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Laws ofthe State. lets ef the teaeral linatlr ?f kttk Oanlias. PUBLISHED BY AUTRORITY. AN ACT TO SMFOWKR THE JUDGES OP THE PROBATE COURT, IN THIKR RESPECTIVE COUNTIES, TO ISSUE EXECUTIONS. Whereas, doubts have at Ueo whether the Judges of the Probate Coart ia this State are authorised to Ueue executions to earry Into effect any order, eeatenee or decree of such Court; therefore, Bs it tmteitd by the Senate and Hooee of < Representatives, of the State of South Car> i ollna, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the aame: Section 1. That from and after the paeeage of thia Act the Judges of the Probate Court, in the eereral Counties la this State, may, and they are hereby, fully authorised and empowered to issue executions, when that is the necessary and proper process to carry into effect any order, sentence or de? cree of sueh Court. Sec. 2. That ail Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved January 81,1878. AN ACT TO ALTER AND AMEND AN ACT TO ORGANIZE AND GOVERN THE MILITIA OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, of the State of Sonth Carotins, now met and silting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same. That Section 16, of an act to organize and govern the Militia, of the State of South Carolina, (approved March 16th, 1869) is hereby altered and amended, so as to read ?The duties of the Quartermaster Genera), shall devolve upon the Adjutant General, in times of peace. Sec. 2. That the office ot Assistant Adjutant General be, *nd is hereby abolished, and ilia dnlina nf thief nflfiAA Art* hprpliv crtn . ? ? ?J ferred upon the Adjutant General. Sec. 3. That all aet?, or parte of acta, inconeietent with this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 2d, 1R72. AN ACT TO REGULATE THE MANUFACTURE AND 9ALE OF COMMERCI AL FERTILIZERS IN THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting io General Assembly, at*d by the authority of the same: All commercial fertilizers manufactured, sold, or kept for sale, in the Slate of South Carolina, eh all have affixed to every hag, barrel or parcel thereof, a written or print ed label, which shall specify the name of the manufacturer and seller, their respective [daces of business, and the constituent parts thereof. Sec. 2. Whoever manufactures, sells, or keeps for sale, any commercial fertilizer or fertilizers, not labeled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding -eeti??n, and t L _ 11 -IT., a I U - - 1 wiiosnercr pii?h mux to niiy unrin other parcel of any fertilizer, any la?>cl not truly opacifying the constituent parts thereof, and the name of the manufacturer and seller, shall be punished by a fine of twenty dol'ar* for the first offense, and a fine of forty dollars for the eec>>m1 and every an1'* sequent ofTenee, ?>ne half ?>f which i every ease, he for the use of the p'??a cut . Sec. 8. This act shall he deemed 11 |iii* I c act, and be in force after its ratification Approved February 2, 1872. AN ACT TO REVIVE AND EXTEND THE CHARTER OF THE RELIEF LOAN ASSOCIATION, OF CHARLESTON. Section 1. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Reprentativca of the Slate of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That the charter of the Relief Loan Association, passed on the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, be, and ia hereby, revived and extended for the term of five years from the date of this act. See. 2. The said Association is hereby rc-invested with all the rights of property, which it had at the expiration of its chartor nr whl?h it* trusteos mil have acnnir ed since; and shall hare power to sue for and collect all amounts due to the raid Association, or its trustees, and to sell and convey all the said estate, real or personal, for the closing up of the said Association. Approved January 81, 1872. AN ACT TO RENEW THE CHARTER OF THE PALMETTO FIRE ENGINE COMPANY OF COLUMBIA, S. C. Be it enaoted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State South Carol!an, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That the charter of the Palmetto Fire Engine Company, of Colombia, be, and the same it hereby renewed and extended for a period of fifteen years ; and the said Corns pany is hereby authorized to adopt the name and ttyle of Palmetto Steam Fire Engine Company. Approved Jannary II, 1872. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE ENTERPRISE ASSOCIATION, OF n*i a n . ootnavr a atttti r% a . vnanumxun, ouutu V/AKUMCIA, Be it enaoted by the Senate end House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Alterably, and by the authority of the same: Section 1. That Jacob Mills, T. A. Davie, N. Spencer, Samuel Marion, Aaren Wrigh* ten, Abraham Williams, Joseph Parker, 9. B. Middle)on, Richard White, George Mar? tin, Jacob Royal, John A. Adam*, R N. Gregorie, Iseaae Weston, Edward Weston, their associates and successors, are hereby made and created a body politic and oor porate, und?r the name and style of "The Enterprise Association, of Cbarleaf on, Sooth Carolina." Seo. 2 And said corporation shall have power to make by laws, not repognant to the laws of the land, and shall have succession of officers and members, according m> meir ?. -cuoo, no to Keep and um a com mon aeal, t??. *me to alter at -will, to aoe be eued, in any v. ,urt in tbia Slate; to bar# ard enjoy erary right, power and prtyileg# HtdMttoMMk eorporaltooe; and It la here*J empowered la acquire, raUla ead enjoy kll Mali property. raal and perooaal, ao may M givea or beqaeelbed to, or parehaaod by t, ood to Mil. eoovey or mortgage iho moo*, ?r any port thereof, at will. Boo. t. That ooid oorporation may, from Lima to tint, invoat moneya, aaaeta, or any property whloh it may aequtro, la auch roa* tad poroonal proporty, bonde, etoeka, or ia raretiea, la aooh aumo and oa oooh torma and ooaditiooo aa it may dorm proper, and Lo execute bonda, Ac., nadar ita corporate Mai: Provided, That the maximum value ^ 0 -II - - ~ " ?i bii prop?ny, niid and owned by raid corpora tioa, ah all not exceed fifty thoueand (80,000) dollar*. 8ee. 4. Thl* Act ehall eontiona In force daring twenty year*, and may be given In evidence without being eepeeially pleaded. Approved Febraary 2d, 1872. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SCOTT RIFLE GUARDS OF SUMTER. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilouae of Reprcaentativea of the 8tate South Carolina, now met and aitting in General Aa emblf, and by the authority of tbe eatne : Section 1. That Samuel J. Parton. Joaeph Sumter, Oecoe Roach, and their aaeooiatee and ancceaaore, be and they are hereby, incorporated a body politle, under the name and atyle of tbe " Scott Rifle Guarda," in deed and in law, and, aa euch body politic, ahall have the power to uae and keep a common aaal, and the aame at will to alter* to make all neoeeeary by-lawa, not repugnant to the lawa of the land ; and to have | ucc??ioo of officers ana members, conformable to each by-laws, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any Court of Law or Equity in tbie Slate ; and to have, use and enjoy all olbqg rights, and be sub* ject to all other liabilities incident to bodies corporate. See. 2. That this Act shall be deemed and taken to be a publie Act, and shall continue in force for the space of fouitecn years from its passage. Approved January 31st, 1872. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MOUN TAINEER FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, OF WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and silting in General As eembly, and by the authority of the same Section 1. That William Koeber, John Dale, A. Brennecke, S. S. Smeltzer, Martin Ansel, P. Hoyte, H. Stucke, Jacob Schroder, Jr., James Watson, and their successors in office, shall be known by the name and style of the Mountaineer Fire Engine Company, of Walhalla, South Carolina, be. and I they are hereby, creator) ar.d constituted a body corporate and politic, with a capiatal stock not to exceed the sum of fire thousand dollars, with the light to sue a id I ? sued, pKad and be impleaded in any court of competent jurisdiction ; to hare and to use a common seal, and the stmr to alter a' will and pleasure ; and with all the rights privileges and iinmoni*ies that are now or hereafter may be secured by law to like in corporated bodiea. See. 2. That tbia act shall be deem-d a public act, and shall remain in force for the teiinof fourteen >ears Approved 8th of January, A D 1872 AN ACT TO ALTER AND AMEND THE CHARTER OP THE TOWN OF GHOSHS ETOWN. Sec ion 1. B-* it enacted by the Snnnte and H- ioe <>f Koprrs-niiitive* ol the Stat? f South C roifia now m?*t and *i"ii'i? in O.-n 'al A?i? nihlx, and by the aitlhorilv f > In- win-; That so touch ?'f the charter of the Town of Georgetown as determines the day of election be, and the same is hereby, amend ed so as to fix Ihe day of election of intendant and wardens of the Town of George town on the first Monday in >pril, eighteen hundred and seventy-two (1872.) and on the first Monday of the tame month in every year thereafter. Said election to he held in some convenient public place in said town from eight o'clock A. M until five o'clock P. M , and when the polls shall ba closed the managers shall forthwith count the votes and declare the election, and give no tice thereof, in writing, to the intendant therein being, who shall, within two days thereaftar, give notice, or cause the same to be given, to the persons duly elected : Provided, That the iatendant and wardens now in office shall contiune therein until their successors are elected and qualified. Sea. 2. That all laws now of foree in relation to the election ot intendant and wardens, except so far hereby repealed, be and continue in force. See. 3. That the intendant and warden* of the said Town of Georgetown are hereby vested with all the power and authority over the poor within the Town of George town, which, by the law, now belong, or may hereafter belong to the eonnty commissioners Georgetown County ovei the poor of said of eounty ; and, for the purpose of raising funds to provide for the comfort and support of the said poor, the said intendant and wardens may assess and collect a poor tax od the taxable property o( the said town, in the same manner as they assess and eolleel taxes thereon for the support of the government of tba town: Provided, That aaid tax shall not exceed ten (10) per cent, on the amount of taxes therein paid to the said town : Provided further, Tha^ tba taxpayers of the said Town of Oeorgetown shall not be taxed for the support of the poor outside of the corporate limits of said town. Approved January 8. A. D. 1872. AN ACT AUTHORIZING E. P. ENGLISH TO BUILD A DOCK AND COLLECT WHARFAGE AT PORT ROYAL CITYSection 1. Be it enacted by the Senato and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As* sembly, and by the authority of the same: That E. F. English be, and be is hereby authorised, to build a dock to deep waters of .1? -? r>?4 n r,.. ?w*utuiw uwr, ?* run f\ojlI 1>1 IJ ) tO COllCCt wharfage on the ume, and to use, tell or leaee said doek for hta own benefit, subject to any law* now existing or hereafter to be made In relation to such property. Approved January SI, 1872. The Governor has nominated exGovernor James L. Orr as delegate and Archibald Cameron, of Charleston, as alternate, for appointment by the President of the United States to the centennial celebration to be bolden at Pbila delphia. ATLANTIC ACID PHOSPHATE. CTpHIS Article, prepared bj the ATLANTIC PH08PH ATE COMJ PANY, under tho direction of their Chemist, Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVEN EL, for composting with Cotton Seed, is now offered at the Reduced Price of $28 per ton cash, or $31 per ton payable 1st No* ember, 1872, Free of IrUereet. Orders filled now will be considered as Cash 1st March, 1872, or on Time as due 1st November, 1872, thereby enabling Planters to haul it at a time when their Wagons and Mulee are idle. PELZER, RODGER8 ft CO., General Agent*, Brown's Wharf, Charleston. 8. C. 3. F. DONALD, Agent, Grove Station. 8. C. Jan S 36 3m ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. grills FERTILIZER, manufactured by the Atlantic Phosphate Js> Company under the direction of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravcnel, is now offered to the Planting Community at the very Reduced Price of $48 per ton cash, or $52 payable 1st November, 1872, Free of Interest. This Fertilizer has been very extensively nsed in this State and lias given entire satisfaction; some of the most practical planicrs admitting it to be eqnal to Peruvian Guano, pound for pound. All sales made now will be considered as cash on the 1st of March, 1872, and to those buying on time the sale will be considered as due on 1st November. 1872. By this arrangement planters will be enabled, without extra cost, t> haul their Manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the Atlan'ic Phosphate will be furnished on application to the Agents. PELZER, RODGERS & CO . V?ucml Agents, Brown's Wbarl, Charleston, 8. C. WM. BEATTIE. Agent Greenville. South Carolina. Jan3 35 Im WWnm~~l FERTILIZER! FOR COTTON, CORN, WHEAT, TOBACCO. PRICE: CASH, $50 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $55 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST. Factory East end Hasel St.; Mines on Ashley River. WAIli ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME! FOR. COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. p T) T r r . j_ xt i v jj ; CASH, $30 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $3 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST. m o. nvsaes & co,, GEJYERJ1E , No. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTONS. C. ! FURNISHED AT CHARLESTON PRICES FREIGHT ADDED. BY JULIUS C. SMITH AGENT, GREENVILLL. ? 6' Dec 20 33 3m . Eli WAN ~ FERTILIZERS. Three very Superior Article* are offered by the Sulphuric Acid and Superphosphate company of Charleston, S. C., viz: ETIWAN GUANO. A complete manure, adapted to Cotton, Grain and Tobacco, being the w?-ll known artie'e heretofore offered at the very high grade of 15 per cent, dissolved Bone Pho?phate of Lime, with the addition, a? heretofore, "f Peruvi?n fluano, Ammonia and Potaeh. Price $66 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st ot April ne?t, and $60 per too, payable let W ..... IO?n -l-t ... uuivuiwr, 10ix, vninoui tniereu. ETIWAN CHOP FOOD. A n?w article of about the same high grade of Soluble Phosphate. compounded with the element* of Cotton 8eed in auch a manner, an to ensure one of the b-?t fertilizer* for Cot ton and Grain, at a lower price than the F.t'wan Guano. Price $40 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st of April next, $45 per ton, payable 1st November, 1872, without inter tit. ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE. Averaging from 18 to 20 per rent, of Dissolved Rone Phosphate, and thus enabling the planter by composting, to obtain two tons of half that grade at a saving of one half eoit and freight. Price $85 per ton. if paid on or before the 1st ol April next, $$0 per ton. payable 1st November. 1872, without intereit. TAICE NOTICE, that all these fertilizers are of the highest grade of Soluble Photphate, and must help for more Ihsn one year. WM n TTP17 kr nn - *'*? v/t l/JJJJ cv W7 , General Agents^ Charleston, & C. LEONARD WILLIAMS, Agent At OrrenrilU, S. C. Dec IS %% |a ?? Rill t r m JL J Vtf cni <& < Having Ren \i\U\ I B R Y 6 AH ?&? TO THEIR NE Corner of Broad and Bel empiLL take great pleasure in w Wk who will tina a choice tu DiiY" GOODS, which will be disj?c the most economical. 15^- An examination of Goods a Christopl 25 3m 202 and 204 Br\ Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta Railroad. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. ) l\, 0. A A R. K V Columbia, 8. 0, January 1, 1872. ) ON and after January 4, tha following pctiedule will be run over thla Road: . TRAIN No. 1. kill tu a in?oolkq north. Leave Augu-ta I 3 16AM Leave Columbia I 8.22 A M Arrive at Charlotte | 2.t)? P M TRAIN No 2. mail train?uoinq north. COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL CDHMISS1Q1 ME H MA IT, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. O. I xo?U also, when place-/ in funds, purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements Fertilizers, dkc. Oct 24 2ft \y Fleming & Maxwell W' OULI' r*?p?'Pt(a]ly Inform the ftulU IT ilt?* lhi?y be?e purohM-d the Bhoft of IftBDUftl Rlltlt. Ill Ik* Ml U"? ad are pr#i>ar#d to do WORK la their Una io a flrat elaaa manner, and thay aollelt the Patronage ot thalf Fn?nda ana Public K'naralljr ST-tf PHOTOGBAPHINO. HAVING raeantlr fitted up the room or or Whttrolra A Fergnaon'a Store, with elegant lighta, T am preparod "o do all kinda of PHOTOGRAPHING, at rerr ?hort notice. BatWfaetion guaraoted to ail W, M. W HEELER. Map 11 S Ift* Lt*vi< AoguM* I.IH) P N Leave Columbia.. 11.04 P M Arrive at Charlotte 6.16 A M TRAIN No. 1. MAIL TRAIN?OOINQ fOUTH. L*-?v? Chariot* t 1.16 A M Leave Columbia 1.35 P M | Arrive at Augusta 6 6?? PM TRAIN No. a._ MAIL TRAIN?OOINO RlPTH. Leave Charlotte 1 8<> P M Leave Colombia 3 00 A M Arrive at August*. 1.20 A M No. 1 Train daily No. 3 Train daily, Sunday* excepted. Both Train* make close connection* to all points North, South and W *t. Throng)) Ticket* sold and bagg&g* checked to all prine pal point*. , . Standard time?.Washington City time, sixteen minute* faster than thi* city. K P. A LKX AN DEit, fiup't. E. R Dorbrt, General Ticket and Freight Agent. Jan '24 38 DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &c. P P. TO ALE, Manufacturer and Dealer, Ao. 20 Hayne Street and Horlbnck'e Wkarf, CHARLESTONS. C. Cr This is the Urgent and roost complete Factory of the kind in the Souther* Stat<-e, and all articlea in thin line can be furnished by Mr. P. P, Toali at prices which defy comi etition. IV A p* mphlet with full and detailed list of all sizes of Doors, Sa-he? and Blinds and the priors if each, will be sent free snd post paid, on application to P. P. Toale, CHARLESTON, 8 C. July 12 10 ly. JOHN C. SEEGERS MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IAquor Dealer, LHEfi DEIS mm. tt. COLUMBIA, S. a Oct 18 24 ly A. II. MtMIftiN. W A o HR&Ell S??i ?tfvi >*TT 30. toved Their BOBS W PREMI8E8, Intosh Sts., Anfaila, Ga. siting on tbeir Carolina friends, wort men t of every description of ?ed of at pri*e* that nwat satisfy md Prices respectfully solicited. ler Gray & Co., ttad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. CONSUMPTION. Its Cure and Its Preventive, BY J. H.8CI1ENCK, M. D. MANY a humn being hu puicd away, for whoa* death there waa no ether re aeon than the neglect of known and indisputably proven mean* of care. Thoae near and dear to fatally and ftienda are aleeping the dreamless alum bar into which, bad they aalmly adopted OB. JOSEPH H. SCHKNCK S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themseivea of bia wonderful eAcaaioua medicine*, they woe Id net have fallen. Or. 8chenk baa in hi* own caae proved that wherever tuflcient vitality remain*, that vitality, by hi* medicine* and the direction* for tbeir uae, i* quickened into healthful vigor. In thlr statement there ia nothing pre*umpt? aous. To the faith of the invalid i* made no representation that i* not a thousand time* substantiated by living and visible works. The theory of the cure by Dr. Schenck's mertli einea la aa simple aa it is unfailing. Its pbi> loaophy requires no argument. It is self-assuring, self-convincing, The Seawood Tonie and Mandrake Pills are the A rat two weapons with wbioh the citadel ef the malady la assailed. Two-thirds of the eases of eonsuasption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered Uver. \VHh Ibis eondition the bronchial tubes " sympathise " with the stomach. They respond to the morbific action of the liver. Here then comes the culminating result, and the setting in, with all j its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. Tho Mandrake Pills ere composed of one ef Nature's noblest gifts?the P jdopbillintn Peltatum. They possess ell the blood-eenrchlng, alterative properties of ealomel, but unlike oslomel, they ' LEAVB NO STING BEHIND." The work of euro is now beginning. The vitiated and taacoae deposits la the bowels and in the alimentary canal are ejeeted. The liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. The stomach aets reapon ively, and tbs patient begins to feel that be is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Seawood Tonic, in conjunction with (he Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food. Chylification is now progressing without its previous tortures. Digestion beoomes painless, and the cure is seen to be at hand. There is no more fiatulenee, no exaoerbation of the stomach. An appctito sets in. Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier ever ' yet given by an indulgent father to suffering ' man. Sehenek'e Pulmonis Syrup somes in to ' perform its functions and to hasten and com- 1 ! plete the cure. It enter* at onoe vpon its work. Nature oannot bo obeated. It collects end, the irar.iwiJ mmA ^1? ?j ? ? 1 I of the lungs. In tbe form of gatherings, it I prepares them for expectoration, and io F in a i | veiy abort time tbe malady la vanquished, tbe rotten tbrone that it oeeupiod la renovated and made now, and tbe patient, ItAU the dignity ef regained vigor, steps forth to eqjoy tbe man* hood or tbe womanhood that was. GIVEN UP Aft LOST. Tbe second thing it, tbe patients meat stay in a warts room until they get well; it ia aD | most impossible to prevent taking cold when tbe lungs are diseased, bat it mnst be proven* ted or a cure eannet be effected. Freab air and riding eat, especially in this section of the country in tbe foil and winter season, are all wrong. Physicians who recommend that course lose their patients, if their lungs are badly diseased, and yet, because they are in tbe bouse they must not sit down quiet; they j must walk about lb# room as muob and as fast I as tbe strength will beer, to get op e good cir1 eulation ol blood. Tbe patients must keep in good spirits?be determined to get well. This bee e greet deal to do with tbe appetite, and ia tbe great point to gain. | To despair of euro after such evidence of its possibility in tbe worst cases and morel certainly in all ethers, is sinfnl. Dr. 8cbenck's personal statement to tbe Faculty of bis own sure was in these modest words : ** Many years ago I was in tbe last stages of consumption ; confined to my bed, and at one time my physicians thought thai I could sot live a week ; then, like it drowning man catch* ing at straws, I beard of and obtained the pre parations which I now offer to the pabtic, and they made a perfect care ol me. It ateiued to me that I could feel them penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened the matter in inv lungs, and I would spit op more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning tor a long time. As soon as that began to subside, m/ eougb, fever, pain and night sweats all begun to leave roe, and my appetite became so great that it was with difficulty that I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my etrength, and have grown in flesh ever since." " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added tba Doctor," tbea looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight was only ninety, seven pounds; my present weieht la two and twenty-five [325] pounds, and for years I bar* enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Bchenck bas discontinued his professional rlsiu to New York and Boston. He or bis son, Dr. J. H. 8chenck, Jr., still continue to sne pslientsat their oAce, No. 16 North Rixth t tract, Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Thoee who wish a thorough examination with the Respirometer wilt be charged $6. The Respirometer declares tbe exact condition of tbe lungs, and patients can readily learn whether tbey are curable or not. Tbe directions for taking tbe medicines are adapted to tbe intelligence even of a child. Follow these directions, and hind Nature will do the rest, excepting that in some ease* the Mandrake Pills are to he taken in Increased doses ; tbe three medicines need no other ae companiments than the ample instractiens that accompany tbem t First create appetite. Of returning he?ltb bo??er I* the most welcome symptom, When it PQptM, m it will come, let lb* despairing at o?? s t? of good sheer. Oood blaod at ones follow*, the oougb loosens, tbe night sweat Is abated. In a short time both ef these iporbid symptoms are gotta forever. Dr. 8cbeWck'e medioines are constantly kspt in tans of thousand# of families. Ae a laxative o# purgative, ibe Mandrake Fills are a standard preparation j while the Pulmonic Syrup as e euror of oougha and eolds, may be regarded ea a propbylacterlc against sonthpp- | ttou in may of its forms. Prise of tbe Faimonte Syrup aad Seaweed i Tonic, $1.69 a bottle, or $7.6d a half do|#n. Mandrake Pills, 26 cents a box. For sale by all druggist* and dealers. Wholesale Agent, JOHN f. HKKRY, No. 1 Collage Ptwee, Hew York City. 1 [ M?rc? n 4f l7 J 1 1 I * -Li ULllMS Imf TwllMMT ? ?*?tr W?a4wftil OaMIIra IA(l? Tluvtr Meters m Mt t rile Fancy Hik. Made of Peer WUUUeir, PreeT Mplrlte and lUhie 1,1* a are, dor wild " TmIm," " AfHllMH* " Raster * ," *o, that led the Unto ee u dntDko^M ud nh. tot we e Mo MedMne. modi lt?w the Not fro Roots oM lorta of ChltJMafe. free front ell A leek el le MmoUlrto. Ttor We tto SHUT BliOOD rUBiriBK and Jt Lin UITINU PK1NCIPI.B. I perfeea Beoiole wtB Invigorate* of Ike Sroton. eayrrloe olall poioooooa mtlor tod restoring tho Weed to o healthy ootoHtok. Re person ten toko theae Bitten aecotdla* te dhnraMeos end remain 'tons* awell, prorlded their toon we not dettrrrol Br Mineral poison or other npeana, end the vital otfoil wasted totond the pehrt ef repair. \ They are a deetle Pttrptailww ee well ee a To ale, poweaatng, a loo, the feetBlw merit ef eetiar ao a powerful arrnt In refterlnr Cuneeatton ar Inflammation of the Llrer, and ef ali the Iwiral OrfAna. FOR VBMA1.B OOMPUfNTH, wlietlwr to reeite or eld. married or atacto. at the dawn ef womanhood or at the turn ef life, these Toole flittore hare no eeual. For lolaianalerr nod C'brooulo Khrnmatlsaa and dotal, llgrasopaln er Indlpeallen, Itlllona, lfrmltient noil Intermittent Kororo, Dlaeaori ef the Dleed, 1,1 rer, Kldnejrn ootid lllitdtler* lb oar Elttere hiire boeu moat enccceafut. Mat-to Dlooaoeo are eaua,d br Flfltoietl Miami, which la eeeeoally produce/ br dcraiicemcut el the Dlpeotlre Orpnne. DYMPKP8IA Ok INDIOKHTION* Headache. Pain In the Hhonlde o, CiHiylia. Tlirlitnoao of the Cheat. Dlaalneea, Sour Bmctailoiit uf the Stomach, Bad Taate In tho MotUh. hllioue Attache, Palpitation of the Henrt. Inflammati- n o< to Lnnpa, Pain in therrytono of the KUlna;a, and a hundred other painful oyraptotno are the off pnnfi ui Lryspepsio. Ttasy invigorate the Stomach end stimulate the torpid Lim and Dowel*, which render tlieiu of wnsqcslled efficacy In cleansing the blood "I >11 impertHee, end imparting new lite ami vigor to the whole syaSem. FOR SKIN DI AC ASK*. Eruptions, Tetter Belt Rheum, Ulotclieo, Spot*, rtinple*. l'uitnht. Boils, Carbuncle*, lllng-Worma, B iv'd ilcsil. Ho e Bye*.Kry slpe!**, Itch. Scurf*. Pi*- olorntlon*i>f the Bain. Humor* and Disease* of the !>kln, of wtnuerer noma or nature, are literally do* up an carried out ef the system in a short time by tin- tt*e of. these Bitters. One bottle in such cnxos will enuvlno* the moat incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find iu Impurities bursting through the skin iu l'liuplcn.. Eruption* or Sores; cleanse It wltm yon And It. obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it. when It Is foul,end your feelings will tell yon wheo.. Keep the blood |rare, and the health of the system Will follow. UK, TAPG, and other WORMS, nrklar" ia the system of so many thousands, are cffectually deatroyrd and removed. BOLD BY At,l, DBUOOIBTB ANT) PHvf.BRS.. &WALKBH, Proprietor. H. II Mr DON ACT) de I., Druggists ami dsn. Agents. San Francisco.. Uol., and Si aad 34 Commerce Street. New York. For tale in the City of Greenvillw DR. M. A. HUNTER A CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia Drug*, Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., Ac. May 10 1 ~R. R. R. Radway's Ready Relief CURES TI1E WORST PAINS In from, One to Twenty Minutes^ NOT ONE HOUR after reading (hia advertisement need aoyr one Buffer with pnin. Had way a Ready Rebel is n enre for every pain. It w?" the first and is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that iiiBiar.tly stops the most excruciating pains allays iinfloiiintioiis, mid tuies ciige?ti<>n?, whether d the lungs, slomxrIt, b.we'.a, or oilier glands or organs, by one application. RADWAYy READ\ RELIEF Will afford instant ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys, inflammation of the Bladder. inflammation of the Conje?ticn ol ihe Lunge,Sore Throat. Difficult Brea'bieg. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, CrouJ^V Diphtheria, Catarrh, lofluenas, Headache. Tooothaehe, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Co id Cliille, Ague Chille. The applieation of the Heady Relief to the part or part* where the pain or diflk-. eulty exiete will afford eaae and oomfurt. Twenty drop* in half a tumbler of waleswill in a tew mom-nia cure Cramps, Sparing Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache,. Diarrhea. Dysentery, Colic, wind in theBowel*, and all Internal Paint. Travelers should alwaye carry a bottle oft Had way'? Ready 1Mb I with i hern. A few dr?pe in water will prevent aickneae or pain* Ir. na chang- of water It ia better man French Brandy or Bitten a* a stiinulaot. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague euted for tiliy eenla.? There is not a r-me.ii*l ag-ni in this world, that will eme F-ver and Ague, and all ?th er Malarious, Bilous, Scarlet, Ttphoid. Yel'ow, ami othc Fevera (aided l>y Had., way's PHI*) so quirk as Kadway'a Ready Relief. Kniy rents per Mule HEALTH! BEAUTY 1t strong and Purr Rich Blood ? Increane ot Fteab and W. iwlif- Ulcer 8km sod beautiful Complexion ?e.....J . ? _n Dlt. RADWAY** ?%IC*APAKILLIAH KIHOLVKNT Not only d??e? ilieHnrriiMrillian Re?'>|?. f?ii ?irfl nil known r. hi' JihI aueins in tha e'irt of Chronic, Scuifulona, Constitutional, and 9k4t> diseases; !?ut it is the <>nl> positive cure tor Kidney and Bladder aom> |i||inti, Uriusrv and Wnmh diseases. Gravel, Distn-tri, Ikopt), Woi p?ir' of Water, Incontii e?oe of Urine, Hnglit's Disease, Albuminuria. and in all oases where lk?r? are t>ii<-fc dust deposit*. ?a the water la thick, cloudv, mixed with substance* Mentha white of an egg, or threads like while silk. nr ?l>s>< is a morbid, dark. bilious ap pearanee, and whita b?n* duet deposits,, and when there is a pricking. burping seesal ion when passing water, and pain in the Small of the hack and Along the Loins Dr. Stlvtf'i Parfeet Purgative Pills, Perfectly tameless, elegaatlj coated with, iwnd gum. |>u go, regulate. putlly. cleanse and strengthen. Had way's Pills, for the oure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous diseases, Headache. t'eostipat ion, Oostlseness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bibousnese Biliops Fever. Inflaination of the Bowels, Piles, and nil urianKrm'nii oi in* inlarntl YlMiri, Wnrrtnud to eff-ei a poailiv* our*. Purely VegHablr, containing no meranrj, acla- A oral*. or rielelerloti* <I ruga. m Observe the following symptom* raanlt- I log from Disorders of thr !>ige*tlve Organ*: V Constipation. Inward Pilra. Pullnea* of V the Blood in the Ha*d. Ao'dtiy of theHtotn " oh, Nausea, Heartburn, Difctoet of Food. Pullnraa or Wrliki la tlia Stomach. 8onr Kruotntloa*. Bin kin# or Flnturlaa at tha hi of the Hiowaeh, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and DifHoull Breathing. A few doeea of Had wave Pllle will free lh? ajatem from all the above named dieor, rlurt P>iu K mmIb Q?> Q.u I Drogglat*. Hrnd ' Palao and Tr??." oon 1*4tar atarop to RAO WAY A CO- No. 17 Maidan Lana. Maw York. Information wortk Ihouaanda wiil ba (out you. f !4 19 \J