University of South Carolina Libraries
*** ?Kfc?iAMI Of th* H?MMfin<H Wtl ^M*y>?i^KLoU of ??ti BayaadniOhod to A.Ut, thorooaTwSSto^tolA'ky' Ih* TmnSSr^r Uvaaarttto <S?Unty, fluU Carottoa, &?|**ia O?o4 to mM tito tooaMKiMlay to Mkrtk, A. D. tW*. HlmltM TMtovVto. aitUa- arid' AlMarmoaW to paid tofotfc that tttno; and 'toib Mto wm ttd'contloato Worn day Wda* tfafil m * rift* ?4#told, MM dnd part* of AjdW# ftaM Jbufe'ttkll'b* wl4 or oMHd fWf ?iU f' > "Wi ' .'! b^, v,7i?r .1 ?>' * tfnfhw nfHm '*?rwm >:?%> ml DKLUQUKNT LAND LIST FOB. 1871. Mary Edattrdt, ??A?iW Ma>rlor TrodlWdlfca/t'' h*"~ THO *" J. W. Thornton, W * J.K.Story. Job? Carooa, . 11 ??,, M J L<??k*. . SMb oJt W A Kotlrn i, > >00- <* Itotrey J RbtoHfcJ' <> j ' ' / KS^|?|? Matilda Bray, "' ** > ? ' J 8 Bal<twh?. ' * ?* ? oaa Sarah J Graham, ' "t ** isafe m . .Mary M King. . ,>* .-. , <f Borah &haror * > ,4t0 O W toM, ' ^MoaiM GTHofittoa, " I J.m*. U.J. ' *? .iwtynZ Harry W?W?, JX** 2 ? h"*s' 2 " Robert Pr?f*i4v, 2 '? William T T?ff, Jla'.i " George-William?, fc it** * M R B-een. i* - City Ltl. 1>*I? DuFH*, ? 8 E Erin#, J 0 Hitler' 51 ? ?w J M Trmt?e, w 'W ruam2r5, % Rebrco. Pay,,.; a?l?r.' EmmerRow, ? u Ih?i) Rmn>,"' -7 j b Sinuh, jr y. Waddy Thompeoti, Trufctfce, 142 Actfa Ail T E War*, City Lot ilia T E Ware. 2400 Aotya. Mre A T U'Mifltld Oily Lot. Maa?>va Waehingten, H It William*, ? h Willie Allen. ? .ten * Wr?t Held .Jlroo^p, f ' ?w Henry B?mnr. ' '^2fc "Warren Brown, '*[ M> o 8 liitfi*, , m .**, 'Berry Arnold, f\y-"\ M*'J Viot*. ?fc. Enix. 1Q0 A arm Mary Green, "/= ^ V City I ol. Kale?. 1B..W, 1 "' ! .. Booker Maxwell, ? ' J J Mnobey, ' ? ' ? D M?K it, I '? f rtlt John 1'errieh E.Uie 218 Acr-a J L Slmmiyf 0 #5[ 383 " xlffotjkt*.* Nnney T Greer, 10tl Mary Qteef, -v u 40,"' rl P lliidron, ' 467 M?rtbii fim^l :\ r.o T >n "H? br?t F?rr. i >?' *. ' so .? u Hector Neshit, # ' c 80 Martha Phillip*, .} gj r ? h -J H Aharoromtiia, 'I 80 ? Browp, , 7 AO *1 r wuiian. iTJbb, na ' J M Carbon," 49 ? Kbza'.elh llell-r, . , .? -Jam htykf, 148 A J ^lylrP, Hp < Jerrjr WfWfo?? ... - //>,. J* V " *1 A Cooper, i.A " /. 5 E*tr Co"P<r' 60 RF Porter, J000 , ril'if" ."v^i ... " J P Marghbgokf, . 13 t fWift'iH ? . *t)0 " Jno B Mnrclihmik*, 100 ' C C Mont*nnw-rr, 620 " William We-t. ' iU ' ?' I w William*, Agent, 663 KB Barn all, 20 ? Vina Darin/ J? *' W R Davih 1Q0 " ^ TO Hughe*. 60 Manurl Langf'.fJ, , * ,.47. " , L D MrMakin, trf ' i8n?r^tB?W'D' ill M p rrickaj, , *87 * tc'ft.T- ft: %SX^PSasr * Geor** llrtherd, 1 60 ' JB RoVk^dalf," 100 " ' j.cob tw/v* ii25:v ' Noah Mill,.' 170 1! H Woffbra, 396 ' fl M Birfrtt, / |6^ ^ * Amanda Bafncl'i. ' J100 ^ Asttfia&flr"-": ht>XA ^ H II 41 Gartaatiy, 1*3 v t* .?? J J HokenMba, ."// ,? g ,? t t> _g. vn?? n?i ?y, : I>< 07 Hrr.akiah Morgan^* ]60 " J W Cunningham, 850 " *<*9*\*um??h(*y**+Qia ?.m ,na ,n RifIiaM 7 18' ? K U JaWM. " ^ "* "1 tM ffuxhtt, MO *" ' a A nniip*, ^ : *;* JvJo * ?' " TUcar ' '* ?" ^ ' g-v .. ' A Vlctert. ' '"' '' jo ? )Wm?nd Bo??, ' ' MHl B 8 Flurfc' * 1s"m J ' no "?? ' o.rj. ? .. }t-^ ! ,0H : ad'TCM?"; ha M W Jimmirlo.,' ? \?? J r ?>( Mary YVargi#, J ^'foo 'iV' Viiiun J,,M '" ' 3,A-?%.? ?? J vr cagfi, Eat an. ** 7 fiw* s M ?T.!v iP? !M"' OMfc Afc*a*aW?." *9?tiaT fi& W A lUMty, >fMt, i . *4*v?o*lta?lN?< M W J ?*!?, . '? ? '* * ? *? A BlarkftilMv' : ' -x ljfr. Mn J > -? 'i ggrl.aam *>*. AMi?y, A/-IW A?m J B A BtaCan, (a?ji: ? ? '?+. .14 .a 1MO. C P llflt, r - r ' i to.' T?*wbrtrf(?, Hi Mr/ - * Mok Hmw, ? ')Tr <! " H ftniaii i * t.i t as ** ":Q? W 'Mas* < * > Jo -yW ? H H v < ii. ., ? '' -""'I "!** I'llimJ . 1* " ' ' l" ^?>h *? A uBsuatMftKK; ssBSis^as?! Ktwnl*. dwMi?, '' - "T 7tT,- i?tTT- b A. r. (TftlVKfi,1 EtoettWr. FeWjtnrj 21st, 1*71. 4t-*6 THE BHfMJtt*? j Mrilm i Time, Liabo^ri^H Cotton Seed, IS E Call and Bay One. aodSaftox a Jan Jlllf fh W W *T' dPaltrnlls!f& T^Y VIMpl^)f of anlQHp to ai% dtficted, iD fr?tn the /Honoraw#, rtb? UnUdjBiatea VCcrtet CoWHt* thla Metrict, T VNtoell, to the hlgheat bidder, at Auotion, on Friday, the 8tb day of March, at 10 o'eloqlr A M., at tha, realdenoeof LORENZQ'Dj HtltAKIN\ n?CrHighland Orove, Hundred and Twenty?Fire Aerer, with aone fi?e Bottoo^ou Middle Tffeed and Bearatadeipv .Creek *. , ,.l, t-. , Ai'id ' ' All the PBR?QiKAL MbOWMTJ aot> Ml Off'under the Act to the Banxlupt, oonaiating of LJto, Stock,, Cowa and Pork.. <? . Taaa^u-CV,**. 4ft?4?tf ptftthhArfc h few Uaya will be allowed to pay the money. t BnvKrupf ^ Notice. in *i 'in i'II H sS^m^matshssmi trict Court, re^uiiwd W cataWM. the amount, date und rank thereof before nr, at my Of1 eel at Toakrillo, S:(T.,oo'or betaf* the 20th [arch proximo, ok be debarred of all benefit arifing trout the aale.of hi* Eata?a. >') -? Jp ^EISk !^3T * 1/ I ? >,?. J *'' :li? . e --v ^ SPRING TRADE. E.W.MAMHALIj & CO., DRY GOODS ... ? ? ? rfii . ? AND? ' ' ' A sovxoas, r '143 Meeting St^ CHARLESTON, S. C. W? will offer fo the T afle thi? Season, A Large and Complete L*\e qf Foreign, and Luineelie JD*y Gopdi a,n<$ Notions, Which we will ro'l at N-w Yoi k Priae*. E. W. M ARSrfl ALL & CO. F?l? 14 41 8m bate of taid County. W1IKRKAS, .MTHlMni lfeKinncy, Jr., ba* filed a Pali I ion-A. lay 0?re, prayin* that Letter* of *he Will nnexed and w a)I nod singular tbaepods and oh allele, rijbts and crcd! ita of Tftttr Taylor, fJiAj* And Peter Taylor, Jr , lot* of the County aforesaid, daetaaed, should U granted te Wtyi Thtee art, tktr?/oee, to cite and admoniah all e?4 singular ibo kjndred and ered'Hof* of the raid Jena#and. ptfWtopd appear J? tbe Court t Probate to aaiJrpoua-y, hoiden dt <ii?I Hla Cwirt-TlauM, on the 4th day nf March next, to Show cause, if any, why the said Administrations should not be i 'mju /Mb. g?Tr,'.v i Office of Judge of Probate, Feb. 16tb, 1873. i Feb 91 4ft V. t STATE OF SOUTH J? ASOTIN A. dREENV^LLE fcMjNTY. , I. i ? ' V In .Court ?f Probate. . ? -* Petition for Partition of Real Estate, Ac. PLEASANT MOON ra. ELIZABETH DAVfSanf other., IT appearing to my sailsfaotUa, that the bcira ?t law of NANCY L1UON, deoeernd, to wit.: JOHN, MARY, EDWIN and WIL? LI A M LIUON, and perhaps some othera whoso names arpuMUfawbft ' tb?theM|at law of POLLY'lflliMitK," deAaRd, v^oae namea 'are aaot hnqfwa t the heira at law of ROBERT MOON, deceased, to wit. : PLEASANT. ROBERT.1 MARY and ELIZABETH MOdN, and perhapa aonre othera whose name* are not knj*A aid JpIIN MQpN dr his WeiiakhiAnL rtfyX?\Xn^To? W (loner, it is ordeMff thy thfty do appear in person or by Att?J^y^F%*C(>urt of Probate, I to be holden at Green vftte Court House, on the j their ^^ma?^^oentered of record., r j rr . , . 81 T.(4)?UIJMITJ fJ ' Probafo Judge for Greenville County. "B.auai'ifidRfj Id Coujlt hi Probia6*. ? Petition for Partition of Real Eitrtte. * IT* appearing to my aatisfaction, that Wil motion ot SiiIIivmu 4 btok?i, a ttorin v? lor Petitioner, it ia'fttderea tney <lo ?j>ponr in perSHLWJWW . cFebruary 12th, 1972. 41-7 t%Ht ff'V^ t S ^se1' " * ^, Th? Btato of 6ohth Carolina, ,d/k goNYMbito- cttu ft<i r, 1WWWflBAUi t>Y virtue^90Yor<2*r A?k 8 J:Dn<iiMt, I) Prnboto Jii'ilt* ( (jee^wvilfe County, 1 will ?ell, on t)?|<>*{|y in Mareh uaxi.*t GreaWeille Court Hotter, the following Traet pf f.a'\^^i<ti?lj|in aaid (-utility, ^ SSSSS < v-ji^ : ' ' JL*?KIHf?*K* UK'f?K?B^nH1 tk? if Uaf Mtly, m?4 p"rHeiwt* wttHMM wtro Iim-#? l}M?i tUK? K?tm?^ Ll?tori?e uotit Ihfct " U?e, ef ' *'* " 1 ' ll?n< I "MM* I tth IIMNJIJ00W, F?brimry Olh, 1371." tO?i ?fH3U? STHL GOlBa, COX * MARKLEt and ara daily raealving a ortLL J.J.OES, SBovWtM '^OES. * CliaiHSf sjnts 1P0OL8, Ac. ffrrmet^Wll W &k. cu ..ItSo^&t /-(ftyfr and Cotton Seed. GOWfiR, COX & MARKLEY. qmfil flRHRVB. C., *jelrnary 1, t*h/ ' rpmfioJrtnV Mbt fhVdllkiirVlLLK ignateA by tb ?e Boara M (M piper Id which 1S**L*^d PU?)lio ?oUo^Mh?Jl ^ puy^eA far \h* County <?l antoovMp..Jn awj^iUncc Wfth (ho ' Acl tq regulate (be publication pi All !$ Comptroller General. t>. H. CHAThBERLAI#,a.;. j Attorney General. MM'H j*')/.' >-?? IT iiS.t- I .JiU THE abore if a true copy of the original on file in the office of Secretary of Stuto. .? -t: n ?ARDOZ/P, ?? ' Secretary of State. **WM 41 * The State of South Carolina .j ; iin- QRBKNVILLB COUNTY. '< SHERIFF'M 8 AliES. BY virtue of sundry MfyUs of Fitfi Faeiat, to m? dif<tetedi I will a^ll before tlx Court Houp^ilifor, on S*l**da/ in March next, between the hour* of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 3 unlock in tha afternoon, One Sue Ca*t MoUsae* Mill, for making M?laa*ea under new method, tn fine order. Levied on t am the property of W. P. Panamore, at the suit of 8im*oi R. W*?imoreliiml, *t. al. Awo, Defendant'* Right, Title as<) Intereat in the claim of the Manufacturing and Refining Company of. L?kjiarill?i K.y., (or the Slate of South Carolina. (. AWOf At tk? former tufdenM of f'refendant. on Tur*day after Saleeday In March next, be. tween the Imtirs of fl A. M. and 8 P M., tli<* following pcrsonnl pioperty. to wit:? On? entail b?t,of Q??rn, One small b?ti>f Cot t<<n. One Cpg Onr.L'th W h#>d. One lot Lumber, One Band Whe-l. Our Urge Steam Box .Levied on a* lit* piop-rty of Marvin Trowbridge, at the suit of U. P. Sullivan, et al. t TkhM*?C?ih. Purchaser* to pay for Stamp* and paper*. J L SOUTHKRN. 4 0 C. Sheriff* Office, Greenville, 8. C. February ?. 18T4. 40?td State of South Carolina. GRBRNVILLR OetJNTY. SHERIFF'S 8 ALBS. BY virtue .>? mi order from 8 J. Douthit. Probate Judge of Giee?ville County. I will *el), on Shi**'day in March next the following Tract* <if Laud, via: ,t , All that Tract of Land, situate in the County ?f Grc". ville, adjoining land* of Jam** Darby. Uenry Darby and other*, and oontainfng lour hundred and ninety acre*, taore or 1m*. Sold a* the property of laaUe BierfieM, deeeaeed, for partition autoog the heirs and to pay debt*. ' 1 1 A1I I lint Tract of Land, situate In said Connty, on waters of S*iuda RVver, adjoin-, ing land* of Simeon Rskew, Smallwood, i/hikiq nna o mar*. ?t>d ooiUioing one hundred and flliy-ai* a?r?*. more or lei*. Sold Mlh* properly of William Pnyoe, deoeaeed, for partition among the heir*. ALan, ' Thai Lot of Load ajluate U.tke City of Qfpeqville. adjoining Iota of H. A C*ul>U. J^rara McPheraoo and other*, and containing acre*. more or leas. Sold a a the property nf T. O. fiow^r, Emily M. Long, a- d estate of S. F. Lung, deaeaaed, for partition among the pertle*. Trttmt,?A credit ef twelrh month*, with interne from day of aale. for all except bo' much aa %-HI rny the conta, which will be raqnired in Cash on day of aaTe. Furchaaera to giva Bond ana approved personal security, with a Mortgage of the prraiiaaa. to .secure thw payment of the purchase money. Purchasers to pay for stamp* and paper*. , .rfi > i. L SOUTHERN, S. O C February 7th, 187*; 40?td emm# HAVE now a LARGE W STOCK of BOfcKAWAYS ABfD1'- ' AT ALL PRICE#, Swnh ITew and $]rfcfcnt Pittirn*. , PRICES MUCH REDUCED. WE MAKE IS HI i??fi wiir.! t?t T n -v< ' Iff AP.MN! WdbrUlU ' ti III MlJfcl trl ' Mi ' '! ' ibflull A SPECIALTY. .tsrwpfr pt tmamM <? - 90WER, OOX ft MARKKA ' ,T-.?8~irSfik yeort.of lalttyvl t/ttrvk?<mn fuvmnt*#; ? ** "Hi -t#?< aamw ? ? .amJiban ?'aa?a<?a ?il MUk A. ft,JMQRR48QH rwam hb ai? MT? thftTlklnl* th? allocaaaiaf riUa ftori th?sort?oniiftff naftal^-far tha llb?ral natronage which th?y VW?Wd? ed wWm *?!? ? ha ha* opefrarf hitflnMC Ha li*? W?% mid* ad tb the mud on Vlltft ffcMbt. Mi halo* Abater A Hunt *r, whfci ft oaataat workihahehlf and manftar Mwl coi.ntrjr can afford. 'j'j U i ?f?? i rt- i-rsaa 0108? OP PAH *.?'{ : ? ? : T " ? j > I V'?. ? tu * ?** ioV?' ?a ^^1 ijyi^ 'UlY* ^ ?'.v^wlniWkr:. ??t? X* I ' J" ?<ll V' t *? ' *i" -! i aid* ' t |u ? i ?* ,4> ditf'? ?Hl ?? It') *: ' f am - ma ma M fm? TO ^8 WILL EX] I. I *V" FIRST :t I, It' * *I I t 1<> t :r.W 'i All W-v yx>4.I *.ii. J - I. i. - 04* jjcrsuus iiiuniic L.' - -1 I' ?t I ' ties, are earn j i j ? ! I . . M&.K& S . ? ' it .* liiiiNt'1 11" t'l WE WIL ? ?! ) ..*> :? ' lr.K Ml STOCKS h ? r^ha.5 i i;t r| QBTAJS-TUVii C'/A S3VJ;f .YflSJTUO3J8AT ,39jM January 28, 1872. , " r ro >i ^SUPERwPliOSF . H :!. \ - > /. r' > ' i * i >; 77/# OLDEST SUPER-PHOSPHATE I^IOMPOStfD of Bonit, Poiaih, I'huiphrtt \J ter'and JSmlpkutic 3cuL No I5alt, Abyf|^(^of jiti) kind u#?d'< Factory op Nluetceii Yt'ur* of BNTBODUC&D IN 1852. '.J '.j T^ttBuonyy^f HunitrMt of Well-KnowM Pt boil, tyeu During J $45 <?4sh-^$50 Time. I V V JbOSTER & HUNTER, j kIKis r i - * ? Jan 24-?38?3in U1:1 v ' 1 V-c$$i AMMONUTfiD SOLI CASH PKICE AT FACTO PHOSPHO-PEr CASH, *&< ACID BON L CASH, *2 GROUND CAR01 CAS11,.$>1 NOVA SCOTIA CA THE above-trained A mm on iti ted Soluble compounds of the highest grades of Bi with No. ! Peruvian Qutno and animal tnal Fertilisers in use, combining the ingredients M)d Cereals. Whilst these Fertilisers are warranted to I been materially reduced for the present scasi Manufactured aud for sale at Charleston, jC Messrs. G. A.TRENIIOLW A SOX. Gen tbo South, Fdr analyses and certificates se * ... STONO FI i THE stono pho Of Charlcaton, 8. C., properly apprcoiating the South, resolved in the outset to offer the wi^tyftJlte, reach of eyefy pUutur- They of .h3th soltjbl: a complete Ammonia ted Fertilizer, at $!."> ca with approved city acceptance without inter ? " Dissolved for composting with Cotton Seed or Stable I cash, ,r $fiO credit a^ above j (his ia highly j gaviir iruiiwirnu. We have nuMraM ccrlifteptvs frmn in tall ferent sections of tfto Stale, testify nig to th wfflch we append below. WILLIAM UAVkNKU J. President. MARSHALL \ MAULDIN, Agents, Oreer I .'Hnon 7 h H Pear .SVr .? In reply to yon* it(|r,ry oono present year, I will state what I did, apd giv On the litb of May lest I (flamed twelve cation of Cfctfon see<f and barnyard manure <j ng, I put no'liiug at all, not having reoein 15th of June I applied the Stnno, at the ral after the cotton Was nil up. The manner of borae'Watt plough the eotton was barred off and immediately covered by throwing back i or cottpwtifcij'^jisif^y tWERSt ' Very truly, yours, To J. D. Alien*, Esq., Gen. Agent Si loused twt> toils Rlono Dissolved Pbospha seed, on my cotton tb '( year. It certainly ti bale's to every fodr acres on which it was us< phare, with two other fsrtilisers costing neai There was no rnst on the cotton under whicl spMrf efwe?t^4pfia|fr Isatf; whilst the cettml were, rusted eaply and badly. Jadlf"'^rr w 4 ojgj* XT T *W -W-r * JLiirHi lUSUHA ,. 0 0 A 7ffAT/f . MW A\U > . >V p! Vp ^ '? < '> 1 h^H '* >/ } i .'j tin .?i*? ( ?'i IT / ii.> ^ >' MM AGENT FOR GRl AM M*.lf T^IMrTTi . . Ilftli DR. J. H. DEAN, Medical Examine i D?c. "jn ior A hot Ll.1 1 UlillfMUBjiMl ^IWgWAJEJfH? 1 U I F ww fWits 9J ariwil4? c?unM"> ** * oWifsffr! TttlAW T* ^iftMA1^ AdmU)i>tr*ti>r. y?brn?fyftth,18y?^^ ^ 46-5 ,.t ?? Notice "!* F 5M ffcrattsa iTruboto Jud*f cjf .yrefill* Oquntjr, on tb JHnhiy of AUrof^ucxt, .fyt * tHafhuu M KxoMii^r of (boiKtUiOjOf J*v ^ILtLIAn Feoruary 7th, 1872. 40-j INSHMiH' TliltM. .ST8I R?M^ T?R w OP n I ! t?L> 1* I'M .so' iND?' ^ '-1- 1;; , - . I ,*/1 M kg* +4M ?4-. :*! |U '*K JM \,w Wf 1i 'fc fc ??,< phmponih?: . tOJJ.'HA. J? iiloif ?ist MARCH JVEXT. , litd.l lilt ?' . ?J T'?-l "t ! Ill ,*i I. d to either of the parlestly desired to MpL^llbn/'ilonK / n.T W f IflUf. L6EU-OUK OF GOODS iS FROM THIS B.tTR tm i t)... ; J * * . : ' .1 HMa M UJ u C jflk. 3E38> 11? JSTER & HUNTER, I A. HUNTER & CO. IfATE OF LIME. y.ij ' < 4 i -U.i I- . ( A1 ANVFACTUllHit M THIS COUNTRY. !< l<t < < vii . : I ! , < ? i i- m ll> frnmto, f*onernt rated Animal Ammonioeat Mat* Salt Cake, Nitre Cake, Plaetar, nor Adulteraot or en for intpectioti at all tlinee. Practical Fxpcrlence. PATENTED DIC> 20. 18t>0 KM' IMI'ltOVI-MKNT' TO THE SOIL. if liter# t'n ?t# f'arnr oh rmy Variety of Crop and fjctremt Adeem SotUon*. 'ayable November 1st. 1872\GKNTS GREENVIF^LE, S. 0. MAN & HOWELL, General Ayenle for South Carolina, No. 128 Sort Roy, Oharletton, S. C. SSbpaotLs guano. KY. *46 PER TON, TIME, $50. IUVIAN GUANO. ). TIME. $115. i, PHOSPHATE. 5. TIME,'$30. UNA PHOSPHATE. ' 5 TIME. *20. LAND PLASTER. ,su. $10. i I'.u-ilio and l'b"?pho.Peruvian Guanos, lire rich una Phosphate, rendered soluble nnd nuimoniaied tier, in .king the most concentrated and profitable required to produce and support the Cotton Plunt he kept up to their high standard, the prices have >n. .0. 1 S. V? by i H N B. SARDY & SON. cral Agents. Also for sale by Agents throughout nd for pamphlet. Jan 24 38-3 m CRTILIZERS. SPHATE COMPANY, . the necessity of fostering the planting interest of ir Fertilisers ?t a price which would place them fcr their E GUANO, sb ; or $50 on a credit to the 1st November next; est. The L Phosphate," danuro, is now offered at tl*e very low price of $25 recommended by planters who have used it with fsnt planters of the highest character, from difexeellenco of theso Fertilisers.?only a few of U. AIKEN. GENERAL AGENT. No. 5 ft ntrai Wharf, Charhtton, Ff. (,\ iville; G. W. ANDKKSON, Agent, WHIlamaton. vn^i i>r>n, uecembcr fitll, 1871. erning my n?e of the Stouo Phosphate in the e you the result. acres of cottorl, to which I mado a heavy appli* qmhined. On the other six, at tho time of planted then the Stono Solublo Phosphate. On the ',e of 250 pounds to the aero, to the last si* acres, the application was as follows : With the oneas near as practicahlo and the pbosphato put in, the earth taken cway by the first ploughing. ; acres I gathered in the seed about 800 pounds rhich nothing but the Stono Soluble Guano had (0, pounds per acre. The two parcels planted m. The cultivation was the same. 4c., JAMES CnESNTT. 'oho Pho?))hatt Company, CharU$ton, S. C, 7, EDGEFIELD, S. C., November 27. 1871. te, composted with an equal weight of cotton Ipubled the yield, making on ordinary lanJa three id, In aomo test rows an equal weight of l'hosrly double t^o money, produced more cotton.? 1 the phosphate was used, except on a few small' ' t under which the other more costly fertilisers J. W. TOMPKINS. ( 38 3 in. ^EaTaijlFL SIT yt, mCE COMPANY. OEDON, PRES'T, BSC ~j rEPHEtfS, VENVILlIS COUNTY. j ? T ;i H " \ oi ? ? * V I ' ' 'r' " , i 3fi ' tf tu. (ic '? * n't ,i I ' " L I Oftee Board County Commissioners. ^ ? | 6'aautViLts, & C? ?al>ru??'y 6tb, 1871. I# following regulation! have b^aftl *4 .1 rn?<J"e"by ? a . hJ To bokl Monthly Meeting aneW &?lee- ' : day and Tuoeday totlowiag. *r' Ne weekly meeting on^ety,fd?y. W. A. Hudson haa >VCflL perma* 1 neol Clil?rmt?n,-T*n?u VrfWrwJ pt rcunn? tU dlWk.< A i>v Hiuiart^for the Actloir bf tfti > '* Board, can *e loft 1Htb: the letter, ill the / ' SiorW of Snlfltlkn ft Soh, R. E corner of ] J W A tttftjqON/' Cf)?Ww*? poard Co. Conmieeioneia. ti T, A ^VrUAviD, Clark, j i- *1> i <o RAVENEL, for composting with (Rwhi^. pjoc^f WH+* ton fcas! JfcttiUc* llJtX 4)nuFJmruL gUt< Orders filled now will be ooua# "-</ TinW*-dM If bunt ic af a time when their Wagon PELZGK, RODClES! tv*r .' : ' * ? " BrowiF J.Tr DONALD, Ag J?n 3 ATLANTIC r SfflUIS FERTILIZEE, atonfiwi Jm, Company under the directio Ravenel, is now offered tp the Pla dnced Price of $48 per ton cash, or Free of Interest. This Fertilizer has been very cxtc given entire satitfaotkin ? bouk> of f tinp it to be equal to Pornviati Guai All sales inado now will be cousic 1872, ftn?l to those baying on on 1st November, 1872. By tW? Arrangement planters will hatjl their Mantire at a time when th Pamphlets containing the certitt Atlan ic Phosphhte will bo fnrtiishct PKLZGR^ BODOER Brow WB. BEATTXE. Agent < J.n 3 ' ? 3; W Hi EST! > > ' ?r J, ' * * '' FO COTTON, CORN, "W PHI ,' ? ; | II* / . T ^ J. [Pi CASH, $50 per 2000 ! TIME, $55 per 2000 ] able Nov. 1st, 187! TEREST. Factory East end Hasel Rivt ' ? tlu } 4* * " i * ? * ?'l i i . mM ACID PHOSfHA F O COMPOSTING WITH ^ P It I CASH, $30 per 2000 TIME, $35 per 2000 able Nov. 1st, 1872 TEREST m 0* BTO OE.Yurt.ri, No. 1 South At C II A H L k S FQRHISJllID AT CUAh AT>DUV% ?Y JULIUS C. SMITH. J)eo 20 | K C. C. Stephens, . &TYO&WSV far LfaW. V'ORHKJttnxw, ?. c: WflGK I!f RW^tH OF BTfATTTTS 3TOTIIJ. - Prontpt attention given to Colleello.n0 '> A <r 8 d < t) ,X OOJIW Jan 3J dfi . $r r. lliMuT. AtP?P(0tiVwaw, liyje and bonrmrti' Wr rtfrnTy. 1 will tRAtfflCB IN'AI-L COURTS OF Til IS STATE > i x > * IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Greeatille C. H., 8. C. Iwly 1 lji* iO ?r* 'taairn. t*, C. ami.**. V. B. MOtlKK i , . ! M i BUTLER &. McBEE. A. " Mtorneys an* Gounlellors at Law nfl* in Equity, ^ GRKENVlkLK, S. C., 011 PimU?? ia tka^Ofnrtaof UycflUU J| lr * . f, p V ftouMain I.n<lg??, No. Jfr* 18, I. O. CK F.. ihmii I''nd?v MghI. at ^ int-ir linn, over fll?r- I i Lull A MaoMin'i linig Stotr K.gultrtttndnnce desired. I < JAMto P. MOOHR, N. fi | , A"(CO IV ?| | > PHOSPHATE. HU ; tTLANTIO PHOSPHATE COM >ttliciPOhdtofes Br-nST. JUL!EN Cotton Seed. is now offered'Af the i,or ?M jwr. rdt! payable 1st No-? Jer$4"a? Cask W &vqJv,;L872, 832, thereby enabling rfantocs to ? Hud Mules are idle** 9 lr CO., UAueml Afrato, b Wharf, Charleston. 8. C. crtt. time Station, *. C. bosphateT nred by the Atlantic Phosphate u of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julicii nting Community at the verv Re$69 payable 1st Novoml>er, 1872, I,V? * ?;'? . . (nsively used in this Statu and lias lie most practical planters admitio, pound for pound, lered B6 cash on the 1st of March, lite sale will be considered as duo i be enabled, wkhont extra eoet, to telr wagons and mules are idle, cafes of those who have used the 1 on application to the Agents. ? A. GO , <; on oral Airvuld, rn*s Wliarf, Clit&rlesiou, S. c. rtrAAnvUla fln?-U v<?wuiu*yi wuuwu vai UUtlU. t >s l( ' ?,n 1 DO I ' *. if 'I VJ 1 #t? ' . LIZE1! i > *> i n .lno > i 1 > 1 . . ; vl tbi i- > > HEAT, TOBACCO it,,.' hi ' ?i 'v C E : 4w lbs., at Factory, lbs., at Factory, pavJ, WITHOUT INiiiw .riv *1 i I i v 1 ?*' St.; Mines on Ashley >r. T E OF LIME! Ft [ COTTON SEED. C E : lbs., at Factory, lbs., at Factory, pay!, WITHOUT IN. i 4v?i, rlv?t , ! ji t. nta* ,?]| ib SX? & CO., JtdEJVTS, , . ? * ? ' lantic Wharf, T O ,V ,<?. rZ I LEST ON PRICES; FREIGHT AGENT, GREENVILLE. S. C. 1 .'Im t i* !B ?* v 1 4-ft r*>*v IHK CITY HO TBI,. THH umlorsignori bus taken ' Ip1^ aharge of the above Hotel, BitxiW^lVpa (formerly known as tho "Smilbctru Hotel*") ami having Bverhaalcd tho entire place ami re-luriiiblird it with furniture, is prepared to accommodate tho public, both transient hhd permanent, f will give my per eons I a tt nation to the Hotel, am) guarantee satiefaotiur. Rates of Board per day M...$2 Oft finntis. n?.?r,e...? -- ? i - If ?"'U I Single Meals... 60 Rensonnble deduction will b? made to tbo.>o boarding by the week er month. C. C. MONTGOMERY, I fc l >. < Froprietor. Jan 3 (at, 187?. 39 :i?n TO T1IK LA DIKS. I; ... >i .am r M: Fall nntl Winter Opening. : a "> MRS. I, T. JENNINGS fte?peet'?lly inform* the Ladies that alia ie now rectiv 't'g foil supplies of FALL \Sl> \\ / A /Aft ^fMILLINHRV ov urnr axp JTOkT FAKHIONAHLK STYLES. , Th? 8tf-?k will consist of *H ll??* JHiri i.f fJOOlV* fo?nd in niniiUr ?-?|n<?ii?ikwooir. ?n<t will In ofTem] ?. 1 *hj i?-n?or?U.i >IIv_Cj. 't I li