University of South Carolina Libraries
' i"ii i l'n i urn n Thing* Thnt Bfrrer Die. * n a r M tbtiUrrti at kahrta la jqMfcfnl) v Tlw 6e?el* ei w?e*leN i^yer, i ?i Tip Akmh *f lo*?,?iul truth j v t Tba longtag titer ao?thln| lost | ,> Th*?pl?U'* jaarainfcryj . . Tha lUiflat *fl*r batUr hop**; th*M tiian ah all n?w dl?. The kiedly word in grief* dark hoar ^ ? That prot?# tho friend tmtsddf ,iUJ4 The plea for mercy, softly breathed, ' Tnese thing* shall nersr die. ? I ' * ' ' d ? J 7 f # The memory of shaping hand, The pressure of * ktse, > **> ' i The kindly word in griefs dark hoar , , That makes up lore's first hlist; L<< r It was a Arm, unchanging fsltb, a*,F 'Ap(l holy trust fa high, . , j.f These hands elaspod, thp lips, hare met, These things shall never die. The cruel and the bitter word That wounded as ?t fell, The ohilling went of sympathy, "' Wo feel, but cannot tell; Tho hard repulse that ''ehills'the heart ? " Whose hopes were bounding high; "?.i' In an unlading record kept, ' . These things shall never die. , , Lot nothing pass, feroreryh end a ? }t . Must And some work to do;,j , Lo?e pot a ebanoo to waken lore, f '""Be flrih', and just, arid Irke; ' ' * 4 So shall a light that cannot fade Beam on thee from on high; And angel voico^faS^to thfh^A Theso things jahail never dio. ?id|rV "" An Apt Sunday School Scholar. Th<r following it dry, tfi'ough'jjot . new,has sufficient point and feu? mor to merit its publication at least once a year... n Some roiigish dovb in a town near the capital of New ilanipshire persuaded Joseph JaspCr; or, as he was generally called, joo, . to attend Sabbath 5^ehool.^ .r.'. Vi Joe was an overgrown, halfwitted profane lad, and the boys anticipated tun; but* the" various questions propounded to 4iim were so 'readily andf> cori'datly answered tlrnt .no ona.could An- a moment suppose that he was not vlrseO in theological lore/ Joe was duly ushered in and placed upon a seitee in front of one on which his friends were seated, andrHbe. examination coitv- ; ' inonced. The teacher first qucstined the class on their regular lessons, and then turned toward Joe. " Mv friend, who made the world we inhabit?'' - Just as he woe probably aboui to answer the question, one of the 1 boys seated behind bitn inserted a pin into his (Joe's) pants, about nine inches below the ornaindntal buttons on hie coat. ^ " Ood Almighty /" answered .. Joe, at the sauio time rising to his feet. " That is correct," answered the teacher, u but it is not,accessary j , that you should rise ftvUnsweiing; a sitting posture is jlist as well." Joe was seated, and the catechism proceeded. v- - ' .> IITT 3' 1 . vy no aiea 10 sftvbj tno world The pin was again inserted. " Jesus Christ /" in a louder tone than before, again rising to his feet. " That is correct, but do not mauifoet ao raudh Idling ; do be'u little more reserved*in yotir tuonners," 6aid the teacher, in an ex>postulating tone of voice. . i. After doe had calmed down, examination went odj j f f' * " What will be the final doom of all wicked men?".wftgrthc sub; ject now up for consideration, and as the. pin was Again stuck .in.- Joe thundered'out, \vrfh iritill higher :elevation<of hi* tf d jt*; ,.. , " JlsU arul JJmunatlon /" " My friendy jydki < give - tl?e answer to all the questions correctly, but while you are here wo wish you to Ijo a lhttle inpro iniWL in your \Jbfjds. Do, if you can, re 6train your enthusiasm and give a less eaVonded eoouo to your feelings. ' ' '* ' 1 Wnipy a vcM< ?f grtqns ip Boston was endeavoring to dist?ose of his stook, his pO.or old nag ! iulked, aud refused to bndge an inch. The driver finally commenced belaboring the aniiula with a stick, when an old lady fhinfct her head out of a .-windows and exclaimed, ,fIIave von no mercy !" " No, roa'arp,"' replied the pedler, "'Nothing out greens." , | "Is Miss BliqkKig ftt home?" asked Mr. Santjers to fho Irish girl who answereu inu ring at wie j door. " Yis, I b'lav<; she^p sir l"| " U she engaged ?" f - An - is it en. j gaged yon say ? Faith, an' I can't teli ye, sir ; but she kissed Air. Vincent last evening as if she bad niver seen the like uv :him, an' it's engaged 1 b'lave they arer 8ir" ^ f;j. " PATfY," a lady called to a little girl who was in the parlor, 44 did you tell your mother that I was here if") ^f^es'iii,* answered Patty, demurely. ' 41 And what did she sayt-W Shcjeaid, 44 Oh, that dreadlul woman agaii^l" $ ^tkacijer t * cn doem WVK suellf* Apt jftfjWV* Dnn* no, sir.''?Teacher: 44 Why, you numskull, wh??hajre-yoti .got on yot?r head ?" r Apt jmmJ: 44 J dunno, sir, but X tlppk .it bees a dee 1" Wnicu.?A- question tor a debeating society to ditCHce?44 if a man has a tiger by the tail, which would be tbe beet for hie pergonal! safety?to bold on or to let go ?" | h iH v inr\ . L oc UUm WHOLESALE QflOCERS, AND DEALERS IN W55JS3, I'<?BAG?TA'C, NO. 197 EAST BAY;'" ; CIA KiiSSTO^ 'jP/v C. u. Biscaorr, o wolbebn. Ih-ni-ti .MIJBWmwki 8!ll4Rn lufltLg w *? Johnston, Crews & Co., IMPORTERS And Wholesalo Dealers in R ftil . ANPo* i /.To * D^GOtSs, ? ' IT O T'lOlt ?" ' :i ag A4fc nlt&% MWKET, -dKBAIRafflSTOH, 8. ?. Witfiawf W ?*w> I y COLUMBIA, & C..?| Pi now opening li-twje ee!e?i$.i of La<tff># and Knir*fs)vi Swi?mMkil AmarNMti Watches. Sole Agent lor the celebrated Pauline Watch, * Philadelphia Company's Gold Chain*, Vest, Opera Chatelaine*. Leontine Neck dace*,-l>tnmonA Kings anri^jroocheii Pemlj full. rX\J ? 1' JvJ Silver Ware. Plated Ware, Clock*. Cut* lcry, Houaahol J and Fancy flood*. Guns, SpCrting Ghods, Jet and Horn Good*. William <>il.izo, One door nortltf<)JH??Qti dCo 'sj^abkinh 'Haiirt v ^ | a > f ' * iVSin * BRYAN^^DARTER, ColuWbiay'S. ff. WHOLESALE KSb >llllTAlA SMS H has J2BC vioSOHI SCHOOL, LAW ANO MEOICAL BOOKS, Standard Works tor Libraries, New Publication, Stationery and Blank Books, Blanks for Lawyers and Trial Justices, caoOTi'ii'.. AH. r I ~* ? A\ Far&ily J3illes, TTymn Jfcohsi of all Styles. i v D#q 6i 8i:, > *? EdifflT. Brown. * w. rm^ mm 9 4S n-l VWFI HTREtlT, | OPPOStTfi CHARLESTON HOTt.L, \ C'&A HLVSTQN, 8 C,\ . Dec 9 g ^ , rU < v fx r a i ^ J , x <, i>t?S 5 PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S co?i venoms r acid phosphate of teme, For>Cwnpo*tiiiq IWfV Cotton Seed. Price $25 Gu^b, witH Uhb al Advance for Time. rI",niS acijcl* ie prep?ce3 tinder the en perlll^ildeWKilce *f DMwpiIULIEN HAV IMSEl, expressly lor comporting with cot-| ted h^cd. ! li war introduced-jby this Company two years ago, .and its use ha? t"Hx attested its value. 2()0 tt> 2*0 poundit of this 'article per acre, properly c?mpo?ted wif|? the same weight. of cotton ee>*d, furnishes the planter with a FKIt 11 LlZCIt, of the high en t. excellent at tlie Mrtnllt-st coal. A comport prepared with this article, as hy printed directions fgmieTiod, ro.rilifina alT'the ele n>ent? of fertiKif thafr fan e^fer into a first?clses FERTILIZER, while its economy must commend its liberal nrtrtO planless Foj rappltea ?od print**] fdireatnAiaf for composting upplv to f. i%. Kob*on, AORNT PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, ^lo. ?8 Kq/it It iy and Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S C. JNQ. REESFi J/ CO, General Agents, ' Wov W ' 80' ' - 3m ?I, . ,e? Dr. Anderson HAS opened Office in Oood letl House Ituilding, first door <n? Washington Street, IN HEAR OF i?Ir. T. W. Davis, Jeweler. dhd ^tnjop^r the<f4>|o|rinft low rates: Oold Pilli'nps from $1 00 to $1 60. Tin A Amalgam " 60 " $1 00. Teeth Bttijiac ted at ^ '>0. Teeth iAerted at IMiuced Uatei|t' < vj i <t. "i."" deterred dWIh calliflfc, fnflf he n<T> Vrc?8nno?, date yon at less rates, he will. Oreenrille, S. C. Oct. llth, 1871. 23-tf i i if . I. .1........ j it .i.iSUio I L11 ntvi4 wi ? x- icmiug a maxwell i , ' * i i ' %jLj OUI.f r-t|.?-cUp)|> infix u. ilie pii lei v T tha' th?-y have purchas-d th/Shop of Satoae) Blank/ in th? oM Cour HAi-f, and .are pr^i'Sred \o d? WORK In th?ir Una in a first olnss nuimiar, and ?h?y sofiffit th? Patronage ol thsir Fri?ndt and j Public generally. tl-it ' L m I i ' ,h M 11 fil' I I I Iiini r. | 'if VI I Klffltln i j IT' v - ?f "r s.-* *' ' ' ? - -"ri?t"?y ? ? * " ~ ' "?* ''"" 4..I ' MlScSfc-a . <-.'i Iv > i ?<It >i>?k 4 w( < W jt.<W Ik>4 i?fc? *11 is # ot (?T * U*T >At< *??*?; - >'> 1 *b* . . i 1* ?.? 4 \ \ ,?t ; . ,* *', t\ .u-.- ?mr~ **{,.. ? n-iit, u: udt n? b m -an T < . Wt't.flj . b-J.1 jJ. >, THE UNDERFED HAS ADDED THE-,. ..i > it> ' ?di .t-wfiH " it :(_4 i . . "ILJ ?*' FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS * * j t ? J : '? '? * ' I. ?*rj TO HIS 11 ?V> V1'1* ?tM'i?> iHllKfHl C E N B R AX M B It C HAXDUK. , io ovmi h| - ) ?. i * ;i m .jic?* owT ?d l'/<<h -.?i ..C .'?s3 ! i V i r- -i^i i -In *9 . i ' .4 ? ?: -. o u .,J.>1 i < If oil o hiti I |? * - :? \..?4 lv ..." - ? > J?' - i **.TtO hi* ;?.:* ? ?? M ? ? 15 am I ? ? IS LARGER AND MORE COlIPLETE 19* i ,b flfn V i! ?'? ;i l ? t>0? . 11'.I - , I | . , ' 1 ?/ J in .1, " it, , ' THAN EVER, -< * fj- B E 'SOfc? AT "" kkt.III. AT THE;; ,LO l^ EST PRICES. country merchants wjll do well to call and ... examine* stock and prices before ' ' .< *;': f> '? 11*2 ??i kitti'- >1 '"A ?f"' ?\li t Ml ftf Ml It" ' " ' Sending orders elsewhere. Irs? no win ateo'lurnfsb YAKNS and Sl}IRTINGS by the Bale at Factory pviccs. ? ; u 1 >< * .. * 1 { T. W. DAVIS. Jane 21 - ^ . 7 - 1f ?rfr-rr. } ft -?_t ! Tft-f'f =^l iiittifH-nr iMiupi . 1 .aiMgM* 1 i&?80l4n a^jlp# hisu-ranjck company, : .1. I 1( Y? I ^ ei.vnal ....tW *1. wit * ?f i 1 >?r jef febson itxy is. tbesid'tvi , . . . - "ii ) will ! tiieiil edi nut. >? |oiil<|ii| IlLAtir A: I*OC II ? It SJAtE'^'AG^^T!?,, ( i *. i r?y. m %i ^i1 j ?<i i.i jiu.tii ?(<i uti i i i?'i oin. V'.i t a; southern mi mutual company. , li I'l *1jj11 <1 ?T-f 1" bit ' if . . ivii ' .1 . ATTENTION IS CALLED ' talp plan, | iwianf?8bbi . OFFERED BV T1I1S COMPANY. , ' -.r. flMA MVJte " ' " ' 1 hew tfidC'OO t i T lJ'B iiMBfli .' A i r.g eiel^iT IbIMMIX I OA . . FALL T R A D E . *>!i *1-^17/ .;s: . - " '-u ' ?3 ?&!iys isfti&'i ] i i l> fc ' ?i? ii ;. . . , '? ' A TT/> TTOm a ' * auwvbi^ UA.; : * ? ' ? U AVE ju*t completed opening their new r.^1 beautiful <tfoclc bf CARPETS, An., contisliyg of Body Brn*?ala Carpets English Velvet Carpels, English Brussels, . Three rive, Ingrains, Venetian* and other Carpet* milted for Fall Tf ide. Also, a large line of l<>w-p:iced Carpet*. We have also opened a Biiperh etoek of French Rep*, Te^- ^ rye and Darnarks fur Curtains, with a'l tfte Centre Tassels, Gimps and Lining* to match Particular attention is invited to our stock of , . New French Tamboured Lace Curtains, h Of exquisite.finish)and Nottingham I,sec Curtain*, Corpfce* And'ttsmls. ^11 of the ' very latest stylo* in WINDOW SHADES, of the newest pattern*. Wo have opened a large assortment qf all sizes made. . Our customers oan get any priced shades they want. FLOOR add TABI E OILCLOTHS, of the lineal quklity of goads nianu featured, of any width, and cut any siz- wanted. , ; , Star Oil Cloth aud^Crash, Stair Rods. Oil Cloth Birrs, Door Mats. Rage and Mailing*, the largest assorted *"t"ck ever shown in Augntta. Wall Papers. Borders and Paper Shade*, in a!mo?t endless Variety. Gilt, Flowered, Hat), Oak and Plain Papers, at prices to suit the titn's. TAls?, of Lfuit* Ooths, and Furniture Coverings and Trim vnihgs, we have a huge supply. lliugghts and Orumh Cloth*, any elto Pietnre T*? *eld, Picture Cotd, Picture Nails, and all things else connected with the Carpet Trade I liAiiiiE & into., 25-3m 205 DROADSTJl J0?T. 1 I B I ^ 9i L' a 1-..I . .1 i .. -r.-i iiMipifii r 4Qfi? ' / )! i I - U ; . I Having Removed Their ^ , \ wwi Mm* M : BBYEOOBS " , . TO tntlR NEW premises;,, '' I* m O .< ' . .?/ *" ' ' ; ' Horner of Broad and McVrtfoftlr Augusta, Ga. r ??..*< * ? i. . <VTWllLL tAk? prcat plfcftaaio in waiting on their Carolina friend#, I Vw ' who will find a choiCef as^brtni^nf !bf (bv/cij v d&ci'lption ol DliY ^OODS, tfhich "will be flisjxieed of at jprises that m^st taiitrfy the most economical t?T An examination of Good* and Price* respectfully solicited. , ,?I?P no , <ii I ??t iiioi win ??? . ,? .. r - -; ? ' ' Christopher Gray' & Go,, > < ' i .. /\T'T ? */ 11 ; '#? ail y it A , f'fllqr. t 25 3m 202 and 204 Broad Street, AUGUSTArQAJ \ - lI :' . 7 . ' . J'i i_: is a". tBSSM .. COTTON FACTOR ffiuiSSfavur* *f. I ooMuma to?nnk* .: T,a%?i nt.,? . _ ,'. COMMISSION MERCHANT fii>f'wa????rfcnd rU,Tr-1" : ACCOMMODATION WHARf, ' III. , '*1, 1? f i5" .lilt ' *1* V>* - r. v.n-Hrf , , ? OHAKLEBTON.S.O. rim * i1 PHOTOGBAPHING. r. h H?.?% ^wvii ZvJ'h also, xojicnplacs ' in fund*, AV I*?V ro^?lt pwnd/>a*B 1 and' forward all over H hitmir? ?fe K^r^fa'hnV'fnSie i? j x im i j? ? Iwiih htfMs, I am pt#|iaf#it>- 'A A?> klhd&Of Ju CfCliCLtid>S?, JtfCL- > all kin i? i>f PHoTooKAPHINft,-* *t ??rv vhinfrtj, Agricultural .kort i.otfea. HaiWfMitioii Kt>""ni*<f t? ?il . . * Jm^icmeilU }?CTtil1 w. II. WUBEfiRtt. ' 1 '* izers, ($0. ""'l Mkj 21 I tf 1* Oct 25 26 1J j| r rm . rab?i:??. '' ' ktif/i : * IfraNKK1 s >1 *TJh , house mmTH the-' City oi 3re*'tvr fik. p*eL t ?fcafcton oi 1 of the rubiorlber. The LOT contain* teiwlfcriw, eo#tsli#?ifcoii#*d? jifciwU/ aituated, wwt of tie River, corner RfcoU end River 0tr?dU/ wMb ?rfrt?t of fctVj thiu 800 feet on each. Tho . t . DWilljtlNG HOVSK end aiKietion 1* eonaldered ono of the beat in Qreenville, with,the usual: aud aeoeeaarjr Dm buildincri r^Kaw? U * % UAR'DKN and WELL of the' purest cold water, which never faik. There are abundance of SHADE TREES, of native growth. And EVERGREENS on the Lot. For terms and further particulars, apply to ,9. V. TDWNBS, proprietor. July 28 ' 12 tf .1 ? ?.?, W, O BtTLHK K. MOBBB BUT^Eft Si Mb BEE. Attorneys and: Counsellor! at Law ' wT and hi Equity, GREi^rvyii.jufc;v?. c., 4-ill .Practice in the Courts of the State n >i ?? and of the United Btatea. " May 81 '4 : ! If liXty-Flve First Prise Medals Avrardsd. THE GREAT rjp MANUFACTORY. WM. KNABE &C0., Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARt Ai^O UPRIGHT , , PIANO FORTES. BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have been before the Puhlic ' for nearly Thirty Years, and upon >helt-excellence alone attained an vnpnrchu*rd fow-cmfneaeS, which pronounces them uniqitaled, In ?'<" TONE. TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY, All our Square l'ianos have our New Improved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe treble. We wooid call special attention to our late Patented Improvements in Grand Pianos and jqunrc Grands, found in no other Piano, which hriyg. the Piano nearer pyrfcctiou then IUS yq^bt^tt itlafne^ - j : Every Piano Fully Wariantcd for Five Years. Wo are hy special arrangement ennldcd to uroudt Parlor Organs uod Melo4s??8iof tb# ifAfT cClSbfAlca ninKcrU" vrhim-rAno' art if Vctull it lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Qalalogqes and Pripq Lists jroiif^tly'lurniahed fn nbplieption to [* WM. KNABE A CO., Balfimoro, Md. Drunv of our regular established"agencies. L Oct.. is 24 . i . I . CANNOT1 11IJIf IT! j if or sioti? is Priceless i > i THE j DIAMOND SPEOTA* ClBS >WtlA PRESERVE IT. If Yon Value Your EycHiglit [fif npsEa*R*BfAj 'PEHPRCT-l.ENRES; ' UNO FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, WnltV ; tiijtlhfi',' I?h'1 dVrivc l-helf nMiio ' niHiitofid " on ncfotlnt of lh<*ir Mnr<Yn?'?< inrt r-rillinnry. The)- will lnAt ninny y<>nr? wlihont *h?ng??. mid nre ttftrrknUd nujvri. >r 1? ninmtfacnrcd by J. E. SPENSER & CO., N. Y. Caution ?Tfotlf k>-|iutnfe unless stamped viih our trade niu< k. 3. C. C. TURNER. Sole Agent ?0/ N* ~ . ; Ht. for O teen villi?, St'. C. Krnm wl|(>m . ttivy e?i> only tie obtained. t>'<t Pr(fle*8 impfdyM. May 10 1 ly DOORS, SASHES, BLINI^&c. | I' p! T O A LE, '' Mrtnirfactur?r tind Denier, iVo. 20 liayn* Street and fi or I berk'* Wharf, CHARLESTON S. V. Tlil* Is the Urgent end mo?t cep); r>U i? Fjialmy of t^u> Kind *.n (He Southern $UtU:a, and /?)( articles in ?hi* line can lie riMiiiflied liy Mr. P. P. TOALB at prices wni''h defy conn etition. iW A i 'K ft' I <1 drUjled liaLul all ?1zitH ot D"??i a. Sh'I>L and Bli*><1-* "Ivi if ' * i'l be (ret' inn post |ni?f, on application lo P.r.Toale, * OH A kl.&swrf. Si o1. , ? * - J0 / ly>1 (^ESTABLISHED iN 18857 OIIKI-'N^'TI .T.K COACH FACTORY. ' f I '' I Gowar, Cbx 8l Markley. \\T E Wottl3/7~inouice 4>?V we are frefT ' pafed now to till all orders' lor " 'VIOWMi'ttSJ'-*ilftvlng the Jnrgeat etoak of labor-string WBuhitiery tr. th? dt*t?v tnd (be most ekikfi*) trhrkme'n in tha Fiutitb, we nope lobe a Mo lo ntpply all il?uneo<J?. > ,;, J The stpek ft ?*im:? -H *JT rnp\ #rx ifctfts* | 1 XMm> N- Ait t.k' PlANTA.TfCN! WA6QNS; nofp, tLf/ffr Jblrtj'tye rears, These wagons s^all t-e the _ _ ,. > tx, r.Ufcw s l We are netting, ae a*anl, Urge stock o ICopJkaw.ty* ?nd BufKii** U all prjcesrf jome new ami elegant patterns ?pric?* tftuen reduced. t0 WRllJff \f AifOSS Apply for prica IWu> to , > k\ , , ;\ fiowcr, Cox A iMarkley. w. b 36 yean of faithful work?our! (aaranuo. AugStMItf CTT?---?ailiJia-' ViL L m^rn - . AjTii.M.n.a [i j , j (^WSUMPTrGN, Its Care and Its Preventiver BY J.H.SCnKNCK, M.D4. j ( "ft T" ?! I.< .*/ K 0 DUOia'V DCIDg DM puna eway, JXl, for whose death there ?u bo ether reason thin the negtsot of known, tad India. putably proven meant of core. Those near and dear to family and frlenda are sleeping the dream!eat slumber Into whiob, had they calmly adopted dr.' JoaaPii a: os?wows TREATMENT, and availed themselves 9/ hie wonderful sflca.olooi medicines, tbey vfoala not bravo FaftJrr*. | Dr. Schenk baa la hia own oaao proved that wherever aulloient vitality remaioe, that vitatity, by bia medifiaea pnd the direotioaa ipr their Tise, Is qulAAed it*W healthful tlgoh In this statement there la nothing presumptuous. To tiiO faith of the invalid la made no representation that la not a thousand times substantiated by living and vistblo works. The theory ofttracurrtwr Dr. JBebenck's aaediolnes is arsintyTe as^it U tfnnriling. Its phii s^sasrasr^*'1' ""'M' Tho Seawood Tonic and Mandrake Pilla are the drst two weapons with which the citadel of tho malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the esses of consumption originate In dyspepsia and a fundtipmUty rtiCbrdertd llvon With this condition tl^c bronchial tubes "sympathize I with the stonrkcn. They rtapdnd te'tbe uior- ? "Ule aoUuh ot,the-Uvur. dlere tlian comes the culihjnsjing remit, nit I thcW.ling in, with all ita distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. ' The Mandrake Pills are competed of one o Nature's noblest, gifts?the^Padonhillium Poi. tutu in. They possess ill Jho bluod-Mtrching, alterative properties of calomel, but unlike calomel, tbcy * ^ " * * -LEAVE NO ST\NO BEHIND."' The work ol cure is no* 1 eginning. The vitiated and inuoous deposits in the bowMl' nnd in the dlifo'entary canfit are ejected. The liver, like a cldek, is 'wound up. '. Iv arouses from its torpidity. The stomach acts responsively, aYid-the patient begins to feet that he is getting, at-Inst, A SI'PP|LV OP OOOD BLQOD. The Seawood Tonic, in'oenjunctien with the Pills, permee'tes and assimilates with the food. Chyliljrntion is,now progressing without its previous tortures. Djgcstion.becomes painless, nnd the cure is seen to bo at hand. There is no inure flatulence, no exacerbation of the sto- ? maoh. An appetite self, in. Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier ever yet given by no indulgent futber to suffering man. Schenok's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to porferm its fuiiclienf and to hasten and com-, plete the cure. It enters at once rpon its work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects aud ripona the impaired nod diseased portions of the lungs. ,,In tbo furui of gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and lo I in a vety short time the malady is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied is innovated aud made .now, and the patient, ur all the dignity of regained vigbr, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that was. UIVEN up 4S LOST. The ^et-on'd thing is, the patients must stay in a warn, room nlitil they get Well, J it is uN most impossible to "prevent takhrg cold when the, lungs'Are diseased, "Hit it must be prevented of a cure cunnot be effected. Fresh air and riding cut, especially in this section of the country in the fall and tfripfer season, era nil wrong. Physicians who JAcuinuaond that course lose their patients, if tlreir Turtgs life badly diseased, and yet, because they are in the housa they mtfSt not sit down quiet; (bay must wilk about, the room as Much and nsiast as the strength will hear, to get up a good circulation of blood. The patients must keep fn gofd sjilrltaLlhe determined to get well. This liai 4 irhaat deal t9 do with the appetite, and is tho greet point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidenco of its possibility In tho wotsi cases, and mor'tl certainty in all others, is sinful. Dr. Schenck's personal rtatcuicnt to the Faculty ot his. ow n , euro wna in these modest words : " Many years ago 1 was in the "last stages of consumption ; confined tor my hod, and st one time my physicians thought thai I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catching at straws,.I beard of and obtained the,preparations which I now offer to the public, and they nindc a perfect euro of me,. It souped to me that 1 could feel thetfi penetrate nty whole system. They soon riplri1Td~fh>' nlltttcMtr'tnjr lungs, nnd I would 'spit up innrc than a' pint of uffettbfcrc yellow matter every morning for a long time. As axon as that hoi'aii thinlmiil* mi mhA fever, pain and night n?ea(i nil began t? leave me, ami my appetite became so great that it'jwns JHtfc itHtUtulty/ibut I could keep from-eartng tflo;mueh. I ?<mn gainwd my strength, and have grown jn ilesh ever since." ' I was weighed shortly nft'dr iny'recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a 'mere skeleton ; my weight Was only ninety seven pounds ; my present weight is two hundred and twenty.five [226} pouiids, add for yours I ticve enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Sclicnck. has discontinued his professional vistas to'Myw York ifud UoHOiv. lie of his soiif Dr. t. IF. Sohaiickt Jr.. stiH -conUnue to say patients at tbeir office, No. 15 North Sixth ttrret, Ptiihldelphia/'Cv^ry ' 8atnr>lav fnitn U A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the llospiroinctaf will he charged $5. The Kespiromcter declares the exft.-t condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they aro curable or not. Th? dirootious for taking the ino.lieines arc adnpte'd to'the intelligence ?v?n of a child. K.ilh.W theie direction*, mid kind Nature will d? the rent, excepting (bat in anrae cuses the Mandrake PilUare to he taken in increased doses p the three medicines need no other ne Cotnpaniinenu thau the uinple iustructivua that accompany th?ui : First create appetite. 01 rctuniing health hunger is the most welcome Symptom. When it comes, a* it will come, let the,despairing nl,orie.t,e of (rood cheer. Onod Idiihtl a( e'ltav roln>y^i the tough loosens, .the it itch t sweat is abated. Inn short time hoih of these morbid symptoms are gone torever. i>r. Sobeprk's.BiedltjIne^ are ennstnntly kept in tens of thousands of iuiniliea. As a luxalive or pnrg4)iv^% .tlitt Mandrake Pills are a standard preparation ; while the Pulmonic Syrup as a curer of roughs and colds, may he regarded as apropbylaoterio against consumption in any of its forms. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Topic, $1.40 a b"tlle, or $7.of a half dozen. Miindji-ake Pills, lb ceptg-a ho*., For aolo by all druggists arid dealers. oWbo^eaala'ifge^iytlllN'P. HF.KKY, No. CoHcm I'late; Flew :?/oi* UUy. < : j . '.a IVIarch 21 ....... .. i. is 1 - . w , r , 9 .i?* . MJ im. OT1M SWM OTSI1J POI'DT.T' and fciojrle Rnrrcl Guui, Breech' loading and MuzaJa-luadiug Utuii, of Kttgli*b, Trench and GcftnuO manufacture, at *11 prK'fee. Kingle (Inn* At $2.50, $4.00, $<1 00, ttJfAit- in t2n.n0 efcch ; Double Gun* from $7.00, to 1200.00 each. natssiNMra 1 tostohs'I! Ituitb i Weison,. Colt's, Allen'*, Sherp'*, and all the popular and approved kind*. BPOf^gMAff'K, O00IW of gTcat variety. >-.t ^MM)?W8T30MI [ . 1/ I... JI \1 >7171 *? For Guns, PistAls and Rifles. BEST QUALITY AND AT LOWEST PRICES. Country merchants anil sportaasen arc in sited luoall autl examine our Urge and well , selected stock of lLo, at.ofo goods, wbiqh we import (lirici and l.u> from thq manufacturers.' Orders ly mail filled promptly, and sentry express, (J. O. l>. PeUlTNfY, THIMBU & CO., 200 H\ llALTIMOUf: HTKEJtT, BALTIMORE. MX). Mar WB18-9 " 46 . ly .... i i 1 ' n-.+ .m**- - ? *?? * EA8LEY A WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, ORRKNVILLK, 8. 0., 'rn I k ' ?-'?uiV ? 7:^ PR&CTICR ip the CpnrU of tha Blata and ' or (he Unitfcd fttataa, add give aapecial attention to eaaai in Bankruptcy. Jan 1 1871. 84-tf J r. I**i . H ii *1 l " A 1 l * r .Amu*. N?n f in?|i,Q>f .?>4 *4 SI.. N YniLLiorra b?h tmiimmt * tfcoir VMiarAil OarBlIn KdPeela. *U?im Blttorn m not i ?? *nney Brtik, Bad* af Poar Ri?, tVhl.koy, Praaf Spirit* u< RaftiN I.lquor*, doo * 4 a?la#d and avaatfnad to vtaaaa tba taata, ( aaU?d " Tunica," " Appow^n." " flaatoraw," A*., that lead t&a tf?pt?r on ta <rukaoMaa. and rain. bat tra a true Medicine, made from ths Native EoaU and Herb* of California. from " Alcohol io Ktlmulnnta. The* w tt* GREAT BLOOD FVilNKIl * ' * L1FK GIVING PfllltCIFLK, a ^rf*<t Renovator and Invlgorator of th* Systam, oi."rrT* la? off AU fhUonqoa matter and veetorliw th* bfcxh. to a hkaltW condition. Ho panon can taka tboa* Blthn aeeordiag to dlroctlooa and remalo Ion* nnwsU. provided y>otr bona* aro aot destrered by mineral poiaon or othar manna, and Us vital ore an* VMl*) beyond tba point of repair. They nra a Gentle Puriatlra na well as a TOhie, possessing, alao, th* peculiar merit of actio* as a powarful agent la rati*tin* ConcaaUon or Inflammation of th* Liver, and of all th* Vlaoaral Oryani. FOB FEMALE COM PI. AI NT J, whathor in young or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at th* turn of Ufo, than Tonle Bitter* bar* no aaaal. i ? For Inflnmmntory and Chronic Rkaa* mattain and dealt Dyapepalrt or Indignation* Bllloan, Remittent and Intermit'--*. Fewora, Dleeaaea of the Itloo.l, Liver, Kidney* and Bladder* thaaa Bitter* hav* h**n moat suecaasfai. Hurl? Dlaenaes are caused by VlUated Bland, which la ganaratly producaT by derangement of tha Digestive Organs. DYSPB P8IA OR INDIGKHTION, Haadaah*, Pain In th* Bhouldara, Coogha, Tightnaaa of tha Cheat, Dtaalneae, Sour KmcUtlona' of ttie Stomaeh, Bad Taste in tha Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tha Lungs, Pain in tharsgionaof tha KMntyi, and hundred othar painful symptom* ara.the offsprings of Dyapepela. They Invigorate th* Stomach and stiovulate th* torpid Llvar and BowsIa which render them of unequalled eflloaqy In demising the blooi of all lmpu titles, and Imparting new life and vigor to tha whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASE*, Krnptlon.,Tetter, Bolt Rheum, Blotches, Spot a Pimploe. PustulaA Boll*. Carbuncles, Ring-Worm a ScaM Head, Sore ByeABryaipetaA Itch, SourfA Dlacoloratlonsof the Sain, Humor* and Disease* Of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and car* rlcd out of tha system in a short time by tho tine of these Bitter*. One bottle In inch cases will convince the moat Incredulous of thatr curative effect. OVeaaae the Vitiated Blood whenever you And it* Impurities bursting through tha akin in Plraploa, Eruptions or Sor*a; cleanse it when you find it obetructed and aluggiah in th* velna; claanse it Whan it la foul,and your feelings will tell you when. Keap Die bjood pure, and tha health of the system will follow. FIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, nrking In the system of so many thouiandA are effectually destroyed and removed. BOLD BY ALL DlUJQQIBTS AND DBALBRS. J. WALKBR, Proprietor. R. It. MCDONALD to QO., Druggist* ?<! "en. Agent h, San 1 ramrtaco. Cel., and i? aad 34 Cumulate* Street, New York. jtat - In i ?ail: 111 I nt> Lily ul !Ui< < lit lllu D1U jtf. A. HUNTER A CO., Wholeaalc and Hctnil Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., Ao. May 10 1 ~ix. kTRT 15 nil way's Kcacly Kflicf CUKES TUE WORST PAINS In jrom.One to Twenty Minutes. jvox oxk HOUR after rending this advertisement need any one suffer with pnin. Rndway'a Ready Relief is r cure fcr every na in. It u A< (lie Hist And ! THE'ONLY PAIN REMEDY (lint ina'Mtilly einps (lie moat excruciating pan**, alliys iiijflumjitipng, nnd ciues con. gertiopit, whether ol the lung", stomach, liwwelt, or other glands or orgmis, l?y one apri\ie*i ion. IIAItWAY'S READY REM IF , Will nfloi'd instant ease. IntiumniNiion of I he Kitneys. iiitlaimnnl ion ol (lie bladder, itifhtimnnt ion of I lie B"Wrl|. CotijeUicn ol ilir Longs, Sore Throat, Difficult liioiiliing, I'nlpilalion of the Heart, Hysterics, Ooup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, 'IVoM.harhe, Neuralgia, Uheumati?ii), Cold C* I??11 -, Ague Chills. The application of ih? Ready Relief to tlie pari or parts where the pain or diftieulty exist* will afford eosp at*d aonifort. Twenty drop* in half a nimbler.of water will in a lew nimn-nt* euro (Tampa,Spasms, Si.ur Stomach, lb an bum. Sick Headache, Diari hoa* Dysentery, "(tolfc, wind in the bowel*, and nil liiieinal i'aine. , Tim velei* Imuld always carry a bottle of Railway'* Ready Relief with thorn. A few drops in water will pi event richness or pains tri-in change of water It is hctlgr titan French brandy or Hitlers as t stiinit " fever and ague. F?v?r ?nH 'Ague ciiic.d fur filly tenU,? There i? not m remedial ag-nt, in-tina woiitl llmt wilt r\ui Fever l?nd Ague, nnrl all oth r Muliliniii, liilo.u-, Hcarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, nnd Other Fever* (aided l>y Railway's Pith) so quick a* Railway's Ready Relief. Filly ceiyts per bople. HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! Sluing afid' Pnfe Rich Illoini?Ifieroaae ot 'Flefch ? nd Weight ? Clear 8km i.nd beaulhnt Coniple~i.??- ?. ?(!f ed >o alV > PR, HAmVAV'* MRMP.4KIIAIAN KI.M>LVENT Not only "tfue'e the Sarraprrrilllati Re?n|. pfil excel all known remedial ageics in the oure ot Chronic, Sui uttiloue, Constitutional, .and Sklu diseases; hut it ia the onjy positive sure lor Kidney and Bladder enmplaints, Unorry and Woiph diseases. Gravel, Diahrtet, Dropsy, Stoppage of Wilier, Incominence of LJrme, Bright'* Disease, Alt'tiodnnria, and in all eases where there ere t'lick dual deposits. or l|ie water is thick; elondy, mixed with suh-inruea like Mi? wlilif <>r an egg, <>r thread# ! !?? ilk, or wli4>* it a morbid, dark, hijtdu* up pmranee, and white bona 1 d"?t deposit'*, and wb'rlt tlieie i? a pricking; burning #*u alion when passing water, add pain in the Small of llir Hack and along the Loins - ' Dr. Radway'a Par feet Purgative Pillt, Perfeotly <a?irl^ka, eUpanity oonivd with rwe'l gnm, put ge,'regulate ptnliy, < lee nan and sirciigi lien. Radwey'e Pill?, for the ctne of alldUorder# of th* xtomneb, Liver, Iiowcl#, Kidney*, Bfadder, NfVrotie dtaeag?e. llradaebe. Co??t1palion. Cofifveneya, ,jndig*?tiyli,(DjtprpeiiyBil'qkenert Bil\6ij? F'vwi-, Ioflametion of tl?? Itnw'el*.Piles, and all Driangrnt'oi" of the Internal Via? eifa. Warranted to eff-ot a p.?gire Hire, Pure If 'Vegetable, MnliiiiiiR n? inereury, u>ln?ral?, or d?icl?i ion* drug#. - ,(/ Of?evrva tbe billowing aymptntu* retpltlag frabri TH?i-r<lt-rN ol t h* I dgertfv# 0> gaor: Constipation. Inward Pile# Flilftw* of the Blood in the He id. Ar dby nftkeHiom noli, Naueaa, (! ai ilmrn, Di#vU*t of Pond, Fnlin aa or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Ki nd al ion* Siiillm, *? Po.ti- I.... - I- - Pit of the &'ou>??>h, H? liniin|i(jj of ibe li?*d, Hurried Hint J)ilHo<d< Brt-?il>ing. A ft-w dn??e of Itaifwiii > I'OJ- will free from all the nf>ove r>*rru-d dieord<o? Price, 26 feat* per Box, Sold by Druggist*, U' ??l " Falee end True." Bend one letter Hlemp In KAlfVV AY A CO., Nrw 87 Melden Lane, New Yoik. Information worth thousands will be sent you. July 26 i'A lj