University of South Carolina Libraries
WHERE HE ??i '?fl >tH' ? lirt- ihiin rf SELE THEM * - ' ' ' ' ?A ' ? ? ' 1 . ??*r- a .X.l'i . )/I )i | > / I 7 I > 311.1 V? " > * : ?? AT-" 1 ' O '' * . r, . J'?| LOW . b <* .|r ao- v. Hut/ mn * > 1 fr yi m'| IHf il n^lii X'tri'i' filial Feb 28 43 tf . > < 1 " ; . L i -. A The State of South Carolina ukkj&in vxju.btt, uuipt.x. , ,, HBHirr'p BALES. < : > BV virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri'fra* i cia*, t?> me dirgoied, I wiflselj before ihe Court Huuse on $*lei>r1?y irv Ap* iI next, lietW'fn th# h<>uis of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 8 o'clock in the afternoon, Also, All the Right, Title and Interest of Jathet j Wilhelm, hoinn the One-Third Interest in Stew?rt Manufacturing and Itv6ning Com-1 paoy, of Loniaville, Ky., oo bel'nlf ot W. J. Boone, Mortgagee. t>. . One Track of Land, containing One Hundred and Seven Acres, more or less, on waters of Reedy River, adioiinug lands of 4>if>*'Eskew and others.' Levied in Air fho firo^crty of Thomas Hopkins, at the suit of Lucinda Hopkins and others. Also, One Tract of Land, containing "Fifty Acres, more or less, adjoining land* of Q. W. Center, Stephen Center and other*. Levied on as the property or John Harrison, at the suit of \V. A. Mooney. Also, One Tract of Land, containing One Hundred Acres, moroor lesr, adjoining lands of Cleburne Trnuimcll, Eickiul Kelly and others.? Levied on as the property of Amanda Barnett, at the suit .of J. C. Allen aud others. Also, Ono Hundred and Fifty-two Oallons' of trench Brandy, luoro or less. Levied on as the property of M<>se* J. Pnrris, at the suit of W,T. j Shumato end others, to be re sold at former ! purchaser's risk. , . , Terms?Ca'lt. Purchasers to pay for stamp* and pa| or* J. L. SOUTH RUN. S. O C. , Sheriff* Office, Greenville, S C, March A. 1872. . It * 44?td SlA-4 Land for ^^M^^^^nging ?< " Or. .!. NAHAN, will he offered at putdir auction, before the Court House door, on Snlesday In April next: TRACT No. 1, containing ftOO Acres, more or less, ISO Acres of which are in a high *ta?e of cultivation ; about ltltl Acres of first quality River Bottom. On this Tract is a NEW FRAMED HOUSE, NEW BARN, Ac., and plenty of (jond Routes for scrvantr. TRACT No. 2, cnntnininjj 170 Acres, more or lest, liot Adjoining No. t ; of this, about 70 Acres in cultivation, a large proportion of which it Creek Bottom. Onthit Tract are two Settlements; alto, n good tito for a Mill. This Land lie* oo South Saluda River, 18 inih a from Green ville. , , TERMS.?Onu^taalf Cuth i tbo, remainder in two or three annual instsluicnts, with ten per cent, interest, secured iy a Mortgage on the prcutifct. * JULIUS C. SMITn. Feb 58 43 tf For Sale, ALL of mv REAL E^TATP, consisting of flic fiUlowin;; On?* HOUSE and LOT, on th* Rutherford Road, coi'titpip^ Sev? Roomy. This is a very ilfPrsW'' p'ece ?>f fir.ipsrjv. Qne nO.USF. t\ti'f, ffOT, <?n the c<'rn"Vv.f Cflfee and "M. Rr? St reels. Con'nifiion Eight Rooms. a very con ve 'lent location On? lloy$E acd LOL t>t tr the Slate WofttV, cnofidnn ^ Ennr Hfdoms A PLANTATION, on Knoie? Riv<r. cc-ntalnl'no ThrW Bundled Aci*?*s?T'd^ty df wfrieti' ija fli?t.c!?R- River Bot'OiP, nnd fifteen Branch Bottom I wttl sell this ? a whole. ?>r divide It liito Thi^ee l*lj?ntA'inn?, If desired On- WOODLAND PLANTATION, thr e stnd i\ IjaV milr# {fom lite tjontajnirg iiavcfity F-twwv dAHTea i'l i I A '~T Atsa i One Tract ??f LAND in Transylvania j v rs ~ n:_ it i- . i?i I Forty ,W" THOMAS STERN Feb 21 42 3m fit i?h ? ? _r?L* ? tt"i t *??f? Y.loSpW- f.r t,;> Notice ia hereby kI*"> .* > *n wimm r may c"*c?i n, that I will "P|'ly: ' ?9> J. D"Ulli|t, Probnt r Judtft; of Orcnville C?"nir. on tlt<> l&ih dav of ty'irch netb, * ADMINISTRATOR OF JEREMIAH E. ROBERTS, deceased. C. P. RHODES, Admittinlralor. February ?th, 1872 41-4 For Sale. I AM offi-rlng, ?t private tab, tliftr and .One.qtierur Acrea LAND, on Rmber. ford Road, about fourth to one had mile frrnn ibe Buncombe Road, aud about one mil* from centre o* City. Tbi? Lot will be told in One Acre or One*Rn]f Acre L?ta, to |iut ptuchaaera. Tbeae are eupwior Rolldlr.g Lota. " * ' !" Alco, One Lot of LAN p. well Mf tinted. on the 'Weat^ideof the'River, near the Gaillard ScllWil. lonlilnlnn 11 ..... B. .- ,1.1. ? ?? e ? ?*??? T.'""' "'J"1 pot a line lew of the Mountain* ma't'lle bed TMa ia one of the moat deilrabie I-ot? now offering. Aw?, The PbASTATION fbtwftly htlonglni to the Katile ..f Jndre J. B. O'Heafl " Pot terma, -apply (o JULIUS* C. SMITH. Anetioheor, Corftmlealon ffrrehant r.b Hf '? " *<"1, PHOTOGBAPKING. HA VINO raitntlv tilted np the rnomi ?o*er Whtlielre A Fergneoa'a Stare, with argent light*, lam prepared 10 do all kinds of PHOTOGRAPHING, at *ery ihort notice, ttatiafaet'on gear en lad te ail W. M. WUBELBR. May 41 3 tfl* rjr 11 " * Tha Legislature baa peered (ha bill approprialieg $10,000 for the eraelion of a Court Moure in RirhlanJ. ?iv<h??ry p Orrica or CoMFTBOLbaa of tub .CbauA^r, WA*HiHQToS* February Mtb, 18flt WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidencepreNoUd to the undersigned, it h" (Dado pledge of United States Bond*, and provide for tbe circulation and redemption fjLT~>lLl' approved Jane 3rd, 1884, to^Eu ewim?d with all the provisions of ra^EAbtbefOX* <?Oqj* menoing the business of Banking under said Act. bur": Tras^^3M?li< hereby certify that " THE NATIONAL BANK OF.ttR&BNVILLE," th^CU^.uf, Green vitle^in Eta? County of,-.tjsedWlle, and State of Sqfth Carolina. id autfcorie*? to coin* mence the business of Banking nnder the Aot aforesaid. , >"*"> my I 8C4L I c*nti a"r V vf 14* doy *Ar<*><-??%, tt72. JlILANUtLiHULBff^^,Comptroller of the Currency. i Feb 28 43 9 T IJl^B ROOI^I^ T? ARM IRS, call at the COACH (TACTOFiVEVT' con'rak%an$l&f' J them ourselves, oat of good material*, and ttaej are void VERT CHEAP- . < t'I ! A GREAT SAVING. OF TinttpMbW^n^ Cotton: Seed rs -g-rr wc Tier tall and Buy One. GOWER, COX & MARXLEY. * Jan 31 89 9 4 9 ;i f {* - .? if ! f State of* South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. ' In Cdurt of Efrobate. Petition for Partition of Heat Filiate. ALLEN CHANDLER v?. WILLIAM D. CHANDLER, otaJ. IT appending .to tnjr satisfaction, that William D. Chnndler and David P. Chandler, reside without the limits of this State. On motion ot Sullivan A S token, AtMrnr.v* for Petitioner, it is ordered thev do aDDcar in nor. sen or by Attorney, at a (?ourl of Probate te be b olden at Green vine'Court House, on tbe 23th day of March nekt, to show cause, if any they can, why tbo Real Estate of TEMPERANCE CHANDLER, deceased, should not be soM or divided as prayed for. < 8. J.-DOUTHIT, P. J. G?. C. February 12?h, 1872. " 41-T IRWA HttnEEL. GOWER, COX & MARKLEY HAVE received and are daily receiving a LARGE STOCK ofnf, ... r , SWEED'8' Iron, Pi ,ow Moulds, * I I'l I f Trace Chains, Steel Hoes, .r 0 ? ^ *. . i (^ .mi ! * I y ! Scoville Hoes. .?[ 51 Eitfi in *'iWj o''rv \j FIRE IRON,HOUSE 8IIOE IRON, AXLES, CHAINS, NAIL8 TOOLS, Ac. <\ dOWEU, COX & faARIvLEY. Jnn i> I 89 6 Office Comptroller General, Columbia, S. C., February 1, 1872. rpiIIS Is to certify that the GREENVILLE J. ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published in tbe town of Grocnyijle, 8. C.f ia hereby designated hgr this Hoard as the paper iq which legal and public notices shall be published, for tho County of Ureoovilie, in accordance with the ' Actio regulate the publication of all legal anil puMic notices," which became a law Fetruarj^Jjld^lSJO. J. I^NRAQL^j, ^ t O ' . 11 t>, H. cilAMSttf,ATX*'' Of AtUf?V .general. TII ! ? ?'>'? *! is a'f run copy of thb original on file in the office of Secretary of State. P. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. Feb 14 41 tf 1872. *vt ?/T A' ?' r ** ' SPRING TRADE. ?X IIAIISIUI U I II., DRY ISOODS i?A II I .' u?N\ V g ?r. -?\\ . -AN^-r,. : KOSJEOBM. 143 Meeting St., CHARLESTON, S. C. We will oflf-r to the T nde thi? Benson, A /Mr(ft and Covnf>lei+ Line of Foreign ar\d Vcnneslic Dry Goods and Notion?, Which wo will *?l| at N*w York Price*. STATE 0CAROLINA. I ptfiim3F TMst-stiaescsst,!^ to wit. : JOHN, MAKY, KDWtNand WILLI A M MOON, And per )>?S|>* soft* otbe*a Who** n??M n?NjAlt k*nt*n ; tit* heirs kt l*f *1 POLLY R 11.0OR E, deceased, eboie namei re not know* ; tbu heirs at W* of ROBERT MOON. deceased, to wit.: PLEA8ANT, ROBERT. MARY end ELIZABETH MdON, and ?-* rt rini C&PW .name are nol ntiw/i^aqhTjfyN^ ^OON Of Mp WpWatlaw, reside wiihout toe limits of tnls Rlaie. On motion if Stud* A Blytho, Attorney* for P^tl t|oner, it T* ordered that they do appear h person or hy Attorney, at * Oowrt ef pirobato to he holder at Greenrllie Court Haw aw, on tit tf th ilar of Marrh neat, a*d ehjeri' te tbt sale or diriatee of the Rant Eat ate of JOHN MOON, derwaaai, described Hi the petition, 01 tmdr -consent to the aane wiH he entered el reeord. 8. J. l>OUTHIT, [, ,, Probate JtnJje for Or?*uvUto Couirty. February lOtli. 1ST*. it-S | YT~T'J. , 7 MWES' IVIT1 ^SPPfiH&UOSPH THE OLDEST SUPER-PHOSPHATE MA AMrhkil of #>7 |?id t} op+ to si^BobiroBD tit i6&t. QU|ML.ACTION AND PERMANENT, *? of Will-Known PUtnttn mJHM -WT Soil, errn During Exlrti $46 Cash?$50 Time* Payi 10 J FOOTBtt fciHUNTER, AGt KIN8M J < SARI AltfMONiaTIffl 801TB bASlf PRICE AT FACTORY. - '. PlWSFHO'PEBD ACID BO?t i cas?;?5I. 'GROUND CAROLIl I rin' jr\ CASH, $15. ' NOVA SCOTIA L CASH. TnE above-named AmQioniated Soluble Pmt 'C^mpobfctU of tu bighect grade* of Bon# F wui? animal matter, i FernHtoin In nse, combining thfc ingredients Teqn and Ceteala. Whilst tbeso Fertilisers are warranted to kc been materially reduced Tor the prCsent seasen. Manufactured and for aale at Charleston, $. C. JOHf Messrs. Q. A. TRESltOLM k 80N, General , the South. For analyses and certificates send fo STONO FEI THE STONO PHOSP Of Charleston, S. C? properly appreciating the n the South, resolved In the outset to offer their Fe within the reach of C^ery planter. They offar tt SOLUBLE a complete Amraonisted Fertilizer, at $45 cash ; < with approved eity acccptanco without interest. "Dissolved ] for composting with Cotton Seed or Stable Mann cash, or $30 ciedit as above; this is highly rceot great satisfactionWe hare numerous certificates from intelligent ferent sections of the State, testifying to the ax which we append below. WILLIAM RAVLNEL. J. B. yv?i<f<N(. MARSHALL k MAL'LDIN, Agents, Qreenrills Dtar Sir : In reply to your inquiry concern it present year, I will stute what I did, and give yo On the 15lh of May last I planted twelre acre cation of cctton seed and barhyard manare comb ing, I put nothing at all, not hoviag received ?! 15th of June T applied the Stono, at tho rate of after the cotton was all up. The manner of the horse Watt plough the cotton was barred off as n and immediately corqred by throwing baek the e Tho result was es follows: On the first six sen of cotton to the sere ; from the last' six, tq whicf been applied, I gathered an average of 1,200 p were is the same field, separated only by a row. Va?rv frtilv To J. 0. Aikkx, Esq., Gen. Jlgenl $iono 1 I used two tons Stono DlesolVed Phosphate, c seed, on mj cotton tb year, It aertaisly doubl bales bo every four norvs on which it was used, phate, with two other fertilisers costing nearly d There wot no rust on the cotton under which the spots of wet, springy land, whilst the cotton urn were, rusted early and badly. Jan 10 3f S O XT T I LIFE IiYSUKANi GEN. JAS. B. GO ASSETS. OVER C. C. STE AGENT FOE GHEE, DR. J. II. DEAK, Medical Examiner. Dec. 13 j87f ~Fall Trade. jjjjflj . !6OTB2 EOTS? (SOTS 2 i TROUBLE and Single Barrel Guns, Breech- . A.J loading and M utile-loading Guns, uf Q English,- French and German manufaeture, at lliprfoes. i.i.r Single tiuns at $2.50, $4.00, $<>.00, $8.00, 812.U0 to $20.00 eaeh ; Double Guns from $7.00 le $200.00 eaeb. a >. ,i,,i TOSHmS! IP5STOILSU i Smith A Wesson, Celt's, Allen's, Sharp's, and all the popular and approved kinds. SPORTSMAN'S GOODS of greet variety. AHMIUMIITIIOM i ; For Anna, Pistols and Rifles. , BEST QUAUTV AND AT LOWEST PRICZS. * Country merchants and sportsmen are invited to call and examine our large and well < selected atock of the above goods, Which we ' import direct and hay from the raanufactarera. Ordera by mail filled promptly, and < cent by ?Xpfeaa, C. 0. D. POULTNE Y, TRIMBLE & CO., , 200 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. i Mar 22 S 18-? 46 Jy j Notice of Removal. 1 MR. A. B MORRISON rat erne hia ain- ) icvre thank# to lh? dttaena of Gr<rnv>tU and the surrounding c untrv for the y I there I neirouaga which they liava extended to him ainee he haa opened business Ha haa now removed to the stand eo Main Street, nest helnw Pouter A Hunter, whein ' he guarantees full satisfaction in MARINO, CUTTING and FITTING, in the b, . od nestnt workmaoaltip and mannar Che country pan afford. 14-il Ruitkrapt Notice. ALL PERRONS baring demands against LORBN/.O D. Moll AKIN, Bank rapt, are, by ao Ordar of tba United State# L>is> triet Court, reqwkrod to establish tb# amount, f dat# and rank thereof before me, at my Of- ' > fire at YoakviUa, 8. O., an or before tba 26th 1 March pvoxiaao, Or be debarred of all benefit arising from the aaU of kit Ritate. I W.I. CLAW RON, i Rngtater in Bankraptey. Fab 21 4i 4 i i ... J For Kent. , _ THE A No 1 BRICK AdHtyX BOIjSE, whh 10 or 20aer*a r MJSK!l ?' LANIX well Improved r flB9fl|D6k Oul-Boildlnga. 8 it n a tad f a^boai * usiire ircai tha CourtJiou*e, on tka Auguata koail, Poaaeaaion Aaan at onaa. Appiy wu: io-JULIUJTC. SMITH. Feb It Al # t. tt J a-M i m lwwef.. - ... ATE OF LIME. NUfycrURKp IN THIS COUNTRY. mm, Animal Ammamineml Mmh 3?kv#^ Cako^PUftar. av* Adultoraat or r iotpcotlon at all Umi. ictlcal txpcrlcncc. a lo ,ltJ#AT?NT'?D D*C. 99. ISo? .JWftHVMJWVtV.XIliF , , in <10 favor on m.j Fape^y of Crop and n? Aditrit SUaoomo. swsawsaaa-;; M t HOWELL, antral Afm"/" C?r?K??, , iVoL,l)8 ?<t?< Am, Ckarttlon, S. 0. i > 1/iIiL ./in ?U. 1. . i I ' 0 ?? > iY'S IS PACISIO CtJANO. $40 PER TON, TIME, $50. VIAN GUANO. rftrtttt. Vl. IIOSPHATE. ? T1 ME, $30. Sa phosphate TIME, $20. AND PLASTER. $19. jflc and Fhoepbo-Peruvian Quanos, are rich 'horphate, rendered soluble and assmeaiated making the moat concentrated and profitable ired to prothioe and sdppott the Cotton Pladt pt up to their high standard, the prices have r$j '" " "* ' ' ' ' :"i< N B. SARDY & SON. ' I Agents. Alao for sale hy Agents throughout r pamphlet. Jan 24 Sfi-fiia ITILIZERS." TT m HI U aawti a wrvr naiii tuiarunx, ecessity of fostering the planting inloKut o(* at a prioe which woald ptcoe the* ieir , . q GUANO, ?r $50 on a credit to th< let November next, Tha Phosphate," re, is now offered at tbo very low prion of $35 amended by planters who have used it with ' planters of the highest character, from difo? tie nee of lbs? Fertilisers.?only a few o! AIKEN. GENERAL AGENT. AV 5 C< itrol Wharf, Charlriton, S. C. i; G. W\ ANDERSON, Agent, Williamslon, CAMDEN, December 6tb, 1871. ig my nse of the Stono Phosphate in the n the result. a of ootton, to which I made a heavy appli< incd. Oo the other six. at the timo of plantlien the Stono Soluble Phosphate. On th< 350 ponnds to th? acre, to the last six acres application was as follows : With the oneear as practicable and the phosphate put in artb taken away by the first ploughing. B8 I gathered in the seed about 800 pound: i nothing but the Stono Soluble Guano hat oueds per acre. Tbo two parcels planted The cultivation was the same. JAMB& CIIESNUT. Phosphate Company, Charleston, S, C. 5DGKFIELD, S. C., November 37, 7871. nun posted With aa squal weight of cotton ed tbo yield, making on ordinary lands thres In smno test rows an equal weight of PbosouTde the monuy, produced more cotton.? phosphate was used, except on a few small ler which the other more eostlv fertiliieri J. W. TOMPKINS. I 3m. CE, COMPANY. RDON, PRES'T, i a .soo.ono. PHENS. yvilli: county. 82 tr ixfyflV* Flrat Pri** Xedal* Awarded. Piano WM. KNABE &CO., XdBiMtuiri of GRAND] SQGARfc AND UPRIGHT PIANO FOBTES, BALTIMORE, MD. Those Inflrnmsrli hare been before thr Public for nearly Thirty Ye,?r?, and upon hair excellence alone attained an MMUNrcJtofrf pre-eminence, which pronounces them unqualed, in TONE. TOITCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY All oar Square Piano* tare our New Its irorcd Oreratruog Scale and the Agreffi rret>|e.> | / We wonld call special attention to our lab Patented [tpprovaiaunu in Grand Piano* anc tquarc Grand*, found In no other Piano *nieh bring die Plane nearer perfeotio* thai ta* yet keen attained. K 5r?ry Piano Folly Werianted tt THre Tear* We are by *peeial arrangement enabled U arniah Parlor Organ* fad Melodeon* of the no*t oelehrated maker*, wholesale and retai it lowost Factory Price*. Illustrated Catalogue* and Price Llsti promptly furnished on application to WM. KNARK A CO., Baltimore, Md. Or any of oar regular established agencies VI. ID ~Z* Mi GOLD AM? SILVER WMXQB& a BEST GRADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE. TABLE CUTLERY. AND FANCY GOODS. A LA KG 19 ASSORTMENT OP Bold, BUper, Bte*l ft Plated Prime* SPECTACLES. ALSO GENUINE a>33iBi,a srocvAms. B. Wehrle. ??*lt ; 1 ? tf I A'1'l.AJN T1U AC1JLI DTI&, to?;pfenirji b/.ttie A1 J .JPA3TX, wid?i: *J*e direction of I AVEISEJ* Jor oomposjiiigiwth C Reduced. Price of $29 per toe cash, * vember, 1872, JFree of Jjtierwt. Orders filled now will be aonsid< on Time at-due 1st November, 18' t haul it at a time when their Wagons PELZEB, BSOOKBI .-v ?tfHnaad i<. ?i . -? ... t ?i Brown'* - - 1 " jr. r. DoivAtv; i|< i Jut ,!w ? 1 'Ts [ ATLANTIC P. 1 mil IS FERTILIZER, manutacri , ,Jy? Qimpefty ltHiler tlfe direction Ravenel, fS noitf offfered to the Ptan duced Pirlfee ot' $48 per ton cash, or t Frte of FnUrert. " This P^rtHizel- has been very extei 1 given entire satisfaction ; some of th ting it to b'e'pqnal to Peruvian Gnan 'All sales i/iade now will be oonaid 1&72, Jod to W?e buying pn tine t on 1st November, 1872. By this arrangement planters will, haul their Manure at * time when th Pamphlets .containing the certifi< Atlantic Phosphate wiU t>e furnished PfiLZEB, RODCIGBI 'i t mi !'* Brow WM. BEATTIE. Agent < Jan % 36 wm P G R T 11 ' ? U9 ) I." a*w 1/ . ?) .' / T 1 FO uurxuLN, UUJtUM, w , i .. .... ... j III ; P R H CASH, #50 per 20001 TIME, $55 per 2000 1 able Nov. 1st, 187S TEREST. ? .? :.'-l ..!> ' f ' i- .: , ' Factory East end Hasel Eive I A \ ti 1/ EKi /k\mk i / 1\ 1 rtr 2E5! iiEsi * 1 rlw?ji\r^ll WAI ACID PHOSPHA F O COMPOSTING WITH PKI CASH, $30 per 2000 ! TIME1 <H?Oe nnnn i M m JLTJI. per suuu J able Nov. 1st, 1872 TEREST. fl. 0. BIT'S GEJYERJlLi No. 1 South At! * | | C If A R L E S tW FURNISHED AT VIIAR ADDED. BY JULIUS C. SMITH. . Dec 20 . . iie.r 8i C. C. Stephen*, ' AYYO03WEV AY LAW. ; GRRENrrLLE. S. C. OFFICE IN REAR OF BEATTIE'S STORE. ? pA' Prompt attention given to Colleo> tiop*. Jen 31 30 tf I ! E. V. JONES* AWWlDIRWISW JSiV IC.AW, AND BOUCITOR IN EQUITY. Witt nUCTfCK IK Att COURTS OF THIS STATE a Leo, IN THE UNITEI> STATES COURTS. Office Greenville 0. H , ft. C. 1 Jely T ly" ' M.O. euTLBe. r. ?. Mease BUTLER it McBEE. ( Attorney! end Counsellors at Law w and in Equity, GREENVILLE, S. C., ^111 PreeUce In tke Osaitt ef the State and ef the Raited State*. 1 May ?1 4 tf 1. 0 0. V' , Monnmin L*<lge, No *? ?- V.. meet* lji'iTlirJ i' Nifht. at i lhc\r Hell, over Mar* ehalf A M*u1difi4a brnc Stoio. R-miU.-* - I - I MndM?? 4??lr*ri. - ti J A MRS P. MOOUR K. O ' A"?*? 1* M rTm>5EmCTE. ixAHXic tVeir Cheipiftt, Dr. ST, JTOP otUmfce*J,iV now ofiforqd A* U>? <v $31 yejr^iou payable J?.o? >red H8 Cash l#t March, 1872, or / <2, thereby enabling Planter* to and Mules are idle. * CO., Oeaevtl A gfrwtm. Wharf, Charleston. 8. C. int. tiror* Station, ?. c. f *> r* ^ ,' * * t * 7 % . f EOSPHATE. trod by the Atlantic Phosphate of their Chbtrttot, TPf! St. Juticn tirig'Cdmmuhify at the very ReJ52 payable 1st "Novetabe.*, 1872, iftiveljr used in this State and has e most practical planters adntito, pound for pop nd, ered as caaJi ou the 1st of March, lie sale will be considered as doe i.ii A<t I i I be enabled, without extra cost, to e'ur wagcyi* aud mules are idle, rates of those who have used the i (mi application to the Agents. t4t CO, tt?n?ral Af?al?, u'? WImiIj Ctasrtwtsn, ?. ?. SreeiiTiH?. South Carolina. . -i ... r , ^^T?g| *> ' I DO Niill HEAT, TOBACCO 3 E : l)s., at Factory. bs., tit Factory, pay8, WITHOUT INSt.; Mines on Ashley r. TE OF LIME! : COTTON SEED. C E : lbs., at Factory, lbs., at Factory, payWITHOUT IN& oo. J1GEJVT8, Lantic Wharf, ton s. a LBS TON- PRICKS. FREIGHT AGENT; GREENVILLE. S. C. \ 8 m GRBKNVIMK CITY HOTEL. THE undersigned ban taken inAida charge of the above Hotel, T?TfTi5BP (formerly known a a the " Southern Hotel/*) and hnving -overhauled the entire place and re-furnished It with Furniture, is prepared to acoiumodate the public, both transient and permanent. I will give my personal attention to the Hotel, and guarantee aa tillgal tec. Rate* of Board per day $2 00 Ropper, Breakfast and Lodging 1 60 Mingle Meals 50 Reasonable deduction will be made to those boarding by the week or month. C. C. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. Jan 31st, 1072 39 5m TO TUB LADIES. Fall and Winter Opening. MRS. L. T.JENNINGS UeiprcUuUy informa ihe ??W/k I.adiea thai alia \* ov? r?c?i? SSaEBfiik 'nR tupplUa of JEM FALL AH* wiyrait ^(MILLINERY O* LATOtT A!*P H6AT FASHIO>ABLK !jffYLE?. The 8 ^ck will conaial of all ih? line* mt f?OOTH fntind in aimilar eaUbliahmtnt*, anH will Iki offered at aery trainable l>t tens. i V7-tf TRIUMPHANT. ' 9,11 ii ~,? i ii >ii <* til I in __ V/t 1.-*., i i?fl , Wiuiii?urt?w, K. 0.. Aug. ilet, 1671. For the Urg*t production *f Oott?n U th? acre, 1,000 lb*. CAROLINA PBRTf LIZfiR - , Fur ?ho Urge?? product of Wlte*l t* the eore. 1,000 lb*. CAROLINA FERTl LIZKH. : Tho thove prpmiarn* if* fir nrop* prodded with At* ??.o< ii** Carolina FF.It I ILIZER * lone, or in nnmUixlinii nriik plantation manures only. and theewarding of tald premiums It felt dlservtlnnary with, the tommtttM of tk? AmtitiUo iindtr their roles , J-, SANDER& Q4TB-5 A CO.. Aimli at Charlotte. STEVENS A CURETON, La n easier, a C. i i l waxiiaws i.a^cajtrr.r County,s c. To P. P. Zimmerman, Ji*q- Secretary 1 l>'9 Fair o/ the Orroffhas. Charlotte, ft. U The following Is a tsrrMt mttmi ? Cotton raited by Stevens A Cure too, on acres of stubble land, which was manured with 400 pounds of Cato'ina Fertilizer. |The following lathe mode of cultivation : I It was thoroughly broken tip twelve inches I deep* and laid off in rows thiee and a half , lest wide, and the Fertilizer applied in the drill, then bedded on ItOn the 15th of May, and planted the smno day. but owing to the ceo] and dry weather, did not corns np to a stand until about I be 1st of dune. First working it wss run around with n half shovel and partially trimmed (Hit with a hoe. Second working It was ran sronnd wfth a tlirce-ineU gruh, twelve inches long, and the middles thrown out with a sweep eighteen inches wide. One. furrow to a row and thinned to a stand with a hoe about twelvisches between the etooks, and afterward* it was ploughed every two weeks with a sweep eighteen inches wide, and hoed each time, until It was worked five tinv-s. The following la a correct statement of the Cotton pickeds 1st Picking... 254 id Picking......... 410 31 Picking. 415 Estimated amount of unouene I matured 11 (All IB. ......... i................. .81A Total. 102S Respectfully submitted, STEVENS ?t CURETON. 1 certify J weighed ihe Cotton picked in the above statement and it ia cotvet. W. A. GRAHAM. Onto bar M, 1*11. At thfr reqoeit of Messrs. Stevens k Cora ton. wi have examined tl>e one and one nigh<h aere ot Cotton, and the estimate made shove is truo to the best ?i our ability. T> P. DURA NT. W. A GRAHAM. JOSEPH HODGES. Premiums awarded lo Stevens A Cureton 011 nl ove Certificate. We will sell lite nhor6 SPLENDID FERTILIZER at F??rtrPive Dollars cash, or Fifty Dollars pa\ nhle 1st November. with interest at Seven per Gent, per livercd at our Warelwuec in Charleston. Agents will sell at same prices, adding the freight and drayage to their Depo's. CEO V. VILLII&HS k CO. J. A. DAVID AND rmr. tkw. mjb *w m mm 9 AOF.NTS, GREEN V1LLE, S. C. Jan 17 37 Sm FERTILIZERS. THE CELEBRATED ARE FOR SALE BY WILCOX, GIBBS it CO., Importers and Dealers ia Gaanoa, 149 Bay St, Savannah r 4?a. 151 East Bay, Charleston, 8- C. J. A. DAVID, Agent AT GREENVILLE, S. C. JFor further information apply or cut dress at above for Almanac for 1878. J?n 17 XI Sm Johnston, Crews ft Co., IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers in STAPLE AND . dry"goods, W o ? I 0 N B ! AND SMALL WARES. 41 HAYSM STRHJCT. CEA13.1ST?!f;. s. r. ' P.c in >1 ly