University of South Carolina Libraries
. 1 I IIIIIII I | "JS?T' BEATTII VVV/E have jast received a Urge \!A!/ Morocco, Goat and Oalf. J criul ion and all prices. Gents', Boys' and MisSee' Shoes : A new lot of Gents' and Ladies t A camplete St?>ck of common D ni I j . i r? ol? Diencuea ana crown ouirinigo, A full line of North Carolina Je Birneroe, Satinets and Jeans. A Fresh Stook of Gents1 and Be Sole and Upper Leather, Sugar and Coffee. We will keep through the year i be able to supply the demand from Call aod see us. B ?1 AT T] [pjEATTIE <fe CO. are Agents fc I PI Price and quality guarnutdet Jan 10 STONO FE THE STONO PHOS Of Charleston, 8. C., properly appreciating tlx the 8outh, resolved in the outset to offer tbelr within the reach of eyery planter. They offer SOLUABLI a complete Ammoalated Fertiliser, at $46 cash with approved eity acceptance without iuteres " Dissolved for composting with Cotton tieed or Stable Ma cash, or $30 ciedit aa above; this ia highly re< great satisfaction We have numerous certificates from intellig ferent sections of the State, testifying to the which we append below. VMLLlAM KAViNEL. J. I Prttidenl. MARSHALL A MAULD1N, Agents, Greenr Uear Sir : In reply to your inquiry concet present year, I will elate what 1 did, and give On tbe l&lh of May last I planted twelve a cation of octton seed and barnyard manure coi ing, I put notl ing at all, not having received 16th of Jube I applied tbe btouo, at tbe rate after the cotton woe all up. The manner of tl horse Watt plough the cotton was barred off a and immediately covered by throwing back tb The result was as follows: On the first six * of cotton to tbe acre; from the last six, to wh been applied, I gathered an average of 1,200 were in the same field, separuted only by a ro< Vety truly, yours, A To J. D. A ik km, Esq., Gen. Agent Slot I used two tons Stono Dissolved Phosphate, seed, on my cotton th s year. It certainly dot bales to every four acres on which it was used phate, with two olbcr fertilisers casting nearly There was no rust on the cotton under which I spots of wet, springy land, whilst the cotton were, rusted early and badly. Jan 10 ETT FERTIL Three eery Superior Article* are offeicd by pant ol Charleston, 8. C., viz: ETIWAN A complete manure, adapted to Cotton. 0 tide heretofore nflTeied ?' the very high grai Lime, with the addition, a* heretofore, of P $66 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st ol November, 1872, without interest. ETIWAN ( A n w ar'.ide ol about the same ltiuli vrad element* of Cotton Seed in sneh a manner, i ton and Giaiii, at a lower price thnti the F.i or before the 1st of April next, $16 per inter **t. ETIWAN DISS *? Averaging from 18 to 20 per cent, of Dissc planter by composting, to obtain two tor co*t and freight. Price $86 per ton. if paid ton. payable 1st November. 1872. without TAKE NOTICE, that all these fertilizer phate, and must help lor more than one yea WM. G LEONARD WILLIAMS. Agent at Gr-en Dec 18 Land lor Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER rffera for sala all thai TRACT OF I.AND, known asthe " Gantt Lands," containing X80 acre*, more or less, including the Harrison and Rockvale plaree, situated on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, six milea from Greenville C. H.. S. C. Also, the plane of Or J J. Karie, located four utiles from Greenville, on the Spartanburg Road Any one dashing to purchase will apply to C C STEPHEN*. At Greenville, S. C. January 9. 1872 b?-2 **r . * 11UIICC. ALL PBRRON8 INDEBTED to Dr M 11.LI AM U. Al'HllN and JOHN H. OOODLETT, are notified that their Nand A-e?iirite are 111 my hands for Collection. Partie* interested will save Costa by calling at my office and par irg tip. J P. MOORE. Att'y at Law and Trial Juaiic. Greenville, 8. C., Jan. 8. 1873. tfi-6 ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED oy d< Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Oretneille, Tbat from and after the Painf* nf this Ordinance, any person convicted of keeping a DISORDERLY HOU8E, within the Ineorporate Limits of the City of Oreenville, shall upon conviction for each such offence he fined a sum not leas than Tweot^flre dollars nor more than Fifty dollars. Ita it further Ordained, That the Owner or Lessee of any Dwelling House or other building situated within said Incorporate Llrnita, who lets or suh-lets any sueh Dwelling House or other building, to any person or persons, to he used, or with the knowledge that the same ia intended to he used and kept aa a RAUDY HOUSE, or HOUSE OF PROSTITUTION, ahall upon eonriction, pay a fine of not let* than Five dollars nor more than Fifty dollars, for every day upon which such house or build* lag ahall he so used or kept Tbat all Ordinances heretofore p-used rela* five to BAUDY HOUSES or HOUSES OF PROSTITUTION within the Incorporate Limits nf said City or Town, he and the same are hereby repealed. Done and ratified under the Corporete Real of the said City of Greenville, this fifteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand sight hundred and sixty-nine. . W. R. JONES, Mayor. A. R. McDavid, City Clerk. J.. IS mm Notice Tft hereby plren to *11 whom It may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Dnnthit, Probata Judge of On enrlllt Connty, on the 6th day of February neat, for a final direhargo aa Executor of the Katate of JEREMIAH HOI KINS, drceaaad WM. L. HOPKINS, Executor. Jan. id,1872 66-6 Ik CO. "TpF line of Ladies* Drees 8hoes?Cloth, .adies' common Shoes of every die* ; all warranted to give satisfaction. Jhawle, ress Goods, all prices, tans and Cassimeres, Northern Cas>ys EUts, very low. n jFtVjK I . A i i */ ' nob an oaaA.tmanf #.< ?- ? ?? *.? nosvillIIVUVV* V* kAAlS M III i every point. EES db OO. ?r the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. a. 36 2 R.TILIZERS. PHATE COMPANY, 4 norruity of foatering the planting internet of Fertilieere at a price which would place tham their 5 GUANO, ; or $60 on a credit to tho 1st November next, The Phosphate/' cure, la now offered at tbo vary low price of $26 Qommeadod by plantera who have uaod it with eat plantera of the higheat character, from difexuellenoa of theaa Fertiliaera.?onlj a few of 5. AIKEN. GENERAL AGENT, A'o. 6 C< ntrnl Wharf, Charletton, S. C. ille; G. W. ANDERSON, Agent, Williamaton. CAMDEN, December 8tb, 1871. ning my nee of the Stono Pboaphate in the you the romilt. HCB U1 CUIIUO, IU WHICH 1 mini ? BflTJ ?ppils nbintd. On tb? other six, at the time of plantthen the Stono Soluble Phosphate. Oh the of 260 pounds to the acre, to the last six acres, he application was as follows: With the ones near as practicable and the phoephate pat in, e earth taken cway by the first ploughing, icres I gathered in the seed about 800 pounds icb nothing but the 8tono Soluble Quano had pounds per acre. The two parcels planted m. The cultivation was the same. o.t JAME8 CHESNUT. to Phoiphatt Company, Charlatan, S. C. EDGEFIELD. 8. C., November 27. 1871. , composted with an equal weight of cotton ibled the yield, making on ordinary lanJs three In some test rows an equal weight of Pbosr double the monoy, produced more cotton.? the phosphate was used, except on a few small under which the other more oostly fertilisers J. W. TOMPKIN8. 8ft Sm. W AN IZERS. the Sulphuric Acid and Superphosphate comGUANO. Irain sn-l Tobacco, being the well known ar1* ol 16 per cent, dissolved Bone Phosphate of eruvian Guano, Ammonia and Potash. Pries April next, and $00 r-er ton, payable 1st 3R0P FOOD. Is of Milnhle Phosphate, compounded with the ta to #n?ure one ot the b-et fertilisers for Cot wan Guano. Price $40 p*r ton, if paid on ton, payable 1st N?.y. rnher, 1872, uithout iOLVED BONE. lived Bone Phosphate, and thue enabling the is of half that grade at a saving of one half on or before the 1st ol April nvxt, $A0 p?r in.ereil e ate of the highest grade of Soluble Photx. C. BEE & CO., eneral Agents, Charleston, S. C. ville, s. o. 82 2m a# T?_n AjtvvtiUU Ui i UttUCffiRO. fBlHERE will be Election h-ld by the JL City Council on Tumday Evening. tUh of b'thmary next, at 7 o'clock, for one POLICEMAN f?r the City of Greenville.? Applicants tor the position ere notified to send in their application, with the name* of th?ir Sureties, on or before the morning j of that dayl Bv order of Council. " A. R McDAVID, Clerk. Jail 10 86 4 Wilmington) Columbia and| Augusta Railroad. Ornoa 0*n'i. Faatotrr A Tickict Agknt, ) Wjlmi!?ot< n. N. C., Dee. 18, 1871. j New Freight find Passenger Route via Coinmbla. 8. C'.? | uud Wilmington, If. C. i rWlllE attention of MERCHANTS, SHIPJL PERS of COTTON and PRODUCE, and the public generally, ia invited to the DIRECT CONNECTION Now (lifting hflw(?n nil interior point* in 8outli Carolina, and Northern Cities, by the WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA A AUOUSTA RAILROAD, and ita connection# at Wilmington, either via Steamship Line* from thnt Port, or via Wilmington A Weldon Railroad, and Ita connections via Portamonth or Petersburg. The varlou* lm#a connecting at theae ter minal point* afford faeililiaa for abipmanta To or from BALTIMORE. Daily. - PHILADELPHIA, Tri Weekly. " " NEW YOUK, fl Times per Week. BOSTON. Semi Weekly. Uniform rate* are maintained with all Competing line*. No detention orenra to ahipment*. Through Bill* Lading given between all Station* and point* named Rales and Classification Sheets obtained of all Agent*. The Passenger Schedule of Night Train from, and Morning Train Into Colombia, givra a superior eonnrotion for all point* on Greenville A Columbia, and Chailott*. Columbia A Augusta Railroads?giving a Bay Line connection via Portsmouth, and an AlKRail connect ion via Washington, and avoiding all dtlayt at Columbia. Through Tieketa on sal* at Columbia to all point* North. , . For Rate*, Classification#, and *11 information, applv to A. POPE. Urn'l Freight aed Tleket Agent. J. C. WINDER, Orn'l Superintendent. Jan 10 *6 I2w |3f* Subscribe for tho Greenville Knterpiiae, $2 )>cr annum. ; Imlle OF REAL ESTATE. There win b? wu on s>ii*dir in February ntzt, at Qraanville Court Houaa, Five Tracts'of Land,; Known as Bailey's Cross 1 Roads and White Plains, Situated on th? Buncombe and Spartanburg Road*, alavaa ml lea from Green* Die ; and near tha Air-Lino Railroad. Rome Tract, No. I, Containincr litres Hundred and Thirl* and Ona-Half Actum A large portion of i it is well-timbered and watered, jrltli pom* good Bottom. Good Dwelling, Store Houee and Out Building* i Tract No. 9, Containing On? Hundred and Twelve Acre*, mostly in Woods, well-watered and on it is an elegant building site on Spartanburg Road. Tract No. 3, Containing One Hundred and Kighty-eigkt Acre*, mostly in Woods, well-watered, and on it is an elegant building site on the Buncombe Road. Tract No. 4, Containing One Hundred and Fifty Acre*, mostly in Woods, welt-watered, and on it is an elegant building site on the Spartanburg Road. These Lands lay welt and are well adapted to the growing of ootton as well as eorn, with valuable Timber convenient to the Air-Line Railroad, and a good stand for business. Tract No 3, Containing Two Hundred and Twentyfive A crte, mure or less, laying immediately on the Air-Line Railroad, and will no doubt be near to the loealion of a depot, and two miles from Criek Springe, having an elegant Dwelling, and all necessary outbuilding*. It is beautifully situated oo the Buncombe Road, well timbered and watered, fine eolton loads, and lay well. Prisons desiring to see plats or proeore any information in regard to these Lands, will apply to Mr. W. C. Bailey on the premiers, or O. A. Pickle, in this City. TERMS OF 8ALE?From one-third to one-half cash, the balance on credit until January 1st. 1873, with mortgage, at ten per cent, intereat and security if desired. Purchaser to pay for titles, stamps, Ac. W. C. BAILEY, lTru<t0? 0. A PICKLE, J Greenville, 8. C., Jan. 2, 18T2. 28-6 TO THE LADIES. ?? Fall and Winter Opening. MRS. L. T.JENNINGS Respectfully informs the Ladies that she is now reeeiv ing in)) supplies of FALL AND WINTER ^MILLINERY or latwrr amp most FASHIONABLE STYLES. The S'ock will consist of all the lines ??f GOOD* found in similar establishments, and will be offered at very reasonable pi ice*. 27-tf Fowler & Vaughn HAVE opened, at the stand formerly occupied by Long & Ooodlett, nearly opposite Foster dt Hunter, a general siock of DIIY GOODS and GROCERIES, consisting of Cloths, Cassimere*, Ready-made Clothing, Calicoes, Woiated, D? treaties, Ac., together with Soger, C<?fT?e. M?la-ses, Syrups, F'ottr, Bac'.n. and Groceries generally. Also Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery?ware, Fancy Articles. Ac . A'*. WE PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, in cash or trade. IfT" We will alao purchase COTTON. We desire a eall from our friends in the country and *he public in general, promising to give satisfaction. Oct 26 26 Sin FOR S ALE! . __ I Offer at private sale, the BRICK HOUSE at.d LOT. near the Old Baptist Church The dwelling contain* four rooma and two fira places. On the Lot is a good Kitchen, Brick Smoke House and Stable, and a well of fine water. Trims liberal, and prtee low. Apply to the proprietor, O. B IRVINE. Dee 18 82 tf King's M contain Military School | Yorkvillo, S. C. THE first Session of the scbot. year 1873 will begin on the 1st February, and end on the 30th ef Termt, for School Expenses, I e, Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, Books, Stationery, 4c., tllii, payable ? Advanc?.? Circulars cnutaing full information may be obtained upon application to Col. A. COWARD, Principal and Proprietor. Dec IS 32 8 holiday presents. FOSTER& HUNTER H A. VE3 COLLECTION OF FURS, CONEY, MINK, j AND OTUro w m. mm un s% xs ixb? ' STRIPED SHAWM, Varions Styles. Handkerchiefs, <m0??3, ; AND | FANCY GOODS, 1 Hoods Scarfs &c,, 1 Suitable for presents. i CITRON, CURRANTS, RAI8IN8, 1 la Whols sad Quarter Boss*, GINGER, PRESERVES, J Fresh Candies, Cheese^ dko.% dko. \ Como and See. J& ' the 18 32 tf , ? ANoiblNANCK " TO v. Raise Supplies for the Year 1879. T*B RIVACTSD by tho Mayor ud Aln dnrin of tk* City 9t QmnriH*, h Council iMBbUI, u4 by authority of tho mA*, That a Tax to oow tho poriod from January lit, IITI, to January lit, 18T3, for tho rani and in tho maaaor hbroinaflor mintionid, ihall ho raiood aad paid Into tho Publto Troaanry of tho City of UroeaviUo, by tho lit day of March aoxt, for tho no aad aorrioo thoroof. 8*<mon 1. Oa oaoh Oao Hundred Dollar* of ammd rain* of Roal Bitato aad Porional Property, tho of aan Fifty Coat*. Real Estate, Stocks, Goods sad Chattels Bold at Auetios. Sao. 8. Thero ihall bo paid auartorly, Two and a Half p?r ?en t. upon all Salei at Auction, on all Good*, and Ono par cent on all Chattoll and Roal Batata, and Siooki of orovy description, except on lalea mad* by ordor of HnurL AP nroooia A# lara ? h^? SB- a I ^ w. VI amwp vi v/ DiCVUluri md Adnlohitrmtor*. Goods, Ware* and Merchandise Bold on Consignment. 8bc. S. Than shall be paid by all marebanU or others, One-Half per eent. upon all 8alee of Q oods, Ware* and Mercbandtie aold on , Consignment, made from tbe lal day of Jaai. ary 1873, to the lat day ot January 1878, tbe above tax to be paid quarterly. Road and 8treet Tax. Sao. 4. That each and every mala peraon between tbe ogee of twenty-one and flfty yeara, other than members of tbe Ylre Department, Ordained M in latere and8tudente, tball pay on or before tbe lat' day or Mareb next, One Dollar for Road and Street exemption, and if any peraon liable to tbia tax, aball fail to make payment at tbe time apeelfled, be aball be bold liable to work on the etreeta of tbe City, for aix daya under the direction of tbe noting overseer of the streets ; any person refusing or neglecting to obey tbe sammons, shall be Sued at tbe discretion of tbe Council, said flue to be collected by execution. And it aball be tbe duty of tbe. City Clerk and City Marshal to report to tbe Counoil all defaulters under either of tbe clauses of this section. Lawyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographists, Ac. Sac. 5. There aball be paid Thirty Cents on the Hundred Dollars of Gross Income of Brokers and Bankers, and on all Incomes derived from tbe Commission Business, or tbe Practice of the Professions of Law, Medicine and Deotiatrv, and from tbe Business of Dagnerreotyplng, Ambrotyping and Photo, graphing within the limits of tbe City?the amount of income to be estimated from the 1st dtj of January, 1872, to tho 1st day of January, 1873, the Tax upon the same to bo paid quarterly. Carriages, Omnibassea Wagons, fto.' Sxc. 8. There ehall be paid Ten Dollars on eaoh fonr-hono Omnibus or Haek; Six Dollars on eaoh Carriage or Hack drawn by two or more horses, rnn for conveyance pf passengers or hire; Three Dollars on each one-horse Baggy. or Sulky, kept for hire; Ten Dollars on each fonr-horse Wagon; Six Dollars on each two-horse Wagon, or Dray, or Cart, and Four Dollars en each one-horse Wagon, Dray or Cart ran for hire. The Taxes on Omnibnsses, Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, Wagons, Drays, Carts, Ac., kept for hire, shall be paid before they shall be allowed to run: Provided, That nothing herein oontsined shall be construed so as to extend to Wagons, Carts, or other vehicles going to or from market, and owned and run and nsed by non-residents of the City. Itinerant Traders and Aaetieacere. Sec. 7. Five Dollars per day shall be paid hy every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer offering for sale within the corporate limits of the City, at A notion or otherwise, any Goods, Wares or Merchandise, to be paid each day in advance; and every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer liable to the tax aforesaid, and who shall fail to make payment, shall be fined Ten Dollars for eaoh day he may so offend : Provided, The provisions of this section shall not be so construed so as to apply to the ordinary dealers in grain, fruit, potatoes, tobacco, poultry, iron-ware, earthen-ware, or other produce or manufactures of the like character. Billiard Tables'and Tea Pla Alleys. Sec. 8. That an Annual Tax of Twentyfive Dollars shall be paid upon eaoh and every Billiard Table, and Twenty-five Dollars upon psrlt anil avau- MS ^ .j kiui or len nn Alley, kepi within the limits of the City of Qreenville lor profit; said Tex to be paid before License to use the same shall be granted. Any person or persons using the articles or opening the establishment mentioned above in this Section, without first having obtained a License irom the City Council, and giving a bend to the same in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, conditioned to observe the laws of the State and City, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding Ten Dollars for each day such establishment shall be kept open or used. Equestrain and Theatrical Ferfxrmanoaf. Sac. 9. That no Equestrain or Theatrical performance, or other performanees, or other exhibitions for gain, shall be had in the City of Qroenville, witbont a license therefor being first obtained from the Mayor, and payment tor said license made to the City Clerk, aa aforesaid as follows: For each and e7ery Equestrian Exhibition, Fifty Dollars ; for each and every Side Show, a sum not less than Five Dollars nor exceeding Twenty^five Dollars, as the Mayor shall determine ; for Tbeatrioal and other Exhibitions for gain, such sum as the Mayor shall determine. And each and every person exhibiting for gain, without first having obtained a License, and the payment of the said Tax in advance, shall be fined in a sum not less than double the amount of said Tax, n manner hereinafter provided for the impostion of fines and forfeitures. Special Tax. Sac. 10. That no Person, Finn, Company or Corporation shall be engaged in, prosecute or carry on any trade, business or profession, until be, she, or tbey, shall have paid a Spe cial License therefor in the manner hereinafter provided, to wit: Each and every business, either Mercantile, Mechanical or Manulecturing, the gross sales or receipts of which shall not exceed Five Hundred Dollars per Annum, shall pay a Liceni* of Two Dollars, in excess of Five Hundred Dollars, and not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars, 8even Dollars and a Half, and in excess of Two Thousand Dollars and not exceeding Five Thousand Dollar*, Eight Dollars, and in excess of Five Thousand Dollars and not exceeding Ten Thousand, Ten Dollars, and in exeess of Ten Thousand Dollars. Twelre Dollars. Each First-Class Hotel, Twenty-five Dollars; each Second-Class Hotel, Fifteen Dollars ;each Saw Mill, Fifteen Dollars - each Corn Mill,grinding under three thousand bushels per annum, Fl* teen Dollars, and n?? 'l>~- * K? 1 1 ' ' , ?iw vuuuiauu uuonen per iinun, Twenty Dollars ; each Flouring Mill, Twenty Dollars; eaeh Cotton Oin, Tan Dollars: each Cotton Proas, Fira Dollars; each Livery Stable, Tan Dollars ; each Gas Mann* factory or Works, Ten Dollars; each Printing Establishment, Six Dollars; each Barbers shop, Five Dollars ; each Auctioneer, Twelve Dollars. The License issued by virtue of this Section shall he collected on or by the 1st day of March next, and shall cover the year 1872, and all Business License issued on and after the 1st day of March next, shall be issued on a ratable proportion of the year dating from the 1st day of the month in which it may be issued. Phyileian*. Lawyer*. DentisU, Pho tographist*, Artists, Insurance Companies, Ac. Bsc. 11. Each Physician, Lawyar, Dentist, Photographist and Artist, and eaeh Insurance Company and Speculators la grain, Soar or >ountry product, not othsrwiee licensed under ihis Ordinance, shall pay a license of Fifteen Dollars ; and eaeh Express Company having in oflloe in, and doing business within the corporate limits of the City, Twenty-tve Dollars Tor oondueting said butlaess or occupation; mid sum or sums to be paid on or before the 1st day of March next, or en any subsequent lay before commencing such business or occupation. And a psnalty of Fivs Dollars par day hall be levied agadnst any person prosecuting raeh business or eeeupatlon, or any basinets tamed la this Section without first having taken out e license therefor. Liquor Lioonio. Bsc. 12. Dealers in Liquor shall pay the ion owing i,.ee??ae, to wit.: Kuh Retail Liquor Dwler, Two Hundred end Fifty Dollera: each dealer in Liqoora who aellt by the luert or larger quantity, One Hundred DolM ,,,UiD* the bottle, Flf. ty Dollar* i( the Honor not to be drank on the premteea where aoid, by any other than a re UU liquor dea)er,) ued the lioeaea for all dualm ta liquor hall cover tb? year tntrtaf oa Ilka lat day of (Molar, 1*73, a* ilia abova raioa K annua, and iduM be paid bafora tba par-, aatar upon Aid bokineee. Tmltin Sao. It. And * it fvrtkr Ordmhud, that If amy patau a ar persons Mall fell, wrint ar nfkiN ta aaka a ratara ta tba City Clark on oath, of ail hie, bar or tbair taxable property, tbeoaa, aalaa, Mtipii, or any, or all otber thinge taxed by (Mb Ordlnaaoe, and pay the tax tbaraoB lapoCed, within tba lime apaailad by tbia Ordlaaaee, tba Clark of Cornell, aeaiatad by tha AkiWkori of tba City, are bare by authorized and required to aaeeee euab perron or ponono for oil bio, hor or their property, or I otbor things taxed by this Ordlnanoe, according to tbo boat infonaatioa whtob ho and tbo Aaaoooaoro eon obtain of tbo vol no of oach taxable property, aad add Oao Hundred per cent, to the amount of the tax of tbo poreoa or pereona tbaa neglecting or re facing to aaoho a return ae aforesaid, or pay tbo tax tboreoa; aad if tbo double tax thua impoeed ia not paid witbia Thirty Days thereafter, tbo aaid Clerk ia hereby authorised and required to iaeue an execution the rotor immediately, which aaid execution ahall be lodged with tbo Sheriff of the County of OreoDTillo, to bo collected according to the prorlalona of the Act of the General Assembly ia snob eaaea, made aad {roe&ded. tone aad ratided in Counoil aaaembled, under the corporate Seal of the City of Qreonrlile, tbla 5th day of December, 1871. JAMES P. MOOKE, Mayor. F. A. Waltxb, Clerk. ' * Deo IS 32 tf W. H* Hovey'i Estate. THE andereigned has in hie hands the note* aod accounts doe the late W. H. HOVEY, and a duly authorized by the Administrator to make settlements io hie abaoaoo. All partiaa indehten to the Eetate. are nollded to eall aod eettle without further deley. 8. A TOWHES. Jr. Doe 27, 1871. M~i PURE MMMY WHITS HAP, BY TELEGRAPH. SOME Stock in Store now, and a Large Lot coming, SHIPPED OCTOBER 17TU, Ordered by | TELEGRAPH, i Cower, Cox Sc Rlnrk'ey. Oct 26 26 If CLOCKS, GOLD AND SILVER WKTQM& 8 BEST GRADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, AND FANCY GOODS A LAW3E ASSORTMENT OF Gold, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed SPECTAC LES. A IX) GENUINE IPHI3BJB3LB SPBGVAMMES. B. YVelirle. Oct 11 28 tr WILLIAM SLOANE, Lithographic, Copper-plato, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTER, riLAlH SraiEIST, COLUMBIA, S. C. BOOKS, Pamphleie. P-ateta.lIand-Biil*, Cards, Circulars, Bill H-ud*. Facsimiles. Maps, I'luns Chalk and Line Drawings, Liquor Labels, Druggists' Piescrip* tions, etc, Fxecti'ed with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND ON THE Most Reasonable Terms. Ool 25 25 811.* SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. PRICE $45 CASH, WITH USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIME, EXPERIENCE in tha use of this Gtiano for the paat six years in thia State, for Cotton and Coin, has so far astahliahed iU character for excellence as to render comment unnecessary. In accordance with the establiahed policy of the Company to furnish the best Concentrated Fertilizer at the lowest coat to consumers, thia Guano la put into market this season at the above reduced price, which the Company ia enabled to do by reason of its large facilities and the reduced cost of manufacture. The supplier put into market this season are, aa heretofore, prepared under the personal superintendence of Dr. St. Julian Rarenel, Chenpst of the Company, at Charleston, S. C., hence, planters may rest jssnred that its QUALITY and COMPOSITION is precisely the same as that heretofore sold. At the present low price #?ery acre planted can be fertilised with 200 pounds Guano at a cost not exceeding the present value of 30 pounds of eotton, while experience has shown that under farorable conditions of season and cultivation the erop is increased by the application fr?m two to threefold the natural ea pacity of the soil. Hence, under no eon* dilions could Its application fail to compensate for the outlay. Apply to J. N ROBSON, Agent Pacific Guano Company, No. 68 East Bay and Noa 1 and 2 Atlantic I Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. I IVA a nnoara a " <KV. o. nbivsn m uu, ueneral Agents. Not 29 80 3m Notice of Removal. MR. A. B MORRISON returns his sincere thanks to the eltissns of Green* ville end the surrounding country for the libersl patronage which they hare extend* ed to hi to sines he hes opened business. He hss now remoTed to the etend on Main Street, neit below Foster A Hunter, wheie he guarantees full eniistsetion in MARINO, CUTTING and FITTING, In the best and oeatest workmanship and manner the country can afford. 22-tl Be P. JONES AWIPCOmOTaTT AW MW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL PEACTICB IV ALL COU RTS OF THIS STAT E ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. OAee Greenville 0. H., f. 0. 1 lj* I. 0 0. 7. Mountain Lodge, Na 16, I. o. <) F.. mrMi ]yLftr9MlU'*'ry Fri4*y Night, al ttjair Hall, ov?r Marshall A Mauldm'a Drug Store. Regular at* laodanca daairod. ROBT, McKAY, N. O. Aug 10 17 tf I??WW?????M???1 ATLANTIC ACID PHOSPHATE CfpHIS Article, prepared by the ATLAinTC PHOSPH ATE COMU PANY, under the direction of their Chemist, Dr. 6T. JULIEN RAVENEL, for composting with Cotton Seed, it now offered at the Reduced Price of $88 per ton cash, or $81 per ton payable let No-, ember, 1872, Fb?e cf Int®t. Orders filled now wilt be considered as Cash 1st March, 1872, or on Time as due 1st November, 1872, thereby enabling Plauters to hanl it at a time when their Wagons and Mules are idle. PBLBEB, BODOEB9 * CO., General A|?ato. Brown's Wharf, Charleston. B. C. A. F. DONALD, Agcat, Om? Station, A. . J us T? lm ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. MQHIS FERTILIZER, manufactured by the Atlantic PbMpbatf Jv) .Company under the direction of their Cbemiat, Dr. 6t. Jnfien Ravenel, is now offered to the Planting Community at the very Reduced Price of $48 per ton cash, or $52 payable let November, 1872, Free of Interest. This Fertilizer has been very extensively used in this 8tate and has given entire satisfaction ; some of the most practical planters admitting it to be equal to Peruvian Guano, pound for pound. AH sales made now will be considered as cash ou the 1st of March, 1872, and to thoee buying on timfe the sale will be considered as due on 1st November, 1872. By this arrangement planters wift be enabled, without extra cost, to hsul their Manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the Atlantic Phosphate will be furnished on application to the Agents. PELZEB, RODGER! A CO , General Agents. Brown's Wharf, Charleston, I. C. WM. BEATTIE. Agent- Greenville. South Carolina. S 35 3m WAND 0 F Iimilll! COTTON, CORN, WHEAT, TOBACCO. PRICE: CASH, $50 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $55 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST. Factory East end Hasel St.; Mines on Ashley River. .. I, , ? iiMp^ t* Willi ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME! FOR. COMPOSTING W1T1I COTTON SEED. PRICE: CASH, $30 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $35 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST. qiBMMP flH qfft.qgw.o?n>?a?ii A W tflHfee U? Jf WTJ&sJSiiSS UWtf GENERAL Ji No. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTONS. C. tW FURNISHED AT CHARLESTON PRICES. FREIGHT ADDED. BY JULIUS C. SMITH. AGENT, GREENVILLE, 5. C. Deo 30 33 3in SOTJTHB RIST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. GEN. JAS. B. GORDON, PRES'T, ASSETS. OVER 9I.OOO.OOO. C. C. STEPHENS, AGENT FOR GREENVILLE OOONTV. DR. J. II. DEAN, Mediae) Examiner. Doe. IS 82 f Merry Christmas! ??fcM? THE SANTA CLAUS BAZAR OF M. A. HUNTER & CO. Contaius a Beautiful Collection of Toys, Gifts, Novelties, Notions and Fancy Articles in Tin, Wood, China, Parian, Marble, Glass, Shell and Lava, Velocipedes, Oarts, Figures, Vases, China Cups, Smoke and Wine Sets, Marble Ornaments, Chese-Boards, Chess Men, Work Boxes, Glove-Boxes, Portetnonaies, Writing Desks, Poitefolios, Building Blocks, <fec., drc. . IX? wive ub a can arid bring tie children, 32_tf