University of South Carolina Libraries
BEATTIE & CO. <WJpAVE replenished their Stock Vf@e> with a large line of LAEIES', MISSES', MEN'8 k BOYS' 8KOJB8. A complete Stock of Bleached and Brown SHIR TIJVGS, Several qualities of BLACK SILK, A beautiful Stock of BLACK AlPACCAS.. Jan 31 " 89 J ^Tll? BBOOK8 COTTON PLANTER. Farmers, *aii at the coach factory, and aee the labor saving patent cotton planter. Wo make ilinn ourselves, nat of'good material*; and thejr nX?oW very cheap. A GftfAT SAVING OF TitML Tjfihnv /iwW ?J WfW CMton Seed IS EIPFECTIJP. Call and Bay One* GO WEB, COX & MARKLEY. Jan 31 39 9 (IKKKNVIITK CITY HOTEL. TH K undersigned bu taken SfTYT^Lyk^ Charge of the above Hotel, eL' r^ar' (formerly known a a the " Southern Hotel/') and baring overhauled the entire place and re-turnlshed it with Furnituro, i* prepared to acoommodate the public, both transient and permanent. I will give my peraonal attention to the Hotel, and guarantee satisfaction. Itmten of Board per day $2 06 Supper, Breakfast and Lodging........ 1 60 Single Meala 60 Reasonable deduction will be made to those boarding by the week or month. C. C. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor. Jan 31st, 1872 39 3m C. C. Stephens, AYY?(?W?Y AY LAW. GREENVILLE, 8. C. OFFICE IN REAR OF BEATTIE'S STORK. Prompt attention given to Colleotions. Jan 31 39 ' . tf TREES WANTED. ^MNRM^U IN oonif]ii*?? with the following Resolution uf the City Council of Greenville, the underaigned will receive Proposals until the trijeth d*y uf February next, for the purpose specified in wid Resolution. " Hfolvtd. Tluit the Clerk he instructed to publish a notice im the pnpeis, inviting peepesnla in writinK for furniahing and netting out two hundred SH ADE TRUER?Water-Oaks? in the City; trets not to he lean than fear inches in dinmeter one foot from the ground, cloven feet high; Council reserving the right to reject nny or all the hida ; Council to reserve one-third pay for each tree, until it in ascertained that tho trees do live through toe sum* trcr." A. R. McDAVID, C. C. Jan 31 39 2 WE IIAVE now a LARGE STOCK uf llOCK A WAYS lXD AT ALL PRICES, Some New and Elegant Patterns. PRICES MUCH RFnnnwn WE MAKE" SPRING WAGONS A SPECIALTY. Apply for Price Lists to 60WER, C0X&. MARKLEY. A". B.? 35 years of faithful J work?our guarantee. 1 Jan ci 89 6 GARDEN 3EEDS. T AM now putting up '.ha mo?toelect vaI variety of GARPEN SEKPS ever in trpdncrd into tlii* market. My Seed* have I rot tested, ard found adapted to our anil nnd climate. C*n he found at lhe8tnraof Mea?ra. Fowler A Vaughn and Dr Glasev 1 ner'a P? tig Store, ppriiememb-r.lhat CARTER'S FIR8T CROP ia the earlieat PEA ever produced, m..A Ik.a I -l - " * um me on'y one in the Soul hern country who rniee them for ante Jan -24?88 F. E. MARTIN. ! Office of Board ol* Counly <:oianiii??ioiicrft. GnccNTfiL*, 8. C., January 13th, 1673. To Highway tfurvtyom: ' I YOU are hereby required to appear at tbia Office, en the 4th day of Marub, (Tuesday after Snleaday.) prepared to glee Bond and Security a* tbe law requirca, and reeeire your Tax Hooka for the purpoae of collecting your Road and Bridge Tax. W. A. HUDSON, Chairman Board Coanty Commiaaionera. Jan 34 38 4 Railroad ilrftin;. , The annual meetino ..f u.e stock. holder* of the South Carolina Railroad Company and of th* SouihweeUrn Railroad Hank, will he Iti ld at lh?- Southwmt'rn Railroad Buik, Boad Street, Hiarlretnn, U I' B.l - - i-., .... r?wwf i* ii, proximo, at II o'*l*?k A. M 0'? the lollevinn 4?jr en election will ha h-ld for fill'en Mf-ciora ot the Railroad Company. tod thirteen Diraalora of lha Bade. MtockhoMcw will be paeead ever lha Road, to and Irom the meeting. fraa of aharga. Tha prcpca-d amendment to An tela 1, fceeiioit 1. of the By-Law*. ehang'ng the tt?e of tha annual meeting, hjr etriking oot "F?hrMrj," W reeond llna. and laaertfng ' April,** will ??? ?P 'or aatlna at thi* ?iveallng. J. R EMEflY, Sacra tar j. Jan 24 ?8 id t Wilmington* Columbia and Augusta "Railroad. ?u icgzz ' Near Prelfht m4 Hwwiw t? rim C*lmUa7t. dV h4 Wllal>||?M, IV. c. The tuntioo ?r merchants, ship. PER8 of COTTON oiul PRAhnn* ad tb? public generally, is invited to ?b? DIRECT CONNECTION Now existing bitvMD ill interior poiate in South Carolina, and Northern Culee, bj the WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA * AUGUSTA RAILROAD, and iM eonawdaai at Wilmington, either via Steamship Line# from that Port, or via Wilmington A WsL don Railroad, and ita connections via Porta* mouth or Petersburg. The various l>neo nonnesting at those tar mioal points afford facilities-far ship*sate To or from BALTIMORE. DaiV. - PHILADELPHIA, Tri Weekly. ? NEW VOKK, ftTimea per Wea%, BOSTON. Semi-Weekly. Uniform rates are maintained with. aU competing lines. No detention oecure to shipments. Through Bills Lading givea batwaea all Stations and points samed Rates and ClaeslScaiion Sheets sbtnlped of all Agents. The Passenger Schedule of Night Train from, and Morning Train into Calamhh,gives a superior eouneatioa for all point i VII vrccDTHK ? uvinnnM, ana L'hirlOV, Columbia A Augusta Railroada?giving Bay Line conn*etioo via Portsmouth, and u AIUIUII connection via Wwblogies^id Avoiding all delay* at Columbia. ' Through Tickets on eale at Colombia to all point* North. < For Rate* C'asaiffcatlons, and all inform* ation. applv ?o A. POPR, Ovn'l Freight and Tirket Agent. J. C. WINDER, Uen'l Superintendent. . Jan 10 M 18w Greenville ft Columbia R? R. CoLDMltt, 9. CL, Jan. 8, 1878 ON and after thia date, the following Schedule will be run daily. Sundays exeeped, connecting with Night Traina 00 Soutn Carolina Road, up and down, aleo with Train* going North and South on Char* lotto, Columbia A Aoguela Railroad: UP TRAIN. Leave Cnlumbia 7 00 a to " Alston 8 80 a an ** Newberry 10 80 a m " Cokeebury 1 10 p a " Briton 8 88 p as Arrive at Creen villa ft 86 p as " Anderson 4 46 p n? " Pei. lleton 6 46 p n. Walhalla 7 18 p m DOWN TRAIN. Leave Walhalla 4 00 a in " Pendleton 7 88 a as " Anderson 8 80 a m " Beltnn I 10 I m " Cokeebury 11 If a m " Newberry 8 88 pm " A'ston 4 80 p an Arrive at Columbia 4 00 If T R AftTf.kTT a 1 Jan 24 " * *'?$ ' CAROLINA FERTILIZER STILL TRIUMPHANT. EITHER FOR CASH Oil ON TIME,I BY I T. W. DAVIS. vwitom PER TON $45 CASH, $50 TIME, 7 PER CENT | IISTTESR.EST. FREIGHT AND DRAIA6B ADDBI). Jan 10 SO la Police. ALT. PBRSON8 INDEBTED to Dr. WILLIAM 11. Al'SUN n't JOUN H. OOODLETT, are notified thai tbeir N"te* and AeeounU are in my hand* for Collection. Part lea interested will ? ? Coata by calling at my office and payicg up. J. P. MOORE. Atl'y at Law and Trial Justiee. Giaeneilla, 8. C., Jan. 8, 187*. 88-4 CLOCKJ3, GOLD AND SILVER WMWomx, s BEST GRADES OF SILVER ANO SILVER-PLATED WARE* TABLE CUTLERY* AND FANCY GOODS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Gold, SUrer, Steel ft Plated Framed SPECTACLES, ALSO GENUINE SraCTAffilBS. B. Wehrle. O.I II M If Johnston. Crews ft Co.. IMPORTERS And Wholesale Dealers hi 8TAPIB AND yANO* DRY GOODS* HOTIOHB AND SMALL WARES. 41 BATHK ?fflUUM.*81N>H, I. 0. Dm It St \f / 'yj CLOSE Of PARTNERSHIP TERM. '* r*? f-, LfcM?T *??<<? - .7*1 .i?ij MHE TEEM OF PARTNERSHIP OF 'fk? FIRMS OF JJfe & iilrixol n (wnM wwnw * * i iij \m ,, . Hi EXPIRE ON THE , ' : M.a if ft* jw?> vr ? ?? w * -M. JB ^| jflp jt&JP A11 persons indebted to either of the par> ties, are earnestly desired to 3(IO ISTUKIS. ' * OT WE WILL 8E|.L OOR : . bt9^,5>F ?oods FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM THIS DATK FOR CASH. FOSTER & HUNTER, -|f-i IINMTCO Ml Oft f 1111 w%m IIWM Ball W V?? January ?, tttl <>" *S-?f " ?,i*i i., ? > ,? nAFeS> iMTRO?E^Z^P } . SUPER-PHOSPHATEi OF^ LIME. ) THE OLDEST SVPER-PHOSPHA TE UANVfAOWBEP lit Tflff . COCLfTBY. . I /""tOMPOSKD of Bona*, Potaik, r%o*p\atic Ouano, Concentrated Animal Ammonioeal Mat' \V 4na mnd Sulphuric Acid. No Bolt, Bali Coke, Nitre Cake, Plaster, nor Adulterant or Aasoffcant of any kind uaod. Factory open fni inspection at all Hmee. Nineteen Tear* *f Practical Experience. BJTTBODtJCKD Xlf 1869. PATSlfTVD QnO. 80, 18o0" QUICK ACTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT TO 7IYE SOIL, ratiwi* ^ Hundred* of Weil-Known Pianttr* in it? Fa woe on easty Variety af Crop and ,, Soil, even Danny Extreme Advert* Saaton*. $46 Cash?$60 Time, Payable WovembeT 1st, 1872 FOSTER & HUNTER, AGENTS GREENVILLE, S. C. KINSMAN A HOWELL, 1 Ocmrtml Agent* for South Carolina, Jan It It-la ?? Ho. 128 Ka*t Bay, Ckurlttton, S. C. SARQY'S AMMONIATBD SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. CASH PRICE AT FACTORY, PER TON, TIME, *50. PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN GUANO. CASH. *50. TIME. *55. - -ACID BONE .PHOSPHATE. CASH, *86. TIME. *:JU. GROUND CAROLINA PHOSPHATE. ttoAl CASK. *16. TIME, *90. NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER. CASH. *13. T11E abore-named A in mob I ate d Solublo Pacific aad Phoapbo. Peruvian tinanoi, are rich compound* of tka highest grads* of Bone Phosphate. roaderod soluble nod aromoniatrd with Na. ! Peru elan Qwaao and animal matter, making the moat ooneoatratod and profitable Fertiliser* ia naa, combining tko Ingredients required to produce and rupport the Cotton Plant and Cereals. ' Whilst these Fertiliiers are warranted to be kept up to their high ttaadard, the price* bare been materially reduced fur tka present season. - * - ' t M anafectared and for aala at Charleston, fv C., by - JOHNB. 8ARDY & 80N. Mum. 0. A. TRF.NIIOLM A SON, Gaaerel Agents. AUo for sale by Agents throughout the South. For analyses and certllWtTet rend for pamphlet. Jen 24 38-3in STONO FERTILIZERS." THE STONO PHOSPHATE COMPANT, Of Charleston, 8. C., properly appreciating the necessity of foiUiiac the planting interest of the 8o?th, resolved la the outset to offer their Fertiliser* ai a pr|c<rwbioh would piece (hem withla the reach of eyery planter. They offer their SOLTJABLE GUANO, I a complete Ammonlated Fertiliser, at $45 rash ; or $50 on a credit to the 1st November next, I with approved city aceepianoe without interest. The " Dissolved Phosphate," for aoeapeetiog with Cotton Seed or Stable Manuir, U bow offered at the very low price of $25 eaah, or $M credit as above; this in highly recommended by planters who bare used it with great eatUfacttoa. We have a aM ace so edrtifieatde ffwh iateiligeat planters of the highest character, from dif- I Cerent sections Of the StaU, testifying to the excellence of tbesa Fertilisers.?only a few of which era append below. 'I ' , i t f . WILLIAM HAVKNEL. 4. B. AIItEK. AGE^T*. ' Pr?ideal. Mo. 5 Central Wkar/% C Marl?fan, S. C. MARSHALL A IfAULDIN, Agents, Gceenvillej G. W. ANDERSON,-Agbot, Williamaton. J / J ; , CAMDEN. 6ccember fitb, 1871. A<*f 0fr1.- In-rhply to yodr fnqdlry'eene^rirfhg ray use of the Stono Phosphate ia the preeent year, I will a*a*e what I did, and gira yon the result. On the 15th of Ni?r last I planted twelre aerea of cotton, to which I made a heavy application of eotton seediand barnyard manure combined. On the other six, at the time of plantlag, I pat nothing at all, apt having received then the Stono Soluble Phosphate. On the 15th of Jane I applied the Stono; ad me rate of 250 pounds to the eere, to the I eat six acres, aftor the cotton yes a|l up. Bie> raannet of the application was as follows ; With the onehorse Watt pfonfifc thi cotton wnl barred Off as near as pyaetisa^e an j) the phosphate pat in, and immediately covered by throwing-baoh the earth taken away by the first ploughing. The race It was aS follows : On the first six Seres I gathered in the teed about 800 pounds tf eotton te the acre; from the laat six, to which nolhldg hut the Stano Soluble Guano bad I bee a applied, 1 gathered an sSsMvv af 1.200 nmimi. *"? 3mm IV --- " - 'V w - TAMMji ytre?to kit whom II w*y eomSL **'?!* ?r0.h rTjBd?# ?i tttj^TUk'c^iiMj^Vtk* J m.f ItHi* toto?l? to Itottfc *>?**? f22JT.'iJJETtf toto^ rf'nAVin wtot to * to**itoto?l *r kit tofeatltotMb, -W^DttN, <w?? 0# DAVID ! M4h3tol^*tototo^*r*rk?ihto ^ fcter'g TERRY. Kt^tor. Uik* CrltM#. , . Jwny l, lip. ' 1 , V i2 * !? ' 1 ? v; T * CAROLINA FSRTIUZSft TRIUMPHANT. t k> ' *' ' WiLMtMoioif, tf. Q., Aag. 2l?t. 1?1. , For the Urgent production of Oouon to the .ere, 1,000 1U. CAROLINA FK&TI. LIZKK For thi lergeat prodnofeHft'of Whp*t to the acre. 1,000 11ml CAROLINA FERTI LIZKti. -*.L i lit abotr* prtmitm irt for ?roj? pro dactd with the un of tho CAROLINA FERTILIZER alone, or io combination with phtotation manure* only. and the awarding ofaaid prrminma it left discretionary with the committee of the Aaaooialion under their Hi lea SANPER8, OAT Ed ?fe CO., Agent* at Charlotte. 8TEVEN3 4 CURETON, Lancaster, S. O. Waxhawo Lanoa0tkb Couht*. 8 C. To P. P. Zimimrman, h*q.. 8icrttara / ' I </? Fair of OaroJina?, Char/atU, J&. C : The following i? a correct tutement of Cotton raiaed by Stevens A CeretoQ, on acres of stubble lai)d. which was manured wiih 400 pounda of Carolina Fertiliser The following ia the mode of cultivation : It waa thoroughly broken op twelve inciter deep, and laid off In rowa th?ee and a half leet wide, and the Fertiliser applied in the drilj, than bedded on it on the 18th of May, and planted the same day. but owing to the eool and dry weather, did not come up to a aland untjl about the l?t of June. First working it waa run around with a half alioWel ana partially trimmed out with a hoeSecond woiking it waa run around with a three-inch grub, twelve inchea Ions. an<l l?e middle* thrown out with a sweep vighteen ihehes wide. One furrow to a row and thinned to a stand with a hoe nt.out twelve inches between the stocks, and afterwards it was ploughed evory two weeks with a sweep eighteen inches wide, and hoed each time, until it was worked five times. The following la a correct statement of the Cotton picked: 1st ricking 264 2d Picking 410 9d Picking i.418 Estimated amount of unopened matured bolls 816 Total 1028 Respectfully submitted, STEVENS A CURETON. I certify I weighed the Cotton picked in the above statement and it is correct, W. A. GRAllAM. October 2d, 1871. At the request of Messrs. Stevens A Cure ton. ws have examined the one and one eighth acre ot Cotton, and the estimate made above is true to the beat of our ability, I> T. DURANT. W. A GRAHAM. JOSEPH HODGES. Premiums awarded to Stevens A Curclon on above Certificate. We will sell' the nbore SPLEN DID FERTILIZER at Forty-Five Dollars cnsli, or Fifty Dollars pa}* able 1st November, with interest at Seven per Cent, per annum, do livcred at our Warehouse in Charleston. Agents will sell at same prices, adding the freight and dray age to their Dcpo's. 6181 WILLIiflMS & CO. m r Kn> i uo iwo parcel* punted V*r? in the mm laid, aepar'ated only by n row. The onltieatioa we* ""*>11 i * JAMES ClrMNITT. To J. VrlAp*P?V > <?* 0**> idyM A??0 Pkoqphat* Company, CharUttoH, 8. 0. ,** HI>?1IFIHLD, 8. O., November tT, 1ST!. I need two ton* StdnO Dlfuelrod fbotphate, composted with nn equal weight ql eotteo j Med, on ay cotton th a year. It certainly doubled the yield, making on ordinary Inn J* three | bale* Vo every four acre* on which it we* uaed. In *om? ?? * .... ... ^au wcigDt OI root* kit*, with two othor fertilisers costing nearly double the money, produced more cotton.? There wda $ tual o# the Ootten ?D(*f which the pboephate wee need, except on a few small spots of wal, qfrfegt l*u<L tbllst ?i\f4 which the other m?>re costly fertilisers 1 were, rested early end hadly. J. W. TOJIPJUNS. J" 't.:l ,//l /ii i'Tt) ) ; ? ? SOUTH LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. GEN. JA& B. GORDON. PREST, ASSBTS. OVER II.SSS.OOO. C. C. STEPHENS, < \lx ,'>* ftA-mU. V? ' il* /i <*b si beidnoe - rsi '? 'I . .1 w AOENT FOR GREENVILLE COUNTY. 1 DR. J. H. DBA*, Mudiaul Exomtaer. ;?<>M .,>!/ . J Dm It lt> : If E7fet?e*a here my thenhd for past JflMt AN ho found at llo eld stand, opposite Mr. 1 Aolflittrooo, As. I oesttsw* tehaabO KM 1 Ay Wehrle's. No continues to 8 HA VIC and i edditieus to jsy Meek of JXWJEL- Bd OUT HAIK. Be hapee by pulltaeso to all, J If, WitCHU, CLOCUdlfM. and psoas pt attention to business, te merit a ' TIf.'LtS, 8 It V 8 R w LA*J !> , tealinuapoe^et the patronage heretofore sr? ? ****** ki?< l1'u * J. A. DAVID AND mw. MSA.'VMii) AGENTS, GREENVILLE\ S. C. ' Jitu 17 87 8m FERTILIZERS. THE CELEBRTED ARE FOR SALE BY WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., Iayorton and Dealers ia Guanos, 149 BnySl, Savannah, da. 191 East Bay, Charleston, g. C J. A. DAVID, Agent AT GRBKNVILLE. a C. For further information apply rr address as above for Almanac cor 1872. Jan 17 ;V 17 Sm LAND FOE SALE. ACRES OF I.AM), on Son I h 8a ^^^B hada Kiver, I. offered .t PRIVATE IAI.E. There la 100 aoroa of Hot tow, in a ifh alato of cultivation ; a food new liouse, Itahlea and Crib*. For terms, Ae., see A. ILYTHE, Kaq.. Greenville, 8. C., or Dr. J. M. IcCLANAII AN, Marietta, S. C. Jan 10 3? In I. 0 0. P. Monntain Lodge, No #J |l MhII, 1. O. O. F. meets y Friday Aight. at their Hall, oeer Marbell A Manilla's Drag Store. Regular at. aM<|Jnaa A .a I JAMES t. UOOHK, K, Q Au$ SO 17 U > M | * % *>*u? ' ' Z" ATLANTIC ACID PHOSPHATE* =ff?HIS Article, prepered by the ATLAMTICPU08FB ATE CQg1 U PAN Y, under the direction of tbeir Chemist, Dr. ST. JULIEN KAVENEL, for composting with Cotton 8eed, is aw offered * the Reduced Price of $28 per ion cash, or $91 per too payable let No* , vember, 1872."Froe of IntereH. Orders filled now will be considered as Cash let March, 1879t, er on Time as die let November, 1872, thereby enabling Planter* fee haul it at a time when tbeir Wagons and Males ere idle. PE1ZES, 80D0EBI * CO,, Oeacrel A|wm , .,. T Brown's Whtrt Charleston. 8. C. jseV 1 * BONALD, Afcal, Crew Itatlea, ft. C"ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. gfgais FERTILIZER, manufactured by the Atlantic Phosphate Jg> Company under the direction of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Raven el, ia now offered to the Planting Community at the very Reduced Price of $48 per too cash, or $82 payable 1st November, 1872, Free of Intereet. This Fi rtiliror Iim Koon ?or* n*??n0;..i. ?J ?!.!_ J L? VV.U v j uavvimi I OIJ UHVI |U IUI? umvo ?IIU UBS given entire satisfaction ; tome of the most practical planters admit* ting it to be eqnal to Peruvian Gnano, pound for pound. All ealee made now will be considered as cash on the 1st of March, 1872, and to those buying on time the sale will be considered as dae on 1st November, 1872. By this arrangement planters will be enabled, without extra cost, to haul their Manure at a time when their wagons and mulee are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have need the Atlanta Phosphate will be famished on application to the Agents. PELZER, RODGER! * CO., General Agent!. a ' Brews'i Wharf. Charieatsa, I. c. WM. BEATTIE. Agent. Greenville. South Carolina. Jan 3 35 |. Hilts* F nmiiBi! COTTON, CORN, WHEAT, TOBACCO. - > t .** . ' ' ' TV -w rM r it i D Hi : CASH, $50 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $55 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST. Factory East end Hasel St.*, Mines on Ashley River. - WAIH ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIMEI COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. PR ICE: CASH, $30 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $3 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST. WM. 0. sxr&ogg & 00., CfEJYEHJIJj JlGEJVTS, No. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON S. C. tW FURNISHED AT CHARLESTON PRICES. FREIGHT AD J) ED, IIY JULIUS C. SMITH. AGENT, GREENVILLE, . C. Dec 20 33 8m - j^fYwAN ~ . |. rcOTli i7rno rcn i iLiicnd. e Three very Superior Articlee art offered by the Sulphuric Acid nod Superphosphate compeny of Cherleetoo, 8. 0., viz' etiwan guano. A complete manure* adapted to Cotton, Grain and Tobaoeo, being Hi? well known article heretofore offered at the eery high grade of Id per rent. dissolved Bone Phoephate of Lima, with the addition, a* heretofore, of Peruvian Guaoo, Ammonia and Potaeh. Priee %A6 per ion, if paid on or before the let of April next) and $60 per too, payable 1*1 November, 1876, wtMenf interest. et1wan crop food. A new er.lcie of about the aen?e high grade of Soluble Phoephate, compounded with the etrmente of Cotton 8eed in euch a manner, ae to eu?ure one of the beet fertiliter* for Cot ton and Grain, at a lower price than the Ri'wata Onano. Price $40 per ton. If paid on or hefora the lat of April next, $46 per tnn, payable let November, 1676, without txtereaf. ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE. Averaging from 18 to go per cent, of DiaeoWed Bene Phosphate, end 'thee anabHng th* planter by compoeting, to obuin two tone e( half that grade at 6 earing of etw Ami/ cost and freight. Prioe $88 per ton, If paid on or hefora lite let of April next, $40 per ton. p?y?hl* let November, 1876, without interest. Take NOTICE, that mil theee fertilisers ate of the highest greed* of Boluhls /'lee. phatv, and ntu?t help for more than una year. WM. C. BEE & CO., General Agent^ Charleston, & Q% 1 . . " (I *e. & * LEONARD WILLI All8, Agent at Greenville, 8. O Dee It II