University of South Carolina Libraries
) j I "|'' i .. [wiruoD ntOM riMT paob-J AN.AOT tQlK66**0*A!HfcTHK TO? H c??!Dw1tJ^ .VI > jO lieiiap dftA)_ijk I MUilAx ika fl^ala P ! W VI fltOWO* >/ WDfpm an<rffoo* ?r lUprpaataliOaa !- Up $ata f South Carolina, now mot and ait ling in OanftaS AieeHyvW by Up authority of Ufe makvi ?r?^ gm#ana?l lha Uattad Stato* wM IPPhfo. Oft htfoafWr ma j ba. tqfc*Wta|feo? &949W. ff HW*y' ahall ba daymad, a^ru.lj.e^bj 14"W to ba akbody ppliUc and corporal*, h?? that aava town'abafl blHaHe^'and VnaarW bj thi mm* of Midway, and iu Units shall I ths?preseot RVd Road Depot in said town. Ses i. Thai lbs Mid towti shall bs so Ioteodaat and towf Wardens, whqsb^ll hs alacted on tiis fourth Monday in ITaleh ittt on whlsTi day, as vtolTc# on the 'ourth Monday of Mareh of each year thereafter, an election shall be held for an Intcndsht'iod foor Wardens, arho shall bo eiliseps ?fthe United Bt#tea end shall have been resident# of said towa for shity dsys immediately preceding said election, at such placea in aaid town as the Intendant and Wardebc shall designate, ten day a' public notion'. thereof be:ng previously givrfn.'in writing; eed that s}l male inhabitants of said town, of the age of twenty one yearn who aba|].h*r? rosjded fivrf* in aixtyjlays WW"* he entitled to voUJof ^sald-JntaoJant and W,raWV.S'W Section .hatTbe'Vefd from nine o'clock in the morning nntil three o'clock in the forenoon, wlien the polls shall be closed, and the roa^fipwfc shell f?ou<>? the voles and proclaim |AiMlfdlio^ and 1 give notice thereof to tlio.'poraosd "blecled, and that the Intendant and Wardens, for thi time btfifc, shllTJlppoi ffhe MThagers* to,hold ln?bneuing flection,' That xho Inteftdant did' Wanjojls, befojfc entering upou. the dotfrs o?tgeir rjbvctlve^lofficefc shall take tne oalu prescribed by tfse Con- ' titution of this State, and also the follow* ing oath, to wit: "As IntcDdant (or den) <j>f Midway. I will equally and impar <m"o> the trust reposed in me, and use my best endeavors to preserve the peaco and carry into effect, according to law, tlfe pttyotes of my appointment. So help me God." Sec. 8 Thnt ittjCV* ^vafcatcm ?ball oocur in the offica-of Tnlendant or ill? <Jfme W*4?s* \>y #? *!.' rtfgiati^; removal I froq> the Staid, or from any ot^or c*upe, nn olectiol shall be beVlT^ The app^iatnient of the Intendant and Warden or Wardens, as the cote may bo, ten days notice thereof, as aforofaid^being given ; and in the case of ftjekitai4 Or Ott*por*rtH|^sgJfe of lb* Intondant, the Wardens forming a Council shall be empowered to elect one of thenar : selves to act as Intendant during such sickness or abseoM,~ "a- " ... Sec. 4. That the Intendant and Wardens, duly elected and qualified, sbaltftadnrlng their term of service, severally and hespeet ivdy, be vested with all .the powers of Trial Justio?s or other Inferior courts in this State, 1nmatters civil and ciimlosl, within tlie limits of aaid town. That the Intend nnt shall, sa often as occasion may require^ summon the Wardens to meet him in Cooon ci^, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction, ft business, aad' ' shsll ba^no.wn. by die nai^f of the Town Council of Midway, and tb'ey and lhairaue. i, regulations provided by the laws of this State for the office of ^onstfcblce ; and the Tntcndant and Ward^g in Council shall i have power and authority, under their cor : forate ucnl,.' to ordairi^and establish all fucfl ruled nr^d by laws nad Ordinanoes ras i peeling the streets, ways, public wells and watering places, market and police of the j eaid town, and for preserving health, peace, order And good government within the f same, as they may deem expedient and ' proper; and the said Council may affix fines tor offences against such $y-laws and ordinances, and appropriate the same to the use of the corporation, but ?o fine shall ex< joecd-fl.'!? dollars. .All finea may be recovered f>y arf Option for debt before a proper prop^ tribunalj OJI'I Sec. 5. That the sai<f Council shall have power to abate and remove nuisances within the limits of said town, and also to classify and arrange the inhabitants liable to police doty, ind require tfiem to perform such dufy as occasion may require, and to enforce the performane? thereof under the same penalties as ire no#,-or may hereaf- ^ ter be, established by lew: Provided, alvayt, nevert^epat, TbaVi-/he laid Town Council eball have power to compound with perrons liable tt>i perform tuch duty, , upon such terme ? they shall by odinances estaWWi-h. \ V, . A V,\ / Bee, ft. That it shall be the duty of the Intendent and Wardens to keep all streets and ways which may be necessary for pub> lie use, within the limits of trte said town, open and in good repair, and for that pur- * pose they Are hereby vested with all the powers, fights nod privllegas granted by law to ll^4;ouilty Com minion el* within the lim Jwof.eaid town, ifnd for My nagi,ctJ(4..7 Nh.T a, , pains and penalties imposed by lew upon Connty Cotnmissinnai s for like neglect, and they are hereby, individually, exempt from the performarvacTof scad and police duly, and the inhfVitaM^ of sain town are hereby exempt from road and police duty without the limits of said corpora' ; 8ec. 7. That the said Intendant and War- ( dens shall have power to eo?rpound with i persons liable to work'dit Mid streets and i ways, and release soch persons as may de ire it, upon the pajraaolof euch sum of money at they mej deem fair equivalent therefor, to be applied by them to the u?e of the l?td corporation. /* r- , , See: 8? tliiat the eaid Town Council of Midway ehali ako be empowered to retain, pocredl and enjoy all each pro|>?rty ae they may Ihfw be poweaeed of, or entitled to, or whleb ahall hereafter be given, bequeathed to, or in any manner acquired by them, and to aell, alien, or in any way transfer the me or atyjpart thereof j Provldtd, Tfce'l J mount of property ao hold or took' in Verted hall in no eeee exceed fifteen thomand 1 dollar*. 8?o #. Tbat tho Mid Town Conncil of j >U<Hrey ili*11 have power to imj-oee an an. ' , 1 M l '?/, 1 ooal Us on ill r?il ana personal proparty I vitbia tfe a*rporata lic&iu of +S& tow a; . vFVaaMH ga| J UM+? w? a^MfMl ??>*{ w tht^kMdrtlMlut,! ^.; / , Sa*10. Tbai tba Aataodaal aa4 Wardana of lha Towa^ol Midway aball bar* povar to > w*Mb lb* tt** to &$, cftaad toa^aa by Shariffa, Utri of Court, Jw^f oT Probata, Corooar, Ksaaolora, Admluiatratora, Aaaj* oeaa, or by 'ikf olhar '|4fM^ar lhaCdir ot any Court or Trial Juatiaa. p-- at m.Ai a. t.i?s?i - i "? ? uypouyii aiyj n araeni <rf|tbe toVn|>t ftdfby fbf 1\ |avd pofer and authority to require all ptnoBi owning lot or lota, la Mid Town of Mldwi^'lo keep to repair the sidewalks adjacent to thai* lota, twpMtlMly, ml for default la Ihia matter, ah all haft pbwak tad authority ' to hart tha work done at the expense at eoah lot owner. e J See. 11 That tha power to grant or rtfoat lieeaare to keep A tavern, or to retail iatoa> ieatiag drink?, he, and the at ma la hereby, veaUd in tbo Town Coanei) of tha Town ?f Midway, and that they he alto iaveaied wllfc all neeteeary power, by ordinaaee, or oadinaneea, to suppress or regulate the sale of Intoxicating. drioka to .he drunk at the place wbore sold, or in or npoo eoy of ila orr^n3 jHS "y of ih# high way a, afreets, Tenet, alleys, commons, iilchena, atoye^ flfPps.. (Utbljq. buildings, booths, atalletyr out hbtines,of the said town, or within one-fourth of n mile of the present railroad depot, in the town of Midway, in the (Aly of^Wnwe PrvvUel That r.orule ear regulation ahallfbo mtde inconsistent with the Coig^llulioprand. iawaof the State. Sec. 11 That this aol shall bt taken tod adeemed aa a p^bfi0 act firall courta of jua-? 1 \icc, and shall oontinnt of force ftSfrtfie teror j of fourteen years from ita passage. Approved January 8th. A. D. 1872. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION TWO ^ HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE OF Til E CODE OF PROCEDURE OF THE NTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. WW* It foi&eiitj^Atid Se^alC.*sdjHauae of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, >10 w. diet and sitting in General Assembly; and by the authority oi the arae : j'. T|i?t?ect|ob^W^| huedfeJ End sorputy-pine of the Cuda^of Procedure. h? amended by silk Mg> out lh? Word ?' aeeond/ fron I be first ]in* of said section. ? < ApfTOT^d'8thlof Jsmikry, A D. *1872. ' S1M.T JOINT RESOLUTION tO #PltOVlt)E FOR .REPUBLICATION QF CERTAIN BTATUTES OF THIS STATE. AND JOURNALS OF HIE GENERAL ASN v&EMBLY THEREOF. B? it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Sonth Carolina, now met and sitting in Geoera| Assembly, and by the authority of the same: J. That the Republican Punting Company be, and they are hereby, authorized to hava printed one Utonaand copies each, o' volumes X, XI, XII, XIII and XIV of the Statutes of this 8t*te, and five hundred copies of the Journal of the General Assembly of the Special Session of 1868 ; said copies to he deposited io the State Libar^, subject to proper distribution as public ne oesaitif, or the convenience of State and cortuty officials may dictate. The clerk of thpN^a|? and clerk of the House of Representatives shall hava supervision of said printing. , 2. The eoat of the printing herein pros vlded fur shall he paid upon the certificates of Said clerks of the Senate and of the House of Representatives, out of any moneys in the 'treasury not otherwise appropriated. v. V Returned to the Senate with the objectlons of his Excellency the Governor Ne*i%ml>er 28, 1871.^* is iy* Senate, December 9, 1871. "^tJn '.hr Question, shall this joint resolution beeoma a law, the objections of his Exoellency the Governor to the eontrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were ordered, I lie loint resolution passed by a viva voce vote of yeas 16, nays 6, and ordered Io be sent to the House of Representatives. !K By order J. Woonaurr, Clcik of Senate. In the House or Repbbsektativiw, I December 11,* 1871. ) On tbe question, " Shall this joint resolution become a law, the objections of his Kxcellrnoy the Governor^to the contrary notwithstanding," the yeas and nays were ordered, and the joiut resolution passed by i viva voce vote of yeas 63, nsys 29, and becomes* law in accordance with Section 22, Article 8, of the constitution, and ordered to be sent to the Senate. By order. 1 A. O. Jones, Clerk House Representatives. Tbe Lowell Courier calls a dog and gun " Boone companions." f 1 f F ' r I Buncombe Cctility, N. C., raised five hundred thousand pounds of tobacco last season. The oo|d is so great in Jtaly this winter that thcr* h?s hcenjskatingbi Florence and Naples, lot ma first tioM in many years. We learn from the Key West JDi'palrJk, ol tholftth Instant, that the email pax has been introduced into that place from New York, and that It has assumed an epidemic form. f f The President has given his check for $6,000 I. *1- - uvu iwis houudi wnien nu itanafng against him in tha U. S. Treasury ilnee tie was an army officer.?N. T. World. I The oompany for tunneling the English Channel, between Dorer and Calais, is at last organised and chartered^ We shall see the Mi*iniMeemeiit of the Wbrk, but only our cbililhn the end. ^ i Leap y ear parlies are popular in New 1 York. The ladies iovite the gentlemen to J dance, and then wait wpon them at the supper (able. k Wedtero poef sings 'ftbt melancholy I days have come, the saddest of the year 1 when its's too rough tor whisky slings, too , sold far lager beer." ] Waia the Orleans family fled from tha i Tollcriea in 1848, aftar the overthrow of Lowte 1 Philippe's Government, the Dno DeMontpen* ' lier, the King's yonngest son, carried off with biaa a' magnificent and costly sword, onoe tha ( property of the First Napoleon, the jewels of ] which wore worth JtSOO,000. The Duke after- 1 wards sold this sword to a jeweler to Madrid. 1 Be is by far ths riobest of the Orleans Piincss. . ?nd TMidcf io a aj^endid Palaca at 8?tUU, | j focjth* x*ir wzsLA sra CmmU Miirtlii, aad by aaikorHy of the mm, Thht M Ta to toTer tie f*dod fto* Juitn lit. 1872, to Juurj lit, 1872, for the Jams as* in the m*at r bert|i*fle r>#p HW? d, sfaJi bo rdbtditod pald4ab? tie Pabl* Traseury of tho City of Ureenrille, by the lit day of March sort, for tho mm and eervtoe thereof. SsctioX 1. Oa each Oao Hundred Dollars or aismt'd valao of Real bUU and Personal Property, tho of ooa Fifty Cents. Seal Estate, Staoks, Goods and Chat tela told at Auction. Bsc. 2. There shall be paid quarterly, Two pad a Ilalf per aeak. a poo all Bales at Anetiea, on all Goods, and Oao per oeaL oa all Chath tels aad Real Batata, and Stoeks of erery description, exoept oa sales made by order of Coart, or prooess of law, or by Sxeoators and Administrators. Goods, Wares and Merchandize Sold on Consignment. Sac. S. There eball be paid by all merehaats or otbere, One-Half per eeat. upon all Sales of Qoods, Wares and Merehandiso sold on Consignment, made Irom the 1st day of Jun. n IttH l? .V- 1-> J ' * mm j ?vif| *V ??V ??* Ul/ Ol iHUirj IMO, 100 above Us to bo paid quarterly. load and Street Tax. Bsc. 4. That eacb and every male person between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, other than members of the Fire Department, Ordained Ministers and Students, shall pay on 6r before the 1st day or March nest, One Dollar for Road and Street esemption, and if any person liable to this tax, shall fail to make payment at toe time speeified, he shall he held liable to work on the streets of the City, for six days under the dlreotion of the acting overseer of the streets ; any person refusing or neglecting to obey the summons, shall be fined at the discretion Of the Council, said fine to be collected by execution. And it shall he the duty of the City Clerk and City Marshal to report to the Couneil all defaulters under either of the clauses of this section. rtwyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographists, &o. Sac. 6. There shall he paid Thirty Cents on the Hundred Dollars of Gross Inoome of Brokers and Bankers, and on all Incomes derived from the Commission Business, or the Practice of the Professions of Law, Medicine and Dcntistrv, and from the Business of Daguerreotyping, Ambrotyping and Photographing within the limits of the City?the amount of inoome to he eatimated from the 1st day of January, 1872, to the 1st day of Jhnuary, 1873, the Tax upon the same to he paid quarterly. Carriages, Omnibatses. Wagons, <fcc. Bsc. ft. There shall be paid Ten Dollar! on each four-horse Omnibus or Hack ; Six Dollars on each Carriage or Hack drawn by ti^ or more horses, run for conveyance of passengers or hire ; Three Dollars on each ono-horse Bug*7. U'K or Sulky, kept for hire; Ten Dollars on each four-horse Wagon; Six Dollars on each two-horse Wagon, or Dray, or Cart, and Fonr Dollars on each one-horse Wagon, Dray or Cart run for hire. The Taxes on Omnibusses, Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, Wagons, Drays, Carts, Ac., kept for hire, shall be paid before they shall bo allowed to run: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be con (trued so as to extend to Wagons, Carta, or other vehicles going to or from market, and owned and run and used by non-residents of tho City. Itinerant.Traders and Auctioneer!. Sec. 7. Five Dollars per day shall be paid by ovcry Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer offering for sale within the oorporate limits of the City, at Auction or otherwise, any Goods, Wares or Merchandise, to be paid each day in advanco ; and every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer liable to the tax aforesaid, and who shall fail to make payment, shall be fin.d Ten Dollars for each day he may so offend : Provided, The provisions of this section shall not be so construed so as to apply to the ordinary dealers in grain, fruit, potatoes, tobacco, poultry, iron-ware, earfhen-ware, or other produce or manufactures of the like character. Billiard Tablea and Ten Pin Alleya. Sec. 8. That an Annual Tax of Twentyfive Dollars shall be paid upon each and every Billiard Table, and Twenty-five Dollars upon each and every Nine or Ten Pin Alley, kept within the limita of the City of Greenville lor profit; said Tax to be paid before License to uso the same shall be granted. Any person or persons using the articles or opening the establishment mentioned above in this Section, without first having obtained a License from the dity Council, and giving a bend to the same in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, conditioned to observe tho laws of the State and City, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding Ten Dollars for each day auoh establish ment shall be kept open or used. Equestrain and Theatrical Performances. Sxc. 9. That no Equestraln or Theatrical performance, or other performances, or other exhibition* for gain, shall be had in the City of Greenville, without a licence therefor being first obtained from the Mayor, and payment lor said license made to the City Clerk, as aforesaid as follows: For each and e7ery Equestrian Exhibition, Fifty Dollars; for each and every Side Show, a sum not lees than Five Dollars nor exceeding Twentyvflve Dollars, aa the Mayor shall determine ; for Theatrical and other Exhibitions for gain, such sum as the Mayor shall determine. And each and evory person exhibiting for gain, without first having obtained a License, and the payment of the said Tax ia advance, shall be fined in a sum not less than doable the amount of said Tax, n manner hereinafter provided for the imposiion of fines and fsrfeitures. Special Tax. Sac. 10. That no Person, Firm, Company or Corporation ahall be engaged in, prosecute or carry on any trade, business or profession, until he, she, or they, shall have paid a Spe cial License therefor In ' >? w?i?? tor provided, to wit: Baoh and every business, either Mercantile, Mechanic*! or Manufacturing, the (cross sales or receipts of which shall not exoeed Five Ilandred Dollars per Annnm, shall pay a License of Two, Dollars, in exoess of Five Hundred Dollars, and not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars, Keren Dollars and a Half, and in exoeea of Two Thousand DoUrars and not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars, Eight Dollars, and in exoess of Five Thousand Dollars and aotexeesdiWg Ten Thousand, Ten Dollars, and in excess of Ten" Thousand Dollars. Twelve Dollars. SMh First-Class Hotel, Twenty-five Dollars; cash Second-Class Hotel, Fifteen Dollars ;eaeh Saw Mill, Fifteen Dollars: each Corn Mill,grinding under three thousand bushels per annum, Fifteen Dollars, and ovsr three tboussnd bushels per annum, Twenty Dalian; eaeb Flouring Mill,Twenty Dollars; eaeh Cotton Ola, Ten Dollars: eaeh Cotton Press, Fiva Dollars; eaeb Livery Stable, Ten Dollars : each Oas Mannfactory or Worts, Ten Dollars; eaeh Printing Establishment, Six Dollars; eaeb Barbers shop, Firs Dollars ; each Auctioneer, Twelve Dollar#. The License issued by virtue of this Eeettah shall be collected on or by the 1st day of Mareb next, and shall aover tba year 1672, and all Business Lieense issued on and sftor the lfet day of March next, shall be issued :,o a ratable proportion of the year dating from the 1st day of the month in which it may be issued, r ?<j/. ^A'? ,TPhysicians. Lawyer*. Dentists, Pho tographistx, Artixtx, Insurance Companies, Ac. Bsc. 11. Each Physician, Lawyer, Dentist, Photographist and Artist, and each Insurance Company and Speculators in grain, flour or country produce, not otherwise lieeused under this Ordinance, shall pay * Beanee of fifteen Dollars ; and eaeh Express Oompany baring in office In, and doing business within the corporate limits of the City, Twenty-five Dollars for conducting suld business or ocenputkm; isid snm or sums to be paid on or before the lit day ef March next, or on uny subsequent day before commencing such business or oecupstion. And a penalty of Five DoMars per day ikall be levied against any person prosecuting' meh business or occupation, or any business named la this Section without first having taken out a license therefor. Liauor License. :i ' tSi "*v Sic. 12. DeeSrs in Liquor shall p?y the 'oil owing License, to wit,: Eaeh Kef all Liquor Dealer, Two Hundred and Fifty DelInn: eaeh dealer In liquors who sells by the (uart er larger quantity, On# Hundred Dolors: eaeh Draerlit a? ?*- ? .. t?.ii . j ?? rii iy Deilar* ; (the liquor not to be drank on the I prppieee fktr* told, by My ether tkaa a re* ^ tsvaiatttf 9iTArr< FtiuJtie*. amasseass' <wth, af all kit, bar or thslr tauUi property, ltdoue, sales, reoelpts, or aay, or all other , thiols uzai by this OrdinMse, ud pay tho aSHliS authoriaad and required io assess nob pOtsoo Or parsons for all bis, bar or tbelr'fsspartyyar. otbar tblajrs taxed by ibis Ordinandi noodrdtbf to the information^ which be and the oeat to tha aaionnt of tba tax of the parson or and If tba dotble tax thus imposed Is unpaid s.sssai sfcBt'^'SjeaaBl th? c?ntt ur kmnbeto?4*> cording to the proviaion. of ths Act of Um General Assembly in inch outi, J**de ?a4 \ noflM. Don* and ratified ia~Coua?il nanambUd^undar. , tbs corporate Se*l *f tb^ftyef tlfaefl rills,' ] **-*?? ffitA j P. A. Wiltiii, Clirb. to musmfo Faltwlb vKta(u^?l?^ M R S.^L^rJENlSl INQ SII! jksaaa:. fflU| D ing lull supplies of jhqh fall and winter TMiHlLllNtRfi Or LAT1WT AND MOAT FASHIONABLE STYLES. The 8<ook will consist of nil the linen of GOODS found in similar establishments, and will be offered at very leaaooabU **1?*** .'txr rlTtqrl * Xin?'fi Mountain Military School Yorkrillo, 8. C. TI1K first' Sssaion of ths School 1 <>CTr^^teYe8r 1ST2 will begin en the lit Wf *?a *od 00 ** ^ *f mtr ?t>r*u, u t School Kxpso.oe, 1 ' Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Light., Book a J Stationery, Ac., flfifi, pkrknlo tiTMefvalfce.? Circular, oontalng ftill information may be obtained upon application to Col. A. COWART? tofor? sold At tbo prmit law prion o?r , ry ner# plnnUd wi be ^HHiwd vltk/MO pounds Gump HimHmI asetadlnfithe I proMot voJunof-SO ?i?nA of oottod; * while wpirim* km shown that ondof- 1 favorable conditions ot season and etlthl ' lion the erupts increased hp the appliea tion from two to tbfWfA) ilba natural en peclty of th? Soil.- Heooe, nndff too 400* dittoos ooold be epplioetton feb to temps nan to for tho outlay." Apply fa ' '?*' .ix.n A?MBI0Rn "'c, il /' i Agent PneNM Guns OArteof, Wo. M Wont Bay sod JToi 1 ftadTithrtlrto " Wharf, Oharlnrtoo. 8 . <5. ^"T JWO. 8. REB8Ji A OO.t Oeotral ArOdU1 Wot W SO la I Principal and FtlpHsKt.7 Dec 13 38 , ^ g M, O. BUTl.BB. V*W r.l pnlj .BUTLER hMcBfeg. | Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ], and in .Equity, *# , ,1 GREjSNVILIiK.S.^ [ F <lill~Practice in the Court? of the State and of the United, Sfa<e^ , ' . . ! May 31 .41 ! / 1 I t <il> 1 w. K. lAiLir. a. ?. w ill ' , BAst^x I 1 Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN V GREENVILLE, 8. C., ., , PRACTICE in tb? Courts of the State and of the United States, and give especial attention to cases in Bankruptcy. Jan 1 1871. 84-4 f Notice of Bemoval. "VCR. A. B MORRISON returns his sin& sr&tisi axtsmfr? liberal patronage which they have extend- ' ed to him since he hae opened business. He has now removed to the stand on Mala Street, next below Foatev A lion tee, ark we . he gtiarantpsB (hllsaialaeMoiiln MAallw}, CUTTINO aitd'nTTW6>ld thAelt ahd ' country g&affrtftmanp^ E. Pa JONES, AND SOLICITOR llf JCQILOVI J WILL rBACTICB IN IU ? ' t COURTS OF THISSTAlfi f * Lao, ,'j j nnqeod IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Greenville C. H., t. C. July .... 7 Ij* ? HENRY B1SCH OFF | & uu., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' AND DEALERS IN ^583355, &&4&13Q&8, SSIOAXIS, TOBACCO, &.C., MO. I9T EAST BAY, caiidasiiOTOT, s.; c. a. BMcaorr. o TRini*. S ? > j. h. nra. Oel W M #:? , SQLUBLB^"' 1 PACIFIC GUANO, PRICE $45 CASH, WJTJI V6j?A^ ~ VANCE F^R TIME. ** EXPEi?fE^lrftfltMM?)t>>fc 0u4* I for the past tlx years in this Biato, [ f.?r Cotton ana Coin, has ao far established 1 In accordance with the .6eUhliah?<l pol- , ley of the Company'U*ImPUrmr Kat Concentrated Fertiliser at the loyrept post to consumers, thia Ooano ia put lota maflfet this season at the above rod nerd pride, ' which the Company is enabled to do by reason of ite large facilities and \bf ted iced cost of manufacture. The supplies pat into market this season are, ae heretofore, prepared under the per* sonel superintendence of Dr. 8t Julian lJiaiUtaTffA4! lo amsTW! V.u. vSTAfr , \cV%k^ I ii iriMi^iim1 mm (7S it WM 45, Bth mttMM 5,8 ** TO THEIR NE' y r j j 41asr Jst r ?|?ILL take great pleasure in w the most economical. s "n ??cr?,q T2M ??? *? 1 TPS to 202 and 204 Bn ttiaVlotte, Columbia and Aji gusta Railroad. >51 1 t*bpglttllWl#>tfrrS OFFICE, | WW v/ tcliedule will b? run over (hit Road : | . f v. Tni^ir l.v\ 7 , ,. -; u*"* *?*rth ; ,u< Lmt* Aogti-M'... v**K.v?M.n ' S'UuA# < Lean Columbia. . 1.8.21AM V,ty? a.09 P M TRAIN flcyt. . "J'JIOJIT I te ?r~fc:;:"; - :? wr-r&tt' * ? 1 y . ,v * | ^T/yVm'jjyy ^ ^AD m Ktt^QftliXie I 7.16 A M Leave Columbia. I 1.86 P M ArH?? ?t Augmta ^C?ftO ltM.1 !'. '.! 7.SO A M SSSOTflifflMM connection! Xo all point* Nartlr^outli and ( Standard) H/n*? Washington City time, fix tee 0 minute* faster,than this city. U.Hp^^dem"'1 General Ticket and Freight Agent. D?is,* SAsiffij .1 mimsjmy/ rtw IIIHIbl % - TUH U U]l 11 Tillllll I V 1 Na. 20 Baynt Strut and J1arlb*ck'$ Wharf, CHABT^TC>?.8. C. jt}?TWi U. lV>Jfiywt and molt complete Factory o( tl?jJfind In the Soutlieia States, and all article* in thia line .can be furniahedby, Mr. 1\ P. Toal* a I price, which defy competition^ I |^T A rfa?piikitf?iul full and detailed list of kll slUlorTrolfte, Sa?hee and Bliude and the price* of each, will be .eat free and poet paid, on application to P. IVTealf. ' ' CHARLESTON, S. C. July 12 .vfJ lb i 7 : i 1/ !|y.l I JOHN . SEECEKS jgL eaw i?*r inn > Vk : MAMtMEIt, WHOLES ALE and RETAIL - jg- 1#- mi m 1 >*yJ *u JJH/1IWT JLFfJlWCr, ,? it > 'i * i tin' Mt .ti?n tut** -in ui an 1 IUll Bill HIVHiL iCKXLUMBIAy k"" i 0.1 u. . .tt ,'Mr ' ??'! '? nn"""1 T'lHit'im i11w A. B. MIJIM6AN, . tdham X<iM r ? ??/.?i i COTTON FACTOR " x t TjhscaiitaL ttMHUllfr'Mllfm ACCOMMODATION WHARF, t*H>A jik. Elkic ? N, :? 9o rra^Jr / W also, when placed in funds, 1 purchase . <aru? forward all kinds of Merchandise, J/oVA A oAihh*f}>. AytKAtUikal , Implements* jFerhil-u i r.<\ izers, (?0. ^ Oei 24 26 1/ Fleming' 14/. -Haxwifli 1*7 QULlf WP+UBH* (MMM O* imiJKT cotikkIS aOsgassa p,w,y^,;ur'" """ ^gy*' 1 PHOTOCtflAMlNfr,.; HIYIMft reotnUr ftted up Die tarai r"**r wimm *y^|UcvKr%w^ Wilfc npfcDji l ew f 4d II kit* el FHOTOtMUUPHnWr vt err? wafcftfek:' U*J 91 ? tft* yf ft ^la11 V1 PtUi) -:,A i >'1.7. >(t*?l3?Hu?|l ff blill '"?* '^ '"? * fl'?ii:?^ r?< . | ,| \. ; / ) ?,itj j I . a ,r> f 0 8 B E ' i . / J |, i . v, . ,i.( W FREM8ES, I [>:f IntoiU 9t?.) Infuilii, Ga. afting. ou.tbeir Carolina fiiende, isortuient of every description of sed 6f a? prises that must satisfy ' t ' S ad Prices respectfully solicited. ler Gray & Co., tad Street, A XTO USTA, OA. J *_ ^ CONSUMPTION, its Cure and lis Preventive, BY J.'a.fcCUENCK, M. D. rVS" AlfT 4 human being ha* passed away, 'It! for whose death there was no other reason i patably proven means of cure. Those near and dea* to fa*iily and' friends are sleeping pthf draamieaa slumber into which, bad they J et#mly adopted ? ?* r. . .< I i. ? s ub.i! I lrttj 'JOSEPH, H. SCHlftfCK'S SIMPLUt 1., if)*EA?rMfe!rr;v' ?'/,/ ImAI amiicd themsahnsii of hia wonderful efficacious utcdioince, they .WQaJd Hot ttgvc fallen. _nr?S<^o?k ^a? in bipowij carq.prqacd that ? whorqyej s^o^cot vitality remains, that vitnl- .. a anp^iefnes" and thi 'dyreetiopa-^or thefr use, ifl xjjyck'chciT'into ' healthful vigor. , 14 Ibir swIofoehVthbM fs'ridthing prcsutupt* nous.' TN ftte Ynith'of tttc Invalid is iKKdo'^no rcprciAnWjtm' that- is not" n'tlidtfskhd tltn?S "* subptMhtftitsd H>y-living and visible''Vrdrks. .The rtfontydT tho-cure by Dr. SohSnek's inctlibines to as eimpio as it is unfailing.' Its philonophy requires no aVfcouniiiK .'It ' Is sell-us urfngv eeltoogviqcing ... I *'Tl > Hj The.Sanaryod Tvpip. ?qd Wfhdvak* Fills gro the AgetAww agapons with which tho oitadei -r ?.? ?i_J_ t. f " * .... - The dlraetlone for taklnrthe medicines are 1 1 vafte?s& 4 dit t)i* rest, exempting that in pease oases the j Mandrake Pills are to be taken in inereaaed M ; accompany tbefe ; T?(rf efkatMtoitefclt*. Of returning heslfti H?ge| isAfce a<>?t {welcome * svmplotn. When it eoapea, ?it will oosse, let .the despairing at or r eww good eheer. Good blood at once follow*, the mnli Imiwi " ? night aw^ffraCl*. ajCktiMJLoih I of these morbid symptoms ore gope forever. , , a f'nfSr.J eUndard pss|aMelnm>; white t?e Pulmonic | Syrup oa a flwrw Mugfts fhd Vbldl/"tnay he rxin'aeJ-1'1^ *** s Pries of H* Palntonic 6vr.ip and Seaweed J i*oDio, tl.ab a bottle, or $7.60 a half doseu. L J I VULsaU A * W#W*?ww ? *J . " v. UK MIT. w0 ' d ' ^*W York^City. J |] 46 ?i ncsniit'U, l WO-inir03 Ol JIlC CB8?s,<jf^-^rfYup>|)licin origmate in dyspepsia .. tilaiiiueuunally dljoraefcd liver, Willi this million t^j Bronchial "t\ib'e>" "sympathize" , witb lbc%tom*cb." 'They respond" to the rnorniftt of Vbo ljvcr. llerrf tbtfh conies tin' culminating result, artit tbc'Btttlfi^'tW, -witti ?1l itf distressing symptom*; <"of ? LEAVE NO STIKQ llE^lIXp^ The worklif clrVlalnJwJl 4?intfnK> The vitiated nndtoucpuir, ifeuiwin In tie amwcls and in the alimentary canal arc ejecteu. The . liver,.Lik?ya clock, jowouud up,, It ufoqses I from iwt Pffidinr. J fte Itiirticlncts rdspod ,, aivciy, ahd the putfent begms loTccl thbi be la getting, atflMt, ^ r a st?^LY/ojr good dlo6d. ^ The Seawood Tonic, m cuiijyocticp with the Bills, permeates uii(^ asliifiptaa With the food. Qby1 ideation is mm pfc>f|rdrsing without ita previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, and the curd ia sqati $ be At baud. i'Laiy is no more flatwlince, no ezaecrbatiou bf thvsto7*1 8 iveu by an indulgent tuther to suffering | (i man. Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to porform its functions and to hasten uud complete thdJ'fto.Vlt* eutefs at onto* vpon ita work. Mat4ro*awiofMiichcalc<k fit collects and ripens the impnired and diseased portions of the lungitV~Tn (tottfoigyof it prepares thepi for expjfctoAtion, ?n<l lo l in a vety short tWfeB'lhs malady "Is vanquished, the rotten tbropc that it^uocypied ia ranuyated and Made no^nnd tn paiient, in*11 the. dignity of regained vipor/stojA forth taKq}oy.tha maw hood or lhp womanhood that was, a TtifeSecojldnhing'is,'the patients must stay < in a warm r?om?un|iV they get it ia-olmast impossltiij^to pre went fnaiag <a?ld when tha lungs arl msesskd, out it kaft id prevented "I IS/'g iTn'U he effacjerl Ppjh yf and-riding huf, etptciaftjHn this wctiin o> the country, vp 4ba fulLnud winter acajou. are 11 wrong. <V>h]| l^iagSfW^a tmfuijApni^tliai . course lose their patients, if their Kings are barfly diseased, and ye{,| because they are in the house they must not sit down quiet 4 they an a st vealk aiiout (hf room M tAdci uod as fast aa the JltahgtA wlwiar, to get bp * goad airv#ulatioft ot blood. Theopaticnta must keep in good spirits?be determined to got well. This baa a great deal to do with tho appetite, and ia the great point to tfHMl or. To despair of cure after such evidence of Hs possibility in ^ie wots* cases, and moral certainty in all others, la sinful. Dr, Pchenck'a personal statement to the Fgculty of Lis own ardjeas in these modest words : " J! any yean uol was in the last stages of eonaamptiufl confined to my bed, and ist one | time my physicians tboagbt that I could not s lite a week ; then, like a drowning man catching at strewn, I heard of and obtained the preparations which I now offer to the public, and 'hey made wjwrfeet pass ai p?i Ii wriseito ana that I EouId'Wtrthewr ^citstfde Ay' wtmle systen^.i fbey soon ripened the mnttersnmy 1 lungs,jp* I pohlf/tpitf ilftn^ro thah *ll4pt' f offehliVe yellow mallet etery morning for %sBWBsm&) lease me, and my appetite beoaine so great | ' .that it was with difficulty that' I could keep 1 from eattPJ lte? 4?mb. I sooe-geioe# my > strength, and bare grown in flesh ever since. * " 1 T& ftfrr4Jr *CW U>? recOVffy," J added the iJtJefot1;* then looking like a mere 'i skeleton ; my weight tyae enly ninety seven t pounds; ujyJPfgPts*?'(tht ,ia Uso hundred t and twanty?ff?M[l>typounis, had for pears I t hare enjoyed ueieterrupted itepltlpi", /, , pftdlffMrtJic&oevs! 1>ia son,. IV. IJ.JKel?ngk.I*.' ?ill { chptiwpe f to see patients at their ofBoe, No, 15 North Sixth v ttreet, Philadelphia'. eVelrV Bitnrday from if A.'S P. M. Thoaa who wish a thorough exsthlftstion With (he Seipirometer will Te I charge^ ^iT. ' fp4 'MosppToinQj^r .declares tbo exact condition or tea lungs, antTpatients can a readily learn whether they are eurahln n? ?/? K I Mcl'^ . i I -t Ow. AgmU, hn rr?nrl?n,r,| 14 rwiMm Si . N T. iLUVmBm TmiImht to ikilr. t Vwftrflil Omilra Kfltota. Tlietmr Bitten we not a rile Faaer Oriak, Made of Peer Ru> Whltluri Freef Bplrlto aif RehM Litem, dee^i4|ffiiiA aa4 amlimd to pltooo tin twh. ?? 7* ttetoa" r Appotlaera" - Boetorwe," toe, ? |he tippler on to drank tout? end rata, that lee*. Medicine, made from the Nattra tatH* at* -U of California, Art* " Roots Ul Re. ?mnlante. Thar ? u* Alcoholic H> 1 PURIFIER and A GREAT BLOOx RINCIFLE, ? Hrtht/' LIFE GIVING Fa of tfet 8t?Ui?. *iw* Reuorator and Inrlgorator . otortof tba blood log off all poisonous matter and i sen UW lhaaa to a healthy condition. No person -"e?AI? Bitter! spec AM ng to directions and ?- i *astreyed an wall, pforMid their bonaa art not t?. rital kr ruinaral poison or other means, and the oceans wasted beyond the point of repair. They are a Gentle Purgative as well tan a Tonic, possessing, also, the peea'.iar merit Of actio# ae a powerful agent in tellering CongeeUon 'or Inflammation of the Li ear, and at all the Visceral Otgaoe. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether Ih roans or old. married or single, at the dawn ef womanhood or at the tarn of Ilia, these Tonie Meters have no eenaL (j For Ial^snlif^i ail G'hrenlc Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indlgeadoh,' BUI am a. Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tkS. Blood, Llror, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bittern hare hean meat successful. Such DI sea see are caused by Vitiated Bleed, which la generally produced by derangement ef the Digestive Orgnns. J DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dlssinesa, Bonr Bruotations at Jhe Btomech. Bad Tasks In the Mouth, Bilious AHacIa Pabiltatinn nft.hR HratI InflimmitioB ad fee Langs, Pain In the regions of the Kidneys, en* e handred other painful symptoms eOsprlngsof Dyspepsia. . , ,{ They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver end Bowels, which render them of An equalled efficacy, in aleeneing the blood of ell inepurltlci.jyd imputing new life and Tiger to the wnole qraua! ^ rvd U t / 1 _ . > FOR SKIN DISKAHKS, Eruptions,Tetter, Bait Hbeuin, Blotches,. Spots, l'imples. Tuetulee, ,Toils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scold Head, Sore ' Bvcs,Brysipelaa, Itch, Scurfs, Dlscolorationeof the Skin, HumoeaeedcDSwaeesot toe 8Kb, of krhstever name adwaAiil.lw s lite pally < Ink-up slid rarris d out of the system Inw shorttime by the use of thcsO, Bitters. One bottle in such cases will coavlnee the moat incredulous of their curative effect. ( i Cleanse,the VUlst^l Blood whomever you find lis WpnritiM^uimnietlwaapMUle^iin In Piruplee, Rrupttone or Sores ; clcaneo it when you find It obstructed and ilngglth 'in the reins: cleanse It when It is (oiU.and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the s J stoat will follow. PIM, TAPE, and other WORMS, urkiag 'in the system of so many thousands, are efTactually destroyed apdrernoyotl.. , , _ BOLD B* 1L)< DRtTCOiaTS AND DBALBTIS. &WAIAC*!*, TrOpHnior.' MiH. RfDONALD * 1., Druggists end Gen. Agents, San Francisoo. j. Ooi., and ? odd U Ooauuwoe Street, New loch. ur >uie in tiib tiiy 1.1 tii<.<.n\ ills DR. MA. HUNTER A CO.. Bholcenlo and Retail Dialers in Drugs, y Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., Ac. day 10 '1 Tii. it K. Kadwaj's Ready Relict' CURES T11E WORST PAINS In Jrotn One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR tfler reading this advertisement need any one Buffer will) pnin. [lad way's Reedy Relief is a cure for every |iatn. It was the first and is TIIE ONLY PAIN REMEDY hat irigtniitlv Rope the most excruciation jaine iill?y* imfl itnutions, and euioa C?n* [riiiuni, whether oi the lung#, nmnitrli, >..we'.s, or oilier glands or organs, by out ippljevlion. ' IlAbWAY'S READY RELIEF .V ill afford instant ease. Iuflstnmai ion of In- Kidneys. inflammation of the Bialdsr, nfliiiiinifltidn ol llie Rowels. Conjesticn of lie Longshore Throat, Difficult Bieathing, 'alpilation of the Henri. Hysterias, Croup, tipluberia, Catarrh, Influent*, Headache, ooollia?liNeuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Hull-, Ague Chills. The *|ip inatjon of the Ready Relief to lie part-or parts wln-re the pain or diffi. lulty e*is?s will afford esse wnd comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of wsler will in a low inonv nts cure Oratnps, Sjatsina, h-ur Stomach, Heartburn. Siok Headache, >iaiilioi. Dysentery, Colic, wind in the dowels, mid nl) luteins) Pains. Travelert .-lionId always carry a bottle of tad way's Romly Relief with them. A lew IrnfMrMfP water will prevent sickness or :nid?lL'ni Chang of wafer It is better nan French Brandy or Bitters as a stioiu"VjBtVBR A1*6 AGUE. Fever and Ague rtned for fifty cent*.? There is i.ot s r-m-iial ng nt in tin# wot Id hat w ill ouie Fever an<l Ague, and all nth r Malarious, Bilou*, Scarlet, Tiplmid, fellow, Ninl other Ft v-re (*id'd by Had* vay'r FH?) en qa'nk as lvatway's Ready irltef, Fitly icuts per buttle HEALTH! BEAUTY!! >lron? and I'ure Rich Blood?-Increase ol Flesh and WViiflit ?Clear Skin sod . brAutiful Oompl-xion cut rd to nil [til. It A DWAV't SAIltiAI'Allll.LIAN ItlfiOLVKNT M>? <>>>1* doer the S?i fN|mrillinii Keeolv >1)1 x<>?1 known r-niedial agema in the i-ire ot Chronic, Smofulon*. t'onetituliona). ind hltln hot it is llie only I-olive eure lor Kidney and Bladder nine -laiiitv, Unnery and Womb diseases, Giav 1, Diabetes, llioptf, (<lo|'pii||K ol Wei?r, lfle(inM?l"Ct of l'ni>?, Bnghi'e !)it>(ne, illiDiiilnuri*. and in all eases where them, irr Aiiik don <Wpp*tlf. or ilia water ia, .hirttj cloudy,'mfxed with eub?lnnc?a 1 ka ha while of-an <Vft'?r threads like while >ilk, ?r wl'O e ia a morbid, dark, bilious ap >mranoe. and while bone dual deposits, ind when there ia a pricking, burning e-nI4iiim when passing water, and pain in the I nail of Hie Hack and along the Ledne Dr. Badway'a Perfeot Purgative PiUa, Perfectly ia- ele-s, el-gemty coated with we i gum. pmge, regulate. pin by. cleanse n1 at lengthen. Kadway'a 1'illi, for the ere of all disorders of the s:omaeh. Liver, towels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous diwae i. Il-n(}aeke, .tJouKlpation, I'msil veners, ndigeetion, l>yap-paia, BibooaneM Bilious , Vver. Indentation of the Bowela, Piles, and II Driangemenle of the Internal Yiaeera. Varrsnled to efT-el a positive cure. Purey Veg-teble, containing no tnereury, winrale, or deleterioue drugs. Observe tbe following ajmptmna result* ng itoiti j>i?>raera ot il?? iMgetllve Organ*; Conn itiatlon. Inward Pilee. Fullnee* of j Ik- Blooa In the He id. Acidify of the Mt?m J eh, Nrttiaen. n. HI ll.urn, DhilBIt of Food, 1 pulln?ee or Wright in lit* Blomaeh. Boor I Iruotat lont, Sinking or Fluttering at the ' 'it of the 81 omach, Hwlmming of the Peed, lurried and Difficult Breathing. A f?h doeei bf Radwav'e Piila will free he > atem from all the abort earned ditorero Prfee, 25 eenta per Boa. Bold by imggUta. \ Read " Falae and True," 8ead one lettr r.tamp i" RAf?WAY A CO., No. 87 Maien liana, New York. Information worth houaanda wM be eeut you. Ju'j *8 X* lj