ? Ii>ei caae ol , Fleah and Weight ? Clear 8kin ..nd beautilul Complexion ? oured 10 all ' DR. RADWAY'I MRHAPAK11.LI,in R!:NOLVI:IHT Not only doe* the Sarraparilliau iteeoiw 1 ent excel all known r> medial axem* in the e>ire of Cbrooie, Soiofuloua, Conatiti tlona). 1 and Skin diseases; but it is the nlv positive cure tor Kidney and Bladder com' )>laini>. Urinary and Womb di*er-ses Orav1 el, Diabetes. Dropsv, Sloppeua of Abater, r Incontinence of Urme, Bright'* :ri*e?se, Albuminuria. and in all cases where there are I.rick duet deposits, or the water ia thirk, cloudv, mixed with sub-tan.e? like the white of an egg. or threada like whits silk, nr whtue is a morbid, dark. I i i,?u? ap fimrnnce, and whila bone duet deposits, and w hen there is a pricking bnrninv se?1 sa'ion when passing water, and pain In the | Snail of the Back and along th* Loinfc Dr. ladway'a Perfect Purgative Pills, Parfectly la-'ele'S, elegantly ousted with sweet gum. piuge, regulate, puiity, cleans* and strengthen. Radway's Pills, for the cur* of nil diaordrr* of thn *homai h. Liver, Bowels, Kidney*. Bladder, Nervoi * diseases, Headache, Constipation, Co-llv?ne**, In-ligcctmn, Dysp?-peia, Bihooanas*. Bilious Ff?er, Inflxmation of the Bowel*. 1 He*, end all DH*ngrm?ni? of the Internal '\ iseera. Warr inled to effect a positive eur . Purely Vegt-iahie, containing ao merourv, tniaer?l?, or deleterious drug*. Ol'Srrr* the lollowiog aymptoa-e resulting from Disorder* of the Digevtivr t>rgeo?: Constipation, Inward Pile*. Pi line** of the Blood in the He id. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn, l)?eo*t of Poo/]. Folios* or W-itfht in the Stom eh, Sour Bruet aiion*, Sinking or Plutsevia ; at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of !' * Head, ? Hurried and Difficult Breathing, j A few do#** of Radway'e Pill* will free th* ay *l*m from all (he above nam.-d disor' dsis. Prior, 26 refit* per Bos. Sold by \ Druggist a Read " Valee end True." Bead oae lot Wr ???rnp t<> RAT?WAY A OO., No. 87 ftiai* . don Lai>?, Now Yotk Information worth 1 thmioanHo wit) bo ?ont you. July J? U , \j