University of South Carolina Libraries
Oovmor*i MiMigi. Ob W?dMl4?y (Ui Isit^ Got. Scott Mil to the Hobm B?M|?, 1b which ho brlngl to the attootloB of tha Lofislotora tha anoaaloaa aooditioB of property la Benalbrt Co?Bo 0071: " From 0 large portion or tho property hoiag exempt ftoa oatnol eettlement, and oooao* qoently fro* taxation, itb UDqeationeblj both tho doty nod tho iatoroot of the Qoooral Government to relecae thotr cialat cpon thla property at once, by either selling U or vectoring H to ita former owaero. And I believe U la only " The deftoit, in meeting Um expeaaeo of the State Qorernment during thie period, has not been prorlded for ae required hy the Constitution. Thie failure to eomply therewith baa been the primary eanae of our financial embar? raaiment, and to delay loager to dieeharge thie publio duty, from fear of a complaint oa the part of the tax-payer, ia only to inoreaae the financial embarraaament, while it will in no way lessen the complaint of high taxation. " Long experience should have convinced the Qeneral Assembly that the complaint is not regulated by the rate per cent, levied upon the taxable property of the State. For in the year 1870, when the entire tax for State purposes was but five mills on the dollar's valuation of taxable property, the complaints were as loud and earnest as though it bad been five times that amount. The failure to levy such a tair rate of tax as will cover deficiencies and meet the future legitimate current expenses of the State Government, together with a sufficient pay the intorest on the publio debt, amounting to $11,094,908.98, the last item alone requirinx about four mills on th? dollar, muat p'oduoe discontentment and continued embarraaament. " In addition to tha above, thera will be a deficiency for the present fiscal year, the amount ot which should be determined at once by the Committee on Way and Means. " I would, therefore, recommend that this subject be acted upon at once, and the necesfiijy means provided by proper legislation." Ata Lire Railroad.?Tha survey and lo* cation of the Air-Line Hoad, which bfts recently been completed, show tbo following eleva* tions above tide water : Atlanta, tha starting point, 1,105; Gainesville, 1,207 ; at Mr. Kla* sey's, 28 miles east of this place, the high|st point on tha line, 1,616 ; the Tugalo River, at the crossing, 790?which will be crossed on a bridge only 30 feat high?Greenville, 6. C., 1,050; Spsrtanburg, 1,050; King's Mountain the elevation is the same as it is at Gainesville; Charlotte, N. C., 850, The greatest divergence from an air-lino is at Mr.'Kimsey's, which is a little over four miles. The line runs within two miles of Tocooa Falls, and fourteen miles troaa Tallnlah Falls. The distance from Atlanta to Charlotte is 200 in ilea. The lioe akirta the tnoontaloa for two hundred a ilea, end yet there will not be a tunnel on the road, and tha heaviest grade will be 52 8-10 feet per alio.? Tbi* ia a triumph of engineering skill but rarely equalled, and probably not exoelled la rail* road engineering. The whole line la now under contraet, with over 3,000 hands at work. It ia the intention of the authorities to hare the ears running I through by the first of November next. [Qainetville Kuglt. Divkiopino tub Gkoboia Fhauds.?The Atlanta (Ga ) Conetitution saye: "The active, able legislative committee inquiring into Blodgett'e management ef the Slate Road, are uoearlbing suob a mass of corruption ae the world rarely -ees. It is not proper, of conrre, to record tbicr labors, save as they ara practically announced In arrests and suite, but we can assure our readers that the filthy facta are coming to light. It is absolute!} sickening. Stealchest, foige, swindle, rob, falsify, have been the programme. Every species of expedient bae been resorted to for plundering the road. Outsiders and insiders bava colluded. Road agents, merchants, Judges and every body else appear criminated. Relent lately is the committee tracking out the frauds. Arrests and suits against parties little dreamed of are ripeuing." Youx Local ParxR.?The New York Times ays you might nearly as wall forest vour churehes, your academies and school houses, 1 as to forget your local paper. It speakes to ten times the audience that your local minister does, and if it has any ability at all, it is rcsd earferly each day from beginning to end. It reaches you all, and if it has a lower spirit and less wisdom than a sermon, it has a thonsand times better chance at you. Laying, as it does, on erery table, in almost every house, you owe It to yourself to rally liberally to its support, and exact from it as able, high* tooed a character as you do from any educator in your midst. It is in no sense beneath notice and cere?unless yourself are beneath notioe and care?for it is your representative. Indeed in its character it is the summation of the Importance, interest and welfare ef you all. It Is the aggregate of your own consequences, and you cannot ignore it without miserably depreciating yourself. , - ? Important to Ssoar Dealers.? The Internal Revenue Bureau call attention to the fact that parties purchasing aegars under the impression that they are imported, bv reason of having tbo imitation ouitoma revenue atamp affixed, eaa readily Ull the domaatio from tbo imported by the oaationary notioo whiob mnat bo allied to every box of domaatio aogara, which aro not reqnired on theboxeaof importtod aagara. ? Tbo following appoara In tbo advertieing aotumna of tbo Now York Horald. wor rruiuem tu lord, ueorge rraneia Train. Bqual juatiee to all, farort to frlenda lltM The long atreet dreaaea, we are told, " are galulng ground." They gain a good deal of U thla dirty weather. DMMIV7 for the Leglalatare to ufim da. oided opinion on the aubject to indeee o?r ftipniwUtlTM la Coog'reea to toko laamodiale Mtlon." Ho aJeo recommend* momoriallaiog Coo greaa to return tho cot}oa Us to the eeveral State* from wbloh it wu eollootod. Tho if ago gooa on to wy : 44 I doalro to ooll your attention to tho (hot that, daring tho poat four year*, thoro baa boon a dofleieney In tho oolloetioa of tho revenue amounting, In tbo aggregate, to $1,137,467.61, which amount haa boon provided by tho Stato Troaaurer by draft* oa tho Flnanolal Agent In New York, and from other aonreoa. ' 44 Tha Qenerat Aaaembly ahall provide for an anual tax, anffleient to defray tho oetlmatod oxpenaea ef tho State for each year, and whenever it ahall happen that enoh ordinary oxpenaea of tho Stato for any year ahall exeood the ineome of tho 8'ato for each year, tbo General Aaeembly ahall provide for levying a tax for the enaning year, auffloiont, with other aoareea o( inoome, to pay tho defloieney of tho proeoding year, together with tho eatimated ex pent01 of tho enaulno tear.' CAROLINA fmium TRIUMPHANT. Wiuhwqtow, N.O., Aug. il?t, 1?71. For the Uigtit production of Cotton to th* nero, 1,000 1U. CAROLINA FERTL LIZER. For th? Urffut mi?' - the 1.000 CAEOUNA "fEBtT LIZEkC . - The above preminma ere for erope pro dnoed with the aw of the CAROLINA. FERTILIZER alone, or ia oomblnation with plantation roauurea only, and the awarding of eaid pre mi a ma ia leu dlaeretionary with the committee of the Aaaoeiatlon nnder their rnlee 8ANDER& 0ATE3 A CO., Affcntaat Charlotte.' 8TEVKN9 A CURETON, Laneaeter, S. 0. Waxhaws La KOABrsa County, S C. To P. P. Zimmerman, Rtq.. Secretary of the Fair of the Carolinaa. O : The following ia a correct ctatetnent of Cotton raiaed bj Stpeeaa A Cnreton, on 1ft acrea of atobble land, which waa manured with 400 potinde of Carolina Fertiliser. The following ie the mo?le of oultivatlon : It waa thoroughly broken up twelve inchee deep, and lain off In rowa thiee and a half toet wide, and the Fertiliser applied in the drill, then bedded on it on the 16th of May, and planted the aame day. but owing to the eool and dry weather, did not oome up to a aland until about the let of June. Firet working it waa run around with a half aho el and partially trimmed out with a hoe. Seeand working it waa run around with a three-Inch ft mo.- twelve tnehae lone, an.i th? middle* thrown out with a sweep eighteen inches wide. One (urrvw to a row and thinned to a eland with a boa about twelve Inehee between the etoeke, and afterward* it was ploughed every tw# week* with a sweep eighteen inches wide, and hoed each time, until it was worked live titn?e. The following la a correct statement of the Cotloo picked: 1st Picking 254 2d Picking 410 Sd Picking... 418 Rati mated amount of uoopaaed matured bolls 816 Total 1028 Respectfully submitted, STEVENS A CURETON. I certify I weighed the Cotton picked In the above statement, and it is correct. W. A. GRAHAM. October 2d, 1871. At the reqnest of Messrs. Stevens A Cur* ton. we have examined the one sod on* eighth sore ot Cotton, ssd the estimate made above is true to the best of our ability. D. P. DURANT. W. A GRAHAM. JOSEPH RODGES. Premiums awarded to Slevene A Cureton on shove Certificate. We will sell tbe Abore SPLENDID FERTILIZER at Forty-Five Dollars cash, or Fifty Dollars payable 1st November, with interest ?t Seven per Cent, uer annum, de liverP-d at our Warehouso in Charleston. Agents will sell at same prices, adding the freight and drayage to their Depo's. CEO f. WILLI1AMS & CO. J. A. DAVID AND r*r*e kw? AGENTS, OlikEN V1LLE, 8. C. Jan 17 87 8m FERTILIZERS. THE CELEBBTED WILCOX, QIBB8 A CO., Import* and Ditltri la Oaaaot, 149 Bay IIJavanNnh 191 East Bay, Ctaarlestoa, 8-. J. A. DAVID, Agent AT GRRENV1LLE, 8. C. For iurther information apply or address as above for Almanac for 1872. Jan 17 #7 tin Johnston, Crows & Co*, IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers In STAPLE AND IT ANOY JJKI liUUDS, 2TOTIO2T0 m&LL WARES. 41 HAYNE STREET, ?IHIA!BlIilE$^r?I\ir, $ 0. Dm IS St 1/ AN ORDINANCE TO RAtse StippliM fbr the Ydar m T)>RMAOTID tar the Huor ial AU P fawn of tbo City of SmiTDIt, la Council unmbM, and by aathorlty of Um mm, Thai a Tax lb omr cm period from ; January 1ft. IMt, to Janaary 1st, lift, for Ik* < nastM la tha aaaaor harolaaflsr asaUos d, shall bo raised aad paid la to tbo Pablls Trasoary of tbo City or OrosavUto, by tbo 1st day of Marsh next, for tbo ass apd ssrrio* i tborsof. t i acrioa 1. Oa saoh Oao Hundred Dollar* t of atossssd value of Real Batata aad Psnoaal , Property, tbo of sobs Fifty Coats. BmI Batata, 8took*, Goods had Chit tala Bald at Auction. Sao. S. There shall bo paid ooartorty, Two aad a Half par seat, a poo all Bale* at Aaottoo, oa all Goods, aad Oao por sent, oa all 0battels aad Real Rotate, aad Stooks of ovary daosrifttea, axsapt os sales a ads by order of CcOrt, or pro a ess of law, or by Bxosutors aad Administrators. Goods, Waxaa aad Merchandise Sold on CfripHMit. Sao. I. There shall bo paM by alt orohaats or others, Ons-Hslf psr cent, upon sll Seles of Qoods, Wares aad Merchandise sold os Consignment, mads from the 1st dsy of Janu* sry 1W2, to tbo 1st dsy ol January 1171, tha aknva to* to Wee ***(?! - ? ?a??t? WWW * V W? WW WW fWy\* l?I ?/ Road and Street Tax. Sao. 4. That each and every mala paraon batwaao tha agar of twenty-one and fifty yeara, other tbaa member* of tha Fire Department, Ordained Mini* ten end Student*, shell pay uo or balora tha lot day or Maieb next, Oaa Dollar for Road and Street exemption, and if any peraon liable to thia tax, shall fall to make Km eat at ike time apeeifled, he aball behold la to work en the atreeta of the OUy, tor tlx day* under the direction of tbe acting overaeer of the atreeU f any peraon refaalng or neglecting to obey tbe ewaamooe, aball be fined at tbe d lac ration ef tbe Ooancil, raid fine to be oollected by execution. And it aball be the duty of tbe City Clerk and City Marshal to report to tba Counoll all defaulter* under either of tbe elaosea of this seotion. Lawyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographists, Ac, Sxc. 5. There aball be paid Thirty Canta oo tba Hundred Dollara of Oroaa Income of Bfokera and Bankera, and on all Inoomea 4arircd from the Cummiaaion Buaineaa, or the Practice of tba Profoaaiona of Law, Mediolne and Dantlatrr, and from tba Buaineaa of Daguerreetyping, Ambrotyping and Photographing within tho limit* of tbo City?the I amount of incomo to ho aetimated from tha [ 1 at day of January, 1872, to tba 1st day of ^ January, 1873, tha Tax upon the aim* to be peid quarterly. Carriages, Omnibastes. Wagons, Ac. 8so. 6. There aball be paid Ten Dollara on each four-borac Omnibuaor Hack j Six Dollara on each.Cerriage or Haok drawn by two or more borate, run for oonreyanoe of paaaangara or hire; Three Dollara on eachono-horaa Bug?'S or 8ulky, kept for biro; Ten Dollara I on each four-horse Wtjon; Six Dollar* on each two-bone Wagon, or Dray, or Cart, and Four Dollar* on each one-hone Wagon, Dray or Cart run for hire. The Taxes on Omnibusses, Carriage*, Haeka, Dugglea, Wagon*, Drays, Carts, Ac., kept for hire, shall be paid before tbey shall be allowed to ran : Provided, That nothing herein eontained shall be construed so as to extend to Wagons, Carts, or other vehicles going to or from market, and owned and ran and need by non-residents of the City. Ittnaraat Traders and Auctioneers. Sac. 7. Five Dollars per day eball be paid by every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer offering for sale within the corporate limits ol the City, at Auction or otherwise, any Qoods, Wares or Merchandise, to be paid each day in advance ; and every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer liable to the tax aforesaid, and who shall fail to make payment, shall be fined Ten Dollars for each day he may so offend : Provided, The provisions of this section shall not be so construed so as to apply to the ordinary dealers in grain, fruit, potatoes, tobacco, poultry, iron-ware, earthen-ware, or other produce or manufactures ot the like character. Billiard Tables amd Ten Pin Alleys. Sac. 8. That an Annual Tax of Twentyfive Dollars shall be paid upon each and eve;y Billiard Table, and Twenty-five Dollars upon each and every Nine or Ten Pin Alley, kept within the limits of the City nf Greenville lor profit; said Tax to be paid before License to use the same shall be granted. Any person or persons using the articles or opening the establishment mentioned above in this Section, without first having obtained a License irom the City Council, and giving a bend to the same in the sum of Two llundred Dollars, conditioned to observe the laws of the State and City, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding Ten Dollars for each day such establishment shall be kept open or used. Equestrain and Theatrical Performances. Sxc. V. That no Equestrain or Theatrical performanoe, or other performaneee, or other exhibitions for gain, shall be bad in the City of Greenville, without a license therefor being first obtained from the Mayor, and payment lor said license made to the City Clerk, as aforesaid as follows: For each end every Equestrian Exhibition, Fifty Dollars; for each and every Side Show, a sum not less than Five Dollars nor exceeding Twenty-five Dollars, as the Mayor shall determine ; for Theatrical and other Exhibitions for B*'?> lucb *uln ** 'be Mayor shall determine. And each and every person exhibiting for gain, without first having obtained a License, and the payment of the said Tax in advance, shall be fined in a sum not less than double the amount of said Tax, n manner hereinafter provided for the imposition of fines and forfeitures. Special Tag. one. 111, maino rinon, rirm, uonpan; or Corporation aball bo engaged in, proaecnte or carry on any trade, buaiueaa or probation, nntii ha, abe, or tbey, ah all bare paid a 8pe eial Lieenae therefor in the manner bareinaftor provided, to wit: Each and every huaineaa, either Mercantile, Mechanical or Manufacturing, the grosa aalea or reoeipta of whieh aball not exoeed Five Hundred Dollar* per Annum, aball pay a Lieenae of Two Dollara, in exoeaa of Five Hundred Dollara, and not exceeding Two Thouaand Dollara, Sevan Dollara and a Half, and in exceta of Two Thouaand Dollara and not exceeding Fire Thouaand Dollara, Eight Dollara, and in exoeaa of Fire Thouaand Dollara and not exceeding Ten Thouaand, Ten Dollara, and in exoeaa o7 Ten Thouaand Dollara. Twelve Dollara. Each Firat-Claaa Hotel, Twenty-five Dollara; each Second-Clara Hotel, Fifteen Dollara ;each Saw Mill, Fifteen Dollara* each Corn Mill,grinding under three thouaand buabela per annum, Fifteen Dollara, and over three thouaand buahela per annum, Twenty Dollara; each Flouring Mill, Twenty Dollara; each Cotton Qin, Ten Dollara: each Cotton Preaa, Five Dollar*; each Livery Stable, Ten Dollara : each Oaa Manufactory or Work*. Ten Dollar*; each Printing Batabliabment, Six Dollara; each Barber** abop, Five Dollara ; each Auctioneer, Twelve Dollara. The Lieenae iaaued by virtue of tbia Section aball be oelleeted on or by the lat day of Marob next, and aball eover the year 1872, and all Buaineva Lieenae iaaued on and after the lat day of Marob neat, aball be iaaued on a ratable proportion of the year dating from the let dey of the month in which it may he isaned. Physician*. Lawyers. Dentists, Pho tographists, Artists, Insurance Companies, Ac. Sec. 11. Eaeh Phyaician, Lawyer, Dentiat, Photograph lat and Art lat, aad aaeb Inauranee Company and Speenlatora in grain, Sour or eouotry produoe, not otbarwlae Ticenaed under thia Ordinance, aball pay a lieenae of Filteeu Dollara ; and aaeb Rxpreaa Company having an oMee in, and doing buaineva within the eerCrate limite of the City, Twenty-five Dollar* | r oondoetlng said bualneaa or oeoupatloa; aald tern or eume to he paid en or before the lat day of Mareb next, or on any auSaeoneut day before eommeoelng rueb bonine? or oeeu? potion. And i penalty offlw Dollar* por day Anil bo levied against any poroon pro?en ting each bnain? or oooupatHm, or any business named In tbla Seetton without flrat baring taken onl n lioon? tborofor. Liquor Liomuo. Sic. It. Donloro In Liquor abnll pay the following Li?nee, to wlt.t Kaeb Retail Llqnor Dealer, Two Hundred and Fifty Dol< lara: aaeb dealer In Liqnora wbo ?lit by tbe qnart or larger quantity, One Hundred Dollar* | oaab D ruga let tolling by too bottle. Fifty Dollars | (too llqnor lot to bo drank on too prealaoo where ?M, by any ether Ikon a reft UII liquor dealer,! ud "Ho IImdw for *11 d?tl> z por udod, ud coait bo paid before tbo parMm eater upoa nld basineoo. y [y . M Jppaltiii, r ;;r ?v> 1 Sec. IS. And l? U fnrtktr OrditW, TUt / :: oatb, of all Mo, bor or tbolr Usable property, I Uoosm, ia)oo, rooolpU, or bay, or all otboo J things taiod by tbia Ordinance, aad pay tbo ' las thereon Impooed, within tbo tlam a poo tied by tbla Ordtnanoa, tbo Clerk of UonncU, assisted by tbo Aaseaaor* of tbqdHty, are haoaby authorised and required to aaooaa each pOSbon or poraoaa for all bis, bor or tbolr prapoHp. or otbor things tasad by tbia Ordiuanoe, aooordio| to tbo boat laforaiation wbioh ba and tbo A use Mora can obtain of tha ralao of snob taxable property, and add One Jdaadred por eent. to tbo amount of tbo tag of the person or persona fbas a'aglaetTbg of rofbalng to naaka a return as aforesaid, or pay the Us thereon i and if At double tag tbui impoasd is not paid wiiBia inirry u?y? IMlMlhir, the itM Ctork ' ll bere'-y eutbornml Slid required to iMSS SO ttMidoB Mnior laaedlotely, which Mid execution shsll bs lodged with tho Sheriff of , tbo County of Qnt?illh>to MtolMMtt' , oord log to tho orovieioM of tho Aot of tho Oooorsl AwMhiy is oooh oooos, ma do sod provided. bono sod ratified is Coanoil sooomhlod, andor tho eorporsto Bool of tho City of Oroenrillo, ( this *th Ooy ot Deeeorfcor, tffTl. JAMBS P. MOORB, Moyor. F. A. Walt**, Clerk. < fiflLD*AHn'sn,ttii VATCWK S BEST GRADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, : AND FANCY GOODS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 6old,Bilter. 8t?*l ft *fufi?d ] SPECTACLES. | ALSO GENUINE . IPSIMBIMB SVHDVAOILIHb 1 B? Webrle# Oct 11 ft tf HENRY BISCHOFF & CO..? WHOLESALE GROCERS\ : AND DEALERS IN I TOBACCO, &C, * , r ' ' NO. 197 EAST1 BAT, ' CTAlIiESTOSf, B. 0. n. viaot^orr, | o whlbbkn. i. ii. nirn. Oct 26 25 6in Greenville A: Columbia R-R. Coi.umbia, S. C., Jan. X, 1872 ON and after lhi? Hite, the following Rcltrdule will be r?n daily. Sunday* exc-p e l. connecting with Night Trains on Soulii Catolinn Road, up and down, also with Trains going North and Bout It on Char* lotta, Columbia A Augusta Railroad: UP TRAIN. Leave Colombia 7 00 a m " Alston 8 60 a pi " Newhrrtr 10 80 a hi " Cokeshory 2 10 p m " Brhon... 8 66 p m Ariive at Greenville ft 85 p m " Ander>on 4 46 p m " Pendleton ft 45 p n. " W alhalla 7 16 p m DOWN TRAIN. Leave Walhalla r. 6 00 a m " Pendleton 7 26 a n> - Anderson 8 20 a n? M Bolton 9 80 a m " Cokeshury .... .. .4 . A . .11 16 a m " Newberry .... 2 86 p m " Alston 4 21) p m Arrive at Columbia B 00 p m U. T. BARTLBTT. Oen'l Ticket Ag1!. Jan 24 88 BRYAN & M'CARTER, Columbia- S. C. WHOLESALE AND RBTAIL IN SCHOOL, LAW ANO MEDICAL B 0 0 3K s, Sumatra Work* for Libraries New Publication*, , Stationery and Blank Bookt. Blank* for Lawyara and Trial Juatlcea, ciqawn, &c. Family Bible*, Hymn Book*, of all Style*. Dae 6 St Saa HENRY GANTT, PROFESSIONAL BARREN, AN Ha found at bla old atajid, opporlte Mr. V/ Wabrle'a. Ha eontinaaa to SHAVE anJ CUT HAIR. Ha hope* by politneaa to all, and prompt attention to bualnaaa, to merit a tontinnanoe of tb* patronage heretofore axcendod to bim. 87?tf Sixty Five Fir at Fria* Medal* Awarded. ' TBt OMAt JKH98HVHo8uthern Piano tf ptTfWM. EN ABE aCO., Manafaetarefi ef / ',\ ' ] BRAND, SQUARt AND UPRfBHT 1 PIANO FORTES* BALTIMORE, MD. Tbeaa' InatrAmerta bare been before tb* Public for nearly Thirty Yeara, and upon tbetr ezofllenoe alone attained a* wenwreAea d prt-tmimmtt, which pronounce* tbeui enequaled, ia held ,Ki i '1 l TONE. TOUCH, ' WORKMANSHIP ANO DURABILITY. All our Sqnare Piano* hare our New J**-, j^rorod Oeeratreqg Seal* M|d the Agraffe] We would call apeclal attention U our late I Patent od Improrcmonu la Grand Piano* aad I Sonar* Oraeda Ian* ?- ? - 1 wkloh krtag the Plata letrtr parfaotioa ibaa I ha. y?t haan attained. > 17 Ptaao rally Wan aa 1.4 for Fin T*m. . W* r? T"'4*1 nikM to farai.b Parlor Orgam. bad M?'.>dooo? of lb* -o.t Unrated .abort, wb?U.aU and ratal! at lowaat F.otory PHm?. r' Oatalogaaa and Me. LUt. 1 ?* pplteattoa la ""IB1 A Oo., Baltlaiora, Ml, Oraay ?t oar ragal.r ..UklUhad aganeWt. ' ! ? , J : A . x< r v> J . Having Rem W%tk^> % n n v II II X V TO THEIR NEM i . .. v. ~>^ Corner of Broad and Bcli WflftILL take great pleasure in wa Vv wbn will find a choice dee DRY QOOD6, which will be dis|M* he mod eoonomioal pf An examination of Goods an V Christophi 25 ly 909 904 i?ro< CONSUMPTION, C [ts Cure and ltd Preventive, BY J H.80LTENCK, M. D. MANY a hunti being hu ptiMcl away, fbr whose death there wu no other reason than the negleet of known and India- 4 paubly pro ran means of earn. Thoae near and dear to filially and Mends are sleeping the dreamless slumber into whieh, had they lalmly adopted _ DR. JOSEPH H. SCHBNCK'8 SIMPLE ? TREATMENT, j and arailed themselres of his wonderful eOca ious medicines, they wonld not hare fallen. Dr. 8cbenk baa ia hi* own oaw proved that J i wherever sufficient vitality remain*, that vital- I ity, by bi* medicines and the direction* tar 1 I tbalr aaa. It quickened into healthful rigor. ? In this statement there ia nothing preanmpt* " on*. To tbadaith:of the invalid i? made no repraaentation tbet ia not a tbouaand tinea uhatantlated by living and viaibte work*. ? The theory of the cure hy Dr. Rchenck'a medi- j tines la aa simple aa It ia nnfailing. It* phi- j loaopby require* no argniaent. It la aell-aa- luring, aelf-cenvinelng. The Seawood Tonie and Mandrake Fill* are the first two weapon* with which the citadel * of the malady i? aaaailed. Two-thivda of the ' caaea of conanmptioa originate in dyapepaia * and a functionally diaordered liver. With tbla 1 condition the bronchial tubea "sympathise" with the stomach. They reapond to tb* uior- s oifie action of the liver. Here then cornea the culminating reanlt, and th* setting in, with all 1 ita diatrosaing ymptoma, of CONSUMPTION. Tb* Mandrake Pillr am composed of one of Natuw'a noMaat gifts thaP^dopbillhsm M? tatum. Tbay peiaev* all the hlood-aearebing, alterative properties of calomel, but unlike oulomel, thay -LEAVE NO STINO BEHIND." The work of cure la now leglnning. The vitiated and mneons deposit* in the bowels . 1 and in the alimentary canal are ejected. The , liver, !ske a clock, is wound np. It t'ouaii | from ite orpidiiy. The stomach acts responsively, ai.d the patient begins to feel that he is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF OOOD BLOOD. The Seewood Tonic, in conjnnctien with tbo Pills, permeates and assimilates with tb* food. Cbylittcation is now progressing without its previous tortures. Digest ion heeomee painless, and the cure ia seen to ha at hand, rbera ia no more flatulence, no exacerbation of tb* atomach. An appetite aeta in. Now cornea the greateat Blood Purifier ever yet given by ao indulgent father to suffering man. Schenck'a Pulmonic Syrup cornea in to perform ita function* and to hasten and complate the cure. It antcra at once rpon ita work. Nature cannot he cheated. It eoilecta and ripens tba impaired and diseased portions o! tb* Innga. In the form ot gatherings, it prepares than for expectoration, and lo ! in a vaty short time th* malady ia vanquished, tb* rotten throne that it occupied is ranovatad and made new, and tb* patient, in alt tk* dignity of regained vigor, steps fortk lo enjoy th* manhood or tha womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS L08T. The second thing Is, the pettmts nnit stay In a warn room antil they gat wall; it la nl? ' mast impossible to prevent taking aold whaa tbo lungs ara diseased, hat it must l>a pr?rentad or a euro cannot ha effected. Fresh air and riding oat, especially in this section o? the aonntry in the fall and winter season, ara i all wrong. Physlciana who recommend that coarse lose their patients, If their lungs ara badly diseased, and yet, because they ara in the bouse they innst not sit down qniat; they must walk about the roam as mock and as fast as the strength will hear, to gat up a goad circulation ol blood. The patients must keep in good spirits?he determined to get well. This has a great deal to do with the appetite, and ie the greet point to gain. , To despair of care after such svidettee of its possibility In the worst eases and moral certainty In all othars, is sinful. Dr. Schenck's personal statement to the Faculty of bis own sure was in theae modest words: ' Jfsny years age I was in the last stages ef consumption ; confined to my bed, and el one time my pbyaielaae thought that I could not lire n week \ then, like a drowning man saSeh. ing at straws, I beard of and obtained the preparations which I now offer to the pnbiie, and they made a perfect euro ot me.. It seemed to me that 1 eopld feel tbepi peaftrafip my *b?le system. Tbey-eoen ripened tie matter to toy lnngs, and I would f|lWm more than a pint J f offensive yellow matter every morning for fever, pain and night tweets alt bogap. fin . leave me, and fisy sppet}t? becama so great that it was with difnurtty that I could keep from eat[pg too much. I soqn gained my strength, had have grown in lash ever elnee." "I *H waigbpd shortly after my rneo verjr,^ added the fcdetor, then looking like a mere skeleton ; roy Weight .Wta ealf ntnei r- seven pounds ; my present weight is two hundred and twenty-fien [215] pounds, and for yegrs I I bars enjoyed ouioterrapted health." | Dr. Bchenek has discontinued his professional visits to New Toft and BotUg.,. Ha or his son, Dr. J. H. tie he nek. J?; <iill oontinou { to see patients at (heir tffet) No. 15 North Sixth ttreat, Philadelphia, every Saturday from I A If l.? D u <rw?? ? ta- ? 1-fc. - ?l ? lamination with ?btrg?4 $&. The Reaplrometer declarer the esfpMedafytlilbofkhn iKhg*. and ffetlenta ean . readily learn whether thejr ara eatable or wot. . I iiviITII jfl" 11 a re Mandrake Pille are to be taken in ineraaaod ?^nLfS^t2a& aecuinpaoy them : Firet create appetite. 01 , rotornlog health badger 14 the moat welooflu aymp^t*. Whdal it eo?ee, it wfll Mai, let the despairing at oet he of good ehaav. Good bleed at eew folia*a, the eoagb loeaena, the ' night aweat l? abated. In n abort Une heeh 1 f theee morbid lynatnni are gbne forever. 1 Df, Sibtiili'i MtdlilMi iff knt I In ten* of tboneenda of lantlliee. de n Una- I tlva or pwrfentlre, the II ah drake Title area atanderd preparation j while de Pelneele fly nip aa a ewrer of aaaghe and eetda, may be regarded ae n prepbylneterie ngnlnet Wewp . tton in any of lie forme. ? , - . Prtee of the Mntah ?twp nnd feaweed Toole, tl .44 a bottle, er ?7.4# n half doeen. ' Mandrake PUU, 14 eenU n hag. for nb by i mil dane-Ui. and iaateae J*5* rk BiMT' ^ * ?# ?- I . V/^-T u oved Their 1 iiiO fuH Uiiii ?lii > ^mn o n bs J PREMISES, toih Oil., Aafiila, Ga. iting on their Carolina friende, ortinent of ever? description of ed of at pri*? that m**at satisfy hi .1 j d Prioea respectfully solicited. j ?r Gray & Co., id Street, AUGUSTA, OA. Tharlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, ) > 0. A A H. R V CoLtmiA, 8. 0, January 1, 1871. ) r~\N and after January 4, the following k_/ aehedule wljl be ruo orer thia Roail: TRAIN No. I. Mill TRAIN?GoING NORTH. . VI Aogo-tn I 8 16 AM itaM Columbia... I.ftf A M kriWeat Charlotle.. 2.09 PM TRAIN No ?. wait TRAJN?oollto NORTU. .cave Ai'gurla. .. . . I 6.00 PM .enve Colombia I 11.04 P M L write at Chattel te. . | 6 16AM TRAIN1 No. 1. MAIL TRAIN GOING aOOTn. ^a?a CiT'lotia......... ..T. l 7.16 A M ..... r..lh...k!. ' -?. I r .vi trrireat Augusta | 660 I'M TRAIN N?. SU Mail twain?foiW wotrra. >ate Chariot a. T. .V......*. J 7 80 P M ColumMa... 1 2<>0 A M Arrive at Augueta. | 7.20 A M No. 1 Train daily. No S Train dally, inadaya excepted. Balh Treine make cloee lonnecliona to all poinla North, South and N at. Through Tleketa aold and baggage checked to all i-rioe pal points. Standard lieu?Wmhl?ttnn City time, listern minute* taster than this city. K. P. ALEXANDER, Sup't. E. R DonsKT, General Ticket and Freight Agent. Jan 24 38 DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &c. P P. TO ALE, V ! ' ?*' Manufacturer and Dealer, No. 20 Hayne Street and ftorlbeck'e W\ar/, CHARLESTON S. C. Or This ia the Urge-t and moa* r?m> pLte Factory et the kind ta the Southern Stat-a, and all artielea in ihl* line can b? tnri.iehed by Mr. P. P. To a LB at piicea which defy entru etition. fir A i.imnlil.l ~tiK f..ll A .,.11.. I Iiet of all oiki of 8a?h?*? and Blmde and the priest of, each, will he aeni free and poet paid, on application to Pa P. Toale, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. Julj IS 10 Ij. JOHN C. SEEGERS MANUFACTURER, WUOLE8ALE and RETAIL Liquor Dealer, ufunit limit COLUMBIA^ 8. C. Oct It -24 ly i. B. mcui&AN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL EII1H1II 1KICI1IT, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. O. ??? if I io*ll alto, ishen placed in funds, purchase and foruxtrd all kinds of Mero/umdiss, Ma ekinsry, Agricultural Implements. Fertil l#0Tt, dbo. Oflt t? It 1; Fleming & Maxwell WOUV r-*p?-eUolly Inform (he nolle that ?!?? ? have p#rrtM?i th* Shop >f Soma*) Bleek. in the old Cour4 H?n?*. tad ere prepared to do WORK Hi Vir line in a irei eUoo manner, and they M>|lr|i the Fatroi.ege ol thelf Prvnd* and Puttie generally. t?-?f PHOTOGB APHDTG. ~ HAVIVQ reran tin fttted op the rihai ever Wh moire A Forgo***'* Stern, rith elegant liahia, I am prepared i? Am ill kind* of PHOTOGRAPHING, at eery tort netiee. BetMaetton gaareated to all W.M. WatKLKR. ?'v: It * ift* BUMtM iwrTwrtMHy I* iktir WatrfwrM CttMlM mm*rn. Tl?i?? JMutn -am m a riW rtacr iHah. MK* a# r?r Mm, VkM?/, Iplrili aad MiOm fiknan, 4m! > '?? >. Ml HMt?I to >Mn Um taato, . KM r Itoa," - ftmatfaato* to, MIKto tlMkr m telmtmw And rata, km* tvto mmmm. w4? from to* katlw M*oto mi M*rto ? California, freo front nil ,r il?*Mlc mimalsM*. Tbay 1 ara too CBMAT IMtotf rVKiriKK ?M A , LIVI VITIIIM VKIHIfUb t hd(4t Iwml* mi lorlvontor of tha Mton aanrlay of all poUonoai matttr and rntortai tha blood ' to a todlto tanilUon, to frmi ?m toft* lhaaa ? ftUtoM aaeot Jin* to dlraetlaoa md nmtla toav avail, provided thalr booaa ant aot dvatraradi bp aaVaaral potaon or othvr maaoa, and tba vital arpaaa vaatad bvyond tba point af rapair. Tbltbraa tJeatlo r?miU* na avail mm m Ttalo, poaaaaaln*, alao. tba paeallar marlr af aathf aa a powarful ayaat la rat latin* Con*atBaa ortallaaamatlon of tha Llvar, aad *f all tha taaaral Orpana. rORKIMAI.K COM PI. A INT*, wfaatfaar to roam or old. aaarrtad or attipto, at Um town af " ?*>not or at tha tare of Ufa. thaoa Taola ftlltara haaa no a*aaL Pa* lafnMMatarr aad Chronic Uhaa atlw mad float. Pyapapaln or la. dlportloa, nilloao. Kamlttont aad latoraoltteat Katora, Dlooaooo af tha Blood, I.Ivor, Kldworo aad Bladder. theoe Blue re hnn been mutt immmAiL Much UImMci in eaustrd by Villain* lUwwd, which la (?wrtllr prrviucW br i?a(tiant of Ut Digestive Ore una. DYHl'KPSIA OR INDIOS9TION, Headaeh*. Pain In the Bhottldei*. Cough*, Tlghtnaaa ( the Cheat. Dlssineee. Sour Eructation* ot Dm Stomach, Dad Taata In the Mouth. Blllooa Attache, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation ef the Lunge, Pain In the reglone Of the Kidney*, and hundred other painful symptom* are the effeprlng* of X>y*pep*ta. They Invigorate the Btomach and atlmnlate the torpid Liver and Dowel*, which render thetn of taequlM efficacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vlger te the whole lyrtem. FOR SKIN DISBASNH, Eruption*.Tetter alt Rheum. Blotches. Kpota, Pirn pi**. Pustule*. Boll*. Carbuncles, Hbig-Worm*. 8< aid Head, fto-e K .Erysipelas. Itch. Scurf*. Discoloration* ofth* in. Humor* and Uiarawaof th* KlUiu of whatever name or natur*. ars literally dug up am' carried out of the *y*teni In a ahort time by the nae of theae Hitter*. Owe bottle in ?ncli oaeea will ocnvlnee the moet Incrednlon* of their curative effect. Clean** th* Vitiated Blood whenever you And It* ImpurltWs burating through the akin In Pimplea, Xruptlon* or Sore* ; clean** It when yon And It obstructed and *luggl*h In th* vain*: cl**i>*e M urban It U foul,and your feeling* will toll you wh*a. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the *y*teaa will follow. PIN, TAPS, and other WORMS, urklng la the *.v*tem of ao many thouiand*. are effectually destroyed and removed. SOLD BY ALI. DBUOOI1T8 AND DEADENS. J. WALKRR, Proprietor. It. H MCDONALD Si CO., Druggist* mid (leu. Agent*. Han Franrieeo, Oal., and n sad >4 Commerce Street. New York. ^BP" For ?ale io the City of Greenville DR. M. A. HUNTER A CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in Druga, Medicine*. Chemicals, Ac., Ac. May 10 1 R. R. R. RndwnyN Ready Relief CUKES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR "..'ler reading ihia *>1 verliaeiueut need any one auffrr wii h pain. I Railway* Ready Relief ia a enre (or every pain. It wa< tlie Hret and is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that instantly stop* the moat excruciating pains alltya in>(1. nations, and cures congetlions, whether of the lung*, stomach, b..wets, or other glands or organs, by one application. HADWAYS READY RELIEF Will afford instant ea*e. Inflinim?tion of ,L. tr:.. ' - ? -> - ? noMieyp. Iiuiaiiimxi ton oi me n'l'lilir, inflammation of the Bowels. Conjeiticn of the Longs,SoreThroat. Difficult Hi<?thiiig, I'nlpitmioti of the Heart, liyiteriw, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Inflnenta, Headache. Too?lh*ehv, Neuralgia, Uheumatlam, Cold Clt'M-, Ague Chdla. Die app h-ation of the Reedy Relief to the part or parte where the pain or difficulty exietr will afford ctre end comfort. Twenty drop* in half a tumbler of water will in a lew momenta cure Crampa, Sparine, Hour Stomach, Heartburn. Hick Headache, Diarrhea, Dyaentery, Cole, wind in the Bnwel*?*nd ell Intei net Pains. Traveler* ehould always carry a bottle of Railway's Ready Relief with them. A few dr?pe in water will prevent sickuees or pains lmm chang- of water It is better titan French Brandy or Bin era aa a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Agile cuied for fifty ceula,? There in not a mmeoial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all oth er Malariotte, Bilou*, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevera (aided by Radway's PUlr) so quirk as Kadwsy'a Randy Relief. Fifty cents per bottla. HEALTH ! BEAUTY I! Strong and Pure Rich B'o?d?Increase at Flash and Weiuht?Clear 8kia and T beautiful Complexion secured to all. >' Its. BADWAf'l IAIIAPARILLIAN KEIOLTEBT Not only does tlta Sersaparilllan Rerolvsnl excel all known remedial agents in the en re of Chronle, Sot ofulous, Constitutional, end Hltin diseaaee; but It is ths only positive cure lor Kidney and Bladdar tornplaints. Urinary and Womb diseases, Oravel, Diabetes, Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, I . i......... -i 11 . v\:?..? |?W|MI"V"VV W" WIII'B, I" 'JIIVP Albuminuria. and in all eun where there arc >>rlrk duet deposits. or tbe water U thick, cloudy, mixed with subtleness like lha white of an egg, or threada like white ailk, or whe? e ia a morbid, dark. bilious up praranea. and white bone du?t deposits, and when there ie a pricking, barniiiy eranation when passing water, and pain in the Smell of the hack and along the Loins. Dr. Kadyray'e Perfect Purgative Pills,, Perfectly Useless, elegantly coated with tweet gum. purge, rrgulate. pmiiy, eleenec and strengthen. Kadway'e Pills, for the aura of alt disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidnsje, Bladder, Itcrveac discs* ee. Headache. Constipation, Ocetivaneta, Indigeettow, Dyspepsia, Biliouaaeee; Bilious Paver, Incarnation of the Bowele. Pi Ice, and all DetaagcntanU of tlta internal Vlaccia. Warrtntcd to effeat a positive aura. Purely Vegetable, containing no merenry, minerals, or delsterious druga. t, ;j Observe the ioUowtng UMptees result, teg from Disorders ol the Digeatlve Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles. Fullness of the Blond ta tha He id. Ae<dlty of the oh, N?um?, Heartburn, Ellw*t of Food. or Wright la ilia Stomach, Hour Kruetat lone, Matting or Fluttering at iha Pit Of tha Siomach,Swimming of the Head, Harried and Difficult Breathing, i A few doaea of KadwtjrV will free Ike ayetcm from all tui aoo*e named dieor- . dert." Price. Sft no ale per Bo?. Bold by. Dragster a, Bead " Fatea and Troe," Bead cm* leu ur lamp i? RaDWAY a CO., No Hi Heir dea Lane, N?w Yoik. loforsuUion worth tkeueaade will be ?eot you. July tft U ly